97-1583Covncil File # 97-- /S83 Presented By ORIGINAL Financing Plan: General Fund 001-00000-9830 Use of Fund Balance All Other Fund Financing Green Sheet # �QZ.O3 RESOLUTfON SAINT Pql�L, MINNESOTA Committee: Date Referred To �s 1 WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that 2 there are available for appropriauon revenues in excess of those estimated in ffie 1997 General 3 Fund Budget; and, 4 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1997 General Fund Budget: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 m Spending Plan: Technology and Management Services Risk Management Diuision 001-01370-0141 Overtime 001-01370-0219 Fees, Professional Services All Other Fund Spending Cunent Amended B� Chanees Bud�et 1,713,312 28,200 150.136.915 151.850.227 28.200 1,741,512 150.136.915 151.878.427 2,000 5,700 7,700 69.645 22 50 92.145 151,778.582 0 151.778.582 151 850 227 28 20 151_878.427 19 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 1997 budget. Finance/Risk Management Division Ron J. Guilfoile 266 8880 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 12/10/97 r!�^* _-,�� Approval of attached budget resalution. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMRTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION GREEN SHEET �,..���.� qrj— /583 No 60203 M� �� � �.,,�. ❑ �«� �ww¢w.scaxccFSme. �wu�w�mm�cero �wvaeloR�amscurt� /� (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Has Nis P��rtn e+erwwked undef a wntract torfhie deParhnent9 VES NO Hasehia ce�� erer bean a cay emybyce9 YES NO Does ihis persaNfirm pwaess a sldA not normalypossesseJ by am/ curceM city employee7 YES NO Is Mis peBONfirm a tarpe4ed vendoR � YES NO ilain all ves arcwers m seoarete sheet arM attach b areen sheet See attached memo for additional costs (522,500) associated with move of workers' compensation to Risk Management Division. An additional $5,700 is needed to pay for overtime costs associated with the change to HealthPartners. IFAPPROVED Division expenditures will not exceed budget. C�xu►csi `' � �;� ��e�r None. The budget wiif have a deficit. ovTnnrisncnor�s $28-200 GL 001 COST/REVQlt1EWDfiETm(C�RCLEONE) YES NO „�,,,, 00000-9830 �:�� 9n -/Sg3 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SANT PAUL TO: Martha Larson —� FROM: Ron J. Guitfoite � DATE: RE: November 19, 1997 Risk Manageme�t Division Sudget Attached is a breakdown of the Risk Management Division budget. The adopted budget is the originai budget estabiished for our division at the beginning of the year. The amount remaining shows any expenditures to date and includes the two Resolutions transferring money to our budget. The year end projections shows anticipated expenditures through the end of the year. As you can see, we expect to have a shortfall of approximately 522,500. Original estimate from Dave Nelson for buiidout: Actuat cost for buifdout paid out of Risk Management budget: Buildout WC Admin Need CAO Contribution* Eliminate Printing Cost MN Mutual & DCA Refund** Remaining Need Total 556,357 (S 10,000) (535,142) 11 215 532,973 (510,813) ($5,000) 17 160 $28,375 S52,049 56 357 S 4,308 Benefit Salarv 536,076 (536,076) S�D * Green Sheet/Resolution dated 5/1/97--transfer complete `* Green Sheet/Resolution dated 5/13/97--transfer on Council agenda today 97-rsg3 I have met with staff and made every attempt to reduce unnecessary expenditures. As a result, we will need approximately $5,800 less than originally projected ($28,375 - 522,500). As you know, I have a meeting scheduled this afternoon regarding the workers compensation situation. If you have any questions about specific expenditures, please call Leda. RJG:Im Qn_iCO� 9��isg3 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ron Kline Office of Financiaf Services Ron J. Guilfoile Risk Management Divisi n December 12, 1997 Risk Management Division Budget This memo is i� response to e-mail received from you and Cindy Mullen regarding the Council Resolution moving funds to the Risk Management Division budget. Earlier this year, when it was decided that the workers compensation function would be transferred to the Risk Management Division, it was estimated that approximatefy 532,973 was needed for administrative costs, and 552,049 was needed for buildout. We have reviewed the detail of expenditures for the year, and have determined that buildout costs actually came to S56,357 (54,308 more than anticipated), and workers compensation administration costs came to approximately 531,816 (see the detail explained below). Costs foi paper, envelopes, supplies, postage, duplicating, etc, for the entire division for the yea� a�e appioximate/y $14,000. We estimate the woikers compensation portion of these costs to be approximately 53,500. Costs that can be soecifical/v attributed to workeis compensation which weie paid out of Risk Management Division budget in 1997: Computer Equipment Phones Microfi/ming Registration Fees Fees, Professiona/ Services Books, Pubiications $6,400 S 7,152 58,900 5420 S 10,000 9 444 528,396 528,316 + 3 500 537,816 9�1-�SS3 The total cost of buildout and administration came to 588,173. Two previous budget transfers contributed 555,955 towards these costs (588,173 - 555,955 = 532,218). 1"he division was able to absorb some of the costs, but a deficit of $22,500 remains. You requested additional information regarding expenditures for consultants. Expenditures for object code 0219 (fees, professional services) are for contracts that have already been established. Much of the work on those contracts has been completed, or will be completed by year end, and we are waiting to receive invoices. Most of the money we encumber to 1998 for contrects will be paid out in January with invoices for work performed in 1997. The division can�ot offer any of the money owed for contracts toward the 522,500 shortfall. RJG:Im cc: Cindy Mullan Joe Reid Covncil File # 97-- /S83 Presented By ORIGINAL Financing Plan: General Fund 001-00000-9830 Use of Fund Balance All Other Fund Financing Green Sheet # �QZ.O3 RESOLUTfON SAINT Pql�L, MINNESOTA Committee: Date Referred To �s 1 WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that 2 there are available for appropriauon revenues in excess of those estimated in ffie 1997 General 3 Fund Budget; and, 4 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1997 General Fund Budget: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 m Spending Plan: Technology and Management Services Risk Management Diuision 001-01370-0141 Overtime 001-01370-0219 Fees, Professional Services All Other Fund Spending Cunent Amended B� Chanees Bud�et 1,713,312 28,200 150.136.915 151.850.227 28.200 1,741,512 150.136.915 151.878.427 2,000 5,700 7,700 69.645 22 50 92.145 151,778.582 0 151.778.582 151 850 227 28 20 151_878.427 19 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 1997 budget. Finance/Risk Management Division Ron J. Guilfoile 266 8880 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 12/10/97 r!�^* _-,�� Approval of attached budget resalution. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMRTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION GREEN SHEET �,..���.� qrj— /583 No 60203 M� �� � �.,,�. ❑ �«� �ww¢w.scaxccFSme. �wu�w�mm�cero �wvaeloR�amscurt� /� (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Has Nis P��rtn e+erwwked undef a wntract torfhie deParhnent9 VES NO Hasehia ce�� erer bean a cay emybyce9 YES NO Does ihis persaNfirm pwaess a sldA not normalypossesseJ by am/ curceM city employee7 YES NO Is Mis peBONfirm a tarpe4ed vendoR � YES NO ilain all ves arcwers m seoarete sheet arM attach b areen sheet See attached memo for additional costs (522,500) associated with move of workers' compensation to Risk Management Division. An additional $5,700 is needed to pay for overtime costs associated with the change to HealthPartners. IFAPPROVED Division expenditures will not exceed budget. C�xu►csi `' � �;� ��e�r None. The budget wiif have a deficit. ovTnnrisncnor�s $28-200 GL 001 COST/REVQlt1EWDfiETm(C�RCLEONE) YES NO „�,,,, 00000-9830 �:�� 9n -/Sg3 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SANT PAUL TO: Martha Larson —� FROM: Ron J. Guitfoite � DATE: RE: November 19, 1997 Risk Manageme�t Division Sudget Attached is a breakdown of the Risk Management Division budget. The adopted budget is the originai budget estabiished for our division at the beginning of the year. The amount remaining shows any expenditures to date and includes the two Resolutions transferring money to our budget. The year end projections shows anticipated expenditures through the end of the year. As you can see, we expect to have a shortfall of approximately 522,500. Original estimate from Dave Nelson for buiidout: Actuat cost for buifdout paid out of Risk Management budget: Buildout WC Admin Need CAO Contribution* Eliminate Printing Cost MN Mutual & DCA Refund** Remaining Need Total 556,357 (S 10,000) (535,142) 11 215 532,973 (510,813) ($5,000) 17 160 $28,375 S52,049 56 357 S 4,308 Benefit Salarv 536,076 (536,076) S�D * Green Sheet/Resolution dated 5/1/97--transfer complete `* Green Sheet/Resolution dated 5/13/97--transfer on Council agenda today 97-rsg3 I have met with staff and made every attempt to reduce unnecessary expenditures. As a result, we will need approximately $5,800 less than originally projected ($28,375 - 522,500). As you know, I have a meeting scheduled this afternoon regarding the workers compensation situation. If you have any questions about specific expenditures, please call Leda. RJG:Im Qn_iCO� 9��isg3 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ron Kline Office of Financiaf Services Ron J. Guilfoile Risk Management Divisi n December 12, 1997 Risk Management Division Budget This memo is i� response to e-mail received from you and Cindy Mullen regarding the Council Resolution moving funds to the Risk Management Division budget. Earlier this year, when it was decided that the workers compensation function would be transferred to the Risk Management Division, it was estimated that approximatefy 532,973 was needed for administrative costs, and 552,049 was needed for buildout. We have reviewed the detail of expenditures for the year, and have determined that buildout costs actually came to S56,357 (54,308 more than anticipated), and workers compensation administration costs came to approximately 531,816 (see the detail explained below). Costs foi paper, envelopes, supplies, postage, duplicating, etc, for the entire division for the yea� a�e appioximate/y $14,000. We estimate the woikers compensation portion of these costs to be approximately 53,500. Costs that can be soecifical/v attributed to workeis compensation which weie paid out of Risk Management Division budget in 1997: Computer Equipment Phones Microfi/ming Registration Fees Fees, Professiona/ Services Books, Pubiications $6,400 S 7,152 58,900 5420 S 10,000 9 444 528,396 528,316 + 3 500 537,816 9�1-�SS3 The total cost of buildout and administration came to 588,173. Two previous budget transfers contributed 555,955 towards these costs (588,173 - 555,955 = 532,218). 1"he division was able to absorb some of the costs, but a deficit of $22,500 remains. You requested additional information regarding expenditures for consultants. Expenditures for object code 0219 (fees, professional services) are for contracts that have already been established. Much of the work on those contracts has been completed, or will be completed by year end, and we are waiting to receive invoices. Most of the money we encumber to 1998 for contrects will be paid out in January with invoices for work performed in 1997. The division can�ot offer any of the money owed for contracts toward the 522,500 shortfall. RJG:Im cc: Cindy Mullan Joe Reid Covncil File # 97-- /S83 Presented By ORIGINAL Financing Plan: General Fund 001-00000-9830 Use of Fund Balance All Other Fund Financing Green Sheet # �QZ.O3 RESOLUTfON SAINT Pql�L, MINNESOTA Committee: Date Referred To �s 1 WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that 2 there are available for appropriauon revenues in excess of those estimated in ffie 1997 General 3 Fund Budget; and, 4 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1997 General Fund Budget: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 m Spending Plan: Technology and Management Services Risk Management Diuision 001-01370-0141 Overtime 001-01370-0219 Fees, Professional Services All Other Fund Spending Cunent Amended B� Chanees Bud�et 1,713,312 28,200 150.136.915 151.850.227 28.200 1,741,512 150.136.915 151.878.427 2,000 5,700 7,700 69.645 22 50 92.145 151,778.582 0 151.778.582 151 850 227 28 20 151_878.427 19 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 1997 budget. Finance/Risk Management Division Ron J. Guilfoile 266 8880 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 12/10/97 r!�^* _-,�� Approval of attached budget resalution. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMRTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION GREEN SHEET �,..���.� qrj— /583 No 60203 M� �� � �.,,�. ❑ �«� �ww¢w.scaxccFSme. �wu�w�mm�cero �wvaeloR�amscurt� /� (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Has Nis P��rtn e+erwwked undef a wntract torfhie deParhnent9 VES NO Hasehia ce�� erer bean a cay emybyce9 YES NO Does ihis persaNfirm pwaess a sldA not normalypossesseJ by am/ curceM city employee7 YES NO Is Mis peBONfirm a tarpe4ed vendoR � YES NO ilain all ves arcwers m seoarete sheet arM attach b areen sheet See attached memo for additional costs (522,500) associated with move of workers' compensation to Risk Management Division. An additional $5,700 is needed to pay for overtime costs associated with the change to HealthPartners. IFAPPROVED Division expenditures will not exceed budget. C�xu►csi `' � �;� ��e�r None. The budget wiif have a deficit. ovTnnrisncnor�s $28-200 GL 001 COST/REVQlt1EWDfiETm(C�RCLEONE) YES NO „�,,,, 00000-9830 �:�� 9n -/Sg3 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SANT PAUL TO: Martha Larson —� FROM: Ron J. Guitfoite � DATE: RE: November 19, 1997 Risk Manageme�t Division Sudget Attached is a breakdown of the Risk Management Division budget. The adopted budget is the originai budget estabiished for our division at the beginning of the year. The amount remaining shows any expenditures to date and includes the two Resolutions transferring money to our budget. The year end projections shows anticipated expenditures through the end of the year. As you can see, we expect to have a shortfall of approximately 522,500. Original estimate from Dave Nelson for buiidout: Actuat cost for buifdout paid out of Risk Management budget: Buildout WC Admin Need CAO Contribution* Eliminate Printing Cost MN Mutual & DCA Refund** Remaining Need Total 556,357 (S 10,000) (535,142) 11 215 532,973 (510,813) ($5,000) 17 160 $28,375 S52,049 56 357 S 4,308 Benefit Salarv 536,076 (536,076) S�D * Green Sheet/Resolution dated 5/1/97--transfer complete `* Green Sheet/Resolution dated 5/13/97--transfer on Council agenda today 97-rsg3 I have met with staff and made every attempt to reduce unnecessary expenditures. As a result, we will need approximately $5,800 less than originally projected ($28,375 - 522,500). As you know, I have a meeting scheduled this afternoon regarding the workers compensation situation. If you have any questions about specific expenditures, please call Leda. RJG:Im Qn_iCO� 9��isg3 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ron Kline Office of Financiaf Services Ron J. Guilfoile Risk Management Divisi n December 12, 1997 Risk Management Division Budget This memo is i� response to e-mail received from you and Cindy Mullen regarding the Council Resolution moving funds to the Risk Management Division budget. Earlier this year, when it was decided that the workers compensation function would be transferred to the Risk Management Division, it was estimated that approximatefy 532,973 was needed for administrative costs, and 552,049 was needed for buildout. We have reviewed the detail of expenditures for the year, and have determined that buildout costs actually came to S56,357 (54,308 more than anticipated), and workers compensation administration costs came to approximately 531,816 (see the detail explained below). Costs foi paper, envelopes, supplies, postage, duplicating, etc, for the entire division for the yea� a�e appioximate/y $14,000. We estimate the woikers compensation portion of these costs to be approximately 53,500. Costs that can be soecifical/v attributed to workeis compensation which weie paid out of Risk Management Division budget in 1997: Computer Equipment Phones Microfi/ming Registration Fees Fees, Professiona/ Services Books, Pubiications $6,400 S 7,152 58,900 5420 S 10,000 9 444 528,396 528,316 + 3 500 537,816 9�1-�SS3 The total cost of buildout and administration came to 588,173. Two previous budget transfers contributed 555,955 towards these costs (588,173 - 555,955 = 532,218). 1"he division was able to absorb some of the costs, but a deficit of $22,500 remains. You requested additional information regarding expenditures for consultants. Expenditures for object code 0219 (fees, professional services) are for contracts that have already been established. Much of the work on those contracts has been completed, or will be completed by year end, and we are waiting to receive invoices. Most of the money we encumber to 1998 for contrects will be paid out in January with invoices for work performed in 1997. The division can�ot offer any of the money owed for contracts toward the 522,500 shortfall. RJG:Im cc: Cindy Mullan Joe Reid