97-1504Council File # 7 ��5� Green Sheet # „5�,3 �lo CITY OF SAIlV'�' P Presented By Referred To i 2 3 4 s 6 7 a 9 10 Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the � appointment, made by the Mayor, of the foliowing individual to serve as an Alternate on the SAINT PAUL CIVII, SERVICE COMNIISSION. KC1RT SCHULTZ This is a six-year term which will expire on December 31, 2003. 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 ? Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appr By: MINNESOTA -,- .�_ - By: pater Hames Form Approved by City Attorney ��� jt ���� By: /� r( Approved by Mayor tor Submission to Council By: __��, �� /��tC��f�Z�L Adopted by Council: Date p� '3C���`��'l�( Coleman's Office C.11Lt15 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES N° 52326 g'7'I505/ 12-10-97 GREEN SHEET INITfAUDAT£ iN1T1AUDATE � DEPARTMENT DIRE � C1TY COUNGL SSIGN Q C4N ATfORNEY � CITY CLEftK UMBEN f01t ❑ BUDGET DIRECfOR � FIN. 8 MGT. SEAVICES �IR DIITING R0� Q MpypR !OR ASSISTANT� � (CIIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� Approval of the appointment of Rurt Schultz to serve on the Saint Paul Civil Service Co�ission (Alternates). _ PLANNING CAMMI5510N ._ CNIL SEAVIGE _ ClB GOMMtiTEE _ _ STAFF __ __ OISTRICTCOURT _. SUPPoHTS WHICH WUNQL O&lECi1VE? PERSONAI, SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOIIOWIl1G OUESTIONS: 7. Has this personlFrm ever worketl uMler a conirect for this department? YES NO 2. Has t�is personJfirm ever been a ciry empiayee? VES NO 3. Daes this personhirm possess a skiil not normally possessed by any cunent city employee? YES NO Ezplain ali yes answera on seperate adeet and attach to green aheet oraoaruHm h�no. wn�. wna�, wnare, wny�: �. �:::�,-. . i GLC i `� ���7 AMOUNT OF TRAtdSACTION 5 qGSOURCE- AL INfOflAnPTION. (E%P10.1N) COST/REVENUE BUDGETEO (GRCLE ONE) ACTIVITY NtfMBER YES NO 1 9'7-�6'0� Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Saint Paul City Councitmembers Gouncil President David Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember 7oseph Collins Councilmember 1vI'ichael Harris Counciimember Roberta Megard Councilmember Gladys Morton FROM: Roger Curtis �j � t Assistant to the Mayor DAT'E: December 10, 1997 RE: CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION (ALTERNATE) Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment of Kurt Schultz to serve as an alternate member on the Saint Paul Civil Service Commission. Attached is a copy of the resolution, a copy of Kurt Schultz' application and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January 1, 1994. A vacancy stiil remains, but we wili advertise this postion in the near future. Feel free to contact me at 266-8531 if you have any questions or concerns. RC:drm Attachments c: Nancy Anderson, Council Research Dr. Curman Gaines, Superintendent, ISD #62S 5aint Paut School Board Members 3ohn Hamilton, Director, Saint Paul Human Resources Mark Robertson, Saint Paul Human Resources H:W SERSNAORROW 1WPFlLESICSCA�CNC,MEM h1N. SEN�TE-� 612 266 8513:� 2! 3 ....�I\ J�JI I t�.l� NiL GtJ�J VJ1J VG: VJ � �� -� ��� OFFICE UF TSE MAYOIi �7 -�so y � J��l'� 34D CTTY HAT.L S�+IlVT PAIIL, MIIVNESOTA 55IOz � Ph�ne: 266-8523 FAX: 26b-II513 Idame: Home Address; Tdephone Number: CitY Zip . �: � , k+, � ' . r �tanning 1)istrict Council: � Pre(errtd Mailing Address: Street e;r� cn�a�;f wara• � Whai is yonr occupationY Plgce of Empioymeat: Comm9ttee(s) Appl�ed Ror. skills, lvisit,v+ aG�ini,S or eaperience do you ossess for the rommittee(s) �or wh3ch you seek appo'tntment? r ,,.�Un� �i(!i� S2c��__,_,.,�.3,�.��5-- information intixdCf! in this �pplication ia cousidered private datn �►ccording to fhe Minneaotn rnment Uata Prac6tes Act. As a resutt, this inCormotion is not rete�sed to tha goneril pubiic, {f1VER) ltev. 8-5-97 m�u. sehaTE� �.. ; �;_� N�me: Address: Phone: Name: Address: phone: lYBIDC: AddPess: Phone: 612 266 8513�» 3' 3 � 97-/Soy A � t �. .f � Have ynu had previous contact wich the commitEee forwhich yroa ara making r►pplicntion? ICso, wfien, acd thc circumstancesT I?O . In a» attempt to ensnse t3�at tammiitte repro9tntaiion refleeia Yhe ma[ceup of our tommunity, ptease check the iine spplicable to you. T6�s informafiou is strictly votuntary. _.�___ White(Canusian) �iack 4Atrican Americaa) Amcrtc�n Indian ar Alaskan Eskimu � Maie Female Disabfed: Yes _,�___ xo f special accommodaflont are ntedsd, please speciiy: Hfspaaic Aaian or Pacific;alaader Date o(Birth: --1���.... 'ow di3 yon hear about this opeelagl [I. , „ ��L�lI►�fS�Lfl3 �l i: � s: � �. � {H��) �Z1 ZI1� or � Z6(P - �S 3> 971soy 12-10-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : CSCA CSC Alternates FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1jOlf94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS OD2583 Beissel, Joseph P. Minnesota Mutual 400 Robert Street North St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 223-4461 FAX 2926808 SupervisorJCOrporate Security Bill Buth BOMA 386 N. Wabasha W) 291-8888 Bruce Bonsack St. Paul Police Dept. H) 735-3495 W) 291-1111 Ken Parisch 400 Robert Street St. Paul, Mn W) 223-4457 1J12J96 SGC Tom Collins St. Pau1 Police w) 266-851& Bill Buth BOMA w) 291-8588 Commander Robert Gray St. Paul Police w) 291-1111 PAGE 1 WARD-PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- °------ --� --- --- 2 3 04/14/97 W it 4-14-97 Civil Service Commission Alternate, P{lanninq Commission� Civic Center Authority Tom Collins St. Pau1 Police w) 2b6-8518 Ken Parsch MN Mutual h) 724-3336 w) 223-445? 97-/soy 12^10-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : CSCA CSC Alternates FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1JOlf94 APPLZCANS J REFERENCE COMMEPITS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- George Fremdor MI3 Mutual 2nd V.P. Corproate Service w) 298-3545 003173 Brown, R. D. 2100 Niles Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 698-3345 Health Care Professional 3 15 04/15/97 S M Health 5ervices Adv. Comm. Mayors Advisory committee Patricia Coppo Chief Operating Officer Natl. Marrow Donor Program 3433 Broadway St., N.E., Ste. 500 Mpls., 55413 627-5800 Freddie Sohn Martin, Ph.D., Director Natl. Minority Recruitment Network National Medical Assn. 1012 Tenth Street, N.W. Washington DC 20001 (202) 347-1895, Ext. 32 (800) 662-0554, Ext. 32 j800) 662-0?79 Guido Zanni, Ph.D., Commissioner Commission on Mental Health Services 2700 Martin Luther Ring Jr. Ave. S.E. Administration Bldg., lst Floor Washington, DC 20032 {202) 373-7166 Michael McGuire President/CEO National Health Tech Div. of ACS Corp 3119 St. Ives Country C1ub Parkway Duluth, GA 30316 (404} 495-1485 Dalton Tong, FHFMA, MBA, CPA President & CEO Greater S.E. Aealth Care System 1310 Southern Avenue 9�-l.�oY 12-10-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 3 COMMITTEE : CSCA CSC Alternates FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1f94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANI3ING SENATE APP DATE ETIi GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -�----_- ________ ___ _-- --- Washington, DC 20032 (202) 574-6675 603342 Perez, George W. 111 E. Itellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 291-0688 Attorney-Tax Law 2 17 9-16-97 Civil Svc. Commission Alternates Sohn Stewart Criisf Public Defender for State Tanja Kozicky Legal Counsel to the Governor Don Luna Community Liaison 063333 Quayle, Mark T. 1929 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 690-5931 Attorney Brian McCartan 564 Brimhall Street St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 690-9303 w) 374-566D James E. Blaney 2096 Randolgh Avenue, 55105 h) 649-9263 w) 602-2691 Robert Spence 335 Summit Avenue, �4 St. Paul, MN 55102 h) 222-0227 wj 368-3278 003346 Schultz, Xurt 1163 Burnquist Street St. Pau1, MN 55106 Home - 774-7359 MN Senate Div. Administrator 4 14 6 5 09J16/97 H M 09/05J97 W M 09/19/97 W M Y Randy C. Kelly 1630 David Street, 55119 9�-�soy � COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 4 12-10-9� APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : CSCA CSC Alternates FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1(94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMI2TEE5 SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- --�--___ ___ __- �-- h) ?72-1114 w) 296-5285 Chuck Armstrong 2080 Sherwood Avenue St. Paul, MN 55119 h) 774-4402 Janet Bystrom 3309 33rd Avenue S. Minneapolis, MN 554Q6 h) 721-2113 w) 266-8530 Council File # 7 ��5� Green Sheet # „5�,3 �lo CITY OF SAIlV'�' P Presented By Referred To i 2 3 4 s 6 7 a 9 10 Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the � appointment, made by the Mayor, of the foliowing individual to serve as an Alternate on the SAINT PAUL CIVII, SERVICE COMNIISSION. KC1RT SCHULTZ This is a six-year term which will expire on December 31, 2003. 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 ? Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appr By: MINNESOTA -,- .�_ - By: pater Hames Form Approved by City Attorney ��� jt ���� By: /� r( Approved by Mayor tor Submission to Council By: __��, �� /��tC��f�Z�L Adopted by Council: Date p� '3C���`��'l�( Coleman's Office C.11Lt15 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES N° 52326 g'7'I505/ 12-10-97 GREEN SHEET INITfAUDAT£ iN1T1AUDATE � DEPARTMENT DIRE � C1TY COUNGL SSIGN Q C4N ATfORNEY � CITY CLEftK UMBEN f01t ❑ BUDGET DIRECfOR � FIN. 8 MGT. SEAVICES �IR DIITING R0� Q MpypR !OR ASSISTANT� � (CIIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� Approval of the appointment of Rurt Schultz to serve on the Saint Paul Civil Service Co�ission (Alternates). _ PLANNING CAMMI5510N ._ CNIL SEAVIGE _ ClB GOMMtiTEE _ _ STAFF __ __ OISTRICTCOURT _. SUPPoHTS WHICH WUNQL O&lECi1VE? PERSONAI, SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOIIOWIl1G OUESTIONS: 7. Has this personlFrm ever worketl uMler a conirect for this department? YES NO 2. Has t�is personJfirm ever been a ciry empiayee? VES NO 3. Daes this personhirm possess a skiil not normally possessed by any cunent city employee? YES NO Ezplain ali yes answera on seperate adeet and attach to green aheet oraoaruHm h�no. wn�. wna�, wnare, wny�: �. �:::�,-. . i GLC i `� ���7 AMOUNT OF TRAtdSACTION 5 qGSOURCE- AL INfOflAnPTION. (E%P10.1N) COST/REVENUE BUDGETEO (GRCLE ONE) ACTIVITY NtfMBER YES NO 1 9'7-�6'0� Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Saint Paul City Councitmembers Gouncil President David Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember 7oseph Collins Councilmember 1vI'ichael Harris Counciimember Roberta Megard Councilmember Gladys Morton FROM: Roger Curtis �j � t Assistant to the Mayor DAT'E: December 10, 1997 RE: CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION (ALTERNATE) Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment of Kurt Schultz to serve as an alternate member on the Saint Paul Civil Service Commission. Attached is a copy of the resolution, a copy of Kurt Schultz' application and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January 1, 1994. A vacancy stiil remains, but we wili advertise this postion in the near future. Feel free to contact me at 266-8531 if you have any questions or concerns. RC:drm Attachments c: Nancy Anderson, Council Research Dr. Curman Gaines, Superintendent, ISD #62S 5aint Paut School Board Members 3ohn Hamilton, Director, Saint Paul Human Resources Mark Robertson, Saint Paul Human Resources H:W SERSNAORROW 1WPFlLESICSCA�CNC,MEM h1N. SEN�TE-� 612 266 8513:� 2! 3 ....�I\ J�JI I t�.l� NiL GtJ�J VJ1J VG: VJ � �� -� ��� OFFICE UF TSE MAYOIi �7 -�so y � J��l'� 34D CTTY HAT.L S�+IlVT PAIIL, MIIVNESOTA 55IOz � Ph�ne: 266-8523 FAX: 26b-II513 Idame: Home Address; Tdephone Number: CitY Zip . �: � , k+, � ' . r �tanning 1)istrict Council: � Pre(errtd Mailing Address: Street e;r� cn�a�;f wara• � Whai is yonr occupationY Plgce of Empioymeat: Comm9ttee(s) Appl�ed Ror. skills, lvisit,v+ aG�ini,S or eaperience do you ossess for the rommittee(s) �or wh3ch you seek appo'tntment? r ,,.�Un� �i(!i� S2c��__,_,.,�.3,�.��5-- information intixdCf! in this �pplication ia cousidered private datn �►ccording to fhe Minneaotn rnment Uata Prac6tes Act. As a resutt, this inCormotion is not rete�sed to tha goneril pubiic, {f1VER) ltev. 8-5-97 m�u. sehaTE� �.. ; �;_� N�me: Address: Phone: Name: Address: phone: lYBIDC: AddPess: Phone: 612 266 8513�» 3' 3 � 97-/Soy A � t �. .f � Have ynu had previous contact wich the commitEee forwhich yroa ara making r►pplicntion? ICso, wfien, acd thc circumstancesT I?O . In a» attempt to ensnse t3�at tammiitte repro9tntaiion refleeia Yhe ma[ceup of our tommunity, ptease check the iine spplicable to you. T6�s informafiou is strictly votuntary. _.�___ White(Canusian) �iack 4Atrican Americaa) Amcrtc�n Indian ar Alaskan Eskimu � Maie Female Disabfed: Yes _,�___ xo f special accommodaflont are ntedsd, please speciiy: Hfspaaic Aaian or Pacific;alaader Date o(Birth: --1���.... 'ow di3 yon hear about this opeelagl [I. , „ ��L�lI►�fS�Lfl3 �l i: � s: � �. � {H��) �Z1 ZI1� or � Z6(P - �S 3> 971soy 12-10-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : CSCA CSC Alternates FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1jOlf94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS OD2583 Beissel, Joseph P. Minnesota Mutual 400 Robert Street North St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 223-4461 FAX 2926808 SupervisorJCOrporate Security Bill Buth BOMA 386 N. Wabasha W) 291-8888 Bruce Bonsack St. Paul Police Dept. H) 735-3495 W) 291-1111 Ken Parisch 400 Robert Street St. Paul, Mn W) 223-4457 1J12J96 SGC Tom Collins St. Pau1 Police w) 266-851& Bill Buth BOMA w) 291-8588 Commander Robert Gray St. Paul Police w) 291-1111 PAGE 1 WARD-PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- °------ --� --- --- 2 3 04/14/97 W it 4-14-97 Civil Service Commission Alternate, P{lanninq Commission� Civic Center Authority Tom Collins St. Pau1 Police w) 2b6-8518 Ken Parsch MN Mutual h) 724-3336 w) 223-445? 97-/soy 12^10-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : CSCA CSC Alternates FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1JOlf94 APPLZCANS J REFERENCE COMMEPITS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- George Fremdor MI3 Mutual 2nd V.P. Corproate Service w) 298-3545 003173 Brown, R. D. 2100 Niles Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 698-3345 Health Care Professional 3 15 04/15/97 S M Health 5ervices Adv. Comm. Mayors Advisory committee Patricia Coppo Chief Operating Officer Natl. Marrow Donor Program 3433 Broadway St., N.E., Ste. 500 Mpls., 55413 627-5800 Freddie Sohn Martin, Ph.D., Director Natl. Minority Recruitment Network National Medical Assn. 1012 Tenth Street, N.W. Washington DC 20001 (202) 347-1895, Ext. 32 (800) 662-0554, Ext. 32 j800) 662-0?79 Guido Zanni, Ph.D., Commissioner Commission on Mental Health Services 2700 Martin Luther Ring Jr. Ave. S.E. Administration Bldg., lst Floor Washington, DC 20032 {202) 373-7166 Michael McGuire President/CEO National Health Tech Div. of ACS Corp 3119 St. Ives Country C1ub Parkway Duluth, GA 30316 (404} 495-1485 Dalton Tong, FHFMA, MBA, CPA President & CEO Greater S.E. Aealth Care System 1310 Southern Avenue 9�-l.�oY 12-10-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 3 COMMITTEE : CSCA CSC Alternates FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1f94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANI3ING SENATE APP DATE ETIi GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -�----_- ________ ___ _-- --- Washington, DC 20032 (202) 574-6675 603342 Perez, George W. 111 E. Itellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 291-0688 Attorney-Tax Law 2 17 9-16-97 Civil Svc. Commission Alternates Sohn Stewart Criisf Public Defender for State Tanja Kozicky Legal Counsel to the Governor Don Luna Community Liaison 063333 Quayle, Mark T. 1929 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 690-5931 Attorney Brian McCartan 564 Brimhall Street St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 690-9303 w) 374-566D James E. Blaney 2096 Randolgh Avenue, 55105 h) 649-9263 w) 602-2691 Robert Spence 335 Summit Avenue, �4 St. Paul, MN 55102 h) 222-0227 wj 368-3278 003346 Schultz, Xurt 1163 Burnquist Street St. Pau1, MN 55106 Home - 774-7359 MN Senate Div. Administrator 4 14 6 5 09J16/97 H M 09/05J97 W M 09/19/97 W M Y Randy C. Kelly 1630 David Street, 55119 9�-�soy � COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 4 12-10-9� APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : CSCA CSC Alternates FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1(94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMI2TEE5 SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- --�--___ ___ __- �-- h) ?72-1114 w) 296-5285 Chuck Armstrong 2080 Sherwood Avenue St. Paul, MN 55119 h) 774-4402 Janet Bystrom 3309 33rd Avenue S. Minneapolis, MN 554Q6 h) 721-2113 w) 266-8530 Council File # 7 ��5� Green Sheet # „5�,3 �lo CITY OF SAIlV'�' P Presented By Referred To i 2 3 4 s 6 7 a 9 10 Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the � appointment, made by the Mayor, of the foliowing individual to serve as an Alternate on the SAINT PAUL CIVII, SERVICE COMNIISSION. KC1RT SCHULTZ This is a six-year term which will expire on December 31, 2003. 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 ? Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appr By: MINNESOTA -,- .�_ - By: pater Hames Form Approved by City Attorney ��� jt ���� By: /� r( Approved by Mayor tor Submission to Council By: __��, �� /��tC��f�Z�L Adopted by Council: Date p� '3C���`��'l�( Coleman's Office C.11Lt15 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES N° 52326 g'7'I505/ 12-10-97 GREEN SHEET INITfAUDAT£ iN1T1AUDATE � DEPARTMENT DIRE � C1TY COUNGL SSIGN Q C4N ATfORNEY � CITY CLEftK UMBEN f01t ❑ BUDGET DIRECfOR � FIN. 8 MGT. SEAVICES �IR DIITING R0� Q MpypR !OR ASSISTANT� � (CIIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� Approval of the appointment of Rurt Schultz to serve on the Saint Paul Civil Service Co�ission (Alternates). _ PLANNING CAMMI5510N ._ CNIL SEAVIGE _ ClB GOMMtiTEE _ _ STAFF __ __ OISTRICTCOURT _. SUPPoHTS WHICH WUNQL O&lECi1VE? PERSONAI, SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOIIOWIl1G OUESTIONS: 7. Has this personlFrm ever worketl uMler a conirect for this department? YES NO 2. Has t�is personJfirm ever been a ciry empiayee? VES NO 3. Daes this personhirm possess a skiil not normally possessed by any cunent city employee? YES NO Ezplain ali yes answera on seperate adeet and attach to green aheet oraoaruHm h�no. wn�. wna�, wnare, wny�: �. �:::�,-. . i GLC i `� ���7 AMOUNT OF TRAtdSACTION 5 qGSOURCE- AL INfOflAnPTION. (E%P10.1N) COST/REVENUE BUDGETEO (GRCLE ONE) ACTIVITY NtfMBER YES NO 1 9'7-�6'0� Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Saint Paul City Councitmembers Gouncil President David Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember 7oseph Collins Councilmember 1vI'ichael Harris Counciimember Roberta Megard Councilmember Gladys Morton FROM: Roger Curtis �j � t Assistant to the Mayor DAT'E: December 10, 1997 RE: CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION (ALTERNATE) Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment of Kurt Schultz to serve as an alternate member on the Saint Paul Civil Service Commission. Attached is a copy of the resolution, a copy of Kurt Schultz' application and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January 1, 1994. A vacancy stiil remains, but we wili advertise this postion in the near future. Feel free to contact me at 266-8531 if you have any questions or concerns. RC:drm Attachments c: Nancy Anderson, Council Research Dr. Curman Gaines, Superintendent, ISD #62S 5aint Paut School Board Members 3ohn Hamilton, Director, Saint Paul Human Resources Mark Robertson, Saint Paul Human Resources H:W SERSNAORROW 1WPFlLESICSCA�CNC,MEM h1N. SEN�TE-� 612 266 8513:� 2! 3 ....�I\ J�JI I t�.l� NiL GtJ�J VJ1J VG: VJ � �� -� ��� OFFICE UF TSE MAYOIi �7 -�so y � J��l'� 34D CTTY HAT.L S�+IlVT PAIIL, MIIVNESOTA 55IOz � Ph�ne: 266-8523 FAX: 26b-II513 Idame: Home Address; Tdephone Number: CitY Zip . �: � , k+, � ' . r �tanning 1)istrict Council: � Pre(errtd Mailing Address: Street e;r� cn�a�;f wara• � Whai is yonr occupationY Plgce of Empioymeat: Comm9ttee(s) Appl�ed Ror. skills, lvisit,v+ aG�ini,S or eaperience do you ossess for the rommittee(s) �or wh3ch you seek appo'tntment? r ,,.�Un� �i(!i� S2c��__,_,.,�.3,�.��5-- information intixdCf! in this �pplication ia cousidered private datn �►ccording to fhe Minneaotn rnment Uata Prac6tes Act. As a resutt, this inCormotion is not rete�sed to tha goneril pubiic, {f1VER) ltev. 8-5-97 m�u. sehaTE� �.. ; �;_� N�me: Address: Phone: Name: Address: phone: lYBIDC: AddPess: Phone: 612 266 8513�» 3' 3 � 97-/Soy A � t �. .f � Have ynu had previous contact wich the commitEee forwhich yroa ara making r►pplicntion? ICso, wfien, acd thc circumstancesT I?O . In a» attempt to ensnse t3�at tammiitte repro9tntaiion refleeia Yhe ma[ceup of our tommunity, ptease check the iine spplicable to you. T6�s informafiou is strictly votuntary. _.�___ White(Canusian) �iack 4Atrican Americaa) Amcrtc�n Indian ar Alaskan Eskimu � Maie Female Disabfed: Yes _,�___ xo f special accommodaflont are ntedsd, please speciiy: Hfspaaic Aaian or Pacific;alaader Date o(Birth: --1���.... 'ow di3 yon hear about this opeelagl [I. , „ ��L�lI►�fS�Lfl3 �l i: � s: � �. � {H��) �Z1 ZI1� or � Z6(P - �S 3> 971soy 12-10-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : CSCA CSC Alternates FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1jOlf94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS OD2583 Beissel, Joseph P. Minnesota Mutual 400 Robert Street North St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 223-4461 FAX 2926808 SupervisorJCOrporate Security Bill Buth BOMA 386 N. Wabasha W) 291-8888 Bruce Bonsack St. Paul Police Dept. H) 735-3495 W) 291-1111 Ken Parisch 400 Robert Street St. Paul, Mn W) 223-4457 1J12J96 SGC Tom Collins St. Pau1 Police w) 266-851& Bill Buth BOMA w) 291-8588 Commander Robert Gray St. Paul Police w) 291-1111 PAGE 1 WARD-PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- °------ --� --- --- 2 3 04/14/97 W it 4-14-97 Civil Service Commission Alternate, P{lanninq Commission� Civic Center Authority Tom Collins St. Pau1 Police w) 2b6-8518 Ken Parsch MN Mutual h) 724-3336 w) 223-445? 97-/soy 12^10-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : CSCA CSC Alternates FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1JOlf94 APPLZCANS J REFERENCE COMMEPITS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- George Fremdor MI3 Mutual 2nd V.P. Corproate Service w) 298-3545 003173 Brown, R. D. 2100 Niles Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 698-3345 Health Care Professional 3 15 04/15/97 S M Health 5ervices Adv. Comm. Mayors Advisory committee Patricia Coppo Chief Operating Officer Natl. Marrow Donor Program 3433 Broadway St., N.E., Ste. 500 Mpls., 55413 627-5800 Freddie Sohn Martin, Ph.D., Director Natl. Minority Recruitment Network National Medical Assn. 1012 Tenth Street, N.W. Washington DC 20001 (202) 347-1895, Ext. 32 (800) 662-0554, Ext. 32 j800) 662-0?79 Guido Zanni, Ph.D., Commissioner Commission on Mental Health Services 2700 Martin Luther Ring Jr. Ave. S.E. Administration Bldg., lst Floor Washington, DC 20032 {202) 373-7166 Michael McGuire President/CEO National Health Tech Div. of ACS Corp 3119 St. Ives Country C1ub Parkway Duluth, GA 30316 (404} 495-1485 Dalton Tong, FHFMA, MBA, CPA President & CEO Greater S.E. Aealth Care System 1310 Southern Avenue 9�-l.�oY 12-10-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 3 COMMITTEE : CSCA CSC Alternates FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1f94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANI3ING SENATE APP DATE ETIi GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -�----_- ________ ___ _-- --- Washington, DC 20032 (202) 574-6675 603342 Perez, George W. 111 E. Itellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 291-0688 Attorney-Tax Law 2 17 9-16-97 Civil Svc. Commission Alternates Sohn Stewart Criisf Public Defender for State Tanja Kozicky Legal Counsel to the Governor Don Luna Community Liaison 063333 Quayle, Mark T. 1929 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 690-5931 Attorney Brian McCartan 564 Brimhall Street St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 690-9303 w) 374-566D James E. Blaney 2096 Randolgh Avenue, 55105 h) 649-9263 w) 602-2691 Robert Spence 335 Summit Avenue, �4 St. Paul, MN 55102 h) 222-0227 wj 368-3278 003346 Schultz, Xurt 1163 Burnquist Street St. Pau1, MN 55106 Home - 774-7359 MN Senate Div. Administrator 4 14 6 5 09J16/97 H M 09/05J97 W M 09/19/97 W M Y Randy C. Kelly 1630 David Street, 55119 9�-�soy � COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 4 12-10-9� APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : CSCA CSC Alternates FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1(94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMI2TEE5 SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- --�--___ ___ __- �-- h) ?72-1114 w) 296-5285 Chuck Armstrong 2080 Sherwood Avenue St. Paul, MN 55119 h) 774-4402 Janet Bystrom 3309 33rd Avenue S. Minneapolis, MN 554Q6 h) 721-2113 w) 266-8530