D00529CITY OF SAINT PAUL • OFFICE OF'PHE MAYOR /•\17�511�1('YIIZVY\�Ix1]:�I1�7 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDSR, Na: �O(�J�L Date: �1 - 2 ! " 4JI3EREAS, one of the major recommendations of ffie "Re-engineering the Economic Development Process" study is that the City's major economic development agencies (PED, the Port Authoriry, Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, and Metro East Development Partnership (MEDP) will form an operating partnership; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Ciry to become a member of MEDP. The City's involvement enables MEDP to provide prospective and existing metro east businesses with a variety of qualiry economic development services including: an extensive business refesal system, site locaflon and property tracking assistance, in-depth demograpluc and economic data information, small husiness mentoring and a series of bi-monthly educationa( programs; and NOW, THEREFORE, the Department of Planning and Economic Development is hereby authorized to use funds from the PED Operations Fund in the amount of $15,000 for memberslup investment for the period 04f01J95 to 04101J96. FUND SOURCE: 126-36010-OZ55 • APPROVED AS TO FORM c < � Assistattt City Attqrney DA W Department Head UI � Admiuistradve Assisuwt to Mayor �52� � OEPAFiTMENT�QFFICElC�UNCU. OA INITIATEp ��J 31690 Plannin & Economic Develo ment 4 1 GREEN `SHEET __ - C ACTPERSONSPHONE INIiIAVDATE INITIAVDATE (� � DEPAFTMENTDIRECTOR � CRYCOUNCIL Carole Otto 266-6635 �3 U.� ��'M ��TYATfORNEY �CR1'CLEAK 5T BE ON COUNCIL AGENOA BV (DA'I� NUMBBR FOR ���. DiRECTOR � FIN. & MGt SERVICES'Diq. NOUTING OROER MAYOR iOR ASSISTANT) �(; _ nt t n TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CItP ALl lOCA710NS FOR SIGNATURE) C. Haas � �� 9,.5 ACiION REQUE5fED: Signature on Administrative Order to approve auChorization for membership with Metro East Development Partnership for the period 04/01/95 - 04(01/96 REfAMMENDATqNS: Appove (A) m Aeject (p) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TME FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SEflVICE COMMIS$ION �� Has this person/Firm ever worked under a coM2ct for this departmeM? - _ CIB COMMITTEE YES NO _ S7AFF 2. Fias this person�rm e�er been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ o�SiNict cquqi _ 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curte�t c' em �Y P�Yee? SUPPOflTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? YES NO Explafn all yes answers on seperete sheet and ettach to green aheet INITIATING PflOBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUN77Y (W�o. Whaq WhBn, Where, Why): One of the major recommendations of the "Re-engineering the Economic Development Process" study is that the City's major economic development agencies (PED, the Port Authority, Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, and Metro East Development Partnership (MEDP) will form an operating partnership. It is necessary for the City to become a member of MEDP. VANTAGESIFAPPROVE�: � he City of Saint Paul will continue its efforts toward an operating partnership with MEDP as recommended in the "Re-engineering the Economic Development Process" study. MEDP will focus on five strategic areas of entrepeneurial growth, business retention/expansion, business attraction, marketing and communication and research, all of which are key to ' the Gity's economic development vitality. DISA�VANTAGES IFAPPROVED� RECEIVED - None Al�R 21 1995 R��,�'���:� APR 2 � 1995 C�TY Ct���: :��`���°s� ������ �R i9 i�95 CtTY ATT�RNEY , DI3ADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: It will be more difficult to make progress toward the operating partnership with MEDP. TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION $ 1S OOO COST/pEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE PEA Onerations Fund ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANC1Al INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) f J„ t uw