Untitled (2) nuuliaii riiii� iviG��a�C - Yage 1 OI 1 Sewer repair From:Josh Liliquist (Josh.Lillquist@rrsc.com) Sent� Mon 6/04/12 8:04 AM To: wjdrake@hotmail.com Bill I just sent you a few pictures of the resin that was found built up in your main sewer line. It appears that the city main had been lined and the resin had spilled over and cured in your mainline causing your problem. The city inspector has been notified so when you call the city utilities department, they should know what you are talking about. Hope this helps you out. Any questi.ons, feel. free to contact me. Thanks Josh Lillquist Sewer Solutions Specialist Roto-Rooter 612-369-7978 josh.lillquist@rrsc.com `°� � � `�� ,,� http://sn 130w.snt 130.mail.live.com/mail/PrintMessages.aspx?cpids=dfabfl8f-ae45-11 e 1-a5... 6/4/2012