97-149Council File # `� " ` i 1 -.� r, p , �\i � ; � __ Ordinance # Green Sheet # 35444 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �! RESOLVED: That application, ID #A-04568, for a State Claea A Gambling Premise Permit by St. Paul Midway I,ions Club Foundation at W. 7th 5treet Bingo Hall, 1026 W. 7th Street (previously known at Midway Lions Club), be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary MINNESOTA • - -�,- �:._ .�= _�. � .:��-� - •� g �? �/. � Form Approved by City Attorney BY% � r `� �� r \ gp; -�/ / vULC'� Approved by Mayo : Date Z�, E � Approved by Mayor for Submission to BY. Council By: Adopted by Council: Date ��. �a \99� ` � r l —1`�`l o��,.,�ro������ DAfE1NffIAT£D GREEN SHEE N° _35444 CONTACTPEFiSON&PHONE INRIAWATE � INRNUUA7E � DEPAqTMQJT �IFECTOR � CT' COUNdL . . ASSIGN OCRYATTOFNEY �CffYCLEAK NUYBER FOR MUST BE ON COUNCILAGENOA BY <QATE) pp�NG O BUM'iET DIfiECTOR O FM.6 MGT. SERVICES Olfi. Hearin : a. � 9 ORDEfl Q Mqypq (OR ASSISTANT) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIG TURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATONS FOR SIGNATUflE) ACf70N REQUE5TED: Sames Bellomo on behalf of St. Paul Midway Lions Club Foundation requests Council approval of their application for a State C1ass A Gambling Premise Permit at W. 7th Street Bingo FIall, 1026 W. 7th Street. (ID 4/A-04568) (previously Midway I,ions Club) RECAMMENDAiIONS:App�rne(A)orReiea(R) pERSONALSEFiVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWIN(i�UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIViL SEXVICE CAMM7SSION �• H3s tfus perSaNfirm ever worked undet a coMtact for this tlepartmeM? - _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ SiAFF 2. Has Mis person/firm ever been a city empioyee? — YES NO _ DIS7qIC7 COURT _ 3. DOes ihis personHirm possess a skill not normall ossessed y p by any current city employee? SUPPOflTSMIHICMCOUNqLOeJECiIVE4 YES NO Explain all yes anawen on separate aheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPEIRTUNITY (Who, Whaq When, Where, Why): '� "– ;• r �„ ��.�� �� ���� ,�,� �� � � ,� y 's,�,�, :3 :. cv :� ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVEO: - DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: B3VY�.�e� ��'.:�'ia�.��+�+iC Yt4i3�iL�'.�+7 �}�3V � +� f.7J� _ ". . �..s_.-,/ DISAOVANTAGES IF NOT pPPROVEO: � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNpING SOURCE ACT{VI7Y NUMBER FINANpAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � 35444 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST �ate: /�� — � y � Greensheet # �P � �� � p,pp•� processed In Tracker?�/3o License ID # A-04568 (State) License 7ype: State Class A �ambling Premise Permit Company Name: St Pau1 Midway Lions C1ub Foundatio DBA: St Paul Midway Lions Club Foundat Business Addresss: 1026 W. 7th St. 55102 Business Phone: 454-7674 Contact Name/Addfess: 3ames Bellomo Home Phone: 454-7674 1857 Ea le Ridge Dr. Mendota Heights 55118 Date to Council Research: /T 3d�9� / Public Hearing Date: ���' 12 � � y � 7 Labels Ordered: /f/ � Notice Sent to Applicant: District Council #: 09 Notice Sent to Pubfic: Ward #: � — DepartmeM/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney � �� �� � ' � Environmental Health N / r/ E Fire n�� A s�ta a�a� a��»��aa:_ License �ase aecerved: /�' / I / � �" _ _� �, o�' ��anrza�� am�e y Police f �/ � � Zoning ��� 6 a� - �yc FOR BOAFD USE ONLY BASE � PP 3 FEE Minnesota LawfuI GambIing CHECK Premises Permit Appiication - Part 1 of 2 �NITlALS OATE <..::::: �->-,.-,,..::N<,.....«„�:.:H....,,�..�,.:w_.;,..�._,:�<.,:--,���-�:�:,>�...:�,;..>....:.:.,.�„....:w,;> , ,�w ^ � "--� -r ,��. �,�, �Pe a.f AFPlicafzorc, % '� .� ;r r ^3 a a s R . s.. .. . . , , . .. . . H „fw�. , .. . . ». , ._....,� ._. � Class ot premises permit Renewai (cheek one) Orsanization base ficense number � A(54Wj Puli-tabs, tipboards, �.ddlewheels, rf°xs, bingo LG214 o7.2LS'.1 � New Prenises permit number �I B(5250) Pu0-Eabs, �pbcards, pad�+ewhee!s, a`�es � C (5200) 61ngo only ❑ D �5150) liar7)es ony tiar..e ot Organ¢a5on ST Av� M�ow+�4 L.,onS �iVB �o nnanon cu:ir.ess Address of Organiza6on - Steet or P. O Sox (Do not use the a�ress ot your ganbiirg manager) SOO W. Co��nr�l (Zo �i 5u.re 33� ,ev i ux. o( chief exxutive o�cer mc� � EuAmo mn SJtI� T5� yo�r gambLng manac,er) ! �Title 1'RES � YJ tYIT e ;.na�e nun5er y 59=1 b7 4� e ;hor.e n�^�ber tt�iv Ss4-�r�?�} of Iegal owner s S i 02-. Yow erganization own the buldry where the gambfin9 vr01 be mnducted? p YES � NO If ra, attach the toAowinp: ' a copy ol the {¢ase (tam 1G202} witfi ferms Snr at teast o�e year. • a mq of a sketeh of the floor pian with dmensions, sMwing what por6on is being Ieased A lease and sketch are not reGu'ved (ot Ciass D appfieatons. L` �pp2yzng for a class A or C permit, fill in days znd beg inni � 8 ending houxs of b:ngo occasiors: \o more than seven bingo occasfons may be cbnducted by your orFanization per week Day Beg+r.nSng/Ending Hours Day Bc�nntngJEnding Hours Day Beg(xuiing /Endir.g Y.ow-s �- 5�,�ez^P.e-t�e� Sxtt� ss E. — Qesr�ri nvSee� �e� ��- to [o to to If bingo m�l not be conduefed, eheek here O P.adress City Sute Z�p code to2lo w sT SrPcw� m•-� SS�pZ s Is Lhe premises Iocated within dry Gmits? .�Yes O No If no, is township � organized 0 unuganized p uni�prporated Ci.y and Cpuniy where gambfing premises is located OR Township and County where gambLng premises is �ocaled if outside ot ciiy fimits ]Sfirtnesota LaiU.fut Gambiinq Premise Fernut Application - Part 2 of 2 � Nd;�e O�-tq I Nunber l� '1 i 1 17(o SnEwn� �� Sr(�a�u� mn �Slb� � F�o mas �r.,ea.ct l lll t�wav ST -#�403 SrPav�mnSSi(� CDFbngUn6 YVl �✓��"2 � Sc+fus I b31 Jamrs �.4� Sr�� mn 5S 11f3 vY1 Fm6t"� J�m�;s �it 185' En�� R�cr�e Drz M�,� Hzs mn SS l 1 A �2rSDt-]"�t" .)�cm.� 1 rn,��n„ro�, 45c1t„ Art�nw Sz �r�a,�, mr,5S113 ��uor'eU�Y.�Z 1 hereby cnnsent that bc�J law enfiorcement offcars, the board or a;ents of the board, or the commissioner of ravenua or publ'�c safey, or agents oi the commissionars, �'2y er<ter ;he pramises to enforca the law. Ba-nk Records Information The xard is a�lhorized to insped the bark rec�rds of tbe Sam6ling z�unt wheaever r,ecesa,y to tuKill r=quirenants oi current gzr„bling rules and law. Oath t c`edarethffi: •i have rsad Ihis applicafan and alI iriorma�wn submiited tc the bcard is true, a�urate and rampiete- •=ft c;har required info has been fully dsclosed; S+_naiure of chiei ezec",'Ne oHicer �. The c^y'must sign this appl'rcation if the gambling prem- ises is tocaed within city limiis. 2- The c�unty "AND township`• must sig� this applicaticn if tFe gambling premises is bca;ed within a township. 3 � The bcal unit government (c'ry or county} must pass a resolution speciticaliy approving or denying this appl'rcation. C'b or Counry Name Title ' " 1 Data Rea l�r�--`7t,�•, �n4rt'cG*wo�.C � 1 1 b Reier ta �{nsWdions for required attachments. t " t �� Ta= Gnmbiinp ConVOI Smrd flosewood PSan South.3rd Fbor 1771 W, Counfy Road 6 Rmevitle, AtN SS1S3 •1 am ihe chief exscutive o�cer of tha organ¢ation; •I assume fuil resp�nsb7ty for the fzir and lavful opera- tion of all ac;'rvlies to be c�nduded; •I will famifiarize myself with the Izws ot Minnesota governing lavful gambling and rules of the board and agree, it licens�d, io a6ide by thcsa laus ard ru(es, including arnendnsnts to them; •sny changes in applicaticn intorna:icn will be suGn�:� _d to the �ard and bcal uni[ of gcverr,rent wilfiin } 0 dzys ci ;he chzn5e; znd d unders.and thzt failure to provide reGuired intormaCqn or providing fasa or misleading iniomaion m=y result in the dznial or revocation of the licer,sa. . D2te 4. A coov of the bcal unR of QovernmenYS resolution zo- psovina this 2oo6cztion must be ariached to this aoplication 5. ti this appi'�cation is denied by the bcai unit ot government, it shouid not be submitted to the Gambiing Contro� Board. Township: By signature below, ihe township acknowiedges that the organization is applying for a premises permit within township limits. Township Narne Signature o( person receiving application 7de � Date Recei�ed LG2t<(Part 2) �F..��sv�� Council File # `� " ` i 1 -.� r, p , �\i � ; � __ Ordinance # Green Sheet # 35444 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �! RESOLVED: That application, ID #A-04568, for a State Claea A Gambling Premise Permit by St. Paul Midway I,ions Club Foundation at W. 7th 5treet Bingo Hall, 1026 W. 7th Street (previously known at Midway Lions Club), be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary MINNESOTA • - -�,- �:._ .�= _�. � .:��-� - •� g �? �/. � Form Approved by City Attorney BY% � r `� �� r \ gp; -�/ / vULC'� Approved by Mayo : Date Z�, E � Approved by Mayor for Submission to BY. Council By: Adopted by Council: Date ��. �a \99� ` � r l —1`�`l o��,.,�ro������ DAfE1NffIAT£D GREEN SHEE N° _35444 CONTACTPEFiSON&PHONE INRIAWATE � INRNUUA7E � DEPAqTMQJT �IFECTOR � CT' COUNdL . . ASSIGN OCRYATTOFNEY �CffYCLEAK NUYBER FOR MUST BE ON COUNCILAGENOA BY <QATE) pp�NG O BUM'iET DIfiECTOR O FM.6 MGT. SERVICES Olfi. Hearin : a. � 9 ORDEfl Q Mqypq (OR ASSISTANT) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIG TURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATONS FOR SIGNATUflE) ACf70N REQUE5TED: Sames Bellomo on behalf of St. Paul Midway Lions Club Foundation requests Council approval of their application for a State C1ass A Gambling Premise Permit at W. 7th Street Bingo FIall, 1026 W. 7th Street. (ID 4/A-04568) (previously Midway I,ions Club) RECAMMENDAiIONS:App�rne(A)orReiea(R) pERSONALSEFiVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWIN(i�UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIViL SEXVICE CAMM7SSION �• H3s tfus perSaNfirm ever worked undet a coMtact for this tlepartmeM? - _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ SiAFF 2. Has Mis person/firm ever been a city empioyee? — YES NO _ DIS7qIC7 COURT _ 3. DOes ihis personHirm possess a skill not normall ossessed y p by any current city employee? SUPPOflTSMIHICMCOUNqLOeJECiIVE4 YES NO Explain all yes anawen on separate aheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPEIRTUNITY (Who, Whaq When, Where, Why): '� "– ;• r �„ ��.�� �� ���� ,�,� �� � � ,� y 's,�,�, :3 :. cv :� ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVEO: - DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: B3VY�.�e� ��'.:�'ia�.��+�+iC Yt4i3�iL�'.�+7 �}�3V � +� f.7J� _ ". . �..s_.-,/ DISAOVANTAGES IF NOT pPPROVEO: � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNpING SOURCE ACT{VI7Y NUMBER FINANpAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � 35444 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST �ate: /�� — � y � Greensheet # �P � �� � p,pp•� processed In Tracker?�/3o License ID # A-04568 (State) License 7ype: State Class A �ambling Premise Permit Company Name: St Pau1 Midway Lions C1ub Foundatio DBA: St Paul Midway Lions Club Foundat Business Addresss: 1026 W. 7th St. 55102 Business Phone: 454-7674 Contact Name/Addfess: 3ames Bellomo Home Phone: 454-7674 1857 Ea le Ridge Dr. Mendota Heights 55118 Date to Council Research: /T 3d�9� / Public Hearing Date: ���' 12 � � y � 7 Labels Ordered: /f/ � Notice Sent to Applicant: District Council #: 09 Notice Sent to Pubfic: Ward #: � — DepartmeM/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney � �� �� � ' � Environmental Health N / r/ E Fire n�� A s�ta a�a� a��»��aa:_ License �ase aecerved: /�' / I / � �" _ _� �, o�' ��anrza�� am�e y Police f �/ � � Zoning ��� 6 a� - �yc FOR BOAFD USE ONLY BASE � PP 3 FEE Minnesota LawfuI GambIing CHECK Premises Permit Appiication - Part 1 of 2 �NITlALS OATE <..::::: �->-,.-,,..::N<,.....«„�:.:H....,,�..�,.:w_.;,..�._,:�<.,:--,���-�:�:,>�...:�,;..>....:.:.,.�„....:w,;> , ,�w ^ � "--� -r ,��. �,�, �Pe a.f AFPlicafzorc, % '� .� ;r r ^3 a a s R . s.. .. . . , , . .. . . H „fw�. , .. . . ». , ._....,� ._. � Class ot premises permit Renewai (cheek one) Orsanization base ficense number � A(54Wj Puli-tabs, tipboards, �.ddlewheels, rf°xs, bingo LG214 o7.2LS'.1 � New Prenises permit number �I B(5250) Pu0-Eabs, �pbcards, pad�+ewhee!s, a`�es � C (5200) 61ngo only ❑ D �5150) liar7)es ony tiar..e ot Organ¢a5on ST Av� M�ow+�4 L.,onS �iVB �o nnanon cu:ir.ess Address of Organiza6on - Steet or P. O Sox (Do not use the a�ress ot your ganbiirg manager) SOO W. Co��nr�l (Zo �i 5u.re 33� ,ev i ux. o( chief exxutive o�cer mc� � EuAmo mn SJtI� T5� yo�r gambLng manac,er) ! �Title 1'RES � YJ tYIT e ;.na�e nun5er y 59=1 b7 4� e ;hor.e n�^�ber tt�iv Ss4-�r�?�} of Iegal owner s S i 02-. Yow erganization own the buldry where the gambfin9 vr01 be mnducted? p YES � NO If ra, attach the toAowinp: ' a copy ol the {¢ase (tam 1G202} witfi ferms Snr at teast o�e year. • a mq of a sketeh of the floor pian with dmensions, sMwing what por6on is being Ieased A lease and sketch are not reGu'ved (ot Ciass D appfieatons. L` �pp2yzng for a class A or C permit, fill in days znd beg inni � 8 ending houxs of b:ngo occasiors: \o more than seven bingo occasfons may be cbnducted by your orFanization per week Day Beg+r.nSng/Ending Hours Day Bc�nntngJEnding Hours Day Beg(xuiing /Endir.g Y.ow-s �- 5�,�ez^P.e-t�e� Sxtt� ss E. — Qesr�ri nvSee� �e� ��- to [o to to If bingo m�l not be conduefed, eheek here O P.adress City Sute Z�p code to2lo w sT SrPcw� m•-� SS�pZ s Is Lhe premises Iocated within dry Gmits? .�Yes O No If no, is township � organized 0 unuganized p uni�prporated Ci.y and Cpuniy where gambfing premises is located OR Township and County where gambLng premises is �ocaled if outside ot ciiy fimits ]Sfirtnesota LaiU.fut Gambiinq Premise Fernut Application - Part 2 of 2 � Nd;�e O�-tq I Nunber l� '1 i 1 17(o SnEwn� �� Sr(�a�u� mn �Slb� � F�o mas �r.,ea.ct l lll t�wav ST -#�403 SrPav�mnSSi(� CDFbngUn6 YVl �✓��"2 � Sc+fus I b31 Jamrs �.4� Sr�� mn 5S 11f3 vY1 Fm6t"� J�m�;s �it 185' En�� R�cr�e Drz M�,� Hzs mn SS l 1 A �2rSDt-]"�t" .)�cm.� 1 rn,��n„ro�, 45c1t„ Art�nw Sz �r�a,�, mr,5S113 ��uor'eU�Y.�Z 1 hereby cnnsent that bc�J law enfiorcement offcars, the board or a;ents of the board, or the commissioner of ravenua or publ'�c safey, or agents oi the commissionars, �'2y er<ter ;he pramises to enforca the law. Ba-nk Records Information The xard is a�lhorized to insped the bark rec�rds of tbe Sam6ling z�unt wheaever r,ecesa,y to tuKill r=quirenants oi current gzr„bling rules and law. Oath t c`edarethffi: •i have rsad Ihis applicafan and alI iriorma�wn submiited tc the bcard is true, a�urate and rampiete- •=ft c;har required info has been fully dsclosed; S+_naiure of chiei ezec",'Ne oHicer �. The c^y'must sign this appl'rcation if the gambling prem- ises is tocaed within city limiis. 2- The c�unty "AND township`• must sig� this applicaticn if tFe gambling premises is bca;ed within a township. 3 � The bcal unit government (c'ry or county} must pass a resolution speciticaliy approving or denying this appl'rcation. C'b or Counry Name Title ' " 1 Data Rea l�r�--`7t,�•, �n4rt'cG*wo�.C � 1 1 b Reier ta �{nsWdions for required attachments. t " t �� Ta= Gnmbiinp ConVOI Smrd flosewood PSan South.3rd Fbor 1771 W, Counfy Road 6 Rmevitle, AtN SS1S3 •1 am ihe chief exscutive o�cer of tha organ¢ation; •I assume fuil resp�nsb7ty for the fzir and lavful opera- tion of all ac;'rvlies to be c�nduded; •I will famifiarize myself with the Izws ot Minnesota governing lavful gambling and rules of the board and agree, it licens�d, io a6ide by thcsa laus ard ru(es, including arnendnsnts to them; •sny changes in applicaticn intorna:icn will be suGn�:� _d to the �ard and bcal uni[ of gcverr,rent wilfiin } 0 dzys ci ;he chzn5e; znd d unders.and thzt failure to provide reGuired intormaCqn or providing fasa or misleading iniomaion m=y result in the dznial or revocation of the licer,sa. . D2te 4. A coov of the bcal unR of QovernmenYS resolution zo- psovina this 2oo6cztion must be ariached to this aoplication 5. ti this appi'�cation is denied by the bcai unit ot government, it shouid not be submitted to the Gambiing Contro� Board. Township: By signature below, ihe township acknowiedges that the organization is applying for a premises permit within township limits. Township Narne Signature o( person receiving application 7de � Date Recei�ed LG2t<(Part 2) �F..��sv�� Council File # `� " ` i 1 -.� r, p , �\i � ; � __ Ordinance # Green Sheet # 35444 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �! RESOLVED: That application, ID #A-04568, for a State Claea A Gambling Premise Permit by St. Paul Midway I,ions Club Foundation at W. 7th 5treet Bingo Hall, 1026 W. 7th Street (previously known at Midway Lions Club), be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary MINNESOTA • - -�,- �:._ .�= _�. � .:��-� - •� g �? �/. � Form Approved by City Attorney BY% � r `� �� r \ gp; -�/ / vULC'� Approved by Mayo : Date Z�, E � Approved by Mayor for Submission to BY. Council By: Adopted by Council: Date ��. �a \99� ` � r l —1`�`l o��,.,�ro������ DAfE1NffIAT£D GREEN SHEE N° _35444 CONTACTPEFiSON&PHONE INRIAWATE � INRNUUA7E � DEPAqTMQJT �IFECTOR � CT' COUNdL . . ASSIGN OCRYATTOFNEY �CffYCLEAK NUYBER FOR MUST BE ON COUNCILAGENOA BY <QATE) pp�NG O BUM'iET DIfiECTOR O FM.6 MGT. SERVICES Olfi. Hearin : a. � 9 ORDEfl Q Mqypq (OR ASSISTANT) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIG TURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATONS FOR SIGNATUflE) ACf70N REQUE5TED: Sames Bellomo on behalf of St. Paul Midway Lions Club Foundation requests Council approval of their application for a State C1ass A Gambling Premise Permit at W. 7th Street Bingo FIall, 1026 W. 7th Street. (ID 4/A-04568) (previously Midway I,ions Club) RECAMMENDAiIONS:App�rne(A)orReiea(R) pERSONALSEFiVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWIN(i�UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIViL SEXVICE CAMM7SSION �• H3s tfus perSaNfirm ever worked undet a coMtact for this tlepartmeM? - _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ SiAFF 2. Has Mis person/firm ever been a city empioyee? — YES NO _ DIS7qIC7 COURT _ 3. DOes ihis personHirm possess a skill not normall ossessed y p by any current city employee? SUPPOflTSMIHICMCOUNqLOeJECiIVE4 YES NO Explain all yes anawen on separate aheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPEIRTUNITY (Who, Whaq When, Where, Why): '� "– ;• r �„ ��.�� �� ���� ,�,� �� � � ,� y 's,�,�, :3 :. cv :� ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVEO: - DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: B3VY�.�e� ��'.:�'ia�.��+�+iC Yt4i3�iL�'.�+7 �}�3V � +� f.7J� _ ". . �..s_.-,/ DISAOVANTAGES IF NOT pPPROVEO: � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNpING SOURCE ACT{VI7Y NUMBER FINANpAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � 35444 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST �ate: /�� — � y � Greensheet # �P � �� � p,pp•� processed In Tracker?�/3o License ID # A-04568 (State) License 7ype: State Class A �ambling Premise Permit Company Name: St Pau1 Midway Lions C1ub Foundatio DBA: St Paul Midway Lions Club Foundat Business Addresss: 1026 W. 7th St. 55102 Business Phone: 454-7674 Contact Name/Addfess: 3ames Bellomo Home Phone: 454-7674 1857 Ea le Ridge Dr. Mendota Heights 55118 Date to Council Research: /T 3d�9� / Public Hearing Date: ���' 12 � � y � 7 Labels Ordered: /f/ � Notice Sent to Applicant: District Council #: 09 Notice Sent to Pubfic: Ward #: � — DepartmeM/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney � �� �� � ' � Environmental Health N / r/ E Fire n�� A s�ta a�a� a��»��aa:_ License �ase aecerved: /�' / I / � �" _ _� �, o�' ��anrza�� am�e y Police f �/ � � Zoning ��� 6 a� - �yc FOR BOAFD USE ONLY BASE � PP 3 FEE Minnesota LawfuI GambIing CHECK Premises Permit Appiication - Part 1 of 2 �NITlALS OATE <..::::: �->-,.-,,..::N<,.....«„�:.:H....,,�..�,.:w_.;,..�._,:�<.,:--,���-�:�:,>�...:�,;..>....:.:.,.�„....:w,;> , ,�w ^ � "--� -r ,��. �,�, �Pe a.f AFPlicafzorc, % '� .� ;r r ^3 a a s R . s.. .. . . , , . .. . . H „fw�. , .. . . ». , ._....,� ._. � Class ot premises permit Renewai (cheek one) Orsanization base ficense number � A(54Wj Puli-tabs, tipboards, �.ddlewheels, rf°xs, bingo LG214 o7.2LS'.1 � New Prenises permit number �I B(5250) Pu0-Eabs, �pbcards, pad�+ewhee!s, a`�es � C (5200) 61ngo only ❑ D �5150) liar7)es ony tiar..e ot Organ¢a5on ST Av� M�ow+�4 L.,onS �iVB �o nnanon cu:ir.ess Address of Organiza6on - Steet or P. O Sox (Do not use the a�ress ot your ganbiirg manager) SOO W. Co��nr�l (Zo �i 5u.re 33� ,ev i ux. o( chief exxutive o�cer mc� � EuAmo mn SJtI� T5� yo�r gambLng manac,er) ! �Title 1'RES � YJ tYIT e ;.na�e nun5er y 59=1 b7 4� e ;hor.e n�^�ber tt�iv Ss4-�r�?�} of Iegal owner s S i 02-. Yow erganization own the buldry where the gambfin9 vr01 be mnducted? p YES � NO If ra, attach the toAowinp: ' a copy ol the {¢ase (tam 1G202} witfi ferms Snr at teast o�e year. • a mq of a sketeh of the floor pian with dmensions, sMwing what por6on is being Ieased A lease and sketch are not reGu'ved (ot Ciass D appfieatons. L` �pp2yzng for a class A or C permit, fill in days znd beg inni � 8 ending houxs of b:ngo occasiors: \o more than seven bingo occasfons may be cbnducted by your orFanization per week Day Beg+r.nSng/Ending Hours Day Bc�nntngJEnding Hours Day Beg(xuiing /Endir.g Y.ow-s �- 5�,�ez^P.e-t�e� Sxtt� ss E. — Qesr�ri nvSee� �e� ��- to [o to to If bingo m�l not be conduefed, eheek here O P.adress City Sute Z�p code to2lo w sT SrPcw� m•-� SS�pZ s Is Lhe premises Iocated within dry Gmits? .�Yes O No If no, is township � organized 0 unuganized p uni�prporated Ci.y and Cpuniy where gambfing premises is located OR Township and County where gambLng premises is �ocaled if outside ot ciiy fimits ]Sfirtnesota LaiU.fut Gambiinq Premise Fernut Application - Part 2 of 2 � Nd;�e O�-tq I Nunber l� '1 i 1 17(o SnEwn� �� Sr(�a�u� mn �Slb� � F�o mas �r.,ea.ct l lll t�wav ST -#�403 SrPav�mnSSi(� CDFbngUn6 YVl �✓��"2 � Sc+fus I b31 Jamrs �.4� Sr�� mn 5S 11f3 vY1 Fm6t"� J�m�;s �it 185' En�� R�cr�e Drz M�,� Hzs mn SS l 1 A �2rSDt-]"�t" .)�cm.� 1 rn,��n„ro�, 45c1t„ Art�nw Sz �r�a,�, mr,5S113 ��uor'eU�Y.�Z 1 hereby cnnsent that bc�J law enfiorcement offcars, the board or a;ents of the board, or the commissioner of ravenua or publ'�c safey, or agents oi the commissionars, �'2y er<ter ;he pramises to enforca the law. Ba-nk Records Information The xard is a�lhorized to insped the bark rec�rds of tbe Sam6ling z�unt wheaever r,ecesa,y to tuKill r=quirenants oi current gzr„bling rules and law. Oath t c`edarethffi: •i have rsad Ihis applicafan and alI iriorma�wn submiited tc the bcard is true, a�urate and rampiete- •=ft c;har required info has been fully dsclosed; S+_naiure of chiei ezec",'Ne oHicer �. The c^y'must sign this appl'rcation if the gambling prem- ises is tocaed within city limiis. 2- The c�unty "AND township`• must sig� this applicaticn if tFe gambling premises is bca;ed within a township. 3 � The bcal unit government (c'ry or county} must pass a resolution speciticaliy approving or denying this appl'rcation. C'b or Counry Name Title ' " 1 Data Rea l�r�--`7t,�•, �n4rt'cG*wo�.C � 1 1 b Reier ta �{nsWdions for required attachments. t " t �� Ta= Gnmbiinp ConVOI Smrd flosewood PSan South.3rd Fbor 1771 W, Counfy Road 6 Rmevitle, AtN SS1S3 •1 am ihe chief exscutive o�cer of tha organ¢ation; •I assume fuil resp�nsb7ty for the fzir and lavful opera- tion of all ac;'rvlies to be c�nduded; •I will famifiarize myself with the Izws ot Minnesota governing lavful gambling and rules of the board and agree, it licens�d, io a6ide by thcsa laus ard ru(es, including arnendnsnts to them; •sny changes in applicaticn intorna:icn will be suGn�:� _d to the �ard and bcal uni[ of gcverr,rent wilfiin } 0 dzys ci ;he chzn5e; znd d unders.and thzt failure to provide reGuired intormaCqn or providing fasa or misleading iniomaion m=y result in the dznial or revocation of the licer,sa. . D2te 4. A coov of the bcal unR of QovernmenYS resolution zo- psovina this 2oo6cztion must be ariached to this aoplication 5. ti this appi'�cation is denied by the bcai unit ot government, it shouid not be submitted to the Gambiing Contro� Board. Township: By signature below, ihe township acknowiedges that the organization is applying for a premises permit within township limits. Township Narne Signature o( person receiving application 7de � Date Recei�ed LG2t<(Part 2) �F..��sv��