97-169C171( Presented By Referred To (°R f 2 E� �,. r � r Cauncil File # ;< �: t, � Green Sheet # RESOLUTION �AiNT PAiJL, MINNESOTA 9 -/� 3"h �� Co�ittee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 WAEREAS, Certain Iands in the City of Little Canada, Ramsey County, Minnesota, were purchased with funds from the Board of Water Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as the Board, for construction, maintenance and operation of Board facilities. WHEREAS, Title for said lands is in the name of the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter referred to as the City, for the benefit of the Boazd; and VVfIEREAS, The Boazd did declaze by Resolution No. 4468 that certain pazcels within said lands, hereinafter xeferred to as the Property and described as follows: Those parts of Lots 1 through 23 and Lots 35 through 46, Block 5, and Lots 26 through 31, Block 6, Eisenmenger & Zaspel's Lake Park, together with vacated streets and alleys accruing thereto, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the o�ce of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, lying west of the 50o Line right-of-way in the Southwest Quarter (1(4) of Section 18, Township 24, Range 22, Ramsey County, Minnesota. to be no longer required for maintenance, construction or operation by the Board and, Lherefare, to be surplus properry; and 'WHEREAS, The Boazd did request by Resolution No. 4475 that the City of Saint Paul quitclaim the Property in favor of the Boazd; and 9� ��y 1 WF�REAS, Pursuant to Section 10. 15.1 of ihe Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the proceeds 2 from the sale of land in the name of the City but held for the benefit of the Board may be used 3 only for "the expense of operating the department, the repairs and maintenance of the waterwozks 4 plant and property, and the payment of principai and interest on obligations issued for 5 waterworks purposes;" and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 WFiEREAS, The City holds no interest in the Property other than being the nominal fee holder; and WHEREAS, Quitclaiming the Property to the Board will make it unnecessary to expend City resources in effecting its sale; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Property is hereby declazed to be surplus property; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper City officials aze hereby dizected to prepare and execute a quitclaim deed which shall quit the City's interest in the Property in favor of the Board. Requesied by Aepartment of: Adoption Ceztified by Council Secietary By. `1� �� �_`��_-�� •- Approved by IvIayor: Date 5�d �i � � � �� Water Utility $Y- /%Jie.tn'"'-` � L�h%C. General Manager Form Ap oved by Ciry ttorney B � 2-3-91 Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Conncil s '�- c� ��'�. Adopted by Council: Date'�. ��, \�"� `�" � DEPARTMENT/OFflCEMqUNCR Water Utility CONTACT PERSON & PH01JE Bernie R. Bullert - bE MUST BE ON COUNGL AGENDA BY (DATE) Eebruarv 12. 1997 1/24/97 FOR N_ � 4 A6 GREEN SHEET __ _ __ IN ATE INRIAL/DATE - OEPa(iTMEM DIflECfOR � � CrtY CdUNCIL CINATTOPNEY Q-Yj� �cmcteau BUDGET D�RECiOR O FlN. & MGT. SEHVICES DIq. MAYOR (OR ASSISTMIn a TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATtONS FOR SIGNATURE) 1CTION qEQUESiED: Adopt attached Gouncil Resolution declaring certain Board of Water Commissioners' property :_ in the City of Little Canada to be_surplus and authorizing the preparation and execution of a quitclaim deed which shail quit the City's interest in the property in favor of the Board. _ PLANNiNG COMM�SS�ON _ CIYIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMiTfEE _ _ STAFG _ _ asraicrcouar A Board of warPr SUPPORTS WFfICH COUNGL O&lECf1VE?COSQ611 S S lOIlEr S PERSONAL SERVICE CONiRACTS AAUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has this perso�rm ever wOrketl under a contract fw this department? - YES NO 2. Has this personlfirm ever bean a city empbyee? VES NO 3. Does this perso�rm possess a skill not normally possessea By any current city employee? YES NO Explain ali yes answers on aeparate shaet anC attaeh to green aheet The 4.38 acre property was purchased with Board funds by the City for the benefit of the Board. The Board no longer needs the property and approved Board Resolution No. 4468 dec7aring it surplus and requesting concurrence by the C'ity Council. The Board also approv Board Resolution No. 4475 requesting the City quit its interest in the property in favor of the Board. The Board of Water Commissioners can proceed with selling the surplus property. {��C�1VED IFAPPROVED. , �° : � � FEB 03 i99Z �.�AY�3i'S OF�tGE ��� � W ,� �aisqg$�i t� �.� � � t��� � _ M--�-�"�� ITALAMOUNTOFTqANSACTiON $ NDING SOURCE lNCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) COST7REVENUE BUDGETED (CIHCLE ONE) VES NO AGTIVITY NUMBER CITY OF ST. PAUL 9�!�j � OFFICE OF SHE BOARO OP WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTfQN — GENERAL FORM N 4``�s PRESENTED HY gaselmann Vovember 12, 1996 COMMISSIONE DA� WHEREAS, The Board of Water Commissioners staff has deternrined that the Board-owned land described below and hereinafter referred to as "the Property', is not required for future maintenance, construction or operation by the Board; Lots 1 through 23, Lots 35 through 46, Block 5 and Lots 26 through 28, Block 6 Eisemenger and Zaspel's Lake Park Addiuon, together �vith vacated streets and allecs accming hereto; subject to RaiI Road right-of-way in Section 18, Township 29, Range 22, Ramsey Counti�, �4finnesota now, iherefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Water Commissioners does hereby declaze the Property to be surplus and does hereby dizect staff to be�in the process of propertv disposal; and, he ii FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Council of the City of Saint Paul be requested to concur with the Board and declare ti7e Property surplus. Water Commissioners Yeas Arcand Harris Aaselmann ident Guerin Naps Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners I3ovember i2, 19 96 favor �' _ Opposr d � �� O nn�-Y-� SEGY. C(Tl' OF 5T. PAUL g�ijf � OFFICE Of THf B�ARD OF WATER COMMf5510NER5 � ��� RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM No 44�5 coMMESSiotv�Y Haselmann p December 9 1996 WHEREAS, The Board of Water Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as the `Board", did adopt Resolution No. 4468 which declared certain lands in the Ciry of Littte Canada, Raznsey Counn�, Minnesota, hereinafter refened to as the "Property', to be surplus and did also request the City Council of the City of Saint Pau1 to concur with said declaratien; and WHEREAS, Title to �he Propem is ia the name of ihe City of Saint Paul for benefit of the Board; ar_d WHEREAS, The Boazd now desires to ha� title to the Property in the Eoard's name so it can proceed with mazketing the Property for sale; now, therefore, be it RESOI.VED, That the Board d�zs hereb}� request the City oi Saint Paul to quitciaim its interest in the Properiy in favor of the Boazd. Water Coaunissioneis Yeaa Naps Adopted by the Board of Water Commiss9oners Arcand Haselmann � President Rettman President Guerin n favor 4 _ Oppose� � December 9, lg 96 �G�lJ � � C171( Presented By Referred To (°R f 2 E� �,. r � r Cauncil File # ;< �: t, � Green Sheet # RESOLUTION �AiNT PAiJL, MINNESOTA 9 -/� 3"h �� Co�ittee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 WAEREAS, Certain Iands in the City of Little Canada, Ramsey County, Minnesota, were purchased with funds from the Board of Water Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as the Board, for construction, maintenance and operation of Board facilities. WHEREAS, Title for said lands is in the name of the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter referred to as the City, for the benefit of the Boazd; and VVfIEREAS, The Boazd did declaze by Resolution No. 4468 that certain pazcels within said lands, hereinafter xeferred to as the Property and described as follows: Those parts of Lots 1 through 23 and Lots 35 through 46, Block 5, and Lots 26 through 31, Block 6, Eisenmenger & Zaspel's Lake Park, together with vacated streets and alleys accruing thereto, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the o�ce of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, lying west of the 50o Line right-of-way in the Southwest Quarter (1(4) of Section 18, Township 24, Range 22, Ramsey County, Minnesota. to be no longer required for maintenance, construction or operation by the Board and, Lherefare, to be surplus properry; and 'WHEREAS, The Boazd did request by Resolution No. 4475 that the City of Saint Paul quitclaim the Property in favor of the Boazd; and 9� ��y 1 WF�REAS, Pursuant to Section 10. 15.1 of ihe Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the proceeds 2 from the sale of land in the name of the City but held for the benefit of the Board may be used 3 only for "the expense of operating the department, the repairs and maintenance of the waterwozks 4 plant and property, and the payment of principai and interest on obligations issued for 5 waterworks purposes;" and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 WFiEREAS, The City holds no interest in the Property other than being the nominal fee holder; and WHEREAS, Quitclaiming the Property to the Board will make it unnecessary to expend City resources in effecting its sale; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Property is hereby declazed to be surplus property; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper City officials aze hereby dizected to prepare and execute a quitclaim deed which shall quit the City's interest in the Property in favor of the Board. Requesied by Aepartment of: Adoption Ceztified by Council Secietary By. `1� �� �_`��_-�� •- Approved by IvIayor: Date 5�d �i � � � �� Water Utility $Y- /%Jie.tn'"'-` � L�h%C. General Manager Form Ap oved by Ciry ttorney B � 2-3-91 Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Conncil s '�- c� ��'�. Adopted by Council: Date'�. ��, \�"� `�" � DEPARTMENT/OFflCEMqUNCR Water Utility CONTACT PERSON & PH01JE Bernie R. Bullert - bE MUST BE ON COUNGL AGENDA BY (DATE) Eebruarv 12. 1997 1/24/97 FOR N_ � 4 A6 GREEN SHEET __ _ __ IN ATE INRIAL/DATE - OEPa(iTMEM DIflECfOR � � CrtY CdUNCIL CINATTOPNEY Q-Yj� �cmcteau BUDGET D�RECiOR O FlN. & MGT. SEHVICES DIq. MAYOR (OR ASSISTMIn a TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATtONS FOR SIGNATURE) 1CTION qEQUESiED: Adopt attached Gouncil Resolution declaring certain Board of Water Commissioners' property :_ in the City of Little Canada to be_surplus and authorizing the preparation and execution of a quitclaim deed which shail quit the City's interest in the property in favor of the Board. _ PLANNiNG COMM�SS�ON _ CIYIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMiTfEE _ _ STAFG _ _ asraicrcouar A Board of warPr SUPPORTS WFfICH COUNGL O&lECf1VE?COSQ611 S S lOIlEr S PERSONAL SERVICE CONiRACTS AAUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has this perso�rm ever wOrketl under a contract fw this department? - YES NO 2. Has this personlfirm ever bean a city empbyee? VES NO 3. Does this perso�rm possess a skill not normally possessea By any current city employee? YES NO Explain ali yes answers on aeparate shaet anC attaeh to green aheet The 4.38 acre property was purchased with Board funds by the City for the benefit of the Board. The Board no longer needs the property and approved Board Resolution No. 4468 dec7aring it surplus and requesting concurrence by the C'ity Council. The Board also approv Board Resolution No. 4475 requesting the City quit its interest in the property in favor of the Board. The Board of Water Commissioners can proceed with selling the surplus property. {��C�1VED IFAPPROVED. , �° : � � FEB 03 i99Z �.�AY�3i'S OF�tGE ��� � W ,� �aisqg$�i t� �.� � � t��� � _ M--�-�"�� ITALAMOUNTOFTqANSACTiON $ NDING SOURCE lNCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) COST7REVENUE BUDGETED (CIHCLE ONE) VES NO AGTIVITY NUMBER CITY OF ST. PAUL 9�!�j � OFFICE OF SHE BOARO OP WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTfQN — GENERAL FORM N 4``�s PRESENTED HY gaselmann Vovember 12, 1996 COMMISSIONE DA� WHEREAS, The Board of Water Commissioners staff has deternrined that the Board-owned land described below and hereinafter referred to as "the Property', is not required for future maintenance, construction or operation by the Board; Lots 1 through 23, Lots 35 through 46, Block 5 and Lots 26 through 28, Block 6 Eisemenger and Zaspel's Lake Park Addiuon, together �vith vacated streets and allecs accming hereto; subject to RaiI Road right-of-way in Section 18, Township 29, Range 22, Ramsey Counti�, �4finnesota now, iherefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Water Commissioners does hereby declaze the Property to be surplus and does hereby dizect staff to be�in the process of propertv disposal; and, he ii FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Council of the City of Saint Paul be requested to concur with the Board and declare ti7e Property surplus. Water Commissioners Yeas Arcand Harris Aaselmann ident Guerin Naps Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners I3ovember i2, 19 96 favor �' _ Opposr d � �� O nn�-Y-� SEGY. C(Tl' OF 5T. PAUL g�ijf � OFFICE Of THf B�ARD OF WATER COMMf5510NER5 � ��� RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM No 44�5 coMMESSiotv�Y Haselmann p December 9 1996 WHEREAS, The Board of Water Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as the `Board", did adopt Resolution No. 4468 which declared certain lands in the Ciry of Littte Canada, Raznsey Counn�, Minnesota, hereinafter refened to as the "Property', to be surplus and did also request the City Council of the City of Saint Pau1 to concur with said declaratien; and WHEREAS, Title to �he Propem is ia the name of ihe City of Saint Paul for benefit of the Board; ar_d WHEREAS, The Boazd now desires to ha� title to the Property in the Eoard's name so it can proceed with mazketing the Property for sale; now, therefore, be it RESOI.VED, That the Board d�zs hereb}� request the City oi Saint Paul to quitciaim its interest in the Properiy in favor of the Boazd. Water Coaunissioneis Yeaa Naps Adopted by the Board of Water Commiss9oners Arcand Haselmann � President Rettman President Guerin n favor 4 _ Oppose� � December 9, lg 96 �G�lJ � � C171( Presented By Referred To (°R f 2 E� �,. r � r Cauncil File # ;< �: t, � Green Sheet # RESOLUTION �AiNT PAiJL, MINNESOTA 9 -/� 3"h �� Co�ittee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 WAEREAS, Certain Iands in the City of Little Canada, Ramsey County, Minnesota, were purchased with funds from the Board of Water Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as the Board, for construction, maintenance and operation of Board facilities. WHEREAS, Title for said lands is in the name of the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter referred to as the City, for the benefit of the Boazd; and VVfIEREAS, The Boazd did declaze by Resolution No. 4468 that certain pazcels within said lands, hereinafter xeferred to as the Property and described as follows: Those parts of Lots 1 through 23 and Lots 35 through 46, Block 5, and Lots 26 through 31, Block 6, Eisenmenger & Zaspel's Lake Park, together with vacated streets and alleys accruing thereto, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the o�ce of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, lying west of the 50o Line right-of-way in the Southwest Quarter (1(4) of Section 18, Township 24, Range 22, Ramsey County, Minnesota. to be no longer required for maintenance, construction or operation by the Board and, Lherefare, to be surplus properry; and 'WHEREAS, The Boazd did request by Resolution No. 4475 that the City of Saint Paul quitclaim the Property in favor of the Boazd; and 9� ��y 1 WF�REAS, Pursuant to Section 10. 15.1 of ihe Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the proceeds 2 from the sale of land in the name of the City but held for the benefit of the Board may be used 3 only for "the expense of operating the department, the repairs and maintenance of the waterwozks 4 plant and property, and the payment of principai and interest on obligations issued for 5 waterworks purposes;" and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 WFiEREAS, The City holds no interest in the Property other than being the nominal fee holder; and WHEREAS, Quitclaiming the Property to the Board will make it unnecessary to expend City resources in effecting its sale; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Property is hereby declazed to be surplus property; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper City officials aze hereby dizected to prepare and execute a quitclaim deed which shall quit the City's interest in the Property in favor of the Board. Requesied by Aepartment of: Adoption Ceztified by Council Secietary By. `1� �� �_`��_-�� •- Approved by IvIayor: Date 5�d �i � � � �� Water Utility $Y- /%Jie.tn'"'-` � L�h%C. General Manager Form Ap oved by Ciry ttorney B � 2-3-91 Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Conncil s '�- c� ��'�. Adopted by Council: Date'�. ��, \�"� `�" � DEPARTMENT/OFflCEMqUNCR Water Utility CONTACT PERSON & PH01JE Bernie R. Bullert - bE MUST BE ON COUNGL AGENDA BY (DATE) Eebruarv 12. 1997 1/24/97 FOR N_ � 4 A6 GREEN SHEET __ _ __ IN ATE INRIAL/DATE - OEPa(iTMEM DIflECfOR � � CrtY CdUNCIL CINATTOPNEY Q-Yj� �cmcteau BUDGET D�RECiOR O FlN. & MGT. SEHVICES DIq. MAYOR (OR ASSISTMIn a TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATtONS FOR SIGNATURE) 1CTION qEQUESiED: Adopt attached Gouncil Resolution declaring certain Board of Water Commissioners' property :_ in the City of Little Canada to be_surplus and authorizing the preparation and execution of a quitclaim deed which shail quit the City's interest in the property in favor of the Board. _ PLANNiNG COMM�SS�ON _ CIYIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMiTfEE _ _ STAFG _ _ asraicrcouar A Board of warPr SUPPORTS WFfICH COUNGL O&lECf1VE?COSQ611 S S lOIlEr S PERSONAL SERVICE CONiRACTS AAUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has this perso�rm ever wOrketl under a contract fw this department? - YES NO 2. Has this personlfirm ever bean a city empbyee? VES NO 3. Does this perso�rm possess a skill not normally possessea By any current city employee? YES NO Explain ali yes answers on aeparate shaet anC attaeh to green aheet The 4.38 acre property was purchased with Board funds by the City for the benefit of the Board. The Board no longer needs the property and approved Board Resolution No. 4468 dec7aring it surplus and requesting concurrence by the C'ity Council. The Board also approv Board Resolution No. 4475 requesting the City quit its interest in the property in favor of the Board. The Board of Water Commissioners can proceed with selling the surplus property. {��C�1VED IFAPPROVED. , �° : � � FEB 03 i99Z �.�AY�3i'S OF�tGE ��� � W ,� �aisqg$�i t� �.� � � t��� � _ M--�-�"�� ITALAMOUNTOFTqANSACTiON $ NDING SOURCE lNCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) COST7REVENUE BUDGETED (CIHCLE ONE) VES NO AGTIVITY NUMBER CITY OF ST. PAUL 9�!�j � OFFICE OF SHE BOARO OP WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTfQN — GENERAL FORM N 4``�s PRESENTED HY gaselmann Vovember 12, 1996 COMMISSIONE DA� WHEREAS, The Board of Water Commissioners staff has deternrined that the Board-owned land described below and hereinafter referred to as "the Property', is not required for future maintenance, construction or operation by the Board; Lots 1 through 23, Lots 35 through 46, Block 5 and Lots 26 through 28, Block 6 Eisemenger and Zaspel's Lake Park Addiuon, together �vith vacated streets and allecs accming hereto; subject to RaiI Road right-of-way in Section 18, Township 29, Range 22, Ramsey Counti�, �4finnesota now, iherefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Water Commissioners does hereby declaze the Property to be surplus and does hereby dizect staff to be�in the process of propertv disposal; and, he ii FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Council of the City of Saint Paul be requested to concur with the Board and declare ti7e Property surplus. Water Commissioners Yeas Arcand Harris Aaselmann ident Guerin Naps Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners I3ovember i2, 19 96 favor �' _ Opposr d � �� O nn�-Y-� SEGY. C(Tl' OF 5T. PAUL g�ijf � OFFICE Of THf B�ARD OF WATER COMMf5510NER5 � ��� RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM No 44�5 coMMESSiotv�Y Haselmann p December 9 1996 WHEREAS, The Board of Water Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as the `Board", did adopt Resolution No. 4468 which declared certain lands in the Ciry of Littte Canada, Raznsey Counn�, Minnesota, hereinafter refened to as the "Property', to be surplus and did also request the City Council of the City of Saint Pau1 to concur with said declaratien; and WHEREAS, Title to �he Propem is ia the name of ihe City of Saint Paul for benefit of the Board; ar_d WHEREAS, The Boazd now desires to ha� title to the Property in the Eoard's name so it can proceed with mazketing the Property for sale; now, therefore, be it RESOI.VED, That the Board d�zs hereb}� request the City oi Saint Paul to quitciaim its interest in the Properiy in favor of the Boazd. Water Coaunissioneis Yeaa Naps Adopted by the Board of Water Commiss9oners Arcand Haselmann � President Rettman President Guerin n favor 4 _ Oppose� � December 9, lg 96 �G�lJ � �