97-152Council File # i� � S� ,-. � � ? 1 ' - � ordinance # �' !: . . p � Green Sheet #✓�� QF S�(NT PAUL�NESOTA 51 � Presented By Re£erred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED: That applica6on (ID #8931b) for an On Sale Malt (32) License by Ruam lv�it Thai Cafe Z Inc. DBA Ruam 11�it Thai Cafe Ina (Suthavilay Vongkhamdeng, President) at 475 St 3 Peter Street be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 6 as Nays Absent Requested by Department ot: � B a ey 8 9 Ha�r� M �� � Off�ce of Z�cense •ns�ct�ons and 10 Me r ;� EnvirorLmental Protection 11 Re tman ,� 12 2hune 15 BOSt�-om 0 0 ��Q�i.,—,e'- �"1 16 Adopted by Council: Date �,� ,�� r `��� B y ° �� ` - 17 1S Adop�ion Certified by Council Secretary 19 Form Approved by City Attorney 20 21 Bye �/� 22 �_ � By: 7/ 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �� �j � 24 25 Approved by Mayor for Submission to 26 By; � Council >7 By: °t�-�s� DEPARTMENT/pFFICEICOUNCIL DATEINI71ATE0 GREEN SHEET N_ 35392 LIEPJLicensing __ -- ' �ANTACfPERSON&PNONE ODEPARiMENTDWE OCRYGOUNCIL INRIAVDATE Christine Rozek, 266-9108 N uS�B E q� p OC�n'ATTORNEY Ocmrc�aK �W� BE ON CqUMCIL AGENDA 8Y (OA'fE) pOUfING ���ET DIAEC70A O FIN. & MGI: SFAVICES DIFi. For hearing: 02 /�. >�J °flo 0�+^�<oanssisrum � TOTAL # OF SIGtiATURE PAGES (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SiGNATURE� AC770N REWESTED: Ruam Mit Thai Cafe INc. DBA Ruam Mit Thai Cafe Inc. requests Council approval of its application for an On Sale Ma1t (3.2) License located at 475 St. Peter Street (ID U89316). RECOMMCNOanoms: npprwe (n) or Hejea (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAC7S MUSTANSWEp THE FOLLOWING �UE5770NS: -- PIANNING COMMISSION _ pVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �- Ha5 this pBrSONfirm BVer wolKetl under a CAntraCt for this depaMlent? ' �_ CI8 COMMITTEE _ �S 'NO �_ �� 2, HaS this perso�rm ever been a ciry empiqree? — VES NO �DI$7pICTCqURT � 3. DO¢Sthis perso�rm possess a Skill not normairy possessed by any Curcent ciry empioyea? SUPPpq7� yyH�CH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explatn all yes answero on aeparete aheet and eMach to green sheet �N�T�ATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPORNNITY (WM, What, When, WM1ere. Why): A � Y ANTpGE51FAPPROVED: DI SADyqNTAGES IF APPflOVED: ("' , Y'n.�?� � ioi�ua'.vs. i .�. ; " \� � �vM�i N}��V � � � DISAD VANTAGESIFNdfAPPROVED: - ' - - -" � � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N § COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONEj YES NO FUNDIF.iG SOURCE ACTIVI7V NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 35392 ln Tracker? f c30 9 ucer,se io # 8931 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 12/19/96 L�� — �Sa APP'n Received / MP'n Processed Vicense Type: an On Sale Malt (3.2) Company Name: Ruam Mit Thai Cafe Tnc. DBA: same Business Addresss: 475 St. Peter St. Business Phone: 290-0067 Contact Name/Address: Suthavilay VonQkhamdeng, Home Phone: $91-3798 Date to Council Public Hearing Notice Sent to Notice Sent to Public: Labeis Ordered: /+',�A District Councit #: Ward Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney r Z 9� �. � . Environmental Health I � �� � Fire I z g q�- o� . License S�ie P�a� Recebred: Lease Received: ��� ��7 �IC�- Police Z�I �I �- O. . Zoning � �g �� o� � . SAIHT pAUi � A11A11 cLass ru LICENSE APPLICATION THIS APPLICATIO'�T IS SL�B7ECT TO REVIEW BY Tf� PLBLIC PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT L•ti� L�K T}'peofLicense(v)beingappliedfor. Malt (3.2) - On Sale License s e Compa.nyA�; Ruam Mit Thai Cafe, Inc. Cocpoztion / Parmership / Sole Proprietorzttip �f bLSiness is incorponted, ;ve date of incorporation: 06-25-96 De'—^�&�sinzsAs: ReStaurant BusinessPhone: (612) 290-0067 BusinessAddress: 475 Saint Peter Street Saint Paul MN 55102 Stteet.4ddress Ciry State Zip Be�'een u�hat cross s�eets is the business located� �th St. and St. Peter St. VJhich side of the s�eet? St. Peter St. Ara the premises now occupied? YeS R'hatType of Business? Restdurant Mai1To.Address: 475 Saint Peter Street str�� �aar�s APplicant Informaaon: '� Suthavilay F� ��t� HomaAddress: 14189 Flagstone Trail So-eet Address Suvanphim (hiaiden) Vongkhamden I.aa Apple Valley City MN 55102 s�� z+P President Tiile MN � 55124 Stam Zip Dateogg� 12-19-57 placeofBirth: Vientiane, Laos HomePhone: �612) 89i-3798 Have you ever been convicted of any felony, crime or violation of any city ordinance otber than traffic? YES _ NO X Date of arresL Where? �az�e: C on��iction: SenrEnce: List the names and residences of three persons of good moral character, living w•ithin the Twin Cives Metro Area, not related to the appiic�t or fmancially iaterested in the premises or business, who may be refened to as to the applicanPs chazacter: I�TAME ADDRESS W: (612) 452-1��� B_onnhom Thammavongsa 1565 Murphy Parkway, Eagan, MN 55122 H: (612) 688-2910 V 8664 Alisa La., Chanhassen, MN 5531 � A Lisi gcenses which you cusendy hold, formerly held, or may have an interest in: Restaurant and Caterinv Have � o f the above named licenses ever been revoked? _ YES X NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for revocation: `�e Yau going to opemte this business personally? X y� _ TO If not, who will operate it? -'�a„x Horn �Address: Stteu?:ame Middle lnitiai (Maiden) Latt Ciry Saint Paul Ciry State Zip �'1`�-IS� CITY OF SAiIST PALZ Office ofliccnse,Ins�uons znd Em•immne:r.zl Protution 1�0 $L PCC SL $viL :7J s;w hw. u�ox,a, s<��^ (613):bFKS] tu (61?)'_66�SL4 Date of Binh Phone Num`xr ter Are }•ou goin2 to have a mana�er or ascic�t in this business? _ YES X ti0 lf'the manager is noi the same u tbe operator, please,; complete thc follow�ing informazion: q �=-�s�y Fust Narne �fid3le Iniba! (4Saiden) Sztt Dau of Birth Home Addras: S.ea?�zme Ciy Sute Zip Phone I�um'�er Pleue list yauc employment history for che precious fi��e (�) ;�eaz period: BusinessYEmQ1o_vment Address Ruam Mit Thai Cafe 544 Saint Peter Street Saint Panl MN 551d2 List alI otLer officers of the corporation: OFFlCER TITLE HO.NlE HO'�'fE BUSP..'FSS DATE OF �A�.g (Office He]d) ADDRESS PHO\� PHO\� BIRTH Thonqsy Suvanphim - V:P: 718 Elizabeth La: Mpls:, MN 55411 Tel: 522-1085 �8-12-32 Sommana Monthisane - V.P., 2381 Stone Creek La.oW., Chanhassen, MN 55317 Tel. 470-9147 DOB 08-15-63 If business is a parmership, ple�ce in:lude the following info. for eacL pazmer (use additional pa�es if nuessaz}'): First \ame ,s�a�E Lil�� Home qddreas: S�eea'�srre Fusc?:ame Inival Home Address: Svw!:aan (�iaiden) Ciry (Maide�) Ciry I as� State Zip Iast Sute tip Dau of Birili Phone humber Dau of Hinh Phone ?:umber M�I�T'ESOTA TAX IDE.'�'7]FiCATtO\ h'L1�4BER - Putsuant to the I.aws of NGnnesota, 19&4, C6apter 502, Article 8, Se�tion 2(270.72) Craz Clearance; Issuaoce of Licenses), licensing authorities are mquired to procide to tt�e State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, t�e Minnesata business taz ideaafication numbet aod the social security number of each license applicant Under the Minnesota Govemment Dva Prac6ces Act and the Federal Pri��acy Act of 1974, we are required to ad�•ise yau of the following regazding the use of the Minoesota Taz Identification Number: - Ihis infocmasion may be used to deny the issuance or renev.•al of your Iicense in the event you owe TTinnesota saies, employei s alth6olding or motor vehicle ezcise tazes; - iJpoa receiving this infocmavon, the licensing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Deparm�ent of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agreement, the Department of Revenue may supply dris information to the Tntemal Revenue Service. Minaesota Tax Identification Numben (Sa]es & Use Tax A'umber} may be obtained from tbe Stau of Minnesoia, Business Ruords �paztmen; 10 River Pazk Plaza (612-296-6181). Socia7 SecuriryNumber: 586-25-2472 1vIinnesota Taz Idenfification n'umber: 2771442 If a Minnesota Taz Iden�cation Number is not required for the basiness being operafeci, indicale so by ptaciog an "X" in the boz. �":�RTIFICATIO� OF N'ORKERS' CO'�g'E:vSA7IGN CO��ERAGE PliRSUA'��T TO ML'�NESOTA STAIUTE 176.182 I hereby cerufy chat I, or my cosnpany, am in com�liance w•ich Lhe workers' compensauon insurance coverage requiremenu of Minnesota StaNte 176.182, subdi��ision 2. I also understand chat pro��ision of false information in this certification consututes su�cieat �ounds for acverce actioo aeainst alI licenses held i�cludins revocation �d suspension of said licences. �'ameo;InsuranceCompany: M�d Worker Compensation Assianed Risk Plan �� � � Pelicy;�'umlrr: WC 005948-01 Co��eraoefrom 10-14-96 to 10-14-97 I hace no employees covered under u•or�:ers` co�ensauon iswance ' A._'�Y FALSIFIC�TIO'� OF,4.\SFi�RS GIS'E\` OR'�L�TERLAL SL�?�4ITTED Si�.L RESIILT I\ DE\ OF TF�S 3PPLICATION I bereby state that I 6ave ansa�ered all of the preceding quzsaons, and that the information contained herein is true and coirect to the best of my knou�ledae and belie£ I hereby state fwtber that I hace n: eived no money or ot6er considention, by way of loan, gift, connibution, or othe.�vise, o:her rban already disclosed in t6e application n hich I 6erewith submitted. I also understand tfris premise may be inspected by police, fue, health and othez city o�cials at a�y and 2ll t�s u hen the business is in operation. -ir-� Sigca!ure (REQti I�tED f� all applic�ti�t�s) Date "•'�ote: ff this applicaaon is FoodlLiquor related. please co�ta t a City of Saiot Paul Health Inspector, Ste��e Olson (266-9139), to re��iew plaas. If any substantial cSaoges to shvcuue are anticipate3, please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Ezaminer at 266-9007 to apply for building pemvts. If there are any ebanges to the paz};ing lot, floor space, ox for new operat�ons, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 26Cr90Q8. AdditionaI application requirements, please attach: A detaiTed description of the desigcy location and square footage of ctie premises fo be licensed (site plan). The following daYa should be on the sife plan (prefera62p on an S lI2" x il" or 81/Z x 14" paper): - I�ame, address, and phone num6er. - The scale should be stated snch as ]" = 2A'. ^\' should be indicated to�azd the 4op. - Placemenf of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facilify such as seating azeaz, kifchens, offices, repair area, paridng, resf rooms, etc - If a reqvest is for an addition or ezpansion of the licensed facilitp, indicate both ihe curtent azea and the proposed erpansio � A copy of your lease agreement or proof of ovrnership of the property. FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATION REQUIRE?vfE*TTS, PLEASE SEE REVERSE >>>> � appl}ing for, �;• . Cabaret aduit, ple2e attach aTitten proof tLac each emp]oyee is at least 18 years old G� r� �� S� Con� parlor adult, please attach ur,'aen proof t6at eactz employee is at least 78 yeass oJd. EnLertainment, please specify class .�, B, oi C license; obtain and a[ta:b si`vatures of appro�•zl from 909c of your neiabbors u7thin 350 feei of tbe establishment This tice��z must be applied for in conjunction v.•itb a Liquor, l'Jine, ?�4aJt On Sa]e or Rental/Dance Hall license. Firearms, please aztach a lener u•ith the folloa�ina information: state if sellina or only repairin�, Fedual Fuearins License T'umber, n�pe of Art�d Sen dischazge (Honorable, General, Bad Conduct, t'ndesirable, Dishononble, or no milit�sy ser�•ice. (NO'iE: Establishc�nt must be commercially aoo�d) _ Game room, please provide tbe following infotmation: name of macbine and list price. (I�OTE: A Pool Hall license is required if there aze any pool tables in the establishment) Healtb/Spotts ciub adult, please attach w•ritten proof t6at each employee is at lezst 18 yeus old. Liquor of!/on sale, refer to atrached liquor applicaaon. i.ock opening ser�ices, plezse ar,�.ch a list of �1 employezs (w'itn Qo�,x addtess and :e;ep6oaz nus,be:) �•no h'�:: ix doir,� the locb opening service; attach 570,000 Surety Bond ?�fassage center, please attach a detai]ed descriprion of the ser�•ices beinz provided ?�latsase eenter adult, ple�ce attach wzitten proof that each emplo;�ee is at least 18 yeazs old. ?vlassage pracNtioner, pleue atta; h a cop}� of letter for approvai from Heal[h; proof of insurance co� eraoe of S 1,0�.00O.DO each general liability and professional liabiliry w�ith tbe Ciry of Saint Paul named az an additional insured, and a?0 day notice of cancellauon; a letter from your empIoyer to verify empioyment with a license massa�e center. '�Sotorcvcle dealer, please include State of NIinnesota Dealer \'umber. ?`eK motor vehide dealer, pleaze include State of �tinnesota Dealer ?�'umber. ParLing IoUramg, please indude the number of parking spaces, and att�b plaas coQtaining a¢eneral descriptioQ of the security prot�ided at tl�e loUramp, a site plan showing driveways of the proposed lot and the ]egal description of the property (this requirement necessary only if no site plan is cuirendy on file). Attach a cover letter describiog your plans to comply w�ith tbe lighting and painting require�ncs. Patisnbroker, pleace attach 55,000.00 Surety Bond. Serond hand dealer-motor cehicle, pleace include State of ?�finnesota Dealer :�'umber. Sernnd hand dealer-motor cehide parfs, pleue attach 55,000.00 Surety Bond. Sfeam room/bafh hotue adult, pfease attach written proof thaf each empioyee is at Ieazt 18 yeazs o1d Theater adult, please attach v.ziuen proof tbaz each employee is az leazt 18 years old Council File # i� � S� ,-. � � ? 1 ' - � ordinance # �' !: . . p � Green Sheet #✓�� QF S�(NT PAUL�NESOTA 51 � Presented By Re£erred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED: That applica6on (ID #8931b) for an On Sale Malt (32) License by Ruam lv�it Thai Cafe Z Inc. DBA Ruam 11�it Thai Cafe Ina (Suthavilay Vongkhamdeng, President) at 475 St 3 Peter Street be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 6 as Nays Absent Requested by Department ot: � B a ey 8 9 Ha�r� M �� � Off�ce of Z�cense •ns�ct�ons and 10 Me r ;� EnvirorLmental Protection 11 Re tman ,� 12 2hune 15 BOSt�-om 0 0 ��Q�i.,—,e'- �"1 16 Adopted by Council: Date �,� ,�� r `��� B y ° �� ` - 17 1S Adop�ion Certified by Council Secretary 19 Form Approved by City Attorney 20 21 Bye �/� 22 �_ � By: 7/ 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �� �j � 24 25 Approved by Mayor for Submission to 26 By; � Council >7 By: °t�-�s� DEPARTMENT/pFFICEICOUNCIL DATEINI71ATE0 GREEN SHEET N_ 35392 LIEPJLicensing __ -- ' �ANTACfPERSON&PNONE ODEPARiMENTDWE OCRYGOUNCIL INRIAVDATE Christine Rozek, 266-9108 N uS�B E q� p OC�n'ATTORNEY Ocmrc�aK �W� BE ON CqUMCIL AGENDA 8Y (OA'fE) pOUfING ���ET DIAEC70A O FIN. & MGI: SFAVICES DIFi. For hearing: 02 /�. >�J °flo 0�+^�<oanssisrum � TOTAL # OF SIGtiATURE PAGES (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SiGNATURE� AC770N REWESTED: Ruam Mit Thai Cafe INc. DBA Ruam Mit Thai Cafe Inc. requests Council approval of its application for an On Sale Ma1t (3.2) License located at 475 St. Peter Street (ID U89316). RECOMMCNOanoms: npprwe (n) or Hejea (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAC7S MUSTANSWEp THE FOLLOWING �UE5770NS: -- PIANNING COMMISSION _ pVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �- Ha5 this pBrSONfirm BVer wolKetl under a CAntraCt for this depaMlent? ' �_ CI8 COMMITTEE _ �S 'NO �_ �� 2, HaS this perso�rm ever been a ciry empiqree? — VES NO �DI$7pICTCqURT � 3. DO¢Sthis perso�rm possess a Skill not normairy possessed by any Curcent ciry empioyea? SUPPpq7� yyH�CH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explatn all yes answero on aeparete aheet and eMach to green sheet �N�T�ATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPORNNITY (WM, What, When, WM1ere. Why): A � Y ANTpGE51FAPPROVED: DI SADyqNTAGES IF APPflOVED: ("' , Y'n.�?� � ioi�ua'.vs. i .�. ; " \� � �vM�i N}��V � � � DISAD VANTAGESIFNdfAPPROVED: - ' - - -" � � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N § COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONEj YES NO FUNDIF.iG SOURCE ACTIVI7V NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 35392 ln Tracker? f c30 9 ucer,se io # 8931 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 12/19/96 L�� — �Sa APP'n Received / MP'n Processed Vicense Type: an On Sale Malt (3.2) Company Name: Ruam Mit Thai Cafe Tnc. DBA: same Business Addresss: 475 St. Peter St. Business Phone: 290-0067 Contact Name/Address: Suthavilay VonQkhamdeng, Home Phone: $91-3798 Date to Council Public Hearing Notice Sent to Notice Sent to Public: Labeis Ordered: /+',�A District Councit #: Ward Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney r Z 9� �. � . Environmental Health I � �� � Fire I z g q�- o� . License S�ie P�a� Recebred: Lease Received: ��� ��7 �IC�- Police Z�I �I �- O. . Zoning � �g �� o� � . SAIHT pAUi � A11A11 cLass ru LICENSE APPLICATION THIS APPLICATIO'�T IS SL�B7ECT TO REVIEW BY Tf� PLBLIC PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT L•ti� L�K T}'peofLicense(v)beingappliedfor. Malt (3.2) - On Sale License s e Compa.nyA�; Ruam Mit Thai Cafe, Inc. Cocpoztion / Parmership / Sole Proprietorzttip �f bLSiness is incorponted, ;ve date of incorporation: 06-25-96 De'—^�&�sinzsAs: ReStaurant BusinessPhone: (612) 290-0067 BusinessAddress: 475 Saint Peter Street Saint Paul MN 55102 Stteet.4ddress Ciry State Zip Be�'een u�hat cross s�eets is the business located� �th St. and St. Peter St. VJhich side of the s�eet? St. Peter St. Ara the premises now occupied? YeS R'hatType of Business? Restdurant Mai1To.Address: 475 Saint Peter Street str�� �aar�s APplicant Informaaon: '� Suthavilay F� ��t� HomaAddress: 14189 Flagstone Trail So-eet Address Suvanphim (hiaiden) Vongkhamden I.aa Apple Valley City MN 55102 s�� z+P President Tiile MN � 55124 Stam Zip Dateogg� 12-19-57 placeofBirth: Vientiane, Laos HomePhone: �612) 89i-3798 Have you ever been convicted of any felony, crime or violation of any city ordinance otber than traffic? YES _ NO X Date of arresL Where? �az�e: C on��iction: SenrEnce: List the names and residences of three persons of good moral character, living w•ithin the Twin Cives Metro Area, not related to the appiic�t or fmancially iaterested in the premises or business, who may be refened to as to the applicanPs chazacter: I�TAME ADDRESS W: (612) 452-1��� B_onnhom Thammavongsa 1565 Murphy Parkway, Eagan, MN 55122 H: (612) 688-2910 V 8664 Alisa La., Chanhassen, MN 5531 � A Lisi gcenses which you cusendy hold, formerly held, or may have an interest in: Restaurant and Caterinv Have � o f the above named licenses ever been revoked? _ YES X NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for revocation: `�e Yau going to opemte this business personally? X y� _ TO If not, who will operate it? -'�a„x Horn �Address: Stteu?:ame Middle lnitiai (Maiden) Latt Ciry Saint Paul Ciry State Zip �'1`�-IS� CITY OF SAiIST PALZ Office ofliccnse,Ins�uons znd Em•immne:r.zl Protution 1�0 $L PCC SL $viL :7J s;w hw. u�ox,a, s<��^ (613):bFKS] tu (61?)'_66�SL4 Date of Binh Phone Num`xr ter Are }•ou goin2 to have a mana�er or ascic�t in this business? _ YES X ti0 lf'the manager is noi the same u tbe operator, please,; complete thc follow�ing informazion: q �=-�s�y Fust Narne �fid3le Iniba! (4Saiden) Sztt Dau of Birth Home Addras: S.ea?�zme Ciy Sute Zip Phone I�um'�er Pleue list yauc employment history for che precious fi��e (�) ;�eaz period: BusinessYEmQ1o_vment Address Ruam Mit Thai Cafe 544 Saint Peter Street Saint Panl MN 551d2 List alI otLer officers of the corporation: OFFlCER TITLE HO.NlE HO'�'fE BUSP..'FSS DATE OF �A�.g (Office He]d) ADDRESS PHO\� PHO\� BIRTH Thonqsy Suvanphim - V:P: 718 Elizabeth La: Mpls:, MN 55411 Tel: 522-1085 �8-12-32 Sommana Monthisane - V.P., 2381 Stone Creek La.oW., Chanhassen, MN 55317 Tel. 470-9147 DOB 08-15-63 If business is a parmership, ple�ce in:lude the following info. for eacL pazmer (use additional pa�es if nuessaz}'): First \ame ,s�a�E Lil�� Home qddreas: S�eea'�srre Fusc?:ame Inival Home Address: Svw!:aan (�iaiden) Ciry (Maide�) Ciry I as� State Zip Iast Sute tip Dau of Birili Phone humber Dau of Hinh Phone ?:umber M�I�T'ESOTA TAX IDE.'�'7]FiCATtO\ h'L1�4BER - Putsuant to the I.aws of NGnnesota, 19&4, C6apter 502, Article 8, Se�tion 2(270.72) Craz Clearance; Issuaoce of Licenses), licensing authorities are mquired to procide to tt�e State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, t�e Minnesata business taz ideaafication numbet aod the social security number of each license applicant Under the Minnesota Govemment Dva Prac6ces Act and the Federal Pri��acy Act of 1974, we are required to ad�•ise yau of the following regazding the use of the Minoesota Taz Identification Number: - Ihis infocmasion may be used to deny the issuance or renev.•al of your Iicense in the event you owe TTinnesota saies, employei s alth6olding or motor vehicle ezcise tazes; - iJpoa receiving this infocmavon, the licensing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Deparm�ent of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agreement, the Department of Revenue may supply dris information to the Tntemal Revenue Service. Minaesota Tax Identification Numben (Sa]es & Use Tax A'umber} may be obtained from tbe Stau of Minnesoia, Business Ruords �paztmen; 10 River Pazk Plaza (612-296-6181). Socia7 SecuriryNumber: 586-25-2472 1vIinnesota Taz Idenfification n'umber: 2771442 If a Minnesota Taz Iden�cation Number is not required for the basiness being operafeci, indicale so by ptaciog an "X" in the boz. �":�RTIFICATIO� OF N'ORKERS' CO'�g'E:vSA7IGN CO��ERAGE PliRSUA'��T TO ML'�NESOTA STAIUTE 176.182 I hereby cerufy chat I, or my cosnpany, am in com�liance w•ich Lhe workers' compensauon insurance coverage requiremenu of Minnesota StaNte 176.182, subdi��ision 2. I also understand chat pro��ision of false information in this certification consututes su�cieat �ounds for acverce actioo aeainst alI licenses held i�cludins revocation �d suspension of said licences. �'ameo;InsuranceCompany: M�d Worker Compensation Assianed Risk Plan �� � � Pelicy;�'umlrr: WC 005948-01 Co��eraoefrom 10-14-96 to 10-14-97 I hace no employees covered under u•or�:ers` co�ensauon iswance ' A._'�Y FALSIFIC�TIO'� OF,4.\SFi�RS GIS'E\` OR'�L�TERLAL SL�?�4ITTED Si�.L RESIILT I\ DE\ OF TF�S 3PPLICATION I bereby state that I 6ave ansa�ered all of the preceding quzsaons, and that the information contained herein is true and coirect to the best of my knou�ledae and belie£ I hereby state fwtber that I hace n: eived no money or ot6er considention, by way of loan, gift, connibution, or othe.�vise, o:her rban already disclosed in t6e application n hich I 6erewith submitted. I also understand tfris premise may be inspected by police, fue, health and othez city o�cials at a�y and 2ll t�s u hen the business is in operation. -ir-� Sigca!ure (REQti I�tED f� all applic�ti�t�s) Date "•'�ote: ff this applicaaon is FoodlLiquor related. please co�ta t a City of Saiot Paul Health Inspector, Ste��e Olson (266-9139), to re��iew plaas. If any substantial cSaoges to shvcuue are anticipate3, please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Ezaminer at 266-9007 to apply for building pemvts. If there are any ebanges to the paz};ing lot, floor space, ox for new operat�ons, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 26Cr90Q8. AdditionaI application requirements, please attach: A detaiTed description of the desigcy location and square footage of ctie premises fo be licensed (site plan). The following daYa should be on the sife plan (prefera62p on an S lI2" x il" or 81/Z x 14" paper): - I�ame, address, and phone num6er. - The scale should be stated snch as ]" = 2A'. ^\' should be indicated to�azd the 4op. - Placemenf of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facilify such as seating azeaz, kifchens, offices, repair area, paridng, resf rooms, etc - If a reqvest is for an addition or ezpansion of the licensed facilitp, indicate both ihe curtent azea and the proposed erpansio � A copy of your lease agreement or proof of ovrnership of the property. FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATION REQUIRE?vfE*TTS, PLEASE SEE REVERSE >>>> � appl}ing for, �;• . Cabaret aduit, ple2e attach aTitten proof tLac each emp]oyee is at least 18 years old G� r� �� S� Con� parlor adult, please attach ur,'aen proof t6at eactz employee is at least 78 yeass oJd. EnLertainment, please specify class .�, B, oi C license; obtain and a[ta:b si`vatures of appro�•zl from 909c of your neiabbors u7thin 350 feei of tbe establishment This tice��z must be applied for in conjunction v.•itb a Liquor, l'Jine, ?�4aJt On Sa]e or Rental/Dance Hall license. Firearms, please aztach a lener u•ith the folloa�ina information: state if sellina or only repairin�, Fedual Fuearins License T'umber, n�pe of Art�d Sen dischazge (Honorable, General, Bad Conduct, t'ndesirable, Dishononble, or no milit�sy ser�•ice. (NO'iE: Establishc�nt must be commercially aoo�d) _ Game room, please provide tbe following infotmation: name of macbine and list price. (I�OTE: A Pool Hall license is required if there aze any pool tables in the establishment) Healtb/Spotts ciub adult, please attach w•ritten proof t6at each employee is at lezst 18 yeus old. Liquor of!/on sale, refer to atrached liquor applicaaon. i.ock opening ser�ices, plezse ar,�.ch a list of �1 employezs (w'itn Qo�,x addtess and :e;ep6oaz nus,be:) �•no h'�:: ix doir,� the locb opening service; attach 570,000 Surety Bond ?�fassage center, please attach a detai]ed descriprion of the ser�•ices beinz provided ?�latsase eenter adult, ple�ce attach wzitten proof that each emplo;�ee is at least 18 yeazs old. ?vlassage pracNtioner, pleue atta; h a cop}� of letter for approvai from Heal[h; proof of insurance co� eraoe of S 1,0�.00O.DO each general liability and professional liabiliry w�ith tbe Ciry of Saint Paul named az an additional insured, and a?0 day notice of cancellauon; a letter from your empIoyer to verify empioyment with a license massa�e center. '�Sotorcvcle dealer, please include State of NIinnesota Dealer \'umber. ?`eK motor vehide dealer, pleaze include State of �tinnesota Dealer ?�'umber. ParLing IoUramg, please indude the number of parking spaces, and att�b plaas coQtaining a¢eneral descriptioQ of the security prot�ided at tl�e loUramp, a site plan showing driveways of the proposed lot and the ]egal description of the property (this requirement necessary only if no site plan is cuirendy on file). Attach a cover letter describiog your plans to comply w�ith tbe lighting and painting require�ncs. Patisnbroker, pleace attach 55,000.00 Surety Bond. Serond hand dealer-motor cehicle, pleace include State of ?�finnesota Dealer :�'umber. Sernnd hand dealer-motor cehide parfs, pleue attach 55,000.00 Surety Bond. Sfeam room/bafh hotue adult, pfease attach written proof thaf each empioyee is at Ieazt 18 yeazs o1d Theater adult, please attach v.ziuen proof tbaz each employee is az leazt 18 years old Council File # i� � S� ,-. � � ? 1 ' - � ordinance # �' !: . . p � Green Sheet #✓�� QF S�(NT PAUL�NESOTA 51 � Presented By Re£erred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED: That applica6on (ID #8931b) for an On Sale Malt (32) License by Ruam lv�it Thai Cafe Z Inc. DBA Ruam 11�it Thai Cafe Ina (Suthavilay Vongkhamdeng, President) at 475 St 3 Peter Street be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 6 as Nays Absent Requested by Department ot: � B a ey 8 9 Ha�r� M �� � Off�ce of Z�cense •ns�ct�ons and 10 Me r ;� EnvirorLmental Protection 11 Re tman ,� 12 2hune 15 BOSt�-om 0 0 ��Q�i.,—,e'- �"1 16 Adopted by Council: Date �,� ,�� r `��� B y ° �� ` - 17 1S Adop�ion Certified by Council Secretary 19 Form Approved by City Attorney 20 21 Bye �/� 22 �_ � By: 7/ 23 Approved by Mayor: Date �� �j � 24 25 Approved by Mayor for Submission to 26 By; � Council >7 By: °t�-�s� DEPARTMENT/pFFICEICOUNCIL DATEINI71ATE0 GREEN SHEET N_ 35392 LIEPJLicensing __ -- ' �ANTACfPERSON&PNONE ODEPARiMENTDWE OCRYGOUNCIL INRIAVDATE Christine Rozek, 266-9108 N uS�B E q� p OC�n'ATTORNEY Ocmrc�aK �W� BE ON CqUMCIL AGENDA 8Y (OA'fE) pOUfING ���ET DIAEC70A O FIN. & MGI: SFAVICES DIFi. For hearing: 02 /�. >�J °flo 0�+^�<oanssisrum � TOTAL # OF SIGtiATURE PAGES (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SiGNATURE� AC770N REWESTED: Ruam Mit Thai Cafe INc. DBA Ruam Mit Thai Cafe Inc. requests Council approval of its application for an On Sale Ma1t (3.2) License located at 475 St. Peter Street (ID U89316). RECOMMCNOanoms: npprwe (n) or Hejea (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAC7S MUSTANSWEp THE FOLLOWING �UE5770NS: -- PIANNING COMMISSION _ pVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �- Ha5 this pBrSONfirm BVer wolKetl under a CAntraCt for this depaMlent? ' �_ CI8 COMMITTEE _ �S 'NO �_ �� 2, HaS this perso�rm ever been a ciry empiqree? — VES NO �DI$7pICTCqURT � 3. DO¢Sthis perso�rm possess a Skill not normairy possessed by any Curcent ciry empioyea? SUPPpq7� yyH�CH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explatn all yes answero on aeparete aheet and eMach to green sheet �N�T�ATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPORNNITY (WM, What, When, WM1ere. Why): A � Y ANTpGE51FAPPROVED: DI SADyqNTAGES IF APPflOVED: ("' , Y'n.�?� � ioi�ua'.vs. i .�. ; " \� � �vM�i N}��V � � � DISAD VANTAGESIFNdfAPPROVED: - ' - - -" � � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N § COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONEj YES NO FUNDIF.iG SOURCE ACTIVI7V NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 35392 ln Tracker? f c30 9 ucer,se io # 8931 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 12/19/96 L�� — �Sa APP'n Received / MP'n Processed Vicense Type: an On Sale Malt (3.2) Company Name: Ruam Mit Thai Cafe Tnc. DBA: same Business Addresss: 475 St. Peter St. Business Phone: 290-0067 Contact Name/Address: Suthavilay VonQkhamdeng, Home Phone: $91-3798 Date to Council Public Hearing Notice Sent to Notice Sent to Public: Labeis Ordered: /+',�A District Councit #: Ward Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney r Z 9� �. � . Environmental Health I � �� � Fire I z g q�- o� . License S�ie P�a� Recebred: Lease Received: ��� ��7 �IC�- Police Z�I �I �- O. . Zoning � �g �� o� � . SAIHT pAUi � A11A11 cLass ru LICENSE APPLICATION THIS APPLICATIO'�T IS SL�B7ECT TO REVIEW BY Tf� PLBLIC PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT L•ti� L�K T}'peofLicense(v)beingappliedfor. Malt (3.2) - On Sale License s e Compa.nyA�; Ruam Mit Thai Cafe, Inc. Cocpoztion / Parmership / Sole Proprietorzttip �f bLSiness is incorponted, ;ve date of incorporation: 06-25-96 De'—^�&�sinzsAs: ReStaurant BusinessPhone: (612) 290-0067 BusinessAddress: 475 Saint Peter Street Saint Paul MN 55102 Stteet.4ddress Ciry State Zip Be�'een u�hat cross s�eets is the business located� �th St. and St. Peter St. VJhich side of the s�eet? St. Peter St. Ara the premises now occupied? YeS R'hatType of Business? Restdurant Mai1To.Address: 475 Saint Peter Street str�� �aar�s APplicant Informaaon: '� Suthavilay F� ��t� HomaAddress: 14189 Flagstone Trail So-eet Address Suvanphim (hiaiden) Vongkhamden I.aa Apple Valley City MN 55102 s�� z+P President Tiile MN � 55124 Stam Zip Dateogg� 12-19-57 placeofBirth: Vientiane, Laos HomePhone: �612) 89i-3798 Have you ever been convicted of any felony, crime or violation of any city ordinance otber than traffic? YES _ NO X Date of arresL Where? �az�e: C on��iction: SenrEnce: List the names and residences of three persons of good moral character, living w•ithin the Twin Cives Metro Area, not related to the appiic�t or fmancially iaterested in the premises or business, who may be refened to as to the applicanPs chazacter: I�TAME ADDRESS W: (612) 452-1��� B_onnhom Thammavongsa 1565 Murphy Parkway, Eagan, MN 55122 H: (612) 688-2910 V 8664 Alisa La., Chanhassen, MN 5531 � A Lisi gcenses which you cusendy hold, formerly held, or may have an interest in: Restaurant and Caterinv Have � o f the above named licenses ever been revoked? _ YES X NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for revocation: `�e Yau going to opemte this business personally? X y� _ TO If not, who will operate it? -'�a„x Horn �Address: Stteu?:ame Middle lnitiai (Maiden) Latt Ciry Saint Paul Ciry State Zip �'1`�-IS� CITY OF SAiIST PALZ Office ofliccnse,Ins�uons znd Em•immne:r.zl Protution 1�0 $L PCC SL $viL :7J s;w hw. u�ox,a, s<��^ (613):bFKS] tu (61?)'_66�SL4 Date of Binh Phone Num`xr ter Are }•ou goin2 to have a mana�er or ascic�t in this business? _ YES X ti0 lf'the manager is noi the same u tbe operator, please,; complete thc follow�ing informazion: q �=-�s�y Fust Narne �fid3le Iniba! (4Saiden) Sztt Dau of Birth Home Addras: S.ea?�zme Ciy Sute Zip Phone I�um'�er Pleue list yauc employment history for che precious fi��e (�) ;�eaz period: BusinessYEmQ1o_vment Address Ruam Mit Thai Cafe 544 Saint Peter Street Saint Panl MN 551d2 List alI otLer officers of the corporation: OFFlCER TITLE HO.NlE HO'�'fE BUSP..'FSS DATE OF �A�.g (Office He]d) ADDRESS PHO\� PHO\� BIRTH Thonqsy Suvanphim - V:P: 718 Elizabeth La: Mpls:, MN 55411 Tel: 522-1085 �8-12-32 Sommana Monthisane - V.P., 2381 Stone Creek La.oW., Chanhassen, MN 55317 Tel. 470-9147 DOB 08-15-63 If business is a parmership, ple�ce in:lude the following info. for eacL pazmer (use additional pa�es if nuessaz}'): First \ame ,s�a�E Lil�� Home qddreas: S�eea'�srre Fusc?:ame Inival Home Address: Svw!:aan (�iaiden) Ciry (Maide�) Ciry I as� State Zip Iast Sute tip Dau of Birili Phone humber Dau of Hinh Phone ?:umber M�I�T'ESOTA TAX IDE.'�'7]FiCATtO\ h'L1�4BER - Putsuant to the I.aws of NGnnesota, 19&4, C6apter 502, Article 8, Se�tion 2(270.72) Craz Clearance; Issuaoce of Licenses), licensing authorities are mquired to procide to tt�e State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, t�e Minnesata business taz ideaafication numbet aod the social security number of each license applicant Under the Minnesota Govemment Dva Prac6ces Act and the Federal Pri��acy Act of 1974, we are required to ad�•ise yau of the following regazding the use of the Minoesota Taz Identification Number: - Ihis infocmasion may be used to deny the issuance or renev.•al of your Iicense in the event you owe TTinnesota saies, employei s alth6olding or motor vehicle ezcise tazes; - iJpoa receiving this infocmavon, the licensing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Deparm�ent of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agreement, the Department of Revenue may supply dris information to the Tntemal Revenue Service. Minaesota Tax Identification Numben (Sa]es & Use Tax A'umber} may be obtained from tbe Stau of Minnesoia, Business Ruords �paztmen; 10 River Pazk Plaza (612-296-6181). Socia7 SecuriryNumber: 586-25-2472 1vIinnesota Taz Idenfification n'umber: 2771442 If a Minnesota Taz Iden�cation Number is not required for the basiness being operafeci, indicale so by ptaciog an "X" in the boz. �":�RTIFICATIO� OF N'ORKERS' CO'�g'E:vSA7IGN CO��ERAGE PliRSUA'��T TO ML'�NESOTA STAIUTE 176.182 I hereby cerufy chat I, or my cosnpany, am in com�liance w•ich Lhe workers' compensauon insurance coverage requiremenu of Minnesota StaNte 176.182, subdi��ision 2. I also understand chat pro��ision of false information in this certification consututes su�cieat �ounds for acverce actioo aeainst alI licenses held i�cludins revocation �d suspension of said licences. �'ameo;InsuranceCompany: M�d Worker Compensation Assianed Risk Plan �� � � Pelicy;�'umlrr: WC 005948-01 Co��eraoefrom 10-14-96 to 10-14-97 I hace no employees covered under u•or�:ers` co�ensauon iswance ' A._'�Y FALSIFIC�TIO'� OF,4.\SFi�RS GIS'E\` OR'�L�TERLAL SL�?�4ITTED Si�.L RESIILT I\ DE\ OF TF�S 3PPLICATION I bereby state that I 6ave ansa�ered all of the preceding quzsaons, and that the information contained herein is true and coirect to the best of my knou�ledae and belie£ I hereby state fwtber that I hace n: eived no money or ot6er considention, by way of loan, gift, connibution, or othe.�vise, o:her rban already disclosed in t6e application n hich I 6erewith submitted. I also understand tfris premise may be inspected by police, fue, health and othez city o�cials at a�y and 2ll t�s u hen the business is in operation. -ir-� Sigca!ure (REQti I�tED f� all applic�ti�t�s) Date "•'�ote: ff this applicaaon is FoodlLiquor related. please co�ta t a City of Saiot Paul Health Inspector, Ste��e Olson (266-9139), to re��iew plaas. If any substantial cSaoges to shvcuue are anticipate3, please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Ezaminer at 266-9007 to apply for building pemvts. If there are any ebanges to the paz};ing lot, floor space, ox for new operat�ons, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 26Cr90Q8. AdditionaI application requirements, please attach: A detaiTed description of the desigcy location and square footage of ctie premises fo be licensed (site plan). The following daYa should be on the sife plan (prefera62p on an S lI2" x il" or 81/Z x 14" paper): - I�ame, address, and phone num6er. - The scale should be stated snch as ]" = 2A'. ^\' should be indicated to�azd the 4op. - Placemenf of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facilify such as seating azeaz, kifchens, offices, repair area, paridng, resf rooms, etc - If a reqvest is for an addition or ezpansion of the licensed facilitp, indicate both ihe curtent azea and the proposed erpansio � A copy of your lease agreement or proof of ovrnership of the property. FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATION REQUIRE?vfE*TTS, PLEASE SEE REVERSE >>>> � appl}ing for, �;• . Cabaret aduit, ple2e attach aTitten proof tLac each emp]oyee is at least 18 years old G� r� �� S� Con� parlor adult, please attach ur,'aen proof t6at eactz employee is at least 78 yeass oJd. EnLertainment, please specify class .�, B, oi C license; obtain and a[ta:b si`vatures of appro�•zl from 909c of your neiabbors u7thin 350 feei of tbe establishment This tice��z must be applied for in conjunction v.•itb a Liquor, l'Jine, ?�4aJt On Sa]e or Rental/Dance Hall license. Firearms, please aztach a lener u•ith the folloa�ina information: state if sellina or only repairin�, Fedual Fuearins License T'umber, n�pe of Art�d Sen dischazge (Honorable, General, Bad Conduct, t'ndesirable, Dishononble, or no milit�sy ser�•ice. (NO'iE: Establishc�nt must be commercially aoo�d) _ Game room, please provide tbe following infotmation: name of macbine and list price. (I�OTE: A Pool Hall license is required if there aze any pool tables in the establishment) Healtb/Spotts ciub adult, please attach w•ritten proof t6at each employee is at lezst 18 yeus old. Liquor of!/on sale, refer to atrached liquor applicaaon. i.ock opening ser�ices, plezse ar,�.ch a list of �1 employezs (w'itn Qo�,x addtess and :e;ep6oaz nus,be:) �•no h'�:: ix doir,� the locb opening service; attach 570,000 Surety Bond ?�fassage center, please attach a detai]ed descriprion of the ser�•ices beinz provided ?�latsase eenter adult, ple�ce attach wzitten proof that each emplo;�ee is at least 18 yeazs old. ?vlassage pracNtioner, pleue atta; h a cop}� of letter for approvai from Heal[h; proof of insurance co� eraoe of S 1,0�.00O.DO each general liability and professional liabiliry w�ith tbe Ciry of Saint Paul named az an additional insured, and a?0 day notice of cancellauon; a letter from your empIoyer to verify empioyment with a license massa�e center. '�Sotorcvcle dealer, please include State of NIinnesota Dealer \'umber. ?`eK motor vehide dealer, pleaze include State of �tinnesota Dealer ?�'umber. ParLing IoUramg, please indude the number of parking spaces, and att�b plaas coQtaining a¢eneral descriptioQ of the security prot�ided at tl�e loUramp, a site plan showing driveways of the proposed lot and the ]egal description of the property (this requirement necessary only if no site plan is cuirendy on file). Attach a cover letter describiog your plans to comply w�ith tbe lighting and painting require�ncs. Patisnbroker, pleace attach 55,000.00 Surety Bond. Serond hand dealer-motor cehicle, pleace include State of ?�finnesota Dealer :�'umber. Sernnd hand dealer-motor cehide parfs, pleue attach 55,000.00 Surety Bond. Sfeam room/bafh hotue adult, pfease attach written proof thaf each empioyee is at Ieazt 18 yeazs o1d Theater adult, please attach v.ziuen proof tbaz each employee is az leazt 18 years old