97-1574Council File � 97 �'S7T ORIGINAL Preaented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the 2 3 4 s 6 � s Green Sheet # .s2300 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNF.SOTA 6 Tracy Baker Dauid Heide �PPOINTED Paul Larson 9 Each member shall serve a three-year term which will expire on December 31, 2000. io ii 12 13 14 15 16 Requested by Department of: Mayor's Office Bye Peter Hames Adopted by Council: Date (��_ _ �p ,`�q"� i Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appz Byn / appointment and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the SAINT PAUL HERTTAGE PRESERVATION COMI��SSION. REAPPOINTED Form Approved by City Attorney By: �ai:c:,��%' � Approved by Mayor for Submis ion to Counc' By: N° 52300 Q� w ���� DEPARiMENTqFFICE/COUNqL i DATE INITIATED �� i' �� rra Office 12-15-97 GREEN SHEET CONTACT PEflSON 8 PHONE INITIAV�ATE INRIAVDATE DEPARTMENTOIRECTOR CITVCOUNqL Roger CillTt1S 266-8531 ASSIGN CITYATfORNEY �GITYCLERK MUST BE ON CqUNG�L AGENDA BY (DATEI pU a BUDGET DIRECTOR O FM 8 MGT. SERVICES DIR. OPOEN � �pVOR (OR ASSISTANn O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION flEDUESTEU: Approval of the appointment of Paul Larson and the reappointments of Tracy Baker and David Heide to serve on the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Coffiission. RECOMMENDATfONS: Apy�we (A} or Raject (R) PEHSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CqMMISSION _ CIVII SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Hes this per5onffirm eVet Worked Untlef a coMraCt fof thi5 department? _ CIB COMMffTEE __ YES NO 2. Has this personttirm ever been a dry employee? _ STAFf � VES NO _ DISTRICT COUR7 _ 3. DoeS this personflilm pOSSess a skill not normall � y possessetl by any curcent ciry employee. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCILO&IECTIVE� VES NO ' Explain ali yes answero on aeparate aheet and eneeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whet, When. Where. NTy): ADVANTAGESIFAPPqOVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISA�VANTAGES IF NOTAPFROVED: C�ist�fl �PCh C�it� DEC 2 21997 _ _---- --� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TflANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBEH FINANCIAL WFORAdATION: (EXPlA1N) ,� �� � � f-;. ,. Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TQ: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Joseph Collins Councilmember Mike Harris Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Gladys Morton FROM: DATE: RE: Roger Curtis s � G , Darlyne Morrow � December 16, 1997 HERITAGE PRESERVATIOI�I COMMISSION (HPC) 97-/5 r r � , � ✓' ' , Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment and reappointments of the following individuals to serve on the Heritage Preservation Commission. Paul Larson REAPPOINTMENTS Tracey Baker David Heide TERM EXPIl2E5 12-31-2000 12-31-2000 12-31-Z000 Attached is a copy of Paul Larson's application, a copy of the resolution and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January, 1994. Feei free to contact me at 266-8531 if you have any questions or concems. RCC:drm Atiachments c: Aaron Rubenstein, HPC Staff H9USERSMORROWIW PF{LESViPC-CNC.MEM vx'k'SCE OF THE MAYOi2 ' �f,� 390 CITY 33ALL ✓ SAINT PAIIL, MIN2�IESOTA 55102 266 FAX: 266 Name: Home Addiess: G �_ Street Telephone Nunber: �-�so.J ��v � a� ��t imPl 5��4 3/ 7 7 R£C�1ED tiOV 2 } 1996 Planning District Coiscil: ��, �� �c z.v Citp Council Azrd: PrePerred }5ailing Address: �T�1/� Q7- i57� 0 Zip Rhat is yovr occnpation? �'JE��1�� Place �of Emplopment: �'��-"�'' Conmittee(s) Applied For: ���-c?�R�'-c ����.'�c�iL-✓ 1 �"J�-l�s�o°�{ Rhat skills/training or experience do pou possess for the coamittee(s) for vhich pou seek appointment? ___ ( � ��i7�'i-� �- w2s�� 3� � �sz1c �� «-rh�tl (,' Co�v�P�. i_ i ��t/T� �3'77� � �Y 'rz .a/ C-��'r1�4-�-1'�l/'L f E�"7 fi R �� r- �� J�7v/t-c ` �.1` i �-�'_ cS � ��`f+�/Yx`s �/L �v �✓LC f{7 �� .�Q-av� fh�-Ef-E r�t--s-c- fft�'?��o3-N _ !.s-a,2 �c � , yf-a vd K�°t 'S . � : �1�t*fiz`� J i' !� w �- �1 �' � . �.� � �/i) �} ?r6-o a -r- /J �.� � s� �-7 r�! �f / �- C-r � ch 1' 3f ��'l o/Zo3�'�'_S u�i1(}'�� �T1�'C �.Si�E�`� INC�.vd��i.'}t,' r�ict� z��,•h The inforaation incl Kirsiesota Govezment the genezal public� '�i' �'� a�_ �T 7`a,�.�, � . in this pplication is considered private eata accorcing to the Practices Act. As a result, tRis inforaation is not zeleased to (ppEg). Rev. 2i z8196 Y�-t� �� R�.T� � � . PERSO2zAL REFF.FENCES Name: r S c M�t,t B��,�F Address : 1�/'/J �1I�6�- �hf'[s''r<./'� .� c�9'z- �e V�� � 3 4 ('� 6 6_ _, �!' /�'�2.-- S�3'/�° L Phone: CHome) lAork) Z''`'/6 - S'� Name: Address ILUS c�� �" C�tyL <"t/.v��'9t t�C � Phone• {gome) �p Name Address: �ti'�I n'('��1� C� Phone • (Hoaa� 7 � - �--Z'`f - -� - � 7 ° 1-- <cv �y /L � 'Z3 0 Reasons for your interest in this pa=ticular committee � fh-J - �F�1 C �� rT .J 0 M �i' � R�� — ��/�e�' / t�Y�-� ��--l-� �G�? 7-e C.IViL-K=. r� 1-{, a'?b/t- c !�/L� <-rL t/J'F-�'T o-� 1 0 i?� fd G-v�tl � fi.z�-f l3rC�'<I'. -7"fF� ��� �P C �1'-� �"�'�-ro� �C�`� ' � ! � , � r r G c✓r iL'�"�r2_!� a C'o C�1t/`J' i �+�iUt7 .U-.�rtn-��G0�1�VA/! �'NC�ZNJ` Have pou had�evious contact vith the co�ittee for vhich you are making application. If so, vhen, and circumstances? /. /`y�,� - � � r _Z f �'&'� � ��9� - r` ��t"� (�sa,� Ps� ��-�. In an attempt to ensure that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup oE onr co�unitp, please check the li.ne applicabie to you. This information is strictly voluntaxy. �White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific IsZander American Tndian o= Alaskan Eskimo _,� 2SaIe �/ Female Date of Birth: / - � — �- � Disabled: Yes No � If special accommodations are needed, please speci£y. Hov did you hear about this opening? No �.�J S'�- c�:�L CJ_ fJ. 97-is��- PAIIL CLIFFORD I.ARSO�i 6�1 Asburv St. Paul MN 55401 (612} 644-2179 E�IPLOI'w��'T HISTORY 1980-present Independent hsstorian and consultant with specialties in azchitectural history, historic building intetpretation, midwestern lilstory, and exhibit curativn 1990-1994 �Yecutive Director, Gardner Iviuseum of Architecture and Design, Quincy IL 1986-1989 Contributing Editor, flrchitecture Minrxesota 198b-1988 Special Curator of Architecture, University of Minnesota Art Museum, Muuieapolis M13 1984-1982 Guest Curator, Ivfinnesota Museum of Art, St. Yaul MN 1973-1985 Building restoration consultant/designer/contractor 1971-1973 Visiting Assistant Professor in Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA LOCAL HERTTAGE AND NATIONAL REGISTER STI'E W012K Appraved National Register Nominations South Side Geiman Historic District, Quincy IL (1992, 1995) South Fulton Churchhouse, Astoria County II, (1944} John Gluck House, Muuieapolis MN (1989} Anthony Yoerg House, St. Paul MN (1988) Walsh Builc�ing, St. Paul IvLV (1988) Read's Landing School, Read's Landing MN (1987} S'vc Brick Merchants' Cottages, Wabasha MN (1987} Stout House, Lake City MN (1987) Pearl Button Factory, Lake City MN (1987) First Church of Christ Scientist, Muuieapolis (1985) Hinckle-Murghy House, Muuieapolis (1984) Historic Site Surveys Intensive site survey of South Side Cserman fIistoric District, Quincy IL (2704 buildings; 1991-95) Intenssve site survey of tha Central Business Distriet, Quincy IL (200 buiidings; 1993) Intensive site survey of Daytons Bluff, St. Paul MN (404 build'ui�s; 1989) Survey of potential Healy Block Historic District, vlinneapolis MN (1 S buildings; 1988) Survey of potenUal Ninth Sireet Historic D+�strict, Minneapolis MN {12 bu�dinQs; 1987) Reconnaissance level survey of Wabasha County MN (19$7) Survey of 15 St. Paul properties for local desia ation (1984) Intensive site survey, Prairie School houses in Miruieapolis, St. Paul, and Duluth (1981-82) Tar Certifzcatron Mimteapolis Ninth Street District propertles for Brighton Development (1989) 47- IS�+f a�rrn�rnnararn�rn�rr�rr Armn�crt��inn�,ru.crecr��rc JL'Ll'+l.l VVIVJVL1L111V1V 111VLLL'J1V1V L.V1VllV11JO1V1VJ 19°5 1994 1993 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 Histarical consuliant and evriter for Quincy Presen�afion Commission Desi� consulYant for integrating historic elemants into St. Mazy's Church, CZuincy IL rlrchitectural history consultant for "Theatre of the Fratemity" e�ubit project at University of Ivlinnesota Art Museum I�istorical consultant for reuse study of the Minneapolis Armory by the Center For Urban American Desi�n at the University of Minnesota Mentor of pilot project for children's phoYOdocumentary pro�am, "St. Paul Self-Portrait" Consultant in updating of historic housing stock for Minneapolis Zonlnn and Plannin� Historical consultant for Govemor's Design Team, Minnesota Presentation of presen�ation brief on Mimteapolis Central High School for the Minneapolis Historic Preservation Cominission Design of sanctuary interior in new Sixth Church of Christ Scientist, �Iinneapolis M Redesign of missing porches and towers for 7. Ridgway House, Minneapalis MN Desi� oFRenaissance Rerival porch and landscaping far F.He�g Honse, Minueapolis IvIN SBLECT PUBLICATIONS In process: 1995 1992 1991 1989 1988 Cald Comforts: Minnasoca Celebrations of �inter (to be published hy Afton Historical Saciery Press in 1997) Up to the Cabzn and Out to the Lake: Minnesota's Sumtner Houses (to be published by Afton Historicai Society Press in 1998) An architectural history of St. Paul, Minnesota (with Jef&ey Hess, under auspices of St. Paui FIeritage Preservation Commission; publicarion planning in process ) Minnesota Architect: The Life and Work of CZarence K.lohnston, Aiton Historical Sociery Press, Afton, vIN Historic 4zcincy �rckitecture, Herring Press, Houston TX I�istoric Barns of.4dams County: An.9ut� Tour Guide, Gazdner Museum of Architecture and Design, Quincy IL (state award in museuxn publications) MunicipalMonument: A Centennial Histo of the Ivtunicipal Buildirzg, I4lunicipal Building Commission, Ivlumeapolis i�N "Before the Crash:l�linnesota's First Honar Awazds,"Architecture 11�Iinnesota (7an. 1989) "Tall Ta1es: The Twin Cities' First Towers,"tlrchitecture 1Ltinnesota (viar. 1989} "The French in Our Midst," Architecture Minnesota (M2y 1989) The Spirit of H. H. Richardson on the tLlydland Prairies: Regional Transformations of an Architectzcral Ssyde, Io��a State Llniversity Press, Ames IA [Award for Excellence from the Association of American Publishers] "In 5earch ofthe Richardso;tians," InLandArchitectv32 1483 "Duluth: Whera Stqle �L'ent Wild," Rrchifecture Minnesota (Sep.-Oct. 1483) 1982 Prairie School Archffecture in?��innesota, fowa, and GViscortsin, :14innesota Museum of Art, St. Paul '\,4arion Mahony and l�,�ai:er $uriey �iri�u1: i he 1-lairiage of r3rativing a;.d Architecture," The Prant Coiiactor's �tietinslettEr, v 13 n 2 2 97-�s�r � SFJ�ECT LECTURES A:v'D LUORKSHOPS 1994 °Recycling the Counhy School," Gardnet Museum of Atchitecture and Desi� "The Imptint of German Settlement in Westem lllinois and Eastern 1�lissouri,'" Goad Samaritan Assocation 1493 Photograptuc canservation workshop, Gazdner Musetun of Architecture and Design 1992 "Our Architectural Heritage: More Than a Pretty Face," Illinois Society of Professionai Engineers Annual Conference 1990 "W1iat Buiidings Say About People," Gardner Museum of Architecture and llesign "The Architectural Heritage of Lake ivlimietonka," a series of tlu•ee lecriues and two tours sponsored by the �finnesota Humanifies Commission 1989 "Historic Twin Cities Churches," annual meeting of tlte AAUGV in n4inneagalis "From Swedish Ghetto to Sununit Avenue: A Day in the Life of a Master 1Vlason," The Gilded Age Fzstival, St. Paul M:�' "Architectural Conseroarion, an Environmentai Issue," tiVinona County FIistorical Society, MN "Of Mosquitoes,l�lyths, and Morals," meeting of the Mintiesota Territozial Pioneers 1988 "H. H. Richardson Rides the Rails: The I�ispersion of a High Style into Main Sireet America," annual meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of the AIA "Going Home: Wliere the Hill House Workers Lived," T'he Gitded Age Fesrival, St. Paul Ml�T 1986 "Otnamentai Iron in Nlinneapolis and St. Paul," second annual conference of Intrinsic Art in Architecture, Minneapolis MN 1985 "Romanesque or Rockpile: T'he Irnage of Casmopolitanism Provincially Understood," annual conference of the Kansas City Chapter of the AIA and CST 1983 "F3igh Art and Mass Production in Turn-of-the-Century Buiiding Technolo�ies," annual conference of the Society for Industrial Archeolo�, Minneapolis 1982 "Chicago ArchitecTure in Mason City: From Invasion to Absorption," Charles ibIacnider Museum of Art, Mason City Iti SELECT EXFID3ITS 1995 "Villa Kathrine a muri-e�ibit of an Islamic Revival "castle" designed and built for travel to schools and promotional events 1990-1994 Ezhibits for Gardner Museum of Architecture and Design (partiai listing) "A Kaleidoscope of llmerican Architeciure" "Country Schoolhauses" "The Studio Photo�•aphers Art, 18�&-1918" "One Hundred Xears of Bains" "Wildemess in the City: Quutcy's Scenic Parks and Cemeteries" "Life in Histo�ic Quincy" 1988 "The Spirit of H. H. Richardson on the Midland Prairies," Uniti•ersit� of Nlinnesota Art Museum (with travel to five other states) 1982 "Prairie School.lrchitecture in Nliruiesota, Iowa, and �Visconsin," �linnesota Museum of Art (with tocr to sites in Wisconsin and Iowa; a]so picked up by the IISIA for tour of Central and Soath Atnerican cities) 9�� �5�� Al�ATIL`Tdi!'� ATiTl7)T�(1L`L�C�C�TlIT.iAT TnATTTT.T('_ 111.l11/L'lVlil.lSiVLrl\Vl'L'JJIVIVCIL 11\1111V11VV iycici n. a. summa cum iaude in p'tuiosophy, Unn of ��innesota 196G-70 Yale Graduate Fellow in Philosphy 1968-7Q Yale Teaching Fellow in Philosophy 1971 ABD in philosophy, Yale Crraduate School 1990-93 Numerous workshops on conservarion, collecrions management, long-range planning, and fund-raising for museums REFERENCES Dentris Crimmestad, State Historic Preservation Office Vlinnesota f�istorical Society, 345 Kellogg, St. Paul MN 55102-1906 (217)296-5462 Timothy Samuelson, Chicago Landmarks Commizsion Reed-Murdock Building, 320 N. Clazk Street, Room 516, Chicago II. 6061 d (312) 744-3038 Mary Tumer, Coordinator of Illinois Associa6on of Museums l Old State Capitoi Plaza, Sprin�ieid, II, 62701 (217)524-708d Linda Mack, architectura writer for Minneapolis 3tar/7'ribune 2539 Thomas Av S., Miruieapolis MN 55405 Lan�� viillet, arc:utecture writer for St Paul Pioneer Press 648 Delaavaze, St. Paul V1N SSld7 97-�S��F 12-11-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 COMMITTEE : EiPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) °-------------°--------�---°---- ---- ----'---- -------- -------- --- --- --- 003196 Austin, Becky 1 8 0'7/�5/96 W F 625 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 227-4168 Designer ave Morford 184 George Street, 55107 h) 222-5998 Jeff Ausha 862 Summit Avenue, 55105 h) 224-9374 Jeff Weisbach 321 Colborne h) 224-6578 003086 DuPaul, Angela 668 Greenbrier St. Paul, MN 55106 � 10/31/95 W F Home - 776-0550 Student/Lakewood Com. College 003213 Esser, Heather 491 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 298-8350 Public ProgYam Coordinator 8 07/26/96 W F Susan Roth Minnesota Historical Society 345 W. Rellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55101-1906 Michael Koop MN Historical Society 345 W. Kellogg Blvd. Peggy Kovsmo-Kennon 97- �s�� 12-11-9'I COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT J REFERENCE COMbfENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEI3 DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- -�- -�- MN Historical Society 345 W. Rellogg 003252 Greiner, Rathryn 1734 Sherwood Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 776-4273 Graphic Designer J 2 11/21/96 W F Carol Gaetz Planning Office St. CLoud City Ha11 400 2nd Street St. Cloud, MN w) (320) 255-7218 Dave Ebnet Stearns County Historical Society 235 33rd Avenue S. Stearns County Historical Society 235 33rd Avenue S. St. Cloud, MN 56301 (320) 253-8424 -- Work Laurie Brickley Minnesota Historical Society 345 Kellogg Blvd. W. St. Paul, MN w) 297-1827 003345 Hecker, John C. 1501 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 646-6912 Architect � 13 09/15/97 W M 9-15-97 HPC Bob Mack MacDOnald & Mack Architects, ltd. Grain Exchange Bldg., Ste. 712 Minneapolis, MN 55415 w) 341-4051 Ms. Nina Zannieri Ex. Director Paul Revere Memorial Assn. 19 North Savane 9�1-�s�� 12-11-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT j REFERENCE COMMENTS Boston, MA Q2113 w) (617) 523-2338 PAGE 3 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEI3 DSS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -^------ -------- -------- --- --- --- David Heide David Heide Designs Grain Exchange Bldg., Ste. 710 Minneapolis, MN 55415 w) 341-4051 003228 Reenan, Sheila 1088 E. Hyacinth Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - ?76-6394 6 5 Jeanne Steinhagen 740 Mississippi River Rd., Apt. SE St. Paul h) 699-3340 Mary Gillman 4033 16th Ave Mpls., MN h) 724-0175 5. w) 962-6554 Sheryl Kabat (no address or phone # listed by applicant) Q9/16/97 W F Aeard about opening from Carrie Wasley (emplo{yed by City of St. Paul/St. Paul Police Dept.) 003251 Larson, Paul @ Home - 644-3179 Independent Historian Dennis Gimmestad Minnesota Historical Society 345 RelLogg w) 296-5462 Robert Roscoe Minneapolis HPC 11/21/96 W M George Nelson Chair� HPC, Quincy Preservation Commission 97� �s7� 12-11-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/01/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 2221 Maine Quincy, IL 62301 h) (217) 224-0702 003221 Lloyd, Thomas 694 Oakdale Avenue St. Paul, MN 55107 Home - 292-8352 Owner/Old style Restoration David VanLandshoot Justine Properties 572 Asbury St. Paul w) 641-0166 Cheryl Diskson M.H.C. 987 Ivy St. Paul 001527 Meuwissen, Lawrenae E. 8 Bates Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 7?4-3418 Attorney Kar1 Neid TCHNS: Liberty Bank Bldg. h) 771-9680 w) 645-9164 Larry ICitto 1227 Marion h) 488-4855 Jerome Lantry 2169 Beech Street h) 735-0139 w) 835-7035 PAGE 4 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- °------ -------- ----°-- _-_ __- °- 7 4 12-14-95 Heritage Preservation Richard Parnel 1957 Selby Ave. h) 646-3235 w) 486-3219 � 07/24/96 NA M 12/14/95 W M Art Baumeister 700 St. Paul Bldg. h) 454-6732 wj 224-5686 97-�s�� 12-11-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMZTTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIOI3S DATED AFTER O1JOlf94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt�NTS Richard Anfang 411 Main Street w) 224-9445 002554 Nordin, Cathy 1427 No. Albert Street St. Pau1, MN 55108 Home - 646-5918 Architect Leo Monster Horty Elving & Assoc. H) 481-1293 W) 332-4422 Bill Snyder W) 545-3731 Mike Kinner H) 374-1629 W) 332-3944 PAGE 5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ------- -�------ -------- --- --� -"- 4 10 Planning Commission 11-12-96 Planning Commission & HPC Julie Hoff District 10 C.O. 1556 Como Avenue, 55108 w) 644-3889 Dennis O'Rourke Past Chair of District 10 Community Coancil Midway Parkway h) 641-0834 Dave C1ark 7392 Ontario Boulevard Eden Prairie, MN h) 934-4460 W) 541-9969 003331 Puhl, Daniel G. 881 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 1 8 65A 11/12/96 W F 09/03/97 W M Home - 298-9880 Logistics Mgt. Specialist 99-�5�� 12-11-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 6 COMMZTTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -°----- --- --- --- Stepflen R. Frohrip 5�04 44th Ave. South Mpls., 55417 h) 727-1248 w) 520-6301 David M. Olson 1196 Parkwood Drive Woodbury, MN 55125 h) 730-6910 w) 70-5615 Curtis L. Newcomb 2565 Bayberry Avenue Stillwater, MN h) 351-7257 w) 296-4585 003092 Sprung, Albert F. 957 Flandrau St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 772-2880 Chemical Technican 0 E 11/28/95 W M Joey Lundquist 6286 IIpper 35th St. Court N. Oakdale, MN 55128 h) 779-4270 w) 832-2600 Robert Bohlken 2253 Pinehurst Lane Stillwater, MN 55082 h) 430-1465 Peter Hanson 1023 Tiller Lane Shoreview, MN 55126 h) 484-7382 w) 291-9472 003094 Walgrave, Amy Lynn #2 St. Anthony Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Aome - 645-9238 Asst to Pres. @ MN Landmarks � 13 11/22/95 W F David Lanegran, Ph.D. Dept. of Geography Macalester college 1660 Grand Ave., 55105 w) 696-6504--Macalester 0 12-11-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 97-�57� PAGE 7 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ----"--- -------- -------- --- --- --- w) 292-3285--MN Landmarks Judy Brooks 456 Ashland Avenue, 55102 w) 292-3276 Ian Pitz Meshbesher Birrell & Dunlap 2450 Park Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55404 w) 871-7000 003246 Warner, Linda K. 2020 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 699-2941 FAX 6993431 Economistjself-Employed Robert Long 2143 Berkeley Avenue St. Paul h) 690-1212 w) 337-9209 4 14 John E. Blomquist or Nicky Scarrella John E. Blomquist, Inc. 700 Empire Building 360 N. Robert w) 222-3051 Bill Bvth St. Paul Building Owner's & Manager's Assn. 645 Capital Centre P1aza w) 291-8888 002973 Woods, Donald Z. 554 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 222-0009 RetiYed Edward Wilson 476 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 H) 291-0813 1 8 11f18/96 W F 11/08/96 W M Riohard McDermott 481 Laurel 97-/s7� 12-11-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 8 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : HPC Aeritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) --�--"------------------°--------- -°- -------" -------- ----__-_ -° "-- --- St. Paul, MN 55102 H) 222-5189 Priscilla Farnham 75 W. Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55102 H) 436-5442 Council File � 97 �'S7T ORIGINAL Preaented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the 2 3 4 s 6 � s Green Sheet # .s2300 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNF.SOTA 6 Tracy Baker Dauid Heide �PPOINTED Paul Larson 9 Each member shall serve a three-year term which will expire on December 31, 2000. io ii 12 13 14 15 16 Requested by Department of: Mayor's Office Bye Peter Hames Adopted by Council: Date (��_ _ �p ,`�q"� i Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appz Byn / appointment and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the SAINT PAUL HERTTAGE PRESERVATION COMI��SSION. REAPPOINTED Form Approved by City Attorney By: �ai:c:,��%' � Approved by Mayor for Submis ion to Counc' By: N° 52300 Q� w ���� DEPARiMENTqFFICE/COUNqL i DATE INITIATED �� i' �� rra Office 12-15-97 GREEN SHEET CONTACT PEflSON 8 PHONE INITIAV�ATE INRIAVDATE DEPARTMENTOIRECTOR CITVCOUNqL Roger CillTt1S 266-8531 ASSIGN CITYATfORNEY �GITYCLERK MUST BE ON CqUNG�L AGENDA BY (DATEI pU a BUDGET DIRECTOR O FM 8 MGT. SERVICES DIR. OPOEN � �pVOR (OR ASSISTANn O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION flEDUESTEU: Approval of the appointment of Paul Larson and the reappointments of Tracy Baker and David Heide to serve on the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Coffiission. RECOMMENDATfONS: Apy�we (A} or Raject (R) PEHSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CqMMISSION _ CIVII SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Hes this per5onffirm eVet Worked Untlef a coMraCt fof thi5 department? _ CIB COMMffTEE __ YES NO 2. Has this personttirm ever been a dry employee? _ STAFf � VES NO _ DISTRICT COUR7 _ 3. DoeS this personflilm pOSSess a skill not normall � y possessetl by any curcent ciry employee. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCILO&IECTIVE� VES NO ' Explain ali yes answero on aeparate aheet and eneeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whet, When. Where. NTy): ADVANTAGESIFAPPqOVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISA�VANTAGES IF NOTAPFROVED: C�ist�fl �PCh C�it� DEC 2 21997 _ _---- --� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TflANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBEH FINANCIAL WFORAdATION: (EXPlA1N) ,� �� � � f-;. ,. Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TQ: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Joseph Collins Councilmember Mike Harris Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Gladys Morton FROM: DATE: RE: Roger Curtis s � G , Darlyne Morrow � December 16, 1997 HERITAGE PRESERVATIOI�I COMMISSION (HPC) 97-/5 r r � , � ✓' ' , Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment and reappointments of the following individuals to serve on the Heritage Preservation Commission. Paul Larson REAPPOINTMENTS Tracey Baker David Heide TERM EXPIl2E5 12-31-2000 12-31-2000 12-31-Z000 Attached is a copy of Paul Larson's application, a copy of the resolution and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January, 1994. Feei free to contact me at 266-8531 if you have any questions or concems. RCC:drm Atiachments c: Aaron Rubenstein, HPC Staff H9USERSMORROWIW PF{LESViPC-CNC.MEM vx'k'SCE OF THE MAYOi2 ' �f,� 390 CITY 33ALL ✓ SAINT PAIIL, MIN2�IESOTA 55102 266 FAX: 266 Name: Home Addiess: G �_ Street Telephone Nunber: �-�so.J ��v � a� ��t imPl 5��4 3/ 7 7 R£C�1ED tiOV 2 } 1996 Planning District Coiscil: ��, �� �c z.v Citp Council Azrd: PrePerred }5ailing Address: �T�1/� Q7- i57� 0 Zip Rhat is yovr occnpation? �'JE��1�� Place �of Emplopment: �'��-"�'' Conmittee(s) Applied For: ���-c?�R�'-c ����.'�c�iL-✓ 1 �"J�-l�s�o°�{ Rhat skills/training or experience do pou possess for the coamittee(s) for vhich pou seek appointment? ___ ( � ��i7�'i-� �- w2s�� 3� � �sz1c �� «-rh�tl (,' Co�v�P�. i_ i ��t/T� �3'77� � �Y 'rz .a/ C-��'r1�4-�-1'�l/'L f E�"7 fi R �� r- �� J�7v/t-c ` �.1` i �-�'_ cS � ��`f+�/Yx`s �/L �v �✓LC f{7 �� .�Q-av� fh�-Ef-E r�t--s-c- fft�'?��o3-N _ !.s-a,2 �c � , yf-a vd K�°t 'S . � : �1�t*fiz`� J i' !� w �- �1 �' � . �.� � �/i) �} ?r6-o a -r- /J �.� � s� �-7 r�! �f / �- C-r � ch 1' 3f ��'l o/Zo3�'�'_S u�i1(}'�� �T1�'C �.Si�E�`� INC�.vd��i.'}t,' r�ict� z��,•h The inforaation incl Kirsiesota Govezment the genezal public� '�i' �'� a�_ �T 7`a,�.�, � . in this pplication is considered private eata accorcing to the Practices Act. As a result, tRis inforaation is not zeleased to (ppEg). Rev. 2i z8196 Y�-t� �� R�.T� � � . PERSO2zAL REFF.FENCES Name: r S c M�t,t B��,�F Address : 1�/'/J �1I�6�- �hf'[s''r<./'� .� c�9'z- �e V�� � 3 4 ('� 6 6_ _, �!' /�'�2.-- S�3'/�° L Phone: CHome) lAork) Z''`'/6 - S'� Name: Address ILUS c�� �" C�tyL <"t/.v��'9t t�C � Phone• {gome) �p Name Address: �ti'�I n'('��1� C� Phone • (Hoaa� 7 � - �--Z'`f - -� - � 7 ° 1-- <cv �y /L � 'Z3 0 Reasons for your interest in this pa=ticular committee � fh-J - �F�1 C �� rT .J 0 M �i' � R�� — ��/�e�' / t�Y�-� ��--l-� �G�? 7-e C.IViL-K=. r� 1-{, a'?b/t- c !�/L� <-rL t/J'F-�'T o-� 1 0 i?� fd G-v�tl � fi.z�-f l3rC�'<I'. -7"fF� ��� �P C �1'-� �"�'�-ro� �C�`� ' � ! � , � r r G c✓r iL'�"�r2_!� a C'o C�1t/`J' i �+�iUt7 .U-.�rtn-��G0�1�VA/! �'NC�ZNJ` Have pou had�evious contact vith the co�ittee for vhich you are making application. If so, vhen, and circumstances? /. /`y�,� - � � r _Z f �'&'� � ��9� - r` ��t"� (�sa,� Ps� ��-�. In an attempt to ensure that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup oE onr co�unitp, please check the li.ne applicabie to you. This information is strictly voluntaxy. �White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific IsZander American Tndian o= Alaskan Eskimo _,� 2SaIe �/ Female Date of Birth: / - � — �- � Disabled: Yes No � If special accommodations are needed, please speci£y. Hov did you hear about this opening? No �.�J S'�- c�:�L CJ_ fJ. 97-is��- PAIIL CLIFFORD I.ARSO�i 6�1 Asburv St. Paul MN 55401 (612} 644-2179 E�IPLOI'w��'T HISTORY 1980-present Independent hsstorian and consultant with specialties in azchitectural history, historic building intetpretation, midwestern lilstory, and exhibit curativn 1990-1994 �Yecutive Director, Gardner Iviuseum of Architecture and Design, Quincy IL 1986-1989 Contributing Editor, flrchitecture Minrxesota 198b-1988 Special Curator of Architecture, University of Minnesota Art Museum, Muuieapolis M13 1984-1982 Guest Curator, Ivfinnesota Museum of Art, St. Yaul MN 1973-1985 Building restoration consultant/designer/contractor 1971-1973 Visiting Assistant Professor in Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA LOCAL HERTTAGE AND NATIONAL REGISTER STI'E W012K Appraved National Register Nominations South Side Geiman Historic District, Quincy IL (1992, 1995) South Fulton Churchhouse, Astoria County II, (1944} John Gluck House, Muuieapolis MN (1989} Anthony Yoerg House, St. Paul MN (1988) Walsh Builc�ing, St. Paul IvLV (1988) Read's Landing School, Read's Landing MN (1987} S'vc Brick Merchants' Cottages, Wabasha MN (1987} Stout House, Lake City MN (1987) Pearl Button Factory, Lake City MN (1987) First Church of Christ Scientist, Muuieapolis (1985) Hinckle-Murghy House, Muuieapolis (1984) Historic Site Surveys Intensive site survey of South Side Cserman fIistoric District, Quincy IL (2704 buildings; 1991-95) Intenssve site survey of tha Central Business Distriet, Quincy IL (200 buiidings; 1993) Intensive site survey of Daytons Bluff, St. Paul MN (404 build'ui�s; 1989) Survey of potential Healy Block Historic District, vlinneapolis MN (1 S buildings; 1988) Survey of potenUal Ninth Sireet Historic D+�strict, Minneapolis MN {12 bu�dinQs; 1987) Reconnaissance level survey of Wabasha County MN (19$7) Survey of 15 St. Paul properties for local desia ation (1984) Intensive site survey, Prairie School houses in Miruieapolis, St. Paul, and Duluth (1981-82) Tar Certifzcatron Mimteapolis Ninth Street District propertles for Brighton Development (1989) 47- IS�+f a�rrn�rnnararn�rn�rr�rr Armn�crt��inn�,ru.crecr��rc JL'Ll'+l.l VVIVJVL1L111V1V 111VLLL'J1V1V L.V1VllV11JO1V1VJ 19°5 1994 1993 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 Histarical consuliant and evriter for Quincy Presen�afion Commission Desi� consulYant for integrating historic elemants into St. Mazy's Church, CZuincy IL rlrchitectural history consultant for "Theatre of the Fratemity" e�ubit project at University of Ivlinnesota Art Museum I�istorical consultant for reuse study of the Minneapolis Armory by the Center For Urban American Desi�n at the University of Minnesota Mentor of pilot project for children's phoYOdocumentary pro�am, "St. Paul Self-Portrait" Consultant in updating of historic housing stock for Minneapolis Zonlnn and Plannin� Historical consultant for Govemor's Design Team, Minnesota Presentation of presen�ation brief on Mimteapolis Central High School for the Minneapolis Historic Preservation Cominission Design of sanctuary interior in new Sixth Church of Christ Scientist, �Iinneapolis M Redesign of missing porches and towers for 7. Ridgway House, Minneapalis MN Desi� oFRenaissance Rerival porch and landscaping far F.He�g Honse, Minueapolis IvIN SBLECT PUBLICATIONS In process: 1995 1992 1991 1989 1988 Cald Comforts: Minnasoca Celebrations of �inter (to be published hy Afton Historical Saciery Press in 1997) Up to the Cabzn and Out to the Lake: Minnesota's Sumtner Houses (to be published by Afton Historicai Society Press in 1998) An architectural history of St. Paul, Minnesota (with Jef&ey Hess, under auspices of St. Paui FIeritage Preservation Commission; publicarion planning in process ) Minnesota Architect: The Life and Work of CZarence K.lohnston, Aiton Historical Sociery Press, Afton, vIN Historic 4zcincy �rckitecture, Herring Press, Houston TX I�istoric Barns of.4dams County: An.9ut� Tour Guide, Gazdner Museum of Architecture and Design, Quincy IL (state award in museuxn publications) MunicipalMonument: A Centennial Histo of the Ivtunicipal Buildirzg, I4lunicipal Building Commission, Ivlumeapolis i�N "Before the Crash:l�linnesota's First Honar Awazds,"Architecture 11�Iinnesota (7an. 1989) "Tall Ta1es: The Twin Cities' First Towers,"tlrchitecture 1Ltinnesota (viar. 1989} "The French in Our Midst," Architecture Minnesota (M2y 1989) The Spirit of H. H. Richardson on the tLlydland Prairies: Regional Transformations of an Architectzcral Ssyde, Io��a State Llniversity Press, Ames IA [Award for Excellence from the Association of American Publishers] "In 5earch ofthe Richardso;tians," InLandArchitectv32 1483 "Duluth: Whera Stqle �L'ent Wild," Rrchifecture Minnesota (Sep.-Oct. 1483) 1982 Prairie School Archffecture in?��innesota, fowa, and GViscortsin, :14innesota Museum of Art, St. Paul '\,4arion Mahony and l�,�ai:er $uriey �iri�u1: i he 1-lairiage of r3rativing a;.d Architecture," The Prant Coiiactor's �tietinslettEr, v 13 n 2 2 97-�s�r � SFJ�ECT LECTURES A:v'D LUORKSHOPS 1994 °Recycling the Counhy School," Gardnet Museum of Atchitecture and Desi� "The Imptint of German Settlement in Westem lllinois and Eastern 1�lissouri,'" Goad Samaritan Assocation 1493 Photograptuc canservation workshop, Gazdner Musetun of Architecture and Design 1992 "Our Architectural Heritage: More Than a Pretty Face," Illinois Society of Professionai Engineers Annual Conference 1990 "W1iat Buiidings Say About People," Gardner Museum of Architecture and llesign "The Architectural Heritage of Lake ivlimietonka," a series of tlu•ee lecriues and two tours sponsored by the �finnesota Humanifies Commission 1989 "Historic Twin Cities Churches," annual meeting of tlte AAUGV in n4inneagalis "From Swedish Ghetto to Sununit Avenue: A Day in the Life of a Master 1Vlason," The Gilded Age Fzstival, St. Paul M:�' "Architectural Conseroarion, an Environmentai Issue," tiVinona County FIistorical Society, MN "Of Mosquitoes,l�lyths, and Morals," meeting of the Mintiesota Territozial Pioneers 1988 "H. H. Richardson Rides the Rails: The I�ispersion of a High Style into Main Sireet America," annual meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of the AIA "Going Home: Wliere the Hill House Workers Lived," T'he Gitded Age Fesrival, St. Paul Ml�T 1986 "Otnamentai Iron in Nlinneapolis and St. Paul," second annual conference of Intrinsic Art in Architecture, Minneapolis MN 1985 "Romanesque or Rockpile: T'he Irnage of Casmopolitanism Provincially Understood," annual conference of the Kansas City Chapter of the AIA and CST 1983 "F3igh Art and Mass Production in Turn-of-the-Century Buiiding Technolo�ies," annual conference of the Society for Industrial Archeolo�, Minneapolis 1982 "Chicago ArchitecTure in Mason City: From Invasion to Absorption," Charles ibIacnider Museum of Art, Mason City Iti SELECT EXFID3ITS 1995 "Villa Kathrine a muri-e�ibit of an Islamic Revival "castle" designed and built for travel to schools and promotional events 1990-1994 Ezhibits for Gardner Museum of Architecture and Design (partiai listing) "A Kaleidoscope of llmerican Architeciure" "Country Schoolhauses" "The Studio Photo�•aphers Art, 18�&-1918" "One Hundred Xears of Bains" "Wildemess in the City: Quutcy's Scenic Parks and Cemeteries" "Life in Histo�ic Quincy" 1988 "The Spirit of H. H. Richardson on the Midland Prairies," Uniti•ersit� of Nlinnesota Art Museum (with travel to five other states) 1982 "Prairie School.lrchitecture in Nliruiesota, Iowa, and �Visconsin," �linnesota Museum of Art (with tocr to sites in Wisconsin and Iowa; a]so picked up by the IISIA for tour of Central and Soath Atnerican cities) 9�� �5�� Al�ATIL`Tdi!'� ATiTl7)T�(1L`L�C�C�TlIT.iAT TnATTTT.T('_ 111.l11/L'lVlil.lSiVLrl\Vl'L'JJIVIVCIL 11\1111V11VV iycici n. a. summa cum iaude in p'tuiosophy, Unn of ��innesota 196G-70 Yale Graduate Fellow in Philosphy 1968-7Q Yale Teaching Fellow in Philosophy 1971 ABD in philosophy, Yale Crraduate School 1990-93 Numerous workshops on conservarion, collecrions management, long-range planning, and fund-raising for museums REFERENCES Dentris Crimmestad, State Historic Preservation Office Vlinnesota f�istorical Society, 345 Kellogg, St. Paul MN 55102-1906 (217)296-5462 Timothy Samuelson, Chicago Landmarks Commizsion Reed-Murdock Building, 320 N. Clazk Street, Room 516, Chicago II. 6061 d (312) 744-3038 Mary Tumer, Coordinator of Illinois Associa6on of Museums l Old State Capitoi Plaza, Sprin�ieid, II, 62701 (217)524-708d Linda Mack, architectura writer for Minneapolis 3tar/7'ribune 2539 Thomas Av S., Miruieapolis MN 55405 Lan�� viillet, arc:utecture writer for St Paul Pioneer Press 648 Delaavaze, St. Paul V1N SSld7 97-�S��F 12-11-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 COMMITTEE : EiPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) °-------------°--------�---°---- ---- ----'---- -------- -------- --- --- --- 003196 Austin, Becky 1 8 0'7/�5/96 W F 625 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 227-4168 Designer ave Morford 184 George Street, 55107 h) 222-5998 Jeff Ausha 862 Summit Avenue, 55105 h) 224-9374 Jeff Weisbach 321 Colborne h) 224-6578 003086 DuPaul, Angela 668 Greenbrier St. Paul, MN 55106 � 10/31/95 W F Home - 776-0550 Student/Lakewood Com. College 003213 Esser, Heather 491 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 298-8350 Public ProgYam Coordinator 8 07/26/96 W F Susan Roth Minnesota Historical Society 345 W. Rellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55101-1906 Michael Koop MN Historical Society 345 W. Kellogg Blvd. Peggy Kovsmo-Kennon 97- �s�� 12-11-9'I COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT J REFERENCE COMbfENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEI3 DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- -�- -�- MN Historical Society 345 W. Rellogg 003252 Greiner, Rathryn 1734 Sherwood Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 776-4273 Graphic Designer J 2 11/21/96 W F Carol Gaetz Planning Office St. CLoud City Ha11 400 2nd Street St. Cloud, MN w) (320) 255-7218 Dave Ebnet Stearns County Historical Society 235 33rd Avenue S. Stearns County Historical Society 235 33rd Avenue S. St. Cloud, MN 56301 (320) 253-8424 -- Work Laurie Brickley Minnesota Historical Society 345 Kellogg Blvd. W. St. Paul, MN w) 297-1827 003345 Hecker, John C. 1501 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 646-6912 Architect � 13 09/15/97 W M 9-15-97 HPC Bob Mack MacDOnald & Mack Architects, ltd. Grain Exchange Bldg., Ste. 712 Minneapolis, MN 55415 w) 341-4051 Ms. Nina Zannieri Ex. Director Paul Revere Memorial Assn. 19 North Savane 9�1-�s�� 12-11-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT j REFERENCE COMMENTS Boston, MA Q2113 w) (617) 523-2338 PAGE 3 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEI3 DSS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -^------ -------- -------- --- --- --- David Heide David Heide Designs Grain Exchange Bldg., Ste. 710 Minneapolis, MN 55415 w) 341-4051 003228 Reenan, Sheila 1088 E. Hyacinth Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - ?76-6394 6 5 Jeanne Steinhagen 740 Mississippi River Rd., Apt. SE St. Paul h) 699-3340 Mary Gillman 4033 16th Ave Mpls., MN h) 724-0175 5. w) 962-6554 Sheryl Kabat (no address or phone # listed by applicant) Q9/16/97 W F Aeard about opening from Carrie Wasley (emplo{yed by City of St. Paul/St. Paul Police Dept.) 003251 Larson, Paul @ Home - 644-3179 Independent Historian Dennis Gimmestad Minnesota Historical Society 345 RelLogg w) 296-5462 Robert Roscoe Minneapolis HPC 11/21/96 W M George Nelson Chair� HPC, Quincy Preservation Commission 97� �s7� 12-11-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/01/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 2221 Maine Quincy, IL 62301 h) (217) 224-0702 003221 Lloyd, Thomas 694 Oakdale Avenue St. Paul, MN 55107 Home - 292-8352 Owner/Old style Restoration David VanLandshoot Justine Properties 572 Asbury St. Paul w) 641-0166 Cheryl Diskson M.H.C. 987 Ivy St. Paul 001527 Meuwissen, Lawrenae E. 8 Bates Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 7?4-3418 Attorney Kar1 Neid TCHNS: Liberty Bank Bldg. h) 771-9680 w) 645-9164 Larry ICitto 1227 Marion h) 488-4855 Jerome Lantry 2169 Beech Street h) 735-0139 w) 835-7035 PAGE 4 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- °------ -------- ----°-- _-_ __- °- 7 4 12-14-95 Heritage Preservation Richard Parnel 1957 Selby Ave. h) 646-3235 w) 486-3219 � 07/24/96 NA M 12/14/95 W M Art Baumeister 700 St. Paul Bldg. h) 454-6732 wj 224-5686 97-�s�� 12-11-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMZTTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIOI3S DATED AFTER O1JOlf94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt�NTS Richard Anfang 411 Main Street w) 224-9445 002554 Nordin, Cathy 1427 No. Albert Street St. Pau1, MN 55108 Home - 646-5918 Architect Leo Monster Horty Elving & Assoc. H) 481-1293 W) 332-4422 Bill Snyder W) 545-3731 Mike Kinner H) 374-1629 W) 332-3944 PAGE 5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ------- -�------ -------- --- --� -"- 4 10 Planning Commission 11-12-96 Planning Commission & HPC Julie Hoff District 10 C.O. 1556 Como Avenue, 55108 w) 644-3889 Dennis O'Rourke Past Chair of District 10 Community Coancil Midway Parkway h) 641-0834 Dave C1ark 7392 Ontario Boulevard Eden Prairie, MN h) 934-4460 W) 541-9969 003331 Puhl, Daniel G. 881 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 1 8 65A 11/12/96 W F 09/03/97 W M Home - 298-9880 Logistics Mgt. Specialist 99-�5�� 12-11-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 6 COMMZTTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -°----- --- --- --- Stepflen R. Frohrip 5�04 44th Ave. South Mpls., 55417 h) 727-1248 w) 520-6301 David M. Olson 1196 Parkwood Drive Woodbury, MN 55125 h) 730-6910 w) 70-5615 Curtis L. Newcomb 2565 Bayberry Avenue Stillwater, MN h) 351-7257 w) 296-4585 003092 Sprung, Albert F. 957 Flandrau St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 772-2880 Chemical Technican 0 E 11/28/95 W M Joey Lundquist 6286 IIpper 35th St. Court N. Oakdale, MN 55128 h) 779-4270 w) 832-2600 Robert Bohlken 2253 Pinehurst Lane Stillwater, MN 55082 h) 430-1465 Peter Hanson 1023 Tiller Lane Shoreview, MN 55126 h) 484-7382 w) 291-9472 003094 Walgrave, Amy Lynn #2 St. Anthony Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Aome - 645-9238 Asst to Pres. @ MN Landmarks � 13 11/22/95 W F David Lanegran, Ph.D. Dept. of Geography Macalester college 1660 Grand Ave., 55105 w) 696-6504--Macalester 0 12-11-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 97-�57� PAGE 7 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ----"--- -------- -------- --- --- --- w) 292-3285--MN Landmarks Judy Brooks 456 Ashland Avenue, 55102 w) 292-3276 Ian Pitz Meshbesher Birrell & Dunlap 2450 Park Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55404 w) 871-7000 003246 Warner, Linda K. 2020 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 699-2941 FAX 6993431 Economistjself-Employed Robert Long 2143 Berkeley Avenue St. Paul h) 690-1212 w) 337-9209 4 14 John E. Blomquist or Nicky Scarrella John E. Blomquist, Inc. 700 Empire Building 360 N. Robert w) 222-3051 Bill Bvth St. Paul Building Owner's & Manager's Assn. 645 Capital Centre P1aza w) 291-8888 002973 Woods, Donald Z. 554 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 222-0009 RetiYed Edward Wilson 476 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 H) 291-0813 1 8 11f18/96 W F 11/08/96 W M Riohard McDermott 481 Laurel 97-/s7� 12-11-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 8 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : HPC Aeritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) --�--"------------------°--------- -°- -------" -------- ----__-_ -° "-- --- St. Paul, MN 55102 H) 222-5189 Priscilla Farnham 75 W. Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55102 H) 436-5442 Council File � 97 �'S7T ORIGINAL Preaented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the 2 3 4 s 6 � s Green Sheet # .s2300 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNF.SOTA 6 Tracy Baker Dauid Heide �PPOINTED Paul Larson 9 Each member shall serve a three-year term which will expire on December 31, 2000. io ii 12 13 14 15 16 Requested by Department of: Mayor's Office Bye Peter Hames Adopted by Council: Date (��_ _ �p ,`�q"� i Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appz Byn / appointment and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the SAINT PAUL HERTTAGE PRESERVATION COMI��SSION. REAPPOINTED Form Approved by City Attorney By: �ai:c:,��%' � Approved by Mayor for Submis ion to Counc' By: N° 52300 Q� w ���� DEPARiMENTqFFICE/COUNqL i DATE INITIATED �� i' �� rra Office 12-15-97 GREEN SHEET CONTACT PEflSON 8 PHONE INITIAV�ATE INRIAVDATE DEPARTMENTOIRECTOR CITVCOUNqL Roger CillTt1S 266-8531 ASSIGN CITYATfORNEY �GITYCLERK MUST BE ON CqUNG�L AGENDA BY (DATEI pU a BUDGET DIRECTOR O FM 8 MGT. SERVICES DIR. OPOEN � �pVOR (OR ASSISTANn O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION flEDUESTEU: Approval of the appointment of Paul Larson and the reappointments of Tracy Baker and David Heide to serve on the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Coffiission. RECOMMENDATfONS: Apy�we (A} or Raject (R) PEHSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CqMMISSION _ CIVII SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Hes this per5onffirm eVet Worked Untlef a coMraCt fof thi5 department? _ CIB COMMffTEE __ YES NO 2. Has this personttirm ever been a dry employee? _ STAFf � VES NO _ DISTRICT COUR7 _ 3. DoeS this personflilm pOSSess a skill not normall � y possessetl by any curcent ciry employee. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCILO&IECTIVE� VES NO ' Explain ali yes answero on aeparate aheet and eneeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whet, When. Where. NTy): ADVANTAGESIFAPPqOVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISA�VANTAGES IF NOTAPFROVED: C�ist�fl �PCh C�it� DEC 2 21997 _ _---- --� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TflANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBEH FINANCIAL WFORAdATION: (EXPlA1N) ,� �� � � f-;. ,. Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TQ: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Joseph Collins Councilmember Mike Harris Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Gladys Morton FROM: DATE: RE: Roger Curtis s � G , Darlyne Morrow � December 16, 1997 HERITAGE PRESERVATIOI�I COMMISSION (HPC) 97-/5 r r � , � ✓' ' , Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment and reappointments of the following individuals to serve on the Heritage Preservation Commission. Paul Larson REAPPOINTMENTS Tracey Baker David Heide TERM EXPIl2E5 12-31-2000 12-31-2000 12-31-Z000 Attached is a copy of Paul Larson's application, a copy of the resolution and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January, 1994. Feei free to contact me at 266-8531 if you have any questions or concems. RCC:drm Atiachments c: Aaron Rubenstein, HPC Staff H9USERSMORROWIW PF{LESViPC-CNC.MEM vx'k'SCE OF THE MAYOi2 ' �f,� 390 CITY 33ALL ✓ SAINT PAIIL, MIN2�IESOTA 55102 266 FAX: 266 Name: Home Addiess: G �_ Street Telephone Nunber: �-�so.J ��v � a� ��t imPl 5��4 3/ 7 7 R£C�1ED tiOV 2 } 1996 Planning District Coiscil: ��, �� �c z.v Citp Council Azrd: PrePerred }5ailing Address: �T�1/� Q7- i57� 0 Zip Rhat is yovr occnpation? �'JE��1�� Place �of Emplopment: �'��-"�'' Conmittee(s) Applied For: ���-c?�R�'-c ����.'�c�iL-✓ 1 �"J�-l�s�o°�{ Rhat skills/training or experience do pou possess for the coamittee(s) for vhich pou seek appointment? ___ ( � ��i7�'i-� �- w2s�� 3� � �sz1c �� «-rh�tl (,' Co�v�P�. i_ i ��t/T� �3'77� � �Y 'rz .a/ C-��'r1�4-�-1'�l/'L f E�"7 fi R �� r- �� J�7v/t-c ` �.1` i �-�'_ cS � ��`f+�/Yx`s �/L �v �✓LC f{7 �� .�Q-av� fh�-Ef-E r�t--s-c- fft�'?��o3-N _ !.s-a,2 �c � , yf-a vd K�°t 'S . � : �1�t*fiz`� J i' !� w �- �1 �' � . �.� � �/i) �} ?r6-o a -r- /J �.� � s� �-7 r�! �f / �- C-r � ch 1' 3f ��'l o/Zo3�'�'_S u�i1(}'�� �T1�'C �.Si�E�`� INC�.vd��i.'}t,' r�ict� z��,•h The inforaation incl Kirsiesota Govezment the genezal public� '�i' �'� a�_ �T 7`a,�.�, � . in this pplication is considered private eata accorcing to the Practices Act. As a result, tRis inforaation is not zeleased to (ppEg). Rev. 2i z8196 Y�-t� �� R�.T� � � . PERSO2zAL REFF.FENCES Name: r S c M�t,t B��,�F Address : 1�/'/J �1I�6�- �hf'[s''r<./'� .� c�9'z- �e V�� � 3 4 ('� 6 6_ _, �!' /�'�2.-- S�3'/�° L Phone: CHome) lAork) Z''`'/6 - S'� Name: Address ILUS c�� �" C�tyL <"t/.v��'9t t�C � Phone• {gome) �p Name Address: �ti'�I n'('��1� C� Phone • (Hoaa� 7 � - �--Z'`f - -� - � 7 ° 1-- <cv �y /L � 'Z3 0 Reasons for your interest in this pa=ticular committee � fh-J - �F�1 C �� rT .J 0 M �i' � R�� — ��/�e�' / t�Y�-� ��--l-� �G�? 7-e C.IViL-K=. r� 1-{, a'?b/t- c !�/L� <-rL t/J'F-�'T o-� 1 0 i?� fd G-v�tl � fi.z�-f l3rC�'<I'. -7"fF� ��� �P C �1'-� �"�'�-ro� �C�`� ' � ! � , � r r G c✓r iL'�"�r2_!� a C'o C�1t/`J' i �+�iUt7 .U-.�rtn-��G0�1�VA/! �'NC�ZNJ` Have pou had�evious contact vith the co�ittee for vhich you are making application. If so, vhen, and circumstances? /. /`y�,� - � � r _Z f �'&'� � ��9� - r` ��t"� (�sa,� Ps� ��-�. In an attempt to ensure that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup oE onr co�unitp, please check the li.ne applicabie to you. This information is strictly voluntaxy. �White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific IsZander American Tndian o= Alaskan Eskimo _,� 2SaIe �/ Female Date of Birth: / - � — �- � Disabled: Yes No � If special accommodations are needed, please speci£y. Hov did you hear about this opening? No �.�J S'�- c�:�L CJ_ fJ. 97-is��- PAIIL CLIFFORD I.ARSO�i 6�1 Asburv St. Paul MN 55401 (612} 644-2179 E�IPLOI'w��'T HISTORY 1980-present Independent hsstorian and consultant with specialties in azchitectural history, historic building intetpretation, midwestern lilstory, and exhibit curativn 1990-1994 �Yecutive Director, Gardner Iviuseum of Architecture and Design, Quincy IL 1986-1989 Contributing Editor, flrchitecture Minrxesota 198b-1988 Special Curator of Architecture, University of Minnesota Art Museum, Muuieapolis M13 1984-1982 Guest Curator, Ivfinnesota Museum of Art, St. Yaul MN 1973-1985 Building restoration consultant/designer/contractor 1971-1973 Visiting Assistant Professor in Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA LOCAL HERTTAGE AND NATIONAL REGISTER STI'E W012K Appraved National Register Nominations South Side Geiman Historic District, Quincy IL (1992, 1995) South Fulton Churchhouse, Astoria County II, (1944} John Gluck House, Muuieapolis MN (1989} Anthony Yoerg House, St. Paul MN (1988) Walsh Builc�ing, St. Paul IvLV (1988) Read's Landing School, Read's Landing MN (1987} S'vc Brick Merchants' Cottages, Wabasha MN (1987} Stout House, Lake City MN (1987) Pearl Button Factory, Lake City MN (1987) First Church of Christ Scientist, Muuieapolis (1985) Hinckle-Murghy House, Muuieapolis (1984) Historic Site Surveys Intensive site survey of South Side Cserman fIistoric District, Quincy IL (2704 buildings; 1991-95) Intenssve site survey of tha Central Business Distriet, Quincy IL (200 buiidings; 1993) Intensive site survey of Daytons Bluff, St. Paul MN (404 build'ui�s; 1989) Survey of potential Healy Block Historic District, vlinneapolis MN (1 S buildings; 1988) Survey of potenUal Ninth Sireet Historic D+�strict, Minneapolis MN {12 bu�dinQs; 1987) Reconnaissance level survey of Wabasha County MN (19$7) Survey of 15 St. Paul properties for local desia ation (1984) Intensive site survey, Prairie School houses in Miruieapolis, St. Paul, and Duluth (1981-82) Tar Certifzcatron Mimteapolis Ninth Street District propertles for Brighton Development (1989) 47- IS�+f a�rrn�rnnararn�rn�rr�rr Armn�crt��inn�,ru.crecr��rc JL'Ll'+l.l VVIVJVL1L111V1V 111VLLL'J1V1V L.V1VllV11JO1V1VJ 19°5 1994 1993 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 Histarical consuliant and evriter for Quincy Presen�afion Commission Desi� consulYant for integrating historic elemants into St. Mazy's Church, CZuincy IL rlrchitectural history consultant for "Theatre of the Fratemity" e�ubit project at University of Ivlinnesota Art Museum I�istorical consultant for reuse study of the Minneapolis Armory by the Center For Urban American Desi�n at the University of Minnesota Mentor of pilot project for children's phoYOdocumentary pro�am, "St. Paul Self-Portrait" Consultant in updating of historic housing stock for Minneapolis Zonlnn and Plannin� Historical consultant for Govemor's Design Team, Minnesota Presentation of presen�ation brief on Mimteapolis Central High School for the Minneapolis Historic Preservation Cominission Design of sanctuary interior in new Sixth Church of Christ Scientist, �Iinneapolis M Redesign of missing porches and towers for 7. Ridgway House, Minneapalis MN Desi� oFRenaissance Rerival porch and landscaping far F.He�g Honse, Minueapolis IvIN SBLECT PUBLICATIONS In process: 1995 1992 1991 1989 1988 Cald Comforts: Minnasoca Celebrations of �inter (to be published hy Afton Historical Saciery Press in 1997) Up to the Cabzn and Out to the Lake: Minnesota's Sumtner Houses (to be published by Afton Historicai Society Press in 1998) An architectural history of St. Paul, Minnesota (with Jef&ey Hess, under auspices of St. Paui FIeritage Preservation Commission; publicarion planning in process ) Minnesota Architect: The Life and Work of CZarence K.lohnston, Aiton Historical Sociery Press, Afton, vIN Historic 4zcincy �rckitecture, Herring Press, Houston TX I�istoric Barns of.4dams County: An.9ut� Tour Guide, Gazdner Museum of Architecture and Design, Quincy IL (state award in museuxn publications) MunicipalMonument: A Centennial Histo of the Ivtunicipal Buildirzg, I4lunicipal Building Commission, Ivlumeapolis i�N "Before the Crash:l�linnesota's First Honar Awazds,"Architecture 11�Iinnesota (7an. 1989) "Tall Ta1es: The Twin Cities' First Towers,"tlrchitecture 1Ltinnesota (viar. 1989} "The French in Our Midst," Architecture Minnesota (M2y 1989) The Spirit of H. H. Richardson on the tLlydland Prairies: Regional Transformations of an Architectzcral Ssyde, Io��a State Llniversity Press, Ames IA [Award for Excellence from the Association of American Publishers] "In 5earch ofthe Richardso;tians," InLandArchitectv32 1483 "Duluth: Whera Stqle �L'ent Wild," Rrchifecture Minnesota (Sep.-Oct. 1483) 1982 Prairie School Archffecture in?��innesota, fowa, and GViscortsin, :14innesota Museum of Art, St. Paul '\,4arion Mahony and l�,�ai:er $uriey �iri�u1: i he 1-lairiage of r3rativing a;.d Architecture," The Prant Coiiactor's �tietinslettEr, v 13 n 2 2 97-�s�r � SFJ�ECT LECTURES A:v'D LUORKSHOPS 1994 °Recycling the Counhy School," Gardnet Museum of Atchitecture and Desi� "The Imptint of German Settlement in Westem lllinois and Eastern 1�lissouri,'" Goad Samaritan Assocation 1493 Photograptuc canservation workshop, Gazdner Musetun of Architecture and Design 1992 "Our Architectural Heritage: More Than a Pretty Face," Illinois Society of Professionai Engineers Annual Conference 1990 "W1iat Buiidings Say About People," Gardner Museum of Architecture and llesign "The Architectural Heritage of Lake ivlimietonka," a series of tlu•ee lecriues and two tours sponsored by the �finnesota Humanifies Commission 1989 "Historic Twin Cities Churches," annual meeting of tlte AAUGV in n4inneagalis "From Swedish Ghetto to Sununit Avenue: A Day in the Life of a Master 1Vlason," The Gilded Age Fzstival, St. Paul M:�' "Architectural Conseroarion, an Environmentai Issue," tiVinona County FIistorical Society, MN "Of Mosquitoes,l�lyths, and Morals," meeting of the Mintiesota Territozial Pioneers 1988 "H. H. Richardson Rides the Rails: The I�ispersion of a High Style into Main Sireet America," annual meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of the AIA "Going Home: Wliere the Hill House Workers Lived," T'he Gitded Age Fesrival, St. Paul Ml�T 1986 "Otnamentai Iron in Nlinneapolis and St. Paul," second annual conference of Intrinsic Art in Architecture, Minneapolis MN 1985 "Romanesque or Rockpile: T'he Irnage of Casmopolitanism Provincially Understood," annual conference of the Kansas City Chapter of the AIA and CST 1983 "F3igh Art and Mass Production in Turn-of-the-Century Buiiding Technolo�ies," annual conference of the Society for Industrial Archeolo�, Minneapolis 1982 "Chicago ArchitecTure in Mason City: From Invasion to Absorption," Charles ibIacnider Museum of Art, Mason City Iti SELECT EXFID3ITS 1995 "Villa Kathrine a muri-e�ibit of an Islamic Revival "castle" designed and built for travel to schools and promotional events 1990-1994 Ezhibits for Gardner Museum of Architecture and Design (partiai listing) "A Kaleidoscope of llmerican Architeciure" "Country Schoolhauses" "The Studio Photo�•aphers Art, 18�&-1918" "One Hundred Xears of Bains" "Wildemess in the City: Quutcy's Scenic Parks and Cemeteries" "Life in Histo�ic Quincy" 1988 "The Spirit of H. H. Richardson on the Midland Prairies," Uniti•ersit� of Nlinnesota Art Museum (with travel to five other states) 1982 "Prairie School.lrchitecture in Nliruiesota, Iowa, and �Visconsin," �linnesota Museum of Art (with tocr to sites in Wisconsin and Iowa; a]so picked up by the IISIA for tour of Central and Soath Atnerican cities) 9�� �5�� Al�ATIL`Tdi!'� ATiTl7)T�(1L`L�C�C�TlIT.iAT TnATTTT.T('_ 111.l11/L'lVlil.lSiVLrl\Vl'L'JJIVIVCIL 11\1111V11VV iycici n. a. summa cum iaude in p'tuiosophy, Unn of ��innesota 196G-70 Yale Graduate Fellow in Philosphy 1968-7Q Yale Teaching Fellow in Philosophy 1971 ABD in philosophy, Yale Crraduate School 1990-93 Numerous workshops on conservarion, collecrions management, long-range planning, and fund-raising for museums REFERENCES Dentris Crimmestad, State Historic Preservation Office Vlinnesota f�istorical Society, 345 Kellogg, St. Paul MN 55102-1906 (217)296-5462 Timothy Samuelson, Chicago Landmarks Commizsion Reed-Murdock Building, 320 N. Clazk Street, Room 516, Chicago II. 6061 d (312) 744-3038 Mary Tumer, Coordinator of Illinois Associa6on of Museums l Old State Capitoi Plaza, Sprin�ieid, II, 62701 (217)524-708d Linda Mack, architectura writer for Minneapolis 3tar/7'ribune 2539 Thomas Av S., Miruieapolis MN 55405 Lan�� viillet, arc:utecture writer for St Paul Pioneer Press 648 Delaavaze, St. Paul V1N SSld7 97-�S��F 12-11-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 COMMITTEE : EiPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) °-------------°--------�---°---- ---- ----'---- -------- -------- --- --- --- 003196 Austin, Becky 1 8 0'7/�5/96 W F 625 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 227-4168 Designer ave Morford 184 George Street, 55107 h) 222-5998 Jeff Ausha 862 Summit Avenue, 55105 h) 224-9374 Jeff Weisbach 321 Colborne h) 224-6578 003086 DuPaul, Angela 668 Greenbrier St. Paul, MN 55106 � 10/31/95 W F Home - 776-0550 Student/Lakewood Com. College 003213 Esser, Heather 491 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 298-8350 Public ProgYam Coordinator 8 07/26/96 W F Susan Roth Minnesota Historical Society 345 W. Rellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55101-1906 Michael Koop MN Historical Society 345 W. Kellogg Blvd. Peggy Kovsmo-Kennon 97- �s�� 12-11-9'I COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT J REFERENCE COMbfENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEI3 DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- -�- -�- MN Historical Society 345 W. Rellogg 003252 Greiner, Rathryn 1734 Sherwood Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 776-4273 Graphic Designer J 2 11/21/96 W F Carol Gaetz Planning Office St. CLoud City Ha11 400 2nd Street St. Cloud, MN w) (320) 255-7218 Dave Ebnet Stearns County Historical Society 235 33rd Avenue S. Stearns County Historical Society 235 33rd Avenue S. St. Cloud, MN 56301 (320) 253-8424 -- Work Laurie Brickley Minnesota Historical Society 345 Kellogg Blvd. W. St. Paul, MN w) 297-1827 003345 Hecker, John C. 1501 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 646-6912 Architect � 13 09/15/97 W M 9-15-97 HPC Bob Mack MacDOnald & Mack Architects, ltd. Grain Exchange Bldg., Ste. 712 Minneapolis, MN 55415 w) 341-4051 Ms. Nina Zannieri Ex. Director Paul Revere Memorial Assn. 19 North Savane 9�1-�s�� 12-11-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT j REFERENCE COMMENTS Boston, MA Q2113 w) (617) 523-2338 PAGE 3 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEI3 DSS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -^------ -------- -------- --- --- --- David Heide David Heide Designs Grain Exchange Bldg., Ste. 710 Minneapolis, MN 55415 w) 341-4051 003228 Reenan, Sheila 1088 E. Hyacinth Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - ?76-6394 6 5 Jeanne Steinhagen 740 Mississippi River Rd., Apt. SE St. Paul h) 699-3340 Mary Gillman 4033 16th Ave Mpls., MN h) 724-0175 5. w) 962-6554 Sheryl Kabat (no address or phone # listed by applicant) Q9/16/97 W F Aeard about opening from Carrie Wasley (emplo{yed by City of St. Paul/St. Paul Police Dept.) 003251 Larson, Paul @ Home - 644-3179 Independent Historian Dennis Gimmestad Minnesota Historical Society 345 RelLogg w) 296-5462 Robert Roscoe Minneapolis HPC 11/21/96 W M George Nelson Chair� HPC, Quincy Preservation Commission 97� �s7� 12-11-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/01/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 2221 Maine Quincy, IL 62301 h) (217) 224-0702 003221 Lloyd, Thomas 694 Oakdale Avenue St. Paul, MN 55107 Home - 292-8352 Owner/Old style Restoration David VanLandshoot Justine Properties 572 Asbury St. Paul w) 641-0166 Cheryl Diskson M.H.C. 987 Ivy St. Paul 001527 Meuwissen, Lawrenae E. 8 Bates Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 7?4-3418 Attorney Kar1 Neid TCHNS: Liberty Bank Bldg. h) 771-9680 w) 645-9164 Larry ICitto 1227 Marion h) 488-4855 Jerome Lantry 2169 Beech Street h) 735-0139 w) 835-7035 PAGE 4 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- °------ -------- ----°-- _-_ __- °- 7 4 12-14-95 Heritage Preservation Richard Parnel 1957 Selby Ave. h) 646-3235 w) 486-3219 � 07/24/96 NA M 12/14/95 W M Art Baumeister 700 St. Paul Bldg. h) 454-6732 wj 224-5686 97-�s�� 12-11-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMZTTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIOI3S DATED AFTER O1JOlf94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt�NTS Richard Anfang 411 Main Street w) 224-9445 002554 Nordin, Cathy 1427 No. Albert Street St. Pau1, MN 55108 Home - 646-5918 Architect Leo Monster Horty Elving & Assoc. H) 481-1293 W) 332-4422 Bill Snyder W) 545-3731 Mike Kinner H) 374-1629 W) 332-3944 PAGE 5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ------- -�------ -------- --- --� -"- 4 10 Planning Commission 11-12-96 Planning Commission & HPC Julie Hoff District 10 C.O. 1556 Como Avenue, 55108 w) 644-3889 Dennis O'Rourke Past Chair of District 10 Community Coancil Midway Parkway h) 641-0834 Dave C1ark 7392 Ontario Boulevard Eden Prairie, MN h) 934-4460 W) 541-9969 003331 Puhl, Daniel G. 881 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 1 8 65A 11/12/96 W F 09/03/97 W M Home - 298-9880 Logistics Mgt. Specialist 99-�5�� 12-11-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 6 COMMZTTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -°----- --- --- --- Stepflen R. Frohrip 5�04 44th Ave. South Mpls., 55417 h) 727-1248 w) 520-6301 David M. Olson 1196 Parkwood Drive Woodbury, MN 55125 h) 730-6910 w) 70-5615 Curtis L. Newcomb 2565 Bayberry Avenue Stillwater, MN h) 351-7257 w) 296-4585 003092 Sprung, Albert F. 957 Flandrau St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 772-2880 Chemical Technican 0 E 11/28/95 W M Joey Lundquist 6286 IIpper 35th St. Court N. Oakdale, MN 55128 h) 779-4270 w) 832-2600 Robert Bohlken 2253 Pinehurst Lane Stillwater, MN 55082 h) 430-1465 Peter Hanson 1023 Tiller Lane Shoreview, MN 55126 h) 484-7382 w) 291-9472 003094 Walgrave, Amy Lynn #2 St. Anthony Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Aome - 645-9238 Asst to Pres. @ MN Landmarks � 13 11/22/95 W F David Lanegran, Ph.D. Dept. of Geography Macalester college 1660 Grand Ave., 55105 w) 696-6504--Macalester 0 12-11-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 97-�57� PAGE 7 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ----"--- -------- -------- --- --- --- w) 292-3285--MN Landmarks Judy Brooks 456 Ashland Avenue, 55102 w) 292-3276 Ian Pitz Meshbesher Birrell & Dunlap 2450 Park Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55404 w) 871-7000 003246 Warner, Linda K. 2020 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 699-2941 FAX 6993431 Economistjself-Employed Robert Long 2143 Berkeley Avenue St. Paul h) 690-1212 w) 337-9209 4 14 John E. Blomquist or Nicky Scarrella John E. Blomquist, Inc. 700 Empire Building 360 N. Robert w) 222-3051 Bill Bvth St. Paul Building Owner's & Manager's Assn. 645 Capital Centre P1aza w) 291-8888 002973 Woods, Donald Z. 554 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 222-0009 RetiYed Edward Wilson 476 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 H) 291-0813 1 8 11f18/96 W F 11/08/96 W M Riohard McDermott 481 Laurel 97-/s7� 12-11-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 8 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : HPC Aeritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) --�--"------------------°--------- -°- -------" -------- ----__-_ -° "-- --- St. Paul, MN 55102 H) 222-5189 Priscilla Farnham 75 W. Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55102 H) 436-5442