97-1594Council F�e # 97—�594 Green Sheet # 62184 CITY OF Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, Ramsey Action Programs carries out vital prograuiing to benefit the poor of Ramsey County; and 2 WHEREAS, the Ramsey Action Prograzns Multi-Service Center, 450 North Syndicate Street, is in need of fmal 3 funding to complete renovation; 4 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that HRA and PED staff work with Ramsey Acrion Programs and Ramsey 5 County to develop the means to finalize funding for the renovation through addifional fixnding or restructuring of 6 e�sting debt; 7 And tl�at staff should consider the attached proposal and case statement which delineates the finuicial impact RAP's 8 pzograming has on the residents of Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul; 9 And, finally, that they report back to the HI2A/City Council at the eariiest possible date to present their findings and 10 solution. Requested by Deparknent o£ • � Form Approved by City Attomey � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councfl By: a . - Approved by or: Date � � By: AdoptedbyCouncil: Date �� '�o l°��('� c�cy coun��i Councilmember Blakey Dec. 30, 1997 AESIGN NIII�ER FOR ROIRHid ORDFR TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET ocru��ronrttorz 97-1594 No 62184 uanrmm arccaMO. ❑ arcwttaeEr � anc�uc ❑ AMNfL1L1ERMCFJOR ❑ RYNC4LiFkV/IC�f6 ❑ YYpII�Ai9Tll111i) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIC�NATURE) Directing Housing and Redevelopment Authority staff and Planning and Economic Development staff to work with Ramsey Action Programs and Ramsey County to develop the menas to finalize funding for the renovation of Ramsey Action Programs' Multi-Service Center at 450 Syndicate Street. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITf'EE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION IFAPPROVED �i199:NPn�1 TRANSACTION Has fhic Pe�sorJfiim everxwked under a contract forMis departmenl'r VES NO Hes tllie V���rtn e�ef been e cilY elnDbYce� YES NO Does this Pe��rm P� a sld0 iat raimallYG� M' a�Y eurrerrt citY emDbyee? YES NO Is Mis P�rtn a tergetetl vendoYt YES NO �lain all vcs ansxeB an seW2te Sheet 2M 2M2Ch W OfEMI ih22� COSTIREVENUE BUDQETED (qRCLE ON� ACTIVRY N111,BER YES NO INFORMATION (IXPWN) Council F�e # 97—�594 Green Sheet # 62184 CITY OF Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, Ramsey Action Programs carries out vital prograuiing to benefit the poor of Ramsey County; and 2 WHEREAS, the Ramsey Action Prograzns Multi-Service Center, 450 North Syndicate Street, is in need of fmal 3 funding to complete renovation; 4 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that HRA and PED staff work with Ramsey Acrion Programs and Ramsey 5 County to develop the means to finalize funding for the renovation through addifional fixnding or restructuring of 6 e�sting debt; 7 And tl�at staff should consider the attached proposal and case statement which delineates the finuicial impact RAP's 8 pzograming has on the residents of Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul; 9 And, finally, that they report back to the HI2A/City Council at the eariiest possible date to present their findings and 10 solution. Requested by Deparknent o£ • � Form Approved by City Attomey � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councfl By: a . - Approved by or: Date � � By: AdoptedbyCouncil: Date �� '�o l°��('� c�cy coun��i Councilmember Blakey Dec. 30, 1997 AESIGN NIII�ER FOR ROIRHid ORDFR TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET ocru��ronrttorz 97-1594 No 62184 uanrmm arccaMO. ❑ arcwttaeEr � anc�uc ❑ AMNfL1L1ERMCFJOR ❑ RYNC4LiFkV/IC�f6 ❑ YYpII�Ai9Tll111i) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIC�NATURE) Directing Housing and Redevelopment Authority staff and Planning and Economic Development staff to work with Ramsey Action Programs and Ramsey County to develop the menas to finalize funding for the renovation of Ramsey Action Programs' Multi-Service Center at 450 Syndicate Street. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITf'EE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION IFAPPROVED �i199:NPn�1 TRANSACTION Has fhic Pe�sorJfiim everxwked under a contract forMis departmenl'r VES NO Hes tllie V���rtn e�ef been e cilY elnDbYce� YES NO Does this Pe��rm P� a sld0 iat raimallYG� M' a�Y eurrerrt citY emDbyee? YES NO Is Mis P�rtn a tergetetl vendoYt YES NO �lain all vcs ansxeB an seW2te Sheet 2M 2M2Ch W OfEMI ih22� COSTIREVENUE BUDQETED (qRCLE ON� ACTIVRY N111,BER YES NO INFORMATION (IXPWN) Council F�e # 97—�594 Green Sheet # 62184 CITY OF Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, Ramsey Action Programs carries out vital prograuiing to benefit the poor of Ramsey County; and 2 WHEREAS, the Ramsey Action Prograzns Multi-Service Center, 450 North Syndicate Street, is in need of fmal 3 funding to complete renovation; 4 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that HRA and PED staff work with Ramsey Acrion Programs and Ramsey 5 County to develop the means to finalize funding for the renovation through addifional fixnding or restructuring of 6 e�sting debt; 7 And tl�at staff should consider the attached proposal and case statement which delineates the finuicial impact RAP's 8 pzograming has on the residents of Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul; 9 And, finally, that they report back to the HI2A/City Council at the eariiest possible date to present their findings and 10 solution. Requested by Deparknent o£ • � Form Approved by City Attomey � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councfl By: a . - Approved by or: Date � � By: AdoptedbyCouncil: Date �� '�o l°��('� c�cy coun��i Councilmember Blakey Dec. 30, 1997 AESIGN NIII�ER FOR ROIRHid ORDFR TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET ocru��ronrttorz 97-1594 No 62184 uanrmm arccaMO. ❑ arcwttaeEr � anc�uc ❑ AMNfL1L1ERMCFJOR ❑ RYNC4LiFkV/IC�f6 ❑ YYpII�Ai9Tll111i) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIC�NATURE) Directing Housing and Redevelopment Authority staff and Planning and Economic Development staff to work with Ramsey Action Programs and Ramsey County to develop the menas to finalize funding for the renovation of Ramsey Action Programs' Multi-Service Center at 450 Syndicate Street. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITf'EE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION IFAPPROVED �i199:NPn�1 TRANSACTION Has fhic Pe�sorJfiim everxwked under a contract forMis departmenl'r VES NO Hes tllie V���rtn e�ef been e cilY elnDbYce� YES NO Does this Pe��rm P� a sld0 iat raimallYG� M' a�Y eurrerrt citY emDbyee? YES NO Is Mis P�rtn a tergetetl vendoYt YES NO �lain all vcs ansxeB an seW2te Sheet 2M 2M2Ch W OfEMI ih22� COSTIREVENUE BUDQETED (qRCLE ON� ACTIVRY N111,BER YES NO INFORMATION (IXPWN)