97-189� c��l R .� { i�� { v Presented By Referred To Council File # - 1 � Green Sheet # � �U `S RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3'� Committee _ Date WHEREAS, Peter Lobinsky, in PED File No. 96-247 and pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code §§ 60.554, subd. 4 and 64300(d) applied for a special condition use permit to allow outdoor sales of used automobiles on property located at 672 Arcade Street and legally described as Lot 1; Otto's Subdivision of Lot 15 of Otto's Subdivision; and WHEREAS, on October 31, 1996, the Zoning Committee of the Saint Paul Planning Commission, in accardance with the requirements of § 64300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, conducted a public hearing on the application of Peter Lobinsky at which all persons were given an opporiunity to be heard, either in person or in writing, on the said application; and WHEREAS, on November 8, 1996, the Saint Paul Plaxu�ing Commission, based upon the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public heazing as substantially reflected in the minutes thereof, made Findings of Fact and denied the said application as set forth in Saint Paul Plamiiug Commission Resolution Nuxnber 96-66 which is incorporated herein by reference and which shall become a part of this resolufion; and WHEREAS, on November 27, 1996, the applicant, Peter Lobinsky, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code § 64.206, filed an appeal of the decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission by alleging an enor in fact, procedure, or finding, of the Plamiing Coxnxnission and, specifically, that the application of a11 ordinances on the property creates a hardship. Said appeal is incorporated herein by reference and shall become a part of this resolution; and WHEREAS, acting parsuant to § 64.206 through § 64.208 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and upon notice to affected parties, a public heazing was duly conducted by the council of the City of Saint Paul on December 26, 1996, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heazd; and WHEREAS, the council of the City of Saint Paul, having heazd the statements made at the public hearing and having considered the application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolutions of the Planuing Commission and of its Zoning Committee, does hereby; RESOLVE, and find that there was no error as to fact, finding or procedure on the part of the Plauviug Commission and its Zoning Committee and hereby �rms the decision of the Saint Pau1 Plamiiug Commission in this matter for the reasons contained in Plawiiug Commission Resolution No. 96-66, Findings No. 1(a) - 1(d) which aze specifically adopted herein and need not be repeated here for the purposes of brevity. T 2 3 4 5 6 a� -c�q AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appeal of Peter Lobinsky is in a11 things denied; and AND BE TT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Peter Lobinsky, the Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: ���,��.,� _ _ - Approved by Mayor: Date �/'�l£7 BY: �vv` By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: �.���'� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council : Date �.�, o�. �r��`� °�� -t89 OEPAHiMEMT�OFFICE/COUNCIL �ATE INITIATED �J U �J �� Office of City Attorney a-iai99� GREEN SHEE CONTACTPERSON & PHONE INITIAVDATE INfT1AUDATE ODEPAR'fMENTDiAECTOfl aCITYCAUNdL Peter VTarner 26�g71� N yBERFOR � CITYAfTORNEY Q CRYCLERK MU5T BE ON CAUNCR pGENDA BV (DATE) �� O BUOGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES OIR. 1 1 7 � O MAVOR (OR ASSISTADfT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Finalizing Ciry Councril acrion taken December 26, 1996, denying the appeal of Peter Lobinsky to a decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission pertaining to 672 Arcade Street. flECAMMENDA710NS: Approve (A) or Reject (A) PEHSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER iHE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNINCa COMMISSION __ CIVIL SEfiVICE fAMM1S$ION 1- Has this personHirm aver worketl under a con[ract for Mis departmen[? _GIBCOMMITfEE _ YES NO _� 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTHICTCOUqT _ 3. Does Mis erSOMPIrm ossess a skill not nofmall p p y possessed Dy any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICN COUNCIL OBJEGTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on sepalate sheet antl attaeh to green shcet INITIATING PROBLEM. �SSUE. OPPBRTUNITY (Who, Whet, When, Where, Why): ADVANiAGES IF APPRWED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: Council Research Center {� c � 1 4� I997 DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: � � � TOTAL AMOUNT OF iHANSACTION $ COST/HEVENUE BUDC+E7ED (CIRCLE ONE} YES NO FUNDIiBG SOUACE ACTNRY NUMBER FINANCIAL WFORFSATION: (EXPWIN) OFFICE OF TFIE CITY ATTORNEY �� j �.q _� ( � f• CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemm�, Mayor February 10, 1997 HAND DELIVERED Nancy Anderson City Council Research Room 310 City Hall/Court House RE: Appeal of Peter Lobinsky 1996. Dear Ms. Anderson: Civil Division 400 Ciry Hal[ 15 West Kellogg BZvd Sa"vetP¢u� Minnesom 55102 Telephone: 672 266-87I0 Facsimile: 672 298-56I9 db Heard by Council on Deaember, Attached please find a signed original draft of a resolution memorializing the decision of the City Council on December 26, 1996, to affirm in all things the decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission and thereby denying the appeal of Peter Lobinsky. Please see that this matter is placed on the earliest council consent agenda. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Very ruly yours, P te���� Assistant City Attorney cc: PED Planing � - DEPARTMEN7' OF PLANNING �Y � /�� & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � � � ��, CTTY OF SAIlVT PAUL Norm Caleman, Mayor December 3, 1996 Ms. Nancy Anderson CiTy Council Reseazch Office Room 310 CiTy Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: Division ojP[mining 25 West FourUe Sheet Saint Paut, MN55102 Te[ep3wne: 612-266-6565 F¢csimiZe: 612-228-33I4 I would like to conFirm that a public heazing before the City Council is scheduled for Thursday December 26, 1996 for the following appeal of a Planning Commission decision denying a special condition use permit: Appellant: PETER LOBINSKY File Number: #96-247 Purpose: Appeal a Planning Commission decision denying a special condition use permit to allow outdoor sales of automobiles. Address: 672 ARCADE STREET (northeast corner of Arcade & Mazgazet Streets) Legal Description of Property: Lot 1; Otto's Subdivision of Lot 15 of Otto's Subdivision Previous Action: Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval vote: Unanimous, 11/8/96 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval vote: 7-0, 10/31/96 My understanding is that this public hearing request will appeaz on the agenda for the December 11, 1996 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the heazing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6582 if you have any questions. Sincerely, � �� �1.� Ka y Da lez CiTy Planner Zoning Section cc: Fi1e #96-247 Mike Kraemer Donna Sanders . . � .- - . � . ='NOTIEE OF PUBLIC �ARING � � �� � - - . "� 9'he Saiat� Paul �City Council will conduM �a� public hearing �on, Thtirsday , '�December.�26: 1896; aE 4:30 p:m.;�City Coqncil Chambers, Third Floor City Hall, ' tqtonsider the appeal of.Peter Lobinsky to a decisiojrof thePlanning Com�v;'ssfon denyiag a special condition use permit to allow outdooi sales�of automohiles at� 672 Arcade Streef`(northeast corner of.Arcad_e anfl Mazgazet Stre�ts)�, Dated D"ecember 4-, I998 � - - _ _ - _ -' - - - -� � . NATVGY .9NDERSON � - � � -� � � � - � � , > Assistant City Cduncii Secretary_ -- - � " _ - - _ -. �, ., _ _ _. - ,, IDecember 6, 1996J_ -� _ - . DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING &. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � � l� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co[eman, Mayor December 13, 1996 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Division of Plmming 25 West Fnwth Sdeet Telephone: 6I2-266-6565 Sa'vuPaul,MN55102 Facsimile:672-228-3314 RE: Zoning File #96-286: PETER LOBINSKY City Council Heazing: Aecember 26, 1996 430 p.m. City Council Chambers Pi.IRPOSE: Appeal a planning commission decision denying a special condition use permit to allow outdoor sales of automobiles at 672 ARCADE STREET (northeast corner of Arcade & Margazet). PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION• DEDIIAL Unanimous ZONING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: DENIAL 7-0 • STAFF RECOMMENDA'ITON: DENIAL SUPPORT: No persons spoke. Thirty-eight letters were received in support. OPPOSITION: Four persons spoke. The Dayton's Bluff Center for Civic Life voted to oppose the special condition use permi� Dear Ms. Anderson: • PETER LOBINSKY has appealed the decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission denying a special condition use permit to allow outdoor sales of automobiles on property at 672 Arcade STREET (northeast corner of Arcade & Mazgaret). The Zoning Committee of the Saint Paul Planning Commission held a public heazing on the request on October 31, 1996. The applicant and his representative addressed the committee. At the close of the public heazing the committee voted 7-0 to recommend denial of the permit. The Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation for denial on a unanimous vote on November 8, 1996. This appeal is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on December 26, 1996. Please notify me if any member of the City Councii wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public heazing. Sincerely, � --�.�.�,..� Ken Ford Planning Administrator APPLICATION FOR APPEAL Department oj Planning and Econamic Development Zoning Section 1100 Ciry Ha11 Anner 15 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 266-6589 APPELLANT PROPERTY LOCATION City St.P�vv Zip 5�{Q� phone 4�' ��3� 738-�1'7� i Zoning File IJame ��-�� �b�hS�i Address/Location �P�2 nv tkxCX.Q ��YP-�� 7YPE OF APPEAL: Application is hereby made for an appeal to the: ❑ Board of Zoning Appeals 6d City Council under the provisions of Chapter 64, Section , Paragraph _ appeal a decision made by the P1...,.,,..,� C .. of the Zoning Code, to on !v / 3 i , 19 9G. File number. 96- 2¢� (d ate of de cisio n) GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Explain why you feel there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by an administrafive officiat, or an error in fact, procedure or finding made by the Board of Zoning Appeais or the Planning Commission. T �L ��4�1nih, �mM�>Ji.I� �J.C4il�uH W4� ��RN�<� i 4M teM1T•`�T - f{„ C.}... G.o.,�r...� W:ll �.� 0.PPI.c...'Fh o'� �.�1 arJt. on -�'(,� Aru.�3c("� Gf��.ic> S LtA-��.Q�12.' Tht p('aP�>c+{ VSC w :�' l 1 � b � b�.,..�,��;fi �� r�:,ab..tioo�p w,.� -rc-• �� � � LJ � Attach addifional if ApplicanYs signat������ Datel<— a1 City ��2?1R� - _ .�.,�.g, ,. �� %�'� • Kady Dadlez City of St. Paul Division of PIanning 25 W. 4th St St Paul, MN 55012 RE: Special condition use permit to atlow outdoor sales of sutomobiles. File #46-247 Dear Ms. Dadlez: Enclosed please Snd 20 copies of the materials to accompany my special condition use pemut applicatian. The materials include a drawing of the proposed site, a site plan, a cvritten commentary regazding the business plan and history of the site, the letter of intent between Marv Sayer and myself and the leiters of support from neighboring businesses and individuats. The letters of support were prepared when I planned to go into business with Mr. Sayer at the Iocation. As you �ow, tfie plans wese changed so I will putchase the ]and from Mr. Sayer and • go into business for myseLf. Please contact me if you have any questions, n Very trutp yours, � Pete L PL/jw Enc. � �. .� _ _ _ � .. . APPENDIX Appeal Documents Letters of support from local residents Letters of support from local businesses Planning Commission resolution, 11/8/96 Planning Commission minutes, 11/8/96 Zoning Committee minutes, 10/31/96 Staff Report, 10/24/96 Original Application, 9/30/96 City Council resolution, 3/20/96 Planning Commission resolution, 12/15/96 City Council resolution, 12/10/92 Planning Commission, 9/25/96 Letter of Support Maps 1-7 8-29 30-47 48-49 50-51 52-56 57-62 63-71 72-73 74-76 77-78 79-80 81 82-84 � � • 'i ,�' � � . .- � , . .'3�_ � "t � � i f �', 9 (� � i ry� � .. i � �� �� x +� � a�ec-.�: .. �. r�an.-. '' � '�� �` ,�c ;� � t ` �_� i+) 9 � ��� � �� � �,��ro �cc���x��c� Ap�licant Peter Lobinsky 2546 Stillwater Road, Maplewood Bom in 1945 and resided on St. Paul's East side until 1960, when his family moved to North St. Paui , and he graduated from North St. Paul High School in 1964. Peter has a 23 year old daughter and 21 year old son. Automobile financing has been Peter's profession for 15 years, most recently with LB Sales. Business Name: Auto Acceptance Location: 672 Arcade Street Parcel Size: 123' of frontage on Arcade Street and 39.41 of frontage on Margaret. Office Building is 325 square feet, leaving a 4595 square foot lot for parking automobiles. Financing: Applicant will enter a servicing agreement with Credit Acceptance Corporation, who provides financing to customers. Purpose: Sel{ previous4y owned automobiles to people wfio need to estabfish credit. Empioyees: One fuil-time and one part-time. Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Renovations: Exterior painting to the office building, landscaping, repairing and painting the fence along the eastern property line. Plant 3 Boulevard trees, fix the existing Pylon sign, and general clean up. Other Tenants: Cathy Buschman, lndependent Insurance Agent. Practices: Cars wili not be parked on the street. Cars wili not be repaired on the lot. H istorv Tfie site was at one time used as a gas station. Untii the early 1980s there was a repair garage and commerciai building on the north part of the lot. The foilowing is a chronology of recent approvals: 1976 The board of zoning appeals approved three variances for a 12 car parking lot. The one variance relevant to the use now proposed was variance of a required 10 foot side yard setback between B-3 uses and the adjoining residentiai property. 1981 Special condition use permit approved for used car saies for 666 Arcade Street (south part of the site). �982 License was issued for used car sales for four cars. � 9 �-/�� , 1983 Special condition use permit for used car sales approved with 10 conditions inciuding limit of 16 cars for sale, 2 parking spaces, and 6-foot visuai screen on east property line. 1987 Site plan approved for used car sales; requires a screening fence along east property line and bol4ards with chain to contain cars on site. 1988 Speciai condition use permit appiication filed and then withdrawn for trai(er sales. 7989 Special condition use permit approved for used car sales. Planning commission resolution indicates 14 car limit including parking; SCUP limits sale cars to 10. 1992 Staff recommended approval of the special condition use permit for used car sales with nine conditions. The pianning commission denied the permit. 1995 Special Condition Use Permit for used car sa{es was approved by the Pianning Commission. The District 4 Council appealed the Planning Commission's decision to the City Council, which denied the permit. � Zonina Section 60.544 (2) permits outdoor sales space for exclusive sale of new or secondhand automobiles, house trailers or rental of trailers or automobi(es, all subject to the following: a. The lot or area shali be provided with a permanent, durable and dustless surface, and shail be graded and drained as to dispose of all surface water accumulated within the area. b. Vehicular access to the outdoor sales area shall be at least sixty (60) feet from the intersection of any two (2} streets. c. No repair or refinishing shall be done on the lot uniess conducted within a complete{y enclosed building. d. The minimum !ot area shall be f+fteen thousand (15,000) square feet. A site pian shall be submitted showing the layout of the vehicles for sale or rent, employee parking, and customer parking. Section 64.300 (d) of the zoning code requires that before the planning commission may grant approval of a principal use subject to special conditions, the commission • shall find that: a. The extent, location and intensity of the use will be in substantial 3 � 7 /�9 • compliance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Pian and any appiicable subarea plans which were approved by the city council. The use wiil provide adequate ingress and egress to minimize fraffic congestion in the public streets. c. The use wil� not be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety and generat welfare. The use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. e. The use shall, in all other respects, conform to the appficable regulations of the district in which it is located. ro osal The parking area has a permanent, durable and dustless surtace, and is graded and drained as to dispose of ail surtace water accumulated within the area. [Sec. 60.544 (2) (a)l• � The driveway on Arcade Street is approximately 72 feet from the intersection with Margaret and 60 feet from the intersection with Arcade Street. [Sec. 60.544 (2) (b)]. No major repairs or refinishing wili be done on the lot. [Sec. 60.544 (2) (c)]. The proposed use will not generate a significant amount of tra�c. The average daily traffic volume on Arcade Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets is 6,700 (July, 1991). [Sec. 64.300 (d) (b)]. The use wili not impede the normal and orderiy development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. [Sec. 64.300 (d) (d)]. The proposed use is a relatively low intensity commercial use whicfi is appropriate given the residential uses to the south of the site. The used car lot will not be detrimental to the character of the neighborhood or endanger the public safety and general welfare. Denial The previous denial was based on Sec. 64.300 (d) (a), which states: the extent, location and intensity of the use will be in substantial compliance with the Saint Paui Comprehensive Plan and any applicable subarea plans which were approved by the city council. u � q � ��y � Sec. 64.300 {d) (e), which states: the use shall, in all other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. Sec. 60.544 (2)(d) which requires: The minimum lot area shal! be fifteen thousand {15,000) square feet. A site plan shall be submitted showing the layout of the vehicles for sale or rent, employee parking, and customer parking, Sec. 60.300 (d)(a) which requires: The extent, location and intensity of fhe use will be in substantiai compiiance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and any applicabie subarea pians which were approved by the city council, Sec. 64.300 (d)(cj which requi�es: The use will not be detrimental to the existing character of the developmen4 in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety and general weifare, and Sec. 68.300 (d)(e) which requires: The use shall, in all other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the � district in which it is located. Most of the above sections cited for reasons for denial deal with bufFering the commercial use from fhe residential areas, specifically the use of set backs and landscaping requirements. If the zoning code was imposed without variance, application of the 4 and 6 foot setbacks, the required landscaping between public rights of way, the 10 foot setback from the residentiaf area and the parking space requirements limit the commercial use of the property to a car lot. The city of St. Paul reaiized the hardship in the 1970's and 1980's and granted the variances and use permits. Denying such use now would be an arbitrary capricious decision, and wouid deny any reasonable use in the current zoning ciassification. Application of the newly enacted minimum 15,000 square foot requirement ordinance creates a hardship to the applicant; therefore, the applicant seeks a variance. The property has historically been used for auto sales, which is the property's only feasibie commercial use. Adapting the praperiy to another commercia{ use would require expanding the existing building, which wouid violate one of the setback requirements. Denying tfie variance to the 15,000 square foot requirement would restrict the commerciai uses and establish a taking of the property. Conclusion The applicant has a solid business pian for the property, which wiii be an asset to the � community. The applicant needs both a specia4 condition use permit and a variance from the lot size requirement for auto sales businesses. � 9� �� � Letcer of Intent This letter of intent is entered into between Marv Sayre and Peter Lobinsky for purposes of selling 672 Arcade Street, St. Paul, (the Property) Minnesota owned by Sayre. Sayre intends to sell and Lobinsky intends to purchase the Prooerty on the following terms and conditions: 1. The purchase price is $89,900, which shall be amortized over 30 years_ 2. The sale will be by Contract for Deed. 3. The interest rate wi11 be 9% per annum. 4. The Contract will have a balloon payment after 10 years. Lobinsky intends to purchase the Property on �he forgoing terms provided: 1. The City of St_ Paul approves a special use permit for the Property allowing for the sale of used cars. � 2. Lobinsky can repaint the building and fence on the property to light brown, tan or light grey (with use of contrasting trim). 3. That Sayre enters into a Purchase Agreement to se11 the Property prior to submission of the application of th2 special use permit � � Marg St r e et Grass o = � Sidewalk p,�',�'� � � � Display 1 �'' �w � U � R ... q„ p CL a � Display 2 A Y ??yN; 6� Saa. > :., : . a ;: =t". ..�,;. :i%y�F: L1%i•�< " r�, :�:;� . �_i ���.r�a- . + i!: < . �:N ;;:. + ji�:i; �: �q �T%?<�;:>� .. . . I Display 5 Dispiay 6 Display 7 � � (Customer, ❑ �_� a� w o Customer 3 O0 Customer ao a w .X W (Customer Dispiay 8 Display 9 � � � � a � A O � 7-. � a m .., A Alley � � N � N � � ...f. � o d 4 � O `� � � � � � � V � � s E W N � � A !� � �1 � w � � � � � � 0 � � � � �� �� � t.. q�,�y AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra££ic in the acea, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! ,�< � , h . ���(� �� �;`v � ��R�cf/`� S�' e e- � � 7..�� � I�� � .��(yi���" ��'��� �� � �, � ,�. , � � �� �Ct"i�e-Ss ����� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED " � �~ � � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto ioans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security Por the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! � ,, . /��/ f .Jc/ � X �� f �i � �� , � ��,� - � 3 �� �f V�c�.� � �, , C�-�e�-�1�1� ,� 9 7 i�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed £or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company wil,l be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5gm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance glan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation o£ being labled an "eyesore". We £eel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traf£ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra£fic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! . 7 f�..L�.-(� ��,�'�^' � � '��� C l' � (�� - I � I I 97 /�� � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto saies business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are �wo Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. TFiANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � ��'^'� � � C ��� N � � � , ��,� C"� � � v �� ' � �,/�� � � ;,�- ���" � ' .� � � �� 1'Y' AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED " ���� u � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. Triis company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We £eel we would be an asset to your community by creating ! a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traf£ic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � � � �� (�5 C �'�, � , �J ���� �� � ��r�� � 13 q� ��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � i Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these posifiive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. we are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra£fic. I£ you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOII FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! . -��I �c��� ��� � �'' � �'�� � i� °� �� � 14 97 /�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. Zt also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. I£ you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � `(�'� �-f�r�A, � � , ,,y �� (� � v `� ����� �-` � ��'��-`�-. � `�`�������i� � 15 AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED q 7 /�� �J � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Seturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra££ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: � � s� {1 u l�e ���/�� �G� ar �� S� �� ��� i �,`��� �� 3 ��".� � � �+� � � AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED 9 7 ��� Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOIIR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!: ❑ �-� ma� ��� �� g � `n'��ar� S;t S� � � � � o � � l? �7 /�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GIIARANTEED u � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterios painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business wi11 not be serviced on the groperty as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security Por the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra£fic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! � � �" ����"" � / � � `1 L�._.e -Fc /` S � s-,.{"'io' 6 � 97 /� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed £or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It aiso assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business wiil be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean �p the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as we11. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECZATE IT:: ti t��(( �M � �� � �'� � q� ��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed £or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Pau1, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Aours o£ operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra£fic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!: �r � ��� � � ��� � � �-� s l °� `� � ��'`�- w '� �-��` �� � � ��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brougrit up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. TAA[dK YQU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: � dm1 � � �� ' '�r"Gv L�/'�r%1�,� 2� q7 /�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED r LJ � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinskv was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating � a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traf£ic in the a�ea, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOtiR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! �` �M c � �� i S� � � �� zz � � ,� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOAIvS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county renidents. Peter isnb.lnsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre w3s Y,rouah* up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours o£ cperation for thi� new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business wi11 not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these posifiive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!: ��/�/��`��/ IVCi/t. � �� /, � / � � 1 �s ! ,2��dYl� y /-� 1��' i �� p���1 ��� �s.�ro� ��� 23 �? ��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St, in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours o£ operation for this new business wi11 be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners oP Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles own�d by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's zeputaticn o£ being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by crea�ing a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in sugport of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: � ich�: � � � re-a- ;��� , � � � ��51, �-e ��/ s�'�°�6 �� ���� � � 24 � � 0 �� ��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AU`PO LOANS GUARANTEED � Auto Acceptance is designed Por people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours o£ operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation � of being labled an "eyesore" We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traf£ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! + , ��� l� / � �;/d�-�v �`�`' � � � s l ���,/ . � �7 ��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these posifiive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. we are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: � n L. � ��C� l �C`'S /( G� I �E !-,,� �-�t��e G.G���/� ��� � i � � 26 _ ' ' � _ m - - q� / f AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARAN_?'EED u � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who =�.eed to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at b72 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would agpreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! � ��� �'� 3� �'ne�� �fs� ��. l ��o�✓'b � � -��� SS��-� z� 97 /�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AIITO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was bosn and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours o£ operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am ti11 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the a�ea, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in supgort of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! � (�L-� i� `Inb�•. Q�-Ee+'�'s� �as-� ��" (�w �� / O�'�'C� 5�.�` �jE�st�l�-V(,� � � � At3T0 ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. Triis company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Pau1, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation � of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traf£ic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APP CIATE IT!! i � ��__=='�� � ( �-� �� � � �F � ��� ���_ �� ` ��� m � s � � � � � r� � 97f�� . � AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED Auto Acceptance is designed for geople who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Accegtance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as we11. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traf£ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra£fic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THASVK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: � ' �1 � . �,� � � ,Y��-� '�` � �%�C'���- ���~��� �i`�G-�e c ! t � �.�'�-� � � ��= , � �� �-� � �� C �L� �� L ������,� i z- �1�'- s � ����� � � �� ��i� ATJTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am ti11 Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neiqhborhood. We are not tryinq to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT?! �,% �,, �'�C��w ��1de�+� T�j ��� �7�� � ��� �� ss��� . � 7?a 3dr0 � q� i�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-Ai3T0 LOANS GUARANTEED �� � Auto Acceptance is designed £or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business wi11 be M-F 9am ti11 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating �� a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK Y U FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: � \ � t ` ���E►� .(�o�vc� (1������r E�sf `7`f� .v�sr � �ss /�SS ��� �� �-r � �i , �� �1v1�� ���� �v�2 a� y ��-�.s 33 9"7-/�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business wi11 be M-F 9am ti11 7pm, Saturdays 9am ti11 Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE ��REC�E IT!! ` !.� �r�� � � i, , � � />�1��'� ��� � _sl z� � �� 3�- 9'�-�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed £or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was barn and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business wi11 be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business wi11 not be serviced on the progerty as well. We feel these posii changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security tor the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!: k f GiJ� Cl(�`� � C .2 J x0` . 1\ �\i 5,,, r i � � � i� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on trie East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as we11. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! � �-�.�'�,� �°�.��� �-�` �'t�.�-� ���� p� 5������ � 97 /�y AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St, in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the groperty at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by trie business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We £eel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in supgort of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: �.r/�/L �r�ivL�=L L�-'4 c� �� �/�� -f �'c G�.b� ���Y��� � �7 �� i� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTESD � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company wi11 be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. TYie owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born an� raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation � of 0eing labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra£fic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this getition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT " �--�� �, c r,� r�l C �c � � � I c� �v (.e� � : �`��--i�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-estahlish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul_ The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and . raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business wi11 be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st, with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled en "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating':, a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying ta create increased tra£fic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOiJR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!? C�1$! 3r+li �1.lT'� �o�� e�.��r �r� STREET �JT. �N��, l4 55106 ;���1 7i�-11�6 RTC 1000 E. 7TN ST. ST. PAUt, M�l 551U6 � � �' � �-z�-�� � �� i�y AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS G1IARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business wi11 be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st, with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". we feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra£fic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traf£ic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your siqnature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � a_1�'2 = ��.�-� ���� e�/ � ,' ' :1c'/t— % / l �� �,� �S l� � � / ! � 4 1� % 1 ��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED u � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auta sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to ciean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traf£ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra£fic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: � �� �� G ��� , /��e\� � �� � � v' � �� �z���� � �� ������ � 9"7 ��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed £or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at b72 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 4am ti11 Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the progerty at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased treffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! i u � _,. �` �.�� � 4 : `-- � :�:�^�' `-" h c:� � 85'_ . St. F " . ,. _ _ ' �_�' ' 77�=-� � , �z,�l� �� 9 7 /� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GIIARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-estiablish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St, in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Satuzdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these posiYive changes wi11 rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore" We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. I£ you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! � ��� � ����� �-,--- � �� � � � � _ . _� ,�: .c�� �� �� ����� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � i Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 6?2 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business wi11 not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating � a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra£fic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: f Cr� ��� � ���� /� G� �'C�'�s � d,,� s � r� e � s u= f �` ���� ���� ��Ier J � y ��� S f� GL V ✓ � Y .� 9�-r�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed £or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obta3ning auto loans. This company w'ill be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st, with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating � a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traf£ic in the acea, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tzaffic. If you are in support oP our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! ��-{ `�_I�� fCbi.. �e*crsJ �a r fi �1 r" � �� S' + Lt E s S � Gc1 cti €� (� �'�`P C.�* "1 � �� �� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED s � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company wi11 be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St, in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the acea, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! ��o_,_<.t�.'�c�r�c9--- ������ �o_ti�� `���9� �. . � 7 `�� � � �'� ��y AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GTJARANTEED � Auto Acceptance is designed £or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours o£ operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st, with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation � of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � C;�Gi�:ti � '.f��cc,�- ��� �G��".�-C ���� ��f f � 1��� � � 9� ��y �city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 96-66 �te November 8, 1996 WHER�AS, PETER LOBINSKY, file //96-247, has applied for a Special Condition Use Permit under the provisions of Sections G0.544(2) and 64.300(d) and of the Saint Paut Legislative.Code,to allow outdoor sales of used auromobiles, on properry located at 672 ARCADE STREGT, legatly described as I_ot 1; Otto's Subdivision of Lo[ IS of Otto's Subdivision; and WIIGREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hcaring on October 31, ]996, at �ti�hicfi all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant [o said application in accordance with the requirements of Sectio�� 64.300 of [he Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WIIBRGAS, dic Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Conuuittee at the public hearing, as substantial(y reflected in d�e tninutes, made tlie following findings of facr. 1. 1'tic prop�led use does not conform to several of the required findings for special co�idition use • PCfllll($ S�)CCI�IC(] IIl SL'CUOIIS C)O.S4��Z� and G4.300(J) of dic zoning codc. 7'hcsc condi�ions and tlie inability of tlie proPosed uie to meet them arc as follows: a. '1'ke utiuinr�un lol area slrall be frjtccu lhoasnnd (I5, 000) sqr�are fcet. il site plan s/raf! Ge seibn+itled slrorvi�tg tlte layor�t of !/re relricles for sale or �eut, enrplo}'ee parking, aitd cr�slonter parkirtg. This condition is not mct. Thc sitc has a tot arca of 5,242 square feet, including one-lialC of tlte allcy. 1'liis is ),758 square fcet Icss [ha�t required. G. 7he exte�et, tocntio�t a�:d i�rte�tsity of tlie use wilt be in substairtiat conrpliance tivitle the Saiiet Paul Conrpre/iensive Plart �nd auy applicable subarea plans which were approved by the city council. This condition is not met. One of the land use and zoning goals of the District 4 Plan states, "to promote better buffering between residential, commercial, and indus[rial land uses on and around East 7th Street,..." p. 13. The District 4 land use policy states that the district eouncil will support development af new or redevelopment of existing structures in industtial or commercial areas only when accompanied by parking provisions as established in the zoning code and by proper landscaping. The applicantis able to provide the required off-street parking but there is not adequate space on the lot to provide the required setback and moved by Morton � seconded by m favor °nani�us against ,- �, �``� � ,:-:,�� r -� ': ;�i,..,� : • �:.+. Planning Commission of Saint Paul . �,;;� `r� E Executive Board Room "�??� ��. :� '� ¢� 4`.�� � Wortd Tradc Center ' . � �''-= '� ��,.t`,,,�' � � �'-" . �• �i �,�.< r� � �� 30 Seventh Street �Ycst z-� �c �` i��.�,' �`� Saint Paul Minnesota 55101 �'•�-t:'' ��'' F ss,�. �_ A meetii�o of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, November 8, 1996, at 9:45 a.m. in the Executive Board Room of the World Trade Center. Commissioners Mmes. Birk, Duarte, Faricy, Geisser, Maddox, Morton, Treichel Prescnt: and Wencl, and Messrs. Field Jr., Gordon, Kramer, Lee, Mardell, McDonell, Nowlin, Schwichtenberg, Sharpe and V1u�ht. Commissioners Mmes. *Lund-Johnson and Messrs. *Chavez and *Gumey. Abscnt: *Excused • Also Present: ICen Pord, Planning Administrator; Jean Birkholz, Kady Dadlez, Nancy Homans, Allen Lovejoy, Lucy Thompson of the Planning Staff; and Leon Pcarson thc of Pubiic Works Staff. I. Tlu swe.iring in of Newly Appointed P1lnning Commission Members Ms. Peg Birk, Ms. Esperanza DuaRe, and Mr. Dick Nowlin were sworn in as members of the Saint f'aul Planning Commission by City Clerk, Mr. Pred Owusu. Chair McDonell congratulated and welcomed the new commission members. ivfOT'ION i II. Approval of Minutes of October 11 and October 25, 1996 IIL Chair's Announcements arid Chair McDonell announced that Commissioner Chavez underwent heart surgery last week. The Commission has sent a plant to him. IV. Planning Administrator's Announcements • - Mr. Ford stated that Mr. Chavez had been at St. Joseph's Hospital, downtown Saint Paul. He is resting at home now and doing quite well. - Framework Planning Process: Tomorrow, Saturday, November 9, is the Cherette for the Precinct Plan for the West Side, the fourth in a set of four precinct plans (Upper `JO K:ISHAREDW LPJJNI NG Wi�NUiES.FRM 9�-��� ❑ MZD7IJTES OF THE ZONTNG COtiL�tITTEE CITY COUNCZL CHP1•IBERS, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ON OCTOBER 31, 1996 PRESENT: Mmes. Faricy, Morton and Wencl; Messrs. Field, Gurney, Kramer and Vaught of the Zoning Committee; Mr. Warner, Assistant City Attorney; Mmes. Dadlez and Sanders and Mr. Ryan of the Planning Division. ABSENT: Chavez, er.cused Time: 3:32 - 4:30 p.m. The meeting was chaired by Gladys Morton, Chairperson. To allow outdoor sales of • r1 LJ Kady Dadlez, Planning Division staff, reviewed the sCaff report and presented slides. Staff recommended denial of the special condition use permit based on findings 2d, 3a, and 3e of the staff report. The Dayton's Bluff Center for Civic Life voted to oppose the special condition use permit application. One letter of support was received from Hud & Rl's Brake Service, 695 Arcade Street. A petition of support was also submitted by the applicant. Commi�sioner Field asked what the staff recommendation had been regarding the 1995 request for a special condition use permit for a used car lot £or this property. Ms. Dadlez responded that sta£f had recommended denial in 1995. Commissioner Kramer reviewed that since the 1995 case that a minimum lot size requirement of 15,000 square feet for outdoor sale of automobiles had been established by the planning commission. Eric Thole, Attornay with Clinton & Taylor P.A „ 8750 90th St. South, spoke representing the applicant, who was also present. Mr. Thole stated that Mr, Lobinsky was in the pxocess of purchasing the property, with the outcome dependent upon the SCUP. Mr. Thole reviewed that the proposal is for Auto Acceptance, a used car lot that would include financing through a franchise agreement set up with Credit Acceptance Corporation, with a representative located on-site. A majority of the business would be done by computers and over the phone and customers with credit problems would be targeted, and he said it would not be operated as a standard used car lot which would generate a lot of customer traffic on the lot. Mr. Thole reported that repairs have been done to bring the site up to code and that a certificate of occupancy has been issued. The applicant intends to paint the facility, landscape the site, and do general clean-up. No auto repair would be done on-site and all off-street parking could be supported on the site. Mr. Thole referenced materials provided commissioners by the applicant containing a site plan as well as a list of neighbors and businesses that support the proposal. Zn reviewing staff's report he addressed a£ew issues. d2 �� �� • would not have nearly the problem with the application if the square footage were significantly closer to the 15,000 square feet required. Commissioner Vaught disagreed that the property could only be used as a used car lot. He reviewed that it is zoned B-3 and there are any number of uses which are allowed in a B-3 zone. He said he was a concerned about the rhetoric that there is no other reasonable economic use for the property, saying that it would not be true simply because the client seeks to put a used car lot at the location, but that isn't evidence enou:-t� to mandate that conclusion. Commissioner Vaught referenced the applicant's letter of intent noting that it was contingent upon the SCUP being granted. He established that there isn't any chance of the taking of the property with respect to the applicant if the permit is not approved as the applicant has the ability to back out of the deal. Commissioner Gurney noted Mr. Thole's statement that the property had a long history of being a car lot, although he said that in the 20 year period documented as history that it apparently amounted to a very short amount of time because there were frequent requests for new SCUPS. Gurney asked if the applicant could provide the actual amount of time it was operated as a used car lot. Mr. Thole could not provide that information, however said it was indeed used as a used car lot. Steve Asmus, 871 Margaret Street, spoke on behalf of the 800 Margaret Street Block Club, in opposition. Mr. Asmus confirmed that the lot has been used for car sales from time to time and said the neighborhood had nothing but problems from cars for sale being parked in the street. He said in between the SCUPs thac old used car parts and junk cars have been stored on tfie lot. Mr. Asmus • explained thaC the main reason for neighbors' signatures on the petition of support was that they wished to see the site cleaned up and a business located there, but that they do not wish to see a used car lot. He suggested the site would be appropriate for insurance or credit company purposes. Commissioner Vaught advised that if the neighborhood desired to see the property not be used as a used car lot that they consider doing a study that might lead to a rezoning other than B-3, as used car lots are an allowable use with a special condition use permiC in a S-3 zone, however the minimum square footag_ is the issue in this case. He also suggested that the neighbors might contact the owner or the applicant to attempt to devise a plan that might work £or all. Mr. Asmus responded that the neighborhood has submitted suggestions to the owner of the property as well as have sent potential renters to him. FIe said that much of the neighborhood's opposition to the proposal is that they do not believe the lot size is large enough to handle that type of business. Greg Auge, spoke in opposition on behalf of the Dayton's Bluff Community Council. He reported that Mr. Lobinsky presented his proposal to the Land Use Committee which then voted to oppose the SCUP and that subsequently the board voted for denial as well. He further stated that the board has been consistent in its opposition o£ a used car lot at this location. Harvey Asmus, 860 Margaret, spoke in opposition. Mr. Asmus expressed concern that parking is already a problem on the street due to a number of multi- family dwelling units in the neighborhood and said that much overflow parking goes into the street. He also mentioned traffic safety to be an issue due to obstruction o£ traffic from Margaret on to Arcade Street. Mr. Asmus said the proposal doesn't meet the neighborhood plan, that others have offered to purchase the property as well as to rent the property, with t•Sr. Asmus claiming • that the owner appears to have a preference for a used car lot. 3 � 9� ��j • Commissioner Field said he would support the motion because the 15,000 square foot lot area requirement is clearly not met. He said in the past it was argued that a small lot of this size was not economically viable. He didn't believe it was the commissioners' purpose to determine economic viability. The motion carried on a voice vote of 7 to 0. Drafted by: �°-"��� bonna Sanders • u Submit ed by� Appr ved by: 1. I ����/�� - ��, �,. K1Aa ,�� e-� � .�-�i� Kady Dadlez G1 ys Morton Chairperson 5 J� 97 �� . � Zoning File #96-247 Page Two 1982: License issued for used car sales for four cars. 1983: Special condition use permit for used car sales approved with 10 conditions including limit of 16 cars for sale, 2 parking spaces, and 6-foot visual screen on east property line. A neighbor spoke in opposition because previous conditions were not met. 1984: Field investigation by staff indicated several conditions not met including excess number of cars on lot, Margaret driveway kept open, no landscaping, and it appeared cars for sale parked in street. 1987: Site plan approved for used car sales; requires screening fence along east property line and bollards with chain to contain cars on site. 1988: Special condition use permit application for trailer sales was filed and then withdrawn. 1959: Special condition use permit approved for used car sales. Planning commission resolution indicates 14 car limit including parking; SCUP limits sale cars to 10. 1992: Special condition use permit for used car sales was denied by the planning commission. The applicant appealed to the city council which upheld the planning commission's decision. Staff had recommended approval of the permit with nine conditions as did the zoning committee. C J . C � In 1992 when the planning commission denied the special condition use permit to allow the sales of used cars, the basis of that decision was that the use did not conform to the required findings o£ 64.300(d). First, that the use would be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the area: on-street parking, theft and vandalism, and an 8-foot chain link fence would detract from nearby residential uses and recent improvements. Second, that the use does nat conform to the applicable regulations of the district in that the site does not provide the £our-foot setbacks with landscaping between public rights-of way and the parking lot as required by the zoning code. The site is too small to provide these setbacks and accommodate the proposed number of cars for sale. Finally, the planning commission denial cited the policy statement in the 23ear East Side Improvement Strategy recommending that land uses which are incompatible with adjacent residential uses (e.g. auto body shops, used car lots) be phased-out. The city council's resolution affirming the planning commission's decision cited the same findings. 1995: Special condition use permit for a used car lot was approved by the planning commission. Permit allowed 7 cars for sale and 4 off-street parking spaces. The District 4 Council appealed the planning commission's decision to the city council. The city council granted the appeal of the District Council and denied the special condition use permit. In 1995 when the planning commission approved the special condition use permit to allow the outdoor sales of automobiles it found that all of the conditions of the permit were met and approved the permit to allow 7 cars for sale and 4 off-street parking spaces. The city council's resolution overturning the planning commission's decision and denying the permit cited the � I g7 l� Zoning File #96-247 • Page Six conditions, when strict application of such special conditions would ��n reasonably limit or prevent otherwise lawful use of a piece of property or an existing structure and would result in exceptional tin due hardship to the owner of such property or structure; provided, tfiat such modification will not impair the intent and purpose of such special condition and is consistent with health, morals and general welfare of the community and is consistent with reasonable enjoyment of adjacent property. STAFF RECOL4+�NDATION: Based on findings 2d, 3a, and 3e staff recommends denial of the special condition use permit. `J • �Z 9� i�� • September 6, 1996 Mr. Ken Ford Plannin� Administrator City of Saint Paul 25 W. Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 ZC��i�9� �6�E q��241 RE: Special Conditional Use Permit for Auto Acceptance Dear Mr. Ford: Enclosed please find my application for a special conditional use permit along with supporting materials. The materials include a drawing of the proposed business, a brief description of the • business and zonin� history, the site plan, the letter of intent between Mr. Sayer and myself, and signatures from local supporters The si�natures of support are split into the categories of local business people and neighbors of the site. The supporters read the narrative above their signatures prior to signing the petition. The narrative in the petition incorrectly lists Marv Sayer as a owner/operator in the site. The Petitions were printed prior to the execution of the enclosed letter of intent. Marv Sayer will not be involved in the day to day operations of the business. Please contact me if you have any questions. Very Peter PL:jw � 1�' 9� /�' • � � ���ro �acc���r�,�c� Applicant Peter Lobinsky 2546 Stiliwater Road, Maplewood �C�����€� ��� � �►��2�7 i � Sorn in 1945 and resided on St. Pau{'s East side until 1960, when his family moved to North St. Paul , and he graduated from North St. Paul High School in 1964. Peter has a 23 year old daughter and 21 year old son. Automobile financing has been Peter's profession for 15 years, most recently with LB Sales. Business Name: Auto Acceptance ' Location: 672 Arcade Street Parcel Size: 123' of frontage on Arcade Street and 39.41 of frontage on Margaret. Office Building is 325 square feet, leaving a 4595 square foot lot for parking automobiles. Purpose: Sell previously owned automobiles to people who need to establish credit. Employees. One full-time and one part-time. Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m -5:00 p.m. Renovations: Exterior painting to the office building, landscaping, repairing and painting the fence along the eastern property line. Plant 3 Bou�evard trees, fix the existing Pyfon sign, and general c4ean up. Other Tenants: Cathy Buschman, Independent Insurance Agent. Practices: Cars will not be parked on the street. Cars will not be repaired on the lot, except for changing flat tires and jump starts. Histo The site was at one time used as a gas station. Until the early 1980s there was a repair garage and commercial building on the north part of the lot. The following is a chronology of recent approvals: 1976 The board of zoning appeals approved three variances for a 12 car parking lot. The one variance relevant to the use now proposed was variance of a required 10 foot side yard setback between B-3 uses and the adjoining residential property. 1981 Special condition use permit approved for used car sales for 666 Arcade Street (south part of the site). 1982 License was issued for used car sales for four cars. � 97_ �� Z������� ���� qb�utl • Section 64.300 (d) of the zoning code requires that before the planning commission may grant approval of a principal use subject to special conditions, the commission shall find that: a. The extent, location and intensity of the use will be in substantial compliance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and any appiicabie subarea plans which were approved by the city council. b. The use will provide adequate ingress and egress to minimize traffic congestion in the public streets. c. The use wili not be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety and general welfare. d. The use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. e. The use shall, in all other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. • Previous Ap�lication The following were found by the zoning committee at their December 7, 1995 hearing: The parking area has a permanent, durable and dustless surface, and is graded and drained as to dispose of all surface water accumulated within the area. [Sec. 60.544 (2) (a)1 The driveway on Arcade Street is approximately 72 feet from the intersection with Margaret and 60 feet from the intersection with Arcade Street. [Sec. 60.544 (2) (b)]. No major repairs or refinishing will be done on the lot. [Sec. 60.544 (2) (c)]. The proposed use will not generate a significant amount of traffic. The average daily traffic volume on Arcade Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets is 6,700 (July, 1991) [Sec. 64.300 (d) (b)]. The proposed use is a relative�y low intensity commercial use which is appropriate given the residential uses to the south of the site. The used car lot wiil not be detrimental to the character of the neighborhood or endanger the public safety and general welfare. [Sec. 64.300 (d) (c)]. • The use wili not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. [Sec. 64.300 (d) (d)]. i 1l�arg�.ret Street Grass o_� Side�valk p,�', �'�I � � � � Display 1 `"' � :7 d � N V �', � C � 1 j � � �Y � � y Display 2 A �I ° 4 ��a -'y- � ,y'. � ;�:`=•'a�Fs:v � � o ` �Si."�. � t �.I �A �`-�_;;^:Q:l:r° . x "�.:;:N�;: ` cs :r;.: : aii�ij!r�i:�'jS '�'C� .a.�.i�ci=..:�'� 1 �� 1 Display 5 �r � ea c. � A 00 M � � Q� � r � � �1 � � � � Display 6 �'{ .s� � a' �� �� �r� � � � �M � Display 7 � � iCustomer c � \ i' c: � o � Customer 3 1� �al Customer � L'7 � CItS� Display, 8 0 � � Display 9 R„ � A 38' Alley s N E W N 9 � ��� � � � l ' �� � r W � W � ��-i V �.�/ � O H � � 7U � • � C.ity P� file dai ,7� in ac znYUJf� � � � �_�,-�a A�'`�F 3 � Ep �o�ci?F!1� p — o�.�� � F f�.��:if-�l� � f Green sheet � 35645 � � RESOLUTfON , CITY OF SAINT PA , Y��� �. ZO��t�G F��.E 9�?� o Presented B Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 WHEREAS, Frederick Partlow, in PED File No. 95-255 and pursuant to Saint Paul 3 Legislative Code, Sections 60.554, Subd.(4) and 64.300(d), appIied for a special condition use 4 permit to allow outdoor sales of used automobiles on property located at 672 Arcade Street 5 and legally described as Lot 1; Otto's Subdivision of Lot 15 of Otto's Subdivision; aud 6 7 WHEREAS, on December 7, 1995, the Zoning Committee of the Saint Paul Planning 8 Commission, in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul 9 Legislative Code, conducted a pubiic heazing on the appiication of Frederick Partlow at which 10 all persons were given an opportunity to be heazd, either in person or in writing, on the said 11 application; and 12 13 WHEREAS, on December 15, 1995, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based upon 14 the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public heazing, approved the said 15 application as substantially reflected in the minutes thereof and made Findings of Fact as set 16. forth in Planning Commission Resolution No. 95-93 of the Saint Paul Planning Commission, C S<7 which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference and which shall become a part 18 of this resolution; and 19 20 WHEREAS, on December 29, 1995, the Dayton's Bluff Center For Civic Life filed an 21 appeal of the decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission pursuant to Saint Paul 22 Legislative Code, Section 64.206, alleging an error in fact procedure, or finding, of the 23 Planning Commission. Said appeal is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference 24 and shall become a part of this resolution; and 25 26 WHEREAS, acting pursuant to Sections 64.206 through 64.208 of the Saint Paul 27 Legisiative Code and upon notice to affected parties, a public hearing was duly conducted by 28 the Council of the City of Saint Paul on Januazy 24, 1996, where all interested parties were 29 given an opportunity to be.heazd; and 30 31 WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, having heard the statements made 32 and having considered the application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution 33 of the Planning Commission and of its Zoning Committee, does hereby 34 35 RESOLVE, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby overturn the 36 decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission in this matter for the following reasons: 37 38 1. The applicant's lot size of 4,847 square feet is not compatible for the proposed l( O use. 41 2. The proposed use is n�o '�n�c�onformance with the Neaz East Side Improvement 42 Strategy, a plan a�g` ` � y the Saint Paul City Council in 1989. The Near 4� East Side Improvement Strategy states as one of its goals "phase out 7 Z 97 /�y Zoning File �/95-255 ,. � Page Three of Resolution This condition is met. The proposed use is a relatively low intensity commercial use which is appropriate given the residential uses to the south of the site. The used car lot will not be detrimentai to the character of the neighborhood or endanger the public safety and general welfare. d. The use wili not impede the normai and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. This condition is met. e. The use shail, in all olher respects, con,form to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is Zocated. This condition is met. NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Plannin; Commission, that under the authority of the City's Legislative Code, the application for a Special Condition iIse to allow outdoor sales of used automobiles at 672 ARCADE STREET is hereby approved, subject to the following condition: 1. There shall be no more than seven (7) cars "For Sale" on the lot at any time and four (4) • off-street parking spaces shall be provided at all times. The total number of cars on the lot at any time shall not exceed 11. ZC3i�1 i �� '�� �..� °�b • 24� • �� ,: �; ; � � ; °� Y1 �:, l 3 4 � 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 75 16 17 1S 7) 20 21 22 23 24 2� 2C � y2 -/�'�.3 �. uses that are incompatible with adjacent residential uses (e.g., auto body C�,� /� shops, used car lots)." The NIS was accepted as a policy statement by the� Planning Commission and the City Council. �Vhereas, Pursuant to the provisions of Section 64.205, Greg Handzlik, duly filed with the City Clerk an appeal from the determination made by the Planning Commission, requesting that a hearing be held before the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the said Commission; and �Vhereas, Acting pursuant to Sections 64.205 through 64.208, and upon notice to affected parties a public hearing was duly conducted by the Ciry Council on November 19, 1992, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; and Whereas, The Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Zoning Committee and of the Planning Commission, does hereby Resolve, That the Council of the City of Saint Pau] does hereby affirm the decision of the Planning Commission in this matter based on the findings made and determined by the said Commission; and be it Further Resolved, That the appeal of Greg Handzlik be and is hereby denied; and, be it Finally Resolved, That the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Greg 1-Iandzlik, the Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission. L � � "—.r � �� B � ,� F „ �–`""""--�... � � � � �` �" q�,.�� ---___ e��� -------�_ Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Counci Secretary � B %�U^ c :�—V� roved by May� : Date OE� 1 8 19g2 / ./ s ��t.C./� �.E i: r s . Form B . Appr Coun By: , by City Submission to : Adopted by Council: Date DEC �. 0 1992 ��-��� • by the zoning code. The site is too small to provide these setbacks and accommodate the proposed number of cars for sale. While Section 61.103(b) requires side and rear yards of at least ten feet s:hen a business district adjoins a side yard in an adjacent residence district, the Board of Zoning Appeals granted a variance of this requirement £or this property in 1476. 2. The Near East Side Neighborhood Im�,rovement Strategy (NIS), completed in 1989, contains a set of strategies to address the issues of housing, economic development, neighborhood image, transportation, parks and recreation, land use and zoning, and education. The most relevant part of the document to the proposed use is the goals for economic development. These goals include "improv[ingj and maintain[ing] the vitality and appearance of commercial establishments and phas[ingJ out commercial uses that are incompatible with adjacent residential uses (e.g. auto body shops, used car lots)." (p. 23, goals 8& 9) The NIS was accepted as a policy statement by the Planning Commission and the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission that, under the authority of the City's Legislative Code,�the application for a special condition use permit to allow outdoor sales of used automobiles at 672 ARCADE STREET is hereby denied. • � ��������. ���,� �15�2 � �, ZC����� ���� �b•24 � � �o �4 9� i� �. i. SUNRAY-BAT'TLECREEK-HIGHWOOD 2• HAZEL PARK HADEN-PROSPERTTY HILLCREST � 4. DAYTON'S BLUFF 5. A E�'B 6. NORTH END 7. THOMAS-DAT.,E 8. SUMMTT-iJNIVERSITY - 9• WEST SEVENTH 10. COMO il. HAMLINE-MIDWAY 12. ST. ANTHONY PARK 13. MERRIAM PARK-LEXINGTON HAMLINE-SNELLING 14. MACALESTER GROVELAND 15. HIGF�.AND 16. SUMMIT HII,L 17. DOWNTOWN HAMLINE i ZQNING FILE � �� - z� CTITZEN PARTICIPATION PLANNING DISTRICTS DEpARTMENT OF PLANNING C�/ � J�"j(� & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � � 6 / CITY OF SAIIVT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor December 13, 1996 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 Ciry Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Divisiorz af Plmu�ing 25 Wesi Fwrth Szreet Telephone: 6I2-266b565 SentPaul, MN55102 Facsimile: 6I2-228-3314 RE: Zoning File #96-286: PETER LOBINSKY City Council Hearing: December 26, 1996 430 p.m. City Council Chambers PURPOSE: Appeal a planning commission decision denying a special condition use permit to allow outdoor sales of automobiles at 672 ARCADE STREET (northeast corner of Arcade & Margaret). PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: DENIAL Unanimous ZOI�IING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION DENIAL 7-0 . STAFF RECOMMENDATION: DENIAL SUPPORT: No persons spoke. Thiriy-eight letters were received in support. OPPOSITION: Four persons spoke. The Dayton's Bluff Center for Civic Life voted to oppose the special condition use permit. Deaz Ms. Anderson: � PETER LOBINSKY has appealed the decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission denying a special condition use permit to allow outdoor sales of automobiles on property at 672 Arcade STREET (northeast corner of Arcade & Margaret). The Zoning Committee of the Saint Paul Planning Commission held a public hearing on the request on October 31, 1996. The applicant and his representative addressed the committee. At the close of the public hearing the committee voted 7-0 to recommend denial of the permit. The Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation for denial on a unanimous vote on November 8, 1996. This appeal is scheduled to be heazd by the City Council on December 26, 1996. Please notify me if any member of the CiTy Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public heazing. Sincerely, l� Ken Ford Planning Administrator 9 �-��Y i x�a� D�� City of S`t. Paui Divisioa of Planning 25 W. 4th St St Paul, MN 55012 RE: Special condition ase pemut to atlow outdoor sales of automobiles. File #96-247 Dear Ms. Dadlez: Enclosed please find 20 copies of the materials Yo accompany my special condifion use permit apptication. The mat�rials include a drawing of the proposed site, a site plan, a written commentary regarding the business plan and history of the site, the letter of intent between ivfarv Sayer and myseif and the letters of support from neighboring businesses and individuals. The letters of support were prepazed when I planned to go into business with Mr. Sayer at the location. As you know, the plans were changed so I will purchase the land from Mr. Sayer and go into business for myself. Plea: Very � � Pete PIJjti Enc. .,.. , 1 + '. i I' _ � , - __. - - �"'_, - , ��� i � _ _ I ' i� � , yl ♦ f � � � �p � � � � ����� ���a�{�yr � � S � � � 1 ii� ���i x i , :;. « :.,��� � � _ � �� -��-�� �� � . -- � i i r ,'1! � ���� J �u��ro �,�c�+��r.�r�c� A�plicant Peter Lobinsky 2546 Stillwater Road, Maplewood Born in 9945 and resided on St. Paul's East side until 1960, when his family moved to North St. Paui , and he graduated from North St. Paul High School in 1964. Peter has a 23 year oid daughter and 21 year old son. Automobile financing has been Peter's profession for 95 years, most recentiy with LB Sales. Business Name: Auto Acceptance Location: 672 Arcade Street Parcei Size: 123' of frontage on Arcade Street and 39.41 of frontage on Margaret. O�ce Building is 325 square feet, leaving a 4595 square foot lot for parking automobiles. Financing: Applicant will enter a servicing agreement with Credit Acceptance Corporation, who provides financing to customers. � Purpose: Sell previousiy owned automobiles to people who need to establish credit. Employees: One ful(-time and one part-fime. Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m.-5:OQ p.m. Renovations: Exterior painting to the office building, landscaping, repairing and painting the fence along the eastern property line. Plant 3 8oulevard trees, fix the existing Pylon sign, and general clean up. Other Tenants: Cathy Buschman, Independent Insurance Agent. Practices: Cars wil( not 6e parked on fhe streef. Cars will nof be repaired on the iot. Histo The site was at one time used as a gas station. Until the early 1980s there was a repair garage and commercial building on the north part of the lot. 7he following is a chronology of recent approvais: 1976 The board of zoning appeals approved three variances for a 12 car parking fot. The one variance relevant to the use now proposed was variance of a required 10 foot side yard setback befween B-3 uses and the adjoining residential property. 1989 Special condition use permit approved for used car safes for 666 Arcade Street (south part of the site). � 1982 License was issued for used car sa(es for four cars. � 9 � ��y • 1983 Speciai condition use permif for used car sales approved with 10 conditions including limit of 16 cars for sale, 2 parking spaces, and 6-foot visual screen on east property line. 1987 Site plan approved for used car sales; requires a screening fence along east property line and bollards with chain to contain cars on site. � • 1988 Special condifion use permit appiication filed and then withdrawn for irailer sales. 1989 Speciai condition use permit approved for used car sales. Planning commission resolufion indicates 14 car limit inciuding parking; SCUP limits sale cars to 10. 1992 Staff recommended approval of the speciai condition use permit for used car sales with nine conditions. The planning commission denied the permit. 1995 Special Condition Use Permit for used car sales was approved by the Planning Commission. The District 4 Council appealed the Planning Commission's decision to tne City Council, which denied the permit. Zonina Section 60.544 (2) permits outdoor sales space for exclusive sale of new or secondhand automobiles, house trailers or rental of trailers or automobiies, all subject to the following: a. The lot or area shall be provided with a permanent, durable and dustiess surface, and shall be graded and drained as to dispose of ali surface water accumulated within the area. � c. Vehicular access to the outdoor sales area shall be at least sixty (60) feet from the intersection of any two (2) s#reets. No repair or refinishing shali be done on the lot uniess conducted within a completely enclosed building. d. The minimum lot area shali be fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet. A site plan shall be submitted showing the layout of the vehicles for sale or rent, employee parking, and customer parking. Sect+on 64.300 (d) of the zoning code requires that before the planning commission may grant approval of a principal use subject to special conditions, the commission shall find that: a. The extent, location and intensity of the use will be in substantial � � �-��� , compliance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and any applicable subarea plans which were approved by the city council. b. The use wiil provide adequate ingress and egress to minimize trafific congestion in the public streets. c. The use wili nof be defrimental to the existing character of the development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public heaith, safety and general welfare. d. The use wiil not impe�e the normai and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permiited in the district. e. The use shail, in ail other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. Proposal The parking area has a permanent, durable and dustiess surface, and is graded and drained as to dispose of all surFace water accumulafed within the area. (Sec. 60.544 (2) (a)1• � The driveway on Arcade Street is approximately 72 feet from the intersection with Margaret and 60 feet from the intersection with Arcade Street. [Sec. 60.544 (2) (b)]. No major repairs or refinishing wiil be done on the lot. [Sec. 60.544 {2) (c)]. The proposed use will not generate a significant amount of tra�c. The average daily traffic volume on Arcade Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets is 6,700 (July, 1991). [Sec. 64.300 (d) (b)]. The use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding properry for uses permitted in the district. [Sec. 64.300 (d) (d)]. The proposed use is a relatively low intensity commercial use which is appropriate given the residential uses to the south of the site. The used car lot wiil not be detrimental to the character of the neighborhood or endanger the pubiic safety and general welfare. Denial The previous denial was based on Sec. 64.300 (d) (a), which states: the extent, location and intensity of the use will be in substantial compliance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and any applicab/e subarea plans which were approved by the city council. • � 9�-/�� � Sec. 64.300 (d) (e), which stafes: the use shall, in all otherrespects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. Sec. 60.544 (2)(d) which requires: The minimum lot area shall be fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet. A site plan shal( be submitted showing the layout of the vehicies for sale or rent, employee parking, and customer parking, Sec. 60.300 (d)(a) which requires: The extent, location and intensity of the use will be in substantial compliance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and any applicable subarea pians which were approved by the city council, Sec. 64.300 (d)(c) which requires: The use wiil not be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the pubiic hsalth, safety and general welfare, and Sec. 68.300 {d)(e) which requires: The use shall, in ali other respects, conform to ihe applicabie regulations of the � district in which it is located. Most of the above secYions cited for reasons for denial deal with buffering the commercial use from the residential areas, specifically the use of set backs and landscaping requirements. If the zoning code was imposed without variance, application of the 4 and 6 foot setbacks, the required landscaping between public rights of way, the 10 foot setback from the residential area and fhe parking space requirements limit the commercial use of the property to a car lot. The city of St. Paui realized the hardship in the 1970's and 1980's and granted the variances and use permits. Denying such use now would be an arbitrary capricious decision, and wouid deny any reasonable use in the current zoning classification. Application of fhe newly enacted minimum 15,000 square foot requirement ordinance creates a hardship to the applicant; therefore, the applicant seeks a variance. The property has historically been used for auto sales, which is the property's only feasibie commercial use. Adapting the property to another commerciai use wouid require expanding the existing building, which would violate one of the setback requirements. Denying the variance to the 15,000 square foot requirement wou(d restrict the commerciai uses and establish a taking of the property. Conclusion The applicant has a solid business plan for the property, which will be an asset to the . community. The applicant needs both a special condition use permit and a variance from the lot size requirement for auto sales businesses. S 9 � /�� • Letter of Intent This letter of intent is entered into between Marv Sayre and Peter Lobinsky for purposes of selling 672 Arcade Street, St. Paul, (the Property) Minnesota owned by Sayre. Sayre intends to sell and Lobinsky intends to purchase the Property on the following terms and conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4_ The purchase price is $89,90�, which sha11 be amortized over 30 years. The sale will be by Contract for Deed. The inLerest rate wi11 be 9% per annum. The Contract will have a balloon payment after 10 years. Lobinsky intends to purchase the Property on the forgoing terms provided: 1 � 2 3 � The City of St. Pau1 approves a special use permit for the Property allowing for the sale of used cars. Lobinsky can repaint the building and fence on the property to light brown, tan or light grey (wi'th use of contrasting trim). That Sayre enters into a Purchase Agreement to sell the Propercy prior to submission of the apolication of the special use permit � Marg aret Stre Grass o � ` Sidewalk p,�'„�'� � � � Display 1 `'' �w � U � �' O C'L' � � � Display 2 A � a:{ S>:.� z � > - 2: "" a ° - . �-�. ::�;;< ea:-- ;= p4;` � yr. : t , ,�,�_ f�.�r;F , r �- > �h . r1::Y>�.y,_ . :Y,..,� .��.��� �� � . � Display 5 Dispiay 6 Display 7 , � � iCus�o=� � w o Customer � °O Customer ao c �: .� � , Customer u � � � � c�, � A Dispiay 8 0 � � Display 9 a, � ... A 38' Alley �� i�� � H 0 � � �. �.. v om 4 � 0 � � � � � � � � C.� � � S N E W N � F-� � ^ W � � w � � � � � �.J � � � � � � 9�-i�y 0 9� ��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � i Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We £eel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!: �`.```� ��'��� � .�� �, �i � � ��R�c�fl y S �' e C' � . � � � ' J ��� ; , �-, �1 �i��c�;� v � �/� ���, � r 'l, � �� ; CC C" 1�21-SS � fQ O /�/J 0 � � AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED �� i�� Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto ioans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE ZT:: � ,� i • ���/� . J � _� �,�.�.� ����, � 3 � �� y -� lM�� ���, , C�-�-Q�-� �� i�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED . • Auto Acceptance is designed £or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners oP Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these posifiive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating � a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traf£ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! : 7��� `��.,� -,/� C ✓� �; L � � � ��.(�� � l� �� i� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � . Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £ee1 these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. we are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra£fic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! • � � � , ��'' � � �� � �, r� c�/" � � v �� 3 ` �� �'�� �`� �' � �� �� � - .,� � (2 q�-��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED . � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating � a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! �� � (�.5 C �� ���,��\���,� �� ��� �� �. �� ��y AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � , Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours o£ operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am ti11 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st, with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra£fic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! C �I ;� o��(( t � c� �� 3 ��( G� �; E-! � � p' 1� i � " � (/����� �4 � �-f�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed �or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The ovmers o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st, with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these posii changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � �1�� �-��A. j _,�,�� ���a� �3�: � �c�,� � �'`�"`��..����iC � �s ���c�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED u � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will ri.d the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the acea, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: � s��� �G� f�/� � �//�, ���� ��� � � ��.�,�5 l�e �f���� S� �f ��� ���'�'� lb 9�--��� : AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED �J � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul_ The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lohinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours o£ operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and qeneral clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as we11. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: � �^��. f ` l�Q�w� 1 ��� �"�� g 3� �Yla�ar� S� S� �-� �� c o� 11 �� �� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paui's close suburbs. Hours o£ operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra£fic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WB APPRECIATS IT:! � '����' ��� ��>y [�_e-F�� .S s-,1"'id 6 � 9 � r ! � AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul are two Ramsey county residents. The owners of Auto Acceptance Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operetion £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore" We £eel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! ���� �M M �� � � �' � � e �7 ��`/ AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaininq auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traPfic. I£ you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!: � `,' � r �� � � 1 l � � � ` � /� , [ °� `�� � �� a � � 2 ��-�- ���-.Y�' ��'�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � . Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto ACCeptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Aours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra£fic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � � l I ' I � 7 � � � ��� ��:�-��� 2� ��-��y AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed £or people wrio need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto ACCeptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm. and 5undays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as we11. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating � a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! � � i ���� � � ( � �� � � ���� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOAISS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two kamsey county residents. Peter �a�b.insky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre wa� hx up in St. Paul's close suburbs. xours o£ cperation for thi� new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm: and Sundays the 6usiness will be closed. The owners o£ Auto �cceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with extzrior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation o£ being labled an "eyesore" We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. TIiANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � �/`X���� J�� �� � �� ` � r , I �sy ����;� 1��� �� ���I �t� �ss� � 6 ��� 23 � I � AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED . Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East 5t. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputaticn � of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by crea�ing a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TSME-WE APPRECIATE IT!: / ,�,, r� �'V) �ch�.� 1 � re a- %���/�� i �s � ��sl �''� �S �_1���/ � s��e�6 � � � �� ��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating �J a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traf£ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! , ' ��� �� �;/�av �'� �� � S� �c.,�.� . 25 �� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED . • Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours o£ operation for this new business will be M-F 9am ti11 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on trie property as we11. We feel these positive changes wi11 rid trie property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra££ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra££ic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � ��� �� l �E C-,,� �i�G�Gf� G_ �' � Il C G� l/G l�C`'S �`�'�2-� l L`� �- Z6 �_` �__ ��i� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARAN'?'EED u � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who i�.eed to establish or re-establish credit. Zt also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in Bast St. Pau1. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st, with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation o£ being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. TIiANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � ��,-� � �C�� �'I �� 4 `ne.� �TS,� J�--��/ �� �. � � .���� SS��S z� ���i� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general ciean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! ! ;rr. � l� ���;. P�{��1•�.. �us� �t� q:�-� ���, 8���� � s-� .— ��s � d � �,-� m 9� ��� �- AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � i Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born anci raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business wi11 not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We £eel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. 2HANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APP CIATE IT!! �� � � � 3 � �, _ '��� �--p-�_ �� ° ��`-� rn �"` S/�� � � 2�f ��-��� � 9�- � AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AiITO LOANS GUARANTEED Auto Acceptance is designed for people wrio need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and u raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WB APPRECIATB IT!! � ; y� L , i: �-� � ��C;�,,� ' ��c: -�. /,i���c� � �'�-� � z �= , � �2���.� y ���������� ��� • ������ � z ���- S � ���� 31 ! �J�`� � AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LdANS GUARANTEED u L � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st, with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes wi11 rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighbozhood. We are not trying t� create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on trie existing tratfic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!? ���;�,, ti���, ��la�fi� - r�j ��� �7�� � ��' �� s��r�� � 7�a �a�o 3z �'?r��Y AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AiSTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is desiqned far people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these posifiive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We £eel we would be an asset to your community by creating � a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra£fic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THAN�U FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! 1 \ C�.� l (2 / /� �� !�'1 F t� ,V Q C� vCV �� b"1�l VJ � I'' � Q S� � I � � �C� S� �f � S S �SS e� � i��i c Gj ��'l �1'�1 �G �c��� �v�2 a� y ��-�s � �� �� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am ti11 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the progerty as we11. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would tae an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra££ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE��REC�E IT!! , !J ur�� � � r -s l�� t��� � ��� � s� �',� `I `�� �3� 9�r�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St, Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We £eel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra££ic in the acea, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. TIIANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! �yzQ �''' , �,- J �• � � h " ° , e ��, N� � 35 q���� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St, in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well, We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation � of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra££ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would apgreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT?! � �-�'�.� ��-P.�.�� '�`� ��-�' /�'„�C��Q� 5�1��'�'� 36 �7 �� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED i . Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Ascade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business wi11 be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st, with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra£fic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traf£ic. If you are i.n support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE ITl: ��� ��� � �� ����b� ������ � 3� 9� f� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � �:uto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. Yt also assists gersons in obtaining auto loans. Triis company will be opening an auto saies business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours o£ operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as we11. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the acea, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra£fic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition, THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT?! ���(�� v�,ti c �✓ 1 �}— C�� � Z �' �v 0 � � � �?--/�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARAIdTEEP � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St_ in East St. Paul. The owners oP Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £ee1 these positive changes will rid the property's reputation � o£ being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating!� a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra££ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra££ic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � C� i �'sfh �i��o 10�� �fiSF 7t� STREET ST. €�.aUl., tvr�;�l 5510b ;fs12) 778 •'t1t�6 , �° � �. RTC 1000 E.1TH ST. SL PAUI, MN 55106 , � � �-z�-�� 3q � �-i� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED . • Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. xours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traf£ic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. TAANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! _ � ��,>e�� ' � �G� �'.�> �� J> �JJ�� �X.(/ /�• . � fc � G� �.l �� u � i j �� / ., � �-��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed £or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of beinq labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra£fic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. TI3ANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! • �� G ��' / � / t � v � �� 3 �� ��i�� � �� 4► � � �'�-� � � q7 �� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AIITO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people wrio need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St, in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ 5t. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul`s close suburbs. Hours o£ operation Por this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: Ci�� arnTi`� �-„ � i:�' �, �: . ... - 851 E. 5��. , � _.� � - St. Pa���, i = � � 774•C � � dZ �J AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARAI3TEED � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company wi11 be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Aours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to ciean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation � of being labled an "eyesore" We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra£fic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:S �� � ���� , ,� f �-., . � c� L-� �� �. _ �,� _ - � � � � JU i 43 ������ AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � , � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business wi11 be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these posifiive changes will rid the property's reputation o£ being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating � a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the acea, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traf£ic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! / �o,��s A� C'��� D��� � s �`�'� � s u , `'� 6� S r v� e� �. �� �� �Q � e �, y e c� v �QI!✓ �V � v� � 0 9 �"l�1 AUTO ACCEPTANCS-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � Auto Acceptance is designed Por people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It aiso assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of opezation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation � of being labled an "eyesore". We Peel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traf£ic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THAI3K YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:? � `F_1�� �dbi.• t"� � rl � 1 � �' �{.�C� ��! � � Vl � � � W � ��G� l.: �� VV �'"]�'�' � � � 9�-r�y AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AIITO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes wi11 rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. I£ you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! ��c������e� �tie�,� �c�a :< ` ��a_i�� ����� �. �Y3 � � �� � k� ��--��y AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation � of being labled an "eyesore" We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: i'o��.ti G���«�°�_-�- ,l� 22 ��..,�'/�- �✓ C �LC-� ���� � �r �� � i � � J li[I �7-i�� �' city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 96-66 (�te November 8, 1996 WHLRLAS, PETER LOBINSKY, file N96-247, has applied for a Special Condition Use Permit under tl�e provisions of Sections G0.54A(2) and b4300(d) and of the Saint Paul Legislative.Code, to altow outdoor sales of used auton�obiles, on property locared at 672 ARCADE STREET, tegaliy described as Lot 1; Otto's Subdivision of Lot 15 of Octo's Subdivision; and WIlGREAS, the Zoning Committec of the Plamiing Commission l�eld a public hearing on October 31, 1996, at tvhicli al1 persons present �vere given an opportuniry to be heard pursuant to said application in accordancc with tl�e requirements of Section 64.300 of tl�e Saint Paul Legislative Code; and �VIIGRGAS, 8ic Saint Paul Pianning Commission, based on the evidence �resented to its Zoning Connnittee at the public hearing, 1s substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of facr. ]. 9�hc proposed use docs not contorm ro scveral of the required findings for special condition use � permits specified in Sections fi0.544(2) and G4300(d) of the zoning code. 7'hese conditions and the inability of tlie proposed use to meet tl�em �re as follows: a. T'!ae tniuinu�m !o! arca sha!! Ge fif[eea lhousartd (I5,000) square fec1. il si[c p1ar� shall be subntitted showing t11e layord of the velticles for sale or reirt, �,rrntoy ptrrkiitg, aad c:tstonzer parki�:g. Tltis crnldition is not mct. Thc sitc has a tot area of 5,242 squarc fcet, induding onc-half of the allcy. ']"his is ),758 square feet lcss tlian required. �. The e.rte�rt, locatio�a a�:�i i�:te�esity of tl�e use wi(1 be i�: substar:tiat co»rplimtce wzth tlae Sai�rt Paul Cornpreherssive Plan aritl atry applicab[e subarea platts which were approved by the city cotazcil. This condition is not met. One of the I.and use and zoning goals of the Aistrict 4 Plan states, "to promote better buffering between residential, commereial, and industrial land uses on and around East 7th Street,..." p. 13. The District 4 land use policy states that the district council will support development of new or redevelopment of existing structures in industrial or commerciai areas only when accompanied by parking provisions as established in the zoning code and by proper landscaping. The appiicant is able to provide the required off-street parking but there is not adequate space on the lot to provide the required sethack and moved by Morton � sec by Unani�us S�IC1St , 'rr �-�-��� Zoning file €/9(-247 Pagc T�eo of Resolution landscaping and still acconunodate the proposed number of cars for sale. The Near East Side Improvement Strategy (NIS) completed in 1989 contains a set of strategies to address die issues of housing, economic developmen[, neighhorhood image, transpor[ation, parks and recreation, land use and zoning, and education. The most relevant part of the document ro ilte proposed use is the goals for economic developmen[. These goats include: 1) °concentrate commercial [and uses along e�isting commercial spines and at existing commerciai nodes; 2) improve and maintaia the vitality and appearance of commercial establisl�ments; 3) phase out commercial uses that are incompatible G;�ith adjacent residentiai uses (e.g, auto body s[iops, used car locs)." (p. 23, goais i, 8, and 9) The NtS was accepted as a policy statement by the planning con�mission and dze ciry council kut was not adopted as part of the city's compreheasive p1an. c. Tlie use tiri![ riot be detrimeatnl to d�e existing d�arncter of tlie devefopn:ent i�t the unmecliate neig/ibor/eood or endar�ger die public kealth, safety and general welfare. This condition is not met. The proposed car 1ot, according [o [I�c Near L-ast Side Improvement Strategy, is a commercial use that is incompatible wit[i adjacent residentiai uses and should be phased out. In addition, the limited vehicie turn movements atlocved at flie interseaion of Sixth & Margarct streets tvil! resutt in vehicle test drives on Margaret Street, a residential strcct. � d. The use shall, in a!( o[/acr respects, couforn� to tlie npplicaLle regidatious of the clistrict ia � x•/�ic4 it is located. 1'his condidon is not met. The site plan submitted does not provide [he required setbacks 4vid� ]andscaping between public rights of way and the parking (ot as required by tiie zoning code. The site is too sm.il( to provide thesc setbacks and stitl acconunodate the proposed numbcr of cars for satc. NOW, Tf1ERGFORG, I3E IT RESOLVED, by d�e Saint Paul Planning Commissiml, that under the authority of tlie Ciry's Le�islativc Code, che application for a Speciai Condition Use to atlow outdoor sales of used automobifes at 672 ARCADE STREET is hereby denied. . ,. 9? /�9 � ��=-='� ° f _,: •;.;� n� ;, ;; . t..� kJ, Planning Commission of SainE ]'au1 _� - -� ,.;� �; _ r '� Executive Board Room "'��� �� :, �;;� ' ,'t '� w � ; ; ,.. World Tradc Centcr ` _ :� � �� .~� 30 Seventh Street �Vest �4 �� �:<� 1>;f��� 3 Saint Pau! Minnesota 55101 �`?:-�� �"�' • F �� �� A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Pau1 was held Friday, November 8, 1996, at 9:45 a.m. in the Executive Board Room of the Worid Trade Center. Commissioners Mmes. Birk, Duarte, Faricy, Geisser, Maddox, Morton, Treichel Present: and Wencl, a�id Messcs. Field Jr., Gordon, Kramer, Lee, Mardell, McDonell, Nowfin, Sdnvich[enberg, Sharpe and Vaught. Commissioners Mmes. *Lund-Johnson and Messrs. *Chavez and *Gurney. Absc�it: *Gxcused Also Present: I:en Pord, Planning Administrator, Jean Birkholz, Kady Dadlez, Nancy Homans, Allen Lovejoy, Lucy Thompson of the Planning Staff; and Leon � Pearson tf�e of Public Works Staff. L Tl�c s�vcaring in of Newty Appointed P{lnning Commission Membcrs Ms. Pe� Birk, Ms. Esperanza Duarte, and Mr. Dick I�[owlin were sworn in as members of the Saint Paul Planning Commission by City Clerk, Mr. Pred Owusu. Chair McDoneil congratulatcd and welcomed the new commission membcrs. II. Approval of Minutes of October 11 and October 25, 199G IZI. Chair's Announcements Chair McDonell announced that Commissioner Chavez undenvent heart surgery last week. The Commission has sent a piant to him. IV. Planning Administrator's Announcements • - Mr. Ford stated that Mr. Chavez had been at St. Joseph's Hospital, downtown Saint PauL He is resting at home now and doing quite well. - Framework Planning Process: Tomorrow, Saturday, November 9, is the Cherette for the Prec'snct Plan for the West Side, the fourth in a set of four precinct plans (L3pper `JO K:ISHAREDW f.ANNINGV.h�NUTES.FRM ��, ��� � Landing, WaUasfia Corridor, Rice Park, and West Side). Mr. Ford predicted that early aext year the Planning Commission will be reviewing the erttire Development Framework. V. Zoning Committce #96-247 Peter Lobinskv - Specia] Condition Use Permit to allow outdoor sales of used automobiles (672 Arcade Street; zoned B-3}. permit to_allow'oufdoor.sates �f used aa�ocnabtJes at:6?2 Arcaae Stceet.° The denial was based on the lot size; it is 1/3 of the minimum required lot size; it is also too small to provide required setbacks with iandscaping and still accommodate the proposed number of cars. Commissioaer Field noted tl�e long history of permit apptications for this proper[y: 8 cases in the past ? or 8 years. He afso noted that in the (ast case, in I995, he voted to allow a used car facility at this location. Since that time, he pointed out, ihere has been legisiation passed that provided for the 15,000 square feet as the minimum size for this typc of use, and so [here is no basis for doing anything but deny the request. Commissioncr Vaught commented that tie was of like mind on this with Commissioner � ricld. The moUOn on ihe fiooc fo deny. ihz reguest foi a speci�l co�dition-t�se af 672 Area3e Screet ta Alio�v oucdoor sales af used aucomobiles catkzed unanimously dn a'yotce . vote: . Commissioner Morton read thc agenda of the next Zoning Committee meeting on Monday, Novembcr 25, 1996. VI. Comprcl�ensive Planning and Economic Devetopment Committee Sheaard Road Preferred Des�n Concept - Recommenda[ion -(Lucy Thompson) Commissioner Maddox distributed a resolution jusc received from the Greater Saint Paul Association of Building Owners and Managers ($OMA) regarding the design concept. She noted that they endorse Aftemative Design Concept E. Roadway A[ignment and Urban Design Concept, but Yhey are recommending a grade-separated intersection at Chestnut Street to provide a safe flow of pedestrian, vehicular, and rail movement. Commissioner Vaught noted he is concemed about how the issue of the intersection with � Chestnut Street gets resolved because it wi11 be one of profound impact, and that it will ieave the Ptanning Commission without more substantiat discussion about that particular s� K15HAREDWLANNINGNA�NUTES FRM 2 �� • � L_I MINUTES OF THE ZONING COhSi�fITTEE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, SAINT PAUL, MZNNESOTA OI3 OCTOBER 31, 1996 PRESENT: Mmes. Faricy, Morton and Wencl; Messrs. Field, Gurney, ICramer and Vaught of the Zoning Committee; Mr. Warner, Assistant City Attorney; Mmes. Dadlez and Sanders and Mr. Ryan of the Planning Division. ABSENT; Chavez, excused Time: 3:32 - 4:30 p.m. The meeting was chaired by Gladys Morton, Chairperson. es. To allow outdoor sales of Kady Dadlez, Planning Division staff, reviewed the staff report and presented slides. Staff recommended denial of the special condition use permit based on findings 2d, 3a, and 3e of the staff report. The Dayton's B1uff Center for Civic Li£e voted to oppose the special condition use permit application. One letter of support was received from Bud & A1's Brake Service, 695 Azcade Street. A peCition of support was also submitted by the applicant. Commissioner Field asked whaC the staff recommendation had been regarding the 1995 request for a special condition use permit for a used car 1ot for this property. Ms. Dadlez responded that staff had recommended denial in 1995. Commissioner Kramer xeviewed that since Che 1995 case that a minimum lot size requirement of 15,000 square feet for outdoor sale of automobiles had been established by the planning commission. Eric Thole, Attorney with Clinton & Taylor P.A., 8750 90th St. South, spoke representing the applicant, who was also present. Mr. Thole stated that Mr. Lobinsky was in Che process o£ purchasing the property, with the outcome dependent upon the SCUP. Mr. Tho1e reviewed that the proposal is for Auto Acceptance, a used car lot that would include financing through a franchise agreement set up with Credit Acceptance Corporation, with a representative located on-site. A majority of the business would be done by computers and over the phone and customers with credit problems would be targeted, and he said it would not be operated as a standard used car lot which would generate a lot of customer traffic on the lot. Mr. Thole reported that repairs have been done to bring the site up to code and Chat a certificate of occupancy has been issued. The applicant intends to paint the facility, landscape the site, and do general clean-up. No auto repair would be done on-site and a11 off-street parking could be sugported on the site. Mr. Thole referenced materials provided commissioners by the applicant containing a site plan as well as a list of neighbors and businesses that support the proposal. In reviewing staff's report he addressed a few issues. �Z �-�-��� He noted that the applicant has met a majority of the general conditions which apply to special condition use permits and reviewed the conditions which were not met. 3a. with respect to: non-comp2iaace with the neighborhood plan. He suggested finding 3a to be somewhat ambiguous as it first states that it has to meet the setbacks and that it asks for a phasing out of commercial uses that are incompatible with adjacent residential uses, which he felt the staff report states that it is not going to be detrimental to the neighborhood character. 3e. with respect to: not meeting the required setbacks. Mr. Thole reviewed the site plan and said he was unable to envision any other viable commercial use of the property, given its configuration wiCh the small building and long piece of property. 3d. with respect to: the minimum lot area of fifteen thousand 115,000) square feet. hir. Thole suggested that if the committee strictly enforces the 15,OD0 square feet provision, given the property's Zong history of being used for such a use, that it pretty much denies any use of the property. Mr. Thole concluded that when all of the requirements for a used car lot are applied to this property that it eliminates any viable use. He suggested it would be best that Lhe property be used, cleaned up and that the proposal be approved. Commissioner Kramer asked whether Mr. Tho1e knew if the existing building on the property could be replaced. Mr. 2ho1e respor.ded that in the case of rebui2ding that a 2o foot setback wou2d have to be met which would result in the inability to meet other conditions, which would prohibit building on the site. Commissioner Kramer asked if the independent insurance agent could locate in the existing building alone, Mr. Thole responded that such a use would be possible but he did not see as a viable business use, given a building of 400 square feet which makes up less than 10 percent of the total lot. Ms. Dadlez reEerenced the history/discussion in the staff report indicating that a variance was granted in 1976 allowing for a 10 foot setback along the eastern property line, and that the setback is more an issue along Margaret and Arcade Street. Commissioner Kramer asked what might be rebuilt on the site if the existing building were torn down. Mr. Warner responded that circumstances would change if the building were to come down, but that presently with the variance granted in 1976 for a SO foot setback, that it a2lows the bui2ding to be used as it exists, and also allows the parking spaces adjacent to the wood fence. Commissioner Vaught reviewed that whether or not the 15,000 square foot requirement was newly enacted or not that it is law. When commissioners look at variances and setbacks it is not enough to judge an application positively that an applicant meets the majority of the requirements, and said that it is also a matter of degree to which requirements are or are not met, xe said he CJ � � J u 2 53 �' • would not have nearly the problem with the application if the square footage were signi£icantly closer to the 15,000 square £eet required. Commissioner Vaught disagreed that the property could only be used as a used car lo�. Ae reviewed that it is zoned B-3 and there are any number of uses which are allowed in a B-3 zone. He said he was a concerned about the rhetoric that there is no other reasonable economic use for the property, saying that it would not be true simply becavse the client seeks to put a used car lot at the location, but that isn't evidence enou:-h to mandate that conclusion. Commissioner Vaught referenced the applicant's letter of intent noting that it was contingent upon the SCUP being granted. He established that theze isn•t any chance of the taking of the property with respect to the applicant if the permit is not approved as the applicant has the ability to back out of the deal. Commissioner Gurney noted Mr. Thole•s statement that the property had a long history of being a car lot, although he said that in the 20 year period documented as history that it apparently amounted to a very short amount of time because there were freguent requests for new SCUPS. Gurney asked if Che agplicant could grovide the actual amount of time it was operated as a used car lot. hfr. Thole could not provide that information, however said it was indeed used as a used car lot. Steve Asmus, 871 Margaret Street, spoke on behalf of the 800 Margaret Street Block Club, in opposition. Mr, Asmus confirmed that the lot has been used for car sales from time to time and said the neighborhood had nothing but problems from cars for sale being parked in the street. He said in between the SCUPs that o1d used car parts and junk cars have 6een stored on the lot. Mr. Asmus � explained that the main reason for neighbors' signatures on the petition of support was that they wished to see the cite cleaned up and a business located theze, but that they do not wish to see a used car lot. He suggested the site would be appropr�ate for insurance or credit company purposes. Commissioner Vaught advised that if the neighborhood desired to see the property not be used as a used car lot that they consider doing a study that might lead to a rezoning other than B-3, as used car lots are an allowable use with a special condition use permit in a B-3 zone, however the minimum square footage is the issue in this case. Fie also suggested that the neighbors might contact the owner or the applicant to attempt to devise a plan that might work £or all. Mr. Asmus responded that Che neighborhood has submitted suggestions to the owner of the property as well as have sent potential renters to him. He said that much of the neighborhood's opposition to the proposal is that they do not believe the lot size is large enough to handle that type of business. Greg Auge, spoke in opposition on behalf of the Dayton�s Hluff CommuniCy Council. Iie reporCed that Mr. Lobinsky presented his proposal to the Land Use Committee which then voted to oppose the SCUP and that subsequently the board voted for denial as well. He further stated that the boaYd has been consistent in its opposition of a used car lot at this location. Harvey Asmus, 860 Margaret, spoke in opposition. Mr. Asmus expressed concern that parking is already a problem on the street due to a number of multi- family dwelling units in the neighborhood and said that much overflow parking goes into the street. Ae also mentioned traffic safety to be an issue due to obstruction of traffic £rom Margaret on to Azcade Street. Mr. Asmus said the proposal doesn't meet the neighborhood p1an, that others have o£fered to purchase the property as well as to rent the property, with t9r. Asmus claiming � that the owner appears to have a preference for a used car lot. 3 �* ..�"l� ��-��� Bertha Asmus, 860 b7argaret, spoke in opposiCion. Nts. Asmus reiterated that � interest has been shown in the property for other uses and noted a realty company and a small newspaper that were turned down by the owner. She advised that perhaps a coffee drive-thru might be an appropriate use and said that she and others in the neighborhood are interested in seeing a business other than the used car lot occupy the site. Ms. Asmus spoke of concerns regarding on-street parking, and traffic generated and related child safety. She suggested that a petition in opposition o£ a used car Zo[ at the site in the past currently stands and .that the neighborhood is working towards, and has been making great strides in, improving their neighborhood. Mr. Pho1e spoke in rebuttle. In response to alternative uses of the property he suggested that the free market will dictate a use's viability. Mr. Thole briefly reviewed the applicant's proposal reiterating that this used car lot would be unique as it targets its customers and most of the work would be done over the phone and by computer. He noted that the off-street parking requirements are met and that he did not foresee on-street parking to be a problem. Mr. Thole disagreed that the owner is being selective as to the purchaser of the property and sai@ that the owner is seriously attempting to sell the property. Commissioner Gurney noted the testimony that the majozity of the business would be done by computer and telephone, yet in the letter circulated to the neighbors for support of the proposal states that the applicant hopes to capitalize on the existing trafEic, in contrast to just computer and telephone generated business, as stated. Mr. Thole responded that incidental benefits that might be generated as a result of the location would be beneficia2, however would not be the specific targeted cZiente2e. � The public hearing was closed. Commisaioner Kramer recommended denial of the special condition uee permit based on findinga 2d, 3a, 3c and 3e, noting that he dieagreed with ata£f and found that condition 3c was not met. Commissioner Xzamer said that condition 3c relates to the proximity of the car lot to the residentiaZ neighborhood, and that testimony was received relating to its detrimental impact. He said that the shortage of off-street parking spaces will result in customers parking on Margaret Street, which he noted as ane of the city council's previously identified reasons for denial, and TCramer said this would be exacerbated by additional tenants renting space in the building. Commisaioner Guzney aeconded the motion. Commissioner Vaught said issues relative to traffic and parking don't hold much impect for him when the street carries 6,700 cars, and he questioned the potential effect the traffic generated by the used car lot could have. Ae also said that he doesn't conclude that the statutorily correct number of o£f- street parking spaces will in fact, not lead to those spaces being used for the purpose that they are there £or and lead to parking on Margaret. Commissioner Vaught didn't agree with the findings regarding condition 3c. vaught sai@ he would support the motion due to the 15,000 square foot requirement, stating that the proposal is clear2y deficient. Commissianer Kramer noted two things supporting finding 3c: the testimony of the area resident regarding the direction of traffic on Sixth Street and that Margaret Street as a result of that restriction will be used to test drive cars; and the Near East Side Improvement Strategy that identifies all auto- � related uses as incompatible with adjacent residential uses. �S ��-��y � Commissioner Field said he would support the motion because the 15,000 square £oot lot area requirement is clearly not met. He said in the past it was argued that a small lot of this size was not economically viable. FIe didn't believe it was Che commissioners' purpose to determine economic viability. The motion carried an a voice vote of 7 to 0. Drafted by: �n � • Sub� d by� Appr ved bY: �������� �z� Kady Dadlez G1 ys Morton Chairperson 5 J�O q ZONING COMMITT&E ST.AFF RBPORT � ------------------------�---- ----------------------------- FILB # 96-247 1. APPLICANT: PETSR LOSIN5KY DATB OF BEARING: 10/31/96 2, CLASSZFICATION: Special Condition Use 3. LOCATION: 672 ARCP.DE STREET (northeast corner at Margaret Street) 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: 4 5. LSGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 1; Otto's Subdivision of Lot 15 of Otto's Subdivision 6. PRESENT ZONING: B-3 ZONING CODB R8BER8NC8: §60.544(2) & 64.300(d) 7. STAFF INVBSTIGATION AND RBPORT_ DATE: 10/24/96 SY: Kady Dadlez 8. DATE RECSIVBD: 09/30/96 DEAIILINB FOR ACTION: 11/28/96 _______=====z A. P9RPOSE: special condition use permit to allow outdoor sales of used automobiles. B. PARCBL SIZF: The property has 123 feet of frontage on Arcade Street and 39.41 feet of frontage on Margaret for a total. Iot area of 4,847 square feet. Including one-half of the alley, the lot area is 5,241 square � feet. c. SxisT2NG LAND IISE: The site is vacant except for a small building and paved surface. D. SIIRROIINDING LAND IISB: North: Liguor store immediately to the nortH and other commercial uses in a B-3 zoning district. East: One and two-£amily uses in an RT-1 zoning district_ South: One and two-family uses in an RT-1 zoning district. West: Clinic, grocery store, drug store, and other commercial and residential uses in a B-3 zoning district. E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Sections 60.544(2) and 64.300(d1 of the zoning code permit outdoor sales of used automobiles subject to the conditions detailed in findings #2 and #3 of this report. F. H25TORY/DISCIISSION: The site was used at one Lime as a gas station. The building on the site appears to date from that use. Until the early 1980s there was a repair garage and commercial building on the north part oP the lot. Following is a chronology of recent activities: 1976: The board of zoning appeals approved three variances €or a I2 car parking lot. The one variance zelevant to the use now proposed was a variance of a required 10 foot side yard setback between 8-3 uses and residential properties. 19s1: Special condition use permit approved for used car sales for 666 Arcade Street (south part of the site) with several conditions including no certificate of occupancy until conditions are met and Iimit of four cars. Use apparently was never established. . Underground gas tanks were removed in 1981. 57 97-��1 � Zoning File #96-247 Page 7tvo 1982: License issued for used car sales for four cars. 1983: Special condition use permit £or useci car sales approved with 10 conditions including limit o£ 15 cars £or sale, 2 parking spaces, and 6-£oot visual screen on east property line. A neighbor spoke in opposition because previous conditions were not met. 1984: Field investigation by staff indicated several conditions not met including excess number of cars on lot, Margaret driveway kept open, no landscaping, and it appeared cars for sale parked in street. 1987: Site plan approved for used car sales; requires screening fence along east property line and bollards with chain to contain cars on site. 1988: Special condition use permit application for trailer sales was filed and then withdrawn. 1989: Special condition use permit approved for used car sales. Planning commission resoluCion indicates 14 car limit including parking; SCUP limits sale cars to 10. 1992: 5pecial condition use permit for used car sales was denied by the planning commission. The applicant appealed to the city council which upheld the planning commission's decision. Staff had recommended approval of the permit with nine conditions as did the zoning committee. � In 1992 when the planning commission denied the special condition use permit to allow the sales of used cars, the basis o£ that decision was that the use did not conform to the required findings of 64.300id). First, that the use would be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the area: on-street parking, theft and vandalism, and an 8-foot chain link fence would detract from nearby residential uses and recent improvements. Second, that the use does not conform to the applicable regulations of the district in that the site does not provide the four-foot setbacks with landscaping between public rights-of way and the parking lot as required by the zoning code. The site is too small to provide these setbacks and accommodate the proposed number of cars for sale. Finally, the planning commission denial cited tlze policy statement in the Near EasC Side Improvement Strategy recommending that land uses which are incompatible with adjacent residential uses (e.g. auto body shops, used car lots) be phased-out. The city council's resolution affirming the planning commission�s decision cited the same findings. 1995: Special condition use germit for a used car lot was apgroved by the planning commission. Permit allowed 7 cars for sale and 4 off-street parking spaces. The Distzict 4 Council appealed the planning commission`s decision to the city council. The city council granted the appeal of the District Council and denied the special condition use permit. In 1995 when the planning commission approved the special condition use permit to allow the outdoor sales of automohiles it found that all of the conditions of the permit were met and approved the permit to allow 7 cars for sale and 4 ofE-street � parking spaaes. The city council's resoluCion over[.urning the planning commission's decision and denying the permit cited the � ��-«� Zoning File #96-247 Page Three small lot size, the policy statement from the Near East Side Improvement Strategy, and the detrimental impact to the existing character of development in the immediate neighborhood. Finally, for your information, the following is the staff analysis which accompanied the staff report for the special condition use permit requested in 1995. STAFF ANALYSIS: The proposed site, 4,847 square feet, is too small to accommodate a used car lot and the required setbacks, screening, and landscaping (the minimum lot size for a single £amily home is greater at S,Q00 square feet). Planning staff has seen similar problems in other areas o£ the city where used car lots are squeezed onto scaall sites. Placing conditions on permits to Iimit the number of cars on a lot and require off-street parking does not guarantee that the conditions will be met. Violations of these conditions occur regularly as evidenced by enforcement actions in the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection. Staff has talked about this issue and believes that establishing a minimum lot size for used car lots is an idea for the planning commission to consider in a future minor zoning amendment. In May, 1996, the planning commission recommended approval of, and the city council adopted, an amendment to require a minimum lot size of 15,000 square feet for outdoor sale of automobiles. G. DISTRICT COIINCIL R&COb4dHNDATION: The Dayton'S Bluff Center £or Civic Life voted to oppose tke special condition use permit application f H. FINDINGS• � The app7_icant has a contract to purchase the property and intends to sell previously owned automobiles to people who need to establish credit. The hours of operation will be 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturdays; tkere will be one full time employee and one part time employee. In addition to a general clean up of the site, the applicant intends to paint the exterior of the building, repair the existing fence along the eastern property line, repair the existing pylon sign, and plant three boulevard trees. The applicant adds that there will be a tenant, an independent insurance agent, in the office building, along with the car sales office. Section 60.544(2J permits outdoor sales space for exclusive sale of new or secondhand automobiles, house trailers or rental of trailers or automobiles, all subject to the following: The lot or area sba21 be provided with a permanent, dnrab3e and dustZess surface, aad shall be graded aad draiaed as to dispose of aS1 surface water acaumulated within tke area. This condition is met. The site is adequately paved and drained. b. Vehicular access to the outdoor sales area shall be at least sixty (60) feet from the iutersection of any two !2) streets. This condition is met. The driveway on Arcade Street is approximately 72 feet from the intersection with Margaret and 60 feet from the intersection with arcade Street. No repair or refiaishfng shall be doae oa the lot ualess conducted within a complete3y enclosed building. �iiJ 9 �-��� • Zoning File #96-247 Page Four This condition is met. The applicant states that no major repairs or refinishing will be done on the lot, except for changing £lat tires and jump starts. Aowever, sta£f advised the applicant that no repair or refinishing of any kind can be done unless the activity takes place within a completely enclosed building. The applicant undersCands and accepts this condition and adds that he has other facilities for repairs and re£inishing. d. The minimvm lot area shall be fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet. A site plan sha11 be submitted ahowing the layout of the vehicles for sale or rent, employee parking, aad customer parking. This condition is not met. The site has a lot area of 5,242 square feet, including one-half of the alley. This is 9,758 square feet less than required. The applicant requests a modi£ication of this condition stating that this minimum lot size requirement creates a hardship. Ae states that historically the property has been used for auto sales, which is the property�s only feasible commercial use. He adds that denying the modification would restrict the commercial uses and establish a taking of the property. StafP does not recommend that this condition be modified since such a modification would not be in keeping with the intent and purpose of the special condition. In fact, the staff analysis in the previous special condition use permit request for this property raised the issue of the inappropriateness of particularly sma11 sites being used for car sales. � 3. Section 64.300(d) of the zoning code requires that before trie planning commission may grant approval of a principal use subject to special � conditions, the commission shall find that: a. The extent, Iocatioa and intensity of the use will be in substantiaZ compliance mith the Saint Pau2 Comprehensive Plaa aad any applicable subarea plaas which weze approved by the city couneil. This condition is not met. One of the land use and zoning goals of the District 4 Plan states, "to promote better buffering between residential, commercial, and industrial land uses on and around East 7th Street,..." p. 13. The District 4 land use�policy states that the district council will support development of new or redevelopment of existing structures in industrial or commercial areas only when accompanied by parking provisions as established in the zoning code and by proper landscaping. The applicant is able to provide the required o£f-street parking but there is not adequate space on the lot to provide the required setback and landscaping and still accommodate the proposed number of cars for sale. The Near East Side Improvement Strategy (N25) completed in 1989 contains a set of strategies to address the issues of housing, economic development, neighborhood image, transportation, parks and recreation, land use and zoning, and education. The most relevant part of the document to the proposed use is the goals for economic development. These goals include: 1) "concentrate commercial land uses along existing commercial spines and at existing commercial nodes; 2) improve and maintain the vitality and appearance of commercial establishments; 3) phase out . m r- ��- [S�t Zoning File #96-247 Page Five commercial uses that are incompatible with adjacent residential uses (e.g. auto body shops, used car lots)." (p. 23, goals 1, 8, and 9) The NIS was accepted as a policy statement by the planning commission and the city council but was not adopted as part of the city's comprehensive plan. b. The use mill provide adequate tagress aad egress to miaimize traffic congestioa .in the public streets. This condition is met. The proposed use is not expected to generate a significant amount of traffic. The average daily traffic volume on Arcade Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets is 6,700 (July, 1991). On-street parking is permitted on the east side of Arcade Street except from 4:00 p.m. to 6:D0 p.m.. On-street parking on the west side of Arcade between Seventh & Margaret is limited to 15 minutes from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. c. The use wi31 not be detrimeatal to the existiag character of tbe deveSo�eat in the ia�ediate neighborhood or eadanger the public hea2th, safety and geaeral welfare. C� This condition is met. The proposed use is a relatively low intensity commercial use which is appropriate given the residential uses to the south of the site. The used car lot will not be deLrimental to the character of the neighborhood or endanger the public safety and general welfare. � However, theft of and vandalism to vehicles parked on Margaret Street was identified as a problem when used cars have been sold from the subject site in the past. d. The use wiS1 not impede tke normal and orderZy develo�ent and improvemeat of the surrouadiag property for uses permitted ia the district. This condition is met. e. The use shall, in all otfier respects, conform to the applicable regulatioas of the district in whick it is located. This condition is not met. The site plan submitted does not provide the required setbacks with landscaping between public rights of way and the parking lot as required by the zoning code. The site is too small to provide these setbacks and sti17. accommodate the proposed number of cars for sale. In addition, while Section 6I.I03(b) requires side and rear yards of at least ten feet when a business district adjoins a side yard in an adjacent residential district, the board of zoning appeals granted a variance of this requirement for this property in 1976. 4. The off-street parking requirement for used car sales is one space per 400 square feet of office space and one parking space per 2,000 square feet of outdoor display area. The requirement for the proposed use is three spaces (one for the office space and two for the outdoor display area). The site plan indicates four off-street parking spaces. 5. Section 64.300(f): of the zoning code states, "The planning commission, after public hearing, may modify any or a12 special P� 9��i�� • Zoning File #96-247 Page Six conditions, when strict application of such special condiCions would unreasonably limit or prevent otherwise lawful use of a piece of property or an existing structure and would result in exceptional undue hardship to the owner of such property or structure; provided, that such modification will not impair the intent and purpose of such special condition and is consistent with health, morals and general welfare of the community and is consistent wi[.h reasonable enjoyment of adjacent property. STAE'F RECOT4SHNDATIONs Based on findings 2d, 3a, and 3e staff recommends denial of the special condition use permit. � J • E y � � - «�l SPECIAt CONDITION USE PERMIT APPLICATION Department of Planning and Economic Development Zoning Section II00 Ciry Hall Annez 25 N'esd Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 266-6589 APPLfCANT PROPERTY LOCATION �. �. '::: : S � = Name Peter Lobinskv address 2546 Stillwater Road City Maplewood St.MN Zip 55109 Daytime phone 426-1631 Name of owner (if different)��" �C,�n0,�S2� Legai descripfion: Lot �: Otto's Subdivision of Lot 15 of Otto's Subdivision Current Zoning 8-3 (aftach additional sheet if necessary) TYPE OF PERMIT: Application is hereby made under the provisions of Chapter 60 , Section 544 , Paragraph 2 of the Zoning Code for a: � Special Conditio� Use Permit ❑ River Corridor Conditional Use Permit ❑ Modification of River Corridor Standards SUPPORTiNG INFORMATION: in the space below supply information that is applicable to your type of permit (attach additional sheets if necessary) • SPECIAL CONDITION USE: Explain how the use will meet each of the special conditions. • R(VER CORRIDOR CONDITIONAL USE: Describe how the use witl meet the applicable conditions. • MODIFICATION OF RIVER CORRIDOR STANDARDS: Explain why modifications are needed. (See attached booklet) Required sitti plan is ApplicanPs � 63 i �nt�_ 9 � �0� �'6 ��-j�� � September b, 1996 Mr. Ken Ford Planning Administrator City of Saint Paul 25 W. Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Z��B�� F�LE q�•241 RE: Special Conditional Use Permit for Auto Acceptance Dear Mr. Ford: Enclosed please find my application for a special conditional use permit along with supporting materiais. The materials include a drawing of the proposed business, a brief description of the � business and zoning history, the site plan, the ietter of intent between Mr. Sayer and myself, and signatures from local supporters. The signatures of suppon are split into the categories of local business people and neighbors of the site. The supporters read the narrative above their signatures prior to signing the petition. The narrative in the petition incorrectly lists Marv Sayer as a owner/operator in the site. The Petitions were printed prior to the execution of the enclosed letter of intent. Marv Sayer will not be involved in the day to day operations of the business. Please contact me if you have any questions. Very Peter PL:jw • � 1, � ; � f: �;� , j r, �i�if ��i� `�' .. � � .' � ; � - -:��':a...a.:� � (� ' { . �� �r� .., ir �p' 1 t� l � � �1� '� ��- �" �7� y ,. I �� r ' �! f1'' � �i I j f ���. �� t , o�j` �L. a.. f _ b t �f1 �, ��� ��r_�tu�1i'�1���It�i� 's�i/:,�.(!� ��� i� �� .f�'�-'_ �" �����'�����5���� 1��� 1���._� i �� ��� � � � �4Ufi0 ACCEPT�AN�E Applicant Peter Lobinsky 2546 Stillwater Road, Maplewood ������� ��� � ��' I Born in 1945 and resided on St. Paul's East side until 1960, when his family moved to North St. Pau� , and he graduated from North St. Paul High School in 1964. Peter has a 23 year old daughter and 21 year old son. Automobile financing has been Peter's profession for 15 years, most recently with LB Sales. Business Name: Auto Acceptance � Location: 672 Arcade Street Parcef Size: 123' of frontage on Arcade Street and 39.41 of frontage on Margaret. Office Building is 325 square feet, leaving a 4595 square foot lot for parking automobiles. Purpose: Sell previously owned automobiles to people who need to establish credit. Employees: One fufl-time and one part-time. Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m -5:00 p.m. Renovations: Exterior painting to the office building, �andscaping, repairing and painting the fence along the eastern property line. Plant 3 Boulevard trees, fix the existing Pylon sign, and general clean up. Other Tenants: Cathy Buschman, lndependent Insurance Agent. Practices: Cars will not be parked on the street. Cars will not be repaired on the lot, except for changing fiat tires and jump starts. Historv The site was at one time used as a gas station. Untii the early 1980s there was a repair garage and commercial building on the north part of the lot. The following is a chronology of recent approvals: 1976 The board of zoning appeals approved three variances for a 12 car parking lot. The one variance relevant to the use now proposed was variance of a required 10 foot side yard setback between B-3 uses and the adjoining residential property. 1981 Special condition use permit approved for used car sales for 666 Arcade Street {south part of the site). 1982 License was issued for used car sales for four cars. � ��-l ����a�� ���� a�' 241 � 1983 Special condition use permit for used car sales approved with 10 * conditions including limit of 16 cars for sale, 2 parking spaces, and 6-foot visual screen on east property line. 1987 Site plan approved for used car sales; requires a screening fence along east property line and boliards with chain to contain cars on site. 1988 Special condition use permit application filed and then withdrawn for trailer sales. 1989 Special condition use permit approved for used car sales. Planning commission resolution indicates 14 car limit including parking; SCUP limits sale cars to 10. 1992 Staff recommended approval of the special condition use permit for used car sales with nine conditions. The planning commission denied the permit. 1995 Special Condition Use Permit for used car sales was denied by the zoning committee. The zoning committee's decision was overturned by the ptanning commission, which sef various conditions on the approval. The applicant appealed placement of the condition to the city council. The city � council ruled against the applicant. Zonin Section 60.544 (2) permits outdoor sales space for exciusive sale of new or secondhand automobiles, house trailers or rental of trailers or automobiles, all subject to the following: a. The lot or area shall be provided with a permanent, durable and dustless surface, and shal! be graded and drained as to dispose of at! surface water accumulated within the area. b. Vehicular access to the outdoor sates area shail be at least sixty (60) feet from the intersection of any two (2) streets. c. No repair or refinishing shail be done on the lot unless conducfed within a completely enclosed buildi�g. d. The minimum lot area shall be fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet. A site plan shall be submitted showing the layout of the vehicles for sale or rent, empioyee parking, and customer parking. � 6? ����� Z�'����� ���� �� � � Section 64.300 (d) of the zoning code requires that before the pianning commission may grant approvaf of a principai use subject to special conditions, the commission shall find that: a. The extent, location and intensity of the use will be in substantial compliance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and any appiicable subarea plans which were approved by the city counci�. b. The use will provide adequate ingress and egress to minimize traffic congestion in the public streets. c. The use wil! not be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety and general welfare. d. 7he use wilf not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. e. 7he use shall, in all other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. � Previous Application The following were found by the zoning committee at their December 7, 1995 hearing: The parking area has a permanent, durable and dustfess surface, and is graded and drained as to dispose of all surface water accumulated within the area. [Sec. 60.544 {2) (a)] The driveway on Arcade Street is approximately 72 feet from the intersection with Margaret and 60 fieet from the intersection with Arcade Street. [Sec. 60.544 (2) (b)]. No major repairs or refinishing will be done on the lot. [Sec. 60.544 (2) (c)). The proposed use will not generate a significant amount of traffic. The average daily traffic volume on Arcade Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets is 6,700 (July, 1991) (Sec. 64.300 (d) (b)]. The proposed use is a relative(y low intensity commerciaf use which is appropriate given the residential uses to the south of the site. The used car lot will not be detrimental to the character of the ne+ghborhood or endanger the public safety and general we4fare. [Sec. 64.300 (d) (c)]. � The use wifl not impede the normaf and orderfy development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. [Sec. 64.300 (d) (d)}. i ��-i�� Z��f�� ���,� �b�2q � Denial ^ The previous denial was based on Sec. 64.300 (d) (a), which states: fhe exfent, locabon and intensity of fhe use wrll be in subsfantial compliance wrth the Sainf Paul Comprehensive Plan and any applicable subarea plans which were approved by fhe cify council. and Sec. 64.300 (d) (e), which states: the use shall, in all other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is locafed. The explanation given for each application of the above section deals with buffering the commerciai use from the residential areas, specificaily the use of set backs and landscaping requiremenTs. If the zoning code was imposed without variance, the 4 and 6 foot setbacks with landscaping between public righfs of way and the parking lot"would eliminate any possible commercia! use of the property. The land is zoned commercial and strict application of the zoning code on the property results in undue hardship. The city of St. Paul realized the hardship in the 1970's and 9980's and granted the variances and use permits. Denying such use now would be an arbitrary capricious decision, and would deny any reasonabfe use in the current zoning ciassification. Variance Section 60.544 (2)(d), which requires auto sales businesses to have a minimum lot area of fifteen thousand square feet, was added to the zoning code after the 1995 special condition use permit for the property was denied by city council. Application of the newly enacted ordinance creates a hardship to fhe applicant; therefore, the applicant seeks a variance. The property has historica!!y been used for auto sales, which is the property's only feasible commercial use. Denying the variance would restrict the commercial uses and establish a taking of the property. Conciusion The applicant has a solid business plan for the property, which will be an asset to the community. The applicant needs both a special condition use permit and a variance from the lot size requirement for auto sales businesses. � � Li1 Nlarg Street Grass o = Sidewalk a,� `a �fi Display 1 `'' a < w� � � �~ a. � 3 � Display 2 A �.Y_;�Q�'^i>i:� . : 'Q � :: `wl ' �;G_:: i �' Y �5: :'� : �:5 i . ;'-EN , :a`��T ' _�fr>;: ... { Display 5 �1 { S� � e _M �s � �� �� � vs�x � � Display 6 Dispiay 7 � � iCustomer � �__�' v t�. � Custome � �— �I Customer X 7 c=� � Customer rr � � � G � Q Display 8 0 � � Display 9 �„ � A 38` Alley > > � .� Q �111N � K � ti f . a a4 � O � � � �i � � � � � � S E W N ��/� � �^ i"� � H � W � � � � � � 0 � � � '7U � �- ��5 � Letter of Sntent This letter of intent is entered into between Marv Sayre and Peter iobinsky for purposes of se2ling 672 Azcade Street, St. Paul, (the Property) Mir.nesota owned by Sayre_ Sayre intends to sell and Lobinsky intends to purchase the Prone=ty on the following terms and conditions: 1. The purchase price is $89,900, whicn sha11 be amortized ove� 30 years. 2. Tne sale will be by Contract far Deed. 3_ The in�erest rate wi?1 be 9� per annum_ 4. The Contract wi11 have a balloon payment after �0 years. Lobinsky intends to purchase the Property on the forgoing terms orovided: 1. The City of St. Pau1 approves a special use permit for the Property allowing for the sale of used cars. � 2. Lobinsky can repaint the building and ience on the nroperty to lignt brown, tar or liaht grey (with use of contrasting trim)_ 3. That Sayre enters into a Purchase Agreement to sell the Property prior to submission oi the application of the special use permit �ZC������ ���� a � � �� � Z!�rv1'f� ' 1 I �.-}-�Q, � r\ ! L• , f `�� ��� � . Presented By Referred To R ��\� 3�1�� Council File # ~ O�- // Green Sheet # 35645 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PA , i- �-/ . ZONit�G F�L� 9�-?4� �� Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16. � 7 8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 � 41 42 43 WHEREAS, Frederick Partlow, in PED File No. 95-255 and pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code, Sections 60.554, Subd.(4} and 64.300(d), applied for a special condition use permit to allow outdoor sales of used automobiles on property located at 672 Arcade Street and legally described as Lot 1; Otto's Subdivision of Lot 15 of Otto's Subdivision; attd WHEREAS, on December 7, 1995, the Zoning Committee of the Saint Paui Planning Commission, in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.30� of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, conducied a public hearing on the application of Frederick Partlow at which all persons were given an opportunity to be heard, either in person or in writing, on the said application; and WHEREAS, on December 15, 1995, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based upon the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing, approved the said application as substantiaily reflected in the minutes thereof and made Findings of Fact as set forth in Planning Commission Resolution No. 95-43 of the Saint Paul Planning Commission, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference and which sha11 become a part of this resolution; and WHEREAS, on December 29, 1995, the Dayton's Bluff Center For Civic Life filed an appeal of the decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission pursuant to Saint Pau1 Le�islative Code, Section 64.206, alleging an error in fact procedure, or finding, of the Planning Commission. Said appeal is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference and shall become a part of this resolution; and WHEREAS, acting pursuant to Sections 64.206 through 64.208 of ihe Saint Paul Legislative Code and upon notice to affected parties, a public hearin� was du]y conducted by the Council of the City of Saint Paul on January 24, 1996, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be.heard; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paui, having heazd the statements made and having considered the application, the report of staff, the zecord, minutes and resolution of the Planning Commission and of its Zoning Committee, does hereby RESOLVE, that the Councii of the City of Saint Paul does hereby overturn the decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission in ihis matter for the following reasons: 1. The applicant's lot size of 4,847 square feet is not compatible for the proposed use. 2. The proposed use is not ,�n onformance with the Near East Side Improvement Strategy, a plan `�� y the Saint Paul Ciry Council in 1989. The Near East Side Improvement Strategy states as one of its goals "phase out 7 Z „� �� 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ]0 I1 12 13 14 15 ��- commercial uses that are ineompatible with adjacent residentia] uses.” (e.g, auto body shops, used car Iots} Saint Paul Legislative Code Sectiott 64.300{a). 3. Nothing about the proposed use of the property has changed since ihe Saint � Paul Planning Commission and the Council of the City of Saint Paul denied a similar application in 1992. 4. The proposed use wili be detrimenta] to exisTing cl�aracter of development in the immediate neighborhood. Saint Paul Legislative Code, Section 64300(c). BE IT FURTH�R RESOLVED, that the appea] of ihe Dayton's Bluff Center For Civie Life is in atl things granted; AND BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shatl mail a copy of this resolution to the Appticant, the Appeltant, the Zoning Administrafor and the Planning Commission. � ORICf �!�,L Z������ � ��G� °'� � Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council : Date�� aC� \ c( q(� —'_ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: \ \ _ .�_,� Approved by / By: ! By: Form Approv by City Attorney B .,�i �w/,s,,,.�c—. Rpproved by Mayor for Submission to � Council By: ��-��y i city of saint paul ~= pianning commission resolution file number 95-93 �te December 15, 1995 WHEREAS, FREDERICK PARTLOW, file 1t95-255, has applied for a Special Condition Use Permit under the provisions of Section 60.544(2) of the Saint Pau] Legislative Code, to allow outdoor sales of used automobiles on property located at 672 ARCAAE STREET, legaily described as Lot 1; Otto's Subdivision of Lot 15 of Otto's Subdivision; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission heid a public hearing on December 7, 1995, at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of 3ection 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the foiiowing findings of fact: 1. The applicant has a contract to lease the property and intends to operate a used car � sales business. There will be one full-time employee and one part-time employee. The hours of operation are expected to be 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Priday and Saturday. The applicant intends to make improvemen[s to the exterior of the building including repairing and painting the fence along ihe eastern property line and painting the building a lighter color. He also pians to plant three trees in the boulevard and fix an existing pylon sign. He states that he will not park his cars on the street and that cars will not be repaired on the lot. The small building on the site will be used as an office. There is a screen fence insialled along the east property line. The fence is in need of some repair. There are bollards in place all along the alley which do not allow for alley access. The existing arrangement is preferable as it diverts traffic fzom the largely residential alley. 2. Section 60.544(2) permits outdoor sales space for exclusive sale of new or secondhand automobiles, house trailers or rental of trailers or automobiles, all subject to the following: --...._.____ - moved by Gordon 7�Atlt��� ���� � ( seconded by ' � 1� i � f Schwichtenbera � � in favor lo a���t 6(Kramer, Schwichtenberg, Chavez, Faricy, Morton, Wencl) 7� ��-��� Zoning File #95-255 Page Two of Resol�[ion a. The lof or area shall be provided with a permanent, durable and dustless surface, and shatl be graded and drained as to dispose of all surface water accumulated within the area. This condition is met. b. Vehicular access to the outdoor sales area shall be at leasd sizty (60) feet from the intersection of any two (2) streets. This condition is met. The driveway on Arcade Street is approximately 72 feet from the interseccion with Margare[ and 60 feet from the intersection with Arcade Street. c. No repair or refinishing shall be done on the lot r�niess conducted within a completely enclosed building. This condition is met. The applicant understands and agrees to this condition. � Section 64.300(d) of the zoning code requires that before the planning commission may grant approval of a principal use subject to special condi[ions, the commission shall find that: � a. The extent, location and intensily of the use will be in substantial compliance with the Saint Pau1 Comprehensive Plan and any applicable subarea plans which were approved by the city council. This condition is met. The use is a relatively low intensity commercial use which is appropriate given the residential uses to the eas[ and south. b. The use will provide adequate ingress and egress to minimize traffic congestion in the pubZic sfreets. This condition is met. The proposed use is not expec[ed to generate a significant amount of traffic. The average daily traffic volume on Arcade Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets is 6,700 (July, I991). On-street parking is permitted on the east side of Arcade Street except from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.. On-street parking on the west side of Arcade between Seventh & Margaret is liznited to 15 minutes from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m, The use will not be detrimental to the existing character of the developmenl in dhe immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safely and general welfare. . ZQ���� ���� -q.�'a42 i �5 �` �-/� Zoning Fite ft95-255 •. � Page Three of Resolution This condition is met. The proposed use is a relatively lotiv intensity commercia] use which is appropriate given the residential uses to the south of the site. The used car lot will not be detrimental to the character of the neighborhood or endanger the pub3ic safety and general welfare. d. The use ivill not impede the normal and orderZy development and improvement of tlie surroundirzg property for uses permitted in the district. This condition is met. e. The use shall, in all other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. This condition is met. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Pau] Planning Commission, that under the authority of the City's Legislative Code, the application for a Special Condition Use to aliow outdoor sales of used automobiles at 672 ARCADE STREET is hereby approved, subject to the following condition: 1. There shaii be no more than seven (7) cars "For Sale" on the lot at any time and four (4) � off-street parking spaces shali be provided at ail tames. The total number of cars on the lot at any time shall not exceed 11. � ���� F��� �� i 7� Yw � : •c:�{ ; ;; :.,�.j.; :,;�> z- �l� �` v) RESOLUTION Ct"f'Y OF rSAINT P�L, M Presented By Referred Committee: � i �� ad '7/� �J , � .� � 2�r 1 ( �Q _� -- Gf� r �� — — i " .. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS ]( 17 �s 29 20 ZI 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Whereas, Greg Han@zlik, 890 E. Cook, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106, made application to the PIanning Commission for a special condition use permit so as to operaie a used car sales business pursuant to the provisions of the Saint Pau1 Zoning Code for property located at 672 Arcade Street, legally described as Lot 1, Block 103, Otto's Subd_ of Lot 25 of Otto's subd, Saint Paul, Ramsey County; and Whereas, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on August 3, 1992, after having provided notice to affected pzoperty owners, and submitted its recommendation to the Commission. The Conunission, by its Resolution 92-61, adopted September 25, 1992, decided 2o deny the application based Qn the foilowing findings and conclusions: i, The proposed use does not conform to 2 of S required findings for all special condition uses speci�ed in section 64.300(c). 2. The proposed use would be detrimenta] to ihe existing character of surrounding residential deveIopment and would endanger the generat public welfare. There are only rivo off-street parking spaces, which would result in customers parking on Margaret Street. Theft of and vandalism to vehicles parked on Margaret Sireet has been a problem when used cars have been sold from the subject site in the past. Finally, the eight-foot high chain link fence proposed by the applicani would detract from nearby residential uses and from recent improvements to the East Seventh commercial district. 3. The site plan submitted does noi provide four-foot setbacks with landscaping between public rights-of-way and the parking lot as required by the Zoning Code. The site is too small to provide ihese setbacks and accommodate the proposed number of cars for sale. While Section 61.103(b) requires side and rear yards of at teast ten feet when a business district adjoins a side yard in an adjacent residence district, the Board of Zoning Appeals granted a variance of this requirement for this properry in 1976. 4. The Near East Side Neighborhood Improvement Strategy (NIS), completed in 1939, contains a set of strategies fo address the issues of housing, economic development, neighborhood image, transportaYion, parks and recreation, Iand use and zoning, and education. The most relevant part of the docnment to the proposed use is the goals for economic development. These goaIs include "improv[ing] and maintain[ingJ the vitality and appearance of commercial establishrrtents and phas[ing] out comtnercial Council File # Green Sheet # ESOTA ,. ZQI�i�I�� � 77 �.. � � .i ;�f�'rY�:, L 3 4 � 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 7( 17 18 7) 20 21 22 23 24 2� 2Ci � �j� -/J'33 :. uses that are incampatible with ad,}acent residential uses (e.g., auto body shops, used car lots)." The NIS �vas accepted as a policy statement by the 9��j� Planning Commission and the City Council. �Vhereas, Pursuant to the provisions of Section 64.205, Greg Handzlik, duly filed with the City Clerk an appeal from the detennination made by the Planning Commission, requesting that a hearing be held before the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the said Commission; and Whereas, Acting pursuant to Sections 64.205 through 64.208, and upon notice to affected parties a public hearing was duly conducted by the City Council on November 19, 1992, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; and Whereas, The Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Zoning Cammittee and of the Planning Commission, does hereby Resolve, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby affirm the decision of the Pianning Commission in this matter based on the findings made and determined by the said Commission; and be it Further Resolved, That the appeai of Greg Handzlik be and is hereby denied; and, be it Finally Resolveci, That the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Greg I the Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission. ���� � � ���--�------__._.... ' n �� � 6 y � � t"" �_..� �,•+.,..�� i Requested by Department o£: B Form Apprpve�d by City, Adoption Certi£ied tary B By: ��;'�(1� C� �-l� �roved by May� : Date �E �, � $ }ggz � � / G �� „ �l/�✓..=�;s By: t Sy: Submission to i Adopted by Council: Date _ �E� i � 1992 �-��i� p(av►h►►�y Gowtw��ss�on (?�.solu�io� c ay of saint paui �4 "'�9 �U'� �d�� �Se � • p nning comm�ss�on resolution file number �Z-61 /� p � + _ � ��. 2 � ��(e September 25. 1992 , . � �"'" � � " ' �O � � �'� � � .�r�.r... WHEREAS, GREG HANDZLIK, file �92-161, has applied for a special condition use pezmit, under the provisions of Section 60.544(2) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, to allow outdoor used 'car sales on property located at 672 ARCADE STREET, legally described as Lot 1, Block 105, Otto's Subd. of Lot 15 of Otto's Subd.; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Ylanning Commission held a public hearing on August 3, 1992 at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legis2ative Code; and • WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Ylanning Commission made the following £indings of fact: 1. The proposed use does not conform to iwo of the five required findings for all special condition uses specified in Section 64.300(c). These conditions and the inabfl'ity of the proposed use to meet them are 2s fo2lows; a. The use will not be detrimentaI to the existing character of tne develapment fn the imn.ediate neighborhood or endanger the publtc healtn, safety snd general weIfare. (§64.300(c)(3}) The proposed use would be detrimental to the existing character of surzounding residential development and would endanger the generaZ pubZic welfare. There are only two off-street parking spaces, which would result in customers garking on Margaret Street. Theft of and vandalism to vehicles parked on Margaret Street has been a problem when used cars hzve been soZd from the subject site in the past. Final2y, the eight-foot high chain link fence proposed by the applicant would detract from nearby residential uses and from recent improvements to the East Seventh commercial district, b. The use shaIl, in 211 other respects, conform [o the applicable regulations of the district in which it is 2ocaLed. (§64.300(c)(5)) � The site plan submitted does not provide four-foot setbacks with landscaping between public rights-of-way and the parking lot as required moved by HIRTE seconded by ? in favor 10 against 6 Z�N��� ��L� Q 5�255 � � �� � 3 ��-��y � by the zoning code. The site is too small to provide these setbacks and accommodate the proposed number of cars for sale. While Section b1.103(b) requires side and rear yards of at least ten feet hhen a business district adjoins a side yard in an adjacent residence district, the Board o£ Zoning Appeals granted a variance of this requirement for this property in 1476. 2. The Hear East Side Neighbozhood Im�.rovement Strategy (NIS), completed in 1989, contains a set of strategies to address the issues of housing, economic development, neighborhood image, transportation, parks and xecreation, land use and zoning, and education. The most relevant part of the document to the proposed use is the goals for economic development. These goals include "improv{ingJ and maintain(ing] the vitality and appearance of commercial establishments and phas(ingj out commercial uses that are incompatible with adjacent residential uses (e.g, auta hody shops, used car lots)." (p. 23, goals 8& 9) The NIS was accepted as a policy statement by the Planning Commission and the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission that, under the authority of the City's Legislative Code,�the application for a special condition use permit to allow outdoor sales of used automobiles at 672 ARCADE STREET is hereby denied. a ������� ���,� �15•2 �...__._,..r.r,...._.. �, ������� �°��� �b•24 ` � qo �4 ��- ��� Bud & A1 's Brake Service 69S Arcade Street St. Paul, MN 55106 October 24, 1996 City Council Chambers Office 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, MN 55102 ATTN: Kady Dadlez - Zoning Office l��C�1lI�L� OCT 3 Q 79gg ����R��= RE: File # 96-247 Fite Name: Peter Lobinsky SCUP Deaz Kady: Bud and Al's Brake Service approves the Special Conc3itions Use Permit to allow outdoor sales of used Automobiles for Peter Lobinsky at 672 Arcade Street. We feel it would be good for the neighborhood to not have the building left vacant. Thank you, Larry Weis / Gary Weis �%� $ud & A1's Brake Service �} s i C� � 9� ��y � i. SUNRAY-BATTLECREEK-HIGHWOdD 2. HAZEL PARK HADEN-PROSPERTTY HILLCREST c�r cmi° 4. DAYTON'S BLUFF - 5. 'AY�` 5. NORTH END 7. THOMAS-DALE 8. SUMMIT-IINIVERSTI'I' 9. WEST SEVE23TH 10. COMO Il. HAMLINE-MIDWAY 12. ST. ANT'HOI3Y PARK 13. MERRIAM PAl2K-LEXINGTON HAMLINE-SNEL,LING 14. MACALEST'ER GROVSLAND 15. HIGHLAND : 16. SUMMIT HILL 17. DOWNTOWN HAMLINE .� • zoN�rv� F��� �� �� -z� CITIZEN PAitTIG'IPATION PLANNING DISTRICTS �� � �� � � , ������� ���� �-� � �(o • 2$lr� � � DAYTON'$ BLUFF DISTRICT 4�N o"'�"° �"° ' s.� . �. (_��r - -�� , � mU �__.11 � j��j - A �.__� p � � ' � ,� � �l -o- - > P __� � � rZ � � � J� . .Y;v ' � � -{ �� � � � ��, � �.���� � � ��� ,; , �� � � �� � '' x � .\ � �• • • • � �� �I � � H' cA ��� O 0 r �( � d � �L•J^ a • '` yQ . .� ��e,..{���� U � , t j ..,� :o.•. � 1 . � _� C � i �` _ :� l Q J , ��� _ G O I .0 l) � ( �� �� �: �.� . -�L �1_L� ° . . . � � � ., p , _ S y •��� "v 4 � ► n p �` Uy%'�•� � u ,• �.i SIXTH � n �.: ��. Q� t 1 i� � � i ! ' �' � �� �o. „ �IQI "iOQOJ'; _LJ r ' , , a 1 . i�.°;� 1J : I_�_, I�-'._ i� ; � q "' �404��;0��°4�4� � �_ � �1� �it ` Ilnf�l��'UTv��o� f,y • � / r . �. ' � ��' , � � : ,�� . s�,:, .�. . n_a _ i FTN ' �o��000 o {�I ,Ii� . I "' ^ _�. . �_ r '" * " •.-,. _ _ _t.�. __ APPLICANT �� �`�N�y LEGEND i PURPOSE �' U .�� zaning district boundary f P�!€ # �0' 7i¢ '�'b� ��'Z' � � subject property n� orthi � PLNG. DiST._�. MAP # o one family •. � commercial ! � � twofamily � �� industrial � i SCALE 1" = 400' � � Q multi le famil V vacant , ..�>..�..,, �' , P Y �— _ � c��l R .� { i�� { v Presented By Referred To Council File # - 1 � Green Sheet # � �U `S RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3'� Committee _ Date WHEREAS, Peter Lobinsky, in PED File No. 96-247 and pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code §§ 60.554, subd. 4 and 64300(d) applied for a special condition use permit to allow outdoor sales of used automobiles on property located at 672 Arcade Street and legally described as Lot 1; Otto's Subdivision of Lot 15 of Otto's Subdivision; and WHEREAS, on October 31, 1996, the Zoning Committee of the Saint Paul Planning Commission, in accardance with the requirements of § 64300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, conducted a public hearing on the application of Peter Lobinsky at which all persons were given an opporiunity to be heard, either in person or in writing, on the said application; and WHEREAS, on November 8, 1996, the Saint Paul Plaxu�ing Commission, based upon the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public heazing as substantially reflected in the minutes thereof, made Findings of Fact and denied the said application as set forth in Saint Paul Plamiiug Commission Resolution Nuxnber 96-66 which is incorporated herein by reference and which shall become a part of this resolufion; and WHEREAS, on November 27, 1996, the applicant, Peter Lobinsky, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code § 64.206, filed an appeal of the decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission by alleging an enor in fact, procedure, or finding, of the Plamiing Coxnxnission and, specifically, that the application of a11 ordinances on the property creates a hardship. Said appeal is incorporated herein by reference and shall become a part of this resolution; and WHEREAS, acting parsuant to § 64.206 through § 64.208 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and upon notice to affected parties, a public heazing was duly conducted by the council of the City of Saint Paul on December 26, 1996, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heazd; and WHEREAS, the council of the City of Saint Paul, having heazd the statements made at the public hearing and having considered the application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolutions of the Planuing Commission and of its Zoning Committee, does hereby; RESOLVE, and find that there was no error as to fact, finding or procedure on the part of the Plauviug Commission and its Zoning Committee and hereby �rms the decision of the Saint Pau1 Plamiiug Commission in this matter for the reasons contained in Plawiiug Commission Resolution No. 96-66, Findings No. 1(a) - 1(d) which aze specifically adopted herein and need not be repeated here for the purposes of brevity. T 2 3 4 5 6 a� -c�q AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appeal of Peter Lobinsky is in a11 things denied; and AND BE TT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Peter Lobinsky, the Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: ���,��.,� _ _ - Approved by Mayor: Date �/'�l£7 BY: �vv` By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: �.���'� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council : Date �.�, o�. �r��`� °�� -t89 OEPAHiMEMT�OFFICE/COUNCIL �ATE INITIATED �J U �J �� Office of City Attorney a-iai99� GREEN SHEE CONTACTPERSON & PHONE INITIAVDATE INfT1AUDATE ODEPAR'fMENTDiAECTOfl aCITYCAUNdL Peter VTarner 26�g71� N yBERFOR � CITYAfTORNEY Q CRYCLERK MU5T BE ON CAUNCR pGENDA BV (DATE) �� O BUOGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES OIR. 1 1 7 � O MAVOR (OR ASSISTADfT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Finalizing Ciry Councril acrion taken December 26, 1996, denying the appeal of Peter Lobinsky to a decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission pertaining to 672 Arcade Street. flECAMMENDA710NS: Approve (A) or Reject (A) PEHSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER iHE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNINCa COMMISSION __ CIVIL SEfiVICE fAMM1S$ION 1- Has this personHirm aver worketl under a con[ract for Mis departmen[? _GIBCOMMITfEE _ YES NO _� 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTHICTCOUqT _ 3. Does Mis erSOMPIrm ossess a skill not nofmall p p y possessed Dy any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICN COUNCIL OBJEGTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on sepalate sheet antl attaeh to green shcet INITIATING PROBLEM. �SSUE. OPPBRTUNITY (Who, Whet, When, Where, Why): ADVANiAGES IF APPRWED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: Council Research Center {� c � 1 4� I997 DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: � � � TOTAL AMOUNT OF iHANSACTION $ COST/HEVENUE BUDC+E7ED (CIRCLE ONE} YES NO FUNDIiBG SOUACE ACTNRY NUMBER FINANCIAL WFORFSATION: (EXPWIN) OFFICE OF TFIE CITY ATTORNEY �� j �.q _� ( � f• CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemm�, Mayor February 10, 1997 HAND DELIVERED Nancy Anderson City Council Research Room 310 City Hall/Court House RE: Appeal of Peter Lobinsky 1996. Dear Ms. Anderson: Civil Division 400 Ciry Hal[ 15 West Kellogg BZvd Sa"vetP¢u� Minnesom 55102 Telephone: 672 266-87I0 Facsimile: 672 298-56I9 db Heard by Council on Deaember, Attached please find a signed original draft of a resolution memorializing the decision of the City Council on December 26, 1996, to affirm in all things the decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission and thereby denying the appeal of Peter Lobinsky. Please see that this matter is placed on the earliest council consent agenda. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Very ruly yours, P te���� Assistant City Attorney cc: PED Planing � - DEPARTMEN7' OF PLANNING �Y � /�� & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � � � ��, CTTY OF SAIlVT PAUL Norm Caleman, Mayor December 3, 1996 Ms. Nancy Anderson CiTy Council Reseazch Office Room 310 CiTy Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: Division ojP[mining 25 West FourUe Sheet Saint Paut, MN55102 Te[ep3wne: 612-266-6565 F¢csimiZe: 612-228-33I4 I would like to conFirm that a public heazing before the City Council is scheduled for Thursday December 26, 1996 for the following appeal of a Planning Commission decision denying a special condition use permit: Appellant: PETER LOBINSKY File Number: #96-247 Purpose: Appeal a Planning Commission decision denying a special condition use permit to allow outdoor sales of automobiles. Address: 672 ARCADE STREET (northeast corner of Arcade & Mazgazet Streets) Legal Description of Property: Lot 1; Otto's Subdivision of Lot 15 of Otto's Subdivision Previous Action: Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval vote: Unanimous, 11/8/96 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval vote: 7-0, 10/31/96 My understanding is that this public hearing request will appeaz on the agenda for the December 11, 1996 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the heazing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6582 if you have any questions. Sincerely, � �� �1.� Ka y Da lez CiTy Planner Zoning Section cc: Fi1e #96-247 Mike Kraemer Donna Sanders . . � .- - . � . ='NOTIEE OF PUBLIC �ARING � � �� � - - . "� 9'he Saiat� Paul �City Council will conduM �a� public hearing �on, Thtirsday , '�December.�26: 1896; aE 4:30 p:m.;�City Coqncil Chambers, Third Floor City Hall, ' tqtonsider the appeal of.Peter Lobinsky to a decisiojrof thePlanning Com�v;'ssfon denyiag a special condition use permit to allow outdooi sales�of automohiles at� 672 Arcade Streef`(northeast corner of.Arcad_e anfl Mazgazet Stre�ts)�, Dated D"ecember 4-, I998 � - - _ _ - _ -' - - - -� � . NATVGY .9NDERSON � - � � -� � � � - � � , > Assistant City Cduncii Secretary_ -- - � " _ - - _ -. �, ., _ _ _. - ,, IDecember 6, 1996J_ -� _ - . DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING &. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � � l� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co[eman, Mayor December 13, 1996 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Division of Plmming 25 West Fnwth Sdeet Telephone: 6I2-266-6565 Sa'vuPaul,MN55102 Facsimile:672-228-3314 RE: Zoning File #96-286: PETER LOBINSKY City Council Heazing: Aecember 26, 1996 430 p.m. City Council Chambers Pi.IRPOSE: Appeal a planning commission decision denying a special condition use permit to allow outdoor sales of automobiles at 672 ARCADE STREET (northeast corner of Arcade & Margazet). PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION• DEDIIAL Unanimous ZONING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: DENIAL 7-0 • STAFF RECOMMENDA'ITON: DENIAL SUPPORT: No persons spoke. Thirty-eight letters were received in support. OPPOSITION: Four persons spoke. The Dayton's Bluff Center for Civic Life voted to oppose the special condition use permi� Dear Ms. Anderson: • PETER LOBINSKY has appealed the decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission denying a special condition use permit to allow outdoor sales of automobiles on property at 672 Arcade STREET (northeast corner of Arcade & Mazgaret). The Zoning Committee of the Saint Paul Planning Commission held a public heazing on the request on October 31, 1996. The applicant and his representative addressed the committee. At the close of the public heazing the committee voted 7-0 to recommend denial of the permit. The Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation for denial on a unanimous vote on November 8, 1996. This appeal is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on December 26, 1996. Please notify me if any member of the City Councii wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public heazing. Sincerely, � --�.�.�,..� Ken Ford Planning Administrator APPLICATION FOR APPEAL Department oj Planning and Econamic Development Zoning Section 1100 Ciry Ha11 Anner 15 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 266-6589 APPELLANT PROPERTY LOCATION City St.P�vv Zip 5�{Q� phone 4�' ��3� 738-�1'7� i Zoning File IJame ��-�� �b�hS�i Address/Location �P�2 nv tkxCX.Q ��YP-�� 7YPE OF APPEAL: Application is hereby made for an appeal to the: ❑ Board of Zoning Appeals 6d City Council under the provisions of Chapter 64, Section , Paragraph _ appeal a decision made by the P1...,.,,..,� C .. of the Zoning Code, to on !v / 3 i , 19 9G. File number. 96- 2¢� (d ate of de cisio n) GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Explain why you feel there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by an administrafive officiat, or an error in fact, procedure or finding made by the Board of Zoning Appeais or the Planning Commission. T �L ��4�1nih, �mM�>Ji.I� �J.C4il�uH W4� ��RN�<� i 4M teM1T•`�T - f{„ C.}... G.o.,�r...� W:ll �.� 0.PPI.c...'Fh o'� �.�1 arJt. on -�'(,� Aru.�3c("� Gf��.ic> S LtA-��.Q�12.' Tht p('aP�>c+{ VSC w :�' l 1 � b � b�.,..�,��;fi �� r�:,ab..tioo�p w,.� -rc-• �� � � LJ � Attach addifional if ApplicanYs signat������ Datel<— a1 City ��2?1R� - _ .�.,�.g, ,. �� %�'� • Kady Dadlez City of St. Paul Division of PIanning 25 W. 4th St St Paul, MN 55012 RE: Special condition use permit to atlow outdoor sales of sutomobiles. File #46-247 Dear Ms. Dadlez: Enclosed please Snd 20 copies of the materials to accompany my special condition use pemut applicatian. The materials include a drawing of the proposed site, a site plan, a cvritten commentary regazding the business plan and history of the site, the letter of intent between Marv Sayer and myself and the leiters of support from neighboring businesses and individuats. The letters of support were prepared when I planned to go into business with Mr. Sayer at the Iocation. As you �ow, tfie plans wese changed so I will putchase the ]and from Mr. Sayer and • go into business for myseLf. Please contact me if you have any questions, n Very trutp yours, � Pete L PL/jw Enc. � �. .� _ _ _ � .. . APPENDIX Appeal Documents Letters of support from local residents Letters of support from local businesses Planning Commission resolution, 11/8/96 Planning Commission minutes, 11/8/96 Zoning Committee minutes, 10/31/96 Staff Report, 10/24/96 Original Application, 9/30/96 City Council resolution, 3/20/96 Planning Commission resolution, 12/15/96 City Council resolution, 12/10/92 Planning Commission, 9/25/96 Letter of Support Maps 1-7 8-29 30-47 48-49 50-51 52-56 57-62 63-71 72-73 74-76 77-78 79-80 81 82-84 � � • 'i ,�' � � . .- � , . .'3�_ � "t � � i f �', 9 (� � i ry� � .. i � �� �� x +� � a�ec-.�: .. �. r�an.-. '' � '�� �` ,�c ;� � t ` �_� i+) 9 � ��� � �� � �,��ro �cc���x��c� Ap�licant Peter Lobinsky 2546 Stillwater Road, Maplewood Bom in 1945 and resided on St. Paul's East side until 1960, when his family moved to North St. Paui , and he graduated from North St. Paul High School in 1964. Peter has a 23 year old daughter and 21 year old son. Automobile financing has been Peter's profession for 15 years, most recently with LB Sales. Business Name: Auto Acceptance Location: 672 Arcade Street Parcel Size: 123' of frontage on Arcade Street and 39.41 of frontage on Margaret. Office Building is 325 square feet, leaving a 4595 square foot lot for parking automobiles. Financing: Applicant will enter a servicing agreement with Credit Acceptance Corporation, who provides financing to customers. Purpose: Sel{ previous4y owned automobiles to people wfio need to estabfish credit. Empioyees: One fuil-time and one part-time. Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Renovations: Exterior painting to the office building, landscaping, repairing and painting the fence along the eastern property line. Plant 3 Boulevard trees, fix the existing Pylon sign, and general clean up. Other Tenants: Cathy Buschman, lndependent Insurance Agent. Practices: Cars wili not be parked on the street. Cars wili not be repaired on the lot. H istorv Tfie site was at one time used as a gas station. Untii the early 1980s there was a repair garage and commerciai building on the north part of the lot. The foilowing is a chronology of recent approvals: 1976 The board of zoning appeals approved three variances for a 12 car parking lot. The one variance relevant to the use now proposed was variance of a required 10 foot side yard setback between B-3 uses and the adjoining residentiai property. 1981 Special condition use permit approved for used car saies for 666 Arcade Street (south part of the site). �982 License was issued for used car sales for four cars. � 9 �-/�� , 1983 Special condition use permit for used car sales approved with 10 conditions inciuding limit of 16 cars for sale, 2 parking spaces, and 6-foot visuai screen on east property line. 1987 Site plan approved for used car sales; requires a screening fence along east property line and bol4ards with chain to contain cars on site. 1988 Speciai condition use permit appiication filed and then withdrawn for trai(er sales. 7989 Special condition use permit approved for used car sales. Planning commission resolution indicates 14 car limit including parking; SCUP limits sale cars to 10. 1992 Staff recommended approval of the special condition use permit for used car sales with nine conditions. The pianning commission denied the permit. 1995 Special Condition Use Permit for used car sa{es was approved by the Pianning Commission. The District 4 Council appealed the Planning Commission's decision to the City Council, which denied the permit. � Zonina Section 60.544 (2) permits outdoor sales space for exclusive sale of new or secondhand automobiles, house trailers or rental of trailers or automobi(es, all subject to the following: a. The lot or area shali be provided with a permanent, durable and dustless surface, and shail be graded and drained as to dispose of all surface water accumulated within the area. b. Vehicular access to the outdoor sales area shall be at least sixty (60) feet from the intersection of any two (2} streets. c. No repair or refinishing shall be done on the lot uniess conducted within a complete{y enclosed building. d. The minimum !ot area shall be f+fteen thousand (15,000) square feet. A site pian shall be submitted showing the layout of the vehicles for sale or rent, employee parking, and customer parking. Section 64.300 (d) of the zoning code requires that before the planning commission may grant approval of a principal use subject to special conditions, the commission • shall find that: a. The extent, location and intensity of the use will be in substantial 3 � 7 /�9 • compliance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Pian and any appiicable subarea plans which were approved by the city council. The use wiil provide adequate ingress and egress to minimize fraffic congestion in the public streets. c. The use wil� not be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety and generat welfare. The use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. e. The use shall, in all other respects, conform to the appficable regulations of the district in which it is located. ro osal The parking area has a permanent, durable and dustless surtace, and is graded and drained as to dispose of ail surtace water accumulated within the area. [Sec. 60.544 (2) (a)l• � The driveway on Arcade Street is approximately 72 feet from the intersection with Margaret and 60 feet from the intersection with Arcade Street. [Sec. 60.544 (2) (b)]. No major repairs or refinishing wili be done on the lot. [Sec. 60.544 (2) (c)]. The proposed use will not generate a significant amount of tra�c. The average daily traffic volume on Arcade Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets is 6,700 (July, 1991). [Sec. 64.300 (d) (b)]. The use wili not impede the normal and orderiy development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. [Sec. 64.300 (d) (d)]. The proposed use is a relatively low intensity commercial use whicfi is appropriate given the residential uses to the south of the site. The used car lot will not be detrimental to the character of the neighborhood or endanger the public safety and general welfare. Denial The previous denial was based on Sec. 64.300 (d) (a), which states: the extent, location and intensity of the use will be in substantial compliance with the Saint Paui Comprehensive Plan and any applicable subarea plans which were approved by the city council. u � q � ��y � Sec. 64.300 {d) (e), which states: the use shall, in all other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. Sec. 60.544 (2)(d) which requires: The minimum lot area shal! be fifteen thousand {15,000) square feet. A site plan shall be submitted showing the layout of the vehicles for sale or rent, employee parking, and customer parking, Sec. 60.300 (d)(a) which requires: The extent, location and intensity of fhe use will be in substantiai compiiance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and any applicabie subarea pians which were approved by the city council, Sec. 64.300 (d)(cj which requi�es: The use will not be detrimental to the existing character of the developmen4 in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety and general weifare, and Sec. 68.300 (d)(e) which requires: The use shall, in all other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the � district in which it is located. Most of the above sections cited for reasons for denial deal with bufFering the commercial use from fhe residential areas, specifically the use of set backs and landscaping requirements. If the zoning code was imposed without variance, application of the 4 and 6 foot setbacks, the required landscaping between public rights of way, the 10 foot setback from the residentiaf area and the parking space requirements limit the commercial use of the property to a car lot. The city of St. Paul reaiized the hardship in the 1970's and 1980's and granted the variances and use permits. Denying such use now would be an arbitrary capricious decision, and wouid deny any reasonable use in the current zoning ciassification. Application of the newly enacted minimum 15,000 square foot requirement ordinance creates a hardship to the applicant; therefore, the applicant seeks a variance. The property has historically been used for auto sales, which is the property's only feasibie commercial use. Adapting the praperiy to another commercia{ use would require expanding the existing building, which wouid violate one of the setback requirements. Denying tfie variance to the 15,000 square foot requirement would restrict the commerciai uses and establish a taking of the property. Conclusion The applicant has a solid business pian for the property, which wiii be an asset to the � community. The applicant needs both a specia4 condition use permit and a variance from the lot size requirement for auto sales businesses. � 9� �� � Letcer of Intent This letter of intent is entered into between Marv Sayre and Peter Lobinsky for purposes of selling 672 Arcade Street, St. Paul, (the Property) Minnesota owned by Sayre. Sayre intends to sell and Lobinsky intends to purchase the Prooerty on the following terms and conditions: 1. The purchase price is $89,900, which shall be amortized over 30 years_ 2. The sale will be by Contract for Deed. 3. The interest rate wi11 be 9% per annum. 4. The Contract will have a balloon payment after 10 years. Lobinsky intends to purchase the Property on �he forgoing terms provided: 1. The City of St_ Paul approves a special use permit for the Property allowing for the sale of used cars. � 2. Lobinsky can repaint the building and fence on the property to light brown, tan or light grey (with use of contrasting trim). 3. That Sayre enters into a Purchase Agreement to se11 the Property prior to submission of the application of th2 special use permit � � Marg St r e et Grass o = � Sidewalk p,�',�'� � � � Display 1 �'' �w � U � R ... q„ p CL a � Display 2 A Y ??yN; 6� Saa. > :., : . a ;: =t". ..�,;. :i%y�F: L1%i•�< " r�, :�:;� . �_i ���.r�a- . + i!: < . �:N ;;:. + ji�:i; �: �q �T%?<�;:>� .. . . I Display 5 Dispiay 6 Display 7 � � (Customer, ❑ �_� a� w o Customer 3 O0 Customer ao a w .X W (Customer Dispiay 8 Display 9 � � � � a � A O � 7-. � a m .., A Alley � � N � N � � ...f. � o d 4 � O `� � � � � � � V � � s E W N � � A !� � �1 � w � � � � � � 0 � � � � �� �� � t.. q�,�y AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra££ic in the acea, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! ,�< � , h . ���(� �� �;`v � ��R�cf/`� S�' e e- � � 7..�� � I�� � .��(yi���" ��'��� �� � �, � ,�. , � � �� �Ct"i�e-Ss ����� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED " � �~ � � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto ioans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security Por the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! � ,, . /��/ f .Jc/ � X �� f �i � �� , � ��,� - � 3 �� �f V�c�.� � �, , C�-�e�-�1�1� ,� 9 7 i�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed £or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company wil,l be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5gm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance glan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation o£ being labled an "eyesore". We £eel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traf£ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra£fic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! . 7 f�..L�.-(� ��,�'�^' � � '��� C l' � (�� - I � I I 97 /�� � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto saies business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are �wo Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. TFiANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � ��'^'� � � C ��� N � � � , ��,� C"� � � v �� ' � �,/�� � � ;,�- ���" � ' .� � � �� 1'Y' AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED " ���� u � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. Triis company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We £eel we would be an asset to your community by creating ! a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traf£ic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � � � �� (�5 C �'�, � , �J ���� �� � ��r�� � 13 q� ��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � i Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these posifiive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. we are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra£fic. I£ you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOII FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! . -��I �c��� ��� � �'' � �'�� � i� °� �� � 14 97 /�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. Zt also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. I£ you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � `(�'� �-f�r�A, � � , ,,y �� (� � v `� ����� �-` � ��'��-`�-. � `�`�������i� � 15 AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED q 7 /�� �J � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Seturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra££ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: � � s� {1 u l�e ���/�� �G� ar �� S� �� ��� i �,`��� �� 3 ��".� � � �+� � � AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED 9 7 ��� Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOIIR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!: ❑ �-� ma� ��� �� g � `n'��ar� S;t S� � � � � o � � l? �7 /�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GIIARANTEED u � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterios painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business wi11 not be serviced on the groperty as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security Por the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra£fic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! � � �" ����"" � / � � `1 L�._.e -Fc /` S � s-,.{"'io' 6 � 97 /� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed £or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It aiso assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business wiil be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean �p the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as we11. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECZATE IT:: ti t��(( �M � �� � �'� � q� ��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed £or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Pau1, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Aours o£ operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra£fic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!: �r � ��� � � ��� � � �-� s l °� `� � ��'`�- w '� �-��` �� � � ��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brougrit up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. TAA[dK YQU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: � dm1 � � �� ' '�r"Gv L�/'�r%1�,� 2� q7 /�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED r LJ � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinskv was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating � a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traf£ic in the a�ea, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOtiR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! �` �M c � �� i S� � � �� zz � � ,� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOAIvS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county renidents. Peter isnb.lnsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre w3s Y,rouah* up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours o£ cperation for thi� new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business wi11 not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these posifiive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!: ��/�/��`��/ IVCi/t. � �� /, � / � � 1 �s ! ,2��dYl� y /-� 1��' i �� p���1 ��� �s.�ro� ��� 23 �? ��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St, in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours o£ operation for this new business wi11 be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners oP Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles own�d by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's zeputaticn o£ being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by crea�ing a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in sugport of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: � ich�: � � � re-a- ;��� , � � � ��51, �-e ��/ s�'�°�6 �� ���� � � 24 � � 0 �� ��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AU`PO LOANS GUARANTEED � Auto Acceptance is designed Por people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours o£ operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation � of being labled an "eyesore" We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traf£ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! + , ��� l� / � �;/d�-�v �`�`' � � � s l ���,/ . � �7 ��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these posifiive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. we are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: � n L. � ��C� l �C`'S /( G� I �E !-,,� �-�t��e G.G���/� ��� � i � � 26 _ ' ' � _ m - - q� / f AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARAN_?'EED u � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who =�.eed to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at b72 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would agpreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! � ��� �'� 3� �'ne�� �fs� ��. l ��o�✓'b � � -��� SS��-� z� 97 /�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AIITO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was bosn and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours o£ operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am ti11 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the a�ea, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in supgort of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! � (�L-� i� `Inb�•. Q�-Ee+'�'s� �as-� ��" (�w �� / O�'�'C� 5�.�` �jE�st�l�-V(,� � � � At3T0 ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. Triis company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Pau1, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation � of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traf£ic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APP CIATE IT!! i � ��__=='�� � ( �-� �� � � �F � ��� ���_ �� ` ��� m � s � � � � � r� � 97f�� . � AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED Auto Acceptance is designed for geople who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Accegtance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as we11. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traf£ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra£fic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THASVK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: � ' �1 � . �,� � � ,Y��-� '�` � �%�C'���- ���~��� �i`�G-�e c ! t � �.�'�-� � � ��= , � �� �-� � �� C �L� �� L ������,� i z- �1�'- s � ����� � � �� ��i� ATJTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am ti11 Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neiqhborhood. We are not tryinq to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT?! �,% �,, �'�C��w ��1de�+� T�j ��� �7�� � ��� �� ss��� . � 7?a 3dr0 � q� i�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-Ai3T0 LOANS GUARANTEED �� � Auto Acceptance is designed £or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business wi11 be M-F 9am ti11 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating �� a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK Y U FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: � \ � t ` ���E►� .(�o�vc� (1������r E�sf `7`f� .v�sr � �ss /�SS ��� �� �-r � �i , �� �1v1�� ���� �v�2 a� y ��-�.s 33 9"7-/�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business wi11 be M-F 9am ti11 7pm, Saturdays 9am ti11 Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE ��REC�E IT!! ` !.� �r�� � � i, , � � />�1��'� ��� � _sl z� � �� 3�- 9'�-�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed £or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was barn and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business wi11 be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business wi11 not be serviced on the progerty as well. We feel these posii changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security tor the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!: k f GiJ� Cl(�`� � C .2 J x0` . 1\ �\i 5,,, r i � � � i� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on trie East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as we11. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! � �-�.�'�,� �°�.��� �-�` �'t�.�-� ���� p� 5������ � 97 /�y AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St, in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the groperty at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by trie business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We £eel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in supgort of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: �.r/�/L �r�ivL�=L L�-'4 c� �� �/�� -f �'c G�.b� ���Y��� � �7 �� i� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTESD � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company wi11 be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. TYie owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born an� raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation � of 0eing labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra£fic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this getition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT " �--�� �, c r,� r�l C �c � � � I c� �v (.e� � : �`��--i�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-estahlish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul_ The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and . raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business wi11 be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st, with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled en "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating':, a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying ta create increased tra£fic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOiJR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!? C�1$! 3r+li �1.lT'� �o�� e�.��r �r� STREET �JT. �N��, l4 55106 ;���1 7i�-11�6 RTC 1000 E. 7TN ST. ST. PAUt, M�l 551U6 � � �' � �-z�-�� � �� i�y AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS G1IARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business wi11 be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st, with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". we feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra£fic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traf£ic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your siqnature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � a_1�'2 = ��.�-� ���� e�/ � ,' ' :1c'/t— % / l �� �,� �S l� � � / ! � 4 1� % 1 ��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED u � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auta sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to ciean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traf£ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra£fic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: � �� �� G ��� , /��e\� � �� � � v' � �� �z���� � �� ������ � 9"7 ��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed £or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at b72 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 4am ti11 Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the progerty at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased treffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! i u � _,. �` �.�� � 4 : `-- � :�:�^�' `-" h c:� � 85'_ . St. F " . ,. _ _ ' �_�' ' 77�=-� � , �z,�l� �� 9 7 /� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GIIARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-estiablish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St, in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Satuzdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these posiYive changes wi11 rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore" We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. I£ you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! � ��� � ����� �-,--- � �� � � � � _ . _� ,�: .c�� �� �� ����� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � i Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 6?2 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business wi11 not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating � a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra£fic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: f Cr� ��� � ���� /� G� �'C�'�s � d,,� s � r� e � s u= f �` ���� ���� ��Ier J � y ��� S f� GL V ✓ � Y .� 9�-r�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed £or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obta3ning auto loans. This company w'ill be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st, with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating � a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traf£ic in the acea, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tzaffic. If you are in support oP our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! ��-{ `�_I�� fCbi.. �e*crsJ �a r fi �1 r" � �� S' + Lt E s S � Gc1 cti €� (� �'�`P C.�* "1 � �� �� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED s � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company wi11 be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St, in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the acea, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! ��o_,_<.t�.'�c�r�c9--- ������ �o_ti�� `���9� �. . � 7 `�� � � �'� ��y AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GTJARANTEED � Auto Acceptance is designed £or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours o£ operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st, with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation � of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � C;�Gi�:ti � '.f��cc,�- ��� �G��".�-C ���� ��f f � 1��� � � 9� ��y �city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 96-66 �te November 8, 1996 WHER�AS, PETER LOBINSKY, file //96-247, has applied for a Special Condition Use Permit under the provisions of Sections G0.544(2) and 64.300(d) and of the Saint Paut Legislative.Code,to allow outdoor sales of used auromobiles, on properry located at 672 ARCADE STREGT, legatly described as I_ot 1; Otto's Subdivision of Lo[ IS of Otto's Subdivision; and WIIGREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hcaring on October 31, ]996, at �ti�hicfi all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant [o said application in accordance with the requirements of Sectio�� 64.300 of [he Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WIIBRGAS, dic Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Conuuittee at the public hearing, as substantial(y reflected in d�e tninutes, made tlie following findings of facr. 1. 1'tic prop�led use does not conform to several of the required findings for special co�idition use • PCfllll($ S�)CCI�IC(] IIl SL'CUOIIS C)O.S4��Z� and G4.300(J) of dic zoning codc. 7'hcsc condi�ions and tlie inability of tlie proPosed uie to meet them arc as follows: a. '1'ke utiuinr�un lol area slrall be frjtccu lhoasnnd (I5, 000) sqr�are fcet. il site plan s/raf! Ge seibn+itled slrorvi�tg tlte layor�t of !/re relricles for sale or �eut, enrplo}'ee parking, aitd cr�slonter parkirtg. This condition is not mct. Thc sitc has a tot arca of 5,242 square feet, including one-lialC of tlte allcy. 1'liis is ),758 square fcet Icss [ha�t required. G. 7he exte�et, tocntio�t a�:d i�rte�tsity of tlie use wilt be in substairtiat conrpliance tivitle the Saiiet Paul Conrpre/iensive Plart �nd auy applicable subarea plans which were approved by the city council. This condition is not met. One of the land use and zoning goals of the District 4 Plan states, "to promote better buffering between residential, commercial, and indus[rial land uses on and around East 7th Street,..." p. 13. The District 4 land use policy states that the district eouncil will support development af new or redevelopment of existing structures in industtial or commercial areas only when accompanied by parking provisions as established in the zoning code and by proper landscaping. The applicantis able to provide the required off-street parking but there is not adequate space on the lot to provide the required setback and moved by Morton � seconded by m favor °nani�us against ,- �, �``� � ,:-:,�� r -� ': ;�i,..,� : • �:.+. Planning Commission of Saint Paul . �,;;� `r� E Executive Board Room "�??� ��. :� '� ¢� 4`.�� � Wortd Tradc Center ' . � �''-= '� ��,.t`,,,�' � � �'-" . �• �i �,�.< r� � �� 30 Seventh Street �Ycst z-� �c �` i��.�,' �`� Saint Paul Minnesota 55101 �'•�-t:'' ��'' F ss,�. �_ A meetii�o of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, November 8, 1996, at 9:45 a.m. in the Executive Board Room of the World Trade Center. Commissioners Mmes. Birk, Duarte, Faricy, Geisser, Maddox, Morton, Treichel Prescnt: and Wencl, and Messrs. Field Jr., Gordon, Kramer, Lee, Mardell, McDonell, Nowlin, Schwichtenberg, Sharpe and V1u�ht. Commissioners Mmes. *Lund-Johnson and Messrs. *Chavez and *Gumey. Abscnt: *Excused • Also Present: ICen Pord, Planning Administrator; Jean Birkholz, Kady Dadlez, Nancy Homans, Allen Lovejoy, Lucy Thompson of the Planning Staff; and Leon Pcarson thc of Pubiic Works Staff. I. Tlu swe.iring in of Newly Appointed P1lnning Commission Members Ms. Peg Birk, Ms. Esperanza DuaRe, and Mr. Dick Nowlin were sworn in as members of the Saint f'aul Planning Commission by City Clerk, Mr. Pred Owusu. Chair McDonell congratulated and welcomed the new commission members. ivfOT'ION i II. Approval of Minutes of October 11 and October 25, 1996 IIL Chair's Announcements arid Chair McDonell announced that Commissioner Chavez underwent heart surgery last week. The Commission has sent a plant to him. IV. Planning Administrator's Announcements • - Mr. Ford stated that Mr. Chavez had been at St. Joseph's Hospital, downtown Saint Paul. He is resting at home now and doing quite well. - Framework Planning Process: Tomorrow, Saturday, November 9, is the Cherette for the Precinct Plan for the West Side, the fourth in a set of four precinct plans (Upper `JO K:ISHAREDW LPJJNI NG Wi�NUiES.FRM 9�-��� ❑ MZD7IJTES OF THE ZONTNG COtiL�tITTEE CITY COUNCZL CHP1•IBERS, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ON OCTOBER 31, 1996 PRESENT: Mmes. Faricy, Morton and Wencl; Messrs. Field, Gurney, Kramer and Vaught of the Zoning Committee; Mr. Warner, Assistant City Attorney; Mmes. Dadlez and Sanders and Mr. Ryan of the Planning Division. ABSENT: Chavez, er.cused Time: 3:32 - 4:30 p.m. The meeting was chaired by Gladys Morton, Chairperson. To allow outdoor sales of • r1 LJ Kady Dadlez, Planning Division staff, reviewed the sCaff report and presented slides. Staff recommended denial of the special condition use permit based on findings 2d, 3a, and 3e of the staff report. The Dayton's Bluff Center for Civic Life voted to oppose the special condition use permit application. One letter of support was received from Hud & Rl's Brake Service, 695 Arcade Street. A petition of support was also submitted by the applicant. Commi�sioner Field asked what the staff recommendation had been regarding the 1995 request for a special condition use permit for a used car lot £or this property. Ms. Dadlez responded that sta£f had recommended denial in 1995. Commissioner Kramer reviewed that since the 1995 case that a minimum lot size requirement of 15,000 square feet for outdoor sale of automobiles had been established by the planning commission. Eric Thole, Attornay with Clinton & Taylor P.A „ 8750 90th St. South, spoke representing the applicant, who was also present. Mr. Thole stated that Mr, Lobinsky was in the pxocess of purchasing the property, with the outcome dependent upon the SCUP. Mr. Thole reviewed that the proposal is for Auto Acceptance, a used car lot that would include financing through a franchise agreement set up with Credit Acceptance Corporation, with a representative located on-site. A majority of the business would be done by computers and over the phone and customers with credit problems would be targeted, and he said it would not be operated as a standard used car lot which would generate a lot of customer traffic on the lot. Mr. Thole reported that repairs have been done to bring the site up to code and that a certificate of occupancy has been issued. The applicant intends to paint the facility, landscape the site, and do general clean-up. No auto repair would be done on-site and all off-street parking could be supported on the site. Mr. Thole referenced materials provided commissioners by the applicant containing a site plan as well as a list of neighbors and businesses that support the proposal. Zn reviewing staff's report he addressed a£ew issues. d2 �� �� • would not have nearly the problem with the application if the square footage were significantly closer to the 15,000 square feet required. Commissioner Vaught disagreed that the property could only be used as a used car lot. He reviewed that it is zoned B-3 and there are any number of uses which are allowed in a B-3 zone. He said he was a concerned about the rhetoric that there is no other reasonable economic use for the property, saying that it would not be true simply because the client seeks to put a used car lot at the location, but that isn't evidence enou:-t� to mandate that conclusion. Commissioner Vaught referenced the applicant's letter of intent noting that it was contingent upon the SCUP being granted. He established that there isn't any chance of the taking of the property with respect to the applicant if the permit is not approved as the applicant has the ability to back out of the deal. Commissioner Gurney noted Mr. Thole's statement that the property had a long history of being a car lot, although he said that in the 20 year period documented as history that it apparently amounted to a very short amount of time because there were frequent requests for new SCUPS. Gurney asked if the applicant could provide the actual amount of time it was operated as a used car lot. Mr. Thole could not provide that information, however said it was indeed used as a used car lot. Steve Asmus, 871 Margaret Street, spoke on behalf of the 800 Margaret Street Block Club, in opposition. Mr. Asmus confirmed that the lot has been used for car sales from time to time and said the neighborhood had nothing but problems from cars for sale being parked in the street. He said in between the SCUPs thac old used car parts and junk cars have been stored on tfie lot. Mr. Asmus • explained thaC the main reason for neighbors' signatures on the petition of support was that they wished to see the site cleaned up and a business located there, but that they do not wish to see a used car lot. He suggested the site would be appropriate for insurance or credit company purposes. Commissioner Vaught advised that if the neighborhood desired to see the property not be used as a used car lot that they consider doing a study that might lead to a rezoning other than B-3, as used car lots are an allowable use with a special condition use permiC in a S-3 zone, however the minimum square footag_ is the issue in this case. He also suggested that the neighbors might contact the owner or the applicant to attempt to devise a plan that might work £or all. Mr. Asmus responded that the neighborhood has submitted suggestions to the owner of the property as well as have sent potential renters to him. FIe said that much of the neighborhood's opposition to the proposal is that they do not believe the lot size is large enough to handle that type of business. Greg Auge, spoke in opposition on behalf of the Dayton's Bluff Community Council. He reported that Mr. Lobinsky presented his proposal to the Land Use Committee which then voted to oppose the SCUP and that subsequently the board voted for denial as well. He further stated that the board has been consistent in its opposition o£ a used car lot at this location. Harvey Asmus, 860 Margaret, spoke in opposition. Mr. Asmus expressed concern that parking is already a problem on the street due to a number of multi- family dwelling units in the neighborhood and said that much overflow parking goes into the street. He also mentioned traffic safety to be an issue due to obstruction o£ traffic from Margaret on to Arcade Street. Mr. Asmus said the proposal doesn't meet the neighborhood plan, that others have offered to purchase the property as well as to rent the property, with t•Sr. Asmus claiming • that the owner appears to have a preference for a used car lot. 3 � 9� ��j • Commissioner Field said he would support the motion because the 15,000 square foot lot area requirement is clearly not met. He said in the past it was argued that a small lot of this size was not economically viable. He didn't believe it was the commissioners' purpose to determine economic viability. The motion carried on a voice vote of 7 to 0. Drafted by: �°-"��� bonna Sanders • u Submit ed by� Appr ved by: 1. I ����/�� - ��, �,. K1Aa ,�� e-� � .�-�i� Kady Dadlez G1 ys Morton Chairperson 5 J� 97 �� . � Zoning File #96-247 Page Two 1982: License issued for used car sales for four cars. 1983: Special condition use permit for used car sales approved with 10 conditions including limit of 16 cars for sale, 2 parking spaces, and 6-foot visual screen on east property line. A neighbor spoke in opposition because previous conditions were not met. 1984: Field investigation by staff indicated several conditions not met including excess number of cars on lot, Margaret driveway kept open, no landscaping, and it appeared cars for sale parked in street. 1987: Site plan approved for used car sales; requires screening fence along east property line and bollards with chain to contain cars on site. 1988: Special condition use permit application for trailer sales was filed and then withdrawn. 1959: Special condition use permit approved for used car sales. Planning commission resolution indicates 14 car limit including parking; SCUP limits sale cars to 10. 1992: Special condition use permit for used car sales was denied by the planning commission. The applicant appealed to the city council which upheld the planning commission's decision. Staff had recommended approval of the permit with nine conditions as did the zoning committee. C J . C � In 1992 when the planning commission denied the special condition use permit to allow the sales of used cars, the basis of that decision was that the use did not conform to the required findings o£ 64.300(d). First, that the use would be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the area: on-street parking, theft and vandalism, and an 8-foot chain link fence would detract from nearby residential uses and recent improvements. Second, that the use does nat conform to the applicable regulations of the district in that the site does not provide the £our-foot setbacks with landscaping between public rights-of way and the parking lot as required by the zoning code. The site is too small to provide these setbacks and accommodate the proposed number of cars for sale. Finally, the planning commission denial cited the policy statement in the 23ear East Side Improvement Strategy recommending that land uses which are incompatible with adjacent residential uses (e.g. auto body shops, used car lots) be phased-out. The city council's resolution affirming the planning commission's decision cited the same findings. 1995: Special condition use permit for a used car lot was approved by the planning commission. Permit allowed 7 cars for sale and 4 off-street parking spaces. The District 4 Council appealed the planning commission's decision to the city council. The city council granted the appeal of the District Council and denied the special condition use permit. In 1995 when the planning commission approved the special condition use permit to allow the outdoor sales of automobiles it found that all of the conditions of the permit were met and approved the permit to allow 7 cars for sale and 4 off-street parking spaces. The city council's resolution overturning the planning commission's decision and denying the permit cited the � I g7 l� Zoning File #96-247 • Page Six conditions, when strict application of such special conditions would ��n reasonably limit or prevent otherwise lawful use of a piece of property or an existing structure and would result in exceptional tin due hardship to the owner of such property or structure; provided, tfiat such modification will not impair the intent and purpose of such special condition and is consistent with health, morals and general welfare of the community and is consistent with reasonable enjoyment of adjacent property. STAFF RECOL4+�NDATION: Based on findings 2d, 3a, and 3e staff recommends denial of the special condition use permit. `J • �Z 9� i�� • September 6, 1996 Mr. Ken Ford Plannin� Administrator City of Saint Paul 25 W. Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 ZC��i�9� �6�E q��241 RE: Special Conditional Use Permit for Auto Acceptance Dear Mr. Ford: Enclosed please find my application for a special conditional use permit along with supporting materials. The materials include a drawing of the proposed business, a brief description of the • business and zonin� history, the site plan, the letter of intent between Mr. Sayer and myself, and signatures from local supporters The si�natures of support are split into the categories of local business people and neighbors of the site. The supporters read the narrative above their signatures prior to signing the petition. The narrative in the petition incorrectly lists Marv Sayer as a owner/operator in the site. The Petitions were printed prior to the execution of the enclosed letter of intent. Marv Sayer will not be involved in the day to day operations of the business. Please contact me if you have any questions. Very Peter PL:jw � 1�' 9� /�' • � � ���ro �acc���r�,�c� Applicant Peter Lobinsky 2546 Stiliwater Road, Maplewood �C�����€� ��� � �►��2�7 i � Sorn in 1945 and resided on St. Pau{'s East side until 1960, when his family moved to North St. Paul , and he graduated from North St. Paul High School in 1964. Peter has a 23 year old daughter and 21 year old son. Automobile financing has been Peter's profession for 15 years, most recently with LB Sales. Business Name: Auto Acceptance ' Location: 672 Arcade Street Parcel Size: 123' of frontage on Arcade Street and 39.41 of frontage on Margaret. Office Building is 325 square feet, leaving a 4595 square foot lot for parking automobiles. Purpose: Sell previously owned automobiles to people who need to establish credit. Employees. One full-time and one part-time. Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m -5:00 p.m. Renovations: Exterior painting to the office building, landscaping, repairing and painting the fence along the eastern property line. Plant 3 Bou�evard trees, fix the existing Pyfon sign, and general c4ean up. Other Tenants: Cathy Buschman, Independent Insurance Agent. Practices: Cars will not be parked on the street. Cars will not be repaired on the lot, except for changing flat tires and jump starts. Histo The site was at one time used as a gas station. Until the early 1980s there was a repair garage and commercial building on the north part of the lot. The following is a chronology of recent approvals: 1976 The board of zoning appeals approved three variances for a 12 car parking lot. The one variance relevant to the use now proposed was variance of a required 10 foot side yard setback between B-3 uses and the adjoining residential property. 1981 Special condition use permit approved for used car sales for 666 Arcade Street (south part of the site). 1982 License was issued for used car sales for four cars. � 97_ �� Z������� ���� qb�utl • Section 64.300 (d) of the zoning code requires that before the planning commission may grant approval of a principal use subject to special conditions, the commission shall find that: a. The extent, location and intensity of the use will be in substantial compliance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and any appiicabie subarea plans which were approved by the city council. b. The use will provide adequate ingress and egress to minimize traffic congestion in the public streets. c. The use wili not be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety and general welfare. d. The use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. e. The use shall, in all other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. • Previous Ap�lication The following were found by the zoning committee at their December 7, 1995 hearing: The parking area has a permanent, durable and dustless surface, and is graded and drained as to dispose of all surface water accumulated within the area. [Sec. 60.544 (2) (a)1 The driveway on Arcade Street is approximately 72 feet from the intersection with Margaret and 60 feet from the intersection with Arcade Street. [Sec. 60.544 (2) (b)]. No major repairs or refinishing will be done on the lot. [Sec. 60.544 (2) (c)]. The proposed use will not generate a significant amount of traffic. The average daily traffic volume on Arcade Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets is 6,700 (July, 1991) [Sec. 64.300 (d) (b)]. The proposed use is a relative�y low intensity commercial use which is appropriate given the residential uses to the south of the site. The used car lot wiil not be detrimental to the character of the neighborhood or endanger the public safety and general welfare. [Sec. 64.300 (d) (c)]. • The use wili not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. [Sec. 64.300 (d) (d)]. i 1l�arg�.ret Street Grass o_� Side�valk p,�', �'�I � � � � Display 1 `"' � :7 d � N V �', � C � 1 j � � �Y � � y Display 2 A �I ° 4 ��a -'y- � ,y'. � ;�:`=•'a�Fs:v � � o ` �Si."�. � t �.I �A �`-�_;;^:Q:l:r° . x "�.:;:N�;: ` cs :r;.: : aii�ij!r�i:�'jS '�'C� .a.�.i�ci=..:�'� 1 �� 1 Display 5 �r � ea c. � A 00 M � � Q� � r � � �1 � � � � Display 6 �'{ .s� � a' �� �� �r� � � � �M � Display 7 � � iCustomer c � \ i' c: � o � Customer 3 1� �al Customer � L'7 � CItS� Display, 8 0 � � Display 9 R„ � A 38' Alley s N E W N 9 � ��� � � � l ' �� � r W � W � ��-i V �.�/ � O H � � 7U � • � C.ity P� file dai ,7� in ac znYUJf� � � � �_�,-�a A�'`�F 3 � Ep �o�ci?F!1� p — o�.�� � F f�.��:if-�l� � f Green sheet � 35645 � � RESOLUTfON , CITY OF SAINT PA , Y��� �. ZO��t�G F��.E 9�?� o Presented B Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 WHEREAS, Frederick Partlow, in PED File No. 95-255 and pursuant to Saint Paul 3 Legislative Code, Sections 60.554, Subd.(4) and 64.300(d), appIied for a special condition use 4 permit to allow outdoor sales of used automobiles on property located at 672 Arcade Street 5 and legally described as Lot 1; Otto's Subdivision of Lot 15 of Otto's Subdivision; aud 6 7 WHEREAS, on December 7, 1995, the Zoning Committee of the Saint Paul Planning 8 Commission, in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul 9 Legislative Code, conducted a pubiic heazing on the appiication of Frederick Partlow at which 10 all persons were given an opportunity to be heazd, either in person or in writing, on the said 11 application; and 12 13 WHEREAS, on December 15, 1995, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based upon 14 the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public heazing, approved the said 15 application as substantially reflected in the minutes thereof and made Findings of Fact as set 16. forth in Planning Commission Resolution No. 95-93 of the Saint Paul Planning Commission, C S<7 which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference and which shall become a part 18 of this resolution; and 19 20 WHEREAS, on December 29, 1995, the Dayton's Bluff Center For Civic Life filed an 21 appeal of the decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission pursuant to Saint Paul 22 Legislative Code, Section 64.206, alleging an error in fact procedure, or finding, of the 23 Planning Commission. Said appeal is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference 24 and shall become a part of this resolution; and 25 26 WHEREAS, acting pursuant to Sections 64.206 through 64.208 of the Saint Paul 27 Legisiative Code and upon notice to affected parties, a public hearing was duly conducted by 28 the Council of the City of Saint Paul on Januazy 24, 1996, where all interested parties were 29 given an opportunity to be.heazd; and 30 31 WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, having heard the statements made 32 and having considered the application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution 33 of the Planning Commission and of its Zoning Committee, does hereby 34 35 RESOLVE, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby overturn the 36 decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission in this matter for the following reasons: 37 38 1. The applicant's lot size of 4,847 square feet is not compatible for the proposed l( O use. 41 2. The proposed use is n�o '�n�c�onformance with the Neaz East Side Improvement 42 Strategy, a plan a�g` ` � y the Saint Paul City Council in 1989. The Near 4� East Side Improvement Strategy states as one of its goals "phase out 7 Z 97 /�y Zoning File �/95-255 ,. � Page Three of Resolution This condition is met. The proposed use is a relatively low intensity commercial use which is appropriate given the residential uses to the south of the site. The used car lot will not be detrimentai to the character of the neighborhood or endanger the public safety and general welfare. d. The use wili not impede the normai and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. This condition is met. e. The use shail, in all olher respects, con,form to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is Zocated. This condition is met. NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Plannin; Commission, that under the authority of the City's Legislative Code, the application for a Special Condition iIse to allow outdoor sales of used automobiles at 672 ARCADE STREET is hereby approved, subject to the following condition: 1. There shall be no more than seven (7) cars "For Sale" on the lot at any time and four (4) • off-street parking spaces shall be provided at all times. The total number of cars on the lot at any time shall not exceed 11. ZC3i�1 i �� '�� �..� °�b • 24� • �� ,: �; ; � � ; °� Y1 �:, l 3 4 � 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 75 16 17 1S 7) 20 21 22 23 24 2� 2C � y2 -/�'�.3 �. uses that are incompatible with adjacent residential uses (e.g., auto body C�,� /� shops, used car lots)." The NIS was accepted as a policy statement by the� Planning Commission and the City Council. �Vhereas, Pursuant to the provisions of Section 64.205, Greg Handzlik, duly filed with the City Clerk an appeal from the determination made by the Planning Commission, requesting that a hearing be held before the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the said Commission; and �Vhereas, Acting pursuant to Sections 64.205 through 64.208, and upon notice to affected parties a public hearing was duly conducted by the Ciry Council on November 19, 1992, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; and Whereas, The Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Zoning Committee and of the Planning Commission, does hereby Resolve, That the Council of the City of Saint Pau] does hereby affirm the decision of the Planning Commission in this matter based on the findings made and determined by the said Commission; and be it Further Resolved, That the appeal of Greg Handzlik be and is hereby denied; and, be it Finally Resolved, That the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Greg 1-Iandzlik, the Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission. L � � "—.r � �� B � ,� F „ �–`""""--�... � � � � �` �" q�,.�� ---___ e��� -------�_ Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Counci Secretary � B %�U^ c :�—V� roved by May� : Date OE� 1 8 19g2 / ./ s ��t.C./� �.E i: r s . Form B . Appr Coun By: , by City Submission to : Adopted by Council: Date DEC �. 0 1992 ��-��� • by the zoning code. The site is too small to provide these setbacks and accommodate the proposed number of cars for sale. While Section 61.103(b) requires side and rear yards of at least ten feet s:hen a business district adjoins a side yard in an adjacent residence district, the Board of Zoning Appeals granted a variance of this requirement £or this property in 1476. 2. The Near East Side Neighborhood Im�,rovement Strategy (NIS), completed in 1989, contains a set of strategies to address the issues of housing, economic development, neighborhood image, transportation, parks and recreation, land use and zoning, and education. The most relevant part of the document to the proposed use is the goals for economic development. These goals include "improv[ingj and maintain[ing] the vitality and appearance of commercial establishments and phas[ingJ out commercial uses that are incompatible with adjacent residential uses (e.g. auto body shops, used car lots)." (p. 23, goals 8& 9) The NIS was accepted as a policy statement by the Planning Commission and the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission that, under the authority of the City's Legislative Code,�the application for a special condition use permit to allow outdoor sales of used automobiles at 672 ARCADE STREET is hereby denied. • � ��������. ���,� �15�2 � �, ZC����� ���� �b•24 � � �o �4 9� i� �. i. SUNRAY-BAT'TLECREEK-HIGHWOOD 2• HAZEL PARK HADEN-PROSPERTTY HILLCREST � 4. DAYTON'S BLUFF 5. A E�'B 6. NORTH END 7. THOMAS-DAT.,E 8. SUMMTT-iJNIVERSITY - 9• WEST SEVENTH 10. COMO il. HAMLINE-MIDWAY 12. ST. ANTHONY PARK 13. MERRIAM PARK-LEXINGTON HAMLINE-SNELLING 14. MACALESTER GROVELAND 15. HIGF�.AND 16. SUMMIT HII,L 17. DOWNTOWN HAMLINE i ZQNING FILE � �� - z� CTITZEN PARTICIPATION PLANNING DISTRICTS DEpARTMENT OF PLANNING C�/ � J�"j(� & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � � 6 / CITY OF SAIIVT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor December 13, 1996 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 Ciry Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Divisiorz af Plmu�ing 25 Wesi Fwrth Szreet Telephone: 6I2-266b565 SentPaul, MN55102 Facsimile: 6I2-228-3314 RE: Zoning File #96-286: PETER LOBINSKY City Council Hearing: December 26, 1996 430 p.m. City Council Chambers PURPOSE: Appeal a planning commission decision denying a special condition use permit to allow outdoor sales of automobiles at 672 ARCADE STREET (northeast corner of Arcade & Margaret). PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: DENIAL Unanimous ZOI�IING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION DENIAL 7-0 . STAFF RECOMMENDATION: DENIAL SUPPORT: No persons spoke. Thiriy-eight letters were received in support. OPPOSITION: Four persons spoke. The Dayton's Bluff Center for Civic Life voted to oppose the special condition use permit. Deaz Ms. Anderson: � PETER LOBINSKY has appealed the decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission denying a special condition use permit to allow outdoor sales of automobiles on property at 672 Arcade STREET (northeast corner of Arcade & Margaret). The Zoning Committee of the Saint Paul Planning Commission held a public hearing on the request on October 31, 1996. The applicant and his representative addressed the committee. At the close of the public hearing the committee voted 7-0 to recommend denial of the permit. The Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation for denial on a unanimous vote on November 8, 1996. This appeal is scheduled to be heazd by the City Council on December 26, 1996. Please notify me if any member of the CiTy Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public heazing. Sincerely, l� Ken Ford Planning Administrator 9 �-��Y i x�a� D�� City of S`t. Paui Divisioa of Planning 25 W. 4th St St Paul, MN 55012 RE: Special condition ase pemut to atlow outdoor sales of automobiles. File #96-247 Dear Ms. Dadlez: Enclosed please find 20 copies of the materials Yo accompany my special condifion use permit apptication. The mat�rials include a drawing of the proposed site, a site plan, a written commentary regarding the business plan and history of the site, the letter of intent between ivfarv Sayer and myseif and the letters of support from neighboring businesses and individuals. The letters of support were prepazed when I planned to go into business with Mr. Sayer at the location. As you know, the plans were changed so I will purchase the land from Mr. Sayer and go into business for myself. Plea: Very � � Pete PIJjti Enc. .,.. , 1 + '. i I' _ � , - __. - - �"'_, - , ��� i � _ _ I ' i� � , yl ♦ f � � � �p � � � � ����� ���a�{�yr � � S � � � 1 ii� ���i x i , :;. « :.,��� � � _ � �� -��-�� �� � . -- � i i r ,'1! � ���� J �u��ro �,�c�+��r.�r�c� A�plicant Peter Lobinsky 2546 Stillwater Road, Maplewood Born in 9945 and resided on St. Paul's East side until 1960, when his family moved to North St. Paui , and he graduated from North St. Paul High School in 1964. Peter has a 23 year oid daughter and 21 year old son. Automobile financing has been Peter's profession for 95 years, most recentiy with LB Sales. Business Name: Auto Acceptance Location: 672 Arcade Street Parcei Size: 123' of frontage on Arcade Street and 39.41 of frontage on Margaret. O�ce Building is 325 square feet, leaving a 4595 square foot lot for parking automobiles. Financing: Applicant will enter a servicing agreement with Credit Acceptance Corporation, who provides financing to customers. � Purpose: Sell previousiy owned automobiles to people who need to establish credit. Employees: One ful(-time and one part-fime. Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m.-5:OQ p.m. Renovations: Exterior painting to the office building, landscaping, repairing and painting the fence along the eastern property line. Plant 3 8oulevard trees, fix the existing Pylon sign, and general clean up. Other Tenants: Cathy Buschman, Independent Insurance Agent. Practices: Cars wil( not 6e parked on fhe streef. Cars will nof be repaired on the iot. Histo The site was at one time used as a gas station. Until the early 1980s there was a repair garage and commercial building on the north part of the lot. 7he following is a chronology of recent approvais: 1976 The board of zoning appeals approved three variances for a 12 car parking fot. The one variance relevant to the use now proposed was variance of a required 10 foot side yard setback befween B-3 uses and the adjoining residential property. 1989 Special condition use permit approved for used car safes for 666 Arcade Street (south part of the site). � 1982 License was issued for used car sa(es for four cars. � 9 � ��y • 1983 Speciai condition use permif for used car sales approved with 10 conditions including limit of 16 cars for sale, 2 parking spaces, and 6-foot visual screen on east property line. 1987 Site plan approved for used car sales; requires a screening fence along east property line and bollards with chain to contain cars on site. � • 1988 Special condifion use permit appiication filed and then withdrawn for irailer sales. 1989 Speciai condition use permit approved for used car sales. Planning commission resolufion indicates 14 car limit inciuding parking; SCUP limits sale cars to 10. 1992 Staff recommended approval of the speciai condition use permit for used car sales with nine conditions. The planning commission denied the permit. 1995 Special Condition Use Permit for used car sales was approved by the Planning Commission. The District 4 Council appealed the Planning Commission's decision to tne City Council, which denied the permit. Zonina Section 60.544 (2) permits outdoor sales space for exclusive sale of new or secondhand automobiles, house trailers or rental of trailers or automobiies, all subject to the following: a. The lot or area shall be provided with a permanent, durable and dustiess surface, and shall be graded and drained as to dispose of ali surface water accumulated within the area. � c. Vehicular access to the outdoor sales area shall be at least sixty (60) feet from the intersection of any two (2) s#reets. No repair or refinishing shali be done on the lot uniess conducted within a completely enclosed building. d. The minimum lot area shali be fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet. A site plan shall be submitted showing the layout of the vehicles for sale or rent, employee parking, and customer parking. Sect+on 64.300 (d) of the zoning code requires that before the planning commission may grant approval of a principal use subject to special conditions, the commission shall find that: a. The extent, location and intensity of the use will be in substantial � � �-��� , compliance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and any applicable subarea plans which were approved by the city council. b. The use wiil provide adequate ingress and egress to minimize trafific congestion in the public streets. c. The use wili nof be defrimental to the existing character of the development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public heaith, safety and general welfare. d. The use wiil not impe�e the normai and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permiited in the district. e. The use shail, in ail other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. Proposal The parking area has a permanent, durable and dustiess surface, and is graded and drained as to dispose of all surFace water accumulafed within the area. (Sec. 60.544 (2) (a)1• � The driveway on Arcade Street is approximately 72 feet from the intersection with Margaret and 60 feet from the intersection with Arcade Street. [Sec. 60.544 (2) (b)]. No major repairs or refinishing wiil be done on the lot. [Sec. 60.544 {2) (c)]. The proposed use will not generate a significant amount of tra�c. The average daily traffic volume on Arcade Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets is 6,700 (July, 1991). [Sec. 64.300 (d) (b)]. The use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding properry for uses permitted in the district. [Sec. 64.300 (d) (d)]. The proposed use is a relatively low intensity commercial use which is appropriate given the residential uses to the south of the site. The used car lot wiil not be detrimental to the character of the neighborhood or endanger the pubiic safety and general welfare. Denial The previous denial was based on Sec. 64.300 (d) (a), which states: the extent, location and intensity of the use will be in substantial compliance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and any applicab/e subarea plans which were approved by the city council. • � 9�-/�� � Sec. 64.300 (d) (e), which stafes: the use shall, in all otherrespects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. Sec. 60.544 (2)(d) which requires: The minimum lot area shall be fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet. A site plan shal( be submitted showing the layout of the vehicies for sale or rent, employee parking, and customer parking, Sec. 60.300 (d)(a) which requires: The extent, location and intensity of the use will be in substantial compliance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and any applicable subarea pians which were approved by the city council, Sec. 64.300 (d)(c) which requires: The use wiil not be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the pubiic hsalth, safety and general welfare, and Sec. 68.300 {d)(e) which requires: The use shall, in ali other respects, conform to ihe applicabie regulations of the � district in which it is located. Most of the above secYions cited for reasons for denial deal with buffering the commercial use from the residential areas, specifically the use of set backs and landscaping requirements. If the zoning code was imposed without variance, application of the 4 and 6 foot setbacks, the required landscaping between public rights of way, the 10 foot setback from the residential area and fhe parking space requirements limit the commercial use of the property to a car lot. The city of St. Paui realized the hardship in the 1970's and 1980's and granted the variances and use permits. Denying such use now would be an arbitrary capricious decision, and wouid deny any reasonable use in the current zoning classification. Application of fhe newly enacted minimum 15,000 square foot requirement ordinance creates a hardship to the applicant; therefore, the applicant seeks a variance. The property has historically been used for auto sales, which is the property's only feasibie commercial use. Adapting the property to another commerciai use wouid require expanding the existing building, which would violate one of the setback requirements. Denying the variance to the 15,000 square foot requirement wou(d restrict the commerciai uses and establish a taking of the property. Conclusion The applicant has a solid business plan for the property, which will be an asset to the . community. The applicant needs both a special condition use permit and a variance from the lot size requirement for auto sales businesses. S 9 � /�� • Letter of Intent This letter of intent is entered into between Marv Sayre and Peter Lobinsky for purposes of selling 672 Arcade Street, St. Paul, (the Property) Minnesota owned by Sayre. Sayre intends to sell and Lobinsky intends to purchase the Property on the following terms and conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4_ The purchase price is $89,90�, which sha11 be amortized over 30 years. The sale will be by Contract for Deed. The inLerest rate wi11 be 9% per annum. The Contract will have a balloon payment after 10 years. Lobinsky intends to purchase the Property on the forgoing terms provided: 1 � 2 3 � The City of St. Pau1 approves a special use permit for the Property allowing for the sale of used cars. Lobinsky can repaint the building and fence on the property to light brown, tan or light grey (wi'th use of contrasting trim). That Sayre enters into a Purchase Agreement to sell the Propercy prior to submission of the apolication of the special use permit � Marg aret Stre Grass o � ` Sidewalk p,�'„�'� � � � Display 1 `'' �w � U � �' O C'L' � � � Display 2 A � a:{ S>:.� z � > - 2: "" a ° - . �-�. ::�;;< ea:-- ;= p4;` � yr. : t , ,�,�_ f�.�r;F , r �- > �h . r1::Y>�.y,_ . :Y,..,� .��.��� �� � . � Display 5 Dispiay 6 Display 7 , � � iCus�o=� � w o Customer � °O Customer ao c �: .� � , Customer u � � � � c�, � A Dispiay 8 0 � � Display 9 a, � ... A 38' Alley �� i�� � H 0 � � �. �.. v om 4 � 0 � � � � � � � � C.� � � S N E W N � F-� � ^ W � � w � � � � � �.J � � � � � � 9�-i�y 0 9� ��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � i Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We £eel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!: �`.```� ��'��� � .�� �, �i � � ��R�c�fl y S �' e C' � . � � � ' J ��� ; , �-, �1 �i��c�;� v � �/� ���, � r 'l, � �� ; CC C" 1�21-SS � fQ O /�/J 0 � � AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED �� i�� Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto ioans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE ZT:: � ,� i • ���/� . J � _� �,�.�.� ����, � 3 � �� y -� lM�� ���, , C�-�-Q�-� �� i�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED . • Auto Acceptance is designed £or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners oP Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these posifiive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating � a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traf£ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! : 7��� `��.,� -,/� C ✓� �; L � � � ��.(�� � l� �� i� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � . Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £ee1 these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. we are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra£fic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! • � � � , ��'' � � �� � �, r� c�/" � � v �� 3 ` �� �'�� �`� �' � �� �� � - .,� � (2 q�-��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED . � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating � a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! �� � (�.5 C �� ���,��\���,� �� ��� �� �. �� ��y AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � , Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours o£ operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am ti11 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st, with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra£fic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! C �I ;� o��(( t � c� �� 3 ��( G� �; E-! � � p' 1� i � " � (/����� �4 � �-f�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed �or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The ovmers o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st, with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these posii changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � �1�� �-��A. j _,�,�� ���a� �3�: � �c�,� � �'`�"`��..����iC � �s ���c�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED u � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will ri.d the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the acea, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: � s��� �G� f�/� � �//�, ���� ��� � � ��.�,�5 l�e �f���� S� �f ��� ���'�'� lb 9�--��� : AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED �J � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul_ The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lohinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours o£ operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and qeneral clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as we11. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: � �^��. f ` l�Q�w� 1 ��� �"�� g 3� �Yla�ar� S� S� �-� �� c o� 11 �� �� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paui's close suburbs. Hours o£ operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra£fic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WB APPRECIATS IT:! � '����' ��� ��>y [�_e-F�� .S s-,1"'id 6 � 9 � r ! � AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul are two Ramsey county residents. The owners of Auto Acceptance Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operetion £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore" We £eel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! ���� �M M �� � � �' � � e �7 ��`/ AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaininq auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traPfic. I£ you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!: � `,' � r �� � � 1 l � � � ` � /� , [ °� `�� � �� a � � 2 ��-�- ���-.Y�' ��'�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � . Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto ACCeptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Aours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra£fic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � � l I ' I � 7 � � � ��� ��:�-��� 2� ��-��y AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed £or people wrio need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto ACCeptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm. and 5undays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as we11. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating � a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! � � i ���� � � ( � �� � � ���� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOAISS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two kamsey county residents. Peter �a�b.insky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre wa� hx up in St. Paul's close suburbs. xours o£ cperation for thi� new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm: and Sundays the 6usiness will be closed. The owners o£ Auto �cceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with extzrior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation o£ being labled an "eyesore" We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. TIiANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � �/`X���� J�� �� � �� ` � r , I �sy ����;� 1��� �� ���I �t� �ss� � 6 ��� 23 � I � AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED . Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East 5t. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputaticn � of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by crea�ing a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TSME-WE APPRECIATE IT!: / ,�,, r� �'V) �ch�.� 1 � re a- %���/�� i �s � ��sl �''� �S �_1���/ � s��e�6 � � � �� ��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating �J a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traf£ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! , ' ��� �� �;/�av �'� �� � S� �c.,�.� . 25 �� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED . • Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours o£ operation for this new business will be M-F 9am ti11 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on trie property as we11. We feel these positive changes wi11 rid trie property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra££ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra££ic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � ��� �� l �E C-,,� �i�G�Gf� G_ �' � Il C G� l/G l�C`'S �`�'�2-� l L`� �- Z6 �_` �__ ��i� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARAN'?'EED u � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who i�.eed to establish or re-establish credit. Zt also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in Bast St. Pau1. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st, with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation o£ being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. TIiANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � ��,-� � �C�� �'I �� 4 `ne.� �TS,� J�--��/ �� �. � � .���� SS��S z� ���i� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general ciean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! ! ;rr. � l� ���;. P�{��1•�.. �us� �t� q:�-� ���, 8���� � s-� .— ��s � d � �,-� m 9� ��� �- AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � i Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born anci raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business wi11 not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We £eel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. 2HANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APP CIATE IT!! �� � � � 3 � �, _ '��� �--p-�_ �� ° ��`-� rn �"` S/�� � � 2�f ��-��� � 9�- � AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AiITO LOANS GUARANTEED Auto Acceptance is designed for people wrio need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and u raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WB APPRECIATB IT!! � ; y� L , i: �-� � ��C;�,,� ' ��c: -�. /,i���c� � �'�-� � z �= , � �2���.� y ���������� ��� • ������ � z ���- S � ���� 31 ! �J�`� � AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LdANS GUARANTEED u L � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st, with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes wi11 rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighbozhood. We are not trying t� create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on trie existing tratfic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!? ���;�,, ti���, ��la�fi� - r�j ��� �7�� � ��' �� s��r�� � 7�a �a�o 3z �'?r��Y AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AiSTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is desiqned far people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these posifiive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We £eel we would be an asset to your community by creating � a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra£fic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THAN�U FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! 1 \ C�.� l (2 / /� �� !�'1 F t� ,V Q C� vCV �� b"1�l VJ � I'' � Q S� � I � � �C� S� �f � S S �SS e� � i��i c Gj ��'l �1'�1 �G �c��� �v�2 a� y ��-�s � �� �� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am ti11 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the progerty as we11. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would tae an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra££ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE��REC�E IT!! , !J ur�� � � r -s l�� t��� � ��� � s� �',� `I `�� �3� 9�r�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St, Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We £eel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra££ic in the acea, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. TIIANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! �yzQ �''' , �,- J �• � � h " ° , e ��, N� � 35 q���� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St, in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well, We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation � of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra££ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would apgreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT?! � �-�'�.� ��-P.�.�� '�`� ��-�' /�'„�C��Q� 5�1��'�'� 36 �7 �� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED i . Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Ascade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business wi11 be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st, with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra£fic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traf£ic. If you are i.n support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE ITl: ��� ��� � �� ����b� ������ � 3� 9� f� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � �:uto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. Yt also assists gersons in obtaining auto loans. Triis company will be opening an auto saies business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours o£ operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as we11. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the acea, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra£fic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition, THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT?! ���(�� v�,ti c �✓ 1 �}— C�� � Z �' �v 0 � � � �?--/�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARAIdTEEP � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St_ in East St. Paul. The owners oP Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £ee1 these positive changes will rid the property's reputation � o£ being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating!� a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra££ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra££ic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � C� i �'sfh �i��o 10�� �fiSF 7t� STREET ST. €�.aUl., tvr�;�l 5510b ;fs12) 778 •'t1t�6 , �° � �. RTC 1000 E.1TH ST. SL PAUI, MN 55106 , � � �-z�-�� 3q � �-i� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED . • Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. xours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traf£ic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. TAANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! _ � ��,>e�� ' � �G� �'.�> �� J> �JJ�� �X.(/ /�• . � fc � G� �.l �� u � i j �� / ., � �-��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed £or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of beinq labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra£fic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. TI3ANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! • �� G ��' / � / t � v � �� 3 �� ��i�� � �� 4► � � �'�-� � � q7 �� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AIITO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people wrio need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St, in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ 5t. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul`s close suburbs. Hours o£ operation Por this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: Ci�� arnTi`� �-„ � i:�' �, �: . ... - 851 E. 5��. , � _.� � - St. Pa���, i = � � 774•C � � dZ �J AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARAI3TEED � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company wi11 be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Aours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to ciean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation � of being labled an "eyesore" We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra£fic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:S �� � ���� , ,� f �-., . � c� L-� �� �. _ �,� _ - � � � � JU i 43 ������ AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � , � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business wi11 be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these posifiive changes will rid the property's reputation o£ being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating � a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the acea, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traf£ic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! / �o,��s A� C'��� D��� � s �`�'� � s u , `'� 6� S r v� e� �. �� �� �Q � e �, y e c� v �QI!✓ �V � v� � 0 9 �"l�1 AUTO ACCEPTANCS-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � Auto Acceptance is designed Por people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It aiso assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of opezation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation � of being labled an "eyesore". We Peel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traf£ic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THAI3K YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:? � `F_1�� �dbi.• t"� � rl � 1 � �' �{.�C� ��! � � Vl � � � W � ��G� l.: �� VV �'"]�'�' � � � 9�-r�y AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AIITO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes wi11 rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. I£ you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! ��c������e� �tie�,� �c�a :< ` ��a_i�� ����� �. �Y3 � � �� � k� ��--��y AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation � of being labled an "eyesore" We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: i'o��.ti G���«�°�_-�- ,l� 22 ��..,�'/�- �✓ C �LC-� ���� � �r �� � i � � J li[I �7-i�� �' city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 96-66 (�te November 8, 1996 WHLRLAS, PETER LOBINSKY, file N96-247, has applied for a Special Condition Use Permit under tl�e provisions of Sections G0.54A(2) and b4300(d) and of the Saint Paul Legislative.Code, to altow outdoor sales of used auton�obiles, on property locared at 672 ARCADE STREET, tegaliy described as Lot 1; Otto's Subdivision of Lot 15 of Octo's Subdivision; and WIlGREAS, the Zoning Committec of the Plamiing Commission l�eld a public hearing on October 31, 1996, at tvhicli al1 persons present �vere given an opportuniry to be heard pursuant to said application in accordancc with tl�e requirements of Section 64.300 of tl�e Saint Paul Legislative Code; and �VIIGRGAS, 8ic Saint Paul Pianning Commission, based on the evidence �resented to its Zoning Connnittee at the public hearing, 1s substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of facr. ]. 9�hc proposed use docs not contorm ro scveral of the required findings for special condition use � permits specified in Sections fi0.544(2) and G4300(d) of the zoning code. 7'hese conditions and the inability of tlie proposed use to meet tl�em �re as follows: a. T'!ae tniuinu�m !o! arca sha!! Ge fif[eea lhousartd (I5,000) square fec1. il si[c p1ar� shall be subntitted showing t11e layord of the velticles for sale or reirt, �,rrntoy ptrrkiitg, aad c:tstonzer parki�:g. Tltis crnldition is not mct. Thc sitc has a tot area of 5,242 squarc fcet, induding onc-half of the allcy. ']"his is ),758 square feet lcss tlian required. �. The e.rte�rt, locatio�a a�:�i i�:te�esity of tl�e use wi(1 be i�: substar:tiat co»rplimtce wzth tlae Sai�rt Paul Cornpreherssive Plan aritl atry applicab[e subarea platts which were approved by the city cotazcil. This condition is not met. One of the I.and use and zoning goals of the Aistrict 4 Plan states, "to promote better buffering between residential, commereial, and industrial land uses on and around East 7th Street,..." p. 13. The District 4 land use policy states that the district council will support development of new or redevelopment of existing structures in industrial or commerciai areas only when accompanied by parking provisions as established in the zoning code and by proper landscaping. The appiicant is able to provide the required off-street parking but there is not adequate space on the lot to provide the required sethack and moved by Morton � sec by Unani�us S�IC1St , 'rr �-�-��� Zoning file €/9(-247 Pagc T�eo of Resolution landscaping and still acconunodate the proposed number of cars for sale. The Near East Side Improvement Strategy (NIS) completed in 1989 contains a set of strategies to address die issues of housing, economic developmen[, neighhorhood image, transpor[ation, parks and recreation, land use and zoning, and education. The most relevant part of the document ro ilte proposed use is the goals for economic developmen[. These goats include: 1) °concentrate commercial [and uses along e�isting commercial spines and at existing commerciai nodes; 2) improve and maintaia the vitality and appearance of commercial establisl�ments; 3) phase out commercial uses that are incompatible G;�ith adjacent residentiai uses (e.g, auto body s[iops, used car locs)." (p. 23, goais i, 8, and 9) The NtS was accepted as a policy statement by the planning con�mission and dze ciry council kut was not adopted as part of the city's compreheasive p1an. c. Tlie use tiri![ riot be detrimeatnl to d�e existing d�arncter of tlie devefopn:ent i�t the unmecliate neig/ibor/eood or endar�ger die public kealth, safety and general welfare. This condition is not met. The proposed car 1ot, according [o [I�c Near L-ast Side Improvement Strategy, is a commercial use that is incompatible wit[i adjacent residentiai uses and should be phased out. In addition, the limited vehicie turn movements atlocved at flie interseaion of Sixth & Margarct streets tvil! resutt in vehicle test drives on Margaret Street, a residential strcct. � d. The use shall, in a!( o[/acr respects, couforn� to tlie npplicaLle regidatious of the clistrict ia � x•/�ic4 it is located. 1'his condidon is not met. The site plan submitted does not provide [he required setbacks 4vid� ]andscaping between public rights of way and the parking (ot as required by tiie zoning code. The site is too sm.il( to provide thesc setbacks and stitl acconunodate the proposed numbcr of cars for satc. NOW, Tf1ERGFORG, I3E IT RESOLVED, by d�e Saint Paul Planning Commissiml, that under the authority of tlie Ciry's Le�islativc Code, che application for a Speciai Condition Use to atlow outdoor sales of used automobifes at 672 ARCADE STREET is hereby denied. . ,. 9? /�9 � ��=-='� ° f _,: •;.;� n� ;, ;; . t..� kJ, Planning Commission of SainE ]'au1 _� - -� ,.;� �; _ r '� Executive Board Room "'��� �� :, �;;� ' ,'t '� w � ; ; ,.. World Tradc Centcr ` _ :� � �� .~� 30 Seventh Street �Vest �4 �� �:<� 1>;f��� 3 Saint Pau! Minnesota 55101 �`?:-�� �"�' • F �� �� A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Pau1 was held Friday, November 8, 1996, at 9:45 a.m. in the Executive Board Room of the Worid Trade Center. Commissioners Mmes. Birk, Duarte, Faricy, Geisser, Maddox, Morton, Treichel Present: and Wencl, a�id Messcs. Field Jr., Gordon, Kramer, Lee, Mardell, McDonell, Nowfin, Sdnvich[enberg, Sharpe and Vaught. Commissioners Mmes. *Lund-Johnson and Messrs. *Chavez and *Gurney. Absc�it: *Gxcused Also Present: I:en Pord, Planning Administrator, Jean Birkholz, Kady Dadlez, Nancy Homans, Allen Lovejoy, Lucy Thompson of the Planning Staff; and Leon � Pearson tf�e of Public Works Staff. L Tl�c s�vcaring in of Newty Appointed P{lnning Commission Membcrs Ms. Pe� Birk, Ms. Esperanza Duarte, and Mr. Dick I�[owlin were sworn in as members of the Saint Paul Planning Commission by City Clerk, Mr. Pred Owusu. Chair McDoneil congratulatcd and welcomed the new commission membcrs. II. Approval of Minutes of October 11 and October 25, 199G IZI. Chair's Announcements Chair McDonell announced that Commissioner Chavez undenvent heart surgery last week. The Commission has sent a piant to him. IV. Planning Administrator's Announcements • - Mr. Ford stated that Mr. Chavez had been at St. Joseph's Hospital, downtown Saint PauL He is resting at home now and doing quite well. - Framework Planning Process: Tomorrow, Saturday, November 9, is the Cherette for the Prec'snct Plan for the West Side, the fourth in a set of four precinct plans (L3pper `JO K:ISHAREDW f.ANNINGV.h�NUTES.FRM ��, ��� � Landing, WaUasfia Corridor, Rice Park, and West Side). Mr. Ford predicted that early aext year the Planning Commission will be reviewing the erttire Development Framework. V. Zoning Committce #96-247 Peter Lobinskv - Specia] Condition Use Permit to allow outdoor sales of used automobiles (672 Arcade Street; zoned B-3}. permit to_allow'oufdoor.sates �f used aa�ocnabtJes at:6?2 Arcaae Stceet.° The denial was based on the lot size; it is 1/3 of the minimum required lot size; it is also too small to provide required setbacks with iandscaping and still accommodate the proposed number of cars. Commissioaer Field noted tl�e long history of permit apptications for this proper[y: 8 cases in the past ? or 8 years. He afso noted that in the (ast case, in I995, he voted to allow a used car facility at this location. Since that time, he pointed out, ihere has been legisiation passed that provided for the 15,000 square feet as the minimum size for this typc of use, and so [here is no basis for doing anything but deny the request. Commissioncr Vaught commented that tie was of like mind on this with Commissioner � ricld. The moUOn on ihe fiooc fo deny. ihz reguest foi a speci�l co�dition-t�se af 672 Area3e Screet ta Alio�v oucdoor sales af used aucomobiles catkzed unanimously dn a'yotce . vote: . Commissioner Morton read thc agenda of the next Zoning Committee meeting on Monday, Novembcr 25, 1996. VI. Comprcl�ensive Planning and Economic Devetopment Committee Sheaard Road Preferred Des�n Concept - Recommenda[ion -(Lucy Thompson) Commissioner Maddox distributed a resolution jusc received from the Greater Saint Paul Association of Building Owners and Managers ($OMA) regarding the design concept. She noted that they endorse Aftemative Design Concept E. Roadway A[ignment and Urban Design Concept, but Yhey are recommending a grade-separated intersection at Chestnut Street to provide a safe flow of pedestrian, vehicular, and rail movement. Commissioner Vaught noted he is concemed about how the issue of the intersection with � Chestnut Street gets resolved because it wi11 be one of profound impact, and that it will ieave the Ptanning Commission without more substantiat discussion about that particular s� K15HAREDWLANNINGNA�NUTES FRM 2 �� • � L_I MINUTES OF THE ZONING COhSi�fITTEE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, SAINT PAUL, MZNNESOTA OI3 OCTOBER 31, 1996 PRESENT: Mmes. Faricy, Morton and Wencl; Messrs. Field, Gurney, ICramer and Vaught of the Zoning Committee; Mr. Warner, Assistant City Attorney; Mmes. Dadlez and Sanders and Mr. Ryan of the Planning Division. ABSENT; Chavez, excused Time: 3:32 - 4:30 p.m. The meeting was chaired by Gladys Morton, Chairperson. es. To allow outdoor sales of Kady Dadlez, Planning Division staff, reviewed the staff report and presented slides. Staff recommended denial of the special condition use permit based on findings 2d, 3a, and 3e of the staff report. The Dayton's B1uff Center for Civic Li£e voted to oppose the special condition use permit application. One letter of support was received from Bud & A1's Brake Service, 695 Azcade Street. A peCition of support was also submitted by the applicant. Commissioner Field asked whaC the staff recommendation had been regarding the 1995 request for a special condition use permit for a used car 1ot for this property. Ms. Dadlez responded that staff had recommended denial in 1995. Commissioner Kramer xeviewed that since Che 1995 case that a minimum lot size requirement of 15,000 square feet for outdoor sale of automobiles had been established by the planning commission. Eric Thole, Attorney with Clinton & Taylor P.A., 8750 90th St. South, spoke representing the applicant, who was also present. Mr. Thole stated that Mr. Lobinsky was in Che process o£ purchasing the property, with the outcome dependent upon the SCUP. Mr. Tho1e reviewed that the proposal is for Auto Acceptance, a used car lot that would include financing through a franchise agreement set up with Credit Acceptance Corporation, with a representative located on-site. A majority of the business would be done by computers and over the phone and customers with credit problems would be targeted, and he said it would not be operated as a standard used car lot which would generate a lot of customer traffic on the lot. Mr. Thole reported that repairs have been done to bring the site up to code and Chat a certificate of occupancy has been issued. The applicant intends to paint the facility, landscape the site, and do general clean-up. No auto repair would be done on-site and a11 off-street parking could be sugported on the site. Mr. Thole referenced materials provided commissioners by the applicant containing a site plan as well as a list of neighbors and businesses that support the proposal. In reviewing staff's report he addressed a few issues. �Z �-�-��� He noted that the applicant has met a majority of the general conditions which apply to special condition use permits and reviewed the conditions which were not met. 3a. with respect to: non-comp2iaace with the neighborhood plan. He suggested finding 3a to be somewhat ambiguous as it first states that it has to meet the setbacks and that it asks for a phasing out of commercial uses that are incompatible with adjacent residential uses, which he felt the staff report states that it is not going to be detrimental to the neighborhood character. 3e. with respect to: not meeting the required setbacks. Mr. Thole reviewed the site plan and said he was unable to envision any other viable commercial use of the property, given its configuration wiCh the small building and long piece of property. 3d. with respect to: the minimum lot area of fifteen thousand 115,000) square feet. hir. Thole suggested that if the committee strictly enforces the 15,OD0 square feet provision, given the property's Zong history of being used for such a use, that it pretty much denies any use of the property. Mr. Thole concluded that when all of the requirements for a used car lot are applied to this property that it eliminates any viable use. He suggested it would be best that Lhe property be used, cleaned up and that the proposal be approved. Commissioner Kramer asked whether Mr. Tho1e knew if the existing building on the property could be replaced. Mr. 2ho1e respor.ded that in the case of rebui2ding that a 2o foot setback wou2d have to be met which would result in the inability to meet other conditions, which would prohibit building on the site. Commissioner Kramer asked if the independent insurance agent could locate in the existing building alone, Mr. Thole responded that such a use would be possible but he did not see as a viable business use, given a building of 400 square feet which makes up less than 10 percent of the total lot. Ms. Dadlez reEerenced the history/discussion in the staff report indicating that a variance was granted in 1976 allowing for a 10 foot setback along the eastern property line, and that the setback is more an issue along Margaret and Arcade Street. Commissioner Kramer asked what might be rebuilt on the site if the existing building were torn down. Mr. Warner responded that circumstances would change if the building were to come down, but that presently with the variance granted in 1976 for a SO foot setback, that it a2lows the bui2ding to be used as it exists, and also allows the parking spaces adjacent to the wood fence. Commissioner Vaught reviewed that whether or not the 15,000 square foot requirement was newly enacted or not that it is law. When commissioners look at variances and setbacks it is not enough to judge an application positively that an applicant meets the majority of the requirements, and said that it is also a matter of degree to which requirements are or are not met, xe said he CJ � � J u 2 53 �' • would not have nearly the problem with the application if the square footage were signi£icantly closer to the 15,000 square £eet required. Commissioner Vaught disagreed that the property could only be used as a used car lo�. Ae reviewed that it is zoned B-3 and there are any number of uses which are allowed in a B-3 zone. He said he was a concerned about the rhetoric that there is no other reasonable economic use for the property, saying that it would not be true simply becavse the client seeks to put a used car lot at the location, but that isn't evidence enou:-h to mandate that conclusion. Commissioner Vaught referenced the applicant's letter of intent noting that it was contingent upon the SCUP being granted. He established that theze isn•t any chance of the taking of the property with respect to the applicant if the permit is not approved as the applicant has the ability to back out of the deal. Commissioner Gurney noted Mr. Thole•s statement that the property had a long history of being a car lot, although he said that in the 20 year period documented as history that it apparently amounted to a very short amount of time because there were freguent requests for new SCUPS. Gurney asked if Che agplicant could grovide the actual amount of time it was operated as a used car lot. hfr. Thole could not provide that information, however said it was indeed used as a used car lot. Steve Asmus, 871 Margaret Street, spoke on behalf of the 800 Margaret Street Block Club, in opposition. Mr, Asmus confirmed that the lot has been used for car sales from time to time and said the neighborhood had nothing but problems from cars for sale being parked in the street. He said in between the SCUPs that o1d used car parts and junk cars have 6een stored on the lot. Mr. Asmus � explained that the main reason for neighbors' signatures on the petition of support was that they wished to see the cite cleaned up and a business located theze, but that they do not wish to see a used car lot. He suggested the site would be appropr�ate for insurance or credit company purposes. Commissioner Vaught advised that if the neighborhood desired to see the property not be used as a used car lot that they consider doing a study that might lead to a rezoning other than B-3, as used car lots are an allowable use with a special condition use permit in a B-3 zone, however the minimum square footage is the issue in this case. Fie also suggested that the neighbors might contact the owner or the applicant to attempt to devise a plan that might work £or all. Mr. Asmus responded that Che neighborhood has submitted suggestions to the owner of the property as well as have sent potential renters to him. He said that much of the neighborhood's opposition to the proposal is that they do not believe the lot size is large enough to handle that type of business. Greg Auge, spoke in opposition on behalf of the Dayton�s Hluff CommuniCy Council. Iie reporCed that Mr. Lobinsky presented his proposal to the Land Use Committee which then voted to oppose the SCUP and that subsequently the board voted for denial as well. He further stated that the boaYd has been consistent in its opposition of a used car lot at this location. Harvey Asmus, 860 Margaret, spoke in opposition. Mr. Asmus expressed concern that parking is already a problem on the street due to a number of multi- family dwelling units in the neighborhood and said that much overflow parking goes into the street. Ae also mentioned traffic safety to be an issue due to obstruction of traffic £rom Margaret on to Azcade Street. Mr. Asmus said the proposal doesn't meet the neighborhood p1an, that others have o£fered to purchase the property as well as to rent the property, with t9r. Asmus claiming � that the owner appears to have a preference for a used car lot. 3 �* ..�"l� ��-��� Bertha Asmus, 860 b7argaret, spoke in opposiCion. Nts. Asmus reiterated that � interest has been shown in the property for other uses and noted a realty company and a small newspaper that were turned down by the owner. She advised that perhaps a coffee drive-thru might be an appropriate use and said that she and others in the neighborhood are interested in seeing a business other than the used car lot occupy the site. Ms. Asmus spoke of concerns regarding on-street parking, and traffic generated and related child safety. She suggested that a petition in opposition o£ a used car Zo[ at the site in the past currently stands and .that the neighborhood is working towards, and has been making great strides in, improving their neighborhood. Mr. Pho1e spoke in rebuttle. In response to alternative uses of the property he suggested that the free market will dictate a use's viability. Mr. Thole briefly reviewed the applicant's proposal reiterating that this used car lot would be unique as it targets its customers and most of the work would be done over the phone and by computer. He noted that the off-street parking requirements are met and that he did not foresee on-street parking to be a problem. Mr. Thole disagreed that the owner is being selective as to the purchaser of the property and sai@ that the owner is seriously attempting to sell the property. Commissioner Gurney noted the testimony that the majozity of the business would be done by computer and telephone, yet in the letter circulated to the neighbors for support of the proposal states that the applicant hopes to capitalize on the existing trafEic, in contrast to just computer and telephone generated business, as stated. Mr. Thole responded that incidental benefits that might be generated as a result of the location would be beneficia2, however would not be the specific targeted cZiente2e. � The public hearing was closed. Commisaioner Kramer recommended denial of the special condition uee permit based on findinga 2d, 3a, 3c and 3e, noting that he dieagreed with ata£f and found that condition 3c was not met. Commissioner Xzamer said that condition 3c relates to the proximity of the car lot to the residentiaZ neighborhood, and that testimony was received relating to its detrimental impact. He said that the shortage of off-street parking spaces will result in customers parking on Margaret Street, which he noted as ane of the city council's previously identified reasons for denial, and TCramer said this would be exacerbated by additional tenants renting space in the building. Commisaioner Guzney aeconded the motion. Commissioner Vaught said issues relative to traffic and parking don't hold much impect for him when the street carries 6,700 cars, and he questioned the potential effect the traffic generated by the used car lot could have. Ae also said that he doesn't conclude that the statutorily correct number of o£f- street parking spaces will in fact, not lead to those spaces being used for the purpose that they are there £or and lead to parking on Margaret. Commissioner Vaught didn't agree with the findings regarding condition 3c. vaught sai@ he would support the motion due to the 15,000 square foot requirement, stating that the proposal is clear2y deficient. Commissianer Kramer noted two things supporting finding 3c: the testimony of the area resident regarding the direction of traffic on Sixth Street and that Margaret Street as a result of that restriction will be used to test drive cars; and the Near East Side Improvement Strategy that identifies all auto- � related uses as incompatible with adjacent residential uses. �S ��-��y � Commissioner Field said he would support the motion because the 15,000 square £oot lot area requirement is clearly not met. He said in the past it was argued that a small lot of this size was not economically viable. FIe didn't believe it was Che commissioners' purpose to determine economic viability. The motion carried an a voice vote of 7 to 0. Drafted by: �n � • Sub� d by� Appr ved bY: �������� �z� Kady Dadlez G1 ys Morton Chairperson 5 J�O q ZONING COMMITT&E ST.AFF RBPORT � ------------------------�---- ----------------------------- FILB # 96-247 1. APPLICANT: PETSR LOSIN5KY DATB OF BEARING: 10/31/96 2, CLASSZFICATION: Special Condition Use 3. LOCATION: 672 ARCP.DE STREET (northeast corner at Margaret Street) 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: 4 5. LSGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 1; Otto's Subdivision of Lot 15 of Otto's Subdivision 6. PRESENT ZONING: B-3 ZONING CODB R8BER8NC8: §60.544(2) & 64.300(d) 7. STAFF INVBSTIGATION AND RBPORT_ DATE: 10/24/96 SY: Kady Dadlez 8. DATE RECSIVBD: 09/30/96 DEAIILINB FOR ACTION: 11/28/96 _______=====z A. P9RPOSE: special condition use permit to allow outdoor sales of used automobiles. B. PARCBL SIZF: The property has 123 feet of frontage on Arcade Street and 39.41 feet of frontage on Margaret for a total. Iot area of 4,847 square feet. Including one-half of the alley, the lot area is 5,241 square � feet. c. SxisT2NG LAND IISE: The site is vacant except for a small building and paved surface. D. SIIRROIINDING LAND IISB: North: Liguor store immediately to the nortH and other commercial uses in a B-3 zoning district. East: One and two-£amily uses in an RT-1 zoning district_ South: One and two-family uses in an RT-1 zoning district. West: Clinic, grocery store, drug store, and other commercial and residential uses in a B-3 zoning district. E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Sections 60.544(2) and 64.300(d1 of the zoning code permit outdoor sales of used automobiles subject to the conditions detailed in findings #2 and #3 of this report. F. H25TORY/DISCIISSION: The site was used at one Lime as a gas station. The building on the site appears to date from that use. Until the early 1980s there was a repair garage and commercial building on the north part oP the lot. Following is a chronology of recent activities: 1976: The board of zoning appeals approved three variances €or a I2 car parking lot. The one variance zelevant to the use now proposed was a variance of a required 10 foot side yard setback between 8-3 uses and residential properties. 19s1: Special condition use permit approved for used car sales for 666 Arcade Street (south part of the site) with several conditions including no certificate of occupancy until conditions are met and Iimit of four cars. Use apparently was never established. . Underground gas tanks were removed in 1981. 57 97-��1 � Zoning File #96-247 Page 7tvo 1982: License issued for used car sales for four cars. 1983: Special condition use permit £or useci car sales approved with 10 conditions including limit o£ 15 cars £or sale, 2 parking spaces, and 6-£oot visual screen on east property line. A neighbor spoke in opposition because previous conditions were not met. 1984: Field investigation by staff indicated several conditions not met including excess number of cars on lot, Margaret driveway kept open, no landscaping, and it appeared cars for sale parked in street. 1987: Site plan approved for used car sales; requires screening fence along east property line and bollards with chain to contain cars on site. 1988: Special condition use permit application for trailer sales was filed and then withdrawn. 1989: Special condition use permit approved for used car sales. Planning commission resoluCion indicates 14 car limit including parking; SCUP limits sale cars to 10. 1992: 5pecial condition use permit for used car sales was denied by the planning commission. The applicant appealed to the city council which upheld the planning commission's decision. Staff had recommended approval of the permit with nine conditions as did the zoning committee. � In 1992 when the planning commission denied the special condition use permit to allow the sales of used cars, the basis o£ that decision was that the use did not conform to the required findings of 64.300id). First, that the use would be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the area: on-street parking, theft and vandalism, and an 8-foot chain link fence would detract from nearby residential uses and recent improvements. Second, that the use does not conform to the applicable regulations of the district in that the site does not provide the four-foot setbacks with landscaping between public rights-of way and the parking lot as required by the zoning code. The site is too small to provide these setbacks and accommodate the proposed number of cars for sale. Finally, the planning commission denial cited tlze policy statement in the Near EasC Side Improvement Strategy recommending that land uses which are incompatible with adjacent residential uses (e.g. auto body shops, used car lots) be phased-out. The city council's resolution affirming the planning commission�s decision cited the same findings. 1995: Special condition use germit for a used car lot was apgroved by the planning commission. Permit allowed 7 cars for sale and 4 off-street parking spaces. The Distzict 4 Council appealed the planning commission`s decision to the city council. The city council granted the appeal of the District Council and denied the special condition use permit. In 1995 when the planning commission approved the special condition use permit to allow the outdoor sales of automohiles it found that all of the conditions of the permit were met and approved the permit to allow 7 cars for sale and 4 ofE-street � parking spaaes. The city council's resoluCion over[.urning the planning commission's decision and denying the permit cited the � ��-«� Zoning File #96-247 Page Three small lot size, the policy statement from the Near East Side Improvement Strategy, and the detrimental impact to the existing character of development in the immediate neighborhood. Finally, for your information, the following is the staff analysis which accompanied the staff report for the special condition use permit requested in 1995. STAFF ANALYSIS: The proposed site, 4,847 square feet, is too small to accommodate a used car lot and the required setbacks, screening, and landscaping (the minimum lot size for a single £amily home is greater at S,Q00 square feet). Planning staff has seen similar problems in other areas o£ the city where used car lots are squeezed onto scaall sites. Placing conditions on permits to Iimit the number of cars on a lot and require off-street parking does not guarantee that the conditions will be met. Violations of these conditions occur regularly as evidenced by enforcement actions in the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection. Staff has talked about this issue and believes that establishing a minimum lot size for used car lots is an idea for the planning commission to consider in a future minor zoning amendment. In May, 1996, the planning commission recommended approval of, and the city council adopted, an amendment to require a minimum lot size of 15,000 square feet for outdoor sale of automobiles. G. DISTRICT COIINCIL R&COb4dHNDATION: The Dayton'S Bluff Center £or Civic Life voted to oppose tke special condition use permit application f H. FINDINGS• � The app7_icant has a contract to purchase the property and intends to sell previously owned automobiles to people who need to establish credit. The hours of operation will be 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturdays; tkere will be one full time employee and one part time employee. In addition to a general clean up of the site, the applicant intends to paint the exterior of the building, repair the existing fence along the eastern property line, repair the existing pylon sign, and plant three boulevard trees. The applicant adds that there will be a tenant, an independent insurance agent, in the office building, along with the car sales office. Section 60.544(2J permits outdoor sales space for exclusive sale of new or secondhand automobiles, house trailers or rental of trailers or automobiles, all subject to the following: The lot or area sba21 be provided with a permanent, dnrab3e and dustZess surface, aad shall be graded aad draiaed as to dispose of aS1 surface water acaumulated within tke area. This condition is met. The site is adequately paved and drained. b. Vehicular access to the outdoor sales area shall be at least sixty (60) feet from the iutersection of any two !2) streets. This condition is met. The driveway on Arcade Street is approximately 72 feet from the intersection with Margaret and 60 feet from the intersection with arcade Street. No repair or refiaishfng shall be doae oa the lot ualess conducted within a complete3y enclosed building. �iiJ 9 �-��� • Zoning File #96-247 Page Four This condition is met. The applicant states that no major repairs or refinishing will be done on the lot, except for changing £lat tires and jump starts. Aowever, sta£f advised the applicant that no repair or refinishing of any kind can be done unless the activity takes place within a completely enclosed building. The applicant undersCands and accepts this condition and adds that he has other facilities for repairs and re£inishing. d. The minimvm lot area shall be fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet. A site plan sha11 be submitted ahowing the layout of the vehicles for sale or rent, employee parking, aad customer parking. This condition is not met. The site has a lot area of 5,242 square feet, including one-half of the alley. This is 9,758 square feet less than required. The applicant requests a modi£ication of this condition stating that this minimum lot size requirement creates a hardship. Ae states that historically the property has been used for auto sales, which is the property�s only feasible commercial use. He adds that denying the modification would restrict the commercial uses and establish a taking of the property. StafP does not recommend that this condition be modified since such a modification would not be in keeping with the intent and purpose of the special condition. In fact, the staff analysis in the previous special condition use permit request for this property raised the issue of the inappropriateness of particularly sma11 sites being used for car sales. � 3. Section 64.300(d) of the zoning code requires that before trie planning commission may grant approval of a principal use subject to special � conditions, the commission shall find that: a. The extent, Iocatioa and intensity of the use will be in substantiaZ compliance mith the Saint Pau2 Comprehensive Plaa aad any applicable subarea plaas which weze approved by the city couneil. This condition is not met. One of the land use and zoning goals of the District 4 Plan states, "to promote better buffering between residential, commercial, and industrial land uses on and around East 7th Street,..." p. 13. The District 4 land use�policy states that the district council will support development of new or redevelopment of existing structures in industrial or commercial areas only when accompanied by parking provisions as established in the zoning code and by proper landscaping. The applicant is able to provide the required o£f-street parking but there is not adequate space on the lot to provide the required setback and landscaping and still accommodate the proposed number of cars for sale. The Near East Side Improvement Strategy (N25) completed in 1989 contains a set of strategies to address the issues of housing, economic development, neighborhood image, transportation, parks and recreation, land use and zoning, and education. The most relevant part of the document to the proposed use is the goals for economic development. These goals include: 1) "concentrate commercial land uses along existing commercial spines and at existing commercial nodes; 2) improve and maintain the vitality and appearance of commercial establishments; 3) phase out . m r- ��- [S�t Zoning File #96-247 Page Five commercial uses that are incompatible with adjacent residential uses (e.g. auto body shops, used car lots)." (p. 23, goals 1, 8, and 9) The NIS was accepted as a policy statement by the planning commission and the city council but was not adopted as part of the city's comprehensive plan. b. The use mill provide adequate tagress aad egress to miaimize traffic congestioa .in the public streets. This condition is met. The proposed use is not expected to generate a significant amount of traffic. The average daily traffic volume on Arcade Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets is 6,700 (July, 1991). On-street parking is permitted on the east side of Arcade Street except from 4:00 p.m. to 6:D0 p.m.. On-street parking on the west side of Arcade between Seventh & Margaret is limited to 15 minutes from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. c. The use wi31 not be detrimeatal to the existiag character of tbe deveSo�eat in the ia�ediate neighborhood or eadanger the public hea2th, safety and geaeral welfare. C� This condition is met. The proposed use is a relatively low intensity commercial use which is appropriate given the residential uses to the south of the site. The used car lot will not be deLrimental to the character of the neighborhood or endanger the public safety and general welfare. � However, theft of and vandalism to vehicles parked on Margaret Street was identified as a problem when used cars have been sold from the subject site in the past. d. The use wiS1 not impede tke normal and orderZy develo�ent and improvemeat of the surrouadiag property for uses permitted ia the district. This condition is met. e. The use shall, in all otfier respects, conform to the applicable regulatioas of the district in whick it is located. This condition is not met. The site plan submitted does not provide the required setbacks with landscaping between public rights of way and the parking lot as required by the zoning code. The site is too small to provide these setbacks and sti17. accommodate the proposed number of cars for sale. In addition, while Section 6I.I03(b) requires side and rear yards of at least ten feet when a business district adjoins a side yard in an adjacent residential district, the board of zoning appeals granted a variance of this requirement for this property in 1976. 4. The off-street parking requirement for used car sales is one space per 400 square feet of office space and one parking space per 2,000 square feet of outdoor display area. The requirement for the proposed use is three spaces (one for the office space and two for the outdoor display area). The site plan indicates four off-street parking spaces. 5. Section 64.300(f): of the zoning code states, "The planning commission, after public hearing, may modify any or a12 special P� 9��i�� • Zoning File #96-247 Page Six conditions, when strict application of such special condiCions would unreasonably limit or prevent otherwise lawful use of a piece of property or an existing structure and would result in exceptional undue hardship to the owner of such property or structure; provided, that such modification will not impair the intent and purpose of such special condition and is consistent with health, morals and general welfare of the community and is consistent wi[.h reasonable enjoyment of adjacent property. STAE'F RECOT4SHNDATIONs Based on findings 2d, 3a, and 3e staff recommends denial of the special condition use permit. � J • E y � � - «�l SPECIAt CONDITION USE PERMIT APPLICATION Department of Planning and Economic Development Zoning Section II00 Ciry Hall Annez 25 N'esd Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 266-6589 APPLfCANT PROPERTY LOCATION �. �. '::: : S � = Name Peter Lobinskv address 2546 Stillwater Road City Maplewood St.MN Zip 55109 Daytime phone 426-1631 Name of owner (if different)��" �C,�n0,�S2� Legai descripfion: Lot �: Otto's Subdivision of Lot 15 of Otto's Subdivision Current Zoning 8-3 (aftach additional sheet if necessary) TYPE OF PERMIT: Application is hereby made under the provisions of Chapter 60 , Section 544 , Paragraph 2 of the Zoning Code for a: � Special Conditio� Use Permit ❑ River Corridor Conditional Use Permit ❑ Modification of River Corridor Standards SUPPORTiNG INFORMATION: in the space below supply information that is applicable to your type of permit (attach additional sheets if necessary) • SPECIAL CONDITION USE: Explain how the use will meet each of the special conditions. • R(VER CORRIDOR CONDITIONAL USE: Describe how the use witl meet the applicable conditions. • MODIFICATION OF RIVER CORRIDOR STANDARDS: Explain why modifications are needed. (See attached booklet) Required sitti plan is ApplicanPs � 63 i �nt�_ 9 � �0� �'6 ��-j�� � September b, 1996 Mr. Ken Ford Planning Administrator City of Saint Paul 25 W. Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Z��B�� F�LE q�•241 RE: Special Conditional Use Permit for Auto Acceptance Dear Mr. Ford: Enclosed please find my application for a special conditional use permit along with supporting materiais. The materials include a drawing of the proposed business, a brief description of the � business and zoning history, the site plan, the ietter of intent between Mr. Sayer and myself, and signatures from local supporters. The signatures of suppon are split into the categories of local business people and neighbors of the site. The supporters read the narrative above their signatures prior to signing the petition. The narrative in the petition incorrectly lists Marv Sayer as a owner/operator in the site. The Petitions were printed prior to the execution of the enclosed letter of intent. Marv Sayer will not be involved in the day to day operations of the business. Please contact me if you have any questions. Very Peter PL:jw • � 1, � ; � f: �;� , j r, �i�if ��i� `�' .. � � .' � ; � - -:��':a...a.:� � (� ' { . �� �r� .., ir �p' 1 t� l � � �1� '� ��- �" �7� y ,. I �� r ' �! f1'' � �i I j f ���. �� t , o�j` �L. a.. f _ b t �f1 �, ��� ��r_�tu�1i'�1���It�i� 's�i/:,�.(!� ��� i� �� .f�'�-'_ �" �����'�����5���� 1��� 1���._� i �� ��� � � � �4Ufi0 ACCEPT�AN�E Applicant Peter Lobinsky 2546 Stillwater Road, Maplewood ������� ��� � ��' I Born in 1945 and resided on St. Paul's East side until 1960, when his family moved to North St. Pau� , and he graduated from North St. Paul High School in 1964. Peter has a 23 year old daughter and 21 year old son. Automobile financing has been Peter's profession for 15 years, most recently with LB Sales. Business Name: Auto Acceptance � Location: 672 Arcade Street Parcef Size: 123' of frontage on Arcade Street and 39.41 of frontage on Margaret. Office Building is 325 square feet, leaving a 4595 square foot lot for parking automobiles. Purpose: Sell previously owned automobiles to people who need to establish credit. Employees: One fufl-time and one part-time. Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m -5:00 p.m. Renovations: Exterior painting to the office building, �andscaping, repairing and painting the fence along the eastern property line. Plant 3 Boulevard trees, fix the existing Pylon sign, and general clean up. Other Tenants: Cathy Buschman, lndependent Insurance Agent. Practices: Cars will not be parked on the street. Cars will not be repaired on the lot, except for changing fiat tires and jump starts. Historv The site was at one time used as a gas station. Untii the early 1980s there was a repair garage and commercial building on the north part of the lot. The following is a chronology of recent approvals: 1976 The board of zoning appeals approved three variances for a 12 car parking lot. The one variance relevant to the use now proposed was variance of a required 10 foot side yard setback between B-3 uses and the adjoining residential property. 1981 Special condition use permit approved for used car sales for 666 Arcade Street {south part of the site). 1982 License was issued for used car sales for four cars. � ��-l ����a�� ���� a�' 241 � 1983 Special condition use permit for used car sales approved with 10 * conditions including limit of 16 cars for sale, 2 parking spaces, and 6-foot visual screen on east property line. 1987 Site plan approved for used car sales; requires a screening fence along east property line and boliards with chain to contain cars on site. 1988 Special condition use permit application filed and then withdrawn for trailer sales. 1989 Special condition use permit approved for used car sales. Planning commission resolution indicates 14 car limit including parking; SCUP limits sale cars to 10. 1992 Staff recommended approval of the special condition use permit for used car sales with nine conditions. The planning commission denied the permit. 1995 Special Condition Use Permit for used car sales was denied by the zoning committee. The zoning committee's decision was overturned by the ptanning commission, which sef various conditions on the approval. The applicant appealed placement of the condition to the city council. The city � council ruled against the applicant. Zonin Section 60.544 (2) permits outdoor sales space for exciusive sale of new or secondhand automobiles, house trailers or rental of trailers or automobiles, all subject to the following: a. The lot or area shall be provided with a permanent, durable and dustless surface, and shal! be graded and drained as to dispose of at! surface water accumulated within the area. b. Vehicular access to the outdoor sates area shail be at least sixty (60) feet from the intersection of any two (2) streets. c. No repair or refinishing shail be done on the lot unless conducfed within a completely enclosed buildi�g. d. The minimum lot area shall be fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet. A site plan shall be submitted showing the layout of the vehicles for sale or rent, empioyee parking, and customer parking. � 6? ����� Z�'����� ���� �� � � Section 64.300 (d) of the zoning code requires that before the pianning commission may grant approvaf of a principai use subject to special conditions, the commission shall find that: a. The extent, location and intensity of the use will be in substantial compliance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and any appiicable subarea plans which were approved by the city counci�. b. The use will provide adequate ingress and egress to minimize traffic congestion in the public streets. c. The use wil! not be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety and general welfare. d. 7he use wilf not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. e. 7he use shall, in all other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. � Previous Application The following were found by the zoning committee at their December 7, 1995 hearing: The parking area has a permanent, durable and dustfess surface, and is graded and drained as to dispose of all surface water accumulated within the area. [Sec. 60.544 {2) (a)] The driveway on Arcade Street is approximately 72 feet from the intersection with Margaret and 60 fieet from the intersection with Arcade Street. [Sec. 60.544 (2) (b)]. No major repairs or refinishing will be done on the lot. [Sec. 60.544 (2) (c)). The proposed use will not generate a significant amount of traffic. The average daily traffic volume on Arcade Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets is 6,700 (July, 1991) (Sec. 64.300 (d) (b)]. The proposed use is a relative(y low intensity commerciaf use which is appropriate given the residential uses to the south of the site. The used car lot will not be detrimental to the character of the ne+ghborhood or endanger the public safety and general we4fare. [Sec. 64.300 (d) (c)]. � The use wifl not impede the normaf and orderfy development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. [Sec. 64.300 (d) (d)}. i ��-i�� Z��f�� ���,� �b�2q � Denial ^ The previous denial was based on Sec. 64.300 (d) (a), which states: fhe exfent, locabon and intensity of fhe use wrll be in subsfantial compliance wrth the Sainf Paul Comprehensive Plan and any applicable subarea plans which were approved by fhe cify council. and Sec. 64.300 (d) (e), which states: the use shall, in all other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is locafed. The explanation given for each application of the above section deals with buffering the commerciai use from the residential areas, specificaily the use of set backs and landscaping requiremenTs. If the zoning code was imposed without variance, the 4 and 6 foot setbacks with landscaping between public righfs of way and the parking lot"would eliminate any possible commercia! use of the property. The land is zoned commercial and strict application of the zoning code on the property results in undue hardship. The city of St. Paul realized the hardship in the 1970's and 9980's and granted the variances and use permits. Denying such use now would be an arbitrary capricious decision, and would deny any reasonabfe use in the current zoning ciassification. Variance Section 60.544 (2)(d), which requires auto sales businesses to have a minimum lot area of fifteen thousand square feet, was added to the zoning code after the 1995 special condition use permit for the property was denied by city council. Application of the newly enacted ordinance creates a hardship to fhe applicant; therefore, the applicant seeks a variance. The property has historica!!y been used for auto sales, which is the property's only feasible commercial use. Denying the variance would restrict the commercial uses and establish a taking of the property. Conciusion The applicant has a solid business plan for the property, which will be an asset to the community. The applicant needs both a special condition use permit and a variance from the lot size requirement for auto sales businesses. � � Li1 Nlarg Street Grass o = Sidewalk a,� `a �fi Display 1 `'' a < w� � � �~ a. � 3 � Display 2 A �.Y_;�Q�'^i>i:� . : 'Q � :: `wl ' �;G_:: i �' Y �5: :'� : �:5 i . ;'-EN , :a`��T ' _�fr>;: ... { Display 5 �1 { S� � e _M �s � �� �� � vs�x � � Display 6 Dispiay 7 � � iCustomer � �__�' v t�. � Custome � �— �I Customer X 7 c=� � Customer rr � � � G � Q Display 8 0 � � Display 9 �„ � A 38` Alley > > � .� Q �111N � K � ti f . a a4 � O � � � �i � � � � � � S E W N ��/� � �^ i"� � H � W � � � � � � 0 � � � '7U � �- ��5 � Letter of Sntent This letter of intent is entered into between Marv Sayre and Peter iobinsky for purposes of se2ling 672 Azcade Street, St. Paul, (the Property) Mir.nesota owned by Sayre_ Sayre intends to sell and Lobinsky intends to purchase the Prone=ty on the following terms and conditions: 1. The purchase price is $89,900, whicn sha11 be amortized ove� 30 years. 2. Tne sale will be by Contract far Deed. 3_ The in�erest rate wi?1 be 9� per annum_ 4. The Contract wi11 have a balloon payment after �0 years. Lobinsky intends to purchase the Property on the forgoing terms orovided: 1. The City of St. Pau1 approves a special use permit for the Property allowing for the sale of used cars. � 2. Lobinsky can repaint the building and ience on the nroperty to lignt brown, tar or liaht grey (with use of contrasting trim)_ 3. That Sayre enters into a Purchase Agreement to sell the Property prior to submission oi the application of the special use permit �ZC������ ���� a � � �� � Z!�rv1'f� ' 1 I �.-}-�Q, � r\ ! L• , f `�� ��� � . Presented By Referred To R ��\� 3�1�� Council File # ~ O�- // Green Sheet # 35645 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PA , i- �-/ . ZONit�G F�L� 9�-?4� �� Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16. � 7 8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 � 41 42 43 WHEREAS, Frederick Partlow, in PED File No. 95-255 and pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code, Sections 60.554, Subd.(4} and 64.300(d), applied for a special condition use permit to allow outdoor sales of used automobiles on property located at 672 Arcade Street and legally described as Lot 1; Otto's Subdivision of Lot 15 of Otto's Subdivision; attd WHEREAS, on December 7, 1995, the Zoning Committee of the Saint Paui Planning Commission, in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.30� of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, conducied a public hearing on the application of Frederick Partlow at which all persons were given an opportunity to be heard, either in person or in writing, on the said application; and WHEREAS, on December 15, 1995, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based upon the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing, approved the said application as substantiaily reflected in the minutes thereof and made Findings of Fact as set forth in Planning Commission Resolution No. 95-43 of the Saint Paul Planning Commission, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference and which sha11 become a part of this resolution; and WHEREAS, on December 29, 1995, the Dayton's Bluff Center For Civic Life filed an appeal of the decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission pursuant to Saint Pau1 Le�islative Code, Section 64.206, alleging an error in fact procedure, or finding, of the Planning Commission. Said appeal is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference and shall become a part of this resolution; and WHEREAS, acting pursuant to Sections 64.206 through 64.208 of ihe Saint Paul Legislative Code and upon notice to affected parties, a public hearin� was du]y conducted by the Council of the City of Saint Paul on January 24, 1996, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be.heard; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paui, having heazd the statements made and having considered the application, the report of staff, the zecord, minutes and resolution of the Planning Commission and of its Zoning Committee, does hereby RESOLVE, that the Councii of the City of Saint Paul does hereby overturn the decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission in ihis matter for the following reasons: 1. The applicant's lot size of 4,847 square feet is not compatible for the proposed use. 2. The proposed use is not ,�n onformance with the Near East Side Improvement Strategy, a plan `�� y the Saint Paul Ciry Council in 1989. The Near East Side Improvement Strategy states as one of its goals "phase out 7 Z „� �� 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ]0 I1 12 13 14 15 ��- commercial uses that are ineompatible with adjacent residentia] uses.” (e.g, auto body shops, used car Iots} Saint Paul Legislative Code Sectiott 64.300{a). 3. Nothing about the proposed use of the property has changed since ihe Saint � Paul Planning Commission and the Council of the City of Saint Paul denied a similar application in 1992. 4. The proposed use wili be detrimenta] to exisTing cl�aracter of development in the immediate neighborhood. Saint Paul Legislative Code, Section 64300(c). BE IT FURTH�R RESOLVED, that the appea] of ihe Dayton's Bluff Center For Civie Life is in atl things granted; AND BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shatl mail a copy of this resolution to the Appticant, the Appeltant, the Zoning Administrafor and the Planning Commission. � ORICf �!�,L Z������ � ��G� °'� � Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council : Date�� aC� \ c( q(� —'_ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: \ \ _ .�_,� Approved by / By: ! By: Form Approv by City Attorney B .,�i �w/,s,,,.�c—. Rpproved by Mayor for Submission to � Council By: ��-��y i city of saint paul ~= pianning commission resolution file number 95-93 �te December 15, 1995 WHEREAS, FREDERICK PARTLOW, file 1t95-255, has applied for a Special Condition Use Permit under the provisions of Section 60.544(2) of the Saint Pau] Legislative Code, to allow outdoor sales of used automobiles on property located at 672 ARCAAE STREET, legaily described as Lot 1; Otto's Subdivision of Lot 15 of Otto's Subdivision; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission heid a public hearing on December 7, 1995, at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of 3ection 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the foiiowing findings of fact: 1. The applicant has a contract to lease the property and intends to operate a used car � sales business. There will be one full-time employee and one part-time employee. The hours of operation are expected to be 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Priday and Saturday. The applicant intends to make improvemen[s to the exterior of the building including repairing and painting the fence along ihe eastern property line and painting the building a lighter color. He also pians to plant three trees in the boulevard and fix an existing pylon sign. He states that he will not park his cars on the street and that cars will not be repaired on the lot. The small building on the site will be used as an office. There is a screen fence insialled along the east property line. The fence is in need of some repair. There are bollards in place all along the alley which do not allow for alley access. The existing arrangement is preferable as it diverts traffic fzom the largely residential alley. 2. Section 60.544(2) permits outdoor sales space for exclusive sale of new or secondhand automobiles, house trailers or rental of trailers or automobiles, all subject to the following: --...._.____ - moved by Gordon 7�Atlt��� ���� � ( seconded by ' � 1� i � f Schwichtenbera � � in favor lo a���t 6(Kramer, Schwichtenberg, Chavez, Faricy, Morton, Wencl) 7� ��-��� Zoning File #95-255 Page Two of Resol�[ion a. The lof or area shall be provided with a permanent, durable and dustless surface, and shatl be graded and drained as to dispose of all surface water accumulated within the area. This condition is met. b. Vehicular access to the outdoor sales area shall be at leasd sizty (60) feet from the intersection of any two (2) streets. This condition is met. The driveway on Arcade Street is approximately 72 feet from the interseccion with Margare[ and 60 feet from the intersection with Arcade Street. c. No repair or refinishing shall be done on the lot r�niess conducted within a completely enclosed building. This condition is met. The applicant understands and agrees to this condition. � Section 64.300(d) of the zoning code requires that before the planning commission may grant approval of a principal use subject to special condi[ions, the commission shall find that: � a. The extent, location and intensily of the use will be in substantial compliance with the Saint Pau1 Comprehensive Plan and any applicable subarea plans which were approved by the city council. This condition is met. The use is a relatively low intensity commercial use which is appropriate given the residential uses to the eas[ and south. b. The use will provide adequate ingress and egress to minimize traffic congestion in the pubZic sfreets. This condition is met. The proposed use is not expec[ed to generate a significant amount of traffic. The average daily traffic volume on Arcade Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets is 6,700 (July, I991). On-street parking is permitted on the east side of Arcade Street except from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.. On-street parking on the west side of Arcade between Seventh & Margaret is liznited to 15 minutes from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m, The use will not be detrimental to the existing character of the developmenl in dhe immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safely and general welfare. . ZQ���� ���� -q.�'a42 i �5 �` �-/� Zoning Fite ft95-255 •. � Page Three of Resolution This condition is met. The proposed use is a relatively lotiv intensity commercia] use which is appropriate given the residential uses to the south of the site. The used car lot will not be detrimental to the character of the neighborhood or endanger the pub3ic safety and general welfare. d. The use ivill not impede the normal and orderZy development and improvement of tlie surroundirzg property for uses permitted in the district. This condition is met. e. The use shall, in all other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. This condition is met. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Pau] Planning Commission, that under the authority of the City's Legislative Code, the application for a Special Condition Use to aliow outdoor sales of used automobiles at 672 ARCADE STREET is hereby approved, subject to the following condition: 1. There shaii be no more than seven (7) cars "For Sale" on the lot at any time and four (4) � off-street parking spaces shali be provided at ail tames. The total number of cars on the lot at any time shall not exceed 11. � ���� F��� �� i 7� Yw � : •c:�{ ; ;; :.,�.j.; :,;�> z- �l� �` v) RESOLUTION Ct"f'Y OF rSAINT P�L, M Presented By Referred Committee: � i �� ad '7/� �J , � .� � 2�r 1 ( �Q _� -- Gf� r �� — — i " .. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS ]( 17 �s 29 20 ZI 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Whereas, Greg Han@zlik, 890 E. Cook, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106, made application to the PIanning Commission for a special condition use permit so as to operaie a used car sales business pursuant to the provisions of the Saint Pau1 Zoning Code for property located at 672 Arcade Street, legally described as Lot 1, Block 103, Otto's Subd_ of Lot 25 of Otto's subd, Saint Paul, Ramsey County; and Whereas, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on August 3, 1992, after having provided notice to affected pzoperty owners, and submitted its recommendation to the Commission. The Conunission, by its Resolution 92-61, adopted September 25, 1992, decided 2o deny the application based Qn the foilowing findings and conclusions: i, The proposed use does not conform to 2 of S required findings for all special condition uses speci�ed in section 64.300(c). 2. The proposed use would be detrimenta] to ihe existing character of surrounding residential deveIopment and would endanger the generat public welfare. There are only rivo off-street parking spaces, which would result in customers parking on Margaret Street. Theft of and vandalism to vehicles parked on Margaret Sireet has been a problem when used cars have been sold from the subject site in the past. Finally, the eight-foot high chain link fence proposed by the applicani would detract from nearby residential uses and from recent improvements to the East Seventh commercial district. 3. The site plan submitted does noi provide four-foot setbacks with landscaping between public rights-of-way and the parking lot as required by the Zoning Code. The site is too small to provide ihese setbacks and accommodate the proposed number of cars for sale. While Section 61.103(b) requires side and rear yards of at teast ten feet when a business district adjoins a side yard in an adjacent residence district, the Board of Zoning Appeals granted a variance of this requirement for this properry in 1976. 4. The Near East Side Neighborhood Improvement Strategy (NIS), completed in 1939, contains a set of strategies fo address the issues of housing, economic development, neighborhood image, transportaYion, parks and recreation, Iand use and zoning, and education. The most relevant part of the docnment to the proposed use is the goals for economic development. These goaIs include "improv[ing] and maintain[ingJ the vitality and appearance of commercial establishrrtents and phas[ing] out comtnercial Council File # Green Sheet # ESOTA ,. ZQI�i�I�� � 77 �.. � � .i ;�f�'rY�:, L 3 4 � 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 7( 17 18 7) 20 21 22 23 24 2� 2Ci � �j� -/J'33 :. uses that are incampatible with ad,}acent residential uses (e.g., auto body shops, used car lots)." The NIS �vas accepted as a policy statement by the 9��j� Planning Commission and the City Council. �Vhereas, Pursuant to the provisions of Section 64.205, Greg Handzlik, duly filed with the City Clerk an appeal from the detennination made by the Planning Commission, requesting that a hearing be held before the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the said Commission; and Whereas, Acting pursuant to Sections 64.205 through 64.208, and upon notice to affected parties a public hearing was duly conducted by the City Council on November 19, 1992, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; and Whereas, The Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Zoning Cammittee and of the Planning Commission, does hereby Resolve, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby affirm the decision of the Pianning Commission in this matter based on the findings made and determined by the said Commission; and be it Further Resolved, That the appeai of Greg Handzlik be and is hereby denied; and, be it Finally Resolveci, That the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Greg I the Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission. ���� � � ���--�------__._.... ' n �� � 6 y � � t"" �_..� �,•+.,..�� i Requested by Department o£: B Form Apprpve�d by City, Adoption Certi£ied tary B By: ��;'�(1� C� �-l� �roved by May� : Date �E �, � $ }ggz � � / G �� „ �l/�✓..=�;s By: t Sy: Submission to i Adopted by Council: Date _ �E� i � 1992 �-��i� p(av►h►►�y Gowtw��ss�on (?�.solu�io� c ay of saint paui �4 "'�9 �U'� �d�� �Se � • p nning comm�ss�on resolution file number �Z-61 /� p � + _ � ��. 2 � ��(e September 25. 1992 , . � �"'" � � " ' �O � � �'� � � .�r�.r... WHEREAS, GREG HANDZLIK, file �92-161, has applied for a special condition use pezmit, under the provisions of Section 60.544(2) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, to allow outdoor used 'car sales on property located at 672 ARCADE STREET, legally described as Lot 1, Block 105, Otto's Subd. of Lot 15 of Otto's Subd.; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Ylanning Commission held a public hearing on August 3, 1992 at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legis2ative Code; and • WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Ylanning Commission made the following £indings of fact: 1. The proposed use does not conform to iwo of the five required findings for all special condition uses specified in Section 64.300(c). These conditions and the inabfl'ity of the proposed use to meet them are 2s fo2lows; a. The use will not be detrimentaI to the existing character of tne develapment fn the imn.ediate neighborhood or endanger the publtc healtn, safety snd general weIfare. (§64.300(c)(3}) The proposed use would be detrimental to the existing character of surzounding residential development and would endanger the generaZ pubZic welfare. There are only two off-street parking spaces, which would result in customers garking on Margaret Street. Theft of and vandalism to vehicles parked on Margaret Street has been a problem when used cars hzve been soZd from the subject site in the past. Final2y, the eight-foot high chain link fence proposed by the applicant would detract from nearby residential uses and from recent improvements to the East Seventh commercial district, b. The use shaIl, in 211 other respects, conform [o the applicable regulations of the district in which it is 2ocaLed. (§64.300(c)(5)) � The site plan submitted does not provide four-foot setbacks with landscaping between public rights-of-way and the parking lot as required moved by HIRTE seconded by ? in favor 10 against 6 Z�N��� ��L� Q 5�255 � � �� � 3 ��-��y � by the zoning code. The site is too small to provide these setbacks and accommodate the proposed number of cars for sale. While Section b1.103(b) requires side and rear yards of at least ten feet hhen a business district adjoins a side yard in an adjacent residence district, the Board o£ Zoning Appeals granted a variance of this requirement for this property in 1476. 2. The Hear East Side Neighbozhood Im�.rovement Strategy (NIS), completed in 1989, contains a set of strategies to address the issues of housing, economic development, neighborhood image, transportation, parks and xecreation, land use and zoning, and education. The most relevant part of the document to the proposed use is the goals for economic development. These goals include "improv{ingJ and maintain(ing] the vitality and appearance of commercial establishments and phas(ingj out commercial uses that are incompatible with adjacent residential uses (e.g, auta hody shops, used car lots)." (p. 23, goals 8& 9) The NIS was accepted as a policy statement by the Planning Commission and the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission that, under the authority of the City's Legislative Code,�the application for a special condition use permit to allow outdoor sales of used automobiles at 672 ARCADE STREET is hereby denied. a ������� ���,� �15•2 �...__._,..r.r,...._.. �, ������� �°��� �b•24 ` � qo �4 ��- ��� Bud & A1 's Brake Service 69S Arcade Street St. Paul, MN 55106 October 24, 1996 City Council Chambers Office 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, MN 55102 ATTN: Kady Dadlez - Zoning Office l��C�1lI�L� OCT 3 Q 79gg ����R��= RE: File # 96-247 Fite Name: Peter Lobinsky SCUP Deaz Kady: Bud and Al's Brake Service approves the Special Conc3itions Use Permit to allow outdoor sales of used Automobiles for Peter Lobinsky at 672 Arcade Street. We feel it would be good for the neighborhood to not have the building left vacant. Thank you, Larry Weis / Gary Weis �%� $ud & A1's Brake Service �} s i C� � 9� ��y � i. SUNRAY-BATTLECREEK-HIGHWOdD 2. HAZEL PARK HADEN-PROSPERTTY HILLCREST c�r cmi° 4. DAYTON'S BLUFF - 5. 'AY�` 5. NORTH END 7. THOMAS-DALE 8. SUMMIT-IINIVERSTI'I' 9. WEST SEVE23TH 10. COMO Il. HAMLINE-MIDWAY 12. ST. ANT'HOI3Y PARK 13. MERRIAM PAl2K-LEXINGTON HAMLINE-SNEL,LING 14. MACALEST'ER GROVSLAND 15. HIGHLAND : 16. SUMMIT HILL 17. DOWNTOWN HAMLINE .� • zoN�rv� F��� �� �� -z� CITIZEN PAitTIG'IPATION PLANNING DISTRICTS �� � �� � � , ������� ���� �-� � �(o • 2$lr� � � DAYTON'$ BLUFF DISTRICT 4�N o"'�"° �"° ' s.� . �. (_��r - -�� , � mU �__.11 � j��j - A �.__� p � � ' � ,� � �l -o- - > P __� � � rZ � � � J� . .Y;v ' � � -{ �� � � � ��, � �.���� � � ��� ,; , �� � � �� � '' x � .\ � �• • • • � �� �I � � H' cA ��� O 0 r �( � d � �L•J^ a • '` yQ . .� ��e,..{���� U � , t j ..,� :o.•. � 1 . � _� C � i �` _ :� l Q J , ��� _ G O I .0 l) � ( �� �� �: �.� . -�L �1_L� ° . . . � � � ., p , _ S y •��� "v 4 � ► n p �` Uy%'�•� � u ,• �.i SIXTH � n �.: ��. Q� t 1 i� � � i ! ' �' � �� �o. „ �IQI "iOQOJ'; _LJ r ' , , a 1 . i�.°;� 1J : I_�_, I�-'._ i� ; � q "' �404��;0��°4�4� � �_ � �1� �it ` Ilnf�l��'UTv��o� f,y • � / r . �. ' � ��' , � � : ,�� . s�,:, .�. . n_a _ i FTN ' �o��000 o {�I ,Ii� . I "' ^ _�. . �_ r '" * " •.-,. _ _ _t.�. __ APPLICANT �� �`�N�y LEGEND i PURPOSE �' U .�� zaning district boundary f P�!€ # �0' 7i¢ '�'b� ��'Z' � � subject property n� orthi � PLNG. DiST._�. MAP # o one family •. � commercial ! � � twofamily � �� industrial � i SCALE 1" = 400' � � Q multi le famil V vacant , ..�>..�..,, �' , P Y �— _ � c��l R .� { i�� { v Presented By Referred To Council File # - 1 � Green Sheet # � �U `S RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3'� Committee _ Date WHEREAS, Peter Lobinsky, in PED File No. 96-247 and pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code §§ 60.554, subd. 4 and 64300(d) applied for a special condition use permit to allow outdoor sales of used automobiles on property located at 672 Arcade Street and legally described as Lot 1; Otto's Subdivision of Lot 15 of Otto's Subdivision; and WHEREAS, on October 31, 1996, the Zoning Committee of the Saint Paul Planning Commission, in accardance with the requirements of § 64300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, conducted a public hearing on the application of Peter Lobinsky at which all persons were given an opporiunity to be heard, either in person or in writing, on the said application; and WHEREAS, on November 8, 1996, the Saint Paul Plaxu�ing Commission, based upon the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public heazing as substantially reflected in the minutes thereof, made Findings of Fact and denied the said application as set forth in Saint Paul Plamiiug Commission Resolution Nuxnber 96-66 which is incorporated herein by reference and which shall become a part of this resolufion; and WHEREAS, on November 27, 1996, the applicant, Peter Lobinsky, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code § 64.206, filed an appeal of the decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission by alleging an enor in fact, procedure, or finding, of the Plamiing Coxnxnission and, specifically, that the application of a11 ordinances on the property creates a hardship. Said appeal is incorporated herein by reference and shall become a part of this resolution; and WHEREAS, acting parsuant to § 64.206 through § 64.208 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and upon notice to affected parties, a public heazing was duly conducted by the council of the City of Saint Paul on December 26, 1996, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heazd; and WHEREAS, the council of the City of Saint Paul, having heazd the statements made at the public hearing and having considered the application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolutions of the Planuing Commission and of its Zoning Committee, does hereby; RESOLVE, and find that there was no error as to fact, finding or procedure on the part of the Plauviug Commission and its Zoning Committee and hereby �rms the decision of the Saint Pau1 Plamiiug Commission in this matter for the reasons contained in Plawiiug Commission Resolution No. 96-66, Findings No. 1(a) - 1(d) which aze specifically adopted herein and need not be repeated here for the purposes of brevity. T 2 3 4 5 6 a� -c�q AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appeal of Peter Lobinsky is in a11 things denied; and AND BE TT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Peter Lobinsky, the Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: ���,��.,� _ _ - Approved by Mayor: Date �/'�l£7 BY: �vv` By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: �.���'� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council : Date �.�, o�. �r��`� °�� -t89 OEPAHiMEMT�OFFICE/COUNCIL �ATE INITIATED �J U �J �� Office of City Attorney a-iai99� GREEN SHEE CONTACTPERSON & PHONE INITIAVDATE INfT1AUDATE ODEPAR'fMENTDiAECTOfl aCITYCAUNdL Peter VTarner 26�g71� N yBERFOR � CITYAfTORNEY Q CRYCLERK MU5T BE ON CAUNCR pGENDA BV (DATE) �� O BUOGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES OIR. 1 1 7 � O MAVOR (OR ASSISTADfT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Finalizing Ciry Councril acrion taken December 26, 1996, denying the appeal of Peter Lobinsky to a decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission pertaining to 672 Arcade Street. flECAMMENDA710NS: Approve (A) or Reject (A) PEHSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER iHE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNINCa COMMISSION __ CIVIL SEfiVICE fAMM1S$ION 1- Has this personHirm aver worketl under a con[ract for Mis departmen[? _GIBCOMMITfEE _ YES NO _� 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTHICTCOUqT _ 3. Does Mis erSOMPIrm ossess a skill not nofmall p p y possessed Dy any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICN COUNCIL OBJEGTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on sepalate sheet antl attaeh to green shcet INITIATING PROBLEM. �SSUE. OPPBRTUNITY (Who, Whet, When, Where, Why): ADVANiAGES IF APPRWED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: Council Research Center {� c � 1 4� I997 DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: � � � TOTAL AMOUNT OF iHANSACTION $ COST/HEVENUE BUDC+E7ED (CIRCLE ONE} YES NO FUNDIiBG SOUACE ACTNRY NUMBER FINANCIAL WFORFSATION: (EXPWIN) OFFICE OF TFIE CITY ATTORNEY �� j �.q _� ( � f• CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemm�, Mayor February 10, 1997 HAND DELIVERED Nancy Anderson City Council Research Room 310 City Hall/Court House RE: Appeal of Peter Lobinsky 1996. Dear Ms. Anderson: Civil Division 400 Ciry Hal[ 15 West Kellogg BZvd Sa"vetP¢u� Minnesom 55102 Telephone: 672 266-87I0 Facsimile: 672 298-56I9 db Heard by Council on Deaember, Attached please find a signed original draft of a resolution memorializing the decision of the City Council on December 26, 1996, to affirm in all things the decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission and thereby denying the appeal of Peter Lobinsky. Please see that this matter is placed on the earliest council consent agenda. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Very ruly yours, P te���� Assistant City Attorney cc: PED Planing � - DEPARTMEN7' OF PLANNING �Y � /�� & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � � � ��, CTTY OF SAIlVT PAUL Norm Caleman, Mayor December 3, 1996 Ms. Nancy Anderson CiTy Council Reseazch Office Room 310 CiTy Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: Division ojP[mining 25 West FourUe Sheet Saint Paut, MN55102 Te[ep3wne: 612-266-6565 F¢csimiZe: 612-228-33I4 I would like to conFirm that a public heazing before the City Council is scheduled for Thursday December 26, 1996 for the following appeal of a Planning Commission decision denying a special condition use permit: Appellant: PETER LOBINSKY File Number: #96-247 Purpose: Appeal a Planning Commission decision denying a special condition use permit to allow outdoor sales of automobiles. Address: 672 ARCADE STREET (northeast corner of Arcade & Mazgazet Streets) Legal Description of Property: Lot 1; Otto's Subdivision of Lot 15 of Otto's Subdivision Previous Action: Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval vote: Unanimous, 11/8/96 Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval vote: 7-0, 10/31/96 My understanding is that this public hearing request will appeaz on the agenda for the December 11, 1996 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the heazing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6582 if you have any questions. Sincerely, � �� �1.� Ka y Da lez CiTy Planner Zoning Section cc: Fi1e #96-247 Mike Kraemer Donna Sanders . . � .- - . � . ='NOTIEE OF PUBLIC �ARING � � �� � - - . "� 9'he Saiat� Paul �City Council will conduM �a� public hearing �on, Thtirsday , '�December.�26: 1896; aE 4:30 p:m.;�City Coqncil Chambers, Third Floor City Hall, ' tqtonsider the appeal of.Peter Lobinsky to a decisiojrof thePlanning Com�v;'ssfon denyiag a special condition use permit to allow outdooi sales�of automohiles at� 672 Arcade Streef`(northeast corner of.Arcad_e anfl Mazgazet Stre�ts)�, Dated D"ecember 4-, I998 � - - _ _ - _ -' - - - -� � . NATVGY .9NDERSON � - � � -� � � � - � � , > Assistant City Cduncii Secretary_ -- - � " _ - - _ -. �, ., _ _ _. - ,, IDecember 6, 1996J_ -� _ - . DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING &. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � � l� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co[eman, Mayor December 13, 1996 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Division of Plmming 25 West Fnwth Sdeet Telephone: 6I2-266-6565 Sa'vuPaul,MN55102 Facsimile:672-228-3314 RE: Zoning File #96-286: PETER LOBINSKY City Council Heazing: Aecember 26, 1996 430 p.m. City Council Chambers Pi.IRPOSE: Appeal a planning commission decision denying a special condition use permit to allow outdoor sales of automobiles at 672 ARCADE STREET (northeast corner of Arcade & Margazet). PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION• DEDIIAL Unanimous ZONING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: DENIAL 7-0 • STAFF RECOMMENDA'ITON: DENIAL SUPPORT: No persons spoke. Thirty-eight letters were received in support. OPPOSITION: Four persons spoke. The Dayton's Bluff Center for Civic Life voted to oppose the special condition use permi� Dear Ms. Anderson: • PETER LOBINSKY has appealed the decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission denying a special condition use permit to allow outdoor sales of automobiles on property at 672 Arcade STREET (northeast corner of Arcade & Mazgaret). The Zoning Committee of the Saint Paul Planning Commission held a public heazing on the request on October 31, 1996. The applicant and his representative addressed the committee. At the close of the public heazing the committee voted 7-0 to recommend denial of the permit. The Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation for denial on a unanimous vote on November 8, 1996. This appeal is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on December 26, 1996. Please notify me if any member of the City Councii wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public heazing. Sincerely, � --�.�.�,..� Ken Ford Planning Administrator APPLICATION FOR APPEAL Department oj Planning and Econamic Development Zoning Section 1100 Ciry Ha11 Anner 15 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 266-6589 APPELLANT PROPERTY LOCATION City St.P�vv Zip 5�{Q� phone 4�' ��3� 738-�1'7� i Zoning File IJame ��-�� �b�hS�i Address/Location �P�2 nv tkxCX.Q ��YP-�� 7YPE OF APPEAL: Application is hereby made for an appeal to the: ❑ Board of Zoning Appeals 6d City Council under the provisions of Chapter 64, Section , Paragraph _ appeal a decision made by the P1...,.,,..,� C .. of the Zoning Code, to on !v / 3 i , 19 9G. File number. 96- 2¢� (d ate of de cisio n) GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Explain why you feel there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by an administrafive officiat, or an error in fact, procedure or finding made by the Board of Zoning Appeais or the Planning Commission. T �L ��4�1nih, �mM�>Ji.I� �J.C4il�uH W4� ��RN�<� i 4M teM1T•`�T - f{„ C.}... G.o.,�r...� W:ll �.� 0.PPI.c...'Fh o'� �.�1 arJt. on -�'(,� Aru.�3c("� Gf��.ic> S LtA-��.Q�12.' Tht p('aP�>c+{ VSC w :�' l 1 � b � b�.,..�,��;fi �� r�:,ab..tioo�p w,.� -rc-• �� � � LJ � Attach addifional if ApplicanYs signat������ Datel<— a1 City ��2?1R� - _ .�.,�.g, ,. �� %�'� • Kady Dadlez City of St. Paul Division of PIanning 25 W. 4th St St Paul, MN 55012 RE: Special condition use permit to atlow outdoor sales of sutomobiles. File #46-247 Dear Ms. Dadlez: Enclosed please Snd 20 copies of the materials to accompany my special condition use pemut applicatian. The materials include a drawing of the proposed site, a site plan, a cvritten commentary regazding the business plan and history of the site, the letter of intent between Marv Sayer and myself and the leiters of support from neighboring businesses and individuats. The letters of support were prepared when I planned to go into business with Mr. Sayer at the Iocation. As you �ow, tfie plans wese changed so I will putchase the ]and from Mr. Sayer and • go into business for myseLf. Please contact me if you have any questions, n Very trutp yours, � Pete L PL/jw Enc. � �. .� _ _ _ � .. . APPENDIX Appeal Documents Letters of support from local residents Letters of support from local businesses Planning Commission resolution, 11/8/96 Planning Commission minutes, 11/8/96 Zoning Committee minutes, 10/31/96 Staff Report, 10/24/96 Original Application, 9/30/96 City Council resolution, 3/20/96 Planning Commission resolution, 12/15/96 City Council resolution, 12/10/92 Planning Commission, 9/25/96 Letter of Support Maps 1-7 8-29 30-47 48-49 50-51 52-56 57-62 63-71 72-73 74-76 77-78 79-80 81 82-84 � � • 'i ,�' � � . .- � , . .'3�_ � "t � � i f �', 9 (� � i ry� � .. i � �� �� x +� � a�ec-.�: .. �. r�an.-. '' � '�� �` ,�c ;� � t ` �_� i+) 9 � ��� � �� � �,��ro �cc���x��c� Ap�licant Peter Lobinsky 2546 Stillwater Road, Maplewood Bom in 1945 and resided on St. Paul's East side until 1960, when his family moved to North St. Paui , and he graduated from North St. Paul High School in 1964. Peter has a 23 year old daughter and 21 year old son. Automobile financing has been Peter's profession for 15 years, most recently with LB Sales. Business Name: Auto Acceptance Location: 672 Arcade Street Parcel Size: 123' of frontage on Arcade Street and 39.41 of frontage on Margaret. Office Building is 325 square feet, leaving a 4595 square foot lot for parking automobiles. Financing: Applicant will enter a servicing agreement with Credit Acceptance Corporation, who provides financing to customers. Purpose: Sel{ previous4y owned automobiles to people wfio need to estabfish credit. Empioyees: One fuil-time and one part-time. Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Renovations: Exterior painting to the office building, landscaping, repairing and painting the fence along the eastern property line. Plant 3 Boulevard trees, fix the existing Pylon sign, and general clean up. Other Tenants: Cathy Buschman, lndependent Insurance Agent. Practices: Cars wili not be parked on the street. Cars wili not be repaired on the lot. H istorv Tfie site was at one time used as a gas station. Untii the early 1980s there was a repair garage and commerciai building on the north part of the lot. The foilowing is a chronology of recent approvals: 1976 The board of zoning appeals approved three variances for a 12 car parking lot. The one variance relevant to the use now proposed was variance of a required 10 foot side yard setback between B-3 uses and the adjoining residentiai property. 1981 Special condition use permit approved for used car saies for 666 Arcade Street (south part of the site). �982 License was issued for used car sales for four cars. � 9 �-/�� , 1983 Special condition use permit for used car sales approved with 10 conditions inciuding limit of 16 cars for sale, 2 parking spaces, and 6-foot visuai screen on east property line. 1987 Site plan approved for used car sales; requires a screening fence along east property line and bol4ards with chain to contain cars on site. 1988 Speciai condition use permit appiication filed and then withdrawn for trai(er sales. 7989 Special condition use permit approved for used car sales. Planning commission resolution indicates 14 car limit including parking; SCUP limits sale cars to 10. 1992 Staff recommended approval of the special condition use permit for used car sales with nine conditions. The pianning commission denied the permit. 1995 Special Condition Use Permit for used car sa{es was approved by the Pianning Commission. The District 4 Council appealed the Planning Commission's decision to the City Council, which denied the permit. � Zonina Section 60.544 (2) permits outdoor sales space for exclusive sale of new or secondhand automobiles, house trailers or rental of trailers or automobi(es, all subject to the following: a. The lot or area shali be provided with a permanent, durable and dustless surface, and shail be graded and drained as to dispose of all surface water accumulated within the area. b. Vehicular access to the outdoor sales area shall be at least sixty (60) feet from the intersection of any two (2} streets. c. No repair or refinishing shall be done on the lot uniess conducted within a complete{y enclosed building. d. The minimum !ot area shall be f+fteen thousand (15,000) square feet. A site pian shall be submitted showing the layout of the vehicles for sale or rent, employee parking, and customer parking. Section 64.300 (d) of the zoning code requires that before the planning commission may grant approval of a principal use subject to special conditions, the commission • shall find that: a. The extent, location and intensity of the use will be in substantial 3 � 7 /�9 • compliance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Pian and any appiicable subarea plans which were approved by the city council. The use wiil provide adequate ingress and egress to minimize fraffic congestion in the public streets. c. The use wil� not be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety and generat welfare. The use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. e. The use shall, in all other respects, conform to the appficable regulations of the district in which it is located. ro osal The parking area has a permanent, durable and dustless surtace, and is graded and drained as to dispose of ail surtace water accumulated within the area. [Sec. 60.544 (2) (a)l• � The driveway on Arcade Street is approximately 72 feet from the intersection with Margaret and 60 feet from the intersection with Arcade Street. [Sec. 60.544 (2) (b)]. No major repairs or refinishing wili be done on the lot. [Sec. 60.544 (2) (c)]. The proposed use will not generate a significant amount of tra�c. The average daily traffic volume on Arcade Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets is 6,700 (July, 1991). [Sec. 64.300 (d) (b)]. The use wili not impede the normal and orderiy development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. [Sec. 64.300 (d) (d)]. The proposed use is a relatively low intensity commercial use whicfi is appropriate given the residential uses to the south of the site. The used car lot will not be detrimental to the character of the neighborhood or endanger the public safety and general welfare. Denial The previous denial was based on Sec. 64.300 (d) (a), which states: the extent, location and intensity of the use will be in substantial compliance with the Saint Paui Comprehensive Plan and any applicable subarea plans which were approved by the city council. u � q � ��y � Sec. 64.300 {d) (e), which states: the use shall, in all other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. Sec. 60.544 (2)(d) which requires: The minimum lot area shal! be fifteen thousand {15,000) square feet. A site plan shall be submitted showing the layout of the vehicles for sale or rent, employee parking, and customer parking, Sec. 60.300 (d)(a) which requires: The extent, location and intensity of fhe use will be in substantiai compiiance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and any applicabie subarea pians which were approved by the city council, Sec. 64.300 (d)(cj which requi�es: The use will not be detrimental to the existing character of the developmen4 in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety and general weifare, and Sec. 68.300 (d)(e) which requires: The use shall, in all other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the � district in which it is located. Most of the above sections cited for reasons for denial deal with bufFering the commercial use from fhe residential areas, specifically the use of set backs and landscaping requirements. If the zoning code was imposed without variance, application of the 4 and 6 foot setbacks, the required landscaping between public rights of way, the 10 foot setback from the residentiaf area and the parking space requirements limit the commercial use of the property to a car lot. The city of St. Paul reaiized the hardship in the 1970's and 1980's and granted the variances and use permits. Denying such use now would be an arbitrary capricious decision, and wouid deny any reasonable use in the current zoning ciassification. Application of the newly enacted minimum 15,000 square foot requirement ordinance creates a hardship to the applicant; therefore, the applicant seeks a variance. The property has historically been used for auto sales, which is the property's only feasibie commercial use. Adapting the praperiy to another commercia{ use would require expanding the existing building, which wouid violate one of the setback requirements. Denying tfie variance to the 15,000 square foot requirement would restrict the commerciai uses and establish a taking of the property. Conclusion The applicant has a solid business pian for the property, which wiii be an asset to the � community. The applicant needs both a specia4 condition use permit and a variance from the lot size requirement for auto sales businesses. � 9� �� � Letcer of Intent This letter of intent is entered into between Marv Sayre and Peter Lobinsky for purposes of selling 672 Arcade Street, St. Paul, (the Property) Minnesota owned by Sayre. Sayre intends to sell and Lobinsky intends to purchase the Prooerty on the following terms and conditions: 1. The purchase price is $89,900, which shall be amortized over 30 years_ 2. The sale will be by Contract for Deed. 3. The interest rate wi11 be 9% per annum. 4. The Contract will have a balloon payment after 10 years. Lobinsky intends to purchase the Property on �he forgoing terms provided: 1. The City of St_ Paul approves a special use permit for the Property allowing for the sale of used cars. � 2. Lobinsky can repaint the building and fence on the property to light brown, tan or light grey (with use of contrasting trim). 3. That Sayre enters into a Purchase Agreement to se11 the Property prior to submission of the application of th2 special use permit � � Marg St r e et Grass o = � Sidewalk p,�',�'� � � � Display 1 �'' �w � U � R ... q„ p CL a � Display 2 A Y ??yN; 6� Saa. > :., : . a ;: =t". ..�,;. :i%y�F: L1%i•�< " r�, :�:;� . �_i ���.r�a- . + i!: < . �:N ;;:. + ji�:i; �: �q �T%?<�;:>� .. . . I Display 5 Dispiay 6 Display 7 � � (Customer, ❑ �_� a� w o Customer 3 O0 Customer ao a w .X W (Customer Dispiay 8 Display 9 � � � � a � A O � 7-. � a m .., A Alley � � N � N � � ...f. � o d 4 � O `� � � � � � � V � � s E W N � � A !� � �1 � w � � � � � � 0 � � � � �� �� � t.. q�,�y AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra££ic in the acea, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! ,�< � , h . ���(� �� �;`v � ��R�cf/`� S�' e e- � � 7..�� � I�� � .��(yi���" ��'��� �� � �, � ,�. , � � �� �Ct"i�e-Ss ����� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED " � �~ � � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto ioans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security Por the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! � ,, . /��/ f .Jc/ � X �� f �i � �� , � ��,� - � 3 �� �f V�c�.� � �, , C�-�e�-�1�1� ,� 9 7 i�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed £or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company wil,l be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5gm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance glan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation o£ being labled an "eyesore". We £eel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traf£ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra£fic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! . 7 f�..L�.-(� ��,�'�^' � � '��� C l' � (�� - I � I I 97 /�� � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto saies business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are �wo Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. TFiANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � ��'^'� � � C ��� N � � � , ��,� C"� � � v �� ' � �,/�� � � ;,�- ���" � ' .� � � �� 1'Y' AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED " ���� u � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. Triis company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We £eel we would be an asset to your community by creating ! a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traf£ic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � � � �� (�5 C �'�, � , �J ���� �� � ��r�� � 13 q� ��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � i Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these posifiive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. we are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra£fic. I£ you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOII FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! . -��I �c��� ��� � �'' � �'�� � i� °� �� � 14 97 /�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. Zt also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. I£ you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � `(�'� �-f�r�A, � � , ,,y �� (� � v `� ����� �-` � ��'��-`�-. � `�`�������i� � 15 AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED q 7 /�� �J � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Seturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra££ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: � � s� {1 u l�e ���/�� �G� ar �� S� �� ��� i �,`��� �� 3 ��".� � � �+� � � AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED 9 7 ��� Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOIIR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!: ❑ �-� ma� ��� �� g � `n'��ar� S;t S� � � � � o � � l? �7 /�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GIIARANTEED u � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterios painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business wi11 not be serviced on the groperty as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security Por the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra£fic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! � � �" ����"" � / � � `1 L�._.e -Fc /` S � s-,.{"'io' 6 � 97 /� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed £or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It aiso assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business wiil be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean �p the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as we11. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECZATE IT:: ti t��(( �M � �� � �'� � q� ��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed £or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Pau1, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Aours o£ operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra£fic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!: �r � ��� � � ��� � � �-� s l °� `� � ��'`�- w '� �-��` �� � � ��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brougrit up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. TAA[dK YQU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: � dm1 � � �� ' '�r"Gv L�/'�r%1�,� 2� q7 /�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED r LJ � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinskv was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating � a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traf£ic in the a�ea, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOtiR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! �` �M c � �� i S� � � �� zz � � ,� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOAIvS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county renidents. Peter isnb.lnsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre w3s Y,rouah* up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours o£ cperation for thi� new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business wi11 not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these posifiive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!: ��/�/��`��/ IVCi/t. � �� /, � / � � 1 �s ! ,2��dYl� y /-� 1��' i �� p���1 ��� �s.�ro� ��� 23 �? ��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St, in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours o£ operation for this new business wi11 be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners oP Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles own�d by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's zeputaticn o£ being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by crea�ing a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in sugport of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: � ich�: � � � re-a- ;��� , � � � ��51, �-e ��/ s�'�°�6 �� ���� � � 24 � � 0 �� ��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AU`PO LOANS GUARANTEED � Auto Acceptance is designed Por people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours o£ operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation � of being labled an "eyesore" We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traf£ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! + , ��� l� / � �;/d�-�v �`�`' � � � s l ���,/ . � �7 ��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these posifiive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. we are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: � n L. � ��C� l �C`'S /( G� I �E !-,,� �-�t��e G.G���/� ��� � i � � 26 _ ' ' � _ m - - q� / f AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARAN_?'EED u � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who =�.eed to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at b72 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would agpreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! � ��� �'� 3� �'ne�� �fs� ��. l ��o�✓'b � � -��� SS��-� z� 97 /�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AIITO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was bosn and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours o£ operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am ti11 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the a�ea, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in supgort of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! � (�L-� i� `Inb�•. Q�-Ee+'�'s� �as-� ��" (�w �� / O�'�'C� 5�.�` �jE�st�l�-V(,� � � � At3T0 ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. Triis company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Pau1, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation � of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traf£ic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APP CIATE IT!! i � ��__=='�� � ( �-� �� � � �F � ��� ���_ �� ` ��� m � s � � � � � r� � 97f�� . � AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED Auto Acceptance is designed for geople who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Accegtance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as we11. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traf£ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra£fic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THASVK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: � ' �1 � . �,� � � ,Y��-� '�` � �%�C'���- ���~��� �i`�G-�e c ! t � �.�'�-� � � ��= , � �� �-� � �� C �L� �� L ������,� i z- �1�'- s � ����� � � �� ��i� ATJTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am ti11 Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neiqhborhood. We are not tryinq to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT?! �,% �,, �'�C��w ��1de�+� T�j ��� �7�� � ��� �� ss��� . � 7?a 3dr0 � q� i�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-Ai3T0 LOANS GUARANTEED �� � Auto Acceptance is designed £or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business wi11 be M-F 9am ti11 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating �� a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK Y U FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: � \ � t ` ���E►� .(�o�vc� (1������r E�sf `7`f� .v�sr � �ss /�SS ��� �� �-r � �i , �� �1v1�� ���� �v�2 a� y ��-�.s 33 9"7-/�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business wi11 be M-F 9am ti11 7pm, Saturdays 9am ti11 Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE ��REC�E IT!! ` !.� �r�� � � i, , � � />�1��'� ��� � _sl z� � �� 3�- 9'�-�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed £or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was barn and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business wi11 be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business wi11 not be serviced on the progerty as well. We feel these posii changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security tor the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!: k f GiJ� Cl(�`� � C .2 J x0` . 1\ �\i 5,,, r i � � � i� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on trie East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as we11. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! � �-�.�'�,� �°�.��� �-�` �'t�.�-� ���� p� 5������ � 97 /�y AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St, in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the groperty at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by trie business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We £eel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in supgort of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: �.r/�/L �r�ivL�=L L�-'4 c� �� �/�� -f �'c G�.b� ���Y��� � �7 �� i� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTESD � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company wi11 be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. TYie owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born an� raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation � of 0eing labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra£fic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this getition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT " �--�� �, c r,� r�l C �c � � � I c� �v (.e� � : �`��--i�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-estahlish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul_ The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and . raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business wi11 be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st, with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled en "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating':, a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying ta create increased tra£fic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOiJR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!? C�1$! 3r+li �1.lT'� �o�� e�.��r �r� STREET �JT. �N��, l4 55106 ;���1 7i�-11�6 RTC 1000 E. 7TN ST. ST. PAUt, M�l 551U6 � � �' � �-z�-�� � �� i�y AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS G1IARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business wi11 be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st, with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". we feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra£fic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traf£ic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your siqnature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � a_1�'2 = ��.�-� ���� e�/ � ,' ' :1c'/t— % / l �� �,� �S l� � � / ! � 4 1� % 1 ��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED u � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auta sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to ciean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traf£ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra£fic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: � �� �� G ��� , /��e\� � �� � � v' � �� �z���� � �� ������ � 9"7 ��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed £or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at b72 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 4am ti11 Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the progerty at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased treffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! i u � _,. �` �.�� � 4 : `-- � :�:�^�' `-" h c:� � 85'_ . St. F " . ,. _ _ ' �_�' ' 77�=-� � , �z,�l� �� 9 7 /� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GIIARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-estiablish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St, in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Satuzdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these posiYive changes wi11 rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore" We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. I£ you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! � ��� � ����� �-,--- � �� � � � � _ . _� ,�: .c�� �� �� ����� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � i Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 6?2 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business wi11 not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating � a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra£fic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: f Cr� ��� � ���� /� G� �'C�'�s � d,,� s � r� e � s u= f �` ���� ���� ��Ier J � y ��� S f� GL V ✓ � Y .� 9�-r�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed £or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obta3ning auto loans. This company w'ill be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st, with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating � a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traf£ic in the acea, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tzaffic. If you are in support oP our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! ��-{ `�_I�� fCbi.. �e*crsJ �a r fi �1 r" � �� S' + Lt E s S � Gc1 cti €� (� �'�`P C.�* "1 � �� �� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED s � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company wi11 be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St, in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the acea, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! ��o_,_<.t�.'�c�r�c9--- ������ �o_ti�� `���9� �. . � 7 `�� � � �'� ��y AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GTJARANTEED � Auto Acceptance is designed £or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours o£ operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st, with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation � of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � C;�Gi�:ti � '.f��cc,�- ��� �G��".�-C ���� ��f f � 1��� � � 9� ��y �city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 96-66 �te November 8, 1996 WHER�AS, PETER LOBINSKY, file //96-247, has applied for a Special Condition Use Permit under the provisions of Sections G0.544(2) and 64.300(d) and of the Saint Paut Legislative.Code,to allow outdoor sales of used auromobiles, on properry located at 672 ARCADE STREGT, legatly described as I_ot 1; Otto's Subdivision of Lo[ IS of Otto's Subdivision; and WIIGREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hcaring on October 31, ]996, at �ti�hicfi all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant [o said application in accordance with the requirements of Sectio�� 64.300 of [he Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WIIBRGAS, dic Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Conuuittee at the public hearing, as substantial(y reflected in d�e tninutes, made tlie following findings of facr. 1. 1'tic prop�led use does not conform to several of the required findings for special co�idition use • PCfllll($ S�)CCI�IC(] IIl SL'CUOIIS C)O.S4��Z� and G4.300(J) of dic zoning codc. 7'hcsc condi�ions and tlie inability of tlie proPosed uie to meet them arc as follows: a. '1'ke utiuinr�un lol area slrall be frjtccu lhoasnnd (I5, 000) sqr�are fcet. il site plan s/raf! Ge seibn+itled slrorvi�tg tlte layor�t of !/re relricles for sale or �eut, enrplo}'ee parking, aitd cr�slonter parkirtg. This condition is not mct. Thc sitc has a tot arca of 5,242 square feet, including one-lialC of tlte allcy. 1'liis is ),758 square fcet Icss [ha�t required. G. 7he exte�et, tocntio�t a�:d i�rte�tsity of tlie use wilt be in substairtiat conrpliance tivitle the Saiiet Paul Conrpre/iensive Plart �nd auy applicable subarea plans which were approved by the city council. This condition is not met. One of the land use and zoning goals of the District 4 Plan states, "to promote better buffering between residential, commercial, and indus[rial land uses on and around East 7th Street,..." p. 13. The District 4 land use policy states that the district eouncil will support development af new or redevelopment of existing structures in industtial or commercial areas only when accompanied by parking provisions as established in the zoning code and by proper landscaping. The applicantis able to provide the required off-street parking but there is not adequate space on the lot to provide the required setback and moved by Morton � seconded by m favor °nani�us against ,- �, �``� � ,:-:,�� r -� ': ;�i,..,� : • �:.+. Planning Commission of Saint Paul . �,;;� `r� E Executive Board Room "�??� ��. :� '� ¢� 4`.�� � Wortd Tradc Center ' . � �''-= '� ��,.t`,,,�' � � �'-" . �• �i �,�.< r� � �� 30 Seventh Street �Ycst z-� �c �` i��.�,' �`� Saint Paul Minnesota 55101 �'•�-t:'' ��'' F ss,�. �_ A meetii�o of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, November 8, 1996, at 9:45 a.m. in the Executive Board Room of the World Trade Center. Commissioners Mmes. Birk, Duarte, Faricy, Geisser, Maddox, Morton, Treichel Prescnt: and Wencl, and Messrs. Field Jr., Gordon, Kramer, Lee, Mardell, McDonell, Nowlin, Schwichtenberg, Sharpe and V1u�ht. Commissioners Mmes. *Lund-Johnson and Messrs. *Chavez and *Gumey. Abscnt: *Excused • Also Present: ICen Pord, Planning Administrator; Jean Birkholz, Kady Dadlez, Nancy Homans, Allen Lovejoy, Lucy Thompson of the Planning Staff; and Leon Pcarson thc of Pubiic Works Staff. I. Tlu swe.iring in of Newly Appointed P1lnning Commission Members Ms. Peg Birk, Ms. Esperanza DuaRe, and Mr. Dick Nowlin were sworn in as members of the Saint f'aul Planning Commission by City Clerk, Mr. Pred Owusu. Chair McDonell congratulated and welcomed the new commission members. ivfOT'ION i II. Approval of Minutes of October 11 and October 25, 1996 IIL Chair's Announcements arid Chair McDonell announced that Commissioner Chavez underwent heart surgery last week. The Commission has sent a plant to him. IV. Planning Administrator's Announcements • - Mr. Ford stated that Mr. Chavez had been at St. Joseph's Hospital, downtown Saint Paul. He is resting at home now and doing quite well. - Framework Planning Process: Tomorrow, Saturday, November 9, is the Cherette for the Precinct Plan for the West Side, the fourth in a set of four precinct plans (Upper `JO K:ISHAREDW LPJJNI NG Wi�NUiES.FRM 9�-��� ❑ MZD7IJTES OF THE ZONTNG COtiL�tITTEE CITY COUNCZL CHP1•IBERS, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ON OCTOBER 31, 1996 PRESENT: Mmes. Faricy, Morton and Wencl; Messrs. Field, Gurney, Kramer and Vaught of the Zoning Committee; Mr. Warner, Assistant City Attorney; Mmes. Dadlez and Sanders and Mr. Ryan of the Planning Division. ABSENT: Chavez, er.cused Time: 3:32 - 4:30 p.m. The meeting was chaired by Gladys Morton, Chairperson. To allow outdoor sales of • r1 LJ Kady Dadlez, Planning Division staff, reviewed the sCaff report and presented slides. Staff recommended denial of the special condition use permit based on findings 2d, 3a, and 3e of the staff report. The Dayton's Bluff Center for Civic Life voted to oppose the special condition use permit application. One letter of support was received from Hud & Rl's Brake Service, 695 Arcade Street. A petition of support was also submitted by the applicant. Commi�sioner Field asked what the staff recommendation had been regarding the 1995 request for a special condition use permit for a used car lot £or this property. Ms. Dadlez responded that sta£f had recommended denial in 1995. Commissioner Kramer reviewed that since the 1995 case that a minimum lot size requirement of 15,000 square feet for outdoor sale of automobiles had been established by the planning commission. Eric Thole, Attornay with Clinton & Taylor P.A „ 8750 90th St. South, spoke representing the applicant, who was also present. Mr. Thole stated that Mr, Lobinsky was in the pxocess of purchasing the property, with the outcome dependent upon the SCUP. Mr. Thole reviewed that the proposal is for Auto Acceptance, a used car lot that would include financing through a franchise agreement set up with Credit Acceptance Corporation, with a representative located on-site. A majority of the business would be done by computers and over the phone and customers with credit problems would be targeted, and he said it would not be operated as a standard used car lot which would generate a lot of customer traffic on the lot. Mr. Thole reported that repairs have been done to bring the site up to code and that a certificate of occupancy has been issued. The applicant intends to paint the facility, landscape the site, and do general clean-up. No auto repair would be done on-site and all off-street parking could be supported on the site. Mr. Thole referenced materials provided commissioners by the applicant containing a site plan as well as a list of neighbors and businesses that support the proposal. Zn reviewing staff's report he addressed a£ew issues. d2 �� �� • would not have nearly the problem with the application if the square footage were significantly closer to the 15,000 square feet required. Commissioner Vaught disagreed that the property could only be used as a used car lot. He reviewed that it is zoned B-3 and there are any number of uses which are allowed in a B-3 zone. He said he was a concerned about the rhetoric that there is no other reasonable economic use for the property, saying that it would not be true simply because the client seeks to put a used car lot at the location, but that isn't evidence enou:-t� to mandate that conclusion. Commissioner Vaught referenced the applicant's letter of intent noting that it was contingent upon the SCUP being granted. He established that there isn't any chance of the taking of the property with respect to the applicant if the permit is not approved as the applicant has the ability to back out of the deal. Commissioner Gurney noted Mr. Thole's statement that the property had a long history of being a car lot, although he said that in the 20 year period documented as history that it apparently amounted to a very short amount of time because there were frequent requests for new SCUPS. Gurney asked if the applicant could provide the actual amount of time it was operated as a used car lot. Mr. Thole could not provide that information, however said it was indeed used as a used car lot. Steve Asmus, 871 Margaret Street, spoke on behalf of the 800 Margaret Street Block Club, in opposition. Mr. Asmus confirmed that the lot has been used for car sales from time to time and said the neighborhood had nothing but problems from cars for sale being parked in the street. He said in between the SCUPs thac old used car parts and junk cars have been stored on tfie lot. Mr. Asmus • explained thaC the main reason for neighbors' signatures on the petition of support was that they wished to see the site cleaned up and a business located there, but that they do not wish to see a used car lot. He suggested the site would be appropriate for insurance or credit company purposes. Commissioner Vaught advised that if the neighborhood desired to see the property not be used as a used car lot that they consider doing a study that might lead to a rezoning other than B-3, as used car lots are an allowable use with a special condition use permiC in a S-3 zone, however the minimum square footag_ is the issue in this case. He also suggested that the neighbors might contact the owner or the applicant to attempt to devise a plan that might work £or all. Mr. Asmus responded that the neighborhood has submitted suggestions to the owner of the property as well as have sent potential renters to him. FIe said that much of the neighborhood's opposition to the proposal is that they do not believe the lot size is large enough to handle that type of business. Greg Auge, spoke in opposition on behalf of the Dayton's Bluff Community Council. He reported that Mr. Lobinsky presented his proposal to the Land Use Committee which then voted to oppose the SCUP and that subsequently the board voted for denial as well. He further stated that the board has been consistent in its opposition o£ a used car lot at this location. Harvey Asmus, 860 Margaret, spoke in opposition. Mr. Asmus expressed concern that parking is already a problem on the street due to a number of multi- family dwelling units in the neighborhood and said that much overflow parking goes into the street. He also mentioned traffic safety to be an issue due to obstruction o£ traffic from Margaret on to Arcade Street. Mr. Asmus said the proposal doesn't meet the neighborhood plan, that others have offered to purchase the property as well as to rent the property, with t•Sr. Asmus claiming • that the owner appears to have a preference for a used car lot. 3 � 9� ��j • Commissioner Field said he would support the motion because the 15,000 square foot lot area requirement is clearly not met. He said in the past it was argued that a small lot of this size was not economically viable. He didn't believe it was the commissioners' purpose to determine economic viability. The motion carried on a voice vote of 7 to 0. Drafted by: �°-"��� bonna Sanders • u Submit ed by� Appr ved by: 1. I ����/�� - ��, �,. K1Aa ,�� e-� � .�-�i� Kady Dadlez G1 ys Morton Chairperson 5 J� 97 �� . � Zoning File #96-247 Page Two 1982: License issued for used car sales for four cars. 1983: Special condition use permit for used car sales approved with 10 conditions including limit of 16 cars for sale, 2 parking spaces, and 6-foot visual screen on east property line. A neighbor spoke in opposition because previous conditions were not met. 1984: Field investigation by staff indicated several conditions not met including excess number of cars on lot, Margaret driveway kept open, no landscaping, and it appeared cars for sale parked in street. 1987: Site plan approved for used car sales; requires screening fence along east property line and bollards with chain to contain cars on site. 1988: Special condition use permit application for trailer sales was filed and then withdrawn. 1959: Special condition use permit approved for used car sales. Planning commission resolution indicates 14 car limit including parking; SCUP limits sale cars to 10. 1992: Special condition use permit for used car sales was denied by the planning commission. The applicant appealed to the city council which upheld the planning commission's decision. Staff had recommended approval of the permit with nine conditions as did the zoning committee. C J . C � In 1992 when the planning commission denied the special condition use permit to allow the sales of used cars, the basis of that decision was that the use did not conform to the required findings o£ 64.300(d). First, that the use would be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the area: on-street parking, theft and vandalism, and an 8-foot chain link fence would detract from nearby residential uses and recent improvements. Second, that the use does nat conform to the applicable regulations of the district in that the site does not provide the £our-foot setbacks with landscaping between public rights-of way and the parking lot as required by the zoning code. The site is too small to provide these setbacks and accommodate the proposed number of cars for sale. Finally, the planning commission denial cited the policy statement in the 23ear East Side Improvement Strategy recommending that land uses which are incompatible with adjacent residential uses (e.g. auto body shops, used car lots) be phased-out. The city council's resolution affirming the planning commission's decision cited the same findings. 1995: Special condition use permit for a used car lot was approved by the planning commission. Permit allowed 7 cars for sale and 4 off-street parking spaces. The District 4 Council appealed the planning commission's decision to the city council. The city council granted the appeal of the District Council and denied the special condition use permit. In 1995 when the planning commission approved the special condition use permit to allow the outdoor sales of automobiles it found that all of the conditions of the permit were met and approved the permit to allow 7 cars for sale and 4 off-street parking spaces. The city council's resolution overturning the planning commission's decision and denying the permit cited the � I g7 l� Zoning File #96-247 • Page Six conditions, when strict application of such special conditions would ��n reasonably limit or prevent otherwise lawful use of a piece of property or an existing structure and would result in exceptional tin due hardship to the owner of such property or structure; provided, tfiat such modification will not impair the intent and purpose of such special condition and is consistent with health, morals and general welfare of the community and is consistent with reasonable enjoyment of adjacent property. STAFF RECOL4+�NDATION: Based on findings 2d, 3a, and 3e staff recommends denial of the special condition use permit. `J • �Z 9� i�� • September 6, 1996 Mr. Ken Ford Plannin� Administrator City of Saint Paul 25 W. Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 ZC��i�9� �6�E q��241 RE: Special Conditional Use Permit for Auto Acceptance Dear Mr. Ford: Enclosed please find my application for a special conditional use permit along with supporting materials. The materials include a drawing of the proposed business, a brief description of the • business and zonin� history, the site plan, the letter of intent between Mr. Sayer and myself, and signatures from local supporters The si�natures of support are split into the categories of local business people and neighbors of the site. The supporters read the narrative above their signatures prior to signing the petition. The narrative in the petition incorrectly lists Marv Sayer as a owner/operator in the site. The Petitions were printed prior to the execution of the enclosed letter of intent. Marv Sayer will not be involved in the day to day operations of the business. Please contact me if you have any questions. Very Peter PL:jw � 1�' 9� /�' • � � ���ro �acc���r�,�c� Applicant Peter Lobinsky 2546 Stiliwater Road, Maplewood �C�����€� ��� � �►��2�7 i � Sorn in 1945 and resided on St. Pau{'s East side until 1960, when his family moved to North St. Paul , and he graduated from North St. Paul High School in 1964. Peter has a 23 year old daughter and 21 year old son. Automobile financing has been Peter's profession for 15 years, most recently with LB Sales. Business Name: Auto Acceptance ' Location: 672 Arcade Street Parcel Size: 123' of frontage on Arcade Street and 39.41 of frontage on Margaret. Office Building is 325 square feet, leaving a 4595 square foot lot for parking automobiles. Purpose: Sell previously owned automobiles to people who need to establish credit. Employees. One full-time and one part-time. Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m -5:00 p.m. Renovations: Exterior painting to the office building, landscaping, repairing and painting the fence along the eastern property line. Plant 3 Bou�evard trees, fix the existing Pyfon sign, and general c4ean up. Other Tenants: Cathy Buschman, Independent Insurance Agent. Practices: Cars will not be parked on the street. Cars will not be repaired on the lot, except for changing flat tires and jump starts. Histo The site was at one time used as a gas station. Until the early 1980s there was a repair garage and commercial building on the north part of the lot. The following is a chronology of recent approvals: 1976 The board of zoning appeals approved three variances for a 12 car parking lot. The one variance relevant to the use now proposed was variance of a required 10 foot side yard setback between B-3 uses and the adjoining residential property. 1981 Special condition use permit approved for used car sales for 666 Arcade Street (south part of the site). 1982 License was issued for used car sales for four cars. � 97_ �� Z������� ���� qb�utl • Section 64.300 (d) of the zoning code requires that before the planning commission may grant approval of a principal use subject to special conditions, the commission shall find that: a. The extent, location and intensity of the use will be in substantial compliance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and any appiicabie subarea plans which were approved by the city council. b. The use will provide adequate ingress and egress to minimize traffic congestion in the public streets. c. The use wili not be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety and general welfare. d. The use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. e. The use shall, in all other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. • Previous Ap�lication The following were found by the zoning committee at their December 7, 1995 hearing: The parking area has a permanent, durable and dustless surface, and is graded and drained as to dispose of all surface water accumulated within the area. [Sec. 60.544 (2) (a)1 The driveway on Arcade Street is approximately 72 feet from the intersection with Margaret and 60 feet from the intersection with Arcade Street. [Sec. 60.544 (2) (b)]. No major repairs or refinishing will be done on the lot. [Sec. 60.544 (2) (c)]. The proposed use will not generate a significant amount of traffic. The average daily traffic volume on Arcade Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets is 6,700 (July, 1991) [Sec. 64.300 (d) (b)]. The proposed use is a relative�y low intensity commercial use which is appropriate given the residential uses to the south of the site. The used car lot wiil not be detrimental to the character of the neighborhood or endanger the public safety and general welfare. [Sec. 64.300 (d) (c)]. • The use wili not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. [Sec. 64.300 (d) (d)]. i 1l�arg�.ret Street Grass o_� Side�valk p,�', �'�I � � � � Display 1 `"' � :7 d � N V �', � C � 1 j � � �Y � � y Display 2 A �I ° 4 ��a -'y- � ,y'. � ;�:`=•'a�Fs:v � � o ` �Si."�. � t �.I �A �`-�_;;^:Q:l:r° . x "�.:;:N�;: ` cs :r;.: : aii�ij!r�i:�'jS '�'C� .a.�.i�ci=..:�'� 1 �� 1 Display 5 �r � ea c. � A 00 M � � Q� � r � � �1 � � � � Display 6 �'{ .s� � a' �� �� �r� � � � �M � Display 7 � � iCustomer c � \ i' c: � o � Customer 3 1� �al Customer � L'7 � CItS� Display, 8 0 � � Display 9 R„ � A 38' Alley s N E W N 9 � ��� � � � l ' �� � r W � W � ��-i V �.�/ � O H � � 7U � • � C.ity P� file dai ,7� in ac znYUJf� � � � �_�,-�a A�'`�F 3 � Ep �o�ci?F!1� p — o�.�� � F f�.��:if-�l� � f Green sheet � 35645 � � RESOLUTfON , CITY OF SAINT PA , Y��� �. ZO��t�G F��.E 9�?� o Presented B Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 WHEREAS, Frederick Partlow, in PED File No. 95-255 and pursuant to Saint Paul 3 Legislative Code, Sections 60.554, Subd.(4) and 64.300(d), appIied for a special condition use 4 permit to allow outdoor sales of used automobiles on property located at 672 Arcade Street 5 and legally described as Lot 1; Otto's Subdivision of Lot 15 of Otto's Subdivision; aud 6 7 WHEREAS, on December 7, 1995, the Zoning Committee of the Saint Paul Planning 8 Commission, in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul 9 Legislative Code, conducted a pubiic heazing on the appiication of Frederick Partlow at which 10 all persons were given an opportunity to be heazd, either in person or in writing, on the said 11 application; and 12 13 WHEREAS, on December 15, 1995, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based upon 14 the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public heazing, approved the said 15 application as substantially reflected in the minutes thereof and made Findings of Fact as set 16. forth in Planning Commission Resolution No. 95-93 of the Saint Paul Planning Commission, C S<7 which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference and which shall become a part 18 of this resolution; and 19 20 WHEREAS, on December 29, 1995, the Dayton's Bluff Center For Civic Life filed an 21 appeal of the decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission pursuant to Saint Paul 22 Legislative Code, Section 64.206, alleging an error in fact procedure, or finding, of the 23 Planning Commission. Said appeal is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference 24 and shall become a part of this resolution; and 25 26 WHEREAS, acting pursuant to Sections 64.206 through 64.208 of the Saint Paul 27 Legisiative Code and upon notice to affected parties, a public hearing was duly conducted by 28 the Council of the City of Saint Paul on Januazy 24, 1996, where all interested parties were 29 given an opportunity to be.heazd; and 30 31 WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, having heard the statements made 32 and having considered the application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution 33 of the Planning Commission and of its Zoning Committee, does hereby 34 35 RESOLVE, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby overturn the 36 decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission in this matter for the following reasons: 37 38 1. The applicant's lot size of 4,847 square feet is not compatible for the proposed l( O use. 41 2. The proposed use is n�o '�n�c�onformance with the Neaz East Side Improvement 42 Strategy, a plan a�g` ` � y the Saint Paul City Council in 1989. The Near 4� East Side Improvement Strategy states as one of its goals "phase out 7 Z 97 /�y Zoning File �/95-255 ,. � Page Three of Resolution This condition is met. The proposed use is a relatively low intensity commercial use which is appropriate given the residential uses to the south of the site. The used car lot will not be detrimentai to the character of the neighborhood or endanger the public safety and general welfare. d. The use wili not impede the normai and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. This condition is met. e. The use shail, in all olher respects, con,form to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is Zocated. This condition is met. NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Plannin; Commission, that under the authority of the City's Legislative Code, the application for a Special Condition iIse to allow outdoor sales of used automobiles at 672 ARCADE STREET is hereby approved, subject to the following condition: 1. There shall be no more than seven (7) cars "For Sale" on the lot at any time and four (4) • off-street parking spaces shall be provided at all times. The total number of cars on the lot at any time shall not exceed 11. ZC3i�1 i �� '�� �..� °�b • 24� • �� ,: �; ; � � ; °� Y1 �:, l 3 4 � 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 75 16 17 1S 7) 20 21 22 23 24 2� 2C � y2 -/�'�.3 �. uses that are incompatible with adjacent residential uses (e.g., auto body C�,� /� shops, used car lots)." The NIS was accepted as a policy statement by the� Planning Commission and the City Council. �Vhereas, Pursuant to the provisions of Section 64.205, Greg Handzlik, duly filed with the City Clerk an appeal from the determination made by the Planning Commission, requesting that a hearing be held before the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the said Commission; and �Vhereas, Acting pursuant to Sections 64.205 through 64.208, and upon notice to affected parties a public hearing was duly conducted by the Ciry Council on November 19, 1992, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; and Whereas, The Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Zoning Committee and of the Planning Commission, does hereby Resolve, That the Council of the City of Saint Pau] does hereby affirm the decision of the Planning Commission in this matter based on the findings made and determined by the said Commission; and be it Further Resolved, That the appeal of Greg Handzlik be and is hereby denied; and, be it Finally Resolved, That the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Greg 1-Iandzlik, the Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission. L � � "—.r � �� B � ,� F „ �–`""""--�... � � � � �` �" q�,.�� ---___ e��� -------�_ Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Counci Secretary � B %�U^ c :�—V� roved by May� : Date OE� 1 8 19g2 / ./ s ��t.C./� �.E i: r s . Form B . Appr Coun By: , by City Submission to : Adopted by Council: Date DEC �. 0 1992 ��-��� • by the zoning code. The site is too small to provide these setbacks and accommodate the proposed number of cars for sale. While Section 61.103(b) requires side and rear yards of at least ten feet s:hen a business district adjoins a side yard in an adjacent residence district, the Board of Zoning Appeals granted a variance of this requirement £or this property in 1476. 2. The Near East Side Neighborhood Im�,rovement Strategy (NIS), completed in 1989, contains a set of strategies to address the issues of housing, economic development, neighborhood image, transportation, parks and recreation, land use and zoning, and education. The most relevant part of the document to the proposed use is the goals for economic development. These goals include "improv[ingj and maintain[ing] the vitality and appearance of commercial establishments and phas[ingJ out commercial uses that are incompatible with adjacent residential uses (e.g. auto body shops, used car lots)." (p. 23, goals 8& 9) The NIS was accepted as a policy statement by the Planning Commission and the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission that, under the authority of the City's Legislative Code,�the application for a special condition use permit to allow outdoor sales of used automobiles at 672 ARCADE STREET is hereby denied. • � ��������. ���,� �15�2 � �, ZC����� ���� �b•24 � � �o �4 9� i� �. i. SUNRAY-BAT'TLECREEK-HIGHWOOD 2• HAZEL PARK HADEN-PROSPERTTY HILLCREST � 4. DAYTON'S BLUFF 5. A E�'B 6. NORTH END 7. THOMAS-DAT.,E 8. SUMMTT-iJNIVERSITY - 9• WEST SEVENTH 10. COMO il. HAMLINE-MIDWAY 12. ST. ANTHONY PARK 13. MERRIAM PARK-LEXINGTON HAMLINE-SNELLING 14. MACALESTER GROVELAND 15. HIGF�.AND 16. SUMMIT HII,L 17. DOWNTOWN HAMLINE i ZQNING FILE � �� - z� CTITZEN PARTICIPATION PLANNING DISTRICTS DEpARTMENT OF PLANNING C�/ � J�"j(� & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � � 6 / CITY OF SAIIVT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor December 13, 1996 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 Ciry Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Divisiorz af Plmu�ing 25 Wesi Fwrth Szreet Telephone: 6I2-266b565 SentPaul, MN55102 Facsimile: 6I2-228-3314 RE: Zoning File #96-286: PETER LOBINSKY City Council Hearing: December 26, 1996 430 p.m. City Council Chambers PURPOSE: Appeal a planning commission decision denying a special condition use permit to allow outdoor sales of automobiles at 672 ARCADE STREET (northeast corner of Arcade & Margaret). PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: DENIAL Unanimous ZOI�IING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION DENIAL 7-0 . STAFF RECOMMENDATION: DENIAL SUPPORT: No persons spoke. Thiriy-eight letters were received in support. OPPOSITION: Four persons spoke. The Dayton's Bluff Center for Civic Life voted to oppose the special condition use permit. Deaz Ms. Anderson: � PETER LOBINSKY has appealed the decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission denying a special condition use permit to allow outdoor sales of automobiles on property at 672 Arcade STREET (northeast corner of Arcade & Margaret). The Zoning Committee of the Saint Paul Planning Commission held a public hearing on the request on October 31, 1996. The applicant and his representative addressed the committee. At the close of the public hearing the committee voted 7-0 to recommend denial of the permit. The Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation for denial on a unanimous vote on November 8, 1996. This appeal is scheduled to be heazd by the City Council on December 26, 1996. Please notify me if any member of the CiTy Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public heazing. Sincerely, l� Ken Ford Planning Administrator 9 �-��Y i x�a� D�� City of S`t. Paui Divisioa of Planning 25 W. 4th St St Paul, MN 55012 RE: Special condition ase pemut to atlow outdoor sales of automobiles. File #96-247 Dear Ms. Dadlez: Enclosed please find 20 copies of the materials Yo accompany my special condifion use permit apptication. The mat�rials include a drawing of the proposed site, a site plan, a written commentary regarding the business plan and history of the site, the letter of intent between ivfarv Sayer and myseif and the letters of support from neighboring businesses and individuals. The letters of support were prepazed when I planned to go into business with Mr. Sayer at the location. As you know, the plans were changed so I will purchase the land from Mr. Sayer and go into business for myself. Plea: Very � � Pete PIJjti Enc. .,.. , 1 + '. i I' _ � , - __. - - �"'_, - , ��� i � _ _ I ' i� � , yl ♦ f � � � �p � � � � ����� ���a�{�yr � � S � � � 1 ii� ���i x i , :;. « :.,��� � � _ � �� -��-�� �� � . -- � i i r ,'1! � ���� J �u��ro �,�c�+��r.�r�c� A�plicant Peter Lobinsky 2546 Stillwater Road, Maplewood Born in 9945 and resided on St. Paul's East side until 1960, when his family moved to North St. Paui , and he graduated from North St. Paul High School in 1964. Peter has a 23 year oid daughter and 21 year old son. Automobile financing has been Peter's profession for 95 years, most recentiy with LB Sales. Business Name: Auto Acceptance Location: 672 Arcade Street Parcei Size: 123' of frontage on Arcade Street and 39.41 of frontage on Margaret. O�ce Building is 325 square feet, leaving a 4595 square foot lot for parking automobiles. Financing: Applicant will enter a servicing agreement with Credit Acceptance Corporation, who provides financing to customers. � Purpose: Sell previousiy owned automobiles to people who need to establish credit. Employees: One ful(-time and one part-fime. Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m.-5:OQ p.m. Renovations: Exterior painting to the office building, landscaping, repairing and painting the fence along the eastern property line. Plant 3 8oulevard trees, fix the existing Pylon sign, and general clean up. Other Tenants: Cathy Buschman, Independent Insurance Agent. Practices: Cars wil( not 6e parked on fhe streef. Cars will nof be repaired on the iot. Histo The site was at one time used as a gas station. Until the early 1980s there was a repair garage and commercial building on the north part of the lot. 7he following is a chronology of recent approvais: 1976 The board of zoning appeals approved three variances for a 12 car parking fot. The one variance relevant to the use now proposed was variance of a required 10 foot side yard setback befween B-3 uses and the adjoining residential property. 1989 Special condition use permit approved for used car safes for 666 Arcade Street (south part of the site). � 1982 License was issued for used car sa(es for four cars. � 9 � ��y • 1983 Speciai condition use permif for used car sales approved with 10 conditions including limit of 16 cars for sale, 2 parking spaces, and 6-foot visual screen on east property line. 1987 Site plan approved for used car sales; requires a screening fence along east property line and bollards with chain to contain cars on site. � • 1988 Special condifion use permit appiication filed and then withdrawn for irailer sales. 1989 Speciai condition use permit approved for used car sales. Planning commission resolufion indicates 14 car limit inciuding parking; SCUP limits sale cars to 10. 1992 Staff recommended approval of the speciai condition use permit for used car sales with nine conditions. The planning commission denied the permit. 1995 Special Condition Use Permit for used car sales was approved by the Planning Commission. The District 4 Council appealed the Planning Commission's decision to tne City Council, which denied the permit. Zonina Section 60.544 (2) permits outdoor sales space for exclusive sale of new or secondhand automobiles, house trailers or rental of trailers or automobiies, all subject to the following: a. The lot or area shall be provided with a permanent, durable and dustiess surface, and shall be graded and drained as to dispose of ali surface water accumulated within the area. � c. Vehicular access to the outdoor sales area shall be at least sixty (60) feet from the intersection of any two (2) s#reets. No repair or refinishing shali be done on the lot uniess conducted within a completely enclosed building. d. The minimum lot area shali be fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet. A site plan shall be submitted showing the layout of the vehicles for sale or rent, employee parking, and customer parking. Sect+on 64.300 (d) of the zoning code requires that before the planning commission may grant approval of a principal use subject to special conditions, the commission shall find that: a. The extent, location and intensity of the use will be in substantial � � �-��� , compliance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and any applicable subarea plans which were approved by the city council. b. The use wiil provide adequate ingress and egress to minimize trafific congestion in the public streets. c. The use wili nof be defrimental to the existing character of the development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public heaith, safety and general welfare. d. The use wiil not impe�e the normai and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permiited in the district. e. The use shail, in ail other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. Proposal The parking area has a permanent, durable and dustiess surface, and is graded and drained as to dispose of all surFace water accumulafed within the area. (Sec. 60.544 (2) (a)1• � The driveway on Arcade Street is approximately 72 feet from the intersection with Margaret and 60 feet from the intersection with Arcade Street. [Sec. 60.544 (2) (b)]. No major repairs or refinishing wiil be done on the lot. [Sec. 60.544 {2) (c)]. The proposed use will not generate a significant amount of tra�c. The average daily traffic volume on Arcade Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets is 6,700 (July, 1991). [Sec. 64.300 (d) (b)]. The use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding properry for uses permitted in the district. [Sec. 64.300 (d) (d)]. The proposed use is a relatively low intensity commercial use which is appropriate given the residential uses to the south of the site. The used car lot wiil not be detrimental to the character of the neighborhood or endanger the pubiic safety and general welfare. Denial The previous denial was based on Sec. 64.300 (d) (a), which states: the extent, location and intensity of the use will be in substantial compliance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and any applicab/e subarea plans which were approved by the city council. • � 9�-/�� � Sec. 64.300 (d) (e), which stafes: the use shall, in all otherrespects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. Sec. 60.544 (2)(d) which requires: The minimum lot area shall be fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet. A site plan shal( be submitted showing the layout of the vehicies for sale or rent, employee parking, and customer parking, Sec. 60.300 (d)(a) which requires: The extent, location and intensity of the use will be in substantial compliance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and any applicable subarea pians which were approved by the city council, Sec. 64.300 (d)(c) which requires: The use wiil not be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the pubiic hsalth, safety and general welfare, and Sec. 68.300 {d)(e) which requires: The use shall, in ali other respects, conform to ihe applicabie regulations of the � district in which it is located. Most of the above secYions cited for reasons for denial deal with buffering the commercial use from the residential areas, specifically the use of set backs and landscaping requirements. If the zoning code was imposed without variance, application of the 4 and 6 foot setbacks, the required landscaping between public rights of way, the 10 foot setback from the residential area and fhe parking space requirements limit the commercial use of the property to a car lot. The city of St. Paui realized the hardship in the 1970's and 1980's and granted the variances and use permits. Denying such use now would be an arbitrary capricious decision, and wouid deny any reasonable use in the current zoning classification. Application of fhe newly enacted minimum 15,000 square foot requirement ordinance creates a hardship to the applicant; therefore, the applicant seeks a variance. The property has historically been used for auto sales, which is the property's only feasibie commercial use. Adapting the property to another commerciai use wouid require expanding the existing building, which would violate one of the setback requirements. Denying the variance to the 15,000 square foot requirement wou(d restrict the commerciai uses and establish a taking of the property. Conclusion The applicant has a solid business plan for the property, which will be an asset to the . community. The applicant needs both a special condition use permit and a variance from the lot size requirement for auto sales businesses. S 9 � /�� • Letter of Intent This letter of intent is entered into between Marv Sayre and Peter Lobinsky for purposes of selling 672 Arcade Street, St. Paul, (the Property) Minnesota owned by Sayre. Sayre intends to sell and Lobinsky intends to purchase the Property on the following terms and conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4_ The purchase price is $89,90�, which sha11 be amortized over 30 years. The sale will be by Contract for Deed. The inLerest rate wi11 be 9% per annum. The Contract will have a balloon payment after 10 years. Lobinsky intends to purchase the Property on the forgoing terms provided: 1 � 2 3 � The City of St. Pau1 approves a special use permit for the Property allowing for the sale of used cars. Lobinsky can repaint the building and fence on the property to light brown, tan or light grey (wi'th use of contrasting trim). That Sayre enters into a Purchase Agreement to sell the Propercy prior to submission of the apolication of the special use permit � Marg aret Stre Grass o � ` Sidewalk p,�'„�'� � � � Display 1 `'' �w � U � �' O C'L' � � � Display 2 A � a:{ S>:.� z � > - 2: "" a ° - . �-�. ::�;;< ea:-- ;= p4;` � yr. : t , ,�,�_ f�.�r;F , r �- > �h . r1::Y>�.y,_ . :Y,..,� .��.��� �� � . � Display 5 Dispiay 6 Display 7 , � � iCus�o=� � w o Customer � °O Customer ao c �: .� � , Customer u � � � � c�, � A Dispiay 8 0 � � Display 9 a, � ... A 38' Alley �� i�� � H 0 � � �. �.. v om 4 � 0 � � � � � � � � C.� � � S N E W N � F-� � ^ W � � w � � � � � �.J � � � � � � 9�-i�y 0 9� ��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � i Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We £eel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!: �`.```� ��'��� � .�� �, �i � � ��R�c�fl y S �' e C' � . � � � ' J ��� ; , �-, �1 �i��c�;� v � �/� ���, � r 'l, � �� ; CC C" 1�21-SS � fQ O /�/J 0 � � AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED �� i�� Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto ioans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE ZT:: � ,� i • ���/� . J � _� �,�.�.� ����, � 3 � �� y -� lM�� ���, , C�-�-Q�-� �� i�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED . • Auto Acceptance is designed £or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners oP Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these posifiive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating � a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traf£ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! : 7��� `��.,� -,/� C ✓� �; L � � � ��.(�� � l� �� i� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � . Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £ee1 these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. we are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra£fic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! • � � � , ��'' � � �� � �, r� c�/" � � v �� 3 ` �� �'�� �`� �' � �� �� � - .,� � (2 q�-��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED . � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating � a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! �� � (�.5 C �� ���,��\���,� �� ��� �� �. �� ��y AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � , Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours o£ operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am ti11 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st, with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra£fic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! C �I ;� o��(( t � c� �� 3 ��( G� �; E-! � � p' 1� i � " � (/����� �4 � �-f�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed �or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The ovmers o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st, with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these posii changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � �1�� �-��A. j _,�,�� ���a� �3�: � �c�,� � �'`�"`��..����iC � �s ���c�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED u � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will ri.d the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the acea, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: � s��� �G� f�/� � �//�, ���� ��� � � ��.�,�5 l�e �f���� S� �f ��� ���'�'� lb 9�--��� : AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED �J � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul_ The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lohinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours o£ operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and qeneral clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as we11. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: � �^��. f ` l�Q�w� 1 ��� �"�� g 3� �Yla�ar� S� S� �-� �� c o� 11 �� �� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paui's close suburbs. Hours o£ operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra£fic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WB APPRECIATS IT:! � '����' ��� ��>y [�_e-F�� .S s-,1"'id 6 � 9 � r ! � AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul are two Ramsey county residents. The owners of Auto Acceptance Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operetion £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore" We £eel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! ���� �M M �� � � �' � � e �7 ��`/ AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaininq auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traPfic. I£ you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!: � `,' � r �� � � 1 l � � � ` � /� , [ °� `�� � �� a � � 2 ��-�- ���-.Y�' ��'�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � . Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto ACCeptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Aours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra£fic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � � l I ' I � 7 � � � ��� ��:�-��� 2� ��-��y AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed £or people wrio need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto ACCeptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm. and 5undays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as we11. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating � a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! � � i ���� � � ( � �� � � ���� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOAISS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two kamsey county residents. Peter �a�b.insky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre wa� hx up in St. Paul's close suburbs. xours o£ cperation for thi� new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm: and Sundays the 6usiness will be closed. The owners o£ Auto �cceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with extzrior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation o£ being labled an "eyesore" We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. TIiANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � �/`X���� J�� �� � �� ` � r , I �sy ����;� 1��� �� ���I �t� �ss� � 6 ��� 23 � I � AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED . Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East 5t. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputaticn � of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by crea�ing a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TSME-WE APPRECIATE IT!: / ,�,, r� �'V) �ch�.� 1 � re a- %���/�� i �s � ��sl �''� �S �_1���/ � s��e�6 � � � �� ��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating �J a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traf£ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! , ' ��� �� �;/�av �'� �� � S� �c.,�.� . 25 �� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED . • Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours o£ operation for this new business will be M-F 9am ti11 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on trie property as we11. We feel these positive changes wi11 rid trie property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra££ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra££ic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � ��� �� l �E C-,,� �i�G�Gf� G_ �' � Il C G� l/G l�C`'S �`�'�2-� l L`� �- Z6 �_` �__ ��i� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARAN'?'EED u � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who i�.eed to establish or re-establish credit. Zt also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in Bast St. Pau1. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st, with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation o£ being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. TIiANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � ��,-� � �C�� �'I �� 4 `ne.� �TS,� J�--��/ �� �. � � .���� SS��S z� ���i� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general ciean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! ! ;rr. � l� ���;. P�{��1•�.. �us� �t� q:�-� ���, 8���� � s-� .— ��s � d � �,-� m 9� ��� �- AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � i Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born anci raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business wi11 not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We £eel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. 2HANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APP CIATE IT!! �� � � � 3 � �, _ '��� �--p-�_ �� ° ��`-� rn �"` S/�� � � 2�f ��-��� � 9�- � AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AiITO LOANS GUARANTEED Auto Acceptance is designed for people wrio need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and u raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WB APPRECIATB IT!! � ; y� L , i: �-� � ��C;�,,� ' ��c: -�. /,i���c� � �'�-� � z �= , � �2���.� y ���������� ��� • ������ � z ���- S � ���� 31 ! �J�`� � AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LdANS GUARANTEED u L � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st, with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes wi11 rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighbozhood. We are not trying t� create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on trie existing tratfic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!? ���;�,, ti���, ��la�fi� - r�j ��� �7�� � ��' �� s��r�� � 7�a �a�o 3z �'?r��Y AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AiSTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is desiqned far people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these posifiive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We £eel we would be an asset to your community by creating � a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra£fic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THAN�U FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! 1 \ C�.� l (2 / /� �� !�'1 F t� ,V Q C� vCV �� b"1�l VJ � I'' � Q S� � I � � �C� S� �f � S S �SS e� � i��i c Gj ��'l �1'�1 �G �c��� �v�2 a� y ��-�s � �� �� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am ti11 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the progerty as we11. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would tae an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra££ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE��REC�E IT!! , !J ur�� � � r -s l�� t��� � ��� � s� �',� `I `�� �3� 9�r�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St, Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We £eel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra££ic in the acea, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. TIIANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! �yzQ �''' , �,- J �• � � h " ° , e ��, N� � 35 q���� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St, in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well, We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation � of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra££ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would apgreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT?! � �-�'�.� ��-P.�.�� '�`� ��-�' /�'„�C��Q� 5�1��'�'� 36 �7 �� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED i . Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Ascade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business wi11 be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st, with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra£fic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traf£ic. If you are i.n support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE ITl: ��� ��� � �� ����b� ������ � 3� 9� f� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � �:uto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. Yt also assists gersons in obtaining auto loans. Triis company will be opening an auto saies business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours o£ operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as we11. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the acea, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra£fic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition, THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT?! ���(�� v�,ti c �✓ 1 �}— C�� � Z �' �v 0 � � � �?--/�� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARAIdTEEP � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St_ in East St. Paul. The owners oP Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £ee1 these positive changes will rid the property's reputation � o£ being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating!� a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra££ic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing tra££ic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! � C� i �'sfh �i��o 10�� �fiSF 7t� STREET ST. €�.aUl., tvr�;�l 5510b ;fs12) 778 •'t1t�6 , �° � �. RTC 1000 E.1TH ST. SL PAUI, MN 55106 , � � �-z�-�� 3q � �-i� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED . • Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. xours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traf£ic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. TAANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! _ � ��,>e�� ' � �G� �'.�> �� J> �JJ�� �X.(/ /�• . � fc � G� �.l �� u � i j �� / ., � �-��� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed £or people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of beinq labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra£fic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. TI3ANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! • �� G ��' / � / t � v � �� 3 �� ��i�� � �� 4► � � �'�-� � � q7 �� AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AIITO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people wrio need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St, in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ 5t. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul`s close suburbs. Hours o£ operation Por this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support o£ our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: Ci�� arnTi`� �-„ � i:�' �, �: . ... - 851 E. 5��. , � _.� � - St. Pa���, i = � � 774•C � � dZ �J AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARAI3TEED � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company wi11 be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Aours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to ciean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation � of being labled an "eyesore" We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased tra£fic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:S �� � ���� , ,� f �-., . � c� L-� �� �. _ �,� _ - � � � � JU i 43 ������ AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � , � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business wi11 be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these posifiive changes will rid the property's reputation o£ being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating � a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the acea, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traf£ic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:! / �o,��s A� C'��� D��� � s �`�'� � s u , `'� 6� S r v� e� �. �� �� �Q � e �, y e c� v �QI!✓ �V � v� � 0 9 �"l�1 AUTO ACCEPTANCS-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � Auto Acceptance is designed Por people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It aiso assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of opezation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation � of being labled an "eyesore". We Peel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traf£ic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THAI3K YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:? � `F_1�� �dbi.• t"� � rl � 1 � �' �{.�C� ��! � � Vl � � � W � ��G� l.: �� VV �'"]�'�' � � � 9�-r�y AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AIITO LOANS GUARANTEED � � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners of Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side of St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation £or this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till 5pm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We £eel these positive changes wi11 rid the property's reputation of being labled an "eyesore". We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security for the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. I£ you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT!! ��c������e� �tie�,� �c�a :< ` ��a_i�� ����� �. �Y3 � � �� � k� ��--��y AUTO ACCEPTANCE-AUTO LOANS GUARANTEED � Auto Acceptance is designed for people who need to establish or re-establish credit. It also assists persons in obtaining auto loans. This company will be opening an auto sales business at 672 Arcade St. in East St. Paul. The owners o£ Auto Acceptance are two Ramsey county residents. Peter Lobinsky was born and raised on the East side o£ St. Paul, and Marv Sayre was brought up in St. Paul's close suburbs. Hours of operation for this new business will be M-F 9am till 7pm, Saturdays 9am till Spm, and Sundays the business will be closed. The owners of Auto Acceptance plan to clean up the property at 672 Arcade st. with exterior painting, landscaping, and general clean up. Automobiles owned by the business will not be serviced on the property as well. We feel these positive changes will rid the property's reputation � of being labled an "eyesore" We feel we would be an asset to your community by creating a new business and security £or the East Side neighborhood. We are not trying to create increased traffic in the area, but yet we hope to capitalize on the existing traffic. If you are in support of our business and do not have any objections, we would appreciate your signature and address on this petition. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME-WE APPRECIATE IT:: i'o��.ti G���«�°�_-�- ,l� 22 ��..,�'/�- �✓ C �LC-� ���� � �r �� � i � � J li[I �7-i�� �' city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 96-66 (�te November 8, 1996 WHLRLAS, PETER LOBINSKY, file N96-247, has applied for a Special Condition Use Permit under tl�e provisions of Sections G0.54A(2) and b4300(d) and of the Saint Paul Legislative.Code, to altow outdoor sales of used auton�obiles, on property locared at 672 ARCADE STREET, tegaliy described as Lot 1; Otto's Subdivision of Lot 15 of Octo's Subdivision; and WIlGREAS, the Zoning Committec of the Plamiing Commission l�eld a public hearing on October 31, 1996, at tvhicli al1 persons present �vere given an opportuniry to be heard pursuant to said application in accordancc with tl�e requirements of Section 64.300 of tl�e Saint Paul Legislative Code; and �VIIGRGAS, 8ic Saint Paul Pianning Commission, based on the evidence �resented to its Zoning Connnittee at the public hearing, 1s substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of facr. ]. 9�hc proposed use docs not contorm ro scveral of the required findings for special condition use � permits specified in Sections fi0.544(2) and G4300(d) of the zoning code. 7'hese conditions and the inability of tlie proposed use to meet tl�em �re as follows: a. T'!ae tniuinu�m !o! arca sha!! Ge fif[eea lhousartd (I5,000) square fec1. il si[c p1ar� shall be subntitted showing t11e layord of the velticles for sale or reirt, �,rrntoy ptrrkiitg, aad c:tstonzer parki�:g. Tltis crnldition is not mct. Thc sitc has a tot area of 5,242 squarc fcet, induding onc-half of the allcy. ']"his is ),758 square feet lcss tlian required. �. The e.rte�rt, locatio�a a�:�i i�:te�esity of tl�e use wi(1 be i�: substar:tiat co»rplimtce wzth tlae Sai�rt Paul Cornpreherssive Plan aritl atry applicab[e subarea platts which were approved by the city cotazcil. This condition is not met. One of the I.and use and zoning goals of the Aistrict 4 Plan states, "to promote better buffering between residential, commereial, and industrial land uses on and around East 7th Street,..." p. 13. The District 4 land use policy states that the district council will support development of new or redevelopment of existing structures in industrial or commerciai areas only when accompanied by parking provisions as established in the zoning code and by proper landscaping. The appiicant is able to provide the required off-street parking but there is not adequate space on the lot to provide the required sethack and moved by Morton � sec by Unani�us S�IC1St , 'rr �-�-��� Zoning file €/9(-247 Pagc T�eo of Resolution landscaping and still acconunodate the proposed number of cars for sale. The Near East Side Improvement Strategy (NIS) completed in 1989 contains a set of strategies to address die issues of housing, economic developmen[, neighhorhood image, transpor[ation, parks and recreation, land use and zoning, and education. The most relevant part of the document ro ilte proposed use is the goals for economic developmen[. These goats include: 1) °concentrate commercial [and uses along e�isting commercial spines and at existing commerciai nodes; 2) improve and maintaia the vitality and appearance of commercial establisl�ments; 3) phase out commercial uses that are incompatible G;�ith adjacent residentiai uses (e.g, auto body s[iops, used car locs)." (p. 23, goais i, 8, and 9) The NtS was accepted as a policy statement by the planning con�mission and dze ciry council kut was not adopted as part of the city's compreheasive p1an. c. Tlie use tiri![ riot be detrimeatnl to d�e existing d�arncter of tlie devefopn:ent i�t the unmecliate neig/ibor/eood or endar�ger die public kealth, safety and general welfare. This condition is not met. The proposed car 1ot, according [o [I�c Near L-ast Side Improvement Strategy, is a commercial use that is incompatible wit[i adjacent residentiai uses and should be phased out. In addition, the limited vehicie turn movements atlocved at flie interseaion of Sixth & Margarct streets tvil! resutt in vehicle test drives on Margaret Street, a residential strcct. � d. The use shall, in a!( o[/acr respects, couforn� to tlie npplicaLle regidatious of the clistrict ia � x•/�ic4 it is located. 1'his condidon is not met. The site plan submitted does not provide [he required setbacks 4vid� ]andscaping between public rights of way and the parking (ot as required by tiie zoning code. The site is too sm.il( to provide thesc setbacks and stitl acconunodate the proposed numbcr of cars for satc. NOW, Tf1ERGFORG, I3E IT RESOLVED, by d�e Saint Paul Planning Commissiml, that under the authority of tlie Ciry's Le�islativc Code, che application for a Speciai Condition Use to atlow outdoor sales of used automobifes at 672 ARCADE STREET is hereby denied. . ,. 9? /�9 � ��=-='� ° f _,: •;.;� n� ;, ;; . t..� kJ, Planning Commission of SainE ]'au1 _� - -� ,.;� �; _ r '� Executive Board Room "'��� �� :, �;;� ' ,'t '� w � ; ; ,.. World Tradc Centcr ` _ :� � �� .~� 30 Seventh Street �Vest �4 �� �:<� 1>;f��� 3 Saint Pau! Minnesota 55101 �`?:-�� �"�' • F �� �� A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Pau1 was held Friday, November 8, 1996, at 9:45 a.m. in the Executive Board Room of the Worid Trade Center. Commissioners Mmes. Birk, Duarte, Faricy, Geisser, Maddox, Morton, Treichel Present: and Wencl, a�id Messcs. Field Jr., Gordon, Kramer, Lee, Mardell, McDonell, Nowfin, Sdnvich[enberg, Sharpe and Vaught. Commissioners Mmes. *Lund-Johnson and Messrs. *Chavez and *Gurney. Absc�it: *Gxcused Also Present: I:en Pord, Planning Administrator, Jean Birkholz, Kady Dadlez, Nancy Homans, Allen Lovejoy, Lucy Thompson of the Planning Staff; and Leon � Pearson tf�e of Public Works Staff. L Tl�c s�vcaring in of Newty Appointed P{lnning Commission Membcrs Ms. Pe� Birk, Ms. Esperanza Duarte, and Mr. Dick I�[owlin were sworn in as members of the Saint Paul Planning Commission by City Clerk, Mr. Pred Owusu. Chair McDoneil congratulatcd and welcomed the new commission membcrs. II. Approval of Minutes of October 11 and October 25, 199G IZI. Chair's Announcements Chair McDonell announced that Commissioner Chavez undenvent heart surgery last week. The Commission has sent a piant to him. IV. Planning Administrator's Announcements • - Mr. Ford stated that Mr. Chavez had been at St. Joseph's Hospital, downtown Saint PauL He is resting at home now and doing quite well. - Framework Planning Process: Tomorrow, Saturday, November 9, is the Cherette for the Prec'snct Plan for the West Side, the fourth in a set of four precinct plans (L3pper `JO K:ISHAREDW f.ANNINGV.h�NUTES.FRM ��, ��� � Landing, WaUasfia Corridor, Rice Park, and West Side). Mr. Ford predicted that early aext year the Planning Commission will be reviewing the erttire Development Framework. V. Zoning Committce #96-247 Peter Lobinskv - Specia] Condition Use Permit to allow outdoor sales of used automobiles (672 Arcade Street; zoned B-3}. permit to_allow'oufdoor.sates �f used aa�ocnabtJes at:6?2 Arcaae Stceet.° The denial was based on the lot size; it is 1/3 of the minimum required lot size; it is also too small to provide required setbacks with iandscaping and still accommodate the proposed number of cars. Commissioaer Field noted tl�e long history of permit apptications for this proper[y: 8 cases in the past ? or 8 years. He afso noted that in the (ast case, in I995, he voted to allow a used car facility at this location. Since that time, he pointed out, ihere has been legisiation passed that provided for the 15,000 square feet as the minimum size for this typc of use, and so [here is no basis for doing anything but deny the request. Commissioncr Vaught commented that tie was of like mind on this with Commissioner � ricld. The moUOn on ihe fiooc fo deny. ihz reguest foi a speci�l co�dition-t�se af 672 Area3e Screet ta Alio�v oucdoor sales af used aucomobiles catkzed unanimously dn a'yotce . vote: . Commissioner Morton read thc agenda of the next Zoning Committee meeting on Monday, Novembcr 25, 1996. VI. Comprcl�ensive Planning and Economic Devetopment Committee Sheaard Road Preferred Des�n Concept - Recommenda[ion -(Lucy Thompson) Commissioner Maddox distributed a resolution jusc received from the Greater Saint Paul Association of Building Owners and Managers ($OMA) regarding the design concept. She noted that they endorse Aftemative Design Concept E. Roadway A[ignment and Urban Design Concept, but Yhey are recommending a grade-separated intersection at Chestnut Street to provide a safe flow of pedestrian, vehicular, and rail movement. Commissioner Vaught noted he is concemed about how the issue of the intersection with � Chestnut Street gets resolved because it wi11 be one of profound impact, and that it will ieave the Ptanning Commission without more substantiat discussion about that particular s� K15HAREDWLANNINGNA�NUTES FRM 2 �� • � L_I MINUTES OF THE ZONING COhSi�fITTEE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, SAINT PAUL, MZNNESOTA OI3 OCTOBER 31, 1996 PRESENT: Mmes. Faricy, Morton and Wencl; Messrs. Field, Gurney, ICramer and Vaught of the Zoning Committee; Mr. Warner, Assistant City Attorney; Mmes. Dadlez and Sanders and Mr. Ryan of the Planning Division. ABSENT; Chavez, excused Time: 3:32 - 4:30 p.m. The meeting was chaired by Gladys Morton, Chairperson. es. To allow outdoor sales of Kady Dadlez, Planning Division staff, reviewed the staff report and presented slides. Staff recommended denial of the special condition use permit based on findings 2d, 3a, and 3e of the staff report. The Dayton's B1uff Center for Civic Li£e voted to oppose the special condition use permit application. One letter of support was received from Bud & A1's Brake Service, 695 Azcade Street. A peCition of support was also submitted by the applicant. Commissioner Field asked whaC the staff recommendation had been regarding the 1995 request for a special condition use permit for a used car 1ot for this property. Ms. Dadlez responded that staff had recommended denial in 1995. Commissioner Kramer xeviewed that since Che 1995 case that a minimum lot size requirement of 15,000 square feet for outdoor sale of automobiles had been established by the planning commission. Eric Thole, Attorney with Clinton & Taylor P.A., 8750 90th St. South, spoke representing the applicant, who was also present. Mr. Thole stated that Mr. Lobinsky was in Che process o£ purchasing the property, with the outcome dependent upon the SCUP. Mr. Tho1e reviewed that the proposal is for Auto Acceptance, a used car lot that would include financing through a franchise agreement set up with Credit Acceptance Corporation, with a representative located on-site. A majority of the business would be done by computers and over the phone and customers with credit problems would be targeted, and he said it would not be operated as a standard used car lot which would generate a lot of customer traffic on the lot. Mr. Thole reported that repairs have been done to bring the site up to code and Chat a certificate of occupancy has been issued. The applicant intends to paint the facility, landscape the site, and do general clean-up. No auto repair would be done on-site and a11 off-street parking could be sugported on the site. Mr. Thole referenced materials provided commissioners by the applicant containing a site plan as well as a list of neighbors and businesses that support the proposal. In reviewing staff's report he addressed a few issues. �Z �-�-��� He noted that the applicant has met a majority of the general conditions which apply to special condition use permits and reviewed the conditions which were not met. 3a. with respect to: non-comp2iaace with the neighborhood plan. He suggested finding 3a to be somewhat ambiguous as it first states that it has to meet the setbacks and that it asks for a phasing out of commercial uses that are incompatible with adjacent residential uses, which he felt the staff report states that it is not going to be detrimental to the neighborhood character. 3e. with respect to: not meeting the required setbacks. Mr. Thole reviewed the site plan and said he was unable to envision any other viable commercial use of the property, given its configuration wiCh the small building and long piece of property. 3d. with respect to: the minimum lot area of fifteen thousand 115,000) square feet. hir. Thole suggested that if the committee strictly enforces the 15,OD0 square feet provision, given the property's Zong history of being used for such a use, that it pretty much denies any use of the property. Mr. Thole concluded that when all of the requirements for a used car lot are applied to this property that it eliminates any viable use. He suggested it would be best that Lhe property be used, cleaned up and that the proposal be approved. Commissioner Kramer asked whether Mr. Tho1e knew if the existing building on the property could be replaced. Mr. 2ho1e respor.ded that in the case of rebui2ding that a 2o foot setback wou2d have to be met which would result in the inability to meet other conditions, which would prohibit building on the site. Commissioner Kramer asked if the independent insurance agent could locate in the existing building alone, Mr. Thole responded that such a use would be possible but he did not see as a viable business use, given a building of 400 square feet which makes up less than 10 percent of the total lot. Ms. Dadlez reEerenced the history/discussion in the staff report indicating that a variance was granted in 1976 allowing for a 10 foot setback along the eastern property line, and that the setback is more an issue along Margaret and Arcade Street. Commissioner Kramer asked what might be rebuilt on the site if the existing building were torn down. Mr. Warner responded that circumstances would change if the building were to come down, but that presently with the variance granted in 1976 for a SO foot setback, that it a2lows the bui2ding to be used as it exists, and also allows the parking spaces adjacent to the wood fence. Commissioner Vaught reviewed that whether or not the 15,000 square foot requirement was newly enacted or not that it is law. When commissioners look at variances and setbacks it is not enough to judge an application positively that an applicant meets the majority of the requirements, and said that it is also a matter of degree to which requirements are or are not met, xe said he CJ � � J u 2 53 �' • would not have nearly the problem with the application if the square footage were signi£icantly closer to the 15,000 square £eet required. Commissioner Vaught disagreed that the property could only be used as a used car lo�. Ae reviewed that it is zoned B-3 and there are any number of uses which are allowed in a B-3 zone. He said he was a concerned about the rhetoric that there is no other reasonable economic use for the property, saying that it would not be true simply becavse the client seeks to put a used car lot at the location, but that isn't evidence enou:-h to mandate that conclusion. Commissioner Vaught referenced the applicant's letter of intent noting that it was contingent upon the SCUP being granted. He established that theze isn•t any chance of the taking of the property with respect to the applicant if the permit is not approved as the applicant has the ability to back out of the deal. Commissioner Gurney noted Mr. Thole•s statement that the property had a long history of being a car lot, although he said that in the 20 year period documented as history that it apparently amounted to a very short amount of time because there were freguent requests for new SCUPS. Gurney asked if Che agplicant could grovide the actual amount of time it was operated as a used car lot. hfr. Thole could not provide that information, however said it was indeed used as a used car lot. Steve Asmus, 871 Margaret Street, spoke on behalf of the 800 Margaret Street Block Club, in opposition. Mr, Asmus confirmed that the lot has been used for car sales from time to time and said the neighborhood had nothing but problems from cars for sale being parked in the street. He said in between the SCUPs that o1d used car parts and junk cars have 6een stored on the lot. Mr. Asmus � explained that the main reason for neighbors' signatures on the petition of support was that they wished to see the cite cleaned up and a business located theze, but that they do not wish to see a used car lot. He suggested the site would be appropr�ate for insurance or credit company purposes. Commissioner Vaught advised that if the neighborhood desired to see the property not be used as a used car lot that they consider doing a study that might lead to a rezoning other than B-3, as used car lots are an allowable use with a special condition use permit in a B-3 zone, however the minimum square footage is the issue in this case. Fie also suggested that the neighbors might contact the owner or the applicant to attempt to devise a plan that might work £or all. Mr. Asmus responded that Che neighborhood has submitted suggestions to the owner of the property as well as have sent potential renters to him. He said that much of the neighborhood's opposition to the proposal is that they do not believe the lot size is large enough to handle that type of business. Greg Auge, spoke in opposition on behalf of the Dayton�s Hluff CommuniCy Council. Iie reporCed that Mr. Lobinsky presented his proposal to the Land Use Committee which then voted to oppose the SCUP and that subsequently the board voted for denial as well. He further stated that the boaYd has been consistent in its opposition of a used car lot at this location. Harvey Asmus, 860 Margaret, spoke in opposition. Mr. Asmus expressed concern that parking is already a problem on the street due to a number of multi- family dwelling units in the neighborhood and said that much overflow parking goes into the street. Ae also mentioned traffic safety to be an issue due to obstruction of traffic £rom Margaret on to Azcade Street. Mr. Asmus said the proposal doesn't meet the neighborhood p1an, that others have o£fered to purchase the property as well as to rent the property, with t9r. Asmus claiming � that the owner appears to have a preference for a used car lot. 3 �* ..�"l� ��-��� Bertha Asmus, 860 b7argaret, spoke in opposiCion. Nts. Asmus reiterated that � interest has been shown in the property for other uses and noted a realty company and a small newspaper that were turned down by the owner. She advised that perhaps a coffee drive-thru might be an appropriate use and said that she and others in the neighborhood are interested in seeing a business other than the used car lot occupy the site. Ms. Asmus spoke of concerns regarding on-street parking, and traffic generated and related child safety. She suggested that a petition in opposition o£ a used car Zo[ at the site in the past currently stands and .that the neighborhood is working towards, and has been making great strides in, improving their neighborhood. Mr. Pho1e spoke in rebuttle. In response to alternative uses of the property he suggested that the free market will dictate a use's viability. Mr. Thole briefly reviewed the applicant's proposal reiterating that this used car lot would be unique as it targets its customers and most of the work would be done over the phone and by computer. He noted that the off-street parking requirements are met and that he did not foresee on-street parking to be a problem. Mr. Thole disagreed that the owner is being selective as to the purchaser of the property and sai@ that the owner is seriously attempting to sell the property. Commissioner Gurney noted the testimony that the majozity of the business would be done by computer and telephone, yet in the letter circulated to the neighbors for support of the proposal states that the applicant hopes to capitalize on the existing trafEic, in contrast to just computer and telephone generated business, as stated. Mr. Thole responded that incidental benefits that might be generated as a result of the location would be beneficia2, however would not be the specific targeted cZiente2e. � The public hearing was closed. Commisaioner Kramer recommended denial of the special condition uee permit based on findinga 2d, 3a, 3c and 3e, noting that he dieagreed with ata£f and found that condition 3c was not met. Commissioner Xzamer said that condition 3c relates to the proximity of the car lot to the residentiaZ neighborhood, and that testimony was received relating to its detrimental impact. He said that the shortage of off-street parking spaces will result in customers parking on Margaret Street, which he noted as ane of the city council's previously identified reasons for denial, and TCramer said this would be exacerbated by additional tenants renting space in the building. Commisaioner Guzney aeconded the motion. Commissioner Vaught said issues relative to traffic and parking don't hold much impect for him when the street carries 6,700 cars, and he questioned the potential effect the traffic generated by the used car lot could have. Ae also said that he doesn't conclude that the statutorily correct number of o£f- street parking spaces will in fact, not lead to those spaces being used for the purpose that they are there £or and lead to parking on Margaret. Commissioner Vaught didn't agree with the findings regarding condition 3c. vaught sai@ he would support the motion due to the 15,000 square foot requirement, stating that the proposal is clear2y deficient. Commissianer Kramer noted two things supporting finding 3c: the testimony of the area resident regarding the direction of traffic on Sixth Street and that Margaret Street as a result of that restriction will be used to test drive cars; and the Near East Side Improvement Strategy that identifies all auto- � related uses as incompatible with adjacent residential uses. �S ��-��y � Commissioner Field said he would support the motion because the 15,000 square £oot lot area requirement is clearly not met. He said in the past it was argued that a small lot of this size was not economically viable. FIe didn't believe it was Che commissioners' purpose to determine economic viability. The motion carried an a voice vote of 7 to 0. Drafted by: �n � • Sub� d by� Appr ved bY: �������� �z� Kady Dadlez G1 ys Morton Chairperson 5 J�O q ZONING COMMITT&E ST.AFF RBPORT � ------------------------�---- ----------------------------- FILB # 96-247 1. APPLICANT: PETSR LOSIN5KY DATB OF BEARING: 10/31/96 2, CLASSZFICATION: Special Condition Use 3. LOCATION: 672 ARCP.DE STREET (northeast corner at Margaret Street) 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: 4 5. LSGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 1; Otto's Subdivision of Lot 15 of Otto's Subdivision 6. PRESENT ZONING: B-3 ZONING CODB R8BER8NC8: §60.544(2) & 64.300(d) 7. STAFF INVBSTIGATION AND RBPORT_ DATE: 10/24/96 SY: Kady Dadlez 8. DATE RECSIVBD: 09/30/96 DEAIILINB FOR ACTION: 11/28/96 _______=====z A. P9RPOSE: special condition use permit to allow outdoor sales of used automobiles. B. PARCBL SIZF: The property has 123 feet of frontage on Arcade Street and 39.41 feet of frontage on Margaret for a total. Iot area of 4,847 square feet. Including one-half of the alley, the lot area is 5,241 square � feet. c. SxisT2NG LAND IISE: The site is vacant except for a small building and paved surface. D. SIIRROIINDING LAND IISB: North: Liguor store immediately to the nortH and other commercial uses in a B-3 zoning district. East: One and two-£amily uses in an RT-1 zoning district_ South: One and two-family uses in an RT-1 zoning district. West: Clinic, grocery store, drug store, and other commercial and residential uses in a B-3 zoning district. E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Sections 60.544(2) and 64.300(d1 of the zoning code permit outdoor sales of used automobiles subject to the conditions detailed in findings #2 and #3 of this report. F. H25TORY/DISCIISSION: The site was used at one Lime as a gas station. The building on the site appears to date from that use. Until the early 1980s there was a repair garage and commercial building on the north part oP the lot. Following is a chronology of recent activities: 1976: The board of zoning appeals approved three variances €or a I2 car parking lot. The one variance zelevant to the use now proposed was a variance of a required 10 foot side yard setback between 8-3 uses and residential properties. 19s1: Special condition use permit approved for used car sales for 666 Arcade Street (south part of the site) with several conditions including no certificate of occupancy until conditions are met and Iimit of four cars. Use apparently was never established. . Underground gas tanks were removed in 1981. 57 97-��1 � Zoning File #96-247 Page 7tvo 1982: License issued for used car sales for four cars. 1983: Special condition use permit £or useci car sales approved with 10 conditions including limit o£ 15 cars £or sale, 2 parking spaces, and 6-£oot visual screen on east property line. A neighbor spoke in opposition because previous conditions were not met. 1984: Field investigation by staff indicated several conditions not met including excess number of cars on lot, Margaret driveway kept open, no landscaping, and it appeared cars for sale parked in street. 1987: Site plan approved for used car sales; requires screening fence along east property line and bollards with chain to contain cars on site. 1988: Special condition use permit application for trailer sales was filed and then withdrawn. 1989: Special condition use permit approved for used car sales. Planning commission resoluCion indicates 14 car limit including parking; SCUP limits sale cars to 10. 1992: 5pecial condition use permit for used car sales was denied by the planning commission. The applicant appealed to the city council which upheld the planning commission's decision. Staff had recommended approval of the permit with nine conditions as did the zoning committee. � In 1992 when the planning commission denied the special condition use permit to allow the sales of used cars, the basis o£ that decision was that the use did not conform to the required findings of 64.300id). First, that the use would be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the area: on-street parking, theft and vandalism, and an 8-foot chain link fence would detract from nearby residential uses and recent improvements. Second, that the use does not conform to the applicable regulations of the district in that the site does not provide the four-foot setbacks with landscaping between public rights-of way and the parking lot as required by the zoning code. The site is too small to provide these setbacks and accommodate the proposed number of cars for sale. Finally, the planning commission denial cited tlze policy statement in the Near EasC Side Improvement Strategy recommending that land uses which are incompatible with adjacent residential uses (e.g. auto body shops, used car lots) be phased-out. The city council's resolution affirming the planning commission�s decision cited the same findings. 1995: Special condition use germit for a used car lot was apgroved by the planning commission. Permit allowed 7 cars for sale and 4 off-street parking spaces. The Distzict 4 Council appealed the planning commission`s decision to the city council. The city council granted the appeal of the District Council and denied the special condition use permit. In 1995 when the planning commission approved the special condition use permit to allow the outdoor sales of automohiles it found that all of the conditions of the permit were met and approved the permit to allow 7 cars for sale and 4 ofE-street � parking spaaes. The city council's resoluCion over[.urning the planning commission's decision and denying the permit cited the � ��-«� Zoning File #96-247 Page Three small lot size, the policy statement from the Near East Side Improvement Strategy, and the detrimental impact to the existing character of development in the immediate neighborhood. Finally, for your information, the following is the staff analysis which accompanied the staff report for the special condition use permit requested in 1995. STAFF ANALYSIS: The proposed site, 4,847 square feet, is too small to accommodate a used car lot and the required setbacks, screening, and landscaping (the minimum lot size for a single £amily home is greater at S,Q00 square feet). Planning staff has seen similar problems in other areas o£ the city where used car lots are squeezed onto scaall sites. Placing conditions on permits to Iimit the number of cars on a lot and require off-street parking does not guarantee that the conditions will be met. Violations of these conditions occur regularly as evidenced by enforcement actions in the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection. Staff has talked about this issue and believes that establishing a minimum lot size for used car lots is an idea for the planning commission to consider in a future minor zoning amendment. In May, 1996, the planning commission recommended approval of, and the city council adopted, an amendment to require a minimum lot size of 15,000 square feet for outdoor sale of automobiles. G. DISTRICT COIINCIL R&COb4dHNDATION: The Dayton'S Bluff Center £or Civic Life voted to oppose tke special condition use permit application f H. FINDINGS• � The app7_icant has a contract to purchase the property and intends to sell previously owned automobiles to people who need to establish credit. The hours of operation will be 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturdays; tkere will be one full time employee and one part time employee. In addition to a general clean up of the site, the applicant intends to paint the exterior of the building, repair the existing fence along the eastern property line, repair the existing pylon sign, and plant three boulevard trees. The applicant adds that there will be a tenant, an independent insurance agent, in the office building, along with the car sales office. Section 60.544(2J permits outdoor sales space for exclusive sale of new or secondhand automobiles, house trailers or rental of trailers or automobiles, all subject to the following: The lot or area sba21 be provided with a permanent, dnrab3e and dustZess surface, aad shall be graded aad draiaed as to dispose of aS1 surface water acaumulated within tke area. This condition is met. The site is adequately paved and drained. b. Vehicular access to the outdoor sales area shall be at least sixty (60) feet from the iutersection of any two !2) streets. This condition is met. The driveway on Arcade Street is approximately 72 feet from the intersection with Margaret and 60 feet from the intersection with arcade Street. No repair or refiaishfng shall be doae oa the lot ualess conducted within a complete3y enclosed building. �iiJ 9 �-��� • Zoning File #96-247 Page Four This condition is met. The applicant states that no major repairs or refinishing will be done on the lot, except for changing £lat tires and jump starts. Aowever, sta£f advised the applicant that no repair or refinishing of any kind can be done unless the activity takes place within a completely enclosed building. The applicant undersCands and accepts this condition and adds that he has other facilities for repairs and re£inishing. d. The minimvm lot area shall be fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet. A site plan sha11 be submitted ahowing the layout of the vehicles for sale or rent, employee parking, aad customer parking. This condition is not met. The site has a lot area of 5,242 square feet, including one-half of the alley. This is 9,758 square feet less than required. The applicant requests a modi£ication of this condition stating that this minimum lot size requirement creates a hardship. Ae states that historically the property has been used for auto sales, which is the property�s only feasible commercial use. He adds that denying the modification would restrict the commercial uses and establish a taking of the property. StafP does not recommend that this condition be modified since such a modification would not be in keeping with the intent and purpose of the special condition. In fact, the staff analysis in the previous special condition use permit request for this property raised the issue of the inappropriateness of particularly sma11 sites being used for car sales. � 3. Section 64.300(d) of the zoning code requires that before trie planning commission may grant approval of a principal use subject to special � conditions, the commission shall find that: a. The extent, Iocatioa and intensity of the use will be in substantiaZ compliance mith the Saint Pau2 Comprehensive Plaa aad any applicable subarea plaas which weze approved by the city couneil. This condition is not met. One of the land use and zoning goals of the District 4 Plan states, "to promote better buffering between residential, commercial, and industrial land uses on and around East 7th Street,..." p. 13. The District 4 land use�policy states that the district council will support development of new or redevelopment of existing structures in industrial or commercial areas only when accompanied by parking provisions as established in the zoning code and by proper landscaping. The applicant is able to provide the required o£f-street parking but there is not adequate space on the lot to provide the required setback and landscaping and still accommodate the proposed number of cars for sale. The Near East Side Improvement Strategy (N25) completed in 1989 contains a set of strategies to address the issues of housing, economic development, neighborhood image, transportation, parks and recreation, land use and zoning, and education. The most relevant part of the document to the proposed use is the goals for economic development. These goals include: 1) "concentrate commercial land uses along existing commercial spines and at existing commercial nodes; 2) improve and maintain the vitality and appearance of commercial establishments; 3) phase out . m r- ��- [S�t Zoning File #96-247 Page Five commercial uses that are incompatible with adjacent residential uses (e.g. auto body shops, used car lots)." (p. 23, goals 1, 8, and 9) The NIS was accepted as a policy statement by the planning commission and the city council but was not adopted as part of the city's comprehensive plan. b. The use mill provide adequate tagress aad egress to miaimize traffic congestioa .in the public streets. This condition is met. The proposed use is not expected to generate a significant amount of traffic. The average daily traffic volume on Arcade Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets is 6,700 (July, 1991). On-street parking is permitted on the east side of Arcade Street except from 4:00 p.m. to 6:D0 p.m.. On-street parking on the west side of Arcade between Seventh & Margaret is limited to 15 minutes from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. c. The use wi31 not be detrimeatal to the existiag character of tbe deveSo�eat in the ia�ediate neighborhood or eadanger the public hea2th, safety and geaeral welfare. C� This condition is met. The proposed use is a relatively low intensity commercial use which is appropriate given the residential uses to the south of the site. The used car lot will not be deLrimental to the character of the neighborhood or endanger the public safety and general welfare. � However, theft of and vandalism to vehicles parked on Margaret Street was identified as a problem when used cars have been sold from the subject site in the past. d. The use wiS1 not impede tke normal and orderZy develo�ent and improvemeat of the surrouadiag property for uses permitted ia the district. This condition is met. e. The use shall, in all otfier respects, conform to the applicable regulatioas of the district in whick it is located. This condition is not met. The site plan submitted does not provide the required setbacks with landscaping between public rights of way and the parking lot as required by the zoning code. The site is too small to provide these setbacks and sti17. accommodate the proposed number of cars for sale. In addition, while Section 6I.I03(b) requires side and rear yards of at least ten feet when a business district adjoins a side yard in an adjacent residential district, the board of zoning appeals granted a variance of this requirement for this property in 1976. 4. The off-street parking requirement for used car sales is one space per 400 square feet of office space and one parking space per 2,000 square feet of outdoor display area. The requirement for the proposed use is three spaces (one for the office space and two for the outdoor display area). The site plan indicates four off-street parking spaces. 5. Section 64.300(f): of the zoning code states, "The planning commission, after public hearing, may modify any or a12 special P� 9��i�� • Zoning File #96-247 Page Six conditions, when strict application of such special condiCions would unreasonably limit or prevent otherwise lawful use of a piece of property or an existing structure and would result in exceptional undue hardship to the owner of such property or structure; provided, that such modification will not impair the intent and purpose of such special condition and is consistent with health, morals and general welfare of the community and is consistent wi[.h reasonable enjoyment of adjacent property. STAE'F RECOT4SHNDATIONs Based on findings 2d, 3a, and 3e staff recommends denial of the special condition use permit. � J • E y � � - «�l SPECIAt CONDITION USE PERMIT APPLICATION Department of Planning and Economic Development Zoning Section II00 Ciry Hall Annez 25 N'esd Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 266-6589 APPLfCANT PROPERTY LOCATION �. �. '::: : S � = Name Peter Lobinskv address 2546 Stillwater Road City Maplewood St.MN Zip 55109 Daytime phone 426-1631 Name of owner (if different)��" �C,�n0,�S2� Legai descripfion: Lot �: Otto's Subdivision of Lot 15 of Otto's Subdivision Current Zoning 8-3 (aftach additional sheet if necessary) TYPE OF PERMIT: Application is hereby made under the provisions of Chapter 60 , Section 544 , Paragraph 2 of the Zoning Code for a: � Special Conditio� Use Permit ❑ River Corridor Conditional Use Permit ❑ Modification of River Corridor Standards SUPPORTiNG INFORMATION: in the space below supply information that is applicable to your type of permit (attach additional sheets if necessary) • SPECIAL CONDITION USE: Explain how the use will meet each of the special conditions. • R(VER CORRIDOR CONDITIONAL USE: Describe how the use witl meet the applicable conditions. • MODIFICATION OF RIVER CORRIDOR STANDARDS: Explain why modifications are needed. (See attached booklet) Required sitti plan is ApplicanPs � 63 i �nt�_ 9 � �0� �'6 ��-j�� � September b, 1996 Mr. Ken Ford Planning Administrator City of Saint Paul 25 W. Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Z��B�� F�LE q�•241 RE: Special Conditional Use Permit for Auto Acceptance Dear Mr. Ford: Enclosed please find my application for a special conditional use permit along with supporting materiais. The materials include a drawing of the proposed business, a brief description of the � business and zoning history, the site plan, the ietter of intent between Mr. Sayer and myself, and signatures from local supporters. The signatures of suppon are split into the categories of local business people and neighbors of the site. The supporters read the narrative above their signatures prior to signing the petition. The narrative in the petition incorrectly lists Marv Sayer as a owner/operator in the site. The Petitions were printed prior to the execution of the enclosed letter of intent. Marv Sayer will not be involved in the day to day operations of the business. Please contact me if you have any questions. Very Peter PL:jw • � 1, � ; � f: �;� , j r, �i�if ��i� `�' .. � � .' � ; � - -:��':a...a.:� � (� ' { . �� �r� .., ir �p' 1 t� l � � �1� '� ��- �" �7� y ,. I �� r ' �! f1'' � �i I j f ���. �� t , o�j` �L. a.. f _ b t �f1 �, ��� ��r_�tu�1i'�1���It�i� 's�i/:,�.(!� ��� i� �� .f�'�-'_ �" �����'�����5���� 1��� 1���._� i �� ��� � � � �4Ufi0 ACCEPT�AN�E Applicant Peter Lobinsky 2546 Stillwater Road, Maplewood ������� ��� � ��' I Born in 1945 and resided on St. Paul's East side until 1960, when his family moved to North St. Pau� , and he graduated from North St. Paul High School in 1964. Peter has a 23 year old daughter and 21 year old son. Automobile financing has been Peter's profession for 15 years, most recently with LB Sales. Business Name: Auto Acceptance � Location: 672 Arcade Street Parcef Size: 123' of frontage on Arcade Street and 39.41 of frontage on Margaret. Office Building is 325 square feet, leaving a 4595 square foot lot for parking automobiles. Purpose: Sell previously owned automobiles to people who need to establish credit. Employees: One fufl-time and one part-time. Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m -5:00 p.m. Renovations: Exterior painting to the office building, �andscaping, repairing and painting the fence along the eastern property line. Plant 3 Boulevard trees, fix the existing Pylon sign, and general clean up. Other Tenants: Cathy Buschman, lndependent Insurance Agent. Practices: Cars will not be parked on the street. Cars will not be repaired on the lot, except for changing fiat tires and jump starts. Historv The site was at one time used as a gas station. Untii the early 1980s there was a repair garage and commercial building on the north part of the lot. The following is a chronology of recent approvals: 1976 The board of zoning appeals approved three variances for a 12 car parking lot. The one variance relevant to the use now proposed was variance of a required 10 foot side yard setback between B-3 uses and the adjoining residential property. 1981 Special condition use permit approved for used car sales for 666 Arcade Street {south part of the site). 1982 License was issued for used car sales for four cars. � ��-l ����a�� ���� a�' 241 � 1983 Special condition use permit for used car sales approved with 10 * conditions including limit of 16 cars for sale, 2 parking spaces, and 6-foot visual screen on east property line. 1987 Site plan approved for used car sales; requires a screening fence along east property line and boliards with chain to contain cars on site. 1988 Special condition use permit application filed and then withdrawn for trailer sales. 1989 Special condition use permit approved for used car sales. Planning commission resolution indicates 14 car limit including parking; SCUP limits sale cars to 10. 1992 Staff recommended approval of the special condition use permit for used car sales with nine conditions. The planning commission denied the permit. 1995 Special Condition Use Permit for used car sales was denied by the zoning committee. The zoning committee's decision was overturned by the ptanning commission, which sef various conditions on the approval. The applicant appealed placement of the condition to the city council. The city � council ruled against the applicant. Zonin Section 60.544 (2) permits outdoor sales space for exciusive sale of new or secondhand automobiles, house trailers or rental of trailers or automobiles, all subject to the following: a. The lot or area shall be provided with a permanent, durable and dustless surface, and shal! be graded and drained as to dispose of at! surface water accumulated within the area. b. Vehicular access to the outdoor sates area shail be at least sixty (60) feet from the intersection of any two (2) streets. c. No repair or refinishing shail be done on the lot unless conducfed within a completely enclosed buildi�g. d. The minimum lot area shall be fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet. A site plan shall be submitted showing the layout of the vehicles for sale or rent, empioyee parking, and customer parking. � 6? ����� Z�'����� ���� �� � � Section 64.300 (d) of the zoning code requires that before the pianning commission may grant approvaf of a principai use subject to special conditions, the commission shall find that: a. The extent, location and intensity of the use will be in substantial compliance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and any appiicable subarea plans which were approved by the city counci�. b. The use will provide adequate ingress and egress to minimize traffic congestion in the public streets. c. The use wil! not be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety and general welfare. d. 7he use wilf not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. e. 7he use shall, in all other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. � Previous Application The following were found by the zoning committee at their December 7, 1995 hearing: The parking area has a permanent, durable and dustfess surface, and is graded and drained as to dispose of all surface water accumulated within the area. [Sec. 60.544 {2) (a)] The driveway on Arcade Street is approximately 72 feet from the intersection with Margaret and 60 fieet from the intersection with Arcade Street. [Sec. 60.544 (2) (b)]. No major repairs or refinishing will be done on the lot. [Sec. 60.544 (2) (c)). The proposed use will not generate a significant amount of traffic. The average daily traffic volume on Arcade Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets is 6,700 (July, 1991) (Sec. 64.300 (d) (b)]. The proposed use is a relative(y low intensity commerciaf use which is appropriate given the residential uses to the south of the site. The used car lot will not be detrimental to the character of the ne+ghborhood or endanger the public safety and general we4fare. [Sec. 64.300 (d) (c)]. � The use wifl not impede the normaf and orderfy development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. [Sec. 64.300 (d) (d)}. i ��-i�� Z��f�� ���,� �b�2q � Denial ^ The previous denial was based on Sec. 64.300 (d) (a), which states: fhe exfent, locabon and intensity of fhe use wrll be in subsfantial compliance wrth the Sainf Paul Comprehensive Plan and any applicable subarea plans which were approved by fhe cify council. and Sec. 64.300 (d) (e), which states: the use shall, in all other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is locafed. The explanation given for each application of the above section deals with buffering the commerciai use from the residential areas, specificaily the use of set backs and landscaping requiremenTs. If the zoning code was imposed without variance, the 4 and 6 foot setbacks with landscaping between public righfs of way and the parking lot"would eliminate any possible commercia! use of the property. The land is zoned commercial and strict application of the zoning code on the property results in undue hardship. The city of St. Paul realized the hardship in the 1970's and 9980's and granted the variances and use permits. Denying such use now would be an arbitrary capricious decision, and would deny any reasonabfe use in the current zoning ciassification. Variance Section 60.544 (2)(d), which requires auto sales businesses to have a minimum lot area of fifteen thousand square feet, was added to the zoning code after the 1995 special condition use permit for the property was denied by city council. Application of the newly enacted ordinance creates a hardship to fhe applicant; therefore, the applicant seeks a variance. The property has historica!!y been used for auto sales, which is the property's only feasible commercial use. Denying the variance would restrict the commercial uses and establish a taking of the property. Conciusion The applicant has a solid business plan for the property, which will be an asset to the community. The applicant needs both a special condition use permit and a variance from the lot size requirement for auto sales businesses. � � Li1 Nlarg Street Grass o = Sidewalk a,� `a �fi Display 1 `'' a < w� � � �~ a. � 3 � Display 2 A �.Y_;�Q�'^i>i:� . : 'Q � :: `wl ' �;G_:: i �' Y �5: :'� : �:5 i . ;'-EN , :a`��T ' _�fr>;: ... { Display 5 �1 { S� � e _M �s � �� �� � vs�x � � Display 6 Dispiay 7 � � iCustomer � �__�' v t�. � Custome � �— �I Customer X 7 c=� � Customer rr � � � G � Q Display 8 0 � � Display 9 �„ � A 38` Alley > > � .� Q �111N � K � ti f . a a4 � O � � � �i � � � � � � S E W N ��/� � �^ i"� � H � W � � � � � � 0 � � � '7U � �- ��5 � Letter of Sntent This letter of intent is entered into between Marv Sayre and Peter iobinsky for purposes of se2ling 672 Azcade Street, St. Paul, (the Property) Mir.nesota owned by Sayre_ Sayre intends to sell and Lobinsky intends to purchase the Prone=ty on the following terms and conditions: 1. The purchase price is $89,900, whicn sha11 be amortized ove� 30 years. 2. Tne sale will be by Contract far Deed. 3_ The in�erest rate wi?1 be 9� per annum_ 4. The Contract wi11 have a balloon payment after �0 years. Lobinsky intends to purchase the Property on the forgoing terms orovided: 1. The City of St. Pau1 approves a special use permit for the Property allowing for the sale of used cars. � 2. Lobinsky can repaint the building and ience on the nroperty to lignt brown, tar or liaht grey (with use of contrasting trim)_ 3. That Sayre enters into a Purchase Agreement to sell the Property prior to submission oi the application of the special use permit �ZC������ ���� a � � �� � Z!�rv1'f� ' 1 I �.-}-�Q, � r\ ! L• , f `�� ��� � . Presented By Referred To R ��\� 3�1�� Council File # ~ O�- // Green Sheet # 35645 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PA , i- �-/ . ZONit�G F�L� 9�-?4� �� Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16. � 7 8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 � 41 42 43 WHEREAS, Frederick Partlow, in PED File No. 95-255 and pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code, Sections 60.554, Subd.(4} and 64.300(d), applied for a special condition use permit to allow outdoor sales of used automobiles on property located at 672 Arcade Street and legally described as Lot 1; Otto's Subdivision of Lot 15 of Otto's Subdivision; attd WHEREAS, on December 7, 1995, the Zoning Committee of the Saint Paui Planning Commission, in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.30� of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, conducied a public hearing on the application of Frederick Partlow at which all persons were given an opportunity to be heard, either in person or in writing, on the said application; and WHEREAS, on December 15, 1995, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based upon the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing, approved the said application as substantiaily reflected in the minutes thereof and made Findings of Fact as set forth in Planning Commission Resolution No. 95-43 of the Saint Paul Planning Commission, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference and which sha11 become a part of this resolution; and WHEREAS, on December 29, 1995, the Dayton's Bluff Center For Civic Life filed an appeal of the decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission pursuant to Saint Pau1 Le�islative Code, Section 64.206, alleging an error in fact procedure, or finding, of the Planning Commission. Said appeal is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference and shall become a part of this resolution; and WHEREAS, acting pursuant to Sections 64.206 through 64.208 of ihe Saint Paul Legislative Code and upon notice to affected parties, a public hearin� was du]y conducted by the Council of the City of Saint Paul on January 24, 1996, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be.heard; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paui, having heazd the statements made and having considered the application, the report of staff, the zecord, minutes and resolution of the Planning Commission and of its Zoning Committee, does hereby RESOLVE, that the Councii of the City of Saint Paul does hereby overturn the decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission in ihis matter for the following reasons: 1. The applicant's lot size of 4,847 square feet is not compatible for the proposed use. 2. The proposed use is not ,�n onformance with the Near East Side Improvement Strategy, a plan `�� y the Saint Paul Ciry Council in 1989. The Near East Side Improvement Strategy states as one of its goals "phase out 7 Z „� �� 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ]0 I1 12 13 14 15 ��- commercial uses that are ineompatible with adjacent residentia] uses.” (e.g, auto body shops, used car Iots} Saint Paul Legislative Code Sectiott 64.300{a). 3. Nothing about the proposed use of the property has changed since ihe Saint � Paul Planning Commission and the Council of the City of Saint Paul denied a similar application in 1992. 4. The proposed use wili be detrimenta] to exisTing cl�aracter of development in the immediate neighborhood. Saint Paul Legislative Code, Section 64300(c). BE IT FURTH�R RESOLVED, that the appea] of ihe Dayton's Bluff Center For Civie Life is in atl things granted; AND BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shatl mail a copy of this resolution to the Appticant, the Appeltant, the Zoning Administrafor and the Planning Commission. � ORICf �!�,L Z������ � ��G� °'� � Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council : Date�� aC� \ c( q(� —'_ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: \ \ _ .�_,� Approved by / By: ! By: Form Approv by City Attorney B .,�i �w/,s,,,.�c—. Rpproved by Mayor for Submission to � Council By: ��-��y i city of saint paul ~= pianning commission resolution file number 95-93 �te December 15, 1995 WHEREAS, FREDERICK PARTLOW, file 1t95-255, has applied for a Special Condition Use Permit under the provisions of Section 60.544(2) of the Saint Pau] Legislative Code, to allow outdoor sales of used automobiles on property located at 672 ARCAAE STREET, legaily described as Lot 1; Otto's Subdivision of Lot 15 of Otto's Subdivision; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission heid a public hearing on December 7, 1995, at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of 3ection 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the foiiowing findings of fact: 1. The applicant has a contract to lease the property and intends to operate a used car � sales business. There will be one full-time employee and one part-time employee. The hours of operation are expected to be 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Priday and Saturday. The applicant intends to make improvemen[s to the exterior of the building including repairing and painting the fence along ihe eastern property line and painting the building a lighter color. He also pians to plant three trees in the boulevard and fix an existing pylon sign. He states that he will not park his cars on the street and that cars will not be repaired on the lot. The small building on the site will be used as an office. There is a screen fence insialled along the east property line. The fence is in need of some repair. There are bollards in place all along the alley which do not allow for alley access. The existing arrangement is preferable as it diverts traffic fzom the largely residential alley. 2. Section 60.544(2) permits outdoor sales space for exclusive sale of new or secondhand automobiles, house trailers or rental of trailers or automobiles, all subject to the following: --...._.____ - moved by Gordon 7�Atlt��� ���� � ( seconded by ' � 1� i � f Schwichtenbera � � in favor lo a���t 6(Kramer, Schwichtenberg, Chavez, Faricy, Morton, Wencl) 7� ��-��� Zoning File #95-255 Page Two of Resol�[ion a. The lof or area shall be provided with a permanent, durable and dustless surface, and shatl be graded and drained as to dispose of all surface water accumulated within the area. This condition is met. b. Vehicular access to the outdoor sales area shall be at leasd sizty (60) feet from the intersection of any two (2) streets. This condition is met. The driveway on Arcade Street is approximately 72 feet from the interseccion with Margare[ and 60 feet from the intersection with Arcade Street. c. No repair or refinishing shall be done on the lot r�niess conducted within a completely enclosed building. This condition is met. The applicant understands and agrees to this condition. � Section 64.300(d) of the zoning code requires that before the planning commission may grant approval of a principal use subject to special condi[ions, the commission shall find that: � a. The extent, location and intensily of the use will be in substantial compliance with the Saint Pau1 Comprehensive Plan and any applicable subarea plans which were approved by the city council. This condition is met. The use is a relatively low intensity commercial use which is appropriate given the residential uses to the eas[ and south. b. The use will provide adequate ingress and egress to minimize traffic congestion in the pubZic sfreets. This condition is met. The proposed use is not expec[ed to generate a significant amount of traffic. The average daily traffic volume on Arcade Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets is 6,700 (July, I991). On-street parking is permitted on the east side of Arcade Street except from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.. On-street parking on the west side of Arcade between Seventh & Margaret is liznited to 15 minutes from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m, The use will not be detrimental to the existing character of the developmenl in dhe immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safely and general welfare. . ZQ���� ���� -q.�'a42 i �5 �` �-/� Zoning Fite ft95-255 •. � Page Three of Resolution This condition is met. The proposed use is a relatively lotiv intensity commercia] use which is appropriate given the residential uses to the south of the site. The used car lot will not be detrimental to the character of the neighborhood or endanger the pub3ic safety and general welfare. d. The use ivill not impede the normal and orderZy development and improvement of tlie surroundirzg property for uses permitted in the district. This condition is met. e. The use shall, in all other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. This condition is met. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Pau] Planning Commission, that under the authority of the City's Legislative Code, the application for a Special Condition Use to aliow outdoor sales of used automobiles at 672 ARCADE STREET is hereby approved, subject to the following condition: 1. There shaii be no more than seven (7) cars "For Sale" on the lot at any time and four (4) � off-street parking spaces shali be provided at ail tames. The total number of cars on the lot at any time shall not exceed 11. � ���� F��� �� i 7� Yw � : •c:�{ ; ;; :.,�.j.; :,;�> z- �l� �` v) RESOLUTION Ct"f'Y OF rSAINT P�L, M Presented By Referred Committee: � i �� ad '7/� �J , � .� � 2�r 1 ( �Q _� -- Gf� r �� — — i " .. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS ]( 17 �s 29 20 ZI 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Whereas, Greg Han@zlik, 890 E. Cook, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106, made application to the PIanning Commission for a special condition use permit so as to operaie a used car sales business pursuant to the provisions of the Saint Pau1 Zoning Code for property located at 672 Arcade Street, legally described as Lot 1, Block 103, Otto's Subd_ of Lot 25 of Otto's subd, Saint Paul, Ramsey County; and Whereas, The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on August 3, 1992, after having provided notice to affected pzoperty owners, and submitted its recommendation to the Commission. The Conunission, by its Resolution 92-61, adopted September 25, 1992, decided 2o deny the application based Qn the foilowing findings and conclusions: i, The proposed use does not conform to 2 of S required findings for all special condition uses speci�ed in section 64.300(c). 2. The proposed use would be detrimenta] to ihe existing character of surrounding residential deveIopment and would endanger the generat public welfare. There are only rivo off-street parking spaces, which would result in customers parking on Margaret Street. Theft of and vandalism to vehicles parked on Margaret Sireet has been a problem when used cars have been sold from the subject site in the past. Finally, the eight-foot high chain link fence proposed by the applicani would detract from nearby residential uses and from recent improvements to the East Seventh commercial district. 3. The site plan submitted does noi provide four-foot setbacks with landscaping between public rights-of-way and the parking lot as required by the Zoning Code. The site is too small to provide ihese setbacks and accommodate the proposed number of cars for sale. While Section 61.103(b) requires side and rear yards of at teast ten feet when a business district adjoins a side yard in an adjacent residence district, the Board of Zoning Appeals granted a variance of this requirement for this properry in 1976. 4. The Near East Side Neighborhood Improvement Strategy (NIS), completed in 1939, contains a set of strategies fo address the issues of housing, economic development, neighborhood image, transportaYion, parks and recreation, Iand use and zoning, and education. The most relevant part of the docnment to the proposed use is the goals for economic development. These goaIs include "improv[ing] and maintain[ingJ the vitality and appearance of commercial establishrrtents and phas[ing] out comtnercial Council File # Green Sheet # ESOTA ,. ZQI�i�I�� � 77 �.. � � .i ;�f�'rY�:, L 3 4 � 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 7( 17 18 7) 20 21 22 23 24 2� 2Ci � �j� -/J'33 :. uses that are incampatible with ad,}acent residential uses (e.g., auto body shops, used car lots)." The NIS �vas accepted as a policy statement by the 9��j� Planning Commission and the City Council. �Vhereas, Pursuant to the provisions of Section 64.205, Greg Handzlik, duly filed with the City Clerk an appeal from the detennination made by the Planning Commission, requesting that a hearing be held before the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the said Commission; and Whereas, Acting pursuant to Sections 64.205 through 64.208, and upon notice to affected parties a public hearing was duly conducted by the City Council on November 19, 1992, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; and Whereas, The Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Zoning Cammittee and of the Planning Commission, does hereby Resolve, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby affirm the decision of the Pianning Commission in this matter based on the findings made and determined by the said Commission; and be it Further Resolved, That the appeai of Greg Handzlik be and is hereby denied; and, be it Finally Resolveci, That the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Greg I the Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission. ���� � � ���--�------__._.... ' n �� � 6 y � � t"" �_..� �,•+.,..�� i Requested by Department o£: B Form Apprpve�d by City, Adoption Certi£ied tary B By: ��;'�(1� C� �-l� �roved by May� : Date �E �, � $ }ggz � � / G �� „ �l/�✓..=�;s By: t Sy: Submission to i Adopted by Council: Date _ �E� i � 1992 �-��i� p(av►h►►�y Gowtw��ss�on (?�.solu�io� c ay of saint paui �4 "'�9 �U'� �d�� �Se � • p nning comm�ss�on resolution file number �Z-61 /� p � + _ � ��. 2 � ��(e September 25. 1992 , . � �"'" � � " ' �O � � �'� � � .�r�.r... WHEREAS, GREG HANDZLIK, file �92-161, has applied for a special condition use pezmit, under the provisions of Section 60.544(2) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, to allow outdoor used 'car sales on property located at 672 ARCADE STREET, legally described as Lot 1, Block 105, Otto's Subd. of Lot 15 of Otto's Subd.; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Ylanning Commission held a public hearing on August 3, 1992 at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legis2ative Code; and • WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Ylanning Commission made the following £indings of fact: 1. The proposed use does not conform to iwo of the five required findings for all special condition uses specified in Section 64.300(c). These conditions and the inabfl'ity of the proposed use to meet them are 2s fo2lows; a. The use will not be detrimentaI to the existing character of tne develapment fn the imn.ediate neighborhood or endanger the publtc healtn, safety snd general weIfare. (§64.300(c)(3}) The proposed use would be detrimental to the existing character of surzounding residential development and would endanger the generaZ pubZic welfare. There are only two off-street parking spaces, which would result in customers garking on Margaret Street. Theft of and vandalism to vehicles parked on Margaret Street has been a problem when used cars hzve been soZd from the subject site in the past. Final2y, the eight-foot high chain link fence proposed by the applicant would detract from nearby residential uses and from recent improvements to the East Seventh commercial district, b. The use shaIl, in 211 other respects, conform [o the applicable regulations of the district in which it is 2ocaLed. (§64.300(c)(5)) � The site plan submitted does not provide four-foot setbacks with landscaping between public rights-of-way and the parking lot as required moved by HIRTE seconded by ? in favor 10 against 6 Z�N��� ��L� Q 5�255 � � �� � 3 ��-��y � by the zoning code. The site is too small to provide these setbacks and accommodate the proposed number of cars for sale. While Section b1.103(b) requires side and rear yards of at least ten feet hhen a business district adjoins a side yard in an adjacent residence district, the Board o£ Zoning Appeals granted a variance of this requirement for this property in 1476. 2. The Hear East Side Neighbozhood Im�.rovement Strategy (NIS), completed in 1989, contains a set of strategies to address the issues of housing, economic development, neighborhood image, transportation, parks and xecreation, land use and zoning, and education. The most relevant part of the document to the proposed use is the goals for economic development. These goals include "improv{ingJ and maintain(ing] the vitality and appearance of commercial establishments and phas(ingj out commercial uses that are incompatible with adjacent residential uses (e.g, auta hody shops, used car lots)." (p. 23, goals 8& 9) The NIS was accepted as a policy statement by the Planning Commission and the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission that, under the authority of the City's Legislative Code,�the application for a special condition use permit to allow outdoor sales of used automobiles at 672 ARCADE STREET is hereby denied. a ������� ���,� �15•2 �...__._,..r.r,...._.. �, ������� �°��� �b•24 ` � qo �4 ��- ��� Bud & A1 's Brake Service 69S Arcade Street St. Paul, MN 55106 October 24, 1996 City Council Chambers Office 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, MN 55102 ATTN: Kady Dadlez - Zoning Office l��C�1lI�L� OCT 3 Q 79gg ����R��= RE: File # 96-247 Fite Name: Peter Lobinsky SCUP Deaz Kady: Bud and Al's Brake Service approves the Special Conc3itions Use Permit to allow outdoor sales of used Automobiles for Peter Lobinsky at 672 Arcade Street. We feel it would be good for the neighborhood to not have the building left vacant. Thank you, Larry Weis / Gary Weis �%� $ud & A1's Brake Service �} s i C� � 9� ��y � i. SUNRAY-BATTLECREEK-HIGHWOdD 2. HAZEL PARK HADEN-PROSPERTTY HILLCREST c�r cmi° 4. DAYTON'S BLUFF - 5. 'AY�` 5. NORTH END 7. THOMAS-DALE 8. SUMMIT-IINIVERSTI'I' 9. WEST SEVE23TH 10. COMO Il. HAMLINE-MIDWAY 12. ST. ANT'HOI3Y PARK 13. MERRIAM PAl2K-LEXINGTON HAMLINE-SNEL,LING 14. MACALEST'ER GROVSLAND 15. HIGHLAND : 16. SUMMIT HILL 17. DOWNTOWN HAMLINE .� • zoN�rv� F��� �� �� -z� CITIZEN PAitTIG'IPATION PLANNING DISTRICTS �� � �� � � , ������� ���� �-� � �(o • 2$lr� � � DAYTON'$ BLUFF DISTRICT 4�N o"'�"° �"° ' s.� . �. (_��r - -�� , � mU �__.11 � j��j - A �.__� p � � ' � ,� � �l -o- - > P __� � � rZ � � � J� . .Y;v ' � � -{ �� � � � ��, � �.���� � � ��� ,; , �� � � �� � '' x � .\ � �• • • • � �� �I � � H' cA ��� O 0 r �( � d � �L•J^ a • '` yQ . .� ��e,..{���� U � , t j ..,� :o.•. � 1 . � _� C � i �` _ :� l Q J , ��� _ G O I .0 l) � ( �� �� �: �.� . -�L �1_L� ° . . . � � � ., p , _ S y •��� "v 4 � ► n p �` Uy%'�•� � u ,• �.i SIXTH � n �.: ��. Q� t 1 i� � � i ! 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