97-1560Council File # �{� 1 S�CS Green Sheet # 60780 RESOLUTION 41NT PAUL. MINNESOTA Presented Referred To � Committee Date 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the December 16, 2 1997 decision of the Legislative Hearin� Officer: 3 Proroert,y A�pealed Ap�ellant 4 1337 Arkv�mQht James Marty 5 Decision: Appeal is granted with the stipulation that the 6 owner provide a written certification to the Fire 7 Department with respect to the installation of a 8 one-hour 5re resistant ceiling. 9 860 Vandalia Street 10 Decision: Laid over to March 17,1998. I 1 1011 East Cook Avenue 12 Decision: Appeal is denied and the owner is given until 13 May 1,1998 to comply with code. 14 1005 Sherburne Avenue 15 Decision: Laid over to February 17,1998. 16 521 Bav Street 17 Decision: Appeal is denied and owner is given until 18 June 1,1998 to comply with code. Gourmet Award Foods Margo Iverson Donna L. Kunde Darlene M. Crrovum 1 c� `1-1 � �`' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Yeas Na s Absent Blakey � Bostrom Hazris � Megard � Morton Collins � Thune ✓ 5 � 8 Adopted by Council: Date p� ,'� a `�q � 9 Adoption Ce fied by Council Secretary 10 By: "�-�_ ��--,-� 11 Approved by Mayor: Date u„ Zf. 7`3� 12 By: ��,L Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � 7 City Council Offices Dave Thune 2b6-8620 IST BE ON COUNCIL AGFNDA BY (DAT� December 22, 1997 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES u �.,a,�.� u aTM�..— ❑ dnwnwrar ❑ arcaraK ❑.wnu,�amnncFSm�. ❑wuwn.iaom,sc.e ❑ aroie�ouwssor�xq ❑ (CllP ALL LOCATfONS FOR SICaNATUR� Approving decision o£ the Legislative Hearing Officer on Property Code Enforcement Appeals for December 16, 1997 meeting. Property Locations - 1337 Arkwright; 860 Vandalia Street; 1011 Cook Avenue 1005 Sherburne Avenue and 521 Bay Street PIANNMG COMMISSION C16 CAMMfTfEE CIV{L SERVICE COMMISSION `�`1-15 �o GREEN SHEET No 60`780 DATE INISIAT� 12/16/97 RSONALSERYfCE CONiRACfS MUST ANSWERTf/E iOL40WIN6 QUES7IONS: Flas Uu6 P�'-«�� erefwaAced UMEf a WMfaCI f0[ tlu6 tlBpa�Lm2R(7 YES No Haa Mis Pereonfi�m e�er 6een a aF! �OhY�? . YES NO oo� this ce�so�rm o�sess a sidn na �wrmalbvossessetl bv anv wRenc ciiv emobveeT YES NO la thia peisonlfirtn a targetetl �endoYt . VES NO IF APPROVED AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S M3TrttEVENl1E BUDQETED (qRCLE ONE� IGSOURCE _ _ . _ AGTNiTYNUMBER_______ YES NO �'1-�s�a NfINUTES OF PROPERTY CODE ENFORCEMENT MEETING December 16, 1997 Room 330, City Hall Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer Staff: Pat Fish, Piul Owens, James Prill, Harold Robinson and Maynazd Vinge Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer, called the meeting to arder at 1:30 p.m. 1337 Arkwri�ht Ronald Ylitalo, attorney, and James Marry, owner, appeared. Mr. Mariy stated that the buiiding was consiructed to code in 1972-1973. Pat Fish, Fire Prevention, stated that the Fire Department wants assutance in writing that re�lacement tiles aze one-hour resistant. Getry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer, granted the appeal, with the stipulation that Mr. Marty provide written certification to the Fire Deparhnent that ceiling tile replacements aze one- hour resistant. 860 Vandalia Street Susan Steinwau, representing Gourmet Award Foods (GAF), tenant, stated that fire inspectors ordered that a sprinkler system be installed in the warehouse facility. GAF has spoken to an azchitect and engineers. Ms. Steinwau presented a letter from their consultant, Mountain Star (MS) to Gerry Strathxnan, Legislative Hearing Officer, and requested an estension of time in arder for MS to complete a fire sprinkler system assessment study, John Bannigan, representing the owner of the building, Arthur M. Stone, indicated that Mr. Stone is in agreement with GAF's request. Phil Owens, Fire Prevention, reported that the issue is not so much with the building as with the commodity storage, stating that the system is in violation of the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code - considered "high-pile" starage. t1n opportunity to reduceJrearrange their storage or sprinkler the building was given. There is no objection to a continuance for ninety (90} days to assess and plan to bring this situation to compliance. Mr. Bannigan responded by saying that complying with the storage/sprinkler situation could affect the utility of the building. They want to maxnnize the utility of the building - keeping the labor force in tack and the tenant in place. Mr. Strathman laid tlus matter over to March 17, 1998. �� � �s'�a 1011 East Cook Avenue Mazgo Iverson, owner, appeared, stating that cement rubble which from a retaining wail which was removed several years ago is ixnpossible for her to move. She has contacted several companies, however, has not found one that will remove cement rubble. She is disabled and neighbors who are willing to assist her with this situation are in Florida until April - therefare, she would appreciate an extension of time. Jim Prill, Public Health, reported that all orders, except the removal of the concrete, have been complied with. This is a code violation because it is demolition/building material, however, this situation does not pose an immediate health hazard. Mr. Strathman denied the appeal and allows the owner until May 1, 1998 to comply with code. 1005 Sherburne Avenue Donna Kunde, owner, and her son Martin, appeazed. Mr. Knude stated that they aze appealing the vacant building fee. Mrs. Knude advised that she took a second mortgage out on her home in order to make necessary repairs. Harold Robinson, Public Health, reported that since the building was condemned on Mazch 13, 1996, a code compliance has not been obtained. The vacant building fee was paid December 2, 1996 - due from December 2, 997. Repairs haue been made without a code compliance inspection or permits. Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer, laid this matter over to February 17, 1998, with the understanding that the vacant building fee will be paid, a code compliance inspection will be obtained and that necessary permits will be pulled to complete the rehabilitation of the building. 521 Ba�Street Darlene and Allan Growm, owners, appeazed. Mr. Grovum stated that most of the necessary repairs have been made. Caulking on the windows, outside painting and roof repairs sfill need to be made. Mr. Grovum stated that he cannot scrape due to health reasons and they are requesfing an extension of time to make all necessary repairs. Maynazd Vinge, Public Health, reported that several letters were issued with respect to this situation. The first letter was issued in July to Guy Grovum and Karen Pluff (father and sister of Allan Grovum - both deceased), which was returned. A correcrion norice was sent in October to Darlene Grovum (obtained from vehicle registration). Mr. Vinge stated that Public Health is requesting a telephone number and notification in writing as to when repairs will be made. Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer, denied the appeal and allowed the owners until 7une 1, 1998 to bring the structure into compliance. The meeting was adjourned at 2:25 pm. Council File # �{� 1 S�CS Green Sheet # 60780 RESOLUTION 41NT PAUL. MINNESOTA Presented Referred To � Committee Date 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the December 16, 2 1997 decision of the Legislative Hearin� Officer: 3 Proroert,y A�pealed Ap�ellant 4 1337 Arkv�mQht James Marty 5 Decision: Appeal is granted with the stipulation that the 6 owner provide a written certification to the Fire 7 Department with respect to the installation of a 8 one-hour 5re resistant ceiling. 9 860 Vandalia Street 10 Decision: Laid over to March 17,1998. I 1 1011 East Cook Avenue 12 Decision: Appeal is denied and the owner is given until 13 May 1,1998 to comply with code. 14 1005 Sherburne Avenue 15 Decision: Laid over to February 17,1998. 16 521 Bav Street 17 Decision: Appeal is denied and owner is given until 18 June 1,1998 to comply with code. Gourmet Award Foods Margo Iverson Donna L. Kunde Darlene M. Crrovum 1 c� `1-1 � �`' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Yeas Na s Absent Blakey � Bostrom Hazris � Megard � Morton Collins � Thune ✓ 5 � 8 Adopted by Council: Date p� ,'� a `�q � 9 Adoption Ce fied by Council Secretary 10 By: "�-�_ ��--,-� 11 Approved by Mayor: Date u„ Zf. 7`3� 12 By: ��,L Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � 7 City Council Offices Dave Thune 2b6-8620 IST BE ON COUNCIL AGFNDA BY (DAT� December 22, 1997 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES u �.,a,�.� u aTM�..— ❑ dnwnwrar ❑ arcaraK ❑.wnu,�amnncFSm�. ❑wuwn.iaom,sc.e ❑ aroie�ouwssor�xq ❑ (CllP ALL LOCATfONS FOR SICaNATUR� Approving decision o£ the Legislative Hearing Officer on Property Code Enforcement Appeals for December 16, 1997 meeting. Property Locations - 1337 Arkwright; 860 Vandalia Street; 1011 Cook Avenue 1005 Sherburne Avenue and 521 Bay Street PIANNMG COMMISSION C16 CAMMfTfEE CIV{L SERVICE COMMISSION `�`1-15 �o GREEN SHEET No 60`780 DATE INISIAT� 12/16/97 RSONALSERYfCE CONiRACfS MUST ANSWERTf/E iOL40WIN6 QUES7IONS: Flas Uu6 P�'-«�� erefwaAced UMEf a WMfaCI f0[ tlu6 tlBpa�Lm2R(7 YES No Haa Mis Pereonfi�m e�er 6een a aF! �OhY�? . YES NO oo� this ce�so�rm o�sess a sidn na �wrmalbvossessetl bv anv wRenc ciiv emobveeT YES NO la thia peisonlfirtn a targetetl �endoYt . VES NO IF APPROVED AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S M3TrttEVENl1E BUDQETED (qRCLE ONE� IGSOURCE _ _ . _ AGTNiTYNUMBER_______ YES NO �'1-�s�a NfINUTES OF PROPERTY CODE ENFORCEMENT MEETING December 16, 1997 Room 330, City Hall Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer Staff: Pat Fish, Piul Owens, James Prill, Harold Robinson and Maynazd Vinge Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer, called the meeting to arder at 1:30 p.m. 1337 Arkwri�ht Ronald Ylitalo, attorney, and James Marry, owner, appeared. Mr. Mariy stated that the buiiding was consiructed to code in 1972-1973. Pat Fish, Fire Prevention, stated that the Fire Department wants assutance in writing that re�lacement tiles aze one-hour resistant. Getry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer, granted the appeal, with the stipulation that Mr. Marty provide written certification to the Fire Deparhnent that ceiling tile replacements aze one- hour resistant. 860 Vandalia Street Susan Steinwau, representing Gourmet Award Foods (GAF), tenant, stated that fire inspectors ordered that a sprinkler system be installed in the warehouse facility. GAF has spoken to an azchitect and engineers. Ms. Steinwau presented a letter from their consultant, Mountain Star (MS) to Gerry Strathxnan, Legislative Hearing Officer, and requested an estension of time in arder for MS to complete a fire sprinkler system assessment study, John Bannigan, representing the owner of the building, Arthur M. Stone, indicated that Mr. Stone is in agreement with GAF's request. Phil Owens, Fire Prevention, reported that the issue is not so much with the building as with the commodity storage, stating that the system is in violation of the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code - considered "high-pile" starage. t1n opportunity to reduceJrearrange their storage or sprinkler the building was given. There is no objection to a continuance for ninety (90} days to assess and plan to bring this situation to compliance. Mr. Bannigan responded by saying that complying with the storage/sprinkler situation could affect the utility of the building. They want to maxnnize the utility of the building - keeping the labor force in tack and the tenant in place. Mr. Strathman laid tlus matter over to March 17, 1998. �� � �s'�a 1011 East Cook Avenue Mazgo Iverson, owner, appeared, stating that cement rubble which from a retaining wail which was removed several years ago is ixnpossible for her to move. She has contacted several companies, however, has not found one that will remove cement rubble. She is disabled and neighbors who are willing to assist her with this situation are in Florida until April - therefare, she would appreciate an extension of time. Jim Prill, Public Health, reported that all orders, except the removal of the concrete, have been complied with. This is a code violation because it is demolition/building material, however, this situation does not pose an immediate health hazard. Mr. Strathman denied the appeal and allows the owner until May 1, 1998 to comply with code. 1005 Sherburne Avenue Donna Kunde, owner, and her son Martin, appeazed. Mr. Knude stated that they aze appealing the vacant building fee. Mrs. Knude advised that she took a second mortgage out on her home in order to make necessary repairs. Harold Robinson, Public Health, reported that since the building was condemned on Mazch 13, 1996, a code compliance has not been obtained. The vacant building fee was paid December 2, 1996 - due from December 2, 997. Repairs haue been made without a code compliance inspection or permits. Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer, laid this matter over to February 17, 1998, with the understanding that the vacant building fee will be paid, a code compliance inspection will be obtained and that necessary permits will be pulled to complete the rehabilitation of the building. 521 Ba�Street Darlene and Allan Growm, owners, appeazed. Mr. Grovum stated that most of the necessary repairs have been made. Caulking on the windows, outside painting and roof repairs sfill need to be made. Mr. Grovum stated that he cannot scrape due to health reasons and they are requesfing an extension of time to make all necessary repairs. Maynazd Vinge, Public Health, reported that several letters were issued with respect to this situation. The first letter was issued in July to Guy Grovum and Karen Pluff (father and sister of Allan Grovum - both deceased), which was returned. A correcrion norice was sent in October to Darlene Grovum (obtained from vehicle registration). Mr. Vinge stated that Public Health is requesting a telephone number and notification in writing as to when repairs will be made. Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer, denied the appeal and allowed the owners until 7une 1, 1998 to bring the structure into compliance. The meeting was adjourned at 2:25 pm. Council File # �{� 1 S�CS Green Sheet # 60780 RESOLUTION 41NT PAUL. MINNESOTA Presented Referred To � Committee Date 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the December 16, 2 1997 decision of the Legislative Hearin� Officer: 3 Proroert,y A�pealed Ap�ellant 4 1337 Arkv�mQht James Marty 5 Decision: Appeal is granted with the stipulation that the 6 owner provide a written certification to the Fire 7 Department with respect to the installation of a 8 one-hour 5re resistant ceiling. 9 860 Vandalia Street 10 Decision: Laid over to March 17,1998. I 1 1011 East Cook Avenue 12 Decision: Appeal is denied and the owner is given until 13 May 1,1998 to comply with code. 14 1005 Sherburne Avenue 15 Decision: Laid over to February 17,1998. 16 521 Bav Street 17 Decision: Appeal is denied and owner is given until 18 June 1,1998 to comply with code. Gourmet Award Foods Margo Iverson Donna L. Kunde Darlene M. Crrovum 1 c� `1-1 � �`' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Yeas Na s Absent Blakey � Bostrom Hazris � Megard � Morton Collins � Thune ✓ 5 � 8 Adopted by Council: Date p� ,'� a `�q � 9 Adoption Ce fied by Council Secretary 10 By: "�-�_ ��--,-� 11 Approved by Mayor: Date u„ Zf. 7`3� 12 By: ��,L Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � 7 City Council Offices Dave Thune 2b6-8620 IST BE ON COUNCIL AGFNDA BY (DAT� December 22, 1997 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES u �.,a,�.� u aTM�..— ❑ dnwnwrar ❑ arcaraK ❑.wnu,�amnncFSm�. ❑wuwn.iaom,sc.e ❑ aroie�ouwssor�xq ❑ (CllP ALL LOCATfONS FOR SICaNATUR� Approving decision o£ the Legislative Hearing Officer on Property Code Enforcement Appeals for December 16, 1997 meeting. Property Locations - 1337 Arkwright; 860 Vandalia Street; 1011 Cook Avenue 1005 Sherburne Avenue and 521 Bay Street PIANNMG COMMISSION C16 CAMMfTfEE CIV{L SERVICE COMMISSION `�`1-15 �o GREEN SHEET No 60`780 DATE INISIAT� 12/16/97 RSONALSERYfCE CONiRACfS MUST ANSWERTf/E iOL40WIN6 QUES7IONS: Flas Uu6 P�'-«�� erefwaAced UMEf a WMfaCI f0[ tlu6 tlBpa�Lm2R(7 YES No Haa Mis Pereonfi�m e�er 6een a aF! �OhY�? . YES NO oo� this ce�so�rm o�sess a sidn na �wrmalbvossessetl bv anv wRenc ciiv emobveeT YES NO la thia peisonlfirtn a targetetl �endoYt . VES NO IF APPROVED AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S M3TrttEVENl1E BUDQETED (qRCLE ONE� IGSOURCE _ _ . _ AGTNiTYNUMBER_______ YES NO �'1-�s�a NfINUTES OF PROPERTY CODE ENFORCEMENT MEETING December 16, 1997 Room 330, City Hall Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer Staff: Pat Fish, Piul Owens, James Prill, Harold Robinson and Maynazd Vinge Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer, called the meeting to arder at 1:30 p.m. 1337 Arkwri�ht Ronald Ylitalo, attorney, and James Marry, owner, appeared. Mr. Mariy stated that the buiiding was consiructed to code in 1972-1973. Pat Fish, Fire Prevention, stated that the Fire Department wants assutance in writing that re�lacement tiles aze one-hour resistant. Getry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer, granted the appeal, with the stipulation that Mr. Marty provide written certification to the Fire Deparhnent that ceiling tile replacements aze one- hour resistant. 860 Vandalia Street Susan Steinwau, representing Gourmet Award Foods (GAF), tenant, stated that fire inspectors ordered that a sprinkler system be installed in the warehouse facility. GAF has spoken to an azchitect and engineers. Ms. Steinwau presented a letter from their consultant, Mountain Star (MS) to Gerry Strathxnan, Legislative Hearing Officer, and requested an estension of time in arder for MS to complete a fire sprinkler system assessment study, John Bannigan, representing the owner of the building, Arthur M. Stone, indicated that Mr. Stone is in agreement with GAF's request. Phil Owens, Fire Prevention, reported that the issue is not so much with the building as with the commodity storage, stating that the system is in violation of the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code - considered "high-pile" starage. t1n opportunity to reduceJrearrange their storage or sprinkler the building was given. There is no objection to a continuance for ninety (90} days to assess and plan to bring this situation to compliance. Mr. Bannigan responded by saying that complying with the storage/sprinkler situation could affect the utility of the building. They want to maxnnize the utility of the building - keeping the labor force in tack and the tenant in place. Mr. Strathman laid tlus matter over to March 17, 1998. �� � �s'�a 1011 East Cook Avenue Mazgo Iverson, owner, appeared, stating that cement rubble which from a retaining wail which was removed several years ago is ixnpossible for her to move. She has contacted several companies, however, has not found one that will remove cement rubble. She is disabled and neighbors who are willing to assist her with this situation are in Florida until April - therefare, she would appreciate an extension of time. Jim Prill, Public Health, reported that all orders, except the removal of the concrete, have been complied with. This is a code violation because it is demolition/building material, however, this situation does not pose an immediate health hazard. Mr. Strathman denied the appeal and allows the owner until May 1, 1998 to comply with code. 1005 Sherburne Avenue Donna Kunde, owner, and her son Martin, appeazed. Mr. Knude stated that they aze appealing the vacant building fee. Mrs. Knude advised that she took a second mortgage out on her home in order to make necessary repairs. Harold Robinson, Public Health, reported that since the building was condemned on Mazch 13, 1996, a code compliance has not been obtained. The vacant building fee was paid December 2, 1996 - due from December 2, 997. Repairs haue been made without a code compliance inspection or permits. Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer, laid this matter over to February 17, 1998, with the understanding that the vacant building fee will be paid, a code compliance inspection will be obtained and that necessary permits will be pulled to complete the rehabilitation of the building. 521 Ba�Street Darlene and Allan Growm, owners, appeazed. Mr. Grovum stated that most of the necessary repairs have been made. Caulking on the windows, outside painting and roof repairs sfill need to be made. Mr. Grovum stated that he cannot scrape due to health reasons and they are requesfing an extension of time to make all necessary repairs. Maynazd Vinge, Public Health, reported that several letters were issued with respect to this situation. The first letter was issued in July to Guy Grovum and Karen Pluff (father and sister of Allan Grovum - both deceased), which was returned. A correcrion norice was sent in October to Darlene Grovum (obtained from vehicle registration). Mr. Vinge stated that Public Health is requesting a telephone number and notification in writing as to when repairs will be made. Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer, denied the appeal and allowed the owners until 7une 1, 1998 to bring the structure into compliance. The meeting was adjourned at 2:25 pm.