97-1503Council File # ����s� 3 Green Sheet # S 2 2 NIINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the 2 appointments and reappoinhnents, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on s the OVEI2NIGHT SHELTER BOARD. 4 s 6 � s APPOINT'ED Ron Elwood Bob Odman John Von Hecke � ��� � Leonard Jackson Signe Masterson Ann Seifert 9 io Each member shall serve a three-year term which will expire on October 31, 2000. ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 8 Requested by Depaztment of: �or's Office By' Peter Hames Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: � a .1� �- ��„ - Approved by Mayor: ➢ate — By: � �._..-. /i / / �� � Form Approved by City Attorney i By: ` cu ` /d - z '9 l Appzoved by Mayor for Submission to Council / r 1 1 � � .. Adopted by Council: Date �y�, _ �rj �qq� Mayor Coleman's Office ONTACf PERSON & PHONE Alberto Quintela -- 266-8529 TOTAL # OF S16NATURE AAGES N° 52292 9'�-�Sa3 __ 12-1-97 GREEN SHEET INITIAUDAT£ INITIAUDATE O DEPARTMENT D1REC10R C1TY COUNCIL 4SSifaN (�} CiTY ATTOPNEV � C�N CLERK HUMBEPfOfl � BOUTING O BU�ET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT SEflVICES OfR. OflOEP � MAYOR (OR ASS15(AN'n � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUiiE) of the appointments and reappointments of inembers to the Overnight Shelter Board. : Ron Elwood, Bob Odman and John Von Hecke ed: Leonard Jackson, Signe Masterson and Ann Seifert __ PIANNING COMM{SSION _ CNIL SERViCE COMMIS510N _ pBCOMMRiEE _ __ $TAGF _ __ DISiPICTCOURT _ SUPPORTS WHICN COUNCIL OBJEGTNE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUS7 ANSWER TRE FOLLOWiNG QUESTION5: t. Has this pe�soNfirm ever woffced u�Wer a contraC! tor this tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normally possessed by a�y current ctiry emRioyeel YES NO Explain aff yes answers on sepa�ate aheet and attach to green aheet ISSUE, OPPOR�UNITY(Who. Wbat. WM1en. Where. i DEG 0 41997 �AL AMOUNT OF 7HANSACTION 5 IDiHG SOURCE NCIAL WFOR6FATIOM (EXPLAINj COSTiREVENUE BUDGETED iCIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTIVITY 97-�5'03 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAR'T PAUL YI�t7 FROM: F�� � Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Joseph Collins Councilmember Mike Harris Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Gladys Morton Alberto Quintela Assistant to the Mayor �� December 3, 1997 �/ ' � OVERNIGHT SHELTER BOARD (AppointmentsBeappointments] Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment and reappointment ofthe following individua3s to serve on the Saint Paul Overnight Shelter Board. APPOINTMENTS Ron Elwood Bob Odman 3ohn Von Hecke REAPPOINTMENTS Leonard 7ackson Signe Masterson Ann Seifert Attached is a copy of the resolution recommending the above individuals, copies of the appointees' applications, and an applicant report listing applicants on 51e since 7anuary, 1994. Feel free to call me at 266-8529 if you have any questions. Attactunents c: Nancy Anderson, Council Research 3teve Rice, Shelter Board Staff,Housing Information Oflice 97- �So ,� .� _ — I � �� Name: \d� — ----- — HomeAddress: SG�fr �Z`=� F��e��ue S� . M��ne<<pol�s p�irv ".� �sY�� Street City Zip TelephoneNumber: ome) �iZ��ZS-?�`3 �Vork)� (FAX�zE��`�� Pianning District Councii: N� � City Council Ward: N`� Preferred Mailing Address: �� �-J.°r��c�+ C��r. �E-sr , �° �, K�liK 4�l�d , S-�k fSzC , SP s's i o � �VhaY is your octupation? � 14µ Place of EmploymenY: row.�^^u�^' ��uw`s�. �rv�c �f{�ov� ______ R�.«� f Commitfee(s) Applied For: �� �p~K' S�� -� � � �°��� 6Vhat skilis, training or e�perience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appoinfinent? �'Y�— /J�-� �`� ,ll�-vr�e-Eei�+�. . `f I.�L�'�--r� /�'u'� f /�-�' �i rn(Le+ �o � / (��}-�� f �/f/�"`�f�-v'� /I.L' d"�"'�- �i�'�-e� �L� -�`� U - � , �-� c_� � � < c ; -r�.� � ' ,� i z.�. ,�-�- � ���< � ut-r� ,C� ��.�t�.� ��.n � �� � � � , , � , � � � �� ��.��?�-. �i(�,� � �l L� =ww�,� Y � �� ' � . . i � �� _ ' r.,.�'"'�'�Si� � � � � I�I�.�-�.'°.�' ...� J � ��� U ' �✓ � /'�� _ he information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota overnment Data Practices Acf. As a result, this information is not reieased to the general pubfic. OFFICE OF THE MAYQR 390 CTI'Y HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESflTA 55102 Phone: 265-8525 FAX: 266-8513 €1�,����( cL.ri s�,�. {�-�G 2 7 iS97 (OVER) Rev. 8-5-97 Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address• Phone: Name: Address: Phone: PERSONAL RFFEREN E � 1 12,1�' rn, J�Y� n-. �f � u'Fi �'c �� m c,'is^ ��f Kyzv _ - c9 o N,.-i,�4-c. (� S-f� . S f� 1'R-N, �-c1t sr.,, � r� .� s � � - �- (Home� ork) �� 2 --- 3 3S- S�?� � G 73 �� �x,,,� ��ti J�-e - ,� o�a �� I �SI �Y 1Ffomel !o `��' � �v�� � ork) ��J - 6� � ,--d p n � ��C/ �L�' �'vYirt+r l(Ir'ol'y'1• I�i 1 ��✓ ����1 (H�nie) <� (- S'? 3'ci ork} � 3 t� t i S' . for your interest in this particular committee: (.(%U Have you had previous contact with fhe committee for which you are making applicaYion? If so, when, and the circumstances? . i � p „ , In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. ''� White (Caucasian) _ Black (African American) _ American Indian or Ataskan Eskimo �Male Female ,--- Disabled: Yes No If special accommodations are needed, please specify: How did yov hear about this opening? Hispanic Asian or Pacific Isiander Date of Birth: a a � �� 1 ��c.�F /� r, ckrC2ez�.�cL. ur�c.e � r� . ��.. � ..s..� �-�°u�L �. � Na�e: Hone E / r ry / � Telephone IYU�ber: �Ho�e) �2 ��" /lJC �9 (Aork) ���1 . -(F��) ���'_. L�. �� � � Plzrning Dis:rict Co�cil: S,'�,�ri �� /7I��t�/5�i- �� Cit� Cou.-:cil Siard: =�'� � preferred 2failing Address: ���/rY'c� /J� fd-G'G 1�i Ahat is your occnpation? � P1ace�of F'�nlo3sent: -<'� Co�itteeCs) Applied sor: Ghat skills/training or eaperience do you possess foz the comittee(s) for vnich you seek appozntment? � � �� � ,� _ ��� e v � /' infor��atioa inc2uded i.n this apglication is considered privaze cata accordzng to tfia esota Goverment Data Practices Act. As z result, this inxora�tion zs not releaszc to general public. (OP�R) P.ev. Zr'28/9 _ � � � r�L ������� q7 -/So 3 SAYNT PAIIL� MIN2IESOTA 55.102 ApR a2 199� , _.:' 26b-8525_' FAX: 266-8513 47-/S�? 2Taae Addr� Phone: SHome) � �fZ,'� "(}l) tf-/ lYork) Aaae Address Phone• aome i � c Aork Azme: Addre Yhone:__�Ho�e) ' �/��` tS7ork) Reasons for povr interest in tiais particular co�i±te_: ��1'/ �1F1G��-.>� __ .i; ' �-. � _. , _ , .I - � Have pou had previous contact vith the co�ittee for vhich I£ so, chen, and circvnstances2 �`/,' are making appl . � . � In an attempt to ensure that committee representation re£lects the 7aakeup of our com�unity, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictlg voluntary. � uhite (�aucasianj Hispanic B1ack (African American) Asian oz Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskino � Hale Fetaale Date of Birth: � i i 1 �j� Disabled: Yes No � If special accommodaiions are needed, please specify. ov did you hear about this opening? 0 1�/17197 09:07 � :02103 No:517 ST PAUL MAYOR'S OFFICE 612 256 8513 P.03iO4 33 � ���;,�, OFFYCE OF THE MAYOA �� S90 CITY BALL SAIlVT PAUL, MINNES�TA 35102 Phone; 266-8325 FAX: 266-8313 NAme .-So G.,1 �a.�. ,(.� a.�i.� - Home AddrCa�� 1� 4� -Ar�,1�....�1, �_ �...i ^ �, ._. _ ... _ Strcet . City Zip 'reiephune Numbert Planning Distrist Counc�l: Preterred Mailiu� Addresa: What ia 7our occupatiomT P[ace of Employment: Committee(s) Applitd For: i: i ,� • �. , , a f : . � _! 3 City Councit Ward: � S� n � : �-�; 4-- �I`�. i �^e � -;ati Whsi �killy, trainin� or ezperlence do you posaess for the committee(s) for wA{cD you �eek nppolotment? --°"l d� - • . Cht fnCormation inctuded ln thie appilcstlon is conaidered prfvate datA Accordln� to tde Minnesota �overnment patA PrACtices Act As a result th39 �pPO�mOtIOn i9 ttot rtlt89td t0 tbt gtnerill ppblic (OVER) Rev. S-�.97 NOV-13-1997 14�5a b� Nral�._�1•wr uK' S ur r I l.G :.' � . . �N. Namt; Addreea: i , i. � hiaate: Address: Pbone: Namc: Address: Phane: (T�ig.t� lWorkl �Y�- 013f Raasons tor your 3nterest in this particulAr committee: �n+��+�� Have you had previoua contxct wlth !he committee (or whtch yau an makinY application? If so, when, and the clrcumstaacoeY �„ lr,.�..nr r�.�G. �p. �„�-_�= •_a:,,.�-r.A T -+w .u�„ �.. . : S+i,.�-e_. Q� c�, � In an attempt to ensure 4hat commltree representattoh rtAectv the makeup of our community� pleaae cbeek the line app)Icable to you. This informntEon !s strictly voluntnry. �White (Caacs►slnm) Biaek {Afrtcan Amerfc�tn) Amerlcan 7ndla� or AlASkan Eskimo ! Mate Dlsabled: Yq� Female xo If tptelal �ccommodAtiom xn needed, pitase specily: �lspanlc _ Astan or prciAc lslander Date of Btrth: How did yoa bear about thi8 openin�? ����+ TOTfaI. P. . 1: � �� --- _:;.�.-"<. �• � 97-/Sa3 12-D3-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 1 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : OSB Overnight Shelter Board FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER Ol/O1/94 APPLICAIST J REFERENCE CA2R�lENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT {PRIOR) (OTHER CO2hMZTTEES SERVING ON) ___________________________________ ____ "_--____ ________ __-_�_-_ ___ --- --- 003220 Belongia, Suzanne 14 Q7j25/96 U F 1926 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 699-5640 Social Service Agency Staff Mary Steiner Whelan 9T2 St. Clair, 55105 h) 298-1046 w) 641-66�9 Sharon Horgan 1936 Kenwood Dr. E. Maplewood, 5511? h) 772-1874 w) 227-7669 Sandy Iwanski 505 N. Tyler St. Charles, IL h) (708) 584-8038 003199 Burks, Robert cJo Southern MN Regional Legal Services 46 East Fourth Street St. Paul� AiN 55101 Home - 637-1331 Disabled/HOmeless Cook/Typist Anthony E11iot Southern MN Regional Legal Sves. 46 E. 4th St., Ste. 300 St. Paul, MN 55106 h) 290-1697 w) 222-5863 Maurice Burk 741 Maryland Avenue h) 7?2-5474 John Benson State Svcs. for the Blind 2200 University Avenue h) 642-0857 O�J19/96 B M Y 003324 Elwood, Ron OS/27f97 W M Ramsey Co. Human Sves. 16Q E. FCellogg, Suite 9500 97 -�So 3 12-03-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : OSB Overnight Shelter Board FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1(O1J94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE CObII4ENT5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEI3 DIS DISTRICT DISTRZCT (PRZOR) (OTFIER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 266-4106 FAX 2664438 PlannerjRamsey Co. Auman Svcs. Sheldon Strom Executive Director Center for Energy & Environment 100 North 6th� Ste. 412A Minneapolis, 55403 w) 335-58?8 Mary Raasch 973 Raymond Ave., 55114 h) 649-1606 w) 725-6251 Mary Carroll 5632 22nd Ave. So. Minneapolis, MN 55417 h) 721-5724 w) 331-4175 003218 Kettles, John (Jack) F. ,�5 752 Mt. Curve Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55116-1114 Home - 699-9211 Self-Employed 3 15 07/29/96 W M Sr. LucilleJListening House 215 Ninth Street, 55102 w) 22?-5911 Rev. David Holm 61Q0 Normandale Road Edina, MN 55436 h) 934-1678 w) 929-1697 Craig Herbert #101 5455 34th Avenue S. Minneapolis, MN 55417 h) T27-1812 003219 Odman, Bob 969 Goodrich Avenue St. PSUl, MN 55105 Home - 227-6239 ManagerJMx Hsg. Finance Agency 3 16 04J02/91 W M 97-�so3 12-03-97 COMMITTEE APPLICAI3TS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 3 CAMMITTEE : OSB Overnight Shelter Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1JO1J94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEt3 D25 DISTRZCT DSSTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- -�- --- --- Howard "Butch" Swintek 1692 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 h) 646-8641 Bob Reis 2135 Lincoln Avenue, 55105 h) 690-1481 Shirley Brady 957 Goodrich Avenue, 55105 h) 224-4124 003214 Pirrie, Dan #202 902 Grand Avenue 5t. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 298-8844 ManagementfPhoenix Residence E 16 07/26J96 U M Barb Vissadobas (? apelling} h) 298-8844 Mary Lou Smith Family Care Services h) (312) 427-879Q Brett MeGraw h) 825-5344 003281 Probst, Dorothy 9 W. ?th Place, #440 St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 222-3694 Business owner/Architect 2 17 04f14/97 II Joanne Evans 1052 Bellecrest Dr. Maplewood, MN 55109 h) 483-4747 Sam Verdeja 2350 W. 7th St. St. Paul, MN 55116 w) 662-9255 Pau1 Go1d 9 W. 7th Place, ,$436 97-�so 3 12-03-97 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REYORT APPLZCANTS.RPT PAGE 4 COMMITTEE : OSB Overnight Shelter Board FOR APPLICATZONS DATED APTER O1f01/94 APPLTCANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PF.ANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DIS2RICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- h} 291-0621 003254 Sanders� Paulette 460 West Central Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103-2248 Home - 225-1098 HousekeepingJLaundrey Aide 12j09J96 B F Neiqhborhood Advisory Comm. Mrs. Bev Wise 195 E. Sth St. St. Paul� MN h) 227-8785 Anthony Elliott 300 Minnesota h) 450-1690 w) 222-5563 or 222-5863 Mrs. Loretta Thompson 1473 Sherburne St. hy 647-0641 w) 487-6480 003354 Van Hecke, Sohn Congressman Bruce Vento's Office Work - 224-4503 FAX 2240575 District Direetor 4 13 11/17J97 W M Congressman Bruce Vento Suite 721 Box 100 175 E. Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 224-4503 Mike Bryant 2610 Boone Avenue St. Louis Park, MN 55426 h} 544-3283 Andy Boss 2247 Hendon St. Paul� MN 551Q8 w) 647-0131 003318 Zimmek, Scott Joseph 7 1 OSJ07f97 W M 1750 E. Minnehaha Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 771-1280 $7-/50,,,3 12-03-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REYORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 5 COMMITTEE : OSB Overnight Shelter Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED APTER O1JOlJ94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COHII�SENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRSCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) --�- -------- -------- -------- --- -° --- Output Distribution Coord. Richard Hagen Number One General Mills Blvd. Golden Va11ey, 55440 w) 540-2178 John Markoe General Mills Nua�er One General Mills Boulevard Golden Valley, MN 55440 wj 540-7852 Don Reis General Mills Number One General Mills Houlevard Golden Valley, MN 55446 w) 540-2512 Council File # ����s� 3 Green Sheet # S 2 2 NIINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the 2 appointments and reappoinhnents, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on s the OVEI2NIGHT SHELTER BOARD. 4 s 6 � s APPOINT'ED Ron Elwood Bob Odman John Von Hecke � ��� � Leonard Jackson Signe Masterson Ann Seifert 9 io Each member shall serve a three-year term which will expire on October 31, 2000. ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 8 Requested by Depaztment of: �or's Office By' Peter Hames Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: � a .1� �- ��„ - Approved by Mayor: ➢ate — By: � �._..-. /i / / �� � Form Approved by City Attorney i By: ` cu ` /d - z '9 l Appzoved by Mayor for Submission to Council / r 1 1 � � .. Adopted by Council: Date �y�, _ �rj �qq� Mayor Coleman's Office ONTACf PERSON & PHONE Alberto Quintela -- 266-8529 TOTAL # OF S16NATURE AAGES N° 52292 9'�-�Sa3 __ 12-1-97 GREEN SHEET INITIAUDAT£ INITIAUDATE O DEPARTMENT D1REC10R C1TY COUNCIL 4SSifaN (�} CiTY ATTOPNEV � C�N CLERK HUMBEPfOfl � BOUTING O BU�ET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT SEflVICES OfR. OflOEP � MAYOR (OR ASS15(AN'n � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUiiE) of the appointments and reappointments of inembers to the Overnight Shelter Board. : Ron Elwood, Bob Odman and John Von Hecke ed: Leonard Jackson, Signe Masterson and Ann Seifert __ PIANNING COMM{SSION _ CNIL SERViCE COMMIS510N _ pBCOMMRiEE _ __ $TAGF _ __ DISiPICTCOURT _ SUPPORTS WHICN COUNCIL OBJEGTNE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUS7 ANSWER TRE FOLLOWiNG QUESTION5: t. Has this pe�soNfirm ever woffced u�Wer a contraC! tor this tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normally possessed by a�y current ctiry emRioyeel YES NO Explain aff yes answers on sepa�ate aheet and attach to green aheet ISSUE, OPPOR�UNITY(Who. Wbat. WM1en. Where. i DEG 0 41997 �AL AMOUNT OF 7HANSACTION 5 IDiHG SOURCE NCIAL WFOR6FATIOM (EXPLAINj COSTiREVENUE BUDGETED iCIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTIVITY 97-�5'03 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAR'T PAUL YI�t7 FROM: F�� � Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Joseph Collins Councilmember Mike Harris Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Gladys Morton Alberto Quintela Assistant to the Mayor �� December 3, 1997 �/ ' � OVERNIGHT SHELTER BOARD (AppointmentsBeappointments] Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment and reappointment ofthe following individua3s to serve on the Saint Paul Overnight Shelter Board. APPOINTMENTS Ron Elwood Bob Odman 3ohn Von Hecke REAPPOINTMENTS Leonard 7ackson Signe Masterson Ann Seifert Attached is a copy of the resolution recommending the above individuals, copies of the appointees' applications, and an applicant report listing applicants on 51e since 7anuary, 1994. Feel free to call me at 266-8529 if you have any questions. Attactunents c: Nancy Anderson, Council Research 3teve Rice, Shelter Board Staff,Housing Information Oflice 97- �So ,� .� _ — I � �� Name: \d� — ----- — HomeAddress: SG�fr �Z`=� F��e��ue S� . M��ne<<pol�s p�irv ".� �sY�� Street City Zip TelephoneNumber: ome) �iZ��ZS-?�`3 �Vork)� (FAX�zE��`�� Pianning District Councii: N� � City Council Ward: N`� Preferred Mailing Address: �� �-J.°r��c�+ C��r. �E-sr , �° �, K�liK 4�l�d , S-�k fSzC , SP s's i o � �VhaY is your octupation? � 14µ Place of EmploymenY: row.�^^u�^' ��uw`s�. �rv�c �f{�ov� ______ R�.«� f Commitfee(s) Applied For: �� �p~K' S�� -� � � �°��� 6Vhat skilis, training or e�perience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appoinfinent? �'Y�— /J�-� �`� ,ll�-vr�e-Eei�+�. . `f I.�L�'�--r� /�'u'� f /�-�' �i rn(Le+ �o � / (��}-�� f �/f/�"`�f�-v'� /I.L' d"�"'�- �i�'�-e� �L� -�`� U - � , �-� c_� � � < c ; -r�.� � ' ,� i z.�. ,�-�- � ���< � ut-r� ,C� ��.�t�.� ��.n � �� � � � , , � , � � � �� ��.��?�-. �i(�,� � �l L� =ww�,� Y � �� ' � . . i � �� _ ' r.,.�'"'�'�Si� � � � � I�I�.�-�.'°.�' ...� J � ��� U ' �✓ � /'�� _ he information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota overnment Data Practices Acf. As a result, this information is not reieased to the general pubfic. OFFICE OF THE MAYQR 390 CTI'Y HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESflTA 55102 Phone: 265-8525 FAX: 266-8513 €1�,����( cL.ri s�,�. {�-�G 2 7 iS97 (OVER) Rev. 8-5-97 Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address• Phone: Name: Address: Phone: PERSONAL RFFEREN E � 1 12,1�' rn, J�Y� n-. �f � u'Fi �'c �� m c,'is^ ��f Kyzv _ - c9 o N,.-i,�4-c. (� S-f� . S f� 1'R-N, �-c1t sr.,, � r� .� s � � - �- (Home� ork) �� 2 --- 3 3S- S�?� � G 73 �� �x,,,� ��ti J�-e - ,� o�a �� I �SI �Y 1Ffomel !o `��' � �v�� � ork) ��J - 6� � ,--d p n � ��C/ �L�' �'vYirt+r l(Ir'ol'y'1• I�i 1 ��✓ ����1 (H�nie) <� (- S'? 3'ci ork} � 3 t� t i S' . for your interest in this particular committee: (.(%U Have you had previous contact with fhe committee for which you are making applicaYion? If so, when, and the circumstances? . i � p „ , In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. ''� White (Caucasian) _ Black (African American) _ American Indian or Ataskan Eskimo �Male Female ,--- Disabled: Yes No If special accommodations are needed, please specify: How did yov hear about this opening? Hispanic Asian or Pacific Isiander Date of Birth: a a � �� 1 ��c.�F /� r, ckrC2ez�.�cL. ur�c.e � r� . ��.. � ..s..� �-�°u�L �. � Na�e: Hone E / r ry / � Telephone IYU�ber: �Ho�e) �2 ��" /lJC �9 (Aork) ���1 . -(F��) ���'_. L�. �� � � Plzrning Dis:rict Co�cil: S,'�,�ri �� /7I��t�/5�i- �� Cit� Cou.-:cil Siard: =�'� � preferred 2failing Address: ���/rY'c� /J� fd-G'G 1�i Ahat is your occnpation? � P1ace�of F'�nlo3sent: -<'� Co�itteeCs) Applied sor: Ghat skills/training or eaperience do you possess foz the comittee(s) for vnich you seek appozntment? � � �� � ,� _ ��� e v � /' infor��atioa inc2uded i.n this apglication is considered privaze cata accordzng to tfia esota Goverment Data Practices Act. As z result, this inxora�tion zs not releaszc to general public. (OP�R) P.ev. Zr'28/9 _ � � � r�L ������� q7 -/So 3 SAYNT PAIIL� MIN2IESOTA 55.102 ApR a2 199� , _.:' 26b-8525_' FAX: 266-8513 47-/S�? 2Taae Addr� Phone: SHome) � �fZ,'� "(}l) tf-/ lYork) Aaae Address Phone• aome i � c Aork Azme: Addre Yhone:__�Ho�e) ' �/��` tS7ork) Reasons for povr interest in tiais particular co�i±te_: ��1'/ �1F1G��-.>� __ .i; ' �-. � _. , _ , .I - � Have pou had previous contact vith the co�ittee for vhich I£ so, chen, and circvnstances2 �`/,' are making appl . � . � In an attempt to ensure that committee representation re£lects the 7aakeup of our com�unity, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictlg voluntary. � uhite (�aucasianj Hispanic B1ack (African American) Asian oz Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskino � Hale Fetaale Date of Birth: � i i 1 �j� Disabled: Yes No � If special accommodaiions are needed, please specify. ov did you hear about this opening? 0 1�/17197 09:07 � :02103 No:517 ST PAUL MAYOR'S OFFICE 612 256 8513 P.03iO4 33 � ���;,�, OFFYCE OF THE MAYOA �� S90 CITY BALL SAIlVT PAUL, MINNES�TA 35102 Phone; 266-8325 FAX: 266-8313 NAme .-So G.,1 �a.�. ,(.� a.�i.� - Home AddrCa�� 1� 4� -Ar�,1�....�1, �_ �...i ^ �, ._. _ ... _ Strcet . City Zip 'reiephune Numbert Planning Distrist Counc�l: Preterred Mailiu� Addresa: What ia 7our occupatiomT P[ace of Employment: Committee(s) Applitd For: i: i ,� • �. , , a f : . � _! 3 City Councit Ward: � S� n � : �-�; 4-- �I`�. i �^e � -;ati Whsi �killy, trainin� or ezperlence do you posaess for the committee(s) for wA{cD you �eek nppolotment? --°"l d� - • . Cht fnCormation inctuded ln thie appilcstlon is conaidered prfvate datA Accordln� to tde Minnesota �overnment patA PrACtices Act As a result th39 �pPO�mOtIOn i9 ttot rtlt89td t0 tbt gtnerill ppblic (OVER) Rev. S-�.97 NOV-13-1997 14�5a b� Nral�._�1•wr uK' S ur r I l.G :.' � . . �N. Namt; Addreea: i , i. � hiaate: Address: Pbone: Namc: Address: Phane: (T�ig.t� lWorkl �Y�- 013f Raasons tor your 3nterest in this particulAr committee: �n+��+�� Have you had previoua contxct wlth !he committee (or whtch yau an makinY application? If so, when, and the clrcumstaacoeY �„ lr,.�..nr r�.�G. �p. �„�-_�= •_a:,,.�-r.A T -+w .u�„ �.. . : S+i,.�-e_. Q� c�, � In an attempt to ensure 4hat commltree representattoh rtAectv the makeup of our community� pleaae cbeek the line app)Icable to you. This informntEon !s strictly voluntnry. �White (Caacs►slnm) Biaek {Afrtcan Amerfc�tn) Amerlcan 7ndla� or AlASkan Eskimo ! Mate Dlsabled: Yq� Female xo If tptelal �ccommodAtiom xn needed, pitase specily: �lspanlc _ Astan or prciAc lslander Date of Btrth: How did yoa bear about thi8 openin�? ����+ TOTfaI. P. . 1: � �� --- _:;.�.-"<. �• � 97-/Sa3 12-D3-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 1 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : OSB Overnight Shelter Board FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER Ol/O1/94 APPLICAIST J REFERENCE CA2R�lENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT {PRIOR) (OTHER CO2hMZTTEES SERVING ON) ___________________________________ ____ "_--____ ________ __-_�_-_ ___ --- --- 003220 Belongia, Suzanne 14 Q7j25/96 U F 1926 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 699-5640 Social Service Agency Staff Mary Steiner Whelan 9T2 St. Clair, 55105 h) 298-1046 w) 641-66�9 Sharon Horgan 1936 Kenwood Dr. E. Maplewood, 5511? h) 772-1874 w) 227-7669 Sandy Iwanski 505 N. Tyler St. Charles, IL h) (708) 584-8038 003199 Burks, Robert cJo Southern MN Regional Legal Services 46 East Fourth Street St. Paul� AiN 55101 Home - 637-1331 Disabled/HOmeless Cook/Typist Anthony E11iot Southern MN Regional Legal Sves. 46 E. 4th St., Ste. 300 St. Paul, MN 55106 h) 290-1697 w) 222-5863 Maurice Burk 741 Maryland Avenue h) 7?2-5474 John Benson State Svcs. for the Blind 2200 University Avenue h) 642-0857 O�J19/96 B M Y 003324 Elwood, Ron OS/27f97 W M Ramsey Co. Human Sves. 16Q E. FCellogg, Suite 9500 97 -�So 3 12-03-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : OSB Overnight Shelter Board FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1(O1J94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE CObII4ENT5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEI3 DIS DISTRICT DISTRZCT (PRZOR) (OTFIER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 266-4106 FAX 2664438 PlannerjRamsey Co. Auman Svcs. Sheldon Strom Executive Director Center for Energy & Environment 100 North 6th� Ste. 412A Minneapolis, 55403 w) 335-58?8 Mary Raasch 973 Raymond Ave., 55114 h) 649-1606 w) 725-6251 Mary Carroll 5632 22nd Ave. So. Minneapolis, MN 55417 h) 721-5724 w) 331-4175 003218 Kettles, John (Jack) F. ,�5 752 Mt. Curve Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55116-1114 Home - 699-9211 Self-Employed 3 15 07/29/96 W M Sr. LucilleJListening House 215 Ninth Street, 55102 w) 22?-5911 Rev. David Holm 61Q0 Normandale Road Edina, MN 55436 h) 934-1678 w) 929-1697 Craig Herbert #101 5455 34th Avenue S. Minneapolis, MN 55417 h) T27-1812 003219 Odman, Bob 969 Goodrich Avenue St. PSUl, MN 55105 Home - 227-6239 ManagerJMx Hsg. Finance Agency 3 16 04J02/91 W M 97-�so3 12-03-97 COMMITTEE APPLICAI3TS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 3 CAMMITTEE : OSB Overnight Shelter Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1JO1J94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEt3 D25 DISTRZCT DSSTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- -�- --- --- Howard "Butch" Swintek 1692 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 h) 646-8641 Bob Reis 2135 Lincoln Avenue, 55105 h) 690-1481 Shirley Brady 957 Goodrich Avenue, 55105 h) 224-4124 003214 Pirrie, Dan #202 902 Grand Avenue 5t. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 298-8844 ManagementfPhoenix Residence E 16 07/26J96 U M Barb Vissadobas (? apelling} h) 298-8844 Mary Lou Smith Family Care Services h) (312) 427-879Q Brett MeGraw h) 825-5344 003281 Probst, Dorothy 9 W. ?th Place, #440 St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 222-3694 Business owner/Architect 2 17 04f14/97 II Joanne Evans 1052 Bellecrest Dr. Maplewood, MN 55109 h) 483-4747 Sam Verdeja 2350 W. 7th St. St. Paul, MN 55116 w) 662-9255 Pau1 Go1d 9 W. 7th Place, ,$436 97-�so 3 12-03-97 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REYORT APPLZCANTS.RPT PAGE 4 COMMITTEE : OSB Overnight Shelter Board FOR APPLICATZONS DATED APTER O1f01/94 APPLTCANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PF.ANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DIS2RICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- h} 291-0621 003254 Sanders� Paulette 460 West Central Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103-2248 Home - 225-1098 HousekeepingJLaundrey Aide 12j09J96 B F Neiqhborhood Advisory Comm. Mrs. Bev Wise 195 E. Sth St. St. Paul� MN h) 227-8785 Anthony Elliott 300 Minnesota h) 450-1690 w) 222-5563 or 222-5863 Mrs. Loretta Thompson 1473 Sherburne St. hy 647-0641 w) 487-6480 003354 Van Hecke, Sohn Congressman Bruce Vento's Office Work - 224-4503 FAX 2240575 District Direetor 4 13 11/17J97 W M Congressman Bruce Vento Suite 721 Box 100 175 E. Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 224-4503 Mike Bryant 2610 Boone Avenue St. Louis Park, MN 55426 h} 544-3283 Andy Boss 2247 Hendon St. Paul� MN 551Q8 w) 647-0131 003318 Zimmek, Scott Joseph 7 1 OSJ07f97 W M 1750 E. Minnehaha Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 771-1280 $7-/50,,,3 12-03-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REYORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 5 COMMITTEE : OSB Overnight Shelter Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED APTER O1JOlJ94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COHII�SENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRSCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) --�- -------- -------- -------- --- -° --- Output Distribution Coord. Richard Hagen Number One General Mills Blvd. Golden Va11ey, 55440 w) 540-2178 John Markoe General Mills Nua�er One General Mills Boulevard Golden Valley, MN 55440 wj 540-7852 Don Reis General Mills Number One General Mills Houlevard Golden Valley, MN 55446 w) 540-2512 Council File # ����s� 3 Green Sheet # S 2 2 NIINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the 2 appointments and reappoinhnents, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on s the OVEI2NIGHT SHELTER BOARD. 4 s 6 � s APPOINT'ED Ron Elwood Bob Odman John Von Hecke � ��� � Leonard Jackson Signe Masterson Ann Seifert 9 io Each member shall serve a three-year term which will expire on October 31, 2000. ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 8 Requested by Depaztment of: �or's Office By' Peter Hames Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: � a .1� �- ��„ - Approved by Mayor: ➢ate — By: � �._..-. /i / / �� � Form Approved by City Attorney i By: ` cu ` /d - z '9 l Appzoved by Mayor for Submission to Council / r 1 1 � � .. Adopted by Council: Date �y�, _ �rj �qq� Mayor Coleman's Office ONTACf PERSON & PHONE Alberto Quintela -- 266-8529 TOTAL # OF S16NATURE AAGES N° 52292 9'�-�Sa3 __ 12-1-97 GREEN SHEET INITIAUDAT£ INITIAUDATE O DEPARTMENT D1REC10R C1TY COUNCIL 4SSifaN (�} CiTY ATTOPNEV � C�N CLERK HUMBEPfOfl � BOUTING O BU�ET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT SEflVICES OfR. OflOEP � MAYOR (OR ASS15(AN'n � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUiiE) of the appointments and reappointments of inembers to the Overnight Shelter Board. : Ron Elwood, Bob Odman and John Von Hecke ed: Leonard Jackson, Signe Masterson and Ann Seifert __ PIANNING COMM{SSION _ CNIL SERViCE COMMIS510N _ pBCOMMRiEE _ __ $TAGF _ __ DISiPICTCOURT _ SUPPORTS WHICN COUNCIL OBJEGTNE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUS7 ANSWER TRE FOLLOWiNG QUESTION5: t. Has this pe�soNfirm ever woffced u�Wer a contraC! tor this tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normally possessed by a�y current ctiry emRioyeel YES NO Explain aff yes answers on sepa�ate aheet and attach to green aheet ISSUE, OPPOR�UNITY(Who. Wbat. WM1en. Where. i DEG 0 41997 �AL AMOUNT OF 7HANSACTION 5 IDiHG SOURCE NCIAL WFOR6FATIOM (EXPLAINj COSTiREVENUE BUDGETED iCIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTIVITY 97-�5'03 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAR'T PAUL YI�t7 FROM: F�� � Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Joseph Collins Councilmember Mike Harris Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Gladys Morton Alberto Quintela Assistant to the Mayor �� December 3, 1997 �/ ' � OVERNIGHT SHELTER BOARD (AppointmentsBeappointments] Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment and reappointment ofthe following individua3s to serve on the Saint Paul Overnight Shelter Board. APPOINTMENTS Ron Elwood Bob Odman 3ohn Von Hecke REAPPOINTMENTS Leonard 7ackson Signe Masterson Ann Seifert Attached is a copy of the resolution recommending the above individuals, copies of the appointees' applications, and an applicant report listing applicants on 51e since 7anuary, 1994. Feel free to call me at 266-8529 if you have any questions. Attactunents c: Nancy Anderson, Council Research 3teve Rice, Shelter Board Staff,Housing Information Oflice 97- �So ,� .� _ — I � �� Name: \d� — ----- — HomeAddress: SG�fr �Z`=� F��e��ue S� . M��ne<<pol�s p�irv ".� �sY�� Street City Zip TelephoneNumber: ome) �iZ��ZS-?�`3 �Vork)� (FAX�zE��`�� Pianning District Councii: N� � City Council Ward: N`� Preferred Mailing Address: �� �-J.°r��c�+ C��r. �E-sr , �° �, K�liK 4�l�d , S-�k fSzC , SP s's i o � �VhaY is your octupation? � 14µ Place of EmploymenY: row.�^^u�^' ��uw`s�. �rv�c �f{�ov� ______ R�.«� f Commitfee(s) Applied For: �� �p~K' S�� -� � � �°��� 6Vhat skilis, training or e�perience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appoinfinent? �'Y�— /J�-� �`� ,ll�-vr�e-Eei�+�. . `f I.�L�'�--r� /�'u'� f /�-�' �i rn(Le+ �o � / (��}-�� f �/f/�"`�f�-v'� /I.L' d"�"'�- �i�'�-e� �L� -�`� U - � , �-� c_� � � < c ; -r�.� � ' ,� i z.�. ,�-�- � ���< � ut-r� ,C� ��.�t�.� ��.n � �� � � � , , � , � � � �� ��.��?�-. �i(�,� � �l L� =ww�,� Y � �� ' � . . i � �� _ ' r.,.�'"'�'�Si� � � � � I�I�.�-�.'°.�' ...� J � ��� U ' �✓ � /'�� _ he information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota overnment Data Practices Acf. As a result, this information is not reieased to the general pubfic. OFFICE OF THE MAYQR 390 CTI'Y HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESflTA 55102 Phone: 265-8525 FAX: 266-8513 €1�,����( cL.ri s�,�. {�-�G 2 7 iS97 (OVER) Rev. 8-5-97 Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address• Phone: Name: Address: Phone: PERSONAL RFFEREN E � 1 12,1�' rn, J�Y� n-. �f � u'Fi �'c �� m c,'is^ ��f Kyzv _ - c9 o N,.-i,�4-c. (� S-f� . S f� 1'R-N, �-c1t sr.,, � r� .� s � � - �- (Home� ork) �� 2 --- 3 3S- S�?� � G 73 �� �x,,,� ��ti J�-e - ,� o�a �� I �SI �Y 1Ffomel !o `��' � �v�� � ork) ��J - 6� � ,--d p n � ��C/ �L�' �'vYirt+r l(Ir'ol'y'1• I�i 1 ��✓ ����1 (H�nie) <� (- S'? 3'ci ork} � 3 t� t i S' . for your interest in this particular committee: (.(%U Have you had previous contact with fhe committee for which you are making applicaYion? If so, when, and the circumstances? . i � p „ , In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. ''� White (Caucasian) _ Black (African American) _ American Indian or Ataskan Eskimo �Male Female ,--- Disabled: Yes No If special accommodations are needed, please specify: How did yov hear about this opening? Hispanic Asian or Pacific Isiander Date of Birth: a a � �� 1 ��c.�F /� r, ckrC2ez�.�cL. ur�c.e � r� . ��.. � ..s..� �-�°u�L �. � Na�e: Hone E / r ry / � Telephone IYU�ber: �Ho�e) �2 ��" /lJC �9 (Aork) ���1 . -(F��) ���'_. L�. �� � � Plzrning Dis:rict Co�cil: S,'�,�ri �� /7I��t�/5�i- �� Cit� Cou.-:cil Siard: =�'� � preferred 2failing Address: ���/rY'c� /J� fd-G'G 1�i Ahat is your occnpation? � P1ace�of F'�nlo3sent: -<'� Co�itteeCs) Applied sor: Ghat skills/training or eaperience do you possess foz the comittee(s) for vnich you seek appozntment? � � �� � ,� _ ��� e v � /' infor��atioa inc2uded i.n this apglication is considered privaze cata accordzng to tfia esota Goverment Data Practices Act. As z result, this inxora�tion zs not releaszc to general public. (OP�R) P.ev. Zr'28/9 _ � � � r�L ������� q7 -/So 3 SAYNT PAIIL� MIN2IESOTA 55.102 ApR a2 199� , _.:' 26b-8525_' FAX: 266-8513 47-/S�? 2Taae Addr� Phone: SHome) � �fZ,'� "(}l) tf-/ lYork) Aaae Address Phone• aome i � c Aork Azme: Addre Yhone:__�Ho�e) ' �/��` tS7ork) Reasons for povr interest in tiais particular co�i±te_: ��1'/ �1F1G��-.>� __ .i; ' �-. � _. , _ , .I - � Have pou had previous contact vith the co�ittee for vhich I£ so, chen, and circvnstances2 �`/,' are making appl . � . � In an attempt to ensure that committee representation re£lects the 7aakeup of our com�unity, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictlg voluntary. � uhite (�aucasianj Hispanic B1ack (African American) Asian oz Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskino � Hale Fetaale Date of Birth: � i i 1 �j� Disabled: Yes No � If special accommodaiions are needed, please specify. ov did you hear about this opening? 0 1�/17197 09:07 � :02103 No:517 ST PAUL MAYOR'S OFFICE 612 256 8513 P.03iO4 33 � ���;,�, OFFYCE OF THE MAYOA �� S90 CITY BALL SAIlVT PAUL, MINNES�TA 35102 Phone; 266-8325 FAX: 266-8313 NAme .-So G.,1 �a.�. ,(.� a.�i.� - Home AddrCa�� 1� 4� -Ar�,1�....�1, �_ �...i ^ �, ._. _ ... _ Strcet . City Zip 'reiephune Numbert Planning Distrist Counc�l: Preterred Mailiu� Addresa: What ia 7our occupatiomT P[ace of Employment: Committee(s) Applitd For: i: i ,� • �. , , a f : . � _! 3 City Councit Ward: � S� n � : �-�; 4-- �I`�. i �^e � -;ati Whsi �killy, trainin� or ezperlence do you posaess for the committee(s) for wA{cD you �eek nppolotment? --°"l d� - • . Cht fnCormation inctuded ln thie appilcstlon is conaidered prfvate datA Accordln� to tde Minnesota �overnment patA PrACtices Act As a result th39 �pPO�mOtIOn i9 ttot rtlt89td t0 tbt gtnerill ppblic (OVER) Rev. S-�.97 NOV-13-1997 14�5a b� Nral�._�1•wr uK' S ur r I l.G :.' � . . �N. Namt; Addreea: i , i. � hiaate: Address: Pbone: Namc: Address: Phane: (T�ig.t� lWorkl �Y�- 013f Raasons tor your 3nterest in this particulAr committee: �n+��+�� Have you had previoua contxct wlth !he committee (or whtch yau an makinY application? If so, when, and the clrcumstaacoeY �„ lr,.�..nr r�.�G. �p. �„�-_�= •_a:,,.�-r.A T -+w .u�„ �.. . : S+i,.�-e_. Q� c�, � In an attempt to ensure 4hat commltree representattoh rtAectv the makeup of our community� pleaae cbeek the line app)Icable to you. This informntEon !s strictly voluntnry. �White (Caacs►slnm) Biaek {Afrtcan Amerfc�tn) Amerlcan 7ndla� or AlASkan Eskimo ! Mate Dlsabled: Yq� Female xo If tptelal �ccommodAtiom xn needed, pitase specily: �lspanlc _ Astan or prciAc lslander Date of Btrth: How did yoa bear about thi8 openin�? ����+ TOTfaI. P. . 1: � �� --- _:;.�.-"<. �• � 97-/Sa3 12-D3-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 1 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : OSB Overnight Shelter Board FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER Ol/O1/94 APPLICAIST J REFERENCE CA2R�lENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT {PRIOR) (OTHER CO2hMZTTEES SERVING ON) ___________________________________ ____ "_--____ ________ __-_�_-_ ___ --- --- 003220 Belongia, Suzanne 14 Q7j25/96 U F 1926 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 699-5640 Social Service Agency Staff Mary Steiner Whelan 9T2 St. Clair, 55105 h) 298-1046 w) 641-66�9 Sharon Horgan 1936 Kenwood Dr. E. Maplewood, 5511? h) 772-1874 w) 227-7669 Sandy Iwanski 505 N. Tyler St. Charles, IL h) (708) 584-8038 003199 Burks, Robert cJo Southern MN Regional Legal Services 46 East Fourth Street St. Paul� AiN 55101 Home - 637-1331 Disabled/HOmeless Cook/Typist Anthony E11iot Southern MN Regional Legal Sves. 46 E. 4th St., Ste. 300 St. Paul, MN 55106 h) 290-1697 w) 222-5863 Maurice Burk 741 Maryland Avenue h) 7?2-5474 John Benson State Svcs. for the Blind 2200 University Avenue h) 642-0857 O�J19/96 B M Y 003324 Elwood, Ron OS/27f97 W M Ramsey Co. Human Sves. 16Q E. FCellogg, Suite 9500 97 -�So 3 12-03-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : OSB Overnight Shelter Board FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1(O1J94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE CObII4ENT5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEI3 DIS DISTRICT DISTRZCT (PRZOR) (OTFIER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 266-4106 FAX 2664438 PlannerjRamsey Co. Auman Svcs. Sheldon Strom Executive Director Center for Energy & Environment 100 North 6th� Ste. 412A Minneapolis, 55403 w) 335-58?8 Mary Raasch 973 Raymond Ave., 55114 h) 649-1606 w) 725-6251 Mary Carroll 5632 22nd Ave. So. Minneapolis, MN 55417 h) 721-5724 w) 331-4175 003218 Kettles, John (Jack) F. ,�5 752 Mt. Curve Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55116-1114 Home - 699-9211 Self-Employed 3 15 07/29/96 W M Sr. LucilleJListening House 215 Ninth Street, 55102 w) 22?-5911 Rev. David Holm 61Q0 Normandale Road Edina, MN 55436 h) 934-1678 w) 929-1697 Craig Herbert #101 5455 34th Avenue S. Minneapolis, MN 55417 h) T27-1812 003219 Odman, Bob 969 Goodrich Avenue St. PSUl, MN 55105 Home - 227-6239 ManagerJMx Hsg. Finance Agency 3 16 04J02/91 W M 97-�so3 12-03-97 COMMITTEE APPLICAI3TS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 3 CAMMITTEE : OSB Overnight Shelter Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1JO1J94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEt3 D25 DISTRZCT DSSTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- -�- --- --- Howard "Butch" Swintek 1692 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 h) 646-8641 Bob Reis 2135 Lincoln Avenue, 55105 h) 690-1481 Shirley Brady 957 Goodrich Avenue, 55105 h) 224-4124 003214 Pirrie, Dan #202 902 Grand Avenue 5t. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 298-8844 ManagementfPhoenix Residence E 16 07/26J96 U M Barb Vissadobas (? apelling} h) 298-8844 Mary Lou Smith Family Care Services h) (312) 427-879Q Brett MeGraw h) 825-5344 003281 Probst, Dorothy 9 W. ?th Place, #440 St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 222-3694 Business owner/Architect 2 17 04f14/97 II Joanne Evans 1052 Bellecrest Dr. Maplewood, MN 55109 h) 483-4747 Sam Verdeja 2350 W. 7th St. St. Paul, MN 55116 w) 662-9255 Pau1 Go1d 9 W. 7th Place, ,$436 97-�so 3 12-03-97 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REYORT APPLZCANTS.RPT PAGE 4 COMMITTEE : OSB Overnight Shelter Board FOR APPLICATZONS DATED APTER O1f01/94 APPLTCANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PF.ANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DIS2RICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- h} 291-0621 003254 Sanders� Paulette 460 West Central Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103-2248 Home - 225-1098 HousekeepingJLaundrey Aide 12j09J96 B F Neiqhborhood Advisory Comm. Mrs. Bev Wise 195 E. Sth St. St. Paul� MN h) 227-8785 Anthony Elliott 300 Minnesota h) 450-1690 w) 222-5563 or 222-5863 Mrs. Loretta Thompson 1473 Sherburne St. hy 647-0641 w) 487-6480 003354 Van Hecke, Sohn Congressman Bruce Vento's Office Work - 224-4503 FAX 2240575 District Direetor 4 13 11/17J97 W M Congressman Bruce Vento Suite 721 Box 100 175 E. Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 224-4503 Mike Bryant 2610 Boone Avenue St. Louis Park, MN 55426 h} 544-3283 Andy Boss 2247 Hendon St. Paul� MN 551Q8 w) 647-0131 003318 Zimmek, Scott Joseph 7 1 OSJ07f97 W M 1750 E. Minnehaha Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 771-1280 $7-/50,,,3 12-03-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REYORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 5 COMMITTEE : OSB Overnight Shelter Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED APTER O1JOlJ94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COHII�SENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRSCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) --�- -------- -------- -------- --- -° --- Output Distribution Coord. Richard Hagen Number One General Mills Blvd. Golden Va11ey, 55440 w) 540-2178 John Markoe General Mills Nua�er One General Mills Boulevard Golden Valley, MN 55440 wj 540-7852 Don Reis General Mills Number One General Mills Houlevard Golden Valley, MN 55446 w) 540-2512