97-167Couneil File # �� Green Sheet # 7�1� � RESOLUTION CtTY OF SA1NT PAilt, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Cn� �tee: Date 1� WHEREAS, Certain lands in the City of Little Canada, Ramsey County, Minnesota, were purchased with funds from the Board of Water Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as the Boazd, for 3 construction, maintenance and operation of Board facilities. 4 WHEREAS, Title for said lands is in the name of the City of Saint Paul, liereinafter referred to as the City, for the benefit of the Boazd; and 8 WfIEREAS, The Board did declaze by Resolution No. 4467 that certain parce2s witlun said lands, 9 hereinafter referred to as the Property and described as follows: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 i7 18 19 20 Those parts of Blocks 2 and 3 of the Rice Street Motor Addition, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, lying south of the Minnesota Depariment of Transportation I.S.644 right-of-way. to be no longer required for maintenance, construction or operation by the Board and, therefore, to be surplus property; and WHEREAS, The Board did request by Resolution No. 4474 that the City of Saint Paul quitclaim the Property in favor of the Boazd; and 21 22 WHEREAS, Pursuant to Section 10. 1 S.1 of the Chartez of the City of Saint Paul, the proceeds from 23 the sale of land in the name of the City but held for the benefit of the Board may be used only for "the 24 expense of operating the department, the repairs and maintenance of the waterworks plant and 25 properry, and the payment of principal and interest on obligations issued for waterworks purposes; ' 26 and 9�-/�7 WHEREAS, The City holds no interest in the Pzoperty other than being the nominal fee holder; and WfIEREAS, Quitclaiming the Properry to the Boazd will make it unnecessary to e�:pend City resources in effecting its sale; now, therefore, be it 6 IZESOLVED, That the Property is hereby declared to be surplus properry; and, be it 8 FURTHER RESdLVEA, That the proper City officials aze hereby directed to prepaze and execute a 9 quitclaim deed which shall quit the City's interest in the Property in favor of the Board. Requested by Department of: �ption Cert�ed by Councit Secrefary �� � �� � roved by 2viayor: l�ate 5��/ �� l�_ � _ —"" � Water Utility Br. �,�-u-� � r��..�-�� General Manager Form A proved by Cih At ey gy, � G.' 3• �1 Approved by Mayor ior Submusion to Council � " _ (C-, ���"�-� opted by Council: Date � 6 ,' ��, �°��� Bernie R. Bullert - 66274 FOP 9�-/�7 GREEN SHEET N_ 34748 IMITIAUDATE INRIAVDATE - DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR j 3t� � CRY COUNCR cmarroarrer �(S 'S-� Qc�rrc�aK BUDGET DIflECSOR � FIN. B M(iT. SEflVICES Dlfl. MAYOR (Oq A9315(ANf? ❑ TOTAL # OF S16NATURE PAraES 1 (CIIP ALL IACAT10N5 FOR SIGNATURE) Adopt attached Council Resolution declaring certain Board of Water Commissioners` property in the City of Little Canada to be surplus and authorizing the praparation and execution of a quitclaim deed which shall quit the City's interest in the properCy in favor of the Board. _ PLANNINGCOtdMISS1�N _ CN1lSERVICECaMM1SSWN _ CIB COMMfTfEE _ _ SiaFF _ ��sraicrcouar A_ Board of Water SUPPOpTSWHICHCOUNCiLO&IECTiVE1 Commissioners 1/29/97 PERSONAL SEHVIGE CONTflACTS MUST ANSWER TfiE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personfiirm ever worketl untler a contrac[ tor this department? - YES NO 2 Has this personlfirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this persoMirm possess a skill'rot'rormally possessetl by any cuttent city employee? YES NO Explain ail yes snswers on seperate sheet antl ettach to green sheet The 2.68 acre property was purchased with Board funds by the City for the benefit of the Board. The Board no longer needs the property and approved Board Resolution No. 4467 decIaring it surplus and requesting concurrence by the City Council. The Board also approved Board Resolution Nd. 4474 requesting the City quit its interest in the property in favor of the Board. The Board of Water Conmiissioners can proceed with selling the surplus property. � F�a o4 i��T �� .� �EB 03 i997 a1tiAYQ�'S GEFiCE ^'. �ffG.. �:;.,;'�f ��._ ��i� 04 �97 � 'OTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ COSTlREVENUE BUOGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO Ul1DIHG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER VANCIAL INFOqMAT10N: (EXPLAIN) GiTY OF ST. PAUL (y � // _ � OFPiCE OF T1iE 80ARD OF WATER COMMI55(ONERS � ��� RESOLUTION-6EMERAL FflRM No �'�' consrai5siorv�R �selmann pA ,�,� December 9, 1996 WHEREAS, The Board of tiUater Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as the "Board", did adop� Resolution No. 4-�67 which declared cenain lands in the Citv of Little Canada, Ramsec County Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "Property', to be surplus and did also request the Cin� of Saint Paul to concur with said declazation: and WI3EREAS, Title to the Froperty is in the name oi the City of Saint Paul for benefit of the Board: and WHEREAS, The Board now desires to ha� title to the Property in the Boazd's name so it can proceed with mazketing the Property for sale; now, therefore, be it RE50LVED, That the Board does hereb� request the City of Saint Paul to quitclaim its interest in the Properiy in favor of the Boazd. Water Commissioners Yeas Nays Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Arcand Haselmann ce President Rettman President Guerin In favor!� _ Oppose� fl December 9, 19 96 C�� O;�°.�.-� SECY. cirr oF sr. Pau� OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMM(SSIONERS RESOLIJTiON — GENERAL FORM COMME755IEON Harris �� 1�� N 4467 November 12, 1996 WHEREAS, The Boazd of Water Commissioners staff has determined that the Boazd-owned land described below and hereinafter referred to as "the Property", is not required for future maintenance, construction or operation by the Board; Lots I through 7, Lots 22 throu�h 2$, Block 2, Rice StreeT 14lotor Line Addition, to�ether with Lots 13 through 21, Block 1, Rice Street Motor Line Addition and vacated aIIey�s N and O accruin6 thereto and that part of vacated �Iiddle Street l� north of the westerly ea�tension of the south line of said Block 1; su6ject to street and highway rights-of-way; Section 31, Township 30, Range 22; Ramsey Counn�, Minnesota. now, therefore, be it RESOL`JED, That the Board of R'ater Conunissioners does hereby declare ihe Property to be surplus and does hereby direct staff to begin the process of properry disposal; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVEA, That the City Council of the City of Saint Pani be requested to concur with the Board and declare the Progerty sutplus. FVater Commissioners Yeas Arcand Harris Haselmann sident Guerin Nays Adopted hp the Board of Water Commissioners November 12, ig 96 n favor 4 _ Opposed � ���=z��'2=—� �SECY. Couneil File # �� Green Sheet # 7�1� � RESOLUTION CtTY OF SA1NT PAilt, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Cn� �tee: Date 1� WHEREAS, Certain lands in the City of Little Canada, Ramsey County, Minnesota, were purchased with funds from the Board of Water Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as the Boazd, for 3 construction, maintenance and operation of Board facilities. 4 WHEREAS, Title for said lands is in the name of the City of Saint Paul, liereinafter referred to as the City, for the benefit of the Boazd; and 8 WfIEREAS, The Board did declaze by Resolution No. 4467 that certain parce2s witlun said lands, 9 hereinafter referred to as the Property and described as follows: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 i7 18 19 20 Those parts of Blocks 2 and 3 of the Rice Street Motor Addition, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, lying south of the Minnesota Depariment of Transportation I.S.644 right-of-way. to be no longer required for maintenance, construction or operation by the Board and, therefore, to be surplus property; and WHEREAS, The Board did request by Resolution No. 4474 that the City of Saint Paul quitclaim the Property in favor of the Boazd; and 21 22 WHEREAS, Pursuant to Section 10. 1 S.1 of the Chartez of the City of Saint Paul, the proceeds from 23 the sale of land in the name of the City but held for the benefit of the Board may be used only for "the 24 expense of operating the department, the repairs and maintenance of the waterworks plant and 25 properry, and the payment of principal and interest on obligations issued for waterworks purposes; ' 26 and 9�-/�7 WHEREAS, The City holds no interest in the Pzoperty other than being the nominal fee holder; and WfIEREAS, Quitclaiming the Properry to the Boazd will make it unnecessary to e�:pend City resources in effecting its sale; now, therefore, be it 6 IZESOLVED, That the Property is hereby declared to be surplus properry; and, be it 8 FURTHER RESdLVEA, That the proper City officials aze hereby directed to prepaze and execute a 9 quitclaim deed which shall quit the City's interest in the Property in favor of the Board. Requested by Department of: �ption Cert�ed by Councit Secrefary �� � �� � roved by 2viayor: l�ate 5��/ �� l�_ � _ —"" � Water Utility Br. �,�-u-� � r��..�-�� General Manager Form A proved by Cih At ey gy, � G.' 3• �1 Approved by Mayor ior Submusion to Council � " _ (C-, ���"�-� opted by Council: Date � 6 ,' ��, �°��� Bernie R. Bullert - 66274 FOP 9�-/�7 GREEN SHEET N_ 34748 IMITIAUDATE INRIAVDATE - DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR j 3t� � CRY COUNCR cmarroarrer �(S 'S-� Qc�rrc�aK BUDGET DIflECSOR � FIN. B M(iT. SEflVICES Dlfl. MAYOR (Oq A9315(ANf? ❑ TOTAL # OF S16NATURE PAraES 1 (CIIP ALL IACAT10N5 FOR SIGNATURE) Adopt attached Council Resolution declaring certain Board of Water Commissioners` property in the City of Little Canada to be surplus and authorizing the praparation and execution of a quitclaim deed which shall quit the City's interest in the properCy in favor of the Board. _ PLANNINGCOtdMISS1�N _ CN1lSERVICECaMM1SSWN _ CIB COMMfTfEE _ _ SiaFF _ ��sraicrcouar A_ Board of Water SUPPOpTSWHICHCOUNCiLO&IECTiVE1 Commissioners 1/29/97 PERSONAL SEHVIGE CONTflACTS MUST ANSWER TfiE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personfiirm ever worketl untler a contrac[ tor this department? - YES NO 2 Has this personlfirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this persoMirm possess a skill'rot'rormally possessetl by any cuttent city employee? YES NO Explain ail yes snswers on seperate sheet antl ettach to green sheet The 2.68 acre property was purchased with Board funds by the City for the benefit of the Board. The Board no longer needs the property and approved Board Resolution No. 4467 decIaring it surplus and requesting concurrence by the City Council. The Board also approved Board Resolution Nd. 4474 requesting the City quit its interest in the property in favor of the Board. The Board of Water Conmiissioners can proceed with selling the surplus property. � F�a o4 i��T �� .� �EB 03 i997 a1tiAYQ�'S GEFiCE ^'. �ffG.. �:;.,;'�f ��._ ��i� 04 �97 � 'OTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ COSTlREVENUE BUOGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO Ul1DIHG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER VANCIAL INFOqMAT10N: (EXPLAIN) GiTY OF ST. PAUL (y � // _ � OFPiCE OF T1iE 80ARD OF WATER COMMI55(ONERS � ��� RESOLUTION-6EMERAL FflRM No �'�' consrai5siorv�R �selmann pA ,�,� December 9, 1996 WHEREAS, The Board of tiUater Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as the "Board", did adop� Resolution No. 4-�67 which declared cenain lands in the Citv of Little Canada, Ramsec County Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "Property', to be surplus and did also request the Cin� of Saint Paul to concur with said declazation: and WI3EREAS, Title to the Froperty is in the name oi the City of Saint Paul for benefit of the Board: and WHEREAS, The Board now desires to ha� title to the Property in the Boazd's name so it can proceed with mazketing the Property for sale; now, therefore, be it RE50LVED, That the Board does hereb� request the City of Saint Paul to quitclaim its interest in the Properiy in favor of the Boazd. Water Commissioners Yeas Nays Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Arcand Haselmann ce President Rettman President Guerin In favor!� _ Oppose� fl December 9, 19 96 C�� O;�°.�.-� SECY. cirr oF sr. Pau� OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMM(SSIONERS RESOLIJTiON — GENERAL FORM COMME755IEON Harris �� 1�� N 4467 November 12, 1996 WHEREAS, The Boazd of Water Commissioners staff has determined that the Boazd-owned land described below and hereinafter referred to as "the Property", is not required for future maintenance, construction or operation by the Board; Lots I through 7, Lots 22 throu�h 2$, Block 2, Rice StreeT 14lotor Line Addition, to�ether with Lots 13 through 21, Block 1, Rice Street Motor Line Addition and vacated aIIey�s N and O accruin6 thereto and that part of vacated �Iiddle Street l� north of the westerly ea�tension of the south line of said Block 1; su6ject to street and highway rights-of-way; Section 31, Township 30, Range 22; Ramsey Counn�, Minnesota. now, therefore, be it RESOL`JED, That the Board of R'ater Conunissioners does hereby declare ihe Property to be surplus and does hereby direct staff to begin the process of properry disposal; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVEA, That the City Council of the City of Saint Pani be requested to concur with the Board and declare the Progerty sutplus. FVater Commissioners Yeas Arcand Harris Haselmann sident Guerin Nays Adopted hp the Board of Water Commissioners November 12, ig 96 n favor 4 _ Opposed � ���=z��'2=—� �SECY. Couneil File # �� Green Sheet # 7�1� � RESOLUTION CtTY OF SA1NT PAilt, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Cn� �tee: Date 1� WHEREAS, Certain lands in the City of Little Canada, Ramsey County, Minnesota, were purchased with funds from the Board of Water Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as the Boazd, for 3 construction, maintenance and operation of Board facilities. 4 WHEREAS, Title for said lands is in the name of the City of Saint Paul, liereinafter referred to as the City, for the benefit of the Boazd; and 8 WfIEREAS, The Board did declaze by Resolution No. 4467 that certain parce2s witlun said lands, 9 hereinafter referred to as the Property and described as follows: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 i7 18 19 20 Those parts of Blocks 2 and 3 of the Rice Street Motor Addition, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, lying south of the Minnesota Depariment of Transportation I.S.644 right-of-way. to be no longer required for maintenance, construction or operation by the Board and, therefore, to be surplus property; and WHEREAS, The Board did request by Resolution No. 4474 that the City of Saint Paul quitclaim the Property in favor of the Boazd; and 21 22 WHEREAS, Pursuant to Section 10. 1 S.1 of the Chartez of the City of Saint Paul, the proceeds from 23 the sale of land in the name of the City but held for the benefit of the Board may be used only for "the 24 expense of operating the department, the repairs and maintenance of the waterworks plant and 25 properry, and the payment of principal and interest on obligations issued for waterworks purposes; ' 26 and 9�-/�7 WHEREAS, The City holds no interest in the Pzoperty other than being the nominal fee holder; and WfIEREAS, Quitclaiming the Properry to the Boazd will make it unnecessary to e�:pend City resources in effecting its sale; now, therefore, be it 6 IZESOLVED, That the Property is hereby declared to be surplus properry; and, be it 8 FURTHER RESdLVEA, That the proper City officials aze hereby directed to prepaze and execute a 9 quitclaim deed which shall quit the City's interest in the Property in favor of the Board. Requested by Department of: �ption Cert�ed by Councit Secrefary �� � �� � roved by 2viayor: l�ate 5��/ �� l�_ � _ —"" � Water Utility Br. �,�-u-� � r��..�-�� General Manager Form A proved by Cih At ey gy, � G.' 3• �1 Approved by Mayor ior Submusion to Council � " _ (C-, ���"�-� opted by Council: Date � 6 ,' ��, �°��� Bernie R. Bullert - 66274 FOP 9�-/�7 GREEN SHEET N_ 34748 IMITIAUDATE INRIAVDATE - DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR j 3t� � CRY COUNCR cmarroarrer �(S 'S-� Qc�rrc�aK BUDGET DIflECSOR � FIN. B M(iT. SEflVICES Dlfl. MAYOR (Oq A9315(ANf? ❑ TOTAL # OF S16NATURE PAraES 1 (CIIP ALL IACAT10N5 FOR SIGNATURE) Adopt attached Council Resolution declaring certain Board of Water Commissioners` property in the City of Little Canada to be surplus and authorizing the praparation and execution of a quitclaim deed which shall quit the City's interest in the properCy in favor of the Board. _ PLANNINGCOtdMISS1�N _ CN1lSERVICECaMM1SSWN _ CIB COMMfTfEE _ _ SiaFF _ ��sraicrcouar A_ Board of Water SUPPOpTSWHICHCOUNCiLO&IECTiVE1 Commissioners 1/29/97 PERSONAL SEHVIGE CONTflACTS MUST ANSWER TfiE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personfiirm ever worketl untler a contrac[ tor this department? - YES NO 2 Has this personlfirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this persoMirm possess a skill'rot'rormally possessetl by any cuttent city employee? YES NO Explain ail yes snswers on seperate sheet antl ettach to green sheet The 2.68 acre property was purchased with Board funds by the City for the benefit of the Board. The Board no longer needs the property and approved Board Resolution No. 4467 decIaring it surplus and requesting concurrence by the City Council. The Board also approved Board Resolution Nd. 4474 requesting the City quit its interest in the property in favor of the Board. The Board of Water Conmiissioners can proceed with selling the surplus property. � F�a o4 i��T �� .� �EB 03 i997 a1tiAYQ�'S GEFiCE ^'. �ffG.. �:;.,;'�f ��._ ��i� 04 �97 � 'OTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ COSTlREVENUE BUOGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO Ul1DIHG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER VANCIAL INFOqMAT10N: (EXPLAIN) GiTY OF ST. PAUL (y � // _ � OFPiCE OF T1iE 80ARD OF WATER COMMI55(ONERS � ��� RESOLUTION-6EMERAL FflRM No �'�' consrai5siorv�R �selmann pA ,�,� December 9, 1996 WHEREAS, The Board of tiUater Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as the "Board", did adop� Resolution No. 4-�67 which declared cenain lands in the Citv of Little Canada, Ramsec County Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "Property', to be surplus and did also request the Cin� of Saint Paul to concur with said declazation: and WI3EREAS, Title to the Froperty is in the name oi the City of Saint Paul for benefit of the Board: and WHEREAS, The Board now desires to ha� title to the Property in the Boazd's name so it can proceed with mazketing the Property for sale; now, therefore, be it RE50LVED, That the Board does hereb� request the City of Saint Paul to quitclaim its interest in the Properiy in favor of the Boazd. Water Commissioners Yeas Nays Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Arcand Haselmann ce President Rettman President Guerin In favor!� _ Oppose� fl December 9, 19 96 C�� O;�°.�.-� SECY. cirr oF sr. Pau� OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMM(SSIONERS RESOLIJTiON — GENERAL FORM COMME755IEON Harris �� 1�� N 4467 November 12, 1996 WHEREAS, The Boazd of Water Commissioners staff has determined that the Boazd-owned land described below and hereinafter referred to as "the Property", is not required for future maintenance, construction or operation by the Board; Lots I through 7, Lots 22 throu�h 2$, Block 2, Rice StreeT 14lotor Line Addition, to�ether with Lots 13 through 21, Block 1, Rice Street Motor Line Addition and vacated aIIey�s N and O accruin6 thereto and that part of vacated �Iiddle Street l� north of the westerly ea�tension of the south line of said Block 1; su6ject to street and highway rights-of-way; Section 31, Township 30, Range 22; Ramsey Counn�, Minnesota. now, therefore, be it RESOL`JED, That the Board of R'ater Conunissioners does hereby declare ihe Property to be surplus and does hereby direct staff to begin the process of properry disposal; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVEA, That the City Council of the City of Saint Pani be requested to concur with the Board and declare the Progerty sutplus. FVater Commissioners Yeas Arcand Harris Haselmann sident Guerin Nays Adopted hp the Board of Water Commissioners November 12, ig 96 n favor 4 _ Opposed � ���=z��'2=—� �SECY.