D00522Whixe — CiiY Gerk Pink — finanee Oept, CanarY — DePt. GITY OF SAINT I�AIIL OFFICF. OF TfiE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER � No: '✓� � Z�, Date: ' � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, In the matter of that cerCain contract known as Activity No. 25048 for E. Sixth Street Channelization City Pro3ect No. 9A-P-1107 ,_Schnrcron Tnr. Contractor, the speeified date of completion is Nc�vemher 1, 1994 and the Contractor did not complete the contract by said date of completion because The Contract was awarded later than anticinated. and it is herehy ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, extends ihe ti� of completion to JulY 1, 1995 and 3t is FURTHER ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul hereby does waive claim for liquidated damages on this project. . °PROVED AS TO FORM � �' K �� Pssistant City Attorney / epartment Nead �qfF/ t/�9S ��ministrat�ant to Ma)'or , � a a rE wirurEo rubu�w� arar�s GREEN SHEET ��Z�ia 20 843 � iNRUwa wNrtacrvE�ar� n oernaTUarou�croa � cmcour+ca DatFiel A. Haak ?b6-6084 l c�� �� cm arrorwEV � cmaFwc MusreEOncourica��cemner�Tq rrounrw ��au�rwaECrort � Fwsucr.s aR � MAVORION ASSISTAM) Q7 Laylnelh ��vpl �#�.�'[V�P�$ � {C(1PALLWCA110NBFOR&GIIANREI ❑ � — 1AOEPAH7MEN7 - y 7 ACTpN NEWlE3T� . • Fxtended contract c�ple6on date from Nmembrr 1,1994 to July 1,1995 E. Sieth Street C6anneli7aaon Ciry Pmject No. 94-P-1107 C4nhaccor: Sh�con Inc. REWMA�DATqNS�pweWaReWet(Po PEHSONALSERVICECONTRACTSYU5TANSWERi#IEfOLLOWINGWE5TWNS: _ a�aNMNio cqaNlSSaN_ crvB� sE+rvICE crndia�sstoN 1. rlas m� perwNfirm ever workea unaer a cono-acttor Uus daparomenr? c� ca.�urr�E YES No A STAFF 2. Has this person�irm ever been a dry empoyee? — — VES NO �' asrn�rcouncw _ 3. Does mis parsoNfvm possess a skiN rwt namalb Pxsessed bv a�Y wrrent ary empiqree? stWaOH7svkfic%11cWNCU.aBJEC7NE9 YES NO SBWef S6pdreti0� ExPW� aN.yes ansvwta af sepa�e alwat end attech to ynan alfwt Previous and Cr�t Scwa Sepazation Pro}ects INRIATING PI�BtEA1, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y (WFp. WNAT, WHEN, WHENE. WHV): Dne to late awazd of the contxact, tfie contrxt� was unable to cc�nplete the work by Novemba 1, 1994. E;,�;�, ,...s �� APft � 2 1995 ;��°:°� t'.s a ��s y�e= ADVANTAGES ff MPROVED: e time eztension authorizes additiaial con�t time requireti ta complete the projecG ��"'��� e-.�z �,��a� �e r�FR :� `� �995 —�..�,.,,�� �� _ _� DISADVANTAGES IF APPflOVED: � RECEIVED RECE�VE� APR 171995 � 12 1�95 �ITY CLERK ���`�( ATTO�NEY DISADVANTAGE3 IF NOT MPROVED: Contractor's work performed aTter November I,1994, will not be authorized. ALAMOUNTOFTHANSACTIq9S 0.00 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(GRCLEON� YES M� FUNWHGSOURGE N(A ACTIN7YNUMBEH C94-2D008-0784-25048 FINpNCVAL iNFORMATIqd: (E%PUIN} Additional costs are budgeted in the project. ,�( � ZJ