Mirick (2) johnston martineau
attorneys at law
October 29, 2012 `��C���''���
OCi 3 1 2tii2
City Clerk
15 West Kellogg Blvd CITY���;¢��A
310 City Hall
Saint Patil, MN 55102
—------- ' . • �E _ -— ----- ------ —_ __- -
3�3 Si. Albans St. N.
St. Paul, MN 55104
ATTN: Sandra Bod�nsteiner
ItE: Our Client: "Tasha-Rose Mirick
�ur File N��.: t20]2R-�'S
Claim No.: C-120Q85
TJate of I:c�ss: Apri i l 0, 2i�12
Dear 1Vls. Bodensceiner:
I am folle��ing up tc your May 4, 20121eiter in which you ac:•��o���iedge:eceiving thP above
referenced claim aud not�that you will contact me once your �n�estigation is complete.
Addiiionally, I seai the Notice of Claim form to you on July?S, �u12 regarding the same. We
are now mare than fc,ur months past that �ater date and I still have liad no �ontact from your
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now quitz higl-i. I a�n wondering when som�thing is going to L•<. ��c�r�e aboui this matter. I would
appreciate you cor�tacting me as sc,on as possible.
Very truly yours,
Johnstuq,J�lartinea -P�.LP "�
� � �
. _ �._,..
Cl��p er A. Johnston I
Attorney at Law
Cc: Tra�is Haage
Roseville Professional Center � 2233 North Hamline Avenue � Roseville,MN 55113
Sj'G• �vW�wv.jm-legal.com � Fax(612)379.0480