97-239Council Date: March 5, 1997 q�t -a39
F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: Green Sheet Number: 39516
� ecnsxr�ecroe 4 �r�wxcu.
Persoa snd Phoae Nm�ber.
1 °r`°n`ax 5 `a�
7uan Oitiz or Peter White 266-8850 � y.•�.��.
g ocmc.+�,�..rsn 6 R6A1.8STA]SDIt'ISIONROOMICOl9
be on Com�7 b .
pprove resolution - Petition to vacate Gilbert Avenue as described /�le 1996-18
euwmvcco.oas�ox �_ scur ,� fbe person/fum ever worked m�der a contrad for this deparlmeM? YFS NO
cvw-�vracoamvs�un . Hea tltis pe[SONGrn� ever IK.wn a City employee? Y&S NO
cm co�murrss . Dces tLis persodfirm possess a sk�l not norniellY P��� bY �Y
' aR YES snswers on a se te sheet and attach.
TIATING PROBI,EM, ISSOF., OPPORTI713ITY (Whq Whet, When, Where, Why!):
' is an uuimproved street wluch is not maintained by the City anymore - the petitioner
ould like to use this area to improve parking concerns.
e vacation will miprove the petitioner's parking concerns.
isanvnNracES�arrxovEn: Cau�iCi+ R�search Cenfer FEg 1 g 199
one. C�� � 1 i997 Y�IR'i q�'�
e petitioner will lose much needed parking space.
sre souxcE: acrrvrrY �msIIZ: pp1-01300-2833
Transaction amount is an adm;n;c� fee for the vacation.
Interdepartmental Memorandum
� . e��� ��,�
`. `�, , �
� � °� � �
. ;`
To: All Council Members
From: Peter White j
Right of Way Engineer
140 City Hall
Date: February 6, 1997
I recommend a public hearing before the City Council be held on
The purpose of this vacation is to vacate Gilbert Avenue from E. Line of the W. 22' of
I,ot 24 extended NE'ly to the W. Line of Lot 40 extended NE']y, Blk 1, Merriam Pk 4th Addn..
This property is ]ocated in City Council District �, Planning District �x `
The subject petition is in proper form and has been signed by the requisite number of property
cc: Fran Swanson
(Gilbert Ave)
Department of Fivance and Management Services
Rea1 Estate Division
140 City HaZI
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Phone: (612) 266-8850
Fax: (6I2) 266-8855
Norm Coleman, Mayor
December 13, 1996
�; '
��1-�S 9
�� ��.z��� � ��„� � �� ��� €�
.� 1 �,n, ce��e�3artmen�l v��
Dear :
The Cily Gerk has referred to this office foF reeommendation the
for the vacation of;G'��lbert�A�enue from fh�e°EASt lwe oP�'thE�Ve
�e�f����b����,�st,�Iwg�of�`T:oi,��O�exteiicl��'ortl�ea all��c�I���1��1� This
inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's
reason for requestiug this vacatiov aud the iute�ded use for the vacated right-of-way, some
or all of the utility easements may be retaiued.
The purpose of this vacation is to �I�s�e�ao�o auet�'lan�cT�f�a�v�ng�o�
Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended
fuwre use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments befor
bece lii�s���1996� so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter.
For your convenience, you will find a repiy form, with fax transmittal memo, on the reverse side
of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, piease refer to the above listed file
number when replying.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, piease call Juan A. Ortiz at 266-885Q.
Juan A. Ortiz
Real Estate Technician
R of Pagcs I
To: Juan A. OTti From:
Reply to Vacation Inquiry
File # 1996-18 �°�
e� ►
Faz A
We have no objecdons m this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Q
We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation,
vacation subject to the foliowing conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑
For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
Signed Date
,!�.r� � � 15��
REAtEST�,TEDNfSION MidAmericaBankBuildingStite120
6949 Valley Creek Road
Woodbury, M3nnesota 55125
Telephone (612) 735-9262 • Fax (612) 735-9062
(61 � 735-926Y
January 3, 1997
Mr. David Ortiz
Department of Finance and
Management Services
40 City Hall
Saint Paul, MN 55102
RE: L& H Properties Vacation Petition
Our File No. 1177-000
Dear Mr. Ortiz:
This letter confirms the conversation we had last week regazding the progress of the
L& H Properties Vacation Petition (hereafter "Petition") which was executed on October 21,
1 R96 and filed on November 1, 1496. In our conversation you advised that the Petition would be
scheduled for hearing within the next thirty (30) days and that to this point you had not
encountered any resistance to the Petition from any govemmental agency or anyone else. I
would appreciate a phone call as soon as a hearing date for the Petition is firmly established. I
understand that the hearing is expected to be held in the immediate future.
Thank you for your continued assistance regarding this matter. Please direct any fiuther
questions or communications regarding this matter to me at 735-9262 or to Lonny Thomas at
Very truly yours,
�`� �� -
Gregory M. Erickson
Law Clerk
cc: Don Harvey
Ron Leonazd
Lonny D. Thomas, Esq.
Also Licensed to Practice in Wisconsin
q� _�
�o�+en o. n�oxu�s, Esq.
(Bt z� �as-eea�
October 31, 1996
City Clerk for the City of St. Paul
Ramsey County Courthouse
15 West Kellog Boulevard
Room #170
St. Paul, MN 55102
RE: L&H Properties Vacation Petition
Our File No. 1177-000
Dear City Clerk:
MidAmerica Bank Bui]dirtg, Suite 120
6949 Vailey Creek Road
Woodbury, Minnesota 55125
Telephoce (612) 735-9262 • Fax (b12) 735-9062
�fOV 11996
Enclosed for filing please find petifioner L&H Properties' request for vacation of certain
city streets abutting its property, a Certified Ownership Report legally describing the lands in
question, and a plat map containing a visual description of said lands. In addition, enclosed also
is a check for $100 Yo cover the vacation petition filing fee.
Thank you for your assistance. Please contact the undersigned with any questions or
Don Harvey
Ron Leonard
David Drach
Also Licensed to Practice in Wisconsin
xo,m coteman. Nrayo.
TO: Juan Ortiz
Real Estate Section
140 City Hall
FROM: Linda Dickhut(�
Public Works Department
800 City Hall Annex
�: �
January 13, 1997
Fi(e No_ 18-1996
Stacy M. Becker, Director
Vacation of part of Gilbert Avenue, west of
Cleveland, adjacent to 2100 Gilbert Avenue
The Department of Public Works has completed a review of the above referenced
proposal. Gilbert Avenue is a 40 foot wide right-of-way which we do not maintain. ln
1967 the adjacent property owner at 473 N. Cleveland received approval to grade
and pave a 1 Q foot wide strip within the north portion of Gilbert, from Cleveland Ave.
for a length of approximately 650 to 700 feet west of Cleveland. See attached
CF#234605 and grade and pave plan. This plan also shows an encroachment
extending 27.5' out into the Gilbert Avenue right-of-way. The attached CF#48176,
dated 9-18-23 is the council approval fior this encroachment.
Saint Paul Public Works has an existing public catch basin, constructed in 1967, north
of Lot 31 that drains to an existing MnDot catch basin on the Cretin/Vandalia ramp.
The catch basin's 12" concrete lead runs within an existing 15' public sewer easement
in Lot 31. See attached sewer record sheets.
This proposal leaves a land locked portion of right-of-way west ofi the proposed
vacation. This is acceptable because the area is necessary for the City to retain for a
bridge construction project ne� year and also to prevent future slope excavation
Therefore, the Department of Public Works has no objections to the vacation proposal,
subject to the foflowing:
1. That the existing catch basin and lead shall become the ownership and
responsibility of the petitioner, and that the existing 15' public sewer easement in
ResponsiveServices • QualityFacilities • EmployeePride
Department of Fn�ance and Management Services
Real Estate Division
140 Ciry Hall Phone: {6l2) 266-8850
Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (612) 266-8855
Nornz Colemmt, Mayor
December 13, 1996
Linda Dickhut
Department of Public Works
800 City Hall Annex
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Si;ti;ect� ��� _s. „ ',. _ _. . ._: } , ..; . _ .: ,FLiance Aepartment`k7�,e�No...1996 3 g, . .��,�����
Dear Ms Dickhut:
�:� � The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the
. for the v�aca�t9o�n of Gilberf' Av ne ue from fhe`Easf hrie�of the �'e
-- Nbrtheas�eilv�to tiie�FVest luie`of Lof:40 eiiteude'd NorEheas�
Paik�`i�.�ddi�ion; This iuquiry pertaiiu to the vacation of City right-of-way mily. Depending
t. �? on the petitio��er's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated
°�_' right-of-way, some or ail of the utility easements may be retained.
, �.,.-
_� The purpose of this vacation is to _,Use,Br;inainfain:lau"�l`for-p�rkuig pnrposes`.
:F � WiU you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended
- future use of this proposed vacatioa I would like to receive your comments before;; `
����.... ���,.�.-.._M-=
- T)ec�in so I can prepare a report to the City Council on th,is matter.
For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fax transmittal memo, on the reverse side
of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file
number when replying.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please calt Juan A. Ortiz at 266-8850.
Juan A. Orriz
Real Estate Technician
wide strip on ihc norlh siAc
[ Avcnue. and shall conslruct
NL sa�d stonn watet seu'er
be�rt A�^enue at �sion nnd
�mPh'SnS 4nio a ca�ch bastn destgnated
Ko. 17A on State Projcct 6282-G2 (T.H.
s47, subject to the fo]IOwlnB tetms and
a. Said perm�LLCC sha11 pa�c sald
ihc CSIy of Samt rauf sn:m c�a��.�•_��
Ihe necess, ry ele�ations nnA proflles
Wr said strce�.
a Snid permltiee shall PnY the cost
of englncerin6 nnA lnspectlon of snitl
work, nntl sh�ll paY ihe cost of publl-
cntlon o[ lhls orAmnncc.
d, Snld permiuce shnll properly
protecf nll e>envntlons mn[]e In nnY
m�e��ls�Duth� ��d Fo nd
trvold all dnm�tic or lnlury ln Pcnon
ur voDertY. ����d Il shnli P��N�•��IY fl❑
�in�f InroD anv aublect ecrtlonv of
�.b'cu�n to nvnl�� scllling.
i. Sufet )mnnitlec. n[ter lhc lnecp-
Ilon u( nld�l wnilq nhull pfo�crulc nidtl�
�vuik canllnununiy. wlih �Illlgenec. mid�,
(ully ruuq�lcl�• naltl aurlc lu Uie xntls-'
Inrilun nnd Daovid u( Ihc Conm�L-
nlonrr of Pubt�c \Vo�lca on or bc(orc
NovvmL�•r I5. IIU411. . . __. . _
mvl undartuiacx io �uuy �nuviu����,r .�
huld hnrnilcnv fho Clly uf Sub�l 1'��
1tx ugeuln. uf(kcrx imd cu�ploy�
frun� nnY untl idl duumRex. chd�
lunnex. ludY.m�•nln. n�dln ar enpem
inlnlnR oul ot ur aa��nxlo»ed by t
( �ct(urnumrc u! Ihc wu�lc eunlC���Vinl
�y Ihln �cuulxel�rn un�i uUlho�ity.
R. tiu�A Pcnnilloc ehtdl uot Ntue�
tu puvc xtdd It�n fuul wldc n1�IP ��n '.
uutlh nl�ic oi GIILvrt Avrnnr. um1
eauxtnicl und Inxlull nidd nturw wn
i.ewc[ !�'om (illbi�il Avcmw. uni
�he sum of Ten Thousand Dollars
($10,0000�), con�lll/oned to comply
wlth all the tertns of this ortlmance
and to inACmntty and save harmtess
snW Gty from a11 »acli�nrYCS�andueX-
ments, suiis, costs, B
pcnses ihat may nccrue [o persons or
proPerty occasloned by the making of
ihe said imProvement nr nrising out of
the same.
1. Snid permitlee, before enterin8
upon oi doing . ny o[ Ihe paving hero-
in Permltled �ntl author@ed, shall
procurC fram the a6uttln6 owners
such easements In anA to the nbutting
property as may be necessary for
slopes, cuts and Si➢s, and sha➢ obtain
n writlen rclease Irom svch owners
relcastng and dischar6�ng the City
from any n» A all damnCes by reason
of thc pavfng of saftl sectlon of GII-
br�� clenses�wrth t e t
� j� Snid �crmlticc sfinll nt Its e%-
pcnsc obtn�n nnd dccA lo thc CLLy of
g;,p�� Pnul; ���cessary cusemenls tor
Ihe snld sWrm wnte� sewer nl n locn-
Uun tu be Aes16����teA bY the Depnrt-
ment of Pub�ic tVOrl<n.
k. Sn1A Dennitlee bhnll pnY Lilo thc
City tranaury Ihe tium of onc h�u�A�eQ
Iwenty-acvun dolluru nnd ❑ttY eenta
lgl'225J1. wldel� nwn rePresenls tho
eu>tn fur ovenlrinh lhe ntnle fncllilles.
1. Snld Pennlllcc nhnll mtdnUdn
Gllfictl Avenuc al 44H Rult eu�:l nt\(l
ezPeimc un�ll auch tbnc Ux I6c nlunn
wnlrr ��•w,�•r fa cunnccled up In tlw
5ildc fncll111ov uu4 hnx 6ccn uPProvc<I
fuul ntreVlrcl bY tlw ❑cPnrbncnl ot
PuU11c Wurlcn.
�». tiuld Pennittcc nhnll. wllhin tcn
(Iln tlnYx �fllcrn11wrlticn���'�ePtmieu
Ihe�euf wlih thu CItY Clerk.
_ ti1:C'flON 3
'i'hnt Ordhuincc Nu. l:iaan. Councll
Fdc No. 2:Cff11A. nppYO��cd Junc 20. 1U67,
poilululuR lo Ihc �;rnnling n[ Pcrmin-
�lun ta MNArum �irwu(nctiulnH .'� ltn-
glnooih�K C�r lu P:�vc n tcn fooi wl�lc
�.I�IV ���� th�• na�lh nlJc uf (:llb�rt Avc-
nuc 7rum Ctevctund Avcu�w wexl n aUR.
lunec o[ upproslnu�tclY 700 (ecl. bc nnd
Ihc �:nmc In hcrcbY nuperFedcd Uy tblx
oi<Ilmu�ec.+�mi snid Ordln:incc No. 1:IU:tU
�s llcrcbY �'esdndcti.
54�C'C10N 4
'Yhls ord6mnce iv hereby declared lo
Le nn emerKmmY ordtnan<e mndered
neccs�ary for thc prcscrvallun o[ Ow
publfe peace. health and snfclY.
�o- und Imlll n:dd Pcr�
�r❑ cumPlird wllh Ihc
m7. InK inawnucc mn�
. i�- cuutulncd In Ihc CII
u( bcPxtlmciM1 u[ Publl
eu�lonn (ur Shret tm<
❑on. tlatc�l AP�II l. '.
iul ticeUun 5�fi.:md fou
Ihrou�h I-17 uf R;dJ
pllcnbie lo cunlr.�clo�
n( ihls ordin:�nce. ❑
�rc Ilon o[ F:dd :VCdfH
, tA4 FLa17 h� rcad ns
��.�� }rrrmiilcc" �vc�c ei
��i worcl 'bonlracloY" ��'
��� pppenrs In Ihe afore
10 8:dd $ICIIUn 14I VL
���� for Stttei snd Sewe
, ihc Clly of Salnt P
� carporaied hercin
._�p fully and ns cmnulct
hercln ��crUatlm. Pr�
�vflM ihe VTOVisions
Sectlon 194 shnll b<
' ��'� SCC'i'ION 5
`' TUis ordlnance shall tnke e[fect nnd
�' be 1n (orcc trom . nd alter ils pnssage,
�.tions �{�I>rov, 1 and Publlr�tlon.
�n 1n
v In- p��sed by t0e Counc❑ Angust 24.
to vie
In ihe
e City
V �h� Sald permittee shall fvrnish a
bonA lo lhe Ctty ot Salnt Paul 1n
]'eas—COUncilmen Carlson. Dedesco,
Flolland. Mered��h. Pcicrson,
D7r. President (BYrne)-7.
Appro�'ed August 29, 1967.
City Gerk.
(Aagust 26, 1967)
Lot 31 shall be released.
2. That, due to the existing encroachments, the portion of Gilbert Avenue, between
Cleveland and the proposed vacated area, should also be vacated with the necessary
access easements provided to the petitioner.
3. That the legal description of the proposed area shall be revised to read Merriam
Park 4th Addition, rather than Merriam Park Addition.
c: Bill Cutting
Pete Gallagher
Bob Hamilton
Tom Kuhfeld
Tracy Moe
Gilbert Avenue from the east line of the west 22 feet of Lot 24 extended northeasterly, to
the west line of Lot 40 extended northeasterly, all in Slock 1, A7erriam Park 4th Addition
,_ -- .w , �. . �� . r ; . . -
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. `I
r 32-29-23-i
�»I i ,
Area to be�
1996 -18
by insMCing satd title in SectSOn 6, in
Gratic a7, unticr thc hcadtng "Subpro-
fessianal Group".
Thls ordlnance shall take effec[ antl
be In forre on ihe first Aay o[ thc
first paymll period Sollowtng thtvty
days nftcr tts passa6e, approcal, antl
Passed by ihe Councll August 27,
Ycas—Coimcilmen C, rison, Dalgllsh,
Holland, 2.tered�th, Peterson, Tedesco.
Nfr. YresiAent (Byrne)-7.
Nays —0.
ApprovcA Au6us[ 2�, ]91i7.
Clty Clerk.
ln�s��s� z¢. isa��
C�unc11 Flte No. 251570—Ord4�mnce No.
I:IUIIJ—lly Vlctor J. 1'Cdesco—
An Ordlnnncc Incrensln6 CWthing
nnA UnVform Atfnwnnoc tur 1'�vlc
P�dirc. nnd wnondli�g ChnPfer ailll ot
thc S,d�it I'nu1 Legl9lnflvu CoAc.
'Cho Cuunrlf oi ihc Clly ot S+dnl Pnul
Uuee OrJnln:
adtling thc Solloufn6 to Section 1
tVacouta St.,�7trectmn,onc-way Sou[h,
trom Tenth St. to Nmth St.
Thls orAinanm shall no[ bc prin[etl
.s pact of the Saint Pavl Legislati�e
CoAe but Shall be inmrporatcA LherNn
by mference.
THis ordinance shall take e(fec[ and
be fn focce thirty (90� days from
and a(ter tts passage. appcovat end
p�sseA Uy the Councll August 29,
Yens—Counellmen Dnlgllsh, Ilolland,
bteretluh, Petersoq Tedesco, Dtr. Presl-
Acnt (�yrnel—LL.
ApDroveA Au6��st 2]. 17�i7.
�•non+ns n, nvarrr,
1[AR[iY E, h1ARSIL\I,L,
Cl�y Clerk.
(Au6��st •til, 19U7)
Cowmll Ftlo No. 2:Niln1—OrAlnnnrc Nn.
I:IiIUS—lly Itm�mrd '!' llulL�nd, by ro-
An ordhu�nvc Krnntlnti Vennlarlon la
$ICC'fION t Muldrum h7:uwfneturinH 1F D:nKlnc�•rin�;
Co . 473 Mo Clevr{nnA Avvmu•. ti�dnt
'Phnl Scallun 411IInU uf Ihu Sidnl I'nul I'uul. hilnnrnoln. to p:�vr n lun fuol
I.cHHln�lvc Cudo Lu nnd ❑ic mmw In wld� nlrl � on ILu nnrth nldu of Cllbr�t
hereby lunrndod Ly ptrIk61H thu IIK��rex Avun�w �ium Cicvvinnd Avonuc wcnl n
• wLcru Oio xnma tlo nVP���r nntl �Ilatnn�•u of nppro<bnacily 7n11 frcl, nnA
xulix4dWnN In 1ilncu nnd In Ilcu Ihcrcot In rnnatruvl i�i��l Inninll n n�;wr� (or
llw IIN��ren "jl�7.t10," nlunn wut�r pw'povcx hmn Cllborl
Avrnur und emVlylnti luln It uLLCh
SICCCION 2 bnvin dvrlNi�idrd Nu 17A on titntu Pro)-
7'hln orJlnnnec xhnli lnho ellect nnJ «•t IIYIIL-11! /"1'll UU.
Lc In lufcv JnnunrY 1. IU�10. An nrdlnnncv MuycncAlnH ����d �w
vvin�IlnN f)�'<Iiivu�ec No I:N1:111. Cuuu�•II
1'nvxcd Ly llw Councll Augiut '2:1. 4'll�. No 1:I:R0:1, uPVrnvrd Junc'lu, I9ii7.
inu7. , Phlr Iv nn emorY.oney orcilunni•r rcn-
Ycau—Cauncllmcn Ualgllslt. Ifolland. Jcr���1 neccx+ncY l��r ifir pttvrrvnUon u[
OlewdlU�. Polerxun.'I'edcscu. hlr. IOC.I- Ihu puryilc pe:mq hcallh. nn<I snfely.
dvnl (UYrnel—U.
NnYS—U. 'i'hc CounCll o( �LC City of Sahrt P�ml
ApVroved AuK��xt 27, I9U7. Uuca Ordnin:
'ruomns n. nYrsNe.
Na5 or.
Clly Clerk.
i�+��d��st 20, 3067)
Counctl Filc No. 23J56I—qrdlnancc No.
13W4—Dy Hernard T. Holland, by
An ordinance nmencling Ordinance
No. 135SJ, apprwed January 31, 1967,
perWlning to One-Way Streets.
Tho Councll ot the City oP Salnt Paui
Does Ordaln:
That O�dinance No. 13539, approved
January 31, 1967. Is hereby amentled by
sr•,c'rrou �
'Pl�ot Vennlsslon nnA aulViutlly nrc
hereLY qranted lu Meidunn Mmm[ac-
turinK h EnKlneerinK Co. b pavc n ten
fout wide strlp vn lhe nartl� side oC
COUcrI Avenue hvm Clweland Avenuc
west for npproslmntdy 700 feet, nntl to
construct nnd Install n sewcr for slonn
wnler pur`�oses fmm Glibcrt Avenue
nnd emPtying lnto n catch basin derlq-
nuted No. 17A on SWIe ProJect 62II2-6Z
(T.l{. 94).
That lhc Commissioner of Pub7tc
tVOrlcs Is hereb)• author/xetl to Issue n
permtt lo Mctdnsm Dianutacturtng &
Englncering Co. (or ihe P�vtng of the
len foot wlde strip on the north side
of Gtlbert Avemie from Cleveiand Avr
mre west for npproxlmatety 700 £eet
antl to conslnict and instali a stonn
waler sewer from Gllbert Avenue nntl
•1� T��1:
. 61:f—
tfi� tur-
��a (E�.-
.u�; I-�tn
tY Iw Lc"
�n nd�ll-
���1 undcr
Vn 6f1�5.
xt. Pnul
-ht '1'lu���•
u in •nm•
�n.rt>' re.
�n tn lho
y uV �ro•
�0 4c��ool
. nnJ � t�C t
111'VIO\9l1 ���
n.11. Ip:J. � ���4
Datur. ,�
i lPurR��-
�W yu�
�u. Gt27—
hc Ulu{vo
e nuU�or-
�,illtnti eta-
h Streo[.
( St. Psul
'PO�9q� nro
• T�ro nnil
,i curb ah•
iul. \llnne-
I)��C �\�OF�<9
or rnr crrti� or s1•. r:�u�., �:,_a. �oa;
iv hereLl' ����[horized [n In:�ue n Pcrmlt
t� th�� xa5.l liceneeu for itte tnstalln-
tlon n( x:ild Illling n4�Hon uP�n Itx
complinncc tcich Uie foAow'Ing mndt-
(1) 9'hc eaitl Ifcensec xhall fllc wlth
tho Cmnndvslnner nf PuL1ic R'orl:n n
plan o�' xyeclfl.�n[lon o[ xnld ntnqon.
o�hl�h aLnll L.• xuLJ.•ct tn cn„ nnn�orn�
of r�dd �'nmmlaeinnrr.
(3) TLo xxfd H71fn� xtntlmi xfinll
be I��vfrtlL•d Un�l�•r tLe pupereleinn flnd
dfrccifnn nf xaid Cnmmlvvfonrr, nnA
the nnld tlrv�naoe xhall pa)' th�� cnst n[
I��xP��Una. l( AN'.
f3) 'fhe x.Jd Ilceuxce xl�nil [�u�nish
1t LanQ tu lh.� l`I[Y �! tiL Pnul In tlio
xum o[ Ten 'Chnuaand I>oDnrn 1210,-
000.60) ennAlUnnrd lo env� Ihe City of
Rt. 1'nul hnrnJ��va froN nnY nnd �OI
IInLi11tY� Judgmenfa. xul[x. cout+.
rhnrhue nnd nxP�.nvrn U�n[ muY uccru� I
tn p� m' I��'uP�+t'tY nn nvaouPt n(
nr nrfxlnA [rnro tha ennxU'uctim�, fi�-
x1ulU�tlnn. mnln[nm�nro, onotnUon� Urr. '�.
7ronrnre or r.nnoV�Q <d xnl�l lRl1aK xtn- I
tl��n. thn xnld Lnuq t�� roinnh� hi f���'v�:
�uid alTuot ��v lunti nx xnld xtntlnn ru•
nlnlux ur oXlelx. '1'h�� xulil Lond Nhnll
Lo In •urh form nm m�Y L�� nuurur�•d
Iry (hU nlnyor. und Hhnll bo fllrJ wlth �
lh CowuU•aller oC x+tld Clty.
U) Hn1A Ilillnu M4�Ilon etuql Ln rn-
�iiovoA by eiJd Ilroueon whunav� tLu
Caanall eL�d1 xn ur�lur.
(61 7'ho xnlJ Ili•onron „Lnil P��Y ����y
Ilronxo foo nr tnx Uu�t mnY Ln roqulr.�Q
by Wq' orAlanuca nr In�v of thn Clty
o( Ht. !'��ul.
(0) Nnld Ilcnnnao Mhull withln tm�
QItYn nflo�• the PitHnupa of lhlx ni•JI-
nnnc0 tlla n wrllton n��enPlrtnco thnrm
nf wlth thn Clly Clori< In eu�•h farm nn
�aul' L� npVrovo�l LY tha Curl�orntVon
HItQ'I'IUN 8. �
7'hin ordliuiuoo nlutll lnlu. e(lrol nuJ
bo ln tnrc�� Uqrly d��y+ uftor ltn pneK•
uKa nnd PuLlli•nUOn.
PnarcA Iry U�n Cuunall BoVt. Id IU:B.
Yvnx—C��unclimm� Clnnc>'. Palon
HuJhrlmar. \L•. �'lao-14�ca1Jent (I�„rKU•
xa n 1—A.
hpproacd 8out. 1•1. 1�28.
I.. Ie. S. 7� I�.ItCiUsO\.
Acttug 1lnyor.
Altnxt: IfliNit\' OLHOti,
Ctiy Cterk,
� (s�vt. aa-��za) ,
C. P.
An o
� I.nl
In�utce No. C1E8—
.nR the uro)ect o(
entnto lct�o��'n as
Vc nnQ Lote 9 to
the N. 55 oC 11 InGUSive. nnit the rc-
nrrnnFement ot Lote
FISUnF ot t to i ind�
Rcnnangoment, all 1
Anthony 3'ark NortM1
rordln� to the pint
and o[ rc�ord in tM1
I;cy(ister o� Ueeds of
�tr, A(Innoeotn. ns n x
ftor[h it, An�hony T
]unior IIISh Bchaol.'ord.`rinR [he Ro-
q�dniti.�n o[ lhe snfna L�S Du�'cte�se
or conAemnaflnn and Proclding (undx
[h� ro(or.
Th� Cnunoll o[ th.• O[> o( SL .P.u�l
<loew ordnln:
RrCT10\ 7.
Yhr. Commtsslnnor o( F.Bncnt{nn hnv-
In,: rePnrte�l [o the Cmmc❑ [hnt lha
repi cxmlu knox�u nv Lotx i to G tn-
rlunlve nnd IAtn 9 tn the Y. �. o( ]t
Incluvlve. nnd t4e ru.u�rau�;e�nen[ oI
].n�x 7 nnd 8. ennxlxdnR of I[n 1 1�-
rh�eh�,•. Ilnnenel<'u ltanrrnn�;emen[, nll
In ❑I.�ek 'L0. SL Ant
St Paul. necnrdln�; t
nn Illo .u�d ot recor
�� I�I'I u Vux
fur xrhm
�rnd Alro
inr ni�iq
�ot��� of
nnJ Uw
It lI1•• µ
ndtlec u
/1t100 t1101'�`O[ IH lNf rIUT Ot
miwin�l (317.�00.001 Uuihvn.
untUtf��lfof luiving ca+rU«ed
Ix rt1��nuY nnU4iLio in lha
�f Ihu l;l[Y !or U��� nr��wel.
IA I�rtx. tha Cuuurll h�•ruLy
io Vr�ilnct of nvqul�dnR w�mn
pw�l�nxox. nnd 6nn�Ly nrJ��rn
i tl�nt Ihn icimu L�� urt1�11rod
��'I� bY P�irc7u�m� bY U��•
on Lun1M. runu!nlluK In lUle
n plaYUr. 1`urcln��InK AR�>»t
'umnJnnlonnr, nf I:�IucnUun.
e a¢u l�o en 9ructu•ed rtl n
prlce� �uul lu rnro� xNd Cum-
nut Pencw�o xrtlQ Innd nt rt
I� �i9�ro nn�l nhnll xu reporC lo
, thai M�d In Untl ��van[
1 Laro��Y �mil��rn �uul Alrorta
muntli�n V�'oeoo�lingx 4u In•
ml„r Ih�i Vrovlxlone ot U��+
tho CIIY tu x�.vw�o nN.l lotx,
fio cn+t nud exP�nnu o[ uc-
�ua. whnUu Ly I���rchneu or
lou. 6e nu�l tho muna le
I„i'rd h� lrn pnld out of tln�
0 Nclwnl I�ou4 I�unQ «ppro-
• Honi I:eliUe. nnQ xn inud�
u�ix rte nu�Y bo nrcrneiu•>• In
rrul��'Intotl nnd M�•t RV:u't IU�
9I•:f,"ffOY 2.
7'I��x or nlm❑ tnlcr e�'ret nnil
bo 4n fnrcn iLirty dnYx s((cr 1la Pnxa-
�KC. nppro�'nt nncl puLllcntlon.
Adou4ed bp. tkc Couacil Sopf. 11, 1t12b.
Yens—COi�nclimen Clnncy. I'etoq
Bodlic�mer, Mr.,Vicc-Prenident (I�'ergU-
non�-4. • ,.
APGroveA S��ot. 14. 1929.
: I.. Ft- 5. FERGU'�O,l*.
'ACtlng Dluyor.
AttceL HCNRT OI.50\
CSty Cierk.
(Sep4 22-1928) �
G F. No. 48t7�—Ordinancc No. G129—
Br \t'm. l. Peter—
An ordinnnce . grnnUn�; the Foss[on
Ttig. Co.. a corporniton, perndsx{on
(O COOA[fUCL Rf1t� If1:LInI81[t tltl CII-
• � n _ - �,. � ' . ' - � 1
_ _ _4 ��+%"4C:, . . . ., - ,x: � . ' • ' ..., r . _<' -_ . ' . ..
closeQ covered p7ntlonn on 6llbert
Slreet wrs( o[ \ortti Clcrelnn�� .\��e-
The Cpimeil o[ Ihe l`ItY of St. Pnul
doex otdnln:
sr•_cTrav i.
7'La[ permins7nn� nnd nuthority nre
hCrchy g�uuted lo [li� Fosxtun \llg.
Compimy, n ew�purntlnn. to ronxtru�t
nnd mmntnln n metnl covered enclosed
iond�ng pintfor�n In (711hert Streot on
the north nide o[ �ho f¢ctory hul:ding
knuwn nn i11-;76 Nnrth Clevelnnl
Avenua nnA rx�emllnq frmn Ihe Uulld-
1�6 to tha nldu trnri< of lh� Q. ?t. R fit.
i'. If}•. Cn. upproxi�nntelY 't{ [cal widn
nnd 68 (rot lon6.
F�;C'CION $,
Tho Comminrinncr of Pu411c R'oHCn
Ix hrrubY �mlhorizeJ to ln.vun i� pernd[
to Iho nnlil Ilcun�e� for nnlil Vlutfo�m,
upnn xulA Ileenn�•dn eomAlliuiea �v11h
tlw fnllu�rin�; iundlUanx:
11) ti��ld Pintf�+rin nhuli Lu rYVClod
undvr llin xui���'�'Inlon nnd dlruulon ot
HnIA CummLminnur, nnd xnld qconxou
ahuii pnY tlie euxl. of InxprrUon� If
honA lo Ih�l 71Mnnee hhnli fuYnhh rt
(SlY �t tit. Pnul In thu xunl
ot Y9vu Tbonwuul Uollnro lfu,060). <•on.
Alllntivd ln xnrr nulA rltY hnrmluxn
trmn nny und nll HnLiI1tY. J���lumentn,
cuxtn. JiunuKOx �u��l cxl�ruxe thnt tnny
u��cl'4a lu V�•fnunn or �n'uy�uPlV on nv.
cnunt nf llm en•iUnn, nmli�l�•nnneo,
uxe� Irroei�nro or ��omnrni �if xn1A Plnt.
foim. Nufd Lnnd nhnq bn ��i h��i�h fnrm
nm m�)' bc nDp�•o��rtl LS' Ibe l'nrlrorn-
Uun t ourmrt. niiult hnvo nmp xutely �ix
mnY Iru xutlxfrteU�ry tn tha \1iq'nr. iu�tl
ehWl bn t7io<! �r�th ett�• Ctty Cnmptrnt.
Iry�x�Cd� I�rusco��wl���u�r��r tLc�C���n�nrii
xhnll xo o�A�•r.
(1) tinl�l llvrux�•�� �Imll �rilidn Irn
dn)"x uttct' tLn pqwrnK�� u[ lhin nr�ll.
nnneq IIIc u�cttllen nccoPl:nu•e We�c-
�[ �.IU� th�• l9tY l'Ierk.
, tii;C'CIqY 8. �I
Thin nrJlnnnvu shn❑ lnka crtecl nnd
Lp h� force ILIrtY �Iny.v uflor lla {�nAa-
nKe nnd puLlica4on.
\�Iapted Lr Ihc CuuncllFrp[.18.19Y7.
]one—Counrllmen Clxpcy. FcrFU.on.
i'cCCr. &mlhelmcr. �Ir. Dic�lil�•uCfYC1-
\ « � �—p,
Approrcd Sept. I8. ]923.
.1ATFSUR I3. \[�,LSOY,
1pq'oL '
dHerU f(IiS1;Y OiSO�,
� City Clerk.
IReUL 22-19L3)
C. L`. \�. i9lii—Ordinnhcc \o, G130—
B)� 1Cm. J. Peler—
An urdln:mce grnnUng lhe 1[amm Ae:�l-
ty ComV�n>'. a coYD��'«Uon. permis-
alon tu construct and mufn[n(n n
�oading D7nttonn In lhe rear oC 208-
2t2 L•'xsCSeventry SVeeet.
Tho Council of the CI(y o[ SL Pni�l
�locx� orda�n;
sreT�o:r i.
Thn� permisvo,n nnd nuchority nro
hcreby grnnted In the Lamrn 72enity-
Compnny, s corporrttluq to cons(ruct
nn�l �nnln[nin n conere[o lua�ling pinp
fotm In the renr ot 2V8-212 P•_ux[ $ey-
enth S¢en[, unid plutfnnn to be E fuct
uado, b0 (�et long on �hu nor[haNy
sl�la o[ [he n11cY In.61oC1< 7. \Chitney ,
.� �m.th's AdUitton, ,
Tha Commixnin�cr o[ I'uWlc 11'or9<a
in nuthor�zed tn Ixnua n pernut lo [iio
�+idel ❑c.nnen !or xnl4 Dhil(urm, uP��n
xuld flennxru'H comPqunco ��qq� thu
follnwinK comllNonn:
... (I). 7'hnG ntJrt plutform FLRII Ub con-
�� coNl o
uf�Vlvn7hnuxnYl��b 11
�11UnneA lo H¢vu IL
frnrn nnY and nll IOd
'enxtx. UnulnKCn nnd c
rnunt of. nr iu�lxing
Nd91eUo)�. Ihe 4xo tt
yrchruvu a• remnval i
NnIQ bonA to rmunh�
fovl nx It
��'IUI �q111�M NIIII�
pruPr<I LY 61m.
i xhnll Lu ynld
hnit furn�nli n
Pnul In t6u Hum
rx <j5.000), con-
city hnri��lorn
UtY� lutlKtnrnte.
penxn tLnt mny
11'll�ll'�(Y !1(� Ill'•
fruin tho ron-
d bu�lh(epM�CC�
' h��IJ Vinl[m'nt.
or oxlntx� Lm� I�xl�nUl r Lu ln��nuc�h
(nrm nx nmY Iru nVbi�oreil I�y Um Cot''
puniUun CuunnN n�i� xhrtll hprc nurh
�:urety nn uuir bo entlHfnclury �u U�u
\inpur, lu�A nlinll Lc IIIeiI a•IU� tho Cit>'
/d) FNiI U1nUorm nhnll Lo rcmoroA
Ly nidA Il.�i•nx<w w7n•nrvor tli� Cuunrll
ximll xn orJoe rtuA when rempevJ L�.
orAer nf the tbunc!! or rulurttnrliy iq•
the ❑cennre. rn1�i Ilcenni�r nhn❑ p:i���.
Uie o-triV o[ nllcy occu01oi1 Ly the pL�L
furm n�ith Uiv n�una nvitrrl:�l ❑n tl�o
bnl:nicc o[ the nlloY Ix pnreA �rllL nqb-
Jret Io lha nVV�'���'nl oL lhc I�ePnrt�nont
�f Pnl�ilc t\'Orlcn.
(4) v��t�i t(cenere ehnll, x'Ithin ten
dnya rt(tcr the pna.aRC uf t}��H �rJl-
napca Ole n�vrl(Ich necePb�nce Uiete-
nf x9(h.qte C{IY Clcrk,
SIiCT10\ 3.
7'hfx ordlnnnee ahnil tnlce ettect nnd
be In force thlrlY d:q�a nRer Itv Pnns-
++KC nnd pubiicatfon.
\doUted bY liie Conncll Fept. ]8. 192 �.
Sex.a—Courtellmen Clauq•, Cergnnon,
Petrr, Sudhe�mer �Ir. I'reolQent (Nci-
ROpI—$, �
dPVruceQ Sen[ 16. In2J.
AI1TIlUR li .�'IiISO\,
A[tesL HESRY' O[SO.�', �tayor.
City Cleri<.
ts�nx. zzasza� �
C' !
+�' '
. �
' '_
.I .
�i .
' i.:
� �•
i .
� I
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N of Pages 1
Reply to Vacation Inquiry
File # 1996-18
To: Juan A. (
co. City of St
Real Estate Div
Pho� fl 266-
Pax x 266-
From: Chris Calull
Department of Fire & Sa
100 East Eleventh Street
Saint Paul. MN 55101
Fae fi
We have no objections to tlus vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�]
We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation,
vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
� � ���2�
��Z3 1
Deparlment of �nance and Management Services
Real Estate Division
140 City Hall Phone: (612) 266-8850
Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 Fax: (6I2) 266-8855
Norm Coleman, Mayor
December 13, 1996
Chris Cahill
Supr. of Inspections
Deparhnent of Fire & Safety
100 East Eleventh Street '
r:.:�� ; .,
Saint Paul, MN 55101
, t , ...
Dear Mn. Cahill ::� :=.; ; , ; ='.: . �; ;.
The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the
for the vacation o � _..
`` +`E�iI��`� This inquiry pertains to the vacaHon of City right-of-way only. Depending
on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated
right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained.
The purpose of this vacarion is
Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended
future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments befor
�p ix�.,n.�.
W so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter.
For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fas transmittal memo, on the reverse side
of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file
number when replying.
If you have any questions regarding ttn's'iriattei, please call Juan A. Ortiz at 266-8850.
.,; ,
Juan A. Ortiz ,
Real Estate Technician (GilbertAve)
Reply to Vacation Inquiry
File # 1996-t8
To: JU2n
co. Cicy of
� Rcrarr
e� o �
68855 P.002
n u� ragcs i
From: :
310 L
Sau�t 7
We have no obj�tions to this v�ation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • . . . •�'
We must retain aur easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vaca6on,
vacation svbject to the following condidons: . . • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • C]
For the following reasoas, we cannot approve this vacazion : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �
/ 2 y�
DEC 19 '% 12�54PM SPPL RDMIN
Reply to Vacation Inqulry
Flle # 1996-15
To: Juazt A.
co. City of S[.
Reai Esmte I?l�
� r a.s�
Pox x 266
M of Pe4e� 1
tkwn: Carple Williams
Iabrary Admintstretia
90 West Foiuth Stieet
Sai¢8 Paul. MN 55102
Fax #
We have no objections w this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • . . . . . . . . [�]
We must rerain our easements within the dght-of-way. We will approve this vacation,
vacation subject ta the following condidons : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . []
For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
signed �
�3,,P� ��- .
io: Juan
Repiy to Vacation fnquiry � x��F,`s�
File # 1996-18
�� ;
_ F,�� ;
612 222 2770 P.01/01
kaAges 1
Fmm: Charle5 Votel
�epacsment of PUblic Flralth �
sss c� s�
We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �
'We musc re�ain our easements within the right-of-way. We wetl approve rhis vacarion,
vacation subject to the following wrniitions: . . . . . . . . - • • - -
Por the following �asons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �
G�l Z3�
Repry to Vacation Inquiry
File # 1996-18
Juan A.
M7�1� .�f7�
612 292 7405 P.03i02
1 A O[ {'sQCC t �
F[001: ROj72IL P/I'3II!
P3LZCS � RGf:It2t{071
3� c�cy Hatl a�rx
We have no objecrions to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . • • •,�
We awst retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation,
vacation subject to the following co�itions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑
For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0
� '�l o
�, Z3�
DEC-20-1996 07�44 STP PRRKS & RECRERTION 612 292 7405 P.02/02
Leparsmeni ot rioance ana lv�anageme� �ernces
Real Estate Division S1 Z,3�
140 City Hall Phone: (6I2) 266-8850
Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 Far: (612) 266-8855
Norm Co[eman, Mayor
Detember 13, 1996
RObert Pil2tn
Parks & Recreation
300 City Hall Annex
At[ention: John Wirka
DEC 17 1996
8 R�C'REA710[�
�� `9.) .�7^.y.T m +w r ,�, .. � -w; ir . rw � � -F: r�... r . n�... . P"' t� a .,^ whir<
�.�r,it �,>�`i';," h,i>.r5�:7�..��'�"'�;s." ��. o'�ht " ;6 ^ : �: ��� ���vT.1:ll� ti lc ` ��./+�.��� ,+rui'�'oa
bear Mr. Piram:
The G1ty Cierk has refersed w this office for recommendaaon the
� � T� �4�9 Perfains to the vacation of City riglrt�of-way only. DePending
on the petitioner's teason for requesting this vacation and Ehe intended use for the vacated
right-of-wap, some or all oP the utilitp easements may be retaiuedl.
The purpose of this vacation is
Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intend�
future use of this proposed vacation. I wouid Iiloe to receive yoa�r comments befor
au;, • �� �, , i��e
. so I can prepare a report to [he City Council on this matter.
For your convenience, you will fmd a reply form, with fax transmittal memo, on the reverse side
of this irotice. If yoa would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file
number when replying.
If you have any questions regazding this matter, please call Juan A. Ortiz at 266-8850.
� �
Juan A. Ortiz
Reai Estate Technician
°�1 Z..3�'1
Departmeat of Finance & Manaqement Services
Peter Warner
�th__ F� City Aall
. Juan Ortiz �.
Real Esta� 'v�sion
140 City Hall
. February 10, 1997
Vacate Gilbert Avenue as Described / File ,�1996-18
Please review the enclosed petition for the vacation of City owned
property rights. If all the information is in order, please sign
off on the resolution and return the packaqe to our office, I will
set a hearing date and notify the petitioner. Thanks.
- �� l� � f� ��°- �,�, �. � � � �-.-..
' � � � �i " , r '' " ° � . s�^' t u" 7
...\vacate.ort\199618wr.nr �� �M' 1
� Yf
����� ����
�E� 13 i997
- r � ��;
G�Z Z3�
Vacation of:
Gilbert Av from E.line of W.22ft of Lot24 extended NE'ly to tkie W.line of L.ot40 extended
NE'ly, Blk 1, Merriam Pk Add
Memo to City Clerk recommending hearing Date o ' S°�
Map In File Ownership Report O.K. Petition Signatures O_K.
Legal Description to Bill Cutting:
✓ U.S. West (Sundberg)
✓ N.S.P. (Electric)
✓ N. S. P. (Gas)
MCI Metro
✓ District Energy
✓ Continental CableVision
Other ()
City Departments
✓ Public Works (Dickhut)
✓ Water Utility (Bullert)
✓ Police (Morehead)
✓ Fire (Cahill)
✓ LIEP (Zangs)
Libraries (Williams)
Public Health (Votel)
✓ Parks & Recreation (Piram)
Attn: John Wirka
✓ PED (Mike Kramer)
12-11-96 /12-24-96
12-11-96 /12-20-96
12-11-96 /12-20-96
12-11-96 /01-2�-q�
12-11-96 /12-26-96
12-11-96 /01-03-97
12-11-96'/ �
12-11-96 /ol - t S'�i �
12-I1-96 / i z-31 �it�
12-11-96 /12-20-96
12-11-96 / 12-z3- �i��'•�)
12-11-96 /01-02-97
12-11-96 /12-19-96
12-11-96 /12-20-96
12-11-96 /12-20-96
12-11-96 /01-08-97
Neighborhood District #12,13 12-i1-96 /
Voting District #4 12-11-96 / Report copies to Petitioner
✓ Essential Replies
(proceed with resolution after receiving these)
,� .., , ..
Hearing Date set - City Clerk and Council secretary notified ��
�� .
Resolution to City Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hearing Notices prepared . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . .
Petitioner's Contact: Lonny Thomas, Atty 735-8837
v l0 %
Norm Coleman, Mayo�
Fred Owusu, City Clerk
170CityAall TeL: 61L266-8989
ISW.%elloggBOUteva,d Fax: 672-266-8689
SmntPaul,Mbenerola55102 Web:hlfp://www.s[pauGgov
TDD: 266-8509
k s a'. � e fe � eo+5t;,i
°��� � 4���
November 1, 1996
Mr. Peter White
Valuation Engineer
Real Estate Division
140 City Hall
Dear Sir:
I refer to you to check as to form and sufficiency and for recommendation, the attached
petition of L& H Properties for the vacation of that portion of Gilbert Avenue from the
East Line of the West 22' of Lot 24 eatended Northeasterly to the West line of Lot 40
e�tended northeasterly, a11 in Block 1, Merriam Park 4th Addition, according to the plat
thereof on file and of record in the office of the Saint Paul City Clerk.
Very truly yours,
�✓/�G?.�2 c�0 � Ctnoo✓t
Frances Swanson
Deputy City Clerk
�� Z��
I(�-c :;,c ,;cctE��cd, cc-s:i:o:i-� z-z;p-�� c: :.`.c ac. (cr ::.__: lc�� :;• Ecsie z:cd :cp:cq= :z:i.�c< CI 1SC e�v::t::e :�O�CL�cs� d0
..c.-cty x:i;im �.^_ C,^,::::J o: :.`.e Ci1� oi Szi:a ?�cl ;o .��:c i's i:,..:cs'S ia :.`,c :-:�'.- ;c�z'.?y Gcsc;Scd u fc:ic�:.st
That portion of Gilbert Avenue £rom the East line o£ the West 22
feet of Lot 24 extended Northeasterly, to the West line of Lot 40
extended Northeasterly, all in Block l, Merriam Park 4th Addition
I(we) request this vacation for the £ollowing reason(s). The small
section of Gilbert Avenue that Petitioner requests to be vacated is
a paved lot which is exclusively maintained by Petitioner L& H
Properties (e.g., plowing, cleaning, repairs, etc.). This section
of Gilbert AVenue is not a through street with any means of passage
and there£ore is of little or no use to the City. This "roadway"
is now and always has been used as a private parking lot €or Petitioner
L& H Pr.operties and Petitioner has no plans to alter the current use
of the property. Since Petitioner L& H Properties is already incurring
thg costs o.f mai a"public, roadwa " which is of no use to the`
I(F�c ,*,z.�c znzbcd s:x cep;cs cf :bc <:;c p:�:sY>f zny Enc;c�-.c,-,t �c:cnGcd `c; cS:s:: �r.;e ; m:.`.c ;z;.fs :0 5e •.zalcd.
City, Petitioner respectfully requests that the City vacate its interest
Contact Person in this small section Person(s) responsible for pz}7nent of
of Gilbert Avenue. F•acation iee and ior accepfance of the
ferms and conditions of the �acation:
�z-�: Lonnv D. Thomas, Esq.
_� __. 735-8837
; aa:rss: 6949 Va11ey Creek Road
Suite 120, MidAmerica Bank
Woo ury, N'.N
��_,_. L & H Properties
�so,�: 645-5897
� Gilbert Avenue
Bldg. St. Paul, MN 55104
.4`.c^s:c Coo:zct Pcto�
David Drach, Esq.
?;o,r 347-8000
=.ce-t._� 105 South Fi£th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55402
G� Z.,3�
Signatures of Owner(s)/Representati�e(s) of Property(ies) Below:
' /'�� . �
L & H Properties
i er
au ,
CP Rail System
105 South Fi£th Street
Zdinnea �G �T 55402
I+ am ihe pecitioner or one of che petitionas in che above matter, and I Go Lereby swear and
vcrify that cach o e si ure n th" peution ras si ' my presena by ihc pcxson dcscribed in [he pe�ition.
Subscnbed and swom to before me this ��+ .
day of � �^ �'� lyy �
�s. sA.,n,{� �
� ��4�� LOh�'Y � �a ,._.
(calt> <f-10>vg)
,e.= � , . ���u,��„-_ �
a�ifi:F'.:� � s.
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":' •,.�i�;551Cr::,n:�;� ' < .
�N e;��'
Jv ; p �, �;
%� ' ,
�� Z3�
Owners abutting Gilbert Avenue, from the East line of the
West 22 feet of Lot 24 extended Northeasterly, to the
West line of Lot 40 extended Northeasterly,
all in Block 1, Merriam Park 4th Addition.
unto the City of St. Paul, in re: Application for the vacation
of the landa described above.
That the following is a true and complete listing of the real
estate along the line of said section of public street and that
the name or names of the apparent record owner or owners in
respect to each parcel of land is as follows:
MME, Inc., a Minnesota Warranty Deed
corporation Dated November 3, 1981
1. to Recorded July 1, 1982
Donald L. Harvey, as to an #2149633
undivided fifty percent (50%) The Westerly 27 feet of Lot 24
interest as tenant in common, and Lots 25, 26, 27, 28 and
and Ronald C. Leonard, as to 29, Block 1, Merriam Park 4th
an undivided fifty percent Addition to Saint Paul.
(50%) intereat ae tenant in AND
common Lot 31, Block 1, Merriam Park
Fourth Addition, City of
St. Paul except that part
which lies southwesterly of
the following described line:
Beginning at a point on the southeasterly line of said Lot 31,
dietant 130 feet southwesterly of the northeast corner thereof;
thence run northwesterly to a point on the northwesterly line of
said Lot 31, distant 100 feet southwesterly of the most northerly
corner thereof and there terminating, and together with that part
of said Lot 31 which lies southwesterly of Line 1 described below
and northeasterly of Line 2 described below:
Line 1. Beginning at a point on the southeasterly line of said
Lot 31, dietant 130 feet southwesterly of the northeast corner
thereof; thence run riorthwest to a point on the northwesterly
line of said Lot 31, distant 100 feet southwesterly of the most
northerly corner thereof and there terminating;
Line 2. Beginning at a point on the southeasterlp line of said
Lot 31, distant 130 feet southwesterly of the northeast corner
thereof; thence�run northwesterly to a point on the northwesterly
line of said Lot 31, distant 110 feet southwesterly of the most
northerly corner thereof and there terminating.
Free from all incumbrances EXCEPT that certain mortgage running
in favor of First National Bank of Minneapolis in the original
amount of $500,000.00.
�1 Z3�
MME, Inc., a Minnesota Warranty Deed
oorporation Dated November 3, 1981
2. to Recorded July 1, 1982
Donald L. Harvey, as to an #723849
undivided fifty percent (50%) That part of Lot 30, Block l,
interest as tenant in common, lying Northeasterly of a line
and Ronald C. Leonard, as to drawn from the most Southerly
an undivided fifty percent corner of said Lot 30 through
(50%) interest as tenant in a point on the Northwesterly
common line of said Lot 30 distant
130 feet Southwesterly from
the most Northerly corner of
said Lot 30;
Those parts of Lots 32 to 40 inclusive, Block l, and that part of
adjoining Cretin Avenue, formerly Montgomery St., vacated, all
lying Northeasterly of a line drawn from a point on the
Southeasterly line of said Lot 32 distant 110 feet Southweaterly
from the most Easterly corner of said Lot 32 through a point on
the Northweaterly line of said Lot 40 distant 40 feet
Southweaterly from the most Northerly corner of said Lot 40;
all in "Merriam Park, Fourth Addition City of Saint Paul".
(And other property, see record)
Free from all incumbrances, EXCEPT that certain mortgage running
in favor of Firat National Bank of Minneapolis in the original
amount of $500,000.00.
Elias F. Drake and Caroline M. Warranty Deed
Drake, his wife, Girart Hewitt Dated April 24, 1879
and Allie Hewitt, his wife Recorded May 18, 1879
to Book 89 of Deeds, page 170
The Chicago, Milwaukee & A strip of land 100 feet in
St. Paul Railroad Company width extending in a NW'ly and
SE'ly direction across the S.
1/2 of NE1/4, Sec. 32, T. 29,
R. 23, described as follows:
All that part of S. 1/2 of NE1/4, Sec. 32, T. and R. aforesaid,
which lies within a distance of 50 feet on either side of centre
line of proposed railroad of the Chicago, Milwaukee and
Saint Paul Railroad Company, to be constructed from near Chestnut
Street in Saint Paul, through S. 1/2 of NE1/4 of Sec. 32, to
Minneapolis as said centre 'lin,e has been surveyed and is marked,
fixed and located by stakes and monuments on the ground by said
company, equal to 6 427/1000 acres more or less.
� �
�� .�. ��
Richard B. Ogilvie, the duly
appointed, confirmed,
qualified and acting Trustee
of the Property of the
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul
and Pacific Railroad Company,
Debtor, acting not as an
individual but aolely as said
Truetee under the authority of
the Court in certain
proceedings for the
Reorganization of a Railroad
under amended Section 77 of
the Federal Bankruptcy Act in
the United States District
Court for the Northern
Diatrict of Illinois, Eastern
Diviaion ("Court") entitled
'�In the Matter of Chicago,
Milwaukee, St. Paul and
Pacific Railroad Company,
Debtor," Case No. 77-B-8999
SLRCO, Ino., a Minnesota
Quit Claim Deed
Dated February
Recorded March
(See Exhibit A
19, 1985
14, 1986
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�' Qt�IT CLASM DEED made this 1�_ day of ,,_��_,__�,__,.
1985, between: ' � ' ,
RICHARD B.�OGILVIE, the duly appointed, confirmed,
� qualified and actinq 2rustee of the property of
RAILROhD COMPANY, Debtor, acting not as an individual
. but solely as said Trustee under the authority of
the Court in certain proceedings for the Reo'rhanization
- of a Railroad under amended Section 77 of thc
Fu�e:al DanY.ruptc/ :.ct in the L'nitea States :�istrict
Court For the Northcrn Uistrict of Illinois,
Lastern Division ("COUrt") entitled "In the Alatter
� of Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad
Company, bebtor," Case No. �7-6i8999; the GRANTOR
G. I
s� I I
vi I
' � SLRCO. Inc., a corporation organized and existing
� under the laws of the State of t�finnesota, whose
� ' address Ss Soo,Line D�ilding, Fifth and [.arquette,
' Minneapolis, Minnesota Si490; the GRnNTEE
� � ��. W I T N E S S E T H: � � ,
� Pursuant�to� Order No: ��< "/ entered February
���, 1985, 6y the Court in said Case No. 77-D-8999, in
� consideration of the sum of Ten and no/100 Dollars ($10_00)
, and other good and valuable consideration to GRANTOR in hand
, paid by the GRANTE�, the receipt and sufficiency whereof is
' hereby acknowledqed by the GRANTOR, the GRe�NTOR hereby �
. CONVEYS AN� QUIT CLAIMS unt0 GRANTEE, its successors and
' , assigns, free from all liens, security interests and encumbrances,
except as provided in said Order, without any covenants or �
warranties of title whatsoever, and without to the
GRANTOR, all of the GRANTOR's right, title and interest,
legal and equitable, whatsbever, in and to the real Property, �
estates, roadbed, right-of station grounds, railroad
yards, lines o£ raiYr�ad, fixtures and all appurtenances
�� � thereto, including those easements granted hereundcr, all as '
described in Schedale A attached hereto and by reference .
, mada a part hereof, situated in Che Counties oE �4ashinqton
�,� and Ramsey in the Statc of Afinnesota. .
,..�...., .�.
' ' , 11I'.Tlili:� "IOi 'I04 CN.11' .
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� G4 tJh:S'I' h'A5HlSGUIN SI'ItGCI'
RAMSEV COUNTY �'' � cutc,�cu, 'iLi.[aors.GUau?
� MINNESOTA a0 ' OEED TAX DUE HEREON: 52.2D (r�: ,Y-7644-15) '
OEED TAX AMOUNT ' � , , ' ��
' . ' 0;;: ; ..;. : t q;t;ed';;�h�i :�.:x; • y✓��
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Together with, and ir.cl::.z:�? without Iic:itntion
for lack of specifie enumeration, a_I of the ,RnhTOa's interest,
if pny, which the GaANTOR may hac�e ia and to the °ollowing: �
;(1) As to Property Conveye3 to GR:,�TEE. but not
includin�Prope[ty E::ce?tcc (zs the sa:ne are
' described in Schedule n1=
�7. -
(a) Adjoining streets, al'_eys, roads and highways,
, . whethar heretofore cr hereafter vacated;
(b) Reversions, remain�azs and futare estates,
riyhts and intorescs; znd
(c) Rights in coal, oii s.9,nas and minerals, of
whatsoeveX kind or caeure now known to exist, ,
or hereafter disco:•ered, in or on the said
� ' ProperYy Conveyed io L-rantee. -
(2) As to Property Conve}•e� to GRF:NTEE and in cluding
� Easements Granted to GR'�:�EE,(as the sane are
described in Schedule AY:
' All structures, ?ir.t�sres end improve:r.ents
� located thereon, ir.c.acing, witho�t limitation,
. all trackage, indastrial sidings, buildings,
bridges, trestles, c�lverts, viaducts, riyht- �
� , of-way fences, sicnal ar.d communication �
facilities, electr:ca? facilities and equipment,
�. and all apPurtena.^.v^c-s of and to the £oregoing,
' �� � of whatsoever kin:.' a:3 description, irrespective
� ' of how classifie3 or a:fixed.
� ' All of the�Yi9hts and obli-aations createc hereunder
sha1L lnure to, and be enforceable �y, the respective grantees
and succeasors and assigns of the G3?,IdTOR and GRANT£E. �
ZN WITNESS l9HERE0F,� Lh:s ::strument is er;ecuted by
the GRANTOR, RICHARD S. OGILVIE, r.ot as an individual but
solely in his Capacity as Trustee o� the Property of the
Debtor�i anB by the GRANTEE the dap ar.d year first above
written. � �� •
cR.;�:�a: �
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RiCY �� e. OGIIAIE, not as an
, '; , . ,,;;�.-, individval but solely as
��, � . "'"'�',;, Trusiee of the Property of the
, ,' ' � ��', �' r1KL` Pi+CIFIC RAILROAD COAIPANY,
.• �� , , ' � pebtor
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��^��^ ' � On this !G;r day of !�....,, :985, 6efore � �"
",I �"';'��'�"�"��' N � me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in for sai3 County `:
' ' ^ and State aforesaid, personally appeared RICHARD 5. oGILVIE, �
'���' �'��"v`.%��%��'�^`�� not as sn individual but solely as Trustee of the Property "�
.� � COMPANY, Debtor, to me known to be the identical person
�. b ' ' named in� and who executed, the foregoing Quit Claim Deed,
. ' � dated fe'��, o,;�y /�I , 1985, and ocknowledged that he executed
' the same as his volantary act and deed as Trustee as aforesaid, �,,;
' ' Nursuant to the authority qranted to flim as Trustee in said "'
� "'" Order No. � � 9
�„� �: �� '; IN i9ITNESS WHEREOF, T have set my hand and official , �u: .
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Notary Public, Cook County, Rlinois ,'�`
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,� ;,:; My Commission expires July 23, 1988. „�
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'� ��� � ���i� Grantor's FEIN is 36-6000639 ?,:�
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,1 ` � . . �,� ' � 3 .
�, j � � Margaret C. Baxter �' � ��;
Ieham, Lincoln' & Beale �?,f
ii y'' Three First tuatianal plaza ; ,G
� , , �;; Chicago, Illinois 60602 � � ��� „
. ., �� . � . ; , .
: .,, � Tax statements for real pronertv described herein shall bc sent to: ;,:� `
. SLRCO inc.' �� � �
� � 80o Line fluil6in� � � � ��'�
'` ;�,'' [•'ifth and Marqvette' � � ':� '
n ' � • Minneapolis, MN 55440�' � �� . � ,s�'�,
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' � � FfP[f,P1,E OF PftOPtRTS' �
BCTMF.FP: !:E'+:I'ORi. .'il�t�E:�(1'IA d ST. id('L, :11\!:E507'A ,
,Y�LI:ATION SF.CTI045 M[hNESOTd d, 2R 6 1.B �
➢etween 17evpnr[ and SC. Paul, M1nne=ota fn che Cocnctes of Neshingtun
end Hamsey,'more particularly described ae folle�•s:
Conmsndng ot the south 11ue of che K 7/2 of [he S:i Iid of Sec[Son 76,
Townshlp . North, Rnnge 21 Nest of [he 4Ch P.`I., also known as
MSlepoaC 402.38� at approxlmately Hailroad Englr.eez's Survcy Statlon
No. 434*6Y. and exteading Sn a northvesterly directlon a dlsCance of
approxima[ely 15.20 miles Sn end through [he Couctics of l:asl,iny[on and
Ramsey nnd terr�lnutlnR ac the Runsey/Hennepin f.ou:.:y i.L:e on [he uost
lfne ol tLe ::B 1/4 0( Sec[Son 3: .�'�.n+L1p :� L . n.�r.F�' '1 Rr-.t of
[hc 4ph P.M., nitu knoun us !1t]epnst 4!:.:5. nn��..:dit:nnall�� W:own as
Rn1)roaA FnglnmC'e Survc) Stxtfon No. 7?G�ll J, a 1 0( whtch 1s nore
pazCicularly described on statlon maps designated t'.^.^.t.14R/S-I: 1, S-L-2
(Kevport)q V.NN.2/S-L-1 [hrough S-L-P, incluslce, (Se. Paul), and S-I: ]0
Chrough S-L-16, incluslve, (St. Paul), all of e•hich are included hereln
and cade a part hereof by zeference.
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Also. Grantoz's so-called Ford Line in S[. Paul, Ninnesota described as
CommeneSng at Che point of sw1[dh in the centerline of ehe wost
southerly maSn Crack of tY�e Chlcago, Afilvaukee, Sc. Paul end Pacific
Rallroad Company approximately 460 feet soutFcescerly cf as measured
along said centerllne from [he north line ot the 6E 1/4 of Section 12,
Townshlp 28 6or[h, Renge 23 Uest of the 4Ch P.:!., also known as Railroad
F.ngineer's Survey SCUtion No. 0+26.2, and excenJing in a southvesCe�ly
dlrectlon a dts[ance of approximately 5.12 n11es in and CLrough Che
CounCy of Ramsey and terminacing ac a point appror.3r.acely 125 feec
southeasCerly of as measured a]ong said centerline fror che nurch line
of che SE ]/4 of Secclon 17. Tovr6ldp 28 North, F.onge 23 4'exi of the
4th P.M., alsn knovn ae Rallroad engineer's Sun•e�: Scation �n. 54+40,
ell of w�Lich 19 morc parciculssrly de�;crihed nn scaciun rr,�pe deslF.na�ud
C.:II:.28/F-1 CLrough F-6� inclusive, (St. Paul), all o( vhich are
included hereln anJ made a part hereof by reference. �
HXCECTING. NOFEVER, all thal part of the Crantor's real ptoperty Sn the
NWkSI:y SecCiun 36� Tovnsfifp 28 t:orth, Range 22 Fesc in the Tovn of
�evport, I:ashington County, HlnnesoCa, lyir.g aouchvesterly of e line
parallel to and dleCent 50 feee souchvescerly of as measured
perpendlcalur to [he centerllne of the Cran�cr's rain crack. StiBJECT,
POl:k1'ER, to the folloving eusement: GRA:JTOR hrreby gcants to GRANTF.0 an
eusemenC of sutflclent videh reqiiired for the roncinued use, repair,
nuintenance, operation, xeconstrur.tion and replacecenc of che Crnck,
slgnal and communication pole ]!ne and Caci11t1es and appurtenances
che[e[o presently located tfiereon which are utiiized o[ Leid For use !n
[he conduct of the Rallroed; upon cessaticn of use for the perSod of
tvelve (12) cOPSeCutive monNis, or prior remo�al or relocaeion chereof,
[h1s easemen[ shall be extingulahed vi[hout fartF.ec action of the
paxeles, end GRANTE£, sx CHAN7'CG's expense, shall prurpcly cenove ihe
same� 'fai�ling vhSch, GRANTOR m�y give GRANTf,F. vrlt[en notice to ranove
sune� and. exceyt for occurreuces ot furra ��.�teure, 1� not remuvud
viehln one handred [vency (1?0) dnyv frur, and r�ite: �he de[e ot
C{LIKTEC's receip[ o( euid no[lce, euch CrnrA m:6 nigne] und
communicaCion pole line shxll be deennd abandored anJ.ehall �er.ome [he
pTOperq� of the GRANTOP. in place. Polloving :.cch abandonnenC, rennva]
'or rclucutlon� upon ++riCten uotice by LF1':FOR co cR;.:7iEE, CRAl1Ti:F. aqreea
to exe<uce auch duc�iment or docurrnta as may Fe furnished by GRAttTUR co
renove the (uceEning easrncnt as un exceptfc.n [. fRAfiTON's tit7e nnd to
dellver such document or documenCx Co CRART�R ac. or prfar'to. Che
explra[1on nf Cha ufoTesulA ane hundred tuency C1:�1 Aay perlod.
� "����� ' . ' .
, ScUeJu7c "A" _ Pnge I�Pt 3 ..
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t:XCF.I'TINC, ull c6uC par[ �nf chc Grantor's real pruperty Sn I.ot 5,
'Section 4; che SySW�t end the SN�iSFS, Secclon 3; Sectfon lb, and [he
512':hWk Sectlon 11. Tovnrhlp 28 North, Rangc 22 Reet, ftnmsey Cmmty,
Mlnnesota, all lying southvestezly of the follnwing descriGed'lines:
8eginning nC a polnt nn the north line of the SN�:SW'� of said Section 3
d1s[enc JO feeC w•es[ of [be nertheaec torner [6ercof, thence
sou[heas[erly IG00 fce[ on a llne [owaCds tl�e sou[heast corncr oC tl�e
SC�LSFk of sald Sectlon 3, thence southeasCerly to a point on the e,sC
]ine of said Secclon 10 dispanc 690 feet nortfi of the eoutheast cerner
of the 1:F1c oC said Section t0, tt�ence conCinufng on the last descrfbed
course to a point'200 feet soutfivesterly of,as measured pe=pendicular to
the center.ine of the Grxntor's rain cxack, thence southensterly
pa[ullul tn snld r.�t�in [CUCk centcrllne to tL< souq� lJnc of [he 5114SM'';
oF sald Sectlon 11.
EXf.F.PTING, all that pert of che NW'¢SWk Section il, Tovnshfp 28 North�
Range 22 11est, Remsey County, Hlnnesota lying sou[hvesterly of a line
, parallel Co and dlstant 200 feet southvetiteriy of ae veasured
perpendicular co the centerlSne of the Grantor'e main track and lying
noreheasterly of the �orth line and a snutheesterly pro�ection af [M1e
north line of that pzopeTty in saSd fiW%SW�L of said Seccion 11 conveyed
to PorC Authority of the City of S[. Paul by a qui[c1a1m deed daCed ]une
l3� 1963 recorded on June 20, 19fi3 1n IIook I850 of Ransey County Records
' et page 582. �
'� � , . , ...'� ,.� ,. ALSO
E%CEPTIFC, all tha[ part�of the Grantor'e zeal pzoper[y in l.ots 3, 4 5
and 6, Block 38 0£ Rice 8 Irvine's Additlon to ihe City of St. Pnul,
Ramsey County, llinnesota aceording tn the recorded plat therenf lying
eo�thwesterly of x I1ne parallel to and disct�n[ 1� Feve e.outhvesterly nf
, ae measured perpendlculnr to the centcrline of the CraPtor'e nosC
�sou[hvesterly side,tzack as now es[ablished.
E%CEPTIKG, all tfiat pert of [6e Cranior's real property in Lots 1 �
through S, Block 69 of I;vine's Enlargenent to the City of St. Paul,
kunsey Caunty, NSnnesota eocording Co the recorded plat thercof lying
� southvcaterly of a 11ne paralle] to and diatant 10 feet southwesterly of
, es meaeured perpendl4ular to the cen[erline of the Crantor's mos[
uuuthwesterly side track e6 nov estab]lshed.
, � � ' ALSO - �
� F.XCF.PTIKG. all that pxrt che frnntor'x real property in Lota 1
� Chrough 8, Block 1 of the Rearrangement of Oppenhein's Addition Co [he
CSCy of SCS Paul� Rnmsey County, Jlinnesuta, acrording to the recorded
p1eC tlie[eof ly'fng sou[haesterly oF a line parallel to and distxnt IO
� feeC souUmesterly of ae mensured perpendlcular to Che centerlinu of the
Crxntor'n moeC xouChwesterly side track ae nov establlshed.
EXCLP7'7FC, oll [hqC pnrt oC the Crantor'�: i'�ul property Sn I.ots 1
thtough 4 and 1n l.ot�. !t chrough I5, Rlork 3, Coulevard AdAltlon tn'tLa
C1[y of S[. Pxul. Rameey Cvuu[y. M1nr.uaoca according to the recorJed
piat thercof lyfng enst of e lSne V+irn71a1 to nnd dia[unt 130 fee[ enst
� of the wesC 11ne nf anid Rlock 3 anJ lyin6 u�'FC of n ltnc pareliel [o
nnd distant 20 feet wea[ of [he�ease line of nald l.oc I5.
Schedule "A" — Page'2 of,1 � "
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i.:<CENTING, ull thac part of [he Grarcor's rea_ property in Lots 25, 26
ar.d 'G7� 81ock 31, Thomau Ualy's ACditlon to [he C:cy of Sc. I'aul, Ramsey
Ccunty, Mlrtnreo[a lytrtg trorthves[erly nt a ].ne peral7e] [o .�nJ Jistartt
25 tee[ nurthvestefty cf es neasured perpendlr.ular to the cen[erline of
the �rantor'x naln treck.
'F.XCEPTII:G, xll Chat'purt of the GrunCOr's real pzoperty Sn Secclan I1,
TovnsLlp 2A Forth, Range 23 l�est io the C.Sty of S[. Paul, Ramsey Countp,
; l:Snnesota, lying south of the south line of che alley in Hlock 1, Beck
and Hreckenrldge'e Addition to the City of SL Paul and lying
southeasterly of a llne pazallel [o anL Listanc ?5 fce[ southens[erly of
es men�ured peTprndiculxr to tLc center:inc cf the fr:�ntor's su callcd
�Fcrd Line main eraek.
' , , .:.,",:,, . � ALSO
E%Cf.PYtNG, ell thaC�par[ of the Crantor's real propezty in Sectian ll,
Totmshlp�2B Noith. Aaege 23 We�t In the Ciq' of St. Paul, Ramsey Coanty�
N.inneaota. lying soutA of [he south line of Audebon Screet end lying
northweaterly of a lioe parallel to and discnnt 25 feet norehwesterly of
as meesuxed petpendicular to the cenCed ine af the Grantor's mafn [rack.
� . . � . • ALSO �
E%CEPTING, all �thet part of [he franeor's real property in the NW�,NW!t
Section 41, Tovnshlp 28 North. Range 23 l:est Sn the Cicy af St. Paul,
Ransey County, Plinneso[a� lying souchwesterly oF the southw�eet 11ne of
Return f.ourt and lyfng south of a line paralle] to and dlatant 25 feeC
south of es meaeured perpendicule[ Co the centerline of [he Crantor's
tzflck extending from the east line xovurds che aest Iine of said NW![Mdi.
. A150
LXCEPTINC. all ChaC part of the Grantnc's rea] �r�r�rcy in [he (APub11JS,;
Secclnn ?1 , Tovnship ^ .8 Korth, Range 'l3 6'esc in chc CSty of Se. 7'aul,
Remsey Councy; Minnesota� lyiclE snuthwesrerly of [he souchwes[ line of
� Return Court end lying north of e line parallel [o and distenC 25 feet
po[th of as measu[ed perpendiculnr to [he centerllne of che Crantor'e
� t[ack er.[ending from the eas[ line towards [he vesc line ef eaid NW�t;M'!G.
�f . , . . .' . .
, • mn2,20 8 148 ,
' ' • . � Schedule "A" — Page 3�of 3
IL � �,-°'� ,
� Exhibi � Page� of �'"a9e$
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Taxea and Judgmente, not reported.
Witness the signature of an authorized officer of the said
Company this lst day of July, 1996 at 7 o'clock a.m.
For: Thomas & Paiement
Order No.: A96-21868
?ED PLRNNING DIU. TEL�9-228-3314
Repty to Vacation Inquiry
Flle # 1886-18
Jan 08'97 15�46 No.005 P.01
a � Pa�s 1
�n A. Oni F�cm: Mike Kramer ��
� �� �� n�a��
llth Floor CSry Hall A�e�[
We bave nu objecdons to t�s vacation . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �
We tn�st reqln our easetqents witt�3n the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation,
vacaUon �bject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0
For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑
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Date l � 'ST -
Fiom: Mike Rraemer
Date: 2/13/97 12:28pm
Subject: Vacation of Gilbert Avenue - Got a questi
I'm not sure of the specific layout the petitioner is requesting
for the use of this property, but whenever a request is made to
vacate a portion of a street and a stub street remains, we like
to see some sort of manuvering turn around for vehicles. This is
public works call if a turn around is required and if so, its
radius. If public works doesn't require one, we wouldn't require
it either. Our comment on this is only an advisory one, and not
a requirement.
Call me with any other questions.
Mike 6-6583
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Interdepartmental Memorandum
Saint Paul Water Utility
�'r�' � 1 ���e�
TO: Juan A. Ortiz
Real Estate Technician
FROM: William L. Tschida
Unit Supervisor
DATE: December 30, 1996
SUBJECT: Finance Department File Number 1996-18 Vacate Gilbert Avenue
The Water Utility has a six-inch water main, a fire hydrant and several water services in that part
of Gilbert Avenue right-of-way proposed for vacation. To provide for continued access to our
facilities, the Utility requires that an easement be retained over the entire portion of Gilbert
Avenue from the east line of the west 22 feet of Lot 24 extended northeasterly to the west line of
Lot 28 extended northeasterly, a11 in Block l, Merriam Park 4th Addition.
Restrictions within the area are as follows:
No buildings, structures or trees are permitted within the easement area, or any
temporary structure, material storage, fixture or other objects that may prohibit
normal access to water facilities for maintenance purposes without written
permission from the Water Utility.
2. No change from the existing grade or change in surfacing within the easement
area is permitted without written permission from the Water Urility.
Should it be necessary that the petitioner's works or improvements be removed or
damaged as a result of Water Utility operations, a11 removal, replacement or
modification costs to restore the petitioner's works shall be borne solely by the
4. That the petitioner, its successors and assigns shall fully indemnify, defend and
save harmless the Boazd of Water Commissioners, its officers, agents, employees
and servants from all suits, actions or claims which shail arise from any injuries or
damages received or sustained by any break in any service pipe, water main, or
connection in said reserved easement, arising out of or resulting from any action
or negligence of the petitioner, its employees, agents or business invitees.
Any questions may be referred to Jerry Strauss of our staff at 266-6268.
cc: Tom Eggum
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12/20/1996 15:49 20 ST PAUL POLICE DEPT PAGE 01
s of PaQa
Reply to Vacatlon Inquiry
�11e # 1996-18
Pmm: Lt.
We have � objecdons to this vacation ....
We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation,
vacation subject to tl� following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑
For the following reasons, we catuiot approve this v�ation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • �
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Repiy to Vacation Irtquiry
Fite # 1996-18
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soo x. Cartwa saoec
We have no objecdons to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
We must rerain our �seme�►ts within the right-of-way. We wiil approve rhis vacation,
vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • - - . . _ . . . X�
Por the foilowing reasons, we cannot approve this vazxtion : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑
U S WEST Communications preser►tly maintains a cab/e in or near the portion
of the Public Way to be vacated. This cab/e facility serves a customer at
475 C/eve/and Avenoe. Cables may be rerouted providing the petitioner assumes,
prior to p/anning, design and consfruction, al! costs involved wrth obtaining
easements a»d permits as wel/ as al/ materia/ and Ja6or rnsts inarned by
U S WEST Communications /nc, its agents or assiges.
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DEC-20-96 FRI 8�27 RICE
Reply to Vacation Inquiry
File # 1996-18
rn�,r x
FeX x
FRX N0, 612229�309
/ of Pagcs 1
hian A. Orti From: Bernie Gille
City of SL Ya N.S.P. - Electric Di
Real Estate Divisio 825 Rice Street
P, 01
� �'Z.3�1
We have no objecuons to this vacarion • • • • • • • • � � �
We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, �
vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
For the following teasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • [ ]
R j`= � To�.ne.��,�a.teJ ��°��P�-rca�l �s�s.����T�c.se
, 2 � ��� Q
DEC-20-96 FRI 8:28 RICE FAX N0, 6122292309 P,02
Gilber[ Avenae Erom the east line of the west 22 feet of Lot 24 extended northeasterly, to
the west line of Lot 40 extended northeasterly, all in Block 1, Merriam Park 4th Addition
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Reply to Vacation Inquiry ��
Fi[e # 1996-18
2nooe �
FAX N0. 6122295585
ctiy of st.
Real EShate Di�
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N.S.P. - Gas Distribc
825 Rice Street
Saint Paul, MN 55117
Phrne 9
Fax N
P. O1
�1`F�Z� i
We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation,
vacarion snbject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Por the foltawing reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3" sfu2 �(�o �s �, � wr o�. Cx�d}xi,1 /�
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NEERING F[NANCE FAX N0. 6122295585
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N of Pages 1
Reply to Vacation Inquiry
File # 1996-18
Juan A.
City Of $t.
� ��� ��
From: Jack DebOSe
MCT Metro
2250 Lakeside Boulevazd
Richardson T'X 75082
Farz N
We have no abjections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [�
We must retain our easements witrrin the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation,
vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
For the following reasons, we cannot appmve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
. ,� >: � .� �,
;k ir� �
If of Pages 1
Reply to Vacation Inquiry
File # 1996-18
To: Juan A.
co. City of St.
Rea] Estate Di�
P9noe 11 266
Fax � 26G
From: llavid U
Distriet Energy St. Paul,
District Cooling St. Paul,
76 West Kellogg Bouievard
F2x1! 221-
We have no objecrions w this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �
We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation,
vacadon subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑
ror ine foi:o�viiig reasans, we caiun�z approve tnis vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0
rVi�b � V 9��b
4 �a�- �sr5r� DtvisioN
DECEMBER 23, 1996
Department oF F'inance and Management Services
Real Estate Division
I40 City Hall Phone: (612) 266-8850
Saint Paul, MN SS102 Fax: (6I2) 266-8&SS
Norm Colemnn, Mayor
December 13, 1996
Charles Plouff
Continental Cablevision
214 Fast Fourth Street
Saint Paul, MN 55101
Dear Mr. Plouff:
��.u� 4 � t�Y�
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The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the
� l...P
�Z- z.�-��
� This inqufry pertaivs to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending
on the petitioner's reasbn for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated
right-of-way, some or all of the ntilitp easements may be retained.
The purpose of this vacation is
Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended
future use of this pmposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments befor
����� � il so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter.
For your convenience, you will find a reply form, wiih fas uansmittal memo, on the reverse side
of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file
number when repIying. "
If you haue any questions regarding this matter, please call Juan A. Ortiz at 266-8850.
��� _--_�
Juan A. Ortiz
Real Estate Technician
� a
Reply to Vacation lnquiry
File # 1996-18
To: 7uan A.
co. Ciry of St
Real Estate Di
� # u�
Fax u 26f
# of Pages 1
FICttn: C113CLC5 P1011ff
Cotuinernal Cablevisic
214 East Fourth Strcet
ca;rn Paut, MN 5510]
Fax #
We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L]
We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation,
vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
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� Gilbert Avenue from the east line of the west 22 feet of Lot 24 extended northeasterly, to ��Z��
the west line of Lot 40 extended northeasterly, all in Block 1, Merriam Park.4th Addition
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1996 —18
Council Date: March 5, 1997 q�t -a39
F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: Green Sheet Number: 39516
� ecnsxr�ecroe 4 �r�wxcu.
Persoa snd Phoae Nm�ber.
1 °r`°n`ax 5 `a�
7uan Oitiz or Peter White 266-8850 � y.•�.��.
g ocmc.+�,�..rsn 6 R6A1.8STA]SDIt'ISIONROOMICOl9
be on Com�7 b .
pprove resolution - Petition to vacate Gilbert Avenue as described /�le 1996-18
euwmvcco.oas�ox �_ scur ,� fbe person/fum ever worked m�der a contrad for this deparlmeM? YFS NO
cvw-�vracoamvs�un . Hea tltis pe[SONGrn� ever IK.wn a City employee? Y&S NO
cm co�murrss . Dces tLis persodfirm possess a sk�l not norniellY P��� bY �Y
' aR YES snswers on a se te sheet and attach.
TIATING PROBI,EM, ISSOF., OPPORTI713ITY (Whq Whet, When, Where, Why!):
' is an uuimproved street wluch is not maintained by the City anymore - the petitioner
ould like to use this area to improve parking concerns.
e vacation will miprove the petitioner's parking concerns.
isanvnNracES�arrxovEn: Cau�iCi+ R�search Cenfer FEg 1 g 199
one. C�� � 1 i997 Y�IR'i q�'�
e petitioner will lose much needed parking space.
sre souxcE: acrrvrrY �msIIZ: pp1-01300-2833
Transaction amount is an adm;n;c� fee for the vacation.
Interdepartmental Memorandum
� . e��� ��,�
`. `�, , �
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To: All Council Members
From: Peter White j
Right of Way Engineer
140 City Hall
Date: February 6, 1997
I recommend a public hearing before the City Council be held on
The purpose of this vacation is to vacate Gilbert Avenue from E. Line of the W. 22' of
I,ot 24 extended NE'ly to the W. Line of Lot 40 extended NE']y, Blk 1, Merriam Pk 4th Addn..
This property is ]ocated in City Council District �, Planning District �x `
The subject petition is in proper form and has been signed by the requisite number of property
cc: Fran Swanson
(Gilbert Ave)
Department of Fivance and Management Services
Rea1 Estate Division
140 City HaZI
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Phone: (612) 266-8850
Fax: (6I2) 266-8855
Norm Coleman, Mayor
December 13, 1996
�; '
��1-�S 9
�� ��.z��� � ��„� � �� ��� €�
.� 1 �,n, ce��e�3artmen�l v��
Dear :
The Cily Gerk has referred to this office foF reeommendation the
for the vacation of;G'��lbert�A�enue from fh�e°EASt lwe oP�'thE�Ve
�e�f����b����,�st,�Iwg�of�`T:oi,��O�exteiicl��'ortl�ea all��c�I���1��1� This
inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's
reason for requestiug this vacatiov aud the iute�ded use for the vacated right-of-way, some
or all of the utility easements may be retaiued.
The purpose of this vacation is to �I�s�e�ao�o auet�'lan�cT�f�a�v�ng�o�
Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended
fuwre use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments befor
bece lii�s���1996� so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter.
For your convenience, you will find a repiy form, with fax transmittal memo, on the reverse side
of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, piease refer to the above listed file
number when replying.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, piease call Juan A. Ortiz at 266-885Q.
Juan A. Ortiz
Real Estate Technician
R of Pagcs I
To: Juan A. OTti From:
Reply to Vacation Inquiry
File # 1996-18 �°�
e� ►
Faz A
We have no objecdons m this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Q
We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation,
vacation subject to the foliowing conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑
For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
Signed Date
,!�.r� � � 15��
REAtEST�,TEDNfSION MidAmericaBankBuildingStite120
6949 Valley Creek Road
Woodbury, M3nnesota 55125
Telephone (612) 735-9262 • Fax (612) 735-9062
(61 � 735-926Y
January 3, 1997
Mr. David Ortiz
Department of Finance and
Management Services
40 City Hall
Saint Paul, MN 55102
RE: L& H Properties Vacation Petition
Our File No. 1177-000
Dear Mr. Ortiz:
This letter confirms the conversation we had last week regazding the progress of the
L& H Properties Vacation Petition (hereafter "Petition") which was executed on October 21,
1 R96 and filed on November 1, 1496. In our conversation you advised that the Petition would be
scheduled for hearing within the next thirty (30) days and that to this point you had not
encountered any resistance to the Petition from any govemmental agency or anyone else. I
would appreciate a phone call as soon as a hearing date for the Petition is firmly established. I
understand that the hearing is expected to be held in the immediate future.
Thank you for your continued assistance regarding this matter. Please direct any fiuther
questions or communications regarding this matter to me at 735-9262 or to Lonny Thomas at
Very truly yours,
�`� �� -
Gregory M. Erickson
Law Clerk
cc: Don Harvey
Ron Leonazd
Lonny D. Thomas, Esq.
Also Licensed to Practice in Wisconsin
q� _�
�o�+en o. n�oxu�s, Esq.
(Bt z� �as-eea�
October 31, 1996
City Clerk for the City of St. Paul
Ramsey County Courthouse
15 West Kellog Boulevard
Room #170
St. Paul, MN 55102
RE: L&H Properties Vacation Petition
Our File No. 1177-000
Dear City Clerk:
MidAmerica Bank Bui]dirtg, Suite 120
6949 Vailey Creek Road
Woodbury, Minnesota 55125
Telephoce (612) 735-9262 • Fax (b12) 735-9062
�fOV 11996
Enclosed for filing please find petifioner L&H Properties' request for vacation of certain
city streets abutting its property, a Certified Ownership Report legally describing the lands in
question, and a plat map containing a visual description of said lands. In addition, enclosed also
is a check for $100 Yo cover the vacation petition filing fee.
Thank you for your assistance. Please contact the undersigned with any questions or
Don Harvey
Ron Leonard
David Drach
Also Licensed to Practice in Wisconsin
xo,m coteman. Nrayo.
TO: Juan Ortiz
Real Estate Section
140 City Hall
FROM: Linda Dickhut(�
Public Works Department
800 City Hall Annex
�: �
January 13, 1997
Fi(e No_ 18-1996
Stacy M. Becker, Director
Vacation of part of Gilbert Avenue, west of
Cleveland, adjacent to 2100 Gilbert Avenue
The Department of Public Works has completed a review of the above referenced
proposal. Gilbert Avenue is a 40 foot wide right-of-way which we do not maintain. ln
1967 the adjacent property owner at 473 N. Cleveland received approval to grade
and pave a 1 Q foot wide strip within the north portion of Gilbert, from Cleveland Ave.
for a length of approximately 650 to 700 feet west of Cleveland. See attached
CF#234605 and grade and pave plan. This plan also shows an encroachment
extending 27.5' out into the Gilbert Avenue right-of-way. The attached CF#48176,
dated 9-18-23 is the council approval fior this encroachment.
Saint Paul Public Works has an existing public catch basin, constructed in 1967, north
of Lot 31 that drains to an existing MnDot catch basin on the Cretin/Vandalia ramp.
The catch basin's 12" concrete lead runs within an existing 15' public sewer easement
in Lot 31. See attached sewer record sheets.
This proposal leaves a land locked portion of right-of-way west ofi the proposed
vacation. This is acceptable because the area is necessary for the City to retain for a
bridge construction project ne� year and also to prevent future slope excavation
Therefore, the Department of Public Works has no objections to the vacation proposal,
subject to the foflowing:
1. That the existing catch basin and lead shall become the ownership and
responsibility of the petitioner, and that the existing 15' public sewer easement in
ResponsiveServices • QualityFacilities • EmployeePride
Department of Fn�ance and Management Services
Real Estate Division
140 Ciry Hall Phone: {6l2) 266-8850
Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (612) 266-8855
Nornz Colemmt, Mayor
December 13, 1996
Linda Dickhut
Department of Public Works
800 City Hall Annex
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Si;ti;ect� ��� _s. „ ',. _ _. . ._: } , ..; . _ .: ,FLiance Aepartment`k7�,e�No...1996 3 g, . .��,�����
Dear Ms Dickhut:
�:� � The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the
. for the v�aca�t9o�n of Gilberf' Av ne ue from fhe`Easf hrie�of the �'e
-- Nbrtheas�eilv�to tiie�FVest luie`of Lof:40 eiiteude'd NorEheas�
Paik�`i�.�ddi�ion; This iuquiry pertaiiu to the vacation of City right-of-way mily. Depending
t. �? on the petitio��er's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated
°�_' right-of-way, some or ail of the utility easements may be retained.
, �.,.-
_� The purpose of this vacation is to _,Use,Br;inainfain:lau"�l`for-p�rkuig pnrposes`.
:F � WiU you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended
- future use of this proposed vacatioa I would like to receive your comments before;; `
����.... ���,.�.-.._M-=
- T)ec�in so I can prepare a report to the City Council on th,is matter.
For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fax transmittal memo, on the reverse side
of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file
number when replying.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please calt Juan A. Ortiz at 266-8850.
Juan A. Orriz
Real Estate Technician
wide strip on ihc norlh siAc
[ Avcnue. and shall conslruct
NL sa�d stonn watet seu'er
be�rt A�^enue at �sion nnd
�mPh'SnS 4nio a ca�ch bastn destgnated
Ko. 17A on State Projcct 6282-G2 (T.H.
s47, subject to the fo]IOwlnB tetms and
a. Said perm�LLCC sha11 pa�c sald
ihc CSIy of Samt rauf sn:m c�a��.�•_��
Ihe necess, ry ele�ations nnA proflles
Wr said strce�.
a Snid permltiee shall PnY the cost
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cntlon o[ lhls orAmnncc.
d, Snld permiuce shnll properly
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nlonrr of Pubt�c \Vo�lca on or bc(orc
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frun� nnY untl idl duumRex. chd�
lunnex. ludY.m�•nln. n�dln ar enpem
inlnlnR oul ot ur aa��nxlo»ed by t
( �ct(urnumrc u! Ihc wu�lc eunlC���Vinl
�y Ihln �cuulxel�rn un�i uUlho�ity.
R. tiu�A Pcnnilloc ehtdl uot Ntue�
tu puvc xtdd It�n fuul wldc n1�IP ��n '.
uutlh nl�ic oi GIILvrt Avrnnr. um1
eauxtnicl und Inxlull nidd nturw wn
i.ewc[ !�'om (illbi�il Avcmw. uni
�he sum of Ten Thousand Dollars
($10,0000�), con�lll/oned to comply
wlth all the tertns of this ortlmance
and to inACmntty and save harmtess
snW Gty from a11 »acli�nrYCS�andueX-
ments, suiis, costs, B
pcnses ihat may nccrue [o persons or
proPerty occasloned by the making of
ihe said imProvement nr nrising out of
the same.
1. Snid permitlee, before enterin8
upon oi doing . ny o[ Ihe paving hero-
in Permltled �ntl author@ed, shall
procurC fram the a6uttln6 owners
such easements In anA to the nbutting
property as may be necessary for
slopes, cuts and Si➢s, and sha➢ obtain
n writlen rclease Irom svch owners
relcastng and dischar6�ng the City
from any n» A all damnCes by reason
of thc pavfng of saftl sectlon of GII-
br�� clenses�wrth t e t
� j� Snid �crmlticc sfinll nt Its e%-
pcnsc obtn�n nnd dccA lo thc CLLy of
g;,p�� Pnul; ���cessary cusemenls tor
Ihe snld sWrm wnte� sewer nl n locn-
Uun tu be Aes16����teA bY the Depnrt-
ment of Pub�ic tVOrl<n.
k. Sn1A Dennitlee bhnll pnY Lilo thc
City tranaury Ihe tium of onc h�u�A�eQ
Iwenty-acvun dolluru nnd ❑ttY eenta
lgl'225J1. wldel� nwn rePresenls tho
eu>tn fur ovenlrinh lhe ntnle fncllilles.
1. Snld Pennlllcc nhnll mtdnUdn
Gllfictl Avenuc al 44H Rult eu�:l nt\(l
ezPeimc un�ll auch tbnc Ux I6c nlunn
wnlrr ��•w,�•r fa cunnccled up In tlw
5ildc fncll111ov uu4 hnx 6ccn uPProvc<I
fuul ntreVlrcl bY tlw ❑cPnrbncnl ot
PuU11c Wurlcn.
�». tiuld Pennittcc nhnll. wllhin tcn
(Iln tlnYx �fllcrn11wrlticn���'�ePtmieu
Ihe�euf wlih thu CItY Clerk.
_ ti1:C'flON 3
'i'hnt Ordhuincc Nu. l:iaan. Councll
Fdc No. 2:Cff11A. nppYO��cd Junc 20. 1U67,
poilululuR lo Ihc �;rnnling n[ Pcrmin-
�lun ta MNArum �irwu(nctiulnH .'� ltn-
glnooih�K C�r lu P:�vc n tcn fooi wl�lc
�.I�IV ���� th�• na�lh nlJc uf (:llb�rt Avc-
nuc 7rum Ctevctund Avcu�w wexl n aUR.
lunec o[ upproslnu�tclY 700 (ecl. bc nnd
Ihc �:nmc In hcrcbY nuperFedcd Uy tblx
oi<Ilmu�ec.+�mi snid Ordln:incc No. 1:IU:tU
�s llcrcbY �'esdndcti.
54�C'C10N 4
'Yhls ord6mnce iv hereby declared lo
Le nn emerKmmY ordtnan<e mndered
neccs�ary for thc prcscrvallun o[ Ow
publfe peace. health and snfclY.
�o- und Imlll n:dd Pcr�
�r❑ cumPlird wllh Ihc
m7. InK inawnucc mn�
. i�- cuutulncd In Ihc CII
u( bcPxtlmciM1 u[ Publl
eu�lonn (ur Shret tm<
❑on. tlatc�l AP�II l. '.
iul ticeUun 5�fi.:md fou
Ihrou�h I-17 uf R;dJ
pllcnbie lo cunlr.�clo�
n( ihls ordin:�nce. ❑
�rc Ilon o[ F:dd :VCdfH
, tA4 FLa17 h� rcad ns
��.�� }rrrmiilcc" �vc�c ei
��i worcl 'bonlracloY" ��'
��� pppenrs In Ihe afore
10 8:dd $ICIIUn 14I VL
���� for Stttei snd Sewe
, ihc Clly of Salnt P
� carporaied hercin
._�p fully and ns cmnulct
hercln ��crUatlm. Pr�
�vflM ihe VTOVisions
Sectlon 194 shnll b<
' ��'� SCC'i'ION 5
`' TUis ordlnance shall tnke e[fect nnd
�' be 1n (orcc trom . nd alter ils pnssage,
�.tions �{�I>rov, 1 and Publlr�tlon.
�n 1n
v In- p��sed by t0e Counc❑ Angust 24.
to vie
In ihe
e City
V �h� Sald permittee shall fvrnish a
bonA lo lhe Ctty ot Salnt Paul 1n
]'eas—COUncilmen Carlson. Dedesco,
Flolland. Mered��h. Pcicrson,
D7r. President (BYrne)-7.
Appro�'ed August 29, 1967.
City Gerk.
(Aagust 26, 1967)
Lot 31 shall be released.
2. That, due to the existing encroachments, the portion of Gilbert Avenue, between
Cleveland and the proposed vacated area, should also be vacated with the necessary
access easements provided to the petitioner.
3. That the legal description of the proposed area shall be revised to read Merriam
Park 4th Addition, rather than Merriam Park Addition.
c: Bill Cutting
Pete Gallagher
Bob Hamilton
Tom Kuhfeld
Tracy Moe
Gilbert Avenue from the east line of the west 22 feet of Lot 24 extended northeasterly, to
the west line of Lot 40 extended northeasterly, all in Slock 1, A7erriam Park 4th Addition
,_ -- .w , �. . �� . r ; . . -
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T:r...=.-.,ro-;: `:4':..ROAD =.
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r 32-29-23-i
�»I i ,
Area to be�
1996 -18
by insMCing satd title in SectSOn 6, in
Gratic a7, unticr thc hcadtng "Subpro-
fessianal Group".
Thls ordlnance shall take effec[ antl
be In forre on ihe first Aay o[ thc
first paymll period Sollowtng thtvty
days nftcr tts passa6e, approcal, antl
Passed by ihe Councll August 27,
Ycas—Coimcilmen C, rison, Dalgllsh,
Holland, 2.tered�th, Peterson, Tedesco.
Nfr. YresiAent (Byrne)-7.
Nays —0.
ApprovcA Au6us[ 2�, ]91i7.
Clty Clerk.
ln�s��s� z¢. isa��
C�unc11 Flte No. 251570—Ord4�mnce No.
I:IUIIJ—lly Vlctor J. 1'Cdesco—
An Ordlnnncc Incrensln6 CWthing
nnA UnVform Atfnwnnoc tur 1'�vlc
P�dirc. nnd wnondli�g ChnPfer ailll ot
thc S,d�it I'nu1 Legl9lnflvu CoAc.
'Cho Cuunrlf oi ihc Clly ot S+dnl Pnul
Uuee OrJnln:
adtling thc Solloufn6 to Section 1
tVacouta St.,�7trectmn,onc-way Sou[h,
trom Tenth St. to Nmth St.
Thls orAinanm shall no[ bc prin[etl
.s pact of the Saint Pavl Legislati�e
CoAe but Shall be inmrporatcA LherNn
by mference.
THis ordinance shall take e(fec[ and
be fn focce thirty (90� days from
and a(ter tts passage. appcovat end
p�sseA Uy the Councll August 29,
Yens—Counellmen Dnlgllsh, Ilolland,
bteretluh, Petersoq Tedesco, Dtr. Presl-
Acnt (�yrnel—LL.
ApDroveA Au6��st 2]. 17�i7.
�•non+ns n, nvarrr,
1[AR[iY E, h1ARSIL\I,L,
Cl�y Clerk.
(Au6��st •til, 19U7)
Cowmll Ftlo No. 2:Niln1—OrAlnnnrc Nn.
I:IiIUS—lly Itm�mrd '!' llulL�nd, by ro-
An ordhu�nvc Krnntlnti Vennlarlon la
$ICC'fION t Muldrum h7:uwfneturinH 1F D:nKlnc�•rin�;
Co . 473 Mo Clevr{nnA Avvmu•. ti�dnt
'Phnl Scallun 411IInU uf Ihu Sidnl I'nul I'uul. hilnnrnoln. to p:�vr n lun fuol
I.cHHln�lvc Cudo Lu nnd ❑ic mmw In wld� nlrl � on ILu nnrth nldu of Cllbr�t
hereby lunrndod Ly ptrIk61H thu IIK��rex Avun�w �ium Cicvvinnd Avonuc wcnl n
• wLcru Oio xnma tlo nVP���r nntl �Ilatnn�•u of nppro<bnacily 7n11 frcl, nnA
xulix4dWnN In 1ilncu nnd In Ilcu Ihcrcot In rnnatruvl i�i��l Inninll n n�;wr� (or
llw IIN��ren "jl�7.t10," nlunn wut�r pw'povcx hmn Cllborl
Avrnur und emVlylnti luln It uLLCh
SICCCION 2 bnvin dvrlNi�idrd Nu 17A on titntu Pro)-
7'hln orJlnnnec xhnli lnho ellect nnJ «•t IIYIIL-11! /"1'll UU.
Lc In lufcv JnnunrY 1. IU�10. An nrdlnnncv MuycncAlnH ����d �w
vvin�IlnN f)�'<Iiivu�ec No I:N1:111. Cuuu�•II
1'nvxcd Ly llw Councll Augiut '2:1. 4'll�. No 1:I:R0:1, uPVrnvrd Junc'lu, I9ii7.
inu7. , Phlr Iv nn emorY.oney orcilunni•r rcn-
Ycau—Cauncllmcn Ualgllslt. Ifolland. Jcr���1 neccx+ncY l��r ifir pttvrrvnUon u[
OlewdlU�. Polerxun.'I'edcscu. hlr. IOC.I- Ihu puryilc pe:mq hcallh. nn<I snfely.
dvnl (UYrnel—U.
NnYS—U. 'i'hc CounCll o( �LC City of Sahrt P�ml
ApVroved AuK��xt 27, I9U7. Uuca Ordnin:
'ruomns n. nYrsNe.
Na5 or.
Clly Clerk.
i�+��d��st 20, 3067)
Counctl Filc No. 23J56I—qrdlnancc No.
13W4—Dy Hernard T. Holland, by
An ordinance nmencling Ordinance
No. 135SJ, apprwed January 31, 1967,
perWlning to One-Way Streets.
Tho Councll ot the City oP Salnt Paui
Does Ordaln:
That O�dinance No. 13539, approved
January 31, 1967. Is hereby amentled by
sr•,c'rrou �
'Pl�ot Vennlsslon nnA aulViutlly nrc
hereLY qranted lu Meidunn Mmm[ac-
turinK h EnKlneerinK Co. b pavc n ten
fout wide strlp vn lhe nartl� side oC
COUcrI Avenue hvm Clweland Avenuc
west for npproslmntdy 700 feet, nntl to
construct nnd Install n sewcr for slonn
wnler pur`�oses fmm Glibcrt Avenue
nnd emPtying lnto n catch basin derlq-
nuted No. 17A on SWIe ProJect 62II2-6Z
(T.l{. 94).
That lhc Commissioner of Pub7tc
tVOrlcs Is hereb)• author/xetl to Issue n
permtt lo Mctdnsm Dianutacturtng &
Englncering Co. (or ihe P�vtng of the
len foot wlde strip on the north side
of Gtlbert Avemie from Cleveiand Avr
mre west for npproxlmatety 700 £eet
antl to conslnict and instali a stonn
waler sewer from Gllbert Avenue nntl
•1� T��1:
. 61:f—
tfi� tur-
��a (E�.-
.u�; I-�tn
tY Iw Lc"
�n nd�ll-
���1 undcr
Vn 6f1�5.
xt. Pnul
-ht '1'lu���•
u in •nm•
�n.rt>' re.
�n tn lho
y uV �ro•
�0 4c��ool
. nnJ � t�C t
111'VIO\9l1 ���
n.11. Ip:J. � ���4
Datur. ,�
i lPurR��-
�W yu�
�u. Gt27—
hc Ulu{vo
e nuU�or-
�,illtnti eta-
h Streo[.
( St. Psul
'PO�9q� nro
• T�ro nnil
,i curb ah•
iul. \llnne-
I)��C �\�OF�<9
or rnr crrti� or s1•. r:�u�., �:,_a. �oa;
iv hereLl' ����[horized [n In:�ue n Pcrmlt
t� th�� xa5.l liceneeu for itte tnstalln-
tlon n( x:ild Illling n4�Hon uP�n Itx
complinncc tcich Uie foAow'Ing mndt-
(1) 9'hc eaitl Ifcensec xhall fllc wlth
tho Cmnndvslnner nf PuL1ic R'orl:n n
plan o�' xyeclfl.�n[lon o[ xnld ntnqon.
o�hl�h aLnll L.• xuLJ.•ct tn cn„ nnn�orn�
of r�dd �'nmmlaeinnrr.
(3) TLo xxfd H71fn� xtntlmi xfinll
be I��vfrtlL•d Un�l�•r tLe pupereleinn flnd
dfrccifnn nf xaid Cnmmlvvfonrr, nnA
the nnld tlrv�naoe xhall pa)' th�� cnst n[
I��xP��Una. l( AN'.
f3) 'fhe x.Jd Ilceuxce xl�nil [�u�nish
1t LanQ tu lh.� l`I[Y �! tiL Pnul In tlio
xum o[ Ten 'Chnuaand I>oDnrn 1210,-
000.60) ennAlUnnrd lo env� Ihe City of
Rt. 1'nul hnrnJ��va froN nnY nnd �OI
IInLi11tY� Judgmenfa. xul[x. cout+.
rhnrhue nnd nxP�.nvrn U�n[ muY uccru� I
tn p� m' I��'uP�+t'tY nn nvaouPt n(
nr nrfxlnA [rnro tha ennxU'uctim�, fi�-
x1ulU�tlnn. mnln[nm�nro, onotnUon� Urr. '�.
7ronrnre or r.nnoV�Q <d xnl�l lRl1aK xtn- I
tl��n. thn xnld Lnuq t�� roinnh� hi f���'v�:
�uid alTuot ��v lunti nx xnld xtntlnn ru•
nlnlux ur oXlelx. '1'h�� xulil Lond Nhnll
Lo In •urh form nm m�Y L�� nuurur�•d
Iry (hU nlnyor. und Hhnll bo fllrJ wlth �
lh CowuU•aller oC x+tld Clty.
U) Hn1A Ilillnu M4�Ilon etuql Ln rn-
�iiovoA by eiJd Ilroueon whunav� tLu
Caanall eL�d1 xn ur�lur.
(61 7'ho xnlJ Ili•onron „Lnil P��Y ����y
Ilronxo foo nr tnx Uu�t mnY Ln roqulr.�Q
by Wq' orAlanuca nr In�v of thn Clty
o( Ht. !'��ul.
(0) Nnld Ilcnnnao Mhull withln tm�
QItYn nflo�• the PitHnupa of lhlx ni•JI-
nnnc0 tlla n wrllton n��enPlrtnco thnrm
nf wlth thn Clly Clori< In eu�•h farm nn
�aul' L� npVrovo�l LY tha Curl�orntVon
HItQ'I'IUN 8. �
7'hin ordliuiuoo nlutll lnlu. e(lrol nuJ
bo ln tnrc�� Uqrly d��y+ uftor ltn pneK•
uKa nnd PuLlli•nUOn.
PnarcA Iry U�n Cuunall BoVt. Id IU:B.
Yvnx—C��unclimm� Clnnc>'. Palon
HuJhrlmar. \L•. �'lao-14�ca1Jent (I�„rKU•
xa n 1—A.
hpproacd 8out. 1•1. 1�28.
I.. Ie. S. 7� I�.ItCiUsO\.
Acttug 1lnyor.
Altnxt: IfliNit\' OLHOti,
Ctiy Cterk,
� (s�vt. aa-��za) ,
C. P.
An o
� I.nl
In�utce No. C1E8—
.nR the uro)ect o(
entnto lct�o��'n as
Vc nnQ Lote 9 to
the N. 55 oC 11 InGUSive. nnit the rc-
nrrnnFement ot Lote
FISUnF ot t to i ind�
Rcnnangoment, all 1
Anthony 3'ark NortM1
rordln� to the pint
and o[ rc�ord in tM1
I;cy(ister o� Ueeds of
�tr, A(Innoeotn. ns n x
ftor[h it, An�hony T
]unior IIISh Bchaol.'ord.`rinR [he Ro-
q�dniti.�n o[ lhe snfna L�S Du�'cte�se
or conAemnaflnn and Proclding (undx
[h� ro(or.
Th� Cnunoll o[ th.• O[> o( SL .P.u�l
<loew ordnln:
RrCT10\ 7.
Yhr. Commtsslnnor o( F.Bncnt{nn hnv-
In,: rePnrte�l [o the Cmmc❑ [hnt lha
repi cxmlu knox�u nv Lotx i to G tn-
rlunlve nnd IAtn 9 tn the Y. �. o( ]t
Incluvlve. nnd t4e ru.u�rau�;e�nen[ oI
].n�x 7 nnd 8. ennxlxdnR of I[n 1 1�-
rh�eh�,•. Ilnnenel<'u ltanrrnn�;emen[, nll
In ❑I.�ek 'L0. SL Ant
St Paul. necnrdln�; t
nn Illo .u�d ot recor
�� I�I'I u Vux
fur xrhm
�rnd Alro
inr ni�iq
�ot��� of
nnJ Uw
It lI1•• µ
ndtlec u
/1t100 t1101'�`O[ IH lNf rIUT Ot
miwin�l (317.�00.001 Uuihvn.
untUtf��lfof luiving ca+rU«ed
Ix rt1��nuY nnU4iLio in lha
�f Ihu l;l[Y !or U��� nr��wel.
IA I�rtx. tha Cuuurll h�•ruLy
io Vr�ilnct of nvqul�dnR w�mn
pw�l�nxox. nnd 6nn�Ly nrJ��rn
i tl�nt Ihn icimu L�� urt1�11rod
��'I� bY P�irc7u�m� bY U��•
on Lun1M. runu!nlluK In lUle
n plaYUr. 1`urcln��InK AR�>»t
'umnJnnlonnr, nf I:�IucnUun.
e a¢u l�o en 9ructu•ed rtl n
prlce� �uul lu rnro� xNd Cum-
nut Pencw�o xrtlQ Innd nt rt
I� �i9�ro nn�l nhnll xu reporC lo
, thai M�d In Untl ��van[
1 Laro��Y �mil��rn �uul Alrorta
muntli�n V�'oeoo�lingx 4u In•
ml„r Ih�i Vrovlxlone ot U��+
tho CIIY tu x�.vw�o nN.l lotx,
fio cn+t nud exP�nnu o[ uc-
�ua. whnUu Ly I���rchneu or
lou. 6e nu�l tho muna le
I„i'rd h� lrn pnld out of tln�
0 Nclwnl I�ou4 I�unQ «ppro-
• Honi I:eliUe. nnQ xn inud�
u�ix rte nu�Y bo nrcrneiu•>• In
rrul��'Intotl nnd M�•t RV:u't IU�
9I•:f,"ffOY 2.
7'I��x or nlm❑ tnlcr e�'ret nnil
bo 4n fnrcn iLirty dnYx s((cr 1la Pnxa-
�KC. nppro�'nt nncl puLllcntlon.
Adou4ed bp. tkc Couacil Sopf. 11, 1t12b.
Yens—COi�nclimen Clnncy. I'etoq
Bodlic�mer, Mr.,Vicc-Prenident (I�'ergU-
non�-4. • ,.
APGroveA S��ot. 14. 1929.
: I.. Ft- 5. FERGU'�O,l*.
'ACtlng Dluyor.
AttceL HCNRT OI.50\
CSty Cierk.
(Sep4 22-1928) �
G F. No. 48t7�—Ordinancc No. G129—
Br \t'm. l. Peter—
An ordinnnce . grnnUn�; the Foss[on
Ttig. Co.. a corporniton, perndsx{on
(O COOA[fUCL Rf1t� If1:LInI81[t tltl CII-
• � n _ - �,. � ' . ' - � 1
_ _ _4 ��+%"4C:, . . . ., - ,x: � . ' • ' ..., r . _<' -_ . ' . ..
closeQ covered p7ntlonn on 6llbert
Slreet wrs( o[ \ortti Clcrelnn�� .\��e-
The Cpimeil o[ Ihe l`ItY of St. Pnul
doex otdnln:
sr•_cTrav i.
7'La[ permins7nn� nnd nuthority nre
hCrchy g�uuted lo [li� Fosxtun \llg.
Compimy, n ew�purntlnn. to ronxtru�t
nnd mmntnln n metnl covered enclosed
iond�ng pintfor�n In (711hert Streot on
the north nide o[ �ho f¢ctory hul:ding
knuwn nn i11-;76 Nnrth Clevelnnl
Avenua nnA rx�emllnq frmn Ihe Uulld-
1�6 to tha nldu trnri< of lh� Q. ?t. R fit.
i'. If}•. Cn. upproxi�nntelY 't{ [cal widn
nnd 68 (rot lon6.
F�;C'CION $,
Tho Comminrinncr of Pu411c R'oHCn
Ix hrrubY �mlhorizeJ to ln.vun i� pernd[
to Iho nnlil Ilcun�e� for nnlil Vlutfo�m,
upnn xulA Ileenn�•dn eomAlliuiea �v11h
tlw fnllu�rin�; iundlUanx:
11) ti��ld Pintf�+rin nhuli Lu rYVClod
undvr llin xui���'�'Inlon nnd dlruulon ot
HnIA CummLminnur, nnd xnld qconxou
ahuii pnY tlie euxl. of InxprrUon� If
honA lo Ih�l 71Mnnee hhnli fuYnhh rt
(SlY �t tit. Pnul In thu xunl
ot Y9vu Tbonwuul Uollnro lfu,060). <•on.
Alllntivd ln xnrr nulA rltY hnrmluxn
trmn nny und nll HnLiI1tY. J���lumentn,
cuxtn. JiunuKOx �u��l cxl�ruxe thnt tnny
u��cl'4a lu V�•fnunn or �n'uy�uPlV on nv.
cnunt nf llm en•iUnn, nmli�l�•nnneo,
uxe� Irroei�nro or ��omnrni �if xn1A Plnt.
foim. Nufd Lnnd nhnq bn ��i h��i�h fnrm
nm m�)' bc nDp�•o��rtl LS' Ibe l'nrlrorn-
Uun t ourmrt. niiult hnvo nmp xutely �ix
mnY Iru xutlxfrteU�ry tn tha \1iq'nr. iu�tl
ehWl bn t7io<! �r�th ett�• Ctty Cnmptrnt.
Iry�x�Cd� I�rusco��wl���u�r��r tLc�C���n�nrii
xhnll xo o�A�•r.
(1) tinl�l llvrux�•�� �Imll �rilidn Irn
dn)"x uttct' tLn pqwrnK�� u[ lhin nr�ll.
nnneq IIIc u�cttllen nccoPl:nu•e We�c-
�[ �.IU� th�• l9tY l'Ierk.
, tii;C'CIqY 8. �I
Thin nrJlnnnvu shn❑ lnka crtecl nnd
Lp h� force ILIrtY �Iny.v uflor lla {�nAa-
nKe nnd puLlica4on.
\�Iapted Lr Ihc CuuncllFrp[.18.19Y7.
]one—Counrllmen Clxpcy. FcrFU.on.
i'cCCr. &mlhelmcr. �Ir. Dic�lil�•uCfYC1-
\ « � �—p,
Approrcd Sept. I8. ]923.
.1ATFSUR I3. \[�,LSOY,
1pq'oL '
dHerU f(IiS1;Y OiSO�,
� City Clerk.
IReUL 22-19L3)
C. L`. \�. i9lii—Ordinnhcc \o, G130—
B)� 1Cm. J. Peler—
An urdln:mce grnnUng lhe 1[amm Ae:�l-
ty ComV�n>'. a coYD��'«Uon. permis-
alon tu construct and mufn[n(n n
�oading D7nttonn In lhe rear oC 208-
2t2 L•'xsCSeventry SVeeet.
Tho Council of the CI(y o[ SL Pni�l
�locx� orda�n;
sreT�o:r i.
Thn� permisvo,n nnd nuchority nro
hcreby grnnted In the Lamrn 72enity-
Compnny, s corporrttluq to cons(ruct
nn�l �nnln[nin n conere[o lua�ling pinp
fotm In the renr ot 2V8-212 P•_ux[ $ey-
enth S¢en[, unid plutfnnn to be E fuct
uado, b0 (�et long on �hu nor[haNy
sl�la o[ [he n11cY In.61oC1< 7. \Chitney ,
.� �m.th's AdUitton, ,
Tha Commixnin�cr o[ I'uWlc 11'or9<a
in nuthor�zed tn Ixnua n pernut lo [iio
�+idel ❑c.nnen !or xnl4 Dhil(urm, uP��n
xuld flennxru'H comPqunco ��qq� thu
follnwinK comllNonn:
... (I). 7'hnG ntJrt plutform FLRII Ub con-
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NnIQ bonA to rmunh�
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hnit furn�nli n
Pnul In t6u Hum
rx <j5.000), con-
city hnri��lorn
UtY� lutlKtnrnte.
penxn tLnt mny
11'll�ll'�(Y !1(� Ill'•
fruin tho ron-
d bu�lh(epM�CC�
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(nrm nx nmY Iru nVbi�oreil I�y Um Cot''
puniUun CuunnN n�i� xhrtll hprc nurh
�:urety nn uuir bo entlHfnclury �u U�u
\inpur, lu�A nlinll Lc IIIeiI a•IU� tho Cit>'
/d) FNiI U1nUorm nhnll Lo rcmoroA
Ly nidA Il.�i•nx<w w7n•nrvor tli� Cuunrll
ximll xn orJoe rtuA when rempevJ L�.
orAer nf the tbunc!! or rulurttnrliy iq•
the ❑cennre. rn1�i Ilcenni�r nhn❑ p:i���.
Uie o-triV o[ nllcy occu01oi1 Ly the pL�L
furm n�ith Uiv n�una nvitrrl:�l ❑n tl�o
bnl:nicc o[ the nlloY Ix pnreA �rllL nqb-
Jret Io lha nVV�'���'nl oL lhc I�ePnrt�nont
�f Pnl�ilc t\'Orlcn.
(4) v��t�i t(cenere ehnll, x'Ithin ten
dnya rt(tcr the pna.aRC uf t}��H �rJl-
napca Ole n�vrl(Ich necePb�nce Uiete-
nf x9(h.qte C{IY Clcrk,
SIiCT10\ 3.
7'hfx ordlnnnee ahnil tnlce ettect nnd
be In force thlrlY d:q�a nRer Itv Pnns-
++KC nnd pubiicatfon.
\doUted bY liie Conncll Fept. ]8. 192 �.
Sex.a—Courtellmen Clauq•, Cergnnon,
Petrr, Sudhe�mer �Ir. I'reolQent (Nci-
ROpI—$, �
dPVruceQ Sen[ 16. In2J.
AI1TIlUR li .�'IiISO\,
A[tesL HESRY' O[SO.�', �tayor.
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N of Pages 1
Reply to Vacation Inquiry
File # 1996-18
To: Juan A. (
co. City of St
Real Estate Div
Pho� fl 266-
Pax x 266-
From: Chris Calull
Department of Fire & Sa
100 East Eleventh Street
Saint Paul. MN 55101
Fae fi
We have no objections to tlus vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�]
We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation,
vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
� � ���2�
��Z3 1
Deparlment of �nance and Management Services
Real Estate Division
140 City Hall Phone: (612) 266-8850
Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 Fax: (6I2) 266-8855
Norm Coleman, Mayor
December 13, 1996
Chris Cahill
Supr. of Inspections
Deparhnent of Fire & Safety
100 East Eleventh Street '
r:.:�� ; .,
Saint Paul, MN 55101
, t , ...
Dear Mn. Cahill ::� :=.; ; , ; ='.: . �; ;.
The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the
for the vacation o � _..
`` +`E�iI��`� This inquiry pertains to the vacaHon of City right-of-way only. Depending
on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated
right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained.
The purpose of this vacarion is
Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended
future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments befor
�p ix�.,n.�.
W so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter.
For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fas transmittal memo, on the reverse side
of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file
number when replying.
If you have any questions regarding ttn's'iriattei, please call Juan A. Ortiz at 266-8850.
.,; ,
Juan A. Ortiz ,
Real Estate Technician (GilbertAve)
Reply to Vacation Inquiry
File # 1996-t8
To: JU2n
co. Cicy of
� Rcrarr
e� o �
68855 P.002
n u� ragcs i
From: :
310 L
Sau�t 7
We have no obj�tions to this v�ation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • . . . •�'
We must retain aur easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vaca6on,
vacation svbject to the following condidons: . . • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • C]
For the following reasoas, we cannot approve this vacazion : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �
/ 2 y�
DEC 19 '% 12�54PM SPPL RDMIN
Reply to Vacation Inqulry
Flle # 1996-15
To: Juazt A.
co. City of S[.
Reai Esmte I?l�
� r a.s�
Pox x 266
M of Pe4e� 1
tkwn: Carple Williams
Iabrary Admintstretia
90 West Foiuth Stieet
Sai¢8 Paul. MN 55102
Fax #
We have no objections w this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • . . . . . . . . [�]
We must rerain our easements within the dght-of-way. We will approve this vacation,
vacation subject ta the following condidons : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . []
For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
signed �
�3,,P� ��- .
io: Juan
Repiy to Vacation fnquiry � x��F,`s�
File # 1996-18
�� ;
_ F,�� ;
612 222 2770 P.01/01
kaAges 1
Fmm: Charle5 Votel
�epacsment of PUblic Flralth �
sss c� s�
We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �
'We musc re�ain our easements within the right-of-way. We wetl approve rhis vacarion,
vacation subject to the following wrniitions: . . . . . . . . - • • - -
Por the following �asons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �
G�l Z3�
Repry to Vacation Inquiry
File # 1996-18
Juan A.
M7�1� .�f7�
612 292 7405 P.03i02
1 A O[ {'sQCC t �
F[001: ROj72IL P/I'3II!
P3LZCS � RGf:It2t{071
3� c�cy Hatl a�rx
We have no objecrions to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . • • •,�
We awst retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation,
vacation subject to the following co�itions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑
For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0
� '�l o
�, Z3�
DEC-20-1996 07�44 STP PRRKS & RECRERTION 612 292 7405 P.02/02
Leparsmeni ot rioance ana lv�anageme� �ernces
Real Estate Division S1 Z,3�
140 City Hall Phone: (6I2) 266-8850
Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 Far: (612) 266-8855
Norm Co[eman, Mayor
Detember 13, 1996
RObert Pil2tn
Parks & Recreation
300 City Hall Annex
At[ention: John Wirka
DEC 17 1996
8 R�C'REA710[�
�� `9.) .�7^.y.T m +w r ,�, .. � -w; ir . rw � � -F: r�... r . n�... . P"' t� a .,^ whir<
�.�r,it �,>�`i';," h,i>.r5�:7�..��'�"'�;s." ��. o'�ht " ;6 ^ : �: ��� ���vT.1:ll� ti lc ` ��./+�.��� ,+rui'�'oa
bear Mr. Piram:
The G1ty Cierk has refersed w this office for recommendaaon the
� � T� �4�9 Perfains to the vacation of City riglrt�of-way only. DePending
on the petitioner's teason for requesting this vacation and Ehe intended use for the vacated
right-of-wap, some or all oP the utilitp easements may be retaiuedl.
The purpose of this vacation is
Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intend�
future use of this proposed vacation. I wouid Iiloe to receive yoa�r comments befor
au;, • �� �, , i��e
. so I can prepare a report to [he City Council on this matter.
For your convenience, you will fmd a reply form, with fax transmittal memo, on the reverse side
of this irotice. If yoa would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file
number when replying.
If you have any questions regazding this matter, please call Juan A. Ortiz at 266-8850.
� �
Juan A. Ortiz
Reai Estate Technician
°�1 Z..3�'1
Departmeat of Finance & Manaqement Services
Peter Warner
�th__ F� City Aall
. Juan Ortiz �.
Real Esta� 'v�sion
140 City Hall
. February 10, 1997
Vacate Gilbert Avenue as Described / File ,�1996-18
Please review the enclosed petition for the vacation of City owned
property rights. If all the information is in order, please sign
off on the resolution and return the packaqe to our office, I will
set a hearing date and notify the petitioner. Thanks.
- �� l� � f� ��°- �,�, �. � � � �-.-..
' � � � �i " , r '' " ° � . s�^' t u" 7
...\vacate.ort\199618wr.nr �� �M' 1
� Yf
����� ����
�E� 13 i997
- r � ��;
G�Z Z3�
Vacation of:
Gilbert Av from E.line of W.22ft of Lot24 extended NE'ly to tkie W.line of L.ot40 extended
NE'ly, Blk 1, Merriam Pk Add
Memo to City Clerk recommending hearing Date o ' S°�
Map In File Ownership Report O.K. Petition Signatures O_K.
Legal Description to Bill Cutting:
✓ U.S. West (Sundberg)
✓ N.S.P. (Electric)
✓ N. S. P. (Gas)
MCI Metro
✓ District Energy
✓ Continental CableVision
Other ()
City Departments
✓ Public Works (Dickhut)
✓ Water Utility (Bullert)
✓ Police (Morehead)
✓ Fire (Cahill)
✓ LIEP (Zangs)
Libraries (Williams)
Public Health (Votel)
✓ Parks & Recreation (Piram)
Attn: John Wirka
✓ PED (Mike Kramer)
12-11-96 /12-24-96
12-11-96 /12-20-96
12-11-96 /12-20-96
12-11-96 /01-2�-q�
12-11-96 /12-26-96
12-11-96 /01-03-97
12-11-96'/ �
12-11-96 /ol - t S'�i �
12-I1-96 / i z-31 �it�
12-11-96 /12-20-96
12-11-96 / 12-z3- �i��'•�)
12-11-96 /01-02-97
12-11-96 /12-19-96
12-11-96 /12-20-96
12-11-96 /12-20-96
12-11-96 /01-08-97
Neighborhood District #12,13 12-i1-96 /
Voting District #4 12-11-96 / Report copies to Petitioner
✓ Essential Replies
(proceed with resolution after receiving these)
,� .., , ..
Hearing Date set - City Clerk and Council secretary notified ��
�� .
Resolution to City Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hearing Notices prepared . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . .
Petitioner's Contact: Lonny Thomas, Atty 735-8837
v l0 %
Norm Coleman, Mayo�
Fred Owusu, City Clerk
170CityAall TeL: 61L266-8989
ISW.%elloggBOUteva,d Fax: 672-266-8689
SmntPaul,Mbenerola55102 Web:hlfp://www.s[pauGgov
TDD: 266-8509
k s a'. � e fe � eo+5t;,i
°��� � 4���
November 1, 1996
Mr. Peter White
Valuation Engineer
Real Estate Division
140 City Hall
Dear Sir:
I refer to you to check as to form and sufficiency and for recommendation, the attached
petition of L& H Properties for the vacation of that portion of Gilbert Avenue from the
East Line of the West 22' of Lot 24 eatended Northeasterly to the West line of Lot 40
e�tended northeasterly, a11 in Block 1, Merriam Park 4th Addition, according to the plat
thereof on file and of record in the office of the Saint Paul City Clerk.
Very truly yours,
�✓/�G?.�2 c�0 � Ctnoo✓t
Frances Swanson
Deputy City Clerk
�� Z��
I(�-c :;,c ,;cctE��cd, cc-s:i:o:i-� z-z;p-�� c: :.`.c ac. (cr ::.__: lc�� :;• Ecsie z:cd :cp:cq= :z:i.�c< CI 1SC e�v::t::e :�O�CL�cs� d0
..c.-cty x:i;im �.^_ C,^,::::J o: :.`.e Ci1� oi Szi:a ?�cl ;o .��:c i's i:,..:cs'S ia :.`,c :-:�'.- ;c�z'.?y Gcsc;Scd u fc:ic�:.st
That portion of Gilbert Avenue £rom the East line o£ the West 22
feet of Lot 24 extended Northeasterly, to the West line of Lot 40
extended Northeasterly, all in Block l, Merriam Park 4th Addition
I(we) request this vacation for the £ollowing reason(s). The small
section of Gilbert Avenue that Petitioner requests to be vacated is
a paved lot which is exclusively maintained by Petitioner L& H
Properties (e.g., plowing, cleaning, repairs, etc.). This section
of Gilbert AVenue is not a through street with any means of passage
and there£ore is of little or no use to the City. This "roadway"
is now and always has been used as a private parking lot €or Petitioner
L& H Pr.operties and Petitioner has no plans to alter the current use
of the property. Since Petitioner L& H Properties is already incurring
thg costs o.f mai a"public, roadwa " which is of no use to the`
I(F�c ,*,z.�c znzbcd s:x cep;cs cf :bc <:;c p:�:sY>f zny Enc;c�-.c,-,t �c:cnGcd `c; cS:s:: �r.;e ; m:.`.c ;z;.fs :0 5e •.zalcd.
City, Petitioner respectfully requests that the City vacate its interest
Contact Person in this small section Person(s) responsible for pz}7nent of
of Gilbert Avenue. F•acation iee and ior accepfance of the
ferms and conditions of the �acation:
�z-�: Lonnv D. Thomas, Esq.
_� __. 735-8837
; aa:rss: 6949 Va11ey Creek Road
Suite 120, MidAmerica Bank
Woo ury, N'.N
��_,_. L & H Properties
�so,�: 645-5897
� Gilbert Avenue
Bldg. St. Paul, MN 55104
.4`.c^s:c Coo:zct Pcto�
David Drach, Esq.
?;o,r 347-8000
=.ce-t._� 105 South Fi£th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55402
G� Z.,3�
Signatures of Owner(s)/Representati�e(s) of Property(ies) Below:
' /'�� . �
L & H Properties
i er
au ,
CP Rail System
105 South Fi£th Street
Zdinnea �G �T 55402
I+ am ihe pecitioner or one of che petitionas in che above matter, and I Go Lereby swear and
vcrify that cach o e si ure n th" peution ras si ' my presena by ihc pcxson dcscribed in [he pe�ition.
Subscnbed and swom to before me this ��+ .
day of � �^ �'� lyy �
�s. sA.,n,{� �
� ��4�� LOh�'Y � �a ,._.
(calt> <f-10>vg)
,e.= � , . ���u,��„-_ �
a�ifi:F'.:� � s.
� ��'�';P"-'-��O�3N�t�hr,�_ ;'.�,._ ;>
� . 11i ,�_ �
":' •,.�i�;551Cr::,n:�;� ' < .
�N e;��'
Jv ; p �, �;
%� ' ,
�� Z3�
Owners abutting Gilbert Avenue, from the East line of the
West 22 feet of Lot 24 extended Northeasterly, to the
West line of Lot 40 extended Northeasterly,
all in Block 1, Merriam Park 4th Addition.
unto the City of St. Paul, in re: Application for the vacation
of the landa described above.
That the following is a true and complete listing of the real
estate along the line of said section of public street and that
the name or names of the apparent record owner or owners in
respect to each parcel of land is as follows:
MME, Inc., a Minnesota Warranty Deed
corporation Dated November 3, 1981
1. to Recorded July 1, 1982
Donald L. Harvey, as to an #2149633
undivided fifty percent (50%) The Westerly 27 feet of Lot 24
interest as tenant in common, and Lots 25, 26, 27, 28 and
and Ronald C. Leonard, as to 29, Block 1, Merriam Park 4th
an undivided fifty percent Addition to Saint Paul.
(50%) intereat ae tenant in AND
common Lot 31, Block 1, Merriam Park
Fourth Addition, City of
St. Paul except that part
which lies southwesterly of
the following described line:
Beginning at a point on the southeasterly line of said Lot 31,
dietant 130 feet southwesterly of the northeast corner thereof;
thence run northwesterly to a point on the northwesterly line of
said Lot 31, distant 100 feet southwesterly of the most northerly
corner thereof and there terminating, and together with that part
of said Lot 31 which lies southwesterly of Line 1 described below
and northeasterly of Line 2 described below:
Line 1. Beginning at a point on the southeasterly line of said
Lot 31, dietant 130 feet southwesterly of the northeast corner
thereof; thence run riorthwest to a point on the northwesterly
line of said Lot 31, distant 100 feet southwesterly of the most
northerly corner thereof and there terminating;
Line 2. Beginning at a point on the southeasterlp line of said
Lot 31, distant 130 feet southwesterly of the northeast corner
thereof; thence�run northwesterly to a point on the northwesterly
line of said Lot 31, distant 110 feet southwesterly of the most
northerly corner thereof and there terminating.
Free from all incumbrances EXCEPT that certain mortgage running
in favor of First National Bank of Minneapolis in the original
amount of $500,000.00.
�1 Z3�
MME, Inc., a Minnesota Warranty Deed
oorporation Dated November 3, 1981
2. to Recorded July 1, 1982
Donald L. Harvey, as to an #723849
undivided fifty percent (50%) That part of Lot 30, Block l,
interest as tenant in common, lying Northeasterly of a line
and Ronald C. Leonard, as to drawn from the most Southerly
an undivided fifty percent corner of said Lot 30 through
(50%) interest as tenant in a point on the Northwesterly
common line of said Lot 30 distant
130 feet Southwesterly from
the most Northerly corner of
said Lot 30;
Those parts of Lots 32 to 40 inclusive, Block l, and that part of
adjoining Cretin Avenue, formerly Montgomery St., vacated, all
lying Northeasterly of a line drawn from a point on the
Southeasterly line of said Lot 32 distant 110 feet Southweaterly
from the most Easterly corner of said Lot 32 through a point on
the Northweaterly line of said Lot 40 distant 40 feet
Southweaterly from the most Northerly corner of said Lot 40;
all in "Merriam Park, Fourth Addition City of Saint Paul".
(And other property, see record)
Free from all incumbrances, EXCEPT that certain mortgage running
in favor of Firat National Bank of Minneapolis in the original
amount of $500,000.00.
Elias F. Drake and Caroline M. Warranty Deed
Drake, his wife, Girart Hewitt Dated April 24, 1879
and Allie Hewitt, his wife Recorded May 18, 1879
to Book 89 of Deeds, page 170
The Chicago, Milwaukee & A strip of land 100 feet in
St. Paul Railroad Company width extending in a NW'ly and
SE'ly direction across the S.
1/2 of NE1/4, Sec. 32, T. 29,
R. 23, described as follows:
All that part of S. 1/2 of NE1/4, Sec. 32, T. and R. aforesaid,
which lies within a distance of 50 feet on either side of centre
line of proposed railroad of the Chicago, Milwaukee and
Saint Paul Railroad Company, to be constructed from near Chestnut
Street in Saint Paul, through S. 1/2 of NE1/4 of Sec. 32, to
Minneapolis as said centre 'lin,e has been surveyed and is marked,
fixed and located by stakes and monuments on the ground by said
company, equal to 6 427/1000 acres more or less.
� �
�� .�. ��
Richard B. Ogilvie, the duly
appointed, confirmed,
qualified and acting Trustee
of the Property of the
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul
and Pacific Railroad Company,
Debtor, acting not as an
individual but aolely as said
Truetee under the authority of
the Court in certain
proceedings for the
Reorganization of a Railroad
under amended Section 77 of
the Federal Bankruptcy Act in
the United States District
Court for the Northern
Diatrict of Illinois, Eastern
Diviaion ("Court") entitled
'�In the Matter of Chicago,
Milwaukee, St. Paul and
Pacific Railroad Company,
Debtor," Case No. 77-B-8999
SLRCO, Ino., a Minnesota
Quit Claim Deed
Dated February
Recorded March
(See Exhibit A
19, 1985
14, 1986
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�' Qt�IT CLASM DEED made this 1�_ day of ,,_��_,__�,__,.
1985, between: ' � ' ,
RICHARD B.�OGILVIE, the duly appointed, confirmed,
� qualified and actinq 2rustee of the property of
RAILROhD COMPANY, Debtor, acting not as an individual
. but solely as said Trustee under the authority of
the Court in certain proceedings for the Reo'rhanization
- of a Railroad under amended Section 77 of thc
Fu�e:al DanY.ruptc/ :.ct in the L'nitea States :�istrict
Court For the Northcrn Uistrict of Illinois,
Lastern Division ("COUrt") entitled "In the Alatter
� of Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad
Company, bebtor," Case No. �7-6i8999; the GRANTOR
G. I
s� I I
vi I
' � SLRCO. Inc., a corporation organized and existing
� under the laws of the State of t�finnesota, whose
� ' address Ss Soo,Line D�ilding, Fifth and [.arquette,
' Minneapolis, Minnesota Si490; the GRnNTEE
� � ��. W I T N E S S E T H: � � ,
� Pursuant�to� Order No: ��< "/ entered February
���, 1985, 6y the Court in said Case No. 77-D-8999, in
� consideration of the sum of Ten and no/100 Dollars ($10_00)
, and other good and valuable consideration to GRANTOR in hand
, paid by the GRANTE�, the receipt and sufficiency whereof is
' hereby acknowledqed by the GRANTOR, the GRe�NTOR hereby �
. CONVEYS AN� QUIT CLAIMS unt0 GRANTEE, its successors and
' , assigns, free from all liens, security interests and encumbrances,
except as provided in said Order, without any covenants or �
warranties of title whatsoever, and without to the
GRANTOR, all of the GRANTOR's right, title and interest,
legal and equitable, whatsbever, in and to the real Property, �
estates, roadbed, right-of station grounds, railroad
yards, lines o£ raiYr�ad, fixtures and all appurtenances
�� � thereto, including those easements granted hereundcr, all as '
described in Schedale A attached hereto and by reference .
, mada a part hereof, situated in Che Counties oE �4ashinqton
�,� and Ramsey in the Statc of Afinnesota. .
,..�...., .�.
' ' , 11I'.Tlili:� "IOi 'I04 CN.11' .
� � � � 03452 'ricuu nri.r: irvsuun�ce co.
� G4 tJh:S'I' h'A5HlSGUIN SI'ItGCI'
RAMSEV COUNTY �'' � cutc,�cu, 'iLi.[aors.GUau?
� MINNESOTA a0 ' OEED TAX DUE HEREON: 52.2D (r�: ,Y-7644-15) '
OEED TAX AMOUNT ' � , , ' ��
' . ' 0;;: ; ..;. : t q;t;ed';;�h�i :�.:x; • y✓��
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Together with, and ir.cl::.z:�? without Iic:itntion
for lack of specifie enumeration, a_I of the ,RnhTOa's interest,
if pny, which the GaANTOR may hac�e ia and to the °ollowing: �
;(1) As to Property Conveye3 to GR:,�TEE. but not
includin�Prope[ty E::ce?tcc (zs the sa:ne are
' described in Schedule n1=
�7. -
(a) Adjoining streets, al'_eys, roads and highways,
, . whethar heretofore cr hereafter vacated;
(b) Reversions, remain�azs and futare estates,
riyhts and intorescs; znd
(c) Rights in coal, oii s.9,nas and minerals, of
whatsoeveX kind or caeure now known to exist, ,
or hereafter disco:•ered, in or on the said
� ' ProperYy Conveyed io L-rantee. -
(2) As to Property Conve}•e� to GRF:NTEE and in cluding
� Easements Granted to GR'�:�EE,(as the sane are
described in Schedule AY:
' All structures, ?ir.t�sres end improve:r.ents
� located thereon, ir.c.acing, witho�t limitation,
. all trackage, indastrial sidings, buildings,
bridges, trestles, c�lverts, viaducts, riyht- �
� , of-way fences, sicnal ar.d communication �
facilities, electr:ca? facilities and equipment,
�. and all apPurtena.^.v^c-s of and to the £oregoing,
' �� � of whatsoever kin:.' a:3 description, irrespective
� ' of how classifie3 or a:fixed.
� ' All of the�Yi9hts and obli-aations createc hereunder
sha1L lnure to, and be enforceable �y, the respective grantees
and succeasors and assigns of the G3?,IdTOR and GRANT£E. �
ZN WITNESS l9HERE0F,� Lh:s ::strument is er;ecuted by
the GRANTOR, RICHARD S. OGILVIE, r.ot as an individual but
solely in his Capacity as Trustee o� the Property of the
Debtor�i anB by the GRANTEE the dap ar.d year first above
written. � �� •
cR.;�:�a: �
:, i
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RiCY �� e. OGIIAIE, not as an
, '; , . ,,;;�.-, individval but solely as
��, � . "'"'�',;, Trusiee of the Property of the
, ,' ' � ��', �' r1KL` Pi+CIFIC RAILROAD COAIPANY,
.• �� , , ' � pebtor
, . _ , .. ',� ` _ ' . •
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` Exhibi� � � � .
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� :•.":'�:::�`;.•." STATE OF ILLINOIS � ) � . � " ' "�
' h;5{9,,y� C7 ' ' , . . . ' )'. � ' ' . . . xi
,�r?;', � COUNTY OF COOK ) � z„
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��^��^ ' � On this !G;r day of !�....,, :985, 6efore � �"
",I �"';'��'�"�"��' N � me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in for sai3 County `:
' ' ^ and State aforesaid, personally appeared RICHARD 5. oGILVIE, �
'���' �'��"v`.%��%��'�^`�� not as sn individual but solely as Trustee of the Property "�
.� � COMPANY, Debtor, to me known to be the identical person
�. b ' ' named in� and who executed, the foregoing Quit Claim Deed,
. ' � dated fe'��, o,;�y /�I , 1985, and ocknowledged that he executed
' the same as his volantary act and deed as Trustee as aforesaid, �,,;
' ' Nursuant to the authority qranted to flim as Trustee in said "'
� "'" Order No. � � 9
�„� �: �� '; IN i9ITNESS WHEREOF, T have set my hand and official , �u: .
. � � � aeal. � �
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� � �` i
' y�" , s .
Notary Public, Cook County, Rlinois ,'�`
'���;��� ' ��
,� ;,:; My Commission expires July 23, 1988. „�
�.ial� ', . •., � •:r
� H
'� ��� � ���i� Grantor's FEIN is 36-6000639 ?,:�
. . .w'. +! i :� , ' , ' . . �..�j
. � ' y ,' �; .��'� „'; . � . ��
a ,r��
� ° ��.::�✓ t ' This instrument was prepared by: � ;�,,� ��\ �
n ,
,1 ` � . . �,� ' � 3 .
�, j � � Margaret C. Baxter �' � ��;
Ieham, Lincoln' & Beale �?,f
ii y'' Three First tuatianal plaza ; ,G
� , , �;; Chicago, Illinois 60602 � � ��� „
. ., �� . � . ; , .
: .,, � Tax statements for real pronertv described herein shall bc sent to: ;,:� `
. SLRCO inc.' �� � �
� � 80o Line fluil6in� � � � ��'�
'` ;�,'' [•'ifth and Marqvette' � � ':� '
n ' � • Minneapolis, MN 55440�' � �� . � ,s�'�,
e. 't � , ' '. �':
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' � � FfP[f,P1,E OF PftOPtRTS' �
BCTMF.FP: !:E'+:I'ORi. .'il�t�E:�(1'IA d ST. id('L, :11\!:E507'A ,
,Y�LI:ATION SF.CTI045 M[hNESOTd d, 2R 6 1.B �
➢etween 17evpnr[ and SC. Paul, M1nne=ota fn che Cocnctes of Neshingtun
end Hamsey,'more particularly described ae folle�•s:
Conmsndng ot the south 11ue of che K 7/2 of [he S:i Iid of Sec[Son 76,
Townshlp . North, Rnnge 21 Nest of [he 4Ch P.`I., also known as
MSlepoaC 402.38� at approxlmately Hailroad Englr.eez's Survcy Statlon
No. 434*6Y. and exteading Sn a northvesterly directlon a dlsCance of
approxima[ely 15.20 miles Sn end through [he Couctics of l:asl,iny[on and
Ramsey nnd terr�lnutlnR ac the Runsey/Hennepin f.ou:.:y i.L:e on [he uost
lfne ol tLe ::B 1/4 0( Sec[Son 3: .�'�.n+L1p :� L . n.�r.F�' '1 Rr-.t of
[hc 4ph P.M., nitu knoun us !1t]epnst 4!:.:5. nn��..:dit:nnall�� W:own as
Rn1)roaA FnglnmC'e Survc) Stxtfon No. 7?G�ll J, a 1 0( whtch 1s nore
pazCicularly described on statlon maps designated t'.^.^.t.14R/S-I: 1, S-L-2
(Kevport)q V.NN.2/S-L-1 [hrough S-L-P, incluslce, (Se. Paul), and S-I: ]0
Chrough S-L-16, incluslve, (St. Paul), all of e•hich are included hereln
and cade a part hereof by zeference.
' �
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Also. Grantoz's so-called Ford Line in S[. Paul, Ninnesota described as
CommeneSng at Che point of sw1[dh in the centerline of ehe wost
southerly maSn Crack of tY�e Chlcago, Afilvaukee, Sc. Paul end Pacific
Rallroad Company approximately 460 feet soutFcescerly cf as measured
along said centerllne from [he north line ot the 6E 1/4 of Section 12,
Townshlp 28 6or[h, Renge 23 Uest of the 4Ch P.:!., also known as Railroad
F.ngineer's Survey SCUtion No. 0+26.2, and excenJing in a southvesCe�ly
dlrectlon a dts[ance of approximately 5.12 n11es in and CLrough Che
CounCy of Ramsey and terminacing ac a point appror.3r.acely 125 feec
southeasCerly of as measured a]ong said centerline fror che nurch line
of che SE ]/4 of Secclon 17. Tovr6ldp 28 North, F.onge 23 4'exi of the
4th P.M., alsn knovn ae Rallroad engineer's Sun•e�: Scation �n. 54+40,
ell of w�Lich 19 morc parciculssrly de�;crihed nn scaciun rr,�pe deslF.na�ud
C.:II:.28/F-1 CLrough F-6� inclusive, (St. Paul), all o( vhich are
included hereln anJ made a part hereof by reference. �
HXCECTING. NOFEVER, all thal part of the Crantor's real ptoperty Sn the
NWkSI:y SecCiun 36� Tovnsfifp 28 t:orth, Range 22 Fesc in the Tovn of
�evport, I:ashington County, HlnnesoCa, lyir.g aouchvesterly of e line
parallel to and dleCent 50 feee souchvescerly of as measured
perpendlcalur to [he centerllne of the Cran�cr's rain crack. StiBJECT,
POl:k1'ER, to the folloving eusement: GRA:JTOR hrreby gcants to GRANTF.0 an
eusemenC of sutflclent videh reqiiired for the roncinued use, repair,
nuintenance, operation, xeconstrur.tion and replacecenc of che Crnck,
slgnal and communication pole ]!ne and Caci11t1es and appurtenances
che[e[o presently located tfiereon which are utiiized o[ Leid For use !n
[he conduct of the Rallroed; upon cessaticn of use for the perSod of
tvelve (12) cOPSeCutive monNis, or prior remo�al or relocaeion chereof,
[h1s easemen[ shall be extingulahed vi[hout fartF.ec action of the
paxeles, end GRANTE£, sx CHAN7'CG's expense, shall prurpcly cenove ihe
same� 'fai�ling vhSch, GRANTOR m�y give GRANTf,F. vrlt[en notice to ranove
sune� and. exceyt for occurreuces ot furra ��.�teure, 1� not remuvud
viehln one handred [vency (1?0) dnyv frur, and r�ite: �he de[e ot
C{LIKTEC's receip[ o( euid no[lce, euch CrnrA m:6 nigne] und
communicaCion pole line shxll be deennd abandored anJ.ehall �er.ome [he
pTOperq� of the GRANTOP. in place. Polloving :.cch abandonnenC, rennva]
'or rclucutlon� upon ++riCten uotice by LF1':FOR co cR;.:7iEE, CRAl1Ti:F. aqreea
to exe<uce auch duc�iment or docurrnta as may Fe furnished by GRAttTUR co
renove the (uceEning easrncnt as un exceptfc.n [. fRAfiTON's tit7e nnd to
dellver such document or documenCx Co CRART�R ac. or prfar'to. Che
explra[1on nf Cha ufoTesulA ane hundred tuency C1:�1 Aay perlod.
� "����� ' . ' .
, ScUeJu7c "A" _ Pnge I�Pt 3 ..
� ���� ., .�..w�.�.. � � � �xhibi� Page� ��.. .�a9es ... .
.�...�...,,�,�M,..,,W �,.,�.�.�u..�.,�„
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t:XCF.I'TINC, ull c6uC par[ �nf chc Grantor's real pruperty Sn I.ot 5,
'Section 4; che SySW�t end the SN�iSFS, Secclon 3; Sectfon lb, and [he
512':hWk Sectlon 11. Tovnrhlp 28 North, Rangc 22 Reet, ftnmsey Cmmty,
Mlnnesota, all lying southvestezly of the follnwing descriGed'lines:
8eginning nC a polnt nn the north line of the SN�:SW'� of said Section 3
d1s[enc JO feeC w•es[ of [be nertheaec torner [6ercof, thence
sou[heas[erly IG00 fce[ on a llne [owaCds tl�e sou[heast corncr oC tl�e
SC�LSFk of sald Sectlon 3, thence southeasCerly to a point on the e,sC
]ine of said Secclon 10 dispanc 690 feet nortfi of the eoutheast cerner
of the 1:F1c oC said Section t0, tt�ence conCinufng on the last descrfbed
course to a point'200 feet soutfivesterly of,as measured pe=pendicular to
the center.ine of the Grxntor's rain cxack, thence southensterly
pa[ullul tn snld r.�t�in [CUCk centcrllne to tL< souq� lJnc of [he 5114SM'';
oF sald Sectlon 11.
EXf.F.PTING, all that pert of che NW'¢SWk Section il, Tovnshfp 28 North�
Range 22 11est, Remsey County, Hlnnesota lying sou[hvesterly of a line
, parallel Co and dlstant 200 feet southvetiteriy of ae veasured
perpendicular co the centerlSne of the Grantor'e main track and lying
noreheasterly of the �orth line and a snutheesterly pro�ection af [M1e
north line of that pzopeTty in saSd fiW%SW�L of said Seccion 11 conveyed
to PorC Authority of the City of S[. Paul by a qui[c1a1m deed daCed ]une
l3� 1963 recorded on June 20, 19fi3 1n IIook I850 of Ransey County Records
' et page 582. �
'� � , . , ...'� ,.� ,. ALSO
E%CEPTIFC, all tha[ part�of the Grantor'e zeal pzoper[y in l.ots 3, 4 5
and 6, Block 38 0£ Rice 8 Irvine's Additlon to ihe City of St. Pnul,
Ramsey County, llinnesota aceording tn the recorded plat therenf lying
eo�thwesterly of x I1ne parallel to and disct�n[ 1� Feve e.outhvesterly nf
, ae measured perpendlculnr to the centcrline of the CraPtor'e nosC
�sou[hvesterly side,tzack as now es[ablished.
E%CEPTIKG, all tfiat pert of [6e Cranior's real property in Lots 1 �
through S, Block 69 of I;vine's Enlargenent to the City of St. Paul,
kunsey Caunty, NSnnesota eocording Co the recorded plat thercof lying
� southvcaterly of a 11ne paralle] to and diatant 10 feet southwesterly of
, es meaeured perpendl4ular to the cen[erline of the Crantor's mos[
uuuthwesterly side track e6 nov estab]lshed.
, � � ' ALSO - �
� F.XCF.PTIKG. all that pxrt che frnntor'x real property in Lota 1
� Chrough 8, Block 1 of the Rearrangement of Oppenhein's Addition Co [he
CSCy of SCS Paul� Rnmsey County, Jlinnesuta, acrording to the recorded
p1eC tlie[eof ly'fng sou[haesterly oF a line parallel to and distxnt IO
� feeC souUmesterly of ae mensured perpendlcular to Che centerlinu of the
Crxntor'n moeC xouChwesterly side track ae nov establlshed.
EXCLP7'7FC, oll [hqC pnrt oC the Crantor'�: i'�ul property Sn I.ots 1
thtough 4 and 1n l.ot�. !t chrough I5, Rlork 3, Coulevard AdAltlon tn'tLa
C1[y of S[. Pxul. Rameey Cvuu[y. M1nr.uaoca according to the recorJed
piat thercof lyfng enst of e lSne V+irn71a1 to nnd dia[unt 130 fee[ enst
� of the wesC 11ne nf anid Rlock 3 anJ lyin6 u�'FC of n ltnc pareliel [o
nnd distant 20 feet wea[ of [he�ease line of nald l.oc I5.
Schedule "A" — Page'2 of,1 � "
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i.:<CENTING, ull thac part of [he Grarcor's rea_ property in Lots 25, 26
ar.d 'G7� 81ock 31, Thomau Ualy's ACditlon to [he C:cy of Sc. I'aul, Ramsey
Ccunty, Mlrtnreo[a lytrtg trorthves[erly nt a ].ne peral7e] [o .�nJ Jistartt
25 tee[ nurthvestefty cf es neasured perpendlr.ular to the cen[erline of
the �rantor'x naln treck.
'F.XCEPTII:G, xll Chat'purt of the GrunCOr's real pzoperty Sn Secclan I1,
TovnsLlp 2A Forth, Range 23 l�est io the C.Sty of S[. Paul, Ramsey Countp,
; l:Snnesota, lying south of the south line of che alley in Hlock 1, Beck
and Hreckenrldge'e Addition to the City of SL Paul and lying
southeasterly of a llne pazallel [o anL Listanc ?5 fce[ southens[erly of
es men�ured peTprndiculxr to tLc center:inc cf the fr:�ntor's su callcd
�Fcrd Line main eraek.
' , , .:.,",:,, . � ALSO
E%Cf.PYtNG, ell thaC�par[ of the Crantor's real propezty in Sectian ll,
Totmshlp�2B Noith. Aaege 23 We�t In the Ciq' of St. Paul, Ramsey Coanty�
N.inneaota. lying soutA of [he south line of Audebon Screet end lying
northweaterly of a lioe parallel to and discnnt 25 feet norehwesterly of
as meesuxed petpendicular to the cenCed ine af the Grantor's mafn [rack.
� . . � . • ALSO �
E%CEPTING, all �thet part of [he franeor's real property in the NW�,NW!t
Section 41, Tovnshlp 28 North. Range 23 l:est Sn the Cicy af St. Paul,
Ransey County, Plinneso[a� lying souchwesterly oF the southw�eet 11ne of
Return f.ourt and lyfng south of a line paralle] to and dlatant 25 feeC
south of es meaeured perpendicule[ Co the centerline of [he Crantor's
tzflck extending from the east line xovurds che aest Iine of said NW![Mdi.
. A150
LXCEPTINC. all ChaC part of the Grantnc's rea] �r�r�rcy in [he (APub11JS,;
Secclnn ?1 , Tovnship ^ .8 Korth, Range 'l3 6'esc in chc CSty of Se. 7'aul,
Remsey Councy; Minnesota� lyiclE snuthwesrerly of [he souchwes[ line of
� Return Court end lying north of e line parallel [o and distenC 25 feet
po[th of as measu[ed perpendiculnr to [he centerllne of che Crantor'e
� t[ack er.[ending from the eas[ line towards [he vesc line ef eaid NW�t;M'!G.
�f . , . . .' . .
, • mn2,20 8 148 ,
' ' • . � Schedule "A" — Page 3�of 3
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Taxea and Judgmente, not reported.
Witness the signature of an authorized officer of the said
Company this lst day of July, 1996 at 7 o'clock a.m.
For: Thomas & Paiement
Order No.: A96-21868
?ED PLRNNING DIU. TEL�9-228-3314
Repty to Vacation Inquiry
Flle # 1886-18
Jan 08'97 15�46 No.005 P.01
a � Pa�s 1
�n A. Oni F�cm: Mike Kramer ��
� �� �� n�a��
llth Floor CSry Hall A�e�[
We bave nu objecdons to t�s vacation . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �
We tn�st reqln our easetqents witt�3n the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation,
vacaUon �bject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0
For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑
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Date l � 'ST -
Fiom: Mike Rraemer
Date: 2/13/97 12:28pm
Subject: Vacation of Gilbert Avenue - Got a questi
I'm not sure of the specific layout the petitioner is requesting
for the use of this property, but whenever a request is made to
vacate a portion of a street and a stub street remains, we like
to see some sort of manuvering turn around for vehicles. This is
public works call if a turn around is required and if so, its
radius. If public works doesn't require one, we wouldn't require
it either. Our comment on this is only an advisory one, and not
a requirement.
Call me with any other questions.
Mike 6-6583
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Interdepartmental Memorandum
Saint Paul Water Utility
�'r�' � 1 ���e�
TO: Juan A. Ortiz
Real Estate Technician
FROM: William L. Tschida
Unit Supervisor
DATE: December 30, 1996
SUBJECT: Finance Department File Number 1996-18 Vacate Gilbert Avenue
The Water Utility has a six-inch water main, a fire hydrant and several water services in that part
of Gilbert Avenue right-of-way proposed for vacation. To provide for continued access to our
facilities, the Utility requires that an easement be retained over the entire portion of Gilbert
Avenue from the east line of the west 22 feet of Lot 24 extended northeasterly to the west line of
Lot 28 extended northeasterly, a11 in Block l, Merriam Park 4th Addition.
Restrictions within the area are as follows:
No buildings, structures or trees are permitted within the easement area, or any
temporary structure, material storage, fixture or other objects that may prohibit
normal access to water facilities for maintenance purposes without written
permission from the Water Utility.
2. No change from the existing grade or change in surfacing within the easement
area is permitted without written permission from the Water Urility.
Should it be necessary that the petitioner's works or improvements be removed or
damaged as a result of Water Utility operations, a11 removal, replacement or
modification costs to restore the petitioner's works shall be borne solely by the
4. That the petitioner, its successors and assigns shall fully indemnify, defend and
save harmless the Boazd of Water Commissioners, its officers, agents, employees
and servants from all suits, actions or claims which shail arise from any injuries or
damages received or sustained by any break in any service pipe, water main, or
connection in said reserved easement, arising out of or resulting from any action
or negligence of the petitioner, its employees, agents or business invitees.
Any questions may be referred to Jerry Strauss of our staff at 266-6268.
cc: Tom Eggum
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12/20/1996 15:49 20 ST PAUL POLICE DEPT PAGE 01
s of PaQa
Reply to Vacatlon Inquiry
�11e # 1996-18
Pmm: Lt.
We have � objecdons to this vacation ....
We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation,
vacation subject to tl� following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑
For the following reasons, we catuiot approve this v�ation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • �
IZ •� '��
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Repiy to Vacation Irtquiry
Fite # 1996-18
r« h,an.
Co- C�ry of
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soo x. Cartwa saoec
We have no objecdons to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
We must rerain our �seme�►ts within the right-of-way. We wiil approve rhis vacation,
vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • - - . . _ . . . X�
Por the foilowing reasons, we cannot approve this vazxtion : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑
U S WEST Communications preser►tly maintains a cab/e in or near the portion
of the Public Way to be vacated. This cab/e facility serves a customer at
475 C/eve/and Avenoe. Cables may be rerouted providing the petitioner assumes,
prior to p/anning, design and consfruction, al! costs involved wrth obtaining
easements a»d permits as wel/ as al/ materia/ and Ja6or rnsts inarned by
U S WEST Communications /nc, its agents or assiges.
/ 2-2� -9�
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ieit0'd SS8899z6 O1 SB�S 0£L 2S9 ?�9N3 lSFi3 02113W bd 2S:60 96. b2 �3Q
DEC-20-96 FRI 8�27 RICE
Reply to Vacation Inquiry
File # 1996-18
rn�,r x
FeX x
FRX N0, 612229�309
/ of Pagcs 1
hian A. Orti From: Bernie Gille
City of SL Ya N.S.P. - Electric Di
Real Estate Divisio 825 Rice Street
P, 01
� �'Z.3�1
We have no objecuons to this vacarion • • • • • • • • � � �
We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, �
vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
For the following teasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • [ ]
R j`= � To�.ne.��,�a.teJ ��°��P�-rca�l �s�s.����T�c.se
, 2 � ��� Q
DEC-20-96 FRI 8:28 RICE FAX N0, 6122292309 P,02
Gilber[ Avenae Erom the east line of the west 22 feet of Lot 24 extended northeasterly, to
the west line of Lot 40 extended northeasterly, all in Block 1, Merriam Park 4th Addition
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Reply to Vacation Inquiry ��
Fi[e # 1996-18
2nooe �
FAX N0. 6122295585
ctiy of st.
Real EShate Di�
���� i
r-�on,: 15 m vir
N.S.P. - Gas Distribc
825 Rice Street
Saint Paul, MN 55117
Phrne 9
Fax N
P. O1
�1`F�Z� i
We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation,
vacarion snbject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Por the foltawing reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3" sfu2 �(�o �s �, � wr o�. Cx�d}xi,1 /�
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NEERING F[NANCE FAX N0. 6122295585
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N of Pages 1
Reply to Vacation Inquiry
File # 1996-18
Juan A.
City Of $t.
� ��� ��
From: Jack DebOSe
MCT Metro
2250 Lakeside Boulevazd
Richardson T'X 75082
Farz N
We have no abjections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [�
We must retain our easements witrrin the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation,
vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
For the following reasons, we cannot appmve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
. ,� >: � .� �,
;k ir� �
If of Pages 1
Reply to Vacation Inquiry
File # 1996-18
To: Juan A.
co. City of St.
Rea] Estate Di�
P9noe 11 266
Fax � 26G
From: llavid U
Distriet Energy St. Paul,
District Cooling St. Paul,
76 West Kellogg Bouievard
F2x1! 221-
We have no objecrions w this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �
We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation,
vacadon subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑
ror ine foi:o�viiig reasans, we caiun�z approve tnis vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0
rVi�b � V 9��b
4 �a�- �sr5r� DtvisioN
DECEMBER 23, 1996
Department oF F'inance and Management Services
Real Estate Division
I40 City Hall Phone: (612) 266-8850
Saint Paul, MN SS102 Fax: (6I2) 266-8&SS
Norm Colemnn, Mayor
December 13, 1996
Charles Plouff
Continental Cablevision
214 Fast Fourth Street
Saint Paul, MN 55101
Dear Mr. Plouff:
��.u� 4 � t�Y�
�� �����E
The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the
� l...P
�Z- z.�-��
� This inqufry pertaivs to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending
on the petitioner's reasbn for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated
right-of-way, some or all of the ntilitp easements may be retained.
The purpose of this vacation is
Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended
future use of this pmposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments befor
����� � il so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter.
For your convenience, you will find a reply form, wiih fas uansmittal memo, on the reverse side
of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file
number when repIying. "
If you haue any questions regarding this matter, please call Juan A. Ortiz at 266-8850.
��� _--_�
Juan A. Ortiz
Real Estate Technician
� a
Reply to Vacation lnquiry
File # 1996-18
To: 7uan A.
co. Ciry of St
Real Estate Di
� # u�
Fax u 26f
# of Pages 1
FICttn: C113CLC5 P1011ff
Cotuinernal Cablevisic
214 East Fourth Strcet
ca;rn Paut, MN 5510]
Fax #
We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L]
We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation,
vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
€r�.� 0 � ����;
� �
� Gilbert Avenue from the east line of the west 22 feet of Lot 24 extended northeasterly, to ��Z��
the west line of Lot 40 extended northeasterly, all in Block 1, Merriam Park.4th Addition
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'�" 32-29-_23-I
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Area to be�
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1996 —18
Council Date: March 5, 1997 q�t -a39
F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: Green Sheet Number: 39516
� ecnsxr�ecroe 4 �r�wxcu.
Persoa snd Phoae Nm�ber.
1 °r`°n`ax 5 `a�
7uan Oitiz or Peter White 266-8850 � y.•�.��.
g ocmc.+�,�..rsn 6 R6A1.8STA]SDIt'ISIONROOMICOl9
be on Com�7 b .
pprove resolution - Petition to vacate Gilbert Avenue as described /�le 1996-18
euwmvcco.oas�ox �_ scur ,� fbe person/fum ever worked m�der a contrad for this deparlmeM? YFS NO
cvw-�vracoamvs�un . Hea tltis pe[SONGrn� ever IK.wn a City employee? Y&S NO
cm co�murrss . Dces tLis persodfirm possess a sk�l not norniellY P��� bY �Y
' aR YES snswers on a se te sheet and attach.
TIATING PROBI,EM, ISSOF., OPPORTI713ITY (Whq Whet, When, Where, Why!):
' is an uuimproved street wluch is not maintained by the City anymore - the petitioner
ould like to use this area to improve parking concerns.
e vacation will miprove the petitioner's parking concerns.
isanvnNracES�arrxovEn: Cau�iCi+ R�search Cenfer FEg 1 g 199
one. C�� � 1 i997 Y�IR'i q�'�
e petitioner will lose much needed parking space.
sre souxcE: acrrvrrY �msIIZ: pp1-01300-2833
Transaction amount is an adm;n;c� fee for the vacation.
Interdepartmental Memorandum
� . e��� ��,�
`. `�, , �
� � °� � �
. ;`
To: All Council Members
From: Peter White j
Right of Way Engineer
140 City Hall
Date: February 6, 1997
I recommend a public hearing before the City Council be held on
The purpose of this vacation is to vacate Gilbert Avenue from E. Line of the W. 22' of
I,ot 24 extended NE'ly to the W. Line of Lot 40 extended NE']y, Blk 1, Merriam Pk 4th Addn..
This property is ]ocated in City Council District �, Planning District �x `
The subject petition is in proper form and has been signed by the requisite number of property
cc: Fran Swanson
(Gilbert Ave)
Department of Fivance and Management Services
Rea1 Estate Division
140 City HaZI
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Phone: (612) 266-8850
Fax: (6I2) 266-8855
Norm Coleman, Mayor
December 13, 1996
�; '
��1-�S 9
�� ��.z��� � ��„� � �� ��� €�
.� 1 �,n, ce��e�3artmen�l v��
Dear :
The Cily Gerk has referred to this office foF reeommendation the
for the vacation of;G'��lbert�A�enue from fh�e°EASt lwe oP�'thE�Ve
�e�f����b����,�st,�Iwg�of�`T:oi,��O�exteiicl��'ortl�ea all��c�I���1��1� This
inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's
reason for requestiug this vacatiov aud the iute�ded use for the vacated right-of-way, some
or all of the utility easements may be retaiued.
The purpose of this vacation is to �I�s�e�ao�o auet�'lan�cT�f�a�v�ng�o�
Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended
fuwre use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments befor
bece lii�s���1996� so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter.
For your convenience, you will find a repiy form, with fax transmittal memo, on the reverse side
of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, piease refer to the above listed file
number when replying.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, piease call Juan A. Ortiz at 266-885Q.
Juan A. Ortiz
Real Estate Technician
R of Pagcs I
To: Juan A. OTti From:
Reply to Vacation Inquiry
File # 1996-18 �°�
e� ►
Faz A
We have no objecdons m this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Q
We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation,
vacation subject to the foliowing conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑
For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
Signed Date
,!�.r� � � 15��
REAtEST�,TEDNfSION MidAmericaBankBuildingStite120
6949 Valley Creek Road
Woodbury, M3nnesota 55125
Telephone (612) 735-9262 • Fax (612) 735-9062
(61 � 735-926Y
January 3, 1997
Mr. David Ortiz
Department of Finance and
Management Services
40 City Hall
Saint Paul, MN 55102
RE: L& H Properties Vacation Petition
Our File No. 1177-000
Dear Mr. Ortiz:
This letter confirms the conversation we had last week regazding the progress of the
L& H Properties Vacation Petition (hereafter "Petition") which was executed on October 21,
1 R96 and filed on November 1, 1496. In our conversation you advised that the Petition would be
scheduled for hearing within the next thirty (30) days and that to this point you had not
encountered any resistance to the Petition from any govemmental agency or anyone else. I
would appreciate a phone call as soon as a hearing date for the Petition is firmly established. I
understand that the hearing is expected to be held in the immediate future.
Thank you for your continued assistance regarding this matter. Please direct any fiuther
questions or communications regarding this matter to me at 735-9262 or to Lonny Thomas at
Very truly yours,
�`� �� -
Gregory M. Erickson
Law Clerk
cc: Don Harvey
Ron Leonazd
Lonny D. Thomas, Esq.
Also Licensed to Practice in Wisconsin
q� _�
�o�+en o. n�oxu�s, Esq.
(Bt z� �as-eea�
October 31, 1996
City Clerk for the City of St. Paul
Ramsey County Courthouse
15 West Kellog Boulevard
Room #170
St. Paul, MN 55102
RE: L&H Properties Vacation Petition
Our File No. 1177-000
Dear City Clerk:
MidAmerica Bank Bui]dirtg, Suite 120
6949 Vailey Creek Road
Woodbury, Minnesota 55125
Telephoce (612) 735-9262 • Fax (b12) 735-9062
�fOV 11996
Enclosed for filing please find petifioner L&H Properties' request for vacation of certain
city streets abutting its property, a Certified Ownership Report legally describing the lands in
question, and a plat map containing a visual description of said lands. In addition, enclosed also
is a check for $100 Yo cover the vacation petition filing fee.
Thank you for your assistance. Please contact the undersigned with any questions or
Don Harvey
Ron Leonard
David Drach
Also Licensed to Practice in Wisconsin
xo,m coteman. Nrayo.
TO: Juan Ortiz
Real Estate Section
140 City Hall
FROM: Linda Dickhut(�
Public Works Department
800 City Hall Annex
�: �
January 13, 1997
Fi(e No_ 18-1996
Stacy M. Becker, Director
Vacation of part of Gilbert Avenue, west of
Cleveland, adjacent to 2100 Gilbert Avenue
The Department of Public Works has completed a review of the above referenced
proposal. Gilbert Avenue is a 40 foot wide right-of-way which we do not maintain. ln
1967 the adjacent property owner at 473 N. Cleveland received approval to grade
and pave a 1 Q foot wide strip within the north portion of Gilbert, from Cleveland Ave.
for a length of approximately 650 to 700 feet west of Cleveland. See attached
CF#234605 and grade and pave plan. This plan also shows an encroachment
extending 27.5' out into the Gilbert Avenue right-of-way. The attached CF#48176,
dated 9-18-23 is the council approval fior this encroachment.
Saint Paul Public Works has an existing public catch basin, constructed in 1967, north
of Lot 31 that drains to an existing MnDot catch basin on the Cretin/Vandalia ramp.
The catch basin's 12" concrete lead runs within an existing 15' public sewer easement
in Lot 31. See attached sewer record sheets.
This proposal leaves a land locked portion of right-of-way west ofi the proposed
vacation. This is acceptable because the area is necessary for the City to retain for a
bridge construction project ne� year and also to prevent future slope excavation
Therefore, the Department of Public Works has no objections to the vacation proposal,
subject to the foflowing:
1. That the existing catch basin and lead shall become the ownership and
responsibility of the petitioner, and that the existing 15' public sewer easement in
ResponsiveServices • QualityFacilities • EmployeePride
Department of Fn�ance and Management Services
Real Estate Division
140 Ciry Hall Phone: {6l2) 266-8850
Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (612) 266-8855
Nornz Colemmt, Mayor
December 13, 1996
Linda Dickhut
Department of Public Works
800 City Hall Annex
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Si;ti;ect� ��� _s. „ ',. _ _. . ._: } , ..; . _ .: ,FLiance Aepartment`k7�,e�No...1996 3 g, . .��,�����
Dear Ms Dickhut:
�:� � The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the
. for the v�aca�t9o�n of Gilberf' Av ne ue from fhe`Easf hrie�of the �'e
-- Nbrtheas�eilv�to tiie�FVest luie`of Lof:40 eiiteude'd NorEheas�
Paik�`i�.�ddi�ion; This iuquiry pertaiiu to the vacation of City right-of-way mily. Depending
t. �? on the petitio��er's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated
°�_' right-of-way, some or ail of the utility easements may be retained.
, �.,.-
_� The purpose of this vacation is to _,Use,Br;inainfain:lau"�l`for-p�rkuig pnrposes`.
:F � WiU you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended
- future use of this proposed vacatioa I would like to receive your comments before;; `
����.... ���,.�.-.._M-=
- T)ec�in so I can prepare a report to the City Council on th,is matter.
For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fax transmittal memo, on the reverse side
of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file
number when replying.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please calt Juan A. Ortiz at 266-8850.
Juan A. Orriz
Real Estate Technician
wide strip on ihc norlh siAc
[ Avcnue. and shall conslruct
NL sa�d stonn watet seu'er
be�rt A�^enue at �sion nnd
�mPh'SnS 4nio a ca�ch bastn destgnated
Ko. 17A on State Projcct 6282-G2 (T.H.
s47, subject to the fo]IOwlnB tetms and
a. Said perm�LLCC sha11 pa�c sald
ihc CSIy of Samt rauf sn:m c�a��.�•_��
Ihe necess, ry ele�ations nnA proflles
Wr said strce�.
a Snid permltiee shall PnY the cost
of englncerin6 nnA lnspectlon of snitl
work, nntl sh�ll paY ihe cost of publl-
cntlon o[ lhls orAmnncc.
d, Snld permiuce shnll properly
protecf nll e>envntlons mn[]e In nnY
m�e��ls�Duth� ��d Fo nd
trvold all dnm�tic or lnlury ln Pcnon
ur voDertY. ����d Il shnli P��N�•��IY fl❑
�in�f InroD anv aublect ecrtlonv of
�.b'cu�n to nvnl�� scllling.
i. Sufet )mnnitlec. n[ter lhc lnecp-
Ilon u( nld�l wnilq nhull pfo�crulc nidtl�
�vuik canllnununiy. wlih �Illlgenec. mid�,
(ully ruuq�lcl�• naltl aurlc lu Uie xntls-'
Inrilun nnd Daovid u( Ihc Conm�L-
nlonrr of Pubt�c \Vo�lca on or bc(orc
NovvmL�•r I5. IIU411. . . __. . _
mvl undartuiacx io �uuy �nuviu����,r .�
huld hnrnilcnv fho Clly uf Sub�l 1'��
1tx ugeuln. uf(kcrx imd cu�ploy�
frun� nnY untl idl duumRex. chd�
lunnex. ludY.m�•nln. n�dln ar enpem
inlnlnR oul ot ur aa��nxlo»ed by t
( �ct(urnumrc u! Ihc wu�lc eunlC���Vinl
�y Ihln �cuulxel�rn un�i uUlho�ity.
R. tiu�A Pcnnilloc ehtdl uot Ntue�
tu puvc xtdd It�n fuul wldc n1�IP ��n '.
uutlh nl�ic oi GIILvrt Avrnnr. um1
eauxtnicl und Inxlull nidd nturw wn
i.ewc[ !�'om (illbi�il Avcmw. uni
�he sum of Ten Thousand Dollars
($10,0000�), con�lll/oned to comply
wlth all the tertns of this ortlmance
and to inACmntty and save harmtess
snW Gty from a11 »acli�nrYCS�andueX-
ments, suiis, costs, B
pcnses ihat may nccrue [o persons or
proPerty occasloned by the making of
ihe said imProvement nr nrising out of
the same.
1. Snid permitlee, before enterin8
upon oi doing . ny o[ Ihe paving hero-
in Permltled �ntl author@ed, shall
procurC fram the a6uttln6 owners
such easements In anA to the nbutting
property as may be necessary for
slopes, cuts and Si➢s, and sha➢ obtain
n writlen rclease Irom svch owners
relcastng and dischar6�ng the City
from any n» A all damnCes by reason
of thc pavfng of saftl sectlon of GII-
br�� clenses�wrth t e t
� j� Snid �crmlticc sfinll nt Its e%-
pcnsc obtn�n nnd dccA lo thc CLLy of
g;,p�� Pnul; ���cessary cusemenls tor
Ihe snld sWrm wnte� sewer nl n locn-
Uun tu be Aes16����teA bY the Depnrt-
ment of Pub�ic tVOrl<n.
k. Sn1A Dennitlee bhnll pnY Lilo thc
City tranaury Ihe tium of onc h�u�A�eQ
Iwenty-acvun dolluru nnd ❑ttY eenta
lgl'225J1. wldel� nwn rePresenls tho
eu>tn fur ovenlrinh lhe ntnle fncllilles.
1. Snld Pennlllcc nhnll mtdnUdn
Gllfictl Avenuc al 44H Rult eu�:l nt\(l
ezPeimc un�ll auch tbnc Ux I6c nlunn
wnlrr ��•w,�•r fa cunnccled up In tlw
5ildc fncll111ov uu4 hnx 6ccn uPProvc<I
fuul ntreVlrcl bY tlw ❑cPnrbncnl ot
PuU11c Wurlcn.
�». tiuld Pennittcc nhnll. wllhin tcn
(Iln tlnYx �fllcrn11wrlticn���'�ePtmieu
Ihe�euf wlih thu CItY Clerk.
_ ti1:C'flON 3
'i'hnt Ordhuincc Nu. l:iaan. Councll
Fdc No. 2:Cff11A. nppYO��cd Junc 20. 1U67,
poilululuR lo Ihc �;rnnling n[ Pcrmin-
�lun ta MNArum �irwu(nctiulnH .'� ltn-
glnooih�K C�r lu P:�vc n tcn fooi wl�lc
�.I�IV ���� th�• na�lh nlJc uf (:llb�rt Avc-
nuc 7rum Ctevctund Avcu�w wexl n aUR.
lunec o[ upproslnu�tclY 700 (ecl. bc nnd
Ihc �:nmc In hcrcbY nuperFedcd Uy tblx
oi<Ilmu�ec.+�mi snid Ordln:incc No. 1:IU:tU
�s llcrcbY �'esdndcti.
54�C'C10N 4
'Yhls ord6mnce iv hereby declared lo
Le nn emerKmmY ordtnan<e mndered
neccs�ary for thc prcscrvallun o[ Ow
publfe peace. health and snfclY.
�o- und Imlll n:dd Pcr�
�r❑ cumPlird wllh Ihc
m7. InK inawnucc mn�
. i�- cuutulncd In Ihc CII
u( bcPxtlmciM1 u[ Publl
eu�lonn (ur Shret tm<
❑on. tlatc�l AP�II l. '.
iul ticeUun 5�fi.:md fou
Ihrou�h I-17 uf R;dJ
pllcnbie lo cunlr.�clo�
n( ihls ordin:�nce. ❑
�rc Ilon o[ F:dd :VCdfH
, tA4 FLa17 h� rcad ns
��.�� }rrrmiilcc" �vc�c ei
��i worcl 'bonlracloY" ��'
��� pppenrs In Ihe afore
10 8:dd $ICIIUn 14I VL
���� for Stttei snd Sewe
, ihc Clly of Salnt P
� carporaied hercin
._�p fully and ns cmnulct
hercln ��crUatlm. Pr�
�vflM ihe VTOVisions
Sectlon 194 shnll b<
' ��'� SCC'i'ION 5
`' TUis ordlnance shall tnke e[fect nnd
�' be 1n (orcc trom . nd alter ils pnssage,
�.tions �{�I>rov, 1 and Publlr�tlon.
�n 1n
v In- p��sed by t0e Counc❑ Angust 24.
to vie
In ihe
e City
V �h� Sald permittee shall fvrnish a
bonA lo lhe Ctty ot Salnt Paul 1n
]'eas—COUncilmen Carlson. Dedesco,
Flolland. Mered��h. Pcicrson,
D7r. President (BYrne)-7.
Appro�'ed August 29, 1967.
City Gerk.
(Aagust 26, 1967)
Lot 31 shall be released.
2. That, due to the existing encroachments, the portion of Gilbert Avenue, between
Cleveland and the proposed vacated area, should also be vacated with the necessary
access easements provided to the petitioner.
3. That the legal description of the proposed area shall be revised to read Merriam
Park 4th Addition, rather than Merriam Park Addition.
c: Bill Cutting
Pete Gallagher
Bob Hamilton
Tom Kuhfeld
Tracy Moe
Gilbert Avenue from the east line of the west 22 feet of Lot 24 extended northeasterly, to
the west line of Lot 40 extended northeasterly, all in Slock 1, A7erriam Park 4th Addition
,_ -- .w , �. . �� . r ; . . -
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. `I
r 32-29-23-i
�»I i ,
Area to be�
1996 -18
by insMCing satd title in SectSOn 6, in
Gratic a7, unticr thc hcadtng "Subpro-
fessianal Group".
Thls ordlnance shall take effec[ antl
be In forre on ihe first Aay o[ thc
first paymll period Sollowtng thtvty
days nftcr tts passa6e, approcal, antl
Passed by ihe Councll August 27,
Ycas—Coimcilmen C, rison, Dalgllsh,
Holland, 2.tered�th, Peterson, Tedesco.
Nfr. YresiAent (Byrne)-7.
Nays —0.
ApprovcA Au6us[ 2�, ]91i7.
Clty Clerk.
ln�s��s� z¢. isa��
C�unc11 Flte No. 251570—Ord4�mnce No.
I:IUIIJ—lly Vlctor J. 1'Cdesco—
An Ordlnnncc Incrensln6 CWthing
nnA UnVform Atfnwnnoc tur 1'�vlc
P�dirc. nnd wnondli�g ChnPfer ailll ot
thc S,d�it I'nu1 Legl9lnflvu CoAc.
'Cho Cuunrlf oi ihc Clly ot S+dnl Pnul
Uuee OrJnln:
adtling thc Solloufn6 to Section 1
tVacouta St.,�7trectmn,onc-way Sou[h,
trom Tenth St. to Nmth St.
Thls orAinanm shall no[ bc prin[etl
.s pact of the Saint Pavl Legislati�e
CoAe but Shall be inmrporatcA LherNn
by mference.
THis ordinance shall take e(fec[ and
be fn focce thirty (90� days from
and a(ter tts passage. appcovat end
p�sseA Uy the Councll August 29,
Yens—Counellmen Dnlgllsh, Ilolland,
bteretluh, Petersoq Tedesco, Dtr. Presl-
Acnt (�yrnel—LL.
ApDroveA Au6��st 2]. 17�i7.
�•non+ns n, nvarrr,
1[AR[iY E, h1ARSIL\I,L,
Cl�y Clerk.
(Au6��st •til, 19U7)
Cowmll Ftlo No. 2:Niln1—OrAlnnnrc Nn.
I:IiIUS—lly Itm�mrd '!' llulL�nd, by ro-
An ordhu�nvc Krnntlnti Vennlarlon la
$ICC'fION t Muldrum h7:uwfneturinH 1F D:nKlnc�•rin�;
Co . 473 Mo Clevr{nnA Avvmu•. ti�dnt
'Phnl Scallun 411IInU uf Ihu Sidnl I'nul I'uul. hilnnrnoln. to p:�vr n lun fuol
I.cHHln�lvc Cudo Lu nnd ❑ic mmw In wld� nlrl � on ILu nnrth nldu of Cllbr�t
hereby lunrndod Ly ptrIk61H thu IIK��rex Avun�w �ium Cicvvinnd Avonuc wcnl n
• wLcru Oio xnma tlo nVP���r nntl �Ilatnn�•u of nppro<bnacily 7n11 frcl, nnA
xulix4dWnN In 1ilncu nnd In Ilcu Ihcrcot In rnnatruvl i�i��l Inninll n n�;wr� (or
llw IIN��ren "jl�7.t10," nlunn wut�r pw'povcx hmn Cllborl
Avrnur und emVlylnti luln It uLLCh
SICCCION 2 bnvin dvrlNi�idrd Nu 17A on titntu Pro)-
7'hln orJlnnnec xhnli lnho ellect nnJ «•t IIYIIL-11! /"1'll UU.
Lc In lufcv JnnunrY 1. IU�10. An nrdlnnncv MuycncAlnH ����d �w
vvin�IlnN f)�'<Iiivu�ec No I:N1:111. Cuuu�•II
1'nvxcd Ly llw Councll Augiut '2:1. 4'll�. No 1:I:R0:1, uPVrnvrd Junc'lu, I9ii7.
inu7. , Phlr Iv nn emorY.oney orcilunni•r rcn-
Ycau—Cauncllmcn Ualgllslt. Ifolland. Jcr���1 neccx+ncY l��r ifir pttvrrvnUon u[
OlewdlU�. Polerxun.'I'edcscu. hlr. IOC.I- Ihu puryilc pe:mq hcallh. nn<I snfely.
dvnl (UYrnel—U.
NnYS—U. 'i'hc CounCll o( �LC City of Sahrt P�ml
ApVroved AuK��xt 27, I9U7. Uuca Ordnin:
'ruomns n. nYrsNe.
Na5 or.
Clly Clerk.
i�+��d��st 20, 3067)
Counctl Filc No. 23J56I—qrdlnancc No.
13W4—Dy Hernard T. Holland, by
An ordinance nmencling Ordinance
No. 135SJ, apprwed January 31, 1967,
perWlning to One-Way Streets.
Tho Councll ot the City oP Salnt Paui
Does Ordaln:
That O�dinance No. 13539, approved
January 31, 1967. Is hereby amentled by
sr•,c'rrou �
'Pl�ot Vennlsslon nnA aulViutlly nrc
hereLY qranted lu Meidunn Mmm[ac-
turinK h EnKlneerinK Co. b pavc n ten
fout wide strlp vn lhe nartl� side oC
COUcrI Avenue hvm Clweland Avenuc
west for npproslmntdy 700 feet, nntl to
construct nnd Install n sewcr for slonn
wnler pur`�oses fmm Glibcrt Avenue
nnd emPtying lnto n catch basin derlq-
nuted No. 17A on SWIe ProJect 62II2-6Z
(T.l{. 94).
That lhc Commissioner of Pub7tc
tVOrlcs Is hereb)• author/xetl to Issue n
permtt lo Mctdnsm Dianutacturtng &
Englncering Co. (or ihe P�vtng of the
len foot wlde strip on the north side
of Gtlbert Avemie from Cleveiand Avr
mre west for npproxlmatety 700 £eet
antl to conslnict and instali a stonn
waler sewer from Gllbert Avenue nntl
•1� T��1:
. 61:f—
tfi� tur-
��a (E�.-
.u�; I-�tn
tY Iw Lc"
�n nd�ll-
���1 undcr
Vn 6f1�5.
xt. Pnul
-ht '1'lu���•
u in •nm•
�n.rt>' re.
�n tn lho
y uV �ro•
�0 4c��ool
. nnJ � t�C t
111'VIO\9l1 ���
n.11. Ip:J. � ���4
Datur. ,�
i lPurR��-
�W yu�
�u. Gt27—
hc Ulu{vo
e nuU�or-
�,illtnti eta-
h Streo[.
( St. Psul
'PO�9q� nro
• T�ro nnil
,i curb ah•
iul. \llnne-
I)��C �\�OF�<9
or rnr crrti� or s1•. r:�u�., �:,_a. �oa;
iv hereLl' ����[horized [n In:�ue n Pcrmlt
t� th�� xa5.l liceneeu for itte tnstalln-
tlon n( x:ild Illling n4�Hon uP�n Itx
complinncc tcich Uie foAow'Ing mndt-
(1) 9'hc eaitl Ifcensec xhall fllc wlth
tho Cmnndvslnner nf PuL1ic R'orl:n n
plan o�' xyeclfl.�n[lon o[ xnld ntnqon.
o�hl�h aLnll L.• xuLJ.•ct tn cn„ nnn�orn�
of r�dd �'nmmlaeinnrr.
(3) TLo xxfd H71fn� xtntlmi xfinll
be I��vfrtlL•d Un�l�•r tLe pupereleinn flnd
dfrccifnn nf xaid Cnmmlvvfonrr, nnA
the nnld tlrv�naoe xhall pa)' th�� cnst n[
I��xP��Una. l( AN'.
f3) 'fhe x.Jd Ilceuxce xl�nil [�u�nish
1t LanQ tu lh.� l`I[Y �! tiL Pnul In tlio
xum o[ Ten 'Chnuaand I>oDnrn 1210,-
000.60) ennAlUnnrd lo env� Ihe City of
Rt. 1'nul hnrnJ��va froN nnY nnd �OI
IInLi11tY� Judgmenfa. xul[x. cout+.
rhnrhue nnd nxP�.nvrn U�n[ muY uccru� I
tn p� m' I��'uP�+t'tY nn nvaouPt n(
nr nrfxlnA [rnro tha ennxU'uctim�, fi�-
x1ulU�tlnn. mnln[nm�nro, onotnUon� Urr. '�.
7ronrnre or r.nnoV�Q <d xnl�l lRl1aK xtn- I
tl��n. thn xnld Lnuq t�� roinnh� hi f���'v�:
�uid alTuot ��v lunti nx xnld xtntlnn ru•
nlnlux ur oXlelx. '1'h�� xulil Lond Nhnll
Lo In •urh form nm m�Y L�� nuurur�•d
Iry (hU nlnyor. und Hhnll bo fllrJ wlth �
lh CowuU•aller oC x+tld Clty.
U) Hn1A Ilillnu M4�Ilon etuql Ln rn-
�iiovoA by eiJd Ilroueon whunav� tLu
Caanall eL�d1 xn ur�lur.
(61 7'ho xnlJ Ili•onron „Lnil P��Y ����y
Ilronxo foo nr tnx Uu�t mnY Ln roqulr.�Q
by Wq' orAlanuca nr In�v of thn Clty
o( Ht. !'��ul.
(0) Nnld Ilcnnnao Mhull withln tm�
QItYn nflo�• the PitHnupa of lhlx ni•JI-
nnnc0 tlla n wrllton n��enPlrtnco thnrm
nf wlth thn Clly Clori< In eu�•h farm nn
�aul' L� npVrovo�l LY tha Curl�orntVon
HItQ'I'IUN 8. �
7'hin ordliuiuoo nlutll lnlu. e(lrol nuJ
bo ln tnrc�� Uqrly d��y+ uftor ltn pneK•
uKa nnd PuLlli•nUOn.
PnarcA Iry U�n Cuunall BoVt. Id IU:B.
Yvnx—C��unclimm� Clnnc>'. Palon
HuJhrlmar. \L•. �'lao-14�ca1Jent (I�„rKU•
xa n 1—A.
hpproacd 8out. 1•1. 1�28.
I.. Ie. S. 7� I�.ItCiUsO\.
Acttug 1lnyor.
Altnxt: IfliNit\' OLHOti,
Ctiy Cterk,
� (s�vt. aa-��za) ,
C. P.
An o
� I.nl
In�utce No. C1E8—
.nR the uro)ect o(
entnto lct�o��'n as
Vc nnQ Lote 9 to
the N. 55 oC 11 InGUSive. nnit the rc-
nrrnnFement ot Lote
FISUnF ot t to i ind�
Rcnnangoment, all 1
Anthony 3'ark NortM1
rordln� to the pint
and o[ rc�ord in tM1
I;cy(ister o� Ueeds of
�tr, A(Innoeotn. ns n x
ftor[h it, An�hony T
]unior IIISh Bchaol.'ord.`rinR [he Ro-
q�dniti.�n o[ lhe snfna L�S Du�'cte�se
or conAemnaflnn and Proclding (undx
[h� ro(or.
Th� Cnunoll o[ th.• O[> o( SL .P.u�l
<loew ordnln:
RrCT10\ 7.
Yhr. Commtsslnnor o( F.Bncnt{nn hnv-
In,: rePnrte�l [o the Cmmc❑ [hnt lha
repi cxmlu knox�u nv Lotx i to G tn-
rlunlve nnd IAtn 9 tn the Y. �. o( ]t
Incluvlve. nnd t4e ru.u�rau�;e�nen[ oI
].n�x 7 nnd 8. ennxlxdnR of I[n 1 1�-
rh�eh�,•. Ilnnenel<'u ltanrrnn�;emen[, nll
In ❑I.�ek 'L0. SL Ant
St Paul. necnrdln�; t
nn Illo .u�d ot recor
�� I�I'I u Vux
fur xrhm
�rnd Alro
inr ni�iq
�ot��� of
nnJ Uw
It lI1•• µ
ndtlec u
/1t100 t1101'�`O[ IH lNf rIUT Ot
miwin�l (317.�00.001 Uuihvn.
untUtf��lfof luiving ca+rU«ed
Ix rt1��nuY nnU4iLio in lha
�f Ihu l;l[Y !or U��� nr��wel.
IA I�rtx. tha Cuuurll h�•ruLy
io Vr�ilnct of nvqul�dnR w�mn
pw�l�nxox. nnd 6nn�Ly nrJ��rn
i tl�nt Ihn icimu L�� urt1�11rod
��'I� bY P�irc7u�m� bY U��•
on Lun1M. runu!nlluK In lUle
n plaYUr. 1`urcln��InK AR�>»t
'umnJnnlonnr, nf I:�IucnUun.
e a¢u l�o en 9ructu•ed rtl n
prlce� �uul lu rnro� xNd Cum-
nut Pencw�o xrtlQ Innd nt rt
I� �i9�ro nn�l nhnll xu reporC lo
, thai M�d In Untl ��van[
1 Laro��Y �mil��rn �uul Alrorta
muntli�n V�'oeoo�lingx 4u In•
ml„r Ih�i Vrovlxlone ot U��+
tho CIIY tu x�.vw�o nN.l lotx,
fio cn+t nud exP�nnu o[ uc-
�ua. whnUu Ly I���rchneu or
lou. 6e nu�l tho muna le
I„i'rd h� lrn pnld out of tln�
0 Nclwnl I�ou4 I�unQ «ppro-
• Honi I:eliUe. nnQ xn inud�
u�ix rte nu�Y bo nrcrneiu•>• In
rrul��'Intotl nnd M�•t RV:u't IU�
9I•:f,"ffOY 2.
7'I��x or nlm❑ tnlcr e�'ret nnil
bo 4n fnrcn iLirty dnYx s((cr 1la Pnxa-
�KC. nppro�'nt nncl puLllcntlon.
Adou4ed bp. tkc Couacil Sopf. 11, 1t12b.
Yens—COi�nclimen Clnncy. I'etoq
Bodlic�mer, Mr.,Vicc-Prenident (I�'ergU-
non�-4. • ,.
APGroveA S��ot. 14. 1929.
: I.. Ft- 5. FERGU'�O,l*.
'ACtlng Dluyor.
AttceL HCNRT OI.50\
CSty Cierk.
(Sep4 22-1928) �
G F. No. 48t7�—Ordinancc No. G129—
Br \t'm. l. Peter—
An ordinnnce . grnnUn�; the Foss[on
Ttig. Co.. a corporniton, perndsx{on
(O COOA[fUCL Rf1t� If1:LInI81[t tltl CII-
• � n _ - �,. � ' . ' - � 1
_ _ _4 ��+%"4C:, . . . ., - ,x: � . ' • ' ..., r . _<' -_ . ' . ..
closeQ covered p7ntlonn on 6llbert
Slreet wrs( o[ \ortti Clcrelnn�� .\��e-
The Cpimeil o[ Ihe l`ItY of St. Pnul
doex otdnln:
sr•_cTrav i.
7'La[ permins7nn� nnd nuthority nre
hCrchy g�uuted lo [li� Fosxtun \llg.
Compimy, n ew�purntlnn. to ronxtru�t
nnd mmntnln n metnl covered enclosed
iond�ng pintfor�n In (711hert Streot on
the north nide o[ �ho f¢ctory hul:ding
knuwn nn i11-;76 Nnrth Clevelnnl
Avenua nnA rx�emllnq frmn Ihe Uulld-
1�6 to tha nldu trnri< of lh� Q. ?t. R fit.
i'. If}•. Cn. upproxi�nntelY 't{ [cal widn
nnd 68 (rot lon6.
F�;C'CION $,
Tho Comminrinncr of Pu411c R'oHCn
Ix hrrubY �mlhorizeJ to ln.vun i� pernd[
to Iho nnlil Ilcun�e� for nnlil Vlutfo�m,
upnn xulA Ileenn�•dn eomAlliuiea �v11h
tlw fnllu�rin�; iundlUanx:
11) ti��ld Pintf�+rin nhuli Lu rYVClod
undvr llin xui���'�'Inlon nnd dlruulon ot
HnIA CummLminnur, nnd xnld qconxou
ahuii pnY tlie euxl. of InxprrUon� If
honA lo Ih�l 71Mnnee hhnli fuYnhh rt
(SlY �t tit. Pnul In thu xunl
ot Y9vu Tbonwuul Uollnro lfu,060). <•on.
Alllntivd ln xnrr nulA rltY hnrmluxn
trmn nny und nll HnLiI1tY. J���lumentn,
cuxtn. JiunuKOx �u��l cxl�ruxe thnt tnny
u��cl'4a lu V�•fnunn or �n'uy�uPlV on nv.
cnunt nf llm en•iUnn, nmli�l�•nnneo,
uxe� Irroei�nro or ��omnrni �if xn1A Plnt.
foim. Nufd Lnnd nhnq bn ��i h��i�h fnrm
nm m�)' bc nDp�•o��rtl LS' Ibe l'nrlrorn-
Uun t ourmrt. niiult hnvo nmp xutely �ix
mnY Iru xutlxfrteU�ry tn tha \1iq'nr. iu�tl
ehWl bn t7io<! �r�th ett�• Ctty Cnmptrnt.
Iry�x�Cd� I�rusco��wl���u�r��r tLc�C���n�nrii
xhnll xo o�A�•r.
(1) tinl�l llvrux�•�� �Imll �rilidn Irn
dn)"x uttct' tLn pqwrnK�� u[ lhin nr�ll.
nnneq IIIc u�cttllen nccoPl:nu•e We�c-
�[ �.IU� th�• l9tY l'Ierk.
, tii;C'CIqY 8. �I
Thin nrJlnnnvu shn❑ lnka crtecl nnd
Lp h� force ILIrtY �Iny.v uflor lla {�nAa-
nKe nnd puLlica4on.
\�Iapted Lr Ihc CuuncllFrp[.18.19Y7.
]one—Counrllmen Clxpcy. FcrFU.on.
i'cCCr. &mlhelmcr. �Ir. Dic�lil�•uCfYC1-
\ « � �—p,
Approrcd Sept. I8. ]923.
.1ATFSUR I3. \[�,LSOY,
1pq'oL '
dHerU f(IiS1;Y OiSO�,
� City Clerk.
IReUL 22-19L3)
C. L`. \�. i9lii—Ordinnhcc \o, G130—
B)� 1Cm. J. Peler—
An urdln:mce grnnUng lhe 1[amm Ae:�l-
ty ComV�n>'. a coYD��'«Uon. permis-
alon tu construct and mufn[n(n n
�oading D7nttonn In lhe rear oC 208-
2t2 L•'xsCSeventry SVeeet.
Tho Council of the CI(y o[ SL Pni�l
�locx� orda�n;
sreT�o:r i.
Thn� permisvo,n nnd nuchority nro
hcreby grnnted In the Lamrn 72enity-
Compnny, s corporrttluq to cons(ruct
nn�l �nnln[nin n conere[o lua�ling pinp
fotm In the renr ot 2V8-212 P•_ux[ $ey-
enth S¢en[, unid plutfnnn to be E fuct
uado, b0 (�et long on �hu nor[haNy
sl�la o[ [he n11cY In.61oC1< 7. \Chitney ,
.� �m.th's AdUitton, ,
Tha Commixnin�cr o[ I'uWlc 11'or9<a
in nuthor�zed tn Ixnua n pernut lo [iio
�+idel ❑c.nnen !or xnl4 Dhil(urm, uP��n
xuld flennxru'H comPqunco ��qq� thu
follnwinK comllNonn:
... (I). 7'hnG ntJrt plutform FLRII Ub con-
�� coNl o
uf�Vlvn7hnuxnYl��b 11
�11UnneA lo H¢vu IL
frnrn nnY and nll IOd
'enxtx. UnulnKCn nnd c
rnunt of. nr iu�lxing
Nd91eUo)�. Ihe 4xo tt
yrchruvu a• remnval i
NnIQ bonA to rmunh�
fovl nx It
��'IUI �q111�M NIIII�
pruPr<I LY 61m.
i xhnll Lu ynld
hnit furn�nli n
Pnul In t6u Hum
rx <j5.000), con-
city hnri��lorn
UtY� lutlKtnrnte.
penxn tLnt mny
11'll�ll'�(Y !1(� Ill'•
fruin tho ron-
d bu�lh(epM�CC�
' h��IJ Vinl[m'nt.
or oxlntx� Lm� I�xl�nUl r Lu ln��nuc�h
(nrm nx nmY Iru nVbi�oreil I�y Um Cot''
puniUun CuunnN n�i� xhrtll hprc nurh
�:urety nn uuir bo entlHfnclury �u U�u
\inpur, lu�A nlinll Lc IIIeiI a•IU� tho Cit>'
/d) FNiI U1nUorm nhnll Lo rcmoroA
Ly nidA Il.�i•nx<w w7n•nrvor tli� Cuunrll
ximll xn orJoe rtuA when rempevJ L�.
orAer nf the tbunc!! or rulurttnrliy iq•
the ❑cennre. rn1�i Ilcenni�r nhn❑ p:i���.
Uie o-triV o[ nllcy occu01oi1 Ly the pL�L
furm n�ith Uiv n�una nvitrrl:�l ❑n tl�o
bnl:nicc o[ the nlloY Ix pnreA �rllL nqb-
Jret Io lha nVV�'���'nl oL lhc I�ePnrt�nont
�f Pnl�ilc t\'Orlcn.
(4) v��t�i t(cenere ehnll, x'Ithin ten
dnya rt(tcr the pna.aRC uf t}��H �rJl-
napca Ole n�vrl(Ich necePb�nce Uiete-
nf x9(h.qte C{IY Clcrk,
SIiCT10\ 3.
7'hfx ordlnnnee ahnil tnlce ettect nnd
be In force thlrlY d:q�a nRer Itv Pnns-
++KC nnd pubiicatfon.
\doUted bY liie Conncll Fept. ]8. 192 �.
Sex.a—Courtellmen Clauq•, Cergnnon,
Petrr, Sudhe�mer �Ir. I'reolQent (Nci-
ROpI—$, �
dPVruceQ Sen[ 16. In2J.
AI1TIlUR li .�'IiISO\,
A[tesL HESRY' O[SO.�', �tayor.
City Cleri<.
ts�nx. zzasza� �
C' !
+�' '
. �
' '_
.I .
�i .
' i.:
� �•
i .
� I
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N of Pages 1
Reply to Vacation Inquiry
File # 1996-18
To: Juan A. (
co. City of St
Real Estate Div
Pho� fl 266-
Pax x 266-
From: Chris Calull
Department of Fire & Sa
100 East Eleventh Street
Saint Paul. MN 55101
Fae fi
We have no objections to tlus vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�]
We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation,
vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
� � ���2�
��Z3 1
Deparlment of �nance and Management Services
Real Estate Division
140 City Hall Phone: (612) 266-8850
Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 Fax: (6I2) 266-8855
Norm Coleman, Mayor
December 13, 1996
Chris Cahill
Supr. of Inspections
Deparhnent of Fire & Safety
100 East Eleventh Street '
r:.:�� ; .,
Saint Paul, MN 55101
, t , ...
Dear Mn. Cahill ::� :=.; ; , ; ='.: . �; ;.
The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the
for the vacation o � _..
`` +`E�iI��`� This inquiry pertains to the vacaHon of City right-of-way only. Depending
on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated
right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained.
The purpose of this vacarion is
Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended
future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments befor
�p ix�.,n.�.
W so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter.
For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fas transmittal memo, on the reverse side
of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file
number when replying.
If you have any questions regarding ttn's'iriattei, please call Juan A. Ortiz at 266-8850.
.,; ,
Juan A. Ortiz ,
Real Estate Technician (GilbertAve)
Reply to Vacation Inquiry
File # 1996-t8
To: JU2n
co. Cicy of
� Rcrarr
e� o �
68855 P.002
n u� ragcs i
From: :
310 L
Sau�t 7
We have no obj�tions to this v�ation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • . . . •�'
We must retain aur easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vaca6on,
vacation svbject to the following condidons: . . • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • C]
For the following reasoas, we cannot approve this vacazion : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �
/ 2 y�
DEC 19 '% 12�54PM SPPL RDMIN
Reply to Vacation Inqulry
Flle # 1996-15
To: Juazt A.
co. City of S[.
Reai Esmte I?l�
� r a.s�
Pox x 266
M of Pe4e� 1
tkwn: Carple Williams
Iabrary Admintstretia
90 West Foiuth Stieet
Sai¢8 Paul. MN 55102
Fax #
We have no objections w this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • . . . . . . . . [�]
We must rerain our easements within the dght-of-way. We will approve this vacation,
vacation subject ta the following condidons : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . []
For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
signed �
�3,,P� ��- .
io: Juan
Repiy to Vacation fnquiry � x��F,`s�
File # 1996-18
�� ;
_ F,�� ;
612 222 2770 P.01/01
kaAges 1
Fmm: Charle5 Votel
�epacsment of PUblic Flralth �
sss c� s�
We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �
'We musc re�ain our easements within the right-of-way. We wetl approve rhis vacarion,
vacation subject to the following wrniitions: . . . . . . . . - • • - -
Por the following �asons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �
G�l Z3�
Repry to Vacation Inquiry
File # 1996-18
Juan A.
M7�1� .�f7�
612 292 7405 P.03i02
1 A O[ {'sQCC t �
F[001: ROj72IL P/I'3II!
P3LZCS � RGf:It2t{071
3� c�cy Hatl a�rx
We have no objecrions to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . • • •,�
We awst retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation,
vacation subject to the following co�itions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑
For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0
� '�l o
�, Z3�
DEC-20-1996 07�44 STP PRRKS & RECRERTION 612 292 7405 P.02/02
Leparsmeni ot rioance ana lv�anageme� �ernces
Real Estate Division S1 Z,3�
140 City Hall Phone: (6I2) 266-8850
Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 Far: (612) 266-8855
Norm Co[eman, Mayor
Detember 13, 1996
RObert Pil2tn
Parks & Recreation
300 City Hall Annex
At[ention: John Wirka
DEC 17 1996
8 R�C'REA710[�
�� `9.) .�7^.y.T m +w r ,�, .. � -w; ir . rw � � -F: r�... r . n�... . P"' t� a .,^ whir<
�.�r,it �,>�`i';," h,i>.r5�:7�..��'�"'�;s." ��. o'�ht " ;6 ^ : �: ��� ���vT.1:ll� ti lc ` ��./+�.��� ,+rui'�'oa
bear Mr. Piram:
The G1ty Cierk has refersed w this office for recommendaaon the
� � T� �4�9 Perfains to the vacation of City riglrt�of-way only. DePending
on the petitioner's teason for requesting this vacation and Ehe intended use for the vacated
right-of-wap, some or all oP the utilitp easements may be retaiuedl.
The purpose of this vacation is
Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intend�
future use of this proposed vacation. I wouid Iiloe to receive yoa�r comments befor
au;, • �� �, , i��e
. so I can prepare a report to [he City Council on this matter.
For your convenience, you will fmd a reply form, with fax transmittal memo, on the reverse side
of this irotice. If yoa would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file
number when replying.
If you have any questions regazding this matter, please call Juan A. Ortiz at 266-8850.
� �
Juan A. Ortiz
Reai Estate Technician
°�1 Z..3�'1
Departmeat of Finance & Manaqement Services
Peter Warner
�th__ F� City Aall
. Juan Ortiz �.
Real Esta� 'v�sion
140 City Hall
. February 10, 1997
Vacate Gilbert Avenue as Described / File ,�1996-18
Please review the enclosed petition for the vacation of City owned
property rights. If all the information is in order, please sign
off on the resolution and return the packaqe to our office, I will
set a hearing date and notify the petitioner. Thanks.
- �� l� � f� ��°- �,�, �. � � � �-.-..
' � � � �i " , r '' " ° � . s�^' t u" 7
...\vacate.ort\199618wr.nr �� �M' 1
� Yf
����� ����
�E� 13 i997
- r � ��;
G�Z Z3�
Vacation of:
Gilbert Av from E.line of W.22ft of Lot24 extended NE'ly to tkie W.line of L.ot40 extended
NE'ly, Blk 1, Merriam Pk Add
Memo to City Clerk recommending hearing Date o ' S°�
Map In File Ownership Report O.K. Petition Signatures O_K.
Legal Description to Bill Cutting:
✓ U.S. West (Sundberg)
✓ N.S.P. (Electric)
✓ N. S. P. (Gas)
MCI Metro
✓ District Energy
✓ Continental CableVision
Other ()
City Departments
✓ Public Works (Dickhut)
✓ Water Utility (Bullert)
✓ Police (Morehead)
✓ Fire (Cahill)
✓ LIEP (Zangs)
Libraries (Williams)
Public Health (Votel)
✓ Parks & Recreation (Piram)
Attn: John Wirka
✓ PED (Mike Kramer)
12-11-96 /12-24-96
12-11-96 /12-20-96
12-11-96 /12-20-96
12-11-96 /01-2�-q�
12-11-96 /12-26-96
12-11-96 /01-03-97
12-11-96'/ �
12-11-96 /ol - t S'�i �
12-I1-96 / i z-31 �it�
12-11-96 /12-20-96
12-11-96 / 12-z3- �i��'•�)
12-11-96 /01-02-97
12-11-96 /12-19-96
12-11-96 /12-20-96
12-11-96 /12-20-96
12-11-96 /01-08-97
Neighborhood District #12,13 12-i1-96 /
Voting District #4 12-11-96 / Report copies to Petitioner
✓ Essential Replies
(proceed with resolution after receiving these)
,� .., , ..
Hearing Date set - City Clerk and Council secretary notified ��
�� .
Resolution to City Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hearing Notices prepared . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . .
Petitioner's Contact: Lonny Thomas, Atty 735-8837
v l0 %
Norm Coleman, Mayo�
Fred Owusu, City Clerk
170CityAall TeL: 61L266-8989
ISW.%elloggBOUteva,d Fax: 672-266-8689
SmntPaul,Mbenerola55102 Web:hlfp://www.s[pauGgov
TDD: 266-8509
k s a'. � e fe � eo+5t;,i
°��� � 4���
November 1, 1996
Mr. Peter White
Valuation Engineer
Real Estate Division
140 City Hall
Dear Sir:
I refer to you to check as to form and sufficiency and for recommendation, the attached
petition of L& H Properties for the vacation of that portion of Gilbert Avenue from the
East Line of the West 22' of Lot 24 eatended Northeasterly to the West line of Lot 40
e�tended northeasterly, a11 in Block 1, Merriam Park 4th Addition, according to the plat
thereof on file and of record in the office of the Saint Paul City Clerk.
Very truly yours,
�✓/�G?.�2 c�0 � Ctnoo✓t
Frances Swanson
Deputy City Clerk
�� Z��
I(�-c :;,c ,;cctE��cd, cc-s:i:o:i-� z-z;p-�� c: :.`.c ac. (cr ::.__: lc�� :;• Ecsie z:cd :cp:cq= :z:i.�c< CI 1SC e�v::t::e :�O�CL�cs� d0
..c.-cty x:i;im �.^_ C,^,::::J o: :.`.e Ci1� oi Szi:a ?�cl ;o .��:c i's i:,..:cs'S ia :.`,c :-:�'.- ;c�z'.?y Gcsc;Scd u fc:ic�:.st
That portion of Gilbert Avenue £rom the East line o£ the West 22
feet of Lot 24 extended Northeasterly, to the West line of Lot 40
extended Northeasterly, all in Block l, Merriam Park 4th Addition
I(we) request this vacation for the £ollowing reason(s). The small
section of Gilbert Avenue that Petitioner requests to be vacated is
a paved lot which is exclusively maintained by Petitioner L& H
Properties (e.g., plowing, cleaning, repairs, etc.). This section
of Gilbert AVenue is not a through street with any means of passage
and there£ore is of little or no use to the City. This "roadway"
is now and always has been used as a private parking lot €or Petitioner
L& H Pr.operties and Petitioner has no plans to alter the current use
of the property. Since Petitioner L& H Properties is already incurring
thg costs o.f mai a"public, roadwa " which is of no use to the`
I(F�c ,*,z.�c znzbcd s:x cep;cs cf :bc <:;c p:�:sY>f zny Enc;c�-.c,-,t �c:cnGcd `c; cS:s:: �r.;e ; m:.`.c ;z;.fs :0 5e •.zalcd.
City, Petitioner respectfully requests that the City vacate its interest
Contact Person in this small section Person(s) responsible for pz}7nent of
of Gilbert Avenue. F•acation iee and ior accepfance of the
ferms and conditions of the �acation:
�z-�: Lonnv D. Thomas, Esq.
_� __. 735-8837
; aa:rss: 6949 Va11ey Creek Road
Suite 120, MidAmerica Bank
Woo ury, N'.N
��_,_. L & H Properties
�so,�: 645-5897
� Gilbert Avenue
Bldg. St. Paul, MN 55104
.4`.c^s:c Coo:zct Pcto�
David Drach, Esq.
?;o,r 347-8000
=.ce-t._� 105 South Fi£th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55402
G� Z.,3�
Signatures of Owner(s)/Representati�e(s) of Property(ies) Below:
' /'�� . �
L & H Properties
i er
au ,
CP Rail System
105 South Fi£th Street
Zdinnea �G �T 55402
I+ am ihe pecitioner or one of che petitionas in che above matter, and I Go Lereby swear and
vcrify that cach o e si ure n th" peution ras si ' my presena by ihc pcxson dcscribed in [he pe�ition.
Subscnbed and swom to before me this ��+ .
day of � �^ �'� lyy �
�s. sA.,n,{� �
� ��4�� LOh�'Y � �a ,._.
(calt> <f-10>vg)
,e.= � , . ���u,��„-_ �
a�ifi:F'.:� � s.
� ��'�';P"-'-��O�3N�t�hr,�_ ;'.�,._ ;>
� . 11i ,�_ �
":' •,.�i�;551Cr::,n:�;� ' < .
�N e;��'
Jv ; p �, �;
%� ' ,
�� Z3�
Owners abutting Gilbert Avenue, from the East line of the
West 22 feet of Lot 24 extended Northeasterly, to the
West line of Lot 40 extended Northeasterly,
all in Block 1, Merriam Park 4th Addition.
unto the City of St. Paul, in re: Application for the vacation
of the landa described above.
That the following is a true and complete listing of the real
estate along the line of said section of public street and that
the name or names of the apparent record owner or owners in
respect to each parcel of land is as follows:
MME, Inc., a Minnesota Warranty Deed
corporation Dated November 3, 1981
1. to Recorded July 1, 1982
Donald L. Harvey, as to an #2149633
undivided fifty percent (50%) The Westerly 27 feet of Lot 24
interest as tenant in common, and Lots 25, 26, 27, 28 and
and Ronald C. Leonard, as to 29, Block 1, Merriam Park 4th
an undivided fifty percent Addition to Saint Paul.
(50%) intereat ae tenant in AND
common Lot 31, Block 1, Merriam Park
Fourth Addition, City of
St. Paul except that part
which lies southwesterly of
the following described line:
Beginning at a point on the southeasterly line of said Lot 31,
dietant 130 feet southwesterly of the northeast corner thereof;
thence run northwesterly to a point on the northwesterly line of
said Lot 31, distant 100 feet southwesterly of the most northerly
corner thereof and there terminating, and together with that part
of said Lot 31 which lies southwesterly of Line 1 described below
and northeasterly of Line 2 described below:
Line 1. Beginning at a point on the southeasterly line of said
Lot 31, dietant 130 feet southwesterly of the northeast corner
thereof; thence run riorthwest to a point on the northwesterly
line of said Lot 31, distant 100 feet southwesterly of the most
northerly corner thereof and there terminating;
Line 2. Beginning at a point on the southeasterlp line of said
Lot 31, distant 130 feet southwesterly of the northeast corner
thereof; thence�run northwesterly to a point on the northwesterly
line of said Lot 31, distant 110 feet southwesterly of the most
northerly corner thereof and there terminating.
Free from all incumbrances EXCEPT that certain mortgage running
in favor of First National Bank of Minneapolis in the original
amount of $500,000.00.
�1 Z3�
MME, Inc., a Minnesota Warranty Deed
oorporation Dated November 3, 1981
2. to Recorded July 1, 1982
Donald L. Harvey, as to an #723849
undivided fifty percent (50%) That part of Lot 30, Block l,
interest as tenant in common, lying Northeasterly of a line
and Ronald C. Leonard, as to drawn from the most Southerly
an undivided fifty percent corner of said Lot 30 through
(50%) interest as tenant in a point on the Northwesterly
common line of said Lot 30 distant
130 feet Southwesterly from
the most Northerly corner of
said Lot 30;
Those parts of Lots 32 to 40 inclusive, Block l, and that part of
adjoining Cretin Avenue, formerly Montgomery St., vacated, all
lying Northeasterly of a line drawn from a point on the
Southeasterly line of said Lot 32 distant 110 feet Southweaterly
from the most Easterly corner of said Lot 32 through a point on
the Northweaterly line of said Lot 40 distant 40 feet
Southweaterly from the most Northerly corner of said Lot 40;
all in "Merriam Park, Fourth Addition City of Saint Paul".
(And other property, see record)
Free from all incumbrances, EXCEPT that certain mortgage running
in favor of Firat National Bank of Minneapolis in the original
amount of $500,000.00.
Elias F. Drake and Caroline M. Warranty Deed
Drake, his wife, Girart Hewitt Dated April 24, 1879
and Allie Hewitt, his wife Recorded May 18, 1879
to Book 89 of Deeds, page 170
The Chicago, Milwaukee & A strip of land 100 feet in
St. Paul Railroad Company width extending in a NW'ly and
SE'ly direction across the S.
1/2 of NE1/4, Sec. 32, T. 29,
R. 23, described as follows:
All that part of S. 1/2 of NE1/4, Sec. 32, T. and R. aforesaid,
which lies within a distance of 50 feet on either side of centre
line of proposed railroad of the Chicago, Milwaukee and
Saint Paul Railroad Company, to be constructed from near Chestnut
Street in Saint Paul, through S. 1/2 of NE1/4 of Sec. 32, to
Minneapolis as said centre 'lin,e has been surveyed and is marked,
fixed and located by stakes and monuments on the ground by said
company, equal to 6 427/1000 acres more or less.
� �
�� .�. ��
Richard B. Ogilvie, the duly
appointed, confirmed,
qualified and acting Trustee
of the Property of the
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul
and Pacific Railroad Company,
Debtor, acting not as an
individual but aolely as said
Truetee under the authority of
the Court in certain
proceedings for the
Reorganization of a Railroad
under amended Section 77 of
the Federal Bankruptcy Act in
the United States District
Court for the Northern
Diatrict of Illinois, Eastern
Diviaion ("Court") entitled
'�In the Matter of Chicago,
Milwaukee, St. Paul and
Pacific Railroad Company,
Debtor," Case No. 77-B-8999
SLRCO, Ino., a Minnesota
Quit Claim Deed
Dated February
Recorded March
(See Exhibit A
19, 1985
14, 1986
�` .,__.�"-
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�' Qt�IT CLASM DEED made this 1�_ day of ,,_��_,__�,__,.
1985, between: ' � ' ,
RICHARD B.�OGILVIE, the duly appointed, confirmed,
� qualified and actinq 2rustee of the property of
RAILROhD COMPANY, Debtor, acting not as an individual
. but solely as said Trustee under the authority of
the Court in certain proceedings for the Reo'rhanization
- of a Railroad under amended Section 77 of thc
Fu�e:al DanY.ruptc/ :.ct in the L'nitea States :�istrict
Court For the Northcrn Uistrict of Illinois,
Lastern Division ("COUrt") entitled "In the Alatter
� of Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad
Company, bebtor," Case No. �7-6i8999; the GRANTOR
G. I
s� I I
vi I
' � SLRCO. Inc., a corporation organized and existing
� under the laws of the State of t�finnesota, whose
� ' address Ss Soo,Line D�ilding, Fifth and [.arquette,
' Minneapolis, Minnesota Si490; the GRnNTEE
� � ��. W I T N E S S E T H: � � ,
� Pursuant�to� Order No: ��< "/ entered February
���, 1985, 6y the Court in said Case No. 77-D-8999, in
� consideration of the sum of Ten and no/100 Dollars ($10_00)
, and other good and valuable consideration to GRANTOR in hand
, paid by the GRANTE�, the receipt and sufficiency whereof is
' hereby acknowledqed by the GRANTOR, the GRe�NTOR hereby �
. CONVEYS AN� QUIT CLAIMS unt0 GRANTEE, its successors and
' , assigns, free from all liens, security interests and encumbrances,
except as provided in said Order, without any covenants or �
warranties of title whatsoever, and without to the
GRANTOR, all of the GRANTOR's right, title and interest,
legal and equitable, whatsbever, in and to the real Property, �
estates, roadbed, right-of station grounds, railroad
yards, lines o£ raiYr�ad, fixtures and all appurtenances
�� � thereto, including those easements granted hereundcr, all as '
described in Schedale A attached hereto and by reference .
, mada a part hereof, situated in Che Counties oE �4ashinqton
�,� and Ramsey in the Statc of Afinnesota. .
,..�...., .�.
' ' , 11I'.Tlili:� "IOi 'I04 CN.11' .
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RAMSEV COUNTY �'' � cutc,�cu, 'iLi.[aors.GUau?
� MINNESOTA a0 ' OEED TAX DUE HEREON: 52.2D (r�: ,Y-7644-15) '
OEED TAX AMOUNT ' � , , ' ��
' . ' 0;;: ; ..;. : t q;t;ed';;�h�i :�.:x; • y✓��
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Together with, and ir.cl::.z:�? without Iic:itntion
for lack of specifie enumeration, a_I of the ,RnhTOa's interest,
if pny, which the GaANTOR may hac�e ia and to the °ollowing: �
;(1) As to Property Conveye3 to GR:,�TEE. but not
includin�Prope[ty E::ce?tcc (zs the sa:ne are
' described in Schedule n1=
�7. -
(a) Adjoining streets, al'_eys, roads and highways,
, . whethar heretofore cr hereafter vacated;
(b) Reversions, remain�azs and futare estates,
riyhts and intorescs; znd
(c) Rights in coal, oii s.9,nas and minerals, of
whatsoeveX kind or caeure now known to exist, ,
or hereafter disco:•ered, in or on the said
� ' ProperYy Conveyed io L-rantee. -
(2) As to Property Conve}•e� to GRF:NTEE and in cluding
� Easements Granted to GR'�:�EE,(as the sane are
described in Schedule AY:
' All structures, ?ir.t�sres end improve:r.ents
� located thereon, ir.c.acing, witho�t limitation,
. all trackage, indastrial sidings, buildings,
bridges, trestles, c�lverts, viaducts, riyht- �
� , of-way fences, sicnal ar.d communication �
facilities, electr:ca? facilities and equipment,
�. and all apPurtena.^.v^c-s of and to the £oregoing,
' �� � of whatsoever kin:.' a:3 description, irrespective
� ' of how classifie3 or a:fixed.
� ' All of the�Yi9hts and obli-aations createc hereunder
sha1L lnure to, and be enforceable �y, the respective grantees
and succeasors and assigns of the G3?,IdTOR and GRANT£E. �
ZN WITNESS l9HERE0F,� Lh:s ::strument is er;ecuted by
the GRANTOR, RICHARD S. OGILVIE, r.ot as an individual but
solely in his Capacity as Trustee o� the Property of the
Debtor�i anB by the GRANTEE the dap ar.d year first above
written. � �� •
cR.;�:�a: �
:, i
—� __ L�---"='` ' -
RiCY �� e. OGIIAIE, not as an
, '; , . ,,;;�.-, individval but solely as
��, � . "'"'�',;, Trusiee of the Property of the
, ,' ' � ��', �' r1KL` Pi+CIFIC RAILROAD COAIPANY,
.• �� , , ' � pebtor
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��^��^ ' � On this !G;r day of !�....,, :985, 6efore � �"
",I �"';'��'�"�"��' N � me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in for sai3 County `:
' ' ^ and State aforesaid, personally appeared RICHARD 5. oGILVIE, �
'���' �'��"v`.%��%��'�^`�� not as sn individual but solely as Trustee of the Property "�
.� � COMPANY, Debtor, to me known to be the identical person
�. b ' ' named in� and who executed, the foregoing Quit Claim Deed,
. ' � dated fe'��, o,;�y /�I , 1985, and ocknowledged that he executed
' the same as his volantary act and deed as Trustee as aforesaid, �,,;
' ' Nursuant to the authority qranted to flim as Trustee in said "'
� "'" Order No. � � 9
�„� �: �� '; IN i9ITNESS WHEREOF, T have set my hand and official , �u: .
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Notary Public, Cook County, Rlinois ,'�`
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,� ;,:; My Commission expires July 23, 1988. „�
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,1 ` � . . �,� ' � 3 .
�, j � � Margaret C. Baxter �' � ��;
Ieham, Lincoln' & Beale �?,f
ii y'' Three First tuatianal plaza ; ,G
� , , �;; Chicago, Illinois 60602 � � ��� „
. ., �� . � . ; , .
: .,, � Tax statements for real pronertv described herein shall bc sent to: ;,:� `
. SLRCO inc.' �� � �
� � 80o Line fluil6in� � � � ��'�
'` ;�,'' [•'ifth and Marqvette' � � ':� '
n ' � • Minneapolis, MN 55440�' � �� . � ,s�'�,
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' � � FfP[f,P1,E OF PftOPtRTS' �
BCTMF.FP: !:E'+:I'ORi. .'il�t�E:�(1'IA d ST. id('L, :11\!:E507'A ,
,Y�LI:ATION SF.CTI045 M[hNESOTd d, 2R 6 1.B �
➢etween 17evpnr[ and SC. Paul, M1nne=ota fn che Cocnctes of Neshingtun
end Hamsey,'more particularly described ae folle�•s:
Conmsndng ot the south 11ue of che K 7/2 of [he S:i Iid of Sec[Son 76,
Townshlp . North, Rnnge 21 Nest of [he 4Ch P.`I., also known as
MSlepoaC 402.38� at approxlmately Hailroad Englr.eez's Survcy Statlon
No. 434*6Y. and exteading Sn a northvesterly directlon a dlsCance of
approxima[ely 15.20 miles Sn end through [he Couctics of l:asl,iny[on and
Ramsey nnd terr�lnutlnR ac the Runsey/Hennepin f.ou:.:y i.L:e on [he uost
lfne ol tLe ::B 1/4 0( Sec[Son 3: .�'�.n+L1p :� L . n.�r.F�' '1 Rr-.t of
[hc 4ph P.M., nitu knoun us !1t]epnst 4!:.:5. nn��..:dit:nnall�� W:own as
Rn1)roaA FnglnmC'e Survc) Stxtfon No. 7?G�ll J, a 1 0( whtch 1s nore
pazCicularly described on statlon maps designated t'.^.^.t.14R/S-I: 1, S-L-2
(Kevport)q V.NN.2/S-L-1 [hrough S-L-P, incluslce, (Se. Paul), and S-I: ]0
Chrough S-L-16, incluslve, (St. Paul), all of e•hich are included hereln
and cade a part hereof by zeference.
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Also. Grantoz's so-called Ford Line in S[. Paul, Ninnesota described as
CommeneSng at Che point of sw1[dh in the centerline of ehe wost
southerly maSn Crack of tY�e Chlcago, Afilvaukee, Sc. Paul end Pacific
Rallroad Company approximately 460 feet soutFcescerly cf as measured
along said centerllne from [he north line ot the 6E 1/4 of Section 12,
Townshlp 28 6or[h, Renge 23 Uest of the 4Ch P.:!., also known as Railroad
F.ngineer's Survey SCUtion No. 0+26.2, and excenJing in a southvesCe�ly
dlrectlon a dts[ance of approximately 5.12 n11es in and CLrough Che
CounCy of Ramsey and terminacing ac a point appror.3r.acely 125 feec
southeasCerly of as measured a]ong said centerline fror che nurch line
of che SE ]/4 of Secclon 17. Tovr6ldp 28 North, F.onge 23 4'exi of the
4th P.M., alsn knovn ae Rallroad engineer's Sun•e�: Scation �n. 54+40,
ell of w�Lich 19 morc parciculssrly de�;crihed nn scaciun rr,�pe deslF.na�ud
C.:II:.28/F-1 CLrough F-6� inclusive, (St. Paul), all o( vhich are
included hereln anJ made a part hereof by reference. �
HXCECTING. NOFEVER, all thal part of the Crantor's real ptoperty Sn the
NWkSI:y SecCiun 36� Tovnsfifp 28 t:orth, Range 22 Fesc in the Tovn of
�evport, I:ashington County, HlnnesoCa, lyir.g aouchvesterly of e line
parallel to and dleCent 50 feee souchvescerly of as measured
perpendlcalur to [he centerllne of the Cran�cr's rain crack. StiBJECT,
POl:k1'ER, to the folloving eusement: GRA:JTOR hrreby gcants to GRANTF.0 an
eusemenC of sutflclent videh reqiiired for the roncinued use, repair,
nuintenance, operation, xeconstrur.tion and replacecenc of che Crnck,
slgnal and communication pole ]!ne and Caci11t1es and appurtenances
che[e[o presently located tfiereon which are utiiized o[ Leid For use !n
[he conduct of the Rallroed; upon cessaticn of use for the perSod of
tvelve (12) cOPSeCutive monNis, or prior remo�al or relocaeion chereof,
[h1s easemen[ shall be extingulahed vi[hout fartF.ec action of the
paxeles, end GRANTE£, sx CHAN7'CG's expense, shall prurpcly cenove ihe
same� 'fai�ling vhSch, GRANTOR m�y give GRANTf,F. vrlt[en notice to ranove
sune� and. exceyt for occurreuces ot furra ��.�teure, 1� not remuvud
viehln one handred [vency (1?0) dnyv frur, and r�ite: �he de[e ot
C{LIKTEC's receip[ o( euid no[lce, euch CrnrA m:6 nigne] und
communicaCion pole line shxll be deennd abandored anJ.ehall �er.ome [he
pTOperq� of the GRANTOP. in place. Polloving :.cch abandonnenC, rennva]
'or rclucutlon� upon ++riCten uotice by LF1':FOR co cR;.:7iEE, CRAl1Ti:F. aqreea
to exe<uce auch duc�iment or docurrnta as may Fe furnished by GRAttTUR co
renove the (uceEning easrncnt as un exceptfc.n [. fRAfiTON's tit7e nnd to
dellver such document or documenCx Co CRART�R ac. or prfar'to. Che
explra[1on nf Cha ufoTesulA ane hundred tuency C1:�1 Aay perlod.
� "����� ' . ' .
, ScUeJu7c "A" _ Pnge I�Pt 3 ..
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t:XCF.I'TINC, ull c6uC par[ �nf chc Grantor's real pruperty Sn I.ot 5,
'Section 4; che SySW�t end the SN�iSFS, Secclon 3; Sectfon lb, and [he
512':hWk Sectlon 11. Tovnrhlp 28 North, Rangc 22 Reet, ftnmsey Cmmty,
Mlnnesota, all lying southvestezly of the follnwing descriGed'lines:
8eginning nC a polnt nn the north line of the SN�:SW'� of said Section 3
d1s[enc JO feeC w•es[ of [be nertheaec torner [6ercof, thence
sou[heas[erly IG00 fce[ on a llne [owaCds tl�e sou[heast corncr oC tl�e
SC�LSFk of sald Sectlon 3, thence southeasCerly to a point on the e,sC
]ine of said Secclon 10 dispanc 690 feet nortfi of the eoutheast cerner
of the 1:F1c oC said Section t0, tt�ence conCinufng on the last descrfbed
course to a point'200 feet soutfivesterly of,as measured pe=pendicular to
the center.ine of the Grxntor's rain cxack, thence southensterly
pa[ullul tn snld r.�t�in [CUCk centcrllne to tL< souq� lJnc of [he 5114SM'';
oF sald Sectlon 11.
EXf.F.PTING, all that pert of che NW'¢SWk Section il, Tovnshfp 28 North�
Range 22 11est, Remsey County, Hlnnesota lying sou[hvesterly of a line
, parallel Co and dlstant 200 feet southvetiteriy of ae veasured
perpendicular co the centerlSne of the Grantor'e main track and lying
noreheasterly of the �orth line and a snutheesterly pro�ection af [M1e
north line of that pzopeTty in saSd fiW%SW�L of said Seccion 11 conveyed
to PorC Authority of the City of S[. Paul by a qui[c1a1m deed daCed ]une
l3� 1963 recorded on June 20, 19fi3 1n IIook I850 of Ransey County Records
' et page 582. �
'� � , . , ...'� ,.� ,. ALSO
E%CEPTIFC, all tha[ part�of the Grantor'e zeal pzoper[y in l.ots 3, 4 5
and 6, Block 38 0£ Rice 8 Irvine's Additlon to ihe City of St. Pnul,
Ramsey County, llinnesota aceording tn the recorded plat therenf lying
eo�thwesterly of x I1ne parallel to and disct�n[ 1� Feve e.outhvesterly nf
, ae measured perpendlculnr to the centcrline of the CraPtor'e nosC
�sou[hvesterly side,tzack as now es[ablished.
E%CEPTIKG, all tfiat pert of [6e Cranior's real property in Lots 1 �
through S, Block 69 of I;vine's Enlargenent to the City of St. Paul,
kunsey Caunty, NSnnesota eocording Co the recorded plat thercof lying
� southvcaterly of a 11ne paralle] to and diatant 10 feet southwesterly of
, es meaeured perpendl4ular to the cen[erline of the Crantor's mos[
uuuthwesterly side track e6 nov estab]lshed.
, � � ' ALSO - �
� F.XCF.PTIKG. all that pxrt che frnntor'x real property in Lota 1
� Chrough 8, Block 1 of the Rearrangement of Oppenhein's Addition Co [he
CSCy of SCS Paul� Rnmsey County, Jlinnesuta, acrording to the recorded
p1eC tlie[eof ly'fng sou[haesterly oF a line parallel to and distxnt IO
� feeC souUmesterly of ae mensured perpendlcular to Che centerlinu of the
Crxntor'n moeC xouChwesterly side track ae nov establlshed.
EXCLP7'7FC, oll [hqC pnrt oC the Crantor'�: i'�ul property Sn I.ots 1
thtough 4 and 1n l.ot�. !t chrough I5, Rlork 3, Coulevard AdAltlon tn'tLa
C1[y of S[. Pxul. Rameey Cvuu[y. M1nr.uaoca according to the recorJed
piat thercof lyfng enst of e lSne V+irn71a1 to nnd dia[unt 130 fee[ enst
� of the wesC 11ne nf anid Rlock 3 anJ lyin6 u�'FC of n ltnc pareliel [o
nnd distant 20 feet wea[ of [he�ease line of nald l.oc I5.
Schedule "A" — Page'2 of,1 � "
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i.:<CENTING, ull thac part of [he Grarcor's rea_ property in Lots 25, 26
ar.d 'G7� 81ock 31, Thomau Ualy's ACditlon to [he C:cy of Sc. I'aul, Ramsey
Ccunty, Mlrtnreo[a lytrtg trorthves[erly nt a ].ne peral7e] [o .�nJ Jistartt
25 tee[ nurthvestefty cf es neasured perpendlr.ular to the cen[erline of
the �rantor'x naln treck.
'F.XCEPTII:G, xll Chat'purt of the GrunCOr's real pzoperty Sn Secclan I1,
TovnsLlp 2A Forth, Range 23 l�est io the C.Sty of S[. Paul, Ramsey Countp,
; l:Snnesota, lying south of the south line of che alley in Hlock 1, Beck
and Hreckenrldge'e Addition to the City of SL Paul and lying
southeasterly of a llne pazallel [o anL Listanc ?5 fce[ southens[erly of
es men�ured peTprndiculxr to tLc center:inc cf the fr:�ntor's su callcd
�Fcrd Line main eraek.
' , , .:.,",:,, . � ALSO
E%Cf.PYtNG, ell thaC�par[ of the Crantor's real propezty in Sectian ll,
Totmshlp�2B Noith. Aaege 23 We�t In the Ciq' of St. Paul, Ramsey Coanty�
N.inneaota. lying soutA of [he south line of Audebon Screet end lying
northweaterly of a lioe parallel to and discnnt 25 feet norehwesterly of
as meesuxed petpendicular to the cenCed ine af the Grantor's mafn [rack.
� . . � . • ALSO �
E%CEPTING, all �thet part of [he franeor's real property in the NW�,NW!t
Section 41, Tovnshlp 28 North. Range 23 l:est Sn the Cicy af St. Paul,
Ransey County, Plinneso[a� lying souchwesterly oF the southw�eet 11ne of
Return f.ourt and lyfng south of a line paralle] to and dlatant 25 feeC
south of es meaeured perpendicule[ Co the centerline of [he Crantor's
tzflck extending from the east line xovurds che aest Iine of said NW![Mdi.
. A150
LXCEPTINC. all ChaC part of the Grantnc's rea] �r�r�rcy in [he (APub11JS,;
Secclnn ?1 , Tovnship ^ .8 Korth, Range 'l3 6'esc in chc CSty of Se. 7'aul,
Remsey Councy; Minnesota� lyiclE snuthwesrerly of [he souchwes[ line of
� Return Court end lying north of e line parallel [o and distenC 25 feet
po[th of as measu[ed perpendiculnr to [he centerllne of che Crantor'e
� t[ack er.[ending from the eas[ line towards [he vesc line ef eaid NW�t;M'!G.
�f . , . . .' . .
, • mn2,20 8 148 ,
' ' • . � Schedule "A" — Page 3�of 3
IL � �,-°'� ,
� Exhibi � Page� of �'"a9e$
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Taxea and Judgmente, not reported.
Witness the signature of an authorized officer of the said
Company this lst day of July, 1996 at 7 o'clock a.m.
For: Thomas & Paiement
Order No.: A96-21868
?ED PLRNNING DIU. TEL�9-228-3314
Repty to Vacation Inquiry
Flle # 1886-18
Jan 08'97 15�46 No.005 P.01
a � Pa�s 1
�n A. Oni F�cm: Mike Kramer ��
� �� �� n�a��
llth Floor CSry Hall A�e�[
We bave nu objecdons to t�s vacation . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �
We tn�st reqln our easetqents witt�3n the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation,
vacaUon �bject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0
For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑
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Date l � 'ST -
Fiom: Mike Rraemer
Date: 2/13/97 12:28pm
Subject: Vacation of Gilbert Avenue - Got a questi
I'm not sure of the specific layout the petitioner is requesting
for the use of this property, but whenever a request is made to
vacate a portion of a street and a stub street remains, we like
to see some sort of manuvering turn around for vehicles. This is
public works call if a turn around is required and if so, its
radius. If public works doesn't require one, we wouldn't require
it either. Our comment on this is only an advisory one, and not
a requirement.
Call me with any other questions.
Mike 6-6583
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Interdepartmental Memorandum
Saint Paul Water Utility
�'r�' � 1 ���e�
TO: Juan A. Ortiz
Real Estate Technician
FROM: William L. Tschida
Unit Supervisor
DATE: December 30, 1996
SUBJECT: Finance Department File Number 1996-18 Vacate Gilbert Avenue
The Water Utility has a six-inch water main, a fire hydrant and several water services in that part
of Gilbert Avenue right-of-way proposed for vacation. To provide for continued access to our
facilities, the Utility requires that an easement be retained over the entire portion of Gilbert
Avenue from the east line of the west 22 feet of Lot 24 extended northeasterly to the west line of
Lot 28 extended northeasterly, a11 in Block l, Merriam Park 4th Addition.
Restrictions within the area are as follows:
No buildings, structures or trees are permitted within the easement area, or any
temporary structure, material storage, fixture or other objects that may prohibit
normal access to water facilities for maintenance purposes without written
permission from the Water Utility.
2. No change from the existing grade or change in surfacing within the easement
area is permitted without written permission from the Water Urility.
Should it be necessary that the petitioner's works or improvements be removed or
damaged as a result of Water Utility operations, a11 removal, replacement or
modification costs to restore the petitioner's works shall be borne solely by the
4. That the petitioner, its successors and assigns shall fully indemnify, defend and
save harmless the Boazd of Water Commissioners, its officers, agents, employees
and servants from all suits, actions or claims which shail arise from any injuries or
damages received or sustained by any break in any service pipe, water main, or
connection in said reserved easement, arising out of or resulting from any action
or negligence of the petitioner, its employees, agents or business invitees.
Any questions may be referred to Jerry Strauss of our staff at 266-6268.
cc: Tom Eggum
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12/20/1996 15:49 20 ST PAUL POLICE DEPT PAGE 01
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Reply to Vacatlon Inquiry
�11e # 1996-18
Pmm: Lt.
We have � objecdons to this vacation ....
We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation,
vacation subject to tl� following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑
For the following reasons, we catuiot approve this v�ation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • �
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Repiy to Vacation Irtquiry
Fite # 1996-18
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We have no objecdons to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
We must rerain our �seme�►ts within the right-of-way. We wiil approve rhis vacation,
vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • - - . . _ . . . X�
Por the foilowing reasons, we cannot approve this vazxtion : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑
U S WEST Communications preser►tly maintains a cab/e in or near the portion
of the Public Way to be vacated. This cab/e facility serves a customer at
475 C/eve/and Avenoe. Cables may be rerouted providing the petitioner assumes,
prior to p/anning, design and consfruction, al! costs involved wrth obtaining
easements a»d permits as wel/ as al/ materia/ and Ja6or rnsts inarned by
U S WEST Communications /nc, its agents or assiges.
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DEC-20-96 FRI 8�27 RICE
Reply to Vacation Inquiry
File # 1996-18
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FRX N0, 612229�309
/ of Pagcs 1
hian A. Orti From: Bernie Gille
City of SL Ya N.S.P. - Electric Di
Real Estate Divisio 825 Rice Street
P, 01
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We have no objecuons to this vacarion • • • • • • • • � � �
We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, �
vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
For the following teasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • [ ]
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DEC-20-96 FRI 8:28 RICE FAX N0, 6122292309 P,02
Gilber[ Avenae Erom the east line of the west 22 feet of Lot 24 extended northeasterly, to
the west line of Lot 40 extended northeasterly, all in Block 1, Merriam Park 4th Addition
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Reply to Vacation Inquiry ��
Fi[e # 1996-18
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FAX N0. 6122295585
ctiy of st.
Real EShate Di�
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N.S.P. - Gas Distribc
825 Rice Street
Saint Paul, MN 55117
Phrne 9
Fax N
P. O1
�1`F�Z� i
We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation,
vacarion snbject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Por the foltawing reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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N of Pages 1
Reply to Vacation Inquiry
File # 1996-18
Juan A.
City Of $t.
� ��� ��
From: Jack DebOSe
MCT Metro
2250 Lakeside Boulevazd
Richardson T'X 75082
Farz N
We have no abjections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [�
We must retain our easements witrrin the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation,
vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
For the following reasons, we cannot appmve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
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If of Pages 1
Reply to Vacation Inquiry
File # 1996-18
To: Juan A.
co. City of St.
Rea] Estate Di�
P9noe 11 266
Fax � 26G
From: llavid U
Distriet Energy St. Paul,
District Cooling St. Paul,
76 West Kellogg Bouievard
F2x1! 221-
We have no objecrions w this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �
We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation,
vacadon subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑
ror ine foi:o�viiig reasans, we caiun�z approve tnis vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0
rVi�b � V 9��b
4 �a�- �sr5r� DtvisioN
DECEMBER 23, 1996
Department oF F'inance and Management Services
Real Estate Division
I40 City Hall Phone: (612) 266-8850
Saint Paul, MN SS102 Fax: (6I2) 266-8&SS
Norm Colemnn, Mayor
December 13, 1996
Charles Plouff
Continental Cablevision
214 Fast Fourth Street
Saint Paul, MN 55101
Dear Mr. Plouff:
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The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the
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� This inqufry pertaivs to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending
on the petitioner's reasbn for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated
right-of-way, some or all of the ntilitp easements may be retained.
The purpose of this vacation is
Will you please advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended
future use of this pmposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments befor
����� � il so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter.
For your convenience, you will find a reply form, wiih fas uansmittal memo, on the reverse side
of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file
number when repIying. "
If you haue any questions regarding this matter, please call Juan A. Ortiz at 266-8850.
��� _--_�
Juan A. Ortiz
Real Estate Technician
� a
Reply to Vacation lnquiry
File # 1996-18
To: 7uan A.
co. Ciry of St
Real Estate Di
� # u�
Fax u 26f
# of Pages 1
FICttn: C113CLC5 P1011ff
Cotuinernal Cablevisic
214 East Fourth Strcet
ca;rn Paut, MN 5510]
Fax #
We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L]
We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation,
vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
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