97-206Council File # 1�'" e� � �o Green Sheet � � � b oZ � RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA aJ Presented By Re£erred To Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, ofthe following individuals to serve on the NEIGHBORHOOD SALES TAX REINVESTMENT (STAR) PROGRAM BOARD OF DIRECTORS. REAPPOINTNIENTS Russell J. Miller Stephen Wellington REPRESENTING Neighborhood Business Representative Citywide for Profit Developer Representative APPOINTMENTS John Fahey [Filling Kathie Battle's unexpired term] Community Development Corporation Representative [Labor Representative] Cornell M. Tandooahnippah [Filling Shem Shalar's unexpired term] Community Development Corporation Representative Stephen D. Gordon Planning Commission Representative [Filling Frank Gurney's unexpired term] [Term concurrent with his term on the Planning Commission] Ruby Lee Foundation Representative John Margot Capital Improvement Budget Committee (CIB) Representative [Filling Kristine Bolander's unexpired term] [Term concurrent with his term on CIB Committee] Thomas S. Olesak Kathleen Sundberg Ron Whitcomb District Council Representative District Council Representative With Business Financial Community Representative --Lending See foltowing page for term expirations. 38 39 40 �i 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 so si sz 53 54 55 56 57 sa 59 60 61 62 STAR MEMBER Russell J. Miller Stephen Wellington Tohn Fahey Cornell M. Tandooahnippah Stephen D. Crordon Ruby Lee John Mazgot Thomas S. Olesak Kathieen Sundberg Ron Whitcomb TERM EXPIRATION January l, 2000 7anuary 1, 2000 January 1, 1999 January 1, 1999 7anuary 1, 1998 January 1, 1999 November 1, 1997 January 1, 2000 7anuary 1, 2000 7anuary l, 2000 Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Dat `' �, / � ���� Adoptiarf Certified by o c'I Secretary Eorm Terms are three years, with the exception of those members who are being appointed to fill unexpired terms. sy: B (/r/I] ' `�� Approved by M yor: Date 2�1�1 � By: � " V � by City Attorney ! Approved by Mayor for Council �t � - �.o� Z —ZC to By: +� � �. DistrictlCommunity Council �7-�0� Districtl News Conway Recreadon Center •?A9Q Conway S�. • Room 126 • St. Paul, MN 55119 (612) 292-7828 (612) 29�7829 Fnx distl co@mtn.org January 13, 1997 Rogar Curus, Assistant to the Mayor St Paul �ry Hall 1S W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Peul, MN 55102 Deaz Mr_ G�rtis: Russ Mi11cr has ban che business represcncarivo to the STAR Board from Uistricc 1. He has been a coa�ittee3 and groductive member. At its Novomber 28ch meeting, the District 1 Community Council Board voted to renew his appoinmient to the STAR Board Thank you. Sincerely, ��4�Gxe� G���C�� Catherine Lue, Community Organizer Disaict 1 Community Council — ��. _���� . - . � OFFTCE OF THE MAYOR ' � . . ' :'R�E1`tED : : . • 390 CiTY•HAI,L',:;=;'"-`.'.` . - :: � u� - ..;. SAINT PAIIL�:: MINNESOTA7_:�; 55102..�::=�; -.: .� . � .. . _ . ,. . � � :--':. --•: •_.. .•.:: .:...;_.., .- :....: ..... ....:._ . ._ . • .:. . : <., :::, • . . :: :... .. : ::= _:: . 266-8525:- _ •.. .. £}r � . , _ FAX: �266-8513'_�`�:,.H��-,� . Name: `��fS� �.��A �ie�y; ...�� �_. .. - : - ���� �nRi�sa��� ..- .. .. � .. � �.,.= - �_.'--:- . . � . .:_.. .. .. ._ :..�_ .� .. ..:...:, ... _.. � . q . .� � - . . . . .. Bome Addres s : � -.. ' q O ' r"d Cl'Gi �dQ. s�. �it V� r : _ , '. - . � _ 1 ._.. �. ;-�.: ;->.: ._. � . _ ." � . Street .. City : • - � :; �I` - �0 � 1oE . _ . Zin Telephone Fru.mber: Hose � J - UoZ ' '- � ` Aork .I�. Tt � "� .($AX) � - . �. � � . : . .. . . '� � . f� Planning District Cotmcil: 9o1v��5 ����1\ '`y' � Citp Cotmcil Aard• � Prefexred Hailing Address: ��d �/�f iC� �� Q_. �"1 -�d,w ll� IV S S%�6 ,.Ahat is your occupation? �0�1�CG��orl ���e�eG � ' ' . ' Piace�of E�aploy�ent: ��"L+l� �Y��STfV�L'�'{On SE.f�fj-L'LS � � ' Co�ittee{s) Aoplied Fo=: L-1- � �' .S ��� r Ahat sY.ills/trai.ning or esaerience do pou possess for the coamittee(s) z"or vnich you seek appointaent? ' . _ ..�, a The i.nforiaation incicded is this application is considezed private data acco=ding to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this in£or�ation is not released to tne general public. - ' (OP'L�) . :. � ?tev.�.�21�°3 pF.RSOxnz REFERExcEs Hame: � � Yl 0 � Address•- - �'��� 3�u2.Cah , ��,�� i� �r ��i� f.r'vfln�n VVCLC.L� Q�-aab_ Phoxte: "(Home) C�Toik) ° �� Name: ' r� {c�cr� n1Q,)o.hd �6"�' �l`25 iUE� oT C�0.r.Pec�,�CC`S 1 �07 in �1 �•ti, Address: �l � � IYIA.In Si� Phone: (Home) CAork) �� � S `�.V � Name Address M �� 'V' 1SSQ�1 v •�Q$ 1� eJ�� ' I'ei hV�+rl i �-ES ��, s+ �P�.�J m ss13 6 Phone: (Honel (�7o=kl Reasons £or your interest Sn this particular co�ittee: �aJ i nc n'1'12T �f. v"i� f i n ot, I � Have pou had previws contact vith the com.nittee for vhich you are aaking application. I£ so, when, and circumstancesl • ��� In an attempt to ensuxe that comittee representation reflects the .akeup of ott coamanity, please check the line applicable to pou. This inforaation is strictlp voluntary. J Tihite (Caucasian) Hispznic Black (African Aaerican) Asian or Pacific Islander Aaerican Indian or Alaskan Eskimo V Yale Fesale Date of Bizth• � � �� - �10 Disabled: Yes �Io . I£ special acco�odations needed, please `specify. � Hov did you hear about this openingT r"�-/ l.G��1UI (YIG�, �r(�O"�Ke�df�� ,� �..�: c.� 'r�a� m� � t n Yi �'f cnc't�cr. �'t ev�IS a�d � mv �. v�a � u.� ct�,�n .i � � �' ° \ a� _ao� Dayton's Bluff Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc. 951 East Fifth Street, St. Paul, MN 55106 (612) 774-6995 • Fax (612) 774-0445 February 17, 1997 Mr. Roger Curtis 6€f�—e€-t� ayor 308 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Roger: This letter is to confirm our conversarion of last Friday in nominating John Fahey of 180 Maria Avenue as a Communiry Development Corporation representative to the STAR Board. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the selection process. Sincerely, r < Larry �sen President ?2�C£i � `3 20 199Z ..':r,YO�S QFr1�� � / J 'r � �.- rKUfl YKUUIUWN NLI lUN HLLIH�4LC lu fi�' "`� �� , iSAIriT PAIIL, 2fINNESOTA 55102 " . � - 265-8325;" FAX: 266-�523 .r. . —r�i . t �. ... _ 't � Name • • �.Q) Y 1 Bome �lddress: � COD0.71..J r eJG " �CV�+ �� �'_�'� �4�-ao6 � oa�,n� �ah l� Street . � . C9xp Z � p Tc2ephaae �Ttmeber: Home Z U 7 � ( O� oY1c !Q - O-' ' .tEaK �77 - 6G: Ylanning Dis�c= Council- ' City Couaei3, IIard• �- P�efexz�d 2Sa.i}Yng Address: __/�,[T��c � �Cl v c SThat is your accupatioa2 _ �xf`t/tti��j ,�Q}�-j/�,.��� ' . Place"of �mployment: •}'�.�,�C� cll_ ��� �L..'�/� J --- Gvait'tee(s) Agplied Foz; �T/ i' R S7hat ski2ls/rxa53ting ox Psperieace da you poasess £or the eo�ittee(s) for vhieB pou seak agpoiatnent? a°-t �.e�rs c ��,�t,.^'u„�7 c'�� �5�� � /�� C . �' ,'�tA_ C'd !�1 /�N/C l,il i'c lti �R-e rrc .�,,� ST'�� ����-.c�'Z Cc x..T,�}CTS. G✓ v� � � v '�^a��. , `�v�e � �. W��� N � ����' , �� � -�,e�,S ���� �-�- tV� � � v � ��/U�N� i.. �- a -- �'�}- j./ �1 /�. _� 0 7� �� � l� � t ,nr — - �u� W � - � � The 3n£ormazion iacluded in this a.pplieation is �orsidared p=ivate daza according to tht x;�rtasota Covezmeat Data 4ractices Aet. As a resnlz, this 3nfozmstioa Ss nee raleasea to the &&neral gublie_ (OVER) � &ev. 2i 28/9b �.. .�. TnT:� �� �assa • . � �dmeassz f �ss [Iio�R3 [Ye�3e] . i�...- �- �' . _ . • �,._, ..:. .-: ;,: .'�Oasamt ibs p°_� t3#� p1�io�r Y�vb �aa L�d pmse.taets �C! vEfl t�4 0eer�4tteti �os d� �e¢ +�sr � IP s0. vLae� a�+a �! • Zn m alve�s. s�e waxse LAst aaa�eitee� �. zaltt+nta q►e � o# aerl �;Y. p�laesa rl+x'E si�s I.xna spp2iao�3ip to 9as• ' Sliis � is A�etiarl� vslmearJ. , . •••• ��SJsdlc Ci�2tam� �nriray} � Y� Tel�te� � �m�3e�n mQfsa•� ttsstaa �ilcbna ..� . _.. _. -�' �° . ���zl�-. --!-- ....._ n.ea +me a3�en: _ DSs�bLed: Ye� gp�, �! apai,iil aCCa�dtCieroa s�t n�ra. �a�ae apeCy�. 80! dS+i �oa 7�s ab0�st tlais op�lSgp � � � TO7RL P.02 _ -- E; v �, � r�3Q r �� r �.� � . � S�INT PAIIL, MINNESOTA 55102 PosFit' Fax Note `� � � , 266-8525, . . ' FAX: 266-8513 ro -�-'�� �vi ° v Naae- STEPHEN D. G ' ��oacc. - Prwne d . 492 Holly Avenue, St.•Paul, MN 55102 fiome Add�ess- p�� � 513 Streec Citp , 291-0083 � 333-0201 -. -'-'- , Telephone Ivnaber: (Homel •CQork) '.�EAX)' P2anning bistsict Co�mcil: 8 . Gity C4uacil Ya=d:. -- '^-': ` . , � 492 Holly Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55102 �;,:. � `::. =. ~ P=ePezred 2aiting Address: " °'`•�• Vhat is your occupation? Attorney P1aca�o€ F�rployaent: x va ss w & King, Chartered, O£ Coun - , i !'� � - comitLee(s) Applied.For: STAR Program (. �� �'.I,��y� � y1Ct .��, r,� p}� �.�S � p y1 �" , � n I� .� ^ _' �� _ 1 � _ . �, ,�� �� r ��r��ev�� �-(:•vYl- �;� ' . ,, . .�l h ; �- "Ahat skills/training'or experience do pou possess £or the co�ittee(s) £or vnzcn you see�c : appointmenc? � ' 2 have been a zpembe� of the St:� Paul Planni;ng Commz&.s.i,on since Januaxy- 1, 1995, and, as a member o£ the Combrehensive Plannina and Economic Develooment ___ � Committee, I have experience with respec� to fundincr and economic develonment. Also, I have been active in the Ramsey Hill Association: • The informa.tioa included in =his application zs ccnszdered prisate data according to the Hinnesota Gove�ex�t Da�a Y=actices Act_ As a result, this in£orazzion is not releaseZ zo the general public. (ov��.) . �'�" � �ev_ Lj a JniV LJJ( 1�i•.)'+ . . . _ 1A�1��lIiV14 ��i.iYL�ii�VLJ . . , x David McDCinell ' " Address• 1100 City Sall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, MN 55102 670-1975 . � �vorkl 266-6573 Name:.'Dick An£ang. . , � _ wddress: 9550•&rnold Avenuer Inver Grove Heights, 2RId 55077 �� Phone: fHOmel 457-7891 � -224-9445• _. Name• �arold Yates Address: • 2149 Ho].ly Avenue No. Oalcdale,. MN 55128 � Phone• (Home) 777-8055 '. •. '� yOZk) 641-1901 . Reasons for pouz interest ia rliis particular eo�ittee: I have a stroaq ].nterest in " economi.c development in St. Paul. � Have yon had preaxous contact vith the co�ittee for vhich you aze sakiag application. 2£ so, when, and eircumstaaces? NO. • In an attempt to ensvre that eo�ittee zepzesentation seflects the ma}ceup oE our community, please check the line applicab2e to you. This in£ormation is stzictly vol�ntary_ X Vh3te (Caucasian) _ Black (A£rzcan Ameriean) _ 6mericaa Tndian or Aiaskan Eskimo X liale Female Disabled: Yes No ,�_ Hispanic Asian oz Paci£ic Is2ander Dace of Bizth: 2 ,111/43 If specSal accomaodations are needed, please speci£y. NONE Hov did you heaz about this openiag7 St. Panl Planhing Cotrenission TOTAL F.�_ n/ f v 390 CTTY HAI,L v , 3�� ��V��n n�/SAINT 2'AIIL� MINZIESOTA 55_102 "-" " 266-8525_"' FAX: 266-8513 Name: � u � a Le2—_ Home Address: ��`�G -- �G-q7 � �I'1 -ao6 StYeet Citp N o _ � o...�o �.�. e �/ z� Zip Telephone 2lumber: (Home) �� 9 7ZS Z fAork) zZ8�S0$], _(�AX) ZZ8-SJZ/ Planning District Co�ci1: Pre£erred 2failing Address: Ahat is your occupation? Citp Council Aard: N t��i S�tz� Place�of Eaployment: S�- � �� � � o�t�'�eaZ �i�eSS . O . , � i "-� Cocrmittee(s) Applied For: Ahat slcills/training or eaperience do you possess �or the committee(s) �or vhicn you seek appointment? � �`�.e,N..�raec� oc THe ���e�2s�'� �'rJnOcar�e.�J'� {-un»S OF THC �Jcun1'� `o.��.;1 F OJN6cl. �-'�o� �..�u�e.+� ��� 'a•� GT134S �� a.1..�oc�es eu-=. � po ��c�-tt_S Z'(J CAMr-�UN�� OF cA�o'� ' ,1� �o-cua:.�r�ne�iso� o� �� FoNao �e t��cs C°oM�a�oaa �D�re.. '\S7 d� h+`U N�� y FU f.1'�� � TZt,7J G f-F T{} G SQ.�rJ� � o.a,�� �O J�Jpa7� l O t.� . � x fiJP�c-� e.r.�ce '� N c�.x.oe S DP.J � P� �q ci. N e e.:ns �SSe 55 N�e.��' Plc.�..l � 1 p n ��lZ. TFtQ ����J�J��Hicc.w]O CAM-l.SLUN��4 ` 4t��iDe�-�tJNS 7 �D2.VQ�Pie 1 . T�Fe ���.sn a_a'� o-�`o�c,�c � Nq Ck�a.��'� pol�a�s '�O qi��=S- �-N�� N�'iz 2c� t� S . � Q Tft c�� o a c e. z C� ss '? 2.J i e�J C3.�J D GI aX�.� c.�'e N-� `�- TFFa.�� Y00 i21D DS�%S t=o2Z f S OAlst>ZSFF� O� G�iJ �-�Nv� � 4. s< s. � ea i c T�� tJ t�.� r.� � cZ.AJ a'� � <<uJ cJ � N 9 �--� ?Q-� c�. Ei� � �'F N. y � a�..� ti a-C.v.V � Tt eS • — . �T The information included in this application is considered pzivate data according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this in£orsation is not released to the general public. , ) Q,-r+e�.s �� Ne�a� •. '���a��n in -R+e ��-, ���z.a.a� s T,�s�E- Fu N'1 / -� � i P� '1 (ov��> v N�'� e� C..� � ��� �; �� �� L.'�i- Su2_u� r_¢� Rev. Zi28/96 � F,��.,",.� e e aa.auavivu. rL' l.tiLlVl.L� Name:__ ,� O FF rJ V7 J CK 1`�..2-tJ �� L �ot.2.+ _ S��� �o�tt.TQ� Address: � OQ tJ o i22 �eS"'r �O � e.7Z q,' �� Phone: CHome) CAork) ZZ y- Name: � o tJ C ��1L �� � ���-02 � i OfJeeaL �'�2.2SS Aaaress: 3`-f5 �e�a� 5-4- . 5-E-. `� �.�.tJ 5S/v/ Yhone: Home) (Aork) ZZ � S Name: �� ScL �2�e 2 �TtO L� iZ.Qi..��'� ��_.��J-l�JC..7C'c On� adaress: 5�5�5 1°'L'� N N e so S , S ��� e 2.dOO Sc�; a Phone•_ CHome) (Aork) �8Z - `j7�Q �� Reasons £or your interest in this particular co�ittee: T �ZOu t-i N. W o2� c N� p e.. �'i �.1 u ot � e r.� en7� '� nl_ `�4-e. co r.�. t.�.0 �� e•�� �"t`5 --r.i e�qt4bo�zt+000S Tui�J�S c�s a _� ex(J i�14 '� a.� �'i2A�1 e 'T'FFe G cc�a �f...%.c � e: �� - ��e � w� �� �kcQx� i*�rzt�vc Tke De�1c�(pr-`ew)"� o� TN V . . _. �-° OA� PLU tJ : Have you had previous contact with the co�ittee £or vhich you are making application. I£ so, vhen, and circumstances? � D In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. Whi:te (Caucasian) �/ F�ispanic Black (African American) Asian or pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eski.mo Hale ✓Female Date o£ Birth: b' ' Z-�o � Disabled: Yes p7 ' J If special accommodations are needed, please speci£y. How did you hear about this opening7 CA�beQ�p Q�'� ,�-}p�� J� ,�� 'S °I`1-ao 4853 Hitivale Avenue North Oakdale, MN SS I28 Work (612) 228-5087 Home (612)779-7252 Ruby Lee Strategist: experienced in successfully positioning strategic plans and long range goals into measurable tasks and results. Critical thinker: experienced in asking the key quesrions and analyzing issues by breaking down their complexity and reconciling the factors. Effective manager of time: able to monitor and manage multiple projects without losing attention to details. Budget adminishator: managed operational and special pro,}ect budgets throughout my cazeer. Team player: enjoy and excei in a team environment. Relationship builder: possess a wealth of knowledge about resources within civil and cultwal organizations, urban and suburban communities, private businesses, and non-profit agencies. These relationships enable me to easily open doors in new environments and build new partnerships with many communities. Exceilent communicator: demonstrated excellent public relations skills; experienced in writing newsietters, reports, and press releases. 1986 - 1992 Me1ro State University Saint Paul, MN BA., Communications and Public Relations 1991- present Saint Paut Pioneer Press Saint Paul, IvIN Everrts and Communily Strategist • Review and evaluate more ffian 400 proposals for sponsorship on an annual basis. Sh�ategically select proposals that fit closely within our objectives while maximizing the use of our internal resources. Engage in grant writing for funding in potential coliaboratives that optimize our visibility and revenues. Manage an annual budget for events of more than $200,000. Plan, coordinate, and implement more than 150 community events on an annual basis. Itesponsible for developing aggressive community outreach initiatives that improved corporate image in primary mazket azeas for the paper, including: inner-city neighborhoods, East Metro suburbs, arts organizations, and communities of color. Parhierships include: Capitol City Paztnership, River&ont Development, City of Saint Paul, civic and neighborhood organizations in Ramsey, Washington, and Dakota Counties, The Ordway, Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, Minnesota Children's Museum, the Saint Paul Festival and Heritage Foundation. g�-z��, ! PubBcations .i4dd'rtionai prcfessional �_activities ., � Canguages 1981 - 1991 Spanish Speaking Affairs Council Communications Coordinator Saint Paul, MN Served as a liaison to the legislature, state governmental agencies and media on issues of concem m the Latino community in Minnesota. Developed a needs assessment report which was used by the govemor and the legislature in passage of legislarion that was created to protect migrant workers; and designated appropriations for econoauc development and educarional prograzns throughout the srate. Formed coalitions and partnerships with public, private and diverse groups. State of Minnesota Bilin�l Resouree Directorv, 1990, a comprehensive compilation of agencies, institutions, and community organizations serving the Spanish speaking community of Minnesata. Al Dia a bi-weekly biiingual newsletter with a statewide distribution. Gnduate and Alumni, The Leadership Saint Paul Program, Saint Paul Chamber of Commerce. Experienced in IBM and Macintosh computers; Programs include: Quark E�cpress, Pagemaker (desktop publishing), Excel, Aldus, Word Perfect and Claris Works. Bilingual (English-Spanish). Coinmundy actiyities El Fondo de Nuestra Comunidad of The Saint Pau1 Foundation Diversity Endowment Funds, Core Committee Member, 1993 - present; KTCA/KTCI Coinmunity Advisory Committee 1989 - present; and Everybody Wins!, Board Member; 1995 - present. References Former Boazd Member: Saint Paul United Way Areawide Multi-Services Review Committee; Urban Coalition, Minnesota Childreds Trust Fund, Intemational Institute of Minnesota, Saint Paul Winter Catnival, Minnesota History Center, KARE I 1 Communiry Advisory Committee, Minnesota Assaciarion of Government Communicators, A World of Difference, Embajadora Fiispana of Minnesota, and the Ciry of Saint PauPs Cinco de Mayo Celebntion. Available Upon Request. � �..J i . � i • , syv cirz sAr,L SAINT PAIIL� MIPIPIESOTA 55102 266-8526 R£C£�VEG MAY 2 4 i995 q`i-1oG Name: _ _ John Barry Margot ��� ���� � xome Address: 1818 Wellesley St. Paul 55105 Stseet Gity ZlP 698-2994 639-4742 Telephone Nunber: (Homa) vork � Planning bistri.et Crnmcil_ 14 Czty Covncil Aard: Preferzed 2Sai].ivg AddYess: S�That is your occnpatiop? 1818 Wellesley Sales Representative Piace'of Bmpioyment: General Office Products Coffiaittee(s) Applied Fas: C B 2-14' 17 �utc< �� � f S'ihat skzlls/tzaining or eaperience do you possess for the committee{s) foz vhich you seek appoint�ment? I work well in a cooperative setting. I like the challenges of producing a consensus on a given topic. I believe it is an honor and an obligation of good citizenship to be involved in civic matters. Capital budgeting is a ant civic matter. Additionally, my experience as a Scoutmaster at Na tivity School and years of work with the Highland Grovelax Recreation Associationhave helped me understand the problems and strengths of the neighborhood I wish to represent on the CIB Cou¢nittee. The information included in this application is considered private data acco:ding to t?:e Hinnesota Govezment Data Practxces Act. As a result, thi.s information is net released to the general public_ {ov�x) �2ev.4.�21/93 YERSONAL REFF,RENCBS � l "Z�� xame: .Ierry Devine, Deacon; Nativity Church „ 1666 Juliet Phoae: _�{Aome) 699-6939 � 696-5439 � A�e= Paul Murphy Address: 1988 Goodrich Phone• Home 699-7942 ork' Nam� Kathie Tarnowski, co�unity organizer; Mac-Groveland Co�unity Council Address: 320 South Griggs Street Yhone• Home vork 698-7973 &easons £or your interest in this partiaular committee• I currently am serving as the representative from District l4 on the Streets and Utilities Task Force. The CIB process is comp ex an in wor s e er —t�re-���ffie�$e�s-�st�e �s� es*�e��e *�na-t s' f,-ce�.�evp1 T }1P� l PV task force wo rk has me to take on more challenging and would like the opportunity to see our work through to completion. � Have you had previous contact vith the comaittee for irhiCh you are making application. Zf so, when, and cizc�stances7 -- _.. - .- - n In an atte�pt to ensure that co�i.ttec representatian reflects the makeup of our commun3ty, pLesse cheak the line applicable to you, 'This information is strictly vOluntarp. X White (Caucasian) Black (African Americanl Emerican Indian or Al.askan Eskimo �,_ Male Female Disabled: Yes No ,�_ Date of Birth: Hispanic Asian or Paci£ic Islander 12-5-45 � speci,al accommodations are needed, p2ease sgecify, � '_—�_ How did you hear about this opening? Through the Maca 4 11/la/96 09:59 FAS 61Y J3b db9u �L�L .�� �� `' � � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR . , . „( , � : ��._. i 1;,. �: ' 390 CITY EAT,L j;' SASNT PAIIL, ?SINNESOTA 55102 ` , 266-8525:' FAX: 266-8513 Name: � �l - /� ' /1� _ �. .. -_ wwt vU: ' / r , (� y — �- _�V` // �`�� .�`�� �,ao _t 0 $ome Address: V �S� �..� f�Otil - , ��Pi � ' � J� � � I � � � � 'S -,�r"--I t `1 Stseet City _ .. 2ip Telephaae 23umber: CHame)� Z �I'� � Q'�J� � (Aorkl �° I Z ��I ��P (FAR)�S �d Flanniag District Crnmcil: �� ' City Coemci.l Aard: �� Rrefezred Hailing Address: Sct�_,,.a �5 ��0�^� Qhat is your occupat3on? _ �{��T� ' . Rlace�o£ Fsaploymeat• _���/ ���(�� � �InGS�'W� Co�itLee(s) Applied Eor: � i n'T� 1 au � P� c� y� y� � y�q �yy� y.� IS$t DYl pt( I /'- .� IU�� s� I�l ��d` cin� �a1PS �`� Z-� �'t,�.t� e,�1'o�'f .! � 0.,,►� aw� �`nu p a3 �� � �r:, •�� 1 .i_ Is •� �' . L�1�G�1� .a � - \C��b .aJ�[:71 � . . - ! . � � I L,J� • ��� -.� - �� '•�! � iJl.' I '- 4 . �_ � . �i� - • . � � b4 - �a�11\�� � 1 � � � �^ ' .i � � � i � "_ ' � � t� r yOF�z° SS la�l/'�nc. •£�v�A�nl$w'�'ioz-,c� �v�d Got+ c�'irn. �,������ C L� 6 Se--� a c.l-� r^�e.SU yh .2.. . xhe Zn£ozma2ion i.ncluded in this application is conside=ed private daca according zo zhe Hinnesota Gaverment Data Practzces Acc_ As a result, this i.nfor,aation is not released to che general pu'62ic. (aV�R) � Rev. �i28/90 Ghat skills/training or esperienee do pou possess £or the committee(s) Por vh3ch you seek appaincment? PERS�NAI. R..�FFRENNCFS eddress: `��a Phone: , S "110�0 Name: .�pYv� i"c'� t $ AtIaIC55 0 �10II6:_ C$OIDG� (90i�CZ l�� �' � � xn+wn AddYH55-� 7U �J_� S� ��-Z�b � �__ "►_t� y S. �-t -9s��- .� Phoae:_ CHome) ' • � • • " fporx) �� - �SS3 Reasoas for your anterest in tfiis paitienl,ar commi,ttee:�r �-+, -: -_ -�-, � _ � Y��_ • /� • � . � .. Ha°�e y°u 7aad P=�°� ��ataet' with the committee £or vhieh you arc makx,ag application. I� so, �8ea, aad azrc�stanees? n 1 , n . � 1 � �� . . . � � , v 1 . --� �f t PiI�J Q.Y� � (` `QM� n Y'� i/`1� � 1n mm� temPt ta eas� e hat ommitt e� p r s e n t a� eommuaity, please check ihe liae appZicable to you voluntary. � Qhite (Caucasian) glae7c (APrieaa dnmesican) ^ Amezican Tndiaa or Alaskan $skimo � �salq Fema2e Disabled: yes 3 t5�Yt�ti'�' t�JY1.G+1,.� . � r e E l ec ts t ha ma k eup o£ owc This information is strict2p Hispanie Asian or paci£ie Islander � Date of Birth: �� � �v � ' t No � � If spfleiaZ accommodatioas are aeeded, pZease speciFy. �— Hov did you hear about rhis 0 r J [OYi'JYYItJ✓11 O✓�'0.✓1 )�2Y'. 11�1J/9b lU:UU Y{d b1Z SJO 4JdU JLaL TAOMAS A. OLESAK 1050 West Hoyt Avenue, St. Paul, Mi.nnesota 55117 612/488-7437 OBJECrIVE Position as a member of the St Paul Planning Commission. SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS .tJVU: �..z q�l-ao • Over 13 years of azclutectival experience ranging from progianuning through construction administration, iacluding planning activities • Experience writing proposals and reports - A design and planning education which focuses on problem solving • Experience negotiating Planning and Zoning Approvals for clients in other jurisdictions, narionwide • Ability to analyze financiai data • Su�ong organizational and communication slriIls CAREER HIGHLIGHTS • Responsible for reviewing and commenting on the draft of the St. Paul Community Development Agenda as Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee, Dishict 10 Como Community Conncil • Responsible for reviewing neighborhood land use issues and making recommendations to the full board for action as a Member of the Land Use Committee, Dishict 10 Como Community Councit • Contributed to a wide variety of building projects and led project teazns for projects with construction costs up to $19.2 million - Responsible for monitoring, coordinating, reviewing and evatuating staff • Selected to participate in the Greater Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce 1996-97 Leadership Minneapolis Program - Registered arcluteet EM'PLOYMENT ffiSTOR'Y Setter, Leach & Liadstrom, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota 7uty 19$3 - Preseat: Project Architect District 10 Como Community Council, St. Paul, Minnesota October 1995 - Present: Member of the Board of Directors, Strategic Planning Committee Chair �llUCA'FION University of St. Thomas, Crraduate Programs in Management, St. Paul, MN September 1987 - June 1992: MBA Degree, Management Concentration University of Minnesota, College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Minneapolis, MN September 1978 - June 1983: Bachelar of Architectuze Degree � � . � , a-�-�b � -_�:�.m�. T �m'm!' i District 10 -- Como Community Council � Februaty 4,1997 Mayor Norm Coleman GO Roger Clutis 'Ihird Floor CSty Hali St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mayor Coleman: On behalf of the District 10 - Como Pazk Community Councii, the Community Development corsuniaee heartily endozses the appoinrment of Tom Olesak to the Sales Tax Area Reviralization (STAR) Board. Tom has been a membet of the Como Park Communiry Council for just over a yeaz. During that 6me he has made significant contributians as chair of the Sa�ategic Planning committee and as a member of the land use committee. Most significan@y, he has worked to educate communiry members about the need £or compa6ble business and industrial � " ?' development in tbe Como Park neighborhood. He has steered his committee in-developing a strategic plan that addresses those needs. Tom has also been insttvmental in developing the marketing strategy for the Como Park ne�ghborhood Just as you have "sold" 5c. Paul as being o�en for business, Tom is selling the theme thai Como Park is Sc. Paul's Gazden DistricG This strategy takes the greenery and resources of Como Park, the i4L�I Horticuitural Society and Ehe Universisy of Ptinnesota agiculuue campus and extends them into the ne.ighborhood with the goal of greening the neighborhood. This greening wiil encourage business development, angment property valves, beauufy the neighborhood and build community. Tom's professional background as an uchitect, his understanding of the need to bolster business development in St. Paul, and his commitment to the district cour.cil system make him an ideai nominee to the STAR Boazd. We strongly urge you to appoint him. Respectfully, � Ju]ie Hoff Community Organizer � 1556 Como Avenue • St. Yaul, MN 55108 •(812) 844•3889 • FaY: 848•8886 - � ,���.� � �'J �;� . � . 4iaae : Hoae L Telepi2one 2�ivabe=: Planning District Pre=erred Nailing Addzess_ Ahat is your occnpation? Place�of F�ployaent: � Co�ittee(s) Aoolied Por: V��� u V� �uu �v �V�♦ 390 CITY FiPS,L SA2ZIT PAIIL� MINNESOTA 55102 . 266-8525_" _ FAX: 266-8513 i � 5J-. `P� �� ( . M N Ahat sY.i11s/training or esperience do Sou possess for the comittee(s) x"or vnicn pou see: apooin�ent? Se� a�aC� sr er�f The in�or.�ation inclnded in th=s application is considered private data accorcing to t�e `,iir.nesota Goveraent Data Pzactices dct. As a resul�, tnis in=or,�tion is not releaszc to tRe generzl oublic. 9'7 -ao6 �� �l �i sslo�- � wi iG 1/eY� p �ori5 u� =rt, � Cf (OV"�F) Rev. 2i?s/9c street Citp Zio PERSONAl REFERENCES Name:_ 1�+�1�� ��VM Address •_ � r J � ��i Pfione:__�Home) a� -��, -5�8� -_�� , MN 55ia �o=k� �4 � -a4s�D Name : �� IC'Yl �1(CL�"LA"`/ � M iC� W Gl,y �] �� C' o�t.r,1'Vt/�r GP� - n 1 � C r Address: 1 6CCZ �YL�' (� Z�tl'v� J(.L(�-� �� � ja ��l ubi 1 U2 �� �r r� �'i: Phone• —�ome) � { �' - 0 � � � (pork) �P '! L - Z �o ? J� Hame:_ 0�! 1 -�-�cc,w�.liv�z N�ic�wav Coa<i-�-iovt Address:__ � � t-�tn✓tA �\l2Vl�(e� S{' �� ),./(N SS 10� — Phone: CHome) CAork) ��'�� (o Reasons £or your interest in this particular committee: S�e 0.��G�a.� Have you had prev,ious contact vith the co�ittee for vhich you are making application. I£ so, vhen, and circumstancesT In an attempt to ensure that cosmittee representation rePlects the makeup o£ aur co�unitp, pZease check the line applicable to you. This inPormation is strictly voluntarp. _ ,_ _� Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Yacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male _� Female Date of Birth: p(o - Z2 - 6 Z Disabled: Yes No � - If special acco�aodations are needed, please speci£y. ri ���� " fl Hov did you hear about this opening? f10.���t�� ��'1i����,� �'pQ�t� �� �� q�-a�6 HAMLINE MIDWAY COALITION Hamline Park Pla}around Building � 1>6't LafondAcenue. Saint Pwl, DI\ »I0� � 6L-Gi6-19S6 � Fa� 612-641-4041 January 15, 1997 Mr. Roger Curtis Assistant Eo the Mayor 390 City Hall St. Paul MN 55102 Dear Mr. Curtis: On behalf of the Hamline Midway Coalition Board of Directors, I am very pleased to recommend Kathy Sundberg to xepresent neighborhood business interests on the STAR Boazd. Over the pasE few years, I have come to know Kathy in a variety of contexts, most recently as member of the Sneliing Avenue Business Initiative (SABn, an associafion of neighborhood businesses developed thxough the Hamline Midway Coalition ovex the past 15 months. Kathy not only understands the needs of neighborhood businesses from her immediate experience as owner of Ginkgo Coffeehouse, but is highly respected as a leader and spokesperson by local business peers who elected her chairperson of the SABI Advisory Coirunittee. In this role, . Kathy displays a xemaxkable ability to honox the diverse views and interests of inemUers, and at the same time, to generate decisions and aciion on the issues and tasks at hand. In addition to extraordinary facilitation and communication skills, Kathy is truly a"quick study" who_ brings both cre2tivity and balanced judgment to complex issues and differences of opinions. Kathy's participation in the Hamline Midway community demonstrates a holistic understanding of fl1e multiple components of ineaningful communiry development. She has contributed to several community-wide events, including the Midway Fesrival of Arts, supports the housing development work of the Hamline Midway Area Rehabilitation Corpoxation, maintains membership in the Midway Chamber of Commerce and Midway YMCA, and is highly invested in the future of the community as both a business owner and resident. Her professional experience combined with community involvement make her an ideal candidate for the STAR Board. Kathy Sundberg can be relied upon to bring sharp thinking, an intimate understanding of neighborhoods, and the utmost of integrity to the commitment of serving the STAR Board. The Hamline Midway Coalition strongly encourages your support of Kathy Sundberg's appiication. Sincerely, �! ,�� 11�! �3;=,.� J d M. Bantley Executive Director /jb cc: Jerry Gagner, President, I�i IC Board of Directors Bobbi Megard, Ward 4 Councilmember Jerry Blakey, Ward 1 Councilmember Kathy Sundberg Derficated to rna��iir; t/�e Hnntliite dlid�rrn� rrei�Gborl�ood �t better�lace to lrre and irork. MIDWAY � `� - a° � CHAMBER �f COl'IiViERCE ����._.,� �..,� � �� � - �I� January 14, 1997 Mr. Roger Curtis Office of the Mayor� 390 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mr. Curtis: I am writing to recommend the appointment of Kathy Sundberg to the Nei�hborhood STAR Board. Kathy is a dedicated community and business leader who will bring to the STAR Board a unique perspective as a small business owner and community activist. In addition, Kathy has experience in business at the corporate level, and teaches small business management. A resident of the Aamline-Midway neighborhood, Kathy's community involvement includes work with the Hamline-Midway Coalition, Snelling Avenue Business Initiative, Westem Initiatives in Neighborhood Development (WIND), and the Neighborhood Development Center. She also is an active member of the Midway Chamber of Commerce. I have had the pleasure of working with Kathy the past year as she looked at starting a new business in another St. Paul neighborhood and have been continually impressed with her grasp of issues affecting neighborhood businesses. In addition, Kathy has shown herself to be an ashxte and dedicated individual who will definitely handle the responsibilities of the STAR Board with the utmost in integrity, faimess and intelligence. Thank you for the opportunity to express my support of Kathy Sundberg as a representative to the Neighborhood STAR Board. Sincere(y, r Ellen Watters Executive Director Spruce Tree Centre • Suite #4 • 1600 University Avenue West • St. Paul, MN 55104 PHONE: (612) 646-2636 FA,Y.• (612) 646-2297 ParkBank St. Anthony Park State Bank 2265 Como Avenue • St. Paul, MN SS lOS 612-G�17-0131 • FAX 612-647-0185 7anuary 17, 1997 Mr. Roger Curtis Mayors Office City of St. Paul 240 City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 RE: STAR Committee Application Dear Mr. Curtis: c{�-� This letter is in support of Ms. Kathleen Sundberg's application for a position on the STAR board. I've been acquainted with Ms. Sundberg for approximately four yeazs as her banker, hauing worked with her:very closely in the conception and development of her small business in the Madway. I have found Ms. Sundberg to be quite skilled in her ability to thoughtfully analyze options as they relate to small business decisions. Her most recent experience as a small business instructor and consultant have broadened her skills. She has also taken quite an active community interest in the Midway and overall St. Paul community. In summary, she is uniquely qualified to serve on this committee given her broad range of experiences. I don't view her as representing any single constituency. I did serve on the originai half-cent sales taac committee myself and have an understanding of the fact that the city needs impartial, open-minded, experienced and broadly-based people. Please call me directly if you need additional information on Ms. Sundber�'s candidacy. Sincerely, ��� Richard B. Beeson, Jr. President xsszoos. cc: Kathleen Sundberg q�-ab� � WIND Western Initiatives for Neighborhood Development 651�/z UNIVERSITY AVENUE • ST. PAUL, MN 55104 January 15, 1997 • PHONE:29�-2480 • FAX:2914597 STAR Board Nomination's Committee - Rodger Curtis c/o Mayor Coleman's Office 390 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear STAR Board Nomination's Committee: I am proud to be recommending Kathy Sundberg, Coffeehouse, and small business plan trainer for Development Center, to serve on the STAR Board. owner of Ginko's the Neighborhood Kathy is exactly the type of person who can bring a fresh, energetic and practical perspective to this Board. As a business owner, sha has created a wonderful community gathering spot in the Midway. Treating families, seniors and students alike to a place that Peels comfortable and familiar, Ginkos Coffeehouse has served to give a strong sense of community on Snelling Avenue, a street that by its size doesn't always lend to such feelings. Kathy has been a strong leader in her community, as the Midway Coalition works on strengthening the commercial district and its tie to the residential community around it. She has led other area businesses into a creative, unique marketinq and promotional plan that has resulted in unity growing in the district. We have been fortunate to retain Kathy as a small business trainer for low/moderate income entrepreneuers in the North End, in our Micro Entrepreneur Training and Loan Program. She has trained over 40 entrepreneurs in this program, and has consistently received rave revietas from her students. Kathy also conducts loan reviews and business assistance for our program, calling upon hex supurb common sense approach to business management and promotion. Finally, we have been able to retain Kathy to work on certain consulting projects we have had with neighborhood business development efforts. She has been working recently with Dayton's Bluff businesses, providing leadership and.guidance to 12 small businesses in that area as they plan a revitalization project for their district. Once again, she does an outstanding job in this work. WIND is a Community �evelopment Corporation subsidiary of Western B2nk. 0 °I`l - �.o � I can't speak highly enough about the value and commitment Kathy would bring to the STAR Board. She is both practical and creative, articluate and thoughtful, with extremely strong group skills on top of it all. I hope you give her serious consideration for this appointment, and would be happy to talk further with you at your convenience. Sincer � - 1 ike Temali President . .t-.:� . j—,' i>` `', `i' OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ' I V � 4�' 4' . ��_ . .. � . . j+ .., I� 390 CITX HALL . � . , !-� �. , . 4Y_� ; SAINT 4AIIL . ." � � -a0 � „ �-• ` � . . �_ MI2IDIESOTA : :.- 55102 •. �:� . �t _ . . 266-8525:- . . FAX: 266-8513 : '. .:' . �.� ,, _ .._.. . .: . _.:._: �..:_.._>..._- . t . ,.. -. ... - - ... ... . . :- : ' tZame: �A(�' =����TG.D1M,� •- . _ . Home Address: � 1 � l R�,�LVGS� �V •�"' . � � �5�)G St=eet Telephone t�-uabez: lHose Planning District CoimciZ: Cit9 � Zip .� �AOrk� G9 0- S�.o i J .c��� G98- 2� 7? r � � ' -. City Council Aaxd: -` Prefer=ed Hailing Address: �bW1.�. U' �� % � Ahat is yovr occupation? 47A.N � ���►�+ j � � Place �of £ucp2oyment: � �1��`C�,t.l� ��0.N �C � K� Co�aeittee(s) Applied For: �Li� �,,.t� C1..oi[c.'� �if Ai+a� =vvtPvrouGwLGN ����/�t Guti,,.�•u.:�{-1' � '3et� �Sti l.Jo�r�-�wc� �.G.v��a�tM.e.�.�` Cowwc�l Anat sY_ills/training oz eaperience do you possess for the cor�ittee(s) foz whi.ch you seek appointment? . ��� � Ga�'s e V't LN [� I N ° ha1L �� Ncl�iGi oX S2XtJ i�CGS �i.,s�t W l� C O�GGisrf G e. 5,%�tf.� i�� : — i*11KG y - �rirar Cvw�.tiwu,v��v � J , • �•-- - ' - ; . . _. . �. . . _ �. . _ 6t��t c�k l�,s�rt r, t P�u2,w u.�.a� . • l\)�. _� 1 ��\I �w_.i'_�'" " .� ��_�"_.1'_ � �7"1_�..Lf_' �.l �__'�t'__ 1 _' • 'v � The infornation incicded in this application is considered pzivate data according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Pzactices Act. As a result, this in£ormation is not relezsed to the general public. ' C��) . ga�_4/21/53 i02iAL REFERENCES ` S�.�i ame: �'�`� =�q� u� �� Address � 0• �� � " Phone: YHomel (iTOrk) �i 19 " b��! � Naae: Addzess: YV�Qar� VUIbG��C.V" �'75� (3p�,,�a_w.�� � s � S5 l� L Phone:. (Homel �..q�� Z.q7�I (Aorkl �.9 i� G321 Name•_ �CYV�. Sf..°K�"ON �3dress: `YV� ��OSA..�1F �Lt�.'ttt.` �lUC�. � '���s�. �� f✓S� Phone• CHome) (Gork) �y7 � }2.�9 Reasons for your interest in this particular co�ittee• �5 CL i�it,�..� yY.,,j � W� t� �.,._� r;��..,� � S�', d ��_. t__L:.ti �.-- Have yon had previous contact vith the committee for vhich you are making application. I£ so, when, and circu7astances? . "' ' � In an atte�pt to er.s:se that cc�ittee represertetion refle.r_rs the aakeup o£ ovr co�unity, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strict2p voluntary. �_ Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African 6merican) Asian or Pacific Zslander Amezican Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � 2fale 1 - Female Date of Bi,rth: ,� LNn.t� R$� ,��L, Disabled: Yea Ro „ '� IE__special acco�odations are needed, please speci£y. �DN � � Ho-r did you hear about this opening7 ��-ao� CO�YIYIUNITYSERYICE Present: • Executive Committee Downtown Davenport Development Corporation . Board of Directors Davenport Chamber of Commerce . Co-Chairperson Lutheran Social Service Capital Campaign . Co-Chairperson St. Amhrose University Capital Campai�n . United Way Business Development . Co-Chairperson Community Health Corporation Capital Campaign Past: . Member Bloomington Education Advisory Committee . Norwest United Way Cabinet . Bloomington Chamber of Commerce . Decathlon Athletic Club, Finance Committee . Past Chairman, Minnesota Metro American Institute of Banking . United Way - Mall of America Division . Board of Directors, Loring-Nicollet Bethlehem Center (Adult Education} . Btoomington Business Education Atliance . Northside Boys Club . South Minneapolis YMCA - Capital Fund Drive Committee . Bloominaon I�eart Association Fund Drive � u[[tm . �,: � � ��. M{GHAEL J. HARRIS Co�meSmember CITY OF SAZNT PAIIL OFFICE OF Tf� CI'TY COUNCIL �1� � � � 1 1! Date: February 21,1997 To: Mayor Norm Caleman From: Councilmember Mike Harris �� Subject: STAR Baard Appointments 9�t-ao�. I am writing ta express my support of the application of Ron Whitcomb for appointment to the STAR Citizen Advisory Board. Ron is cutrrently President af Highland Bank and an active member of the Highland Business Association. His contributions in these roles have improved the Highland neighborhood as a place to live and to do bvsiness. Tn addi6on, he has develaped a sincere interest in getting even further involved in our coxnmunity. I have come to know Ron as an intelligent and hard working person whose talents and efforts would be invaluable to the entire STAR process. I urge you to give his appointrnent prominent consideratioa. c: Roger Curtis � FEB 21 1�9T AAAY4R'� OfF�C'E CITY HALL THIRD FIAOR SAINT pAUi, M7NNE$OTA 55102 612/266-8530 a�ie P[1u46 on Re�ycl�tl Paper DISTRICT QISTRZCT (PRIOR) {OTHER COMMIT2'EES SERVZNG ON) ---- -------- -------- °---___ _-" --- °- 1 8 O1/24/97 W F APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DFS Q2-26-97 WMMITTEE APPL2CANT5 REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : NST Neighborhood Sales 2ax Board FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER Ol/O1/94 � 003265 Beigl�eder, M. Denise 301 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55202 Consultant/COmmunity & Ec Dev 002873 Blackman, Ruth 66 E. 9th St. St. Paul, MN 55101 Retired/West Publishing 003261 Burley, David 235 Wheeler Street St. Pau1, MN 551fl5 Restaurant Owner 003244 Fahey, John 180 Maria Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Construction Carpenter 001330 Gordon, Stephen D. 492 Holly Avenue 5t. Pau1, MN 55102 Attorney 003269 Lee, Ruby 4853 Hillvale Avenue N. Oakdale, MN 55128 Community Strategist OQ3263 Leier, Mary Jo 1895 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Secretary 0029$9 Margot, John Barry 1818 Wellesley Ave. St. Paul, MN 55105 5ales Representative 1 17 3 15 7 4 67B 1 8 65A Planning Commission 4 13 � �t1-�.o�, PAGE 1 O1/14/97 W F O1/15/97 W M 11/18/96 W M O1/29/97 W M 02/20/97 H F Ol/14/97 W � 3 14 64 02/14/97 W Capital 8udget Committee � 02-26-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT �7-��� PAGfi 2 COMMZTTEE : NST Neighborhood Sa2es Tax Board � FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER 61/02/94 APPLICANT J REFERENCE CAMMENTS WARD PLANNI2dG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVIftG ON) ----�-'----------------------°---- ---- --__-_'- __------ �--�---- �° --_ _-_ 00325? Mohrbacher, Paul 442 Summit Avenue St. Pdul, MN 55102 Coord. Community Relations 002996 Olesak, Thomas A. 1050 W. Hoyt Avenue St. Paul, MN 55117 Architect 003259 Patton, William 849 clark Street St. Pau1, MN 55101 Part-time employeeJDayton's 003148 Randall, Beth 70D E. Cook Avenve St. Paul, MN 55106 Hamline Midway Area Rehab Corp 002$14 Rothchild, Mary T. 1077 Linwood Avenue 5t. Paul, MN 55105 Banker 006259 Schultz, David A. 1120 St. Clair Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Professor of Political Science 002109 Senkler, Charies F. 147 Virginia Street 5t. Paul, MN 55102 Owner/Fabulous Ferns 2 15 5 10 5 5 2 16 2 16 1 8 O1(13/97 W M 02/04/97 W M Oi/21/97 W M 21i28/95 W F O1/14f97 W F 01/14/97 W M 10/29/96 W � �03Q92 Sprung, Albert F. 6 2 11/28/95 W 4 11 957 Flandrau St. Pau1, MN 55106 Chemicai Technican APPLICANT / REFERfiNCE COMMfiNTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR} {OTHER C4MMZTTEES SERVING ON) "------"--°----�--------�--------- ---- -------- -------- ------�- -�- --- --- 02-26-97 COMMSTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : NST Neighhorhood Sales Tax Board F4R APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/44 003260 Sundberg, Kathleen 1375 Van Buren Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Bus Owner/Ec Dev Consultant 042262 Tandaoahnippah, Cornell 859 Fry Street St. Paul, MN 55104 C.O. 003105 Tasselmyer, Benita Bleecker ?85 Aldine Street St. Paul, MN 55104-1105 Industrial Engineer 001333 Thompson, Missy Staples 548 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Real Estate Broker/COnsultant 002886 Van Hecke, Betsy 1380 Ashland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Attorney 003258 Wertz, Steven 2141 Prosperity Road Maplewood, MN 55109 Business Lender D03240 Whitcomb, Ron 1781 Hillcrest Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55116 Bank President 4 11 4 11 1 8 65 �t `l - � o�, PAGE 3 O1/21/97 W F O1j03/97 NA M 12/O1/95 W F 11/2�/95 W � 4 13 O1/14/97 W Business Review Council O1/17/99 3 15 64B 11/18/ � � -�� 02-2fi-97 COMMZTTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 4 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : NST Neighborhood Sales Tax Board � FOR APPLICATI6NS DATED AFTER O1/61/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENT5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICS (PRSOR) {OTHER COMMITTEES SERVIN� ONj °--�----'----------�----'-----"-- ---- -°-'..'- ----'--- -------^ °- --' --- 003264 Wilson, Stephen A. 1 g O1/23/97 B 627 Selby Avenue 3t. Pau1, MN 55104 Sr. Strategic Planning Analyst Council File # 1�'" e� � �o Green Sheet � � � b oZ � RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA aJ Presented By Re£erred To Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, ofthe following individuals to serve on the NEIGHBORHOOD SALES TAX REINVESTMENT (STAR) PROGRAM BOARD OF DIRECTORS. REAPPOINTNIENTS Russell J. Miller Stephen Wellington REPRESENTING Neighborhood Business Representative Citywide for Profit Developer Representative APPOINTMENTS John Fahey [Filling Kathie Battle's unexpired term] Community Development Corporation Representative [Labor Representative] Cornell M. Tandooahnippah [Filling Shem Shalar's unexpired term] Community Development Corporation Representative Stephen D. Gordon Planning Commission Representative [Filling Frank Gurney's unexpired term] [Term concurrent with his term on the Planning Commission] Ruby Lee Foundation Representative John Margot Capital Improvement Budget Committee (CIB) Representative [Filling Kristine Bolander's unexpired term] [Term concurrent with his term on CIB Committee] Thomas S. Olesak Kathleen Sundberg Ron Whitcomb District Council Representative District Council Representative With Business Financial Community Representative --Lending See foltowing page for term expirations. 38 39 40 �i 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 so si sz 53 54 55 56 57 sa 59 60 61 62 STAR MEMBER Russell J. Miller Stephen Wellington Tohn Fahey Cornell M. Tandooahnippah Stephen D. Crordon Ruby Lee John Mazgot Thomas S. Olesak Kathieen Sundberg Ron Whitcomb TERM EXPIRATION January l, 2000 7anuary 1, 2000 January 1, 1999 January 1, 1999 7anuary 1, 1998 January 1, 1999 November 1, 1997 January 1, 2000 7anuary 1, 2000 7anuary l, 2000 Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Dat `' �, / � ���� Adoptiarf Certified by o c'I Secretary Eorm Terms are three years, with the exception of those members who are being appointed to fill unexpired terms. sy: B (/r/I] ' `�� Approved by M yor: Date 2�1�1 � By: � " V � by City Attorney ! Approved by Mayor for Council �t � - �.o� Z —ZC to By: +� � �. DistrictlCommunity Council �7-�0� Districtl News Conway Recreadon Center •?A9Q Conway S�. • Room 126 • St. Paul, MN 55119 (612) 292-7828 (612) 29�7829 Fnx distl co@mtn.org January 13, 1997 Rogar Curus, Assistant to the Mayor St Paul �ry Hall 1S W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Peul, MN 55102 Deaz Mr_ G�rtis: Russ Mi11cr has ban che business represcncarivo to the STAR Board from Uistricc 1. He has been a coa�ittee3 and groductive member. At its Novomber 28ch meeting, the District 1 Community Council Board voted to renew his appoinmient to the STAR Board Thank you. Sincerely, ��4�Gxe� G���C�� Catherine Lue, Community Organizer Disaict 1 Community Council — ��. _���� . - . � OFFTCE OF THE MAYOR ' � . . ' :'R�E1`tED : : . • 390 CiTY•HAI,L',:;=;'"-`.'.` . - :: � u� - ..;. SAINT PAIIL�:: MINNESOTA7_:�; 55102..�::=�; -.: .� . � .. . _ . ,. . � � :--':. --•: •_.. .•.:: .:...;_.., .- :....: ..... ....:._ . ._ . • .:. . : <., :::, • . . :: :... .. : ::= _:: . 266-8525:- _ •.. .. £}r � . , _ FAX: �266-8513'_�`�:,.H��-,� . Name: `��fS� �.��A �ie�y; ...�� �_. .. - : - ���� �nRi�sa��� ..- .. .. � .. � �.,.= - �_.'--:- . . � . .:_.. .. .. ._ :..�_ .� .. ..:...:, ... _.. � . q . .� � - . . . . .. Bome Addres s : � -.. ' q O ' r"d Cl'Gi �dQ. s�. �it V� r : _ , '. - . � _ 1 ._.. �. ;-�.: ;->.: ._. � . _ ." � . Street .. City : • - � :; �I` - �0 � 1oE . _ . Zin Telephone Fru.mber: Hose � J - UoZ ' '- � ` Aork .I�. Tt � "� .($AX) � - . �. � � . : . .. . . '� � . f� Planning District Cotmcil: 9o1v��5 ����1\ '`y' � Citp Cotmcil Aard• � Prefexred Hailing Address: ��d �/�f iC� �� Q_. �"1 -�d,w ll� IV S S%�6 ,.Ahat is your occupation? �0�1�CG��orl ���e�eG � ' ' . ' Piace�of E�aploy�ent: ��"L+l� �Y��STfV�L'�'{On SE.f�fj-L'LS � � ' Co�ittee{s) Aoplied Fo=: L-1- � �' .S ��� r Ahat sY.ills/trai.ning or esaerience do pou possess for the coamittee(s) z"or vnich you seek appointaent? ' . _ ..�, a The i.nforiaation incicded is this application is considezed private data acco=ding to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this in£or�ation is not released to tne general public. - ' (OP'L�) . :. � ?tev.�.�21�°3 pF.RSOxnz REFERExcEs Hame: � � Yl 0 � Address•- - �'��� 3�u2.Cah , ��,�� i� �r ��i� f.r'vfln�n VVCLC.L� Q�-aab_ Phoxte: "(Home) C�Toik) ° �� Name: ' r� {c�cr� n1Q,)o.hd �6"�' �l`25 iUE� oT C�0.r.Pec�,�CC`S 1 �07 in �1 �•ti, Address: �l � � IYIA.In Si� Phone: (Home) CAork) �� � S `�.V � Name Address M �� 'V' 1SSQ�1 v •�Q$ 1� eJ�� ' I'ei hV�+rl i �-ES ��, s+ �P�.�J m ss13 6 Phone: (Honel (�7o=kl Reasons £or your interest Sn this particular co�ittee: �aJ i nc n'1'12T �f. v"i� f i n ot, I � Have pou had previws contact vith the com.nittee for vhich you are aaking application. I£ so, when, and circumstancesl • ��� In an attempt to ensuxe that comittee representation reflects the .akeup of ott coamanity, please check the line applicable to pou. This inforaation is strictlp voluntary. J Tihite (Caucasian) Hispznic Black (African Aaerican) Asian or Pacific Islander Aaerican Indian or Alaskan Eskimo V Yale Fesale Date of Bizth• � � �� - �10 Disabled: Yes �Io . I£ special acco�odations needed, please `specify. � Hov did you hear about this openingT r"�-/ l.G��1UI (YIG�, �r(�O"�Ke�df�� ,� �..�: c.� 'r�a� m� � t n Yi �'f cnc't�cr. �'t ev�IS a�d � mv �. v�a � u.� ct�,�n .i � � �' ° \ a� _ao� Dayton's Bluff Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc. 951 East Fifth Street, St. Paul, MN 55106 (612) 774-6995 • Fax (612) 774-0445 February 17, 1997 Mr. Roger Curtis 6€f�—e€-t� ayor 308 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Roger: This letter is to confirm our conversarion of last Friday in nominating John Fahey of 180 Maria Avenue as a Communiry Development Corporation representative to the STAR Board. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the selection process. Sincerely, r < Larry �sen President ?2�C£i � `3 20 199Z ..':r,YO�S QFr1�� � / J 'r � �.- rKUfl YKUUIUWN NLI lUN HLLIH�4LC lu fi�' "`� �� , iSAIriT PAIIL, 2fINNESOTA 55102 " . � - 265-8325;" FAX: 266-�523 .r. . —r�i . t �. ... _ 't � Name • • �.Q) Y 1 Bome �lddress: � COD0.71..J r eJG " �CV�+ �� �'_�'� �4�-ao6 � oa�,n� �ah l� Street . � . C9xp Z � p Tc2ephaae �Ttmeber: Home Z U 7 � ( O� oY1c !Q - O-' ' .tEaK �77 - 6G: Ylanning Dis�c= Council- ' City Couaei3, IIard• �- P�efexz�d 2Sa.i}Yng Address: __/�,[T��c � �Cl v c SThat is your accupatioa2 _ �xf`t/tti��j ,�Q}�-j/�,.��� ' . Place"of �mployment: •}'�.�,�C� cll_ ��� �L..'�/� J --- Gvait'tee(s) Agplied Foz; �T/ i' R S7hat ski2ls/rxa53ting ox Psperieace da you poasess £or the eo�ittee(s) for vhieB pou seak agpoiatnent? a°-t �.e�rs c ��,�t,.^'u„�7 c'�� �5�� � /�� C . �' ,'�tA_ C'd !�1 /�N/C l,il i'c lti �R-e rrc .�,,� ST'�� ����-.c�'Z Cc x..T,�}CTS. G✓ v� � � v '�^a��. , `�v�e � �. W��� N � ����' , �� � -�,e�,S ���� �-�- tV� � � v � ��/U�N� i.. �- a -- �'�}- j./ �1 /�. _� 0 7� �� � l� � t ,nr — - �u� W � - � � The 3n£ormazion iacluded in this a.pplieation is �orsidared p=ivate daza according to tht x;�rtasota Covezmeat Data 4ractices Aet. As a resnlz, this 3nfozmstioa Ss nee raleasea to the &&neral gublie_ (OVER) � &ev. 2i 28/9b �.. .�. TnT:� �� �assa • . � �dmeassz f �ss [Iio�R3 [Ye�3e] . i�...- �- �' . _ . • �,._, ..:. .-: ;,: .'�Oasamt ibs p°_� t3#� p1�io�r Y�vb �aa L�d pmse.taets �C! vEfl t�4 0eer�4tteti �os d� �e¢ +�sr � IP s0. vLae� a�+a �! • Zn m alve�s. s�e waxse LAst aaa�eitee� �. zaltt+nta q►e � o# aerl �;Y. p�laesa rl+x'E si�s I.xna spp2iao�3ip to 9as• ' Sliis � is A�etiarl� vslmearJ. , . •••• ��SJsdlc Ci�2tam� �nriray} � Y� Tel�te� � �m�3e�n mQfsa•� ttsstaa �ilcbna ..� . _.. _. -�' �° . ���zl�-. --!-- ....._ n.ea +me a3�en: _ DSs�bLed: Ye� gp�, �! apai,iil aCCa�dtCieroa s�t n�ra. �a�ae apeCy�. 80! dS+i �oa 7�s ab0�st tlais op�lSgp � � � TO7RL P.02 _ -- E; v �, � r�3Q r �� r �.� � . � S�INT PAIIL, MINNESOTA 55102 PosFit' Fax Note `� � � , 266-8525, . . ' FAX: 266-8513 ro -�-'�� �vi ° v Naae- STEPHEN D. G ' ��oacc. - Prwne d . 492 Holly Avenue, St.•Paul, MN 55102 fiome Add�ess- p�� � 513 Streec Citp , 291-0083 � 333-0201 -. -'-'- , Telephone Ivnaber: (Homel •CQork) '.�EAX)' P2anning bistsict Co�mcil: 8 . Gity C4uacil Ya=d:. -- '^-': ` . , � 492 Holly Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55102 �;,:. � `::. =. ~ P=ePezred 2aiting Address: " °'`•�• Vhat is your occupation? Attorney P1aca�o€ F�rployaent: x va ss w & King, Chartered, O£ Coun - , i !'� � - comitLee(s) Applied.For: STAR Program (. �� �'.I,��y� � y1Ct .��, r,� p}� �.�S � p y1 �" , � n I� .� ^ _' �� _ 1 � _ . �, ,�� �� r ��r��ev�� �-(:•vYl- �;� ' . ,, . .�l h ; �- "Ahat skills/training'or experience do pou possess £or the co�ittee(s) £or vnzcn you see�c : appointmenc? � ' 2 have been a zpembe� of the St:� Paul Planni;ng Commz&.s.i,on since Januaxy- 1, 1995, and, as a member o£ the Combrehensive Plannina and Economic Develooment ___ � Committee, I have experience with respec� to fundincr and economic develonment. Also, I have been active in the Ramsey Hill Association: • The informa.tioa included in =his application zs ccnszdered prisate data according to the Hinnesota Gove�ex�t Da�a Y=actices Act_ As a result, this in£orazzion is not releaseZ zo the general public. (ov��.) . �'�" � �ev_ Lj a JniV LJJ( 1�i•.)'+ . . . _ 1A�1��lIiV14 ��i.iYL�ii�VLJ . . , x David McDCinell ' " Address• 1100 City Sall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, MN 55102 670-1975 . � �vorkl 266-6573 Name:.'Dick An£ang. . , � _ wddress: 9550•&rnold Avenuer Inver Grove Heights, 2RId 55077 �� Phone: fHOmel 457-7891 � -224-9445• _. Name• �arold Yates Address: • 2149 Ho].ly Avenue No. Oalcdale,. MN 55128 � Phone• (Home) 777-8055 '. •. '� yOZk) 641-1901 . Reasons for pouz interest ia rliis particular eo�ittee: I have a stroaq ].nterest in " economi.c development in St. Paul. � Have yon had preaxous contact vith the co�ittee for vhich you aze sakiag application. 2£ so, when, and eircumstaaces? NO. • In an attempt to ensvre that eo�ittee zepzesentation seflects the ma}ceup oE our community, please check the line applicab2e to you. This in£ormation is stzictly vol�ntary_ X Vh3te (Caucasian) _ Black (A£rzcan Ameriean) _ 6mericaa Tndian or Aiaskan Eskimo X liale Female Disabled: Yes No ,�_ Hispanic Asian oz Paci£ic Is2ander Dace of Bizth: 2 ,111/43 If specSal accomaodations are needed, please speci£y. NONE Hov did you heaz about this openiag7 St. Panl Planhing Cotrenission TOTAL F.�_ n/ f v 390 CTTY HAI,L v , 3�� ��V��n n�/SAINT 2'AIIL� MINZIESOTA 55_102 "-" " 266-8525_"' FAX: 266-8513 Name: � u � a Le2—_ Home Address: ��`�G -- �G-q7 � �I'1 -ao6 StYeet Citp N o _ � o...�o �.�. e �/ z� Zip Telephone 2lumber: (Home) �� 9 7ZS Z fAork) zZ8�S0$], _(�AX) ZZ8-SJZ/ Planning District Co�ci1: Pre£erred 2failing Address: Ahat is your occupation? Citp Council Aard: N t��i S�tz� Place�of Eaployment: S�- � �� � � o�t�'�eaZ �i�eSS . O . , � i "-� Cocrmittee(s) Applied For: Ahat slcills/training or eaperience do you possess �or the committee(s) �or vhicn you seek appointment? � �`�.e,N..�raec� oc THe ���e�2s�'� �'rJnOcar�e.�J'� {-un»S OF THC �Jcun1'� `o.��.;1 F OJN6cl. �-'�o� �..�u�e.+� ��� 'a•� GT134S �� a.1..�oc�es eu-=. � po ��c�-tt_S Z'(J CAMr-�UN�� OF cA�o'� ' ,1� �o-cua:.�r�ne�iso� o� �� FoNao �e t��cs C°oM�a�oaa �D�re.. '\S7 d� h+`U N�� y FU f.1'�� � TZt,7J G f-F T{} G SQ.�rJ� � o.a,�� �O J�Jpa7� l O t.� . � x fiJP�c-� e.r.�ce '� N c�.x.oe S DP.J � P� �q ci. N e e.:ns �SSe 55 N�e.��' Plc.�..l � 1 p n ��lZ. TFtQ ����J�J��Hicc.w]O CAM-l.SLUN��4 ` 4t��iDe�-�tJNS 7 �D2.VQ�Pie 1 . T�Fe ���.sn a_a'� o-�`o�c,�c � Nq Ck�a.��'� pol�a�s '�O qi��=S- �-N�� N�'iz 2c� t� S . � Q Tft c�� o a c e. z C� ss '? 2.J i e�J C3.�J D GI aX�.� c.�'e N-� `�- TFFa.�� Y00 i21D DS�%S t=o2Z f S OAlst>ZSFF� O� G�iJ �-�Nv� � 4. s< s. � ea i c T�� tJ t�.� r.� � cZ.AJ a'� � <<uJ cJ � N 9 �--� ?Q-� c�. Ei� � �'F N. y � a�..� ti a-C.v.V � Tt eS • — . �T The information included in this application is considered pzivate data according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this in£orsation is not released to the general public. , ) Q,-r+e�.s �� Ne�a� •. '���a��n in -R+e ��-, ���z.a.a� s T,�s�E- Fu N'1 / -� � i P� '1 (ov��> v N�'� e� C..� � ��� �; �� �� L.'�i- Su2_u� r_¢� Rev. Zi28/96 � F,��.,",.� e e aa.auavivu. rL' l.tiLlVl.L� Name:__ ,� O FF rJ V7 J CK 1`�..2-tJ �� L �ot.2.+ _ S��� �o�tt.TQ� Address: � OQ tJ o i22 �eS"'r �O � e.7Z q,' �� Phone: CHome) CAork) ZZ y- Name: � o tJ C ��1L �� � ���-02 � i OfJeeaL �'�2.2SS Aaaress: 3`-f5 �e�a� 5-4- . 5-E-. `� �.�.tJ 5S/v/ Yhone: Home) (Aork) ZZ � S Name: �� ScL �2�e 2 �TtO L� iZ.Qi..��'� ��_.��J-l�JC..7C'c On� adaress: 5�5�5 1°'L'� N N e so S , S ��� e 2.dOO Sc�; a Phone•_ CHome) (Aork) �8Z - `j7�Q �� Reasons £or your interest in this particular co�ittee: T �ZOu t-i N. W o2� c N� p e.. �'i �.1 u ot � e r.� en7� '� nl_ `�4-e. co r.�. t.�.0 �� e•�� �"t`5 --r.i e�qt4bo�zt+000S Tui�J�S c�s a _� ex(J i�14 '� a.� �'i2A�1 e 'T'FFe G cc�a �f...%.c � e: �� - ��e � w� �� �kcQx� i*�rzt�vc Tke De�1c�(pr-`ew)"� o� TN V . . _. �-° OA� PLU tJ : Have you had previous contact with the co�ittee £or vhich you are making application. I£ so, vhen, and circumstances? � D In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. Whi:te (Caucasian) �/ F�ispanic Black (African American) Asian or pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eski.mo Hale ✓Female Date o£ Birth: b' ' Z-�o � Disabled: Yes p7 ' J If special accommodations are needed, please speci£y. How did you hear about this opening7 CA�beQ�p Q�'� ,�-}p�� J� ,�� 'S °I`1-ao 4853 Hitivale Avenue North Oakdale, MN SS I28 Work (612) 228-5087 Home (612)779-7252 Ruby Lee Strategist: experienced in successfully positioning strategic plans and long range goals into measurable tasks and results. Critical thinker: experienced in asking the key quesrions and analyzing issues by breaking down their complexity and reconciling the factors. Effective manager of time: able to monitor and manage multiple projects without losing attention to details. Budget adminishator: managed operational and special pro,}ect budgets throughout my cazeer. Team player: enjoy and excei in a team environment. Relationship builder: possess a wealth of knowledge about resources within civil and cultwal organizations, urban and suburban communities, private businesses, and non-profit agencies. These relationships enable me to easily open doors in new environments and build new partnerships with many communities. Exceilent communicator: demonstrated excellent public relations skills; experienced in writing newsietters, reports, and press releases. 1986 - 1992 Me1ro State University Saint Paul, MN BA., Communications and Public Relations 1991- present Saint Paut Pioneer Press Saint Paul, IvIN Everrts and Communily Strategist • Review and evaluate more ffian 400 proposals for sponsorship on an annual basis. Sh�ategically select proposals that fit closely within our objectives while maximizing the use of our internal resources. Engage in grant writing for funding in potential coliaboratives that optimize our visibility and revenues. Manage an annual budget for events of more than $200,000. Plan, coordinate, and implement more than 150 community events on an annual basis. Itesponsible for developing aggressive community outreach initiatives that improved corporate image in primary mazket azeas for the paper, including: inner-city neighborhoods, East Metro suburbs, arts organizations, and communities of color. Parhierships include: Capitol City Paztnership, River&ont Development, City of Saint Paul, civic and neighborhood organizations in Ramsey, Washington, and Dakota Counties, The Ordway, Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, Minnesota Children's Museum, the Saint Paul Festival and Heritage Foundation. g�-z��, ! PubBcations .i4dd'rtionai prcfessional �_activities ., � Canguages 1981 - 1991 Spanish Speaking Affairs Council Communications Coordinator Saint Paul, MN Served as a liaison to the legislature, state governmental agencies and media on issues of concem m the Latino community in Minnesota. Developed a needs assessment report which was used by the govemor and the legislature in passage of legislarion that was created to protect migrant workers; and designated appropriations for econoauc development and educarional prograzns throughout the srate. Formed coalitions and partnerships with public, private and diverse groups. State of Minnesota Bilin�l Resouree Directorv, 1990, a comprehensive compilation of agencies, institutions, and community organizations serving the Spanish speaking community of Minnesata. Al Dia a bi-weekly biiingual newsletter with a statewide distribution. Gnduate and Alumni, The Leadership Saint Paul Program, Saint Paul Chamber of Commerce. Experienced in IBM and Macintosh computers; Programs include: Quark E�cpress, Pagemaker (desktop publishing), Excel, Aldus, Word Perfect and Claris Works. Bilingual (English-Spanish). Coinmundy actiyities El Fondo de Nuestra Comunidad of The Saint Pau1 Foundation Diversity Endowment Funds, Core Committee Member, 1993 - present; KTCA/KTCI Coinmunity Advisory Committee 1989 - present; and Everybody Wins!, Board Member; 1995 - present. References Former Boazd Member: Saint Paul United Way Areawide Multi-Services Review Committee; Urban Coalition, Minnesota Childreds Trust Fund, Intemational Institute of Minnesota, Saint Paul Winter Catnival, Minnesota History Center, KARE I 1 Communiry Advisory Committee, Minnesota Assaciarion of Government Communicators, A World of Difference, Embajadora Fiispana of Minnesota, and the Ciry of Saint PauPs Cinco de Mayo Celebntion. Available Upon Request. � �..J i . � i • , syv cirz sAr,L SAINT PAIIL� MIPIPIESOTA 55102 266-8526 R£C£�VEG MAY 2 4 i995 q`i-1oG Name: _ _ John Barry Margot ��� ���� � xome Address: 1818 Wellesley St. Paul 55105 Stseet Gity ZlP 698-2994 639-4742 Telephone Nunber: (Homa) vork � Planning bistri.et Crnmcil_ 14 Czty Covncil Aard: Preferzed 2Sai].ivg AddYess: S�That is your occnpatiop? 1818 Wellesley Sales Representative Piace'of Bmpioyment: General Office Products Coffiaittee(s) Applied Fas: C B 2-14' 17 �utc< �� � f S'ihat skzlls/tzaining or eaperience do you possess for the committee{s) foz vhich you seek appoint�ment? I work well in a cooperative setting. I like the challenges of producing a consensus on a given topic. I believe it is an honor and an obligation of good citizenship to be involved in civic matters. Capital budgeting is a ant civic matter. Additionally, my experience as a Scoutmaster at Na tivity School and years of work with the Highland Grovelax Recreation Associationhave helped me understand the problems and strengths of the neighborhood I wish to represent on the CIB Cou¢nittee. The information included in this application is considered private data acco:ding to t?:e Hinnesota Govezment Data Practxces Act. As a result, thi.s information is net released to the general public_ {ov�x) �2ev.4.�21/93 YERSONAL REFF,RENCBS � l "Z�� xame: .Ierry Devine, Deacon; Nativity Church „ 1666 Juliet Phoae: _�{Aome) 699-6939 � 696-5439 � A�e= Paul Murphy Address: 1988 Goodrich Phone• Home 699-7942 ork' Nam� Kathie Tarnowski, co�unity organizer; Mac-Groveland Co�unity Council Address: 320 South Griggs Street Yhone• Home vork 698-7973 &easons £or your interest in this partiaular committee• I currently am serving as the representative from District l4 on the Streets and Utilities Task Force. The CIB process is comp ex an in wor s e er —t�re-���ffie�$e�s-�st�e �s� es*�e��e *�na-t s' f,-ce�.�evp1 T }1P� l PV task force wo rk has me to take on more challenging and would like the opportunity to see our work through to completion. � Have you had previous contact vith the comaittee for irhiCh you are making application. Zf so, when, and cizc�stances7 -- _.. - .- - n In an atte�pt to ensure that co�i.ttec representatian reflects the makeup of our commun3ty, pLesse cheak the line applicable to you, 'This information is strictly vOluntarp. X White (Caucasian) Black (African Americanl Emerican Indian or Al.askan Eskimo �,_ Male Female Disabled: Yes No ,�_ Date of Birth: Hispanic Asian or Paci£ic Islander 12-5-45 � speci,al accommodations are needed, p2ease sgecify, � '_—�_ How did you hear about this opening? Through the Maca 4 11/la/96 09:59 FAS 61Y J3b db9u �L�L .�� �� `' � � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR . , . „( , � : ��._. i 1;,. �: ' 390 CITY EAT,L j;' SASNT PAIIL, ?SINNESOTA 55102 ` , 266-8525:' FAX: 266-8513 Name: � �l - /� ' /1� _ �. .. -_ wwt vU: ' / r , (� y — �- _�V` // �`�� .�`�� �,ao _t 0 $ome Address: V �S� �..� f�Otil - , ��Pi � ' � J� � � I � � � � 'S -,�r"--I t `1 Stseet City _ .. 2ip Telephaae 23umber: CHame)� Z �I'� � Q'�J� � (Aorkl �° I Z ��I ��P (FAR)�S �d Flanniag District Crnmcil: �� ' City Coemci.l Aard: �� Rrefezred Hailing Address: Sct�_,,.a �5 ��0�^� Qhat is your occupat3on? _ �{��T� ' . Rlace�o£ Fsaploymeat• _���/ ���(�� � �InGS�'W� Co�itLee(s) Applied Eor: � i n'T� 1 au � P� c� y� y� � y�q �yy� y.� IS$t DYl pt( I /'- .� IU�� s� I�l ��d` cin� �a1PS �`� Z-� �'t,�.t� e,�1'o�'f .! � 0.,,►� aw� �`nu p a3 �� � �r:, •�� 1 .i_ Is •� �' . L�1�G�1� .a � - \C��b .aJ�[:71 � . . - ! . � � I L,J� • ��� -.� - �� '•�! � iJl.' I '- 4 . �_ � . �i� - • . � � b4 - �a�11\�� � 1 � � � �^ ' .i � � � i � "_ ' � � t� r yOF�z° SS la�l/'�nc. •£�v�A�nl$w'�'ioz-,c� �v�d Got+ c�'irn. �,������ C L� 6 Se--� a c.l-� r^�e.SU yh .2.. . xhe Zn£ozma2ion i.ncluded in this application is conside=ed private daca according zo zhe Hinnesota Gaverment Data Practzces Acc_ As a result, this i.nfor,aation is not released to che general pu'62ic. (aV�R) � Rev. �i28/90 Ghat skills/training or esperienee do pou possess £or the committee(s) Por vh3ch you seek appaincment? PERS�NAI. R..�FFRENNCFS eddress: `��a Phone: , S "110�0 Name: .�pYv� i"c'� t $ AtIaIC55 0 �10II6:_ C$OIDG� (90i�CZ l�� �' � � xn+wn AddYH55-� 7U �J_� S� ��-Z�b � �__ "►_t� y S. �-t -9s��- .� Phoae:_ CHome) ' • � • • " fporx) �� - �SS3 Reasoas for your anterest in tfiis paitienl,ar commi,ttee:�r �-+, -: -_ -�-, � _ � Y��_ • /� • � . � .. Ha°�e y°u 7aad P=�°� ��ataet' with the committee £or vhieh you arc makx,ag application. I� so, �8ea, aad azrc�stanees? n 1 , n . � 1 � �� . . . � � , v 1 . --� �f t PiI�J Q.Y� � (` `QM� n Y'� i/`1� � 1n mm� temPt ta eas� e hat ommitt e� p r s e n t a� eommuaity, please check ihe liae appZicable to you voluntary. � Qhite (Caucasian) glae7c (APrieaa dnmesican) ^ Amezican Tndiaa or Alaskan $skimo � �salq Fema2e Disabled: yes 3 t5�Yt�ti'�' t�JY1.G+1,.� . � r e E l ec ts t ha ma k eup o£ owc This information is strict2p Hispanie Asian or paci£ie Islander � Date of Birth: �� � �v � ' t No � � If spfleiaZ accommodatioas are aeeded, pZease speciFy. �— Hov did you hear about rhis 0 r J [OYi'JYYItJ✓11 O✓�'0.✓1 )�2Y'. 11�1J/9b lU:UU Y{d b1Z SJO 4JdU JLaL TAOMAS A. OLESAK 1050 West Hoyt Avenue, St. Paul, Mi.nnesota 55117 612/488-7437 OBJECrIVE Position as a member of the St Paul Planning Commission. SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS .tJVU: �..z q�l-ao • Over 13 years of azclutectival experience ranging from progianuning through construction administration, iacluding planning activities • Experience writing proposals and reports - A design and planning education which focuses on problem solving • Experience negotiating Planning and Zoning Approvals for clients in other jurisdictions, narionwide • Ability to analyze financiai data • Su�ong organizational and communication slriIls CAREER HIGHLIGHTS • Responsible for reviewing and commenting on the draft of the St. Paul Community Development Agenda as Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee, Dishict 10 Como Community Conncil • Responsible for reviewing neighborhood land use issues and making recommendations to the full board for action as a Member of the Land Use Committee, Dishict 10 Como Community Councit • Contributed to a wide variety of building projects and led project teazns for projects with construction costs up to $19.2 million - Responsible for monitoring, coordinating, reviewing and evatuating staff • Selected to participate in the Greater Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce 1996-97 Leadership Minneapolis Program - Registered arcluteet EM'PLOYMENT ffiSTOR'Y Setter, Leach & Liadstrom, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota 7uty 19$3 - Preseat: Project Architect District 10 Como Community Council, St. Paul, Minnesota October 1995 - Present: Member of the Board of Directors, Strategic Planning Committee Chair �llUCA'FION University of St. Thomas, Crraduate Programs in Management, St. Paul, MN September 1987 - June 1992: MBA Degree, Management Concentration University of Minnesota, College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Minneapolis, MN September 1978 - June 1983: Bachelar of Architectuze Degree � � . � , a-�-�b � -_�:�.m�. T �m'm!' i District 10 -- Como Community Council � Februaty 4,1997 Mayor Norm Coleman GO Roger Clutis 'Ihird Floor CSty Hali St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mayor Coleman: On behalf of the District 10 - Como Pazk Community Councii, the Community Development corsuniaee heartily endozses the appoinrment of Tom Olesak to the Sales Tax Area Reviralization (STAR) Board. Tom has been a membet of the Como Park Communiry Council for just over a yeaz. During that 6me he has made significant contributians as chair of the Sa�ategic Planning committee and as a member of the land use committee. Most significan@y, he has worked to educate communiry members about the need £or compa6ble business and industrial � " ?' development in tbe Como Park neighborhood. He has steered his committee in-developing a strategic plan that addresses those needs. Tom has also been insttvmental in developing the marketing strategy for the Como Park ne�ghborhood Just as you have "sold" 5c. Paul as being o�en for business, Tom is selling the theme thai Como Park is Sc. Paul's Gazden DistricG This strategy takes the greenery and resources of Como Park, the i4L�I Horticuitural Society and Ehe Universisy of Ptinnesota agiculuue campus and extends them into the ne.ighborhood with the goal of greening the neighborhood. This greening wiil encourage business development, angment property valves, beauufy the neighborhood and build community. Tom's professional background as an uchitect, his understanding of the need to bolster business development in St. Paul, and his commitment to the district cour.cil system make him an ideai nominee to the STAR Boazd. We strongly urge you to appoint him. Respectfully, � Ju]ie Hoff Community Organizer � 1556 Como Avenue • St. Yaul, MN 55108 •(812) 844•3889 • FaY: 848•8886 - � ,���.� � �'J �;� . � . 4iaae : Hoae L Telepi2one 2�ivabe=: Planning District Pre=erred Nailing Addzess_ Ahat is your occnpation? Place�of F�ployaent: � Co�ittee(s) Aoolied Por: V��� u V� �uu �v �V�♦ 390 CITY FiPS,L SA2ZIT PAIIL� MINNESOTA 55102 . 266-8525_" _ FAX: 266-8513 i � 5J-. `P� �� ( . M N Ahat sY.i11s/training or esperience do Sou possess for the comittee(s) x"or vnicn pou see: apooin�ent? Se� a�aC� sr er�f The in�or.�ation inclnded in th=s application is considered private data accorcing to t�e `,iir.nesota Goveraent Data Pzactices dct. As a resul�, tnis in=or,�tion is not releaszc to tRe generzl oublic. 9'7 -ao6 �� �l �i sslo�- � wi iG 1/eY� p �ori5 u� =rt, � Cf (OV"�F) Rev. 2i?s/9c street Citp Zio PERSONAl REFERENCES Name:_ 1�+�1�� ��VM Address •_ � r J � ��i Pfione:__�Home) a� -��, -5�8� -_�� , MN 55ia �o=k� �4 � -a4s�D Name : �� IC'Yl �1(CL�"LA"`/ � M iC� W Gl,y �] �� C' o�t.r,1'Vt/�r GP� - n 1 � C r Address: 1 6CCZ �YL�' (� Z�tl'v� J(.L(�-� �� � ja ��l ubi 1 U2 �� �r r� �'i: Phone• —�ome) � { �' - 0 � � � (pork) �P '! L - Z �o ? J� Hame:_ 0�! 1 -�-�cc,w�.liv�z N�ic�wav Coa<i-�-iovt Address:__ � � t-�tn✓tA �\l2Vl�(e� S{' �� ),./(N SS 10� — Phone: CHome) CAork) ��'�� (o Reasons £or your interest in this particular committee: S�e 0.��G�a.� Have you had prev,ious contact vith the co�ittee for vhich you are making application. I£ so, vhen, and circumstancesT In an attempt to ensure that cosmittee representation rePlects the makeup o£ aur co�unitp, pZease check the line applicable to you. This inPormation is strictly voluntarp. _ ,_ _� Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Yacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male _� Female Date of Birth: p(o - Z2 - 6 Z Disabled: Yes No � - If special acco�aodations are needed, please speci£y. ri ���� " fl Hov did you hear about this opening? f10.���t�� ��'1i����,� �'pQ�t� �� �� q�-a�6 HAMLINE MIDWAY COALITION Hamline Park Pla}around Building � 1>6't LafondAcenue. Saint Pwl, DI\ »I0� � 6L-Gi6-19S6 � Fa� 612-641-4041 January 15, 1997 Mr. Roger Curtis Assistant Eo the Mayor 390 City Hall St. Paul MN 55102 Dear Mr. Curtis: On behalf of the Hamline Midway Coalition Board of Directors, I am very pleased to recommend Kathy Sundberg to xepresent neighborhood business interests on the STAR Boazd. Over the pasE few years, I have come to know Kathy in a variety of contexts, most recently as member of the Sneliing Avenue Business Initiative (SABn, an associafion of neighborhood businesses developed thxough the Hamline Midway Coalition ovex the past 15 months. Kathy not only understands the needs of neighborhood businesses from her immediate experience as owner of Ginkgo Coffeehouse, but is highly respected as a leader and spokesperson by local business peers who elected her chairperson of the SABI Advisory Coirunittee. In this role, . Kathy displays a xemaxkable ability to honox the diverse views and interests of inemUers, and at the same time, to generate decisions and aciion on the issues and tasks at hand. In addition to extraordinary facilitation and communication skills, Kathy is truly a"quick study" who_ brings both cre2tivity and balanced judgment to complex issues and differences of opinions. Kathy's participation in the Hamline Midway community demonstrates a holistic understanding of fl1e multiple components of ineaningful communiry development. She has contributed to several community-wide events, including the Midway Fesrival of Arts, supports the housing development work of the Hamline Midway Area Rehabilitation Corpoxation, maintains membership in the Midway Chamber of Commerce and Midway YMCA, and is highly invested in the future of the community as both a business owner and resident. Her professional experience combined with community involvement make her an ideal candidate for the STAR Board. Kathy Sundberg can be relied upon to bring sharp thinking, an intimate understanding of neighborhoods, and the utmost of integrity to the commitment of serving the STAR Board. The Hamline Midway Coalition strongly encourages your support of Kathy Sundberg's appiication. Sincerely, �! ,�� 11�! �3;=,.� J d M. Bantley Executive Director /jb cc: Jerry Gagner, President, I�i IC Board of Directors Bobbi Megard, Ward 4 Councilmember Jerry Blakey, Ward 1 Councilmember Kathy Sundberg Derficated to rna��iir; t/�e Hnntliite dlid�rrn� rrei�Gborl�ood �t better�lace to lrre and irork. MIDWAY � `� - a° � CHAMBER �f COl'IiViERCE ����._.,� �..,� � �� � - �I� January 14, 1997 Mr. Roger Curtis Office of the Mayor� 390 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mr. Curtis: I am writing to recommend the appointment of Kathy Sundberg to the Nei�hborhood STAR Board. Kathy is a dedicated community and business leader who will bring to the STAR Board a unique perspective as a small business owner and community activist. In addition, Kathy has experience in business at the corporate level, and teaches small business management. A resident of the Aamline-Midway neighborhood, Kathy's community involvement includes work with the Hamline-Midway Coalition, Snelling Avenue Business Initiative, Westem Initiatives in Neighborhood Development (WIND), and the Neighborhood Development Center. She also is an active member of the Midway Chamber of Commerce. I have had the pleasure of working with Kathy the past year as she looked at starting a new business in another St. Paul neighborhood and have been continually impressed with her grasp of issues affecting neighborhood businesses. In addition, Kathy has shown herself to be an ashxte and dedicated individual who will definitely handle the responsibilities of the STAR Board with the utmost in integrity, faimess and intelligence. Thank you for the opportunity to express my support of Kathy Sundberg as a representative to the Neighborhood STAR Board. Sincere(y, r Ellen Watters Executive Director Spruce Tree Centre • Suite #4 • 1600 University Avenue West • St. Paul, MN 55104 PHONE: (612) 646-2636 FA,Y.• (612) 646-2297 ParkBank St. Anthony Park State Bank 2265 Como Avenue • St. Paul, MN SS lOS 612-G�17-0131 • FAX 612-647-0185 7anuary 17, 1997 Mr. Roger Curtis Mayors Office City of St. Paul 240 City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 RE: STAR Committee Application Dear Mr. Curtis: c{�-� This letter is in support of Ms. Kathleen Sundberg's application for a position on the STAR board. I've been acquainted with Ms. Sundberg for approximately four yeazs as her banker, hauing worked with her:very closely in the conception and development of her small business in the Madway. I have found Ms. Sundberg to be quite skilled in her ability to thoughtfully analyze options as they relate to small business decisions. Her most recent experience as a small business instructor and consultant have broadened her skills. She has also taken quite an active community interest in the Midway and overall St. Paul community. In summary, she is uniquely qualified to serve on this committee given her broad range of experiences. I don't view her as representing any single constituency. I did serve on the originai half-cent sales taac committee myself and have an understanding of the fact that the city needs impartial, open-minded, experienced and broadly-based people. Please call me directly if you need additional information on Ms. Sundber�'s candidacy. Sincerely, ��� Richard B. Beeson, Jr. President xsszoos. cc: Kathleen Sundberg q�-ab� � WIND Western Initiatives for Neighborhood Development 651�/z UNIVERSITY AVENUE • ST. PAUL, MN 55104 January 15, 1997 • PHONE:29�-2480 • FAX:2914597 STAR Board Nomination's Committee - Rodger Curtis c/o Mayor Coleman's Office 390 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear STAR Board Nomination's Committee: I am proud to be recommending Kathy Sundberg, Coffeehouse, and small business plan trainer for Development Center, to serve on the STAR Board. owner of Ginko's the Neighborhood Kathy is exactly the type of person who can bring a fresh, energetic and practical perspective to this Board. As a business owner, sha has created a wonderful community gathering spot in the Midway. Treating families, seniors and students alike to a place that Peels comfortable and familiar, Ginkos Coffeehouse has served to give a strong sense of community on Snelling Avenue, a street that by its size doesn't always lend to such feelings. Kathy has been a strong leader in her community, as the Midway Coalition works on strengthening the commercial district and its tie to the residential community around it. She has led other area businesses into a creative, unique marketinq and promotional plan that has resulted in unity growing in the district. We have been fortunate to retain Kathy as a small business trainer for low/moderate income entrepreneuers in the North End, in our Micro Entrepreneur Training and Loan Program. She has trained over 40 entrepreneurs in this program, and has consistently received rave revietas from her students. Kathy also conducts loan reviews and business assistance for our program, calling upon hex supurb common sense approach to business management and promotion. Finally, we have been able to retain Kathy to work on certain consulting projects we have had with neighborhood business development efforts. She has been working recently with Dayton's Bluff businesses, providing leadership and.guidance to 12 small businesses in that area as they plan a revitalization project for their district. Once again, she does an outstanding job in this work. WIND is a Community �evelopment Corporation subsidiary of Western B2nk. 0 °I`l - �.o � I can't speak highly enough about the value and commitment Kathy would bring to the STAR Board. She is both practical and creative, articluate and thoughtful, with extremely strong group skills on top of it all. I hope you give her serious consideration for this appointment, and would be happy to talk further with you at your convenience. Sincer � - 1 ike Temali President . .t-.:� . j—,' i>` `', `i' OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ' I V � 4�' 4' . ��_ . .. � . . j+ .., I� 390 CITX HALL . � . , !-� �. , . 4Y_� ; SAINT 4AIIL . ." � � -a0 � „ �-• ` � . . �_ MI2IDIESOTA : :.- 55102 •. �:� . �t _ . . 266-8525:- . . FAX: 266-8513 : '. .:' . �.� ,, _ .._.. . .: . _.:._: �..:_.._>..._- . t . ,.. -. ... - - ... ... . . :- : ' tZame: �A(�' =����TG.D1M,� •- . _ . Home Address: � 1 � l R�,�LVGS� �V •�"' . � � �5�)G St=eet Telephone t�-uabez: lHose Planning District CoimciZ: Cit9 � Zip .� �AOrk� G9 0- S�.o i J .c��� G98- 2� 7? r � � ' -. City Council Aaxd: -` Prefer=ed Hailing Address: �bW1.�. U' �� % � Ahat is yovr occupation? 47A.N � ���►�+ j � � Place �of £ucp2oyment: � �1��`C�,t.l� ��0.N �C � K� Co�aeittee(s) Applied For: �Li� �,,.t� C1..oi[c.'� �if Ai+a� =vvtPvrouGwLGN ����/�t Guti,,.�•u.:�{-1' � '3et� �Sti l.Jo�r�-�wc� �.G.v��a�tM.e.�.�` Cowwc�l Anat sY_ills/training oz eaperience do you possess for the cor�ittee(s) foz whi.ch you seek appointment? . ��� � Ga�'s e V't LN [� I N ° ha1L �� Ncl�iGi oX S2XtJ i�CGS �i.,s�t W l� C O�GGisrf G e. 5,%�tf.� i�� : — i*11KG y - �rirar Cvw�.tiwu,v��v � J , • �•-- - ' - ; . . _. . �. . . _ �. . _ 6t��t c�k l�,s�rt r, t P�u2,w u.�.a� . • l\)�. _� 1 ��\I �w_.i'_�'" " .� ��_�"_.1'_ � �7"1_�..Lf_' �.l �__'�t'__ 1 _' • 'v � The infornation incicded in this application is considered pzivate data according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Pzactices Act. As a result, this in£ormation is not relezsed to the general public. ' C��) . ga�_4/21/53 i02iAL REFERENCES ` S�.�i ame: �'�`� =�q� u� �� Address � 0• �� � " Phone: YHomel (iTOrk) �i 19 " b��! � Naae: Addzess: YV�Qar� VUIbG��C.V" �'75� (3p�,,�a_w.�� � s � S5 l� L Phone:. (Homel �..q�� Z.q7�I (Aorkl �.9 i� G321 Name•_ �CYV�. Sf..°K�"ON �3dress: `YV� ��OSA..�1F �Lt�.'ttt.` �lUC�. � '���s�. �� f✓S� Phone• CHome) (Gork) �y7 � }2.�9 Reasons for your interest in this particular co�ittee• �5 CL i�it,�..� yY.,,j � W� t� �.,._� r;��..,� � S�', d ��_. t__L:.ti �.-- Have yon had previous contact vith the committee for vhich you are making application. I£ so, when, and circu7astances? . "' ' � In an atte�pt to er.s:se that cc�ittee represertetion refle.r_rs the aakeup o£ ovr co�unity, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strict2p voluntary. �_ Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African 6merican) Asian or Pacific Zslander Amezican Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � 2fale 1 - Female Date of Bi,rth: ,� LNn.t� R$� ,��L, Disabled: Yea Ro „ '� IE__special acco�odations are needed, please speci£y. �DN � � Ho-r did you hear about this opening7 ��-ao� CO�YIYIUNITYSERYICE Present: • Executive Committee Downtown Davenport Development Corporation . Board of Directors Davenport Chamber of Commerce . Co-Chairperson Lutheran Social Service Capital Campaign . Co-Chairperson St. Amhrose University Capital Campai�n . United Way Business Development . Co-Chairperson Community Health Corporation Capital Campaign Past: . Member Bloomington Education Advisory Committee . Norwest United Way Cabinet . Bloomington Chamber of Commerce . Decathlon Athletic Club, Finance Committee . Past Chairman, Minnesota Metro American Institute of Banking . United Way - Mall of America Division . Board of Directors, Loring-Nicollet Bethlehem Center (Adult Education} . Btoomington Business Education Atliance . Northside Boys Club . South Minneapolis YMCA - Capital Fund Drive Committee . Bloominaon I�eart Association Fund Drive � u[[tm . �,: � � ��. M{GHAEL J. HARRIS Co�meSmember CITY OF SAZNT PAIIL OFFICE OF Tf� CI'TY COUNCIL �1� � � � 1 1! Date: February 21,1997 To: Mayor Norm Caleman From: Councilmember Mike Harris �� Subject: STAR Baard Appointments 9�t-ao�. I am writing ta express my support of the application of Ron Whitcomb for appointment to the STAR Citizen Advisory Board. Ron is cutrrently President af Highland Bank and an active member of the Highland Business Association. His contributions in these roles have improved the Highland neighborhood as a place to live and to do bvsiness. Tn addi6on, he has develaped a sincere interest in getting even further involved in our coxnmunity. I have come to know Ron as an intelligent and hard working person whose talents and efforts would be invaluable to the entire STAR process. I urge you to give his appointrnent prominent consideratioa. c: Roger Curtis � FEB 21 1�9T AAAY4R'� OfF�C'E CITY HALL THIRD FIAOR SAINT pAUi, M7NNE$OTA 55102 612/266-8530 a�ie P[1u46 on Re�ycl�tl Paper DISTRICT QISTRZCT (PRIOR) {OTHER COMMIT2'EES SERVZNG ON) ---- -------- -------- °---___ _-" --- °- 1 8 O1/24/97 W F APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DFS Q2-26-97 WMMITTEE APPL2CANT5 REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : NST Neighborhood Sales 2ax Board FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER Ol/O1/94 � 003265 Beigl�eder, M. Denise 301 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55202 Consultant/COmmunity & Ec Dev 002873 Blackman, Ruth 66 E. 9th St. St. Paul, MN 55101 Retired/West Publishing 003261 Burley, David 235 Wheeler Street St. Pau1, MN 551fl5 Restaurant Owner 003244 Fahey, John 180 Maria Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Construction Carpenter 001330 Gordon, Stephen D. 492 Holly Avenue 5t. Pau1, MN 55102 Attorney 003269 Lee, Ruby 4853 Hillvale Avenue N. Oakdale, MN 55128 Community Strategist OQ3263 Leier, Mary Jo 1895 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Secretary 0029$9 Margot, John Barry 1818 Wellesley Ave. St. Paul, MN 55105 5ales Representative 1 17 3 15 7 4 67B 1 8 65A Planning Commission 4 13 � �t1-�.o�, PAGE 1 O1/14/97 W F O1/15/97 W M 11/18/96 W M O1/29/97 W M 02/20/97 H F Ol/14/97 W � 3 14 64 02/14/97 W Capital 8udget Committee � 02-26-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT �7-��� PAGfi 2 COMMZTTEE : NST Neighborhood Sa2es Tax Board � FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER 61/02/94 APPLICANT J REFERENCE CAMMENTS WARD PLANNI2dG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVIftG ON) ----�-'----------------------°---- ---- --__-_'- __------ �--�---- �° --_ _-_ 00325? Mohrbacher, Paul 442 Summit Avenue St. Pdul, MN 55102 Coord. Community Relations 002996 Olesak, Thomas A. 1050 W. Hoyt Avenue St. Paul, MN 55117 Architect 003259 Patton, William 849 clark Street St. Pau1, MN 55101 Part-time employeeJDayton's 003148 Randall, Beth 70D E. Cook Avenve St. Paul, MN 55106 Hamline Midway Area Rehab Corp 002$14 Rothchild, Mary T. 1077 Linwood Avenue 5t. Paul, MN 55105 Banker 006259 Schultz, David A. 1120 St. Clair Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Professor of Political Science 002109 Senkler, Charies F. 147 Virginia Street 5t. Paul, MN 55102 Owner/Fabulous Ferns 2 15 5 10 5 5 2 16 2 16 1 8 O1(13/97 W M 02/04/97 W M Oi/21/97 W M 21i28/95 W F O1/14f97 W F 01/14/97 W M 10/29/96 W � �03Q92 Sprung, Albert F. 6 2 11/28/95 W 4 11 957 Flandrau St. Pau1, MN 55106 Chemicai Technican APPLICANT / REFERfiNCE COMMfiNTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR} {OTHER C4MMZTTEES SERVING ON) "------"--°----�--------�--------- ---- -------- -------- ------�- -�- --- --- 02-26-97 COMMSTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : NST Neighhorhood Sales Tax Board F4R APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/44 003260 Sundberg, Kathleen 1375 Van Buren Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Bus Owner/Ec Dev Consultant 042262 Tandaoahnippah, Cornell 859 Fry Street St. Paul, MN 55104 C.O. 003105 Tasselmyer, Benita Bleecker ?85 Aldine Street St. Paul, MN 55104-1105 Industrial Engineer 001333 Thompson, Missy Staples 548 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Real Estate Broker/COnsultant 002886 Van Hecke, Betsy 1380 Ashland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Attorney 003258 Wertz, Steven 2141 Prosperity Road Maplewood, MN 55109 Business Lender D03240 Whitcomb, Ron 1781 Hillcrest Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55116 Bank President 4 11 4 11 1 8 65 �t `l - � o�, PAGE 3 O1/21/97 W F O1j03/97 NA M 12/O1/95 W F 11/2�/95 W � 4 13 O1/14/97 W Business Review Council O1/17/99 3 15 64B 11/18/ � � -�� 02-2fi-97 COMMZTTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 4 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : NST Neighborhood Sales Tax Board � FOR APPLICATI6NS DATED AFTER O1/61/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENT5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICS (PRSOR) {OTHER COMMITTEES SERVIN� ONj °--�----'----------�----'-----"-- ---- -°-'..'- ----'--- -------^ °- --' --- 003264 Wilson, Stephen A. 1 g O1/23/97 B 627 Selby Avenue 3t. Pau1, MN 55104 Sr. Strategic Planning Analyst Council File # 1�'" e� � �o Green Sheet � � � b oZ � RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA aJ Presented By Re£erred To Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, ofthe following individuals to serve on the NEIGHBORHOOD SALES TAX REINVESTMENT (STAR) PROGRAM BOARD OF DIRECTORS. REAPPOINTNIENTS Russell J. Miller Stephen Wellington REPRESENTING Neighborhood Business Representative Citywide for Profit Developer Representative APPOINTMENTS John Fahey [Filling Kathie Battle's unexpired term] Community Development Corporation Representative [Labor Representative] Cornell M. Tandooahnippah [Filling Shem Shalar's unexpired term] Community Development Corporation Representative Stephen D. Gordon Planning Commission Representative [Filling Frank Gurney's unexpired term] [Term concurrent with his term on the Planning Commission] Ruby Lee Foundation Representative John Margot Capital Improvement Budget Committee (CIB) Representative [Filling Kristine Bolander's unexpired term] [Term concurrent with his term on CIB Committee] Thomas S. Olesak Kathleen Sundberg Ron Whitcomb District Council Representative District Council Representative With Business Financial Community Representative --Lending See foltowing page for term expirations. 38 39 40 �i 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 so si sz 53 54 55 56 57 sa 59 60 61 62 STAR MEMBER Russell J. Miller Stephen Wellington Tohn Fahey Cornell M. Tandooahnippah Stephen D. Crordon Ruby Lee John Mazgot Thomas S. Olesak Kathieen Sundberg Ron Whitcomb TERM EXPIRATION January l, 2000 7anuary 1, 2000 January 1, 1999 January 1, 1999 7anuary 1, 1998 January 1, 1999 November 1, 1997 January 1, 2000 7anuary 1, 2000 7anuary l, 2000 Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Dat `' �, / � ���� Adoptiarf Certified by o c'I Secretary Eorm Terms are three years, with the exception of those members who are being appointed to fill unexpired terms. sy: B (/r/I] ' `�� Approved by M yor: Date 2�1�1 � By: � " V � by City Attorney ! Approved by Mayor for Council �t � - �.o� Z —ZC to By: +� � �. DistrictlCommunity Council �7-�0� Districtl News Conway Recreadon Center •?A9Q Conway S�. • Room 126 • St. Paul, MN 55119 (612) 292-7828 (612) 29�7829 Fnx distl co@mtn.org January 13, 1997 Rogar Curus, Assistant to the Mayor St Paul �ry Hall 1S W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Peul, MN 55102 Deaz Mr_ G�rtis: Russ Mi11cr has ban che business represcncarivo to the STAR Board from Uistricc 1. He has been a coa�ittee3 and groductive member. At its Novomber 28ch meeting, the District 1 Community Council Board voted to renew his appoinmient to the STAR Board Thank you. Sincerely, ��4�Gxe� G���C�� Catherine Lue, Community Organizer Disaict 1 Community Council — ��. _���� . - . � OFFTCE OF THE MAYOR ' � . . ' :'R�E1`tED : : . • 390 CiTY•HAI,L',:;=;'"-`.'.` . - :: � u� - ..;. SAINT PAIIL�:: MINNESOTA7_:�; 55102..�::=�; -.: .� . � .. . _ . ,. . � � :--':. --•: •_.. .•.:: .:...;_.., .- :....: ..... ....:._ . ._ . • .:. . : <., :::, • . . :: :... .. : ::= _:: . 266-8525:- _ •.. .. £}r � . , _ FAX: �266-8513'_�`�:,.H��-,� . Name: `��fS� �.��A �ie�y; ...�� �_. .. - : - ���� �nRi�sa��� ..- .. .. � .. � �.,.= - �_.'--:- . . � . .:_.. .. .. ._ :..�_ .� .. ..:...:, ... _.. � . q . .� � - . . . . .. Bome Addres s : � -.. ' q O ' r"d Cl'Gi �dQ. s�. �it V� r : _ , '. - . � _ 1 ._.. �. ;-�.: ;->.: ._. � . _ ." � . Street .. City : • - � :; �I` - �0 � 1oE . _ . Zin Telephone Fru.mber: Hose � J - UoZ ' '- � ` Aork .I�. Tt � "� .($AX) � - . �. � � . : . .. . . '� � . f� Planning District Cotmcil: 9o1v��5 ����1\ '`y' � Citp Cotmcil Aard• � Prefexred Hailing Address: ��d �/�f iC� �� Q_. �"1 -�d,w ll� IV S S%�6 ,.Ahat is your occupation? �0�1�CG��orl ���e�eG � ' ' . ' Piace�of E�aploy�ent: ��"L+l� �Y��STfV�L'�'{On SE.f�fj-L'LS � � ' Co�ittee{s) Aoplied Fo=: L-1- � �' .S ��� r Ahat sY.ills/trai.ning or esaerience do pou possess for the coamittee(s) z"or vnich you seek appointaent? ' . _ ..�, a The i.nforiaation incicded is this application is considezed private data acco=ding to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this in£or�ation is not released to tne general public. - ' (OP'L�) . :. � ?tev.�.�21�°3 pF.RSOxnz REFERExcEs Hame: � � Yl 0 � Address•- - �'��� 3�u2.Cah , ��,�� i� �r ��i� f.r'vfln�n VVCLC.L� Q�-aab_ Phoxte: "(Home) C�Toik) ° �� Name: ' r� {c�cr� n1Q,)o.hd �6"�' �l`25 iUE� oT C�0.r.Pec�,�CC`S 1 �07 in �1 �•ti, Address: �l � � IYIA.In Si� Phone: (Home) CAork) �� � S `�.V � Name Address M �� 'V' 1SSQ�1 v •�Q$ 1� eJ�� ' I'ei hV�+rl i �-ES ��, s+ �P�.�J m ss13 6 Phone: (Honel (�7o=kl Reasons £or your interest Sn this particular co�ittee: �aJ i nc n'1'12T �f. v"i� f i n ot, I � Have pou had previws contact vith the com.nittee for vhich you are aaking application. I£ so, when, and circumstancesl • ��� In an attempt to ensuxe that comittee representation reflects the .akeup of ott coamanity, please check the line applicable to pou. This inforaation is strictlp voluntary. J Tihite (Caucasian) Hispznic Black (African Aaerican) Asian or Pacific Islander Aaerican Indian or Alaskan Eskimo V Yale Fesale Date of Bizth• � � �� - �10 Disabled: Yes �Io . I£ special acco�odations needed, please `specify. � Hov did you hear about this openingT r"�-/ l.G��1UI (YIG�, �r(�O"�Ke�df�� ,� �..�: c.� 'r�a� m� � t n Yi �'f cnc't�cr. �'t ev�IS a�d � mv �. v�a � u.� ct�,�n .i � � �' ° \ a� _ao� Dayton's Bluff Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc. 951 East Fifth Street, St. Paul, MN 55106 (612) 774-6995 • Fax (612) 774-0445 February 17, 1997 Mr. Roger Curtis 6€f�—e€-t� ayor 308 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Roger: This letter is to confirm our conversarion of last Friday in nominating John Fahey of 180 Maria Avenue as a Communiry Development Corporation representative to the STAR Board. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the selection process. Sincerely, r < Larry �sen President ?2�C£i � `3 20 199Z ..':r,YO�S QFr1�� � / J 'r � �.- rKUfl YKUUIUWN NLI lUN HLLIH�4LC lu fi�' "`� �� , iSAIriT PAIIL, 2fINNESOTA 55102 " . � - 265-8325;" FAX: 266-�523 .r. . —r�i . t �. ... _ 't � Name • • �.Q) Y 1 Bome �lddress: � COD0.71..J r eJG " �CV�+ �� �'_�'� �4�-ao6 � oa�,n� �ah l� Street . � . C9xp Z � p Tc2ephaae �Ttmeber: Home Z U 7 � ( O� oY1c !Q - O-' ' .tEaK �77 - 6G: Ylanning Dis�c= Council- ' City Couaei3, IIard• �- P�efexz�d 2Sa.i}Yng Address: __/�,[T��c � �Cl v c SThat is your accupatioa2 _ �xf`t/tti��j ,�Q}�-j/�,.��� ' . Place"of �mployment: •}'�.�,�C� cll_ ��� �L..'�/� J --- Gvait'tee(s) Agplied Foz; �T/ i' R S7hat ski2ls/rxa53ting ox Psperieace da you poasess £or the eo�ittee(s) for vhieB pou seak agpoiatnent? a°-t �.e�rs c ��,�t,.^'u„�7 c'�� �5�� � /�� C . �' ,'�tA_ C'd !�1 /�N/C l,il i'c lti �R-e rrc .�,,� ST'�� ����-.c�'Z Cc x..T,�}CTS. G✓ v� � � v '�^a��. , `�v�e � �. W��� N � ����' , �� � -�,e�,S ���� �-�- tV� � � v � ��/U�N� i.. �- a -- �'�}- j./ �1 /�. _� 0 7� �� � l� � t ,nr — - �u� W � - � � The 3n£ormazion iacluded in this a.pplieation is �orsidared p=ivate daza according to tht x;�rtasota Covezmeat Data 4ractices Aet. As a resnlz, this 3nfozmstioa Ss nee raleasea to the &&neral gublie_ (OVER) � &ev. 2i 28/9b �.. .�. TnT:� �� �assa • . � �dmeassz f �ss [Iio�R3 [Ye�3e] . i�...- �- �' . _ . • �,._, ..:. .-: ;,: .'�Oasamt ibs p°_� t3#� p1�io�r Y�vb �aa L�d pmse.taets �C! vEfl t�4 0eer�4tteti �os d� �e¢ +�sr � IP s0. vLae� a�+a �! • Zn m alve�s. s�e waxse LAst aaa�eitee� �. zaltt+nta q►e � o# aerl �;Y. p�laesa rl+x'E si�s I.xna spp2iao�3ip to 9as• ' Sliis � is A�etiarl� vslmearJ. , . •••• ��SJsdlc Ci�2tam� �nriray} � Y� Tel�te� � �m�3e�n mQfsa•� ttsstaa �ilcbna ..� . _.. _. -�' �° . ���zl�-. --!-- ....._ n.ea +me a3�en: _ DSs�bLed: Ye� gp�, �! apai,iil aCCa�dtCieroa s�t n�ra. �a�ae apeCy�. 80! dS+i �oa 7�s ab0�st tlais op�lSgp � � � TO7RL P.02 _ -- E; v �, � r�3Q r �� r �.� � . � S�INT PAIIL, MINNESOTA 55102 PosFit' Fax Note `� � � , 266-8525, . . ' FAX: 266-8513 ro -�-'�� �vi ° v Naae- STEPHEN D. G ' ��oacc. - Prwne d . 492 Holly Avenue, St.•Paul, MN 55102 fiome Add�ess- p�� � 513 Streec Citp , 291-0083 � 333-0201 -. -'-'- , Telephone Ivnaber: (Homel •CQork) '.�EAX)' P2anning bistsict Co�mcil: 8 . Gity C4uacil Ya=d:. -- '^-': ` . , � 492 Holly Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55102 �;,:. � `::. =. ~ P=ePezred 2aiting Address: " °'`•�• Vhat is your occupation? Attorney P1aca�o€ F�rployaent: x va ss w & King, Chartered, O£ Coun - , i !'� � - comitLee(s) Applied.For: STAR Program (. �� �'.I,��y� � y1Ct .��, r,� p}� �.�S � p y1 �" , � n I� .� ^ _' �� _ 1 � _ . �, ,�� �� r ��r��ev�� �-(:•vYl- �;� ' . ,, . .�l h ; �- "Ahat skills/training'or experience do pou possess £or the co�ittee(s) £or vnzcn you see�c : appointmenc? � ' 2 have been a zpembe� of the St:� Paul Planni;ng Commz&.s.i,on since Januaxy- 1, 1995, and, as a member o£ the Combrehensive Plannina and Economic Develooment ___ � Committee, I have experience with respec� to fundincr and economic develonment. Also, I have been active in the Ramsey Hill Association: • The informa.tioa included in =his application zs ccnszdered prisate data according to the Hinnesota Gove�ex�t Da�a Y=actices Act_ As a result, this in£orazzion is not releaseZ zo the general public. (ov��.) . �'�" � �ev_ Lj a JniV LJJ( 1�i•.)'+ . . . _ 1A�1��lIiV14 ��i.iYL�ii�VLJ . . , x David McDCinell ' " Address• 1100 City Sall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, MN 55102 670-1975 . � �vorkl 266-6573 Name:.'Dick An£ang. . , � _ wddress: 9550•&rnold Avenuer Inver Grove Heights, 2RId 55077 �� Phone: fHOmel 457-7891 � -224-9445• _. Name• �arold Yates Address: • 2149 Ho].ly Avenue No. Oalcdale,. MN 55128 � Phone• (Home) 777-8055 '. •. '� yOZk) 641-1901 . Reasons for pouz interest ia rliis particular eo�ittee: I have a stroaq ].nterest in " economi.c development in St. Paul. � Have yon had preaxous contact vith the co�ittee for vhich you aze sakiag application. 2£ so, when, and eircumstaaces? NO. • In an attempt to ensvre that eo�ittee zepzesentation seflects the ma}ceup oE our community, please check the line applicab2e to you. This in£ormation is stzictly vol�ntary_ X Vh3te (Caucasian) _ Black (A£rzcan Ameriean) _ 6mericaa Tndian or Aiaskan Eskimo X liale Female Disabled: Yes No ,�_ Hispanic Asian oz Paci£ic Is2ander Dace of Bizth: 2 ,111/43 If specSal accomaodations are needed, please speci£y. NONE Hov did you heaz about this openiag7 St. Panl Planhing Cotrenission TOTAL F.�_ n/ f v 390 CTTY HAI,L v , 3�� ��V��n n�/SAINT 2'AIIL� MINZIESOTA 55_102 "-" " 266-8525_"' FAX: 266-8513 Name: � u � a Le2—_ Home Address: ��`�G -- �G-q7 � �I'1 -ao6 StYeet Citp N o _ � o...�o �.�. e �/ z� Zip Telephone 2lumber: (Home) �� 9 7ZS Z fAork) zZ8�S0$], _(�AX) ZZ8-SJZ/ Planning District Co�ci1: Pre£erred 2failing Address: Ahat is your occupation? Citp Council Aard: N t��i S�tz� Place�of Eaployment: S�- � �� � � o�t�'�eaZ �i�eSS . O . , � i "-� Cocrmittee(s) Applied For: Ahat slcills/training or eaperience do you possess �or the committee(s) �or vhicn you seek appointment? � �`�.e,N..�raec� oc THe ���e�2s�'� �'rJnOcar�e.�J'� {-un»S OF THC �Jcun1'� `o.��.;1 F OJN6cl. �-'�o� �..�u�e.+� ��� 'a•� GT134S �� a.1..�oc�es eu-=. � po ��c�-tt_S Z'(J CAMr-�UN�� OF cA�o'� ' ,1� �o-cua:.�r�ne�iso� o� �� FoNao �e t��cs C°oM�a�oaa �D�re.. '\S7 d� h+`U N�� y FU f.1'�� � TZt,7J G f-F T{} G SQ.�rJ� � o.a,�� �O J�Jpa7� l O t.� . � x fiJP�c-� e.r.�ce '� N c�.x.oe S DP.J � P� �q ci. N e e.:ns �SSe 55 N�e.��' Plc.�..l � 1 p n ��lZ. TFtQ ����J�J��Hicc.w]O CAM-l.SLUN��4 ` 4t��iDe�-�tJNS 7 �D2.VQ�Pie 1 . T�Fe ���.sn a_a'� o-�`o�c,�c � Nq Ck�a.��'� pol�a�s '�O qi��=S- �-N�� N�'iz 2c� t� S . � Q Tft c�� o a c e. z C� ss '? 2.J i e�J C3.�J D GI aX�.� c.�'e N-� `�- TFFa.�� Y00 i21D DS�%S t=o2Z f S OAlst>ZSFF� O� G�iJ �-�Nv� � 4. s< s. � ea i c T�� tJ t�.� r.� � cZ.AJ a'� � <<uJ cJ � N 9 �--� ?Q-� c�. Ei� � �'F N. y � a�..� ti a-C.v.V � Tt eS • — . �T The information included in this application is considered pzivate data according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this in£orsation is not released to the general public. , ) Q,-r+e�.s �� Ne�a� •. '���a��n in -R+e ��-, ���z.a.a� s T,�s�E- Fu N'1 / -� � i P� '1 (ov��> v N�'� e� C..� � ��� �; �� �� L.'�i- Su2_u� r_¢� Rev. Zi28/96 � F,��.,",.� e e aa.auavivu. rL' l.tiLlVl.L� Name:__ ,� O FF rJ V7 J CK 1`�..2-tJ �� L �ot.2.+ _ S��� �o�tt.TQ� Address: � OQ tJ o i22 �eS"'r �O � e.7Z q,' �� Phone: CHome) CAork) ZZ y- Name: � o tJ C ��1L �� � ���-02 � i OfJeeaL �'�2.2SS Aaaress: 3`-f5 �e�a� 5-4- . 5-E-. `� �.�.tJ 5S/v/ Yhone: Home) (Aork) ZZ � S Name: �� ScL �2�e 2 �TtO L� iZ.Qi..��'� ��_.��J-l�JC..7C'c On� adaress: 5�5�5 1°'L'� N N e so S , S ��� e 2.dOO Sc�; a Phone•_ CHome) (Aork) �8Z - `j7�Q �� Reasons £or your interest in this particular co�ittee: T �ZOu t-i N. W o2� c N� p e.. �'i �.1 u ot � e r.� en7� '� nl_ `�4-e. co r.�. t.�.0 �� e•�� �"t`5 --r.i e�qt4bo�zt+000S Tui�J�S c�s a _� ex(J i�14 '� a.� �'i2A�1 e 'T'FFe G cc�a �f...%.c � e: �� - ��e � w� �� �kcQx� i*�rzt�vc Tke De�1c�(pr-`ew)"� o� TN V . . _. �-° OA� PLU tJ : Have you had previous contact with the co�ittee £or vhich you are making application. I£ so, vhen, and circumstances? � D In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. Whi:te (Caucasian) �/ F�ispanic Black (African American) Asian or pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eski.mo Hale ✓Female Date o£ Birth: b' ' Z-�o � Disabled: Yes p7 ' J If special accommodations are needed, please speci£y. How did you hear about this opening7 CA�beQ�p Q�'� ,�-}p�� J� ,�� 'S °I`1-ao 4853 Hitivale Avenue North Oakdale, MN SS I28 Work (612) 228-5087 Home (612)779-7252 Ruby Lee Strategist: experienced in successfully positioning strategic plans and long range goals into measurable tasks and results. Critical thinker: experienced in asking the key quesrions and analyzing issues by breaking down their complexity and reconciling the factors. Effective manager of time: able to monitor and manage multiple projects without losing attention to details. Budget adminishator: managed operational and special pro,}ect budgets throughout my cazeer. Team player: enjoy and excei in a team environment. Relationship builder: possess a wealth of knowledge about resources within civil and cultwal organizations, urban and suburban communities, private businesses, and non-profit agencies. These relationships enable me to easily open doors in new environments and build new partnerships with many communities. Exceilent communicator: demonstrated excellent public relations skills; experienced in writing newsietters, reports, and press releases. 1986 - 1992 Me1ro State University Saint Paul, MN BA., Communications and Public Relations 1991- present Saint Paut Pioneer Press Saint Paul, IvIN Everrts and Communily Strategist • Review and evaluate more ffian 400 proposals for sponsorship on an annual basis. Sh�ategically select proposals that fit closely within our objectives while maximizing the use of our internal resources. Engage in grant writing for funding in potential coliaboratives that optimize our visibility and revenues. Manage an annual budget for events of more than $200,000. Plan, coordinate, and implement more than 150 community events on an annual basis. Itesponsible for developing aggressive community outreach initiatives that improved corporate image in primary mazket azeas for the paper, including: inner-city neighborhoods, East Metro suburbs, arts organizations, and communities of color. Parhierships include: Capitol City Paztnership, River&ont Development, City of Saint Paul, civic and neighborhood organizations in Ramsey, Washington, and Dakota Counties, The Ordway, Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, Minnesota Children's Museum, the Saint Paul Festival and Heritage Foundation. g�-z��, ! PubBcations .i4dd'rtionai prcfessional �_activities ., � Canguages 1981 - 1991 Spanish Speaking Affairs Council Communications Coordinator Saint Paul, MN Served as a liaison to the legislature, state governmental agencies and media on issues of concem m the Latino community in Minnesota. Developed a needs assessment report which was used by the govemor and the legislature in passage of legislarion that was created to protect migrant workers; and designated appropriations for econoauc development and educarional prograzns throughout the srate. Formed coalitions and partnerships with public, private and diverse groups. State of Minnesota Bilin�l Resouree Directorv, 1990, a comprehensive compilation of agencies, institutions, and community organizations serving the Spanish speaking community of Minnesata. Al Dia a bi-weekly biiingual newsletter with a statewide distribution. Gnduate and Alumni, The Leadership Saint Paul Program, Saint Paul Chamber of Commerce. Experienced in IBM and Macintosh computers; Programs include: Quark E�cpress, Pagemaker (desktop publishing), Excel, Aldus, Word Perfect and Claris Works. Bilingual (English-Spanish). Coinmundy actiyities El Fondo de Nuestra Comunidad of The Saint Pau1 Foundation Diversity Endowment Funds, Core Committee Member, 1993 - present; KTCA/KTCI Coinmunity Advisory Committee 1989 - present; and Everybody Wins!, Board Member; 1995 - present. References Former Boazd Member: Saint Paul United Way Areawide Multi-Services Review Committee; Urban Coalition, Minnesota Childreds Trust Fund, Intemational Institute of Minnesota, Saint Paul Winter Catnival, Minnesota History Center, KARE I 1 Communiry Advisory Committee, Minnesota Assaciarion of Government Communicators, A World of Difference, Embajadora Fiispana of Minnesota, and the Ciry of Saint PauPs Cinco de Mayo Celebntion. Available Upon Request. � �..J i . � i • , syv cirz sAr,L SAINT PAIIL� MIPIPIESOTA 55102 266-8526 R£C£�VEG MAY 2 4 i995 q`i-1oG Name: _ _ John Barry Margot ��� ���� � xome Address: 1818 Wellesley St. Paul 55105 Stseet Gity ZlP 698-2994 639-4742 Telephone Nunber: (Homa) vork � Planning bistri.et Crnmcil_ 14 Czty Covncil Aard: Preferzed 2Sai].ivg AddYess: S�That is your occnpatiop? 1818 Wellesley Sales Representative Piace'of Bmpioyment: General Office Products Coffiaittee(s) Applied Fas: C B 2-14' 17 �utc< �� � f S'ihat skzlls/tzaining or eaperience do you possess for the committee{s) foz vhich you seek appoint�ment? I work well in a cooperative setting. I like the challenges of producing a consensus on a given topic. I believe it is an honor and an obligation of good citizenship to be involved in civic matters. Capital budgeting is a ant civic matter. Additionally, my experience as a Scoutmaster at Na tivity School and years of work with the Highland Grovelax Recreation Associationhave helped me understand the problems and strengths of the neighborhood I wish to represent on the CIB Cou¢nittee. The information included in this application is considered private data acco:ding to t?:e Hinnesota Govezment Data Practxces Act. As a result, thi.s information is net released to the general public_ {ov�x) �2ev.4.�21/93 YERSONAL REFF,RENCBS � l "Z�� xame: .Ierry Devine, Deacon; Nativity Church „ 1666 Juliet Phoae: _�{Aome) 699-6939 � 696-5439 � A�e= Paul Murphy Address: 1988 Goodrich Phone• Home 699-7942 ork' Nam� Kathie Tarnowski, co�unity organizer; Mac-Groveland Co�unity Council Address: 320 South Griggs Street Yhone• Home vork 698-7973 &easons £or your interest in this partiaular committee• I currently am serving as the representative from District l4 on the Streets and Utilities Task Force. The CIB process is comp ex an in wor s e er —t�re-���ffie�$e�s-�st�e �s� es*�e��e *�na-t s' f,-ce�.�evp1 T }1P� l PV task force wo rk has me to take on more challenging and would like the opportunity to see our work through to completion. � Have you had previous contact vith the comaittee for irhiCh you are making application. Zf so, when, and cizc�stances7 -- _.. - .- - n In an atte�pt to ensure that co�i.ttec representatian reflects the makeup of our commun3ty, pLesse cheak the line applicable to you, 'This information is strictly vOluntarp. X White (Caucasian) Black (African Americanl Emerican Indian or Al.askan Eskimo �,_ Male Female Disabled: Yes No ,�_ Date of Birth: Hispanic Asian or Paci£ic Islander 12-5-45 � speci,al accommodations are needed, p2ease sgecify, � '_—�_ How did you hear about this opening? Through the Maca 4 11/la/96 09:59 FAS 61Y J3b db9u �L�L .�� �� `' � � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR . , . „( , � : ��._. i 1;,. �: ' 390 CITY EAT,L j;' SASNT PAIIL, ?SINNESOTA 55102 ` , 266-8525:' FAX: 266-8513 Name: � �l - /� ' /1� _ �. .. -_ wwt vU: ' / r , (� y — �- _�V` // �`�� .�`�� �,ao _t 0 $ome Address: V �S� �..� f�Otil - , ��Pi � ' � J� � � I � � � � 'S -,�r"--I t `1 Stseet City _ .. 2ip Telephaae 23umber: CHame)� Z �I'� � Q'�J� � (Aorkl �° I Z ��I ��P (FAR)�S �d Flanniag District Crnmcil: �� ' City Coemci.l Aard: �� Rrefezred Hailing Address: Sct�_,,.a �5 ��0�^� Qhat is your occupat3on? _ �{��T� ' . Rlace�o£ Fsaploymeat• _���/ ���(�� � �InGS�'W� Co�itLee(s) Applied Eor: � i n'T� 1 au � P� c� y� y� � y�q �yy� y.� IS$t DYl pt( I /'- .� IU�� s� I�l ��d` cin� �a1PS �`� Z-� �'t,�.t� e,�1'o�'f .! � 0.,,►� aw� �`nu p a3 �� � �r:, •�� 1 .i_ Is •� �' . L�1�G�1� .a � - \C��b .aJ�[:71 � . . - ! . � � I L,J� • ��� -.� - �� '•�! � iJl.' I '- 4 . �_ � . �i� - • . � � b4 - �a�11\�� � 1 � � � �^ ' .i � � � i � "_ ' � � t� r yOF�z° SS la�l/'�nc. •£�v�A�nl$w'�'ioz-,c� �v�d Got+ c�'irn. �,������ C L� 6 Se--� a c.l-� r^�e.SU yh .2.. . xhe Zn£ozma2ion i.ncluded in this application is conside=ed private daca according zo zhe Hinnesota Gaverment Data Practzces Acc_ As a result, this i.nfor,aation is not released to che general pu'62ic. (aV�R) � Rev. �i28/90 Ghat skills/training or esperienee do pou possess £or the committee(s) Por vh3ch you seek appaincment? PERS�NAI. R..�FFRENNCFS eddress: `��a Phone: , S "110�0 Name: .�pYv� i"c'� t $ AtIaIC55 0 �10II6:_ C$OIDG� (90i�CZ l�� �' � � xn+wn AddYH55-� 7U �J_� S� ��-Z�b � �__ "►_t� y S. �-t -9s��- .� Phoae:_ CHome) ' • � • • " fporx) �� - �SS3 Reasoas for your anterest in tfiis paitienl,ar commi,ttee:�r �-+, -: -_ -�-, � _ � Y��_ • /� • � . � .. Ha°�e y°u 7aad P=�°� ��ataet' with the committee £or vhieh you arc makx,ag application. I� so, �8ea, aad azrc�stanees? n 1 , n . � 1 � �� . . . � � , v 1 . --� �f t PiI�J Q.Y� � (` `QM� n Y'� i/`1� � 1n mm� temPt ta eas� e hat ommitt e� p r s e n t a� eommuaity, please check ihe liae appZicable to you voluntary. � Qhite (Caucasian) glae7c (APrieaa dnmesican) ^ Amezican Tndiaa or Alaskan $skimo � �salq Fema2e Disabled: yes 3 t5�Yt�ti'�' t�JY1.G+1,.� . � r e E l ec ts t ha ma k eup o£ owc This information is strict2p Hispanie Asian or paci£ie Islander � Date of Birth: �� � �v � ' t No � � If spfleiaZ accommodatioas are aeeded, pZease speciFy. �— Hov did you hear about rhis 0 r J [OYi'JYYItJ✓11 O✓�'0.✓1 )�2Y'. 11�1J/9b lU:UU Y{d b1Z SJO 4JdU JLaL TAOMAS A. OLESAK 1050 West Hoyt Avenue, St. Paul, Mi.nnesota 55117 612/488-7437 OBJECrIVE Position as a member of the St Paul Planning Commission. SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS .tJVU: �..z q�l-ao • Over 13 years of azclutectival experience ranging from progianuning through construction administration, iacluding planning activities • Experience writing proposals and reports - A design and planning education which focuses on problem solving • Experience negotiating Planning and Zoning Approvals for clients in other jurisdictions, narionwide • Ability to analyze financiai data • Su�ong organizational and communication slriIls CAREER HIGHLIGHTS • Responsible for reviewing and commenting on the draft of the St. Paul Community Development Agenda as Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee, Dishict 10 Como Community Conncil • Responsible for reviewing neighborhood land use issues and making recommendations to the full board for action as a Member of the Land Use Committee, Dishict 10 Como Community Councit • Contributed to a wide variety of building projects and led project teazns for projects with construction costs up to $19.2 million - Responsible for monitoring, coordinating, reviewing and evatuating staff • Selected to participate in the Greater Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce 1996-97 Leadership Minneapolis Program - Registered arcluteet EM'PLOYMENT ffiSTOR'Y Setter, Leach & Liadstrom, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota 7uty 19$3 - Preseat: Project Architect District 10 Como Community Council, St. Paul, Minnesota October 1995 - Present: Member of the Board of Directors, Strategic Planning Committee Chair �llUCA'FION University of St. Thomas, Crraduate Programs in Management, St. Paul, MN September 1987 - June 1992: MBA Degree, Management Concentration University of Minnesota, College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Minneapolis, MN September 1978 - June 1983: Bachelar of Architectuze Degree � � . � , a-�-�b � -_�:�.m�. T �m'm!' i District 10 -- Como Community Council � Februaty 4,1997 Mayor Norm Coleman GO Roger Clutis 'Ihird Floor CSty Hali St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mayor Coleman: On behalf of the District 10 - Como Pazk Community Councii, the Community Development corsuniaee heartily endozses the appoinrment of Tom Olesak to the Sales Tax Area Reviralization (STAR) Board. Tom has been a membet of the Como Park Communiry Council for just over a yeaz. During that 6me he has made significant contributians as chair of the Sa�ategic Planning committee and as a member of the land use committee. Most significan@y, he has worked to educate communiry members about the need £or compa6ble business and industrial � " ?' development in tbe Como Park neighborhood. He has steered his committee in-developing a strategic plan that addresses those needs. Tom has also been insttvmental in developing the marketing strategy for the Como Park ne�ghborhood Just as you have "sold" 5c. Paul as being o�en for business, Tom is selling the theme thai Como Park is Sc. Paul's Gazden DistricG This strategy takes the greenery and resources of Como Park, the i4L�I Horticuitural Society and Ehe Universisy of Ptinnesota agiculuue campus and extends them into the ne.ighborhood with the goal of greening the neighborhood. This greening wiil encourage business development, angment property valves, beauufy the neighborhood and build community. Tom's professional background as an uchitect, his understanding of the need to bolster business development in St. Paul, and his commitment to the district cour.cil system make him an ideai nominee to the STAR Boazd. We strongly urge you to appoint him. Respectfully, � Ju]ie Hoff Community Organizer � 1556 Como Avenue • St. Yaul, MN 55108 •(812) 844•3889 • FaY: 848•8886 - � ,���.� � �'J �;� . � . 4iaae : Hoae L Telepi2one 2�ivabe=: Planning District Pre=erred Nailing Addzess_ Ahat is your occnpation? Place�of F�ployaent: � Co�ittee(s) Aoolied Por: V��� u V� �uu �v �V�♦ 390 CITY FiPS,L SA2ZIT PAIIL� MINNESOTA 55102 . 266-8525_" _ FAX: 266-8513 i � 5J-. `P� �� ( . M N Ahat sY.i11s/training or esperience do Sou possess for the comittee(s) x"or vnicn pou see: apooin�ent? Se� a�aC� sr er�f The in�or.�ation inclnded in th=s application is considered private data accorcing to t�e `,iir.nesota Goveraent Data Pzactices dct. As a resul�, tnis in=or,�tion is not releaszc to tRe generzl oublic. 9'7 -ao6 �� �l �i sslo�- � wi iG 1/eY� p �ori5 u� =rt, � Cf (OV"�F) Rev. 2i?s/9c street Citp Zio PERSONAl REFERENCES Name:_ 1�+�1�� ��VM Address •_ � r J � ��i Pfione:__�Home) a� -��, -5�8� -_�� , MN 55ia �o=k� �4 � -a4s�D Name : �� IC'Yl �1(CL�"LA"`/ � M iC� W Gl,y �] �� C' o�t.r,1'Vt/�r GP� - n 1 � C r Address: 1 6CCZ �YL�' (� Z�tl'v� J(.L(�-� �� � ja ��l ubi 1 U2 �� �r r� �'i: Phone• —�ome) � { �' - 0 � � � (pork) �P '! L - Z �o ? J� Hame:_ 0�! 1 -�-�cc,w�.liv�z N�ic�wav Coa<i-�-iovt Address:__ � � t-�tn✓tA �\l2Vl�(e� S{' �� ),./(N SS 10� — Phone: CHome) CAork) ��'�� (o Reasons £or your interest in this particular committee: S�e 0.��G�a.� Have you had prev,ious contact vith the co�ittee for vhich you are making application. I£ so, vhen, and circumstancesT In an attempt to ensure that cosmittee representation rePlects the makeup o£ aur co�unitp, pZease check the line applicable to you. This inPormation is strictly voluntarp. _ ,_ _� Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Yacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male _� Female Date of Birth: p(o - Z2 - 6 Z Disabled: Yes No � - If special acco�aodations are needed, please speci£y. ri ���� " fl Hov did you hear about this opening? f10.���t�� ��'1i����,� �'pQ�t� �� �� q�-a�6 HAMLINE MIDWAY COALITION Hamline Park Pla}around Building � 1>6't LafondAcenue. Saint Pwl, DI\ »I0� � 6L-Gi6-19S6 � Fa� 612-641-4041 January 15, 1997 Mr. Roger Curtis Assistant Eo the Mayor 390 City Hall St. Paul MN 55102 Dear Mr. Curtis: On behalf of the Hamline Midway Coalition Board of Directors, I am very pleased to recommend Kathy Sundberg to xepresent neighborhood business interests on the STAR Boazd. Over the pasE few years, I have come to know Kathy in a variety of contexts, most recently as member of the Sneliing Avenue Business Initiative (SABn, an associafion of neighborhood businesses developed thxough the Hamline Midway Coalition ovex the past 15 months. Kathy not only understands the needs of neighborhood businesses from her immediate experience as owner of Ginkgo Coffeehouse, but is highly respected as a leader and spokesperson by local business peers who elected her chairperson of the SABI Advisory Coirunittee. In this role, . Kathy displays a xemaxkable ability to honox the diverse views and interests of inemUers, and at the same time, to generate decisions and aciion on the issues and tasks at hand. In addition to extraordinary facilitation and communication skills, Kathy is truly a"quick study" who_ brings both cre2tivity and balanced judgment to complex issues and differences of opinions. Kathy's participation in the Hamline Midway community demonstrates a holistic understanding of fl1e multiple components of ineaningful communiry development. She has contributed to several community-wide events, including the Midway Fesrival of Arts, supports the housing development work of the Hamline Midway Area Rehabilitation Corpoxation, maintains membership in the Midway Chamber of Commerce and Midway YMCA, and is highly invested in the future of the community as both a business owner and resident. Her professional experience combined with community involvement make her an ideal candidate for the STAR Board. Kathy Sundberg can be relied upon to bring sharp thinking, an intimate understanding of neighborhoods, and the utmost of integrity to the commitment of serving the STAR Board. The Hamline Midway Coalition strongly encourages your support of Kathy Sundberg's appiication. Sincerely, �! ,�� 11�! �3;=,.� J d M. Bantley Executive Director /jb cc: Jerry Gagner, President, I�i IC Board of Directors Bobbi Megard, Ward 4 Councilmember Jerry Blakey, Ward 1 Councilmember Kathy Sundberg Derficated to rna��iir; t/�e Hnntliite dlid�rrn� rrei�Gborl�ood �t better�lace to lrre and irork. MIDWAY � `� - a° � CHAMBER �f COl'IiViERCE ����._.,� �..,� � �� � - �I� January 14, 1997 Mr. Roger Curtis Office of the Mayor� 390 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mr. Curtis: I am writing to recommend the appointment of Kathy Sundberg to the Nei�hborhood STAR Board. Kathy is a dedicated community and business leader who will bring to the STAR Board a unique perspective as a small business owner and community activist. In addition, Kathy has experience in business at the corporate level, and teaches small business management. A resident of the Aamline-Midway neighborhood, Kathy's community involvement includes work with the Hamline-Midway Coalition, Snelling Avenue Business Initiative, Westem Initiatives in Neighborhood Development (WIND), and the Neighborhood Development Center. She also is an active member of the Midway Chamber of Commerce. I have had the pleasure of working with Kathy the past year as she looked at starting a new business in another St. Paul neighborhood and have been continually impressed with her grasp of issues affecting neighborhood businesses. In addition, Kathy has shown herself to be an ashxte and dedicated individual who will definitely handle the responsibilities of the STAR Board with the utmost in integrity, faimess and intelligence. Thank you for the opportunity to express my support of Kathy Sundberg as a representative to the Neighborhood STAR Board. Sincere(y, r Ellen Watters Executive Director Spruce Tree Centre • Suite #4 • 1600 University Avenue West • St. Paul, MN 55104 PHONE: (612) 646-2636 FA,Y.• (612) 646-2297 ParkBank St. Anthony Park State Bank 2265 Como Avenue • St. Paul, MN SS lOS 612-G�17-0131 • FAX 612-647-0185 7anuary 17, 1997 Mr. Roger Curtis Mayors Office City of St. Paul 240 City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 RE: STAR Committee Application Dear Mr. Curtis: c{�-� This letter is in support of Ms. Kathleen Sundberg's application for a position on the STAR board. I've been acquainted with Ms. Sundberg for approximately four yeazs as her banker, hauing worked with her:very closely in the conception and development of her small business in the Madway. I have found Ms. Sundberg to be quite skilled in her ability to thoughtfully analyze options as they relate to small business decisions. Her most recent experience as a small business instructor and consultant have broadened her skills. She has also taken quite an active community interest in the Midway and overall St. Paul community. In summary, she is uniquely qualified to serve on this committee given her broad range of experiences. I don't view her as representing any single constituency. I did serve on the originai half-cent sales taac committee myself and have an understanding of the fact that the city needs impartial, open-minded, experienced and broadly-based people. Please call me directly if you need additional information on Ms. Sundber�'s candidacy. Sincerely, ��� Richard B. Beeson, Jr. President xsszoos. cc: Kathleen Sundberg q�-ab� � WIND Western Initiatives for Neighborhood Development 651�/z UNIVERSITY AVENUE • ST. PAUL, MN 55104 January 15, 1997 • PHONE:29�-2480 • FAX:2914597 STAR Board Nomination's Committee - Rodger Curtis c/o Mayor Coleman's Office 390 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear STAR Board Nomination's Committee: I am proud to be recommending Kathy Sundberg, Coffeehouse, and small business plan trainer for Development Center, to serve on the STAR Board. owner of Ginko's the Neighborhood Kathy is exactly the type of person who can bring a fresh, energetic and practical perspective to this Board. As a business owner, sha has created a wonderful community gathering spot in the Midway. Treating families, seniors and students alike to a place that Peels comfortable and familiar, Ginkos Coffeehouse has served to give a strong sense of community on Snelling Avenue, a street that by its size doesn't always lend to such feelings. Kathy has been a strong leader in her community, as the Midway Coalition works on strengthening the commercial district and its tie to the residential community around it. She has led other area businesses into a creative, unique marketinq and promotional plan that has resulted in unity growing in the district. We have been fortunate to retain Kathy as a small business trainer for low/moderate income entrepreneuers in the North End, in our Micro Entrepreneur Training and Loan Program. She has trained over 40 entrepreneurs in this program, and has consistently received rave revietas from her students. Kathy also conducts loan reviews and business assistance for our program, calling upon hex supurb common sense approach to business management and promotion. Finally, we have been able to retain Kathy to work on certain consulting projects we have had with neighborhood business development efforts. She has been working recently with Dayton's Bluff businesses, providing leadership and.guidance to 12 small businesses in that area as they plan a revitalization project for their district. Once again, she does an outstanding job in this work. WIND is a Community �evelopment Corporation subsidiary of Western B2nk. 0 °I`l - �.o � I can't speak highly enough about the value and commitment Kathy would bring to the STAR Board. She is both practical and creative, articluate and thoughtful, with extremely strong group skills on top of it all. I hope you give her serious consideration for this appointment, and would be happy to talk further with you at your convenience. Sincer � - 1 ike Temali President . .t-.:� . j—,' i>` `', `i' OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ' I V � 4�' 4' . ��_ . .. � . . j+ .., I� 390 CITX HALL . � . , !-� �. , . 4Y_� ; SAINT 4AIIL . ." � � -a0 � „ �-• ` � . . �_ MI2IDIESOTA : :.- 55102 •. �:� . �t _ . . 266-8525:- . . FAX: 266-8513 : '. .:' . �.� ,, _ .._.. . .: . _.:._: �..:_.._>..._- . t . ,.. -. ... - - ... ... . . :- : ' tZame: �A(�' =����TG.D1M,� •- . _ . Home Address: � 1 � l R�,�LVGS� �V •�"' . � � �5�)G St=eet Telephone t�-uabez: lHose Planning District CoimciZ: Cit9 � Zip .� �AOrk� G9 0- S�.o i J .c��� G98- 2� 7? r � � ' -. City Council Aaxd: -` Prefer=ed Hailing Address: �bW1.�. U' �� % � Ahat is yovr occupation? 47A.N � ���►�+ j � � Place �of £ucp2oyment: � �1��`C�,t.l� ��0.N �C � K� Co�aeittee(s) Applied For: �Li� �,,.t� C1..oi[c.'� �if Ai+a� =vvtPvrouGwLGN ����/�t Guti,,.�•u.:�{-1' � '3et� �Sti l.Jo�r�-�wc� �.G.v��a�tM.e.�.�` Cowwc�l Anat sY_ills/training oz eaperience do you possess for the cor�ittee(s) foz whi.ch you seek appointment? . ��� � Ga�'s e V't LN [� I N ° ha1L �� Ncl�iGi oX S2XtJ i�CGS �i.,s�t W l� C O�GGisrf G e. 5,%�tf.� i�� : — i*11KG y - �rirar Cvw�.tiwu,v��v � J , • �•-- - ' - ; . . _. . �. . . _ �. . _ 6t��t c�k l�,s�rt r, t P�u2,w u.�.a� . • l\)�. _� 1 ��\I �w_.i'_�'" " .� ��_�"_.1'_ � �7"1_�..Lf_' �.l �__'�t'__ 1 _' • 'v � The infornation incicded in this application is considered pzivate data according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Pzactices Act. As a result, this in£ormation is not relezsed to the general public. ' C��) . ga�_4/21/53 i02iAL REFERENCES ` S�.�i ame: �'�`� =�q� u� �� Address � 0• �� � " Phone: YHomel (iTOrk) �i 19 " b��! � Naae: Addzess: YV�Qar� VUIbG��C.V" �'75� (3p�,,�a_w.�� � s � S5 l� L Phone:. (Homel �..q�� Z.q7�I (Aorkl �.9 i� G321 Name•_ �CYV�. Sf..°K�"ON �3dress: `YV� ��OSA..�1F �Lt�.'ttt.` �lUC�. � '���s�. �� f✓S� Phone• CHome) (Gork) �y7 � }2.�9 Reasons for your interest in this particular co�ittee• �5 CL i�it,�..� yY.,,j � W� t� �.,._� r;��..,� � S�', d ��_. t__L:.ti �.-- Have yon had previous contact vith the committee for vhich you are making application. I£ so, when, and circu7astances? . "' ' � In an atte�pt to er.s:se that cc�ittee represertetion refle.r_rs the aakeup o£ ovr co�unity, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strict2p voluntary. �_ Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African 6merican) Asian or Pacific Zslander Amezican Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � 2fale 1 - Female Date of Bi,rth: ,� LNn.t� R$� ,��L, Disabled: Yea Ro „ '� IE__special acco�odations are needed, please speci£y. �DN � � Ho-r did you hear about this opening7 ��-ao� CO�YIYIUNITYSERYICE Present: • Executive Committee Downtown Davenport Development Corporation . Board of Directors Davenport Chamber of Commerce . Co-Chairperson Lutheran Social Service Capital Campaign . Co-Chairperson St. Amhrose University Capital Campai�n . United Way Business Development . Co-Chairperson Community Health Corporation Capital Campaign Past: . Member Bloomington Education Advisory Committee . Norwest United Way Cabinet . Bloomington Chamber of Commerce . Decathlon Athletic Club, Finance Committee . Past Chairman, Minnesota Metro American Institute of Banking . United Way - Mall of America Division . Board of Directors, Loring-Nicollet Bethlehem Center (Adult Education} . Btoomington Business Education Atliance . Northside Boys Club . South Minneapolis YMCA - Capital Fund Drive Committee . Bloominaon I�eart Association Fund Drive � u[[tm . �,: � � ��. M{GHAEL J. HARRIS Co�meSmember CITY OF SAZNT PAIIL OFFICE OF Tf� CI'TY COUNCIL �1� � � � 1 1! Date: February 21,1997 To: Mayor Norm Caleman From: Councilmember Mike Harris �� Subject: STAR Baard Appointments 9�t-ao�. I am writing ta express my support of the application of Ron Whitcomb for appointment to the STAR Citizen Advisory Board. Ron is cutrrently President af Highland Bank and an active member of the Highland Business Association. His contributions in these roles have improved the Highland neighborhood as a place to live and to do bvsiness. Tn addi6on, he has develaped a sincere interest in getting even further involved in our coxnmunity. I have come to know Ron as an intelligent and hard working person whose talents and efforts would be invaluable to the entire STAR process. I urge you to give his appointrnent prominent consideratioa. c: Roger Curtis � FEB 21 1�9T AAAY4R'� OfF�C'E CITY HALL THIRD FIAOR SAINT pAUi, M7NNE$OTA 55102 612/266-8530 a�ie P[1u46 on Re�ycl�tl Paper DISTRICT QISTRZCT (PRIOR) {OTHER COMMIT2'EES SERVZNG ON) ---- -------- -------- °---___ _-" --- °- 1 8 O1/24/97 W F APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DFS Q2-26-97 WMMITTEE APPL2CANT5 REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : NST Neighborhood Sales 2ax Board FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER Ol/O1/94 � 003265 Beigl�eder, M. Denise 301 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55202 Consultant/COmmunity & Ec Dev 002873 Blackman, Ruth 66 E. 9th St. St. Paul, MN 55101 Retired/West Publishing 003261 Burley, David 235 Wheeler Street St. Pau1, MN 551fl5 Restaurant Owner 003244 Fahey, John 180 Maria Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Construction Carpenter 001330 Gordon, Stephen D. 492 Holly Avenue 5t. Pau1, MN 55102 Attorney 003269 Lee, Ruby 4853 Hillvale Avenue N. Oakdale, MN 55128 Community Strategist OQ3263 Leier, Mary Jo 1895 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Secretary 0029$9 Margot, John Barry 1818 Wellesley Ave. St. Paul, MN 55105 5ales Representative 1 17 3 15 7 4 67B 1 8 65A Planning Commission 4 13 � �t1-�.o�, PAGE 1 O1/14/97 W F O1/15/97 W M 11/18/96 W M O1/29/97 W M 02/20/97 H F Ol/14/97 W � 3 14 64 02/14/97 W Capital 8udget Committee � 02-26-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT �7-��� PAGfi 2 COMMZTTEE : NST Neighborhood Sa2es Tax Board � FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER 61/02/94 APPLICANT J REFERENCE CAMMENTS WARD PLANNI2dG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVIftG ON) ----�-'----------------------°---- ---- --__-_'- __------ �--�---- �° --_ _-_ 00325? Mohrbacher, Paul 442 Summit Avenue St. Pdul, MN 55102 Coord. Community Relations 002996 Olesak, Thomas A. 1050 W. Hoyt Avenue St. Paul, MN 55117 Architect 003259 Patton, William 849 clark Street St. Pau1, MN 55101 Part-time employeeJDayton's 003148 Randall, Beth 70D E. Cook Avenve St. Paul, MN 55106 Hamline Midway Area Rehab Corp 002$14 Rothchild, Mary T. 1077 Linwood Avenue 5t. Paul, MN 55105 Banker 006259 Schultz, David A. 1120 St. Clair Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Professor of Political Science 002109 Senkler, Charies F. 147 Virginia Street 5t. Paul, MN 55102 Owner/Fabulous Ferns 2 15 5 10 5 5 2 16 2 16 1 8 O1(13/97 W M 02/04/97 W M Oi/21/97 W M 21i28/95 W F O1/14f97 W F 01/14/97 W M 10/29/96 W � �03Q92 Sprung, Albert F. 6 2 11/28/95 W 4 11 957 Flandrau St. Pau1, MN 55106 Chemicai Technican APPLICANT / REFERfiNCE COMMfiNTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR} {OTHER C4MMZTTEES SERVING ON) "------"--°----�--------�--------- ---- -------- -------- ------�- -�- --- --- 02-26-97 COMMSTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : NST Neighhorhood Sales Tax Board F4R APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/44 003260 Sundberg, Kathleen 1375 Van Buren Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Bus Owner/Ec Dev Consultant 042262 Tandaoahnippah, Cornell 859 Fry Street St. Paul, MN 55104 C.O. 003105 Tasselmyer, Benita Bleecker ?85 Aldine Street St. Paul, MN 55104-1105 Industrial Engineer 001333 Thompson, Missy Staples 548 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Real Estate Broker/COnsultant 002886 Van Hecke, Betsy 1380 Ashland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Attorney 003258 Wertz, Steven 2141 Prosperity Road Maplewood, MN 55109 Business Lender D03240 Whitcomb, Ron 1781 Hillcrest Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55116 Bank President 4 11 4 11 1 8 65 �t `l - � o�, PAGE 3 O1/21/97 W F O1j03/97 NA M 12/O1/95 W F 11/2�/95 W � 4 13 O1/14/97 W Business Review Council O1/17/99 3 15 64B 11/18/ � � -�� 02-2fi-97 COMMZTTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 4 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : NST Neighborhood Sales Tax Board � FOR APPLICATI6NS DATED AFTER O1/61/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENT5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICS (PRSOR) {OTHER COMMITTEES SERVIN� ONj °--�----'----------�----'-----"-- ---- -°-'..'- ----'--- -------^ °- --' --- 003264 Wilson, Stephen A. 1 g O1/23/97 B 627 Selby Avenue 3t. Pau1, MN 55104 Sr. Strategic Planning Analyst