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Council File # `- `" \ �71 l Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 �6 17 �& 19 20 2 1, 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3S 39 40 41 RESOLUTION Green Sheet n 3z2ss -^ ITY OF SAINT P UL, MINNESOTA a3 Committee: Date WHEREAS, in an effort to close out prior year Capital Project accou�ts (Other than CSSP), there is a need for technical adjustments, and WHEREAS, ihese adjustments consist of additional revenues not included in the original budget as well as some revenue sources that came in lower than aniicipated ai time of adoption, and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works is �ecommending the tollowing changes to resolve these conditions and to allow for close of Capital Projects, so � THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of ihe Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital lmprovement Budgei Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budgei, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council is hereby further amended in ihe following particular: Current Amended Budget Ghanges Budget FINANCMG PLAN Snelling/Marshall Sig Revision C88-2M004 PIA SPENDING PLAN � � SneliingiMarshafl Sig Revision C88-2M004 � Construction FiNANCING PLAPJ SnellinglAAarshall RR Brg C88-2M005 AASA SewerRevenue 8ond PIA qB 0.00 7,165.90 7,165.90 0.00 7.165.90 7.165.90 0.00 7,165.90 7,165.90 0.00 7,165.90 7,�65.90 490,826.00 343,956.15 834,782.15 96,929.00 96,929.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 80,593.07 62,540.00 143,133.07 678,348.07 406,496.15 1,084,844.22 1 91-151� 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 SO S1 82 83 S4 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 SPENDING PLAN Snelling/Marshall RR Brg CS8-2M005 Construction FlNANCING PLAN 6ih St Realignment C8S-2R006 MSA CIB SPENDING PLAN 6th St Realignment C88-2R006 Construction FINANCING PLAN Si Clair Brg-Griggs-Dunlap C88-2S012 MSA PIA All Other Financing Sources SPENDING PIAN St Clair Brg-Griggs-Dunlap C8S-2S012 Construction FINANCING PIAN Signal I nstallati on-88 C88-2T820 MSA MN/DOT PIA CIB SPENDING PLAN Si gn al In siallation-88 C88-2T820 Construction 678,348.07 406,496.15 1,084,844.22 678,348.07 406,496.15 1,084,844.22 120,501.21 7,578.79 128,080.00 1,220,500.00 -108,791.40 7,111,708.60 1,341,001.21 -701,212.67 7,239,788.60 7,341,001.21 -101,212.61 1,239,785.60 1,341,001.27 -101,212.61 1,239,788.60 700,223.70 39,747.77 739,970.87 42,130.62 -39,747.77 2,382.85 16, 585.21 16, 585.21 758,938.93 0.00 758,938.93 758,938.93 0.00 758,938.93 758,938.93 0.00 758,938.93 16,281.39 16,287.39 122,107.04 794.00 122,901.04 10, 094.07 10, 094.07 4,074.60 -339.24 3,735.36 152,557.10 454.76 153,011.86 152,557,10 454J6 153,011.56 152,557,10 454.76 153,011.86 2 °I� -�S 1� 96 97 98 99 �00 �0� 102 103 104 105 106 107 1Q8 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 �24 �25 126 127 128 129 13Q 137 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 FlNANCING PLAN Railroad Crossings-90 C90-27730 �fri.C�l 5,19i.54 -5,191.54 0.00 5,191.54 -5,191.54 0.00 SPENDING PLAN Railroad Crossings-90 C90-2T730 Construction 5,191.54 -5,191.54 0.00 5,191.54 -5,191.54 0.00 FINANCING PLAN Cretin & 194 C91-2MO21-62825 MSA 28,424.17 28,424.17 MNDOT 25,942.41 25,942.47 GB 3,800.00 -130.40 3,669.60 58,166.58 -130,40 58,036.18 SPENDING PLAN Cretin 8 194 C91-2MO21-62825 Construciion 58,166.58 -130.40 58,036.18 58,166.58 -130.40 58,D36.18 FINANCING PLAN CBD Signals C91-2T803-62842 MSA MN(DOT CIB Other Financing Sources 302,892.77 302,892.77 t 17,310.44 117,310.44 165,857.23 -48,540.94 1t7,316.29 1, 939, 363. 31 1, 939, 363.31 2,525,423.75 -48,540.94 2,476,882.81 SPENDING PLAN CBD Signals C91-2T803-62842 Construction 2,525,423.75 -45,540.94 2,476,882.81 2,525,423.75 -48,540.94 2,476,882.81 3 9'1-�s 1'1 142 143 144 145 146 147 1A8 i49 150 751 152 153 154 155 756 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 764 765 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 1�6 177 178 179 180 1S7 182 183 184 1S5 186 187 188 FlNANCING PLAN White Bear 7raffic Improv C92-2A007 MSA SPENDING PLAN White Bear Traffic Improv C92-2AOQ7 Construction FINANCING PLAN University-Park-Lex C92-2S038 MSA Mn/DOT PIA CIB SPENDING PLAN University-Park-Lex C92-2S038 Construction FINANCING PLAN Railroad Crossi�gs-92 C92-2T732 MSA PIA SPENDING PLAN Railroad Crossings-92 C92-2T732 Construction 25,330.99 -25,330.99 0.00 25,330.99 -25,330.99 0.00 25,330.99 -25,330.99 0.00 25,330.99 -25,330.99 0.00 113,37425 29,048.34 142,422.59 157,199.06 -9,105.75 148,090.31 21,000.00 -20,097.55 902.42 4,526.99 -4,526.99 0.00 296,100.30 -4,684.98 291,415.32 296,100.30 -4,684.98 291,415.32 296,1�0.3� -4,684.98 291,415.32 5,OOO.DO 9,482.93 14,482.93 10,000.00 -4,291.39 5,708.61 15,000.00 5,191.54 20,191.54 15,000.00 5,191.54 20,191.54 15,000.00 5,191.54 20,191.54 4 �� -�s�� 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 19S 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 217 212 2I3 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 227 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 FlNANCING PLAP! Wh+te Bear TrE:3rd-Old Hudson C93-2A009 CA 490,539.52 18,148.94 508,988.46 PIA 30,206.07 30,206.07 MSA 46,000.00 -1,027.50 44,972.50 567,045.59 17,121.44 584,167.03 SPENDING PLAN White Bear 7rf:3rd-Old Hudson C93-2A009 Construction FINANCING PLAN Cliff St Reconst/Walls C93-21024 PIA SPENDING PLAM Cliff St Reconst/Walls C93-21024 Construction FINANCING PLAN St ClaldCliN Reconst C93-21025 PIA SPENDING PLAN St ClaidCliff Reconst C93-21025 Construction FINANCING PLAN St Clair Reconst C93-21026 PIA SPENDING PLAN St Clair Reconst C93-21026 Construction 567,045.59 17,121.44 584,167.03 567,045.59 17,121.44 584,167.03 17,000.00 -17,000.00 0.00 17,000.00 -17,000.00 0.00 17,000.00 -17,000.00 0.00 17,000.00 -17,000.00 0.00 24,000.00 -24,000.00 0.00 24,000.00 -24,000.00 0.00 24,000.00 -24,000.00 0.00 24,000.00 -24,000.00 0.00 25,OQ0.00 -25,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 -25,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 -25,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 -25,000.00 0.00 5 �� -�s ��1 245 246 247 248 249 z5o 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 2$6 287 288 289 FlNANCING PLAN Cliff SUSt Clair-W7th-Smith C97-21035 nns.a sso,000.00 sso,000.00 as �oo,000.00 ioo,000.00 PIA 0.00 66,000.00 66,000.00 650,000.00 66,000.00 716,000.00 SPENDING PLAN CIifE SVSt Clair-W7th-Smith C97-2f035 Construction 650,000.00 66,000.00 716,000.00 650,000.00 66,000.00 716,000.00 FINANCING PLAN Energy PWBandana Signal C94-2JOD3 MSA 39,006.00 589.81 39,589.81 ContribuTions 2t ,000.00 21,000.00 CIB 21,QQO.�Q -4,246.11 16,753.89 81,000.00 -3,656.30 77,343.70 SPENDING PLAN Energy PWBandana Signal C94-2J003 Construction 81,000.00 -3,656.30 77,343.70 81,000.00 -3,656.30 77,343.70 FINANCING PLAN Hoyt Ave Overlay-Huron-Vicioria C94-2J004 GYB 47,000.00 -43,738.40 3,261.60 47,000.00 -43,738.40 3,261.60 SPENDMG PLAN Hoyt Ave Overlay-Huron-Victoria C94-2J004 Construction 47,000.00 -43,738.40 3,261.60 47,000.00 -43,738.40 3,261.60 0 q� -i5�'1 290 297 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 3�2 313 314 315 316 317 3'I 8 3'I 9 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 FINANCING PLAN Hoyt Reconst-COntingency C94-2J005 MSA Water Utility CB PIA Sewer Service Fund Assessment SPENDING PLAN Hoyt Reconst-Contingency C94-2J005 Construction FINANCING PLAN E 6th Si Channelization C94-2D008 SewerFund PIA MSA CIB CA SPENDING PLAN E 6th St Channelization C94-2D008 Construction FINANCING PLAN MSA Contingency C94-2T017 MSA SPENDING PLAN MSA Contingency C94-2T017 Transfer Out 1,23�,497.45 -7,243.22 1,223,254.23 12,265.00 1,420.31 13,655.37 28,000.00 -28,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 -75,000.00 0.00 8,150.00 8,750.00 45,824.00 -512.20 45,311.80 1,339,736.45 -49,335.71 1,290,AOi.34 1,339,736.45 -49,335.�1 1,290,A0�.34 1,339,736.45 -49,335.t1 t,290,401.34 20,000.00 20,000.00 4,000.00 4,QOQ.00 75,762.00 1,261.85 77,023.85 10,050.00 -5,289.18 4,760.82 29,220.00 29,220.00 �i39,032.00 -4,027.33 135,004.67 139,032.00 -4,027.33 135,004.67 139,032.00 -4,027.33 135,004.67 658,000.00 -658,000.00 0.00 658,�00.00 -658,000.00 0.00 658,000.00 -658,600.00 0.00 658,000.00 -658,000.00 0.00 7 qr► -�S \1 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 377 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 3S3 384 385 386 387 3$8 389 390 391 392 393 FlNANCING PIAN County Aid Contingency C94-2T026 CA SPENDING PLAN County Aid Contingency C94-2T026 Construction FINANC4NG PLAN Randolph-135E-W 7th C94-21027 MSA CA PIA Assessment SPENDING PLAN Randolph-135E-W 7th C94-2f027 Construction FINANCING PLAN Wabasha St Bridge C94-2S105 CIB SPENDING PLAN Wabasha St Bridge C94-2S105 Construction FINANCING PLAN Wabasha St Bridge C97-2S109 MSA CIB 113,205.49 -113,205.49 0.00 113,205.49 -i13,205.49 0.00 173,205.49 -113,205.49 0.00 113,205.49 -113,205.49 0.00 507,742.95 -124,169.55 383,573.36 617,103.37 21,409.37 638,512.74 49,000.00 4,970.62 53,970.62 30,000.00 -4,951.59 25,045.41 1,203,846.28 -�02,741.15 1,101,105.13 1,203,846.28 -102,741.15 1,101,105.13 1,203,846.28 -102,741.15 1,101,105.73 700,000.00 -16,106.84 683,893.16 700,000.00 -16,106.84 683,893.16 700,000.00 -16,106.84 683,893.16 700,000.00 -16,106.84 683,893.16 1, 309, 000.60 1, 309,000.00 2,720,000.00 16,106.84 2,736,106.84 4,029,000.00 16,106.54 4,045,106.84 � °�� -�s�� 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 4�7 478 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 SPENDING PLAN Wabasha St Bridge C97-2S109 Construction A,029,000.00 �6,106.84 4,OA5,106.84 4,029,000.00 16,706.84 4,045,106.84 FlNANCING PLAN Alley Coniracts-94 C94-2T436 Street Mtce 966.23 -966.23 �.00 PIA 4,538.72 2,735.13 7,276.85 Assessment 18, 842.56 18, 842.56 24,347.51 1,771.90 26,119.41 SPENDING PLAN Alley Contracts-94 C94-2T436 Construction 24,347.51 1,771.90 26,119.41 24,347.51 1,771.90 26,119.41 FINANCING PLAN Maryland & Western Signal C95-2F017 MSA PIA 74,000.00 -74,040.00 0.00 6,000.00 -5,294.77 705.23 80,000.00 -79,294.77 705.23 SPENDING PLAN Maryland & Western Signal C95-2F017 Consiruction 80,000.00 -79,294.77 705.23 80,000.00 -79,294.77 705.23 FINANCING PLAN Alley Contracts-95 C95-2T437 Assessments 86,303.69 -10,357.50 75,945.89 Sewer Fund 4,117.48 4,117.48 PIA 7,598.33 10,221 .00 17,819.33 98,019.50 -136.80 97,882.70 SPENDING PLAN Alley Contracts-95 C95-2T437 Construction 98,019.50 -136.80 97,882.70 98,019.50 -136.80 97,582.70 0 q'1-151'1 446 FINANCWGPLAN 447 MnDOT Participation-95 448 C95-2T462 449 450 MSA 451 452 453 454 SPENDINCa PLAN 455 MnDOT Participation-95 456 C95-2T462 457 458 Construction 459 460 461 FINANCING PIAN 462 PIA Longside Subsidy 463 C95-2T518 464 465 PIA 466 467 468 SPEN�INGPLAN 469 470 PIA Longside Subsidy 477 C95-2T518 472 473 Construction 474 475 476 FINANCING PLAN 477 Victoria St Bridge/194 Lts 478 C96-2H002 479 480 CIB 481 482 483 484 SPENDINGPLAN 485 Victoria St Bridge/194 Lts 486 C96-2H002 487 488 Construction 489 28,402.67 -28,402.67 0.00 25,402.67 -28,402.67 0.00 28,402.67 -28,402.67 0.00 28,402.67 -28,402.67 0.00 18,071.10 -18,071.10 0.00 15,071,10 -18,071.10 0.00 18,071.10 -18,071.t0 O.OQ ia,o�i.io -is,o�i.io o.00 40,000.00 5,001.50 45 001.50 40,000.00 5,001.50 45,001.50 40,000.00 5,001.50 45,001.50 40,000.00 5,001.50 45,001.50 10 q1 •\51� 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 sa� 502 503 504 505 506 507 50S 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 FlNANCING PLAN Lexington Pkwy-Lincoln-Univ C93-2SO40 MSA MnDOT Sewer Serv Fund PIA Water Utility q6 Assessments Tort Liability CA SPENDING PLAN Lexington Pkwy-Lincoln-Univ C93-2SO40 Construction FINANCING PLAN Selby Ave Bridge C92-2M016 MSA SPENDING PLAN Sefby Ave Bridge C92-2M016 Construction 1,823,580.50 317,2�4.25 2,140,794.75 5,349.98 5,349.98 86,751 .74 86,751.74 20,000.00 77,406.96 97,406.96 43, 000.00 43, 000.00 637,708.56 176,061.16 813,769.72 za,000.o0 2s,000.00 457,010.61 457,010.61 95,056.55 95,056.55 2,644,39078 �,122,749.53 3,767,140.31 2,644,390.78 1,722,749.53 3,767,140.31 2,644,390.76 1,122,749.53 3,767,140.31 1,874,Q00.00 174,485.5& 2,048,485.58 1,574,000.00 174,485.58 2,048,455.58 1,874,000.00 174,485.58 2,048,485.58 1,874,000.00 174,485.58 2,048,485.58 �a � a o o �� � r. � c m � .. m 4 x U '� m > C �m V a » s � o •"' a� b o aU y m � �� 0 � e � U m m C � m ro ro � f � 4 � � � � � � � , e � Y ' 3 �s . .. _ `+. < . . _ , , .� Blakev Bostrozn ('n77 inc Jj c Mp?a rd Morton Thczne Adopted by Covncil Absent Requested by Department of: EJW /jab Public Works 11(4/97 By: ,., � E/�� (_l� ZJ `J � Approval Recommended by Budget Director: 7 0 0 Date � t \'1 �f�� By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: � e�- . �,.,� ic �,� Approved By Mayor: D� Z �( � By: � Fo� By Approve for ubmission to Council: 1Hy: DEPAflTMEN VOFFICE/COUNqL P11bI1C wO11CS CqNTACT PE Ed Warn MUSi BE ON 266-6142 BY(DAiE) 11-4-97 A551GN tdllABER FOR ROIiTING OflDFR 9'1 •151� GREEN SHEET No _ 32288 1nM�ate Inil"aVDa[e 3 oeanmaiexroiaECroa 7 CITYCOUNC�L ❑ CI7VATTORNEY GT/CLERK ❑ FlNANC�YALSERVICESDI � FlNANCtALSERV/ACCTG i L� MAYOfl(OR ASSISTANT) � • �i.� � � Wa^ o��rt ��„ y��� ❑— ACTION RE�UESTED Approval of attached Council Resolufion aznending and/or closing the spending and financing plans of various capital TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve (A) ar Re�ed (R) � PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMIT�EE GIVII SERVIGE GOMMISSION 7. Has this person/firm ever worketl under a contract for this tlepadmen[? �� YES NO 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a ciry employee? YES NQ 3, Does this person/firtn possess a skill no[ normally possessetl by any current ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is Ynis persoNfirm a targe[etl ventloR YES NO Explain aIl yes answers on separate sheM and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) In a continued effort by Public Warks to close out prior yeaz capital projects, this resolution closes out those 1987-1991 capital projecu where work has been completed and finai costs are known. Public Works is recommending hansfer of resulting surpluses to partially offset known deficits in the Lexington Pkwy and Selby Ave Bridge projects. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. These prior yeaz accounts can be closed out and resuldng surpluses transfened to a partially cover known funding deficiencies in the Lexington Pkwy and Selby Ave Bridge projects. The Public Works capital projects will be more current and the number of open projects will be reduced. ������'�� DISA�VANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. R�����E� C1�`�` �1 ���m:�� � � �� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The prior yeaz capital project accounts wIlt remain on the books and surpluses and/oz deficits will not be realized or brought forwazd. 'OTAL AMOUNT OFTRAT7SACTION $ COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES No UNDMG SOURCE _ CTR PTA MSA (`onntv Aid ACTIVITY NUMBER yytjous CPL ACtivilies 9NANGAL INFOROAATION (EXPLAM} � _ "i. ■ •,t#} DEC 04 7997 Council File # `- `" \ �71 l Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 �6 17 �& 19 20 2 1, 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3S 39 40 41 RESOLUTION Green Sheet n 3z2ss -^ ITY OF SAINT P UL, MINNESOTA a3 Committee: Date WHEREAS, in an effort to close out prior year Capital Project accou�ts (Other than CSSP), there is a need for technical adjustments, and WHEREAS, ihese adjustments consist of additional revenues not included in the original budget as well as some revenue sources that came in lower than aniicipated ai time of adoption, and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works is �ecommending the tollowing changes to resolve these conditions and to allow for close of Capital Projects, so � THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of ihe Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital lmprovement Budgei Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budgei, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council is hereby further amended in ihe following particular: Current Amended Budget Ghanges Budget FINANCMG PLAN Snelling/Marshall Sig Revision C88-2M004 PIA SPENDING PLAN � � SneliingiMarshafl Sig Revision C88-2M004 � Construction FiNANCING PLAPJ SnellinglAAarshall RR Brg C88-2M005 AASA SewerRevenue 8ond PIA qB 0.00 7,165.90 7,165.90 0.00 7.165.90 7.165.90 0.00 7,165.90 7,165.90 0.00 7,165.90 7,�65.90 490,826.00 343,956.15 834,782.15 96,929.00 96,929.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 80,593.07 62,540.00 143,133.07 678,348.07 406,496.15 1,084,844.22 1 91-151� 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 SO S1 82 83 S4 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 SPENDING PLAN Snelling/Marshall RR Brg CS8-2M005 Construction FlNANCING PLAN 6ih St Realignment C8S-2R006 MSA CIB SPENDING PLAN 6th St Realignment C88-2R006 Construction FINANCING PLAN Si Clair Brg-Griggs-Dunlap C88-2S012 MSA PIA All Other Financing Sources SPENDING PIAN St Clair Brg-Griggs-Dunlap C8S-2S012 Construction FINANCING PIAN Signal I nstallati on-88 C88-2T820 MSA MN/DOT PIA CIB SPENDING PLAN Si gn al In siallation-88 C88-2T820 Construction 678,348.07 406,496.15 1,084,844.22 678,348.07 406,496.15 1,084,844.22 120,501.21 7,578.79 128,080.00 1,220,500.00 -108,791.40 7,111,708.60 1,341,001.21 -701,212.67 7,239,788.60 7,341,001.21 -101,212.61 1,239,785.60 1,341,001.27 -101,212.61 1,239,788.60 700,223.70 39,747.77 739,970.87 42,130.62 -39,747.77 2,382.85 16, 585.21 16, 585.21 758,938.93 0.00 758,938.93 758,938.93 0.00 758,938.93 758,938.93 0.00 758,938.93 16,281.39 16,287.39 122,107.04 794.00 122,901.04 10, 094.07 10, 094.07 4,074.60 -339.24 3,735.36 152,557.10 454.76 153,011.86 152,557,10 454J6 153,011.56 152,557,10 454.76 153,011.86 2 °I� -�S 1� 96 97 98 99 �00 �0� 102 103 104 105 106 107 1Q8 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 �24 �25 126 127 128 129 13Q 137 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 FlNANCING PLAN Railroad Crossings-90 C90-27730 �fri.C�l 5,19i.54 -5,191.54 0.00 5,191.54 -5,191.54 0.00 SPENDING PLAN Railroad Crossings-90 C90-2T730 Construction 5,191.54 -5,191.54 0.00 5,191.54 -5,191.54 0.00 FINANCING PLAN Cretin & 194 C91-2MO21-62825 MSA 28,424.17 28,424.17 MNDOT 25,942.41 25,942.47 GB 3,800.00 -130.40 3,669.60 58,166.58 -130,40 58,036.18 SPENDING PLAN Cretin 8 194 C91-2MO21-62825 Construciion 58,166.58 -130.40 58,036.18 58,166.58 -130.40 58,D36.18 FINANCING PLAN CBD Signals C91-2T803-62842 MSA MN(DOT CIB Other Financing Sources 302,892.77 302,892.77 t 17,310.44 117,310.44 165,857.23 -48,540.94 1t7,316.29 1, 939, 363. 31 1, 939, 363.31 2,525,423.75 -48,540.94 2,476,882.81 SPENDING PLAN CBD Signals C91-2T803-62842 Construction 2,525,423.75 -45,540.94 2,476,882.81 2,525,423.75 -48,540.94 2,476,882.81 3 9'1-�s 1'1 142 143 144 145 146 147 1A8 i49 150 751 152 153 154 155 756 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 764 765 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 1�6 177 178 179 180 1S7 182 183 184 1S5 186 187 188 FlNANCING PLAN White Bear 7raffic Improv C92-2A007 MSA SPENDING PLAN White Bear Traffic Improv C92-2AOQ7 Construction FINANCING PLAN University-Park-Lex C92-2S038 MSA Mn/DOT PIA CIB SPENDING PLAN University-Park-Lex C92-2S038 Construction FINANCING PLAN Railroad Crossi�gs-92 C92-2T732 MSA PIA SPENDING PLAN Railroad Crossings-92 C92-2T732 Construction 25,330.99 -25,330.99 0.00 25,330.99 -25,330.99 0.00 25,330.99 -25,330.99 0.00 25,330.99 -25,330.99 0.00 113,37425 29,048.34 142,422.59 157,199.06 -9,105.75 148,090.31 21,000.00 -20,097.55 902.42 4,526.99 -4,526.99 0.00 296,100.30 -4,684.98 291,415.32 296,100.30 -4,684.98 291,415.32 296,1�0.3� -4,684.98 291,415.32 5,OOO.DO 9,482.93 14,482.93 10,000.00 -4,291.39 5,708.61 15,000.00 5,191.54 20,191.54 15,000.00 5,191.54 20,191.54 15,000.00 5,191.54 20,191.54 4 �� -�s�� 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 19S 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 217 212 2I3 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 227 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 FlNANCING PLAP! Wh+te Bear TrE:3rd-Old Hudson C93-2A009 CA 490,539.52 18,148.94 508,988.46 PIA 30,206.07 30,206.07 MSA 46,000.00 -1,027.50 44,972.50 567,045.59 17,121.44 584,167.03 SPENDING PLAN White Bear 7rf:3rd-Old Hudson C93-2A009 Construction FINANCING PLAN Cliff St Reconst/Walls C93-21024 PIA SPENDING PLAM Cliff St Reconst/Walls C93-21024 Construction FINANCING PLAN St ClaldCliN Reconst C93-21025 PIA SPENDING PLAN St ClaidCliff Reconst C93-21025 Construction FINANCING PLAN St Clair Reconst C93-21026 PIA SPENDING PLAN St Clair Reconst C93-21026 Construction 567,045.59 17,121.44 584,167.03 567,045.59 17,121.44 584,167.03 17,000.00 -17,000.00 0.00 17,000.00 -17,000.00 0.00 17,000.00 -17,000.00 0.00 17,000.00 -17,000.00 0.00 24,000.00 -24,000.00 0.00 24,000.00 -24,000.00 0.00 24,000.00 -24,000.00 0.00 24,000.00 -24,000.00 0.00 25,OQ0.00 -25,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 -25,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 -25,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 -25,000.00 0.00 5 �� -�s ��1 245 246 247 248 249 z5o 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 2$6 287 288 289 FlNANCING PLAN Cliff SUSt Clair-W7th-Smith C97-21035 nns.a sso,000.00 sso,000.00 as �oo,000.00 ioo,000.00 PIA 0.00 66,000.00 66,000.00 650,000.00 66,000.00 716,000.00 SPENDING PLAN CIifE SVSt Clair-W7th-Smith C97-2f035 Construction 650,000.00 66,000.00 716,000.00 650,000.00 66,000.00 716,000.00 FINANCING PLAN Energy PWBandana Signal C94-2JOD3 MSA 39,006.00 589.81 39,589.81 ContribuTions 2t ,000.00 21,000.00 CIB 21,QQO.�Q -4,246.11 16,753.89 81,000.00 -3,656.30 77,343.70 SPENDING PLAN Energy PWBandana Signal C94-2J003 Construction 81,000.00 -3,656.30 77,343.70 81,000.00 -3,656.30 77,343.70 FINANCING PLAN Hoyt Ave Overlay-Huron-Vicioria C94-2J004 GYB 47,000.00 -43,738.40 3,261.60 47,000.00 -43,738.40 3,261.60 SPENDMG PLAN Hoyt Ave Overlay-Huron-Victoria C94-2J004 Construction 47,000.00 -43,738.40 3,261.60 47,000.00 -43,738.40 3,261.60 0 q� -i5�'1 290 297 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 3�2 313 314 315 316 317 3'I 8 3'I 9 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 FINANCING PLAN Hoyt Reconst-COntingency C94-2J005 MSA Water Utility CB PIA Sewer Service Fund Assessment SPENDING PLAN Hoyt Reconst-Contingency C94-2J005 Construction FINANCING PLAN E 6th Si Channelization C94-2D008 SewerFund PIA MSA CIB CA SPENDING PLAN E 6th St Channelization C94-2D008 Construction FINANCING PLAN MSA Contingency C94-2T017 MSA SPENDING PLAN MSA Contingency C94-2T017 Transfer Out 1,23�,497.45 -7,243.22 1,223,254.23 12,265.00 1,420.31 13,655.37 28,000.00 -28,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 -75,000.00 0.00 8,150.00 8,750.00 45,824.00 -512.20 45,311.80 1,339,736.45 -49,335.71 1,290,AOi.34 1,339,736.45 -49,335.�1 1,290,A0�.34 1,339,736.45 -49,335.t1 t,290,401.34 20,000.00 20,000.00 4,000.00 4,QOQ.00 75,762.00 1,261.85 77,023.85 10,050.00 -5,289.18 4,760.82 29,220.00 29,220.00 �i39,032.00 -4,027.33 135,004.67 139,032.00 -4,027.33 135,004.67 139,032.00 -4,027.33 135,004.67 658,000.00 -658,000.00 0.00 658,�00.00 -658,000.00 0.00 658,000.00 -658,600.00 0.00 658,000.00 -658,000.00 0.00 7 qr► -�S \1 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 377 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 3S3 384 385 386 387 3$8 389 390 391 392 393 FlNANCING PIAN County Aid Contingency C94-2T026 CA SPENDING PLAN County Aid Contingency C94-2T026 Construction FINANC4NG PLAN Randolph-135E-W 7th C94-21027 MSA CA PIA Assessment SPENDING PLAN Randolph-135E-W 7th C94-2f027 Construction FINANCING PLAN Wabasha St Bridge C94-2S105 CIB SPENDING PLAN Wabasha St Bridge C94-2S105 Construction FINANCING PLAN Wabasha St Bridge C97-2S109 MSA CIB 113,205.49 -113,205.49 0.00 113,205.49 -i13,205.49 0.00 173,205.49 -113,205.49 0.00 113,205.49 -113,205.49 0.00 507,742.95 -124,169.55 383,573.36 617,103.37 21,409.37 638,512.74 49,000.00 4,970.62 53,970.62 30,000.00 -4,951.59 25,045.41 1,203,846.28 -�02,741.15 1,101,105.13 1,203,846.28 -102,741.15 1,101,105.13 1,203,846.28 -102,741.15 1,101,105.73 700,000.00 -16,106.84 683,893.16 700,000.00 -16,106.84 683,893.16 700,000.00 -16,106.84 683,893.16 700,000.00 -16,106.84 683,893.16 1, 309, 000.60 1, 309,000.00 2,720,000.00 16,106.84 2,736,106.84 4,029,000.00 16,106.54 4,045,106.84 � °�� -�s�� 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 4�7 478 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 SPENDING PLAN Wabasha St Bridge C97-2S109 Construction A,029,000.00 �6,106.84 4,OA5,106.84 4,029,000.00 16,706.84 4,045,106.84 FlNANCING PLAN Alley Coniracts-94 C94-2T436 Street Mtce 966.23 -966.23 �.00 PIA 4,538.72 2,735.13 7,276.85 Assessment 18, 842.56 18, 842.56 24,347.51 1,771.90 26,119.41 SPENDING PLAN Alley Contracts-94 C94-2T436 Construction 24,347.51 1,771.90 26,119.41 24,347.51 1,771.90 26,119.41 FINANCING PLAN Maryland & Western Signal C95-2F017 MSA PIA 74,000.00 -74,040.00 0.00 6,000.00 -5,294.77 705.23 80,000.00 -79,294.77 705.23 SPENDING PLAN Maryland & Western Signal C95-2F017 Consiruction 80,000.00 -79,294.77 705.23 80,000.00 -79,294.77 705.23 FINANCING PLAN Alley Contracts-95 C95-2T437 Assessments 86,303.69 -10,357.50 75,945.89 Sewer Fund 4,117.48 4,117.48 PIA 7,598.33 10,221 .00 17,819.33 98,019.50 -136.80 97,882.70 SPENDING PLAN Alley Contracts-95 C95-2T437 Construction 98,019.50 -136.80 97,882.70 98,019.50 -136.80 97,582.70 0 q'1-151'1 446 FINANCWGPLAN 447 MnDOT Participation-95 448 C95-2T462 449 450 MSA 451 452 453 454 SPENDINCa PLAN 455 MnDOT Participation-95 456 C95-2T462 457 458 Construction 459 460 461 FINANCING PIAN 462 PIA Longside Subsidy 463 C95-2T518 464 465 PIA 466 467 468 SPEN�INGPLAN 469 470 PIA Longside Subsidy 477 C95-2T518 472 473 Construction 474 475 476 FINANCING PLAN 477 Victoria St Bridge/194 Lts 478 C96-2H002 479 480 CIB 481 482 483 484 SPENDINGPLAN 485 Victoria St Bridge/194 Lts 486 C96-2H002 487 488 Construction 489 28,402.67 -28,402.67 0.00 25,402.67 -28,402.67 0.00 28,402.67 -28,402.67 0.00 28,402.67 -28,402.67 0.00 18,071.10 -18,071.10 0.00 15,071,10 -18,071.10 0.00 18,071.10 -18,071.t0 O.OQ ia,o�i.io -is,o�i.io o.00 40,000.00 5,001.50 45 001.50 40,000.00 5,001.50 45,001.50 40,000.00 5,001.50 45,001.50 40,000.00 5,001.50 45,001.50 10 q1 •\51� 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 sa� 502 503 504 505 506 507 50S 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 FlNANCING PLAN Lexington Pkwy-Lincoln-Univ C93-2SO40 MSA MnDOT Sewer Serv Fund PIA Water Utility q6 Assessments Tort Liability CA SPENDING PLAN Lexington Pkwy-Lincoln-Univ C93-2SO40 Construction FINANCING PLAN Selby Ave Bridge C92-2M016 MSA SPENDING PLAN Sefby Ave Bridge C92-2M016 Construction 1,823,580.50 317,2�4.25 2,140,794.75 5,349.98 5,349.98 86,751 .74 86,751.74 20,000.00 77,406.96 97,406.96 43, 000.00 43, 000.00 637,708.56 176,061.16 813,769.72 za,000.o0 2s,000.00 457,010.61 457,010.61 95,056.55 95,056.55 2,644,39078 �,122,749.53 3,767,140.31 2,644,390.78 1,722,749.53 3,767,140.31 2,644,390.76 1,122,749.53 3,767,140.31 1,874,Q00.00 174,485.5& 2,048,485.58 1,574,000.00 174,485.58 2,048,455.58 1,874,000.00 174,485.58 2,048,485.58 1,874,000.00 174,485.58 2,048,485.58 �a � a o o �� � r. � c m � .. m 4 x U '� m > C �m V a » s � o •"' a� b o aU y m � �� 0 � e � U m m C � m ro ro � f � 4 � � � � � � � , e � Y ' 3 �s . .. _ `+. < . . _ , , .� Blakev Bostrozn ('n77 inc Jj c Mp?a rd Morton Thczne Adopted by Covncil Absent Requested by Department of: EJW /jab Public Works 11(4/97 By: ,., � E/�� (_l� ZJ `J � Approval Recommended by Budget Director: 7 0 0 Date � t \'1 �f�� By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: � e�- . �,.,� ic �,� Approved By Mayor: D� Z �( � By: � Fo� By Approve for ubmission to Council: 1Hy: DEPAflTMEN VOFFICE/COUNqL P11bI1C wO11CS CqNTACT PE Ed Warn MUSi BE ON 266-6142 BY(DAiE) 11-4-97 A551GN tdllABER FOR ROIiTING OflDFR 9'1 •151� GREEN SHEET No _ 32288 1nM�ate Inil"aVDa[e 3 oeanmaiexroiaECroa 7 CITYCOUNC�L ❑ CI7VATTORNEY GT/CLERK ❑ FlNANC�YALSERVICESDI � FlNANCtALSERV/ACCTG i L� MAYOfl(OR ASSISTANT) � • �i.� � � Wa^ o��rt ��„ y��� ❑— ACTION RE�UESTED Approval of attached Council Resolufion aznending and/or closing the spending and financing plans of various capital TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve (A) ar Re�ed (R) � PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMIT�EE GIVII SERVIGE GOMMISSION 7. Has this person/firm ever worketl under a contract for this tlepadmen[? �� YES NO 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a ciry employee? YES NQ 3, Does this person/firtn possess a skill no[ normally possessetl by any current ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is Ynis persoNfirm a targe[etl ventloR YES NO Explain aIl yes answers on separate sheM and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) In a continued effort by Public Warks to close out prior yeaz capital projects, this resolution closes out those 1987-1991 capital projecu where work has been completed and finai costs are known. Public Works is recommending hansfer of resulting surpluses to partially offset known deficits in the Lexington Pkwy and Selby Ave Bridge projects. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. These prior yeaz accounts can be closed out and resuldng surpluses transfened to a partially cover known funding deficiencies in the Lexington Pkwy and Selby Ave Bridge projects. The Public Works capital projects will be more current and the number of open projects will be reduced. ������'�� DISA�VANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. R�����E� C1�`�` �1 ���m:�� � � �� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The prior yeaz capital project accounts wIlt remain on the books and surpluses and/oz deficits will not be realized or brought forwazd. 'OTAL AMOUNT OFTRAT7SACTION $ COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES No UNDMG SOURCE _ CTR PTA MSA (`onntv Aid ACTIVITY NUMBER yytjous CPL ACtivilies 9NANGAL INFOROAATION (EXPLAM} � _ "i. ■ •,t#} DEC 04 7997 Council File # `- `" \ �71 l Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 �6 17 �& 19 20 2 1, 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3S 39 40 41 RESOLUTION Green Sheet n 3z2ss -^ ITY OF SAINT P UL, MINNESOTA a3 Committee: Date WHEREAS, in an effort to close out prior year Capital Project accou�ts (Other than CSSP), there is a need for technical adjustments, and WHEREAS, ihese adjustments consist of additional revenues not included in the original budget as well as some revenue sources that came in lower than aniicipated ai time of adoption, and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works is �ecommending the tollowing changes to resolve these conditions and to allow for close of Capital Projects, so � THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of ihe Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital lmprovement Budgei Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budgei, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council is hereby further amended in ihe following particular: Current Amended Budget Ghanges Budget FINANCMG PLAN Snelling/Marshall Sig Revision C88-2M004 PIA SPENDING PLAN � � SneliingiMarshafl Sig Revision C88-2M004 � Construction FiNANCING PLAPJ SnellinglAAarshall RR Brg C88-2M005 AASA SewerRevenue 8ond PIA qB 0.00 7,165.90 7,165.90 0.00 7.165.90 7.165.90 0.00 7,165.90 7,165.90 0.00 7,165.90 7,�65.90 490,826.00 343,956.15 834,782.15 96,929.00 96,929.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 80,593.07 62,540.00 143,133.07 678,348.07 406,496.15 1,084,844.22 1 91-151� 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 SO S1 82 83 S4 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 SPENDING PLAN Snelling/Marshall RR Brg CS8-2M005 Construction FlNANCING PLAN 6ih St Realignment C8S-2R006 MSA CIB SPENDING PLAN 6th St Realignment C88-2R006 Construction FINANCING PLAN Si Clair Brg-Griggs-Dunlap C88-2S012 MSA PIA All Other Financing Sources SPENDING PIAN St Clair Brg-Griggs-Dunlap C8S-2S012 Construction FINANCING PIAN Signal I nstallati on-88 C88-2T820 MSA MN/DOT PIA CIB SPENDING PLAN Si gn al In siallation-88 C88-2T820 Construction 678,348.07 406,496.15 1,084,844.22 678,348.07 406,496.15 1,084,844.22 120,501.21 7,578.79 128,080.00 1,220,500.00 -108,791.40 7,111,708.60 1,341,001.21 -701,212.67 7,239,788.60 7,341,001.21 -101,212.61 1,239,785.60 1,341,001.27 -101,212.61 1,239,788.60 700,223.70 39,747.77 739,970.87 42,130.62 -39,747.77 2,382.85 16, 585.21 16, 585.21 758,938.93 0.00 758,938.93 758,938.93 0.00 758,938.93 758,938.93 0.00 758,938.93 16,281.39 16,287.39 122,107.04 794.00 122,901.04 10, 094.07 10, 094.07 4,074.60 -339.24 3,735.36 152,557.10 454.76 153,011.86 152,557,10 454J6 153,011.56 152,557,10 454.76 153,011.86 2 °I� -�S 1� 96 97 98 99 �00 �0� 102 103 104 105 106 107 1Q8 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 �24 �25 126 127 128 129 13Q 137 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 FlNANCING PLAN Railroad Crossings-90 C90-27730 �fri.C�l 5,19i.54 -5,191.54 0.00 5,191.54 -5,191.54 0.00 SPENDING PLAN Railroad Crossings-90 C90-2T730 Construction 5,191.54 -5,191.54 0.00 5,191.54 -5,191.54 0.00 FINANCING PLAN Cretin & 194 C91-2MO21-62825 MSA 28,424.17 28,424.17 MNDOT 25,942.41 25,942.47 GB 3,800.00 -130.40 3,669.60 58,166.58 -130,40 58,036.18 SPENDING PLAN Cretin 8 194 C91-2MO21-62825 Construciion 58,166.58 -130.40 58,036.18 58,166.58 -130.40 58,D36.18 FINANCING PLAN CBD Signals C91-2T803-62842 MSA MN(DOT CIB Other Financing Sources 302,892.77 302,892.77 t 17,310.44 117,310.44 165,857.23 -48,540.94 1t7,316.29 1, 939, 363. 31 1, 939, 363.31 2,525,423.75 -48,540.94 2,476,882.81 SPENDING PLAN CBD Signals C91-2T803-62842 Construction 2,525,423.75 -45,540.94 2,476,882.81 2,525,423.75 -48,540.94 2,476,882.81 3 9'1-�s 1'1 142 143 144 145 146 147 1A8 i49 150 751 152 153 154 155 756 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 764 765 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 1�6 177 178 179 180 1S7 182 183 184 1S5 186 187 188 FlNANCING PLAN White Bear 7raffic Improv C92-2A007 MSA SPENDING PLAN White Bear Traffic Improv C92-2AOQ7 Construction FINANCING PLAN University-Park-Lex C92-2S038 MSA Mn/DOT PIA CIB SPENDING PLAN University-Park-Lex C92-2S038 Construction FINANCING PLAN Railroad Crossi�gs-92 C92-2T732 MSA PIA SPENDING PLAN Railroad Crossings-92 C92-2T732 Construction 25,330.99 -25,330.99 0.00 25,330.99 -25,330.99 0.00 25,330.99 -25,330.99 0.00 25,330.99 -25,330.99 0.00 113,37425 29,048.34 142,422.59 157,199.06 -9,105.75 148,090.31 21,000.00 -20,097.55 902.42 4,526.99 -4,526.99 0.00 296,100.30 -4,684.98 291,415.32 296,100.30 -4,684.98 291,415.32 296,1�0.3� -4,684.98 291,415.32 5,OOO.DO 9,482.93 14,482.93 10,000.00 -4,291.39 5,708.61 15,000.00 5,191.54 20,191.54 15,000.00 5,191.54 20,191.54 15,000.00 5,191.54 20,191.54 4 �� -�s�� 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 19S 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 217 212 2I3 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 227 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 FlNANCING PLAP! Wh+te Bear TrE:3rd-Old Hudson C93-2A009 CA 490,539.52 18,148.94 508,988.46 PIA 30,206.07 30,206.07 MSA 46,000.00 -1,027.50 44,972.50 567,045.59 17,121.44 584,167.03 SPENDING PLAN White Bear 7rf:3rd-Old Hudson C93-2A009 Construction FINANCING PLAN Cliff St Reconst/Walls C93-21024 PIA SPENDING PLAM Cliff St Reconst/Walls C93-21024 Construction FINANCING PLAN St ClaldCliN Reconst C93-21025 PIA SPENDING PLAN St ClaidCliff Reconst C93-21025 Construction FINANCING PLAN St Clair Reconst C93-21026 PIA SPENDING PLAN St Clair Reconst C93-21026 Construction 567,045.59 17,121.44 584,167.03 567,045.59 17,121.44 584,167.03 17,000.00 -17,000.00 0.00 17,000.00 -17,000.00 0.00 17,000.00 -17,000.00 0.00 17,000.00 -17,000.00 0.00 24,000.00 -24,000.00 0.00 24,000.00 -24,000.00 0.00 24,000.00 -24,000.00 0.00 24,000.00 -24,000.00 0.00 25,OQ0.00 -25,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 -25,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 -25,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 -25,000.00 0.00 5 �� -�s ��1 245 246 247 248 249 z5o 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 2$6 287 288 289 FlNANCING PLAN Cliff SUSt Clair-W7th-Smith C97-21035 nns.a sso,000.00 sso,000.00 as �oo,000.00 ioo,000.00 PIA 0.00 66,000.00 66,000.00 650,000.00 66,000.00 716,000.00 SPENDING PLAN CIifE SVSt Clair-W7th-Smith C97-2f035 Construction 650,000.00 66,000.00 716,000.00 650,000.00 66,000.00 716,000.00 FINANCING PLAN Energy PWBandana Signal C94-2JOD3 MSA 39,006.00 589.81 39,589.81 ContribuTions 2t ,000.00 21,000.00 CIB 21,QQO.�Q -4,246.11 16,753.89 81,000.00 -3,656.30 77,343.70 SPENDING PLAN Energy PWBandana Signal C94-2J003 Construction 81,000.00 -3,656.30 77,343.70 81,000.00 -3,656.30 77,343.70 FINANCING PLAN Hoyt Ave Overlay-Huron-Vicioria C94-2J004 GYB 47,000.00 -43,738.40 3,261.60 47,000.00 -43,738.40 3,261.60 SPENDMG PLAN Hoyt Ave Overlay-Huron-Victoria C94-2J004 Construction 47,000.00 -43,738.40 3,261.60 47,000.00 -43,738.40 3,261.60 0 q� -i5�'1 290 297 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 3�2 313 314 315 316 317 3'I 8 3'I 9 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 FINANCING PLAN Hoyt Reconst-COntingency C94-2J005 MSA Water Utility CB PIA Sewer Service Fund Assessment SPENDING PLAN Hoyt Reconst-Contingency C94-2J005 Construction FINANCING PLAN E 6th Si Channelization C94-2D008 SewerFund PIA MSA CIB CA SPENDING PLAN E 6th St Channelization C94-2D008 Construction FINANCING PLAN MSA Contingency C94-2T017 MSA SPENDING PLAN MSA Contingency C94-2T017 Transfer Out 1,23�,497.45 -7,243.22 1,223,254.23 12,265.00 1,420.31 13,655.37 28,000.00 -28,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 -75,000.00 0.00 8,150.00 8,750.00 45,824.00 -512.20 45,311.80 1,339,736.45 -49,335.71 1,290,AOi.34 1,339,736.45 -49,335.�1 1,290,A0�.34 1,339,736.45 -49,335.t1 t,290,401.34 20,000.00 20,000.00 4,000.00 4,QOQ.00 75,762.00 1,261.85 77,023.85 10,050.00 -5,289.18 4,760.82 29,220.00 29,220.00 �i39,032.00 -4,027.33 135,004.67 139,032.00 -4,027.33 135,004.67 139,032.00 -4,027.33 135,004.67 658,000.00 -658,000.00 0.00 658,�00.00 -658,000.00 0.00 658,000.00 -658,600.00 0.00 658,000.00 -658,000.00 0.00 7 qr► -�S \1 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 377 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 3S3 384 385 386 387 3$8 389 390 391 392 393 FlNANCING PIAN County Aid Contingency C94-2T026 CA SPENDING PLAN County Aid Contingency C94-2T026 Construction FINANC4NG PLAN Randolph-135E-W 7th C94-21027 MSA CA PIA Assessment SPENDING PLAN Randolph-135E-W 7th C94-2f027 Construction FINANCING PLAN Wabasha St Bridge C94-2S105 CIB SPENDING PLAN Wabasha St Bridge C94-2S105 Construction FINANCING PLAN Wabasha St Bridge C97-2S109 MSA CIB 113,205.49 -113,205.49 0.00 113,205.49 -i13,205.49 0.00 173,205.49 -113,205.49 0.00 113,205.49 -113,205.49 0.00 507,742.95 -124,169.55 383,573.36 617,103.37 21,409.37 638,512.74 49,000.00 4,970.62 53,970.62 30,000.00 -4,951.59 25,045.41 1,203,846.28 -�02,741.15 1,101,105.13 1,203,846.28 -102,741.15 1,101,105.13 1,203,846.28 -102,741.15 1,101,105.73 700,000.00 -16,106.84 683,893.16 700,000.00 -16,106.84 683,893.16 700,000.00 -16,106.84 683,893.16 700,000.00 -16,106.84 683,893.16 1, 309, 000.60 1, 309,000.00 2,720,000.00 16,106.84 2,736,106.84 4,029,000.00 16,106.54 4,045,106.84 � °�� -�s�� 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 4�7 478 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 SPENDING PLAN Wabasha St Bridge C97-2S109 Construction A,029,000.00 �6,106.84 4,OA5,106.84 4,029,000.00 16,706.84 4,045,106.84 FlNANCING PLAN Alley Coniracts-94 C94-2T436 Street Mtce 966.23 -966.23 �.00 PIA 4,538.72 2,735.13 7,276.85 Assessment 18, 842.56 18, 842.56 24,347.51 1,771.90 26,119.41 SPENDING PLAN Alley Contracts-94 C94-2T436 Construction 24,347.51 1,771.90 26,119.41 24,347.51 1,771.90 26,119.41 FINANCING PLAN Maryland & Western Signal C95-2F017 MSA PIA 74,000.00 -74,040.00 0.00 6,000.00 -5,294.77 705.23 80,000.00 -79,294.77 705.23 SPENDING PLAN Maryland & Western Signal C95-2F017 Consiruction 80,000.00 -79,294.77 705.23 80,000.00 -79,294.77 705.23 FINANCING PLAN Alley Contracts-95 C95-2T437 Assessments 86,303.69 -10,357.50 75,945.89 Sewer Fund 4,117.48 4,117.48 PIA 7,598.33 10,221 .00 17,819.33 98,019.50 -136.80 97,882.70 SPENDING PLAN Alley Contracts-95 C95-2T437 Construction 98,019.50 -136.80 97,882.70 98,019.50 -136.80 97,582.70 0 q'1-151'1 446 FINANCWGPLAN 447 MnDOT Participation-95 448 C95-2T462 449 450 MSA 451 452 453 454 SPENDINCa PLAN 455 MnDOT Participation-95 456 C95-2T462 457 458 Construction 459 460 461 FINANCING PIAN 462 PIA Longside Subsidy 463 C95-2T518 464 465 PIA 466 467 468 SPEN�INGPLAN 469 470 PIA Longside Subsidy 477 C95-2T518 472 473 Construction 474 475 476 FINANCING PLAN 477 Victoria St Bridge/194 Lts 478 C96-2H002 479 480 CIB 481 482 483 484 SPENDINGPLAN 485 Victoria St Bridge/194 Lts 486 C96-2H002 487 488 Construction 489 28,402.67 -28,402.67 0.00 25,402.67 -28,402.67 0.00 28,402.67 -28,402.67 0.00 28,402.67 -28,402.67 0.00 18,071.10 -18,071.10 0.00 15,071,10 -18,071.10 0.00 18,071.10 -18,071.t0 O.OQ ia,o�i.io -is,o�i.io o.00 40,000.00 5,001.50 45 001.50 40,000.00 5,001.50 45,001.50 40,000.00 5,001.50 45,001.50 40,000.00 5,001.50 45,001.50 10 q1 •\51� 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 sa� 502 503 504 505 506 507 50S 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 FlNANCING PLAN Lexington Pkwy-Lincoln-Univ C93-2SO40 MSA MnDOT Sewer Serv Fund PIA Water Utility q6 Assessments Tort Liability CA SPENDING PLAN Lexington Pkwy-Lincoln-Univ C93-2SO40 Construction FINANCING PLAN Selby Ave Bridge C92-2M016 MSA SPENDING PLAN Sefby Ave Bridge C92-2M016 Construction 1,823,580.50 317,2�4.25 2,140,794.75 5,349.98 5,349.98 86,751 .74 86,751.74 20,000.00 77,406.96 97,406.96 43, 000.00 43, 000.00 637,708.56 176,061.16 813,769.72 za,000.o0 2s,000.00 457,010.61 457,010.61 95,056.55 95,056.55 2,644,39078 �,122,749.53 3,767,140.31 2,644,390.78 1,722,749.53 3,767,140.31 2,644,390.76 1,122,749.53 3,767,140.31 1,874,Q00.00 174,485.5& 2,048,485.58 1,574,000.00 174,485.58 2,048,455.58 1,874,000.00 174,485.58 2,048,485.58 1,874,000.00 174,485.58 2,048,485.58 �a � a o o �� � r. � c m � .. m 4 x U '� m > C �m V a » s � o •"' a� b o aU y m � �� 0 � e � U m m C � m ro ro � f � 4 � � � � � � � , e � Y ' 3 �s . .. _ `+. < . . _ , , .� Blakev Bostrozn ('n77 inc Jj c Mp?a rd Morton Thczne Adopted by Covncil Absent Requested by Department of: EJW /jab Public Works 11(4/97 By: ,., � E/�� (_l� ZJ `J � Approval Recommended by Budget Director: 7 0 0 Date � t \'1 �f�� By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: � e�- . �,.,� ic �,� Approved By Mayor: D� Z �( � By: � Fo� By Approve for ubmission to Council: 1Hy: DEPAflTMEN VOFFICE/COUNqL P11bI1C wO11CS CqNTACT PE Ed Warn MUSi BE ON 266-6142 BY(DAiE) 11-4-97 A551GN tdllABER FOR ROIiTING OflDFR 9'1 •151� GREEN SHEET No _ 32288 1nM�ate Inil"aVDa[e 3 oeanmaiexroiaECroa 7 CITYCOUNC�L ❑ CI7VATTORNEY GT/CLERK ❑ FlNANC�YALSERVICESDI � FlNANCtALSERV/ACCTG i L� MAYOfl(OR ASSISTANT) � • �i.� � � Wa^ o��rt ��„ y��� ❑— ACTION RE�UESTED Approval of attached Council Resolufion aznending and/or closing the spending and financing plans of various capital TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve (A) ar Re�ed (R) � PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMIT�EE GIVII SERVIGE GOMMISSION 7. Has this person/firm ever worketl under a contract for this tlepadmen[? �� YES NO 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a ciry employee? YES NQ 3, Does this person/firtn possess a skill no[ normally possessetl by any current ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is Ynis persoNfirm a targe[etl ventloR YES NO Explain aIl yes answers on separate sheM and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) In a continued effort by Public Warks to close out prior yeaz capital projects, this resolution closes out those 1987-1991 capital projecu where work has been completed and finai costs are known. Public Works is recommending hansfer of resulting surpluses to partially offset known deficits in the Lexington Pkwy and Selby Ave Bridge projects. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. These prior yeaz accounts can be closed out and resuldng surpluses transfened to a partially cover known funding deficiencies in the Lexington Pkwy and Selby Ave Bridge projects. The Public Works capital projects will be more current and the number of open projects will be reduced. ������'�� DISA�VANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. R�����E� C1�`�` �1 ���m:�� � � �� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The prior yeaz capital project accounts wIlt remain on the books and surpluses and/oz deficits will not be realized or brought forwazd. 'OTAL AMOUNT OFTRAT7SACTION $ COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES No UNDMG SOURCE _ CTR PTA MSA (`onntv Aid ACTIVITY NUMBER yytjous CPL ACtivilies 9NANGAL INFOROAATION (EXPLAM} � _ "i. ■ •,t#} DEC 04 7997