97-1501�---, ���� � F � � Council File # " �� � . . ._ . . '_ .�� � Green Sheet # SZ 2 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented By Referred To By: Peter Hames i 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 io ii iz 13 14 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments and reappointment, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the HUBERT H. HUNIPHI2EY JOB CORPS CENTER NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COMiMITTEE. APPOINTED James DiZio, Ph.D. REAPPOINTED Elna Avey Barbara Young Each of the ahove individuals shall serve a two-year term which will expire on December 31, 1999. 15 16 17 1S Requested by Department of: Maqor's Of£ice Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � �.a.�, � � � Approved by Mayor: Date Z�iI/7/- By , t Fdrm By: Committee: Date by City Attorney c ,� �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date �p. _ ,� ���9� N� 52291 9�-�s� i �E IJFFiCEKAUkCIL �DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEE " � Mayor Coleman's Office 12-1-97 CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE Q DEPARTMENT OIREGTOp NITIAUDATE � CITV COUNCIL �NfTIAUOATE Alberto Quintela -- 266-8529 ASSIGN �CITVATfORNEY OCITVCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENOA BY (DATE) NUMBEN FOA O BUOGET D�RECTOR O FIN 8 MGT. SERVICES D�R. NOUiING ORDEfl � MAYOR (QFi ASSISTANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATION5 FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION AEQUE5TED: Approval of the appointments and reappointment of_members to the H.H.H. Job Corps Center NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Appointed: 3ames DiZio, Ph.D. and Barbara Young. Reappointed: Elna Avey RECOMMENDATIpNS: Approva (A) vr Rejed (R) PERSONAL SEqY10E CONT8ACT5 MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PI.ANNING COMMISS�ON _ CNII SERVICE CqMMISSION �� Has t0i5 personffirm eve� wofketl untler a rAntreCt for this tlepartment? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ S7AFf 2. Has this perSOnR"irm ever been a city emD�q'ee? — YES NO _, DtSTRfCT CWRi _ 3. Does this persoMirm possess a skili noi normally possessed Dy any currant ciry employeeY SUPPOHiS WHICH COUNCiI O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yea answers on aeparate sM1eet and attech to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE.OPPORTUNITV (Who. Whet. WM1en. Whare. Why). ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: `�,- SNSADVANTAGES �F APPApVE�� OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPFOVED � � � DEC 0 4 1997 TOTAL AMOUNT OF THANSAC710N S COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CfRCLE ONEJ YES NO FUNOIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIpI INFORMATIpN: (EXPLpIN) JUIV / �i�� � Name: � Eome AddTess: 11�bb SI PAUL MRYOR'S OFFICE SIiSNT PAIIL� MINNESOTA 55102 _ � , 266-8525_' FAX: 266-8513 Stzeet Telephone 2huabez= _ CHome P�anning District Covncx7�: Preferred Hailin� A T7flat is pouz occupa P1ace�of Eraploqment Co�:tittee(s) Appli,e Ei2 265 9513 P.,p�,fl�.3.�� YftLi'G1Y ��,�-� �P -/�507 � \ - �/AX�� Ur..�r;: y� Ahat skiJ.lsJtrai,ning or eaperiettce do you possc�s £or the co�ittee(�) for vhich pou seek appointmentl — n,\(�nSto.�n. .. ..,(_ ..�...fc) ....-. . �,. �\\ /' _ . � The inzozwation included j.n shis app7j.�ation is considered private d2tz according to che ?fizuiesota Coverment Data Pzactices Act. As a result, this inferm2tior, is not ,eleaszc cc the genezaZ pub7.ic_ (OV&2) � ��g�c� Rev. i \U " �, Ci�p CounCil Va=d; '" �u�v 11-bb --' ------�_.___ Addtess: --��._ Phone: Home hame: Address: ?honec_ Cgo�e�__ Name� .-----�_ Address: ----------_ Phonc_ lu�ma� b I F'NUL f9HYOR' S OFF ICE 97- /64/ E12 266 P513 p,03i63 ��s.'`�-��—� � hc�� Reasons �ox your zncerest in this paztzcul.ar co�ittee: � 0 Fiave yoss�had �e ious contact vith the cozmittee for vhieh you a=e makxng sppli.cae.ion. If so, vhen, and circumstancesl In an attempt to ensure that cocue3ttee representacion zeflects the makeup of ovr communi,ty� pZease check the 13ne applicab7.e to you. Thzs information is strictlp voluntazp, �/ V11ite {Caucasiar.) B1ack {A£rican American) �ZSpaRiC A�erican Tndian o: Alaskan ��k- � Asi,an or Pacific Islander � xno °�'� cS�s1 �C�sm��sc�� Hale 1 � Fea�1e Date of Birth: `� ��—� D?sabled: Yes No �/ Z£ snecisl accoc�nodat3ons a�e r,eeded, p�ease specify. Y�" �i�' SoL hear abo•,;t t}:is o pening9 ( �s� �'�t�,��� � �RC.o..> \ i � h? . � Oi'i'1Cc: U:' irii: Y��YCJit Q��/CO/ � 2 s 9 o c=mY �.L �U{� �2 5 1997 J J SAXNT PAIIL� MSN2�IESOTA 55102 266-8525 FAX: 26b-8513 �ttAYOR'S Qr'ffC� Nase: :.�C 1�1c? S � � � � Cj �S i� . . - J Home Address: I�.J(r �RC�p:10. S"'t'.' '`�f. �C���L �iv � S�J jL Q, Stzeet City Z� Telephone 2iumber: �1'Cg1 �� `l �'7 — t2tio '7 3"Z - �tc� SZ Planni.ng District Co�ci1: City Council Gard: Preferred Hailing Address: 1�7r.tti>, at�C�fC55 Uhat is pour occupation? Place�o£ Eaployment: Co�ittee(s) Applied For: r ;�"1Mt Ahat sY.ills/training or experience do you possess for the co�mittee(a) for vnicn you se_k appointment? � .. HHIt S :l J The in£oxsation included in this application is considered pri�ate data accorci^.g to Lt:e Hir.nesota Goverment pata Practices Act. As a result, this infor^,..ztion is not relezsec to the generzl public. (OPE,R) Rev. ?i?8/96 Name• Address: Phone: Na�e: Address: i Cvc;`�r S:zhct � �i Phone: CHoge) �;y�: -�i 3r�� (S7o=kl Name• K cL�C'. , Address:_ 7�-C- 5�;.� 9��,�V ` � J�S��;i S1. S � Phone:_ CHome) ��'1� - `�3:.�, (Aork) Reasons £or yovr interest in this particular co�ittee: ��,;�< <�;,�..;� - �, , � �. ' J Have you had previous contact vith the cot�ittee for which you are making application. If so, vhen, and circumstances7 In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reElects the makeup of our conmunity, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntarp. _� GThite (Caucasian) E1ack (r,irican A;,,erican I American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo X Irale Fenale Disabled: Yes 27 �_ D2te of Birth: If special accoIImodations are needed, please specify. Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander ���`t/5P� Hov did you heaz about this openingT ��,�c� S�� u���'.il 97-/SD/ ��9-10-97 CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 COMMITTEE : NAC Neighborhood Advisory Com[n. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt�NTS 003314 DiZio, James 1536 AYOna Street St. Paul, MN 55108 Home - 647-0810 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISSRICT (PRIOR) (02HER COMMITTEES SERVI23G ON) °-- ------'-- -------- -------- --- --- --- 4 10 06/25/97 W M 3M Work - 737-1263 FAX 7374682 Chemist at 3M Greg Donovan 1535 Arona Street, 55108 h) 644-8186 Everett Socha 1540 Arona Street, 55108 h) 646-4358 h) 646-4355 Kate and Gar� Olson 1506 Simpson Street h) 646-5338 [Has spoken w/Greg Donovan, current member, a{bout the committee] 003084 Schubert, Eric #`5 593 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 228-0953 Mona Meyer McGrath & Gavin Work - 831-3200 FAX 8315116 Public Relations Specialist Kevin Morris Midwest Cocoa Cola w) 456-1260 1 8 04/10/97 W M Cable Access Bd. of Directors Jorg Pierach Mona Meyer McGrath & Gavin 8400 Normandale Lake Blvd., Ste. 500 Minneapolis, MN 55437 w) 832-5000 Mary Beth Werner 259'I Bedford Ct. Mendota Hghts., MN 5512� 97-�so� 09-10-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : NAC Neighborhood Advisory Comm. FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAM2tENTS WARD PLAIiNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTFIER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- h) 452-5740 Tom Horner 8500 Normandale Lake Boulevard, Suite 720 Minneapolis, MN 55437 w) 831-3200 John Himle Himle and Horner, Inc. w) 831-3200 Dick Bioeker 931 Fairmont Avenue, 55105 h) 222-8852 w) 293-6860 003274 Vervair, Will 5 Weat Gearge Street St. Paul, MN 55107 Home - 221-0452 Alternative Resources Corporation 2800 Weat 80th Stseet Bloomington, MN Computer Consultant Duncan Lewison 220 W. Page, 55107 221-0402 Steve Peterson 2 E. George Street, 55107 224-6819 Mark Loesch 4101 WentwoYth Avenue Minneapolis, MN 823-6857 2 3 {------°- { { { { { { { { 04/03/97 W M 003337 Young, Barbara A. 10 09jO8j97 W P 1516 Arona Street St. Paul, MN 55108 Home - 649-0835 97-/So/ 04-10-97 CQMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 3 COMMITTEE : NAC Neighborhood Advisory Comm. FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COM24ENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DTS DI5TRZCT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) --'-- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Schools Homemaker/formerly see above No references liated. 97-�,50� CITY OF SAINT PAUL December 3, 1997 Norm Cokman, Mayor IS West SeQogg Bouleva�d Sain! Paul, Minnesota 55102 TO: Saint Paul City Counci{members Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Ierry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember 7oseph Collins Councilmember Mike Aarris Councilmember Gladys Morton Counciimember Roberta Megard FROM: Alberto Quintela Assistant to the Mayor C� DATE: RE: 39Q City Ha1C �� � Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center (Neighborhood Advisory Committee (NAC) Telephone: (612)166-852Q FacsL�u7e: (612) 266-8513 Mayor Coleman has recommended that the following individuals be appointed and reappointed to serve on the Neighborhood Advisory Committee. APPOINTED 7ames DiZio, Ph.D. Bazbara Young REAPPOINTED Elna Avey Each of the above individuals will serve a two-year term that will expire on December 31, 1999. Attached is a copy of the resolution recommending these individuals, copies of the new appointees' applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since 7anuary 1, 1994. Feel free to call me at 266-8529 if you have any questions. AQ:drm Attachments c: Nancy Andetson, Council Research Charlotte Armstrong, Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center �---, ���� � F � � Council File # " �� � . . ._ . . '_ .�� � Green Sheet # SZ 2 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented By Referred To By: Peter Hames i 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 io ii iz 13 14 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments and reappointment, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the HUBERT H. HUNIPHI2EY JOB CORPS CENTER NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COMiMITTEE. APPOINTED James DiZio, Ph.D. REAPPOINTED Elna Avey Barbara Young Each of the ahove individuals shall serve a two-year term which will expire on December 31, 1999. 15 16 17 1S Requested by Department of: Maqor's Of£ice Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � �.a.�, � � � Approved by Mayor: Date Z�iI/7/- By , t Fdrm By: Committee: Date by City Attorney c ,� �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date �p. _ ,� ��9� N� 52291 9�-�s� i �E IJFFiCEKAUkCIL �DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEE " � Mayor Coleman's Office 12-1-97 CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE Q DEPARTMENT OIREGTOp NITIAUDATE � CITV COUNCIL �NfTIAUOATE Alberto Quintela -- 266-8529 ASSIGN �CITVATfORNEY OCITVCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENOA BY (DATE) NUMBEN FOA O BUOGET D�RECTOR O FIN 8 MGT. SERVICES D�R. NOUiING ORDEfl � MAYOR (QFi ASSISTANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATION5 FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION AEQUE5TED: Approval of the appointments and reappointment of_members to the H.H.H. Job Corps Center NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Appointed: 3ames DiZio, Ph.D. and Barbara Young. Reappointed: Elna Avey RECOMMENDATIpNS: Approva (A) vr Rejed (R) PERSONAL SEqY10E CONT8ACT5 MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PI.ANNING COMMISS�ON _ CNII SERVICE CqMMISSION �� Has t0i5 personffirm eve� wofketl untler a rAntreCt for this tlepartment? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ S7AFf 2. Has this perSOnR"irm ever been a city emD�q'ee? — YES NO _, DtSTRfCT CWRi _ 3. Does this persoMirm possess a skili noi normally possessed Dy any currant ciry employeeY SUPPOHiS WHICH COUNCiI O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yea answers on aeparate sM1eet and attech to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE.OPPORTUNITV (Who. Whet. WM1en. Whare. Why). ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: `�,- SNSADVANTAGES �F APPApVE�� OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPFOVED � � � DEC 0 4 1997 TOTAL AMOUNT OF THANSAC710N S COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CfRCLE ONEJ YES NO FUNOIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIpI INFORMATIpN: (EXPLpIN) JUIV / �i�� � Name: � Eome AddTess: 11�bb SI PAUL MRYOR'S OFFICE SIiSNT PAIIL� MINNESOTA 55102 _ � , 266-8525_' FAX: 266-8513 Stzeet Telephone 2huabez= _ CHome P�anning District Covncx7�: Preferred Hailin� A T7flat is pouz occupa P1ace�of Eraploqment Co�:tittee(s) Appli,e Ei2 265 9513 P.,p�,fl�.3.�� YftLi'G1Y ��,�-� �P -/�507 � \ - �/AX�� Ur..�r;: y� Ahat skiJ.lsJtrai,ning or eaperiettce do you possc�s £or the co�ittee(�) for vhich pou seek appointmentl — n,\(�nSto.�n. .. ..,(_ ..�...fc) ....-. . �,. �\\ /' _ . � The inzozwation included j.n shis app7j.�ation is considered private d2tz according to che ?fizuiesota Coverment Data Pzactices Act. As a result, this inferm2tior, is not ,eleaszc cc the genezaZ pub7.ic_ (OV&2) � ��g�c� Rev. i \U " �, Ci�p CounCil Va=d; '" �u�v 11-bb --' ------�_.___ Addtess: --��._ Phone: Home hame: Address: ?honec_ Cgo�e�__ Name� .-----�_ Address: ----------_ Phonc_ lu�ma� b I F'NUL f9HYOR' S OFF ICE 97- /64/ E12 266 P513 p,03i63 ��s.'`�-��—� � hc�� Reasons �ox your zncerest in this paztzcul.ar co�ittee: � 0 Fiave yoss�had �e ious contact vith the cozmittee for vhieh you a=e makxng sppli.cae.ion. If so, vhen, and circumstancesl In an attempt to ensure that cocue3ttee representacion zeflects the makeup of ovr communi,ty� pZease check the 13ne applicab7.e to you. Thzs information is strictlp voluntazp, �/ V11ite {Caucasiar.) B1ack {A£rican American) �ZSpaRiC A�erican Tndian o: Alaskan ��k- � Asi,an or Pacific Islander � xno °�'� cS�s1 �C�sm��sc�� Hale 1 � Fea�1e Date of Birth: `� ��—� D?sabled: Yes No �/ Z£ snecisl accoc�nodat3ons a�e r,eeded, p�ease specify. Y�" �i�' SoL hear abo•,;t t}:is o pening9 ( �s� �'�t�,��� � �RC.o..> \ i � h? . � Oi'i'1Cc: U:' irii: Y��YCJit Q��/CO/ � 2 s 9 o c=mY �.L �U{� �2 5 1997 J J SAXNT PAIIL� MSN2�IESOTA 55102 266-8525 FAX: 26b-8513 �ttAYOR'S Qr'ffC� Nase: :.�C 1�1c? S � � � � Cj �S i� . . - J Home Address: I�.J(r �RC�p:10. S"'t'.' '`�f. �C���L �iv � S�J jL Q, Stzeet City Z� Telephone 2iumber: �1'Cg1 �� `l �'7 — t2tio '7 3"Z - �tc� SZ Planni.ng District Co�ci1: City Council Gard: Preferred Hailing Address: 1�7r.tti>, at�C�fC55 Uhat is pour occupation? Place�o£ Eaployment: Co�ittee(s) Applied For: r ;�"1Mt Ahat sY.ills/training or experience do you possess for the co�mittee(a) for vnicn you se_k appointment? � .. HHIt S :l J The in£oxsation included in this application is considered pri�ate data accorci^.g to Lt:e Hir.nesota Goverment pata Practices Act. As a result, this infor^,..ztion is not relezsec to the generzl public. (OPE,R) Rev. ?i?8/96 Name• Address: Phone: Na�e: Address: i Cvc;`�r S:zhct � �i Phone: CHoge) �;y�: -�i 3r�� (S7o=kl Name• K cL�C'. , Address:_ 7�-C- 5�;.� 9��,�V ` � J�S��;i S1. S � Phone:_ CHome) ��'1� - `�3:.�, (Aork) Reasons £or yovr interest in this particular co�ittee: ��,;�< <�;,�..;� - �, , � �. ' J Have you had previous contact vith the cot�ittee for which you are making application. If so, vhen, and circumstances7 In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reElects the makeup of our conmunity, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntarp. _� GThite (Caucasian) E1ack (r,irican A;,,erican I American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo X Irale Fenale Disabled: Yes 27 �_ D2te of Birth: If special accoIImodations are needed, please specify. Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander ���`t/5P� Hov did you heaz about this openingT ��,�c� S�� u���'.il 97-/SD/ ��9-10-97 CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 COMMITTEE : NAC Neighborhood Advisory Com[n. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt�NTS 003314 DiZio, James 1536 AYOna Street St. Paul, MN 55108 Home - 647-0810 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISSRICT (PRIOR) (02HER COMMITTEES SERVI23G ON) °-- ------'-- -------- -------- --- --- --- 4 10 06/25/97 W M 3M Work - 737-1263 FAX 7374682 Chemist at 3M Greg Donovan 1535 Arona Street, 55108 h) 644-8186 Everett Socha 1540 Arona Street, 55108 h) 646-4358 h) 646-4355 Kate and Gar� Olson 1506 Simpson Street h) 646-5338 [Has spoken w/Greg Donovan, current member, a{bout the committee] 003084 Schubert, Eric #`5 593 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 228-0953 Mona Meyer McGrath & Gavin Work - 831-3200 FAX 8315116 Public Relations Specialist Kevin Morris Midwest Cocoa Cola w) 456-1260 1 8 04/10/97 W M Cable Access Bd. of Directors Jorg Pierach Mona Meyer McGrath & Gavin 8400 Normandale Lake Blvd., Ste. 500 Minneapolis, MN 55437 w) 832-5000 Mary Beth Werner 259'I Bedford Ct. Mendota Hghts., MN 5512� 97-�so� 09-10-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : NAC Neighborhood Advisory Comm. FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAM2tENTS WARD PLAIiNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTFIER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- h) 452-5740 Tom Horner 8500 Normandale Lake Boulevard, Suite 720 Minneapolis, MN 55437 w) 831-3200 John Himle Himle and Horner, Inc. w) 831-3200 Dick Bioeker 931 Fairmont Avenue, 55105 h) 222-8852 w) 293-6860 003274 Vervair, Will 5 Weat Gearge Street St. Paul, MN 55107 Home - 221-0452 Alternative Resources Corporation 2800 Weat 80th Stseet Bloomington, MN Computer Consultant Duncan Lewison 220 W. Page, 55107 221-0402 Steve Peterson 2 E. George Street, 55107 224-6819 Mark Loesch 4101 WentwoYth Avenue Minneapolis, MN 823-6857 2 3 {------°- { { { { { { { { 04/03/97 W M 003337 Young, Barbara A. 10 09jO8j97 W P 1516 Arona Street St. Paul, MN 55108 Home - 649-0835 97-/So/ 04-10-97 CQMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 3 COMMITTEE : NAC Neighborhood Advisory Comm. FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COM24ENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DTS DI5TRZCT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) --'-- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Schools Homemaker/formerly see above No references liated. 97-�,50� CITY OF SAINT PAUL December 3, 1997 Norm Cokman, Mayor IS West SeQogg Bouleva�d Sain! Paul, Minnesota 55102 TO: Saint Paul City Counci{members Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Ierry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember 7oseph Collins Councilmember Mike Aarris Councilmember Gladys Morton Counciimember Roberta Megard FROM: Alberto Quintela Assistant to the Mayor C� DATE: RE: 39Q City Ha1C �� � Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center (Neighborhood Advisory Committee (NAC) Telephone: (612)166-852Q FacsL�u7e: (612) 266-8513 Mayor Coleman has recommended that the following individuals be appointed and reappointed to serve on the Neighborhood Advisory Committee. APPOINTED 7ames DiZio, Ph.D. Bazbara Young REAPPOINTED Elna Avey Each of the above individuals will serve a two-year term that will expire on December 31, 1999. Attached is a copy of the resolution recommending these individuals, copies of the new appointees' applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since 7anuary 1, 1994. Feel free to call me at 266-8529 if you have any questions. AQ:drm Attachments c: Nancy Andetson, Council Research Charlotte Armstrong, Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center �---, ���� � F � � Council File # " �� � . . ._ . . '_ .�� � Green Sheet # SZ 2 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented By Referred To By: Peter Hames i 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 io ii iz 13 14 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments and reappointment, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the HUBERT H. HUNIPHI2EY JOB CORPS CENTER NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COMiMITTEE. APPOINTED James DiZio, Ph.D. REAPPOINTED Elna Avey Barbara Young Each of the ahove individuals shall serve a two-year term which will expire on December 31, 1999. 15 16 17 1S Requested by Department of: Maqor's Of£ice Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � �.a.�, � � � Approved by Mayor: Date Z�iI/7/- By , t Fdrm By: Committee: Date by City Attorney c ,� �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date �p. _ ,� ��9� N� 52291 9�-�s� i �E IJFFiCEKAUkCIL �DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEE " � Mayor Coleman's Office 12-1-97 CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE Q DEPARTMENT OIREGTOp NITIAUDATE � CITV COUNCIL �NfTIAUOATE Alberto Quintela -- 266-8529 ASSIGN �CITVATfORNEY OCITVCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENOA BY (DATE) NUMBEN FOA O BUOGET D�RECTOR O FIN 8 MGT. SERVICES D�R. NOUiING ORDEfl � MAYOR (QFi ASSISTANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATION5 FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION AEQUE5TED: Approval of the appointments and reappointment of_members to the H.H.H. Job Corps Center NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Appointed: 3ames DiZio, Ph.D. and Barbara Young. Reappointed: Elna Avey RECOMMENDATIpNS: Approva (A) vr Rejed (R) PERSONAL SEqY10E CONT8ACT5 MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PI.ANNING COMMISS�ON _ CNII SERVICE CqMMISSION �� Has t0i5 personffirm eve� wofketl untler a rAntreCt for this tlepartment? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ S7AFf 2. Has this perSOnR"irm ever been a city emD�q'ee? — YES NO _, DtSTRfCT CWRi _ 3. Does this persoMirm possess a skili noi normally possessed Dy any currant ciry employeeY SUPPOHiS WHICH COUNCiI O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yea answers on aeparate sM1eet and attech to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE.OPPORTUNITV (Who. Whet. WM1en. Whare. Why). ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: `�,- SNSADVANTAGES �F APPApVE�� OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPFOVED � � � DEC 0 4 1997 TOTAL AMOUNT OF THANSAC710N S COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CfRCLE ONEJ YES NO FUNOIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIpI INFORMATIpN: (EXPLpIN) JUIV / �i�� � Name: � Eome AddTess: 11�bb SI PAUL MRYOR'S OFFICE SIiSNT PAIIL� MINNESOTA 55102 _ � , 266-8525_' FAX: 266-8513 Stzeet Telephone 2huabez= _ CHome P�anning District Covncx7�: Preferred Hailin� A T7flat is pouz occupa P1ace�of Eraploqment Co�:tittee(s) Appli,e Ei2 265 9513 P.,p�,fl�.3.�� YftLi'G1Y ��,�-� �P -/�507 � \ - �/AX�� Ur..�r;: y� Ahat skiJ.lsJtrai,ning or eaperiettce do you possc�s £or the co�ittee(�) for vhich pou seek appointmentl — n,\(�nSto.�n. .. ..,(_ ..�...fc) ....-. . �,. �\\ /' _ . � The inzozwation included j.n shis app7j.�ation is considered private d2tz according to che ?fizuiesota Coverment Data Pzactices Act. As a result, this inferm2tior, is not ,eleaszc cc the genezaZ pub7.ic_ (OV&2) � ��g�c� Rev. i \U " �, Ci�p CounCil Va=d; '" �u�v 11-bb --' ------�_.___ Addtess: --��._ Phone: Home hame: Address: ?honec_ Cgo�e�__ Name� .-----�_ Address: ----------_ Phonc_ lu�ma� b I F'NUL f9HYOR' S OFF ICE 97- /64/ E12 266 P513 p,03i63 ��s.'`�-��—� � hc�� Reasons �ox your zncerest in this paztzcul.ar co�ittee: � 0 Fiave yoss�had �e ious contact vith the cozmittee for vhieh you a=e makxng sppli.cae.ion. If so, vhen, and circumstancesl In an attempt to ensure that cocue3ttee representacion zeflects the makeup of ovr communi,ty� pZease check the 13ne applicab7.e to you. Thzs information is strictlp voluntazp, �/ V11ite {Caucasiar.) B1ack {A£rican American) �ZSpaRiC A�erican Tndian o: Alaskan ��k- � Asi,an or Pacific Islander � xno °�'� cS�s1 �C�sm��sc�� Hale 1 � Fea�1e Date of Birth: `� ��—� D?sabled: Yes No �/ Z£ snecisl accoc�nodat3ons a�e r,eeded, p�ease specify. Y�" �i�' SoL hear abo•,;t t}:is o pening9 ( �s� �'�t�,��� � �RC.o..> \ i � h? . � Oi'i'1Cc: U:' irii: Y��YCJit Q��/CO/ � 2 s 9 o c=mY �.L �U{� �2 5 1997 J J SAXNT PAIIL� MSN2�IESOTA 55102 266-8525 FAX: 26b-8513 �ttAYOR'S Qr'ffC� Nase: :.�C 1�1c? S � � � � Cj �S i� . . - J Home Address: I�.J(r �RC�p:10. S"'t'.' '`�f. �C���L �iv � S�J jL Q, Stzeet City Z� Telephone 2iumber: �1'Cg1 �� `l �'7 — t2tio '7 3"Z - �tc� SZ Planni.ng District Co�ci1: City Council Gard: Preferred Hailing Address: 1�7r.tti>, at�C�fC55 Uhat is pour occupation? Place�o£ Eaployment: Co�ittee(s) Applied For: r ;�"1Mt Ahat sY.ills/training or experience do you possess for the co�mittee(a) for vnicn you se_k appointment? � .. HHIt S :l J The in£oxsation included in this application is considered pri�ate data accorci^.g to Lt:e Hir.nesota Goverment pata Practices Act. As a result, this infor^,..ztion is not relezsec to the generzl public. (OPE,R) Rev. ?i?8/96 Name• Address: Phone: Na�e: Address: i Cvc;`�r S:zhct � �i Phone: CHoge) �;y�: -�i 3r�� (S7o=kl Name• K cL�C'. , Address:_ 7�-C- 5�;.� 9��,�V ` � J�S��;i S1. S � Phone:_ CHome) ��'1� - `�3:.�, (Aork) Reasons £or yovr interest in this particular co�ittee: ��,;�< <�;,�..;� - �, , � �. ' J Have you had previous contact vith the cot�ittee for which you are making application. If so, vhen, and circumstances7 In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reElects the makeup of our conmunity, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntarp. _� GThite (Caucasian) E1ack (r,irican A;,,erican I American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo X Irale Fenale Disabled: Yes 27 �_ D2te of Birth: If special accoIImodations are needed, please specify. Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander ���`t/5P� Hov did you heaz about this openingT ��,�c� S�� u���'.il 97-/SD/ ��9-10-97 CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 COMMITTEE : NAC Neighborhood Advisory Com[n. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt�NTS 003314 DiZio, James 1536 AYOna Street St. Paul, MN 55108 Home - 647-0810 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISSRICT (PRIOR) (02HER COMMITTEES SERVI23G ON) °-- ------'-- -------- -------- --- --- --- 4 10 06/25/97 W M 3M Work - 737-1263 FAX 7374682 Chemist at 3M Greg Donovan 1535 Arona Street, 55108 h) 644-8186 Everett Socha 1540 Arona Street, 55108 h) 646-4358 h) 646-4355 Kate and Gar� Olson 1506 Simpson Street h) 646-5338 [Has spoken w/Greg Donovan, current member, a{bout the committee] 003084 Schubert, Eric #`5 593 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 228-0953 Mona Meyer McGrath & Gavin Work - 831-3200 FAX 8315116 Public Relations Specialist Kevin Morris Midwest Cocoa Cola w) 456-1260 1 8 04/10/97 W M Cable Access Bd. of Directors Jorg Pierach Mona Meyer McGrath & Gavin 8400 Normandale Lake Blvd., Ste. 500 Minneapolis, MN 55437 w) 832-5000 Mary Beth Werner 259'I Bedford Ct. Mendota Hghts., MN 5512� 97-�so� 09-10-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : NAC Neighborhood Advisory Comm. FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAM2tENTS WARD PLAIiNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTFIER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- h) 452-5740 Tom Horner 8500 Normandale Lake Boulevard, Suite 720 Minneapolis, MN 55437 w) 831-3200 John Himle Himle and Horner, Inc. w) 831-3200 Dick Bioeker 931 Fairmont Avenue, 55105 h) 222-8852 w) 293-6860 003274 Vervair, Will 5 Weat Gearge Street St. Paul, MN 55107 Home - 221-0452 Alternative Resources Corporation 2800 Weat 80th Stseet Bloomington, MN Computer Consultant Duncan Lewison 220 W. Page, 55107 221-0402 Steve Peterson 2 E. George Street, 55107 224-6819 Mark Loesch 4101 WentwoYth Avenue Minneapolis, MN 823-6857 2 3 {------°- { { { { { { { { 04/03/97 W M 003337 Young, Barbara A. 10 09jO8j97 W P 1516 Arona Street St. Paul, MN 55108 Home - 649-0835 97-/So/ 04-10-97 CQMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 3 COMMITTEE : NAC Neighborhood Advisory Comm. FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COM24ENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DTS DI5TRZCT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) --'-- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Schools Homemaker/formerly see above No references liated. 97-�,50� CITY OF SAINT PAUL December 3, 1997 Norm Cokman, Mayor IS West SeQogg Bouleva�d Sain! Paul, Minnesota 55102 TO: Saint Paul City Counci{members Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Ierry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember 7oseph Collins Councilmember Mike Aarris Councilmember Gladys Morton Counciimember Roberta Megard FROM: Alberto Quintela Assistant to the Mayor C� DATE: RE: 39Q City Ha1C �� � Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center (Neighborhood Advisory Committee (NAC) Telephone: (612)166-852Q FacsL�u7e: (612) 266-8513 Mayor Coleman has recommended that the following individuals be appointed and reappointed to serve on the Neighborhood Advisory Committee. APPOINTED 7ames DiZio, Ph.D. Bazbara Young REAPPOINTED Elna Avey Each of the above individuals will serve a two-year term that will expire on December 31, 1999. Attached is a copy of the resolution recommending these individuals, copies of the new appointees' applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since 7anuary 1, 1994. Feel free to call me at 266-8529 if you have any questions. AQ:drm Attachments c: Nancy Andetson, Council Research Charlotte Armstrong, Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center