97-1542Council File # � �' ��7 �Z Presented By. Referred To _ WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works is prepanng a bid for the street lighting on Burr, Minnehaha, Selby and Cretiq and WHEREAS, these projects were approved on Council Files 95-'1477, 94-7843 & 93-1898, and WHEREAS, there are cost savings by awarding one contract for these four projects, and WHEREAS, it is less complicated to accouni for this contract under one activity, so therefore the Department is requesting that these four p�ojects be combined under the Burr Lighting activity, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of ihe Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Bud9et, as heretofore adopted antl amended by this Council is hereby further amended in following particular: � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1' 12 13 t4 t5 16 47 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 96.000.00 -96,000.00 0.00 96,000.00 -96,000.00 0.00 1995 MSA 76,000.06 -76,000.00 0.00 1995 Pubtic improvement Aid 6,000.00 -6,000.00 0.00 Assessmerrt 22,OOO.DO -22,000.00 0.00 ioa,000.00 -ioa,000.00 o.00 i EINANCING PLAN � CreUn Ug-Marshall to Summit C94-2M�22 RESOLUTION Green Sheet � szz90 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ZS Committee: Date Current Amentletl Budget Change Budget t994 MSA 81,00�.00 -81,000.00 �.00 Assessment 12,000.00 -12,000.00 �.00 1994 Public Improvement Aid 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 96,000.�0 -96,000.00 0.�0 SPENDING PLAN Cre(+n LtgMarshall to Summrt C942MO22 Plans & Consiruction FINANCIt�1G PfAN Selby Ave Streetscape Impr C95-2M017 9�-/,5y2 45 46 47 48 49 50 5� 52 53 54 55 56 57 SS 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 �a SPENDING PLAN Selby Ave Streetscape Impr G95-2M017 Plans & Construction FINANCING PLAN Minnehaha Ave St Ltg C96-2K010 7996 MSA Assessment SPEN�ING PLAN Minnehaha Ave St Ltg C96-2K010 Plans & Construction FINANCING PLAN Railroad Island Safety Improv C96-2E025 1994 MSA 1995 MSA 1996 MSA 1994 Public Improvement Aid 1995 P�blic Improvement Aid AssessmeM �� �t� �� �� ��� �� � �• �� ��� �� �� ��� �� � �� 766,000.00 -166,000.00 0.00 23,000.00 -23,000.00 0.00 189,000.00 -189,000.00 0.00 ias,000.00 -�ss,000.00 o.00 189,0OO.OD -iS9,000.00 0.00 81,000.00 76,0O�.Oa 126,000.00 166,000.0� 292,000,00 3.000.00 6,000.00 s,000.00 s�,000.00 s2,000.00 �si,000.00 ass,000.00 asa,000.00 2 9�-/5y 2 79 SPENDINGPLAN 80 Railroatl Island Safety Improv S 1 C96-2E025 82 83 Plans&Construclion 13�,000.00 389,D00.00 520,000.00 84 731,�00,�0 389,000.00 520,000.00 85 8 6 RESOLVED, that ihe City Councii adopts Yne above changes to the Capital budget. i� � Yeas Ndys Absent Requested by Denartment oE: ,_>__, �`- EJW/iab Public Works 1211f97 �..' + s t+I�oa rd 5 0 +,dopted by Council: Date {J ¢, � By: Certified by Council Secretary Foxac Y= pproved By 1� by Budget Director: 1� (1�_e_.�_ \.1 City Attorneyc ,, � � � � -� c Date Approv � y ay r for 'ssioa o.CounciL: � �: I Public Works Ed Warn 266-6142 Mike Eggum 266-6143 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �7-�sy� )ATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET No . 32290 12/1/97 InAiaVDate InitaVDate DEPAftTMENT DIREGTOR $ CI7V COUNCIL ASSIGN � NUMBERF�R CITVATTORNEY ROUSING 0 �� 5 EINANC�ALSEflV 1 ❑ CITY CLEFiK y' MAYOfl(OR ASSISiANn V�(� u Ed Wam ry�a � M&eESyum ❑ DickRucert � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 4� ACTION REQUE5iED ' Approval of attached Council Resolution amending the spending and financing plans for Railroad Isla��urr St Ltgj, Minnehaha Ltg., Selby Ltg. and Cretin Lighting by combining all four under one activity. pEC 10199? �llAYO�t'S OPF#C'� RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)orFe�ect(R) YtNSVNAL5tRY1GtGON�RAC�SPAU5TAN5W[R fHtFVLLOWING(3UE5T10N5: . PLANNING COMMISSION 7. Has this person/firm ever worKetl under a contrac[ for this tlepaRment? -- YES NO � CB COMMITTEE -- 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? - CNILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO 3. Does ihis person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? — YES NQ — 4. I5 this pereoNfirm a[argetetl vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheei and atlach to green sheM , INITIAiING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY)' , The Department of Public Works is preparing a bid for the street lighting on four projects: Burr St, Minnehaha Ave, Selby Ave and Crelin Ave. By combining these four projects into one contract there will be considerable cost savings not to mention ease of accounting for Yhis contract. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: All work will be done under one contract, saving the cost of advertising for bids four sepazate times. Accounting for this work will be simplified by combining the four anto one activity. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. DEC 08 1997 DISADVANTAGES IP NOT APPROVED. �` R �� i �: , :: � r Four separate bids will have to be advertised and four separate contracts awarded. ; �� a��" � 4��_ COTAI.AMOUMOFTRANSACTION$ P,3R9 COST/REVENUEBUDGEiED(CIRCLEON� yES No FUNDINGSOURCE MCA and AcceccmPnt .4CTNITYNUMBER C94-2MO22, C95-2M01�, C9O-2K010 & FINANCIAILNFORMATION(EXPLAIN) � , C96-ZEOLS Ci0lSS1G� t���tdii li�i3�C DEC 1 1 i997 Council File # � �' ��7 �Z Presented By. Referred To _ WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works is prepanng a bid for the street lighting on Burr, Minnehaha, Selby and Cretiq and WHEREAS, these projects were approved on Council Files 95-'1477, 94-7843 & 93-1898, and WHEREAS, there are cost savings by awarding one contract for these four projects, and WHEREAS, it is less complicated to accouni for this contract under one activity, so therefore the Department is requesting that these four p�ojects be combined under the Burr Lighting activity, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of ihe Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Bud9et, as heretofore adopted antl amended by this Council is hereby further amended in following particular: � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1' 12 13 t4 t5 16 47 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 96.000.00 -96,000.00 0.00 96,000.00 -96,000.00 0.00 1995 MSA 76,000.06 -76,000.00 0.00 1995 Pubtic improvement Aid 6,000.00 -6,000.00 0.00 Assessmerrt 22,OOO.DO -22,000.00 0.00 ioa,000.00 -ioa,000.00 o.00 i EINANCING PLAN � CreUn Ug-Marshall to Summit C94-2M�22 RESOLUTION Green Sheet � szz90 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ZS Committee: Date Current Amentletl Budget Change Budget t994 MSA 81,00�.00 -81,000.00 �.00 Assessment 12,000.00 -12,000.00 �.00 1994 Public Improvement Aid 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 96,000.�0 -96,000.00 0.�0 SPENDING PLAN Cre(+n LtgMarshall to Summrt C942MO22 Plans & Consiruction FINANCIt�1G PfAN Selby Ave Streetscape Impr C95-2M017 9�-/,5y2 45 46 47 48 49 50 5� 52 53 54 55 56 57 SS 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 �a SPENDING PLAN Selby Ave Streetscape Impr G95-2M017 Plans & Construction FINANCING PLAN Minnehaha Ave St Ltg C96-2K010 7996 MSA Assessment SPEN�ING PLAN Minnehaha Ave St Ltg C96-2K010 Plans & Construction FINANCING PLAN Railroad Island Safety Improv C96-2E025 1994 MSA 1995 MSA 1996 MSA 1994 Public Improvement Aid 1995 P�blic Improvement Aid AssessmeM �� �t� �� �� ��� �� � �• �� ��� �� �� ��� �� � �� 766,000.00 -166,000.00 0.00 23,000.00 -23,000.00 0.00 189,000.00 -189,000.00 0.00 ias,000.00 -�ss,000.00 o.00 189,0OO.OD -iS9,000.00 0.00 81,000.00 76,0O�.Oa 126,000.00 166,000.0� 292,000,00 3.000.00 6,000.00 s,000.00 s�,000.00 s2,000.00 �si,000.00 ass,000.00 asa,000.00 2 9�-/5y 2 79 SPENDINGPLAN 80 Railroatl Island Safety Improv S 1 C96-2E025 82 83 Plans&Construclion 13�,000.00 389,D00.00 520,000.00 84 731,�00,�0 389,000.00 520,000.00 85 8 6 RESOLVED, that ihe City Councii adopts Yne above changes to the Capital budget. i� � Yeas Ndys Absent Requested by Denartment oE: ,_>__, �`- EJW/iab Public Works 1211f97 �..' + s t+I�oa rd 5 0 +,dopted by Council: Date {J ¢, � By: Certified by Council Secretary Foxac Y= pproved By 1� by Budget Director: 1� (1�_e_.�_ \.1 City Attorneyc ,, � � � � -� c Date Approv � y ay r for 'ssioa o.CounciL: � �: I Public Works Ed Warn 266-6142 Mike Eggum 266-6143 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �7-�sy� )ATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET No . 32290 12/1/97 InAiaVDate InitaVDate DEPAftTMENT DIREGTOR $ CI7V COUNCIL ASSIGN � NUMBERF�R CITVATTORNEY ROUSING 0 �� 5 EINANC�ALSEflV 1 ❑ CITY CLEFiK y' MAYOfl(OR ASSISiANn V�(� u Ed Wam ry�a � M&eESyum ❑ DickRucert � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 4� ACTION REQUE5iED ' Approval of attached Council Resolution amending the spending and financing plans for Railroad Isla��urr St Ltgj, Minnehaha Ltg., Selby Ltg. and Cretin Lighting by combining all four under one activity. pEC 10199? �llAYO�t'S OPF#C'� RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)orFe�ect(R) YtNSVNAL5tRY1GtGON�RAC�SPAU5TAN5W[R fHtFVLLOWING(3UE5T10N5: . PLANNING COMMISSION 7. Has this person/firm ever worKetl under a contrac[ for this tlepaRment? -- YES NO � CB COMMITTEE -- 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? - CNILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO 3. Does ihis person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? — YES NQ — 4. I5 this pereoNfirm a[argetetl vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheei and atlach to green sheM , INITIAiING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY)' , The Department of Public Works is preparing a bid for the street lighting on four projects: Burr St, Minnehaha Ave, Selby Ave and Crelin Ave. By combining these four projects into one contract there will be considerable cost savings not to mention ease of accounting for Yhis contract. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: All work will be done under one contract, saving the cost of advertising for bids four sepazate times. Accounting for this work will be simplified by combining the four anto one activity. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. DEC 08 1997 DISADVANTAGES IP NOT APPROVED. �` R �� i �: , :: � r Four separate bids will have to be advertised and four separate contracts awarded. ; �� a��" � 4��_ COTAI.AMOUMOFTRANSACTION$ P,3R9 COST/REVENUEBUDGEiED(CIRCLEON� yES No FUNDINGSOURCE MCA and AcceccmPnt .4CTNITYNUMBER C94-2MO22, C95-2M01�, C9O-2K010 & FINANCIAILNFORMATION(EXPLAIN) � , C96-ZEOLS Ci0lSS1G� t���tdii li�i3�C DEC 1 1 i997 Council File # � �' ��7 �Z Presented By. Referred To _ WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works is prepanng a bid for the street lighting on Burr, Minnehaha, Selby and Cretiq and WHEREAS, these projects were approved on Council Files 95-'1477, 94-7843 & 93-1898, and WHEREAS, there are cost savings by awarding one contract for these four projects, and WHEREAS, it is less complicated to accouni for this contract under one activity, so therefore the Department is requesting that these four p�ojects be combined under the Burr Lighting activity, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of ihe Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Bud9et, as heretofore adopted antl amended by this Council is hereby further amended in following particular: � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1' 12 13 t4 t5 16 47 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 96.000.00 -96,000.00 0.00 96,000.00 -96,000.00 0.00 1995 MSA 76,000.06 -76,000.00 0.00 1995 Pubtic improvement Aid 6,000.00 -6,000.00 0.00 Assessmerrt 22,OOO.DO -22,000.00 0.00 ioa,000.00 -ioa,000.00 o.00 i EINANCING PLAN � CreUn Ug-Marshall to Summit C94-2M�22 RESOLUTION Green Sheet � szz90 CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ZS Committee: Date Current Amentletl Budget Change Budget t994 MSA 81,00�.00 -81,000.00 �.00 Assessment 12,000.00 -12,000.00 �.00 1994 Public Improvement Aid 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 96,000.�0 -96,000.00 0.�0 SPENDING PLAN Cre(+n LtgMarshall to Summrt C942MO22 Plans & Consiruction FINANCIt�1G PfAN Selby Ave Streetscape Impr C95-2M017 9�-/,5y2 45 46 47 48 49 50 5� 52 53 54 55 56 57 SS 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 �a SPENDING PLAN Selby Ave Streetscape Impr G95-2M017 Plans & Construction FINANCING PLAN Minnehaha Ave St Ltg C96-2K010 7996 MSA Assessment SPEN�ING PLAN Minnehaha Ave St Ltg C96-2K010 Plans & Construction FINANCING PLAN Railroad Island Safety Improv C96-2E025 1994 MSA 1995 MSA 1996 MSA 1994 Public Improvement Aid 1995 P�blic Improvement Aid AssessmeM �� �t� �� �� ��� �� � �• �� ��� �� �� ��� �� � �� 766,000.00 -166,000.00 0.00 23,000.00 -23,000.00 0.00 189,000.00 -189,000.00 0.00 ias,000.00 -�ss,000.00 o.00 189,0OO.OD -iS9,000.00 0.00 81,000.00 76,0O�.Oa 126,000.00 166,000.0� 292,000,00 3.000.00 6,000.00 s,000.00 s�,000.00 s2,000.00 �si,000.00 ass,000.00 asa,000.00 2 9�-/5y 2 79 SPENDINGPLAN 80 Railroatl Island Safety Improv S 1 C96-2E025 82 83 Plans&Construclion 13�,000.00 389,D00.00 520,000.00 84 731,�00,�0 389,000.00 520,000.00 85 8 6 RESOLVED, that ihe City Councii adopts Yne above changes to the Capital budget. i� � Yeas Ndys Absent Requested by Denartment oE: ,_>__, �`- EJW/iab Public Works 1211f97 �..' + s t+I�oa rd 5 0 +,dopted by Council: Date {J ¢, � By: Certified by Council Secretary Foxac Y= pproved By 1� by Budget Director: 1� (1�_e_.�_ \.1 City Attorneyc ,, � � � � -� c Date Approv � y ay r for 'ssioa o.CounciL: � �: I Public Works Ed Warn 266-6142 Mike Eggum 266-6143 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �7-�sy� )ATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET No . 32290 12/1/97 InAiaVDate InitaVDate DEPAftTMENT DIREGTOR $ CI7V COUNCIL ASSIGN � NUMBERF�R CITVATTORNEY ROUSING 0 �� 5 EINANC�ALSEflV 1 ❑ CITY CLEFiK y' MAYOfl(OR ASSISiANn V�(� u Ed Wam ry�a � M&eESyum ❑ DickRucert � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 4� ACTION REQUE5iED ' Approval of attached Council Resolution amending the spending and financing plans for Railroad Isla��urr St Ltgj, Minnehaha Ltg., Selby Ltg. and Cretin Lighting by combining all four under one activity. pEC 10199? �llAYO�t'S OPF#C'� RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)orFe�ect(R) YtNSVNAL5tRY1GtGON�RAC�SPAU5TAN5W[R fHtFVLLOWING(3UE5T10N5: . PLANNING COMMISSION 7. Has this person/firm ever worKetl under a contrac[ for this tlepaRment? -- YES NO � CB COMMITTEE -- 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? - CNILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO 3. Does ihis person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? — YES NQ — 4. I5 this pereoNfirm a[argetetl vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheei and atlach to green sheM , INITIAiING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY)' , The Department of Public Works is preparing a bid for the street lighting on four projects: Burr St, Minnehaha Ave, Selby Ave and Crelin Ave. By combining these four projects into one contract there will be considerable cost savings not to mention ease of accounting for Yhis contract. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: All work will be done under one contract, saving the cost of advertising for bids four sepazate times. Accounting for this work will be simplified by combining the four anto one activity. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. DEC 08 1997 DISADVANTAGES IP NOT APPROVED. �` R �� i �: , :: � r Four separate bids will have to be advertised and four separate contracts awarded. ; �� a��" � 4��_ COTAI.AMOUMOFTRANSACTION$ P,3R9 COST/REVENUEBUDGEiED(CIRCLEON� yES No FUNDINGSOURCE MCA and AcceccmPnt .4CTNITYNUMBER C94-2MO22, C95-2M01�, C9O-2K010 & FINANCIAILNFORMATION(EXPLAIN) � , C96-ZEOLS Ci0lSS1G� t���tdii li�i3�C DEC 1 1 i997