97-1512�> PAUL, Presented By: Referred To: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Council File # 9'7'�S/2 Green Sheet # ,� � Committee:Date: RESOLVED, that the S int Paul olice Department is authorized to participate in the Minnesota Fugitive Task Force and ter into an agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bnrean of Invesfigafions, far the Task Force, and BE IT �URTHER RESOLVED, that the proper city officials, including Chief William Finney are hereby authorized to execute such agreements as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of the Saint Paul Police Department. Adoptio Certified by CouncIl Secretary: BY� i. . p �,. Approved b Ma r: Aate: pl,�t p/ g "` `�� `� c100197a Approp°`e���i:G1 or f�ssion to Council: S By: � Requested by Department of: �_. .,f..... �� / . . . � (� i : aY.,�, y _i�.-, . �5�9 GREEN SHEET (NITIAI/pATE INlT1AVOATE DEPARTMENTDIRE qTYCOUNdL CITY ATTORNEY O CRY GIERK FOR BUDGET DIAECTOR � FIN. 8 MGI SEqVICES D�R. ■ � MAYOR (� �ISTAN'f) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CIIP AlL LACATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Signatures required on the attached council resolution authorizing the St. Paul Police Deparhnent to enter into an agreement with the U.S. Department of Justace, Federal Bureau of Investigations, for the Minnesota Fuglfive Task Force which includes liability clauses. ' noc ca� o� _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ ( _ C18 COMMIiTEE _ _ _ STAFF _ _ _ OISTqICTCOURT _ _ SUPPoRTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? INITIATING PROBLEM.ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY(Who, What, When, Where. Why): The St. Paul Police Department desires to enter into an agreement with the U.S. Department of 7�i���'�deral Bureau Investigations, for the Minnesota Fugitive Task Force. . DEC 05 1997 �3,4Y4�'� OFF9CF ADVANTAGES IF PERSONAL SERViCE CONTRACTS MUS7 ANSWERTHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS; 1. Has this person/firm ever worketl under a conhact for this tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has Nis person/firm ever Oeen a ciry employe¢? YES NO 3. Does ihis person/firm possess a skiil not nortnairy possessed by arry curreM city employee? YES NO Explain alf yea answers on seperate eheet anE ettech to green sMeet '� N° 5 t 766 97-/StZ The St. Paul Police Department will be able to participate in this task force with other local agencies. None noted. �t�E1Y�e. �������� DEC 04 1997 ��v��'� o����� DISA�VANTAGES IF NOTAPPk70VED The 5t. Paul Police Deparhuent will be unable to participate in this task force. �"_3 _� :.i.,(}f t .-s DEC 0 4 1997 NaV � � �39Z - `� � � � �_ DEC Q3 i997 �'� : ��' ��`��i���Y 'OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENllE BIADGETED (GIRCLE ONE) YES NO u�o+sac sauACe U.S. Department of Justice ACTIYITY NUMBER credit 001-04100-4399 NANCIAL INFOqHiAT10N: (EXPLAIN) t - ADAY�IDIIP: TY� MEMORAh'DIIM OF IINDERSTATIDZ2:G 9'7-/512. The ioliowing ad3endum �o tne Memorandum o_° Dnders�and_nc for the T?innesota Pugi�ive 'I'as}: Force is ag=eed �o by t�ie below ?isted partici�atiac ageacies: LIABILITX: ror tort liabili�y pu� no participzting organizatioa shall be consiaered the agent of the other. Particiaatina organizations shall be liable (i� at all) only for the torts o� its own emnloyees committed within �he scope o£ their of£icial du�ies. Eac�, agency aPorementioned agrees to assume liability fo^ any willful, wan�on or negligent act or omission of any of its employees resulting from the use of any U_S. Government-owned vehicles. Each aaency aforementioned also agrees to assume liability foz property damage to said vehicles caused by any action or omission of its employees in the use of the said vehicle. Assigned personnel will continue to remain as employees of their respective deoartments during their participation in the MFTr^ for all intent and purposes, including wage, salary, pension and worker's compensation and death benefits. Signed this �'rtof �o� BERT FLE'i'CHER sh riff Ram y County PATRSCK D. GOt She_if� riennenin County C.zIARL�S I,. ZACi-ii United States Ma District of Min �o?z21 �; . - J-.NCOCx day of September, 1997. 5 �9�ure ?. z cxo�s Directo�Y Minne�6t C� a Bu�eau or Criminal sion r203r'.r2T OLSON Chie: o� Police Ninneapolis FDlice Department W�LLIAt� ?:. FZ23N£� Chief of Police S�. Parr2'"Pa'2=���8e^artment Specia Agent in Charce Feder 1 3ureau o� Znvestigation �> PAUL, Presented By: Referred To: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Council File # 9'7'�S/2 Green Sheet # ,� � Committee:Date: RESOLVED, that the S int Paul olice Department is authorized to participate in the Minnesota Fugitive Task Force and ter into an agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bnrean of Invesfigafions, far the Task Force, and BE IT �URTHER RESOLVED, that the proper city officials, including Chief William Finney are hereby authorized to execute such agreements as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of the Saint Paul Police Department. Adoptio Certified by CouncIl Secretary: BY� i. . p �,. Approved b Ma r: Aate: pl,�t p/ g "` `�� `� c100197a Approp°`e���i:G1 or f�ssion to Council: S By: � Requested by Department of: �_. .,f..... �� / . . . � (� i : aY.,�, y _i�.-, . �5�9 GREEN SHEET (NITIAI/pATE INlT1AVOATE DEPARTMENTDIRE qTYCOUNdL CITY ATTORNEY O CRY GIERK FOR BUDGET DIAECTOR � FIN. 8 MGI SEqVICES D�R. ■ � MAYOR (� �ISTAN'f) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CIIP AlL LACATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Signatures required on the attached council resolution authorizing the St. Paul Police Deparhnent to enter into an agreement with the U.S. Department of Justace, Federal Bureau of Investigations, for the Minnesota Fuglfive Task Force which includes liability clauses. ' noc ca� o� _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ ( _ C18 COMMIiTEE _ _ _ STAFF _ _ _ OISTqICTCOURT _ _ SUPPoRTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? INITIATING PROBLEM.ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY(Who, What, When, Where. Why): The St. Paul Police Department desires to enter into an agreement with the U.S. Department of 7�i���'�deral Bureau Investigations, for the Minnesota Fugitive Task Force. . DEC 05 1997 �3,4Y4�'� OFF9CF ADVANTAGES IF PERSONAL SERViCE CONTRACTS MUS7 ANSWERTHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS; 1. Has this person/firm ever worketl under a conhact for this tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has Nis person/firm ever Oeen a ciry employe¢? YES NO 3. Does ihis person/firm possess a skiil not nortnairy possessed by arry curreM city employee? YES NO Explain alf yea answers on seperate eheet anE ettech to green sMeet '� N° 5 t 766 97-/StZ The St. Paul Police Department will be able to participate in this task force with other local agencies. None noted. �t�E1Y�e. �������� DEC 04 1997 ��v��'� o����� DISA�VANTAGES IF NOTAPPk70VED The 5t. Paul Police Deparhuent will be unable to participate in this task force. �"_3 _� :.i.,(}f t .-s DEC 0 4 1997 NaV � � �39Z - `� � � � �_ DEC Q3 i997 �'� : ��' ��`��i���Y 'OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENllE BIADGETED (GIRCLE ONE) YES NO u�o+sac sauACe U.S. Department of Justice ACTIYITY NUMBER credit 001-04100-4399 NANCIAL INFOqHiAT10N: (EXPLAIN) t - ADAY�IDIIP: TY� MEMORAh'DIIM OF IINDERSTATIDZ2:G 9'7-/512. The ioliowing ad3endum �o tne Memorandum o_° Dnders�and_nc for the T?innesota Pugi�ive 'I'as}: Force is ag=eed �o by t�ie below ?isted partici�atiac ageacies: LIABILITX: ror tort liabili�y pu� no participzting organizatioa shall be consiaered the agent of the other. Particiaatina organizations shall be liable (i� at all) only for the torts o� its own emnloyees committed within �he scope o£ their of£icial du�ies. Eac�, agency aPorementioned agrees to assume liability fo^ any willful, wan�on or negligent act or omission of any of its employees resulting from the use of any U_S. Government-owned vehicles. Each aaency aforementioned also agrees to assume liability foz property damage to said vehicles caused by any action or omission of its employees in the use of the said vehicle. Assigned personnel will continue to remain as employees of their respective deoartments during their participation in the MFTr^ for all intent and purposes, including wage, salary, pension and worker's compensation and death benefits. Signed this �'rtof �o� BERT FLE'i'CHER sh riff Ram y County PATRSCK D. GOt She_if� riennenin County C.zIARL�S I,. ZACi-ii United States Ma District of Min �o?z21 �; . - J-.NCOCx day of September, 1997. 5 �9�ure ?. z cxo�s Directo�Y Minne�6t C� a Bu�eau or Criminal sion r203r'.r2T OLSON Chie: o� Police Ninneapolis FDlice Department W�LLIAt� ?:. FZ23N£� Chief of Police S�. Parr2'"Pa'2=���8e^artment Specia Agent in Charce Feder 1 3ureau o� Znvestigation �> PAUL, Presented By: Referred To: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Council File # 9'7'�S/2 Green Sheet # ,� � Committee:Date: RESOLVED, that the S int Paul olice Department is authorized to participate in the Minnesota Fugitive Task Force and ter into an agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bnrean of Invesfigafions, far the Task Force, and BE IT �URTHER RESOLVED, that the proper city officials, including Chief William Finney are hereby authorized to execute such agreements as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of the Saint Paul Police Department. Adoptio Certified by CouncIl Secretary: BY� i. . p �,. Approved b Ma r: Aate: pl,�t p/ g "` `�� `� c100197a Approp°`e���i:G1 or f�ssion to Council: S By: � Requested by Department of: �_. .,f..... �� / . . . � (� i : aY.,�, y _i�.-, . �5�9 GREEN SHEET (NITIAI/pATE INlT1AVOATE DEPARTMENTDIRE qTYCOUNdL CITY ATTORNEY O CRY GIERK FOR BUDGET DIAECTOR � FIN. 8 MGI SEqVICES D�R. ■ � MAYOR (� �ISTAN'f) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CIIP AlL LACATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Signatures required on the attached council resolution authorizing the St. Paul Police Deparhnent to enter into an agreement with the U.S. Department of Justace, Federal Bureau of Investigations, for the Minnesota Fuglfive Task Force which includes liability clauses. ' noc ca� o� _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ ( _ C18 COMMIiTEE _ _ _ STAFF _ _ _ OISTqICTCOURT _ _ SUPPoRTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? INITIATING PROBLEM.ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY(Who, What, When, Where. Why): The St. Paul Police Department desires to enter into an agreement with the U.S. Department of 7�i���'�deral Bureau Investigations, for the Minnesota Fugitive Task Force. . DEC 05 1997 �3,4Y4�'� OFF9CF ADVANTAGES IF PERSONAL SERViCE CONTRACTS MUS7 ANSWERTHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS; 1. Has this person/firm ever worketl under a conhact for this tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has Nis person/firm ever Oeen a ciry employe¢? YES NO 3. Does ihis person/firm possess a skiil not nortnairy possessed by arry curreM city employee? YES NO Explain alf yea answers on seperate eheet anE ettech to green sMeet '� N° 5 t 766 97-/StZ The St. Paul Police Department will be able to participate in this task force with other local agencies. None noted. �t�E1Y�e. �������� DEC 04 1997 ��v��'� o����� DISA�VANTAGES IF NOTAPPk70VED The 5t. Paul Police Deparhuent will be unable to participate in this task force. �"_3 _� :.i.,(}f t .-s DEC 0 4 1997 NaV � � �39Z - `� � � � �_ DEC Q3 i997 �'� : ��' ��`��i���Y 'OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENllE BIADGETED (GIRCLE ONE) YES NO u�o+sac sauACe U.S. Department of Justice ACTIYITY NUMBER credit 001-04100-4399 NANCIAL INFOqHiAT10N: (EXPLAIN) t - ADAY�IDIIP: TY� MEMORAh'DIIM OF IINDERSTATIDZ2:G 9'7-/512. The ioliowing ad3endum �o tne Memorandum o_° Dnders�and_nc for the T?innesota Pugi�ive 'I'as}: Force is ag=eed �o by t�ie below ?isted partici�atiac ageacies: LIABILITX: ror tort liabili�y pu� no participzting organizatioa shall be consiaered the agent of the other. Particiaatina organizations shall be liable (i� at all) only for the torts o� its own emnloyees committed within �he scope o£ their of£icial du�ies. Eac�, agency aPorementioned agrees to assume liability fo^ any willful, wan�on or negligent act or omission of any of its employees resulting from the use of any U_S. Government-owned vehicles. Each aaency aforementioned also agrees to assume liability foz property damage to said vehicles caused by any action or omission of its employees in the use of the said vehicle. Assigned personnel will continue to remain as employees of their respective deoartments during their participation in the MFTr^ for all intent and purposes, including wage, salary, pension and worker's compensation and death benefits. Signed this �'rtof �o� BERT FLE'i'CHER sh riff Ram y County PATRSCK D. GOt She_if� riennenin County C.zIARL�S I,. ZACi-ii United States Ma District of Min �o?z21 �; . - J-.NCOCx day of September, 1997. 5 �9�ure ?. z cxo�s Directo�Y Minne�6t C� a Bu�eau or Criminal sion r203r'.r2T OLSON Chie: o� Police Ninneapolis FDlice Department W�LLIAt� ?:. FZ23N£� Chief of Police S�. Parr2'"Pa'2=���8e^artment Specia Agent in Charce Feder 1 3ureau o� Znvestigation