97-1502Council 'Ze # / �/ SQ�. Green Sheet � S2 29� 7 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the z 3 4 s 6 � s 9 10 appoinrmen± and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following-named individuals to serve on the BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS. REAPPOINTED Gloria Bogen APPOINTED Toyce Maddox Arlend "Buzz" Wilson 11 Each member shall serve a three-year term which will expire on November 1, 2000. 1z 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Requested by Depax'tment of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: �_ _�"` 1_. � �+r�a...�-- Approved by Mayor: Date �t�! ! � .�� By: � / � Mayor's Office By: Peter Hames Form Approved by City Attorney By: �.�( r c�. , %2°���? � Approved by Mayor for 5ubmission to Council By: �� �'���wii Adopted by Council: Date Oy�.S7 ��_ N°_ 52294 9� tsnz OEFMfl1GEN7lOFFlCEICOUNCIL DATE INITIqTED Mayor Coleman's Office 12-3-97 GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAVDATE INITI0.VOATE DEPAflTMENT0IRE � CIttCOUNqL Roger (�.11Zt15 266-8531 ASSIGN �CITYATfORNEY �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON CpUNCIL ACaENDA BY (DATE7 NUMBER FOR � BUDGET DIRECTOR O FIR 8 MGT. $ERVICES �IR. POUfING OROER � MpypR (OR ASSISTADIT) O TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL 40CATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AGTION REOUESTED: - Approval of appointment of Joyce Maddox and the reappointments of Gloria Bogen and Arlend "Buzz" Wilson to serve on the BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS. RECOMMENDAT10N5: Approva (A) w Reje[[ (R) PERSONAL SEHVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PUINNING COMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Has tnis personHirm eVer worked untler a contfatt (or thi5 departm¢nt? _ CIB GOMMITfEE _ �'ES NO . _ STAFC 2� Ha5 this person/firm ever been a ciry employeg? — VES NO _ DIS7RIC7 COUR7 _ 3. Does this personlfirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry empioyee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explatn all yea a�swers cn separate aheet artd attach to greert sheat INITIATING PqOBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNfTY(Who. What, When. Where. WM1y). AWANTAGES IFAPPROVED: � DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: ' ��:i�rwar �'�t��l �r � �d1 EOt{�if DEG 0 4 1997 DEC tl 4 1997 .. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NQ FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPIAIN) ° I�'7'-/S02 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: ��♦ DATE: � Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember 7erry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Joseph Collins Councilmember M'ike Hams Councilmember Roberta Megazd Councilmember Gladys Morton Roger Curtis �''�� Assistant to the Mayor December 4, 1997 BOARD OF ZONIl�iG APPEALS Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment and reappointments ofthe following individuals to serve on the Board ofZoning Appeals. Rea�pointments Gloria Bogen Arlend "Buzz" Wilson Apnointment Joyce Maddox Attached is a copy of the resoluYion, Joyce Maddox' application and an applicant report listing all applicants on file since January 1, 1994. If you have any questions, feei free to call me at 266-8531. RC:drm Attachments c: Nancy Anderson, Council Reseazch Wendy Lane, LIEP Sue Synstegaard, LIEP H:\USERS�MORR04NW PFILES\BZA723.CNC � ( ���� UYY+li:l: UN 1't1L' MAYUli 7 S90 CT1Y HALL g �q � 97 '�SOZ. � s�nvT pnv�., �rnv�sorA ssio: �j - Pdone: 266-SSaS FAX: 266-8313 Name: HomeA Telephone Number: Ytannlne Diatrict Coancll: PrrSerred M�tilia� Addrrae: WLAt in your oaupationY Place otEmploymwt: Committce(s) Applied Fnr: 1: � „ ' A, � � 1' : . y City CouaeU Ward: J� at N K L R� �.,� i �. What akAls, tratnin� or ezperience do you poue�s for the wmmittee(c) fir whlch yon scek oppolntment? The intormatlon Ineludtd in thla applicatlon 1s conaidered prlvafa data accordin� to the Mtnneaota Governmoat Dat� Prncfices Act. Ai x rssult, thu iator�uetion ia not releaied to thz �eneral public. (OVER) Rev. 8-3-97 �uecc . �:Iry Zip ��; •.: :�y�;�.M Namc: Addrear Phone: Npme: Add�as• Phone: Name: 97-/So 2. � N O 7 S" ia o�, ll S�- f�a t L Mn� �"'.S /G7- �oc/ 1. n � l Jo�; Te�rv�,cz /I��;n ' n 1! 1 l7V rls �Y S Address �° �� a oo� Pe✓ �i ✓f S�f Y«L Ihv 5 � L c' Pdone: l 9 68o ia � o• Reosons [or your Interest in thls partieular commlttee: n•i. .'.�_ _ �,,,._n. .. ...�w�,. .�,.�.. nn Have you had previout contact with the committee for wbrch you are making appUcatlon? If �o, when, aad tbe circumsGtuce�T , „ �; /� In ap ettempt to ea�urt t6at committee repreuntatloa reDetta the makeup of our commun➢ty, ptessc �eek the line �pplicable to you. ThSs information is stdstiy votuntary. ,�j,_ White (Csutsilan) Biack (A11�icaa American) Americsn Indisa or A►aslna Eekimo Mate �_ Femule Diwbled: Yes No �_ Hispanic As�aa or Paeiflt Islande� Daa orBi�cn: A � a s "�{/ _ if epee;al xccommodationi Are needed, piease �peelfy: How did you bear about tteis opentn;3 TOTR� P.E3 �: .� .. 97-�so2 12-03-97 �APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT CAMMITTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AETER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMNlENTS 000585 Maddox, Joyce Firatar Bank 35 W. Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - 291-9504 FAX 2919524 Banker Gladys Morton 1618 Wilson Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 h) 774-7179 Bert Sandberg �5 Bidwell St. Paul, MN 55107-2001 h) 457-9341 PAGE 1 WAF2U PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) __.•- -------- -----�-- �---°-� �-� --- --- 7 4 64 09/08/97 W F Joanne Tromiczak-Neid w) 1884 Randolph Avenue, St. Pau1, MN 55105 h) 1181 Duluth Street, St. Paul, MN 55106 h) 771-9680 w) 690-7D79 000183 Morton, Gladys 1618 Wilson Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 774-7179 Councilmember Marge Adkisson 71 Kipling St. Paul, MN 55119 H) 731-9235 W) 452-9600 Mary Cahill 981 Otto Avenue St. Paul, MN 55101 H) 292-0439 W)643-2156 7 1 67 09/08/97 W F Food and Nutrition Commission Water Board Pat Roedler 2036 Larry Ho Drive St. Paul, MN 55119 H) 735-2008 9'�-/soz 12-03-97 �APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT CAMMITTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AETER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAMt�NTS 003093 Pilko, Victoria #302 421 E. Travelers Trail Burnsville, MN 55337 Home - 894-8468 Realtor Rathy Phillips V.P., Burnet Realty 897 St. Paul Ave., 55116 h) 690-8595 w) 69$-2431 Georgia Anderson 984 St. Paul Ave., 55116 h) 695-8298 003105 Tasselmyer, Benita Bleecker 785 Aldine Street St. Paul, MN 55104-1105 Home - 641-1037 Industrial Engineer Alice Hausman State Representative 1447 Chelmsford Ave., 55108 w) 296-6013 h) 646-6220 Henry Kristal President, Embers Restaurants 1664 University Ave., 55104 w) 645-6473 4 11 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) --�- -------- -------- -------- �-- --- --- 11/27/95 W F Neal Thao Ramsey Co. Human Svcs./St. Paul School Board 154 Wyoming, 55107 h) 290-0590 w) 226-4274 Kathi Austin-Mahle Pastor, Hamline United Methodist Church 1514 Englewood Ave., 55104 w) 645-0667 000992 Winter, Nancy A. 1869 Sargent Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 PAGE 2 12/O1/95 W F 4 14 64 11/30/95 W F Home - 699-4495 Mortgage Banker 9� -�soz 12-03-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT �APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 3 COMMITTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COb4fENT5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTFiER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ------'-- -------- -------- --- --- --- Robert Plunkett, Atty. 1771 Montreal Avenue h) 699-1082 w) 854-4484 Joe Collins, Asst. to Janice Rettman 546 Blair h) 488-5108 w) 298-5289 Randy Peterson State Senator 155 N.E. Colleen Street, East Bethel h) 464-6479 w) 296-8018 ---------------------------------------------{--------- 11-30-95 Board of Zoning Appeals SKILLS: Member of Property Code Enforcement B{oard (1993-1995); Mortgage Banking since 1975; Real Estate broker's license. St. Paul homeo{wner since 1987. Reasons for Interest: I enjoyed the Property tCOde Enforcement Board. Since it was eliminated I{ feel this board would be of similar interest. Council 'Ze # / �/ SQ�. Green Sheet � S2 29� 7 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the z 3 4 s 6 � s 9 10 appoinrmen± and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following-named individuals to serve on the BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS. REAPPOINTED Gloria Bogen APPOINTED Toyce Maddox Arlend "Buzz" Wilson 11 Each member shall serve a three-year term which will expire on November 1, 2000. 1z 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Requested by Depax'tment of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: �_ _�"` 1_. � �+r�a...�-- Approved by Mayor: Date �t�! ! � .�� By: � / � Mayor's Office By: Peter Hames Form Approved by City Attorney By: �.�( r c�. , %2°���? � Approved by Mayor for 5ubmission to Council By: �� �'���wii Adopted by Council: Date Oy�.S7 ��_ N°_ 52294 9� tsnz OEFMfl1GEN7lOFFlCEICOUNCIL DATE INITIqTED Mayor Coleman's Office 12-3-97 GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAVDATE INITI0.VOATE DEPAflTMENT0IRE � CIttCOUNqL Roger (�.11Zt15 266-8531 ASSIGN �CITYATfORNEY �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON CpUNCIL ACaENDA BY (DATE7 NUMBER FOR � BUDGET DIRECTOR O FIR 8 MGT. $ERVICES �IR. POUfING OROER � MpypR (OR ASSISTADIT) O TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL 40CATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AGTION REOUESTED: - Approval of appointment of Joyce Maddox and the reappointments of Gloria Bogen and Arlend "Buzz" Wilson to serve on the BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS. RECOMMENDAT10N5: Approva (A) w Reje[[ (R) PERSONAL SEHVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PUINNING COMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Has tnis personHirm eVer worked untler a contfatt (or thi5 departm¢nt? _ CIB GOMMITfEE _ �'ES NO . _ STAFC 2� Ha5 this person/firm ever been a ciry employeg? — VES NO _ DIS7RIC7 COUR7 _ 3. Does this personlfirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry empioyee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explatn all yea a�swers cn separate aheet artd attach to greert sheat INITIATING PqOBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNfTY(Who. What, When. Where. WM1y). AWANTAGES IFAPPROVED: � DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: ' ��:i�rwar �'�t��l �r � �d1 EOt{�if DEG 0 4 1997 DEC tl 4 1997 .. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NQ FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPIAIN) ° I�'7'-/S02 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: ��♦ DATE: � Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember 7erry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Joseph Collins Councilmember M'ike Hams Councilmember Roberta Megazd Councilmember Gladys Morton Roger Curtis �''�� Assistant to the Mayor December 4, 1997 BOARD OF ZONIl�iG APPEALS Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment and reappointments ofthe following individuals to serve on the Board ofZoning Appeals. Rea�pointments Gloria Bogen Arlend "Buzz" Wilson Apnointment Joyce Maddox Attached is a copy of the resoluYion, Joyce Maddox' application and an applicant report listing all applicants on file since January 1, 1994. If you have any questions, feei free to call me at 266-8531. RC:drm Attachments c: Nancy Anderson, Council Reseazch Wendy Lane, LIEP Sue Synstegaard, LIEP H:\USERS�MORR04NW PFILES\BZA723.CNC � ( ���� UYY+li:l: UN 1't1L' MAYUli 7 S90 CT1Y HALL g �q � 97 '�SOZ. � s�nvT pnv�., �rnv�sorA ssio: �j - Pdone: 266-SSaS FAX: 266-8313 Name: HomeA Telephone Number: Ytannlne Diatrict Coancll: PrrSerred M�tilia� Addrrae: WLAt in your oaupationY Place otEmploymwt: Committce(s) Applied Fnr: 1: � „ ' A, � � 1' : . y City CouaeU Ward: J� at N K L R� �.,� i �. What akAls, tratnin� or ezperience do you poue�s for the wmmittee(c) fir whlch yon scek oppolntment? The intormatlon Ineludtd in thla applicatlon 1s conaidered prlvafa data accordin� to the Mtnneaota Governmoat Dat� Prncfices Act. Ai x rssult, thu iator�uetion ia not releaied to thz �eneral public. (OVER) Rev. 8-3-97 �uecc . �:Iry Zip ��; •.: :�y�;�.M Namc: Addrear Phone: Npme: Add�as• Phone: Name: 97-/So 2. � N O 7 S" ia o�, ll S�- f�a t L Mn� �"'.S /G7- �oc/ 1. n � l Jo�; Te�rv�,cz /I��;n ' n 1! 1 l7V rls �Y S Address �° �� a oo� Pe✓ �i ✓f S�f Y«L Ihv 5 � L c' Pdone: l 9 68o ia � o• Reosons [or your Interest in thls partieular commlttee: n•i. .'.�_ _ �,,,._n. .. ...�w�,. .�,.�.. nn Have you had previout contact with the committee for wbrch you are making appUcatlon? If �o, when, aad tbe circumsGtuce�T , „ �; /� In ap ettempt to ea�urt t6at committee repreuntatloa reDetta the makeup of our commun➢ty, ptessc �eek the line �pplicable to you. ThSs information is stdstiy votuntary. ,�j,_ White (Csutsilan) Biack (A11�icaa American) Americsn Indisa or A►aslna Eekimo Mate �_ Femule Diwbled: Yes No �_ Hispanic As�aa or Paeiflt Islande� Daa orBi�cn: A � a s "�{/ _ if epee;al xccommodationi Are needed, piease �peelfy: How did you bear about tteis opentn;3 TOTR� P.E3 �: .� .. 97-�so2 12-03-97 �APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT CAMMITTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AETER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMNlENTS 000585 Maddox, Joyce Firatar Bank 35 W. Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - 291-9504 FAX 2919524 Banker Gladys Morton 1618 Wilson Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 h) 774-7179 Bert Sandberg �5 Bidwell St. Paul, MN 55107-2001 h) 457-9341 PAGE 1 WAF2U PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) __.•- -------- -----�-- �---°-� �-� --- --- 7 4 64 09/08/97 W F Joanne Tromiczak-Neid w) 1884 Randolph Avenue, St. Pau1, MN 55105 h) 1181 Duluth Street, St. Paul, MN 55106 h) 771-9680 w) 690-7D79 000183 Morton, Gladys 1618 Wilson Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 774-7179 Councilmember Marge Adkisson 71 Kipling St. Paul, MN 55119 H) 731-9235 W) 452-9600 Mary Cahill 981 Otto Avenue St. Paul, MN 55101 H) 292-0439 W)643-2156 7 1 67 09/08/97 W F Food and Nutrition Commission Water Board Pat Roedler 2036 Larry Ho Drive St. Paul, MN 55119 H) 735-2008 9'�-/soz 12-03-97 �APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT CAMMITTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AETER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAMt�NTS 003093 Pilko, Victoria #302 421 E. Travelers Trail Burnsville, MN 55337 Home - 894-8468 Realtor Rathy Phillips V.P., Burnet Realty 897 St. Paul Ave., 55116 h) 690-8595 w) 69$-2431 Georgia Anderson 984 St. Paul Ave., 55116 h) 695-8298 003105 Tasselmyer, Benita Bleecker 785 Aldine Street St. Paul, MN 55104-1105 Home - 641-1037 Industrial Engineer Alice Hausman State Representative 1447 Chelmsford Ave., 55108 w) 296-6013 h) 646-6220 Henry Kristal President, Embers Restaurants 1664 University Ave., 55104 w) 645-6473 4 11 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) --�- -------- -------- -------- �-- --- --- 11/27/95 W F Neal Thao Ramsey Co. Human Svcs./St. Paul School Board 154 Wyoming, 55107 h) 290-0590 w) 226-4274 Kathi Austin-Mahle Pastor, Hamline United Methodist Church 1514 Englewood Ave., 55104 w) 645-0667 000992 Winter, Nancy A. 1869 Sargent Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 PAGE 2 12/O1/95 W F 4 14 64 11/30/95 W F Home - 699-4495 Mortgage Banker 9� -�soz 12-03-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT �APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 3 COMMITTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COb4fENT5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTFiER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ------'-- -------- -------- --- --- --- Robert Plunkett, Atty. 1771 Montreal Avenue h) 699-1082 w) 854-4484 Joe Collins, Asst. to Janice Rettman 546 Blair h) 488-5108 w) 298-5289 Randy Peterson State Senator 155 N.E. Colleen Street, East Bethel h) 464-6479 w) 296-8018 ---------------------------------------------{--------- 11-30-95 Board of Zoning Appeals SKILLS: Member of Property Code Enforcement B{oard (1993-1995); Mortgage Banking since 1975; Real Estate broker's license. St. Paul homeo{wner since 1987. Reasons for Interest: I enjoyed the Property tCOde Enforcement Board. Since it was eliminated I{ feel this board would be of similar interest. Council 'Ze # / �/ SQ�. Green Sheet � S2 29� 7 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the z 3 4 s 6 � s 9 10 appoinrmen± and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following-named individuals to serve on the BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS. REAPPOINTED Gloria Bogen APPOINTED Toyce Maddox Arlend "Buzz" Wilson 11 Each member shall serve a three-year term which will expire on November 1, 2000. 1z 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Requested by Depax'tment of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: �_ _�"` 1_. � �+r�a...�-- Approved by Mayor: Date �t�! ! � .�� By: � / � Mayor's Office By: Peter Hames Form Approved by City Attorney By: �.�( r c�. , %2°���? � Approved by Mayor for 5ubmission to Council By: �� �'���wii Adopted by Council: Date Oy�.S7 ��_ N°_ 52294 9� tsnz OEFMfl1GEN7lOFFlCEICOUNCIL DATE INITIqTED Mayor Coleman's Office 12-3-97 GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAVDATE INITI0.VOATE DEPAflTMENT0IRE � CIttCOUNqL Roger (�.11Zt15 266-8531 ASSIGN �CITYATfORNEY �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON CpUNCIL ACaENDA BY (DATE7 NUMBER FOR � BUDGET DIRECTOR O FIR 8 MGT. $ERVICES �IR. POUfING OROER � MpypR (OR ASSISTADIT) O TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL 40CATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AGTION REOUESTED: - Approval of appointment of Joyce Maddox and the reappointments of Gloria Bogen and Arlend "Buzz" Wilson to serve on the BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS. RECOMMENDAT10N5: Approva (A) w Reje[[ (R) PERSONAL SEHVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PUINNING COMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Has tnis personHirm eVer worked untler a contfatt (or thi5 departm¢nt? _ CIB GOMMITfEE _ �'ES NO . _ STAFC 2� Ha5 this person/firm ever been a ciry employeg? — VES NO _ DIS7RIC7 COUR7 _ 3. Does this personlfirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry empioyee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explatn all yea a�swers cn separate aheet artd attach to greert sheat INITIATING PqOBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNfTY(Who. What, When. Where. WM1y). AWANTAGES IFAPPROVED: � DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: ' ��:i�rwar �'�t��l �r � �d1 EOt{�if DEG 0 4 1997 DEC tl 4 1997 .. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NQ FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPIAIN) ° I�'7'-/S02 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: ��♦ DATE: � Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember 7erry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Joseph Collins Councilmember M'ike Hams Councilmember Roberta Megazd Councilmember Gladys Morton Roger Curtis �''�� Assistant to the Mayor December 4, 1997 BOARD OF ZONIl�iG APPEALS Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment and reappointments ofthe following individuals to serve on the Board ofZoning Appeals. Rea�pointments Gloria Bogen Arlend "Buzz" Wilson Apnointment Joyce Maddox Attached is a copy of the resoluYion, Joyce Maddox' application and an applicant report listing all applicants on file since January 1, 1994. If you have any questions, feei free to call me at 266-8531. RC:drm Attachments c: Nancy Anderson, Council Reseazch Wendy Lane, LIEP Sue Synstegaard, LIEP H:\USERS�MORR04NW PFILES\BZA723.CNC � ( ���� UYY+li:l: UN 1't1L' MAYUli 7 S90 CT1Y HALL g �q � 97 '�SOZ. � s�nvT pnv�., �rnv�sorA ssio: �j - Pdone: 266-SSaS FAX: 266-8313 Name: HomeA Telephone Number: Ytannlne Diatrict Coancll: PrrSerred M�tilia� Addrrae: WLAt in your oaupationY Place otEmploymwt: Committce(s) Applied Fnr: 1: � „ ' A, � � 1' : . y City CouaeU Ward: J� at N K L R� �.,� i �. What akAls, tratnin� or ezperience do you poue�s for the wmmittee(c) fir whlch yon scek oppolntment? The intormatlon Ineludtd in thla applicatlon 1s conaidered prlvafa data accordin� to the Mtnneaota Governmoat Dat� Prncfices Act. Ai x rssult, thu iator�uetion ia not releaied to thz �eneral public. (OVER) Rev. 8-3-97 �uecc . �:Iry Zip ��; •.: :�y�;�.M Namc: Addrear Phone: Npme: Add�as• Phone: Name: 97-/So 2. � N O 7 S" ia o�, ll S�- f�a t L Mn� �"'.S /G7- �oc/ 1. n � l Jo�; Te�rv�,cz /I��;n ' n 1! 1 l7V rls �Y S Address �° �� a oo� Pe✓ �i ✓f S�f Y«L Ihv 5 � L c' Pdone: l 9 68o ia � o• Reosons [or your Interest in thls partieular commlttee: n•i. .'.�_ _ �,,,._n. .. ...�w�,. .�,.�.. nn Have you had previout contact with the committee for wbrch you are making appUcatlon? If �o, when, aad tbe circumsGtuce�T , „ �; /� In ap ettempt to ea�urt t6at committee repreuntatloa reDetta the makeup of our commun➢ty, ptessc �eek the line �pplicable to you. ThSs information is stdstiy votuntary. ,�j,_ White (Csutsilan) Biack (A11�icaa American) Americsn Indisa or A►aslna Eekimo Mate �_ Femule Diwbled: Yes No �_ Hispanic As�aa or Paeiflt Islande� Daa orBi�cn: A � a s "�{/ _ if epee;al xccommodationi Are needed, piease �peelfy: How did you bear about tteis opentn;3 TOTR� P.E3 �: .� .. 97-�so2 12-03-97 �APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT CAMMITTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AETER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMNlENTS 000585 Maddox, Joyce Firatar Bank 35 W. Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - 291-9504 FAX 2919524 Banker Gladys Morton 1618 Wilson Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 h) 774-7179 Bert Sandberg �5 Bidwell St. Paul, MN 55107-2001 h) 457-9341 PAGE 1 WAF2U PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) __.•- -------- -----�-- �---°-� �-� --- --- 7 4 64 09/08/97 W F Joanne Tromiczak-Neid w) 1884 Randolph Avenue, St. Pau1, MN 55105 h) 1181 Duluth Street, St. Paul, MN 55106 h) 771-9680 w) 690-7D79 000183 Morton, Gladys 1618 Wilson Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 774-7179 Councilmember Marge Adkisson 71 Kipling St. Paul, MN 55119 H) 731-9235 W) 452-9600 Mary Cahill 981 Otto Avenue St. Paul, MN 55101 H) 292-0439 W)643-2156 7 1 67 09/08/97 W F Food and Nutrition Commission Water Board Pat Roedler 2036 Larry Ho Drive St. Paul, MN 55119 H) 735-2008 9'�-/soz 12-03-97 �APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT CAMMITTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AETER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAMt�NTS 003093 Pilko, Victoria #302 421 E. Travelers Trail Burnsville, MN 55337 Home - 894-8468 Realtor Rathy Phillips V.P., Burnet Realty 897 St. Paul Ave., 55116 h) 690-8595 w) 69$-2431 Georgia Anderson 984 St. Paul Ave., 55116 h) 695-8298 003105 Tasselmyer, Benita Bleecker 785 Aldine Street St. Paul, MN 55104-1105 Home - 641-1037 Industrial Engineer Alice Hausman State Representative 1447 Chelmsford Ave., 55108 w) 296-6013 h) 646-6220 Henry Kristal President, Embers Restaurants 1664 University Ave., 55104 w) 645-6473 4 11 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) --�- -------- -------- -------- �-- --- --- 11/27/95 W F Neal Thao Ramsey Co. Human Svcs./St. Paul School Board 154 Wyoming, 55107 h) 290-0590 w) 226-4274 Kathi Austin-Mahle Pastor, Hamline United Methodist Church 1514 Englewood Ave., 55104 w) 645-0667 000992 Winter, Nancy A. 1869 Sargent Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 PAGE 2 12/O1/95 W F 4 14 64 11/30/95 W F Home - 699-4495 Mortgage Banker 9� -�soz 12-03-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT �APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 3 COMMITTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COb4fENT5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTFiER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ------'-- -------- -------- --- --- --- Robert Plunkett, Atty. 1771 Montreal Avenue h) 699-1082 w) 854-4484 Joe Collins, Asst. to Janice Rettman 546 Blair h) 488-5108 w) 298-5289 Randy Peterson State Senator 155 N.E. Colleen Street, East Bethel h) 464-6479 w) 296-8018 ---------------------------------------------{--------- 11-30-95 Board of Zoning Appeals SKILLS: Member of Property Code Enforcement B{oard (1993-1995); Mortgage Banking since 1975; Real Estate broker's license. St. Paul homeo{wner since 1987. Reasons for Interest: I enjoyed the Property tCOde Enforcement Board. Since it was eliminated I{ feel this board would be of similar interest.