Vang, Lora ' / ., . . � . . . ' .. ,. . .. . _ , ' .'r �" � ' �I � . ' " .!�- . . . NO"I'ICE OF CLAIM EORM to the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota �Il�irnc��n�a.ti(�ue,tilulrue�(G.l)i.clute.e!lta� " .eve�y fu�rsnn...who elctinrs c7?ctntages/i�unt u�lt-�u�uti�r��u;�li�_ cir<rll e�n�.����n�hE���resrul�cl lo llrt ,L��rcr���ini�hndi�n!�he nturiiri/wlih�urthi�t I�4/)da}'s a%tc�r tht�c�11r,Qec!lnss nr r�ryurv ar drscoccred�r nolice sluii�t,�the�linte./�luce.�md ��irctin�siuncr.c lhereo/.und�h<�nn�nunt u/'cnm�,e�tsution oi�n�hr��rrliE°i�J��rnu�t,lr�f Please complete this form in its entirety by clearly typing or printing your answer to each question. If more space is oeeded,attach additional sheets. Please note that�nu will not be contacted by tetephone to clarify ans�►ers,so provide as much infurmation as necessary to explain your claim,and the amount of compensation being requested. Y'ou aill receive a written:�cknowledQement once your form is receivrd. 7'he process ean take up tn ten H�eeks or longer depending on the nature of your claim. This form must be signed,and both pages completed. If somethin£does not apply,w rite`N/A'. SEND COMPL'CTF,D FOR�'i AND OTHER DOCUMENTS TO: CITY CLERK, I S WEST KF,LLOGG BLVD, 310 CITY HALL, SAiNT PAL1L, MN 551�2 1 ir�t Namz �� r__c� _ ___ Middle fnitial � Last Name_ �o�,__ __�������� (`��mpany c�r Rusine�s Name � ------- - ------- __ _ - ---��-8-� 2013 - - Are You an Insurancc Company? Yes!No ff Yes.Claim Number? -- -- -- - . \� � 2 � __-- — �11���' i��c�K Street /lddress-- — r1"�Zc� �._ —— -------- - _ _ (�ic� _�_.�o�`.�.1 - —stacc- '�+'� - - —�ip code �j��1� Daytime Phone(�°S`_)Z'�l_-��OCcll Ph��ne( )----- -- Ercning felephone ( _ 1----- Date ��f nccidenti fnjwy or Date Discovered _ _ __ ___�fime_ _am !pm Plea,e state. in detai(, what occurred(happene�l), and why y��u are submitting a clai���. I'lease indicate why or how you icel the Cit}� of Saint Paul or its emplo}�ces are in�-ol��ed and/or responsible lor y<,ur daina��es. `' / _ �t�cv��w�..a..r�k ._ 1�vG.s---���GL_-� �oQ-----�[-���'C�S�i �°1�_(�o,r "�G`� ---- --—- --- -- - ---— _�o_,��5�_.J!!�—�?�,---�r�e-Q �--- -���o re».•p_:�-� �-w2- —G��—_ --- �—�- - -1 -�Q---'f�_pA�1c_�^'��.'1-C�-.�--.�-��-- �e-�n�4 �--m -�2'�-.�-�--_�. �?�3 ���-�-'�`1e✓ �.i��--��.�. . -G ��,��_ �� 0 t- �� �- ��4.�c�_ �,�Q_.A.th._��--�--— '��'-1 O�r .`v !�'-t�_°��C G+�d__�..].Ss_�_ �4�r�� �..iQt�[�__�P'e- C� �Lsv�c'�e--G�L .—_- — - - -- Please ciieck the bn�(es)tliat most closzly represent the rease�n (or completin;this (orm: ❑ M� �ehicle ��as dama�ed in an act�ident ❑ My vchicle wa>dama�cd du��in�,a to� ❑ Mv ��ehicle wa;dama��ed by�a pothoie or c��ndition of the .�treet ❑ M} ��ehic(e was dama��ed by� a plow ❑ My �ehicic �vas �vronnfully tU���ed and%or ticketed � ❑ f was injured on Cit} property ❑ (itl�er typ4 of propem dai»age-pleas�,s�ecilj� . '' , . -_ ------- ---- --- - }- - - - ---- �Other t}'pe of in_jur� - plea>c ;�eciiy. _______ T-- --__._ ----- ------ In ordcr to process your claim vou need to include con�es of all ann�icable docUments. ,< , . I�or the claims typcs listed b�lciw, please be sure to��irtclude the documents indicated i>r it ���ill dela�� the handlii�g o1� your claim. Docuinents WILL NOT bc returned and become thE propetty� ofthe(�ity. You are encourabed to keep a cop} ii,ryourself before submittin�,,your claim I�qrm. . O�P'r��peirty dama�e�claiir���to a �2liicle:�two cstirnatcs lor thei�pairs tu yoiir���ehicle if the damage e�ceeds '��00.00: ��r the actua) bills and/or reeei.pts I��r_the repairs ,: : O To�cin�claims: legih��4.�ipic��c>!a�iiv ticket iy,u�i1'aiiJ a cop� of thc impound�l��Ti•ec�i�7`t`�� � - O Uther-property� damage claims t��o rcpair c;timates ifthe damage c�cecds $500.00: or the actual bills and/�r receipts li�r the repairs; detailed list uf�damaged iteirts O Injury claims: medical bills, r�ceipts O Photc�'raphs are always wcicome to document and support yx�ur ciaim hut wil I not be returned. Pa�e 1 of 2-Please complete and returrt both pa�es of Claim Form Failure to complete and return both pages will result in delay in the handlin�of y�our claim. All Claims- please complete this section \�'ere there ���itnesses ti�the incident'? Ycs No Unl.no�vn (circicl I'r��vide thcir naiYies. addresses and telephone numbers: _ \4'ere the police or law enti�rcement called'? Yes No l!nkno��n (circle) It've:. what department or agenc�'? _Case�? or report�_ �'b'here did Ihe accident ur injury take place'' Provide street address,cro�s street, intersection, name of park or facilit_y, cic�sest landmark, etc. Please be as detailed as possible. f necessary. attach a diatraiTi. f'leasc indicate the amount you arc: se8kin� in compensation e�r what you ��ould like the City t��do to resol�e this claim to vour satisfaction. I __ , ______ - - Vehicle Claims- lease corn lete this sectian ❑ check box if this�ectie�n d�es not apn�� Y��ur Vcliicic: Ycar Make Modcl Liccnsc Platc Numb�r � Statc Color _ - ___ -- _ -- Rcgistcred Own�r _ Driver of Vehicle _ —_ Arca Damaged_ -- _ -_ -- Citv Vchicic: Year Makc Modcl ____ Liccnsc Plate Numbcr Statc Cc�lor _ Drivcr of Vchicle(City F,mployec's Namc)_ ___ — Arca Damagcd _ ----- - Injurv Claims- lease com lete this section ❑ check hi�� if this section does not applv H��w �tcrc yc�u injured'.' __ -- — -- Vl'hat part(sl of�uur body wer� iiijurcd`> .-__ _ ----- _ -- - —� -- ---- I#a�c yciu soii��ht medical treatment`' Ycs No Plannin�to S�ek 1 rcatmcnt(circl�) W'hcn did vou rcccivc trcatmcnY? (providc datc(s)) Namc of�9cdical i'rovidcr(s): ---- -- -- — Address � _ --- _ l�elcphonc Did ��ou miss w���rk as a result of your injury:' Ycs �1�� 4b'hcn did vou miss w��rk? --- — — -------(Provid�date(s)) Namc c�t�y�iiir Empl��ycr: -------- -_ — ----- ------- - ----- Address l��cleph�,nc --�---- --- ---- ---------- ------ -- - �Check here if you are attaching more pa�es to this claim form. Number of additional pages�. B�'S/f;ill/tx 1I11SlOYi11,y0[! f1Ye Stllllltg lllQl QII I/1fOYltl�ll0l1}'OLI IlQI'e�IYOVI(fell%S IYUe 11Kl�COYYeCI l0 1/1C�CSt i�J voru�k�rowledKe. U�:si�ned jnrn:s will not be proeessed. Suhn:itlii:K a false clnim ca�t result i�t prosecr�tinn. Date form was completed � � Nrint the Name of the Person who Complc this Form: `�r � V��_ Si�;nature of Person Makin�the Claim: .__y__ - __ --- -- — - � Kccisr�i I chru.in _'01 I . . ' . . . .. . . - - . ' . ��f'i � � . .. . . .. . � ... ' I . _.. ._��-ri-..<--+�. . - '.��.wg���..�,...a , . _ � _ �. ` -- '"'^ . .�.;t'i -�"H�+"d _.... .a�.. 1 .:�. ,;t`.. .. �'� '���� ����� No. � � �°�:� ' i , MIDW1�Y ST,WER SEIiVICE COMF'A1�1TY � Y OF ST. PAiJi, � 13�2 Grand Avenue • St. Paul, Minr�e�ta �5I� 3 �:��� � Telephone: (6 51) 6 9 8 4f�3�3��>-�tg�it :: �--.. '""'�,-..r....� — Date � � �� ��� ' ��/'2�. �� � � } Q �S /E""+t�'� �i,�."�"', ,,,t�'f'` . ,G�..,a.. / ,,�•�'f--' � � /` I 4 1�' � i - - Service at �,�,�' Amount � "r � , � � f '� , -��-`� �� � _ � � � � � �- �� $ ` '� , , - ' °l / 1 ` - �� „ , _ �_ __ - �C � �''� �� � L� f�'�_�'`�' - - ' � �; , � � .r�� � ,���+ F T�� � � ��, s .'� i ��..� �' � j � � �� � � �.:- ...,� '�s'C.. �'��,,,,,,,� „ �� ? � �! � I , ; , , . � .� : � � :� � � _ � � =� Y _ t __:a:._:_i . �_..t,....,..�..: .=i>:�:z � � 4 F � � . . . ... . . . . � . � � � � . :�� ..... . .� d � ' . � . . ' •..� . } � � � � .. . .. . .. � �_�