97-1485Council File �` �� — �4� Ordinance # Green Sheet � 50251 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Presented By Refezred To RE50LVED: That application, ID #B-00963, for a State Class B Gambling Premise Permit by Church of St. Bernard at Lendway•s Bar, 6Q9 IIniversity Avenue W., be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY:� 4��-�... . Approved by Mayor: Date 1 t,2G /F'7- By: y � � • - •-�-- �-s-. •�- -.• 9 ! • } J I ' 1 ' • - • � �, Tf Form Approved by City At ne� ) By' - ? `h? �� - Approved by ayor for Submission to Council By: RESOLUTIOIV CITY Of SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Adopted by Council: Date � \p ,1���( N°_ 50251 AFFlCE/COUNQL � DATE WRIATED 9� /4Ps LIEP. GREEN SHEE CONiACT PERSON d �HONE INITIAL/pqTE MITIAVDA7E � OEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � QTYCOUNQL William.F. Gunther — 266-9132 ussicx �cirrnrrow�v �anc�EaK MUST BE ON CpUNCIL AC�ENDA B1' (UATE) HUMBER FOR O BUW ET DIRECTOR � FIN. 8 MGt. SEflVICES DIR. � NOUTING H28I1Rg' ro(, O OFDEH O �,�pYOF (OR AS$I5fANn O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE AAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOH SIGNATURE) . ACTION PE�UESTED: Rev. Michael Anderson on behalf of Church of St. Bernard requests Council approval of their application for a State Class B Gambling Premise Permit, ID 4�B-00963, at Lendway's Bar, 609 University Avenue W. RECAMMENDATIONS Approve (A) or Rejed (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PIANNING COMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personRirm ever worketl untler a contract for this department? _ CIB CAMMITfEE _ YES NO _ STAFG 2- Has this personffrm ever been a city employee? — VES (JO , DIStAtCT COURi _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skiil not normally possessetl by any curcent ciry empioyee? SUPPOFTS WHICH COUNCII O&IECTIVE� YES NO Explain all yes answers on separata aheet enO ettech to grean sheet INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y (VJha, What. When, Whera. Why)� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEO: - �ISAOYANTAGES IF 0.PPROVE�. DISADVANTAGES IP NOTAPPROVED� � � � � OCT 3 9 i�97 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGET D(CI RCL`E ONE) — YES .�- FUNDIIdG SOURCE kCTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) uHi"It7�1�YU l.uIVIKU� � ItL�b1L UCt 1( 9( °. LG2S4 . • P•2s917 MinnPSOta Lawfxi2 Gcmbting Premises Pezxnit Applicstion - Pas� 1 of 2 10�02 N P FOft 80ARD USE ONLY BASE � PP x � Fce CF{cGIC - -- 1 lMTIALS '- .'_ � a�r� I � U Rer.e:aa1 � . . . .. .. Orya�izaGan base 1'tcense number firemises �pemit rumSSr j� Ne,'v �.h �f- �t �,( � ass ot C�^anizauon - SSeet a P. O 5cz �Do nct use Uie aC: U . /SS� , ,�I.�� . � c�' l��/V .�', � ezec ^ive on;ar (pn.�t be ��r ysT�lin9 msr,zqer) A� � - � - .if/' �; �r �.:igu v�c:a�tUps . . - <f app:yjs.g ;cr a class A �r C?er�it, �11 in dzys ar.d begL�s.L�,� & cndi�g houas of bL*.go cCCZSiors: ��:. No more Lhan stvtn bL^.gp occasiorl5 z:.ay be cbnducttd by your or�an+�ation per week. ;$''" . :.zy B��:u.L^.gJ£adir.q Hcu:s Day B�p.�uLag/Ending �:curs Bay 8:;4uung /£nd:ng Hovis :o � to � to . . a __ to �_ � :o If bfn�o mill noi be coadec:c3, chccY hore � ''?t.. n me ot es• Ol:snment whare blu�q wtll D6 cOr.�uc:etl tre9f ,jCCress {o� not use post ot�ice numb r) ��" �C�uj�a�i�� , 1�Dg ��n�vp.f'si-�,� �h.�h�.�.�J L,�� `�;.., Ss th0 premises Sxa: witl�in city fimits9 Yea � No tf no, is townihip � organite � unorganized O �nin�rperated � Cief and Counry wnera gambGng premises is Ixa7Ed OR Tnwnship and Coun,y where gam�ling premises is loca;ed if ouisidg oF t'ty limits �_ �•�!�'!t./, t��� i/�dl. ( .. �Vama cwner yo::r aryanizabon own ;hs buit�ing where LhE gamblinq will be anCuctaC7 p Y�S ��NO . if ra, anach the fcUcxing: . . �•. a mpy ot the k�ase (torm LG202) with terms for at least me year. ' a capy of d sket:tt of the Awt ptan'wiLh dir..ens;anz, shouing wnat �[tion is being leased. � �� A leasa arxJ sketeh a�e not teq�ired for Clats D ao •_:.......:. ___�.�„_.. .._....�,._>_�.__._.....,...,..__. 0 0 class c; pren;:c: ?emit - (check ene) - [] A t5<0�1 PuihtaSs, :ipS�ar�s. pa�:ewheets, ra"fes, biry�o . � 6�5250) Polf-,2bs, tipboarVS, pad�l2wheeis, ra"�es., _,: �I C (520�) &nyo on;y ❑ D (5750) rtafl7es ony _..i.c. :r; . ::4,`. -". ': : i.z '.;: : o°'�.�` ;�� ...� � �i<:tX:: �. • 'y%1WS: � , ;sr�?.�a' . :.p'; ' ' ,'ti:� lr.: . �, i`.'. -� y. . sa,���� � Nc �ar, � ,=,a� �� =i :bl_ �.J? Oct 17 97 10:0� No.00? ?.vo �1 am fha chini executive oHicar of iho organ'¢aY�:^; •1 assume full rasponsiblity fct tha fair and lawful cpara� tion of ail adivi;ies to oe qndu� ed; •! wilf famiiiariz9 myseli with tha laws cf Minnesc;a govamir,n iav,iul yambliog and rules ot tne bozr: aad agrea. ;!icensed, to aoide by those laws and rules, inc!uding amendmants t� them; •any.c�anges in app(icat;on iniarrtia;ion will be scb^�r„sd to the board and bc�.I unc �! govsrnmant v.•ithin 10 C�ys ot ;he change; and •I uncQrs;and that tailure to provide raquired infor;�,ation or provi='ing false or misieadinq iniorratior, may resui; n the danial or revo:at;on of the 1'�canse. I hersby coaser,t that foczi law sniorcement ef�i�rs, tna board cr agen:s ei tha board, er the cammissione' oi �evenua cr oubl�, sae,y, or aoon;s cf the crnissionars, r..sy er,iar tha p:aRises to enforce the law. Ba;.b Records Informatioa Tne �ard is au:ho, ;a i^spe� ths bank rr,;,^rCS o�?he gar,.bii�; ac;oun, whersva; ascassa.y to fuHill raquiroments ot current gar,.din;, r.:les snd lzw. Oath I declara?hat: �! ^nve :s2C :hIS 3ppiicaticn and all irtorra��,n s::nn�ed to the b�are s trua, �curate and .�:mpiete; •all pthar re:uired in�ormation ^as baen fu:!y dis�cse�; 5. The cty 'm4st sign this aoplication ii the gambGng p�sm- ises is iocated within city fimits. 2. The c�unty •'AND towr.snip•' must si�n?his appiicaticn i} tha ganbling �tenises is located wflhin 2 township. 3. Ths locai un� govatnmeni (c'y cr county) must pas5 a resciu;ior spec�ficatly aroroving or denying th�s a?pi'Katicn. 4, A c^'+v �f �hs b^al unR 01 �overnmant'S reso(u'ion a�- �mvin� this ao,�;jcatio� mus�be anached to this aooSics�ion. 5. tf this appiication is danied by the bcal unit ot govarnmeri, it should nct be submitted ic tha Gamoling Contrct 9oard, 7ownship: By signature bslow, 'he townshio zcxnowls6ges that lha arganization is appiying for a prsmises permi; wit!�in towrship limi:s. Ciry ot Counry Name L — /' " Signa�Wa of p rson racaivin .ap � �� - iiue � 6�j�r�J� �'` Township NAma SiqnaT��e of peraon �ecalvinp application .E�atB RE^8ivep � Tttle 16—�/�7 Cate Aeceiretl neler a;na ins9veions tor recared ar,achment_. Uaii (�; isnbllnp Co^trol Ho�rd aosawood PNu Soulh, �rd ��oor 7?�1 W. ^-�ouniy Ro.d 2 acs�v)Ile� 3.IN SS::J � _..25:(pert :! �Slnrzesota Lau�,F.�t Gtzmbiing ` Premise �e�rzit Apgiication - Pa.�.� 2 of 2 q1—�y�, Council File �` �� — �4� Ordinance # Green Sheet � 50251 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Presented By Refezred To RE50LVED: That application, ID #B-00963, for a State Class B Gambling Premise Permit by Church of St. Bernard at Lendway•s Bar, 6Q9 IIniversity Avenue W., be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY:� 4��-�... . Approved by Mayor: Date 1 t,2G /F'7- By: y � � • - •-�-- �-s-. •�- -.• 9 ! • } J I ' 1 ' • - • � �, Tf Form Approved by City At ne� ) By' - ? `h? �� - Approved by ayor for Submission to Council By: RESOLUTIOIV CITY Of SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Adopted by Council: Date � \p ,1���( N°_ 50251 AFFlCE/COUNQL � DATE WRIATED 9� /4Ps LIEP. GREEN SHEE CONiACT PERSON d �HONE INITIAL/pqTE MITIAVDA7E � OEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � QTYCOUNQL William.F. Gunther — 266-9132 ussicx �cirrnrrow�v �anc�EaK MUST BE ON CpUNCIL AC�ENDA B1' (UATE) HUMBER FOR O BUW ET DIRECTOR � FIN. 8 MGt. SEflVICES DIR. � NOUTING H28I1Rg' ro(, O OFDEH O �,�pYOF (OR AS$I5fANn O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE AAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOH SIGNATURE) . ACTION PE�UESTED: Rev. Michael Anderson on behalf of Church of St. Bernard requests Council approval of their application for a State Class B Gambling Premise Permit, ID 4�B-00963, at Lendway's Bar, 609 University Avenue W. RECAMMENDATIONS Approve (A) or Rejed (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PIANNING COMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personRirm ever worketl untler a contract for this department? _ CIB CAMMITfEE _ YES NO _ STAFG 2- Has this personffrm ever been a city employee? — VES (JO , DIStAtCT COURi _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skiil not normally possessetl by any curcent ciry empioyee? SUPPOFTS WHICH COUNCII O&IECTIVE� YES NO Explain all yes answers on separata aheet enO ettech to grean sheet INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y (VJha, What. When, Whera. Why)� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEO: - �ISAOYANTAGES IF 0.PPROVE�. DISADVANTAGES IP NOTAPPROVED� � � � � OCT 3 9 i�97 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGET D(CI RCL`E ONE) — YES .�- FUNDIIdG SOURCE kCTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) uHi"It7�1�YU l.uIVIKU� � ItL�b1L UCt 1( 9( °. LG2S4 . • P•2s917 MinnPSOta Lawfxi2 Gcmbting Premises Pezxnit Applicstion - Pas� 1 of 2 10�02 N P FOft 80ARD USE ONLY BASE � PP x � Fce CF{cGIC - -- 1 lMTIALS '- .'_ � a�r� I � U Rer.e:aa1 � . . . .. .. Orya�izaGan base 1'tcense number firemises �pemit rumSSr j� Ne,'v �.h �f- �t �,( � ass ot C�^anizauon - SSeet a P. O 5cz �Do nct use Uie aC: U . /SS� , ,�I.�� . � c�' l��/V .�', � ezec ^ive on;ar (pn.�t be ��r ysT�lin9 msr,zqer) A� � - � - .if/' �; �r �.:igu v�c:a�tUps . . - <f app:yjs.g ;cr a class A �r C?er�it, �11 in dzys ar.d begL�s.L�,� & cndi�g houas of bL*.go cCCZSiors: ��:. No more Lhan stvtn bL^.gp occasiorl5 z:.ay be cbnducttd by your or�an+�ation per week. ;$''" . :.zy B��:u.L^.gJ£adir.q Hcu:s Day B�p.�uLag/Ending �:curs Bay 8:;4uung /£nd:ng Hovis :o � to � to . . a __ to �_ � :o If bfn�o mill noi be coadec:c3, chccY hore � ''?t.. n me ot es• Ol:snment whare blu�q wtll D6 cOr.�uc:etl tre9f ,jCCress {o� not use post ot�ice numb r) ��" �C�uj�a�i�� , 1�Dg ��n�vp.f'si-�,� �h.�h�.�.�J L,�� `�;.., Ss th0 premises Sxa: witl�in city fimits9 Yea � No tf no, is townihip � organite � unorganized O �nin�rperated � Cief and Counry wnera gambGng premises is Ixa7Ed OR Tnwnship and Coun,y where gam�ling premises is loca;ed if ouisidg oF t'ty limits �_ �•�!�'!t./, t��� i/�dl. ( .. �Vama cwner yo::r aryanizabon own ;hs buit�ing where LhE gamblinq will be anCuctaC7 p Y�S ��NO . if ra, anach the fcUcxing: . . �•. a mpy ot the k�ase (torm LG202) with terms for at least me year. ' a capy of d sket:tt of the Awt ptan'wiLh dir..ens;anz, shouing wnat �[tion is being leased. � �� A leasa arxJ sketeh a�e not teq�ired for Clats D ao •_:.......:. ___�.�„_.. .._....�,._>_�.__._.....,...,..__. 0 0 class c; pren;:c: ?emit - (check ene) - [] A t5<0�1 PuihtaSs, :ipS�ar�s. pa�:ewheets, ra"fes, biry�o . � 6�5250) Polf-,2bs, tipboarVS, pad�l2wheeis, ra"�es., _,: �I C (520�) &nyo on;y ❑ D (5750) rtafl7es ony _..i.c. :r; . ::4,`. -". ': : i.z '.;: : o°'�.�` ;�� ...� � �i<:tX:: �. • 'y%1WS: � , ;sr�?.�a' . :.p'; ' ' ,'ti:� lr.: . �, i`.'. -� y. . sa,���� � Nc �ar, � ,=,a� �� =i :bl_ �.J? Oct 17 97 10:0� No.00? ?.vo �1 am fha chini executive oHicar of iho organ'¢aY�:^; •1 assume full rasponsiblity fct tha fair and lawful cpara� tion of ail adivi;ies to oe qndu� ed; •! wilf famiiiariz9 myseli with tha laws cf Minnesc;a govamir,n iav,iul yambliog and rules ot tne bozr: aad agrea. ;!icensed, to aoide by those laws and rules, inc!uding amendmants t� them; •any.c�anges in app(icat;on iniarrtia;ion will be scb^�r„sd to the board and bc�.I unc �! govsrnmant v.•ithin 10 C�ys ot ;he change; and •I uncQrs;and that tailure to provide raquired infor;�,ation or provi='ing false or misieadinq iniorratior, may resui; n the danial or revo:at;on of the 1'�canse. I hersby coaser,t that foczi law sniorcement ef�i�rs, tna board cr agen:s ei tha board, er the cammissione' oi �evenua cr oubl�, sae,y, or aoon;s cf the crnissionars, r..sy er,iar tha p:aRises to enforce the law. Ba;.b Records Informatioa Tne �ard is au:ho, ;a i^spe� ths bank rr,;,^rCS o�?he gar,.bii�; ac;oun, whersva; ascassa.y to fuHill raquiroments ot current gar,.din;, r.:les snd lzw. Oath I declara?hat: �! ^nve :s2C :hIS 3ppiicaticn and all irtorra��,n s::nn�ed to the b�are s trua, �curate and .�:mpiete; •all pthar re:uired in�ormation ^as baen fu:!y dis�cse�; 5. The cty 'm4st sign this aoplication ii the gambGng p�sm- ises is iocated within city fimits. 2. The c�unty •'AND towr.snip•' must si�n?his appiicaticn i} tha ganbling �tenises is located wflhin 2 township. 3. Ths locai un� govatnmeni (c'y cr county) must pas5 a resciu;ior spec�ficatly aroroving or denying th�s a?pi'Katicn. 4, A c^'+v �f �hs b^al unR 01 �overnmant'S reso(u'ion a�- �mvin� this ao,�;jcatio� mus�be anached to this aooSics�ion. 5. tf this appiication is danied by the bcal unit ot govarnmeri, it should nct be submitted ic tha Gamoling Contrct 9oard, 7ownship: By signature bslow, 'he townshio zcxnowls6ges that lha arganization is appiying for a prsmises permi; wit!�in towrship limi:s. Ciry ot Counry Name L — /' " Signa�Wa of p rson racaivin .ap � �� - iiue � 6�j�r�J� �'` Township NAma SiqnaT��e of peraon �ecalvinp application .E�atB RE^8ivep � Tttle 16—�/�7 Cate Aeceiretl neler a;na ins9veions tor recared ar,achment_. Uaii (�; isnbllnp Co^trol Ho�rd aosawood PNu Soulh, �rd ��oor 7?�1 W. ^-�ouniy Ro.d 2 acs�v)Ile� 3.IN SS::J � _..25:(pert :! �Slnrzesota Lau�,F.�t Gtzmbiing ` Premise �e�rzit Apgiication - Pa.�.� 2 of 2 q1—�y�, Council File �` �� — �4� Ordinance # Green Sheet � 50251 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Presented By Refezred To RE50LVED: That application, ID #B-00963, for a State Class B Gambling Premise Permit by Church of St. Bernard at Lendway•s Bar, 6Q9 IIniversity Avenue W., be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY:� 4��-�... . Approved by Mayor: Date 1 t,2G /F'7- By: y � � • - •-�-- �-s-. •�- -.• 9 ! • } J I ' 1 ' • - • � �, Tf Form Approved by City At ne� ) By' - ? `h? �� - Approved by ayor for Submission to Council By: RESOLUTIOIV CITY Of SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Adopted by Council: Date � \p ,1���( N°_ 50251 AFFlCE/COUNQL � DATE WRIATED 9� /4Ps LIEP. GREEN SHEE CONiACT PERSON d �HONE INITIAL/pqTE MITIAVDA7E � OEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � QTYCOUNQL William.F. Gunther — 266-9132 ussicx �cirrnrrow�v �anc�EaK MUST BE ON CpUNCIL AC�ENDA B1' (UATE) HUMBER FOR O BUW ET DIRECTOR � FIN. 8 MGt. SEflVICES DIR. � NOUTING H28I1Rg' ro(, O OFDEH O �,�pYOF (OR AS$I5fANn O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE AAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOH SIGNATURE) . ACTION PE�UESTED: Rev. Michael Anderson on behalf of Church of St. Bernard requests Council approval of their application for a State Class B Gambling Premise Permit, ID 4�B-00963, at Lendway's Bar, 609 University Avenue W. RECAMMENDATIONS Approve (A) or Rejed (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PIANNING COMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personRirm ever worketl untler a contract for this department? _ CIB CAMMITfEE _ YES NO _ STAFG 2- Has this personffrm ever been a city employee? — VES (JO , DIStAtCT COURi _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skiil not normally possessetl by any curcent ciry empioyee? SUPPOFTS WHICH COUNCII O&IECTIVE� YES NO Explain all yes answers on separata aheet enO ettech to grean sheet INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y (VJha, What. When, Whera. Why)� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEO: - �ISAOYANTAGES IF 0.PPROVE�. DISADVANTAGES IP NOTAPPROVED� � � � � OCT 3 9 i�97 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGET D(CI RCL`E ONE) — YES .�- FUNDIIdG SOURCE kCTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) uHi"It7�1�YU l.uIVIKU� � ItL�b1L UCt 1( 9( °. LG2S4 . • P•2s917 MinnPSOta Lawfxi2 Gcmbting Premises Pezxnit Applicstion - Pas� 1 of 2 10�02 N P FOft 80ARD USE ONLY BASE � PP x � Fce CF{cGIC - -- 1 lMTIALS '- .'_ � a�r� I � U Rer.e:aa1 � . . . .. .. Orya�izaGan base 1'tcense number firemises �pemit rumSSr j� Ne,'v �.h �f- �t �,( � ass ot C�^anizauon - SSeet a P. O 5cz �Do nct use Uie aC: U . /SS� , ,�I.�� . � c�' l��/V .�', � ezec ^ive on;ar (pn.�t be ��r ysT�lin9 msr,zqer) A� � - � - .if/' �; �r �.:igu v�c:a�tUps . . - <f app:yjs.g ;cr a class A �r C?er�it, �11 in dzys ar.d begL�s.L�,� & cndi�g houas of bL*.go cCCZSiors: ��:. No more Lhan stvtn bL^.gp occasiorl5 z:.ay be cbnducttd by your or�an+�ation per week. ;$''" . :.zy B��:u.L^.gJ£adir.q Hcu:s Day B�p.�uLag/Ending �:curs Bay 8:;4uung /£nd:ng Hovis :o � to � to . . a __ to �_ � :o If bfn�o mill noi be coadec:c3, chccY hore � ''?t.. n me ot es• Ol:snment whare blu�q wtll D6 cOr.�uc:etl tre9f ,jCCress {o� not use post ot�ice numb r) ��" �C�uj�a�i�� , 1�Dg ��n�vp.f'si-�,� �h.�h�.�.�J L,�� `�;.., Ss th0 premises Sxa: witl�in city fimits9 Yea � No tf no, is townihip � organite � unorganized O �nin�rperated � Cief and Counry wnera gambGng premises is Ixa7Ed OR Tnwnship and Coun,y where gam�ling premises is loca;ed if ouisidg oF t'ty limits �_ �•�!�'!t./, t��� i/�dl. ( .. �Vama cwner yo::r aryanizabon own ;hs buit�ing where LhE gamblinq will be anCuctaC7 p Y�S ��NO . if ra, anach the fcUcxing: . . �•. a mpy ot the k�ase (torm LG202) with terms for at least me year. ' a capy of d sket:tt of the Awt ptan'wiLh dir..ens;anz, shouing wnat �[tion is being leased. � �� A leasa arxJ sketeh a�e not teq�ired for Clats D ao •_:.......:. ___�.�„_.. .._....�,._>_�.__._.....,...,..__. 0 0 class c; pren;:c: ?emit - (check ene) - [] A t5<0�1 PuihtaSs, :ipS�ar�s. pa�:ewheets, ra"fes, biry�o . � 6�5250) Polf-,2bs, tipboarVS, pad�l2wheeis, ra"�es., _,: �I C (520�) &nyo on;y ❑ D (5750) rtafl7es ony _..i.c. :r; . ::4,`. -". ': : i.z '.;: : o°'�.�` ;�� ...� � �i<:tX:: �. • 'y%1WS: � , ;sr�?.�a' . :.p'; ' ' ,'ti:� lr.: . �, i`.'. -� y. . sa,���� � Nc �ar, � ,=,a� �� =i :bl_ �.J? Oct 17 97 10:0� No.00? ?.vo �1 am fha chini executive oHicar of iho organ'¢aY�:^; •1 assume full rasponsiblity fct tha fair and lawful cpara� tion of ail adivi;ies to oe qndu� ed; •! wilf famiiiariz9 myseli with tha laws cf Minnesc;a govamir,n iav,iul yambliog and rules ot tne bozr: aad agrea. ;!icensed, to aoide by those laws and rules, inc!uding amendmants t� them; •any.c�anges in app(icat;on iniarrtia;ion will be scb^�r„sd to the board and bc�.I unc �! govsrnmant v.•ithin 10 C�ys ot ;he change; and •I uncQrs;and that tailure to provide raquired infor;�,ation or provi='ing false or misieadinq iniorratior, may resui; n the danial or revo:at;on of the 1'�canse. I hersby coaser,t that foczi law sniorcement ef�i�rs, tna board cr agen:s ei tha board, er the cammissione' oi �evenua cr oubl�, sae,y, or aoon;s cf the crnissionars, r..sy er,iar tha p:aRises to enforce the law. Ba;.b Records Informatioa Tne �ard is au:ho, ;a i^spe� ths bank rr,;,^rCS o�?he gar,.bii�; ac;oun, whersva; ascassa.y to fuHill raquiroments ot current gar,.din;, r.:les snd lzw. Oath I declara?hat: �! ^nve :s2C :hIS 3ppiicaticn and all irtorra��,n s::nn�ed to the b�are s trua, �curate and .�:mpiete; •all pthar re:uired in�ormation ^as baen fu:!y dis�cse�; 5. The cty 'm4st sign this aoplication ii the gambGng p�sm- ises is iocated within city fimits. 2. The c�unty •'AND towr.snip•' must si�n?his appiicaticn i} tha ganbling �tenises is located wflhin 2 township. 3. Ths locai un� govatnmeni (c'y cr county) must pas5 a resciu;ior spec�ficatly aroroving or denying th�s a?pi'Katicn. 4, A c^'+v �f �hs b^al unR 01 �overnmant'S reso(u'ion a�- �mvin� this ao,�;jcatio� mus�be anached to this aooSics�ion. 5. tf this appiication is danied by the bcal unit ot govarnmeri, it should nct be submitted ic tha Gamoling Contrct 9oard, 7ownship: By signature bslow, 'he townshio zcxnowls6ges that lha arganization is appiying for a prsmises permi; wit!�in towrship limi:s. Ciry ot Counry Name L — /' " Signa�Wa of p rson racaivin .ap � �� - iiue � 6�j�r�J� �'` Township NAma SiqnaT��e of peraon �ecalvinp application .E�atB RE^8ivep � Tttle 16—�/�7 Cate Aeceiretl neler a;na ins9veions tor recared ar,achment_. Uaii (�; isnbllnp Co^trol Ho�rd aosawood PNu Soulh, �rd ��oor 7?�1 W. ^-�ouniy Ro.d 2 acs�v)Ile� 3.IN SS::J � _..25:(pert :! �Slnrzesota Lau�,F.�t Gtzmbiing ` Premise �e�rzit Apgiication - Pa.�.� 2 of 2 q1—�y�,