97-1539OR{GINA WHEREAS, the City of Saint Administration (BJA) in the a, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 77 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 Council File # Green Sheet # Committee: Date 97-/s39 67134 �� d a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant from the Bureau of Justice 5; and WHEREAS, the amount awarded to the City Attomey's Office is $251,� 8o, to be spent in both 1997 and 1998; and WHEREAS, a match of $25,118 is required 4or the City Attomey's portion o4 the grant; and WHEREAS, the City Attomey's Office has unspent salary money available in 1997 to cover most ($21,118) of the required match; and WHEREAS, the amount awarded to Ramsey County Sheriff's Department is $81,593 to be spent in 1997 and 1998; and WHEREAS, the match of $8,152 is required for the Ramsey County SheriSfs Department; and WHEREAS, the Ramsey Couniy Sherififs Department will spend $6,190 in overtime in 1997, and will, therefore, pay 10°h match in the amount of $619 to the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Ramsey County Sheriffs Department will spend the remaining grant balance of $75,403, and the City of Saint Paul will receive the remaining match amount of $7,533 in 1998; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter does certify that there are availabie for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1997 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1997 budget: FINANCING PLAN: GL 001 General Fund 00208 City Attorney Criminal Block Grant 7305 Transfer from Special Revenue Fund All Other General Fund Financing Total General Fund Financing GL 436 Police Special Projects Fund 34140 LLEBGII 3099 Other Federal Direct Grant 6907 CouMy Share of Costs 7299 Transfer from General Fund 9831 Contribution to Fund Balance Total Financing SPENDING PLAN: GL 001 General Fund 00208 City Attomey Criminal Block Grant 011d Full-TimeAppointed 0439 Fringe Benefits 0814 Other - Office Equipment 00200 City Attomey General Operations 0114 Full-Time Appointed 0558 TransYer to Special Revenue Fund All Other General Fund Spending GL 436 Police Special Projects Fund 34140 LLEBGII 0547 Payment to Subcontractor 0557 Transfer to General Fund Totaf Spending CURRENTBUDGET 0 151,850,227 151,850,227 CURRENTBUDGET 0 0 0 0 0 2,132,383 0 151,850,227 153,982,610 0 0 0 153,982,610 CHANGES 17,732 0 17,732 CHANGES 21,530 619 21,118 (19,345) 23,922 12,908 3,624 1,200 (21,11 S) 21,118 0 17,732 6,190 17,732 23,922 41,654 AMENDEDBUDGET 17,732 151,850,227 151,8 7,� AMENDED BUDGET 21,530 619 21,118 (19,345) 23,922 x 12,908 3,624 1,200 2,111,265 21,118 151,850,227 154,000,342 6,190 17,732 23,922 154,024,26A Green Sheet #67134 63 RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1997 budget. 97�/S39 Page 2 Requested by: City Attomey's Office BY �...f�I JGC�^� Adopted by Council: Date � _ � � _ \`l Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: Approval Recommended by Director of Financial Services: By: ��� Form Approved by City Attorney: ey: �„�� / �'�— BY � � � ��.a,_ Apprc�Y for Sub ission to Council: Approved by Mayor: Date / � By: ay: N�F � 2� � t��R�. P2pa2d by Saint Paul8ud9et �ce (H.1USERSIBUDGET/723/RESOLUT/97CA06R ORIGlNAL 9�-��'� ! City Attomey's Office Jill Osterhaus, or Joanne Rettner (266-8710) USTSEONCAIINC6AGENDABY(DA]E) � � December 17, 1999 � # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 12-11-97 � GREI � nm��n, �� o ��w�� � xuMewsroa '�� � BW6EfDIREC! artnvt MAYOR(ORASSLlTeWI) ALL LOCATIONS ���o�m � fIN.&MG! of ] 947 budget resolution to implement the Local Law Enforcement Block Cnant from the Buteau of Justice Admuustration. _PLANNRiGCtlAR➢S510N _CIVdSERVICECOh4NS510N _cm conurtn� _ _A_n/� _ _DIS7IUCI'CWIt'P _ CoUNCaOBIECnVE> �u:x�or.u, s�xvu;�: cxir rxwc;is mu�r answ�xrxe: r�uLw�+n��us'sriorvs: 1. Has Yois peisodfum euer wotked imder a contract for tSus depaYanenY? DEC 121997 YES NO 2. Has this person/6rm ever been a ciry employce? YES NO 3. Dces tlils person/firm po5sess a sldll not notmally possessed by any curtent city employee? YES NO iA17NG PROSLEM, ISSUE, OPPOAi[MftY (Nlw. Whr¢, Wheq Wherc, WCy). e City has received a$644,215 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant from the Sureau of Jus6ce Administration (BJA). The attached budget ;olution allows the City Attorney's Office to spend, in 1997, part ($17,732) of their grant allotment, which is $251,180. The balance of the gant Il be spent in 1998. II transfers money from City Attomey's Office salary savings to the Police Department as a match for the grant, as required ttte BJA. For Ramsey County, the resoiution sets up spending authoriry to give Raznsey County their shaze of [he grant ($6,190), and it recognizes revenue, Yhe County's grant match. 1.°i'AGESffAPPROVED� resolution will allow the City Attorney's Qffice and Ramsey County to begin spending approved grant funds. Imown. (3rant funds wili not be spent as planned. ornc,�ouvroaxtennsrcao�_$ 41654 cosr`xeven�reawceren�cuec�.eone� � No GL - 436-34140 �,��so,�� General Fund & Fund 436 a�„r�R GL - 001-00208 and 00200 vnn'cwt¢ueoamwnoN (exet.nup � Sai�rtPaWFin.ServiasOffice IH:WSERS�BUDGElN29VesoP BTCAOGR WK4) 1]/51f8i OR{GINA WHEREAS, the City of Saint Administration (BJA) in the a, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 77 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 Council File # Green Sheet # Committee: Date 97-/s39 67134 �� d a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant from the Bureau of Justice 5; and WHEREAS, the amount awarded to the City Attomey's Office is $251,� 8o, to be spent in both 1997 and 1998; and WHEREAS, a match of $25,118 is required 4or the City Attomey's portion o4 the grant; and WHEREAS, the City Attomey's Office has unspent salary money available in 1997 to cover most ($21,118) of the required match; and WHEREAS, the amount awarded to Ramsey County Sheriff's Department is $81,593 to be spent in 1997 and 1998; and WHEREAS, the match of $8,152 is required for the Ramsey County SheriSfs Department; and WHEREAS, the Ramsey Couniy Sherififs Department will spend $6,190 in overtime in 1997, and will, therefore, pay 10°h match in the amount of $619 to the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Ramsey County Sheriffs Department will spend the remaining grant balance of $75,403, and the City of Saint Paul will receive the remaining match amount of $7,533 in 1998; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter does certify that there are availabie for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1997 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1997 budget: FINANCING PLAN: GL 001 General Fund 00208 City Attorney Criminal Block Grant 7305 Transfer from Special Revenue Fund All Other General Fund Financing Total General Fund Financing GL 436 Police Special Projects Fund 34140 LLEBGII 3099 Other Federal Direct Grant 6907 CouMy Share of Costs 7299 Transfer from General Fund 9831 Contribution to Fund Balance Total Financing SPENDING PLAN: GL 001 General Fund 00208 City Attomey Criminal Block Grant 011d Full-TimeAppointed 0439 Fringe Benefits 0814 Other - Office Equipment 00200 City Attomey General Operations 0114 Full-Time Appointed 0558 TransYer to Special Revenue Fund All Other General Fund Spending GL 436 Police Special Projects Fund 34140 LLEBGII 0547 Payment to Subcontractor 0557 Transfer to General Fund Totaf Spending CURRENTBUDGET 0 151,850,227 151,850,227 CURRENTBUDGET 0 0 0 0 0 2,132,383 0 151,850,227 153,982,610 0 0 0 153,982,610 CHANGES 17,732 0 17,732 CHANGES 21,530 619 21,118 (19,345) 23,922 12,908 3,624 1,200 (21,11 S) 21,118 0 17,732 6,190 17,732 23,922 41,654 AMENDEDBUDGET 17,732 151,850,227 151,8 7,� AMENDED BUDGET 21,530 619 21,118 (19,345) 23,922 x 12,908 3,624 1,200 2,111,265 21,118 151,850,227 154,000,342 6,190 17,732 23,922 154,024,26A Green Sheet #67134 63 RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1997 budget. 97�/S39 Page 2 Requested by: City Attomey's Office BY �...f�I JGC�^� Adopted by Council: Date � _ � � _ \`l Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: Approval Recommended by Director of Financial Services: By: ��� Form Approved by City Attorney: ey: �„�� / �'�— BY � � � ��.a,_ Apprc�Y for Sub ission to Council: Approved by Mayor: Date / � By: ay: N�F � 2� � t��R�. P2pa2d by Saint Paul8ud9et �ce (H.1USERSIBUDGET/723/RESOLUT/97CA06R ORIGlNAL 9�-��'� ! City Attomey's Office Jill Osterhaus, or Joanne Rettner (266-8710) USTSEONCAIINC6AGENDABY(DA]E) � � December 17, 1999 � # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 12-11-97 � GREI � nm��n, �� o ��w�� � xuMewsroa '�� � BW6EfDIREC! artnvt MAYOR(ORASSLlTeWI) ALL LOCATIONS ���o�m � fIN.&MG! of ] 947 budget resolution to implement the Local Law Enforcement Block Cnant from the Buteau of Justice Admuustration. _PLANNRiGCtlAR➢S510N _CIVdSERVICECOh4NS510N _cm conurtn� _ _A_n/� _ _DIS7IUCI'CWIt'P _ CoUNCaOBIECnVE> �u:x�or.u, s�xvu;�: cxir rxwc;is mu�r answ�xrxe: r�uLw�+n��us'sriorvs: 1. Has Yois peisodfum euer wotked imder a contract for tSus depaYanenY? DEC 121997 YES NO 2. Has this person/6rm ever been a ciry employce? YES NO 3. Dces tlils person/firm po5sess a sldll not notmally possessed by any curtent city employee? YES NO iA17NG PROSLEM, ISSUE, OPPOAi[MftY (Nlw. Whr¢, Wheq Wherc, WCy). e City has received a$644,215 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant from the Sureau of Jus6ce Administration (BJA). The attached budget ;olution allows the City Attorney's Office to spend, in 1997, part ($17,732) of their grant allotment, which is $251,180. The balance of the gant Il be spent in 1998. II transfers money from City Attomey's Office salary savings to the Police Department as a match for the grant, as required ttte BJA. For Ramsey County, the resoiution sets up spending authoriry to give Raznsey County their shaze of [he grant ($6,190), and it recognizes revenue, Yhe County's grant match. 1.°i'AGESffAPPROVED� resolution will allow the City Attorney's Qffice and Ramsey County to begin spending approved grant funds. Imown. (3rant funds wili not be spent as planned. ornc,�ouvroaxtennsrcao�_$ 41654 cosr`xeven�reawceren�cuec�.eone� � No GL - 436-34140 �,��so,�� General Fund & Fund 436 a�„r�R GL - 001-00208 and 00200 vnn'cwt¢ueoamwnoN (exet.nup � Sai�rtPaWFin.ServiasOffice IH:WSERS�BUDGElN29VesoP BTCAOGR WK4) 1]/51f8i OR{GINA WHEREAS, the City of Saint Administration (BJA) in the a, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 77 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 Council File # Green Sheet # Committee: Date 97-/s39 67134 �� d a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant from the Bureau of Justice 5; and WHEREAS, the amount awarded to the City Attomey's Office is $251,� 8o, to be spent in both 1997 and 1998; and WHEREAS, a match of $25,118 is required 4or the City Attomey's portion o4 the grant; and WHEREAS, the City Attomey's Office has unspent salary money available in 1997 to cover most ($21,118) of the required match; and WHEREAS, the amount awarded to Ramsey County Sheriff's Department is $81,593 to be spent in 1997 and 1998; and WHEREAS, the match of $8,152 is required for the Ramsey County SheriSfs Department; and WHEREAS, the Ramsey Couniy Sherififs Department will spend $6,190 in overtime in 1997, and will, therefore, pay 10°h match in the amount of $619 to the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Ramsey County Sheriffs Department will spend the remaining grant balance of $75,403, and the City of Saint Paul will receive the remaining match amount of $7,533 in 1998; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter does certify that there are availabie for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1997 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1997 budget: FINANCING PLAN: GL 001 General Fund 00208 City Attorney Criminal Block Grant 7305 Transfer from Special Revenue Fund All Other General Fund Financing Total General Fund Financing GL 436 Police Special Projects Fund 34140 LLEBGII 3099 Other Federal Direct Grant 6907 CouMy Share of Costs 7299 Transfer from General Fund 9831 Contribution to Fund Balance Total Financing SPENDING PLAN: GL 001 General Fund 00208 City Attomey Criminal Block Grant 011d Full-TimeAppointed 0439 Fringe Benefits 0814 Other - Office Equipment 00200 City Attomey General Operations 0114 Full-Time Appointed 0558 TransYer to Special Revenue Fund All Other General Fund Spending GL 436 Police Special Projects Fund 34140 LLEBGII 0547 Payment to Subcontractor 0557 Transfer to General Fund Totaf Spending CURRENTBUDGET 0 151,850,227 151,850,227 CURRENTBUDGET 0 0 0 0 0 2,132,383 0 151,850,227 153,982,610 0 0 0 153,982,610 CHANGES 17,732 0 17,732 CHANGES 21,530 619 21,118 (19,345) 23,922 12,908 3,624 1,200 (21,11 S) 21,118 0 17,732 6,190 17,732 23,922 41,654 AMENDEDBUDGET 17,732 151,850,227 151,8 7,� AMENDED BUDGET 21,530 619 21,118 (19,345) 23,922 x 12,908 3,624 1,200 2,111,265 21,118 151,850,227 154,000,342 6,190 17,732 23,922 154,024,26A Green Sheet #67134 63 RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1997 budget. 97�/S39 Page 2 Requested by: City Attomey's Office BY �...f�I JGC�^� Adopted by Council: Date � _ � � _ \`l Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: Approval Recommended by Director of Financial Services: By: ��� Form Approved by City Attorney: ey: �„�� / �'�— BY � � � ��.a,_ Apprc�Y for Sub ission to Council: Approved by Mayor: Date / � By: ay: N�F � 2� � t��R�. P2pa2d by Saint Paul8ud9et �ce (H.1USERSIBUDGET/723/RESOLUT/97CA06R ORIGlNAL 9�-��'� ! City Attomey's Office Jill Osterhaus, or Joanne Rettner (266-8710) USTSEONCAIINC6AGENDABY(DA]E) � � December 17, 1999 � # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 12-11-97 � GREI � nm��n, �� o ��w�� � xuMewsroa '�� � BW6EfDIREC! artnvt MAYOR(ORASSLlTeWI) ALL LOCATIONS ���o�m � fIN.&MG! of ] 947 budget resolution to implement the Local Law Enforcement Block Cnant from the Buteau of Justice Admuustration. _PLANNRiGCtlAR➢S510N _CIVdSERVICECOh4NS510N _cm conurtn� _ _A_n/� _ _DIS7IUCI'CWIt'P _ CoUNCaOBIECnVE> �u:x�or.u, s�xvu;�: cxir rxwc;is mu�r answ�xrxe: r�uLw�+n��us'sriorvs: 1. Has Yois peisodfum euer wotked imder a contract for tSus depaYanenY? DEC 121997 YES NO 2. Has this person/6rm ever been a ciry employce? YES NO 3. Dces tlils person/firm po5sess a sldll not notmally possessed by any curtent city employee? YES NO iA17NG PROSLEM, ISSUE, OPPOAi[MftY (Nlw. Whr¢, Wheq Wherc, WCy). e City has received a$644,215 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant from the Sureau of Jus6ce Administration (BJA). The attached budget ;olution allows the City Attorney's Office to spend, in 1997, part ($17,732) of their grant allotment, which is $251,180. The balance of the gant Il be spent in 1998. II transfers money from City Attomey's Office salary savings to the Police Department as a match for the grant, as required ttte BJA. For Ramsey County, the resoiution sets up spending authoriry to give Raznsey County their shaze of [he grant ($6,190), and it recognizes revenue, Yhe County's grant match. 1.°i'AGESffAPPROVED� resolution will allow the City Attorney's Qffice and Ramsey County to begin spending approved grant funds. Imown. (3rant funds wili not be spent as planned. ornc,�ouvroaxtennsrcao�_$ 41654 cosr`xeven�reawceren�cuec�.eone� � No GL - 436-34140 �,��so,�� General Fund & Fund 436 a�„r�R GL - 001-00208 and 00200 vnn'cwt¢ueoamwnoN (exet.nup � Sai�rtPaWFin.ServiasOffice IH:WSERS�BUDGElN29VesoP BTCAOGR WK4) 1]/51f8i