97-242�'^� i^� t ,.�., ,, w r Council File # � � � ��� Green Sheet # �� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Re£erred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the 5aint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the z appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the foliowing individuals to serve on a the HUSERT H. HUMPHREY JOB CORPS CENTER NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY 4 COMMITTEE. 5 6 7 s 9 io ii ia REAPPOINTMENTS Gail Chang Bohr Gregory M. Donovan Kent R. Furois Jill Peterson Bruce Weber �7 APP�INTMENTS Steven N. McCarty Paulette 5anders Each of the above individuais shall serve a serve a two-year term which will expire on December 31, 1998. Council Research Genter ;;"+..�? C 3 1��7 Requested by Department o£: By: Adopted by Council: Date � \q,\�'?'� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY % � . Approved by Mayor: Date � Z 6(� 1 By: � Eorm Approved by City Attorney B : � ���" ! �� 2 ' Z 7 " `IZ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �� 9'1- �y �• DEPAHT.ENTIOFFlCE/COUNCIL DATE INRIATED GREEN SHEET 4 0 2� 4 Ma or Norm Coleman's Office 2-24-97 CONTACfPER50N&PHONE ODEPARTMENTOIPECTOR �CRYCqUNCIL INITIAUDATE Alberto uintela 266-8529 '��" �CRYATTOfiNEY �CRYCLEFiK NUMBERPOB MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAT� pOU7ING O BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES DIR. OflDEP � MqyOR (OR ASSISTAtJn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: pproval of appointments of Steven McCarty & Paulette Sanders and reappointmen s f Gail Shang Bohr, Gregory Donovan, Rent Furois, Jill Peterson and ruce Weber to the Hubert x. Humphrey Job Corps Center Neighborhood Advisory e RECAMMENDATIONS: MR�'e (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING �UES'nONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEflVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/Firtn ever worked untler a contract for this depariment? _CreCOMMI7iEE _ YES NO _ S7AFF 2_ Has this personffirtn ever been a city employee? — VES NO _ DIS7R�Ci COUaT _ 3. Does this rsonttirtn pe possess a skill not normally possessed by any curteM ciry employee? SUPPOHTS WMICH CAUNqL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate aheet anE attaeh to green ahcet INI7IATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who,lNhet, When. Where, Why)' ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPHOVEO: Council Research Cenfer Fr� 2 `� 99°7 DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: � 70TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIdG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION' (EXPLAIN) � 32 � / 2iame ���lYEC} NOV 14 i996 g�.3�l1 NtAYQR'S OFFIC� Home�Address: ��� 6 A�(/iC7U/�i���ST. � � �% /�i`F(/L - � � 5b ��� St=eet Citp . Zip Telephone Number: (Eose) (��p� ��� (Aork) �1y1 [��� (�C(C/ -(��X) (� G7 p ��t � Ylanning District Co�ci1: !!/i /,`%(.�C Citp Covncil Aa=d: /1J�7 .1��� Preferred Hailing Address: ,��E� �5 �/,� Ahat is your occnpation? Place oE Employment: Co�ittee(s) Applied sor: /. -/� � CO � ' /'�l� Ghat skills/traini.ng or eaperience do you possess £or the co�nittee(s) ior vhicn pou seek appointment? "� - < f�L��J ��S G- /�-'rL�C !�� R- ��iniF�V / � � SUc//�C' S /d </�/f//fGG �2 '� fCEs/�cn,����i7�r� — ,4./rEZ�� / �(i^�,e� �p :-t�r Y.� ��`�� 5�-�� :-irr�r��s,nFnr-i, �r� oz�-r� Lct-7i�9 �uc>i2X.atf}c�' �SS'U�S � ,�e �������F � "T2/�ii1/�NG ��d���s ;ti 7�,� ��,�,�,��,�� 4` ��i��' .QaN�= '�3 S��crr, -Lti'�F�?urrw /�taU✓nc', �i�/J �3 Sx�/� ->/��„v,NG. `� �R�N��O fJ- � •iv /�Svs./u��S' fv//9rv/fOc�it�'V7 � f///F�lc'.C'r�7ii1/G�. �' �/��/F" N�/I ca�;7.nir/.NC, ��'/uc�-��an� au ��i,o%/m�yv71.�-r.c� Q ,11 F�7J'r7t1.0//7FYI�l A.,,�n n��-er�2 ���s. -� �/� 6�-T/f�,c�c-Yl �4/c'O�°�:ss.o�l�c ���'rii=icY�'7i�iN i�tJ /�N�iNV �f3C)iJ10E�_ (/"�R. d� Y�'�css,r, ��� 1`/U�IAn� /(�-�d,/lcps .A.,rifh2/1C`O �i/ ��i�7/ o � !`1 � / / ��4n1fiG�yrrE-�t � � - J �P �7/Jcii:(; �F�./�z '7ll R-%�/ /-� SF�i 1/� T.�/E /NR�t//,'�.1/(.^ �/7/ OF ,7 �/fUc ./ The information included in this application is considered private dzta accordir.g to c'r.e Hinnesota Gove�ent Data Practices Act. As a result, this inzonnation is not released to the gene=al public. OFFICE OY THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SASNT PAIIL� MIII2IESOTA 55102 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 / � /����/ . ( OP�R) P.ev. 2r`28/96 PERSONAI. REFERENCES Name : �T�'/�//� Address ��7 �U�/ �G � �/l//Yl/9-/� s /l�/t/ 5.��,'�� Phone: (Home) C�J�O7 cJ�� <��� (Aork) 6�� �(//7S - ��VV Name: Address: ��y�uCZl.O � ���ya ��,���_ �«<�� �v � ��� Phone : (Home) (q �0� 1 J / � pl✓� � (Work) �t) � 0} �!1 � �J - U � / � Name • �/�yr� �� t/ < civ �-c Address: O�L^ /(/11'��uNRt.. (/N/U/l1 /,t.✓/J, IUf.CE>27UYt/, /�/ � Q,�Q+�� Yhone: CHome) (n!/'�/ � I6 �/�65 CAOrk) �O! 0! <(�j ��� 1 Reasons for yovr interest in this particular co�ittee• --L �t/e�v�/J �/.e'r '�U G�r/e' /�/tc,e� �� �U - �l7y/" c�f= ,7. /�/tclL . `L ,r-iiy-r/G v ��j /��c �viinrr �X��i� F /�? ��c.-i ��^ � 3 CcYnrn�Trc�'s -r.-rfc�� it-s//���-x/ Fd2. -L rog�� sc��v �.s�rr,� /htrrr�t�s , /JU L�C�� /��5. �T/VC 7/Y/�U�S r�t:i7r! �i//3LiC <S�-�?UiGE�� �L i,ri� � 74 /Jo 7�lt S�-/J�C-' Have you had previous contact vith the committee for vhich you are making application. I£ so, vhen, and circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our co�unity, pZease check the li.ne applicable to you. This 9nforma.tion is strictly voluntarp. `� White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo `� Male Female Disabled: Yes Date o£ Birth: � 3 ��v xo � If special accommodations are needed, please speci£y. Hov did you hear about this opening? 3���1 � _�` --" 39U CITY �LL_ ��J�'� -� �� SAZN. PAIIL, N.ZN2IESOTA 551C2 266-8525_ FA.?:. 266-�513 2xaLLe Flome St=ee: Telephone irt:��cr: lflo�e)Gi/ Flanning D;.st=ict Cov�cil: ,_ Yre£errcd i�ailin& Address: _ TThxt is yoL occupation7 � . ` Place �a£ Employe�ent: �2yL(.'�. Co¢nictec(s} l�pplied For: j�;i; �.'��r•-�m�tt�.'N., .jy;�t� ' �n � �� ���� - \�1 �.�q{�� � i� m� 1 l� �,��• l( i� r'l �, �� ; i � ,�%b' �5I � 9�•�4 �- ;��Sc r� i� Whac sY.iJ.1s/training or experience do qou possess for the co�ittee(s) for vhich pou seek appointment7 /ii�. /�:`�� %%G�c/�I��c'�� (,c%GI'� ,r' ��1'� 5•� �r'// .��� f1E� l� e.. i�. Uti` K L� , � i.�.� ����. _ 1 l, � i1 fl � t�'� ;�� h� 1 . � / , / . f ` r The i::foraac3oct zncluded in - •his applica�ion i.s eonsidered pri�•aLe dz�a accordi:�g Lo �*.e Humesota Cever.�ent Daca Practices Act. As a zesult, this inior is no� releaseL co the gener;.l pub}.ic. <OPE_.R) Citp ?i!�.�"��' ��. ZZ � -/G� t � Cicp Council Ya-d: � �'-P Rcv. 2i28/95 �n•a r,rn•oh� �c�cr aF qn �aCt :��� ,�;iX.>i' � � '� � 'f` Q �l ii ✓ L' ��Y.1 t C >1 c 'E' � rJ� �. . 7 � � ' `T`� L _1.l_�V_ _ . _�_ Yusoxn�. x�FE:,Excts - � � �`l Z�2 Hame :,� <�L� U �. sc. Address:1� F� � . � ,Sf�� � Yhonc:_ CHome) L:� " 4��' 0��.S (4ork) rc�G n� —� Name: /�.'1 �` �'N ��'�� C G L� �/ Adure: Phone Nar:e C.7k"t ���G`� �a�=�ss: /�11� Sh�r�:,�, n S-t-- _ Phone: (Itomel �tr�����/'l�l�C�_ (VorkZ��a "�lo � — ���0 L� Reasons £or pour interest in this particular eommiCtee:�i�c � �i LCIO� � W' f"LI �....�io �J1�V ./.. .,....,rv� /_' ��'rG.�...,� �, z�.. if . ,.i.�,i i�.y�..., rs Have you had pre�ious contact vittt the eo�nitteo £or vhi.ch you are naking applicati.on. "" If so, vhen, and circamstancest - r� � In an atteapt Lo ensuxe zhat covaittee raprasentation reflects the nakeup of our comaunitp, please checR thc line applicable to yo¢. This information is strictly volvntary. � ite (Caucasian) Hispanic ack (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander Amcri.can Xndian or Alaskan Eskiao 2Sale � ��male Date of Birth: /' � 6� Disabled: Yes ho L/ If special aceo�odatzons are needed, please speci£p. Hov did you hear about this ogening? �f% SCl'� tI0'ON sS:St 96 90 �_� :�31 ��t-aya. 02-27-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1. COMMITTEE : NAC Neighborhood Advisory Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 003247 McCarty, Steven N. 1356 N. Victoria Street St. Paul, MN 55117 Human Resources Manager WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) 003254 Sanders, Paulette 400 West Central Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103-2248 Housekeeping/Laundrey Aide 11/14/96 W M 12/09/96 B F °[�t -�y a, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norne Coleman, ,bf¢yor Councilmember Jamce Rettman TO: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Mike Harris Councilmember Mark Mauer Councilmember Roberta Megard FROM: DATE: I •_.�� Alberto Quintela Assistant to the Mayor February 25, 1997 390 Ci1y Hai1 IS Wesf Rellogg Boulevard $ain[ Pauf, Minnesota 55102 � � Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center (Neighborhood Advisory Committee (NAC) Telephone: (612) 266-8510 Facsimile: (612) 266-8513 Mayor Coleman has recommended that the following individuals be appointed and reappointed to serve on the Neighborhood Advisory Committee. APPOINTED Paulette 5anders Steven McCarty REAPPOINTED Gail Shang Bohr Gregory M. Donovan Kent R. Furois Jill Peterson Bruce Weber Each of the above individuals will serve a two-year term that will expire on December 31, 1998. Attached is a copy of the resolution recommending these individuals, copies of the new appointees' applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January I, 1994. Feel free to call me at 266-8529 if you have any questions. AQ:drm Attachments c: Charlotte Armstron�, Hubert H. Humphrey 7ob Corps Center �'^� i^� t ,.�., ,, w r Council File # � � � ��� Green Sheet # �� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Re£erred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the 5aint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the z appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the foliowing individuals to serve on a the HUSERT H. HUMPHREY JOB CORPS CENTER NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY 4 COMMITTEE. 5 6 7 s 9 io ii ia REAPPOINTMENTS Gail Chang Bohr Gregory M. Donovan Kent R. Furois Jill Peterson Bruce Weber �7 APP�INTMENTS Steven N. McCarty Paulette 5anders Each of the above individuais shall serve a serve a two-year term which will expire on December 31, 1998. Council Research Genter ;;"+..�? C 3 1��7 Requested by Department o£: By: Adopted by Council: Date � \q,\�'?'� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY % � . Approved by Mayor: Date � Z 6(� 1 By: � Eorm Approved by City Attorney B : � ���" ! �� 2 ' Z 7 " `IZ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �� 9'1- �y �• DEPAHT.ENTIOFFlCE/COUNCIL DATE INRIATED GREEN SHEET 4 0 2� 4 Ma or Norm Coleman's Office 2-24-97 CONTACfPER50N&PHONE ODEPARTMENTOIPECTOR �CRYCqUNCIL INITIAUDATE Alberto uintela 266-8529 '��" �CRYATTOfiNEY �CRYCLEFiK NUMBERPOB MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAT� pOU7ING O BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES DIR. OflDEP � MqyOR (OR ASSISTAtJn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: pproval of appointments of Steven McCarty & Paulette Sanders and reappointmen s f Gail Shang Bohr, Gregory Donovan, Rent Furois, Jill Peterson and ruce Weber to the Hubert x. Humphrey Job Corps Center Neighborhood Advisory e RECAMMENDATIONS: MR�'e (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING �UES'nONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEflVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/Firtn ever worked untler a contract for this depariment? _CreCOMMI7iEE _ YES NO _ S7AFF 2_ Has this personffirtn ever been a city employee? — VES NO _ DIS7R�Ci COUaT _ 3. Does this rsonttirtn pe possess a skill not normally possessed by any curteM ciry employee? SUPPOHTS WMICH CAUNqL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate aheet anE attaeh to green ahcet INI7IATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who,lNhet, When. Where, Why)' ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPHOVEO: Council Research Cenfer Fr� 2 `� 99°7 DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: � 70TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIdG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION' (EXPLAIN) � 32 � / 2iame ���lYEC} NOV 14 i996 g�.3�l1 NtAYQR'S OFFIC� Home�Address: ��� 6 A�(/iC7U/�i���ST. � � �% /�i`F(/L - � � 5b ��� St=eet Citp . Zip Telephone Number: (Eose) (��p� ��� (Aork) �1y1 [��� (�C(C/ -(��X) (� G7 p ��t � Ylanning District Co�ci1: !!/i /,`%(.�C Citp Covncil Aa=d: /1J�7 .1��� Preferred Hailing Address: ,��E� �5 �/,� Ahat is your occnpation? Place oE Employment: Co�ittee(s) Applied sor: /. -/� � CO � ' /'�l� Ghat skills/traini.ng or eaperience do you possess £or the co�nittee(s) ior vhicn pou seek appointment? "� - < f�L��J ��S G- /�-'rL�C !�� R- ��iniF�V / � � SUc//�C' S /d </�/f//fGG �2 '� fCEs/�cn,����i7�r� — ,4./rEZ�� / �(i^�,e� �p :-t�r Y.� ��`�� 5�-�� :-irr�r��s,nFnr-i, �r� oz�-r� Lct-7i�9 �uc>i2X.atf}c�' �SS'U�S � ,�e �������F � "T2/�ii1/�NG ��d���s ;ti 7�,� ��,�,�,��,�� 4` ��i��' .QaN�= '�3 S��crr, -Lti'�F�?urrw /�taU✓nc', �i�/J �3 Sx�/� ->/��„v,NG. `� �R�N��O fJ- � •iv /�Svs./u��S' fv//9rv/fOc�it�'V7 � f///F�lc'.C'r�7ii1/G�. �' �/��/F" N�/I ca�;7.nir/.NC, ��'/uc�-��an� au ��i,o%/m�yv71.�-r.c� Q ,11 F�7J'r7t1.0//7FYI�l A.,,�n n��-er�2 ���s. -� �/� 6�-T/f�,c�c-Yl �4/c'O�°�:ss.o�l�c ���'rii=icY�'7i�iN i�tJ /�N�iNV �f3C)iJ10E�_ (/"�R. d� Y�'�css,r, ��� 1`/U�IAn� /(�-�d,/lcps .A.,rifh2/1C`O �i/ ��i�7/ o � !`1 � / / ��4n1fiG�yrrE-�t � � - J �P �7/Jcii:(; �F�./�z '7ll R-%�/ /-� SF�i 1/� T.�/E /NR�t//,'�.1/(.^ �/7/ OF ,7 �/fUc ./ The information included in this application is considered private dzta accordir.g to c'r.e Hinnesota Gove�ent Data Practices Act. As a result, this inzonnation is not released to the gene=al public. OFFICE OY THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SASNT PAIIL� MIII2IESOTA 55102 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 / � /����/ . ( OP�R) P.ev. 2r`28/96 PERSONAI. REFERENCES Name : �T�'/�//� Address ��7 �U�/ �G � �/l//Yl/9-/� s /l�/t/ 5.��,'�� Phone: (Home) C�J�O7 cJ�� <��� (Aork) 6�� �(//7S - ��VV Name: Address: ��y�uCZl.O � ���ya ��,���_ �«<�� �v � ��� Phone : (Home) (q �0� 1 J / � pl✓� � (Work) �t) � 0} �!1 � �J - U � / � Name • �/�yr� �� t/ < civ �-c Address: O�L^ /(/11'��uNRt.. (/N/U/l1 /,t.✓/J, IUf.CE>27UYt/, /�/ � Q,�Q+�� Yhone: CHome) (n!/'�/ � I6 �/�65 CAOrk) �O! 0! <(�j ��� 1 Reasons for yovr interest in this particular co�ittee• --L �t/e�v�/J �/.e'r '�U G�r/e' /�/tc,e� �� �U - �l7y/" c�f= ,7. /�/tclL . `L ,r-iiy-r/G v ��j /��c �viinrr �X��i� F /�? ��c.-i ��^ � 3 CcYnrn�Trc�'s -r.-rfc�� it-s//���-x/ Fd2. -L rog�� sc��v �.s�rr,� /htrrr�t�s , /JU L�C�� /��5. �T/VC 7/Y/�U�S r�t:i7r! �i//3LiC <S�-�?UiGE�� �L i,ri� � 74 /Jo 7�lt S�-/J�C-' Have you had previous contact vith the committee for vhich you are making application. I£ so, vhen, and circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our co�unity, pZease check the li.ne applicable to you. This 9nforma.tion is strictly voluntarp. `� White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo `� Male Female Disabled: Yes Date o£ Birth: � 3 ��v xo � If special accommodations are needed, please speci£y. Hov did you hear about this opening? 3���1 � _�` --" 39U CITY �LL_ ��J�'� -� �� SAZN. PAIIL, N.ZN2IESOTA 551C2 266-8525_ FA.?:. 266-�513 2xaLLe Flome St=ee: Telephone irt:��cr: lflo�e)Gi/ Flanning D;.st=ict Cov�cil: ,_ Yre£errcd i�ailin& Address: _ TThxt is yoL occupation7 � . ` Place �a£ Employe�ent: �2yL(.'�. Co¢nictec(s} l�pplied For: j�;i; �.'��r•-�m�tt�.'N., .jy;�t� ' �n � �� ���� - \�1 �.�q{�� � i� m� 1 l� �,��• l( i� r'l �, �� ; i � ,�%b' �5I � 9�•�4 �- ;��Sc r� i� Whac sY.iJ.1s/training or experience do qou possess for the co�ittee(s) for vhich pou seek appointment7 /ii�. /�:`�� %%G�c/�I��c'�� (,c%GI'� ,r' ��1'� 5•� �r'// .��� f1E� l� e.. i�. Uti` K L� , � i.�.� ����. _ 1 l, � i1 fl � t�'� ;�� h� 1 . � / , / . f ` r The i::foraac3oct zncluded in - •his applica�ion i.s eonsidered pri�•aLe dz�a accordi:�g Lo �*.e Humesota Cever.�ent Daca Practices Act. As a zesult, this inior is no� releaseL co the gener;.l pub}.ic. <OPE_.R) Citp ?i!�.�"��' ��. ZZ � -/G� t � Cicp Council Ya-d: � �'-P Rcv. 2i28/95 �n•a r,rn•oh� �c�cr aF qn �aCt :��� ,�;iX.>i' � � '� � 'f` Q �l ii ✓ L' ��Y.1 t C >1 c 'E' � rJ� �. . 7 � � ' `T`� L _1.l_�V_ _ . _�_ Yusoxn�. x�FE:,Excts - � � �`l Z�2 Hame :,� <�L� U �. sc. Address:1� F� � . � ,Sf�� � Yhonc:_ CHome) L:� " 4��' 0��.S (4ork) rc�G n� —� Name: /�.'1 �` �'N ��'�� C G L� �/ Adure: Phone Nar:e C.7k"t ���G`� �a�=�ss: /�11� Sh�r�:,�, n S-t-- _ Phone: (Itomel �tr�����/'l�l�C�_ (VorkZ��a "�lo � — ���0 L� Reasons £or pour interest in this particular eommiCtee:�i�c � �i LCIO� � W' f"LI �....�io �J1�V ./.. .,....,rv� /_' ��'rG.�...,� �, z�.. if . ,.i.�,i i�.y�..., rs Have you had pre�ious contact vittt the eo�nitteo £or vhi.ch you are naking applicati.on. "" If so, vhen, and circamstancest - r� � In an atteapt Lo ensuxe zhat covaittee raprasentation reflects the nakeup of our comaunitp, please checR thc line applicable to yo¢. This information is strictly volvntary. � ite (Caucasian) Hispanic ack (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander Amcri.can Xndian or Alaskan Eskiao 2Sale � ��male Date of Birth: /' � 6� Disabled: Yes ho L/ If special aceo�odatzons are needed, please speci£p. Hov did you hear about this ogening? �f% SCl'� tI0'ON sS:St 96 90 �_� :�31 ��t-aya. 02-27-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1. COMMITTEE : NAC Neighborhood Advisory Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 003247 McCarty, Steven N. 1356 N. Victoria Street St. Paul, MN 55117 Human Resources Manager WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) 003254 Sanders, Paulette 400 West Central Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103-2248 Housekeeping/Laundrey Aide 11/14/96 W M 12/09/96 B F °[�t -�y a, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norne Coleman, ,bf¢yor Councilmember Jamce Rettman TO: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Mike Harris Councilmember Mark Mauer Councilmember Roberta Megard FROM: DATE: I •_.�� Alberto Quintela Assistant to the Mayor February 25, 1997 390 Ci1y Hai1 IS Wesf Rellogg Boulevard $ain[ Pauf, Minnesota 55102 � � Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center (Neighborhood Advisory Committee (NAC) Telephone: (612) 266-8510 Facsimile: (612) 266-8513 Mayor Coleman has recommended that the following individuals be appointed and reappointed to serve on the Neighborhood Advisory Committee. APPOINTED Paulette 5anders Steven McCarty REAPPOINTED Gail Shang Bohr Gregory M. Donovan Kent R. Furois Jill Peterson Bruce Weber Each of the above individuals will serve a two-year term that will expire on December 31, 1998. Attached is a copy of the resolution recommending these individuals, copies of the new appointees' applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January I, 1994. Feel free to call me at 266-8529 if you have any questions. AQ:drm Attachments c: Charlotte Armstron�, Hubert H. Humphrey 7ob Corps Center �'^� i^� t ,.�., ,, w r Council File # � � � ��� Green Sheet # �� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Re£erred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the 5aint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the z appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the foliowing individuals to serve on a the HUSERT H. HUMPHREY JOB CORPS CENTER NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY 4 COMMITTEE. 5 6 7 s 9 io ii ia REAPPOINTMENTS Gail Chang Bohr Gregory M. Donovan Kent R. Furois Jill Peterson Bruce Weber �7 APP�INTMENTS Steven N. McCarty Paulette 5anders Each of the above individuais shall serve a serve a two-year term which will expire on December 31, 1998. Council Research Genter ;;"+..�? C 3 1��7 Requested by Department o£: By: Adopted by Council: Date � \q,\�'?'� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY % � . Approved by Mayor: Date � Z 6(� 1 By: � Eorm Approved by City Attorney B : � ���" ! �� 2 ' Z 7 " `IZ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �� 9'1- �y �• DEPAHT.ENTIOFFlCE/COUNCIL DATE INRIATED GREEN SHEET 4 0 2� 4 Ma or Norm Coleman's Office 2-24-97 CONTACfPER50N&PHONE ODEPARTMENTOIPECTOR �CRYCqUNCIL INITIAUDATE Alberto uintela 266-8529 '��" �CRYATTOfiNEY �CRYCLEFiK NUMBERPOB MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAT� pOU7ING O BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES DIR. OflDEP � MqyOR (OR ASSISTAtJn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: pproval of appointments of Steven McCarty & Paulette Sanders and reappointmen s f Gail Shang Bohr, Gregory Donovan, Rent Furois, Jill Peterson and ruce Weber to the Hubert x. Humphrey Job Corps Center Neighborhood Advisory e RECAMMENDATIONS: MR�'e (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING �UES'nONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEflVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/Firtn ever worked untler a contract for this depariment? _CreCOMMI7iEE _ YES NO _ S7AFF 2_ Has this personffirtn ever been a city employee? — VES NO _ DIS7R�Ci COUaT _ 3. Does this rsonttirtn pe possess a skill not normally possessed by any curteM ciry employee? SUPPOHTS WMICH CAUNqL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate aheet anE attaeh to green ahcet INI7IATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who,lNhet, When. Where, Why)' ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPHOVEO: Council Research Cenfer Fr� 2 `� 99°7 DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: � 70TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIdG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION' (EXPLAIN) � 32 � / 2iame ���lYEC} NOV 14 i996 g�.3�l1 NtAYQR'S OFFIC� Home�Address: ��� 6 A�(/iC7U/�i���ST. � � �% /�i`F(/L - � � 5b ��� St=eet Citp . Zip Telephone Number: (Eose) (��p� ��� (Aork) �1y1 [��� (�C(C/ -(��X) (� G7 p ��t � Ylanning District Co�ci1: !!/i /,`%(.�C Citp Covncil Aa=d: /1J�7 .1��� Preferred Hailing Address: ,��E� �5 �/,� Ahat is your occnpation? Place oE Employment: Co�ittee(s) Applied sor: /. -/� � CO � ' /'�l� Ghat skills/traini.ng or eaperience do you possess £or the co�nittee(s) ior vhicn pou seek appointment? "� - < f�L��J ��S G- /�-'rL�C !�� R- ��iniF�V / � � SUc//�C' S /d </�/f//fGG �2 '� fCEs/�cn,����i7�r� — ,4./rEZ�� / �(i^�,e� �p :-t�r Y.� ��`�� 5�-�� :-irr�r��s,nFnr-i, �r� oz�-r� Lct-7i�9 �uc>i2X.atf}c�' �SS'U�S � ,�e �������F � "T2/�ii1/�NG ��d���s ;ti 7�,� ��,�,�,��,�� 4` ��i��' .QaN�= '�3 S��crr, -Lti'�F�?urrw /�taU✓nc', �i�/J �3 Sx�/� ->/��„v,NG. `� �R�N��O fJ- � •iv /�Svs./u��S' fv//9rv/fOc�it�'V7 � f///F�lc'.C'r�7ii1/G�. �' �/��/F" N�/I ca�;7.nir/.NC, ��'/uc�-��an� au ��i,o%/m�yv71.�-r.c� Q ,11 F�7J'r7t1.0//7FYI�l A.,,�n n��-er�2 ���s. -� �/� 6�-T/f�,c�c-Yl �4/c'O�°�:ss.o�l�c ���'rii=icY�'7i�iN i�tJ /�N�iNV �f3C)iJ10E�_ (/"�R. d� Y�'�css,r, ��� 1`/U�IAn� /(�-�d,/lcps .A.,rifh2/1C`O �i/ ��i�7/ o � !`1 � / / ��4n1fiG�yrrE-�t � � - J �P �7/Jcii:(; �F�./�z '7ll R-%�/ /-� SF�i 1/� T.�/E /NR�t//,'�.1/(.^ �/7/ OF ,7 �/fUc ./ The information included in this application is considered private dzta accordir.g to c'r.e Hinnesota Gove�ent Data Practices Act. As a result, this inzonnation is not released to the gene=al public. OFFICE OY THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SASNT PAIIL� MIII2IESOTA 55102 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 / � /����/ . ( OP�R) P.ev. 2r`28/96 PERSONAI. REFERENCES Name : �T�'/�//� Address ��7 �U�/ �G � �/l//Yl/9-/� s /l�/t/ 5.��,'�� Phone: (Home) C�J�O7 cJ�� <��� (Aork) 6�� �(//7S - ��VV Name: Address: ��y�uCZl.O � ���ya ��,���_ �«<�� �v � ��� Phone : (Home) (q �0� 1 J / � pl✓� � (Work) �t) � 0} �!1 � �J - U � / � Name • �/�yr� �� t/ < civ �-c Address: O�L^ /(/11'��uNRt.. (/N/U/l1 /,t.✓/J, IUf.CE>27UYt/, /�/ � Q,�Q+�� Yhone: CHome) (n!/'�/ � I6 �/�65 CAOrk) �O! 0! <(�j ��� 1 Reasons for yovr interest in this particular co�ittee• --L �t/e�v�/J �/.e'r '�U G�r/e' /�/tc,e� �� �U - �l7y/" c�f= ,7. /�/tclL . `L ,r-iiy-r/G v ��j /��c �viinrr �X��i� F /�? ��c.-i ��^ � 3 CcYnrn�Trc�'s -r.-rfc�� it-s//���-x/ Fd2. -L rog�� sc��v �.s�rr,� /htrrr�t�s , /JU L�C�� /��5. �T/VC 7/Y/�U�S r�t:i7r! �i//3LiC <S�-�?UiGE�� �L i,ri� � 74 /Jo 7�lt S�-/J�C-' Have you had previous contact vith the committee for vhich you are making application. I£ so, vhen, and circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our co�unity, pZease check the li.ne applicable to you. This 9nforma.tion is strictly voluntarp. `� White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo `� Male Female Disabled: Yes Date o£ Birth: � 3 ��v xo � If special accommodations are needed, please speci£y. Hov did you hear about this opening? 3���1 � _�` --" 39U CITY �LL_ ��J�'� -� �� SAZN. PAIIL, N.ZN2IESOTA 551C2 266-8525_ FA.?:. 266-�513 2xaLLe Flome St=ee: Telephone irt:��cr: lflo�e)Gi/ Flanning D;.st=ict Cov�cil: ,_ Yre£errcd i�ailin& Address: _ TThxt is yoL occupation7 � . ` Place �a£ Employe�ent: �2yL(.'�. Co¢nictec(s} l�pplied For: j�;i; �.'��r•-�m�tt�.'N., .jy;�t� ' �n � �� ���� - \�1 �.�q{�� � i� m� 1 l� �,��• l( i� r'l �, �� ; i � ,�%b' �5I � 9�•�4 �- ;��Sc r� i� Whac sY.iJ.1s/training or experience do qou possess for the co�ittee(s) for vhich pou seek appointment7 /ii�. /�:`�� %%G�c/�I��c'�� (,c%GI'� ,r' ��1'� 5•� �r'// .��� f1E� l� e.. i�. Uti` K L� , � i.�.� ����. _ 1 l, � i1 fl � t�'� ;�� h� 1 . � / , / . f ` r The i::foraac3oct zncluded in - •his applica�ion i.s eonsidered pri�•aLe dz�a accordi:�g Lo �*.e Humesota Cever.�ent Daca Practices Act. As a zesult, this inior is no� releaseL co the gener;.l pub}.ic. <OPE_.R) Citp ?i!�.�"��' ��. ZZ � -/G� t � Cicp Council Ya-d: � �'-P Rcv. 2i28/95 �n•a r,rn•oh� �c�cr aF qn �aCt :��� ,�;iX.>i' � � '� � 'f` Q �l ii ✓ L' ��Y.1 t C >1 c 'E' � rJ� �. . 7 � � ' `T`� L _1.l_�V_ _ . _�_ Yusoxn�. x�FE:,Excts - � � �`l Z�2 Hame :,� <�L� U �. sc. Address:1� F� � . � ,Sf�� � Yhonc:_ CHome) L:� " 4��' 0��.S (4ork) rc�G n� —� Name: /�.'1 �` �'N ��'�� C G L� �/ Adure: Phone Nar:e C.7k"t ���G`� �a�=�ss: /�11� Sh�r�:,�, n S-t-- _ Phone: (Itomel �tr�����/'l�l�C�_ (VorkZ��a "�lo � — ���0 L� Reasons £or pour interest in this particular eommiCtee:�i�c � �i LCIO� � W' f"LI �....�io �J1�V ./.. .,....,rv� /_' ��'rG.�...,� �, z�.. if . ,.i.�,i i�.y�..., rs Have you had pre�ious contact vittt the eo�nitteo £or vhi.ch you are naking applicati.on. "" If so, vhen, and circamstancest - r� � In an atteapt Lo ensuxe zhat covaittee raprasentation reflects the nakeup of our comaunitp, please checR thc line applicable to yo¢. This information is strictly volvntary. � ite (Caucasian) Hispanic ack (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander Amcri.can Xndian or Alaskan Eskiao 2Sale � ��male Date of Birth: /' � 6� Disabled: Yes ho L/ If special aceo�odatzons are needed, please speci£p. Hov did you hear about this ogening? �f% SCl'� tI0'ON sS:St 96 90 �_� :�31 ��t-aya. 02-27-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1. COMMITTEE : NAC Neighborhood Advisory Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 003247 McCarty, Steven N. 1356 N. Victoria Street St. Paul, MN 55117 Human Resources Manager WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) 003254 Sanders, Paulette 400 West Central Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103-2248 Housekeeping/Laundrey Aide 11/14/96 W M 12/09/96 B F °[�t -�y a, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norne Coleman, ,bf¢yor Councilmember Jamce Rettman TO: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Mike Harris Councilmember Mark Mauer Councilmember Roberta Megard FROM: DATE: I •_.�� Alberto Quintela Assistant to the Mayor February 25, 1997 390 Ci1y Hai1 IS Wesf Rellogg Boulevard $ain[ Pauf, Minnesota 55102 � � Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center (Neighborhood Advisory Committee (NAC) Telephone: (612) 266-8510 Facsimile: (612) 266-8513 Mayor Coleman has recommended that the following individuals be appointed and reappointed to serve on the Neighborhood Advisory Committee. APPOINTED Paulette 5anders Steven McCarty REAPPOINTED Gail Shang Bohr Gregory M. Donovan Kent R. Furois Jill Peterson Bruce Weber Each of the above individuals will serve a two-year term that will expire on December 31, 1998. Attached is a copy of the resolution recommending these individuals, copies of the new appointees' applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January I, 1994. Feel free to call me at 266-8529 if you have any questions. AQ:drm Attachments c: Charlotte Armstron�, Hubert H. Humphrey 7ob Corps Center