97-1525Council File # 9�` � S��+ Ordinance # Green Sheet # 35574 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 i8 19 20 21 22 23 24 2$ 26 27 28 29 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Presented By Re£ezred To Committee: Date wHERE�S, the City Council asked the Administration, as part of the approval of the 1997 City Budget, to conduct an analysis of the operation of the Design Section of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) to determine whether the function should be retained or modified; and WE3EizEAS, the City Council did accept the findings (Council File Number 97-1314) of the report prepared by the State Department of Administration entitled "Office of LTEP, Design Section Assessment" dated May, 1997, which recommended the retention of the function and transfer of the staff from the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection to the nepartment of Technology and Management Services; and WAEREAS, the expenses required to complete the physical move and prepare space in the City Hall Courthouse building exceed the amount of funds available in the 1997 budget of the Design Section; and WHEREAS, that the Mayor, pursuant to Seation 10.07.04 of the City Charter, recommends the following trans£er to the 1997 budget to pay for the cost to move the Design Section consistent with the recommendation of the aforementioned study. Current u t FINANCING PLAN: Department of Executive AdTninistraCion Division - License, Inspections, and Environmental Psotection GL 001 00000 9830 Use of Fund Balance All Other Funding Financinq 3PENDING PI.AN: Department of Executive Administiation Division - License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection GL 001 00171 0558 Transfer to Special Revenue Fund A11 Other Fund Spending RESOLU710N CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3� $ 1,713,312 $150.136.915 $151.850.227 S o S1sl.sso.zz7 S1ss,sso,zz� Chanae $25,000 S25,000 Szs,000 �_ szs,000 Revised Budaet $ 1,738,312 $150.136,915 Sisi.s�s.22� s zs,000 sisi.sso.z27 Sisi,a�s,z2� 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Sg 59 60 61 62 63 � 65 66 67 68 69 70 FINANCING PLAN: Department of Executive Administration Division - License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection GL 320 33312 7299 Transfe= From Genetal E'und A11 Othe= Funding Financing 3PE13DING PLAN: Department o£ Executive Administration Division - License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection GL 320 33312 0219 Fees-Other Professional Services GL 320 33312 0815 Desks-Chairs-Tables 6L 320 33312 0856 Data Processing - Software GL 320 33312 0857 Data Processing - Hardware All Other Fund Spending Current Budaet $ o $ 400.726 $ 40�.726 S S C an e Szs,000 525.000 Revised Budaet $ 2s,000 $ 400.726 $ 425.726 0 $ 3,600 $ o sls,000 s $ 0 $ 3,900 S o S 2,soo $ 400.726 �S_- $ R00,726 25 00 3,600 is,000 3,900 S S 2,soo $ 400.726 $ 425,726 RE30LVED, that the City Council apptoves these changes to the 1997 budget. a�-tsas Requested by Department of: • - - r - e. - . .,. •� - - �'' ,, � j � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: "t�.., � 1=�. �.a.�....,—_ Approved by Mayor: Date �"L,`L� �s'7. By : / G.�.' 2 Approval Recommended by Financial Services Director: gp �1(l /'-c-rt�Y Form Approved by City Att� ne By: Approved Council , By: for 5ubmission to r /4���'�% J Adopted by Council: Date p.�_ tz, \qq� mm�x,�rrrot+,c�co�ercu. m�remvnn�tn "� • l — � � EXECXJTIVEADMINISTRATION - LIEP 12JO8/97 EEN SHEET No. 35574 �M��u��o� ��� o ��. ROBERTKESSLER266-9112 �, 3 QIYATIOWffiY 0 �a� MU6'fBEONOpUNG4,AGPPA'DABY�ATta � �3 SYRVID0. �6 FINAN[11LS�LVfIFS�ACCIG 12l17/97 �Y�<�,�.� o TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 5IGNATURE) ACIfONREQIIFS'IID PPROVAL OF TRANSFER OF GENERAL FUNDS TO LIEP SPEGIAL FUND 320. x�ro�Mffi�Anots:.ypweN)axg�c OU PERSONAL SERVICE CONIRACTS M[7STANSR'II21TIL' FOLLOWING QT7ESTIONS: n.u.um+acoea.assoN _ave.sxvuxco�s.vox 1.Has9fspasodS'mewawmkwuoduacouaactfalLisdenarm�rnl? cmconu.m�'FS YES NO A s'rnts _ 2FlastliupawdfirmevrabcmachyempiayeeT omwcTCOwcT YES ND sueeacrsmnwmm+cu.osrecm�ee ^ 3. Daw @m P�V�%a sbIl amnmmallY � bS �Y �� �Y �P�� YfiS NO (Ezp7ain all yes auswers on upante shcet aod altach to grren shat) uRnA'm+a PAO&Iil1L ��6 orMNC�nRIIn' (W ho. Fmet. whm w�m. A'hl'Y. THE CTTY COUNCII. ASKED THE AD2vIINISTRATION, AS PART OF THE APPROVAL OF THE 1997 CTTY BLJDCrET, TO CONDUCT AN ANALYSIS OF THE OPF.RATION OF THE DESIGN SECTION OF THE OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS, AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (LIEP) TO DETERMII IE WHEITT�R THE FUNCTION SHOULD BE RETAIIQED OR MODIFIFD. THE STUDY WAS CONAUCTED AND TF� CTTY COUNCII, ACCBPTED THE FINDII3GS (COUNCII. FILENUMBER 91-1314). THE TRANSFER OF GENERAL I�TJND MONEY TO THE LIEP SPECIAL b'UND BUDQET IS REQUIItED TO PROVIDE FOR FUNDS TO MOVE THE DESI6N SECTION TO THE DEPARTMENT OF TECHNOLOGYAND MANAOEMENT SERVICES IN ACCORDANCE WITI3 TFIE STUDY. ADVAHTA6�IDAPPROVFD: .4PYROVAL OF 1I�S COUNCIL RESOLUTION WII,L MOVE NECESSARY FUNDS. 06ADVANfA(iE5 ff APPROVID: NONE DSADVAT fA430f NOT APPROVFD: THE FIINDS W1LL NOT BE MOVED TO THE REQUIRED AREA WITHIN THE 1997 LIEP SPECLIL F[7ND5. ToTALAAfO11M'OFTRqi`SACIfON__ .DL5 a 000.00 cosnRevrnveewssrnvccv�ccsor+e� � xo .vwwcsouace General Fund 001-00000.9830 �rnnrrm,�mae 320-33312-7299 FINANCIALV�FORMnT10N:@@�LPA� �5 S-dnPslBWyatoRn (F:Wno-esot� �oomtar .ww) uaa�n Council File # 9�` � S��+ Ordinance # Green Sheet # 35574 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 i8 19 20 21 22 23 24 2$ 26 27 28 29 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Presented By Re£ezred To Committee: Date wHERE�S, the City Council asked the Administration, as part of the approval of the 1997 City Budget, to conduct an analysis of the operation of the Design Section of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) to determine whether the function should be retained or modified; and WE3EizEAS, the City Council did accept the findings (Council File Number 97-1314) of the report prepared by the State Department of Administration entitled "Office of LTEP, Design Section Assessment" dated May, 1997, which recommended the retention of the function and transfer of the staff from the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection to the nepartment of Technology and Management Services; and WAEREAS, the expenses required to complete the physical move and prepare space in the City Hall Courthouse building exceed the amount of funds available in the 1997 budget of the Design Section; and WHEREAS, that the Mayor, pursuant to Seation 10.07.04 of the City Charter, recommends the following trans£er to the 1997 budget to pay for the cost to move the Design Section consistent with the recommendation of the aforementioned study. Current u t FINANCING PLAN: Department of Executive AdTninistraCion Division - License, Inspections, and Environmental Psotection GL 001 00000 9830 Use of Fund Balance All Other Funding Financinq 3PENDING PI.AN: Department of Executive Administiation Division - License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection GL 001 00171 0558 Transfer to Special Revenue Fund A11 Other Fund Spending RESOLU710N CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3� $ 1,713,312 $150.136.915 $151.850.227 S o S1sl.sso.zz7 S1ss,sso,zz� Chanae $25,000 S25,000 Szs,000 �_ szs,000 Revised Budaet $ 1,738,312 $150.136,915 Sisi.s�s.22� s zs,000 sisi.sso.z27 Sisi,a�s,z2� 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Sg 59 60 61 62 63 � 65 66 67 68 69 70 FINANCING PLAN: Department of Executive Administration Division - License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection GL 320 33312 7299 Transfe= From Genetal E'und A11 Othe= Funding Financing 3PE13DING PLAN: Department o£ Executive Administration Division - License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection GL 320 33312 0219 Fees-Other Professional Services GL 320 33312 0815 Desks-Chairs-Tables 6L 320 33312 0856 Data Processing - Software GL 320 33312 0857 Data Processing - Hardware All Other Fund Spending Current Budaet $ o $ 400.726 $ 40�.726 S S C an e Szs,000 525.000 Revised Budaet $ 2s,000 $ 400.726 $ 425.726 0 $ 3,600 $ o sls,000 s $ 0 $ 3,900 S o S 2,soo $ 400.726 �S_- $ R00,726 25 00 3,600 is,000 3,900 S S 2,soo $ 400.726 $ 425,726 RE30LVED, that the City Council apptoves these changes to the 1997 budget. a�-tsas Requested by Department of: • - - r - e. - . .,. •� - - �'' ,, � j � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: "t�.., � 1=�. �.a.�....,—_ Approved by Mayor: Date �"L,`L� �s'7. By : / G.�.' 2 Approval Recommended by Financial Services Director: gp �1(l /'-c-rt�Y Form Approved by City Att� ne By: Approved Council , By: for 5ubmission to r /4���'�% J Adopted by Council: Date p.�_ tz, \qq� mm�x,�rrrot+,c�co�ercu. m�remvnn�tn "� • l — � � EXECXJTIVEADMINISTRATION - LIEP 12JO8/97 EEN SHEET No. 35574 �M��u��o� ��� o ��. ROBERTKESSLER266-9112 �, 3 QIYATIOWffiY 0 �a� MU6'fBEONOpUNG4,AGPPA'DABY�ATta � �3 SYRVID0. �6 FINAN[11LS�LVfIFS�ACCIG 12l17/97 �Y�<�,�.� o TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 5IGNATURE) ACIfONREQIIFS'IID PPROVAL OF TRANSFER OF GENERAL FUNDS TO LIEP SPEGIAL FUND 320. x�ro�Mffi�Anots:.ypweN)axg�c OU PERSONAL SERVICE CONIRACTS M[7STANSR'II21TIL' FOLLOWING QT7ESTIONS: n.u.um+acoea.assoN _ave.sxvuxco�s.vox 1.Has9fspasodS'mewawmkwuoduacouaactfalLisdenarm�rnl? cmconu.m�'FS YES NO A s'rnts _ 2FlastliupawdfirmevrabcmachyempiayeeT omwcTCOwcT YES ND sueeacrsmnwmm+cu.osrecm�ee ^ 3. Daw @m P�V�%a sbIl amnmmallY � bS �Y �� �Y �P�� YfiS NO (Ezp7ain all yes auswers on upante shcet aod altach to grren shat) uRnA'm+a PAO&Iil1L ��6 orMNC�nRIIn' (W ho. Fmet. whm w�m. A'hl'Y. THE CTTY COUNCII. ASKED THE AD2vIINISTRATION, AS PART OF THE APPROVAL OF THE 1997 CTTY BLJDCrET, TO CONDUCT AN ANALYSIS OF THE OPF.RATION OF THE DESIGN SECTION OF THE OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS, AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (LIEP) TO DETERMII IE WHEITT�R THE FUNCTION SHOULD BE RETAIIQED OR MODIFIFD. THE STUDY WAS CONAUCTED AND TF� CTTY COUNCII, ACCBPTED THE FINDII3GS (COUNCII. FILENUMBER 91-1314). THE TRANSFER OF GENERAL I�TJND MONEY TO THE LIEP SPECIAL b'UND BUDQET IS REQUIItED TO PROVIDE FOR FUNDS TO MOVE THE DESI6N SECTION TO THE DEPARTMENT OF TECHNOLOGYAND MANAOEMENT SERVICES IN ACCORDANCE WITI3 TFIE STUDY. ADVAHTA6�IDAPPROVFD: .4PYROVAL OF 1I�S COUNCIL RESOLUTION WII,L MOVE NECESSARY FUNDS. 06ADVANfA(iE5 ff APPROVID: NONE DSADVAT fA430f NOT APPROVFD: THE FIINDS W1LL NOT BE MOVED TO THE REQUIRED AREA WITHIN THE 1997 LIEP SPECLIL F[7ND5. ToTALAAfO11M'OFTRqi`SACIfON__ .DL5 a 000.00 cosnRevrnveewssrnvccv�ccsor+e� � xo .vwwcsouace General Fund 001-00000.9830 �rnnrrm,�mae 320-33312-7299 FINANCIALV�FORMnT10N:@@�LPA� �5 S-dnPslBWyatoRn (F:Wno-esot� �oomtar .ww) uaa�n Council File # 9�` � S��+ Ordinance # Green Sheet # 35574 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 i8 19 20 21 22 23 24 2$ 26 27 28 29 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Presented By Re£ezred To Committee: Date wHERE�S, the City Council asked the Administration, as part of the approval of the 1997 City Budget, to conduct an analysis of the operation of the Design Section of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) to determine whether the function should be retained or modified; and WE3EizEAS, the City Council did accept the findings (Council File Number 97-1314) of the report prepared by the State Department of Administration entitled "Office of LTEP, Design Section Assessment" dated May, 1997, which recommended the retention of the function and transfer of the staff from the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection to the nepartment of Technology and Management Services; and WAEREAS, the expenses required to complete the physical move and prepare space in the City Hall Courthouse building exceed the amount of funds available in the 1997 budget of the Design Section; and WHEREAS, that the Mayor, pursuant to Seation 10.07.04 of the City Charter, recommends the following trans£er to the 1997 budget to pay for the cost to move the Design Section consistent with the recommendation of the aforementioned study. Current u t FINANCING PLAN: Department of Executive AdTninistraCion Division - License, Inspections, and Environmental Psotection GL 001 00000 9830 Use of Fund Balance All Other Funding Financinq 3PENDING PI.AN: Department of Executive Administiation Division - License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection GL 001 00171 0558 Transfer to Special Revenue Fund A11 Other Fund Spending RESOLU710N CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3� $ 1,713,312 $150.136.915 $151.850.227 S o S1sl.sso.zz7 S1ss,sso,zz� Chanae $25,000 S25,000 Szs,000 �_ szs,000 Revised Budaet $ 1,738,312 $150.136,915 Sisi.s�s.22� s zs,000 sisi.sso.z27 Sisi,a�s,z2� 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Sg 59 60 61 62 63 � 65 66 67 68 69 70 FINANCING PLAN: Department of Executive Administration Division - License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection GL 320 33312 7299 Transfe= From Genetal E'und A11 Othe= Funding Financing 3PE13DING PLAN: Department o£ Executive Administration Division - License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection GL 320 33312 0219 Fees-Other Professional Services GL 320 33312 0815 Desks-Chairs-Tables 6L 320 33312 0856 Data Processing - Software GL 320 33312 0857 Data Processing - Hardware All Other Fund Spending Current Budaet $ o $ 400.726 $ 40�.726 S S C an e Szs,000 525.000 Revised Budaet $ 2s,000 $ 400.726 $ 425.726 0 $ 3,600 $ o sls,000 s $ 0 $ 3,900 S o S 2,soo $ 400.726 �S_- $ R00,726 25 00 3,600 is,000 3,900 S S 2,soo $ 400.726 $ 425,726 RE30LVED, that the City Council apptoves these changes to the 1997 budget. a�-tsas Requested by Department of: • - - r - e. - . .,. •� - - �'' ,, � j � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: "t�.., � 1=�. �.a.�....,—_ Approved by Mayor: Date �"L,`L� �s'7. By : / G.�.' 2 Approval Recommended by Financial Services Director: gp �1(l /'-c-rt�Y Form Approved by City Att� ne By: Approved Council , By: for 5ubmission to r /4���'�% J Adopted by Council: Date p.�_ tz, \qq� mm�x,�rrrot+,c�co�ercu. m�remvnn�tn "� • l — � � EXECXJTIVEADMINISTRATION - LIEP 12JO8/97 EEN SHEET No. 35574 �M��u��o� ��� o ��. ROBERTKESSLER266-9112 �, 3 QIYATIOWffiY 0 �a� MU6'fBEONOpUNG4,AGPPA'DABY�ATta � �3 SYRVID0. �6 FINAN[11LS�LVfIFS�ACCIG 12l17/97 �Y�<�,�.� o TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 5IGNATURE) ACIfONREQIIFS'IID PPROVAL OF TRANSFER OF GENERAL FUNDS TO LIEP SPEGIAL FUND 320. x�ro�Mffi�Anots:.ypweN)axg�c OU PERSONAL SERVICE CONIRACTS M[7STANSR'II21TIL' FOLLOWING QT7ESTIONS: n.u.um+acoea.assoN _ave.sxvuxco�s.vox 1.Has9fspasodS'mewawmkwuoduacouaactfalLisdenarm�rnl? cmconu.m�'FS YES NO A s'rnts _ 2FlastliupawdfirmevrabcmachyempiayeeT omwcTCOwcT YES ND sueeacrsmnwmm+cu.osrecm�ee ^ 3. Daw @m P�V�%a sbIl amnmmallY � bS �Y �� �Y �P�� YfiS NO (Ezp7ain all yes auswers on upante shcet aod altach to grren shat) uRnA'm+a PAO&Iil1L ��6 orMNC�nRIIn' (W ho. Fmet. whm w�m. A'hl'Y. THE CTTY COUNCII. ASKED THE AD2vIINISTRATION, AS PART OF THE APPROVAL OF THE 1997 CTTY BLJDCrET, TO CONDUCT AN ANALYSIS OF THE OPF.RATION OF THE DESIGN SECTION OF THE OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS, AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (LIEP) TO DETERMII IE WHEITT�R THE FUNCTION SHOULD BE RETAIIQED OR MODIFIFD. THE STUDY WAS CONAUCTED AND TF� CTTY COUNCII, ACCBPTED THE FINDII3GS (COUNCII. FILENUMBER 91-1314). THE TRANSFER OF GENERAL I�TJND MONEY TO THE LIEP SPECIAL b'UND BUDQET IS REQUIItED TO PROVIDE FOR FUNDS TO MOVE THE DESI6N SECTION TO THE DEPARTMENT OF TECHNOLOGYAND MANAOEMENT SERVICES IN ACCORDANCE WITI3 TFIE STUDY. ADVAHTA6�IDAPPROVFD: .4PYROVAL OF 1I�S COUNCIL RESOLUTION WII,L MOVE NECESSARY FUNDS. 06ADVANfA(iE5 ff APPROVID: NONE DSADVAT fA430f NOT APPROVFD: THE FIINDS W1LL NOT BE MOVED TO THE REQUIRED AREA WITHIN THE 1997 LIEP SPECLIL F[7ND5. ToTALAAfO11M'OFTRqi`SACIfON__ .DL5 a 000.00 cosnRevrnveewssrnvccv�ccsor+e� � xo .vwwcsouace General Fund 001-00000.9830 �rnnrrm,�mae 320-33312-7299 FINANCIALV�FORMnT10N:@@�LPA� �5 S-dnPslBWyatoRn (F:Wno-esot� �oomtar .ww) uaa�n