97-1530�i�o �V'ne1°�c�,� �� �,� ,a�7� �q�---'""�_ Presented By: MINNESOTA Council File # Green Sheet # Referred To: \ / Committee: Date 3�; i WHEREAS, the Mayor has proposed 6udgets for the Gity of Saint Pau! for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1998, in accordance with z the City Charter and Chapter 56 of the Adminisirative Code; and a 5 6 7 WHEREAS, the City Council, after publication of the notice in the newspaper ort December 3, 1997, held a public hearing on December 9, 1997, on the Mayor's Proposed 1998 budgets, as required by the City Charter and applicable state and federal laws; and WHEREAS, the Councit has revised the Mayofs proposed budgets as herein set forth; now therefore be it s RESOLVED, that in accordance with the procedures and requirements set forth in the CiTy Charter and other laws applicable thereto, to the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby adopt the 1998 6udgets as proposed by the Mayor with such monetary changes, additions, t� and deletions as are hereby adopted and which, along with total budgets, are set forth on the attachments to thls resolution; and be lt 12 13 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the expenditures in dollars as may be made by the several offices, depaRments, bureaus, and agencies of aa city govemme�t during the fiscai year 7998 shail be and are hereby approved and money appropriated by the adoption of the budgets 15 in the total sums set lorth herein, and be it 16 n FURTHER RESOLVED, that the estimated financing set forth in the 1998 adopted budgets is hereby approved; and be it 18 �s FURTHER RESOLVED, that the adoption of the 1998 budget for the Community Revelopment Block Grant Fund (100) and Governmental zu Emptoyment and Training Program Fund (345) are multi-year budgets based on estimates for grants which have fiscal periods which z� differ from the City's normal budget year (January 1 through December 31); the authority to implement these adopted multi-year budgets z3 commences only at the heginning of the grant period and shall extend beyond Der�mber 31, 1998, through the end of the grant period za and; during the year when each individual grant is accepted by the City Council, the budget will be amended to match the actual grant 2s amount for the entire multi-year period; and be it 26 n FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk i8 directed to publish the 9998 budget summary pursuant to Minnesota Statutes section 2s 471.6965 in the format prescribed by the Office of the State Auditor, and be it zs ao FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Budgei Director be and is hereby authorized to prepare the final 1998 Budgets in accordance with the 31 actions taken herein and to equalize or balance the revenue sources and appropriation expenditures as necessary. Requested by DepaRment of: BUDGET OFFICE Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: B Y� �,_� . �.�..,ti� Approved by Mayor: Date '�,���' "�_ By: ' By: Approval Recommended by Budget Director: � r�" �X By: - t 53� Gtt3o Adopted by Council: Date �� � �q�'� Preqaeed bY thE Sant PaW eutlgM OMCe (H:\USEft5�eU0GESl'123\YR1998lGIXINGlUtE58U�.NAC6 1Zf&9't ) Budget Office Joseph Reid Tseoxcouelc¢ncpwnarconr� p�SCC.i.�Sl 12J17{97 �� � ��_ _ _ y � iTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES „��„�� 12f0$/97 GREEN SHEET tvo, 61130 q � neeax�romECrox � crncouetca me p551GN ��a�FOR O a„�a�,� 0 �� pppp Ol B[1DGEfDIRE(.TO " O FIN.&MGT.SEAVSCESDIR 3� MhYOR(ORASSISS (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAT'[IRE) Approval of Council Resoffition adopting the 1998 annual budgets RECO.�4.�IVDA130Ni Appmce (A) or Rejea (R) _PLANNMGCAMI.4SSION CNLL.SERVICECOMbIISSI(hi cmconmurr�e —�� _ nsrn�crcomcr !M'lIA1iNG PApBL6M, ISS[IE, OPPORlVM1Y(Whq VJhy, V@¢qyAwre, WyY) PERSONAL SERVICE CONT'RA(.°LS MI7ST ANSR'EB THE FOLLOWING QUESTIO 1. Has Ntis personJfum ever worked under a contrsa for flils departmem? YES NO 2. Has fhis petsodfvm ever been a clty employee? YES NO � 3. Does this person/&�m possess a sidll no[ normally possessed by any cuo-ent city empioyee? YES NO (Explaiu all ves answers on seoarate sheet and attacL to ¢reen sheecl The City Charter requires that an annual balanced budget be adopted. Timelines are set by State Statute and City Ordinance. The City Council's Committee of the Whole has completed its review of the budgets, and has passed out its recommended changes to the City Counci] for adoption. Legally, the resolurion adopting the 1998 City Budget should be considered after the resolution adopting the Paya6le 1998 tax levy. The City will be in compliance with City Chazter and State law. APPROVED N!A C�c►cd � �qgr DEC 1 U 1997 'J.pVANfAGE50FNOT AYYAOV£D The Ciry will be without an adopted budget for 1995. In accordance with the City Charter, the service priorities, financing estimates and spending appropriations for 1997 would be carried forth into 1998 and become the 1998 budget. 0'fAl AMOUNT OF TRA�`lSACTION COST/ilEVENUE BUDGETED (CIXQE ONE) YES NO 1NDING SOURCE VANCW,IliFORNJ.SION: (E)@LAA� ACIIVITY Sa�ntPaulBUtlgetO(6ce(Demka F'UlSERS�BU0GtT123lYRt998lCOVNCIIk',S98HUIX'iT.WK4 1998 Budget Process 12/17/97 5:30 PM Description A�nnative Action No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget ° C1f' y Attomev No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget" Citizen Services Winter Camival Multi Cultural events CI(y Council No Change to Mayor's Proposetl Budget" �ce of Financial Services Repayment of HRMS Advance 1.7M Source of Recommendation Comte-of-the-Whole (1Z3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Fire and Safefy Services Fire PER4 Pension UAAL Fringes Restore funding related to firefighter5 ShiB funding for Overtime into Contingency Delete funtling relatetl to the Overtime Budget Delete funding related to Chief Fire InvesGgator Delete funding related to Fire Dispatch Supervisor Purchase 2 CaimsIRIS Smoke Intrusion Helmets Zero out neg. adjustment for code enforcement Add contingency funding related to environmenWl health inspectors Add funtling for implementation of department recommerWations f h ce�� Ihrdt^^ae� Add paramedic revenue ,��� � 2 � 2. ���' Housing and Informafion. O�e No Change to Mayor's Proposetl Budget ° Human Resources No Change to Mayor's Proposed Butlget" Human Riahts No Change to Mayor's Proposetl Budget " Labor Re/aSOn� No Change to Mayofs Proposed Budget" Libreries Expandetl Sat. service hours F�cpanded Sun. service hours Expantled weekday service hours Library Materials License /nspection and Environmental P`otecfion No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget" Mayork Office No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget `* Pa�ks and Recreation Stump removal program ($5,000 per ward) Additional funding related to Rec Director position Funding for part-time staff for rec center mtc/Park mtc Re-sodtling soccer fieltls at McMUrray Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/S) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Council Ac[ion (12f17) Council Action (12/17) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comt�of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/10) ci`l- \530 Council's Fiscal Changes Generai Fund and Debt Funds Change from Mayors -Adc Line Item Spending 00252 ooiiaozsa Various osizo-o� os'120.o54b 05720-O�ca 05110-oxa�c 05140-O�oac 05120-0848 057130577 057'13-0548 OSW1-0548 o5'loi-407o osaaz 03402 03402 03407 oa�es 03100 03732,0317'1,03172 03771-0327 35,000 5,452 (1,096,000) 355,321 191,182 (191,182) (88,389) (75,750) 50,000 62,244 90,434 � ��� 66,017 57,232 131,685 (50,000) 35,000 55,000 100,000 40,000 Council Financing 35,000 407.104 Mayor's Office - Budget Section H:\USERS\BUDGET123\YR1998\TRAKCNCL 12/18/97 11:44 AM Pa9e 1 `lrI-�53b 1998 Budget Process 12/17/97 5:30 PM pescription Piannin��Economic Deve�o{Lment No Change to Mayots Proposed Budget" Police Denartmenf Police PERA Pension UAAL Frifyes Police Grant- Sexual Offentler NotifiCation Program Sexual Offender Notification Program wlCOUnty Parts and Fuel - in Contingency Tentative Settlement - Labor ConVact - SPPF State of Minn Gang Strike Force Spentling and state reimbursement COPS MORE II Grant - local match transfer from General Fund fund balance State of Minnesota Overtime Grant '1998 Safe & Sober Grant Auto Theft grants Minnesota Gties gran[ Pub/ic Works Right of Way adJustments - funtling for salaries Right of Way atljustments - funding for salaries Right of Way atljustments - funding for finges TQC no/ y& Manauement Services Ventlor Outreach Program - in Corrtingency HRMS Repayment as Advance, not financing Atljustment to 1998 PC Replacement Progmm HRMS System fund balance contribution fund balance repayable advance Genere/ Govemmgnt A�ount� Specifietl Contingency Heritage Preservation Foundation Source of Recommendation Comte-of-the-YVhole ('12l3) Comte-ot-the-Whole (11J3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Wfwle (12l3) Comte-of-the-Whole (t2/8) Comt�of-the-Whole ('12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whote (12i8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Comte-af-the-Whale (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (�2/3) Comte-oi-the-Whole (1218) Comte-of•the-Whole {t 2/8) Camte-obthe-Whole (l2(8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Rmounts to be S�.cead to Vaiious d�artme�s '* The amounts listed below represent the accumufated changes for Employee Insurance and Retsee Insurence across the entire General Fund. Frifge benefiis are no lo�ger centraily budgeted, but rather spread throughout department budgets. The changes listed here will ultimately be allocated to all those department 6udgets in the General Fund. Therefore, even those butlget5 marked as "Ne Changes to the Mayor's Pmposed BudgeP' will likely be adjusted by their proportipnate share of the changes listetl 6ebw. Department budgets for Employee Insurance fringes Department budgets for Retiree Insurance fringes Pro e Tax Levy Financino No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget 2fher Financing Fire Pension Amortization Aid Police Pension Amortization Aid Interest Eamings estimafe Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-VJhole (t 2!3) I Fund Balance Use of Funtl Balance to Balance Council Action (12/17J Mayofs Office - Budget Sectlon H:�USERS\BUDGEf�123\YR1998\TR4KCNCL CounciPs Fiscal Changes Generai Fund and Debt Funds Line Item va`rous aaiao �41a0 oaaot various 04000 Oa010 04100 o4to0 04100 04040 02155-07'11 02155-0767 02755-0439 �t250 0�125 Ot12o 01125 f hal a1725-0567 01725-0535 090fi7 vanous various 09017 09010 WOOo 00000 Spending I Financing (637,894) '125,000 62,500 35,�00 50,000 726.122 154,860 154,860 225,980 225,980 725,000 125,D00 31,200 31,200 45,792 45,792 $0�� B,�Oa (1.554) (71) (465) 9'1,150 ('170,000) 28,000 28,040 2,147,618 1,005,000 1,142.618 100,000 (327,430) 117,811 433,487 (932,962) 175,00� 190,786 12/18/97 11:44 AM Page 2 ..,�� rsudget Process IZ/17/97 5:30 PM Description To#l, Co[rncil's Changes Mayo�'s Proposed General Fnnd Budget Coancil's Preliminary General Fund Budget Balance /ndicator Currenf Status: `��-t53� Counci/'s Fiscal Changes Genera! Fund and Debt Funds Source of RecpmmendaYion f Line Item �aJ,�llrgd Budaet Spending 2,967,365 157,514,387 160,481,752 Financing 2,967,365 157,514,387 160,481,752 0 � Generai Deb1 No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Total, Council's Changes MayoYs Proposed Debf BUdget Council's Preliminary Oebf Budget Ba/ance7»dicator CurreiHStatus: � 0 ei,oas,sn 51,035,677 0 51,035,677 57,035,677 0 Office - Budget Section H:WSERSSBUDGETN231YR1998\TRAKCNCL 721'IS/97 11:44 AM Page 3 9998 Budget Process SZ/17/97 5:30 PM Description Ci�yAftomev No Change to Mayots Proposed Budget" �Lfy Counci/ No Change to Mayors Proposetl Budget" Jnancial Servfces Donations for Inaugural expenses Capitol City Partnership - approved spending Capitol City Partnership - contingency spending Capitol City Partnership - Foundation Capitol City Partnership - Parking & Transit Fair Housing Gontract with SMRL in Hum Rights Fair Housing Gontract with SMRL in Hum Rights - CDBG Eire and SafetK ervices No Ghange to Mayor's Proposed Budget'* Housrng lnforma8on O�ce No Change to Mayor's Proposetl Butlget'* i rer'e _ CDBG funding for library materials CDBG Contingency ir�nse /ns�tion and Environmental Pro�ction No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget *' Parks and Recreation No Change to Mayor's Proposetl Budget'" PLanning & Economic Developmenf Purchasing atlditional parking meters Purchasing additional parking meters Funtling related to Acct III convertetl to retaining services of EDP Programmer Trainee in Technology antl Management Services police Department Tentative Settlement - City / Police Federation and assoc+ated financing Police PERA Pension UAAL Fringes COPS MORE II Grant spendi�g federalfunds local match (transfer from General Funtl) LLEBG LLEBG I (1996-1998) Carry over LLEBG 11 (� 997-1999) Police memo 11/4/97 (Wasley) less CF 97-1395 Snow Lot Police memo 11f13/97 (Brown) State of Minnesota Weetl � Seetl University / Summit Econ Small Area Neighborhood Fetleral Weetl & Seed Federal COP Demonstration Center grant Source ot Recommendation Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole i12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Gomte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (1Z8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comie-of-ths-Who1e (1218) Camte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (�218) Comte-ot-the-YVhole (12/8) Comte-o4-the-YVhole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/8) �t7 -ls'3o Council's Fisca/ Changes Specia/ Funds i.imu o u�iu mayvi s-nuuNteu uy �.�uuw Line Item Spending Financing 30707 301�t 30101 30107 30701 30750.0298 3a150-7199 33428-0387 33428-71�8 36100-9831 36140-0558 36075-0112 3607&0167 36075-0439 3fi075-0558 36000-9830 various various fund 436 34739 34740 24U50 34142 341A1 34701 fund 436 84,700 84,700 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 35,000 35,000 50,000 1 111 100,000 100,000 (31,338) (1,454) (9,363) 39,185 (2.970) 26,987 26,987 (45,896) (45,896) 903,921 677,941 225,980 260,158 260,158 593,4'12 593,412 �31,500 �31,500 75,000 121,650 90,000 987,442 75,000 121,650 90,000 987,442 Mayor's Office - Budget Section H:\USERS\BUDGET�123\YR1998\TRAKCNCL 12/18/97 � 1:44 AM Page 1 a�-�s�a 1998 Budget Process IZ/ST/97 5:30 PM Description Federel COP Training Urban Lab grant Ramsey County (reimbursement for city costs) Gun Volence Prevention Program (one year funding) Funded from the one time 1997 COPP budget P�ic Hea/th Block Nurse program (CD66 Funding, to be adopted in the CDBG budget) $20,000 Pu6lic Works Sewer Utility Fund - sewer fees Sewer Utility Fund - interest eamings Reduce funding relatetl to FTE, change steps Retluce funding related to FfE Retluce funtling related to FTE Reduce Neg. Incr. Reduce Fringes Reduce Use of Funtl Balance Reduce Trensfer to Spec. Fund. Reduce Revenue Reduce fufWi`g relaied to F Shift to ROW Reduce CSC, for FTE shift to ROW Increase other services, keep spending equaf Reduce Fringes for ROW FTE shift Reduce funtling related to FTE, Shift to ROW Reduce CSC, for FTE shift to ROW Increase other services, keep spending equal Reduce Fringes for ROW FTE shift Reduce funtling related to F7E, Shift to ROW Reduce CSG for FTE shift to ROW lncrease other services, keep spending equal Reduce F[i�es for ROW FTE shik Reduce funding related to FTE, Shift ta ROW Reduce CSC, for FTE shift to ROW Increase other services, keep spending equal Reduce Fringes for ROW FTE shift Reduce funding relatetl to FTE, Shift to ROW Reduce CSC, for FTE shift to ROW Increase other services, keep spentling equal Reduce Fringes for ROW FTE shift Increase funding for ROW Reduce Fees for other Increase CSC for ROW shift Decrease testing services for ROW shift Decrease Investigations for ROW shift Decrease Misc Services for ROW shift Increase Fringes for ROW shift Reduce Sewer payments to MCES Adjust Current Value Cretlit with MCES Increase refunds for Sewer MCES changes Reduce Revenue for Stroh's to Sewers Increase revenue from Refunds Increase revenue from MCES refunds RiverCentre No Change to Mayor's Proposed Butlget'* Council's Fiscal Changes Special Funds Change from Mayors - Adopted by Council Line Item Spending Financing Source of Recommendation Comte-MAhe-Whole ('12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (1218) Comte-of-the-Whale (12/10) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (1213) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Gomte-of-the-Whofe (12/8) Comte-of-ihe-Whole (12/8) Gomte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Camte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-o6the-Whofe (72l8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8j Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/8) Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/8) Comie-of-the-Whole (92/8) Comte-of-the-Nfiole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/S) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Comte-of-the-Whole (t2l8) Comte-of-the-Whole (�2/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole ('1218) Comte-of-the-Whole (1218) Comte-of-the-Whole (1218) Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-thrWhole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-YVhole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Who1e ('12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) funtl 436 fund 436 fund 436 72155-0117 72755-0177 12755-0171 127550761 12755-0439 12000-9830 12202-0588 t2205-430'1 12119A111 t21t0.0290 72110-0299 iznaaaas 720060171 12006-0290 12006-0299 12006-0439 72070-0171 12070.0290 �20�0.0299 12090-0439 2220t-�ttt 22207-Q29Q 22207-o2ss 22201-0439 22211-0111 2227 bo2so 2221L029s 22277-0439 32001-0117 32001-0219 32001-0290 32001-�294 32001-0298 32001-0299 32001-0439 22200-0544 zzzoa-oszs 22200-0521 22200-4314 zzzoass�� 22200-6915 88,733 88,733 71,833 71,833 5a,000 50,000 Na n/a (2�0,000) 2Q0,000 46,765 (23,791) (42,789) (920) (5.921) (26,656) (21.844) (21,844) (49,326) (2,916) fi6,329 (14,085) (15,942) (2.041) 22,535 (4,552) (4,720) (583) 6,655 (1,348) (18,627) (2.916) 26,862 (5,319) (64,932) (5,832) 89,305 (18,541) 199,739 (18,352) 14,580 (35,000) (765,000) (53,000) 57,033 (935,'I60) (193,427) 127,000 (1,304,58� ioo,000 203,000 Mayor's Office - Butlget Sect�on H:IUSERS\BUDGET123\YR'1998RRAKCNCL 12/18/97 11:4b AM Page 2 9�-1s�� 1998 Budget Process Council`s Fiscai Changes 12/17197 5:30 PM Special Funds Change ftom Mayors -Adopted by Council Desaiption Source of Recommendation Line Item Spending Financing Technofpyy & Manageme»f Servic� Cable N carry over funtls received in 1997 for INet Comteof-the-Whole (12/8) 31727-sa3p 70Q000 expansion into 9998 forspe�ding 31721-�518 100,U00 InformaQon Senrices PED database application conversions Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) sitlS�3os 39,185 Comteof-the-Whole (12f6) 3tN5-0'N'I, 0439 39,185 HRMS Projec[ Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Full cosls o5 HRMS at requested levei 7 iloo 2,370,909 general fund balance contribution ino0.7o0o 1,005,000 general Tuntl 6aiance adva�ce 111oa7�ou 1,142,618 special fund funtl bafance i i aoass3o 223,291 Real Estate Management Fund - City Hall Anoez revisions to Renovation Projed (scope, accessibility, City Council (12/17) iloso-oasa 1,008,131 HVAC antl elednral iriUastructure, and cost estimates) sprinklers 103,000 contingency g0,369 Loans, Retained Eamiags, other iio50-9925,69os 1p�8,131 103,000 90.369 Various De./Larfinents " The amounts listed below represeM the accumulated changes for Employee insurance antl Retiree insurance across ali Speciai Funds. Fringe be�efits are no Ionger centrally budgeted, but rather spreatl throughout department budgets The changes Ilsted here will ultimately be allocatetl to all those department budgets in the Special Funds. Therefore, even those budgets marked as "No Changes to the Mayor's Proposed BudgeY' will likely be adjustetl by their proportionate share of the changes listed below. Depadment butlgets for Employee Insurance finges Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/3) vadous (159,035) (159,035) Department butlgets for Retiree Insurance fringes Gomte-of-the-Whole (1213j varrous 57,221 57,221 Wata� U+%lit� Reduce spending tu balance rate reduction Gomte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Varwus (215,787) Reduce revenue for rate reduqion Comfe-of-the-4Vhole (12f8) Various (215,787) Tofaf,Councif'sChanges 6,2�5,378 6,2�5,376 Mayor'sProp0.SedSpecialFundsBudget 214,529,816 2t4,5zs,sts Counci!'SPrelitl7inarySpecialFUndsBudget zzo,745,19z 22o,7a5,ts2 Ba/ance lndicator Current Status; Balanced Budqet 0 ats Qfflce - Budget SeUion H;IUSERSI6UDGEi11231YR1998lTRAKCNCL 12(18l97 11:45 AM Page 3 9998 Budget Process 12/1T/97 5:30 VM Description P arks and R ecreatio» Rice Park ImprovemeMs Highwood Park and Preserve Project (City contribution towartl acquisition of 12-acre LaFavor parcel ad}aCZni to Taytor Park in ciGzen participation District 1. $310,000 to be financetl wl st2te/private grants) Ounning Sfadium and Recrealion Center Homecroft Rec. Center Builtling Atldition & Site Improvements (preliminary design� North �ale Community Recreation Center 6uilding (preliminary design) Griggs Recreation Center Retlesign (preliminary deugn) Pig's Eye Dump Land Acquisttion (Submrited to CIB as "Pig'S Eye SoCCer Park Acquisition") NO ADDITIONAL FUNDING COMMITMENTASSUMED Rice/Arlington Fieltl Lighting p�¢/ic Warks Territorial Roatl Lighfing Constr-ptan5/5pecs -1998 funtling oniy Remarnmg furWing for Constructron in 1999. (38,000 MSA, 11,000 assmnts m'98J (ToWi project cos[' S9,OOD) Pub/ic Libraries Community Library antl Information Center Rice St Librery ( St. Paui Police Dept Central Dist St. Anthony Branch LiMary Improvements Planning & Economic Dev�pment Family Services Center Comprehensive Hsg Real Estate Oev. Fund Capksl City Homes - Homeownership Dev. OpporL Comprehensive Home Purchase / Rehad Fund Economic Development Loan Leverege Funtl Source of Recommendation � Log No. Comte-os-the-Whole (t2/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) CF-0797'195 CF�197113 Comfe-of-thEVYhole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12I8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Comte-af-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of2he-4Vhole(12/8) Comte-oi-the-Whole (72/8) Comte-of-fhe-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-4Vhole (12(e) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/6) Comie-of-the-Whole (12J8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (1?JSj Comte-Ot-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-o&fhe-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-UVhole (12/8) CF-1397042 CF-1597008 CF-559718Q CF-1197185 GF-0197025 � CF-0697073 ', SU4297187 CF-5597112 Cf-0697160 CF-1297XXX CF-0397197 RE-6697127 RE-6697128 RE-6697126 RE-5537144 a� -�s�� Council's Fisca! Changes Capital lmprovement Budget e from Ma or's - Adopted 6y Council Financing Spending Financing Source (70,000) 70,Q00 330,0�0 (1,500,000) 7,500,000 ao,000 60,000 SO,OOD iaa,000 (70,000) N6d STAX 70,000 CuftSTAX 155,000 DNR gfant t55,o00 pvtgrant 20,000 PrYrC1B ('96 Cntgy) (1,500,000) GDBG 1,500,000 Nbtl STAX 40,000 PrYfC16 ('97 Cnt9Y) 60,000 PrYrGIB ('97 Cntqy) SO,ODD PrYrCiB ('97 CntgY) 100,000 Nbd STAX 85,000 85,000 PrYrC16 (C96-3G005) 10,000 10,040 MSA (500,000) (500,000) CDBG 50�,��0 5�0,000 Nbd STAX {aoo,00a� (aoo,000� CDSG 400A00 400,000 Nbtl STAX 250,000 50,DO0 Priv. match 200,000 PrYrC1B ('96 Contqy; (500,�a0) 500,000 9�0,0�0 (900,000) 1,aa0.0aa (1,000,000) 9��,�00 (900,000) 10�,�00 (S�O,OaO) G08G 500,000 Nbd STAX 900,000 CDBG (900,D00) NbdSTAX t,aoo,o�o CDBG (1,000,000) NbtlSTAX 9�0,000 W6G (9DO,ODO) Nbd STAX t0�,0a� CDeG ayorsOffice-BudgetSection H.\USERSIBUDGER123�YR199alTRAKCNCI 7?f16f97 11�45AM Page1 1998 Budget Process 1.2/17/97 5:30 PM a� -IS.3a Council's Fisca! Changes Capitai lmprovement Budget Change from Mayor's - Adopted by Council �inancing Description Source of RecommendaGo� Log No. Spending Financing Sourcz (700,000) (700,000) NbdSTAX Livable Communities grantapplication matching Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) RE�697XXX 350,000 350.000 Nbd STAX funds PiloY�uighborhoodbanklendingprogamfor Comte-o4-the-Whole(1216) RE-669�XXX 1,250000 1,250,000 NbdSTAX ecanomiUhousing deveiopment Phalen Cortidor industrial developmeM: targetetl Comte-of-the-Wnole (12/8) RE-6697XXX 1,9a0,o00 1,900,000 Nbtl STAX loan/grent funtling LoaNgrantpoolforneighborhood Comte-of-th�VJhole(12/8) RE-66WXXX 500,000 500,000 NbdSTAX prog2ms/projects G�»�ral 6ovemmeM AcrouMs City Sales Tax Comte-of-the-Nlhole (1218) CF-6697XXX Givic Center De6t Service 4,494,OW 4,369,000 STAX STAR Program 725,OD0 Int Emqs Neighborhootl pro�ecGs 5,609,000 4,609,000 STAX 7a0,000 Int Erngs 300,000 Ln Repay Culturel projects 1,037,000 922,000 STAX 100,000 Int Emgs 15,000 Ln Repay Total,Council'SChanges ts,os5,000 ts,os5,000 Mayor's Propasetl ClB 54,180,000 54,180,000 Counci/'sPrelimi�aryC(8 7o,2a5,000 7o,2as,000 Balance Indicator Current StaYUS: Balanced Budaet 0 MayoYSOffice-BUdgetSecGOn HiUSERS\BUDGET723\YR7998\TRAKCNCL 72/18/97 71�45AM Page2 . ��o csudget Process 12/11/97 9:D0 AM Descripfion ANirmafive Action No Change to Mayors Proposed Budget ° CifvAttomev No Charge to Mayors Proposetl Sudget "* �itizen Services Winter Camival Multi Cultural events S:� CO(IRC%/ No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget *" Q�ce of Ffnancia/ Services RepaymeM of HRMS Advance 1.7M Fire and Safefy Servrces Fire PERA Pensian UAAL Fringes Restore funtling related to firefighters Shift funding for Overtime into Con6ngency Delete f�nding relatetl to the Overtime Budget Deiete fu�tling relatetl to Ghief Fire Investigator Delete funtling related to Fire Dispatch Supervisor Purchase 2 CairnslRlS Smoke InWSion Helmets Zero out neg. adjustment for code enforcement Adtl contingency funding related to enwronmentai health i�spectors [�isin2and Jnfo�mati4�_Q �c No Change to Mayor s Proposetl Butlget "' Human Resources No Change to Mayor's Proposed Butlget " Human RiahGs No Change to Mayors Proposed Budget'* Labor Relatfo2 No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget "' Lsbraric;s Expanded Sat. service hours Ezpanded Sun. service hours E�cpanded weekday service hours Library Materials No Change to Mayor's Proposed Mavor's O�ce No Change to Mayor's Propos Budget" Parks and Rec�eaf Stump removal prog ($5,000 per ward) Additional funtling r ated to Rec Diredor position Funding for part- e staff for rec center mtGPark mtc Reaodding so er fieltls at McMurray No Change 1�Mayor's Proposed Budget *"' Source of Recommendation Comte-of-fhe-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whale (1213) Comte-of-fhe-Whole (7278) Camte-of-the-Whole (121 Gomte-of-the-Whole (1 8) (1218) (12/3) (1213) (7213) Camte-of-the-Whole (1213) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l3) Gomte-of-the-Whole (1218J Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Gomte-o�thrWhole (1218) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Comte-of-[he-Whole (12110) a� � t53c CauncU's Fiscal Changes Ge»eral Fund and Debt Funds Change from Mayor's -Adopted by Council Lfne Item Spentling Financfog 00252 35,000 35,000 Variaus 05120.oxxx �5120-Q548 o5'I20-o�a7 OSt10-ax� 05'140-OXfa 05t2�-0848 OS'I'13-0577 05173-0548 03402 03402 03402 03401 03195 03100 03732,03171,03t72 W 171-0321 5,452 (1,096,000) 355,321 191,182 ('19'1,182) (88,389) (75,750) 50,00� 62,244 90,434 66,017 57,232 131,685 (50,Oa0) 35,000 55,000 'IOO,ODO 4�,00� 's INfice - 8utlget Sedion H:IUSERSI6UDGETl1231YR1998�TRAKCNCL 12l11/97 09:39 AM Page 1 . ��a r�udget Process I Z/11/97 9:00 AM CounciPs F Generai Fund from Description police D�lartment Police PERA Pension UAAL Fnnges Comte-of-the-Whole (12f3) Police Grant- Sexual Offentler Notification Program Comte-oRthe-Wnole (72/3) Sexual Offender Notification Program wlCounty Comte-of-the-4Vhole (12/3) Parts antl Fuel - in Contingency Comte-of-the-Whole (1213) Tentative Settlement- La6or Contract- SPPF Comte-of-the-Whole (1278) State of Minn Qaqg Strike Force Spending Comte-o�Yhe-Whole (12/8) antl state reimbursement COPS MORE II GraM- Iocai match transferfrom Generai Fu Comte-of-the-Whole ('12/8) fund balance State of Minnesota �vertime Gr2nt Comte-of-the-YVhole (12l8) 1998 Safe & Sober Grant Comte-of-the-Whole (12f8) Auto TheR grants Corcrte-of-the-Whole ('12l8) Minnesota Cities grant Comte-of-the-Whole (12J8j Source of ftecommendation I Line Item Publlc Works Right M Way atljushnents - tunding for salaries Right of Way adjustme�ts - fundi�g for salaries Right of Way adjustments - funding Por finges T�F_hnoJoqy & Sup�rt Services Vendor Outreach Program - in Confingency HRMS Repayment as Anvance, not financing Atljustment to 7998 PC Repiacement Program HRMS System fund balance contribufion fund balance repayable ativance General GovsmmentAccounts Specified Contingency Heritage Preservatian Foundation Rmounfs t9 be S�read fo Various departmeQ.t� Comte-of-the-Whole 2/3) Comte-af-the-Whol (�213) Gomte-of-the- (12f3) Comte-of-t -VYhole (12f3) Comte-of- e-Whole (�2/8) Camte-o the-Whole (17J8) Comte f-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-oRthe-VJhoie (1218) *" The amounts lis[ed below represent the acwmulated c nges for Employee insurance and Retiree Insurance across ihe entire Ge�ral Fu Fnnge benefits are no longer centrelly budgeted, but rather spread throughout de artmeM budgets. The ohanges listed here will ultimately be allocated to all those partment budgets in the Generai Funtl. Therefore, even those butlgets marketl a"NO Ghanges to the Mayor's Proposed Budget" wiil likely he adjusted by their proporti ate share of the changes 1"�sted 6elow. Department butlgets for Employee Insuren�e fringes Dapadment budgets for Retiree Insurancy�finges No Change to Mayors Proposed Bu� Other Fi nancf»a Fire Pension Amortization Aid Police Pension Amortization id interest Earnings estimate Fund Ba/ance Use of Fund Balance Balance Comte-o9-th�Whole (72/3) Comfe-of-the-Whole (12(3) various oa100 04100 DA00 va " s a o0 04010 0a70� oa7ao 04100 oa000 027$5-D111 Q2155-0161 0215&0439 01250 o„zs 0„20 01725 09061 various vanous 9�-tS�D isca � Changes a Debf Funds -Adopted by Council :nding Financing (637,894) 725,000 62,500 35,000 50,000 72fi,122 154,860 154,860 225,980 225,980 125,000 '125,000 31,200 31200 45,792 45.792 8,D00 8,000 (1,554) (71) (465) 91,150 za,aaa 2J47,618 (no,000} za,000 1,005,000 1,142,618 100,000 (327,430) 117,811 433,487 (932,962) 175,000 447,890 2,8'17.365 2,817,365 157,514,387 �57,574,387 160,331,752 160,331,752 � Tofat, Council`s hanges Mayor's Pro osed Genera! Fund Budgef Coancfl' Preliminary G¢nera/ Funtl Budgef Balan Mdicafoi Gurrent Statas: Comte-of-fhe-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (72J3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) B�nced Sudget 09011 09010 00000 00000 Office - Butlget Section H:WSERS\BUDGET�231YR'19981TRAKCNCL 12/11/97 09:39 AM Page 2 9998 Budget Process 12/11/97 9:00 AM a�t -1530 Council's Fiscal Changes Generai Fund and Debt Funds fram Description GQneial Debt No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Total, Counci/'s Changes Mayor's Proposed Debt Budget Coonci%s Pieliminary Debt Budget Balante (ndicato� Current Stafus: Source of Recommendation I Line Item �a/anced Budget Spending 0 0 5'f,035,677 51,035,677 51,035,677 51,035,677 0 Mayots Office - Budget Sec[ion H:SUSERS\BUDGEII'1231YR19981TRAKCNCL 12!'11/97 09:39 AM Page 3 9998 Budget Process 12/11/97 9:00 AM Description CitvAttornev No Change to Mayofs Proposed Budget" �ily Counci/ No Change to Mayor's Proposed Bud9et "` Financia/ Services Donations for Inaugural expenses Capitol City Partnership - approved spending Capitol City Partnerehip - contingency spending Capitol City Partnership - Foundation Capitol City Partnership - Parking & Transit Fair Housing Contract with SMRL in Hum Rights Fair Housing Contract with SMRL in Hum Rights - CDBG Fire and Safely Services No Change to MayoPS Proposed Budget" Housing Information OKce No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget" Li6reries COBG funding For library maferials CDBG Contingency Licens�/n��cSon and Envirnnmenta/ Protection No Ghange to MayoYS Proposetl Budget ** Parks and Rer�eation No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget ** Plannino & Economic Deve/o��nt Purchasing adtlitional parking meters Purchasing additional parking meters Funding related to Acct III converted to retaining services of EDP Programmer Trainee in Technology and Management Services Po/ice Denarfinent TentaUve Settlement - City ! Police Federatlon a�d assoclated financing Palice PERA Pensiun UAAI Fringes COPS MORE 11 Grant spending federalfunds local match (irensfer from Ge� Fund) LIEBG lLEBG I (1996-1998) Carry ver LLEBG II ('1997-1999) Police memo 11f4f97 ley) less CF 97-1395 Snow Lot Police memo 11 /13 7 (Brown) State of Minnesot eed & Seed Univers(ry / S mit Econ Small rea Neighborhood Federaf We tl & Seed Federal P Demonsiration Center grant Feder OP Training Urban Lsb grent Ra ey CouMy (reimbursement for city costs) Source of Recommendation Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (19J3) Comt2of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) (12/8) (12/8) C�mte-of-the-Whole (12/8) ,�omte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Camte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Comte-of-the-Whale (12l8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Comte-of-the-Whole {12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (t2l8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Gomte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (1218) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whofe (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Wnole (72/8) Comte-of-the-Wnole (72/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (�2/8) 0. � ti 'S� 0 Council's Fiscal Changes Specia/ F�nds Line Item 30707 30701 30150 33428-0381 3342&7118 36100-9837 36140-0558 36W5-0712 36075-0161 36075-�439 36075-0558 36�00-983� various various funtl 436 34t39 34t40 24050 34t42 3414t aaio, fund 436 fund 436 fund 436 Financing 84,700 84,700 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 35,000 35,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 (31,338J ��+ (9,3fi3) 39,185 (2,970) 26,987 26,987 (45,896) (45,596} 903,921 677.941 225.980 260,158 260,158 593,412 593,412 '13'1,500 131,500 75,000 721,650 so,000 987,4A2 88,733 71,833 75,000 121,650 90,000 987,442 58,733 7�,833 Office - Budget Sectio� H:\USERS\BUDGE7�123\YR1998\TRAKCNCL 12/11/97 09:39 AM Page 1 1998 Budget Process 12/11/97 9:00 AM Description Gun volence Prevention Program (one year funding) Fundetl from the one time 1997 COPP budget Pub/ic Health Biock Nurse program (CDBG Funding, to be adopted in the CDBG budget) $20,OOD P�b(ic Wo � Sewer Utility Funtl - sewer fees Sewer Utility Fund - interest eamings Reduce fundi�g related to FTE, change steps Reduce funding related to FTE Reduce funding reiated to FTE Reduce Neg. Incr. Reduce Fringes Reduce Use of Fund Balance Reduce Transfer to Spec. Fund. Reduce Revenue Reduce funding related to FTE, Shift to ROW Reduce CSC, for FTE shifl to ROW Increase other services, keep spending equal Reduce Fringes for ROW FTE shiR Reduce funtling related to FTE, Shift to ROW Reduce CSC, for FTE shift to ROW increase other services, keep spentling equal Reduce Fringes for ROW FTE shift Reduce fundSng related to FTE, Shifl to ROW Retluce CSC, for FTE shift to ROW Increase other services, keep spending equal Reduce Fringes for ROW FTE shiR Reduce funding related to FTE, Shift to ROW Reduce CSC, for FTE shift to ROW Increase other services, keep spentling equal Retluce Fringes for ROW FTE shift Reduce funding related to FTE, Shift to ROW Reduce CSC, for FTE shifl to ROW Increase other services, keep spending equal Retluce Fringes for ROW FTE shift Increase funding for ROW Retluce Fees for other Increase CSC for ROW shift Decrease testing services for ROW shift Decrease Investigations for ROW shift Decrease Misc Services for ROW shift Increase Fringes far ROW shift Reduce Sewer payments to MCES Atljust Current Value Credit w�th ES Increase refunds for Sewer MC changes Reduce Revenue for Stroh's Sewers Increase �even�e from Ref ds Increase revenue from M ES refunds RiverCent�e No Change to Mayor's roposed Budget " a��lS3Q Counci/'s Fisca/ Changes ' Speciai Funds Change from Mayor's - Adop ed by Council Line Item Spendi Financ+ng Source oP Recommendation Comte-of-the-Whole ('12/10) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-oi-the-Whole (12/3) C.omte-of-the-Whole (12l3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (1� Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/ Comte-of-the-Whole ( /8) Comte-of-the-Who (12/8) Comte-of-the- le (12/8) Comie-of-the- ole (12/8) Comte-of-th ole (12/8) Comte-of- -Whole (12/8) Comte-of he-VJhole(�218) Comte- -the-Whole (1278) Comt -of-the-Nfiole (12lB) Co e-of-fhe-Whole (12l8) te-of-the-Whole (12l8) omte•of-the-Whole (12l8) Comte•of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/SJ Comte-of-the-Whole (12/82 Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Gomte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-oRthe-Whole (1278) Comte-oRthe-Whole (1218) Comte-of-the-Whole ('12/8) comte-of-tne-VJhole (tzls) Comte-of-the-Whole (1278) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Comte-of-the-Whale (12l8) fund 436 �1 it ii 72755-0439 12000-9830 12202-0588 12205-4301 12110.0711 72170-0290 72770-0299 12970-0439 1200s-0117 12006-0290 1200fi-0299 1200G0439 t20t0.oltt izo�aozso �zoio-ozss 12010-0439 222ot-0t t t 22207-�29� 22201-0299 22207-0439 22271-0711 22217-0290 22217-o2ss 22211-0439 32001-0117 szoot-o2ie 32007-0290 32001-0294 32001-0298 szoot-oase 32009-0439 22200-0544 n2oo-oszs 22200-0521 22200-43'14 22200.6917 22200-6915 50,000 Na n/a (200.000) 200,000 46 765 (23,791) (42,788) (920) (5,927) (26,656) (21.844) (21,844) (49.328) (2,916) 66,329 (14,085) (15.942) (2,041) 22,535 �4,552) (A,720) (583) 6,651 (1,348) (18,627) (2.91fi) 26,562 (5,319j (64,932) (5,832) 89,305 (18,541) 199,739 (18,352) 14,580 (35,000) (165,000) (53,000) 57,033 (935,960) (193,427) 127,000 (1,304,587) 10Q000 2�3,�0� Office - Budget Section H:\USERS\BUDGET123\YR7998\TRAKCNCL �2/11/g7 09:39 AM Page 2 1998 Budget Process IZ/11/979:00 AM Description 9�l -1530 Counci/'s Fiscal Changes Special Funds Source of Recommendation � Line Item TxhnpLQ,qy & Support S�ervices Cable N carry over funds received in 1997 for INet Gomte-of-the-Whole (12/8) expansion iMO 1998 for spentling Information Services PED database application conversions Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) HRMS Project Comte-ot-the-VJhole (12/8) Fuil costs of HRMS at requested level generalfund 6alance Contri6ution general fund balance advance special fund fund balance yarious Denarfinents *• The amounts listetl below represent the accumulated changes for Employee Insurance and Retiree Insurance across all Special Funds. Fringe benefits are no longer centrally budgeted, but rather spread throughout tlepadment budgets. The changes listetl here will ultimatety be allocated to ail those BepaAment budgets in the Special Funds Therefore, even those budgeis marked as "NO Ghanges to She Mayor's Proposed Budget" will likely be atljustetl by their proportionate share of the changes listed below. Department budgets for Employee Insurance fringes Comte-of-the-Whole ('12/�' Department buBgets for Retiree Insurance fringes Comte-of-the-Whole (17j3) Wate� Uti/itv Reduce spending to balance rate reduction Reduce revenue for rate feduction Total, Counci/'s Changes Mayor's Proposed Special Funds Budget Council's Preliminary Special Funds Budget Ba(ance indicator C�rrent Status: Salanced Budoet (12/8) (12/8) 31721-9830 3'172�-05�8 St775-7305 31175-0117.0439 �1to0 itlaa7��0 17toa-7ao0 / 71100-9830� various various Various Various Spending � / Financing 100,000 0,000 39,185 39,185 2,370,909 1,�05,00� 1,142,618 223.29I (759,035) (159,035) 57.221 57.221 (215,787) (215,787) 5,073,876 21$529,816 219,543,692 5,013,876 2�A,529,816 219,543,692 0 Office - Butlget Section HIUSERS\BUDGE71123\YR1998\TRAKCNCL 72/71l97 0939 AM Page 3 1998 Budget Process 12/11/97 9:00 AM Description Parks and RecreaSon Rice Park Improvements Highwood Park and Preserve Project (City confribution tovrard acquisition of 72•acre LaFavor parcel atljacent to Taylor Park in citizen participation Distnct 1. $370,000 to be financed w/ stateJprivate grants) Dunning Sfatlium and Recreafion Center Homecroft Rec. Center Building Aadition & Site Improvements (preliminary tlesign) North Dale Community Recreation Center Buildirtg (preliminary design) Griggs Recreation Center Redesign (preliminary tlesign) Pig's Eye Dump Land Acquisition (SUbmitted to CIB as "Pig's Eye Soccer Park ACquisitian") NO ADDITIONAL FUNDING COMMIiMENTASSUMED Rice/Arlington Fieltl Lighting Public Wo/ks TertiWrial Road Lighting Constr-plans/specs- 1998 funding only Remaimng fund�ng forconsVucGOn in 7999. i36,000 MSA, 11,000 assmnts In'99) (fofal project cost 59,000) Pu61ic libraries Community Library and Information Center Rice St Librery I St. Paul Police Dept Central Oist St Anthony Brench Library Improvementr � planning & Econamic DevelopmeM Family Services Center Comprehensive Hsg Real E Dev. Funtl Capital City Homes - H eovmerehip Dev. Opport Comprehensive ome Purchase / Rehab Fund Loan Leverege Funtl Source of Recommendation � Log No. Comte-af-the-Whole (12/8j GF-1797195 Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/8) CF-0197113 Comteof-the-VJhole (12/8) � CP-1397042 Comte-of-the-Whole (12I8) Camte-of-th�Whole (1218) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) CF-1597008 CF-559718� CF-7197}$5 Comie-of-the-Whole (72/8) �(" CF-0697013 Com of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Comt2of-th2Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-VJhole (72/8) Comte-ot-th�Whole (12/8) Comte-obthe-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) SU-1297187 q1 �IS3� Councii's Fiscai Changes Capital improvement Budget e from Mayors - Adopted by Council Financi�g Spe�ding Financing� Source (70,D00) (70,000) N6tl STAX 70,000 70,000 CuItSTAX 330,000 155,000 DNRgrant 155,000 pvtgrant 20,000 PrYrC1B ('96 Cn[gy) (1 00,000) (1,500,000) CDBG ,500,000 1,500,OD0 Nbd STAX 40,000'99 40,OD0 PrYrCIB Numbers not in'98 total ('97 Cn(gy) 6a,00�'99 60,Q00 PrYrCIB Numbers not in'98 toTal ('97 Cntgy) 50,000'99 50,00o PrYrC16 Numbers not in'96 total ('97 Cntgy) 100,000 100,000 Nbd STAX 85,000 85,000 PrYfC1B (C98-3G005) 10,000 10,OOD MSA CF-5597112 (500,000) (500,000) CDBG 500,000 500,000 NbtlSTAX CF-0697160 (400,000) (400,000) CDBG 400,000 400,000 Nbtl STAX CF-1297XXX 250,000 50,000 Priv. match 200,000 PrYrC18 ('96 Con(q� CF-0397137 (500,000) (500,000) CDBG 500,000 500,000 Nbd STAX RE-6697127 g0o,000 900,000 CDBG �eoo,000> �sao,000� Nba srnx RE-6697128 1,000,000 1,000,000 CDBG (1,000,000) (7,000,000) Nbd STAX RE-6697726 900,000 900,000 C�BG (900,000) (900,000) Nbtl STAX RES597744 100,000 700,000 CDBG BudgetSechon H:\USERSBUDGET123\YR1996\TRAKCNCL 12/11/97 09:39AM Page7 9998 Budget Process 12/11/97 9:00 AM Descrip6an Livabie Communifies grent application matching funtls Pilot neighborhootl bank lentling program for economiGhousing development Phalen Cortidor ind�strial tlevefopment: targetetl IoaNgrantfuntling Loan/graM pool for neighborhood programsiprojects Genere/ Government,A�.co�nEs City Sales Tarz Civic CeMer Debt Service STAR Program Nei9hborhootl prqects CWtural pro�ec[s Total, Council's Changes Mayor's Propased Cl6 Caunci/'s Preliminary ClB Ba/anCe /ntlicator Currenf Sfatus: Source of Recommendation � Log No. Comteof-the-Whole (12/8) RE-6697XXX Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) RE-fi697XXX Comte-oFthe-Whole(12r8) RE-6697XXX Comte-of-the-VJhole (1?l8) RE-6697XXX Comte-of-the-Whole (12/e) al? -15 3 0 Council's Fiscal Changes Capital lmprovemenf Budget ,e from Mayor's - Adopted by C uncil Financing Spending Fin cing Source (100,000) (100,000) Nbd STAX 1 900,000 500,000 4,494,000 5,609,000 7,037,000 75,915,000 54,76D,000 70,095,Q00 350,00o Nbd STAX 1,250,000 NbdSTAX 1,900,000 NbdSTAX 500,000 NbtlSTAX 4 369,000 STAX 725,0�0 Int. Emgs. 4,609,000 STAX 700,000 Int Emgs 300,000 Ln Repay 922,000 STAX 10�,000 intEmgs 15 00o Ln Repay 15,975,000 54,780,000 70,095,000 0 MayoYSO�ce-BUtlgetSaction H:WSERSIBU�GET1231YR19981TRAKCNCL 12/11l97 09:39AM Page2 �i�o �V'ne1°�c�,� �� �,� ,a�7� �q�---'""�_ Presented By: MINNESOTA Council File # Green Sheet # Referred To: \ / Committee: Date 3�; i WHEREAS, the Mayor has proposed 6udgets for the Gity of Saint Pau! for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1998, in accordance with z the City Charter and Chapter 56 of the Adminisirative Code; and a 5 6 7 WHEREAS, the City Council, after publication of the notice in the newspaper ort December 3, 1997, held a public hearing on December 9, 1997, on the Mayor's Proposed 1998 budgets, as required by the City Charter and applicable state and federal laws; and WHEREAS, the Councit has revised the Mayofs proposed budgets as herein set forth; now therefore be it s RESOLVED, that in accordance with the procedures and requirements set forth in the CiTy Charter and other laws applicable thereto, to the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby adopt the 1998 6udgets as proposed by the Mayor with such monetary changes, additions, t� and deletions as are hereby adopted and which, along with total budgets, are set forth on the attachments to thls resolution; and be lt 12 13 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the expenditures in dollars as may be made by the several offices, depaRments, bureaus, and agencies of aa city govemme�t during the fiscai year 7998 shail be and are hereby approved and money appropriated by the adoption of the budgets 15 in the total sums set lorth herein, and be it 16 n FURTHER RESOLVED, that the estimated financing set forth in the 1998 adopted budgets is hereby approved; and be it 18 �s FURTHER RESOLVED, that the adoption of the 1998 budget for the Community Revelopment Block Grant Fund (100) and Governmental zu Emptoyment and Training Program Fund (345) are multi-year budgets based on estimates for grants which have fiscal periods which z� differ from the City's normal budget year (January 1 through December 31); the authority to implement these adopted multi-year budgets z3 commences only at the heginning of the grant period and shall extend beyond Der�mber 31, 1998, through the end of the grant period za and; during the year when each individual grant is accepted by the City Council, the budget will be amended to match the actual grant 2s amount for the entire multi-year period; and be it 26 n FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk i8 directed to publish the 9998 budget summary pursuant to Minnesota Statutes section 2s 471.6965 in the format prescribed by the Office of the State Auditor, and be it zs ao FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Budgei Director be and is hereby authorized to prepare the final 1998 Budgets in accordance with the 31 actions taken herein and to equalize or balance the revenue sources and appropriation expenditures as necessary. Requested by DepaRment of: BUDGET OFFICE Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: BY' ��� �...��+-�A ,ti � Approved by Mayor: Date '�,���' "�_ By: ' By: Approval Recommended by Budget Director: � r�" �X By: - t 53� Gtt3o Adopted by Council: Date �� � �q�'� Preqaeed bY thE Sant PaW eutlgM OMCe (H:\USEft5�eU0GESl'123\YR1998lGIXINGlUtE58U�.NAC6 1Zf&9't ) Budget Office Joseph Reid Tseoxcouelc¢ncpwnarconr� p�SCC.i.�Sl 12J17{97 �� � ��_ _ _ y � iTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES „��„�� 12f0$/97 GREEN SHEET tvo, 61130 q � neeax�romECrox � crncouetca me p551GN ��a�FOR O a„�a�,� 0 �� pppp Ol B[1DGEfDIRE(.TO " O FIN.&MGT.SEAVSCESDIR 3� MhYOR(ORASSISS (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAT'[IRE) Approval of Council Resoffition adopting the 1998 annual budgets RECO.�4.�IVDA130Ni Appmce (A) or Rejea (R) _PLANNMGCAMI.4SSION CNLL.SERVICECOMbIISSI(hi cmconmurr�e —�� _ nsrn�crcomcr !M'lIA1iNG PApBL6M, ISS[IE, OPPORlVM1Y(Whq VJhy, V@¢qyAwre, WyY) PERSONAL SERVICE CONT'RA(.°LS MI7ST ANSR'EB THE FOLLOWING QUESTIO 1. Has Ntis personJfum ever worked under a contrsa for flils departmem? YES NO 2. Has fhis petsodfvm ever been a clty employee? YES NO � 3. Does this person/&�m possess a sidll no[ normally possessed by any cuo-ent city empioyee? YES NO (Explaiu all ves answers on seoarate sheet and attacL to ¢reen sheecl The City Charter requires that an annual balanced budget be adopted. Timelines are set by State Statute and City Ordinance. The City Council's Committee of the Whole has completed its review of the budgets, and has passed out its recommended changes to the City Counci] for adoption. Legally, the resolurion adopting the 1998 City Budget should be considered after the resolution adopting the Paya6le 1998 tax levy. The City will be in compliance with City Chazter and State law. APPROVED N!A C�c►cd � �qgr DEC 1 U 1997 'J.pVANfAGE50FNOT AYYAOV£D The Ciry will be without an adopted budget for 1995. In accordance with the City Charter, the service priorities, financing estimates and spending appropriations for 1997 would be carried forth into 1998 and become the 1998 budget. 0'fAl AMOUNT OF TRA�`lSACTION COST/ilEVENUE BUDGETED (CIXQE ONE) YES NO 1NDING SOURCE VANCW,IliFORNJ.SION: (E)@LAA� ACIIVITY Sa�ntPaulBUtlgetO(6ce(Demka F'UlSERS�BU0GtT123lYRt998lCOVNCIIk',S98HUIX'iT.WK4 1998 Budget Process 12/17/97 5:30 PM Description A�nnative Action No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget ° C1f' y Attomev No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget" Citizen Services Winter Camival Multi Cultural events CI(y Council No Change to Mayor's Proposetl Budget" �ce of Financial Services Repayment of HRMS Advance 1.7M Source of Recommendation Comte-of-the-Whole (1Z3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Fire and Safefy Services Fire PER4 Pension UAAL Fringes Restore funding related to firefighter5 ShiB funding for Overtime into Contingency Delete funtling relatetl to the Overtime Budget Delete funding related to Chief Fire InvesGgator Delete funding related to Fire Dispatch Supervisor Purchase 2 CaimsIRIS Smoke Intrusion Helmets Zero out neg. adjustment for code enforcement Add contingency funding related to environmenWl health inspectors Add funtling for implementation of department recommerWations f h ce�� Ihrdt^^ae� Add paramedic revenue ,��� � 2 � 2. ���' Housing and Informafion. O�e No Change to Mayor's Proposetl Budget ° Human Resources No Change to Mayor's Proposed Butlget" Human Riahts No Change to Mayor's Proposetl Budget " Labor Re/aSOn� No Change to Mayofs Proposed Budget" Libreries Expandetl Sat. service hours F�cpanded Sun. service hours Expantled weekday service hours Library Materials License /nspection and Environmental P`otecfion No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget" Mayork Office No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget `* Pa�ks and Recreation Stump removal program ($5,000 per ward) Additional funding related to Rec Director position Funding for part-time staff for rec center mtc/Park mtc Re-sodtling soccer fieltls at McMUrray Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/S) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Council Ac[ion (12f17) Council Action (12/17) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comt�of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/10) ci`l- \530 Council's Fiscal Changes Generai Fund and Debt Funds Change from Mayors -Adc Line Item Spending 00252 ooiiaozsa Various osizo-o� os'120.o54b 05720-O�ca 05110-oxa�c 05140-O�oac 05120-0848 057130577 057'13-0548 OSW1-0548 o5'loi-407o osaaz 03402 03402 03407 oa�es 03100 03732,0317'1,03172 03771-0327 35,000 5,452 (1,096,000) 355,321 191,182 (191,182) (88,389) (75,750) 50,000 62,244 90,434 � ��� 66,017 57,232 131,685 (50,000) 35,000 55,000 100,000 40,000 Council Financing 35,000 407.104 Mayor's Office - Budget Section H:\USERS\BUDGET123\YR1998\TRAKCNCL 12/18/97 11:44 AM Pa9e 1 `lrI-�53b 1998 Budget Process 12/17/97 5:30 PM pescription Piannin��Economic Deve�o{Lment No Change to Mayots Proposed Budget" Police Denartmenf Police PERA Pension UAAL Frifyes Police Grant- Sexual Offentler NotifiCation Program Sexual Offender Notification Program wlCOUnty Parts and Fuel - in Contingency Tentative Settlement - Labor ConVact - SPPF State of Minn Gang Strike Force Spentling and state reimbursement COPS MORE II Grant - local match transfer from General Fund fund balance State of Minnesota Overtime Grant '1998 Safe & Sober Grant Auto Theft grants Minnesota Gties gran[ Pub/ic Works Right of Way adJustments - funtling for salaries Right of Way atljustments - funding for salaries Right of Way atljustments - funding for finges TQC no/ y& Manauement Services Ventlor Outreach Program - in Corrtingency HRMS Repayment as Advance, not financing Atljustment to 1998 PC Replacement Progmm HRMS System fund balance contribution fund balance repayable advance Genere/ Govemmgnt A�ount� Specifietl Contingency Heritage Preservation Foundation Source of Recommendation Comte-of-the-YVhole ('12l3) Comte-ot-the-Whole (11J3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Wfwle (12l3) Comte-of-the-Whole (t2/8) Comt�of-the-Whole ('12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whote (12i8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Comte-af-the-Whale (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (�2/3) Comte-oi-the-Whole (1218) Comte-of•the-Whole {t 2/8) Camte-obthe-Whole (l2(8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Rmounts to be S�.cead to Vaiious d�artme�s '* The amounts listed below represent the accumufated changes for Employee Insurance and Retsee Insurence across the entire General Fund. Frifge benefiis are no lo�ger centraily budgeted, but rather spread throughout department budgets. The changes listed here will ultimately be allocated to all those department 6udgets in the General Fund. Therefore, even those butlget5 marked as "Ne Changes to the Mayor's Pmposed BudgeP' will likely be adjusted by their proportipnate share of the changes listetl 6ebw. Department budgets for Employee Insurance fringes Department budgets for Retiree Insurance fringes Pro e Tax Levy Financino No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget 2fher Financing Fire Pension Amortization Aid Police Pension Amortization Aid Interest Eamings estimafe Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-VJhole (t 2!3) I Fund Balance Use of Funtl Balance to Balance Council Action (12/17J Mayofs Office - Budget Sectlon H:�USERS\BUDGEf�123\YR1998\TR4KCNCL CounciPs Fiscal Changes Generai Fund and Debt Funds Line Item va`rous aaiao �41a0 oaaot various 04000 Oa010 04100 o4to0 04100 04040 02155-07'11 02155-0767 02755-0439 �t250 0�125 Ot12o 01125 f hal a1725-0567 01725-0535 090fi7 vanous various 09017 09010 WOOo 00000 Spending I Financing (637,894) '125,000 62,500 35,�00 50,000 726.122 154,860 154,860 225,980 225,980 725,000 125,D00 31,200 31,200 45,792 45,792 $0�� B,�Oa (1.554) (71) (465) 9'1,150 ('170,000) 28,000 28,040 2,147,618 1,005,000 1,142.618 100,000 (327,430) 117,811 433,487 (932,962) 175,00� 190,786 12/18/97 11:44 AM Page 2 ..,�� rsudget Process IZ/17/97 5:30 PM Description To#l, Co[rncil's Changes Mayo�'s Proposed General Fnnd Budget Coancil's Preliminary General Fund Budget Balance /ndicator Currenf Status: `��-t53� Counci/'s Fiscal Changes Genera! Fund and Debt Funds Source of RecpmmendaYion f Line Item �aJ,�llrgd Budaet Spending 2,967,365 157,514,387 160,481,752 Financing 2,967,365 157,514,387 160,481,752 0 � Generai Deb1 No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Total, Council's Changes MayoYs Proposed Debf BUdget Council's Preliminary Oebf Budget Ba/ance7»dicator CurreiHStatus: � 0 ei,oas,sn 51,035,677 0 51,035,677 57,035,677 0 Office - Budget Section H:WSERSSBUDGETN231YR1998\TRAKCNCL 721'IS/97 11:44 AM Page 3 9998 Budget Process SZ/17/97 5:30 PM Description Ci�yAftomev No Change to Mayots Proposed Budget" �Lfy Counci/ No Change to Mayors Proposetl Budget" Jnancial Servfces Donations for Inaugural expenses Capitol City Partnership - approved spending Capitol City Partnership - contingency spending Capitol City Partnership - Foundation Capitol City Partnership - Parking & Transit Fair Housing Gontract with SMRL in Hum Rights Fair Housing Gontract with SMRL in Hum Rights - CDBG Eire and SafetK ervices No Ghange to Mayor's Proposed Budget'* Housrng lnforma8on O�ce No Change to Mayor's Proposetl Butlget'* i rer'e _ CDBG funding for library materials CDBG Contingency ir�nse /ns�tion and Environmental Pro�ction No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget *' Parks and Recreation No Change to Mayor's Proposetl Budget'" PLanning & Economic Developmenf Purchasing atlditional parking meters Purchasing additional parking meters Funtling related to Acct III convertetl to retaining services of EDP Programmer Trainee in Technology antl Management Services police Department Tentative Settlement - City / Police Federation and assoc+ated financing Police PERA Pension UAAL Fringes COPS MORE II Grant spendi�g federalfunds local match (transfer from General Funtl) LLEBG LLEBG I (1996-1998) Carry over LLEBG 11 (� 997-1999) Police memo 11/4/97 (Wasley) less CF 97-1395 Snow Lot Police memo 11f13/97 (Brown) State of Minnesota Weetl � Seetl University / Summit Econ Small Area Neighborhood Fetleral Weetl & Seed Federal COP Demonstration Center grant Source ot Recommendation Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole i12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Gomte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (1Z8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comie-of-ths-Who1e (1218) Camte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (�218) Comte-ot-the-YVhole (12/8) Comte-o4-the-YVhole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/8) �t7 -ls'3o Council's Fisca/ Changes Specia/ Funds i.imu o u�iu mayvi s-nuuNteu uy �.�uuw Line Item Spending Financing 30707 301�t 30101 30107 30701 30750.0298 3a150-7199 33428-0387 33428-71�8 36100-9831 36140-0558 36075-0112 3607&0167 36075-0439 3fi075-0558 36000-9830 various various fund 436 34739 34740 24U50 34142 341A1 34701 fund 436 84,700 84,700 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 35,000 35,000 50,000 1 111 100,000 100,000 (31,338) (1,454) (9,363) 39,185 (2.970) 26,987 26,987 (45,896) (45,896) 903,921 677,941 225,980 260,158 260,158 593,4'12 593,412 �31,500 �31,500 75,000 121,650 90,000 987,442 75,000 121,650 90,000 987,442 Mayor's Office - Budget Section H:\USERS\BUDGET�123\YR1998\TRAKCNCL 12/18/97 � 1:44 AM Page 1 a�-�s�a 1998 Budget Process IZ/ST/97 5:30 PM Description Federel COP Training Urban Lab grant Ramsey County (reimbursement for city costs) Gun Volence Prevention Program (one year funding) Funded from the one time 1997 COPP budget P�ic Hea/th Block Nurse program (CD66 Funding, to be adopted in the CDBG budget) $20,000 Pu6lic Works Sewer Utility Fund - sewer fees Sewer Utility Fund - interest eamings Reduce funding relatetl to FTE, change steps Retluce funding related to FfE Retluce funtling related to FTE Reduce Neg. Incr. Reduce Fringes Reduce Use of Funtl Balance Reduce Trensfer to Spec. Fund. Reduce Revenue Reduce fufWi`g relaied to F Shift to ROW Reduce CSC, for FTE shift to ROW Increase other services, keep spending equaf Reduce Fringes for ROW FTE shift Reduce funtling related to FTE, Shift to ROW Reduce CSC, for FTE shift to ROW Increase other services, keep spending equal Reduce Fringes for ROW FTE shift Reduce funtling related to F7E, Shift to ROW Reduce CSG for FTE shift to ROW lncrease other services, keep spending equal Reduce F[i�es for ROW FTE shik Reduce funding related to FTE, Shift ta ROW Reduce CSC, for FTE shift to ROW Increase other services, keep spending equal Reduce Fringes for ROW FTE shift Reduce funding relatetl to FTE, Shift to ROW Reduce CSC, for FTE shift to ROW Increase other services, keep spentling equal Reduce Fringes for ROW FTE shift Increase funding for ROW Reduce Fees for other Increase CSC for ROW shift Decrease testing services for ROW shift Decrease Investigations for ROW shift Decrease Misc Services for ROW shift Increase Fringes for ROW shift Reduce Sewer payments to MCES Adjust Current Value Cretlit with MCES Increase refunds for Sewer MCES changes Reduce Revenue for Stroh's to Sewers Increase revenue from Refunds Increase revenue from MCES refunds RiverCentre No Change to Mayor's Proposed Butlget'* Council's Fiscal Changes Special Funds Change from Mayors - Adopted by Council Line Item Spending Financing Source of Recommendation Comte-MAhe-Whole ('12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (1218) Comte-of-the-Whale (12/10) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (1213) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Gomte-of-the-Whofe (12/8) Comte-of-ihe-Whole (12/8) Gomte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Camte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-o6the-Whofe (72l8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8j Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/8) Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/8) Comie-of-the-Whole (92/8) Comte-of-the-Nfiole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/S) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Comte-of-the-Whole (t2l8) Comte-of-the-Whole (�2/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole ('1218) Comte-of-the-Whole (1218) Comte-of-the-Whole (1218) Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-thrWhole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-YVhole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Who1e ('12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) funtl 436 fund 436 fund 436 72155-0117 72755-0177 12755-0171 127550761 12755-0439 12000-9830 12202-0588 t2205-430'1 12119A111 t21t0.0290 72110-0299 iznaaaas 720060171 12006-0290 12006-0299 12006-0439 72070-0171 12070.0290 �20�0.0299 12090-0439 2220t-�ttt 22207-Q29Q 22207-o2ss 22201-0439 22211-0111 2227 bo2so 2221L029s 22277-0439 32001-0117 32001-0219 32001-0290 32001-�294 32001-0298 32001-0299 32001-0439 22200-0544 zzzoa-oszs 22200-0521 22200-4314 zzzoass�� 22200-6915 88,733 88,733 71,833 71,833 5a,000 50,000 Na n/a (2�0,000) 2Q0,000 46,765 (23,791) (42,789) (920) (5.921) (26,656) (21.844) (21,844) (49,326) (2,916) fi6,329 (14,085) (15,942) (2.041) 22,535 (4,552) (4,720) (583) 6,655 (1,348) (18,627) (2.916) 26,862 (5,319) (64,932) (5,832) 89,305 (18,541) 199,739 (18,352) 14,580 (35,000) (765,000) (53,000) 57,033 (935,'I60) (193,427) 127,000 (1,304,58� ioo,000 203,000 Mayor's Office - Butlget Sect�on H:IUSERS\BUDGET123\YR'1998RRAKCNCL 12/18/97 11:4b AM Page 2 9�-1s�� 1998 Budget Process Council`s Fiscai Changes 12/17197 5:30 PM Special Funds Change ftom Mayors -Adopted by Council Desaiption Source of Recommendation Line Item Spending Financing Technofpyy & Manageme»f Servic� Cable N carry over funtls received in 1997 for INet Comteof-the-Whole (12/8) 31727-sa3p 70Q000 expansion into 9998 forspe�ding 31721-�518 100,U00 InformaQon Senrices PED database application conversions Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) sitlS�3os 39,185 Comteof-the-Whole (12f6) 3tN5-0'N'I, 0439 39,185 HRMS Projec[ Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Full cosls o5 HRMS at requested levei 7 iloo 2,370,909 general fund balance contribution ino0.7o0o 1,005,000 general Tuntl 6aiance adva�ce 111oa7�ou 1,142,618 special fund funtl bafance i i aoass3o 223,291 Real Estate Management Fund - City Hall Anoez revisions to Renovation Projed (scope, accessibility, City Council (12/17) iloso-oasa 1,008,131 HVAC antl elednral iriUastructure, and cost estimates) sprinklers 103,000 contingency g0,369 Loans, Retained Eamiags, other iio50-9925,69os 1p�8,131 103,000 90.369 Various De./Larfinents " The amounts listed below represeM the accumulated changes for Employee insurance antl Retiree insurance across ali Speciai Funds. Fringe be�efits are no Ionger centrally budgeted, but rather spreatl throughout department budgets The changes Ilsted here will ultimately be allocatetl to all those department budgets in the Special Funds. Therefore, even those budgets marked as "No Changes to the Mayor's Proposed BudgeY' will likely be adjustetl by their proportionate share of the changes listed below. Depadment butlgets for Employee Insurance finges Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/3) vadous (159,035) (159,035) Department butlgets for Retiree Insurance fringes Gomte-of-the-Whole (1213j varrous 57,221 57,221 Wata� U+%lit� Reduce spending tu balance rate reduction Gomte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Varwus (215,787) Reduce revenue for rate reduqion Comfe-of-the-4Vhole (12f8) Various (215,787) Tofaf,Councif'sChanges 6,2�5,378 6,2�5,376 Mayor'sProp0.SedSpecialFundsBudget 214,529,816 2t4,5zs,sts Counci!'SPrelitl7inarySpecialFUndsBudget zzo,745,19z 22o,7a5,ts2 Ba/ance lndicator Current Status; Balanced Budqet 0 ats Qfflce - Budget SeUion H;IUSERSI6UDGEi11231YR1998lTRAKCNCL 12(18l97 11:45 AM Page 3 9998 Budget Process 12/1T/97 5:30 VM Description P arks and R ecreatio» Rice Park ImprovemeMs Highwood Park and Preserve Project (City contribution towartl acquisition of 12-acre LaFavor parcel ad}aCZni to Taytor Park in ciGzen participation District 1. $310,000 to be financetl wl st2te/private grants) Ounning Sfadium and Recrealion Center Homecroft Rec. Center Builtling Atldition & Site Improvements (preliminary design� North �ale Community Recreation Center 6uilding (preliminary design) Griggs Recreation Center Retlesign (preliminary deugn) Pig's Eye Dump Land Acquisttion (Submrited to CIB as "Pig'S Eye SoCCer Park Acquisition") NO ADDITIONAL FUNDING COMMITMENTASSUMED Rice/Arlington Fieltl Lighting p�¢/ic Warks Territorial Roatl Lighfing Constr-ptan5/5pecs -1998 funtling oniy Remarnmg furWing for Constructron in 1999. (38,000 MSA, 11,000 assmnts m'98J (ToWi project cos[' S9,OOD) Pub/ic Libraries Community Library antl Information Center Rice St Librery ( St. Paui Police Dept Central Dist St. Anthony Branch LiMary Improvements Planning & Economic Dev�pment Family Services Center Comprehensive Hsg Real Estate Oev. Fund Capksl City Homes - Homeownership Dev. OpporL Comprehensive Home Purchase / Rehad Fund Economic Development Loan Leverege Funtl Source of Recommendation � Log No. Comte-os-the-Whole (t2/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) CF-0797'195 CF�197113 Comfe-of-thEVYhole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12I8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Comte-af-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of2he-4Vhole(12/8) Comte-oi-the-Whole (72/8) Comte-of-fhe-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-4Vhole (12(e) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/6) Comie-of-the-Whole (12J8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (1?JSj Comte-Ot-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-o&fhe-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-UVhole (12/8) CF-1397042 CF-1597008 CF-559718Q CF-1197185 GF-0197025 � CF-0697073 ', SU4297187 CF-5597112 Cf-0697160 CF-1297XXX CF-0397197 RE-6697127 RE-6697128 RE-6697126 RE-5537144 a� -�s�� Council's Fisca! Changes Capital lmprovement Budget e from Ma or's - Adopted 6y Council Financing Spending Financing Source (70,000) 70,Q00 330,0�0 (1,500,000) 7,500,000 ao,000 60,000 SO,OOD iaa,000 (70,000) N6d STAX 70,000 CuftSTAX 155,000 DNR gfant t55,o00 pvtgrant 20,000 PrYrC1B ('96 Cntgy) (1,500,000) GDBG 1,500,000 Nbtl STAX 40,000 PrYfC16 ('97 Cnt9Y) 60,000 PrYrGIB ('97 Cntqy) SO,ODD PrYrCiB ('97 CntgY) 100,000 Nbd STAX 85,000 85,000 PrYrC16 (C96-3G005) 10,000 10,040 MSA (500,000) (500,000) CDBG 50�,��0 5�0,000 Nbd STAX {aoo,00a� (aoo,000� CDSG 400A00 400,000 Nbtl STAX 250,000 50,DO0 Priv. match 200,000 PrYrC1B ('96 Contqy; (500,�a0) 500,000 9�0,0�0 (900,000) 1,aa0.0aa (1,000,000) 9��,�00 (900,000) 10�,�00 (S�O,OaO) G08G 500,000 Nbd STAX 900,000 CDBG (900,D00) NbdSTAX t,aoo,o�o CDBG (1,000,000) NbtlSTAX 9�0,000 W6G (9DO,ODO) Nbd STAX t0�,0a� CDeG ayorsOffice-BudgetSection H.\USERSIBUDGER123�YR199alTRAKCNCI 7?f16f97 11�45AM Page1 1998 Budget Process 1.2/17/97 5:30 PM a� -IS.3a Council's Fisca! Changes Capitai lmprovement Budget Change from Mayor's - Adopted by Council �inancing Description Source of RecommendaGo� Log No. Spending Financing Sourcz (700,000) (700,000) NbdSTAX Livable Communities grantapplication matching Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) RE�697XXX 350,000 350.000 Nbd STAX funds PiloY�uighborhoodbanklendingprogamfor Comte-o4-the-Whole(1216) RE-669�XXX 1,250000 1,250,000 NbdSTAX ecanomiUhousing deveiopment Phalen Cortidor industrial developmeM: targetetl Comte-of-the-Wnole (12/8) RE-6697XXX 1,9a0,o00 1,900,000 Nbtl STAX loan/grent funtling LoaNgrantpoolforneighborhood Comte-of-th�VJhole(12/8) RE-66WXXX 500,000 500,000 NbdSTAX prog2ms/projects G�»�ral 6ovemmeM AcrouMs City Sales Tax Comte-of-the-Nlhole (1218) CF-6697XXX Givic Center De6t Service 4,494,OW 4,369,000 STAX STAR Program 725,OD0 Int Emqs Neighborhootl pro�ecGs 5,609,000 4,609,000 STAX 7a0,000 Int Erngs 300,000 Ln Repay Culturel projects 1,037,000 922,000 STAX 100,000 Int Emgs 15,000 Ln Repay Total,Council'SChanges ts,os5,000 ts,os5,000 Mayor's Propasetl ClB 54,180,000 54,180,000 Counci/'sPrelimi�aryC(8 7o,2a5,000 7o,2as,000 Balance Indicator Current StaYUS: Balanced Budaet 0 MayoYSOffice-BUdgetSecGOn HiUSERS\BUDGET723\YR7998\TRAKCNCL 72/18/97 71�45AM Page2 . ��o csudget Process 12/11/97 9:D0 AM Descripfion ANirmafive Action No Change to Mayors Proposed Budget ° CifvAttomev No Charge to Mayors Proposetl Sudget "* �itizen Services Winter Camival Multi Cultural events S:� CO(IRC%/ No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget *" Q�ce of Ffnancia/ Services RepaymeM of HRMS Advance 1.7M Fire and Safefy Servrces Fire PERA Pensian UAAL Fringes Restore funtling related to firefighters Shift funding for Overtime into Con6ngency Delete f�nding relatetl to the Overtime Budget Deiete fu�tling relatetl to Ghief Fire Investigator Delete funtling related to Fire Dispatch Supervisor Purchase 2 CairnslRlS Smoke InWSion Helmets Zero out neg. adjustment for code enforcement Adtl contingency funding related to enwronmentai health i�spectors [�isin2and Jnfo�mati4�_Q �c No Change to Mayor s Proposetl Butlget "' Human Resources No Change to Mayor's Proposed Butlget " Human RiahGs No Change to Mayors Proposed Budget'* Labor Relatfo2 No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget "' Lsbraric;s Expanded Sat. service hours Ezpanded Sun. service hours E�cpanded weekday service hours Library Materials No Change to Mayor's Proposed Mavor's O�ce No Change to Mayor's Propos Budget" Parks and Rec�eaf Stump removal prog ($5,000 per ward) Additional funtling r ated to Rec Diredor position Funding for part- e staff for rec center mtGPark mtc Reaodding so er fieltls at McMurray No Change 1�Mayor's Proposed Budget *"' Source of Recommendation Comte-of-fhe-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whale (1213) Comte-of-fhe-Whole (7278) Camte-of-the-Whole (121 Gomte-of-the-Whole (1 8) (1218) (12/3) (1213) (7213) Camte-of-the-Whole (1213) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l3) Gomte-of-the-Whole (1218J Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Gomte-o�thrWhole (1218) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Comte-of-[he-Whole (12110) a� � t53c CauncU's Fiscal Changes Ge»eral Fund and Debt Funds Change from Mayor's -Adopted by Council Lfne Item Spentling Financfog 00252 35,000 35,000 Variaus 05120.oxxx �5120-Q548 o5'I20-o�a7 OSt10-ax� 05'140-OXfa 05t2�-0848 OS'I'13-0577 05173-0548 03402 03402 03402 03401 03195 03100 03732,03171,03t72 W 171-0321 5,452 (1,096,000) 355,321 191,182 ('19'1,182) (88,389) (75,750) 50,00� 62,244 90,434 66,017 57,232 131,685 (50,Oa0) 35,000 55,000 'IOO,ODO 4�,00� 's INfice - 8utlget Sedion H:IUSERSI6UDGETl1231YR1998�TRAKCNCL 12l11/97 09:39 AM Page 1 . ��a r�udget Process I Z/11/97 9:00 AM CounciPs F Generai Fund from Description police D�lartment Police PERA Pension UAAL Fnnges Comte-of-the-Whole (12f3) Police Grant- Sexual Offentler Notification Program Comte-oRthe-Wnole (72/3) Sexual Offender Notification Program wlCounty Comte-of-the-4Vhole (12/3) Parts antl Fuel - in Contingency Comte-of-the-Whole (1213) Tentative Settlement- La6or Contract- SPPF Comte-of-the-Whole (1278) State of Minn Qaqg Strike Force Spending Comte-o�Yhe-Whole (12/8) antl state reimbursement COPS MORE II GraM- Iocai match transferfrom Generai Fu Comte-of-the-Whole ('12/8) fund balance State of Minnesota �vertime Gr2nt Comte-of-the-YVhole (12l8) 1998 Safe & Sober Grant Comte-of-the-Whole (12f8) Auto TheR grants Corcrte-of-the-Whole ('12l8) Minnesota Cities grant Comte-of-the-Whole (12J8j Source of ftecommendation I Line Item Publlc Works Right M Way atljushnents - tunding for salaries Right of Way adjustme�ts - fundi�g for salaries Right of Way adjustments - funding Por finges T�F_hnoJoqy & Sup�rt Services Vendor Outreach Program - in Confingency HRMS Repayment as Anvance, not financing Atljustment to 7998 PC Repiacement Program HRMS System fund balance contribufion fund balance repayable ativance General GovsmmentAccounts Specified Contingency Heritage Preservatian Foundation Rmounfs t9 be S�read fo Various departmeQ.t� Comte-of-the-Whole 2/3) Comte-af-the-Whol (�213) Gomte-of-the- (12f3) Comte-of-t -VYhole (12f3) Comte-of- e-Whole (�2/8) Camte-o the-Whole (17J8) Comte f-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-oRthe-VJhoie (1218) *" The amounts lis[ed below represent the acwmulated c nges for Employee insurance and Retiree Insurance across ihe entire Ge�ral Fu Fnnge benefits are no longer centrelly budgeted, but rather spread throughout de artmeM budgets. The ohanges listed here will ultimately be allocated to all those partment budgets in the Generai Funtl. Therefore, even those butlgets marketl a"NO Ghanges to the Mayor's Proposed Budget" wiil likely he adjusted by their proporti ate share of the changes 1"�sted 6elow. Department butlgets for Employee Insuren�e fringes Dapadment budgets for Retiree Insurancy�finges No Change to Mayors Proposed Bu� Other Fi nancf»a Fire Pension Amortization Aid Police Pension Amortization id interest Earnings estimate Fund Ba/ance Use of Fund Balance Balance Comte-o9-th�Whole (72/3) Comfe-of-the-Whole (12(3) various oa100 04100 DA00 va " s a o0 04010 0a70� oa7ao 04100 oa000 027$5-D111 Q2155-0161 0215&0439 01250 o„zs 0„20 01725 09061 various vanous 9�-tS�D isca � Changes a Debf Funds -Adopted by Council :nding Financing (637,894) 725,000 62,500 35,000 50,000 72fi,122 154,860 154,860 225,980 225,980 125,000 '125,000 31,200 31200 45,792 45.792 8,D00 8,000 (1,554) (71) (465) 91,150 za,aaa 2J47,618 (no,000} za,000 1,005,000 1,142,618 100,000 (327,430) 117,811 433,487 (932,962) 175,000 447,890 2,8'17.365 2,817,365 157,514,387 �57,574,387 160,331,752 160,331,752 � Tofat, Council`s hanges Mayor's Pro osed Genera! Fund Budgef Coancfl' Preliminary G¢nera/ Funtl Budgef Balan Mdicafoi Gurrent Statas: Comte-of-fhe-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (72J3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) B�nced Sudget 09011 09010 00000 00000 Office - Butlget Section H:WSERS\BUDGET�231YR'19981TRAKCNCL 12/11/97 09:39 AM Page 2 9998 Budget Process 12/11/97 9:00 AM a�t -1530 Council's Fiscal Changes Generai Fund and Debt Funds fram Description GQneial Debt No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Total, Counci/'s Changes Mayor's Proposed Debt Budget Coonci%s Pieliminary Debt Budget Balante (ndicato� Current Stafus: Source of Recommendation I Line Item �a/anced Budget Spending 0 0 5'f,035,677 51,035,677 51,035,677 51,035,677 0 Mayots Office - Budget Sec[ion H:SUSERS\BUDGEII'1231YR19981TRAKCNCL 12!'11/97 09:39 AM Page 3 9998 Budget Process 12/11/97 9:00 AM Description CitvAttornev No Change to Mayofs Proposed Budget" �ily Counci/ No Change to Mayor's Proposed Bud9et "` Financia/ Services Donations for Inaugural expenses Capitol City Partnership - approved spending Capitol City Partnerehip - contingency spending Capitol City Partnership - Foundation Capitol City Partnership - Parking & Transit Fair Housing Contract with SMRL in Hum Rights Fair Housing Contract with SMRL in Hum Rights - CDBG Fire and Safely Services No Change to MayoPS Proposed Budget" Housing Information OKce No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget" Li6reries COBG funding For library maferials CDBG Contingency Licens�/n��cSon and Envirnnmenta/ Protection No Ghange to MayoYS Proposetl Budget ** Parks and Rer�eation No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget ** Plannino & Economic Deve/o��nt Purchasing adtlitional parking meters Purchasing additional parking meters Funding related to Acct III converted to retaining services of EDP Programmer Trainee in Technology and Management Services Po/ice Denarfinent TentaUve Settlement - City ! Police Federatlon a�d assoclated financing Palice PERA Pensiun UAAI Fringes COPS MORE 11 Grant spending federalfunds local match (irensfer from Ge� Fund) LIEBG lLEBG I (1996-1998) Carry ver LLEBG II ('1997-1999) Police memo 11f4f97 ley) less CF 97-1395 Snow Lot Police memo 11 /13 7 (Brown) State of Minnesot eed & Seed Univers(ry / S mit Econ Small rea Neighborhood Federaf We tl & Seed Federal P Demonsiration Center grant Feder OP Training Urban Lsb grent Ra ey CouMy (reimbursement for city costs) Source of Recommendation Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (19J3) Comt2of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) (12/8) (12/8) C�mte-of-the-Whole (12/8) ,�omte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Camte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Comte-of-the-Whale (12l8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Comte-of-the-Whole {12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (t2l8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Gomte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (1218) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whofe (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Wnole (72/8) Comte-of-the-Wnole (72/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (�2/8) 0. � ti 'S� 0 Council's Fiscal Changes Specia/ F�nds Line Item 30707 30701 30150 33428-0381 3342&7118 36100-9837 36140-0558 36W5-0712 36075-0161 36075-�439 36075-0558 36�00-983� various various funtl 436 34t39 34t40 24050 34t42 3414t aaio, fund 436 fund 436 fund 436 Financing 84,700 84,700 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 35,000 35,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 (31,338J ��+ (9,3fi3) 39,185 (2,970) 26,987 26,987 (45,896) (45,596} 903,921 677.941 225.980 260,158 260,158 593,412 593,412 '13'1,500 131,500 75,000 721,650 so,000 987,4A2 88,733 71,833 75,000 121,650 90,000 987,442 58,733 7�,833 Office - Budget Sectio� H:\USERS\BUDGE7�123\YR1998\TRAKCNCL 12/11/97 09:39 AM Page 1 1998 Budget Process 12/11/97 9:00 AM Description Gun volence Prevention Program (one year funding) Fundetl from the one time 1997 COPP budget Pub/ic Health Biock Nurse program (CDBG Funding, to be adopted in the CDBG budget) $20,OOD P�b(ic Wo � Sewer Utility Funtl - sewer fees Sewer Utility Fund - interest eamings Reduce fundi�g related to FTE, change steps Reduce funding related to FTE Reduce funding reiated to FTE Reduce Neg. Incr. Reduce Fringes Reduce Use of Fund Balance Reduce Transfer to Spec. Fund. Reduce Revenue Reduce funding related to FTE, Shift to ROW Reduce CSC, for FTE shifl to ROW Increase other services, keep spending equal Reduce Fringes for ROW FTE shiR Reduce funtling related to FTE, Shift to ROW Reduce CSC, for FTE shift to ROW increase other services, keep spentling equal Reduce Fringes for ROW FTE shift Reduce fundSng related to FTE, Shifl to ROW Retluce CSC, for FTE shift to ROW Increase other services, keep spending equal Reduce Fringes for ROW FTE shiR Reduce funding related to FTE, Shift to ROW Reduce CSC, for FTE shift to ROW Increase other services, keep spentling equal Retluce Fringes for ROW FTE shift Reduce funding related to FTE, Shift to ROW Reduce CSC, for FTE shifl to ROW Increase other services, keep spending equal Retluce Fringes for ROW FTE shift Increase funding for ROW Retluce Fees for other Increase CSC for ROW shift Decrease testing services for ROW shift Decrease Investigations for ROW shift Decrease Misc Services for ROW shift Increase Fringes far ROW shift Reduce Sewer payments to MCES Atljust Current Value Credit w�th ES Increase refunds for Sewer MC changes Reduce Revenue for Stroh's Sewers Increase �even�e from Ref ds Increase revenue from M ES refunds RiverCent�e No Change to Mayor's roposed Budget " a��lS3Q Counci/'s Fisca/ Changes ' Speciai Funds Change from Mayor's - Adop ed by Council Line Item Spendi Financ+ng Source oP Recommendation Comte-of-the-Whole ('12/10) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-oi-the-Whole (12/3) C.omte-of-the-Whole (12l3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (1� Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/ Comte-of-the-Whole ( /8) Comte-of-the-Who (12/8) Comte-of-the- le (12/8) Comie-of-the- ole (12/8) Comte-of-th ole (12/8) Comte-of- -Whole (12/8) Comte-of he-VJhole(�218) Comte- -the-Whole (1278) Comt -of-the-Nfiole (12lB) Co e-of-fhe-Whole (12l8) te-of-the-Whole (12l8) omte•of-the-Whole (12l8) Comte•of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/SJ Comte-of-the-Whole (12/82 Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Gomte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-oRthe-Whole (1278) Comte-oRthe-Whole (1218) Comte-of-the-Whole ('12/8) comte-of-tne-VJhole (tzls) Comte-of-the-Whole (1278) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Comte-of-the-Whale (12l8) fund 436 �1 it ii 72755-0439 12000-9830 12202-0588 12205-4301 12110.0711 72170-0290 72770-0299 12970-0439 1200s-0117 12006-0290 1200fi-0299 1200G0439 t20t0.oltt izo�aozso �zoio-ozss 12010-0439 222ot-0t t t 22207-�29� 22201-0299 22207-0439 22271-0711 22217-0290 22217-o2ss 22211-0439 32001-0117 szoot-o2ie 32007-0290 32001-0294 32001-0298 szoot-oase 32009-0439 22200-0544 n2oo-oszs 22200-0521 22200-43'14 22200.6917 22200-6915 50,000 Na n/a (200.000) 200,000 46 765 (23,791) (42,788) (920) (5,927) (26,656) (21.844) (21,844) (49.328) (2,916) 66,329 (14,085) (15.942) (2,041) 22,535 �4,552) (A,720) (583) 6,651 (1,348) (18,627) (2.91fi) 26,562 (5,319j (64,932) (5,832) 89,305 (18,541) 199,739 (18,352) 14,580 (35,000) (165,000) (53,000) 57,033 (935,960) (193,427) 127,000 (1,304,587) 10Q000 2�3,�0� Office - Budget Section H:\USERS\BUDGET123\YR7998\TRAKCNCL �2/11/g7 09:39 AM Page 2 1998 Budget Process IZ/11/979:00 AM Description 9�l -1530 Counci/'s Fiscal Changes Special Funds Source of Recommendation � Line Item TxhnpLQ,qy & Support S�ervices Cable N carry over funds received in 1997 for INet Gomte-of-the-Whole (12/8) expansion iMO 1998 for spentling Information Services PED database application conversions Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) HRMS Project Comte-ot-the-VJhole (12/8) Fuil costs of HRMS at requested level generalfund 6alance Contri6ution general fund balance advance special fund fund balance yarious Denarfinents *• The amounts listetl below represent the accumulated changes for Employee Insurance and Retiree Insurance across all Special Funds. Fringe benefits are no longer centrally budgeted, but rather spread throughout tlepadment budgets. The changes listetl here will ultimatety be allocated to ail those BepaAment budgets in the Special Funds Therefore, even those budgeis marked as "NO Ghanges to She Mayor's Proposed Budget" will likely be atljustetl by their proportionate share of the changes listed below. Department budgets for Employee Insurance fringes Comte-of-the-Whole ('12/�' Department buBgets for Retiree Insurance fringes Comte-of-the-Whole (17j3) Wate� Uti/itv Reduce spending to balance rate reduction Reduce revenue for rate feduction Total, Counci/'s Changes Mayor's Proposed Special Funds Budget Council's Preliminary Special Funds Budget Ba(ance indicator C�rrent Status: Salanced Budoet (12/8) (12/8) 31721-9830 3'172�-05�8 St775-7305 31175-0117.0439 �1to0 itlaa7��0 17toa-7ao0 / 71100-9830� various various Various Various Spending � / Financing 100,000 0,000 39,185 39,185 2,370,909 1,�05,00� 1,142,618 223.29I (759,035) (159,035) 57.221 57.221 (215,787) (215,787) 5,073,876 21$529,816 219,543,692 5,013,876 2�A,529,816 219,543,692 0 Office - Butlget Section HIUSERS\BUDGE71123\YR1998\TRAKCNCL 72/71l97 0939 AM Page 3 1998 Budget Process 12/11/97 9:00 AM Description Parks and RecreaSon Rice Park Improvements Highwood Park and Preserve Project (City confribution tovrard acquisition of 72•acre LaFavor parcel atljacent to Taylor Park in citizen participation Distnct 1. $370,000 to be financed w/ stateJprivate grants) Dunning Sfatlium and Recreafion Center Homecroft Rec. Center Building Aadition & Site Improvements (preliminary tlesign) North Dale Community Recreation Center Buildirtg (preliminary design) Griggs Recreation Center Redesign (preliminary tlesign) Pig's Eye Dump Land Acquisition (SUbmitted to CIB as "Pig's Eye Soccer Park ACquisitian") NO ADDITIONAL FUNDING COMMIiMENTASSUMED Rice/Arlington Fieltl Lighting Public Wo/ks TertiWrial Road Lighting Constr-plans/specs- 1998 funding only Remaimng fund�ng forconsVucGOn in 7999. i36,000 MSA, 11,000 assmnts In'99) (fofal project cost 59,000) Pu61ic libraries Community Library and Information Center Rice St Librery I St. Paul Police Dept Central Oist St Anthony Brench Library Improvementr � planning & Econamic DevelopmeM Family Services Center Comprehensive Hsg Real E Dev. Funtl Capital City Homes - H eovmerehip Dev. Opport Comprehensive ome Purchase / Rehab Fund Loan Leverege Funtl Source of Recommendation � Log No. Comte-af-the-Whole (12/8j GF-1797195 Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/8) CF-0197113 Comteof-the-VJhole (12/8) � CP-1397042 Comte-of-the-Whole (12I8) Camte-of-th�Whole (1218) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) CF-1597008 CF-559718� CF-7197}$5 Comie-of-the-Whole (72/8) �(" CF-0697013 Com of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Comt2of-th2Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-VJhole (72/8) Comte-ot-th�Whole (12/8) Comte-obthe-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) SU-1297187 q1 �IS3� Councii's Fiscai Changes Capital improvement Budget e from Mayors - Adopted by Council Financi�g Spe�ding Financing� Source (70,D00) (70,000) N6tl STAX 70,000 70,000 CuItSTAX 330,000 155,000 DNRgrant 155,000 pvtgrant 20,000 PrYrC1B ('96 Cn[gy) (1 00,000) (1,500,000) CDBG ,500,000 1,500,OD0 Nbd STAX 40,000'99 40,OD0 PrYrCIB Numbers not in'98 total ('97 Cn(gy) 6a,00�'99 60,Q00 PrYrCIB Numbers not in'98 toTal ('97 Cntgy) 50,000'99 50,00o PrYrC16 Numbers not in'96 total ('97 Cntgy) 100,000 100,000 Nbd STAX 85,000 85,000 PrYfC1B (C98-3G005) 10,000 10,OOD MSA CF-5597112 (500,000) (500,000) CDBG 500,000 500,000 NbtlSTAX CF-0697160 (400,000) (400,000) CDBG 400,000 400,000 Nbtl STAX CF-1297XXX 250,000 50,000 Priv. match 200,000 PrYrC18 ('96 Con(q� CF-0397137 (500,000) (500,000) CDBG 500,000 500,000 Nbd STAX RE-6697127 g0o,000 900,000 CDBG �eoo,000> �sao,000� Nba srnx RE-6697128 1,000,000 1,000,000 CDBG (1,000,000) (7,000,000) Nbd STAX RE-6697726 900,000 900,000 C�BG (900,000) (900,000) Nbtl STAX RES597744 100,000 700,000 CDBG BudgetSechon H:\USERSBUDGET123\YR1996\TRAKCNCL 12/11/97 09:39AM Page7 9998 Budget Process 12/11/97 9:00 AM Descrip6an Livabie Communifies grent application matching funtls Pilot neighborhootl bank lentling program for economiGhousing development Phalen Cortidor ind�strial tlevefopment: targetetl IoaNgrantfuntling Loan/graM pool for neighborhood programsiprojects Genere/ Government,A�.co�nEs City Sales Tarz Civic CeMer Debt Service STAR Program Nei9hborhootl prqects CWtural pro�ec[s Total, Council's Changes Mayor's Propased Cl6 Caunci/'s Preliminary ClB Ba/anCe /ntlicator Currenf Sfatus: Source of Recommendation � Log No. Comteof-the-Whole (12/8) RE-6697XXX Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) RE-fi697XXX Comte-oFthe-Whole(12r8) RE-6697XXX Comte-of-the-VJhole (1?l8) RE-6697XXX Comte-of-the-Whole (12/e) al? -15 3 0 Council's Fiscal Changes Capital lmprovemenf Budget ,e from Mayor's - Adopted by C uncil Financing Spending Fin cing Source (100,000) (100,000) Nbd STAX 1 900,000 500,000 4,494,000 5,609,000 7,037,000 75,915,000 54,76D,000 70,095,Q00 350,00o Nbd STAX 1,250,000 NbdSTAX 1,900,000 NbdSTAX 500,000 NbtlSTAX 4 369,000 STAX 725,0�0 Int. Emgs. 4,609,000 STAX 700,000 Int Emgs 300,000 Ln Repay 922,000 STAX 10�,000 intEmgs 15 00o Ln Repay 15,975,000 54,780,000 70,095,000 0 MayoYSO�ce-BUtlgetSaction H:WSERSIBU�GET1231YR19981TRAKCNCL 12/11l97 09:39AM Page2 �i�o �V'ne1°�c�,� �� �,� ,a�7� �q�---'""�_ Presented By: MINNESOTA Council File # Green Sheet # Referred To: \ / Committee: Date 3�; i WHEREAS, the Mayor has proposed 6udgets for the Gity of Saint Pau! for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1998, in accordance with z the City Charter and Chapter 56 of the Adminisirative Code; and a 5 6 7 WHEREAS, the City Council, after publication of the notice in the newspaper ort December 3, 1997, held a public hearing on December 9, 1997, on the Mayor's Proposed 1998 budgets, as required by the City Charter and applicable state and federal laws; and WHEREAS, the Councit has revised the Mayofs proposed budgets as herein set forth; now therefore be it s RESOLVED, that in accordance with the procedures and requirements set forth in the CiTy Charter and other laws applicable thereto, to the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby adopt the 1998 6udgets as proposed by the Mayor with such monetary changes, additions, t� and deletions as are hereby adopted and which, along with total budgets, are set forth on the attachments to thls resolution; and be lt 12 13 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the expenditures in dollars as may be made by the several offices, depaRments, bureaus, and agencies of aa city govemme�t during the fiscai year 7998 shail be and are hereby approved and money appropriated by the adoption of the budgets 15 in the total sums set lorth herein, and be it 16 n FURTHER RESOLVED, that the estimated financing set forth in the 1998 adopted budgets is hereby approved; and be it 18 �s FURTHER RESOLVED, that the adoption of the 1998 budget for the Community Revelopment Block Grant Fund (100) and Governmental zu Emptoyment and Training Program Fund (345) are multi-year budgets based on estimates for grants which have fiscal periods which z� differ from the City's normal budget year (January 1 through December 31); the authority to implement these adopted multi-year budgets z3 commences only at the heginning of the grant period and shall extend beyond Der�mber 31, 1998, through the end of the grant period za and; during the year when each individual grant is accepted by the City Council, the budget will be amended to match the actual grant 2s amount for the entire multi-year period; and be it 26 n FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk i8 directed to publish the 9998 budget summary pursuant to Minnesota Statutes section 2s 471.6965 in the format prescribed by the Office of the State Auditor, and be it zs ao FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Budgei Director be and is hereby authorized to prepare the final 1998 Budgets in accordance with the 31 actions taken herein and to equalize or balance the revenue sources and appropriation expenditures as necessary. Requested by DepaRment of: BUDGET OFFICE Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: BY' ��� �...��+-�A ,ti � Approved by Mayor: Date '�,���' "�_ By: ' By: Approval Recommended by Budget Director: � r�" �X By: - t 53� Gtt3o Adopted by Council: Date �� � �q�'� Preqaeed bY thE Sant PaW eutlgM OMCe (H:\USEft5�eU0GESl'123\YR1998lGIXINGlUtE58U�.NAC6 1Zf&9't ) Budget Office Joseph Reid Tseoxcouelc¢ncpwnarconr� p�SCC.i.�Sl 12J17{97 �� � ��_ _ _ y � iTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES „��„�� 12f0$/97 GREEN SHEET tvo, 61130 q � neeax�romECrox � crncouetca me p551GN ��a�FOR O a„�a�,� 0 �� pppp Ol B[1DGEfDIRE(.TO " O FIN.&MGT.SEAVSCESDIR 3� MhYOR(ORASSISS (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAT'[IRE) Approval of Council Resoffition adopting the 1998 annual budgets RECO.�4.�IVDA130Ni Appmce (A) or Rejea (R) _PLANNMGCAMI.4SSION CNLL.SERVICECOMbIISSI(hi cmconmurr�e —�� _ nsrn�crcomcr !M'lIA1iNG PApBL6M, ISS[IE, OPPORlVM1Y(Whq VJhy, V@¢qyAwre, WyY) PERSONAL SERVICE CONT'RA(.°LS MI7ST ANSR'EB THE FOLLOWING QUESTIO 1. Has Ntis personJfum ever worked under a contrsa for flils departmem? YES NO 2. Has fhis petsodfvm ever been a clty employee? YES NO � 3. Does this person/&�m possess a sidll no[ normally possessed by any cuo-ent city empioyee? YES NO (Explaiu all ves answers on seoarate sheet and attacL to ¢reen sheecl The City Charter requires that an annual balanced budget be adopted. Timelines are set by State Statute and City Ordinance. The City Council's Committee of the Whole has completed its review of the budgets, and has passed out its recommended changes to the City Counci] for adoption. Legally, the resolurion adopting the 1998 City Budget should be considered after the resolution adopting the Paya6le 1998 tax levy. The City will be in compliance with City Chazter and State law. APPROVED N!A C�c►cd � �qgr DEC 1 U 1997 'J.pVANfAGE50FNOT AYYAOV£D The Ciry will be without an adopted budget for 1995. In accordance with the City Charter, the service priorities, financing estimates and spending appropriations for 1997 would be carried forth into 1998 and become the 1998 budget. 0'fAl AMOUNT OF TRA�`lSACTION COST/ilEVENUE BUDGETED (CIXQE ONE) YES NO 1NDING SOURCE VANCW,IliFORNJ.SION: (E)@LAA� ACIIVITY Sa�ntPaulBUtlgetO(6ce(Demka F'UlSERS�BU0GtT123lYRt998lCOVNCIIk',S98HUIX'iT.WK4 1998 Budget Process 12/17/97 5:30 PM Description A�nnative Action No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget ° C1f' y Attomev No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget" Citizen Services Winter Camival Multi Cultural events CI(y Council No Change to Mayor's Proposetl Budget" �ce of Financial Services Repayment of HRMS Advance 1.7M Source of Recommendation Comte-of-the-Whole (1Z3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Fire and Safefy Services Fire PER4 Pension UAAL Fringes Restore funding related to firefighter5 ShiB funding for Overtime into Contingency Delete funtling relatetl to the Overtime Budget Delete funding related to Chief Fire InvesGgator Delete funding related to Fire Dispatch Supervisor Purchase 2 CaimsIRIS Smoke Intrusion Helmets Zero out neg. adjustment for code enforcement Add contingency funding related to environmenWl health inspectors Add funtling for implementation of department recommerWations f h ce�� Ihrdt^^ae� Add paramedic revenue ,��� � 2 � 2. ���' Housing and Informafion. O�e No Change to Mayor's Proposetl Budget ° Human Resources No Change to Mayor's Proposed Butlget" Human Riahts No Change to Mayor's Proposetl Budget " Labor Re/aSOn� No Change to Mayofs Proposed Budget" Libreries Expandetl Sat. service hours F�cpanded Sun. service hours Expantled weekday service hours Library Materials License /nspection and Environmental P`otecfion No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget" Mayork Office No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget `* Pa�ks and Recreation Stump removal program ($5,000 per ward) Additional funding related to Rec Director position Funding for part-time staff for rec center mtc/Park mtc Re-sodtling soccer fieltls at McMUrray Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/S) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Council Ac[ion (12f17) Council Action (12/17) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comt�of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/10) ci`l- \530 Council's Fiscal Changes Generai Fund and Debt Funds Change from Mayors -Adc Line Item Spending 00252 ooiiaozsa Various osizo-o� os'120.o54b 05720-O�ca 05110-oxa�c 05140-O�oac 05120-0848 057130577 057'13-0548 OSW1-0548 o5'loi-407o osaaz 03402 03402 03407 oa�es 03100 03732,0317'1,03172 03771-0327 35,000 5,452 (1,096,000) 355,321 191,182 (191,182) (88,389) (75,750) 50,000 62,244 90,434 � ��� 66,017 57,232 131,685 (50,000) 35,000 55,000 100,000 40,000 Council Financing 35,000 407.104 Mayor's Office - Budget Section H:\USERS\BUDGET123\YR1998\TRAKCNCL 12/18/97 11:44 AM Pa9e 1 `lrI-�53b 1998 Budget Process 12/17/97 5:30 PM pescription Piannin��Economic Deve�o{Lment No Change to Mayots Proposed Budget" Police Denartmenf Police PERA Pension UAAL Frifyes Police Grant- Sexual Offentler NotifiCation Program Sexual Offender Notification Program wlCOUnty Parts and Fuel - in Contingency Tentative Settlement - Labor ConVact - SPPF State of Minn Gang Strike Force Spentling and state reimbursement COPS MORE II Grant - local match transfer from General Fund fund balance State of Minnesota Overtime Grant '1998 Safe & Sober Grant Auto Theft grants Minnesota Gties gran[ Pub/ic Works Right of Way adJustments - funtling for salaries Right of Way atljustments - funding for salaries Right of Way atljustments - funding for finges TQC no/ y& Manauement Services Ventlor Outreach Program - in Corrtingency HRMS Repayment as Advance, not financing Atljustment to 1998 PC Replacement Progmm HRMS System fund balance contribution fund balance repayable advance Genere/ Govemmgnt A�ount� Specifietl Contingency Heritage Preservation Foundation Source of Recommendation Comte-of-the-YVhole ('12l3) Comte-ot-the-Whole (11J3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Wfwle (12l3) Comte-of-the-Whole (t2/8) Comt�of-the-Whole ('12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whote (12i8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Comte-af-the-Whale (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (�2/3) Comte-oi-the-Whole (1218) Comte-of•the-Whole {t 2/8) Camte-obthe-Whole (l2(8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Rmounts to be S�.cead to Vaiious d�artme�s '* The amounts listed below represent the accumufated changes for Employee Insurance and Retsee Insurence across the entire General Fund. Frifge benefiis are no lo�ger centraily budgeted, but rather spread throughout department budgets. The changes listed here will ultimately be allocated to all those department 6udgets in the General Fund. Therefore, even those butlget5 marked as "Ne Changes to the Mayor's Pmposed BudgeP' will likely be adjusted by their proportipnate share of the changes listetl 6ebw. Department budgets for Employee Insurance fringes Department budgets for Retiree Insurance fringes Pro e Tax Levy Financino No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget 2fher Financing Fire Pension Amortization Aid Police Pension Amortization Aid Interest Eamings estimafe Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-VJhole (t 2!3) I Fund Balance Use of Funtl Balance to Balance Council Action (12/17J Mayofs Office - Budget Sectlon H:�USERS\BUDGEf�123\YR1998\TR4KCNCL CounciPs Fiscal Changes Generai Fund and Debt Funds Line Item va`rous aaiao �41a0 oaaot various 04000 Oa010 04100 o4to0 04100 04040 02155-07'11 02155-0767 02755-0439 �t250 0�125 Ot12o 01125 f hal a1725-0567 01725-0535 090fi7 vanous various 09017 09010 WOOo 00000 Spending I Financing (637,894) '125,000 62,500 35,�00 50,000 726.122 154,860 154,860 225,980 225,980 725,000 125,D00 31,200 31,200 45,792 45,792 $0�� B,�Oa (1.554) (71) (465) 9'1,150 ('170,000) 28,000 28,040 2,147,618 1,005,000 1,142.618 100,000 (327,430) 117,811 433,487 (932,962) 175,00� 190,786 12/18/97 11:44 AM Page 2 ..,�� rsudget Process IZ/17/97 5:30 PM Description To#l, Co[rncil's Changes Mayo�'s Proposed General Fnnd Budget Coancil's Preliminary General Fund Budget Balance /ndicator Currenf Status: `��-t53� Counci/'s Fiscal Changes Genera! Fund and Debt Funds Source of RecpmmendaYion f Line Item �aJ,�llrgd Budaet Spending 2,967,365 157,514,387 160,481,752 Financing 2,967,365 157,514,387 160,481,752 0 � Generai Deb1 No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Total, Council's Changes MayoYs Proposed Debf BUdget Council's Preliminary Oebf Budget Ba/ance7»dicator CurreiHStatus: � 0 ei,oas,sn 51,035,677 0 51,035,677 57,035,677 0 Office - Budget Section H:WSERSSBUDGETN231YR1998\TRAKCNCL 721'IS/97 11:44 AM Page 3 9998 Budget Process SZ/17/97 5:30 PM Description Ci�yAftomev No Change to Mayots Proposed Budget" �Lfy Counci/ No Change to Mayors Proposetl Budget" Jnancial Servfces Donations for Inaugural expenses Capitol City Partnership - approved spending Capitol City Partnership - contingency spending Capitol City Partnership - Foundation Capitol City Partnership - Parking & Transit Fair Housing Gontract with SMRL in Hum Rights Fair Housing Gontract with SMRL in Hum Rights - CDBG Eire and SafetK ervices No Ghange to Mayor's Proposed Budget'* Housrng lnforma8on O�ce No Change to Mayor's Proposetl Butlget'* i rer'e _ CDBG funding for library materials CDBG Contingency ir�nse /ns�tion and Environmental Pro�ction No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget *' Parks and Recreation No Change to Mayor's Proposetl Budget'" PLanning & Economic Developmenf Purchasing atlditional parking meters Purchasing additional parking meters Funtling related to Acct III convertetl to retaining services of EDP Programmer Trainee in Technology antl Management Services police Department Tentative Settlement - City / Police Federation and assoc+ated financing Police PERA Pension UAAL Fringes COPS MORE II Grant spendi�g federalfunds local match (transfer from General Funtl) LLEBG LLEBG I (1996-1998) Carry over LLEBG 11 (� 997-1999) Police memo 11/4/97 (Wasley) less CF 97-1395 Snow Lot Police memo 11f13/97 (Brown) State of Minnesota Weetl � Seetl University / Summit Econ Small Area Neighborhood Fetleral Weetl & Seed Federal COP Demonstration Center grant Source ot Recommendation Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole i12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Gomte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (1Z8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comie-of-ths-Who1e (1218) Camte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (�218) Comte-ot-the-YVhole (12/8) Comte-o4-the-YVhole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/8) �t7 -ls'3o Council's Fisca/ Changes Specia/ Funds i.imu o u�iu mayvi s-nuuNteu uy �.�uuw Line Item Spending Financing 30707 301�t 30101 30107 30701 30750.0298 3a150-7199 33428-0387 33428-71�8 36100-9831 36140-0558 36075-0112 3607&0167 36075-0439 3fi075-0558 36000-9830 various various fund 436 34739 34740 24U50 34142 341A1 34701 fund 436 84,700 84,700 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 35,000 35,000 50,000 1 111 100,000 100,000 (31,338) (1,454) (9,363) 39,185 (2.970) 26,987 26,987 (45,896) (45,896) 903,921 677,941 225,980 260,158 260,158 593,4'12 593,412 �31,500 �31,500 75,000 121,650 90,000 987,442 75,000 121,650 90,000 987,442 Mayor's Office - Budget Section H:\USERS\BUDGET�123\YR1998\TRAKCNCL 12/18/97 � 1:44 AM Page 1 a�-�s�a 1998 Budget Process IZ/ST/97 5:30 PM Description Federel COP Training Urban Lab grant Ramsey County (reimbursement for city costs) Gun Volence Prevention Program (one year funding) Funded from the one time 1997 COPP budget P�ic Hea/th Block Nurse program (CD66 Funding, to be adopted in the CDBG budget) $20,000 Pu6lic Works Sewer Utility Fund - sewer fees Sewer Utility Fund - interest eamings Reduce funding relatetl to FTE, change steps Retluce funding related to FfE Retluce funtling related to FTE Reduce Neg. Incr. Reduce Fringes Reduce Use of Funtl Balance Reduce Trensfer to Spec. Fund. Reduce Revenue Reduce fufWi`g relaied to F Shift to ROW Reduce CSC, for FTE shift to ROW Increase other services, keep spending equaf Reduce Fringes for ROW FTE shift Reduce funtling related to FTE, Shift to ROW Reduce CSC, for FTE shift to ROW Increase other services, keep spending equal Reduce Fringes for ROW FTE shift Reduce funtling related to F7E, Shift to ROW Reduce CSG for FTE shift to ROW lncrease other services, keep spending equal Reduce F[i�es for ROW FTE shik Reduce funding related to FTE, Shift ta ROW Reduce CSC, for FTE shift to ROW Increase other services, keep spending equal Reduce Fringes for ROW FTE shift Reduce funding relatetl to FTE, Shift to ROW Reduce CSC, for FTE shift to ROW Increase other services, keep spentling equal Reduce Fringes for ROW FTE shift Increase funding for ROW Reduce Fees for other Increase CSC for ROW shift Decrease testing services for ROW shift Decrease Investigations for ROW shift Decrease Misc Services for ROW shift Increase Fringes for ROW shift Reduce Sewer payments to MCES Adjust Current Value Cretlit with MCES Increase refunds for Sewer MCES changes Reduce Revenue for Stroh's to Sewers Increase revenue from Refunds Increase revenue from MCES refunds RiverCentre No Change to Mayor's Proposed Butlget'* Council's Fiscal Changes Special Funds Change from Mayors - Adopted by Council Line Item Spending Financing Source of Recommendation Comte-MAhe-Whole ('12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (1218) Comte-of-the-Whale (12/10) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (1213) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Gomte-of-the-Whofe (12/8) Comte-of-ihe-Whole (12/8) Gomte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Camte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-o6the-Whofe (72l8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8j Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/8) Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/8) Comie-of-the-Whole (92/8) Comte-of-the-Nfiole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/S) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Comte-of-the-Whole (t2l8) Comte-of-the-Whole (�2/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole ('1218) Comte-of-the-Whole (1218) Comte-of-the-Whole (1218) Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-thrWhole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-YVhole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Who1e ('12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) funtl 436 fund 436 fund 436 72155-0117 72755-0177 12755-0171 127550761 12755-0439 12000-9830 12202-0588 t2205-430'1 12119A111 t21t0.0290 72110-0299 iznaaaas 720060171 12006-0290 12006-0299 12006-0439 72070-0171 12070.0290 �20�0.0299 12090-0439 2220t-�ttt 22207-Q29Q 22207-o2ss 22201-0439 22211-0111 2227 bo2so 2221L029s 22277-0439 32001-0117 32001-0219 32001-0290 32001-�294 32001-0298 32001-0299 32001-0439 22200-0544 zzzoa-oszs 22200-0521 22200-4314 zzzoass�� 22200-6915 88,733 88,733 71,833 71,833 5a,000 50,000 Na n/a (2�0,000) 2Q0,000 46,765 (23,791) (42,789) (920) (5.921) (26,656) (21.844) (21,844) (49,326) (2,916) fi6,329 (14,085) (15,942) (2.041) 22,535 (4,552) (4,720) (583) 6,655 (1,348) (18,627) (2.916) 26,862 (5,319) (64,932) (5,832) 89,305 (18,541) 199,739 (18,352) 14,580 (35,000) (765,000) (53,000) 57,033 (935,'I60) (193,427) 127,000 (1,304,58� ioo,000 203,000 Mayor's Office - Butlget Sect�on H:IUSERS\BUDGET123\YR'1998RRAKCNCL 12/18/97 11:4b AM Page 2 9�-1s�� 1998 Budget Process Council`s Fiscai Changes 12/17197 5:30 PM Special Funds Change ftom Mayors -Adopted by Council Desaiption Source of Recommendation Line Item Spending Financing Technofpyy & Manageme»f Servic� Cable N carry over funtls received in 1997 for INet Comteof-the-Whole (12/8) 31727-sa3p 70Q000 expansion into 9998 forspe�ding 31721-�518 100,U00 InformaQon Senrices PED database application conversions Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) sitlS�3os 39,185 Comteof-the-Whole (12f6) 3tN5-0'N'I, 0439 39,185 HRMS Projec[ Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Full cosls o5 HRMS at requested levei 7 iloo 2,370,909 general fund balance contribution ino0.7o0o 1,005,000 general Tuntl 6aiance adva�ce 111oa7�ou 1,142,618 special fund funtl bafance i i aoass3o 223,291 Real Estate Management Fund - City Hall Anoez revisions to Renovation Projed (scope, accessibility, City Council (12/17) iloso-oasa 1,008,131 HVAC antl elednral iriUastructure, and cost estimates) sprinklers 103,000 contingency g0,369 Loans, Retained Eamiags, other iio50-9925,69os 1p�8,131 103,000 90.369 Various De./Larfinents " The amounts listed below represeM the accumulated changes for Employee insurance antl Retiree insurance across ali Speciai Funds. Fringe be�efits are no Ionger centrally budgeted, but rather spreatl throughout department budgets The changes Ilsted here will ultimately be allocatetl to all those department budgets in the Special Funds. Therefore, even those budgets marked as "No Changes to the Mayor's Proposed BudgeY' will likely be adjustetl by their proportionate share of the changes listed below. Depadment butlgets for Employee Insurance finges Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/3) vadous (159,035) (159,035) Department butlgets for Retiree Insurance fringes Gomte-of-the-Whole (1213j varrous 57,221 57,221 Wata� U+%lit� Reduce spending tu balance rate reduction Gomte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Varwus (215,787) Reduce revenue for rate reduqion Comfe-of-the-4Vhole (12f8) Various (215,787) Tofaf,Councif'sChanges 6,2�5,378 6,2�5,376 Mayor'sProp0.SedSpecialFundsBudget 214,529,816 2t4,5zs,sts Counci!'SPrelitl7inarySpecialFUndsBudget zzo,745,19z 22o,7a5,ts2 Ba/ance lndicator Current Status; Balanced Budqet 0 ats Qfflce - Budget SeUion H;IUSERSI6UDGEi11231YR1998lTRAKCNCL 12(18l97 11:45 AM Page 3 9998 Budget Process 12/1T/97 5:30 VM Description P arks and R ecreatio» Rice Park ImprovemeMs Highwood Park and Preserve Project (City contribution towartl acquisition of 12-acre LaFavor parcel ad}aCZni to Taytor Park in ciGzen participation District 1. $310,000 to be financetl wl st2te/private grants) Ounning Sfadium and Recrealion Center Homecroft Rec. Center Builtling Atldition & Site Improvements (preliminary design� North �ale Community Recreation Center 6uilding (preliminary design) Griggs Recreation Center Retlesign (preliminary deugn) Pig's Eye Dump Land Acquisttion (Submrited to CIB as "Pig'S Eye SoCCer Park Acquisition") NO ADDITIONAL FUNDING COMMITMENTASSUMED Rice/Arlington Fieltl Lighting p�¢/ic Warks Territorial Roatl Lighfing Constr-ptan5/5pecs -1998 funtling oniy Remarnmg furWing for Constructron in 1999. (38,000 MSA, 11,000 assmnts m'98J (ToWi project cos[' S9,OOD) Pub/ic Libraries Community Library antl Information Center Rice St Librery ( St. Paui Police Dept Central Dist St. Anthony Branch LiMary Improvements Planning & Economic Dev�pment Family Services Center Comprehensive Hsg Real Estate Oev. Fund Capksl City Homes - Homeownership Dev. OpporL Comprehensive Home Purchase / Rehad Fund Economic Development Loan Leverege Funtl Source of Recommendation � Log No. Comte-os-the-Whole (t2/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) CF-0797'195 CF�197113 Comfe-of-thEVYhole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12I8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Comte-af-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of2he-4Vhole(12/8) Comte-oi-the-Whole (72/8) Comte-of-fhe-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-4Vhole (12(e) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/6) Comie-of-the-Whole (12J8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (1?JSj Comte-Ot-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-o&fhe-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-UVhole (12/8) CF-1397042 CF-1597008 CF-559718Q CF-1197185 GF-0197025 � CF-0697073 ', SU4297187 CF-5597112 Cf-0697160 CF-1297XXX CF-0397197 RE-6697127 RE-6697128 RE-6697126 RE-5537144 a� -�s�� Council's Fisca! Changes Capital lmprovement Budget e from Ma or's - Adopted 6y Council Financing Spending Financing Source (70,000) 70,Q00 330,0�0 (1,500,000) 7,500,000 ao,000 60,000 SO,OOD iaa,000 (70,000) N6d STAX 70,000 CuftSTAX 155,000 DNR gfant t55,o00 pvtgrant 20,000 PrYrC1B ('96 Cntgy) (1,500,000) GDBG 1,500,000 Nbtl STAX 40,000 PrYfC16 ('97 Cnt9Y) 60,000 PrYrGIB ('97 Cntqy) SO,ODD PrYrCiB ('97 CntgY) 100,000 Nbd STAX 85,000 85,000 PrYrC16 (C96-3G005) 10,000 10,040 MSA (500,000) (500,000) CDBG 50�,��0 5�0,000 Nbd STAX {aoo,00a� (aoo,000� CDSG 400A00 400,000 Nbtl STAX 250,000 50,DO0 Priv. match 200,000 PrYrC1B ('96 Contqy; (500,�a0) 500,000 9�0,0�0 (900,000) 1,aa0.0aa (1,000,000) 9��,�00 (900,000) 10�,�00 (S�O,OaO) G08G 500,000 Nbd STAX 900,000 CDBG (900,D00) NbdSTAX t,aoo,o�o CDBG (1,000,000) NbtlSTAX 9�0,000 W6G (9DO,ODO) Nbd STAX t0�,0a� CDeG ayorsOffice-BudgetSection H.\USERSIBUDGER123�YR199alTRAKCNCI 7?f16f97 11�45AM Page1 1998 Budget Process 1.2/17/97 5:30 PM a� -IS.3a Council's Fisca! Changes Capitai lmprovement Budget Change from Mayor's - Adopted by Council �inancing Description Source of RecommendaGo� Log No. Spending Financing Sourcz (700,000) (700,000) NbdSTAX Livable Communities grantapplication matching Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) RE�697XXX 350,000 350.000 Nbd STAX funds PiloY�uighborhoodbanklendingprogamfor Comte-o4-the-Whole(1216) RE-669�XXX 1,250000 1,250,000 NbdSTAX ecanomiUhousing deveiopment Phalen Cortidor industrial developmeM: targetetl Comte-of-the-Wnole (12/8) RE-6697XXX 1,9a0,o00 1,900,000 Nbtl STAX loan/grent funtling LoaNgrantpoolforneighborhood Comte-of-th�VJhole(12/8) RE-66WXXX 500,000 500,000 NbdSTAX prog2ms/projects G�»�ral 6ovemmeM AcrouMs City Sales Tax Comte-of-the-Nlhole (1218) CF-6697XXX Givic Center De6t Service 4,494,OW 4,369,000 STAX STAR Program 725,OD0 Int Emqs Neighborhootl pro�ecGs 5,609,000 4,609,000 STAX 7a0,000 Int Erngs 300,000 Ln Repay Culturel projects 1,037,000 922,000 STAX 100,000 Int Emgs 15,000 Ln Repay Total,Council'SChanges ts,os5,000 ts,os5,000 Mayor's Propasetl ClB 54,180,000 54,180,000 Counci/'sPrelimi�aryC(8 7o,2a5,000 7o,2as,000 Balance Indicator Current StaYUS: Balanced Budaet 0 MayoYSOffice-BUdgetSecGOn HiUSERS\BUDGET723\YR7998\TRAKCNCL 72/18/97 71�45AM Page2 . ��o csudget Process 12/11/97 9:D0 AM Descripfion ANirmafive Action No Change to Mayors Proposed Budget ° CifvAttomev No Charge to Mayors Proposetl Sudget "* �itizen Services Winter Camival Multi Cultural events S:� CO(IRC%/ No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget *" Q�ce of Ffnancia/ Services RepaymeM of HRMS Advance 1.7M Fire and Safefy Servrces Fire PERA Pensian UAAL Fringes Restore funtling related to firefighters Shift funding for Overtime into Con6ngency Delete f�nding relatetl to the Overtime Budget Deiete fu�tling relatetl to Ghief Fire Investigator Delete funtling related to Fire Dispatch Supervisor Purchase 2 CairnslRlS Smoke InWSion Helmets Zero out neg. adjustment for code enforcement Adtl contingency funding related to enwronmentai health i�spectors [�isin2and Jnfo�mati4�_Q �c No Change to Mayor s Proposetl Butlget "' Human Resources No Change to Mayor's Proposed Butlget " Human RiahGs No Change to Mayors Proposed Budget'* Labor Relatfo2 No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget "' Lsbraric;s Expanded Sat. service hours Ezpanded Sun. service hours E�cpanded weekday service hours Library Materials No Change to Mayor's Proposed Mavor's O�ce No Change to Mayor's Propos Budget" Parks and Rec�eaf Stump removal prog ($5,000 per ward) Additional funtling r ated to Rec Diredor position Funding for part- e staff for rec center mtGPark mtc Reaodding so er fieltls at McMurray No Change 1�Mayor's Proposed Budget *"' Source of Recommendation Comte-of-fhe-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whale (1213) Comte-of-fhe-Whole (7278) Camte-of-the-Whole (121 Gomte-of-the-Whole (1 8) (1218) (12/3) (1213) (7213) Camte-of-the-Whole (1213) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l3) Gomte-of-the-Whole (1218J Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Gomte-o�thrWhole (1218) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Comte-of-[he-Whole (12110) a� � t53c CauncU's Fiscal Changes Ge»eral Fund and Debt Funds Change from Mayor's -Adopted by Council Lfne Item Spentling Financfog 00252 35,000 35,000 Variaus 05120.oxxx �5120-Q548 o5'I20-o�a7 OSt10-ax� 05'140-OXfa 05t2�-0848 OS'I'13-0577 05173-0548 03402 03402 03402 03401 03195 03100 03732,03171,03t72 W 171-0321 5,452 (1,096,000) 355,321 191,182 ('19'1,182) (88,389) (75,750) 50,00� 62,244 90,434 66,017 57,232 131,685 (50,Oa0) 35,000 55,000 'IOO,ODO 4�,00� 's INfice - 8utlget Sedion H:IUSERSI6UDGETl1231YR1998�TRAKCNCL 12l11/97 09:39 AM Page 1 . ��a r�udget Process I Z/11/97 9:00 AM CounciPs F Generai Fund from Description police D�lartment Police PERA Pension UAAL Fnnges Comte-of-the-Whole (12f3) Police Grant- Sexual Offentler Notification Program Comte-oRthe-Wnole (72/3) Sexual Offender Notification Program wlCounty Comte-of-the-4Vhole (12/3) Parts antl Fuel - in Contingency Comte-of-the-Whole (1213) Tentative Settlement- La6or Contract- SPPF Comte-of-the-Whole (1278) State of Minn Qaqg Strike Force Spending Comte-o�Yhe-Whole (12/8) antl state reimbursement COPS MORE II GraM- Iocai match transferfrom Generai Fu Comte-of-the-Whole ('12/8) fund balance State of Minnesota �vertime Gr2nt Comte-of-the-YVhole (12l8) 1998 Safe & Sober Grant Comte-of-the-Whole (12f8) Auto TheR grants Corcrte-of-the-Whole ('12l8) Minnesota Cities grant Comte-of-the-Whole (12J8j Source of ftecommendation I Line Item Publlc Works Right M Way atljushnents - tunding for salaries Right of Way adjustme�ts - fundi�g for salaries Right of Way adjustments - funding Por finges T�F_hnoJoqy & Sup�rt Services Vendor Outreach Program - in Confingency HRMS Repayment as Anvance, not financing Atljustment to 7998 PC Repiacement Program HRMS System fund balance contribufion fund balance repayable ativance General GovsmmentAccounts Specified Contingency Heritage Preservatian Foundation Rmounfs t9 be S�read fo Various departmeQ.t� Comte-of-the-Whole 2/3) Comte-af-the-Whol (�213) Gomte-of-the- (12f3) Comte-of-t -VYhole (12f3) Comte-of- e-Whole (�2/8) Camte-o the-Whole (17J8) Comte f-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-oRthe-VJhoie (1218) *" The amounts lis[ed below represent the acwmulated c nges for Employee insurance and Retiree Insurance across ihe entire Ge�ral Fu Fnnge benefits are no longer centrelly budgeted, but rather spread throughout de artmeM budgets. The ohanges listed here will ultimately be allocated to all those partment budgets in the Generai Funtl. Therefore, even those butlgets marketl a"NO Ghanges to the Mayor's Proposed Budget" wiil likely he adjusted by their proporti ate share of the changes 1"�sted 6elow. Department butlgets for Employee Insuren�e fringes Dapadment budgets for Retiree Insurancy�finges No Change to Mayors Proposed Bu� Other Fi nancf»a Fire Pension Amortization Aid Police Pension Amortization id interest Earnings estimate Fund Ba/ance Use of Fund Balance Balance Comte-o9-th�Whole (72/3) Comfe-of-the-Whole (12(3) various oa100 04100 DA00 va " s a o0 04010 0a70� oa7ao 04100 oa000 027$5-D111 Q2155-0161 0215&0439 01250 o„zs 0„20 01725 09061 various vanous 9�-tS�D isca � Changes a Debf Funds -Adopted by Council :nding Financing (637,894) 725,000 62,500 35,000 50,000 72fi,122 154,860 154,860 225,980 225,980 125,000 '125,000 31,200 31200 45,792 45.792 8,D00 8,000 (1,554) (71) (465) 91,150 za,aaa 2J47,618 (no,000} za,000 1,005,000 1,142,618 100,000 (327,430) 117,811 433,487 (932,962) 175,000 447,890 2,8'17.365 2,817,365 157,514,387 �57,574,387 160,331,752 160,331,752 � Tofat, Council`s hanges Mayor's Pro osed Genera! Fund Budgef Coancfl' Preliminary G¢nera/ Funtl Budgef Balan Mdicafoi Gurrent Statas: Comte-of-fhe-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (72J3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) B�nced Sudget 09011 09010 00000 00000 Office - Butlget Section H:WSERS\BUDGET�231YR'19981TRAKCNCL 12/11/97 09:39 AM Page 2 9998 Budget Process 12/11/97 9:00 AM a�t -1530 Council's Fiscal Changes Generai Fund and Debt Funds fram Description GQneial Debt No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Total, Counci/'s Changes Mayor's Proposed Debt Budget Coonci%s Pieliminary Debt Budget Balante (ndicato� Current Stafus: Source of Recommendation I Line Item �a/anced Budget Spending 0 0 5'f,035,677 51,035,677 51,035,677 51,035,677 0 Mayots Office - Budget Sec[ion H:SUSERS\BUDGEII'1231YR19981TRAKCNCL 12!'11/97 09:39 AM Page 3 9998 Budget Process 12/11/97 9:00 AM Description CitvAttornev No Change to Mayofs Proposed Budget" �ily Counci/ No Change to Mayor's Proposed Bud9et "` Financia/ Services Donations for Inaugural expenses Capitol City Partnership - approved spending Capitol City Partnerehip - contingency spending Capitol City Partnership - Foundation Capitol City Partnership - Parking & Transit Fair Housing Contract with SMRL in Hum Rights Fair Housing Contract with SMRL in Hum Rights - CDBG Fire and Safely Services No Change to MayoPS Proposed Budget" Housing Information OKce No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget" Li6reries COBG funding For library maferials CDBG Contingency Licens�/n��cSon and Envirnnmenta/ Protection No Ghange to MayoYS Proposetl Budget ** Parks and Rer�eation No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget ** Plannino & Economic Deve/o��nt Purchasing adtlitional parking meters Purchasing additional parking meters Funding related to Acct III converted to retaining services of EDP Programmer Trainee in Technology and Management Services Po/ice Denarfinent TentaUve Settlement - City ! Police Federatlon a�d assoclated financing Palice PERA Pensiun UAAI Fringes COPS MORE 11 Grant spending federalfunds local match (irensfer from Ge� Fund) LIEBG lLEBG I (1996-1998) Carry ver LLEBG II ('1997-1999) Police memo 11f4f97 ley) less CF 97-1395 Snow Lot Police memo 11 /13 7 (Brown) State of Minnesot eed & Seed Univers(ry / S mit Econ Small rea Neighborhood Federaf We tl & Seed Federal P Demonsiration Center grant Feder OP Training Urban Lsb grent Ra ey CouMy (reimbursement for city costs) Source of Recommendation Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (19J3) Comt2of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) (12/8) (12/8) C�mte-of-the-Whole (12/8) ,�omte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Camte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Comte-of-the-Whale (12l8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Comte-of-the-Whole {12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (t2l8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Gomte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (1218) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whofe (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Wnole (72/8) Comte-of-the-Wnole (72/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (�2/8) 0. � ti 'S� 0 Council's Fiscal Changes Specia/ F�nds Line Item 30707 30701 30150 33428-0381 3342&7118 36100-9837 36140-0558 36W5-0712 36075-0161 36075-�439 36075-0558 36�00-983� various various funtl 436 34t39 34t40 24050 34t42 3414t aaio, fund 436 fund 436 fund 436 Financing 84,700 84,700 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 35,000 35,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 (31,338J ��+ (9,3fi3) 39,185 (2,970) 26,987 26,987 (45,896) (45,596} 903,921 677.941 225.980 260,158 260,158 593,412 593,412 '13'1,500 131,500 75,000 721,650 so,000 987,4A2 88,733 71,833 75,000 121,650 90,000 987,442 58,733 7�,833 Office - Budget Sectio� H:\USERS\BUDGE7�123\YR1998\TRAKCNCL 12/11/97 09:39 AM Page 1 1998 Budget Process 12/11/97 9:00 AM Description Gun volence Prevention Program (one year funding) Fundetl from the one time 1997 COPP budget Pub/ic Health Biock Nurse program (CDBG Funding, to be adopted in the CDBG budget) $20,OOD P�b(ic Wo � Sewer Utility Funtl - sewer fees Sewer Utility Fund - interest eamings Reduce fundi�g related to FTE, change steps Reduce funding related to FTE Reduce funding reiated to FTE Reduce Neg. Incr. Reduce Fringes Reduce Use of Fund Balance Reduce Transfer to Spec. Fund. Reduce Revenue Reduce funding related to FTE, Shift to ROW Reduce CSC, for FTE shifl to ROW Increase other services, keep spending equal Reduce Fringes for ROW FTE shiR Reduce funtling related to FTE, Shift to ROW Reduce CSC, for FTE shift to ROW increase other services, keep spentling equal Reduce Fringes for ROW FTE shift Reduce fundSng related to FTE, Shifl to ROW Retluce CSC, for FTE shift to ROW Increase other services, keep spending equal Reduce Fringes for ROW FTE shiR Reduce funding related to FTE, Shift to ROW Reduce CSC, for FTE shift to ROW Increase other services, keep spentling equal Retluce Fringes for ROW FTE shift Reduce funding related to FTE, Shift to ROW Reduce CSC, for FTE shifl to ROW Increase other services, keep spending equal Retluce Fringes for ROW FTE shift Increase funding for ROW Retluce Fees for other Increase CSC for ROW shift Decrease testing services for ROW shift Decrease Investigations for ROW shift Decrease Misc Services for ROW shift Increase Fringes far ROW shift Reduce Sewer payments to MCES Atljust Current Value Credit w�th ES Increase refunds for Sewer MC changes Reduce Revenue for Stroh's Sewers Increase �even�e from Ref ds Increase revenue from M ES refunds RiverCent�e No Change to Mayor's roposed Budget " a��lS3Q Counci/'s Fisca/ Changes ' Speciai Funds Change from Mayor's - Adop ed by Council Line Item Spendi Financ+ng Source oP Recommendation Comte-of-the-Whole ('12/10) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/3) Comte-oi-the-Whole (12/3) C.omte-of-the-Whole (12l3) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (1� Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/ Comte-of-the-Whole ( /8) Comte-of-the-Who (12/8) Comte-of-the- le (12/8) Comie-of-the- ole (12/8) Comte-of-th ole (12/8) Comte-of- -Whole (12/8) Comte-of he-VJhole(�218) Comte- -the-Whole (1278) Comt -of-the-Nfiole (12lB) Co e-of-fhe-Whole (12l8) te-of-the-Whole (12l8) omte•of-the-Whole (12l8) Comte•of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/SJ Comte-of-the-Whole (12/82 Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Gomte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-oRthe-Whole (1278) Comte-oRthe-Whole (1218) Comte-of-the-Whole ('12/8) comte-of-tne-VJhole (tzls) Comte-of-the-Whole (1278) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l8) Comte-of-the-Whale (12l8) fund 436 �1 it ii 72755-0439 12000-9830 12202-0588 12205-4301 12110.0711 72170-0290 72770-0299 12970-0439 1200s-0117 12006-0290 1200fi-0299 1200G0439 t20t0.oltt izo�aozso �zoio-ozss 12010-0439 222ot-0t t t 22207-�29� 22201-0299 22207-0439 22271-0711 22217-0290 22217-o2ss 22211-0439 32001-0117 szoot-o2ie 32007-0290 32001-0294 32001-0298 szoot-oase 32009-0439 22200-0544 n2oo-oszs 22200-0521 22200-43'14 22200.6917 22200-6915 50,000 Na n/a (200.000) 200,000 46 765 (23,791) (42,788) (920) (5,927) (26,656) (21.844) (21,844) (49.328) (2,916) 66,329 (14,085) (15.942) (2,041) 22,535 �4,552) (A,720) (583) 6,651 (1,348) (18,627) (2.91fi) 26,562 (5,319j (64,932) (5,832) 89,305 (18,541) 199,739 (18,352) 14,580 (35,000) (165,000) (53,000) 57,033 (935,960) (193,427) 127,000 (1,304,587) 10Q000 2�3,�0� Office - Budget Section H:\USERS\BUDGET123\YR7998\TRAKCNCL �2/11/g7 09:39 AM Page 2 1998 Budget Process IZ/11/979:00 AM Description 9�l -1530 Counci/'s Fiscal Changes Special Funds Source of Recommendation � Line Item TxhnpLQ,qy & Support S�ervices Cable N carry over funds received in 1997 for INet Gomte-of-the-Whole (12/8) expansion iMO 1998 for spentling Information Services PED database application conversions Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) HRMS Project Comte-ot-the-VJhole (12/8) Fuil costs of HRMS at requested level generalfund 6alance Contri6ution general fund balance advance special fund fund balance yarious Denarfinents *• The amounts listetl below represent the accumulated changes for Employee Insurance and Retiree Insurance across all Special Funds. Fringe benefits are no longer centrally budgeted, but rather spread throughout tlepadment budgets. The changes listetl here will ultimatety be allocated to ail those BepaAment budgets in the Special Funds Therefore, even those budgeis marked as "NO Ghanges to She Mayor's Proposed Budget" will likely be atljustetl by their proportionate share of the changes listed below. Department budgets for Employee Insurance fringes Comte-of-the-Whole ('12/�' Department buBgets for Retiree Insurance fringes Comte-of-the-Whole (17j3) Wate� Uti/itv Reduce spending to balance rate reduction Reduce revenue for rate feduction Total, Counci/'s Changes Mayor's Proposed Special Funds Budget Council's Preliminary Special Funds Budget Ba(ance indicator C�rrent Status: Salanced Budoet (12/8) (12/8) 31721-9830 3'172�-05�8 St775-7305 31175-0117.0439 �1to0 itlaa7��0 17toa-7ao0 / 71100-9830� various various Various Various Spending � / Financing 100,000 0,000 39,185 39,185 2,370,909 1,�05,00� 1,142,618 223.29I (759,035) (159,035) 57.221 57.221 (215,787) (215,787) 5,073,876 21$529,816 219,543,692 5,013,876 2�A,529,816 219,543,692 0 Office - Butlget Section HIUSERS\BUDGE71123\YR1998\TRAKCNCL 72/71l97 0939 AM Page 3 1998 Budget Process 12/11/97 9:00 AM Description Parks and RecreaSon Rice Park Improvements Highwood Park and Preserve Project (City confribution tovrard acquisition of 72•acre LaFavor parcel atljacent to Taylor Park in citizen participation Distnct 1. $370,000 to be financed w/ stateJprivate grants) Dunning Sfatlium and Recreafion Center Homecroft Rec. Center Building Aadition & Site Improvements (preliminary tlesign) North Dale Community Recreation Center Buildirtg (preliminary design) Griggs Recreation Center Redesign (preliminary tlesign) Pig's Eye Dump Land Acquisition (SUbmitted to CIB as "Pig's Eye Soccer Park ACquisitian") NO ADDITIONAL FUNDING COMMIiMENTASSUMED Rice/Arlington Fieltl Lighting Public Wo/ks TertiWrial Road Lighting Constr-plans/specs- 1998 funding only Remaimng fund�ng forconsVucGOn in 7999. i36,000 MSA, 11,000 assmnts In'99) (fofal project cost 59,000) Pu61ic libraries Community Library and Information Center Rice St Librery I St. Paul Police Dept Central Oist St Anthony Brench Library Improvementr � planning & Econamic DevelopmeM Family Services Center Comprehensive Hsg Real E Dev. Funtl Capital City Homes - H eovmerehip Dev. Opport Comprehensive ome Purchase / Rehab Fund Loan Leverege Funtl Source of Recommendation � Log No. Comte-af-the-Whole (12/8j GF-1797195 Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/8) CF-0197113 Comteof-the-VJhole (12/8) � CP-1397042 Comte-of-the-Whole (12I8) Camte-of-th�Whole (1218) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) CF-1597008 CF-559718� CF-7197}$5 Comie-of-the-Whole (72/8) �(" CF-0697013 Com of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/8) Comt2of-th2Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-VJhole (72/8) Comte-ot-th�Whole (12/8) Comte-obthe-Whole (12/8) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) SU-1297187 q1 �IS3� Councii's Fiscai Changes Capital improvement Budget e from Mayors - Adopted by Council Financi�g Spe�ding Financing� Source (70,D00) (70,000) N6tl STAX 70,000 70,000 CuItSTAX 330,000 155,000 DNRgrant 155,000 pvtgrant 20,000 PrYrC1B ('96 Cn[gy) (1 00,000) (1,500,000) CDBG ,500,000 1,500,OD0 Nbd STAX 40,000'99 40,OD0 PrYrCIB Numbers not in'98 total ('97 Cn(gy) 6a,00�'99 60,Q00 PrYrCIB Numbers not in'98 toTal ('97 Cntgy) 50,000'99 50,00o PrYrC16 Numbers not in'96 total ('97 Cntgy) 100,000 100,000 Nbd STAX 85,000 85,000 PrYfC1B (C98-3G005) 10,000 10,OOD MSA CF-5597112 (500,000) (500,000) CDBG 500,000 500,000 NbtlSTAX CF-0697160 (400,000) (400,000) CDBG 400,000 400,000 Nbtl STAX CF-1297XXX 250,000 50,000 Priv. match 200,000 PrYrC18 ('96 Con(q� CF-0397137 (500,000) (500,000) CDBG 500,000 500,000 Nbd STAX RE-6697127 g0o,000 900,000 CDBG �eoo,000> �sao,000� Nba srnx RE-6697128 1,000,000 1,000,000 CDBG (1,000,000) (7,000,000) Nbd STAX RE-6697726 900,000 900,000 C�BG (900,000) (900,000) Nbtl STAX RES597744 100,000 700,000 CDBG BudgetSechon H:\USERSBUDGET123\YR1996\TRAKCNCL 12/11/97 09:39AM Page7 9998 Budget Process 12/11/97 9:00 AM Descrip6an Livabie Communifies grent application matching funtls Pilot neighborhootl bank lentling program for economiGhousing development Phalen Cortidor ind�strial tlevefopment: targetetl IoaNgrantfuntling Loan/graM pool for neighborhood programsiprojects Genere/ Government,A�.co�nEs City Sales Tarz Civic CeMer Debt Service STAR Program Nei9hborhootl prqects CWtural pro�ec[s Total, Council's Changes Mayor's Propased Cl6 Caunci/'s Preliminary ClB Ba/anCe /ntlicator Currenf Sfatus: Source of Recommendation � Log No. Comteof-the-Whole (12/8) RE-6697XXX Comte-of-the-Whole (12/8) RE-fi697XXX Comte-oFthe-Whole(12r8) RE-6697XXX Comte-of-the-VJhole (1?l8) RE-6697XXX Comte-of-the-Whole (12/e) al? -15 3 0 Council's Fiscal Changes Capital lmprovemenf Budget ,e from Mayor's - Adopted by C uncil Financing Spending Fin cing Source (100,000) (100,000) Nbd STAX 1 900,000 500,000 4,494,000 5,609,000 7,037,000 75,915,000 54,76D,000 70,095,Q00 350,00o Nbd STAX 1,250,000 NbdSTAX 1,900,000 NbdSTAX 500,000 NbtlSTAX 4 369,000 STAX 725,0�0 Int. Emgs. 4,609,000 STAX 700,000 Int Emgs 300,000 Ln Repay 922,000 STAX 10�,000 intEmgs 15 00o Ln Repay 15,975,000 54,780,000 70,095,000 0 MayoYSO�ce-BUtlgetSaction H:WSERSIBU�GET1231YR19981TRAKCNCL 12/11l97 09:39AM Page2