Quist �EC:�:!�'�i� � � AUG 2 8 2012 ���'��'� ��' ����1� �'�� �a �t�� ��t�� �� ��in� ����a�..�����ot� A/rnnesotrr S�nte S7a�t�te T�66.0�s�crles�l��rt " ...ei�e�J�persnn...rr/zo clain�s�lnma„es fi�om nrp>>riivarcrperlrq�...slan/l cnuse!o Ge pr•esei�led to�{ie aO1�Ef'17%17a GO(IV�/'t/re numiciperJrh�ri�i/hrn /80 days nfier the alleged loss or rnjui��rs cliscovered a��olrce stalirrJ Nae trme,pince, ax( cu�ctunstnr7ces�hereof, and the nn�oun�ojcompensntion or o�lrer i�elref demmaded." Please complete tl�is form in its entirety by clearly tyPing or printing your��nswer to each question. If more sPace is needed,attach additional sheets. Please note that you will not be contacled by telephone to clarify answers,so provide as much information as necessary to expl��iii yow•claim,and the amount of compensation beinb requested. You w�ill receir�e� written acl:nowledgement once yoin• form is received. The process cail talce iip to ten rveelcs or longer depending on the nattu�e of'your claim. This form must be signecl, and both pabes completed. ff something does not apply,write `N/A'. 5�1�1�3 COMp��'�'�� ��RN� �N� OT��R DO�U1I��NTS T�: �y'I'Y CL�R��, 15 W�ST ����L��G B�V�, 310 CI'I"Y gIAL�, SAIP+IT PA�CJI�, lY�N 55102 First Nail�e S()l/�(�Q�1(� Nliddle Initial � Last Name ��j�� _ - Company or Business Name Are You an Insurance Company? Yes/� If Yes, Claim Number? Street Addres�._7�� ��� (;�1,10\ � City_�(��(,1—�-t7l.tS' St�te /V`� Zip Code ��'��' Daytime Phone (_� - Cell Phone (�)�-oa��Cvening Telephone (� - Date of Accident/ injury oi-Date Discovered �� ! ay' � � v� Time 'o��GO am pm Please state, in detail, what occurred (happened), 111CI Wlly}�011 c11'e SU�I111tCllla 1 C�lllll. PI2aSe llIC�IC1te �vlry cr how you Feel the C�ty of�ai�t P��,1 or its eil�lzloyees are involvec����d!o! :e �bie f r your dama�es. � � � � _ p ? av�2. ' a r ` �t �0. � r r h o�,� y � n � Please checl:the bo�(es)that most closefy represent the reason for completin�this form: ❑ My vehicle was damaged in an �ccident ❑ My vehicle was damaged during a to�v ❑ NIy vehicle was damabecl by a pothole or condition of the street ❑ My vehicle was damaged by a plow L�iVIy vehicle was wrongfiilly towed and/oc ticketed ❑ I was injured on City property ❑ Other type of property damage—please specify ❑ Other t}�pe of injiuy—please specify In order to process your claim yot; need to include copies of�Il �pplic�ble documents. Por the claims types listed belo�v, please be sure to include the documents indicated or it will delay the handlinb of your claim. Documents WILL NOT be returned and become tl�e pcoperty of the City. 1'ou are encouraged to l:eep a copy for yourself before submitting yoiu-claim form. O Pcoperty damage claims to a vehic(e: two estimates for the repairs to your vehicle if the damage eaceec(s $500.00; or the actual bills and/or receipts for the repairs �l'I'owing claims: legible copies of any ticl:et issued and a cop}� of the impound lot receipt O Other property damage claims: t�.vo repair estimates if the dama;e exceeds $500.00; or the actual bills and/or receipts for the repairs; detailed list of damaged items __, O Injury claims: medical bills, receipts O Photographs are al�vays �velcome to clocument and support your claim but will not be returned. Pa;e 1 of 2 —Please complet� :�iid retl��n both ��ages of Claim I+oi•m I �'ail�u-e ta comp3ete�r�d i•etni-n botli p.�ges���ill i•esiilt i�� c�elay in t3�e��a3��llinb of 3�oiir claim. All Claims— i�lease complete tl�is section �� tiVere there witnesses to (he incident? Yes / Ncs/� Unl:no�vn (circle) Provide their names, addresses ancl telephone numbers��� Were the police or law enforcement called? Yes No Unl:now�� (circle) If yes, what clepartment or abency? Case# o ort# Where did tl�e accident or injury tal:e p(ace? Provicfe street address, cross stceet, intersection, name oFparl:or facility, closes la�1c}i�arl:,,etc. Pleas be as detailed a poss�ble. If nece sary, a acll a dia�ram. i �,t� �ern, v��e,r�r- .� l .z� �k �a�. , Please indicate the amount you are seel:ing in compensatio� or�vhat you would lil:e th ity to do to resolve this claim to ur a isfaction. ��� . � � � Vel�icle Claims— lease com lete this section checl:box if this section does not a>>lv Your Vehicle: Year�f��Mal:e hr Model License Plate NumUer 55� - State Color Registered Owner S Driver of Vehicle �15 � Area Damaged City Vehicle: Year Mal:e Model License Plate Number State Color Driver of Vehicle(City Cmployee's Name) Area D�maged Iniu.•y Claims—j�lease�n�te tl�is section _� _ �✓^�aa��t�a�� i�*������n-�a�s n��a�plY - _ 1-Io�v were you injured? What part(s) of your body were injured? Have you sought medical tre�tment? Yes No Planning to Seel:Treatment(circ(e) When did you receive treatment? (provide date(s)) Name of Medic�l Providec(s): Acldress Telephone DICI y011 17lISS WOI'�:as a result of your injury? Yes No When did you miss worl:? (provide date(s)) Name of your Employer: Address Telephone ❑ Checic hei•e if yoi� a►-e �ttachinb moi•e pages to this claim foi•m. Nuinber of�dditional pabes 13y signi�z;tIIIS fOi•m,yorc are stati�i;that rrll uzformatiori y�r� Itane pt�ovirled is triie «�trl correct to tlie best of yorrt•Lrtoiv/ed�e. Unsigned forms rnrl!rtot be processerl. Srcbnzittin�;�i false claim c�rn resrt�t in proseccrtiou. Date forn� was completed �o�� ' �� Print the Name of the Person�vho Completed this I+orm: S � �UI�Ck' Sibnnture of�'erson Making the Claim: �� Revised Pebruary 301 1 �I . _ i I 0 S ' � � � n � H C •- J • • LL c�.1 � o O N � o � F- � � � o 0 � � � O � T � O � Z � b9 69 EA Ef3 Ef3 69 Ef3 Q � W J d U � � � ^ � N � \ L �p � � � � U U � .. U L .� W � oo V rn c � o c�i U � m N � ' +-• � W O � O 0 N F- (A Q F- (n CA F- Z � � N Q d � > � t ^ � _ _ C U � � � � � - RS � N � � v� W � � �' � �. J . U .a °—' o �J m � � � U 0 7 = � � v� a � 0, � 3 � a c� � -c a� .� — o z m � a� s •- � a V Z O � � � � � � o N Q � y � j C � � � '� �' ~ (� 3 C � C M ` 3 C 0 3 LL JV N +L-' � U U N �- W -� N -� �� � � � I � �. � � � � — a� �� o � N > � tA � O � E Z � , � M (�j � �,t,,, � �. � � I = � L , L � o �' o � r � c�o a. � — � J -a c�ac�i3 � ° � c`� } � U OC � � Y -c a=i � � �� O c�a � W � � _ � c � � � � '� o � } = OC � a �� � a a � ~ o 'v, �' a � o � � a� .° U �° am > �'c � � � a°"i ~ �' 0 � >, c � cd � � � a t � � � � o � a � N � a� � �s � cYa � —a�i � m t — �c � ~ U a � � . c cn � o oC a a[ = 3 E cn v o o a° F- 'v� I State of Minnesota Ramsey District Court CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKING CITATION citat�on No.: 620900558518 Caes No.: St.Paul Police Department Vehicle Licsnse Number: 554PVB State:WI USA Vshlcls VIN: MaNe:GWEVROLET MatlN:GOBALT Color:BLAC'� � .. Type:PAS��+F � . � . Tab Month:4 Teb Year: 12 � � DateotOrtense 812112012 Timeo/Ofienss ZZ:14 ,<h StatutslOrd ORsnss � 157.03.a.20 Park vehicle at same location more than 48 conse�r.�ii.° nours- 168.09.4 EXPIRED REGISTRATION 169.34.1�a)(6) PARK W/I 20'!OF X-WALK , ��; .�N�` ORense Lowtion: � HOWELL ST N InterseEUng Street�PQRTLAND AV 2nd Cross Stre�[: ORense City: St Paul Meter Number: Permit Zone- Sipns Vis: Chalk In� �halk put.- Parkcd� {HH�MM} Tiroa Zone: Unit:966 oRcer 1:pE0 C.LEMON O�cerNumber: 392805 Olficsr 2 . ORlcer Number: Report defective meters by noon the next business day � Ca1�(Fi57j 288-9776 To pay your fine by credit card,wait 3 business days and then call (651}266-92G2 I/cked(or Na Proof of Insurance or No�rivere Licenae in Poeseesion,Proo(o(Insurance andlor �rlvers License should be shown in one of the Violations Bureau Locations lisied below within 'li business dsys ofthe vialation. To pay your citation online: www2ndwebQ�courts.state.mn.us For additional Information or to�ay your fine by telephone usinp a credit cartl, CaIC (651}2855202. Please have your citation number and credit card available. Mail payments to: Ramsey District Court TraRc Violations Bureau 16 West Nsliopp Boulevard-Room 130 �St.Paul,MN 66102-1613 Make checks peyable to: Ramaey�istrict Court. �A char�a of up to$30.00 wili be�ssessed on all roturnatl ch�cksy Violetions Bursau Locedons � St.Paul Court Suburban Court Law Enforcement Center 16 W.Kellopp Blvd.RAA 136 4060 WhiU Bear Aw. 416 Grove Strbet St.Paul,MN 66102 Maplewood,MN 66108 � St.Peul,MN 66101 O�ce Hours:8_00 A.M.-4:30 P.M. Monday-Friday(Excludinp Holidays) Heerinp Oflicerd:8y appolntment only-cell(661)-2669202 � Payment and Penalties I(you wish to plead puilty for the oflense(s)on ths reverse side of ths citation,you must do so within 21 deyslrom the date the dtetion Is flled wlth the Court.It ie your responsibility to prosent your paymant n e timely mannsr.Pleae�dlow6 budness daya for processinp.A=6.00 Iatslss Ie addsd to all unpaid Ms balanc�s.ARer40 daye Irom ths dets ths citatlon is fllsd with the Caurt additional delinquent fee3 may be add�d to all unprid fins amounts. � Additional penelties mey include:7)rsfsrrsl to the Dspartmsnt of Public Safetylor driver'e licsnse suapsnsion,4)arrest warrant issusd,andJor 3}rot�rral to a collections apmcy. Itthe o(fens�is a pstty misdsmsanor,failure to appsar will b�consid�r�d a pl��of puilty and weivar ta ths rinht to trial unlans tha fal�are to appsar Ia dus to elrcumetnness beyond ths psrson's control�M S.168.91). Appeal To plsad not puilty,or to plead puilty and oRsr an sxplanatlon: � i)AR�r 3 busiross tlays,caii 661-266-9202 to wnRrm that the citation haa been fllsd with the court. � 2)I(th�citation has bsen flled,rsqusst a h�aring oKcer appointment. 3}Whm you arrive et ths Vloletlons Buroau,tsil the cashiar that you havs a hearinp oKc�r appointment.You must havs a photolD with you. I undera[and th�t by PAYING THIS FINE I AM ENTERING A PLEA OF GUILTY to this oM�ns�(s) and voiunterily waive the lollawing ripBt to� . A.a trial to the court,if oRenee Ie a petty misdemeanor, 8.a tri�i to ths court or to ajury itthe ol►�nse la a misdemsanor, C.represa^tation by counsel, D.a presumption o/innocence untii prov�n puilty beyond a r�aeonabl�doubt, E.confront and croee-examine all wltneaess agalnet me,antl F.either romaln silent or to testly in my own behalt. I alao underatand that i/this oR�nse is a p�tty miad�m�anor,tha maximum poa�ible s�nt�nce is 6300.00;If thle o}►enes Is e rniedsttieanor,tha vnaxlmum poedbla ssnte�tce ia S1,OOO.W flns and/or 90 days imprisonmant. Cltatfon No.: 620900559519 State of Minnesota Ramsey District Court CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,�j ��, .'4� � PARKING CITATION titation No.: 620900559384 Case No.: St.Paul PoUce Department 554PV8 stats:WI L"r- Vehicle Licenne Number: . Vehicle VIN: ,�.,�;��.. ,__,_ Maks:CHEVROLET Model:COBALT Color:6LAC�,' Type:P<.�SV'r � Tab Month:4 Tab Ysar: 1^ Dateo(OI►ense 8120I2012 TimeofOR�n�e O�t��:� StatutoJOrd ORsnae r��rF� —`- — 168.09.4 EXPIRED REGISTRATION 169.34.1 ja�(6) PARK Wll 20'!OF X-WALK ORenss Location: HOWELL ST N. In[ersectiny Stroet:PORTLAND AV 2nd Cross Stntt ORenss City: � SL Paul Mstsr Number Permit Zone: Sipns Vis: Chalkln� ChelMOut: ParMed: (HH�MM) T�meZons� Un�t:966 oRcer t:PEO C.LEMON O}flur Numbec 392805 ORc�r2: . ORlcer Numben Report defectfve meters by noon the next buslnes5 day Cail(651)266-9778 To pay your fine by credit card,wait 3 business days and then call� j851)266-9202 If cltetl for No Proof of Insurance or No Drivers Licrose m Posaession.Proof of Insurance antl/or Drivers License should be shown in one cf the Vloldione Bursau Locations listed below within 21 tusinass tlays ofthe violation. To pay your citation online. wwH�.2ndwebe�caurts.state mn us For additional informetion or to pay your fine by telephone uainp a credit card, Call: (661}266-9204. Pleaae have your citation number and cradit card available. Mail payments to: Ramsey Dietrict Court TraRfc Violations Bureau 75 Weat Kelloflfl Bouleverd-Room 130 ' St Paui,MN 6d702-1613 Mahe chechs payabl�to: Ramsey District Court jA charfls of up to i30A0 will bs asaesaed on alI rstumed checksj Nlolations Bursau Locatians St.Paul Court Su6urban Court Law En/orcement Center 16 W.Kellopfl Blvd.RM 130 'L050 Whlte Bear Ave. 425 Grove Streat St.Paui,MN 55702 Maplawaod,MN 85109 5t.Paul,MN dfi 10�1 OKice Hours.b.00 A.M.-4.30 P.M. Mondey-Friday(Excludinp Holidays) Hearin�ORcars.8y appointmsnt only-call(661)-266-9202 • Payment and Penalties If you wiah to plead puilty for the ofFenne(s)on the rsvsroe side of the citation,you must do so within 21 tlays fi�om the date tha cihtlon is Poetl with ths CouR.It is your reaponaibility to preeent your payment n a timely manner.Pleass silow 6 businses daye for proceasinp.A 55.00 Iate fes is addetl to all unpaid 8ne balances.ARtrr 40 days hom the date the citation ie filed with the Court additional delinquent/ees may be added to all unpald flne amounts. Additional penalties may include-i)referral to the Departmsnt of Public Safety for driver's license suepenaion,2j arreat warrant lasued,andfor 3j rofsrral to a collsctione apency. If the oRense is a petty misdemsanor,fsilure to appear will be coneidsrsd a plea of fluilty and waiver to tht riVht to trial unlass the failure ta appear ia due to circumstances beyond ths person's controlfM.S.169.91j. Appeal To plead not puilty,or to plead puilry and of►er an explanation: 1�ARer 3 bualneae daya,ca11 661-266-9202 to conflrm that the citation haa been filed with th�court. 2)If the citation hes been hled,requeat a hs.�'�np oRcer appointment. 3y Whsn you arrive at the„3j}�t�ns b�rsau,tell the caahier that you have a hsarinp officer appolntmenL'r ou muat he°e c?hc�rl:' ith you. lundereten�: � ; -e�at by PAYING T�" FINE I AM ENTERING A PLEA OF GUILTY to thls oR�nss(s) Z,`�%nuntariiy w�aiva thelaP. -ri0ht to: A.a trial to ths court,rt c�fense is a petty misdemeanor, B.a triei to the court or to ajury if the olfenss ie a misdemeenor, C rapressntatianbycouns�l, D.a presumption of innocence until proven puilty beyond a reasoneble doubt, E.confront and croas-sxamine all witns�see apainst me,and F.elther ramain silent or to tsstity In my own behelf. I also understand that if this oflenss ia a pstty misdsmeanor,the maximum possible eentence is ;300 nn�ifthis offense�e a rmsdameanor,the m�ximum possible ssMsnee is f1.000.00 flns , a�c:�,,-4-;days impri:or�mant. Citatlon No.: 620900� State of Minnesota Ramsey District Court CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKING CITATION citat�on No.: 620900611605 Case No.: St.Paul Police Department Vehicle License Number: S34PVB State:HYI USA Vshicls VIN: Make:CHEVROLET ModN:COBALT Color:BLACK Type:PA33VEH Tab Month:4 Tab Ysar: 12 Dats of ORanee 8f2212012 Time of Of►enss 18:36 St�tute/Ord ORsnes 168.09.4 EXPIRED REGISTRATION 169.34.7(a)(6)PARK W1120'I OF X-WALK ORense Location: HOWELLSTN InterseotinpStreetPORTLANDAV 2ntl Cross Streek Offense Clty: St.Paul Meter Number: Psrmlt Zone: Sipne Vle: Chnik in: �halk Out: Parked� (HH:MM) Tlma Zone: Unit:966 omcer i:PEO R.Axtell Officer Number: 24751 omcer2: . ORlcer Number: Report defective meters by noon tl�e next busine�S day Call�651)266-9778 To pay your fine by credit card,waft 3 business days and then call (651)266=9202 If cited for No Proot of Inaurance or No Drivers License In Possssslon,Proolof insurance andfor Orivers Licensa should be shown in one otthe Violations Bureau Locations listsd belowwithin 21 buelnese deys oFthe vlolation. To pay your citation online: www.2ndwsbe�courts atets.mn.ua For additional infarmation or to pay your fine by telephons usinp a credit card, CaIC (661 j 266=9202. Please have your citation number and credit cvd availsble. Mail payments to: Ramsey Distrlct Court TreRic Vlolatlons Bureeu 16 West Ksllogg Boulevard-Room 130 St.Paul,MN 66 7 02-1613 Meke checke payable to: Ramsey Dlstrict Court (A charpe of up to$30.00 will be assessed on aii returned checkc) Viaiatlone Bureau Locatlone St.Pwl Court Suburban CouR Law Enloresment Csnbr 15 W.Kellapy Bivd.RM 130 20601Nhit�Bsar Ave. 426 Grove Street Sc Paul:MN 6d102 Maplewood,MN 55109 St.Paul,MN 6b107 Office Hours:8:00 A.M.-4:30 P.M. Monday-Friday(Excludinp Holidays) Hearinq ORitere:By eppolntment only-cail(661)466�A202 Payment and Penalties If you wish to plaad puilty for the oflense(a)on the reverse side of the citation,you must do so within 21 daye from the date ths citatlon ia(Iled wlth the CouR.It ia your responeibllity to prssent your payment n a timely manner.Plsase allow 6 buainssa days for procsesinp.A$6.tl0 late fee ie added to all unpaid Me balancee.ARer 40 daya from the dat�the cltatlon Ie filsd with ths Court additional dslinquent feas may bs added to all unpaid fine amounts. Additionel panalties may includs:1�rsferral to the Ospartmsnt of Public Safety for driver's license suspenaion,2)arrest werrant isaued,and/or 3}referral to a coilectiona apency. if the o(fenae is a petty misdemeanor,failurs to appser will be considsred a plea of puilty and walvsr to ths ripht to triel unisss the Tsllure to appser In dus to circumstances bsyond ths person'scontrol(M.S 169.91). Appeal To pleed not guilty,or to plead puilty and oRer an szplanation: 1�ARsr 3 business days,call 661-Y66�202 to confirm that the citation has been fllsd wlth the court. Z)If the citation has been ffled,request a hearinp oRlcer appointment. 3)When you arrive et the Vloladone 6ureau,tell the cashier that you have a heariny otflc�r appointment.You must have a photolD with you. I understantl that by PAYING THIS FINE 1 AM ENTERING A PLEA Of GUILTY to this offense(s) and voluntarily walve the follawlnq right to: A.e trial to ths court,If o}►enes Is e petty misdemeanor, B.a tria�to th�court or to ajury Iithe ori�nae is a miademsanor, C.rspresentetlon by taun�sl, D.a presumption of innocence until proven puilty bsyond a reasonable doubt, E.confront and cross-szamine nll wltneesss agalnst me,end F.either remain silent or to teatlty in my own bshal(. I also understand that if thia oMense is a petty misdemeanor,the maximum possible sentence is 5300.00;If thlt oRense Is a mindemeanor,ths maxlmum posslble ssntsncs is 51,000.00 flne andlor 9D days imprisanment. Citation No.: 620900611605 State of Minnesota Ramsey District Court CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKING CITATION citation No.: 620900620745 Case No.: St.Paul Police Department Vahicls License Number: 654PV8 state:WI U5A Vshicls VIN: Make:CHEVROLET Model:COBALT Color.BLUE Typs:PASSVEH Tab Month:3 Tab Yeer: 14 Date af ORense 8/2212012 Tlme of ORense 22:39 Statute/Ord ORsnas 768.09.4 EXPIRED REGiSTRATION 169.34.1�a)�6) PARK Wll 20'1 OF X-WALK Oflense Location: H�WELL ST N Intersectinp Strest:PORTLAND AV 2nd Cr06s Strset: Of(enss City: St.Paul Metsr Number: Permit Zone: Siyne Vis: Ghfllk In: Chalk Out F'arkstl: (HH:MM) Tlmb Zons: Unit:970 omcer t:PEO A.Hirse OfficerNumbar 2$84g� Offlcsr2: , ORicer Number: Report defective meters by noon the next buslness day Call(651)266-9778 To pay your fine by credit card,wait 3 business days and then call (851)266•9202 If cited for No Proo/of Insursnce or No Orivera Licenee in Poesseeion,Proof of Ineurancs andlor Driven Licsnse shouid be shown in one ofthe Violations Bunau Locations�isted bsiowwithin 21 bu�lness tl0ys of the viola[lon. To pay your citation online: www.2ndwebQ�couRa.stats.mn_.ua For additional in/ormation or to pay your fine by telephons usinp s crsdit card, Call: (661}266�202. Please have your citation number and credit card available. Mail payments to: Ramsay District Gourt Trartic Vlolatlons Bureau 76 West Ksliaflp Bouitvard-Room 130 St.Paul,MN 65102-1613 MaMe checNa payebls to: Ramesy Dlstriet Court (A charpe of up to 530.00 wili be asssssed on all returnsd checks) Vioiations Bursau Locations St.Paul Court Suburban Court Law Enforesmsnt Center 15 W.Kellopp @ivd.RM 13u 2960 1Nhite�ear Ave. 4Z6 Grow Stnst St.Paul,MN 56102 (viaplewood,MN 55109 St.Paul,MN 66101 Office Hours 8:00 A.M.-9:30 P.M. Monday-Friday(Excludine Holidays) Weariny ORcers:By eppointment oniy-c011(661�-266-9202 Payment and Penalties If you wish ro piead puilty for the oftense(s)on the revsrss aide of the citation,you muet do so within 21 deye from the dste the citation is filed with the Court.it is your reeponsibliRy to present your payment n a tlrtisly mannec Plsass allow 8 buainess tlays for processinp.A i6.Od late tee le sdded to all unpaid fne balancee.ARsr 40 deye from the date ths Ntetion is Blsd with the Court additional delinquent/ess may be added to alI unpeid fins amounte. Additionsl psnaltiss may include:1�rofsrral to ths Departmsnt of Public Se/ety for drlver'e license suapension,2)arrest warnnt issuetl,andlar 3)roferral to a collections apsncy. If the oRense is a petty misdemeanor,tailure to appear will b�considersd a plea of puilty and waiver to ths ripht to trial uniese ths fallure to appear Is dw to circumetances beyond the person's control(M.S.169.91) Appeal To plead not guilty,or to plead guilty and oRsr an sxplanation: 1)ARer 3 business days,ca11 661-266 5202 to eon�rm that the citation has been flled wlth tHa court. 2)If the citation has been fllsd,request a h�arinp oMlc�r appointm�nt. 3)When you arrlve at ths Vlolatlone 8ureau,tell the cashler that you heve e hesrinp oflicsr appointment.Vou must havs a photolD with you. I understand that by PAYING THIS FINE 1 AM ENTERING A PLEA OF GUILT'to this o(fsnse(s) a�td voluntarlly waive the followin9 rlqNt tb: A.a triel to the court,if oRsnes is s pstty miedemsanor, B.a triai to the court or to ajury if ths oKsnse is a miadsmsanor, C.represantatlon 6y counebl, D.a presumption of innocsnce until proven puilty b�yond a reasonable doubt, E.confront and crosa-ezemine all witnessea eyalnst me,end F.sither remaln silent or to tsstity in my own behalt. I also understand that if thia oRense is a petty misdemeanor,the maximum possible asntence is S3d0.00;I/thia ol►enes fs e misdsmeanor,tNe maxlmum poeslble santence le 51,6W.00 Bne andlor 90 days Imprisonment. Citation No.: 620900620745 State of Minnesota Ramsey District Court CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKING CITATION citat�on No. 620900559615 Case No.:12201428 St.Paul Police Department Vehicls License Numbec SS4PVB State;WI USA Vehlcle VIN: Make�CHEVROLET Model:COBALT Color:BLACK Typs:PASSVEH Tab Month:4 Tab Ysar: 12 Date of Offense 8I2312012 Time oT ORsnse 02:32 Statute/0rd Offense 157.03.a.20 Park vehicle at same locatlon more than 48 consecutive hours- 168.09.4 EXPIRED REGISTRATION 169.34.1(a)�6)PARK W1120'1 OF X-WALK Offense Location� HOWELL ST N Intersectinp Street PORTLAND AV '� 2nd Cross Street: ' ORense City: St.Paul Meter Number: Permit Zone: Signs Via: Chalk In: Chalk Out: Parked: (HH:MM) Time Zone: Unit:966 officer t:PEO C.LEMON Officer Numbsr: 392805 om�e�s: . Officer Number: Report defective meters by noon the next business day Call�851)286-9778 To pay your fine by credit card,wait 3 business days and then call (657)266-9202 If cited tor No Proof of Insurance or Na Orivers License in Possession,Proof ollneurance antllor Drivers Licenss should bs shcwn in one of ths Viol�ticns Bur�w Locaticns lisbd bdow within 21 business days of the violation. � To pay your ci[ation online: www2ndwebQ�couits.atate.mn.us For additional in/ormation or to pay your fins by telephone usinQ a credit card, Call: (661)266-9202. Please have your citation number and credit card available. Mail payments to: Ramsey District Court Traffic Violations Bureau 15 Wsst Ksllopp Boulsvard-Room 130 St.Paul,MN 66102-1613 Make checks payable to: Ramsey�istrict Court (A charge of up to;30.00 will be assessed on all retumsd checks) Violations Bureau Locations SL Paul Court Suburban Court Law Enforcemen[Center 16 W.Kellopp Blvd.RM 130 2060 White Bear Ave. 426 Grovs Street St.Paul,MN 65102 Maplewood,MN 66109 St.Paul,MN 66701 O�cs Hours:8 00 A.M.-3:30 P.M. Monday-Friday(Excludinp Holidays) � Hearinq Officers��.By appointment only-call(661)-266�202 . Payment and Penalties If you wish ta plead guilty tor the affense{s)an the rsverse side of tha citation,you mus!do so within 21 daya from the date tNe citatian is Flad with the Court.It is your reaponeibility to present your payment n a timsly manner.Pleaa�al�ow 6 business daya tor proc�asinp.A 56.00 18te fee is added to ell unpaid(na balantes.ARlr 00 tleyB fYOm the d8te the titation i!fllttl WitN the Court additional delinquent tees may be add�d to all unpaid Flne amounts. Additional penaltias may include:1)referral to the Department of Public Setety for driver's liconse suspension,2)arrsst warrant issued,end/or 3)refsrral to a coilectians ap��cy. If the oR�na�is a pstty misdemeanor,failure to app�ar will bs consldsred a pl�a of puiRy and waivar to the ripht to trial unlass the feilure ta eppsar is due to aircumatancee beyond the peraon'e control�M.S.169.91�. Appeal To plead not puilty,or[o plead guilty and oRer an explanation: 1)ARsr 3 6uainess days,caI1661-266-9202 tc con(Irm that ths citation has b�m fl�ed with the court. 2)If the citation has been filed,rzquest a h�arinp o�cer appointment. 3}Whbn you arrive at the Vialations Bureau,te�l the easfrier that you have e hearinp o�cer appolntment You must have a photolD with you. I undarstand that by PAYING THIS PINE I AM ENTERING A PLEA OF GUILTY to thlc oRenea(s) and voluntarily waive the Iollowind ripht to: A.a trial to the court,if offense is a petty misdemeanor, B.a trlal to the court or to ajury if the oR�nae Is a misdemeanor, C.rspresentation by counsel, D.a pnaumption of innocence until prov�n pullty bsyond a reasonable doubt, E.confront and cross-ezamine all witnsesee aqainat me,and F.either remain ailent or to testify in my own bshalf. I also understand that if this offense is a petty misdsmsanor,the maximum possible ssntence is S3W.00;if tNis oRense is a mi�demeanor,the mazimum possible sentenee Is 51,OW.00�ne andlor 90 days imprisonment. Citation No.:620900559615 State of Minnesota Ramsey District Court CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKING CITATION citation No.: 620900620561 Cses No.: St.Paul Police Department Vshicls Licsnss Number: SS�PVB stats:WI USA Vshlcls VIN: Make:CHEVROLET Model:COBALT Color:BLACK Typs:PASSVEH Tab Month:3 Tab Ysar: 1Y Dete of Offsnss 811 912 0 7 2 Tlms of ORens• 01:33 StatutsfOrd OMsnss 188.09.4 EXPIRED REGIHTRATION ��9.34.1(a)(8)PARK W1120'!OF X-WALK / � � ORsnu Lontlon: -g HUWELL ST N Interaectlnp Slset:PORTLAND AV N�� �, Ynd Croas Stroet: � �' ° ORenss Clty: St.Paul Mstsr Numbsr: pef��Zons: Sipns Vis: Chalk lo: Chalk Out: P�rksd: (HH:MM) Tims Zonr Unit:970 � '; I omcer t:PEO A.Mirse ORIcerNUmben 2$Bq$� _ � ' omcer 2: . Oficsr Number: Report defective meters by noon the next 6�siness day Calt(651)268-9778 To pay your flne by credit card,wait 3 businessdays and then call (851)286-9Y02 I/cited for No Proof of Insurancs or No Drivers Licsnas in Posesssion,�oof of Insursnce andlor Drivers License should be shown in one ofthe Violstions Bureau Locatio�s Ilstsd belowwithin 21 businsas deys ofthe vlolation. To pay your citation online: www.Yndwebe�courts.�tat�mn us For additlonal information or to psv vour flns y tslsphons crot��t card, Call' (661)266-9202. Pleess hevs your cltation number and crodit csrd avallabls. � Mail paym�Me!o - Ramsey Diatrict CouR Trafflc Violations Bursau 15 Wset Ksllo}�y Boulsverd-Room 730 , St Paul,MN6610 4-1 61 9 Mak�ehscks payabls to: Ramsey Oistrict CouR (A charpe o/up to i30.0�w��l bs aaa�sesd on all rsturnsd checks) Violationa Bureau Lacatlon� St.Paul Court Suburban Court Law Enforcement Center 16 W.Kellopp Blvd.RM 130 2060 WhRs Bear Ave. 426 Grove Strsst St.Paul,MN 65102 Maplewood,MN 66109 St.Paul,MN 66101 Ofics Hours:8:00 A.M.-4:30 P.M. Monday-Friday(Excludinp Holidays) Hearinp Olficers:By appointmsnt only-call(667)-266.9202 Payment and Penatties If you wish to plead puilty for the of►snss(s)on ths rsverae side of the citation,you must do so within 21 daya Irom ths date the cltation le flisd with ths CouR.It is your rssponslbillty to ats fsetia added to allt npaid flne balencea.fARer 40 days fro�m the d ts th cltationils flled with the Court additional dellnquent tess may be added to all unpaid flns amounts. Additional penalties may include:1)rsferral to the Dspartment of Public Safsty for drivsr's license suspenaion,2)arrest warrent isaued,sndlor 3)nferral to a collections apsncy. If ths oRsnss is a petty misdemeanor,fsilurs to sppsar will be considersd a plsa of puilty and waiver to ths riyht to trial unlese the fallurs to sppsar is due to circumstances beyond ths person's control(M.S.169.9t). ' Appeal To plsad not yuilty,or to plsad puilty and offer an sxplanation: 1)ARsr 3 bueinssa days,ca11 661-266-9202 to conflrm that the cltatlon has bsen fllsd with the court. 2)If the citation has bsen fllsd,request a h�arinp oRicsr eppolntment. 3)When you errive at the Violations Bureau,tsll ths cashier that you hevs a hsarinp oRlcer appolntmsnt.You must hevs e photolD with you. I understand that by PAYING THIS FINE I AM ENTERING A PLEA OF GUILN to this o}fsnse(s) and voluntsrily waive the followinp ripht to: A.a trial to the court,if oRenss ia a petty miadsmsanor, B.a trial to ths court or to a Jury i/ths oR�nss is a misdemsanor, C.ropresentation by counssl, D.a presumption of Innoc�nce until proven yullty bsyond a rsasonabls doubt, E.confront tnd crose-examin�all witnsesss apainst ms,end F.sithsr rsmaln sllsnt or to tsstly In my own bshalf. I also understand that if this oRsnse is a pstty misdemeanor,ths maximum possibls sente�ce is 5300.00;ifthls oRenss fs a misdemeanor,the mazlmum posslbls ssntsncs Is i1,000.00 flne andlor 90 days imprisonment. Citation No.: 620900620561 "i�►i! �