D00537wn�v — c�: cie.k Pink — Finance Dept. � Ca�ary — Dept. • OYFIGR OF TgF: MAYOR AD�tINISTRATIYE ORDER I3i`Ix:ET I2F.t1Si0� No: �a�3� Bate: `� ' " _�� ��1�ZS�.��'� �)I2D�R., Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Sectwn 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Plihl i � HPa 1 th to amentl the 79 95 budget of ihe Speci al Revenue fund. the Director of the Department of Finance and Mana9ement Services �s authonzed to amend saia budgeY in the foflowing ma�nec Current Amended Budget Change Budget PUBGIC nBRiRH - 3PBCiAL PBOJnCTB • 305-33230-0&39 3G5-33239-0&4i 3G5-33i3S-Ofi57 305-33232-Gai"s 30S-33i36-G35Z 305-3323�-0219 305-3"s23Q-uii5 "s05-33i51-0241 305-33251-G219 - �I'1'Y OF SAINT I�AiSL a"rxC HLYn P&OJ BtiP"r BBGC -�QiJiFPiBNT HLTfi i,AB - SPEGSAb - npUIPiiENi TUBfi&CiJL6Si8 GiL - D9TB PicOCfi38i�U EQUiF, HEALifl SaCOBD� - DtiPLICRRiIdv (inC6Ilin TUSBrcCUL43i8 �TL - �EDICAL Si1FPLIfiS 3PBC BLiH YBlid SliPP 3BV - FnfiS OTHBB 3PfiC. NLiH F&6d - F&B"s NfiDICAL C6NM Ai,TH SDUCaii6A - P&INiiNG COHFi nLTH fiDOGAiiOPi- FB83 �O.6G �Ii,690.D"u #3.44 �5,040,00 313,403.60 sls,oao.oa 31"u,gP6.0@ $i $2,064,6u �66��OZ.I�� 3io,5D"u,GQ S5i.0� �3,�1u0.6� 31,4ii,60 i93,0�,00j 139,5oa.GO} ;3s,aoo,o�) 132,aoo,00i i32�"v00,G0# gU.60 $1'n,000.u6 $i9,13i.6G 33,Q6G,QQ $6,417.Q� 3ii,§63.G0 57�43Z,00 �4 yo8�60 iB.OG 366,967.00 kN86&A8, 3F�k6ING AJSHOuITY i5 I7BRDfiD SN 9PBC &LiH P�03 3U4P FOfl A 3IGN, IN LABOBAi'OBY F03 THB AODITTGNAI, G68i OF ApaGYi�R, I'rv' i"uBfiRCuLfialS r�u T8B PtSBCHAS3 Oe A G+�NFOTES, AriD HBai,iti flBG6SG3 NBBaS AUTflOBITY EG& ifi& ADDITIONRL C48T OF DU�uICATIAu HACflINB, AAD WdBrc&AS, TAS6B iS SPBAUINi, AUTH6&ITY IN PAEIOU9 OTfiBR QBSaCT COQS3 THAT COULD BB TRAHBFfiEBfiD THB&SF6�Z� BB RBSOLVnD, TAAT iR& MA30R APFBOVBS THB CHANGB T6 TH� 1995 BGDGBT, Approvetl by: Mayor Date '�i od53�t DEPAqTMENT/OFFICE/COUNdL DATE INITIATED • � y 3 0� 5 0 3 � 555 cod�rs�-. 4 2� 95 GREEN SHEE _ _ WNTAGT PERSON & PHONE INIiiAVDATE INffIAL/DATE O DEPARThIENT DIAECfOA � CT' COUNCIL ASSIGN �CRYATTORNEY �CIiYCLERK E N CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) Nt11fBER FOA � BUDGEf DIflECTO(i � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. NOVfING ORDER � MpyOfl (OFi ASSISTANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: Sfgnatures on Admfnistrative Order transferring s:pending authority between various Special Fund Activities. RECOMMENDATIONS: �WWOVe (A) or Peject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PIANNING CqMMISSION __ GIVIL SEflVICE GOMMISSION �� Ha5 this person/Firm ever worketl under a contract for this tlepartmeM? � _ CfeCOMMtiTEe _ YES "NO _ STAFF 2. Has ihis pereonKrm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DiSiPoC7 COUR7 _ 3. Does ihis person/firm possess a skill not no�mally possessetl by any current ciry employee? SUPP�RTS WHICH COUNCIIaeJECTIVE4 YES NO Explain all yes answers on seperate sheet and attaeh to grean sheet INRIATING PqOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPoRTUNIN (Wlw, What, Whan, Whe�e, Why�. Money was received from the American family Insurance Company to purchase a sign. Spending authority is needed in 33230 -0859 for its purchase. Additional authority is needed in 33239-0347 for Analyzer and in 33232-0813 for duplicating machinebecause of increased cost. Tuberculosis 33235 needs a computer as theirs is unable to be fixed. There is spending authority in various other codes that could be transferred. VANTAGES If APPROVEO: .Sign will br purchased .Deficit codes will be cleared. .Needed computer will be purchased. ev�� DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVEP � � �� 6� NONE � r� ���ecE � � a��.l DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: .Money for sign will have to be returned. .There wi11 be deficit code. RECEIVE� .No computer. MAY ° 11995 �BTY CLER� OTAL AMOUNT OFTflANSACTION S 25.508 COST/HEVENUE BUDf3ETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNpIfdGSOURCE �F12CldT fund AC7IVITVNUMBEH �dl"lOUS FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) �to doe . d.�!