97-166� �''� [�' � f"� � F, � j� F Counail File # � � �C�i"aQ. i..J �� � t..i ! 4�, 2;,_, Green Sheet # �� � � 2 0 RESOLVED, t�at, upon execution and delivery of a release in full to the City of Saint Paul, the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay from the Tort Liability Fund, 09081-0511, to Robert Montgomery Jr., the sum of $4670.44 in full settlement of his claim for damages sustained on January 29, 1997 as a result of an accident with a City-owned vehicle at or near 1016 Cernral Ave. VJ. Requested by Department oE Adopti Certified by Councfl Secretary: BY� --��\�_�� Approved by Mayor: Date � �L � �' BY; �G"`'__' l�, F' an e and Mana e e t Se i s By: � f97 Fortn A roved b City ttorney: �� By: Approved by Mayo r Submission to Council BY: ��%L_!� Z1/°��l' Adopted by Council: Date � ����gf'( RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESaTA 97-/�� ����� FinancelRisk Management Division XNiTACT PERSON & PHONE Steve Voldal 266-8887 dUST BE ON COUNCIL RGENDA BY (�ATE) N!A TOTAL # OF SIGNATUpE PAGES zia7s� GREEN SHEET INRIAVOATE � DEPARTMENT DIfiECTOR Q CffY CAUNCIL iB � � GT' ATTORNEY � CT' CLERK m� � BUWET DIRECiOR � FIN. & MGT. SE IER � MpYOR (OR ASSISTANn � (CUP ALL LOCATtONS FOR SIGNATURE) IfIRIAUDATE Difl. Approvai of Resolution settling the property damage claim of Robert Montgomery Jr, against the City of Saint Paul in the amount of 54670.44. RECAMMENDATWNS: Approve (A) w Reject (R) _ PLANNING GOMMISSION _ GIV0. SERVICE CQMMISSION _ CIB COMMRTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ OISTRICTCqURT _ SUPPdHTS WHICH C�UNGI �B.IECTIVE? oaaoaruNm twno, PERSONAL SERVICE CANTRAGTS MUST ANSWER TH6 FOLLOWING QUESTfONS: t Has this persoMirm Evar workatl under a coMract for ihis tlepartmerrt? YES NO 2. Hes tBis personfirm ever been a ciry empbyee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNFirm possess a skill not normally possessed by aoy current ciry employee? YES NO Explain a11 yes anawers on aeparata sheet and attacb to green sheet On January 29, 1997 a City of Saint Paul squad car, driven by Michael Bratsch, struck a legally parked vehicle owned by Robert Montgomery Jr. Mr. Montgomery's 1996 Honda Accord sustained &4670.44 in damage, t have reached a settlement with Mr. Montgomery in the amount of 54670.44. R�CL,�V y� E ���:l�— IERR'� g��� Cou�ci� F€esearch Csn�er C`�� 21 i�v> APPROVED' Al AMOUNT Of TRANSACTION S 4670.44 COSTfREVENUE BUDQETEp (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO GL 001 Tort Liability 09081 DIfBG SOURCE ACTIYITY NUMBER JCIAL INFORfviAT10N: (EXPLAM) � �''� [�' � f"� � F, � j� F Counail File # � � �C�i"aQ. i..J �� � t..i ! 4�, 2;,_, Green Sheet # �� � � 2 0 RESOLVED, t�at, upon execution and delivery of a release in full to the City of Saint Paul, the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay from the Tort Liability Fund, 09081-0511, to Robert Montgomery Jr., the sum of $4670.44 in full settlement of his claim for damages sustained on January 29, 1997 as a result of an accident with a City-owned vehicle at or near 1016 Cernral Ave. VJ. Requested by Department oE Adopti Certified by Councfl Secretary: BY� --��\�_�� Approved by Mayor: Date � �L � �' BY; �G"`'__' l�, F' an e and Mana e e t Se i s By: � f97 Fortn A roved b City ttorney: �� By: Approved by Mayo r Submission to Council BY: ��%L_!� Z1/°��l' Adopted by Council: Date � ����gf'( RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESaTA 97-/�� ����� FinancelRisk Management Division XNiTACT PERSON & PHONE Steve Voldal 266-8887 dUST BE ON COUNCIL RGENDA BY (�ATE) N!A TOTAL # OF SIGNATUpE PAGES zia7s� GREEN SHEET INRIAVOATE � DEPARTMENT DIfiECTOR Q CffY CAUNCIL iB � � GT' ATTORNEY � CT' CLERK m� � BUWET DIRECiOR � FIN. & MGT. SE IER � MpYOR (OR ASSISTANn � (CUP ALL LOCATtONS FOR SIGNATURE) IfIRIAUDATE Difl. Approvai of Resolution settling the property damage claim of Robert Montgomery Jr, against the City of Saint Paul in the amount of 54670.44. RECAMMENDATWNS: Approve (A) w Reject (R) _ PLANNING GOMMISSION _ GIV0. SERVICE CQMMISSION _ CIB COMMRTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ OISTRICTCqURT _ SUPPdHTS WHICH C�UNGI �B.IECTIVE? oaaoaruNm twno, PERSONAL SERVICE CANTRAGTS MUST ANSWER TH6 FOLLOWING QUESTfONS: t Has this persoMirm Evar workatl under a coMract for ihis tlepartmerrt? YES NO 2. Hes tBis personfirm ever been a ciry empbyee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNFirm possess a skill not normally possessed by aoy current ciry employee? YES NO Explain a11 yes anawers on aeparata sheet and attacb to green sheet On January 29, 1997 a City of Saint Paul squad car, driven by Michael Bratsch, struck a legally parked vehicle owned by Robert Montgomery Jr. Mr. Montgomery's 1996 Honda Accord sustained &4670.44 in damage, t have reached a settlement with Mr. Montgomery in the amount of 54670.44. R�CL,�V y� E ���:l�— IERR'� g��� Cou�ci� F€esearch Csn�er C`�� 21 i�v> APPROVED' Al AMOUNT Of TRANSACTION S 4670.44 COSTfREVENUE BUDQETEp (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO GL 001 Tort Liability 09081 DIfBG SOURCE ACTIYITY NUMBER JCIAL INFORfviAT10N: (EXPLAM) � �''� [�' � f"� � F, � j� F Counail File # � � �C�i"aQ. i..J �� � t..i ! 4�, 2;,_, Green Sheet # �� � � 2 0 RESOLVED, t�at, upon execution and delivery of a release in full to the City of Saint Paul, the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay from the Tort Liability Fund, 09081-0511, to Robert Montgomery Jr., the sum of $4670.44 in full settlement of his claim for damages sustained on January 29, 1997 as a result of an accident with a City-owned vehicle at or near 1016 Cernral Ave. VJ. Requested by Department oE Adopti Certified by Councfl Secretary: BY� --��\�_�� Approved by Mayor: Date � �L � �' BY; �G"`'__' l�, F' an e and Mana e e t Se i s By: � f97 Fortn A roved b City ttorney: �� By: Approved by Mayo r Submission to Council BY: ��%L_!� Z1/°��l' Adopted by Council: Date � ����gf'( RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESaTA 97-/�� ����� FinancelRisk Management Division XNiTACT PERSON & PHONE Steve Voldal 266-8887 dUST BE ON COUNCIL RGENDA BY (�ATE) N!A TOTAL # OF SIGNATUpE PAGES zia7s� GREEN SHEET INRIAVOATE � DEPARTMENT DIfiECTOR Q CffY CAUNCIL iB � � GT' ATTORNEY � CT' CLERK m� � BUWET DIRECiOR � FIN. & MGT. SE IER � MpYOR (OR ASSISTANn � (CUP ALL LOCATtONS FOR SIGNATURE) IfIRIAUDATE Difl. Approvai of Resolution settling the property damage claim of Robert Montgomery Jr, against the City of Saint Paul in the amount of 54670.44. RECAMMENDATWNS: Approve (A) w Reject (R) _ PLANNING GOMMISSION _ GIV0. SERVICE CQMMISSION _ CIB COMMRTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ OISTRICTCqURT _ SUPPdHTS WHICH C�UNGI �B.IECTIVE? oaaoaruNm twno, PERSONAL SERVICE CANTRAGTS MUST ANSWER TH6 FOLLOWING QUESTfONS: t Has this persoMirm Evar workatl under a coMract for ihis tlepartmerrt? YES NO 2. Hes tBis personfirm ever been a ciry empbyee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNFirm possess a skill not normally possessed by aoy current ciry employee? YES NO Explain a11 yes anawers on aeparata sheet and attacb to green sheet On January 29, 1997 a City of Saint Paul squad car, driven by Michael Bratsch, struck a legally parked vehicle owned by Robert Montgomery Jr. Mr. Montgomery's 1996 Honda Accord sustained &4670.44 in damage, t have reached a settlement with Mr. Montgomery in the amount of 54670.44. R�CL,�V y� E ���:l�— IERR'� g��� Cou�ci� F€esearch Csn�er C`�� 21 i�v> APPROVED' Al AMOUNT Of TRANSACTION S 4670.44 COSTfREVENUE BUDQETEp (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO GL 001 Tort Liability 09081 DIfBG SOURCE ACTIYITY NUMBER JCIAL INFORfviAT10N: (EXPLAM)