97-192Presented By Re£erred To °"'iFzi F. E t r^+ 3'�6 F"? C1 � � ` "�` ' ,� ; i0J j� Council File # � 1 l� Green Sheet # ��Z� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Committeeo Date 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County and the Saint Paul Public Schools comprise the 7oint Property Tax Advisory Committee (7PTAC) pursuant to M.S383A.75, and WHEREAS, the State ofMinnesota has created a Youth Initiative (Bonding) Grant Program pursuant to Laws of Minnesota, Chapter 463, Section 4, to make available fiznding to design, furnish, equip, repair, replace or construct parks and recreation building and school buildings to provide youth in grades four through eight with enrichment activities during non- school hours and that will provide equal access and programming for girls, and WHEREAS, the JPTAC recognizes the need to provide such enrichment activities for the youth of the City of Saint Paul, and seeks to submit an application for the Youth Initiative (Bonding) Grant administered by the Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning, and WHEREAS, the administrative staff assigned to this project have met and conferred with community representatives and delivered to this body an outline of the process to secure and present proposals for consideration in the application to the State of Minnesota, and WHEREAS, three Youth Enrichment Collaboratives exist in the City and currently provide programs for the tazget population. NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RE50LVED that each of the member bodies of the 7PTAC will present this resolution to its City Council, Commission and Board, respectively, to authorize the JPTAC to act on it collective behalf in determining the projects that will be submitted to the State of Minnesota for grant consideration, and BE IT FURTAER RESOLVED that a Steerin� Committee will be formed whose task wi11 include the estabtishmenf and implementation ofthe process to request, receive and evaluate proposals from the communities and recommend projects to the JPTAC for inclusion in the application to the State of Minnesota for said grant, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Steering Committee will be composed ofthree administrative staff from each of the JPTAC members and three community members from each of the three Youth Enrichment Collaborative areas, the latter of which may not be staff from the participating jurisdictions, and one citizen member who individually renresents an area outside the six targeted neiQhborhoods renresentin� each of the City's CIB the County's CIP. and the School District's Citizens Long-Ranae Plannine Committees and alternates from each represented group, and 1'� / ��"!�°,��El+� � : :at t k'; : �i �._. 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 °�� - tqa BE TT FURT'EIER RESOLVED that the City of Saint Paul is identified as the "lead agenc�' in this effort, whose task it will be to organize, facilitate and coordinate the efforts of the Steering Committee, and BE TT F'LTR'I`HER RESOLVED that administrative staff are hereby authorized to submit a preliminary appIication to the Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Leariring by February 14, 1997 in order to establish a placeholder for a later, more complete application, and BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED that proposals to be included in the application to the State oflvTinnesota will �niyinehi$e give priority to those projects physically located witkun the boundaries ofthe Citizen Participation Planning Districts known as: Summit-University, Thomas- Dale, North End, Payne-Phalen, Dayton's Bluff and West Side, or for projects that provide a majority of its services to youth within these districts, and BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED that once the criteria for selection of projects are developed and published to the communities of the City of Saint Paul, no additional criteria will be added in this bonding cycle. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that this resoluYion supercedes that agreed to and adopted on February 12, 1997. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: � .----�� Z ��i�.�--�_ Approved by Mayor: Date �! a/? �- By: � By: Form Approved by City Attorney i� I � ` i�, ► �L/,. - �7 Approved by Mayor for Submission to council � By: ��/ ^-- Adopted by Council: Date � ,Q�-, �,� _ �9�{� -�— °��t -iqa. OEPMiMENTAFFlCEACOUNqL DATE INITIATED 4 0 2 2� Ntayor Coleman's office 2-18-97 GREEN SHEE CONTACf PERSON 8 PHONE INfT1AVDATE INRIAUDATE � �EPARTMEM DIRECTOfl � CRY CAUNdL Chuck Armstrong 266-8530 A�+�GN �Cf1YATfORNEY �CT'CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATk7 p�Y�nN�FOR � BUDGET OIFECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICE3 DIR. Februdx'y 26, 1997 OPOEP �MqyOR(ORASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATUHE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACT70N RE�UE5TED; Modi£ication of the authorization for the process surrounding after-school youth enrichment capital funds. FECOMMENDA71Wa5: PERSONALSEHViCECONTRACTSMUSTANSWEHTFiEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked untler a contract for this departmeM? _ CIB CAMMITfEE _ YES NO 2. Has this personRirm ever been a city employee? — ST � — YES NO _ DIS7RIC7 COURi _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city empiqree? SUPPOflTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IECTIVE? VES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and ettech to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. IS3UE, OPP�RTUNITY (Who. Whet, When, W�ere, Why). Addresses agreed upon chanqes to the process and steerinq committee that was identified in the resolution adopted on Febrary 12, 1997. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Moves the joint project, between the three units of government and representatives of the community, forward. DISADVANTAGES IF APPqOVED� Council Research Center F"E� ? 9 ?�97 DISADVAMAGES IF NOTAPPROVEO: This resolution defines a compromise between the interested parties and is advantageous for the continuation of the process. TOiAt AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDItiG SOURCE AC7IVITY NUMBEH FINANCIAL INFOPhiATION: (EXPLAIN) Presented By Re£erred To °"'iFzi F. E t r^+ 3'�6 F"? C1 � � ` "�` ' ,� ; i0J j� Council File # � 1 l� Green Sheet # ��Z� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Committeeo Date 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County and the Saint Paul Public Schools comprise the 7oint Property Tax Advisory Committee (7PTAC) pursuant to M.S383A.75, and WHEREAS, the State ofMinnesota has created a Youth Initiative (Bonding) Grant Program pursuant to Laws of Minnesota, Chapter 463, Section 4, to make available fiznding to design, furnish, equip, repair, replace or construct parks and recreation building and school buildings to provide youth in grades four through eight with enrichment activities during non- school hours and that will provide equal access and programming for girls, and WHEREAS, the JPTAC recognizes the need to provide such enrichment activities for the youth of the City of Saint Paul, and seeks to submit an application for the Youth Initiative (Bonding) Grant administered by the Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning, and WHEREAS, the administrative staff assigned to this project have met and conferred with community representatives and delivered to this body an outline of the process to secure and present proposals for consideration in the application to the State of Minnesota, and WHEREAS, three Youth Enrichment Collaboratives exist in the City and currently provide programs for the tazget population. NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RE50LVED that each of the member bodies of the 7PTAC will present this resolution to its City Council, Commission and Board, respectively, to authorize the JPTAC to act on it collective behalf in determining the projects that will be submitted to the State of Minnesota for grant consideration, and BE IT FURTAER RESOLVED that a Steerin� Committee will be formed whose task wi11 include the estabtishmenf and implementation ofthe process to request, receive and evaluate proposals from the communities and recommend projects to the JPTAC for inclusion in the application to the State of Minnesota for said grant, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Steering Committee will be composed ofthree administrative staff from each of the JPTAC members and three community members from each of the three Youth Enrichment Collaborative areas, the latter of which may not be staff from the participating jurisdictions, and one citizen member who individually renresents an area outside the six targeted neiQhborhoods renresentin� each of the City's CIB the County's CIP. and the School District's Citizens Long-Ranae Plannine Committees and alternates from each represented group, and 1'� / ��"!�°,��El+� � : :at t k'; : �i �._. 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 °�� - tqa BE TT FURT'EIER RESOLVED that the City of Saint Paul is identified as the "lead agenc�' in this effort, whose task it will be to organize, facilitate and coordinate the efforts of the Steering Committee, and BE TT F'LTR'I`HER RESOLVED that administrative staff are hereby authorized to submit a preliminary appIication to the Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Leariring by February 14, 1997 in order to establish a placeholder for a later, more complete application, and BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED that proposals to be included in the application to the State oflvTinnesota will �niyinehi$e give priority to those projects physically located witkun the boundaries ofthe Citizen Participation Planning Districts known as: Summit-University, Thomas- Dale, North End, Payne-Phalen, Dayton's Bluff and West Side, or for projects that provide a majority of its services to youth within these districts, and BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED that once the criteria for selection of projects are developed and published to the communities of the City of Saint Paul, no additional criteria will be added in this bonding cycle. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that this resoluYion supercedes that agreed to and adopted on February 12, 1997. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: � .----�� Z ��i�.�--�_ Approved by Mayor: Date �! a/? �- By: � By: Form Approved by City Attorney i� I � ` i�, ► �L/,. - �7 Approved by Mayor for Submission to council � By: ��/ ^-- Adopted by Council: Date � ,Q�-, �,� _ �9�{� -�— °��t -iqa. OEPMiMENTAFFlCEACOUNqL DATE INITIATED 4 0 2 2� Ntayor Coleman's office 2-18-97 GREEN SHEE CONTACf PERSON 8 PHONE INfT1AVDATE INRIAUDATE � �EPARTMEM DIRECTOfl � CRY CAUNdL Chuck Armstrong 266-8530 A�+�GN �Cf1YATfORNEY �CT'CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATk7 p�Y�nN�FOR � BUDGET OIFECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICE3 DIR. Februdx'y 26, 1997 OPOEP �MqyOR(ORASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATUHE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACT70N RE�UE5TED; Modi£ication of the authorization for the process surrounding after-school youth enrichment capital funds. FECOMMENDA71Wa5: PERSONALSEHViCECONTRACTSMUSTANSWEHTFiEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked untler a contract for this departmeM? _ CIB CAMMITfEE _ YES NO 2. Has this personRirm ever been a city employee? — ST � — YES NO _ DIS7RIC7 COURi _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city empiqree? SUPPOflTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IECTIVE? VES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and ettech to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. IS3UE, OPP�RTUNITY (Who. Whet, When, W�ere, Why). Addresses agreed upon chanqes to the process and steerinq committee that was identified in the resolution adopted on Febrary 12, 1997. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Moves the joint project, between the three units of government and representatives of the community, forward. DISADVANTAGES IF APPqOVED� Council Research Center F"E� ? 9 ?�97 DISADVAMAGES IF NOTAPPROVEO: This resolution defines a compromise between the interested parties and is advantageous for the continuation of the process. TOiAt AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDItiG SOURCE AC7IVITY NUMBEH FINANCIAL INFOPhiATION: (EXPLAIN) Presented By Re£erred To °"'iFzi F. E t r^+ 3'�6 F"? C1 � � ` "�` ' ,� ; i0J j� Council File # � 1 l� Green Sheet # ��Z� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Committeeo Date 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County and the Saint Paul Public Schools comprise the 7oint Property Tax Advisory Committee (7PTAC) pursuant to M.S383A.75, and WHEREAS, the State ofMinnesota has created a Youth Initiative (Bonding) Grant Program pursuant to Laws of Minnesota, Chapter 463, Section 4, to make available fiznding to design, furnish, equip, repair, replace or construct parks and recreation building and school buildings to provide youth in grades four through eight with enrichment activities during non- school hours and that will provide equal access and programming for girls, and WHEREAS, the JPTAC recognizes the need to provide such enrichment activities for the youth of the City of Saint Paul, and seeks to submit an application for the Youth Initiative (Bonding) Grant administered by the Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning, and WHEREAS, the administrative staff assigned to this project have met and conferred with community representatives and delivered to this body an outline of the process to secure and present proposals for consideration in the application to the State of Minnesota, and WHEREAS, three Youth Enrichment Collaboratives exist in the City and currently provide programs for the tazget population. NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RE50LVED that each of the member bodies of the 7PTAC will present this resolution to its City Council, Commission and Board, respectively, to authorize the JPTAC to act on it collective behalf in determining the projects that will be submitted to the State of Minnesota for grant consideration, and BE IT FURTAER RESOLVED that a Steerin� Committee will be formed whose task wi11 include the estabtishmenf and implementation ofthe process to request, receive and evaluate proposals from the communities and recommend projects to the JPTAC for inclusion in the application to the State of Minnesota for said grant, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Steering Committee will be composed ofthree administrative staff from each of the JPTAC members and three community members from each of the three Youth Enrichment Collaborative areas, the latter of which may not be staff from the participating jurisdictions, and one citizen member who individually renresents an area outside the six targeted neiQhborhoods renresentin� each of the City's CIB the County's CIP. and the School District's Citizens Long-Ranae Plannine Committees and alternates from each represented group, and 1'� / ��"!�°,��El+� � : :at t k'; : �i �._. 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 °�� - tqa BE TT FURT'EIER RESOLVED that the City of Saint Paul is identified as the "lead agenc�' in this effort, whose task it will be to organize, facilitate and coordinate the efforts of the Steering Committee, and BE TT F'LTR'I`HER RESOLVED that administrative staff are hereby authorized to submit a preliminary appIication to the Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Leariring by February 14, 1997 in order to establish a placeholder for a later, more complete application, and BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED that proposals to be included in the application to the State oflvTinnesota will �niyinehi$e give priority to those projects physically located witkun the boundaries ofthe Citizen Participation Planning Districts known as: Summit-University, Thomas- Dale, North End, Payne-Phalen, Dayton's Bluff and West Side, or for projects that provide a majority of its services to youth within these districts, and BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED that once the criteria for selection of projects are developed and published to the communities of the City of Saint Paul, no additional criteria will be added in this bonding cycle. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that this resoluYion supercedes that agreed to and adopted on February 12, 1997. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: � .----�� Z ��i�.�--�_ Approved by Mayor: Date �! a/? �- By: � By: Form Approved by City Attorney i� I � ` i�, ► �L/,. - �7 Approved by Mayor for Submission to council � By: ��/ ^-- Adopted by Council: Date � ,Q�-, �,� _ �9�{� -�— °��t -iqa. OEPMiMENTAFFlCEACOUNqL DATE INITIATED 4 0 2 2� Ntayor Coleman's office 2-18-97 GREEN SHEE CONTACf PERSON 8 PHONE INfT1AVDATE INRIAUDATE � �EPARTMEM DIRECTOfl � CRY CAUNdL Chuck Armstrong 266-8530 A�+�GN �Cf1YATfORNEY �CT'CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATk7 p�Y�nN�FOR � BUDGET OIFECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICE3 DIR. Februdx'y 26, 1997 OPOEP �MqyOR(ORASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATUHE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACT70N RE�UE5TED; Modi£ication of the authorization for the process surrounding after-school youth enrichment capital funds. FECOMMENDA71Wa5: PERSONALSEHViCECONTRACTSMUSTANSWEHTFiEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked untler a contract for this departmeM? _ CIB CAMMITfEE _ YES NO 2. Has this personRirm ever been a city employee? — ST � — YES NO _ DIS7RIC7 COURi _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city empiqree? SUPPOflTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IECTIVE? VES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and ettech to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. IS3UE, OPP�RTUNITY (Who. Whet, When, W�ere, Why). Addresses agreed upon chanqes to the process and steerinq committee that was identified in the resolution adopted on Febrary 12, 1997. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Moves the joint project, between the three units of government and representatives of the community, forward. DISADVANTAGES IF APPqOVED� Council Research Center F"E� ? 9 ?�97 DISADVAMAGES IF NOTAPPROVEO: This resolution defines a compromise between the interested parties and is advantageous for the continuation of the process. TOiAt AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDItiG SOURCE AC7IVITY NUMBEH FINANCIAL INFOPhiATION: (EXPLAIN)