D00521CITY OF �'JAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMII3ISTRATIVE No.: i��lJSZY Date: `' � ��" `�� • OBDER GS #: � BUDGET REVISION p. l �f �-{ t�D�TI$TRf�TIVE QRDER Consistent with the authoriry granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Direc[or of the Department of to amend the 19 _budget of the fund, the Director of the Department of Flnance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget i� ihe following manner: Current Bu�Cjet SPENDING PLAN C87-2C003-25003 Plato-Lafiayeite-F illmore Construction & Plans • FINANGING PLAN C87-2C003-25003 Plato-Lafayette-Fillmo re 1987 MSA 1957 PIA SPENDING PLAN C$7-21001-25004 Chestnut-W7th-Smith Construction Pfan Construction FINANCING PLAN C87-21001-25004 Chestnut-W7th-Smith 1987 MSA 1987 PIA Art�erded cnerx3e �� 64,294.65 -3,044.33 61,250.32 64,294.65 -3,OA4.33 61,250.32 56,524.45 56,524.45 7,770.20 -3,044.33 4,725.87 64,294.65 -3,044.33 61,250.32 :�• •� :�• •• 70,260.28 -2,058.74 66,141.54 79,060.28 -2,058.74 76,941.54 75,644.28 75,644.28 3,356.00 -2,058.74 1,297.26 79,000.28 -2,058.74 76,941.54 • • SPENDING PLAN C87-2T500-DOD00 Long-Side Street Improvements Construction FINANCING PLAN C87-2T500-00000 Long-Side Street Improvements 1987 PIA SPEND1NCaPLAN � C88-2L005-28005 RaymondlTerritoriaf Construction FINANCING PLAN C88-2L005-28005 Raymond/Territorial � 988 MSA 1988 CA �988 PIA SPENDING PLAN C90-2S210-00000 Cedaz Bridge-Aurora-Sherbume Construction 3,545.84 -3,545.84 0.00 3,545.84 -3,545.84 0.00 3,545.84 -3,545.84 0.00 3,545.84 -3,545.84 0.00 1��0�Zt P- �-�� �-I 58,285.39 -1,600.00 56,685.38 58,285.39 -1,600.00 56,665.39 25,255.72 31,429.67 1,600.00 58,285.39 -1,600.00 -1,600.00 25,255.72 31,429.67 0.00 56,685.39 8,185.23 8,185.23 -1,469.01 -1,469.01 6,716.22 6,716.22 C� ��SZ I �.3fl�'� • �J FINANCING PLAN C90-2S210-00000 Cedar Bridge-Aurora-Sherburne 1990 PIA FINANCiNG PLAN C94-2T050 PIA Contingency 1992 PIA 1993 PIA SPENDING PLAN C94-2T050 PIA Contingency Construction & plan SPENDING PLAN C87-2C001 Smith Curb/Drive-Annapolis-Stevens Construction & Plan 8,185.23 -1,469.01 6,716.22 5,185.23 -1.469.01 6,716.22 80,741.54 -12,554.16 68,187.38 13,465.00 13,465.00 94,206.54 -12,554.16 51,652.35 94,206.54 -12,554.16 81 ,652.38 94,206.54 -12,554.16 81,652.3$ �07,179.52 24,272.08 Y3i,451.60 107,179.52 24,272.68 131,451.60 • • � Cuvent �� FINANCING PLAN C87-2C001 Smith Curb/Drive-Annapolis-Stevens 1957 PIA 1988 PIA 1990 PIA 1992 PIA 1986 CIB 1987 C16 � � �'J521 P�`���`� 15,719.75 8,648.91 23,768.66 1,600.00 1,600.00 1,469.01 1,469.01 1.2,554.16 12,554.16 6,857.95 6,857.95 85,201.82 85,201.82 107,179.52 24,272.08 �3�,451.60 Transfer 1987, 1988, 1990 & 1992 Public Improvement Aid balances from various pro�ects to the Smith Ave.-Annapolis to Stevens paving project � Y i'r� �""`—°� � ��-RS� P?�il �///AIi�(/� ! � ' � --- � i RaquegeE by.OepaWmert D'YBCjOt � E ART ENTf IC U L ATE INITIATED �bli�works Zz-2o-aa GREEN SHEET 521 NO. 259 89 CONTAC(PERSONSPHONE / IN�T7A TE iNIT1AVDA7E— Michael J. Eggum 266-6143 �� l.�Q M1�+IGN Q DEPARTMEN7 DIRECTOR Q CITY CAUNCIL NUABER FOR ❑ CRY ATTORNEY � CIIY CLEflK MUST6EONCOUNCILAGENDABY(Dp7E) FtOUTING ❑5 BUOGETDIREGTOR ❑j FIN&MGT.SEflVICE �� �MAYOfl(ORASSISTANn Qi MkeEggum AL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL IACAT70NS FOfl SIGNAiURq �� QROd G n DEPARTMENTACCAV � 3 LJ ACTION RE�UESTED Approval of attached Administradve Order aansferring unexpended Public Improvement Aid balances from various pmjecrs tr� ffie Smith Ave. Curb/Drive-AnnapoIis to Stevens project RECOMMENDATION591pprove (A} or qejact (R) pEPSONAL SERVECE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESSIONS: _PLANNINGCAMMISSION_CIVILSERVIGECOMMISSION �, HaslhisperSO�Ufitmeverwork2dundetatanVactforihisdepartrnent? CIB COMMITTEE _ VES NO A STAFF 2. Has Ynis persoNflrm ever been a city employee? — — YES NO _ DISTRICT WUNCIL _ 3. Dces Ynis persoNfirm ssess a skiil not normal po ly possessed by arry wrrent ary employee? SIIPPORTS WHICH COUNCiL OBJECTNE? YES NO Exptain all yas answers on separata sfieat and atWCfi to green shaet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNITY (WHO. WHAT, WHEN, WHERE. WHY�: � The Smiih Ave. CurbjDrive project was a cost share project between the City of St. Paul and the Srate of Minnesota. This project was not eligible for MSA funding, necessitating this transfer of Public Improvement Aid monies to fully fund the Ciry's share of the cost. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The Smith Ave. project will be fully funded and may be closed out. ,� s � 3 1995 :' DISADVANTAGES IF APPROV6D: � ������� .. � None. RECEIVED � _ .,,,,, � .. � �� 3 ... APR — 71995 CITY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The Capital Improvement Project fund will be short of funding in the amoun[ of �Z4,272.08. ALAMOUNTOFTFANSACTION§ Net$0 COST/REVENUEBUOGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES No DING SOUHCE 1987. 1988.1990 PIA .& 1992 PIA AcTNI7V NUMBEH C87-2C003,C87-2TOOI,C87-2TSOO,C88-2L005, FINANCIpL INFOPMATION: (EAPLAIN) C90-2S210, C94-2TOS0 & C87-2C001 This is a housekeeping adminishative order to close out old projects. This was originally proposed in 1992, but renuned due ro insufficien[ budgets. .,1At I CJ U1{