97-251LL �'_ty of �t. Paul RES6LUT2#7 APPZ2�YJ2QG 3s.45ESSMENT 3tt�ID F2XI23G TSh� OF FIERR.7S7� THEREt3ht "srG:`.�..A� _ 1�15 S23 `C7:E II'.&t'C�.Y [� tfi2 $153�38�1?21C US �J�IYPI1LS �G9'C 82Y� �.v�.U'_i3E5 Z'JT 1,2�7 Canstruction af storm sewEr stub connections aa rec�ested by tre prcperty owner, in t.anjunotion �aitn tne ,iSE,�Uni�;er°ity R1�8 _tC•_I* S��c.� �°,argy�gt�nn nrG-t?�-*_. Preliminary �rder_93-207 approved_F'ebruery 2, ?yCJ3 Final Order 93-37 apnroved March 23� 1933 39 The �s�a�sment c�f �ienefits, coat and ex�enses f�r and iri �s�r,nection v:it�i the abece im�rovement hsving been sub�itte� te the Cuuncil, ar:.d the Coun�il 's>a=risig cor.siclered samm and fovnd the said ��sessznent satisfactory, thersfors, be it €��OStVEU, Thet th? said assessment be �nd the ;z�r,i� is 2;�ra3av in a12 respeot4 eppr�ved. RE3t)3.VED FUAR'FIER, That a pubiic hearinq be had an sal+� assessment on t}xe_ 7tn ��y of May.1997. �t the hcnr cf F�+ar thirty o'clook P,M., in th2 C�uncil Cfias,ber af th� Couit �tous� ana Cs_*y Ha�l �uildinq, in t�,e City of �t. Pau2; that tYz� V�luatiUFa c23t� A3�B3u?Ci6R� Er�ginecr giJe A+it1CC Of 531� 2REBf].P.c7S 3� YBC'S��11PeC� Gy �iY2 Cj?�Z"tBI stating in said netice the time ana place of nearing, L'ne nature of the improvemen± �nd the aRaoun* a�sess�a nqainst the 1�;. or lots of the garticuZar awner to :�zo,i� thE not�ce is directac?, C.YSV47�%I.P��S ? eas i3Qy� ✓ Blakey ✓ Restram ✓ xarris �1�HLAat ✓ ?12g&rd ✓:?�ttsar r T. t3rie �iII FflTiGT �3i�air.st h'dripteti uy ttie Crun - - • i f � Cert' ied ?assed y,� C � av _ � �PP9lreurn AP� � 5 ?997 ..�_ . lie^retary �iayor �� nra ing llate - May 7, 1997 RE 2-28-97 ; T.M.S.IREAL ESTATE DIVISION 1�e= 2-Zi-97 Green Sheet Nmnber: 3$'j4$ '�' nx�a�arrn�cina coznvcn. �. - Pasa� aea Fiaee iva�er �. ..a.A. �' dn� ATIYIHNEY f33I[% � P�et Rfiite 266-88.50 °°° csr�+oR . a ricx. sva ns. ` � YOH (OB AS�SfAN1) 1 RF�ARCH ��-a�t _ UStb¢ OII COIInCa1 Ag0Ad8 by:3-19-97 Must be in Council Research 0£fice by noon Eriday 3-7-97 O'FAL f OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1- (QdP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURL� criox �vESrm. etting date of public hearing of the ratification af sssessments for storm ewer conaeations ia conjunction xith the 358/IIniversity Area Project. ile No. 18690-C AaSSSSmeAt No. 0260 MI14Z�IDAIIONS: APPAOVE (A1 OA RE)ECT � NAL SIItVICE CONTRACTS MUSf ANSWER'fHE FOLIAWING: . H�s fhe petsm/Brm ever worlcal mder a aottaet tor ftis depselme�? YES NQ er.v�ata�caosv�mswN A sc�.Fs Sas 1� pe*smlB'm ever be� a C�y �pbyee? YFS NO �'d8RY10ECOAA�ION ^— . Does t� petsmlStm po�ess a� nd tw+m*Hy' Po�A bY m�Y YES NO cnwsmvrrm cmrmt C�ly �pioyee? ' s➢ YES emwers m s se sheet mui sttaeh. x�rsw�cxcouxcu.osr�crrvEa �teighborhoods covxct[. wexn(s� 1• a" 7 ntsrtuCT riaxNnvc cooNCII. 4. 5, 7.17 u.�rusc �osi.snt iss�, orrrox�nvi� (wno. w�, wn�. w�re w�: roject is completed. Ratification is nscessarp in order to begin aollecting ssessmeats to help pap for the project. - VANTAGESIFAPPROVID: Counci! Research Center ame as above. r[rJ r) 7 � : _v ! _ ��7 VANTAGFS IF APPROYEU: • enefitted property o�vners vill have assessments papable via propertp tases. ANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: o not assess the benefits xould be inconsisteat xith City policy. arat nMOVrrr oF rxnivsACnoN: �51, 2 6 0. 33 cosr� B[mc�o tcmc� ox� �s xo �� Bssessments acr�vlxY��t: ic property owners wili tie notltleu oT the pubiic hearing and eharges. LL �'_ty of �t. Paul RES6LUT2#7 APPZ2�YJ2QG 3s.45ESSMENT 3tt�ID F2XI23G TSh� OF FIERR.7S7� THEREt3ht "srG:`.�..A� _ 1�15 S23 `C7:E II'.&t'C�.Y [� tfi2 $153�38�1?21C US �J�IYPI1LS �G9'C 82Y� �.v�.U'_i3E5 Z'JT 1,2�7 Canstruction af storm sewEr stub connections aa rec�ested by tre prcperty owner, in t.anjunotion �aitn tne ,iSE,�Uni�;er°ity R1�8 _tC•_I* S��c.� �°,argy�gt�nn nrG-t?�-*_. Preliminary �rder_93-207 approved_F'ebruery 2, ?yCJ3 Final Order 93-37 apnroved March 23� 1933 39 The �s�a�sment c�f �ienefits, coat and ex�enses f�r and iri �s�r,nection v:it�i the abece im�rovement hsving been sub�itte� te the Cuuncil, ar:.d the Coun�il 's>a=risig cor.siclered samm and fovnd the said ��sessznent satisfactory, thersfors, be it €��OStVEU, Thet th? said assessment be �nd the ;z�r,i� is 2;�ra3av in a12 respeot4 eppr�ved. RE3t)3.VED FUAR'FIER, That a pubiic hearinq be had an sal+� assessment on t}xe_ 7tn ��y of May.1997. �t the hcnr cf F�+ar thirty o'clook P,M., in th2 C�uncil Cfias,ber af th� Couit �tous� ana Cs_*y Ha�l �uildinq, in t�,e City of �t. Pau2; that tYz� V�luatiUFa c23t� A3�B3u?Ci6R� Er�ginecr giJe A+it1CC Of 531� 2REBf].P.c7S 3� YBC'S��11PeC� Gy �iY2 Cj?�Z"tBI stating in said netice the time ana place of nearing, L'ne nature of the improvemen± �nd the aRaoun* a�sess�a nqainst the 1�;. or lots of the garticuZar awner to :�zo,i� thE not�ce is directac?, C.YSV47�%I.P��S ? eas i3Qy� ✓ Blakey ✓ Restram ✓ xarris �1�HLAat ✓ ?12g&rd ✓:?�ttsar r T. t3rie �iII FflTiGT �3i�air.st h'dripteti uy ttie Crun - - • i f � Cert' ied ?assed y,� C � av _ � �PP9lreurn AP� � 5 ?997 ..�_ . lie^retary �iayor �� nra ing llate - May 7, 1997 RE 2-28-97 ; T.M.S.IREAL ESTATE DIVISION 1�e= 2-Zi-97 Green Sheet Nmnber: 3$'j4$ '�' nx�a�arrn�cina coznvcn. �. - Pasa� aea Fiaee iva�er �. ..a.A. �' dn� ATIYIHNEY f33I[% � P�et Rfiite 266-88.50 °°° csr�+oR . a ricx. sva ns. ` � YOH (OB AS�SfAN1) 1 RF�ARCH ��-a�t _ UStb¢ OII COIInCa1 Ag0Ad8 by:3-19-97 Must be in Council Research 0£fice by noon Eriday 3-7-97 O'FAL f OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1- (QdP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURL� criox �vESrm. etting date of public hearing of the ratification af sssessments for storm ewer conaeations ia conjunction xith the 358/IIniversity Area Project. ile No. 18690-C AaSSSSmeAt No. 0260 MI14Z�IDAIIONS: APPAOVE (A1 OA RE)ECT � NAL SIItVICE CONTRACTS MUSf ANSWER'fHE FOLIAWING: . H�s fhe petsm/Brm ever worlcal mder a aottaet tor ftis depselme�? YES NQ er.v�ata�caosv�mswN A sc�.Fs Sas 1� pe*smlB'm ever be� a C�y �pbyee? YFS NO �'d8RY10ECOAA�ION ^— . Does t� petsmlStm po�ess a� nd tw+m*Hy' Po�A bY m�Y YES NO cnwsmvrrm cmrmt C�ly �pioyee? ' s➢ YES emwers m s se sheet mui sttaeh. x�rsw�cxcouxcu.osr�crrvEa �teighborhoods covxct[. wexn(s� 1• a" 7 ntsrtuCT riaxNnvc cooNCII. 4. 5, 7.17 u.�rusc �osi.snt iss�, orrrox�nvi� (wno. w�, wn�. w�re w�: roject is completed. Ratification is nscessarp in order to begin aollecting ssessmeats to help pap for the project. - VANTAGESIFAPPROVID: Counci! Research Center ame as above. r[rJ r) 7 � : _v ! _ ��7 VANTAGFS IF APPROYEU: • enefitted property o�vners vill have assessments papable via propertp tases. ANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: o not assess the benefits xould be inconsisteat xith City policy. arat nMOVrrr oF rxnivsACnoN: �51, 2 6 0. 33 cosr� B[mc�o tcmc� ox� �s xo �� Bssessments acr�vlxY��t: ic property owners wili tie notltleu oT the pubiic hearing and eharges. LL �'_ty of �t. Paul RES6LUT2#7 APPZ2�YJ2QG 3s.45ESSMENT 3tt�ID F2XI23G TSh� OF FIERR.7S7� THEREt3ht "srG:`.�..A� _ 1�15 S23 `C7:E II'.&t'C�.Y [� tfi2 $153�38�1?21C US �J�IYPI1LS �G9'C 82Y� �.v�.U'_i3E5 Z'JT 1,2�7 Canstruction af storm sewEr stub connections aa rec�ested by tre prcperty owner, in t.anjunotion �aitn tne ,iSE,�Uni�;er°ity R1�8 _tC•_I* S��c.� �°,argy�gt�nn nrG-t?�-*_. Preliminary �rder_93-207 approved_F'ebruery 2, ?yCJ3 Final Order 93-37 apnroved March 23� 1933 39 The �s�a�sment c�f �ienefits, coat and ex�enses f�r and iri �s�r,nection v:it�i the abece im�rovement hsving been sub�itte� te the Cuuncil, ar:.d the Coun�il 's>a=risig cor.siclered samm and fovnd the said ��sessznent satisfactory, thersfors, be it €��OStVEU, Thet th? said assessment be �nd the ;z�r,i� is 2;�ra3av in a12 respeot4 eppr�ved. RE3t)3.VED FUAR'FIER, That a pubiic hearinq be had an sal+� assessment on t}xe_ 7tn ��y of May.1997. �t the hcnr cf F�+ar thirty o'clook P,M., in th2 C�uncil Cfias,ber af th� Couit �tous� ana Cs_*y Ha�l �uildinq, in t�,e City of �t. Pau2; that tYz� V�luatiUFa c23t� A3�B3u?Ci6R� Er�ginecr giJe A+it1CC Of 531� 2REBf].P.c7S 3� YBC'S��11PeC� Gy �iY2 Cj?�Z"tBI stating in said netice the time ana place of nearing, L'ne nature of the improvemen± �nd the aRaoun* a�sess�a nqainst the 1�;. or lots of the garticuZar awner to :�zo,i� thE not�ce is directac?, C.YSV47�%I.P��S ? eas i3Qy� ✓ Blakey ✓ Restram ✓ xarris �1�HLAat ✓ ?12g&rd ✓:?�ttsar r T. t3rie �iII FflTiGT �3i�air.st h'dripteti uy ttie Crun - - • i f � Cert' ied ?assed y,� C � av _ � �PP9lreurn AP� � 5 ?997 ..�_ . lie^retary �iayor �� nra ing llate - May 7, 1997 RE 2-28-97 ; T.M.S.IREAL ESTATE DIVISION 1�e= 2-Zi-97 Green Sheet Nmnber: 3$'j4$ '�' nx�a�arrn�cina coznvcn. �. - Pasa� aea Fiaee iva�er �. ..a.A. �' dn� ATIYIHNEY f33I[% � P�et Rfiite 266-88.50 °°° csr�+oR . a ricx. sva ns. ` � YOH (OB AS�SfAN1) 1 RF�ARCH ��-a�t _ UStb¢ OII COIInCa1 Ag0Ad8 by:3-19-97 Must be in Council Research 0£fice by noon Eriday 3-7-97 O'FAL f OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1- (QdP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURL� criox �vESrm. etting date of public hearing of the ratification af sssessments for storm ewer conaeations ia conjunction xith the 358/IIniversity Area Project. ile No. 18690-C AaSSSSmeAt No. 0260 MI14Z�IDAIIONS: APPAOVE (A1 OA RE)ECT � NAL SIItVICE CONTRACTS MUSf ANSWER'fHE FOLIAWING: . H�s fhe petsm/Brm ever worlcal mder a aottaet tor ftis depselme�? YES NQ er.v�ata�caosv�mswN A sc�.Fs Sas 1� pe*smlB'm ever be� a C�y �pbyee? YFS NO �'d8RY10ECOAA�ION ^— . Does t� petsmlStm po�ess a� nd tw+m*Hy' Po�A bY m�Y YES NO cnwsmvrrm cmrmt C�ly �pioyee? ' s➢ YES emwers m s se sheet mui sttaeh. x�rsw�cxcouxcu.osr�crrvEa �teighborhoods covxct[. wexn(s� 1• a" 7 ntsrtuCT riaxNnvc cooNCII. 4. 5, 7.17 u.�rusc �osi.snt iss�, orrrox�nvi� (wno. w�, wn�. w�re w�: roject is completed. Ratification is nscessarp in order to begin aollecting ssessmeats to help pap for the project. - VANTAGESIFAPPROVID: Counci! Research Center ame as above. r[rJ r) 7 � : _v ! _ ��7 VANTAGFS IF APPROYEU: • enefitted property o�vners vill have assessments papable via propertp tases. ANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: o not assess the benefits xould be inconsisteat xith City policy. arat nMOVrrr oF rxnivsACnoN: �51, 2 6 0. 33 cosr� B[mc�o tcmc� ox� �s xo �� Bssessments acr�vlxY��t: ic property owners wili tie notltleu oT the pubiic hearing and eharges.