97-161�� � � r, (�^� i 4:� 6 e��. :��'c 6., Council File ft - l A�� � Green Sheet # 32588 Presented By: Rehrted 70: � 1 3 4 5 a z s 9 10 it 12 19 14 15 i6 17 18 t9 zo z� n 23 24 26 2b 27 28 28 ao 39 a2 33 38 3b 36 37 aa ss ao a� u aa aa as as a� ✓� MINNESOTA CommiMee Date: WHEREAS, the 1993 MinnesoW Legislature (Laws of 7993, Chapter 375, Article 9, Sec. 46) authorized the City of Saint Paul to esWblish a 112 percent sales Wx on sales within the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, on June 29, 1993 the City Council of the City of Saint Paul approved a 1/2 percent sales tax (CF 93-783) in accordance with state law; and WHEREAS, state law requires an odd number year reporting of the use of the sates tax proceeds 6y the City of Saint Paul for the preceding two years; and WHEREAS, 30-year HRA Revenue 6onds were issued tor Civic Center coastrucGon and renovation purposes; and WHEREAS, sections 5-4(2) and 5-11(3)(4) of the bond indenture ailow the transfer of sales tax proceeds received by the City of Saint Paul to various aecounts established by a trustee of the Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority; now therefore 6e it RESOLVED, that the 1!2 percent City of Sairrt Paul sales tax proceeds are accounted for as summarized on the attachment: �pravsd by Mayor. DaYe�- � �1 l � � Requested by Department of: F�cecutive Administration - Mayor's Budget Office By: Approval Recommended by Budget irector: ey: �vYY�, (�--2� II — Form A rove by C�6r �� BY� ��� , ���2-�f� Approved by May or Submi sion to C� ncil: By: SanfPaulBUGge(O(fice(En9eIbreMF.1USERSIBU 133V1FSOLIITIW^TAXFPT.WICq f/9/95� /� �dopted by Councll; Date `a� �q �q� ry doption Certified 6y Council Secretary: � �°"". �}' DEPAR'R.f6N'L70FPICFICOONCO, � `` Ma o�'s'Office � ,r, y ;�3�`=c CONiACtP2&SON&PHONE Tom Cran, 266-8547 MfISf BE ON COUN(9. AGFNDA BY (DA7E} --� n . � rcECOMM1ffiiDAltONS: Approve (A) oe tkjttS (R) _PLANNINGCOAfAIISStON _C1Vp.SERVICECOA9NiSSION cfficoe.usrc� _ _A_SiAFF __ urs�crcouar _ INGPROBLEM,ISSUE, OYPORTIIiVI'1Y (�VLa, Wbar, Wnm, Where,llTyJ - enabling legislation requires the ciry, in odd number yeazs, to report the use of the sales taz proceeds for the preceding two years. SIGNATI]RE PAGES submission of sales ta�c report to the State of Minnesota ,���� °��l—\b� 02-12-97 GREEN SHEET NO. 32588 O! DEPARSA4i�ID�ECIY1& � CftYCQUNCQ ��HUMBFRSFOR a CIIYATIORTI6Y a tl'1l'CLERIC ,� o s��n�8 0 �.&�s���o�. �4 MAYOR(ORA556lNin �6 CH�FACCOIINI'ANS (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 'ERSONAL SERVICE CON7'RACfS MUSI ANSVYER THE FOLLOWIlVG QUESTIOL 1. Haz Yltis persoNfirm evu worked under a contract for this depariment? YES NO 2. Has this persoNFirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does Ihis persoNfirm pussess a skill mt normally possessed by any current city empluyee? YES NO iv�rnoeso-�areaoven. report will be submitted as required by law. None ¢�arxxoveo: �O�►s�ct( Research Cen�er ��� � � 1937 OISAOVANTAGF,S pp NO'L APPROVED� The city will be out of wmpliance with state laws. I'N.AMOUNI'OFTRANSACI'fON _ mmcsovxce f�J$ .NCW.INFORMATTON: (EJ@LAA') Q COSTIREVENUE80DGETED(C[RCLEONE) ( YES ) NO L_� A� s GL - �eoc - �a�ooc - �a SaintPaW BuCgetOffice (F:lusersWUdgefl123resolWZM8lstxrytvhA) City of Saint Paul Sales Tax Report - 1997 For the Period : Jan. 1995 thru Dec. 1996 RECEtPTS : Cash basis Gross Sales 7ax collected; Dept, of Revenue $19,034,467 tess deductions by Dept. of Revenue ($243,610} less refunds and ad}ustments ($52,914) Net to the City of Saint Paul $18,737,843 EXPENDITURES : Cash basis Pending Gity transfer to bond trustee (N1t1� City transfer to bond trustee (NVV) (*} 7RUSTEE TRANSACTIONS ; Debt Service interest payments Principal payments Reserve for debt payments (NW} Interest Earnings Trustee Fees Civic Center allocation (1) {nterest on bafances Expenditures Neighborhood account aliocation (2) interest on bafances Expenditures Cultural Arts account aliocation {3) tnterest on balances Expenditures �-� ��� $18,737,943 $141,068 $19,294,790 ($5,432,786) ($3,560,000} ($1,964,428) $48,566 ($5,432,786) ($3,560,000) ($1,964.428) $48,566 ($6,OQ0) ($6,000) $0 $0 $0 $7,441,315 $457, 863 $1,847,214 $457,863 ($1,847,214) $1,485,248 $88,557 $827,814 Cash availabie for projects & Debt (') The amount can be greater than collections based on prior periad year end payments due to the trustee $88,557 ($827,814) .•� .:: (1) The Civic Cen[er allocation is 40% of [he proceeds. The proceedi ete wrtendy Used for the Deb[ Service payments. The 40% is insufficient to cover debt service, and othet programs are not fully fimded. (2)1'he neighborfiood aibcation is 50% of the proceeds, nec of Deb[ service needs above the CC a0% shaze. (3) The Cu(turai A[CS al(ocation is ! 0%of the proceeds, aet of De6t Service needs above Ihe CC 40% shaze. CRC tweFilcbpana(� ec95`pc _ . . � 1 2 inister c:H:�rreR n�,.:i::, tt.r•. v,�. a�a� . . °� \lQ\ 3 to tne ao�e�"�.�� �-_. — Sebd. 7. (£FFECTZVE DATE.I This sectioa is effective the 4 crith g dav aPter comnliance bv the aovernina boc'v oE C6ok eountv 5 Mir.nesota Statete5, sec�ion.645.021-. subdivisicn 3• 7 See. A6. ,[CSTY OF S':: PAUL; SALES TAX AOT30RIZED.J g Subdiv_ i� 5 '_-o__n _ �T� "'�Y PE IN°OSED.] NotWiti 9' Nir.nesota Statutes, section 477A•416, or anv other contr s 10 m 1 � �.2 one-half of one oeccent o❑ szles trznsactio�s taxable fluzsuant ..«._ .ws .�:r 1J ,to Mlnnesocn ��«�"^ -- - , :q • Scbd. 2. (USE QF RPVENU£S.J�Aevenues received from the �ar 15 aathocized bv SLbdivision 1 mav onlv tre used bv the citv to oav 16 the cost of col�ectina the'tax and to aav for the fol?oain .��M 1 'J 18 on�bonds issued in accordance Wicn suoc-�+�.��� --- 19 follovina nroiects�. � , , 20 (a) To nav all or a artion oE the canital ex9er.ses oE 21 construcci�«. - - - � 22 and remodelina of the St. Paul Civic Center cor..oles. Z3 �y) ^he remainder of Ehe fends must' be s�ent�foc ca�ital 24 ro'ects to further residential, cultural. coc�ercial, and 25 econom?C develonment in both dOwntoun St. Paul and St. Paul � 25 neiahb� oL_ h_, Q___ a___� • • 27 Ev Jancarv 15 of each odd-numbered ear, the mavor and the 28 cit� council rest zeooct to the lecislature on the use of sales 29 30 3? 32 33 34 35 �6 tax revenues durina the acecedino tvo-vear .per?od. Subd. 3. (SONDS.) The cit mav issue ceneral obliaation bonds of the citv to E?nance all or a 9ortion oE the cost for oroiects authorized in subdivision 2, naraacaoh (at. The debt reDSesented bv the bonds sha11 nat be included in•com�utinq any debt limitations acalicable tb the ciev The bonds mav be aid from oc secured by anv funds available to [he city including the tax authorized under subdivision 1. The bonds mav be issued 251 ,r�.i _ . / 1 in one o / 2 oE issua 3 zs ethe� 4 sold, a� � C H.a PT E R h'��. 3; 5 H.F. Nu. 437 s t �'� l�\ 5:chaoter 475. The aaareaate orincioa� �•�•--•— - 6 nndec this subdivision ma not sxcee� Sb5 millian. � Subd. 4. {EtI£ORCEMENT: COLLECTSON•1 A sales tax imcosed g under subdivision l ma be reoorted and caid to Che commissicnec g oE revenue with the state sales tax, and be sub'ect to the same 10 aenalties, interest, and enforcement ocovisions imoosed under . 11 Hinnesota Seatutes, chaoters 2fl9A and 297A. IE cY.e commissioner 7,Z oE revenue entecs into aoorooriate�aareements vith the citv to 13 ocovi2e Eor collection oE these taxes bv the stzte on behalE ef •lq the �itv, the com.missiorier sha11 charae the ciGv a rea5onab!a � 15 fee foc its collection Erom the osoceeds oP anv taxes to ensure 16 that no state Evnds are exnended Eor the colleet:on o� e . - 17 tares. The aioceeds of the taz. less the eost of colleceion, . lg sha11 He remitted monthlv to Cha citv and the citv 5ha11• deoosi.t • ' ukv-? .-1433�__the . 19 svch•sums into a dedicated Fund. Hv 3� Zp cor.unissioner o£ ce�enue shall ocovide [he cit an estimate of • 21 the cost oE'collection. � � • ZZ� Subd. 5. IEXP?�TION OF TAXING AUSF.ORZTY•l The au��? �3 aranted bV subdivision 1 to the cit to imoose a sales tax shall 24 ex�ire when the orir.cival and interest on anv Londs or otYer Z5 obliaatibns i'ssued ko finance oro'ects authozized in�su5division y5 2, oaraaranh (a) have been oaid or at an eaclie:�time as the z� citv shall, bv ordinance, determine.� Anv Eunds temainina aEter yg comoleeion o£ vco'ects aearaved under subdivision 2, aaracraah Zy {a and retirement ot redemntion oE an bonds c_ other 30� ob?iaations maV be nlaced in the aer.ecal Fund oE the citv. 31 Sub�d ��OCAL AP?RQVAL: EfFECTIV� DATE.) 2hi5 se� } � 3Z .efEective the da follo�+ina final enactment, ar.d aEter • of the'ci[v of St. Paul with • �} comnliance b the aovernin bod 34 Minnesota Statu�es,�section 645.021. subdivisicn 3, Ni[h resoect 35 to that section. IE the St. Pavl cit council intends to • 36 exercise the authoritv �covided b this seceion, it shall oass a i 252 �� � � r, (�^� i 4:� 6 e��. :��'c 6., Council File ft - l A�� � Green Sheet # 32588 Presented By: Rehrted 70: � 1 3 4 5 a z s 9 10 it 12 19 14 15 i6 17 18 t9 zo z� n 23 24 26 2b 27 28 28 ao 39 a2 33 38 3b 36 37 aa ss ao a� u aa aa as as a� ✓� MINNESOTA CommiMee Date: WHEREAS, the 1993 MinnesoW Legislature (Laws of 7993, Chapter 375, Article 9, Sec. 46) authorized the City of Saint Paul to esWblish a 112 percent sales Wx on sales within the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, on June 29, 1993 the City Council of the City of Saint Paul approved a 1/2 percent sales tax (CF 93-783) in accordance with state law; and WHEREAS, state law requires an odd number year reporting of the use of the sates tax proceeds 6y the City of Saint Paul for the preceding two years; and WHEREAS, 30-year HRA Revenue 6onds were issued tor Civic Center coastrucGon and renovation purposes; and WHEREAS, sections 5-4(2) and 5-11(3)(4) of the bond indenture ailow the transfer of sales tax proceeds received by the City of Saint Paul to various aecounts established by a trustee of the Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority; now therefore 6e it RESOLVED, that the 1!2 percent City of Sairrt Paul sales tax proceeds are accounted for as summarized on the attachment: �pravsd by Mayor. DaYe�- � �1 l � � Requested by Department of: F�cecutive Administration - Mayor's Budget Office By: Approval Recommended by Budget irector: ey: �vYY�, (�--2� II — Form A rove by C�6r �� BY� ��� , ���2-�f� Approved by May or Submi sion to C� ncil: By: SanfPaulBUGge(O(fice(En9eIbreMF.1USERSIBU 133V1FSOLIITIW^TAXFPT.WICq f/9/95� /� �dopted by Councll; Date `a� �q �q� ry doption Certified 6y Council Secretary: � �°"". �}' DEPAR'R.f6N'L70FPICFICOONCO, � `` Ma o�'s'Office � ,r, y ;�3�`=c CONiACtP2&SON&PHONE Tom Cran, 266-8547 MfISf BE ON COUN(9. AGFNDA BY (DA7E} --� n . � rcECOMM1ffiiDAltONS: Approve (A) oe tkjttS (R) _PLANNINGCOAfAIISStON _C1Vp.SERVICECOA9NiSSION cfficoe.usrc� _ _A_SiAFF __ urs�crcouar _ INGPROBLEM,ISSUE, OYPORTIIiVI'1Y (�VLa, Wbar, Wnm, Where,llTyJ - enabling legislation requires the ciry, in odd number yeazs, to report the use of the sales taz proceeds for the preceding two years. SIGNATI]RE PAGES submission of sales ta�c report to the State of Minnesota ,���� °��l—\b� 02-12-97 GREEN SHEET NO. 32588 O! DEPARSA4i�ID�ECIY1& � CftYCQUNCQ ��HUMBFRSFOR a CIIYATIORTI6Y a tl'1l'CLERIC ,� o s��n�8 0 �.&�s���o�. �4 MAYOR(ORA556lNin �6 CH�FACCOIINI'ANS (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 'ERSONAL SERVICE CON7'RACfS MUSI ANSVYER THE FOLLOWIlVG QUESTIOL 1. Haz Yltis persoNfirm evu worked under a contract for this depariment? YES NO 2. Has this persoNFirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does Ihis persoNfirm pussess a skill mt normally possessed by any current city empluyee? YES NO iv�rnoeso-�areaoven. report will be submitted as required by law. None ¢�arxxoveo: �O�►s�ct( Research Cen�er ��� � � 1937 OISAOVANTAGF,S pp NO'L APPROVED� The city will be out of wmpliance with state laws. I'N.AMOUNI'OFTRANSACI'fON _ mmcsovxce f�J$ .NCW.INFORMATTON: (EJ@LAA') Q COSTIREVENUE80DGETED(C[RCLEONE) ( YES ) NO L_� A� s GL - �eoc - �a�ooc - �a SaintPaW BuCgetOffice (F:lusersWUdgefl123resolWZM8lstxrytvhA) City of Saint Paul Sales Tax Report - 1997 For the Period : Jan. 1995 thru Dec. 1996 RECEtPTS : Cash basis Gross Sales 7ax collected; Dept, of Revenue $19,034,467 tess deductions by Dept. of Revenue ($243,610} less refunds and ad}ustments ($52,914) Net to the City of Saint Paul $18,737,843 EXPENDITURES : Cash basis Pending Gity transfer to bond trustee (N1t1� City transfer to bond trustee (NVV) (*} 7RUSTEE TRANSACTIONS ; Debt Service interest payments Principal payments Reserve for debt payments (NW} Interest Earnings Trustee Fees Civic Center allocation (1) {nterest on bafances Expenditures Neighborhood account aliocation (2) interest on bafances Expenditures Cultural Arts account aliocation {3) tnterest on balances Expenditures �-� ��� $18,737,943 $141,068 $19,294,790 ($5,432,786) ($3,560,000} ($1,964,428) $48,566 ($5,432,786) ($3,560,000) ($1,964.428) $48,566 ($6,OQ0) ($6,000) $0 $0 $0 $7,441,315 $457, 863 $1,847,214 $457,863 ($1,847,214) $1,485,248 $88,557 $827,814 Cash availabie for projects & Debt (') The amount can be greater than collections based on prior periad year end payments due to the trustee $88,557 ($827,814) .•� .:: (1) The Civic Cen[er allocation is 40% of [he proceeds. The proceedi ete wrtendy Used for the Deb[ Service payments. The 40% is insufficient to cover debt service, and othet programs are not fully fimded. (2)1'he neighborfiood aibcation is 50% of the proceeds, nec of Deb[ service needs above the CC a0% shaze. (3) The Cu(turai A[CS al(ocation is ! 0%of the proceeds, aet of De6t Service needs above Ihe CC 40% shaze. CRC tweFilcbpana(� ec95`pc _ . . � 1 2 inister c:H:�rreR n�,.:i::, tt.r•. v,�. a�a� . . °� \lQ\ 3 to tne ao�e�"�.�� �-_. — Sebd. 7. (£FFECTZVE DATE.I This sectioa is effective the 4 crith g dav aPter comnliance bv the aovernina boc'v oE C6ok eountv 5 Mir.nesota Statete5, sec�ion.645.021-. subdivisicn 3• 7 See. A6. ,[CSTY OF S':: PAUL; SALES TAX AOT30RIZED.J g Subdiv_ i� 5 '_-o__n _ �T� "'�Y PE IN°OSED.] NotWiti 9' Nir.nesota Statutes, section 477A•416, or anv other contr s 10 m 1 � �.2 one-half of one oeccent o❑ szles trznsactio�s taxable fluzsuant ..«._ .ws .�:r 1J ,to Mlnnesocn ��«�"^ -- - , :q • Scbd. 2. (USE QF RPVENU£S.J�Aevenues received from the �ar 15 aathocized bv SLbdivision 1 mav onlv tre used bv the citv to oav 16 the cost of col�ectina the'tax and to aav for the fol?oain .��M 1 'J 18 on�bonds issued in accordance Wicn suoc-�+�.��� --- 19 follovina nroiects�. � , , 20 (a) To nav all or a artion oE the canital ex9er.ses oE 21 construcci�«. - - - � 22 and remodelina of the St. Paul Civic Center cor..oles. Z3 �y) ^he remainder of Ehe fends must' be s�ent�foc ca�ital 24 ro'ects to further residential, cultural. coc�ercial, and 25 econom?C develonment in both dOwntoun St. Paul and St. Paul � 25 neiahb� oL_ h_, Q___ a___� • • 27 Ev Jancarv 15 of each odd-numbered ear, the mavor and the 28 cit� council rest zeooct to the lecislature on the use of sales 29 30 3? 32 33 34 35 �6 tax revenues durina the acecedino tvo-vear .per?od. Subd. 3. (SONDS.) The cit mav issue ceneral obliaation bonds of the citv to E?nance all or a 9ortion oE the cost for oroiects authorized in subdivision 2, naraacaoh (at. The debt reDSesented bv the bonds sha11 nat be included in•com�utinq any debt limitations acalicable tb the ciev The bonds mav be aid from oc secured by anv funds available to [he city including the tax authorized under subdivision 1. The bonds mav be issued 251 ,r�.i _ . / 1 in one o / 2 oE issua 3 zs ethe� 4 sold, a� � C H.a PT E R h'��. 3; 5 H.F. Nu. 437 s t �'� l�\ 5:chaoter 475. The aaareaate orincioa� �•�•--•— - 6 nndec this subdivision ma not sxcee� Sb5 millian. � Subd. 4. {EtI£ORCEMENT: COLLECTSON•1 A sales tax imcosed g under subdivision l ma be reoorted and caid to Che commissicnec g oE revenue with the state sales tax, and be sub'ect to the same 10 aenalties, interest, and enforcement ocovisions imoosed under . 11 Hinnesota Seatutes, chaoters 2fl9A and 297A. IE cY.e commissioner 7,Z oE revenue entecs into aoorooriate�aareements vith the citv to 13 ocovi2e Eor collection oE these taxes bv the stzte on behalE ef •lq the �itv, the com.missiorier sha11 charae the ciGv a rea5onab!a � 15 fee foc its collection Erom the osoceeds oP anv taxes to ensure 16 that no state Evnds are exnended Eor the colleet:on o� e . - 17 tares. The aioceeds of the taz. less the eost of colleceion, . lg sha11 He remitted monthlv to Cha citv and the citv 5ha11• deoosi.t • ' ukv-? .-1433�__the . 19 svch•sums into a dedicated Fund. Hv 3� Zp cor.unissioner o£ ce�enue shall ocovide [he cit an estimate of • 21 the cost oE'collection. � � • ZZ� Subd. 5. IEXP?�TION OF TAXING AUSF.ORZTY•l The au��? �3 aranted bV subdivision 1 to the cit to imoose a sales tax shall 24 ex�ire when the orir.cival and interest on anv Londs or otYer Z5 obliaatibns i'ssued ko finance oro'ects authozized in�su5division y5 2, oaraaranh (a) have been oaid or at an eaclie:�time as the z� citv shall, bv ordinance, determine.� Anv Eunds temainina aEter yg comoleeion o£ vco'ects aearaved under subdivision 2, aaracraah Zy {a and retirement ot redemntion oE an bonds c_ other 30� ob?iaations maV be nlaced in the aer.ecal Fund oE the citv. 31 Sub�d ��OCAL AP?RQVAL: EfFECTIV� DATE.) 2hi5 se� } � 3Z .efEective the da follo�+ina final enactment, ar.d aEter • of the'ci[v of St. Paul with • �} comnliance b the aovernin bod 34 Minnesota Statu�es,�section 645.021. subdivisicn 3, Ni[h resoect 35 to that section. IE the St. Pavl cit council intends to • 36 exercise the authoritv �covided b this seceion, it shall oass a i 252 �� � � r, (�^� i 4:� 6 e��. :��'c 6., Council File ft - l A�� � Green Sheet # 32588 Presented By: Rehrted 70: � 1 3 4 5 a z s 9 10 it 12 19 14 15 i6 17 18 t9 zo z� n 23 24 26 2b 27 28 28 ao 39 a2 33 38 3b 36 37 aa ss ao a� u aa aa as as a� ✓� MINNESOTA CommiMee Date: WHEREAS, the 1993 MinnesoW Legislature (Laws of 7993, Chapter 375, Article 9, Sec. 46) authorized the City of Saint Paul to esWblish a 112 percent sales Wx on sales within the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, on June 29, 1993 the City Council of the City of Saint Paul approved a 1/2 percent sales tax (CF 93-783) in accordance with state law; and WHEREAS, state law requires an odd number year reporting of the use of the sates tax proceeds 6y the City of Saint Paul for the preceding two years; and WHEREAS, 30-year HRA Revenue 6onds were issued tor Civic Center coastrucGon and renovation purposes; and WHEREAS, sections 5-4(2) and 5-11(3)(4) of the bond indenture ailow the transfer of sales tax proceeds received by the City of Saint Paul to various aecounts established by a trustee of the Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority; now therefore 6e it RESOLVED, that the 1!2 percent City of Sairrt Paul sales tax proceeds are accounted for as summarized on the attachment: �pravsd by Mayor. DaYe�- � �1 l � � Requested by Department of: F�cecutive Administration - Mayor's Budget Office By: Approval Recommended by Budget irector: ey: �vYY�, (�--2� II — Form A rove by C�6r �� BY� ��� , ���2-�f� Approved by May or Submi sion to C� ncil: By: SanfPaulBUGge(O(fice(En9eIbreMF.1USERSIBU 133V1FSOLIITIW^TAXFPT.WICq f/9/95� /� �dopted by Councll; Date `a� �q �q� ry doption Certified 6y Council Secretary: � �°"". �}' DEPAR'R.f6N'L70FPICFICOONCO, � `` Ma o�'s'Office � ,r, y ;�3�`=c CONiACtP2&SON&PHONE Tom Cran, 266-8547 MfISf BE ON COUN(9. AGFNDA BY (DA7E} --� n . � rcECOMM1ffiiDAltONS: Approve (A) oe tkjttS (R) _PLANNINGCOAfAIISStON _C1Vp.SERVICECOA9NiSSION cfficoe.usrc� _ _A_SiAFF __ urs�crcouar _ INGPROBLEM,ISSUE, OYPORTIIiVI'1Y (�VLa, Wbar, Wnm, Where,llTyJ - enabling legislation requires the ciry, in odd number yeazs, to report the use of the sales taz proceeds for the preceding two years. SIGNATI]RE PAGES submission of sales ta�c report to the State of Minnesota ,���� °��l—\b� 02-12-97 GREEN SHEET NO. 32588 O! DEPARSA4i�ID�ECIY1& � CftYCQUNCQ ��HUMBFRSFOR a CIIYATIORTI6Y a tl'1l'CLERIC ,� o s��n�8 0 �.&�s���o�. �4 MAYOR(ORA556lNin �6 CH�FACCOIINI'ANS (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 'ERSONAL SERVICE CON7'RACfS MUSI ANSVYER THE FOLLOWIlVG QUESTIOL 1. Haz Yltis persoNfirm evu worked under a contract for this depariment? YES NO 2. Has this persoNFirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does Ihis persoNfirm pussess a skill mt normally possessed by any current city empluyee? YES NO iv�rnoeso-�areaoven. report will be submitted as required by law. None ¢�arxxoveo: �O�►s�ct( Research Cen�er ��� � � 1937 OISAOVANTAGF,S pp NO'L APPROVED� The city will be out of wmpliance with state laws. I'N.AMOUNI'OFTRANSACI'fON _ mmcsovxce f�J$ .NCW.INFORMATTON: (EJ@LAA') Q COSTIREVENUE80DGETED(C[RCLEONE) ( YES ) NO L_� A� s GL - �eoc - �a�ooc - �a SaintPaW BuCgetOffice (F:lusersWUdgefl123resolWZM8lstxrytvhA) City of Saint Paul Sales Tax Report - 1997 For the Period : Jan. 1995 thru Dec. 1996 RECEtPTS : Cash basis Gross Sales 7ax collected; Dept, of Revenue $19,034,467 tess deductions by Dept. of Revenue ($243,610} less refunds and ad}ustments ($52,914) Net to the City of Saint Paul $18,737,843 EXPENDITURES : Cash basis Pending Gity transfer to bond trustee (N1t1� City transfer to bond trustee (NVV) (*} 7RUSTEE TRANSACTIONS ; Debt Service interest payments Principal payments Reserve for debt payments (NW} Interest Earnings Trustee Fees Civic Center allocation (1) {nterest on bafances Expenditures Neighborhood account aliocation (2) interest on bafances Expenditures Cultural Arts account aliocation {3) tnterest on balances Expenditures �-� ��� $18,737,943 $141,068 $19,294,790 ($5,432,786) ($3,560,000} ($1,964,428) $48,566 ($5,432,786) ($3,560,000) ($1,964.428) $48,566 ($6,OQ0) ($6,000) $0 $0 $0 $7,441,315 $457, 863 $1,847,214 $457,863 ($1,847,214) $1,485,248 $88,557 $827,814 Cash availabie for projects & Debt (') The amount can be greater than collections based on prior periad year end payments due to the trustee $88,557 ($827,814) .•� .:: (1) The Civic Cen[er allocation is 40% of [he proceeds. The proceedi ete wrtendy Used for the Deb[ Service payments. The 40% is insufficient to cover debt service, and othet programs are not fully fimded. (2)1'he neighborfiood aibcation is 50% of the proceeds, nec of Deb[ service needs above the CC a0% shaze. (3) The Cu(turai A[CS al(ocation is ! 0%of the proceeds, aet of De6t Service needs above Ihe CC 40% shaze. CRC tweFilcbpana(� ec95`pc _ . . � 1 2 inister c:H:�rreR n�,.:i::, tt.r•. v,�. a�a� . . °� \lQ\ 3 to tne ao�e�"�.�� �-_. — Sebd. 7. (£FFECTZVE DATE.I This sectioa is effective the 4 crith g dav aPter comnliance bv the aovernina boc'v oE C6ok eountv 5 Mir.nesota Statete5, sec�ion.645.021-. subdivisicn 3• 7 See. A6. ,[CSTY OF S':: PAUL; SALES TAX AOT30RIZED.J g Subdiv_ i� 5 '_-o__n _ �T� "'�Y PE IN°OSED.] NotWiti 9' Nir.nesota Statutes, section 477A•416, or anv other contr s 10 m 1 � �.2 one-half of one oeccent o❑ szles trznsactio�s taxable fluzsuant ..«._ .ws .�:r 1J ,to Mlnnesocn ��«�"^ -- - , :q • Scbd. 2. (USE QF RPVENU£S.J�Aevenues received from the �ar 15 aathocized bv SLbdivision 1 mav onlv tre used bv the citv to oav 16 the cost of col�ectina the'tax and to aav for the fol?oain .��M 1 'J 18 on�bonds issued in accordance Wicn suoc-�+�.��� --- 19 follovina nroiects�. � , , 20 (a) To nav all or a artion oE the canital ex9er.ses oE 21 construcci�«. - - - � 22 and remodelina of the St. Paul Civic Center cor..oles. Z3 �y) ^he remainder of Ehe fends must' be s�ent�foc ca�ital 24 ro'ects to further residential, cultural. coc�ercial, and 25 econom?C develonment in both dOwntoun St. Paul and St. Paul � 25 neiahb� oL_ h_, Q___ a___� • • 27 Ev Jancarv 15 of each odd-numbered ear, the mavor and the 28 cit� council rest zeooct to the lecislature on the use of sales 29 30 3? 32 33 34 35 �6 tax revenues durina the acecedino tvo-vear .per?od. Subd. 3. (SONDS.) The cit mav issue ceneral obliaation bonds of the citv to E?nance all or a 9ortion oE the cost for oroiects authorized in subdivision 2, naraacaoh (at. The debt reDSesented bv the bonds sha11 nat be included in•com�utinq any debt limitations acalicable tb the ciev The bonds mav be aid from oc secured by anv funds available to [he city including the tax authorized under subdivision 1. The bonds mav be issued 251 ,r�.i _ . / 1 in one o / 2 oE issua 3 zs ethe� 4 sold, a� � C H.a PT E R h'��. 3; 5 H.F. Nu. 437 s t �'� l�\ 5:chaoter 475. The aaareaate orincioa� �•�•--•— - 6 nndec this subdivision ma not sxcee� Sb5 millian. � Subd. 4. {EtI£ORCEMENT: COLLECTSON•1 A sales tax imcosed g under subdivision l ma be reoorted and caid to Che commissicnec g oE revenue with the state sales tax, and be sub'ect to the same 10 aenalties, interest, and enforcement ocovisions imoosed under . 11 Hinnesota Seatutes, chaoters 2fl9A and 297A. IE cY.e commissioner 7,Z oE revenue entecs into aoorooriate�aareements vith the citv to 13 ocovi2e Eor collection oE these taxes bv the stzte on behalE ef •lq the �itv, the com.missiorier sha11 charae the ciGv a rea5onab!a � 15 fee foc its collection Erom the osoceeds oP anv taxes to ensure 16 that no state Evnds are exnended Eor the colleet:on o� e . - 17 tares. The aioceeds of the taz. less the eost of colleceion, . lg sha11 He remitted monthlv to Cha citv and the citv 5ha11• deoosi.t • ' ukv-? .-1433�__the . 19 svch•sums into a dedicated Fund. Hv 3� Zp cor.unissioner o£ ce�enue shall ocovide [he cit an estimate of • 21 the cost oE'collection. � � • ZZ� Subd. 5. IEXP?�TION OF TAXING AUSF.ORZTY•l The au��? �3 aranted bV subdivision 1 to the cit to imoose a sales tax shall 24 ex�ire when the orir.cival and interest on anv Londs or otYer Z5 obliaatibns i'ssued ko finance oro'ects authozized in�su5division y5 2, oaraaranh (a) have been oaid or at an eaclie:�time as the z� citv shall, bv ordinance, determine.� Anv Eunds temainina aEter yg comoleeion o£ vco'ects aearaved under subdivision 2, aaracraah Zy {a and retirement ot redemntion oE an bonds c_ other 30� ob?iaations maV be nlaced in the aer.ecal Fund oE the citv. 31 Sub�d ��OCAL AP?RQVAL: EfFECTIV� DATE.) 2hi5 se� } � 3Z .efEective the da follo�+ina final enactment, ar.d aEter • of the'ci[v of St. Paul with • �} comnliance b the aovernin bod 34 Minnesota Statu�es,�section 645.021. subdivisicn 3, Ni[h resoect 35 to that section. IE the St. Pavl cit council intends to • 36 exercise the authoritv �covided b this seceion, it shall oass a i 252