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MAILING ADDRESS: Claims Scanning Center.6000 American Parkway•Madison,WI 53783
August 28, 2012
RE: Our claim number: 00-815-000780
Our Policyholder: Anselmo antl Elizabeth Castelan
1681 Saunders Ave, St. Paul, MN 55116-2430
Date of Loss: 8-7-2012
To Whom it May Concern:
Our insured experienced property damage to their home tlue to sewer that backed up from the city
sewer line. This occurred when the city was conducting pressurized smoke testing near our insured's
house. We had American Leak Detection come in to run a camera down our insured's outgoing sewer.
The pipe was clean. The leak was clearly not causetl by a blockage and overfiow in our insured's line.
Our insured did not run water before this occurred and raw sewage filled our customer's basement.
We are subrogating under our policy for the ACV loss and are hereby making a demand for
reimbursement of our insured's policy limit of$10,000.00, which we paid our insured on this loss.
Enclosed is a copy of our estimate/adjustment for your review, the written report and video from
American Leak Detection, and your claim form. Our insured is also claiming out of pockets well over the
$10,000.00 limit.
When you receive this notice please call us at 952-933-9753 and ask for the Subrogation Dept.
;,,;_ �:
Joe Cieminski
Senior Claim Property Representative
American Family Insurance
Cell 612-360-8955
Address: AT�9V SCANNtif�G CEN�'E�c
����F_�;Ea�,�s ���;�:� American Family Insurance Group
�°� _ , �
Claim Scanning Center
6000 American Parkwav
Madison,Wi 53783-0001
�cieinins @
Joe Cieininski Ce11612-360-8955
Au�ust 28,2012
CASTELAN,ANSELMO&CASTELAN, Claim Number: 00815000780
ELIZABETH H Date of Loss: S!7l2Q12
SAINT PALTL,MN 55 1 1 6-2430
The attached estimate of dainages has been prepared for your property. The estimate has used common prices for
labor and material from your area.
Enclosed is ouc draft for the actual cash value(today's reglacetnent cosc less dep�ec'sation}of you�da�naged gcope�t�;. F�!'
Dwelling and Structure damages,we may have included your mortgage company,US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION
IT5, on the draft as required by your policy.
Summary For Sewer Backup
Replacement Cost Value Less Recoverable Less Non Recoverable Actual Cash Value(ACV)
Depreciation Depreciadon
$19,387.06 ($5,06890) $14318.16
L�ess Dedactible l$1,ODO.00j
Less Amount Over Limit(sj ($3,318.16j
Total ACV Settlement $10,000.00
See the enclosed estimate for details of your setdement which may include other itemized details not shown above.
If you wi�h to make a claim for the recoverable depreciation amount,you must do TWO things:
1. You must have the item(s)replaced or repaired within one year from your date of loss. *Exception: Georgia and �
Washington policies ONLY-Please refer to your policy language as well as the section of this estimate titled I
Claiming Recoverable Depreciation following the Estimate Recap or Coverage Limit Details sec[ions. I,
2. You must submic a final regaic bill oc purchase receipt sho�uing the item(s)has been repatted ac�eplaced. �I
The attached estimate is what we expect to be the reasonable cost to repair or replace the properry. This estimate may not
include permit fees. Tf[otal charges for repair/replacement plus permits exceed[he amount shown here for that j
repair/replacement,prior to any deductible,then additional amounts may be payable. If the actual cost is inore or less,the final
payinent will be adjusted accordingly. If you wish,you may repair or replace with higher quality i[ems,however,you will be
responsible for any increase in cost.
Please refer to your policy under either CONDITTONS -SECTION I or HOW WE SETTI.E LOSSES -SECTION I for further
details on determining your loss settlement.
Please present this estimate to a coniractor or repair facility of your choice BEFURE you authorize the start of repairs. If any
additional damage or costs are identified,for which you believe we should be responsible,they must be approved by a
representative of American Family Insurance prior to having the addiNonal work done. If you,your contractor,or repair
facility have any questions,please contact us at.
�; :.:. American Family Insurance Group
American Family Insurance appreciates your business.
Thank You,
Joe Cieminski
CASTELAN,ANSELMO&CASTELAN, 00815000780 8/28/2012 Page: 2
� ������.�:�Yf;��{:: American Family Insurance Group
Insured: CASTELAN,ANSELMO&CAS1'ELAN, Phone: (651)690-9999
S'f'P AI3I.,Mri 55 S ti 6-2-�30
Claim Rep.: Joe Cieminski
Estimator. Joe Cieminski
Claim Number: 00815000780 Policy Number: 22PK323501 Type of Loss: Sewer Back Up/Sump Pump
Coverage Deductible Policy Limit
Dwelling $0.00 $312,600.00
Contents $0.00 $234,500.00
Sewer Backup $1,000.00 $1Q000.00
Date Contacted: 8/7/2012
Date of Loss: 8/7/2012 10:00 AM
Date Est. Completed: 8/17I2012 9:43 AM
Price List: MNMN7X AUGI 2
Restoration/S ervice/Remodel
Sales Taxes: Mad Sales T�Reunb Ca� Z125%
Manuf.Home Tax C� 7.I ZS�Io
Clothing Acc Tax @ 7.125�Io
Overhead: 10.0%
Profit: 10.0%
CASTELAN,AN3ELM0&CAST'ELAN, 00815000780 8/28/2012 Page: 3
� <,���,��, American Family Insurance Group
_...__... ,
Estimate Recap For Sewer Backup
Recoverable Non-recoverable
Uescription RCV Depreciation Depreciation ACV
Basement 744.10 0.00 0.00 744.10
Basement - Bedroom 2 2,447.91 1,022.64 0.00 1,425.27
Basement - Stairs 436.82 436.82 0.00 0.00
Basement - Storage Area/Room 953.32 76.90 0.00 876.42
Basement - Bedromn 1 3.411.66 1,197.98 0.00 2,244.68
Basement - Bathroo�n 1,856.25 345.71 OAO 1,510.54
Basement - Family Romn 6,343.03 1,988.85 0.00 4,354.18
Basement - M1litigatim� 3,162.97 0.00 0.00 3,162.97
19,387.06 5,068.90 0.00 14,318.16
IMPORTANT-Please read the defini6ons below
What is replacement cost(RCV)?
Replacement cost is the cost to repair the damaged item with an item of like kind
and quality,without deduction for depreciation.
What is depreciation?
De�reciation is the atnount de�ucted frotn the reptacement cost based upon the
age and condition of the item being replaced.
What is actual cash value(ACV)?
Actual cash value is based on the cost to repair or replace the damaged item
with an item of like kind and qualiry,less depreciation.
CASTELAN,ANSELMO&CASTELAN, 00815000780 8/28/2012 Page:4
'ar���EC�,n�r�,�.�_ American Family Insurance Group
Coverage Limit Details
Coverage Aggregate Limit Single Item Limit Overage
Sewer Backup $10,000.00 $9,387.06
Subtotal $'�,387.06
Le�s Deductible ($1,Q00.QQ l
Amount Over Liinit(s) $8,387.06
Total Amount Over Limit(s): $8,387.06
The Actual Cash Value (ACVy is based on an item's:Age divided by normttl I3seful Izfe, uniess otherwisP
faoted. Deviatiora from Age divided by norntal Useful life is cornrnorz due to inspection et�aluation, condition of
the item, obsolescence,product research, expert opinions, utility/functional value, market value and in some �
cases all or sonze of tlae ezbove. For furtlrer irafa»izatiora orz ACV arrd the depreciatiarz applied,please coratexct
your claim representative. '�
Sales Taac - Y��tt are erztitled f� reim�iursemenE �f sales tax vvhen inc�trred for iterns listed in E�is estimate upat�
documentation sub»iitted to Arrterican Famil>>for the repair or replacement that item.
I�3�our home is older tnan 1978 it may contain lead painted materials. The EPA lrtay require contractors
to follow special procedures to contain and/or remediate lead from the damaged area. If a lead test is taken
and your home was found to contain lead, American Family Insurance requires you to notify us before
begsnning any repairs. Please be aware that the EPA regulations consider lead t�be a pnllutant_ Your poli�y
limits the testing, cleaning, containment and removal of a pollutant to $10,000.00 for covered losses.
�hysical mail you submit: American Family Insurance appreciatPS_y�our assistance in the handling of your
claim. An.v documentation >>ou submit will be scannecl and electronicall>> retain.ed in your claim file. Please
include the claim number on the items submitted. The origirial documentation will be destroyed after 30 days.
Tf you would �ike ��our documents returned, please andtcate this on the documents and provide t�e address
where you want the documents sent.
Esnail.� My�goal is to prot�ide outstanding customer seri�ice. If 3�ou z��ill be using email to communicate ir�°ith me
regarding youur claim,please be sure to include your name and claim number on the subject lirze. Please
.forward any email correspondence regarding your claim to the email address listed below. Thank you for
being our
EMAIL: jciemins@amfa►
CASTELAN,ANSELMO&CASTELAN, 00815000780 8/28/2012 Page: 5
•A�a��;:.��,r�r��,: American Family Insurance Group
- �:;
Description Overhead& Replacement Actual Cash
Qty Unit Price Pro6t Cost Total Depreciation Value
68.Taxes,insurance,permits&fees(Bid item)
I.00 EA $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 -$0.00(15/Oyrj $0.00
69.Dumpster load-Appro�. 1?yards, 1-3 tons of debris
I.00 EA $258.00 $51.60 $309.60 -$0.00(15/Oyr) $309.60
70.Cleaning-Remediation Technician-per hour
5.00 HR $45.26 $7242 $434.50 -$0.00(15/Oyrj $434.50
Above line item reflects final cleaning once work is complete.
Totals $124.0� $744.10 -$0.00 $744.10 i
Bedroom 2 Height: S'
370.67 SF Walls 131.67 SF Ceiling 502.33 SF Walls&Ceiling
131.67 SF Floor 14.63 SY Flooring 46.33 LF Floor Perimeter
�633 LF Ceil.Periineter
Description Overhead& Replacement Actual Cash
Q Unit Price Profit Taxes Cost Total bepreciation Value
1.Replace Drywall replacement per LF-up to 2'tall
4.00LF $5.99 $4.84 $0.21 $29A1 -$2.91 (15/150yr) $26.10
2.Seal the surface area w/latex based stain blocker-one coat
4.00 SF $034 $0_28 $0.02 $1.66 -$1.66(IS/15yrj $0.00
3.Paint part of the walls-one coat
18533 SF $0.39 $14.72 $132 $8832 -$8832(IS/ISyr) $0.00
4a.Remove Paneling
192.00 SF $027 $1036 $0.00 $62.20 -$6.21(15/ISOyrj $55.99
4b.Replace Paneling
192.00 SF $191 $75.06 $8.62 $450.40 -$45.04(15/150yr) $405.36
Sa.Remove Corner trim-hardwood
ll6.67 LF $0.15 $3.50 $0.00 $21.00 -$2.10(15/150yr) $18.90
Sb.Replace Corner trim-hardwood
116.67 LF $2.42 $58_74 $1139 $352.47 -$35.24(IS/1�Oyr) $317.23
CASTELAN,ANSELMO&CASTELAN, 00815000780 8/28/2012 Page: 6
'pMEq:.�� : American Family Insurance Group
$edroo�n 2 continued...
Description Overhead& Replacement Actual Cash
Qty Unit Price Profit Taxes Cast Total Depreciation Value
6a.Remove Chair rail-2 1/2"
24.00 LF $0.36 $I_72 $0.00 $1036 -$1.03(15/150yr) $933
6b.Replace Chair rail-2 1/2"
24.00 LF $2.67 $1332 $248 $79.88 -$7.99(IS/ISOyr) $71.89
7.Stain&finish chair rail
?4.00 LF $0.94 $4.58 $0.26 $27.40 -$27.40(I 5/I Syr) $0.00
Above 3 line items reflect replacement of paneling,corner nims,and top rails for wainscotti�g.Please Note:This estimate does not reflect any
xcoustic ceiling tile repair.If the tiles come loose during the removal of the paneling due to construction method,addition:il costs will be applied
xo covex the tile work_
Ra.Remove Interior door-oak veneer-pre-hung unit
IAO EA $16SZ $330 $Q.00 $19.SZ -$Z.98(IS/IdOyr) $I6.84
86.Replace Interior door-oak veneer-pre-hung unit
lA0 EA $192.22 $�40.32 $935 $241.89 -$36.28(1�/100yr) $205.61
9.Stain&finish door slab only(per side) '
2.00 EA $35.23 $14.30 $0.95 $$5.71 -$85.71(15/15yr) $0.00
10.Stain&finish door/window triin&jainb(per side)
2.00 EA $24.68 $10.02 $0.67 $60.05 -$60.05(IS/15yr) $0.00
11.Detach&Reset Door knob-interior
1.00 EA $20.28 $4.06 $0.00 $243d -$0.00 $24.34
Above 4 line items reflect replacement of the door to the bedrooin due to water damage.
12.Replace Baseboard-3 1/4"hardwood
46.33 LF $3.55 $34.20 $6.54 $205.21 -$20.52(IS/ISOyr) $184.69
13. Stain&finish baseboard
4633 LF $0.94 $8.82 $0.50 $52.87 -$52.87(IS/15yr) $0.00
14.Remove Glue down carpet
65.83SF $0.56 $738 $0.00 $4�4.24 -$44.24(l5/1Dyr) $0.00
15.Replace Glue down carpet
151.42 SF $2.61 $83_68 $23.20 $502.09 -$502.09(LSJ10yr) $0.00
15 �7o waste added for Glue down carpet.
16.Contents-move out[hen rese[-Large room �
1.00 EA $74.15 $14.84 $0.00 $88.99 -$0.00(15/Oyr) $88.99
CASTELAN,ANSELMO&CASTELAN, 00815000780 8/28/2012 Page: 7
��,�,��,t�;�'���g;:: American Family Insurance Group
Bedromn 2 continued...
Descriptiou Overhead& Replacement Actual Cash
Qty Unit Price Pro�it Taxes Cost Total Depreciation Value
Totals $408.04 $65.51 $2,447.91 -$1,022.64 $1,425.27
5tairs Height: 17'
Missing Wall 3'2"X 17' Opens into FAMILY_ROOM
276.75 SF Walls 32.14 SF Ceiling 308.89 SF Walls&Ceiling
58.38 SF Floor 6.49 SY Flooring 24.27 LF Floor Perimeter
20.63 LF Ceil.Periineter
Description Overhead& Replacement Actual Cash
Qty Unit Price Profit Taxes Cost Total Depreciation Valuc
17.Replace Carpet pad
86.00 SF $0.60 $10.96 $3.19 $65.75 -$65.75(15/IOyr) $0.00
18.Replace Carpet
98.90 SF $2.96 $61.84 $16.49 $371.07 -$371.07(15/l0yr) $0.00
15�%waste added for Carpet.
Totals $72.80 $19.68 $436.82 -$436.82 $0.00
Storage Area/Room Height: 8'
368.00 SF Walls 114.81 SF Ceiling 482.81 SF Walls&Ceiling
114.81 SF Floor 12.76 SY Flooring 46.00 LF Floor Perimeker
46.00 LF Ceil.Perimeter
Description Overhead& Replacemeut Actual Cash
Qty Unit Price Profit Taxes Cost Total Depreciation Value
19a.Remove Paneling
288.00 SF $0.27 $IS_�6 $0.00 $93.32 -$9.34�li/150yr) $83.93
19b.Replace Paneling
288.00 SF $191 $112.60 $12.93 $675.61 -$67.56(15/li0yr) $608.05
Above line i[em reflects 9 sheets of paneling to replace due to water da�nage.
20.Detach&Reset Shelving- 12"-in place
18.00 LF $5.79 $20.84 $0.03 $125.09 -$0.00 $125.09
Above line item reflects labor to detach and reset shelving in order to properly R&R[he paneling.
21.Conten[s-move out Chen rese[
1.00 EA $49.42 $9.88 $0.00 $59.30 -$0.00(15/Oyr) $59.30
Totals $158.88 $12.96 $9�3.32 -$76.90 $876.42
CASTELAN,ANSELMO&CASTELAN, 00815000780 8/28/2012 Page: 8
•�AMeR,zAff F�� American Family Insurance Group
�-r -"
Bedroom 1 Height: S'
42933 SF Walls 170.50 SF Ceiling 599.83 SF Walls&Ceiling
170.50 SF Floor 18.94 SY Flooring 53.67 LF Floor Perimeter
� 53.67 LF Ceil.Periineter
Description Overhead& Replacement Actual Cash
Qty Unit Price Profit Taxes Cost Total Depreciation Value
22a.Remove Paneling
448.00 SF $027 $2420 $0.00 $145.I 6 -$14.52(I 5/I SOyr) $I 30.64
22b.Replace Paneling
448.00 SF $1.91 $175.16 $20.11 $1,050.95 -$105.10(IS/ISOyr) $945.85
23a.Remove Corner trim-hardwood
I 07.33 LF $0.I 5 $322 $0.00 $I 932 -$1.93(15/150yr) $17.39
236.Replace Cornei•trim-hardwood
10733 LF $2.42 $54.04 $10.d8 $32426 -$32.42(IS/i50yr) $291.84
?4.Stain&finish Rim
10733 LF $0.95 $20.64 $122 $123.82 -$123.82(I S/I Syr) $0.00
25.Replace Finish Carpenter-per hour
4.00 HR $64.42 $5 I_54 $0.00 $30922 -$0.00(I 5/Oyr) $30922
Above 3 line items reflect replacement of paneling,corner trims,and additional labor to rebuild[he built-in shelving unit and access panel.Please
Note:This estunate does not reflec[eny:�coustic ceiling tile repair.If the tiles come loose during the removal of the paneling due to cons[ruction
method,additional costs will be applied to cover the tile work.
26a.Reuiove Interior door-oak veaeer-pre-hung unit
I.00EA $16.52 $3.30 $0.00 $19.82 -$2.98(IS/IOOyr) $16.84
26b.Replace Interior door-oal:veneer-pre-hung unit
1.00 EA $192.22 $40.32 $93� $241.89 -$36.28(1�/100yr) $205.61
27.Stain&finish door slab only(per side)
2.00 EA $35.23 $14.30 $0.9� $85.71 -$85.71 (IS/15yr) $0.00
28.Stain&finish door/window[rim&jamb(per side)
2.00 EA $24.68 $10.02 $0.67 $60.05 -$60.05(15/15yr) 50.00
29.Detach&Reset Door l:nob-interior
1.00 EA $20.28 $4.06 $0.00 $2434 -$0.00 $24.34
Above 41ine i[ems reflect replacement of the door to the bedrooin due to water damage.
30.Replace Baseboard-3 1/4"hardwood
53.67 LF $3.55 $39.62 $7.57 $237.72 -$23.77(15/150yr) $213.95
31. Stain&finish baseboard
CASTELAN,ANSELMO&CASTELAN, 00815000780 8/28/2012 Page: 9
•aMERt'�n``;._. American Family Insurance Group
Bedroo�n 1 continued...
Descriptiou Overhead& Replacemeut Actual Cash
Qty Unit Price Pro6t Taxes Cost Total Depreciation Value
53.67 LF $0.94 $10.22 $0.57 $6124 -$61.24(I S/I Syr) $0.00
32.Replace Glue down caipet
I 96.08 SF $2.61 $I 0836 $30.04 $650.17 -$650.I 6(I 5/I Qyr) $0.0 I
I 5°/o waste added for Glue down ca�pet.
33.Contents-move out then reset-Large room
I.00 EA $74.15 $14.84 $0.00 $88.99 -$0.00(I S/Oyr) $88.99
Totals $573.84 $80.96 $3,442.66 -$1,197.98 $2,244.68
Bathroom Height: S'
Missing Wall 3'8"X 8' Opens into SHOWER
133.33 SF Walls 23.83 SF Ceiling 157.17 SF Walls&Ceiling
23.83 SF Floor 2.65 SY Flooring I 6.67 LF Floor Perimeter
16.67 LF Ceil.Perimeter
Description Overhead& Replacement Actual Cash
Qty Unit Price Profit Ta�tes Cost Total Depreciation Value
34a.Remove Paneling
13333 SF $0.27 $7_20 $0.00 $43.20 -$432(IS/150yr) $38.88
34b.Replace Paneling
13333 SF $1.91 $52.14 $5.99 $312.79 -$31.29(15/ISOyr) $281.50
35a.Remove Corner trim-hardwood
33.33 LF $0.15 $1.00 $0.00 $6.00 -$0.60(15/150yr) $5.40
35b.Replace Corner trim-hardwood
33.33 LF $2.42 $16.80 $3.25 $100.71 -$10.07(15/ISOyr) $90.64
Above 3 line items reflect replacement of paneling and comer trim.Please Note:This estimate does not reflect aoy acoustic ceiling tile repair.If
[he tiles come loose during the removal of the paneling due[o construction me[hod,additional costs will be applied to cover the tile work.
36.Detach&Reset Bath accessory
=t.00 EA $14.95 $11.96 $0.00 $71.76 -$0.00 $71.76
37.Detach&Reset Toilet
1.00 EA $203.95 $40.86 $031 $245.12 -$0.00 $245.12
38a.Remove Interior door-oak veoeer-pre-hun�unit
1.00 EA $16.52 $3.30 $0.00 $19.82 -$2.98(15/I OOyr) $16.84
38b.Replace Interior door-oak veneer-pre-hung unit
I.00EA $192.22 $40.32 $935 $241.89 -$36.28(15/100yr) $205.61
CASTELAI�I,ANSELMO&CASTELAN, �08150�078� �3(2812�J 12 Pag�: !�
�AMERI�p�t�;;. American Family Insurance Group
Bathroom continued...
Description Overhead& Replacement Actual Cash
Qty Unit Price Profit Taxes Cost Total Depreciation Value
39. Stain&finish door slab only(per side)
2.00 EA $35.23 $14.30 $0.95 $85.71 -$85.71 (15/15yr) $0.00
40.Stain&finish door/window pim&jamb(per side)
2.00 EA $24.68 $I 0.02 $0.67 $60.05 -$60.05(I 5/I Syr) $0.00
41.Detach&Reset Door knob-interior
1.00 EA $2028 $4.06 $0.00 $2434 -$0.00 $2434
Above d line items reflect replacement of the door to the bedroom due to water damage.
42a.Remove Vanity
2.00 LF $6.61 $2.64 $0.00 $I 5.86 -$4.76(I 5150yr) $I I.I 0
42b.Replace Vanity
2.00 LF $13023 $54.90 $13.97 $329.33 -$98.80(15/SOyrj $230.53
43.Detach&Reset Vanity top-one sink-cultured marble
2.00 LF $16.63 $6.66 $0.00 $39.92 -$0.00 $39.92
44.Detach&Reset Sink faucet-Bathroom
1.00 EA $1 O l.00 $2020 $0.00 $I 2120 -$0.00 $I 21.20
45.Detach&Reset Light fixmre
I.00 FA $49.64 $9.92 �0.00 $59.56 -$0.00 $59.56
46.Detach&Reset Medicine cabinet
1.00 EA $35.68 $7_14 $0.00 $42.82 -$0.00 $42.82
47.Replace Cove base molding-rubber or vinyl,4"high
I 6.67 LF $I.73 �6.02 $I 3 I $36.17 -$I 0.85(15/SOyr) $25.32
'r�� $309.44 $35.80 $�,856.25 -$345,71 $1,510.54
Family Room Height: S'
Missing W a11 3'2"X 8' Opens into ST AIRS
Subroom: Closet(2) Height: 8'
Subroom: Offset(1) Height: 8'
Missing Wall 3'X 8' Opens into FAMII.Y_ROOM
718.67 SF Walls 318.58 SF Ceiling 1,037.25 SF Walls&Ceiling
318.58 SF Floor 35.40 SY Flooring 89.83 LF Floor Perimeter
89.83 LF Ceil.Perimeter
CASTELAN,ANSELMO&CASTELAN, 00815000780 8/28/2012 Page: 1 1
� i
AMER,cAN fA�.:; American Family Insurance Group
Family Room continued...
Descriptiou Overhead& Keplacetneut Actual Cash
Qty Unit Price Proft Taxes Cost Totai Depreciation Value
48.Replace Batt insulation-4"-R13
8.00 SF $0.50 $0.84 $0.17 $S A l -$0.50(I S/150yr) $4.51
49.Replace Polyethylene vapor barrier
8.00 SF $0.25 $0.40 $0.03 $2.43 -$0.25(15/150yr) $2.18
50.Replace Drywall replacement per LF-up to 2'tall
11.00 LF $5.99 $13.30 $0.59 $79.78 -$7.98(15/150yr) $71.80
51.Paint the surface area-one coat
88.00 SF $0.39 $6.98 $0.63 $41.93 -$41.93(15/15yr) $0.00
52a.Remove Paneling
896.00 SF $0.27 $48.38 $0.00 $290.30 -$29.02(li/1�Oyr) $261.28
52b.Replace Paneling
896.00 SF $1.91 $350.32 $40.22 $2,101.90 -$210.20(1�/I�Oyr) $1,891.70
53a.Remove Corner trim-hardwood
179.67 LF $0.15 $�.40 $0.00 $32.35 -$3.24(1�/150yr) $29.11
53b.Replace Corner trim-hardwood
179.67 LF $2.42 $90.46 $17.54 $542.80 -$�4.28(1�/ISOyr) $488.52
54.Replace Finish Carpenter-per l�our
6.00 HR $64.42 $77.30 $0.00 $463.82 -$0.00(15/Oyr) $463.82
Above 3 line items reflect replacement of paneling,corner[rims,and additional labor to rebuild[he built-in shelving unit and access panel.This
includes all the paneling on the soffits for matching purposes.Please Note:This estimate does not reflect any acoustic ceiling tile repair.If the tiles
come loose during[he removal of die paneling due to construc[ion me[hod,addi[ional cos[s will be applied to cover the[ile work.
55.Replace Chair rail-2 1i2"
6.00 LF $2.67 $3.32 $0.62 $19.96 -$1.99(15I150yr) $17.97
56. Stain&finish chair rail
5.00 LF $0.94 $0.96 $0.05 $5.71 -$5.71 (IS/ISyr) $0.00
Above 2 line items reflect the chairail replacement.T'he SF for the paneling is in the paneling line item.
57a.Remove Door opening(jamb&casing)-up to 32"wide-hardwood
1.00 EA $5.54 $L10 $0.00 $6.64 -$0.66(IS/ISOyc) $5.98
57b.Replace Door opening(jamb&casing)-up to 32"wide-hardwood
1.00 EA $151.72 $32.08 $8.68 $192.48 -$19.25(15/I SOyr) $173.23
58.Stain&finish door/window trim&jamb(per sidej
CASTELAN,ANSELMO&CAS1'ELAN, 00815000780 8/28/2012 Page: 12
-.��E�"''^���:�-_ American Family Insurance Group
. �..�_°�����
Family Room continued...
Descriptiou Overhead& Replacement Actual Cash
Qty Unit Price Pro6t Taxes Cost Total Depreciation Value
-t.00 EA $24.68 $20.00 $I 33 $I 20.05 -$I 20.05(I 5/I Syr) $0.00
Above 2 line items reflect replacement of water damaged jambed opening.
59.Detach&Reset Shelving- 12"-in place
36.00 LF $5.79 $41_70 $0.05 $250.19 -$0.00 $250.I 9
Above line item reflect D&R Buil[-in shelving in order to R&R paneling inside for matching puiposes.
60a.Remove interior door-oak veneer-pre-hung unit
I.00 EA $I 6.52 $3.30 $0.00 $I 9.82 -$2.97(15/100yrj $I 6.85
60b.Replace interior door-oak veneer-p�e-hung unit
I.00 EA $19222 $d0.32 $935 $241.89 -$36.28(I S/l OQyr) $205.61
61. Stain&finish door slab only(per side)
200 EA $35.23 $14.30 $0.95 $85.71 -$85.71 (I 5/I Syr) $0.00
62.Detach&Reset Door knob-interior
I.00 EA $2028 $4.06 $0.00 $2434 -$0.00 $24.34
Above 41ine items reflect replacement of the door to the bedroom due to water damage.
63.Replace Baseboard-3 I/4"hardwood
89.83 LF $3.55 $6632 $12.67 $397.89 -$39.79(I S/15Qyr) $358.10
64. Stain&frnish baseboard
89.83 LF $0.94 $17A8 $0.96 $I 02.48 -$I 02.48(I 5/I Syr) $0.00
65.Replace Glue down caipet
36637 SF $2.61 $202.46 $56.12 $I,21 d.8 I -$I,2I 4.81 (I 5/l 0yr) $0.00
I 5%waste added for Glue down ca�pet.
66.Replace Carpet-metal n�ansition strip I
3.00 LF �3.I 3 $1.96 $0.40 $I 1.75 -$I I.75(I 511 Oyr) $0.00
67.Contents-move out then reset-Large room
1.00 EA $74.15 $14.$4 $0.00 $88.99 -$0.00(1510yr) $88.99
Totals $1,057.18 $150.36 $6,343.03 -$1,988.85 $4,354.18
Description Replacement Cost
Qty Unit Price Total Depreciarion Actual Cash Value
CASTELAN,ANSELMO&CASTELAN, 00815000780 8/28/2012 Page: 13
'AM�R,a:n;;�A�,�., American Family Insurance Group
Mitigation continued...
Descripdon Replaceinent Cost
Qty Unit Price Total Deprecia�on Actual Cash Value
71.Replace Mitigation per estiinate froin Serviceinater,Tax Included.
1.00 EA $3,162.97 $3,162_97 -$0.00 $3,162.97
Orig.Desc.-Mitigation per estimate from Servicemater.
ESTIMATE NOTE: This Estimate may not be complete and does not consider supplements,as policy linut of$10.000.00 is exceeded.
TotaLs $3,162_97 -$0.00 $3,l b2.97
OverLead& Replacement Actual Casl�
Profit Taaces Cost Total Depreiiation Value
Estimate Totals 52,704.20 $365.27 $19,387.06 -$5,068.90 $14,31816
CASTELAN,ANSELMO&CASTELAN, 00815000780 8/28/2012 Page: 14
�.M ���� Po Box 411ss
"�~ ' DETECTI4tlf Plymouth, lVnv 55441
Fax: 763-263-7773
S/10/2012 12043
BILL TO Job Site/Phone#
American Family Insurance Anselmo&Elizabeth Castelan
Attn:Joe Cieminski 1681 Saunders Ave.
6000 American Pkwv St.Paul,MN 55116
Madison,WI 53783 CJaim #S15-000780
P.O. No Start Technician Referral#
8,'10/2012 JS OlIns
Compteted Date Sesvice DES�CRlPT104�1 AMOl1t�1T
8i 10%2012 Source&origin Evaluation and inspection of property was performed to investigate 350.00
suspected water damage claim.
Camera inspection was performed from cleanout at front of home to
main line at street. No breaks,col(apses or other problems were
noted in line at time of inspection. FuRher evaluation revealed
line did not have a backflow Qreventer at time of inspection_
Residence was lowest home on line from the City main line at
DVD of eaarire inspection was provided for documenYaYiari.
Repairs to be performed by others.
VVosk osdemd by 3ce C5em5nsks.
Thank you for the opportunity to be of service to you. Jay
uaran ee on e ec�on: ea- oca ion e ec ion wor-is guaran e or ays rom
date of completion.We will re-test the system,if it is reported within the 30 day period Total $350.00
that the same leak exists. Vinyl liner detections are guaranteed for 48 hours only.We will
not be liable for any other consequential losses.
Guarantee on Repairs: Minor repairs are guaranteed for 30 days.Major repairs are Balanee Due $350.00
guaranteed for 12 months.All repairs are guaranteed from date of completion and for
defective workmanship only.We will not be liable for any other consequential losses.I find
the work satisYactory and the charges as agreed,and agree to pay the total amount on
presentation of this invoice without any deduction whatscever.
I further agree to pay reasonable charges for collection,including attorneys fees,in the
event of my default,as well as penalty interest as allowed by law.