97-168- f f � _ ... _ . �.-:� RESOLUTION OF St„11NT PAUL, MIftNES07A Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1S 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 caua�il File # Green 5heet # Cnmmittee: Date �� �ti��� � , WHEREAS, Certain lands in the City of Little Canada, Ramsey County, Minnesota, were purchased with funds &om the Board of Water Comsnissioners, hereinafter referred to as the Board, for construction, maintenance and operation of Board faciti2ies. WHEREAS, Tit1e for said lands is in the name of the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter refened to as the City, for the bettefit of the Board; and WHEREAS, The Board did declare by Resolution No. 4469 that certain parcels within said lands, hereinafter refened to as the Property and described as follows: Bioek 8, Lots 1, 2 and 29 Rice Street Motor Addition Block 9, Lots l, 2 and 27 Rice Street Motox Addition Block 12, Lots 1, 2 and 25 Rice Street Motor Addition Block 13, Lots l, 2 and 23 Rice Street Motor Addi+aon all lyittg withzn Section 31, Township 30, Range 22, Ramsey County, Minnesota to be no longer required for maintenance, construction or operation by the Board and, therefore, to be surplus property; and WHEREAS, The Board did request by Resolution No. 4476 that the City of Saint Paul quitclaim the Property in favor of the Board; and 9� ��� 1 WHEREAS, Pursuant to Section 10. 15.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the proceeds 2 from the sale of land in the name of the City but held for the benefit of the Board may be used 3 oniy for "the expense of operating the department, #he regairs and maintenance of the waterworks 4 plant and properiy, and the payment of principal and anterest on obligations issued for 5 waterworks purposes; ' and 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 WHEREA,S, The City holds no interest in the Property other than being the nominal fee holder; and WIIEREAS, Quitclaiming the Property to the Board will make it unnecessary to expend Ciry resources in effecting its sale; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Properry is hereby declazed to be surplus property; and, be it FURTFIER RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby directed to prepaze and execute a quitclaim deed which shalt quit the Ciiy's interest in the Property in favor of the Board. Requested by Aepartment of: tion Certified by Councit Secretary �`� ��_�� ved by N[ayor: Date ,? � �£ �-- _"' ✓ `-�"' i Water Utility � �� � ���� General Manager ... •.,. �. .. f/ . � �i.t i . � � .� ,/ � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Couacil ay: � -� : �v�— �ted by Council: Da[e�. , Q� . l�j � l q`l''j GREEN SHEET ••••••••••� «• � DEPAHiMENTDIPECTOfl ; _ - � Sernie R. Bullert - 66274 Nu M�Bx�r+FOR DonvASro�EV E-z� ' AUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENOA BY (DATE) q��� O BUDGET OIqECfOF February 12, 1497 Ofl°E" �MAVOR(OflASSISTAlJn SOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � 1 (CLiP ALL LOCASIONS FOR SIGNASURE� q� -l��' N_ 34747 - - - � " iNmawas� cm couwa� cisv c�ax FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. Adopt attached Council Resolution declaring certain Board of Water Commissioners' property i the City of Little Canada to be surplus and authorizing the preparation and execution of a quitclaim deed which shall quit the City's interest in the properey in favor of the Board. _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CML SERVICE COMMISSION _ GIB G�MMffTEE � _ STAFf _. DI5TRICfCOURT � B water SUPPpRTS WHIGH COUNCII d&IECTIVE?COIOfII15 S lOReT S PEHSONAL SEHYICE CONTpACTS 1AU5T ANSWEH THE FOLLOWIN6 CUESTIONS: 7. Has this personflirm ever worketl under a conVac[ for this department? - YES NO 2. Has this person�rtn ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does ihis persu�rm possess a skGl not nwmally possessetl by any curreM city employee? YES NO Explain all yea anawars on aeparate sheet and attach W gree� sheet The property was purchased with Board funds by the City for the benefit o£ the Board. The Board no longer needs the property and approved Board Resolution No. 4469 declaring it surplus and requesting concurrence by the City Council. The Board also approved Board Resolution No. 4476 requesting the Ciey quit its interest in the property in favor of the Board. � IFAPPROVED: The Board of Water Commissioners can groceed with selling the surplus property. ��s o4 �ss� ,@ . DISAUVANTAGES IF NOT APPRtlVED: �� ��e o� i��z tU�A��'S 0�� 4&�w���:3 ��s''�°.�'��", c�aJ�'e���' F �� U't iJw� _ �__ __ �-e�..d TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO °UNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVISY NUMBER �INANCIAL INFOflMAT10N. (EXPLAIN) CITY OF Si. PAUL OFFiCE OF TiiE BOARD OF WATER ��-��� RESOLUTtON — GENERAL FORM p 4469 PRESENTED g Haselmann November 12, 1996 COMMISSION R �A WHEREAS, The Boazd of Water Commissioners staff has determined that the Boazd-owned iand described below and hereinafter referred to as "the Properry', is not required for future maintenance, construction or operation by the Board; Block 8, Lots l, 2 and 29 Rice Street ivlotor Addition Block 9, Lots l, 2 and 27 Rice Street Motor Addition Block 12, Lots 1, 2 and 25 Rice Street Motor Addition Block 13, Lots 1, 2 and 23 Ricz Street Motor Addition ail lyin� within Section 31, Township 30, Ran�e 22, Ramsey Counn �finnesota now, therefore, he it RESOLVED, That the Board of bUater Commissioners does hereby declare the Propem� to be surplus and does hereby direct staff to beein the process of property disposal; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Council of t}ie �it5� af Saint Paul be requested to concur with the Board and deciare the Property surplus. Water Commissioners Yeas Arcand Harris Haselmann sident Guerin Nsys i favor 4 _ Oppose� � Adopted by the Baard of Water Commissioners i3ovember 12, 1996 i � � � % arr oF sr. rau� OFfiCE OF THE BOARQ OF WATER COMMISStONERS RESOLIlT{ON — GENERAL FORM CorEdsM Haselmann 9�-/�� No 4476 December 9, 1996 WI�ET2EAS, The Board of Water Commissioners, hereinafter refened to as the "Board", did adopt Resolution I�to. 4469 which declared certain lands in the City of Little Canada, Ramsey County, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", to be surplus and did atso request ihe City Council of the City of 5aint Paul to concur with said declarauon; and W73EREAS, Titie to the Property is in the name of the City of Saint PauI for benefit of the Board; and WHEREAS, The Boazd now desires to have title to the Properry in the Board's name so it can proceed with marketing the Propem for sale; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board does hereby request the City of Saint Paui to quitclaim its interest in the Property itt favor of the Boazd. R'ater Commissioners Yeas Arcand Haselmann e President Rettman President Guerin Nays n favor 4 _ Opposed � Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners December 9, 19 96 SECY. - f f � _ ... _ . �.-:� RESOLUTION OF St„11NT PAUL, MIftNES07A Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1S 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 caua�il File # Green 5heet # Cnmmittee: Date �� �ti��� � , WHEREAS, Certain lands in the City of Little Canada, Ramsey County, Minnesota, were purchased with funds &om the Board of Water Comsnissioners, hereinafter referred to as the Board, for construction, maintenance and operation of Board faciti2ies. WHEREAS, Tit1e for said lands is in the name of the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter refened to as the City, for the bettefit of the Board; and WHEREAS, The Board did declare by Resolution No. 4469 that certain parcels within said lands, hereinafter refened to as the Property and described as follows: Bioek 8, Lots 1, 2 and 29 Rice Street Motor Addition Block 9, Lots l, 2 and 27 Rice Street Motox Addition Block 12, Lots 1, 2 and 25 Rice Street Motor Addition Block 13, Lots l, 2 and 23 Rice Street Motor Addi+aon all lyittg withzn Section 31, Township 30, Range 22, Ramsey County, Minnesota to be no longer required for maintenance, construction or operation by the Board and, therefore, to be surplus property; and WHEREAS, The Board did request by Resolution No. 4476 that the City of Saint Paul quitclaim the Property in favor of the Board; and 9� ��� 1 WHEREAS, Pursuant to Section 10. 15.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the proceeds 2 from the sale of land in the name of the City but held for the benefit of the Board may be used 3 oniy for "the expense of operating the department, #he regairs and maintenance of the waterworks 4 plant and properiy, and the payment of principal and anterest on obligations issued for 5 waterworks purposes; ' and 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 WHEREA,S, The City holds no interest in the Property other than being the nominal fee holder; and WIIEREAS, Quitclaiming the Property to the Board will make it unnecessary to expend Ciry resources in effecting its sale; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Properry is hereby declazed to be surplus property; and, be it FURTFIER RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby directed to prepaze and execute a quitclaim deed which shalt quit the Ciiy's interest in the Property in favor of the Board. Requested by Aepartment of: tion Certified by Councit Secretary �`� ��_�� ved by N[ayor: Date ,? � �£ �-- _"' ✓ `-�"' i Water Utility � �� � ���� General Manager ... •.,. �. .. f/ . � �i.t i . � � .� ,/ � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Couacil ay: � -� : �v�— �ted by Council: Da[e�. , Q� . l�j � l q`l''j GREEN SHEET ••••••••••� «• � DEPAHiMENTDIPECTOfl ; _ - � Sernie R. Bullert - 66274 Nu M�Bx�r+FOR DonvASro�EV E-z� ' AUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENOA BY (DATE) q��� O BUDGET OIqECfOF February 12, 1497 Ofl°E" �MAVOR(OflASSISTAlJn SOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � 1 (CLiP ALL LOCASIONS FOR SIGNASURE� q� -l��' N_ 34747 - - - � " iNmawas� cm couwa� cisv c�ax FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. Adopt attached Council Resolution declaring certain Board of Water Commissioners' property i the City of Little Canada to be surplus and authorizing the preparation and execution of a quitclaim deed which shall quit the City's interest in the properey in favor of the Board. _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CML SERVICE COMMISSION _ GIB G�MMffTEE � _ STAFf _. DI5TRICfCOURT � B water SUPPpRTS WHIGH COUNCII d&IECTIVE?COIOfII15 S lOReT S PEHSONAL SEHYICE CONTpACTS 1AU5T ANSWEH THE FOLLOWIN6 CUESTIONS: 7. Has this personflirm ever worketl under a conVac[ for this department? - YES NO 2. Has this person�rtn ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does ihis persu�rm possess a skGl not nwmally possessetl by any curreM city employee? YES NO Explain all yea anawars on aeparate sheet and attach W gree� sheet The property was purchased with Board funds by the City for the benefit o£ the Board. The Board no longer needs the property and approved Board Resolution No. 4469 declaring it surplus and requesting concurrence by the City Council. The Board also approved Board Resolution No. 4476 requesting the Ciey quit its interest in the property in favor of the Board. � IFAPPROVED: The Board of Water Commissioners can groceed with selling the surplus property. ��s o4 �ss� ,@ . DISAUVANTAGES IF NOT APPRtlVED: �� ��e o� i��z tU�A��'S 0�� 4&�w���:3 ��s''�°.�'��", c�aJ�'e���' F �� U't iJw� _ �__ __ �-e�..d TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO °UNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVISY NUMBER �INANCIAL INFOflMAT10N. (EXPLAIN) CITY OF Si. PAUL OFFiCE OF TiiE BOARD OF WATER ��-��� RESOLUTtON — GENERAL FORM p 4469 PRESENTED g Haselmann November 12, 1996 COMMISSION R �A WHEREAS, The Boazd of Water Commissioners staff has determined that the Boazd-owned iand described below and hereinafter referred to as "the Properry', is not required for future maintenance, construction or operation by the Board; Block 8, Lots l, 2 and 29 Rice Street ivlotor Addition Block 9, Lots l, 2 and 27 Rice Street Motor Addition Block 12, Lots 1, 2 and 25 Rice Street Motor Addition Block 13, Lots 1, 2 and 23 Ricz Street Motor Addition ail lyin� within Section 31, Township 30, Ran�e 22, Ramsey Counn �finnesota now, therefore, he it RESOLVED, That the Board of bUater Commissioners does hereby declare the Propem� to be surplus and does hereby direct staff to beein the process of property disposal; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Council of t}ie �it5� af Saint Paul be requested to concur with the Board and deciare the Property surplus. Water Commissioners Yeas Arcand Harris Haselmann sident Guerin Nsys i favor 4 _ Oppose� � Adopted by the Baard of Water Commissioners i3ovember 12, 1996 i � � � % arr oF sr. rau� OFfiCE OF THE BOARQ OF WATER COMMISStONERS RESOLIlT{ON — GENERAL FORM CorEdsM Haselmann 9�-/�� No 4476 December 9, 1996 WI�ET2EAS, The Board of Water Commissioners, hereinafter refened to as the "Board", did adopt Resolution I�to. 4469 which declared certain lands in the City of Little Canada, Ramsey County, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", to be surplus and did atso request ihe City Council of the City of 5aint Paul to concur with said declarauon; and W73EREAS, Titie to the Property is in the name of the City of Saint PauI for benefit of the Board; and WHEREAS, The Boazd now desires to have title to the Properry in the Board's name so it can proceed with marketing the Propem for sale; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board does hereby request the City of Saint Paui to quitclaim its interest in the Property itt favor of the Boazd. R'ater Commissioners Yeas Arcand Haselmann e President Rettman President Guerin Nays n favor 4 _ Opposed � Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners December 9, 19 96 SECY. - f f � _ ... _ . �.-:� RESOLUTION OF St„11NT PAUL, MIftNES07A Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1S 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 caua�il File # Green 5heet # Cnmmittee: Date �� �ti��� � , WHEREAS, Certain lands in the City of Little Canada, Ramsey County, Minnesota, were purchased with funds &om the Board of Water Comsnissioners, hereinafter referred to as the Board, for construction, maintenance and operation of Board faciti2ies. WHEREAS, Tit1e for said lands is in the name of the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter refened to as the City, for the bettefit of the Board; and WHEREAS, The Board did declare by Resolution No. 4469 that certain parcels within said lands, hereinafter refened to as the Property and described as follows: Bioek 8, Lots 1, 2 and 29 Rice Street Motor Addition Block 9, Lots l, 2 and 27 Rice Street Motox Addition Block 12, Lots 1, 2 and 25 Rice Street Motor Addition Block 13, Lots l, 2 and 23 Rice Street Motor Addi+aon all lyittg withzn Section 31, Township 30, Range 22, Ramsey County, Minnesota to be no longer required for maintenance, construction or operation by the Board and, therefore, to be surplus property; and WHEREAS, The Board did request by Resolution No. 4476 that the City of Saint Paul quitclaim the Property in favor of the Board; and 9� ��� 1 WHEREAS, Pursuant to Section 10. 15.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the proceeds 2 from the sale of land in the name of the City but held for the benefit of the Board may be used 3 oniy for "the expense of operating the department, #he regairs and maintenance of the waterworks 4 plant and properiy, and the payment of principal and anterest on obligations issued for 5 waterworks purposes; ' and 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 WHEREA,S, The City holds no interest in the Property other than being the nominal fee holder; and WIIEREAS, Quitclaiming the Property to the Board will make it unnecessary to expend Ciry resources in effecting its sale; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Properry is hereby declazed to be surplus property; and, be it FURTFIER RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby directed to prepaze and execute a quitclaim deed which shalt quit the Ciiy's interest in the Property in favor of the Board. Requested by Aepartment of: tion Certified by Councit Secretary �`� ��_�� ved by N[ayor: Date ,? � �£ �-- _"' ✓ `-�"' i Water Utility � �� � ���� General Manager ... •.,. �. .. f/ . � �i.t i . � � .� ,/ � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Couacil ay: � -� : �v�— �ted by Council: Da[e�. , Q� . l�j � l q`l''j GREEN SHEET ••••••••••� «• � DEPAHiMENTDIPECTOfl ; _ - � Sernie R. Bullert - 66274 Nu M�Bx�r+FOR DonvASro�EV E-z� ' AUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENOA BY (DATE) q��� O BUDGET OIqECfOF February 12, 1497 Ofl°E" �MAVOR(OflASSISTAlJn SOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � 1 (CLiP ALL LOCASIONS FOR SIGNASURE� q� -l��' N_ 34747 - - - � " iNmawas� cm couwa� cisv c�ax FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. Adopt attached Council Resolution declaring certain Board of Water Commissioners' property i the City of Little Canada to be surplus and authorizing the preparation and execution of a quitclaim deed which shall quit the City's interest in the properey in favor of the Board. _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CML SERVICE COMMISSION _ GIB G�MMffTEE � _ STAFf _. DI5TRICfCOURT � B water SUPPpRTS WHIGH COUNCII d&IECTIVE?COIOfII15 S lOReT S PEHSONAL SEHYICE CONTpACTS 1AU5T ANSWEH THE FOLLOWIN6 CUESTIONS: 7. Has this personflirm ever worketl under a conVac[ for this department? - YES NO 2. Has this person�rtn ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does ihis persu�rm possess a skGl not nwmally possessetl by any curreM city employee? YES NO Explain all yea anawars on aeparate sheet and attach W gree� sheet The property was purchased with Board funds by the City for the benefit o£ the Board. The Board no longer needs the property and approved Board Resolution No. 4469 declaring it surplus and requesting concurrence by the City Council. The Board also approved Board Resolution No. 4476 requesting the Ciey quit its interest in the property in favor of the Board. � IFAPPROVED: The Board of Water Commissioners can groceed with selling the surplus property. ��s o4 �ss� ,@ . DISAUVANTAGES IF NOT APPRtlVED: �� ��e o� i��z tU�A��'S 0�� 4&�w���:3 ��s''�°.�'��", c�aJ�'e���' F �� U't iJw� _ �__ __ �-e�..d TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO °UNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVISY NUMBER �INANCIAL INFOflMAT10N. (EXPLAIN) CITY OF Si. PAUL OFFiCE OF TiiE BOARD OF WATER ��-��� RESOLUTtON — GENERAL FORM p 4469 PRESENTED g Haselmann November 12, 1996 COMMISSION R �A WHEREAS, The Boazd of Water Commissioners staff has determined that the Boazd-owned iand described below and hereinafter referred to as "the Properry', is not required for future maintenance, construction or operation by the Board; Block 8, Lots l, 2 and 29 Rice Street ivlotor Addition Block 9, Lots l, 2 and 27 Rice Street Motor Addition Block 12, Lots 1, 2 and 25 Rice Street Motor Addition Block 13, Lots 1, 2 and 23 Ricz Street Motor Addition ail lyin� within Section 31, Township 30, Ran�e 22, Ramsey Counn �finnesota now, therefore, he it RESOLVED, That the Board of bUater Commissioners does hereby declare the Propem� to be surplus and does hereby direct staff to beein the process of property disposal; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Council of t}ie �it5� af Saint Paul be requested to concur with the Board and deciare the Property surplus. Water Commissioners Yeas Arcand Harris Haselmann sident Guerin Nsys i favor 4 _ Oppose� � Adopted by the Baard of Water Commissioners i3ovember 12, 1996 i � � � % arr oF sr. rau� OFfiCE OF THE BOARQ OF WATER COMMISStONERS RESOLIlT{ON — GENERAL FORM CorEdsM Haselmann 9�-/�� No 4476 December 9, 1996 WI�ET2EAS, The Board of Water Commissioners, hereinafter refened to as the "Board", did adopt Resolution I�to. 4469 which declared certain lands in the City of Little Canada, Ramsey County, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "Property", to be surplus and did atso request ihe City Council of the City of 5aint Paul to concur with said declarauon; and W73EREAS, Titie to the Property is in the name of the City of Saint PauI for benefit of the Board; and WHEREAS, The Boazd now desires to have title to the Properry in the Board's name so it can proceed with marketing the Propem for sale; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board does hereby request the City of Saint Paui to quitclaim its interest in the Property itt favor of the Boazd. R'ater Commissioners Yeas Arcand Haselmann e President Rettman President Guerin Nays n favor 4 _ Opposed � Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners December 9, 19 96 SECY.