97-198�-^� �' � p''° i �1 � �� � � �- ,� 8's. t'ens% 7 S 3 p i i. Presented By Green sheet � 3s.390 i z 3 Referred To Council File # � Ordinance # Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #66969) for an Off Sale Malt, Grocery-C, and Cigazette License by Kab Yang DBA Artkes NTini Market(Kab Yang, Owner) at 1190 Randolph Avenue be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 � a a� —�` 8 6CEY4i2 Mccycr 9 Harris � �`� 10 � Me � ar � 11 Re tt man 12 T uni� ✓ 14 Bostrom �� 15 16 Adopted by Council: Date �,� _,�( .\�(�{'7 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 20 -',(��\ 21 By: { \� �- . � � �_.___.� 22 —� � / / 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �/ �($'� 24 25 26 BY: �� 2a RESOLUTION OF SAIjdT PAUL, MINNESOTA S3 • - _ - -- .e=. - -+• � . .e�s . � � / � �, / ` Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By. I Yea Navs Absent Requested by Department of: LZEP/Licens Christine Rozek, 266-9108 For hearing: � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ^' / ��// � DATE INITIATED ' y� 3 5 3 9 0 GREEN SHEET _ __ - MlT1AVDATE M1ff1AV0ATE O DEPAR7MENT DIRECTOR O CITY COUNCIL N YB P FOP � CI'fYATi'ORNEY O CRY CLERK ROUTING O BU�GEf DIRECTOA � O FNl. & MCaL SERVICES DtR. ORDER O MAVOq (Ofl ASSISTANT� ' � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) , Rab Yang DBA Artkes Mini Market requests Council approval of its application for an Off Sale Malt, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License located at 1190 Randolph Avenue (ID /i66969). a _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ ( _ CIB COMMITfEE _ _ _ STAFf � _ __ DISTRICTCOURT _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVEI PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWIN6 �UESTIONS: L Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? � YES NO 2. Has this personffirm ever been a citq employee,? YES NO 3. Does this person/Firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any curreM ciry employee? YES NO Explafn afi yas answers on seperete sheet anE aitach to grean shaet ��-��� ��yr��� � �, DEC 2� 199& . _ v ��e �;`�c������ `ks:t: �,. Jt^i�v 2 i i9�� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S FUNDIHG SOUNCE FINANCIAL INFOAMATION: (EXPLAIN) COS7/REYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO NUMBER Greensheet # 35390 L.I.E REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 12/16/96 � In Tracker? App'n Received / App'n Processed License ID # 66969 License Type: Off Sale Malt, Grocery-C, and Cisarette Company Nam2: Kab Yang pgq; Artkes Mini Market Business Addresss: 1190 Randolnh Avenue Business Phone: 696-1688 Contact Name/Address: �b Yang, 853 Lafond Ave, 104 Home Phone: 291-2649 Date to Council Public Hearing Labels Ordered: Notice Sent to Applicant: �/ District Council #: 15 T / ' 1 � '/ �ZD Notice Sent to Pubtic: � � �"�� Ward #: 3 Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney � ' �" t � �i � • Environmental Health �'�� l��' �.�+ Fire ti•�-•��- a � , License S+ee wan Received; Lease Received: I �,�I�� D�� Police �.a�.��- � � . Zoning � { ^1" L [ �a J�F V .��--� CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION CITY OF SAINT PAUL' ` orr�« acu�x. ��oas u�a Envimnmrnw Aoceaion 310A PoaASUia}W s;mnm.4fnvew, as�m (61n M65090 fu (6i2)'_65�911� �p �`Yn Gf"� y ��'�- THIS APPLICA'I'IOV IS SUBJECI TO REVIEW BY TF� PUBLIC PLEASE E OR PRL�TC IN'K /' �/�� 1 Ca�Y9 ) Cay7y� _ ` . ; Type of License(s) being applied for: � � it i �J co��y �.�: _ -� Cbiporation ! Pasmesshi / Sole Pr If business is incorporated, give date of incorpo f � Doing Busioess As: �+ Business Address. I ( C1 Sa t Addrus Ben�•een uhat cross streets is the business located? Are the premices now occupied? � R'h Mail To Address: ��bd, _�z So-ee7 Addrus Applicant Information: t � � �atne and'Iide: �G2 �7 Vl " � firs j (� Middle Home Address: 7� \� 1 GP l.C� �"' R'bere? 8�35 y,/ � ��_�� V✓hich side of the street? �i l,�' •�vvt- �• Business? � Ea ., - � r f 2 ,� � — (hfaidcn) � � Strx� Address � City State Zip - Dau of Birth: � ��� L Place of Birth: �1'� Home Phone: L�� Have you ever been convicted of any fe]ony, criuc or violation of any city ordinance other than traffic? YES _ NO �'� Date of arrest: Charge: _ Coovicuon: Sentence: List the names and residences of three persons of good moral character, lieipg within the Twin Cilies Metro Area, not re}ated to tt�e applicant or finaociaUy interested in tLe premises or business, who may be referred to as to tt�e applicant's c6azuter: ADDRESS List licenses Tiile PHONE Hatie a�y of the above nass�ed licens�s evu been revoked? � YFS ,�I�O If yes, list t2ie dates aod reasons for revocation: Are you going to operate this business petsonalty? ,��YES ^ NO lf not, who will operate it? first Narne hold, former]y held, or may have an interest in: Middle Iniuni (Maiden) l.ast Dam of Binh Nome Address: Strea S�urc Gry Sute Zip Phone Number Are }rou goin¢ to ha��e a manaoer or assistant in this complete the follou•in¢ information:.. FrstName ` � fiddie Wual ��¢ c� � � �tt � Home Addra : SL�eet Tame .. tP P�lsiapun os�eY 'Z Qors�nrpq�s `Z8I'9LI a1ro¢�gp _) ,siaYiom aqy qlc,r a�ueildwoa u� me'.Coechao� dm io � e 7, � e� ss? '�`�S='�"rnri.zc..., I� 4� �3!ua� �Cqaiag i -t.� �u�*�r.a..._v...l.,....._---- ' (.'.Saiden)�� � City Pleace list your emplo}vxnt history foc che prerious fi��e (5} }'eaz period: Business/Em�lo�nnent Address 1 (� � a r P . . � List aU otber officers of the corporation: O�ICER TTTLE HQME I�TA�viE (Office Held) ADDFtESS HO:�� PHO\E Sute Zip BtiSIAFSS PHO\'E DATE OF BIRTH If business is a parmership, pleaze include the following informlGon for eac6 partner (use additiona] paees if nuessaz}•): Firs[ 7�ame Middie Imtial (Maiden) last Date of Hinh HomeAddce<s: Sveet!:ame ... ..- _City Siate Zip Phonehumber Fvst t�ame Middfc Inival (Maiden) Iast Dau of B'vtN }iome Addms: Stren Naac Ciry 5[ats Zip Pt�orn NumDer MINI�'ESO'1'A TAX IDENTff-'ICATIOV h`UMBER - Rusuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Artide 8, Sec6on 2(270.72) (Taz Cl�arance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorives are requ'ued to provide to t6e State of Minnesota Comrnissianer of Revenue, ttie Minn�sota bnsiness taz identificavon mimber and the social security number of each license applicant Onder tbe MwqesoU Government Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to ad��ise you of the following regazding the use of the Mimesota Tu Identification Number: • This infom�ation may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you oa�e 1.4innesota sa}es, etnployer s withUoSding or motor vehicle ezcise taxes; - Upon receiving this information, the liceasing authoriry will supply it only to tbe Minvesota Depart�nt of Revenue. However, under the Federai Ezchange of Int'ormation Ageement, the Department of Revenue may suppty t6is information to the Intemal Revenue Service. Minnesota 7az IdentificaGon Numbers (Sales & Use Taz Number) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Departmem, 10 River Pazk Plaza (612-29b-618]). Social Security Number. _ S�: �- r r��{�_ MinnesoU Taz Identification Number. ,�� � If a Minnesota Taz Identification Number is not required tor the business being operated ��cak so by placing an "X" ia the boz. .. ._ r - / _ \ . � _ �,.� ,, �,,«� -. ._- — - - — -4 �""�; �, 7 � , __ � U - x %1 i `+T.� at lu¢15tise io iaaru�... o ..._� _. ✓ -. _ ..... ... .. vnncec5 ��CO`'ERAGE PL7tSUA\T TO D4ltvrvt., _ . . . . .... .. . .: . io, i s1 � � 1 hereby artify t6at I, or my company, am in compliance w�ith the w�orkers' compeasavon insurance co��erage requiremenu of Minnesota Stamte 176.182, cubdivisioo 2. I also understand that pro��ision of false inforcnation in this ce�cation consututes sufficient gounds for adverse acGon aeainst ail licenses held inciuding revocation and suspension of said licenses. ?�'ame of Insurance Company: PolicyA'umber: Coceragefrom to I ha�•e no employees co��ered under u•orkers' compensaGon incura�ce ✓ • AAY FALSIFICATION O� A,\S�fiERS GIVEN OR hSATERIAL SLB'�1ITTED V�'II,L RESULT IN D£,1'IAL OF THIS APPLICATION I hereby state that I have answered all of tLe prueding qvestions, and that the informaaon contained herein is We and co:rect to the best of my knowledge and beiief. I bereby statc fiuther tbat I have teceived no money or ocher conside�ation, by way of loan, gift, contributiou, or otherwise, other than already disclosed in the application which I herew�ith submitted. I also understand this premise may be inspected by police, fue, health and otber ciry officiats at any aod all times u•hen the business is in operation. ----- `� 4��_� �- f �. � Signatuce (RE ' for all applications} Date •*'�otc: if this applicauon is Food/i.iquor related, please contact a City of Saiat Paul Health Inspectot, Ste��e Olson (266-9139), to review plans. If any substantial changes W structure are anticipated, please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Plan Ezaminer az 26G9007 to apply for building permits. If there are any changes to the pazking lot, floor space, or for new operaCOns, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zuning Inspector at 266-9008. Additional apptication requirements, please attach: A detailed descriptlon ot t6e design, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site pIan). The Collo�ring data should be on the site plan (preferabiy on an 81/2" x I l" or 81/l" x 14" Qaper}: - Name, address, and phone number. - The scale shouid be stafed such as 1" = 20'. ^N should be Indipted toward the top. - Placement ot al! perttnent features of the interior oC the licensed facility such u seating areas, I.itchens, o�ces, repaic azea, parking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is [or an addition or ezpansion of the licensed facility, indicale both ihe current area and the proposed expansioa A copy of yout lease agreement or proo[ ot ormership of the property. FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATION REQUIREAiENTS, PLEA5E SEE REVERSE >>>> 01/22/1997 14:40 6122923580 O1/22/97 ST. PAUL POLICE SINGLE QADR - PUBLIC HISTORY OF 1190 464800 SECTOR: 1 Ol/01/94 - f.2J 97-007-505 96-200-274 96-198-261 96-103-231 96-030-855 9 5-001-7 ZS 95-176-247 95-176-192 95-176-165 95 95-163-414 95-161-086 95-153-731 95-152-931 95-129-920 95-129^404 95-123-236 95-121-735 95-121-908 95-108-877 95-099-471 95—Q@9-886 95-089-781 95-089-121 95-087-431 95-084-348 95-055-407 95-053-642 95-051-584 95-023-268 95-021—'759 95-009-694 95-000-286 94-188—'I37 94-187-278 94-184-553 94-181-925 94 94-170-33fi 94-170-218 94^162-241 94-154-835 94-152-233 94-130-516 94-124-886 94-11b-616 94-114-141 94-112-059 94�1�2-335 94-100-768 DATE oi/16/s� 12/24/96 12J20/96 07(10/96 03/05/96 O1/04/96 11/16/95 11/16/95 11/15/95 11J15J95 10/22/95 1Q/18f95 10/05/95 10/03/95 OS/25/95 O8/24/95 08/16/95 08j14J95 08/14J95 0?/25/9S 0�/10/95 06/24/95 06(24J95 06/23/95 06/20/95 06/15/95 04/27/9B 04/24/95 04/20J95 �2/23/95 02/19/9S Ql/24/95 O1J01/95 12/24/94 12/21/94 12/15/94 12/09J94 11J19J96 11/15/94 11/14J94 1Oj30(94 10/16/94 10/11/94 09/O1/94 08�23�94 O8/10/94 OSjOfiJ94 OS/02/94 �7/17J94 07/15/94 TIME 2234 0524 0037 1741 0515 0705 0731 0102 2351 2255 1544 0944 1601 0449 1637 1923 2040 180? 2224 1629 1212 2032 1554 1745 2127 2036 1751 1120 1739 0345 1829 0139 1524 2207 1901 1824 1829 0839 0240 2041 0145 0058 0355 2209 03 (1� 2308 1027 2335 1651 0336 ST PAUL PD PERSONNEL INCIDENT TRACRING SYSTEM RANDOLPH AV GRID: 186 Ol/22/97 INCIDENT ALARMS ALARMS AL.2IRMS FORGERY DOMESTICS ALARMS ALARMS ALARMS A7�ARMS ALARM,S INV$STIGA2E DOBS THEFT BVRGLARY INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE VA,NDALISM OTHER SEX OPFSE OTHER SEX OFFSE ALARNt5 INVESTIGA2E DOBS TNVESTIGATE DOBS DOBS INVESTIGATE Ar.nuM ALARMS RUNAWAY ItL�4S DOBS ALARMS SUSP ACTIVITY ALARMS DOMESTICS DOIyESTICS THEFT II�7VESTIC3ATE THEFT VANDALISM OTHER ASSAULT ALAl2M5 ALARMS DOMSSTICS ALARMS Ar.nuHrS INVESTTGATE ALARMS INVESTI6ATE AT,ARM DISP RCV RCV RCV RCV ADV RCV ADV RCV PCN RCV RCV GOA RCV RCV ADV ADV ADV RCV RCV RCV UNF GOA CAI� ADV ADV GOA RCV RCV GOA RCV CAN RCV GOA RCV ADV ADV ADV RCV ADV RCV ADV RCV RCV GOA RCV RCV SNR RCV GOA RCV APT T OF T OF T OF PAGE 02 1�7 14:38:43 - - 0IT22/1997 1C740 01,22,9� QADR - PtJBLIC 464800 CN 94-4?7-502 94-071-893 94-064-935 94-052-883 94-050-759 94-042-471 94-006-489 94-006-511 94-004-923 6122923580 ST. FAUL POLICE SZNGLE HISTORY OF 1190 SECTOR: 1 O1/41/94 - DATE 06J�7J94 05/28/94 05J16/94 04j24/94 04f21j94 04f05j94 OlJ17J94 O1/17/94 O1J12f94 TIME 0047 1659 2345 1353 0015 ioa� 0008 0125 2349 ST PAUL PD PERSONNEL INCIDENT TRAq(ING RANDOLPH AV GRID: 186 O1/22/97 Tl3CIDENT VANDALISM TfiEFT ALARMS THEET �USP BCTZVITY TIiEFT ALARMB ALARMS ar,r�xris DI3P AP'P RCV ADV RCV RCV GOA RCV RCV RCV RCV SYSTEM PAGE 03 ?-��' 14238:43 Q�,DR compieted finding 59 records ��� � � \, �� r� � N J h � O F U W 6 � N J H O T Y Vf L Y % aw� o a. � L Y 6 N 6 H � V 6 W F O p O 3 Y 0 � F � 1�-� � w N � � ... a �i a p � 3 E � W '9 d W � P D M�� m C N O Z .�. s- U� �p 4 • U \ w � 6O� 3 N�O � s N C Y LL'O Q O d� C M Y N U � F� N J I1 0 W L � L rc �. o m Q s �r Y L t0 C C 41 w .� '�O r W 2 C s J a 6 O M U N S y F- [S O d m m Y Q W � y N � y C (p S N N G ~ tiZ•� g O � O � c�'i �' a � � J p I[1 J 2 L P 6' LL 2++Nt- iic�� rvi6�� W � Q s a J O C 2 z 0 P N O� Q N H Z 1�- � , ti OC J 6 J 00 �o W U O U O D � J f� {L H 6 0QOL > c� "' �o m C M W \ ZvO��- �a�mo 6�- /A\CIU O v0 N�-4 �'6 W O s_ � L � O Y F 4 d ~ d N L O W w .. a c rc Y � $ � � d 0 LL � .F F 6 U � � G O �ma U S � I-� W � O O Y�+ m � N O W ¢ _ !/1 � Q � W F� �-- 2 Q � ao � W � J'J'� � m m LL Y W C r C 4 W � Q x a O C z 0 P � Q � O 0 0 � F 2 2 W > S Y W 6 6 0 W L W Nr a� y °� m a.i iai OY F-� m U 2 N U O 'i'��OJ W Y00�f.� 0 q � V O C N N LL ��� �� '-P� U\ ol UO w w� H\U TNO � O y L � � LL'a (p 62 Z N'O O N C O Q W L d N Y C O W O U J O. ~ Q • L W� E 2 Z h U �m u�ww 0 ONQ�+y p U Q U p 9 Y r n O O �O n. �- P M CI a- a..- O r o ` U\� D n��c N \ U � O d W LLa � C O L p 6 �+ a Ul lI 0 f N K J d � � 2 � � � u W Y C � w x �n .� wa mE� c�r mw�m • W N 'ON • F-S W W N OII- Q C 2'�iF a(. �- Q� • , �C��+ J W •C('J QF- � aF-c�o O�UN �FU�lO �SJ� U N J W N H � 2 W>� W S N 3 >�c� ��ouz m2 6'3r p �Q�� W a � T. � N W F Q C Q LL W C Q O H y 402�OdtQCM ^'f'JO JCN � UO` • N t�UYIF Z-�+y4�0 S�+KO W �+ SQ �Q42wK OQ21-O }W26U �O JNW>!-1 �ON� J426 LPO\d 02`-2 �iLMW�v U11-TWFUNVlO Z S S S� 2 L'J O S Z 1-1--Y-Y-1-�+QO�-vW W � 4 x a O G 2 z 0 P � P � O J � 1-� H LL LL � Q 6 N t�.'1 {.�.'1 U U U �+ W 6 S O S O K p W d W p � O N M ti N W p A O� W W :� � -- � • L W 6 � E Z � b W +�+M N m b \ b 2�p+ o w�oV 1M� � N \ U O � O N LL'O ¢ W O a+0� Y� J O C O1 W v OI °C w � V L O � N • W W •^t- � z 3 z�� . a a 2 K � £ Q W LL U N O Q K WOCpt� 5(O W F- W 1- 1L p 2 S �OK4 W G 2 a 6 = H NO�+N � J �'j J LL CO� 2 d Y� F- U' O Q W S J J f•J 1-- • O M F Y � z h-d<6 W � d x a O O a � 0 P d P � O W E H i G O U ° o� Y O = Cu O�� ^ t-a m � U \ M S 6N�C 41\U � � ✓ G O Y p O. � N C J a J m O w� � z � � Y 10 > 0 LL c 4 � Y W J W S 1- S 1� x c� t- H W J C I'� J m�z `s yJ W . SF�F�[JN O O � 6 � S Z m � S a 1 � / ca � 5 O U J Q t- O 6 W J J S j J G � Q O J Z U 1'Qr W P• 6U Q�W.. H . U' 1� C S Q t J Z �J ~ SY�QC.r2 N W W O U� �OJ�L'U �+6'�J W W � N i K o J >�+�+WZ S x > 6 2 t W W J F O Q Q N 6 W � 6 x a O 0 Q K 0 P d P �O O R' W � U f y X � W 3 U r s O M W 1 M1 Q N h P P ��-��� � J � 1- 2 4 J O Y F Y L Q W O W y Y W 6 W 2 W N C T U W N a a=�m WV���l..lC ,lLQCQ�C >O.o m C d W 2 2 W� y ... - O p = Q � � f-PNWr� •O U\ Ol J U m W N W�O OW W `--1 N\ U 2 W LL� ��O EOx Z oWwuf-4u+ �t'6�u]N •��¢ OalOOW�-KY ++ oczzs Fd a SFN� O. W p 5 � tll S W N •�O NC I�J�+1'P z " . � m > r N Q O m � O N � W C (9�-W50 W O�1 £._ C tL 2 10 � L `m s�.O W L O. o� Y P m C .O 2 �+ O O -p �-- P YI [1\N a°� MI \ U � O d � 4 � O Y O I� N J d W � z � C W U 2 � r S �- CKH az4 � � a su+c £1'6U..� U� LL � swwwa I�y2Z� > OOU W W W h O C t- y Qi.�N h Q U � t�KN W Np 2 6 O S S W 3 E r � y > O � Y W S • Z W u�.� 2O W NH�`-Z On'22 F- 1- 'E F� .-� 6 W � a x n O O 6 K 0 P W P ut O 0 2 6 a U W � N P . S •UF • 2 v 1- LL W �`�w JNd' 6 W S 1' m � W LL1 S S J 1- W W N Cl 1-� W W W ,p[03 HaGQ N pt ~ � K za� J � Q f O � Q J 5 4 ^ 1-� I- `O W S ¢ x n O C a K 0 P b P N O 0 N K � 6 f- U W O P 9 �—/9��" � � d d _ � � m � � m � N �� F- L J Q N C W O K N 2 C O O� tl 0 r > U W L L d N L m � 6 � C J O K \ N N C OI O 0 {J a � a m N J 4 r w c r Y y L Y N O. UI L O L 'O � �' "O 6 N Q r J t�6 W � r O U p C K O 3 ! W Y LLf wa �c c 9�—r�s� � V Y 1-� L Z � W L S O 1- U Y a c a m c � d W 1 S 0 W L L O Y M N } 6 C � m w o J C '� 2 �+ Y h O W W �NY1� 6' UPP O o a«� N \ \ 1-� 2 � � OI U .-. O O C W 'p N O d N 2 Y Y U r J O. O.\ � N fp 01 N L L C w .-. ....� K V d N � Y Y Ip W 10 O C C 0 F i 6 2 a J 6 O V W N S J f a > � m w c c w r 4 r N y � 2 Y � J O 3 J J 2 O O LL W O x 2 F- N W > 4 x n J O �. i +• y a L M M 1' N N W O. N i- O G �- V P [.Y�� a(na � � f- a J C'J d W �+ £ 1- O U O O Y J Q a a � m ` o z Y 3 w U O�1 O. S 1' O W N N N O N �-^� �' � p''° i �1 � �� � � �- ,� 8's. t'ens% 7 S 3 p i i. Presented By Green sheet � 3s.390 i z 3 Referred To Council File # � Ordinance # Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #66969) for an Off Sale Malt, Grocery-C, and Cigazette License by Kab Yang DBA Artkes NTini Market(Kab Yang, Owner) at 1190 Randolph Avenue be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 � a a� —�` 8 6CEY4i2 Mccycr 9 Harris � �`� 10 � Me � ar � 11 Re tt man 12 T uni� ✓ 14 Bostrom �� 15 16 Adopted by Council: Date �,� _,�( .\�(�{'7 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 20 -',(��\ 21 By: { \� �- . � � �_.___.� 22 —� � / / 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �/ �($'� 24 25 26 BY: �� 2a RESOLUTION OF SAIjdT PAUL, MINNESOTA S3 • - _ - -- .e=. - -+• � . .e�s . � � / � �, / ` Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By. I Yea Navs Absent Requested by Department of: LZEP/Licens Christine Rozek, 266-9108 For hearing: � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ^' / ��// � DATE INITIATED ' y� 3 5 3 9 0 GREEN SHEET _ __ - MlT1AVDATE M1ff1AV0ATE O DEPAR7MENT DIRECTOR O CITY COUNCIL N YB P FOP � CI'fYATi'ORNEY O CRY CLERK ROUTING O BU�GEf DIRECTOA � O FNl. & MCaL SERVICES DtR. ORDER O MAVOq (Ofl ASSISTANT� ' � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) , Rab Yang DBA Artkes Mini Market requests Council approval of its application for an Off Sale Malt, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License located at 1190 Randolph Avenue (ID /i66969). a _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ ( _ CIB COMMITfEE _ _ _ STAFf � _ __ DISTRICTCOURT _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVEI PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWIN6 �UESTIONS: L Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? � YES NO 2. Has this personffirm ever been a citq employee,? YES NO 3. Does this person/Firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any curreM ciry employee? YES NO Explafn afi yas answers on seperete sheet anE aitach to grean shaet ��-��� ��yr��� � �, DEC 2� 199& . _ v ��e �;`�c������ `ks:t: �,. Jt^i�v 2 i i9�� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S FUNDIHG SOUNCE FINANCIAL INFOAMATION: (EXPLAIN) COS7/REYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO NUMBER Greensheet # 35390 L.I.E REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 12/16/96 � In Tracker? App'n Received / App'n Processed License ID # 66969 License Type: Off Sale Malt, Grocery-C, and Cisarette Company Nam2: Kab Yang pgq; Artkes Mini Market Business Addresss: 1190 Randolnh Avenue Business Phone: 696-1688 Contact Name/Address: �b Yang, 853 Lafond Ave, 104 Home Phone: 291-2649 Date to Council Public Hearing Labels Ordered: Notice Sent to Applicant: �/ District Council #: 15 T / ' 1 � '/ �ZD Notice Sent to Pubtic: � � �"�� Ward #: 3 Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney � ' �" t � �i � • Environmental Health �'�� l��' �.�+ Fire ti•�-•��- a � , License S+ee wan Received; Lease Received: I �,�I�� D�� Police �.a�.��- � � . Zoning � { ^1" L [ �a J�F V .��--� CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION CITY OF SAINT PAUL' ` orr�« acu�x. ��oas u�a Envimnmrnw Aoceaion 310A PoaASUia}W s;mnm.4fnvew, as�m (61n M65090 fu (6i2)'_65�911� �p �`Yn Gf"� y ��'�- THIS APPLICA'I'IOV IS SUBJECI TO REVIEW BY TF� PUBLIC PLEASE E OR PRL�TC IN'K /' �/�� 1 Ca�Y9 ) Cay7y� _ ` . ; Type of License(s) being applied for: � � it i �J co��y �.�: _ -� Cbiporation ! Pasmesshi / Sole Pr If business is incorporated, give date of incorpo f � Doing Busioess As: �+ Business Address. I ( C1 Sa t Addrus Ben�•een uhat cross streets is the business located? Are the premices now occupied? � R'h Mail To Address: ��bd �t5. So-ee7 Addrus Applicant Information: t � � �atne and'Iide: �G2 �7 Vl " � firs j (� Middle Home Address: 7� \� 1 GP l.C� �"' R'bere? 8�35 y,/ � ��_�� V✓hich side of the street? �i l,�' •�vvt- �• Business? � Ea ., - � r f 2 ,� � — (hfaidcn) � � Strx� Address � City State Zip - Dau of Birth: � ��� L Place of Birth: �1'� Home Phone: L�� Have you ever been convicted of any fe]ony, criuc or violation of any city ordinance other than traffic? YES _ NO �'� Date of arrest: Charge: _ Coovicuon: Sentence: List the names and residences of three persons of good moral character, lieipg within the Twin Cilies Metro Area, not re}ated to tt�e applicant or finaociaUy interested in tLe premises or business, who may be referred to as to tt�e applicant's c6azuter: ADDRESS List licenses Tiile PHONE Hatie a�y of the above nass�ed licens�s evu been revoked? � YFS ,�I�O If yes, list t2ie dates aod reasons for revocation: Are you going to operate this business petsonalty? ,��YES ^ NO lf not, who will operate it? first Narne hold, former]y held, or may have an interest in: Middle Iniuni (Maiden) l.ast Dam of Binh Nome Address: Strea S�urc Gry Sute Zip Phone Number Are }rou goin¢ to ha��e a manaoer or assistant in this complete the follou•in¢ information:.. FrstName ` � fiddie Wual ��¢ c� � � �tt � Home Addra : SL�eet Tame .. tP P�lsiapun os�eY 'Z Qors�nrpq�s `Z8I'9LI a1ro¢�gp _) ,siaYiom aqy qlc,r a�ueildwoa u� me'.Coechao� dm io � e 7, � e� ss? '�`�S='�"rnri.zc..., I� 4� �3!ua� �Cqaiag i -t.� �u�*�r.a..._v...l.,....._---- ' (.'.Saiden)�� � City Pleace list your emplo}vxnt history foc che prerious fi��e (5} }'eaz period: Business/Em�lo�nnent Address 1 (� � a r P . . � List aU otber officers of the corporation: O�ICER TTTLE HQME I�TA�viE (Office Held) ADDFtESS HO:�� PHO\E Sute Zip BtiSIAFSS PHO\'E DATE OF BIRTH If business is a parmership, pleaze include the following informlGon for eac6 partner (use additiona] paees if nuessaz}•): Firs[ 7�ame Middie Imtial (Maiden) last Date of Hinh HomeAddce<s: Sveet!:ame ... ..- _City Siate Zip Phonehumber Fvst t�ame Middfc Inival (Maiden) Iast Dau of B'vtN }iome Addms: Stren Naac Ciry 5[ats Zip Pt�orn NumDer MINI�'ESO'1'A TAX IDENTff-'ICATIOV h`UMBER - Rusuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Artide 8, Sec6on 2(270.72) (Taz Cl�arance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorives are requ'ued to provide to t6e State of Minnesota Comrnissianer of Revenue, ttie Minn�sota bnsiness taz identificavon mimber and the social security number of each license applicant Onder tbe MwqesoU Government Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to ad��ise you of the following regazding the use of the Mimesota Tu Identification Number: • This infom�ation may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you oa�e 1.4innesota sa}es, etnployer s withUoSding or motor vehicle ezcise taxes; - Upon receiving this information, the liceasing authoriry will supply it only to tbe Minvesota Depart�nt of Revenue. However, under the Federai Ezchange of Int'ormation Ageement, the Department of Revenue may suppty t6is information to the Intemal Revenue Service. Minnesota 7az IdentificaGon Numbers (Sales & Use Taz Number) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Departmem, 10 River Pazk Plaza (612-29b-618]). Social Security Number. _ S�: �- r r��{�_ MinnesoU Taz Identification Number. ,�� � If a Minnesota Taz Identification Number is not required tor the business being operated ��cak so by placing an "X" ia the boz. .. ._ r - / _ \ . � _ �,.� ,, �,,«� -. ._- — - - — -4 �""�; �, 7 � , __ � U - x %1 i `+T.� at lu¢15tise io iaaru�... o ..._� _. ✓ -. _ ..... ... .. vnncec5 ��CO`'ERAGE PL7tSUA\T TO D4ltvrvt., _ . . . . .... .. . .: . io, i s1 � � 1 hereby artify t6at I, or my company, am in compliance w�ith the w�orkers' compeasavon insurance co��erage requiremenu of Minnesota Stamte 176.182, cubdivisioo 2. I also understand that pro��ision of false inforcnation in this ce�cation consututes sufficient gounds for adverse acGon aeainst ail licenses held inciuding revocation and suspension of said licenses. ?�'ame of Insurance Company: PolicyA'umber: Coceragefrom to I ha�•e no employees co��ered under u•orkers' compensaGon incura�ce ✓ • AAY FALSIFICATION O� A,\S�fiERS GIVEN OR hSATERIAL SLB'�1ITTED V�'II,L RESULT IN D£,1'IAL OF THIS APPLICATION I hereby state that I have answered all of tLe prueding qvestions, and that the informaaon contained herein is We and co:rect to the best of my knowledge and beiief. I bereby statc fiuther tbat I have teceived no money or ocher conside�ation, by way of loan, gift, contributiou, or otherwise, other than already disclosed in the application which I herew�ith submitted. I also understand this premise may be inspected by police, fue, health and otber ciry officiats at any aod all times u•hen the business is in operation. ----- `� 4��_� �- f �. � Signatuce (RE ' for all applications} Date •*'�otc: if this applicauon is Food/i.iquor related, please contact a City of Saiat Paul Health Inspectot, Ste��e Olson (266-9139), to review plans. If any substantial changes W structure are anticipated, please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Plan Ezaminer az 26G9007 to apply for building permits. If there are any changes to the pazking lot, floor space, or for new operaCOns, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zuning Inspector at 266-9008. Additional apptication requirements, please attach: A detailed descriptlon ot t6e design, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site pIan). The Collo�ring data should be on the site plan (preferabiy on an 81/2" x I l" or 81/l" x 14" Qaper}: - Name, address, and phone number. - The scale shouid be stafed such as 1" = 20'. ^N should be Indipted toward the top. - Placement ot al! perttnent features of the interior oC the licensed facility such u seating areas, I.itchens, o�ces, repaic azea, parking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is [or an addition or ezpansion of the licensed facility, indicale both ihe current area and the proposed expansioa A copy of yout lease agreement or proo[ ot ormership of the property. FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATION REQUIREAiENTS, PLEA5E SEE REVERSE >>>> 01/22/1997 14:40 6122923580 O1/22/97 ST. PAUL POLICE SINGLE QADR - PUBLIC HISTORY OF 1190 464800 SECTOR: 1 Ol/01/94 - f.2J 97-007-505 96-200-274 96-198-261 96-103-231 96-030-855 9 5-001-7 ZS 95-176-247 95-176-192 95-176-165 95 95-163-414 95-161-086 95-153-731 95-152-931 95-129-920 95-129^404 95-123-236 95-121-735 95-121-908 95-108-877 95-099-471 95—Q@9-886 95-089-781 95-089-121 95-087-431 95-084-348 95-055-407 95-053-642 95-051-584 95-023-268 95-021—'759 95-009-694 95-000-286 94-188—'I37 94-187-278 94-184-553 94-181-925 94 94-170-33fi 94-170-218 94^162-241 94-154-835 94-152-233 94-130-516 94-124-886 94-11b-616 94-114-141 94-112-059 94�1�2-335 94-100-768 DATE oi/16/s� 12/24/96 12J20/96 07(10/96 03/05/96 O1/04/96 11/16/95 11/16/95 11/15/95 11J15J95 10/22/95 1Q/18f95 10/05/95 10/03/95 OS/25/95 O8/24/95 08/16/95 08j14J95 08/14J95 0?/25/9S 0�/10/95 06/24/95 06(24J95 06/23/95 06/20/95 06/15/95 04/27/9B 04/24/95 04/20J95 �2/23/95 02/19/9S Ql/24/95 O1J01/95 12/24/94 12/21/94 12/15/94 12/09J94 11J19J96 11/15/94 11/14J94 1Oj30(94 10/16/94 10/11/94 09/O1/94 08�23�94 O8/10/94 OSjOfiJ94 OS/02/94 �7/17J94 07/15/94 TIME 2234 0524 0037 1741 0515 0705 0731 0102 2351 2255 1544 0944 1601 0449 1637 1923 2040 180? 2224 1629 1212 2032 1554 1745 2127 2036 1751 1120 1739 0345 1829 0139 1524 2207 1901 1824 1829 0839 0240 2041 0145 0058 0355 2209 03 (1� 2308 1027 2335 1651 0336 ST PAUL PD PERSONNEL INCIDENT TRACRING SYSTEM RANDOLPH AV GRID: 186 Ol/22/97 INCIDENT ALARMS ALARMS AL.2IRMS FORGERY DOMESTICS ALARMS ALARMS ALARMS A7�ARMS ALARM,S INV$STIGA2E DOBS THEFT BVRGLARY INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE VA,NDALISM OTHER SEX OPFSE OTHER SEX OFFSE ALARNt5 INVESTIGA2E DOBS TNVESTIGATE DOBS DOBS INVESTIGATE Ar.nuM ALARMS RUNAWAY ItL�4S DOBS ALARMS SUSP ACTIVITY ALARMS DOMESTICS DOIyESTICS THEFT II�7VESTIC3ATE THEFT VANDALISM OTHER ASSAULT ALAl2M5 ALARMS DOMSSTICS ALARMS Ar.nuHrS INVESTTGATE ALARMS INVESTI6ATE AT,ARM DISP RCV RCV RCV RCV ADV RCV ADV RCV PCN RCV RCV GOA RCV RCV ADV ADV ADV RCV RCV RCV UNF GOA CAI� ADV ADV GOA RCV RCV GOA RCV CAN RCV GOA RCV ADV ADV ADV RCV ADV RCV ADV RCV RCV GOA RCV RCV SNR RCV GOA RCV APT T OF T OF T OF PAGE 02 1�7 14:38:43 - - 0IT22/1997 1C740 01,22,9� QADR - PtJBLIC 464800 CN 94-4?7-502 94-071-893 94-064-935 94-052-883 94-050-759 94-042-471 94-006-489 94-006-511 94-004-923 6122923580 ST. FAUL POLICE SZNGLE HISTORY OF 1190 SECTOR: 1 O1/41/94 - DATE 06J�7J94 05/28/94 05J16/94 04j24/94 04f21j94 04f05j94 OlJ17J94 O1/17/94 O1J12f94 TIME 0047 1659 2345 1353 0015 ioa� 0008 0125 2349 ST PAUL PD PERSONNEL INCIDENT TRAq(ING RANDOLPH AV GRID: 186 O1/22/97 Tl3CIDENT VANDALISM TfiEFT ALARMS THEET �USP BCTZVITY TIiEFT ALARMB ALARMS ar,r�xris DI3P AP'P RCV ADV RCV RCV GOA RCV RCV RCV RCV SYSTEM PAGE 03 ?-��' 14238:43 Q�,DR compieted finding 59 records ��� � � \, �� r� � N J h � O F U W 6 � N J H O T Y Vf L Y % aw� o a. � L Y 6 N 6 H � V 6 W F O p O 3 Y 0 � F � 1�-� � w N � � ... a �i a p � 3 E � W '9 d W � P D M�� m C N O Z .�. s- U� �p 4 • U \ w � 6O� 3 N�O � s N C Y LL'O Q O d� C M Y N U � F� N J I1 0 W L � L rc �. o m Q s �r Y L t0 C C 41 w .� '�O r W 2 C s J a 6 O M U N S y F- [S O d m m Y Q W � y N � y C (p S N N G ~ tiZ•� g O � O � c�'i �' a � � J p I[1 J 2 L P 6' LL 2++Nt- iic�� rvi6�� W � Q s a J O C 2 z 0 P N O� Q N H Z 1�- � , ti OC J 6 J 00 �o W U O U O D � J f� {L H 6 0QOL > c� "' �o m C M W \ ZvO��- �a�mo 6�- /A\CIU O v0 N�-4 �'6 W O s_ � L � O Y F 4 d ~ d N L O W w .. a c rc Y � $ � � d 0 LL � .F F 6 U � � G O �ma U S � I-� W � O O Y�+ m � N O W ¢ _ !/1 � Q � W F� �-- 2 Q � ao � W � J'J'� � m m LL Y W C r C 4 W � Q x a O C z 0 P � Q � O 0 0 � F 2 2 W > S Y W 6 6 0 W L W Nr a� y °� m a.i iai OY F-� m U 2 N U O 'i'��OJ W Y00�f.� 0 q � V O C N N LL ��� �� '-P� U\ ol UO w w� H\U TNO � O y L � � LL'a (p 62 Z N'O O N C O Q W L d N Y C O W O U J O. ~ Q • L W� E 2 Z h U �m u�ww 0 ONQ�+y p U Q U p 9 Y r n O O �O n. �- P M CI a- a..- O r o ` U\� D n��c N \ U � O d W LLa � C O L p 6 �+ a Ul lI 0 f N K J d � � 2 � � � u W Y C � w x �n .� wa mE� c�r mw�m • W N 'ON • F-S W W N OII- Q C 2'�iF a(. �- Q� • , �C��+ J W •C('J QF- � aF-c�o O�UN �FU�lO �SJ� U N J W N H � 2 W>� W S N 3 >�c� ��ouz m2 6'3r p �Q�� W a � T. � N W F Q C Q LL W C Q O H y 402�OdtQCM ^'f'JO JCN � UO` • N t�UYIF Z-�+y4�0 S�+KO W �+ SQ �Q42wK OQ21-O }W26U �O JNW>!-1 �ON� J426 LPO\d 02`-2 �iLMW�v U11-TWFUNVlO Z S S S� 2 L'J O S Z 1-1--Y-Y-1-�+QO�-vW W � 4 x a O G 2 z 0 P � P � O J � 1-� H LL LL � Q 6 N t�.'1 {.�.'1 U U U �+ W 6 S O S O K p W d W p � O N M ti N W p A O� W W :� � -- � • L W 6 � E Z � b W +�+M N m b \ b 2�p+ o w�oV 1M� � N \ U O � O N LL'O ¢ W O a+0� Y� J O C O1 W v OI °C w � V L O � N • W W •^t- � z 3 z�� . a a 2 K � £ Q W LL U N O Q K WOCpt� 5(O W F- W 1- 1L p 2 S �OK4 W G 2 a 6 = H NO�+N � J �'j J LL CO� 2 d Y� F- U' O Q W S J J f•J 1-- • O M F Y � z h-d<6 W � d x a O O a � 0 P d P � O W E H i G O U ° o� Y O = Cu O�� ^ t-a m � U \ M S 6N�C 41\U � � ✓ G O Y p O. � N C J a J m O w� � z � � Y 10 > 0 LL c 4 � Y W J W S 1- S 1� x c� t- H W J C I'� J m�z `s yJ W . SF�F�[JN O O � 6 � S Z m � S a 1 � / ca � 5 O U J Q t- O 6 W J J S j J G � Q O J Z U 1'Qr W P• 6U Q�W.. H . U' 1� C S Q t J Z �J ~ SY�QC.r2 N W W O U� �OJ�L'U �+6'�J W W � N i K o J >�+�+WZ S x > 6 2 t W W J F O Q Q N 6 W � 6 x a O 0 Q K 0 P d P �O O R' W � U f y X � W 3 U r s O M W 1 M1 Q N h P P ��-��� � J � 1- 2 4 J O Y F Y L Q W O W y Y W 6 W 2 W N C T U W N a a=�m WV���l..lC ,lLQCQ�C >O.o m C d W 2 2 W� y ... - O p = Q � � f-PNWr� •O U\ Ol J U m W N W�O OW W `--1 N\ U 2 W LL� ��O EOx Z oWwuf-4u+ �t'6�u]N •��¢ OalOOW�-KY ++ oczzs Fd a SFN� O. W p 5 � tll S W N •�O NC I�J�+1'P z " . � m > r N Q O m � O N � W C (9�-W50 W O�1 £._ C tL 2 10 � L `m s�.O W L O. o� Y P m C .O 2 �+ O O -p �-- P YI [1\N a°� MI \ U � O d � 4 � O Y O I� N J d W � z � C W U 2 � r S �- CKH az4 � � a su+c £1'6U..� U� LL � swwwa I�y2Z� > OOU W W W h O C t- y Qi.�N h Q U � t�KN W Np 2 6 O S S W 3 E r � y > O � Y W S • Z W u�.� 2O W NH�`-Z On'22 F- 1- 'E F� .-� 6 W � a x n O O 6 K 0 P W P ut O 0 2 6 a U W � N P . S •UF • 2 v 1- LL W �`�w JNd' 6 W S 1' m � W LL1 S S J 1- W W N Cl 1-� W W W ,p[03 HaGQ N pt ~ � K za� J � Q f O � Q J 5 4 ^ 1-� I- `O W S ¢ x n O C a K 0 P b P N O 0 N K � 6 f- U W O P 9 �—/9��" � � d d _ � � m � � m � N �� F- L J Q N C W O K N 2 C O O� tl 0 r > U W L L d N L m � 6 � C J O K \ N N C OI O 0 {J a � a m N J 4 r w c r Y y L Y N O. UI L O L 'O � �' "O 6 N Q r J t�6 W � r O U p C K O 3 ! W Y LLf wa �c c 9�—r�s� � V Y 1-� L Z � W L S O 1- U Y a c a m c � d W 1 S 0 W L L O Y M N } 6 C � m w o J C '� 2 �+ Y h O W W �NY1� 6' UPP O o a«� N \ \ 1-� 2 � � OI U .-. O O C W 'p N O d N 2 Y Y U r J O. O.\ � N fp 01 N L L C w .-. ....� K V d N � Y Y Ip W 10 O C C 0 F i 6 2 a J 6 O V W N S J f a > � m w c c w r 4 r N y � 2 Y � J O 3 J J 2 O O LL W O x 2 F- N W > 4 x n J O �. i +• y a L M M 1' N N W O. N i- O G �- V P [.Y�� a(na � � f- a J C'J d W �+ £ 1- O U O O Y J Q a a � m ` o z Y 3 w U O�1 O. S 1' O W N N N O N �-^� �' � p''° i �1 � �� � � �- ,� 8's. t'ens% 7 S 3 p i i. Presented By Green sheet � 3s.390 i z 3 Referred To Council File # � Ordinance # Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #66969) for an Off Sale Malt, Grocery-C, and Cigazette License by Kab Yang DBA Artkes NTini Market(Kab Yang, Owner) at 1190 Randolph Avenue be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 � a a� —�` 8 6CEY4i2 Mccycr 9 Harris � �`� 10 � Me � ar � 11 Re tt man 12 T uni� ✓ 14 Bostrom �� 15 16 Adopted by Council: Date �,� _,�( .\�(�{'7 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 20 -',(��\ 21 By: { \� �- . � � �_.___.� 22 —� � / / 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �/ �($'� 24 25 26 BY: �� 2a RESOLUTION OF SAIjdT PAUL, MINNESOTA S3 • - _ - -- .e=. - -+• � . .e�s . � � / � �, / ` Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By. I Yea Navs Absent Requested by Department of: LZEP/Licens Christine Rozek, 266-9108 For hearing: � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ^' / ��// � DATE INITIATED ' y� 3 5 3 9 0 GREEN SHEET _ __ - MlT1AVDATE M1ff1AV0ATE O DEPAR7MENT DIRECTOR O CITY COUNCIL N YB P FOP � CI'fYATi'ORNEY O CRY CLERK ROUTING O BU�GEf DIRECTOA � O FNl. & MCaL SERVICES DtR. ORDER O MAVOq (Ofl ASSISTANT� ' � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) , Rab Yang DBA Artkes Mini Market requests Council approval of its application for an Off Sale Malt, Grocery-C, and Cigarette License located at 1190 Randolph Avenue (ID /i66969). a _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ ( _ CIB COMMITfEE _ _ _ STAFf � _ __ DISTRICTCOURT _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVEI PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWIN6 �UESTIONS: L Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? � YES NO 2. Has this personffirm ever been a citq employee,? YES NO 3. Does this person/Firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any curreM ciry employee? YES NO Explafn afi yas answers on seperete sheet anE aitach to grean shaet ��-��� ��yr��� � �, DEC 2� 199& . _ v ��e �;`�c������ `ks:t: �,. Jt^i�v 2 i i9�� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S FUNDIHG SOUNCE FINANCIAL INFOAMATION: (EXPLAIN) COS7/REYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO NUMBER Greensheet # 35390 L.I.E REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 12/16/96 � In Tracker? App'n Received / App'n Processed License ID # 66969 License Type: Off Sale Malt, Grocery-C, and Cisarette Company Nam2: Kab Yang pgq; Artkes Mini Market Business Addresss: 1190 Randolnh Avenue Business Phone: 696-1688 Contact Name/Address: �b Yang, 853 Lafond Ave, 104 Home Phone: 291-2649 Date to Council Public Hearing Labels Ordered: Notice Sent to Applicant: �/ District Council #: 15 T / ' 1 � '/ �ZD Notice Sent to Pubtic: � � �"�� Ward #: 3 Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney � ' �" t � �i � • Environmental Health �'�� l��' �.�+ Fire ti•�-•��- a � , License S+ee wan Received; Lease Received: I �,�I�� D�� Police �.a�.��- � � . Zoning � { ^1" L [ �a J�F V .��--� CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION CITY OF SAINT PAUL' ` orr�« acu�x. ��oas u�a Envimnmrnw Aoceaion 310A PoaASUia}W s;mnm.4fnvew, as�m (61n M65090 fu (6i2)'_65�911� �p �`Yn Gf"� y ��'�- THIS APPLICA'I'IOV IS SUBJECI TO REVIEW BY TF� PUBLIC PLEASE E OR PRL�TC IN'K /' �/�� 1 Ca�Y9 ) Cay7y� _ ` . ; Type of License(s) being applied for: � � it i �J co��y �.�: _ -� Cbiporation ! Pasmesshi / Sole Pr If business is incorporated, give date of incorpo f � Doing Busioess As: �+ Business Address. I ( C1 Sa t Addrus Ben�•een uhat cross streets is the business located? Are the premices now occupied? � R'h Mail To Address: ��bd �t5. So-ee7 Addrus Applicant Information: t � � �atne and'Iide: �G2 �7 Vl " � firs j (� Middle Home Address: 7� \� 1 GP l.C� �"' R'bere? 8�35 y,/ � ��_�� V✓hich side of the street? �i l,�' •�vvt- �• Business? � Ea ., - � r f 2 ,� � — (hfaidcn) � � Strx� Address � City State Zip - Dau of Birth: � ��� L Place of Birth: �1'� Home Phone: L�� Have you ever been convicted of any fe]ony, criuc or violation of any city ordinance other than traffic? YES _ NO �'� Date of arrest: Charge: _ Coovicuon: Sentence: List the names and residences of three persons of good moral character, lieipg within the Twin Cilies Metro Area, not re}ated to tt�e applicant or finaociaUy interested in tLe premises or business, who may be referred to as to tt�e applicant's c6azuter: ADDRESS List licenses Tiile PHONE Hatie a�y of the above nass�ed licens�s evu been revoked? � YFS ,�I�O If yes, list t2ie dates aod reasons for revocation: Are you going to operate this business petsonalty? ,��YES ^ NO lf not, who will operate it? first Narne hold, former]y held, or may have an interest in: Middle Iniuni (Maiden) l.ast Dam of Binh Nome Address: Strea S�urc Gry Sute Zip Phone Number Are }rou goin¢ to ha��e a manaoer or assistant in this complete the follou•in¢ information:.. FrstName ` � fiddie Wual ��¢ c� � � �tt � Home Addra : SL�eet Tame .. tP P�lsiapun os�eY 'Z Qors�nrpq�s `Z8I'9LI a1ro¢�gp _) ,siaYiom aqy qlc,r a�ueildwoa u� me'.Coechao� dm io � e 7, � e� ss? '�`�S='�"rnri.zc..., I� 4� �3!ua� �Cqaiag i -t.� �u�*�r.a..._v...l.,....._---- ' (.'.Saiden)�� � City Pleace list your emplo}vxnt history foc che prerious fi��e (5} }'eaz period: Business/Em�lo�nnent Address 1 (� � a r P . . � List aU otber officers of the corporation: O�ICER TTTLE HQME I�TA�viE (Office Held) ADDFtESS HO:�� PHO\E Sute Zip BtiSIAFSS PHO\'E DATE OF BIRTH If business is a parmership, pleaze include the following informlGon for eac6 partner (use additiona] paees if nuessaz}•): Firs[ 7�ame Middie Imtial (Maiden) last Date of Hinh HomeAddce<s: Sveet!:ame ... ..- _City Siate Zip Phonehumber Fvst t�ame Middfc Inival (Maiden) Iast Dau of B'vtN }iome Addms: Stren Naac Ciry 5[ats Zip Pt�orn NumDer MINI�'ESO'1'A TAX IDENTff-'ICATIOV h`UMBER - Rusuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Artide 8, Sec6on 2(270.72) (Taz Cl�arance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorives are requ'ued to provide to t6e State of Minnesota Comrnissianer of Revenue, ttie Minn�sota bnsiness taz identificavon mimber and the social security number of each license applicant Onder tbe MwqesoU Government Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to ad��ise you of the following regazding the use of the Mimesota Tu Identification Number: • This infom�ation may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you oa�e 1.4innesota sa}es, etnployer s withUoSding or motor vehicle ezcise taxes; - Upon receiving this information, the liceasing authoriry will supply it only to tbe Minvesota Depart�nt of Revenue. However, under the Federai Ezchange of Int'ormation Ageement, the Department of Revenue may suppty t6is information to the Intemal Revenue Service. Minnesota 7az IdentificaGon Numbers (Sales & Use Taz Number) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Departmem, 10 River Pazk Plaza (612-29b-618]). Social Security Number. _ S�: �- r r��{�_ MinnesoU Taz Identification Number. ,�� � If a Minnesota Taz Identification Number is not required tor the business being operated ��cak so by placing an "X" ia the boz. .. ._ r - / _ \ . � _ �,.� ,, �,,«� -. ._- — - - — -4 �""�; �, 7 � , __ � U - x %1 i `+T.� at lu¢15tise io iaaru�... o ..._� _. ✓ -. _ ..... ... .. vnncec5 ��CO`'ERAGE PL7tSUA\T TO D4ltvrvt., _ . . . . .... .. . .: . io, i s1 � � 1 hereby artify t6at I, or my company, am in compliance w�ith the w�orkers' compeasavon insurance co��erage requiremenu of Minnesota Stamte 176.182, cubdivisioo 2. I also understand that pro��ision of false inforcnation in this ce�cation consututes sufficient gounds for adverse acGon aeainst ail licenses held inciuding revocation and suspension of said licenses. ?�'ame of Insurance Company: PolicyA'umber: Coceragefrom to I ha�•e no employees co��ered under u•orkers' compensaGon incura�ce ✓ • AAY FALSIFICATION O� A,\S�fiERS GIVEN OR hSATERIAL SLB'�1ITTED V�'II,L RESULT IN D£,1'IAL OF THIS APPLICATION I hereby state that I have answered all of tLe prueding qvestions, and that the informaaon contained herein is We and co:rect to the best of my knowledge and beiief. I bereby statc fiuther tbat I have teceived no money or ocher conside�ation, by way of loan, gift, contributiou, or otherwise, other than already disclosed in the application which I herew�ith submitted. I also understand this premise may be inspected by police, fue, health and otber ciry officiats at any aod all times u•hen the business is in operation. ----- `� 4��_� �- f �. � Signatuce (RE ' for all applications} Date •*'�otc: if this applicauon is Food/i.iquor related, please contact a City of Saiat Paul Health Inspectot, Ste��e Olson (266-9139), to review plans. If any substantial changes W structure are anticipated, please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Plan Ezaminer az 26G9007 to apply for building permits. If there are any changes to the pazking lot, floor space, or for new operaCOns, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zuning Inspector at 266-9008. Additional apptication requirements, please attach: A detailed descriptlon ot t6e design, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site pIan). The Collo�ring data should be on the site plan (preferabiy on an 81/2" x I l" or 81/l" x 14" Qaper}: - Name, address, and phone number. - The scale shouid be stafed such as 1" = 20'. ^N should be Indipted toward the top. - Placement ot al! perttnent features of the interior oC the licensed facility such u seating areas, I.itchens, o�ces, repaic azea, parking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is [or an addition or ezpansion of the licensed facility, indicale both ihe current area and the proposed expansioa A copy of yout lease agreement or proo[ ot ormership of the property. FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATION REQUIREAiENTS, PLEA5E SEE REVERSE >>>> 01/22/1997 14:40 6122923580 O1/22/97 ST. PAUL POLICE SINGLE QADR - PUBLIC HISTORY OF 1190 464800 SECTOR: 1 Ol/01/94 - f.2J 97-007-505 96-200-274 96-198-261 96-103-231 96-030-855 9 5-001-7 ZS 95-176-247 95-176-192 95-176-165 95 95-163-414 95-161-086 95-153-731 95-152-931 95-129-920 95-129^404 95-123-236 95-121-735 95-121-908 95-108-877 95-099-471 95—Q@9-886 95-089-781 95-089-121 95-087-431 95-084-348 95-055-407 95-053-642 95-051-584 95-023-268 95-021—'759 95-009-694 95-000-286 94-188—'I37 94-187-278 94-184-553 94-181-925 94 94-170-33fi 94-170-218 94^162-241 94-154-835 94-152-233 94-130-516 94-124-886 94-11b-616 94-114-141 94-112-059 94�1�2-335 94-100-768 DATE oi/16/s� 12/24/96 12J20/96 07(10/96 03/05/96 O1/04/96 11/16/95 11/16/95 11/15/95 11J15J95 10/22/95 1Q/18f95 10/05/95 10/03/95 OS/25/95 O8/24/95 08/16/95 08j14J95 08/14J95 0?/25/9S 0�/10/95 06/24/95 06(24J95 06/23/95 06/20/95 06/15/95 04/27/9B 04/24/95 04/20J95 �2/23/95 02/19/9S Ql/24/95 O1J01/95 12/24/94 12/21/94 12/15/94 12/09J94 11J19J96 11/15/94 11/14J94 1Oj30(94 10/16/94 10/11/94 09/O1/94 08�23�94 O8/10/94 OSjOfiJ94 OS/02/94 �7/17J94 07/15/94 TIME 2234 0524 0037 1741 0515 0705 0731 0102 2351 2255 1544 0944 1601 0449 1637 1923 2040 180? 2224 1629 1212 2032 1554 1745 2127 2036 1751 1120 1739 0345 1829 0139 1524 2207 1901 1824 1829 0839 0240 2041 0145 0058 0355 2209 03 (1� 2308 1027 2335 1651 0336 ST PAUL PD PERSONNEL INCIDENT TRACRING SYSTEM RANDOLPH AV GRID: 186 Ol/22/97 INCIDENT ALARMS ALARMS AL.2IRMS FORGERY DOMESTICS ALARMS ALARMS ALARMS A7�ARMS ALARM,S INV$STIGA2E DOBS THEFT BVRGLARY INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE VA,NDALISM OTHER SEX OPFSE OTHER SEX OFFSE ALARNt5 INVESTIGA2E DOBS TNVESTIGATE DOBS DOBS INVESTIGATE Ar.nuM ALARMS RUNAWAY ItL�4S DOBS ALARMS SUSP ACTIVITY ALARMS DOMESTICS DOIyESTICS THEFT II�7VESTIC3ATE THEFT VANDALISM OTHER ASSAULT ALAl2M5 ALARMS DOMSSTICS ALARMS Ar.nuHrS INVESTTGATE ALARMS INVESTI6ATE AT,ARM DISP RCV RCV RCV RCV ADV RCV ADV RCV PCN RCV RCV GOA RCV RCV ADV ADV ADV RCV RCV RCV UNF GOA CAI� ADV ADV GOA RCV RCV GOA RCV CAN RCV GOA RCV ADV ADV ADV RCV ADV RCV ADV RCV RCV GOA RCV RCV SNR RCV GOA RCV APT T OF T OF T OF PAGE 02 1�7 14:38:43 - - 0IT22/1997 1C740 01,22,9� QADR - PtJBLIC 464800 CN 94-4?7-502 94-071-893 94-064-935 94-052-883 94-050-759 94-042-471 94-006-489 94-006-511 94-004-923 6122923580 ST. FAUL POLICE SZNGLE HISTORY OF 1190 SECTOR: 1 O1/41/94 - DATE 06J�7J94 05/28/94 05J16/94 04j24/94 04f21j94 04f05j94 OlJ17J94 O1/17/94 O1J12f94 TIME 0047 1659 2345 1353 0015 ioa� 0008 0125 2349 ST PAUL PD PERSONNEL INCIDENT TRAq(ING RANDOLPH AV GRID: 186 O1/22/97 Tl3CIDENT VANDALISM TfiEFT ALARMS THEET �USP BCTZVITY TIiEFT ALARMB ALARMS ar,r�xris DI3P AP'P RCV ADV RCV RCV GOA RCV RCV RCV RCV SYSTEM PAGE 03 ?-��' 14238:43 Q�,DR compieted finding 59 records ��� � � \, �� r� � N J h � O F U W 6 � N J H O T Y Vf L Y % aw� o a. � L Y 6 N 6 H � V 6 W F O p O 3 Y 0 � F � 1�-� � w N � � ... a �i a p � 3 E � W '9 d W � P D M�� m C N O Z .�. s- U� �p 4 • U \ w � 6O� 3 N�O � s N C Y LL'O Q O d� C M Y N U � F� N J I1 0 W L � L rc �. o m Q s �r Y L t0 C C 41 w .� '�O r W 2 C s J a 6 O M U N S y F- [S O d m m Y Q W � y N � y C (p S N N G ~ tiZ•� g O � O � c�'i �' a � � J p I[1 J 2 L P 6' LL 2++Nt- iic�� rvi6�� W � Q s a J O C 2 z 0 P N O� Q N H Z 1�- � , ti OC J 6 J 00 �o W U O U O D � J f� {L H 6 0QOL > c� "' �o m C M W \ ZvO��- �a�mo 6�- /A\CIU O v0 N�-4 �'6 W O s_ � L � O Y F 4 d ~ d N L O W w .. a c rc Y � $ � � d 0 LL � .F F 6 U � � G O �ma U S � I-� W � O O Y�+ m � N O W ¢ _ !/1 � Q � W F� �-- 2 Q � ao � W � J'J'� � m m LL Y W C r C 4 W � Q x a O C z 0 P � Q � O 0 0 � F 2 2 W > S Y W 6 6 0 W L W Nr a� y °� m a.i iai OY F-� m U 2 N U O 'i'��OJ W Y00�f.� 0 q � V O C N N LL ��� �� '-P� U\ ol UO w w� H\U TNO � O y L � � LL'a (p 62 Z N'O O N C O Q W L d N Y C O W O U J O. ~ Q • L W� E 2 Z h U �m u�ww 0 ONQ�+y p U Q U p 9 Y r n O O �O n. �- P M CI a- a..- O r o ` U\� D n��c N \ U � O d W LLa � C O L p 6 �+ a Ul lI 0 f N K J d � � 2 � � � u W Y C � w x �n .� wa mE� c�r mw�m • W N 'ON • F-S W W N OII- Q C 2'�iF a(. �- Q� • , �C��+ J W •C('J QF- � aF-c�o O�UN �FU�lO �SJ� U N J W N H � 2 W>� W S N 3 >�c� ��ouz m2 6'3r p �Q�� W a � T. � N W F Q C Q LL W C Q O H y 402�OdtQCM ^'f'JO JCN � UO` • N t�UYIF Z-�+y4�0 S�+KO W �+ SQ �Q42wK OQ21-O }W26U �O JNW>!-1 �ON� J426 LPO\d 02`-2 �iLMW�v U11-TWFUNVlO Z S S S� 2 L'J O S Z 1-1--Y-Y-1-�+QO�-vW W � 4 x a O G 2 z 0 P � P � O J � 1-� H LL LL � Q 6 N t�.'1 {.�.'1 U U U �+ W 6 S O S O K p W d W p � O N M ti N W p A O� W W :� � -- � • L W 6 � E Z � b W +�+M N m b \ b 2�p+ o w�oV 1M� � N \ U O � O N LL'O ¢ W O a+0� Y� J O C O1 W v OI °C w � V L O � N • W W •^t- � z 3 z�� . a a 2 K � £ Q W LL U N O Q K WOCpt� 5(O W F- W 1- 1L p 2 S �OK4 W G 2 a 6 = H NO�+N � J �'j J LL CO� 2 d Y� F- U' O Q W S J J f•J 1-- • O M F Y � z h-d<6 W � d x a O O a � 0 P d P � O W E H i G O U ° o� Y O = Cu O�� ^ t-a m � U \ M S 6N�C 41\U � � ✓ G O Y p O. � N C J a J m O w� � z � � Y 10 > 0 LL c 4 � Y W J W S 1- S 1� x c� t- H W J C I'� J m�z `s yJ W . SF�F�[JN O O � 6 � S Z m � S a 1 � / ca � 5 O U J Q t- O 6 W J J S j J G � Q O J Z U 1'Qr W P• 6U Q�W.. H . U' 1� C S Q t J Z �J ~ SY�QC.r2 N W W O U� �OJ�L'U �+6'�J W W � N i K o J >�+�+WZ S x > 6 2 t W W J F O Q Q N 6 W � 6 x a O 0 Q K 0 P d P �O O R' W � U f y X � W 3 U r s O M W 1 M1 Q N h P P ��-��� � J � 1- 2 4 J O Y F Y L Q W O W y Y W 6 W 2 W N C T U W N a a=�m WV���l..lC ,lLQCQ�C >O.o m C d W 2 2 W� y ... - O p = Q � � f-PNWr� •O U\ Ol J U m W N W�O OW W `--1 N\ U 2 W LL� ��O EOx Z oWwuf-4u+ �t'6�u]N •��¢ OalOOW�-KY ++ oczzs Fd a SFN� O. W p 5 � tll S W N •�O NC I�J�+1'P z " . � m > r N Q O m � O N � W C (9�-W50 W O�1 £._ C tL 2 10 � L `m s�.O W L O. o� Y P m C .O 2 �+ O O -p �-- P YI [1\N a°� MI \ U � O d � 4 � O Y O I� N J d W � z � C W U 2 � r S �- CKH az4 � � a su+c £1'6U..� U� LL � swwwa I�y2Z� > OOU W W W h O C t- y Qi.�N h Q U � t�KN W Np 2 6 O S S W 3 E r � y > O � Y W S • Z W u�.� 2O W NH�`-Z On'22 F- 1- 'E F� .-� 6 W � a x n O O 6 K 0 P W P ut O 0 2 6 a U W � N P . 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