97-171co,�n��l F�ie Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, recent observations indicate that commuter and student parking problems 2 shift 4rom time to time, increasing parking demands on residents on the periphery of permit 3 parking areas; and 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1G 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul finds that the residentiai area adjacent to the College of St. Thomas does not have sufficient off-street parking to safely accommodate the residentiai parking needs of the residents, and the parking needs of non-residents using the College. The council further finds the frequent parking of vehicles in this residential area by these non-residential users have created residential problems of a safety, environmental and aesthetic nature. THEREFORE, to enhance the quality ofi life in residential areas by reducing noise, traffic hazards and litter; to reduce air pollution and other environmental factors and to preserve the safety of children and other pedestrians; to preserve the character of this district as a residentiai district and to protect the residents of these areas from unreasonable burdens in gaining access to their residences; NOW, THEREFdRE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the fol{owing revision be made in the residential permit parking area 5 near St. Thomas Goliege: Instaii No Parking Monday through Friday 8AM-8PM Except by Permit on the 22 following street: 23 24 South side of Laurel Avenue between Prior Avenue and Moore Street Requested by Department of: Public Works sy: �c�y,6.e.Lt�e.r Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: a / /// Approved by Mayor: Date 3 r`�'G� By: � RESOLUTION creen Sheet CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA # � � # 34510 , i Form Approved by City Attorney BY_ � (/��yytQ..., by Mayor for Submission to Council By: " -'%' ..(f�� Adopted by Council: Date ��. �ar���� Public Works - Traffic COMAGT PERSON & PNONE ,rzs�ss MUSf BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA'f� Dec. 26, 1996 FOR t �F SIGNANRE PAGES 1 (CL1P ALL LACATIONS WR SIGNAN[i� GREEN SHEET �Ni wnre PARTIAENT DIRECTOft �' A'fTORNEY OGET DIREClOR �VOR (OR ASSISfAN'n N � ��a� � 8 MGT. prove Resotutian to estabtish "No Parking 8AM-8PM Monday through Friday EXCEPT BY RMIT" zone on the south side of Laurel Ave. between Prior Ave. and Moore St. iMMwOAnONS approva (a) or aejen (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLIAWING QUESTIONS: PIANNiNG CAMMISSION CML SERVlCE COMMISSION 7. Has this Oersonlfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? — YES NO CB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoNiirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO S7nfF 3. aces this pe[so�rtn possess a sldil not nartnalfy possessed 6y any curtem ciry — employee? DISTRIGTCOUNCIL YES NO OATS WHICN COUNCIL OBJECi7VE7 �P�� �� Yes answers on seRarate sheet and aUach to gree� shee[ INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPOFITUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH`h: Received petitions signed by 5 of 7 property owners on this block (which meets the 60% re in Ord. 168) to instali permit parking signs on this bfock to disperse student - d - ,. E#�d�� � ����� t3EC 3 0 �996 �t�v��s �€�t�f DEC 12 1�95 1DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: During the hours of SAM-8PM Monday through Friday, a vehicle must have displayed a parking permit (which is only obtainable by residents) in order to avoid a parking violation. Permit parking expands, and enforcement is becoming a problem. �,� �{ .� , QL��e�€� .r ��4�: ��.r:i:';� ,"--%°.:,'t�' � 3. i`�:.�sY Citizens have the expectation of obtaining approval. If not, city officials may get complaints from these residents. FUNDING SOURCE FINANCIAL INFORMATON: (EXPLAII� CASTIREVENUE BUDGETED (GRCLE ON� ACINITY NUMBER YES NO ///ppp���777 �i Council File # � Presented By Re£erred To RESOLUTION Green Sheet � 34511 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNES07A Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, Council of the City of Saint Paul finds that the residential area adjacent to or 2 near the University of Minnesota Saint Paul Campus does not have sufficient off-street parking 3 to safely accommodate the residential parking needs of the residents and the parking needs of 4 nonresidents using this institution; and 5 6 WHEREAS, Council further finds the frequent parking of vehicles in this residential area by 7 those nonresidential users has created residential problems of a safety, environmental and 8 aesthetic nature; and 9 10 WHEREAS, permit parking systems encourage reliance on car pools and mass transit, 11 which is achieved by assuring convenient parking to residents who leave their cars at home 12 during the day, and 13 14 WHEREAS, residents intend to enhance the quality of life in residential areas by reducing 15 noise, traffic hazards and litter, to reduce air pollution from excessive automobile commuting, to 16 preserve safery of children and other pedestrians; and i7 18 WHEREAS, the residents of the area adjacent to or near the University of Minnesota Saint i 9 Paul Campus have submitted a petition to install residential permit parking in accordance with 20 Chapter 166 of the Saint Paui Legislative Code; and 2i 22 WHEREAS, St. Anthony Park District Council 12 supports the residents in this block in their 23 effort to gain permit parking privileges; 2 24 25 2& 27 28 29 30 �� ��� NOW, THEREFORE, BE tT RESOLVED, that the One Hour Parking 8AM-5PM Weekdays Except by Permit regulations shall be installed on; West side of Raymond Avenue from Scudder St. to Cleveland Ave. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the effective date of these parking regulations shall be February 1, 1997. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: `� 4� o- C � �LY'– .� ra�� c_ Approved by Mayor: Date >�///�'�— BY: �G��� Public Works g - OtI1 IJF.z/1?/l� Form Approved by City Attorney g ����/J!S^'\ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council /� < �5��'^',`��J Sy _ � LL Adopted by Council : Date � � - �� �q °� ` i Public Works - Traffic COMACi PERSON & PHONE MUST BE ON COUNqt Dec. 26, 1996 $ OF $MNANRE PAGES 1 (CIlP ALL LOCATIONS PoR SIGNA7Ufi� DATE INITIFlTED 10/17/96 GREEN SHEET No.3� 7 � �wn a� �Nmnwa� 3AHTMETR�IRECTOfl . � ❑4 CRYCOUNCIL � GffY ATfOHNEY BUDGET �IRECTOA M0.YOR (OR ASSW^TANi) ASSOCIATE FlN. & MGL SERVICES ��. �ve Resolution to amend Permit Parking Area 2{U of M St. Paui Campus) by establishing One Parking 8AM-SPM, Weekdays, EXCEPT BY PERMIT on the west side of Raymond Ava, from �er St, to Cleveland Ave. PIANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMfTTEE STAFF COUNCILOBJECTIVE? ' PERSONAL SERNCE COMRACTS MUST ANSWER iHE FOLLOV'!M!G QUESTIONS: CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 7. Ha5lFtis p8rS0�rtn evelWOACetl UnCef a Contrac[ for this depertttieni? YES NO 2. Has this personifittn ever been a cfry employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a sldll not nortnally possessed by any curcent city employea? YES NO Explain all yes answere on separate sheet antl altach ro green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (wHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHYj: Two of three homeowners signed petitions to install the permit parking restriction so that residents can park on-street where students from th�?EC�#�€�it. Paul Campus are now parking. ��� � � ass�� P�� ���� ������� ���€�e .. , This is a very short block (150 feet) which could provide parking relief for 3 homes. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVFA: Increases the size ot the permit parking area and encroaches upon the Como/Cleveland business district, ��4�9 `� ��.���r�. €� ���a C�it �ea'�e�°..,wdd ¢BY�.F.7 i..s ���a c� �. 1� i� DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: ..„..,, _ . _ ,__ ..,..-i Citizens have the expectation that the city is abie to provide this service. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ FUNDING SOURCE FINANCI%INFORMATION: �EXPWN) COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CfHCLE ONE) ACEN1TYNUMBER YES NO � � co,�n��l F�ie Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, recent observations indicate that commuter and student parking problems 2 shift 4rom time to time, increasing parking demands on residents on the periphery of permit 3 parking areas; and 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1G 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul finds that the residentiai area adjacent to the College of St. Thomas does not have sufficient off-street parking to safely accommodate the residentiai parking needs of the residents, and the parking needs of non-residents using the College. The council further finds the frequent parking of vehicles in this residential area by these non-residential users have created residential problems of a safety, environmental and aesthetic nature. THEREFORE, to enhance the quality ofi life in residential areas by reducing noise, traffic hazards and litter; to reduce air pollution and other environmental factors and to preserve the safety of children and other pedestrians; to preserve the character of this district as a residentiai district and to protect the residents of these areas from unreasonable burdens in gaining access to their residences; NOW, THEREFdRE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the fol{owing revision be made in the residential permit parking area 5 near St. Thomas Goliege: Instaii No Parking Monday through Friday 8AM-8PM Except by Permit on the 22 following street: 23 24 South side of Laurel Avenue between Prior Avenue and Moore Street Requested by Department of: Public Works sy: �c�y,6.e.Lt�e.r Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: a / /// Approved by Mayor: Date 3 r`�'G� By: � RESOLUTION creen Sheet CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA # � � # 34510 , i Form Approved by City Attorney BY_ � (/��yytQ..., by Mayor for Submission to Council By: " -'%' ..(f�� Adopted by Council: Date ��. �ar���� Public Works - Traffic COMAGT PERSON & PNONE ,rzs�ss MUSf BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA'f� Dec. 26, 1996 FOR t �F SIGNANRE PAGES 1 (CL1P ALL LACATIONS WR SIGNAN[i� GREEN SHEET �Ni wnre PARTIAENT DIRECTOft �' A'fTORNEY OGET DIREClOR �VOR (OR ASSISfAN'n N � ��a� � 8 MGT. prove Resotutian to estabtish "No Parking 8AM-8PM Monday through Friday EXCEPT BY RMIT" zone on the south side of Laurel Ave. between Prior Ave. and Moore St. iMMwOAnONS approva (a) or aejen (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLIAWING QUESTIONS: PIANNiNG CAMMISSION CML SERVlCE COMMISSION 7. Has this Oersonlfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? — YES NO CB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoNiirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO S7nfF 3. aces this pe[so�rtn possess a sldil not nartnalfy possessed 6y any curtem ciry — employee? DISTRIGTCOUNCIL YES NO OATS WHICN COUNCIL OBJECi7VE7 �P�� �� Yes answers on seRarate sheet and aUach to gree� shee[ INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPOFITUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH`h: Received petitions signed by 5 of 7 property owners on this block (which meets the 60% re in Ord. 168) to instali permit parking signs on this bfock to disperse student - d - ,. E#�d�� � ����� t3EC 3 0 �996 �t�v��s �€�t�f DEC 12 1�95 1DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: During the hours of SAM-8PM Monday through Friday, a vehicle must have displayed a parking permit (which is only obtainable by residents) in order to avoid a parking violation. Permit parking expands, and enforcement is becoming a problem. �,� �{ .� , QL��e�€� .r ��4�: ��.r:i:';� ,"--%°.:,'t�' � 3. i`�:.�sY Citizens have the expectation of obtaining approval. If not, city officials may get complaints from these residents. FUNDING SOURCE FINANCIAL INFORMATON: (EXPLAII� CASTIREVENUE BUDGETED (GRCLE ON� ACINITY NUMBER YES NO ///ppp���777 �i Council File # � Presented By Re£erred To RESOLUTION Green Sheet � 34511 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNES07A Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, Council of the City of Saint Paul finds that the residential area adjacent to or 2 near the University of Minnesota Saint Paul Campus does not have sufficient off-street parking 3 to safely accommodate the residential parking needs of the residents and the parking needs of 4 nonresidents using this institution; and 5 6 WHEREAS, Council further finds the frequent parking of vehicles in this residential area by 7 those nonresidential users has created residential problems of a safety, environmental and 8 aesthetic nature; and 9 10 WHEREAS, permit parking systems encourage reliance on car pools and mass transit, 11 which is achieved by assuring convenient parking to residents who leave their cars at home 12 during the day, and 13 14 WHEREAS, residents intend to enhance the quality of life in residential areas by reducing 15 noise, traffic hazards and litter, to reduce air pollution from excessive automobile commuting, to 16 preserve safery of children and other pedestrians; and i7 18 WHEREAS, the residents of the area adjacent to or near the University of Minnesota Saint i 9 Paul Campus have submitted a petition to install residential permit parking in accordance with 20 Chapter 166 of the Saint Paui Legislative Code; and 2i 22 WHEREAS, St. Anthony Park District Council 12 supports the residents in this block in their 23 effort to gain permit parking privileges; 2 24 25 2& 27 28 29 30 �� ��� NOW, THEREFORE, BE tT RESOLVED, that the One Hour Parking 8AM-5PM Weekdays Except by Permit regulations shall be installed on; West side of Raymond Avenue from Scudder St. to Cleveland Ave. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the effective date of these parking regulations shall be February 1, 1997. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: `� 4� o- C � �LY'– .� ra�� c_ Approved by Mayor: Date >�///�'�— BY: �G��� Public Works g - OtI1 IJF.z/1?/l� Form Approved by City Attorney g ����/J!S^'\ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council /� < �5��'^',`��J Sy _ � LL Adopted by Council : Date � � - �� �q °� ` i Public Works - Traffic COMACi PERSON & PHONE MUST BE ON COUNqt Dec. 26, 1996 $ OF $MNANRE PAGES 1 (CIlP ALL LOCATIONS PoR SIGNA7Ufi� DATE INITIFlTED 10/17/96 GREEN SHEET No.3� 7 � �wn a� �Nmnwa� 3AHTMETR�IRECTOfl . � ❑4 CRYCOUNCIL � GffY ATfOHNEY BUDGET �IRECTOA M0.YOR (OR ASSW^TANi) ASSOCIATE FlN. & MGL SERVICES ��. �ve Resolution to amend Permit Parking Area 2{U of M St. Paui Campus) by establishing One Parking 8AM-SPM, Weekdays, EXCEPT BY PERMIT on the west side of Raymond Ava, from �er St, to Cleveland Ave. PIANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMfTTEE STAFF COUNCILOBJECTIVE? ' PERSONAL SERNCE COMRACTS MUST ANSWER iHE FOLLOV'!M!G QUESTIONS: CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 7. Ha5lFtis p8rS0�rtn evelWOACetl UnCef a Contrac[ for this depertttieni? YES NO 2. Has this personifittn ever been a cfry employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a sldll not nortnally possessed by any curcent city employea? YES NO Explain all yes answere on separate sheet antl altach ro green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (wHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHYj: Two of three homeowners signed petitions to install the permit parking restriction so that residents can park on-street where students from th�?EC�#�€�it. Paul Campus are now parking. ��� � � ass�� P�� ���� ������� ���€�e .. , This is a very short block (150 feet) which could provide parking relief for 3 homes. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVFA: Increases the size ot the permit parking area and encroaches upon the Como/Cleveland business district, ��4�9 `� ��.���r�. €� ���a C�it �ea'�e�°..,wdd ¢BY�.F.7 i..s ���a c� �. 1� i� DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: ..„..,, _ . _ ,__ ..,..-i Citizens have the expectation that the city is abie to provide this service. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ FUNDING SOURCE FINANCI%INFORMATION: �EXPWN) COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CfHCLE ONE) ACEN1TYNUMBER YES NO � � co,�n��l F�ie Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, recent observations indicate that commuter and student parking problems 2 shift 4rom time to time, increasing parking demands on residents on the periphery of permit 3 parking areas; and 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1G 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul finds that the residentiai area adjacent to the College of St. Thomas does not have sufficient off-street parking to safely accommodate the residentiai parking needs of the residents, and the parking needs of non-residents using the College. The council further finds the frequent parking of vehicles in this residential area by these non-residential users have created residential problems of a safety, environmental and aesthetic nature. THEREFORE, to enhance the quality ofi life in residential areas by reducing noise, traffic hazards and litter; to reduce air pollution and other environmental factors and to preserve the safety of children and other pedestrians; to preserve the character of this district as a residentiai district and to protect the residents of these areas from unreasonable burdens in gaining access to their residences; NOW, THEREFdRE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the fol{owing revision be made in the residential permit parking area 5 near St. Thomas Goliege: Instaii No Parking Monday through Friday 8AM-8PM Except by Permit on the 22 following street: 23 24 South side of Laurel Avenue between Prior Avenue and Moore Street Requested by Department of: Public Works sy: �c�y,6.e.Lt�e.r Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: a / /// Approved by Mayor: Date 3 r`�'G� By: � RESOLUTION creen Sheet CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA # � � # 34510 , i Form Approved by City Attorney BY_ � (/��yytQ..., by Mayor for Submission to Council By: " -'%' ..(f�� Adopted by Council: Date ��. �ar���� Public Works - Traffic COMAGT PERSON & PNONE ,rzs�ss MUSf BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA'f� Dec. 26, 1996 FOR t �F SIGNANRE PAGES 1 (CL1P ALL LACATIONS WR SIGNAN[i� GREEN SHEET �Ni wnre PARTIAENT DIRECTOft �' A'fTORNEY OGET DIREClOR �VOR (OR ASSISfAN'n N � ��a� � 8 MGT. prove Resotutian to estabtish "No Parking 8AM-8PM Monday through Friday EXCEPT BY RMIT" zone on the south side of Laurel Ave. between Prior Ave. and Moore St. iMMwOAnONS approva (a) or aejen (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLIAWING QUESTIONS: PIANNiNG CAMMISSION CML SERVlCE COMMISSION 7. Has this Oersonlfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? — YES NO CB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoNiirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO S7nfF 3. aces this pe[so�rtn possess a sldil not nartnalfy possessed 6y any curtem ciry — employee? DISTRIGTCOUNCIL YES NO OATS WHICN COUNCIL OBJECi7VE7 �P�� �� Yes answers on seRarate sheet and aUach to gree� shee[ INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPOFITUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH`h: Received petitions signed by 5 of 7 property owners on this block (which meets the 60% re in Ord. 168) to instali permit parking signs on this bfock to disperse student - d - ,. E#�d�� � ����� t3EC 3 0 �996 �t�v��s �€�t�f DEC 12 1�95 1DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: During the hours of SAM-8PM Monday through Friday, a vehicle must have displayed a parking permit (which is only obtainable by residents) in order to avoid a parking violation. Permit parking expands, and enforcement is becoming a problem. �,� �{ .� , QL��e�€� .r ��4�: ��.r:i:';� ,"--%°.:,'t�' � 3. i`�:.�sY Citizens have the expectation of obtaining approval. If not, city officials may get complaints from these residents. FUNDING SOURCE FINANCIAL INFORMATON: (EXPLAII� CASTIREVENUE BUDGETED (GRCLE ON� ACINITY NUMBER YES NO ///ppp���777 �i Council File # � Presented By Re£erred To RESOLUTION Green Sheet � 34511 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNES07A Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, Council of the City of Saint Paul finds that the residential area adjacent to or 2 near the University of Minnesota Saint Paul Campus does not have sufficient off-street parking 3 to safely accommodate the residential parking needs of the residents and the parking needs of 4 nonresidents using this institution; and 5 6 WHEREAS, Council further finds the frequent parking of vehicles in this residential area by 7 those nonresidential users has created residential problems of a safety, environmental and 8 aesthetic nature; and 9 10 WHEREAS, permit parking systems encourage reliance on car pools and mass transit, 11 which is achieved by assuring convenient parking to residents who leave their cars at home 12 during the day, and 13 14 WHEREAS, residents intend to enhance the quality of life in residential areas by reducing 15 noise, traffic hazards and litter, to reduce air pollution from excessive automobile commuting, to 16 preserve safery of children and other pedestrians; and i7 18 WHEREAS, the residents of the area adjacent to or near the University of Minnesota Saint i 9 Paul Campus have submitted a petition to install residential permit parking in accordance with 20 Chapter 166 of the Saint Paui Legislative Code; and 2i 22 WHEREAS, St. Anthony Park District Council 12 supports the residents in this block in their 23 effort to gain permit parking privileges; 2 24 25 2& 27 28 29 30 �� ��� NOW, THEREFORE, BE tT RESOLVED, that the One Hour Parking 8AM-5PM Weekdays Except by Permit regulations shall be installed on; West side of Raymond Avenue from Scudder St. to Cleveland Ave. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the effective date of these parking regulations shall be February 1, 1997. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: `� 4� o- C � �LY'– .� ra�� c_ Approved by Mayor: Date >�///�'�— BY: �G��� Public Works g - OtI1 IJF.z/1?/l� Form Approved by City Attorney g ����/J!S^'\ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council /� < �5��'^',`��J Sy _ � LL Adopted by Council : Date � � - �� �q °� ` i Public Works - Traffic COMACi PERSON & PHONE MUST BE ON COUNqt Dec. 26, 1996 $ OF $MNANRE PAGES 1 (CIlP ALL LOCATIONS PoR SIGNA7Ufi� DATE INITIFlTED 10/17/96 GREEN SHEET No.3� 7 � �wn a� �Nmnwa� 3AHTMETR�IRECTOfl . � ❑4 CRYCOUNCIL � GffY ATfOHNEY BUDGET �IRECTOA M0.YOR (OR ASSW^TANi) ASSOCIATE FlN. & MGL SERVICES ��. �ve Resolution to amend Permit Parking Area 2{U of M St. Paui Campus) by establishing One Parking 8AM-SPM, Weekdays, EXCEPT BY PERMIT on the west side of Raymond Ava, from �er St, to Cleveland Ave. PIANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMfTTEE STAFF COUNCILOBJECTIVE? ' PERSONAL SERNCE COMRACTS MUST ANSWER iHE FOLLOV'!M!G QUESTIONS: CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 7. Ha5lFtis p8rS0�rtn evelWOACetl UnCef a Contrac[ for this depertttieni? YES NO 2. Has this personifittn ever been a cfry employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a sldll not nortnally possessed by any curcent city employea? YES NO Explain all yes answere on separate sheet antl altach ro green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (wHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHYj: Two of three homeowners signed petitions to install the permit parking restriction so that residents can park on-street where students from th�?EC�#�€�it. Paul Campus are now parking. ��� � � ass�� P�� ���� ������� ���€�e .. , This is a very short block (150 feet) which could provide parking relief for 3 homes. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVFA: Increases the size ot the permit parking area and encroaches upon the Como/Cleveland business district, ��4�9 `� ��.���r�. €� ���a C�it �ea'�e�°..,wdd ¢BY�.F.7 i..s ���a c� �. 1� i� DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: ..„..,, _ . _ ,__ ..,..-i Citizens have the expectation that the city is abie to provide this service. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ FUNDING SOURCE FINANCI%INFORMATION: �EXPWN) COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CfHCLE ONE) ACEN1TYNUMBER YES NO � �