97-1470� '^.-°•( ^ta,�,"; � � � � . �"�i � .e ..o�a., . SAINT PAUL, Presented Referred Council File # 9� - 14�1 � 2 3 WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota through its Deparirnent of Transportation has funds 4 available for its Community Roadside Landscaping Partnership Program; and 6 WHEREAS, Concordia University wishes to work with the City for the project identified 7 as the Hamline Avenue/Concordia University Landscape Partnership on the state truuk highway 8 I-94, to be conducted during the period from April 15, 1998 to October 15, 1998; and 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ' WHEREAS, the project would provide funds to purchase landscape materials for the south side of I-94 from Hamline Avenue North west to the railroad; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul will act as the sponsoring unit for the Hamline Avenue/Concordia Universit� Landscape Partnership and T.K. Walling and Bob Holtz, of the Division of Parks & Recreation are designated as primary contact persons for the project on behalf of the City and aze authorized to apply to the Minnesota Department of transportation for funding of this project. Adopted by Council: Date � �,,���� Requested by Department of: By: �� Form Approved by City Attorney i Bv: � r1 , a.� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approve y M o for S ssion to Council i Ll/ i By: � . By: �� Approved by Mayor: Date / i�'Z Y�� T. B i �..�� � - / Green Sheet # 3 � a a o ��7 PARKS & RECREATION 10/5/97 GREEN SHEET INITIAUDATE— FOP TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � CITYATTORNEV O BUDGET DIRECTOR � FhAYOP (OR ASSISTI (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ���ao q'1-1 — INRIALIOATE 1 O CITY COUNCIL _ O QTY CLEflK � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES [�]Parkc R Re� Approval of agreement between the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation, Concordia University and the "CITY" or _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ ( __ CIB CAMMITTEE _ _ _ STAFF , _ _ D15TRIGT COURT _ _ SUPPOFTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTNE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOILOWING �UESTIONS: t, Has thi�s persontfirm ever worketl under a contract for this departmeM? VES NO 2. Has this person�rtn ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed 6y any current city employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separo�e sheet antl ettach to green sheet State of Minnesota Department of Transportation would like to pay the city $5,372.28 to purchase landscape materials for this partnership. MNDOT needs this agreement signed before the state can issue a check to the city. IF I-94 will be landscaped on the south side of I-94 from Namline Avenue N- west to the railroad with MNDOT funding. �t������� �� 26 199�C DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED. None � �aav � z �ss7 fl.�.an � �� = u = 'iS ' '� -< " �':; `. ,�.�.'� ��d - A � :'� "� �� � � a '�s' E'`� v . .... '� ff a DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVEO: This area would not be landscaped using city funds. R S NOV 2 � 1�9? � T07ALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ 5 COST/REVENUEBUDGETEp(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE Stdte of Mi nnesota AC71VI7Y NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORAfiAT10N: (EXPLAIN) a�1- ���� � i�// l � � COMMUNITY ROADSIDE LANDSCAPING PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM APPLICATION MANUAL (Apri11997 Revision) � , � 1��� ; :.-::� ��, �%.=--, ��.��� a�.-:.--.....-.. .�..._. _.. :.. .. f' ` ?1 E #' � F� � � = �� � �,�: �� � =�. � -.. � A Growing Partnership Improving Our Communities and Envirozunent . ,� ���� 0 . •.�1� 3 � ,i � 3 ; � � r � � - From Wildflowers to Trees q�"��� 7) Seek free sources prior to purchasing. 2) MnDOT has 22-5-10 at Camden shop. 3) 2" depth for wildflowers. Voluatee[s needed: Planting daY: large trees smail. trees shrubs flowers Total = plant quantity rate per hr, planting hrs. 0 (1/hr.) 0 190 (3/hr) 63 �45 . (3/hr.) 48 450 (15/hc) 30 785 142 47 = minimum number peopie needed for a 3 hour planting day 8/27197 I-94 Landscape Partnership Estimate a�-t�+'j PART I - COMMUNITY ROADSIDE LANDSCAPING PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Minnesota Depar�►ent of Transportation's Community Roadside Landscaping Partnership Program is designed to provide technical and financial assistance to communities that are interested in landscaping state highway rights of way. The program has three goals: (1) roadside beautification, (2) community improvement, and (3) environmental stewardship. This manual describes the program and application requiremenu, and provides examples of documents required. Part One (pp.2-4) is the general pro�am description. Part Two (pp. 5-7) contains the application form and the instructions to complete the form. Part Three (pp. 8-24) contains appendices that provide other information pertinent to the apglication requirements. Completed applications may be submitted to Mn/DOT for consideration at any time of the year but prioritization will be given to appiications submitted before September lst to take advantage of the opportunity for fall preparatory work prior to spring planting. If you have any quesrions about the program or application requirements, please call (612)779-5076 to speak with Mn/DOT's Landscaping Programs Coordinator. APPLICANT ELIGIBILITY For purposes of this program, communities are defined as counties, home rule charters, statutory cities or towns. Ineligible applicants will not be considered unless they are sponsored by a community or other unit of government that can execute and honor a cooperative agreement with MnIDOT (a necessary requirement for Mn/DOT to transFer funds.) ELIGIBLE COMPONENTS Funds awarded under this pr aQram must be used for roadside landscaping located on state trunk highway rights of way with fee or easement title. Most areas of interstate freeways and high volume divided highways with controlled access are excluded from this program due to liability, safety, and access problems. Components that support the goals of the pr b�ram include, but aze not lunited to, the following: - Planting and maintenance of trees, shrubs, vines, perennial groundcovers, wildflowers and grasses. - Incorporation of soil amendments, herbicides, edging, raised planters, tree grates, weed fabric, wood fiberblanket,mulch, rodentprotection, staking and guying, seedling shelters, etc. PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Communifies seekina approval to initiate a proposed landscape partnership project with provi- sion of Mn/DOT technical and design assistance must submit a written request for participation and services to the appropriate Ntn/DOT District /Metro Division Enaineer (see Appendix III.) Project components must support at least one of the three goals of the program (roadside beautification, community improvement, and environmental stewazdship.) In the formative stages of the project, the applicant must form and designate a committee of at least three contact people for the projec� At least one of the three contact people must be an employee or official representative of the Iceal government unit requesting or sponsering the projec� The designated individuals on the committee would then be responsible for overall project Iiaison and coordination prior to and during the submission of the application, as well as during unplementation stages afterthe projectis awarded. At least one of the committee members will be required to attend a sis hour landscape project inspection, installation and mainfenance training school. The comrnittee member or members will be responsible for providing community workers and volunteers with Mn/DOT supplied instructions, videos, and information packets pertaining to safe aad proper worker supervision, materiats handling, plant installation and plant maintenance. The application must include a formal resolution or letter indicating community support for the desired improvements and authorization of a primary contact person to apply to Mn/DOT for funding. (See Appendix I for sampie resolution or letter.) If volunteers are to be used , the application must include a volunteer pledge list identifying sufficient numbers of volunteers to complete the scope of work within an acceptable time period. A Mn/DOT approved (Disirict Metro Division and L.andscaping Pro�ams Coordinator) landscape plan at a scale of not more than 100'=1" must be included as part of the application (11" x 17" reductions are acceptable for application purposes.) The landscape plan shall incorporate by reference or attachment, standazd Mn/DOT pianting detaiIs, materiai specifications and speciat provisions as applicable. The plan may be prepared by Mn/DOT's Landscape, Forestry and Turf Section with no obtigatioa, as scheduled work loads permi� Potential applicants may use the services of local landscape design professionals to prepare plans, thereby minim;zing time delays that may occur as a result of Mn/DOT's workload. Mn/DOTs Landscape, Forestry, and Turf Section will assisst applicants in obtaining basemapping information, design guidelines required reviews, and necessaryapprovals. Funding assistance is limited to the estimated cost of providing the required lanscape materials. (soil amendments, herbicides, plant materials, seed, sod, mulch, rodent guards and other miscellaneous materials necessary for the project.) Elib bie projects must include a minunum of $1,000 worth of materials and the maximum awazd of funds for any project or pmject phase shall not exceed �20,000 in any b ven year. The program requires that a community provide the funds or in-kind services to instatl and maintain the state funded materials. Applicants may utilize their own labor forces, service organiza- tions, volunteers or contractors. The communiry must act as the contract letting and adminisiration authority where contract installation is desired. Volunteers must be 13 years of age or older unless accompanied and supervised by an aduit at all times. A ratio of at least one adutt supervisor for every five children under the aae of 13 is required. � � �{'t -� `�'? Successful applicanu are required to enter into a Cooperative Aa eement with Mn/DOT to install and maintain the roadside landscape improvements. A detailed landscape plan showing actual locations and quanrities of materials along with the specifications and special provisions will form the basis of the Agreement together with the applicarion and schedule of maintenance requirements. CRITERIA FOR EVALUATING APPLICATIONS _;_�.__.__ to the Mn(DOT I:anHscaping Di'stiict/Me�o=Division and After the completed application has been submitted ta Mnl1�OT, additional information may b e required. Clarification of vague or ambiguous application materials may be requested by the Mn/llOT zeview team. Incomplete applicarions (i.e., missina supporting documents> etc.) may not be considered for funding. Completed applications should be submitted at least three months prior to the desired planting date. Applications submitted by September lst will be given priority to take advantage of the opportunity for fall preparatory work prior to spring planting. In order for an application to be reviewed, it must contain the basic, minimal requirements as ouflined in this manual. Applications may be approved for funding in the fuil amount requested or in an amount less than requested. The criteria to be used in reviewing and ranking qualifying applications inctude: 1. Extent to which the groposed project meets one or more of the goais of the program. 2. Extent to which the proposed project is consistent with Mn/DOT policy, safety, desi�, and operations guidelines. 3. Extent to which the proposed project and partner demonstrate a strong likelihood foz successful installation, establishment and maintenance of ttie roadside landscaping investment. AWARD OF PROJECT FUNDS Award of project funds is subject to availability of funds at the time the application is approved and wiil be announced by letter. Unsuccessful applicants may be deferred to the next cycle of availabie fundin� or may be asked to resubmit revised applications. Award of project funds is contingent upon esecution and appmvai of the Cooperative Agreement. Funds may be tcansferred to the community upon receipt of a written request with a copy of the purchase orders for landscape materials. Fall season preparatory work (weed control and rototilling) and Spring season planting is recommended for roadside projects. AII components of the project phase, as awazded, must be completed by the end of the first full �owing season (early Aprii to early November) as scheduled. � .' Address �a • �� ' RrKw-a • .S'f a ,n M dl �" /U 3 Name � � ; ��/L Phone ���" Name - T ��'. h/a ll� h ra— Phone �F�'� 7e -PH`3�G PART II - Mn/DOT COMMUNITY ROADSIDE LAA'DSCAPING PARTNERSAIP PROGRAM PROJECT APPLICATION (1) APPLICANT Locai Government Unit ! Community C ' � S� u w/ Co h car �% a�n ��rr; f Address �7 " N� S S: MN 3�/G' " %'C! b r� o b r f G. /�G! y (2) COMMITTEE OF PRIMARY CONTACT PERSONS * One of the Committee members must be employed a staff member o repre�e�ntative of the Local Government Unit q Name �o � �'r7 f= • �d I7z Phone � � Address o n Cpr 1.-a �{ h; v�P�s,'�� ��s �U� SH n d. �- S�`. �aN�, �h n s5 ioy 7 � � (3) DESCRIBE THE LOCATTON OF THE PROJECT of t � h ! e project.) Trun Highway: Sd K. k f � li-rA�v.��1.0 /7'Ff. h-0on (71'�Gnr �lude county, city and the limits P. �Z. bri J�i 1`t � ✓'t r r r E.. (4) BRIEFLY STATE THE GOALS ANB SCOPE OF YOUR PR�POSED PROJECT. (� BRIEFLY STATE TI� PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND APPROVAL PROCESS USED AND SIGNIFTCANT COORDINATION WTI'H OTF�R PROGRAMS. 5 °1�-1W�o (� LIST THE REQUIRED MATERIALS ONLY AND THE ESTIMATED MATERIAL COSTS FOR THE PROJECT (soil amendmenu, herbicide, plant materiais, seed, sod, construction materi- als, weed fabric, muich, rodent protection, etc.) DO NOT INCLUDE LABOR OR EQUIPMENT. PROJECT MATERIALS (on state right of way only) QUANTITY ESTIMATEA COST � TOTAL MATERIAL COST (7) SHOW THE DESIRED TIMETABLE FOR COMPLETION OF EACH MA70R COMPO- NENT OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT FROM PREPARATION OF PLANTING AREAS (Iuclude Sales Tas and Shipping) THItOUGH COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION. (8) DESCRIBE THE TYPES OF LABOR FORCES AND THE ESTIMATED QUANTITY OF PERSONNEL THAT WII.L INSTALL AND MAINTAIN THE PROJECT. (city crews, youth service corp., contracYOrs, volunteers) *If the majority of work is to be performed by volun- teers, a preliminary pledge list of volunteers must be attatched. STATEMENT OF ASSURANCES To the best of my Imowledge and belief, data in this application are true and correct, and the document has been duly authorized by the govemment unit of the applicant with fiill understanding of the program requirements. Tt is a�eed that at least one primary contact person wili attend a s� hour Mn/DOT landscape project inspection, installation and maintenance training school to ensure that community workers, volunteers and contractors are provided with proper direction and information packets. It is a�eed that if volunteer workers aze to be used, they will meet minunum age or eligibility requirements. It is agreed thatthe government unit of the applicant will enterinto an A�eement with Mn/DOT ensuring that the government unit of the applicant will ensure or provide required maintenance of the landscape improvements on roadside areas per the Agreement. � Signature of the Primary Contact Person Authorized By The Local Government Unit �0 7 �7 Date REQUIRED ATTACHN�NTS TO BE LrICLUDED AS PART OF THE APPLICATION: (A) � RESOLUTION OR LE'I'TER AUTHORIZING APPLICATION AND bESIGNATLNG AUTHORIZED PRINIARY CONTACT PERSON. (B) � MAP OF PROJECT LOCATION. (C) � MN/DOT APPROVED LANDSCAPE PLAN (Approval Stamped and Dated By District / Meiro Division and Lan3scaping Pro�ams Staf£) (D) �� VOLUNTEER PLEDGE LIST (If volunteers are to be used) S-2Q f-1-2-... F a b c r-F The documents submitted in support of this application shall be considered part of this application. �t't - I �I'7o PART III - COiVIMUNITY ROADSIAE LAI�DSCAPING PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM APPENDICES I. SAMPLE OF RESOLUTION OR LETTER AUTHORZZING APPLICATION AND DESIGNATING AUTHORIZED PRIMARY CONTACT PERSON. II. LIST OF RESOURCES. III. MAP OF MN/DOT DISTRICTS AND LIST OF DISTRICT / METRO DIVISION ENGINEERS WITH ADDRESSES AND PHONE NUMBEI2S. IV. SAMPLE LANDSCAPE PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT. V. PARTIAL LIST OF ACTIVITIES TO INSURE SUCCESS OF PARTNERSHIP PLANTINGS. VI. MNIDOT LANDSCAPING PARTNERSHIP PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM. � APPENDIX I COMMUNITY ROADSIDE LAl�'SCAPING PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM RESOLUTION OR LETTER AUTHORIZING APPLICATION AND PRIMARY CONTACT PERSON Applicants must adopt the foilowing as a resolution or letter and submit it with the application. Applications without a completed and signed resolution or letter wiIl not be considered. Be it resolved that �t�Ycr- Sr4/N i {�1k(,� �(��;Q��q u,����R,SIT�� act as sponsoring (applicanUlocal govemment unit) unit for the project indenrified as PA2 TlSE�2,5�►� on the state trunk highway(s) ! Uf�� to be conducted daring the period APru � c� t��S' through C�GiO.�2- l5, Z� (duration dates) Be it further resolved u�A�c�.� (name 6f primary contact person) is hereby authorized to apply to the Minnesota Department of Transportation for funding of this project on behalf of � Gl` O� �l�N [ P�1GyIr I certify that the (applicant/local �ovemment uait) above resolution was adopted or approved by ��C: (�iYL �GL�i,j'/ (City Council or Ciry/ County offical) of i'1 jc= G i 7`z-/ GF S�iic1� �L on (applicanUlocal �ovemment unit) (date) WITNESSED: (si�ature) (rifle) (date) q�-�y 7D APPENDIX II LIST OF RESOI3RCES which may be able to provide assistance or information affecting your project. Minnesota Department of Transportation District I Metro Division Offices and the O�ce of Environmental Services - Appendix III Minnesota Extension Service University of Minnesota St. Paul, MN 55108 General Info - (612) 625-1915 Publicarions - (612) 625-8173 Forest Resources Info - (612) 624-3020 Dial U Insect and Plant Info - 1-900-988-0�00 (Charge To Calling Party) Minnesota State Horticultural Society Minnesota Green 1755 Prior Avenue North Falcon Heights, MN 55113 (612)645-7066 or(800) 676-6747 Minnesota State Historical Society State Historical Preservation Compliance Officer History Center, 345 Kellogg Blvd. W. St. Paul, MN (612) 246-5462 Iron Range Aesources And Rehabilitation Board Community Development Division P.Q. Box 441, Highway 53 South Eveleth, NLN 55734 (218) 744-2993 University of Minnesota School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture 125 Architecture 89 Church Street S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55455 (612)625-6860 University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum 3675 Arboretum Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 (612) 443-2460 Minnesota Nursery and Landscape Association P_O. Box 130307 St. Paul, MN 55113 (612) 633-4987 Minnesota Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects 275 Market Street Suite 54 Minneapolis, MN 55405 (612) 339-0793 Minnesota Desi� Team AIA Minnesota 275 Market Street Minneapolis, MN 55405 (612) 338-67b3 Local O'Y£ices of the following: - County Agricultural Extension Service - Department of Natural Rescsurces (D.N.R.) Division of Forestry - Re� onal / Metropolitan Planning Commissions and Councils - Soii Conservation Service (S.C.S.) - Soil and Water Conservation Dishicts (S.W.C.D.) - U.S. Forest Service (U.S.F.S.) 10 - - --- ,�:,� - - - - APPENDIX III CENTRAL OFFICE Scott Bradley T andscape Prograrns Coordinator Office of Environmental Services 3485 Hadley Avenue North Oakdale, MN 55128 (612)779-5076 � � e.�;r O o.oet l.ku O ar^'" O 0 � ! � O �� O u„' w.�+�,e Q O MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICTS Q Dist�taHaaGuanea DISTRICT ENGINEERS DISTRICT 1 Mr. Mike Robinson F I23 Mesaba Avenue Duluth, MN 55811 (218) 723-4820 DISTRIC'T 2 Mr. Steven Baker P.O. Box 490 Bemidji, MN 56601 (218}755-38I5 DISTRICT 3 Mr. Donald Raisanen 1991 Indusaial Pazk Baxter, MN 56401 (218)828-2463 DISTRICT 4 Mr. David Smilonich 1000 West Highway 10 � Box 666 Detroit Lakes, MN 56502 (218)847-1552 �.. DISTRICT 6 o�ann� ��� ��e,.q« DISTRICT 7 DISTRICT 8 METRO DIVISfON Mr. Kermit K McRae 290 48th St N.W. P.O. Box 6177 Rochester, MN 55903-6177 (507) 285-7374 Mr. James Swanson 501 South Viciory Drive P.O. Box 4039 Mankato, MN 56001 (507) 389-6868 Mr. David Trooien 2505 Transportation Road P.O. Box 768 Willmar, MIQ 56201 (612) 231-5497 Mr. Chazles Si�emd 2500 West Coanry Road B2 Roseville, MN SS1I3-3105 {613)582-1359 �t APPENDIX IV OFFICE OF STATE OF MINNESOTA ENVIRONMENTAL DEPARTMEN`I' OF T12ANSPORTATION SERVICES LANDSCAPE PARTNEI�SHIP AGREEMEZQT q � -14'70 Mn/DOT AGREEMENT NO_ S.P: -969 (T.H. ) State Funds The State of Minnesota Department of Transportation, and The Citv o£ Re: State cost landscape materials acquisition by the City for use along T.H. _ ORIGINAL AMOUNT ENCUM AMOUNT RECEIVABLE (NOne) THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the State of MirLZeso�a, Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "Mn1DOT", and the City of , Minnesota, acting by and through its City Council, hereinafter referred to as the "City". WHEREAS the City is about to perform landscaping along Trunk High- way No. from to within the corporate City limits in accordance with City-prepared plans, specifications and/or special provisions designated as the " Landscaping Plan", which project has been designated by Mn/DOT as State Project No. -969 (T.A. _); and WHEREAS the City has requested participation by Mn/DOT in the costs of landscape materials acquisition in accordance with the terms of Mn/DOT's "Community Roadside Landscaping Partnership Program'�; and 12 � ' .�. � � � ��I _ . .-'�'.. .t, + . _ _ _ _ _ 4dHEREAS Mn/DOT is willing to participate in the costs of the land- scape material5 acquisition as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS Minnesota Statute Section 161.20, subdivision 2(1996) au- thorizes the Commissioner of Transportation to make arrangements with and cooperate with any governmental authority for the purposes of constructing, maintaining and improving the trunk highway sys- tem_ IT IS, TBEREFORE, MU'tITALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE I- PROJECT ADMINISTRATION 8Y THE CITY SeCtion A. Landscane Materials Acauisitioa The City shall acquire landscape materials in accordance with Mn/ DOT-approved City plans, specifications and/or special provisions designated as the " Landscaping Plan�. Landscaping sha11 be perfcrmed by City forces in accordance with M�/DOT-approved City plans, specifications and/oz special provisions which are on file in the City's office and in Mn/DOT`s Office of Environmental Ser- vices in Oakdale, and are made a part hereof by reference with the same force and efiect as though iully set forth herezn. Sectioa B. Purchase Order to be E�rnished to Mn/DOT The City shall, within 7 days after ordering the landscape materi- a1s, submit to Mn/DOT's Landscape Programs Coordinator in Oakdale a copy of the purchase order for the �andscape materiaZs. Section C. Directioa Sunervision aad Insnectioa Landscape materials acquisition periormed in accordance with this Agreement shall be under the direction of the City; however, the Mn/DOT cost participation landscape materials to be acquired under this Agreeme:�t sha11 be open to inspection by Mn/DOT's authorized representatives. The City shall give Mn/DOT's Landscape Programs Coordinator five days notice of its intention to receive delivery of the landscape materials. Responsibility for the control of the Mn/DOT cost participation landscape materials acquisition covered under this Agreement shall ]3 9'1-1 �{ 70 be on the City and shall be carried out in accordance with Mn/DOT- approved City plans, specifications andlor special provisions des- ignated as the " Landscaping Plan". The City must verify whether or not nursery vendors are under a Gypsy Moth Compliance Agreement between the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, hereinafter referred to as the "NIDA", and the United States Department of Agriculture or under an NIDA Japanese Beetle Quarantine. All plant material shipped from nursery vendors sub- ject to quarantines must be accompanied by a Current Certificate of Compliance for gypsy moth and/or Japanese beetle. To determine if vendors are subject to quarantines, ca11 the MDA Supervisor of Plant Regulatory Services at (612) 296-8388. Section D. Cox[mletion of Materials Acauisition and Installation The City shall cause the acquisition and installation of landscape materials to be started and completed in accordance with the time schedule in the Community Roadside Landscaping Partnership Program Project Application, which is on file in Mn/DOT's Of£ice of Envi- ronmental Services and is made a part hereof by reference with the same £orce and effect as though fully set forth herein_ The completion date for the landscape materials acquisition and instal- lation may be extended, by an exchange of letters between the ap- propriate City official and Mn/DOT's Landscape Programs Coordina- tor, for unavoidable delays encountered in the performance thereof. Section E. Comoliance with Laws, Ordinaaces aad Reaulatioas The City shall, in connection with the acquisition of the landscape materials, comply with all Federal, State and Local laws, including Minnesota Statute Section 16B.101 (1996), and all applicable ordi- nances and regulations_ Section F. Rivht-of-Wav, Easements and Permits The City is hereby authorized to work on Mn1DOT right-of-way £or the purposes of installing and maintaining the laadscape materials, including any necessary replacement of landscape materials that fail to survive. 14 The City sha11, without cost or expense to Mn/DOT, obtain all rights-of-way, easements, construction permits and/or any other permits and sanctions that may be required in connection with the installation of landscape materials. Prior to advance payment by Mn/DOT, the City shall furnish Mn/DOT with certified copies of the documents for those rights-of-way and easements, and certified cop- ies of those construction permits and/or other permits and sanc- tions required for Mn/DOT landscaping. ARTICLE II - MN/DOT COST Section A. Basis Mn/DOT's fu11 and complete share of the costs of the landscaping to be performed along Trunk Elighway No. from to within the corporate City limits under State Project No.. -969 (T.A. _) shall be equal to the delivered cost of the landscaping materials acquired in accordance with the " Landscaping Plan", however, the maximum obligation of Mn/DOT under this Agreement shall not exceed $ , unless the maximum obligation is increased by execution o£ an amendment to this Agreement. It is estzmated that the cost of the landscape materials acquisition is $ Section 8. Pavmeat Mn/DOT shall pay to the City an amount equal to tYie delivered cost of the landscape materials, not to exceed the maximum obligation, after the following conditions have been met: 1. Encuzabrance by Mn/DOT of Mn/DOT's total cost share. 2. Execution and approval of this Agreement and Mn/DOT's transmit- tal of same to the City. 3. Provision by the City to Mn/DOT's Landscape Programs Coordinator of copies of the purchase orders for the landscape materials, as provided for in Article I, Section B. of this Agreement_ a. Provision by the City to Mn/DOT's Landscap2 Programs Coordinator of certified copies of the documents, as provided for in the second paragraph of Article I, Section F. of t2zis Agreement. 15 a'1— ►'� � a 5. Provision by the City to Mn/DOT's Landscape Programs Coordinator of a written request for payment, accompanied by copies of sup- plier invoices for the landscape materials acguisition and de- livery. ARTICLE III - GENERAL PROVISIONS 3ection A. Iastallation and Mainteaance bv the Citv After acquisition of the landscape materials, the City shall in- stall the landscape materials along Trunk Highway No. and pro- vide for the proper maintenance thereof, without cost or expense to MnlDO`P. Maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, removal and replacement of all materials that fail to survive. Criteria for maintenance and replacement are shown and described in EXHIBIT "A", Maintenance Responsibil,ities Plan and Schedule, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. Section 8. Resoonsibilities of the Citv The City shall, in connection with the landscape materials acquisi- tion, installation and maintenance, comply v,iith the following con- ditions: l. Use of Mn/DOT right-of-way shall in no way impair or interfere with the safety or convenience of the traveling public in its use of the highway. 2. Preserve and protect all utilities located on lands covered by this Agreement, without cost or expense to MnlDOT. 3. As reauired by Minnesota Statute 216D (1996), notify Gopher State One Call System (1-800-252-1166) at least 48 hours before any excavation is done on this project. 4. No advertising signs or devices of any form or size shall be constructed or shall be permitted to be constructed or placed upon Ms�{DOT right-of-way covered by this Agreement. 5. Upon completion of the installation of landscape materials and during performance of maintenance operations, restore all dis- 16 turbed areas of Mn/DOT right-of-way so as to pemetuate satis- factory drainage, erosion control and aesthetics. Any use of Mn/DOT right-of-way permitted by this Agreement shall remain subordinate to the right of Mn/DOT to use the property for highway and transportation puxposes_ This Agreement does not grant any interest whatsoever in land, nor does it establish a permanent park, recreation area or wildlife or waterfowl refuge facility that would become subject to Section 4(f) of the Federal-Aid Aighway Act of 1968_ Section C_ E�camination of 800ks Records Etc As provided by Minnesota Statute Section 16B.06, subdivision 4 (1996), the books,.records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of Mn/DOT and the City relevant to this Agreement are subject to examination by Mn/DOT and the City, and either the leg- islative auditor or the State auditor as appropriate. Section D. Cancellatioa of Aareement Mn/DOT may cancel and terminate this Agreement for any cause or reason, including Mn/DOT's desire to use any portion of Mn/DOT right-of-way subject to this Agreement for transportation purposes, by giving the City written notice at least 90 days prior to the date which such termination shall become effective. Upon cancella- tion of this Agreement, the City wi11 be required to restore and return the area to a condition satisfactory to Mn/DOT's District Engineer at Sectioa E. Claims All employees of the City and all other persons employed by the City or volunteering in the perfo� of landscape materials ac- a_uisition, insCallation and/or maintenance covered tu�der this Agreement shall not be considered employees of Mn/DOT. All claims that arise under the Worker�s Comz>ensation Act of the State of Min- nesota on behalf of the employees or volunteers while so engaged and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of the employees or volunteers while so engaged on landscape materials acquisition, installation and/or }7 q1-i�t�1� maintenance covered under this Agreement shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility of Mn/DOT. Section F. Nondiscriminatioa The provisions of Minnesota Statute Section 181_59 (1996) and of any applicable law relating to civil rights and discrimination shall be considered part of this Agreement as if fully set forth herein. Section G. Aareement Afl�ronal Before this Agreement shall become binding and effective, it shall be approved by a City Council resolution and receive approval of State and City officers as the law may provide in addition to the Commissioner of Transportation or his authorized representative. ARTICLE IV - AUTHORIZED AGENTS Mn/DOT's Authorized Agent for the purpose of the administration of this Agreement is Scott Bradley, Landscape Programs Coordinator, or ris successor. His current address and telephone number are 3485 Hadley Avenue North, Oakdale, Minnesota 55128, (612) 779-5076. The City's Authorized Agent for the purpose of the administration oi this Agreement is , , or his/her successor. His/Her current address and telephone number are ,() __ m >.�_ __ IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement by their authorized officers. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Recommended for approval: CITY OF By Mayor By Director Office of Environmental Services Date By B m District Engineer r � c � � � Approved: /�-a �� IIate By State Design Engineer DEPAR'T'�N'�' OF ADMINISTRATION Date B y — OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Date Approved as to form and execution: � Assistant Attorney General 19 ��,n� EXHIBIT A- MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES SCHEDULE � TABLE la REQUIRED LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES MAINTENANCE CONSIDERATION PLANT PRUNING WEED FERTILIZATION GROUPS CONTROL See Table 5, Ferrilization Schedule When To Type Of Evergeen Trees Anytime - Dry Conecrive and Maintain mulch at 3" Yes Deadwood Removal minimum azound trees in mowed areas, keep weed free. Shade Trees Anytime - Dry* Trainin� and Correcrive Yes Omamental Winter** Cosecfive Yes Trees Evergreen Anytime - Dry Deadwood Removal Yes Shrubs Deciduous Dormant Conective and Maintain minimum 3" Yes Shrubs Renewal woodclilp mulch in a weed free condition until shrub crown closure. Vines Dormant Deadwood Removal No Groundcovers * Do not prune oaks during April, May and June. Do not prune honeylocust while dormant or when humid or wet. ** Do not prune apples, crabapples or mountain ash during April, May, and June. TABLE lb. REQUIRED LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES MAINTENANCE CONSIDERATION PLANT WATERING INSECT AND RODENT REMOVALS AND GROUPS DISEASE PROTECTION REPLACEME.NTS COri'TAOL Ever�een Trees Yes until esrablished (2 yrs). As needed. Yes - Pine only Remove all dead plants. Supplemental waterin� may Remove diseased Replace dead or dyin� be needed during drought plants which pose plants unless the visual periods (especially durin� tkueats to adjacent appearance or desi�a � 7uly aad Auzust) even after plantines. i¢tent aze not nouceably plants aze established. compromised by the lost plants. Shade Tzees Yes Omamenrai Yes Trees Ever�een No* Shribs Deciduous No* Shrubs Vines No* Groundcovers No* Rodent protection is �enerally not pracrical for mass shrub plantings, maintainin� clean mulched plantin� azeas free of weed �rowth will reduce problems. Mowed turf in forznal planting azeas will help reduce rodent problems. m TABLE 2a CALENDAR OF LANDSCAPF. MATNTF.NANCF. ACTNIIy Januarv Febmarv March A ril Mav June Pru❑in� See Table ta for Best Time for S cific S cies. W'eed Convol: Ptanting beds must be kept in a weed free condiuon. Remulch Herbicide OXX � XO Must be lied 6 a licensed Pescicide A licator. Fer[ilization: Turf � Stwbs. Trees Insect & Disease Tune of wncrol de nds on the of insect or disease and when i[ is detected. Sunscald Protectioa Remove x Watering During first and second growing season appro�cimately once a week or as needed to maimain ad buc not excessive soil moisture. Maintai Rodent OOOQ Q0p0 OG00 OOOQ QQpQ QppO Protection Turf Maintenance ppX }�,y7{ Mowine Mower damage X Xl'J.7C X�7.'7C Prevention � - � Replanting Evergreen Tcees OXX XXO Deciduous Trees OXX X}�.\7C Container Plants �C XX.l'7C �.YO Turf O XX17C XXOO TABLE 26. CALENDAR OF LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ACTNITY 7uly AuEUSt Se tember October A'ovember December Prumn_ See Table la for Best Tune for S ecific S cies. Weed Conttol: Plantin� beds must be kept in a weed free condiuon. Remulch Herbicide X7�C X7O..'Y X}L1X �'Y 00 XO Must be a lied bv a licensed Pesacide A licator. Fettilization: Turf �{ Shrubs. Trees � Insect & Aisease Time of conrrol de nds on the of insect or diseue aad when it is detected. Sunscald Apply or Protecrion maimain . paint Insiall W Y Waterins Durine first and second arowins season an roximaul once a week or as needed. Maintain Rodent 0000 0000 X1'Sx XX17C XO00 0000 Protecdon Turf Maintenance: Mowin� X,Ylx Xa'�7{ �i }�{pp Mower dama�e XX,YX X}Lti,'Y X&S�C 7{y,pp Prevention Replanano Everareen Tcees OX 7LYX0 Deciduous Trees OXl.'Y XO Container Planu 0000 OOOX X}.,'YO Turf 0000 OOXX X?�,Y Qp X - Optimum Time O- Less than Opfimum Time _- Undiluced white tacex pain[ is recommended, repaint as necessary unfil trees reach 4" caliper. 21 q� -I y�i'° TABLE 3. DESCRIPTIONS OF TYPES OF PRUNING. TYPE OF PRlii�ING WHEN TO DESCRIPTIO?� PRU;VE Disease Removal ABer Diagnosis Removal of fun�al bacterial �ow[hs. Sterilize prune� between cuts. Deadwood Removal See Table 1 Removal of dead branches, normally from the interior portion of the crown. Trainina See Table 1 Maintaining cenual leaders and acceptabie symmetry in evergeen, shade and omamental trees. Removal of Suckers and water routs. Coaective See Table 1 Removal of scorm- maaed vehicle-damaged oz vandalized limbs. Renewal See Table 1 Removing all top �owth at or neaz the �ound lioe and remulch. Or removal of 1/3 of the oldest stems at the gound line. TABLE 4. WEED CONTROL METHODS - INTEGRATED APPROACA METHOD CATEGORY TREES SHRUB BEDS TURF Replanting-Filling VOidS X X Fettilizarion X X X Remulch* X X X Herbicides X X X Weed Wkrip No X * Wood chip mulch should be replenished azound shade trees and low b owina shrubs every 3-5 yeazs. Place mulch to a 4" depth. Mulching will help con[rol weeds, reduce mower dama�e and conserve moisture. TABLE 5. FERTILIZATION SCHEDULE CATEGORY FREQUENCY TIME OF ANALYSIS RATE APPLICATION Mowed Turf Every 3 Years April or October 12-12-12 3001bslac Sluub Beds* Every 3 Yeazs October or April 12-12-12 251bs/1000 sq. $. Shade Trees* Every 3 Years October or April 12-12-12 10 Ibs/1000 sq. fr. Note: Do oot fertilize nees and turf durin� the same season. Offset ffee fertilizauon by one season in order to prevent fertilizer bum on turf: � Plaou that fix niuogen, like silverbuffalobecry, caza�ana honeylocust, Russian olive or other le�umes, should not be fertilized except under special conditions. Tall shrubs do not need to be ferulized if leaf color remains normal. PLANTS OF SPECIAL CONCERN: 22 APPENDIX V PARTIAL LIST OF SUGGESTED ACTIVIT'IES TO INSURE SUCCESS OF ROADSIDE PARTNERSHIP PROJECTS ACTiVITIES - BEFORE PLANTINC= DAY RESPONSIBLE PARTY/PERSON Overall coordination ................._--•--------........------°--------°°-----Ciry, Beaufification Committee Request Mn/DOT sanction and tec6nical assistance .....................Ciry Secure assistance from local resources, services, and sponsers .... Ciry, Beauafication Committee Inival scopina and strategy meedngs ............................................ City, MN/DOT, Local Resource Personnel and Services Prepaze plan _-° .............._-------°-.----°--------........._.----.....--°--------..MN/DOT or Ciry, Consultant Designer, Resource Pe�on- nel Review plan ....--•°-----° ................................................................_MN/DOT, City and Beautification Committee Identify preliminary work force capabilities and ..........................City. Beautification Committee and Mo/DOT volunteerpledges Identify preliminary equipment and supply needs and ..................Ciry. Beautification Committee and Mn/DOT provider committments / terms Approve plan ........................._------°---------...-°---...._•°------------Mn/DOT and City Obtai¢ cost esrimates / bids ........................................................... City. Beautification Commit[ee and Mn/DOT for provisiou of landscape materials Secure Commitrnents to maintain planrin�s ..................................City Develop phasing strateay and schedule ......................................... Ciry, Beautification Committee and Mn/DOT Submit completed partnership application with Beaufification Committee Mn/DOT approved pian Noafy successful applicants of projects to be awazded ................. Mn/DOT Pcepaze and execute the Landscape Partnership A�eement......._Mn/DOT and Ciry Submit purchase orders and schedule delivery of .........._..........._ Ciry planrs and materials Provide training school, videotape and info packeu ..................... Mn/DOT Attend training school ..................................................................Beautification Committee Representaave(others welcome) Plan a Planun� Day Ceremony ro Honor the Effort and ............... Beaudficarion Committee Pazticipants Publicize plantina day and line up sponsors, services,....._...........Beautification Committce '7eaders", work crews (volunteers, conuactors, etc.) Hold orientaaon meeting(s) to schedule and p1an .........................Beautificarion Committee installation; to assign tasks; and to review proper procedures and info packeu / videos Supply stakes .-------° .............°----°----------°----------.........--•-°--.....MN/DOT Stake plantiocauons Crew Leaders and MN/DOT Reviewstakin� ........................._---------..........----..._..-°°-°°--------..MNlDOT I.ocate and mazk utiliues ............................................................... Ciry, Beautificaaon Committee Locate mazerial stora�e sites and sta�in� azeas ............................. Beautificaaon Committee and MN/DOT Spray Roundup in planung azeas ...................................................Experienced and Licensed Personnel (City, County, (opuonal and preferably in laze summer or early fall) Mn/DOT or Contractor) Haul compost / soil ammendmenu to plantin� beds ..................._ Ciry / Community "Forces" Till plantin� beds {incorporate compost or other ........................_ City / Community "Forces" soil ammendments preferably in fall) Haul wood chips to storage locaaons neaz plantin� beds ..............Ciry / Community "Forces" Layout flower beds and line up flowers ........................................Community Gazden Club Receive and inspect nursery stock (preferably in sprin�) ..........._Trained Community Pecsonnel with assistance from Local Conservation and Environmental Resource Personnel E��Cl , -�-- -_ . .__.� r� _ _ � �� -ly'1 �° ACTI VITIES - PLANTING DAY Breakfast �atherin� su�ested ......... Or�anizers, Crewleaders, Service Providers Check-In Station with Informauon Providers, Refreshments .......Ciry / Community "Forces" and Sponsors Traffic Convol, Si�ning and access / pazldng directions .............. Mn/DOT, L.ocal Law Enforcement Personnel, and Desiwated City / Community Safety Officer Provision of "porta-potties° ----°-------°° ....................._--------------Ciry / Communities Sponsers Planring and safery demonstrations ...............................................MN/DOT, I.ocal Resource Personnel and Crew Leaders Distribution of planu and mateziaLs from and to stora�e sites _.....I,ocal Resource Personnel and Crewleaders Supervise planting crews (crew leaders) .......................................Local Resource Personnel, Trained Community Peisonnel and Mn/DOT Insure proper handling and protecuon of plants before .................Crew I,eaders and during planting Insure safe work methods and behaviors .......................................Crew Leaders Insure proper plant and material installation ................................. Crew Leaders Install planu, seed, sod, mulch, rodentprotection, etc ..................City / Communiry'Porces" Waterin� ........................................................................................Fire Department and City / Community „ Forces" TAKE PICT[JRES tUroughout project ..........................................Mn/DOT, Volunteers and Media Provide Simple Lunch ........................................................ Conduct a Ceremony to Honor the Effort and Participanu ACTIVITIES AFTER PLANTING Send letters of appreciation ................ City / Community Sponsors and Service Oraanizations Beautification Coaunittee, Die itaries, Participanu and Beaufificauon Committee Watering ................................---_.......----..........-°--°-----...---°------Fire Depaztment and Ciry / Community "Forces" Weeding, Monitoring for disease, insect, drainage problems ....... Ciry ! Communiry "Forces" POTENTIAL WORK GROUPS Civic a oups Gazden Clubs Army Reserve Unit Sentence to Service Scouu Youth goups Vo-Ag Class Businesses City Pazks/Public Works Crews FFA 4H Clubs Contractors 24 APPENDIX VI NLN/DOT LANDSCAPING PARTNERSHIP PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM Proarams Coordinator for Sponsorina Local Govemment Unit(LGU) must send a leaer or resolution to the Mn/DOT Dis�ict / Metro Division Engineer requestina sancaon and technical assistance to develop a proposed landscaping parmership pmject. f Mn/DOT District / Metro Division Staff consider the project request feasible and desirable, the Landscapina Pro�dm Coocdinator will be asked to assign a Project Manager ro provide desi� and/or technical assistance to the Community. Pcoject Manager (landscape azchitect or forester) and District / Me�o Division Liaison meet with the to discuss project plannino, implementaaon, and mainteaance concems. Mn/DOT Project Mana�er prepazes or assists the Community designer in preparing conceptual Plans. District / Metro ivision Liaison obtains preliminary review for safety and operational concerns prior to Plan review with the Communit Project Maoager, District / Metro Division Liaison , and LGU / Communiry meet to review the Plan and idenfify desired modifications, options, timetables, implementatioa strateges and phasina. Mn/DOT Project Manager finalizes or assists the Cominunity designer in finalizina detailed Plans, Cost Esamates, and Specifications for review and approval by Mn/DOT and LGU / Communiry representaaves. Mn/DOT and LGti approval of landscape Plans, the LGU / Authorized Primary Contact Person prepazes a"coa Partnership Project Application and submits it in duplicate to the MnlDOT Landscaping Pro�mc Coordinator. ,caping Proa mc Coordinator screens Application with Project Mana�er for accuracy / completeness and forwards a recommendation for approvai / rejecaon of Fanding with the Applicaaon to IIistrict / Meno Division Liaison. ro Disffict / Metro Division feedback, the Landscapin� Pro�ams Coordinator notifies applicants of rejection, or deferral of their Application and Ma/DOT fundin�. ; the Appfication and Fundin� are approved, the Mn/DOT Project Manager will draft a Coopecaave A�eement detailin the LGU's procurement, installatioq and maintenance responsibilities. The Mn/DOT Mu¢icipal A�eemenu En�neer coordinates execution of the A�reement and encumbrance of District / Metro Division landscape partnership Fu¢ds. DOT Project Mana�er provides techaical assistance to help the Community or�anize their efforts, procure qualiry materials, obtain training, and coordinaze safe and successful installation and main[enance of their plantings. Mo/DOT Municipal A�eements En�ineer authorizes a Lump Sum Payment of the Approved Fundin� Amount to the L upon receiving copies of the Purchase Orders for Approved Materials specified in the Project Applicauon and Plan. Mn/DOT Project Manager Evaluates Compliance / Snccess of Project relauve ro intent by written report including Correc- ave Actions if needed and continues providin� technical assistance ro CommuniN as necessary. Mn/DOT Project Mana�er sends Thank Yoo Letters and Certificates of Appreciauon. 25 O 1 C � s � m 0 m � N m a 3 x ^�� � � � ° c � � o � • � -� �3 ,b o �� ',y D IO Z � 1 D � m v � O � Z O � w 0 4 ° A n � � � N � � W N 2 m � Z 0 0 T � N 2 m - m i IN � 0 Q � N n Y m N � A 9 O o � � � m m 3 m � � n `� s ;� o o � o �� i 3 m . 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Voiunteers needed: Planting day: large trees small. trees shrubs plant quantity rete per hr. planting hrs. 0 (tlhr.) 0 190 (3lhr) 63 145 , (3lhr.) 48 flowers 450 (15/hr.) 30 ToNat= 785 ]42 47 = minimum number people needed for a 3 hour pianting day q�- iy�v 8/27/97 0 � � � m i " m 0 m ' m � n 3 x I L� �'c A � � o � .� .� �� 3 � ' m � lo < o z N � � m v z 0 � z 0 � � a � J � � in T N N �o � W N _ m � Z O J 0 T � N 2 m � N 0 Q 3 �v N n r m N � � O 4 '� 8 �6" ,� a A V � � 0 _ 4 � y � � � D m m � O � -� s 'T, � � � < m � � N�� 3 � � �� Z ��� o � � a=� m � i�','� 'O �', �', N � a � y ;� ia� 0 Z �� '� y \v � o � 2 ', Z � f�,'� l 9 ' Ty � s �$� � a � K Z ' � cr � , � m � '' m r�9 �Sl s V I �C ' C A 'Z �oo O = i o�� r . � A � x � ' Z n O 1 D Z N � N x � � � n o � � � n D m = 9 0 � m v f� y Z Z -i � m � Ol W N .+ � D Z �. � z � D z -� m m � D Q Z � m � � �' v _ � m � .v Z � T J 0 'l � � m y � i � DO _ -n r � � - --� � � D 0 z y� a �o� ��o N 9 3 no� ��o< m 90�� 9 ym2 Z �" . 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Volunteero needed: Planting day: large trees small. trees shrubs plant quantity rate per hr. planting hrs. 0 (1lhr.) 0 190 (3/hr) 63 145 . (3lhr.) 48 flowers 450 (15/hr.) 30 Total = 785 142 47 = minimum number people needed for a 3 hour pianting day q�-Iy7o 8l27l97 � '^.-°•( ^ta,�,"; � � � � . �"�i � .e ..o�a., . SAINT PAUL, Presented Referred Council File # 9� - 14�1 � 2 3 WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota through its Deparirnent of Transportation has funds 4 available for its Community Roadside Landscaping Partnership Program; and 6 WHEREAS, Concordia University wishes to work with the City for the project identified 7 as the Hamline Avenue/Concordia University Landscape Partnership on the state truuk highway 8 I-94, to be conducted during the period from April 15, 1998 to October 15, 1998; and 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ' WHEREAS, the project would provide funds to purchase landscape materials for the south side of I-94 from Hamline Avenue North west to the railroad; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul will act as the sponsoring unit for the Hamline Avenue/Concordia Universit� Landscape Partnership and T.K. Walling and Bob Holtz, of the Division of Parks & Recreation are designated as primary contact persons for the project on behalf of the City and aze authorized to apply to the Minnesota Department of transportation for funding of this project. Adopted by Council: Date � �,,���� Requested by Department of: By: �� Form Approved by City Attorney i Bv: � r1 , a.� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approve y M o for S ssion to Council i Ll/ i By: � . By: �� Approved by Mayor: Date / i�'Z Y�� T. B i �..�� � - / Green Sheet # 3 � a a o ��7 PARKS & RECREATION 10/5/97 GREEN SHEET INITIAUDATE— FOP TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � CITYATTORNEV O BUDGET DIRECTOR � FhAYOP (OR ASSISTI (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ���ao q'1-1 — INRIALIOATE 1 O CITY COUNCIL _ O QTY CLEflK � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES [�]Parkc R Re� Approval of agreement between the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation, Concordia University and the "CITY" or _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ ( __ CIB CAMMITTEE _ _ _ STAFF , _ _ D15TRIGT COURT _ _ SUPPOFTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTNE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOILOWING �UESTIONS: t, Has thi�s persontfirm ever worketl under a contract for this departmeM? VES NO 2. Has this person�rtn ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed 6y any current city employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separo�e sheet antl ettach to green sheet State of Minnesota Department of Transportation would like to pay the city $5,372.28 to purchase landscape materials for this partnership. MNDOT needs this agreement signed before the state can issue a check to the city. IF I-94 will be landscaped on the south side of I-94 from Namline Avenue N- west to the railroad with MNDOT funding. �t������� �� 26 199�C DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED. None � �aav � z �ss7 fl.�.an � �� = u = 'iS ' '� -< " �':; `. ,�.�.'� ��d - A � :'� "� �� � � a '�s' E'`� v . .... '� ff a DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVEO: This area would not be landscaped using city funds. R S NOV 2 � 1�9? � T07ALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ 5 COST/REVENUEBUDGETEp(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE Stdte of Mi nnesota AC71VI7Y NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORAfiAT10N: (EXPLAIN) a�1- ���� � i�// l � � COMMUNITY ROADSIDE LANDSCAPING PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM APPLICATION MANUAL (Apri11997 Revision) � , � 1��� ; :.-::� ��, �%.=--, ��.��� a�.-:.--.....-.. .�..._. _.. :.. .. f' ` ?1 E #' � F� � � = �� � �,�: �� � =�. � -.. � A Growing Partnership Improving Our Communities and Envirozunent . ,� ���� 0 . •.�1� 3 � ,i � 3 ; � � r � � - From Wildflowers to Trees q�"��� 7) Seek free sources prior to purchasing. 2) MnDOT has 22-5-10 at Camden shop. 3) 2" depth for wildflowers. Voluatee[s needed: Planting daY: large trees smail. trees shrubs flowers Total = plant quantity rate per hr, planting hrs. 0 (1/hr.) 0 190 (3/hr) 63 �45 . (3/hr.) 48 450 (15/hc) 30 785 142 47 = minimum number peopie needed for a 3 hour planting day 8/27197 I-94 Landscape Partnership Estimate a�-t�+'j PART I - COMMUNITY ROADSIDE LANDSCAPING PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Minnesota Depar�►ent of Transportation's Community Roadside Landscaping Partnership Program is designed to provide technical and financial assistance to communities that are interested in landscaping state highway rights of way. The program has three goals: (1) roadside beautification, (2) community improvement, and (3) environmental stewardship. This manual describes the program and application requiremenu, and provides examples of documents required. Part One (pp.2-4) is the general pro�am description. Part Two (pp. 5-7) contains the application form and the instructions to complete the form. Part Three (pp. 8-24) contains appendices that provide other information pertinent to the apglication requirements. Completed applications may be submitted to Mn/DOT for consideration at any time of the year but prioritization will be given to appiications submitted before September lst to take advantage of the opportunity for fall preparatory work prior to spring planting. If you have any quesrions about the program or application requirements, please call (612)779-5076 to speak with Mn/DOT's Landscaping Programs Coordinator. APPLICANT ELIGIBILITY For purposes of this program, communities are defined as counties, home rule charters, statutory cities or towns. Ineligible applicants will not be considered unless they are sponsored by a community or other unit of government that can execute and honor a cooperative agreement with MnIDOT (a necessary requirement for Mn/DOT to transFer funds.) ELIGIBLE COMPONENTS Funds awarded under this pr aQram must be used for roadside landscaping located on state trunk highway rights of way with fee or easement title. Most areas of interstate freeways and high volume divided highways with controlled access are excluded from this program due to liability, safety, and access problems. Components that support the goals of the pr b�ram include, but aze not lunited to, the following: - Planting and maintenance of trees, shrubs, vines, perennial groundcovers, wildflowers and grasses. - Incorporation of soil amendments, herbicides, edging, raised planters, tree grates, weed fabric, wood fiberblanket,mulch, rodentprotection, staking and guying, seedling shelters, etc. PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Communifies seekina approval to initiate a proposed landscape partnership project with provi- sion of Mn/DOT technical and design assistance must submit a written request for participation and services to the appropriate Ntn/DOT District /Metro Division Enaineer (see Appendix III.) Project components must support at least one of the three goals of the program (roadside beautification, community improvement, and environmental stewazdship.) In the formative stages of the project, the applicant must form and designate a committee of at least three contact people for the projec� At least one of the three contact people must be an employee or official representative of the Iceal government unit requesting or sponsering the projec� The designated individuals on the committee would then be responsible for overall project Iiaison and coordination prior to and during the submission of the application, as well as during unplementation stages afterthe projectis awarded. At least one of the committee members will be required to attend a sis hour landscape project inspection, installation and mainfenance training school. The comrnittee member or members will be responsible for providing community workers and volunteers with Mn/DOT supplied instructions, videos, and information packets pertaining to safe aad proper worker supervision, materiats handling, plant installation and plant maintenance. The application must include a formal resolution or letter indicating community support for the desired improvements and authorization of a primary contact person to apply to Mn/DOT for funding. (See Appendix I for sampie resolution or letter.) If volunteers are to be used , the application must include a volunteer pledge list identifying sufficient numbers of volunteers to complete the scope of work within an acceptable time period. A Mn/DOT approved (Disirict Metro Division and L.andscaping Pro�ams Coordinator) landscape plan at a scale of not more than 100'=1" must be included as part of the application (11" x 17" reductions are acceptable for application purposes.) The landscape plan shall incorporate by reference or attachment, standazd Mn/DOT pianting detaiIs, materiai specifications and speciat provisions as applicable. The plan may be prepared by Mn/DOT's Landscape, Forestry and Turf Section with no obtigatioa, as scheduled work loads permi� Potential applicants may use the services of local landscape design professionals to prepare plans, thereby minim;zing time delays that may occur as a result of Mn/DOT's workload. Mn/DOTs Landscape, Forestry, and Turf Section will assisst applicants in obtaining basemapping information, design guidelines required reviews, and necessaryapprovals. Funding assistance is limited to the estimated cost of providing the required lanscape materials. (soil amendments, herbicides, plant materials, seed, sod, mulch, rodent guards and other miscellaneous materials necessary for the project.) Elib bie projects must include a minunum of $1,000 worth of materials and the maximum awazd of funds for any project or pmject phase shall not exceed �20,000 in any b ven year. The program requires that a community provide the funds or in-kind services to instatl and maintain the state funded materials. Applicants may utilize their own labor forces, service organiza- tions, volunteers or contractors. The communiry must act as the contract letting and adminisiration authority where contract installation is desired. Volunteers must be 13 years of age or older unless accompanied and supervised by an aduit at all times. A ratio of at least one adutt supervisor for every five children under the aae of 13 is required. � � �{'t -� `�'? Successful applicanu are required to enter into a Cooperative Aa eement with Mn/DOT to install and maintain the roadside landscape improvements. A detailed landscape plan showing actual locations and quanrities of materials along with the specifications and special provisions will form the basis of the Agreement together with the applicarion and schedule of maintenance requirements. CRITERIA FOR EVALUATING APPLICATIONS _;_�.__.__ to the Mn(DOT I:anHscaping Di'stiict/Me�o=Division and After the completed application has been submitted ta Mnl1�OT, additional information may b e required. Clarification of vague or ambiguous application materials may be requested by the Mn/llOT zeview team. Incomplete applicarions (i.e., missina supporting documents> etc.) may not be considered for funding. Completed applications should be submitted at least three months prior to the desired planting date. Applications submitted by September lst will be given priority to take advantage of the opportunity for fall preparatory work prior to spring planting. In order for an application to be reviewed, it must contain the basic, minimal requirements as ouflined in this manual. Applications may be approved for funding in the fuil amount requested or in an amount less than requested. The criteria to be used in reviewing and ranking qualifying applications inctude: 1. Extent to which the groposed project meets one or more of the goais of the program. 2. Extent to which the proposed project is consistent with Mn/DOT policy, safety, desi�, and operations guidelines. 3. Extent to which the proposed project and partner demonstrate a strong likelihood foz successful installation, establishment and maintenance of ttie roadside landscaping investment. AWARD OF PROJECT FUNDS Award of project funds is subject to availability of funds at the time the application is approved and wiil be announced by letter. Unsuccessful applicants may be deferred to the next cycle of availabie fundin� or may be asked to resubmit revised applications. Award of project funds is contingent upon esecution and appmvai of the Cooperative Agreement. Funds may be tcansferred to the community upon receipt of a written request with a copy of the purchase orders for landscape materials. Fall season preparatory work (weed control and rototilling) and Spring season planting is recommended for roadside projects. AII components of the project phase, as awazded, must be completed by the end of the first full �owing season (early Aprii to early November) as scheduled. � .' Address �a • �� ' RrKw-a • .S'f a ,n M dl �" /U 3 Name � � ; ��/L Phone ���" Name - T ��'. h/a ll� h ra— Phone �F�'� 7e -PH`3�G PART II - Mn/DOT COMMUNITY ROADSIDE LAA'DSCAPING PARTNERSAIP PROGRAM PROJECT APPLICATION (1) APPLICANT Locai Government Unit ! Community C ' � S� u w/ Co h car �% a�n ��rr; f Address �7 " N� S S: MN 3�/G' " %'C! b r� o b r f G. /�G! y (2) COMMITTEE OF PRIMARY CONTACT PERSONS * One of the Committee members must be employed a staff member o repre�e�ntative of the Local Government Unit q Name �o � �'r7 f= • �d I7z Phone � � Address o n Cpr 1.-a �{ h; v�P�s,'�� ��s �U� SH n d. �- S�`. �aN�, �h n s5 ioy 7 � � (3) DESCRIBE THE LOCATTON OF THE PROJECT of t � h ! e project.) Trun Highway: Sd K. k f � li-rA�v.��1.0 /7'Ff. h-0on (71'�Gnr �lude county, city and the limits P. �Z. bri J�i 1`t � ✓'t r r r E.. (4) BRIEFLY STATE THE GOALS ANB SCOPE OF YOUR PR�POSED PROJECT. (� BRIEFLY STATE TI� PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND APPROVAL PROCESS USED AND SIGNIFTCANT COORDINATION WTI'H OTF�R PROGRAMS. 5 °1�-1W�o (� LIST THE REQUIRED MATERIALS ONLY AND THE ESTIMATED MATERIAL COSTS FOR THE PROJECT (soil amendmenu, herbicide, plant materiais, seed, sod, construction materi- als, weed fabric, muich, rodent protection, etc.) DO NOT INCLUDE LABOR OR EQUIPMENT. PROJECT MATERIALS (on state right of way only) QUANTITY ESTIMATEA COST � TOTAL MATERIAL COST (7) SHOW THE DESIRED TIMETABLE FOR COMPLETION OF EACH MA70R COMPO- NENT OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT FROM PREPARATION OF PLANTING AREAS (Iuclude Sales Tas and Shipping) THItOUGH COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION. (8) DESCRIBE THE TYPES OF LABOR FORCES AND THE ESTIMATED QUANTITY OF PERSONNEL THAT WII.L INSTALL AND MAINTAIN THE PROJECT. (city crews, youth service corp., contracYOrs, volunteers) *If the majority of work is to be performed by volun- teers, a preliminary pledge list of volunteers must be attatched. STATEMENT OF ASSURANCES To the best of my Imowledge and belief, data in this application are true and correct, and the document has been duly authorized by the govemment unit of the applicant with fiill understanding of the program requirements. Tt is a�eed that at least one primary contact person wili attend a s� hour Mn/DOT landscape project inspection, installation and maintenance training school to ensure that community workers, volunteers and contractors are provided with proper direction and information packets. It is a�eed that if volunteer workers aze to be used, they will meet minunum age or eligibility requirements. It is agreed thatthe government unit of the applicant will enterinto an A�eement with Mn/DOT ensuring that the government unit of the applicant will ensure or provide required maintenance of the landscape improvements on roadside areas per the Agreement. � Signature of the Primary Contact Person Authorized By The Local Government Unit �0 7 �7 Date REQUIRED ATTACHN�NTS TO BE LrICLUDED AS PART OF THE APPLICATION: (A) � RESOLUTION OR LE'I'TER AUTHORIZING APPLICATION AND bESIGNATLNG AUTHORIZED PRINIARY CONTACT PERSON. (B) � MAP OF PROJECT LOCATION. (C) � MN/DOT APPROVED LANDSCAPE PLAN (Approval Stamped and Dated By District / Meiro Division and Lan3scaping Pro�ams Staf£) (D) �� VOLUNTEER PLEDGE LIST (If volunteers are to be used) S-2Q f-1-2-... F a b c r-F The documents submitted in support of this application shall be considered part of this application. �t't - I �I'7o PART III - COiVIMUNITY ROADSIAE LAI�DSCAPING PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM APPENDICES I. SAMPLE OF RESOLUTION OR LETTER AUTHORZZING APPLICATION AND DESIGNATING AUTHORIZED PRIMARY CONTACT PERSON. II. LIST OF RESOURCES. III. MAP OF MN/DOT DISTRICTS AND LIST OF DISTRICT / METRO DIVISION ENGINEERS WITH ADDRESSES AND PHONE NUMBEI2S. IV. SAMPLE LANDSCAPE PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT. V. PARTIAL LIST OF ACTIVITIES TO INSURE SUCCESS OF PARTNERSHIP PLANTINGS. VI. MNIDOT LANDSCAPING PARTNERSHIP PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM. � APPENDIX I COMMUNITY ROADSIDE LAl�'SCAPING PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM RESOLUTION OR LETTER AUTHORIZING APPLICATION AND PRIMARY CONTACT PERSON Applicants must adopt the foilowing as a resolution or letter and submit it with the application. Applications without a completed and signed resolution or letter wiIl not be considered. Be it resolved that �t�Ycr- Sr4/N i {�1k(,� �(��;Q��q u,����R,SIT�� act as sponsoring (applicanUlocal govemment unit) unit for the project indenrified as PA2 TlSE�2,5�►� on the state trunk highway(s) ! Uf�� to be conducted daring the period APru � c� t��S' through C�GiO.�2- l5, Z� (duration dates) Be it further resolved u�A�c�.� (name 6f primary contact person) is hereby authorized to apply to the Minnesota Department of Transportation for funding of this project on behalf of � Gl` O� �l�N [ P�1GyIr I certify that the (applicant/local �ovemment uait) above resolution was adopted or approved by ��C: (�iYL �GL�i,j'/ (City Council or Ciry/ County offical) of i'1 jc= G i 7`z-/ GF S�iic1� �L on (applicanUlocal �ovemment unit) (date) WITNESSED: (si�ature) (rifle) (date) q�-�y 7D APPENDIX II LIST OF RESOI3RCES which may be able to provide assistance or information affecting your project. Minnesota Department of Transportation District I Metro Division Offices and the O�ce of Environmental Services - Appendix III Minnesota Extension Service University of Minnesota St. Paul, MN 55108 General Info - (612) 625-1915 Publicarions - (612) 625-8173 Forest Resources Info - (612) 624-3020 Dial U Insect and Plant Info - 1-900-988-0�00 (Charge To Calling Party) Minnesota State Horticultural Society Minnesota Green 1755 Prior Avenue North Falcon Heights, MN 55113 (612)645-7066 or(800) 676-6747 Minnesota State Historical Society State Historical Preservation Compliance Officer History Center, 345 Kellogg Blvd. W. St. Paul, MN (612) 246-5462 Iron Range Aesources And Rehabilitation Board Community Development Division P.Q. Box 441, Highway 53 South Eveleth, NLN 55734 (218) 744-2993 University of Minnesota School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture 125 Architecture 89 Church Street S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55455 (612)625-6860 University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum 3675 Arboretum Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 (612) 443-2460 Minnesota Nursery and Landscape Association P_O. Box 130307 St. Paul, MN 55113 (612) 633-4987 Minnesota Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects 275 Market Street Suite 54 Minneapolis, MN 55405 (612) 339-0793 Minnesota Desi� Team AIA Minnesota 275 Market Street Minneapolis, MN 55405 (612) 338-67b3 Local O'Y£ices of the following: - County Agricultural Extension Service - Department of Natural Rescsurces (D.N.R.) Division of Forestry - Re� onal / Metropolitan Planning Commissions and Councils - Soii Conservation Service (S.C.S.) - Soil and Water Conservation Dishicts (S.W.C.D.) - U.S. Forest Service (U.S.F.S.) 10 - - --- ,�:,� - - - - APPENDIX III CENTRAL OFFICE Scott Bradley T andscape Prograrns Coordinator Office of Environmental Services 3485 Hadley Avenue North Oakdale, MN 55128 (612)779-5076 � � e.�;r O o.oet l.ku O ar^'" O 0 � ! � O �� O u„' w.�+�,e Q O MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICTS Q Dist�taHaaGuanea DISTRICT ENGINEERS DISTRICT 1 Mr. Mike Robinson F I23 Mesaba Avenue Duluth, MN 55811 (218) 723-4820 DISTRIC'T 2 Mr. Steven Baker P.O. Box 490 Bemidji, MN 56601 (218}755-38I5 DISTRICT 3 Mr. Donald Raisanen 1991 Indusaial Pazk Baxter, MN 56401 (218)828-2463 DISTRICT 4 Mr. David Smilonich 1000 West Highway 10 � Box 666 Detroit Lakes, MN 56502 (218)847-1552 �.. DISTRICT 6 o�ann� ��� ��e,.q« DISTRICT 7 DISTRICT 8 METRO DIVISfON Mr. Kermit K McRae 290 48th St N.W. P.O. Box 6177 Rochester, MN 55903-6177 (507) 285-7374 Mr. James Swanson 501 South Viciory Drive P.O. Box 4039 Mankato, MN 56001 (507) 389-6868 Mr. David Trooien 2505 Transportation Road P.O. Box 768 Willmar, MIQ 56201 (612) 231-5497 Mr. Chazles Si�emd 2500 West Coanry Road B2 Roseville, MN SS1I3-3105 {613)582-1359 �t APPENDIX IV OFFICE OF STATE OF MINNESOTA ENVIRONMENTAL DEPARTMEN`I' OF T12ANSPORTATION SERVICES LANDSCAPE PARTNEI�SHIP AGREEMEZQT q � -14'70 Mn/DOT AGREEMENT NO_ S.P: -969 (T.H. ) State Funds The State of Minnesota Department of Transportation, and The Citv o£ Re: State cost landscape materials acquisition by the City for use along T.H. _ ORIGINAL AMOUNT ENCUM AMOUNT RECEIVABLE (NOne) THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the State of MirLZeso�a, Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "Mn1DOT", and the City of , Minnesota, acting by and through its City Council, hereinafter referred to as the "City". WHEREAS the City is about to perform landscaping along Trunk High- way No. from to within the corporate City limits in accordance with City-prepared plans, specifications and/or special provisions designated as the " Landscaping Plan", which project has been designated by Mn/DOT as State Project No. -969 (T.A. _); and WHEREAS the City has requested participation by Mn/DOT in the costs of landscape materials acquisition in accordance with the terms of Mn/DOT's "Community Roadside Landscaping Partnership Program'�; and 12 � ' .�. � � � ��I _ . .-'�'.. .t, + . _ _ _ _ _ 4dHEREAS Mn/DOT is willing to participate in the costs of the land- scape material5 acquisition as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS Minnesota Statute Section 161.20, subdivision 2(1996) au- thorizes the Commissioner of Transportation to make arrangements with and cooperate with any governmental authority for the purposes of constructing, maintaining and improving the trunk highway sys- tem_ IT IS, TBEREFORE, MU'tITALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE I- PROJECT ADMINISTRATION 8Y THE CITY SeCtion A. Landscane Materials Acauisitioa The City shall acquire landscape materials in accordance with Mn/ DOT-approved City plans, specifications and/or special provisions designated as the " Landscaping Plan�. Landscaping sha11 be perfcrmed by City forces in accordance with M�/DOT-approved City plans, specifications and/oz special provisions which are on file in the City's office and in Mn/DOT`s Office of Environmental Ser- vices in Oakdale, and are made a part hereof by reference with the same force and efiect as though iully set forth herezn. Sectioa B. Purchase Order to be E�rnished to Mn/DOT The City shall, within 7 days after ordering the landscape materi- a1s, submit to Mn/DOT's Landscape Programs Coordinator in Oakdale a copy of the purchase order for the �andscape materiaZs. Section C. Directioa Sunervision aad Insnectioa Landscape materials acquisition periormed in accordance with this Agreement shall be under the direction of the City; however, the Mn/DOT cost participation landscape materials to be acquired under this Agreeme:�t sha11 be open to inspection by Mn/DOT's authorized representatives. The City shall give Mn/DOT's Landscape Programs Coordinator five days notice of its intention to receive delivery of the landscape materials. Responsibility for the control of the Mn/DOT cost participation landscape materials acquisition covered under this Agreement shall ]3 9'1-1 �{ 70 be on the City and shall be carried out in accordance with Mn/DOT- approved City plans, specifications andlor special provisions des- ignated as the " Landscaping Plan". The City must verify whether or not nursery vendors are under a Gypsy Moth Compliance Agreement between the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, hereinafter referred to as the "NIDA", and the United States Department of Agriculture or under an NIDA Japanese Beetle Quarantine. All plant material shipped from nursery vendors sub- ject to quarantines must be accompanied by a Current Certificate of Compliance for gypsy moth and/or Japanese beetle. To determine if vendors are subject to quarantines, ca11 the MDA Supervisor of Plant Regulatory Services at (612) 296-8388. Section D. Cox[mletion of Materials Acauisition and Installation The City shall cause the acquisition and installation of landscape materials to be started and completed in accordance with the time schedule in the Community Roadside Landscaping Partnership Program Project Application, which is on file in Mn/DOT's Of£ice of Envi- ronmental Services and is made a part hereof by reference with the same £orce and effect as though fully set forth herein_ The completion date for the landscape materials acquisition and instal- lation may be extended, by an exchange of letters between the ap- propriate City official and Mn/DOT's Landscape Programs Coordina- tor, for unavoidable delays encountered in the performance thereof. Section E. Comoliance with Laws, Ordinaaces aad Reaulatioas The City shall, in connection with the acquisition of the landscape materials, comply with all Federal, State and Local laws, including Minnesota Statute Section 16B.101 (1996), and all applicable ordi- nances and regulations_ Section F. Rivht-of-Wav, Easements and Permits The City is hereby authorized to work on Mn1DOT right-of-way £or the purposes of installing and maintaining the laadscape materials, including any necessary replacement of landscape materials that fail to survive. 14 The City sha11, without cost or expense to Mn/DOT, obtain all rights-of-way, easements, construction permits and/or any other permits and sanctions that may be required in connection with the installation of landscape materials. Prior to advance payment by Mn/DOT, the City shall furnish Mn/DOT with certified copies of the documents for those rights-of-way and easements, and certified cop- ies of those construction permits and/or other permits and sanc- tions required for Mn/DOT landscaping. ARTICLE II - MN/DOT COST Section A. Basis Mn/DOT's fu11 and complete share of the costs of the landscaping to be performed along Trunk Elighway No. from to within the corporate City limits under State Project No.. -969 (T.A. _) shall be equal to the delivered cost of the landscaping materials acquired in accordance with the " Landscaping Plan", however, the maximum obligation of Mn/DOT under this Agreement shall not exceed $ , unless the maximum obligation is increased by execution o£ an amendment to this Agreement. It is estzmated that the cost of the landscape materials acquisition is $ Section 8. Pavmeat Mn/DOT shall pay to the City an amount equal to tYie delivered cost of the landscape materials, not to exceed the maximum obligation, after the following conditions have been met: 1. Encuzabrance by Mn/DOT of Mn/DOT's total cost share. 2. Execution and approval of this Agreement and Mn/DOT's transmit- tal of same to the City. 3. Provision by the City to Mn/DOT's Landscape Programs Coordinator of copies of the purchase orders for the landscape materials, as provided for in Article I, Section B. of this Agreement_ a. Provision by the City to Mn/DOT's Landscap2 Programs Coordinator of certified copies of the documents, as provided for in the second paragraph of Article I, Section F. of t2zis Agreement. 15 a'1— ►'� � a 5. Provision by the City to Mn/DOT's Landscape Programs Coordinator of a written request for payment, accompanied by copies of sup- plier invoices for the landscape materials acguisition and de- livery. ARTICLE III - GENERAL PROVISIONS 3ection A. Iastallation and Mainteaance bv the Citv After acquisition of the landscape materials, the City shall in- stall the landscape materials along Trunk Highway No. and pro- vide for the proper maintenance thereof, without cost or expense to MnlDO`P. Maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, removal and replacement of all materials that fail to survive. Criteria for maintenance and replacement are shown and described in EXHIBIT "A", Maintenance Responsibil,ities Plan and Schedule, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. Section 8. Resoonsibilities of the Citv The City shall, in connection with the landscape materials acquisi- tion, installation and maintenance, comply v,iith the following con- ditions: l. Use of Mn/DOT right-of-way shall in no way impair or interfere with the safety or convenience of the traveling public in its use of the highway. 2. Preserve and protect all utilities located on lands covered by this Agreement, without cost or expense to MnlDOT. 3. As reauired by Minnesota Statute 216D (1996), notify Gopher State One Call System (1-800-252-1166) at least 48 hours before any excavation is done on this project. 4. No advertising signs or devices of any form or size shall be constructed or shall be permitted to be constructed or placed upon Ms�{DOT right-of-way covered by this Agreement. 5. Upon completion of the installation of landscape materials and during performance of maintenance operations, restore all dis- 16 turbed areas of Mn/DOT right-of-way so as to pemetuate satis- factory drainage, erosion control and aesthetics. Any use of Mn/DOT right-of-way permitted by this Agreement shall remain subordinate to the right of Mn/DOT to use the property for highway and transportation puxposes_ This Agreement does not grant any interest whatsoever in land, nor does it establish a permanent park, recreation area or wildlife or waterfowl refuge facility that would become subject to Section 4(f) of the Federal-Aid Aighway Act of 1968_ Section C_ E�camination of 800ks Records Etc As provided by Minnesota Statute Section 16B.06, subdivision 4 (1996), the books,.records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of Mn/DOT and the City relevant to this Agreement are subject to examination by Mn/DOT and the City, and either the leg- islative auditor or the State auditor as appropriate. Section D. Cancellatioa of Aareement Mn/DOT may cancel and terminate this Agreement for any cause or reason, including Mn/DOT's desire to use any portion of Mn/DOT right-of-way subject to this Agreement for transportation purposes, by giving the City written notice at least 90 days prior to the date which such termination shall become effective. Upon cancella- tion of this Agreement, the City wi11 be required to restore and return the area to a condition satisfactory to Mn/DOT's District Engineer at Sectioa E. Claims All employees of the City and all other persons employed by the City or volunteering in the perfo� of landscape materials ac- a_uisition, insCallation and/or maintenance covered tu�der this Agreement shall not be considered employees of Mn/DOT. All claims that arise under the Worker�s Comz>ensation Act of the State of Min- nesota on behalf of the employees or volunteers while so engaged and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of the employees or volunteers while so engaged on landscape materials acquisition, installation and/or }7 q1-i�t�1� maintenance covered under this Agreement shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility of Mn/DOT. Section F. Nondiscriminatioa The provisions of Minnesota Statute Section 181_59 (1996) and of any applicable law relating to civil rights and discrimination shall be considered part of this Agreement as if fully set forth herein. Section G. Aareement Afl�ronal Before this Agreement shall become binding and effective, it shall be approved by a City Council resolution and receive approval of State and City officers as the law may provide in addition to the Commissioner of Transportation or his authorized representative. ARTICLE IV - AUTHORIZED AGENTS Mn/DOT's Authorized Agent for the purpose of the administration of this Agreement is Scott Bradley, Landscape Programs Coordinator, or ris successor. His current address and telephone number are 3485 Hadley Avenue North, Oakdale, Minnesota 55128, (612) 779-5076. The City's Authorized Agent for the purpose of the administration oi this Agreement is , , or his/her successor. His/Her current address and telephone number are ,() __ m >.�_ __ IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement by their authorized officers. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Recommended for approval: CITY OF By Mayor By Director Office of Environmental Services Date By B m District Engineer r � c � � � Approved: /�-a �� IIate By State Design Engineer DEPAR'T'�N'�' OF ADMINISTRATION Date B y — OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Date Approved as to form and execution: � Assistant Attorney General 19 ��,n� EXHIBIT A- MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES SCHEDULE � TABLE la REQUIRED LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES MAINTENANCE CONSIDERATION PLANT PRUNING WEED FERTILIZATION GROUPS CONTROL See Table 5, Ferrilization Schedule When To Type Of Evergeen Trees Anytime - Dry Conecrive and Maintain mulch at 3" Yes Deadwood Removal minimum azound trees in mowed areas, keep weed free. Shade Trees Anytime - Dry* Trainin� and Correcrive Yes Omamental Winter** Cosecfive Yes Trees Evergreen Anytime - Dry Deadwood Removal Yes Shrubs Deciduous Dormant Conective and Maintain minimum 3" Yes Shrubs Renewal woodclilp mulch in a weed free condition until shrub crown closure. Vines Dormant Deadwood Removal No Groundcovers * Do not prune oaks during April, May and June. Do not prune honeylocust while dormant or when humid or wet. ** Do not prune apples, crabapples or mountain ash during April, May, and June. TABLE lb. REQUIRED LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES MAINTENANCE CONSIDERATION PLANT WATERING INSECT AND RODENT REMOVALS AND GROUPS DISEASE PROTECTION REPLACEME.NTS COri'TAOL Ever�een Trees Yes until esrablished (2 yrs). As needed. Yes - Pine only Remove all dead plants. Supplemental waterin� may Remove diseased Replace dead or dyin� be needed during drought plants which pose plants unless the visual periods (especially durin� tkueats to adjacent appearance or desi�a � 7uly aad Auzust) even after plantines. i¢tent aze not nouceably plants aze established. compromised by the lost plants. Shade Tzees Yes Omamenrai Yes Trees Ever�een No* Shribs Deciduous No* Shrubs Vines No* Groundcovers No* Rodent protection is �enerally not pracrical for mass shrub plantings, maintainin� clean mulched plantin� azeas free of weed �rowth will reduce problems. Mowed turf in forznal planting azeas will help reduce rodent problems. m TABLE 2a CALENDAR OF LANDSCAPF. MATNTF.NANCF. ACTNIIy Januarv Febmarv March A ril Mav June Pru❑in� See Table ta for Best Time for S cific S cies. W'eed Convol: Ptanting beds must be kept in a weed free condiuon. Remulch Herbicide OXX � XO Must be lied 6 a licensed Pescicide A licator. Fer[ilization: Turf � Stwbs. Trees Insect & Disease Tune of wncrol de nds on the of insect or disease and when i[ is detected. Sunscald Protectioa Remove x Watering During first and second growing season appro�cimately once a week or as needed to maimain ad buc not excessive soil moisture. Maintai Rodent OOOQ Q0p0 OG00 OOOQ QQpQ QppO Protection Turf Maintenance ppX }�,y7{ Mowine Mower damage X Xl'J.7C X�7.'7C Prevention � - � Replanting Evergreen Tcees OXX XXO Deciduous Trees OXX X}�.\7C Container Plants �C XX.l'7C �.YO Turf O XX17C XXOO TABLE 26. CALENDAR OF LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ACTNITY 7uly AuEUSt Se tember October A'ovember December Prumn_ See Table la for Best Tune for S ecific S cies. Weed Conttol: Plantin� beds must be kept in a weed free condiuon. Remulch Herbicide X7�C X7O..'Y X}L1X �'Y 00 XO Must be a lied bv a licensed Pesacide A licator. Fettilization: Turf �{ Shrubs. Trees � Insect & Aisease Time of conrrol de nds on the of insect or diseue aad when it is detected. Sunscald Apply or Protecrion maimain . paint Insiall W Y Waterins Durine first and second arowins season an roximaul once a week or as needed. Maintain Rodent 0000 0000 X1'Sx XX17C XO00 0000 Protecdon Turf Maintenance: Mowin� X,Ylx Xa'�7{ �i }�{pp Mower dama�e XX,YX X}Lti,'Y X&S�C 7{y,pp Prevention Replanano Everareen Tcees OX 7LYX0 Deciduous Trees OXl.'Y XO Container Planu 0000 OOOX X}.,'YO Turf 0000 OOXX X?�,Y Qp X - Optimum Time O- Less than Opfimum Time _- Undiluced white tacex pain[ is recommended, repaint as necessary unfil trees reach 4" caliper. 21 q� -I y�i'° TABLE 3. DESCRIPTIONS OF TYPES OF PRUNING. TYPE OF PRlii�ING WHEN TO DESCRIPTIO?� PRU;VE Disease Removal ABer Diagnosis Removal of fun�al bacterial �ow[hs. Sterilize prune� between cuts. Deadwood Removal See Table 1 Removal of dead branches, normally from the interior portion of the crown. Trainina See Table 1 Maintaining cenual leaders and acceptabie symmetry in evergeen, shade and omamental trees. Removal of Suckers and water routs. Coaective See Table 1 Removal of scorm- maaed vehicle-damaged oz vandalized limbs. Renewal See Table 1 Removing all top �owth at or neaz the �ound lioe and remulch. Or removal of 1/3 of the oldest stems at the gound line. TABLE 4. WEED CONTROL METHODS - INTEGRATED APPROACA METHOD CATEGORY TREES SHRUB BEDS TURF Replanting-Filling VOidS X X Fettilizarion X X X Remulch* X X X Herbicides X X X Weed Wkrip No X * Wood chip mulch should be replenished azound shade trees and low b owina shrubs every 3-5 yeazs. Place mulch to a 4" depth. Mulching will help con[rol weeds, reduce mower dama�e and conserve moisture. TABLE 5. FERTILIZATION SCHEDULE CATEGORY FREQUENCY TIME OF ANALYSIS RATE APPLICATION Mowed Turf Every 3 Years April or October 12-12-12 3001bslac Sluub Beds* Every 3 Yeazs October or April 12-12-12 251bs/1000 sq. $. Shade Trees* Every 3 Years October or April 12-12-12 10 Ibs/1000 sq. fr. Note: Do oot fertilize nees and turf durin� the same season. Offset ffee fertilizauon by one season in order to prevent fertilizer bum on turf: � Plaou that fix niuogen, like silverbuffalobecry, caza�ana honeylocust, Russian olive or other le�umes, should not be fertilized except under special conditions. Tall shrubs do not need to be ferulized if leaf color remains normal. PLANTS OF SPECIAL CONCERN: 22 APPENDIX V PARTIAL LIST OF SUGGESTED ACTIVIT'IES TO INSURE SUCCESS OF ROADSIDE PARTNERSHIP PROJECTS ACTiVITIES - BEFORE PLANTINC= DAY RESPONSIBLE PARTY/PERSON Overall coordination ................._--•--------........------°--------°°-----Ciry, Beaufification Committee Request Mn/DOT sanction and tec6nical assistance .....................Ciry Secure assistance from local resources, services, and sponsers .... Ciry, Beauafication Committee Inival scopina and strategy meedngs ............................................ City, MN/DOT, Local Resource Personnel and Services Prepaze plan _-° .............._-------°-.----°--------........._.----.....--°--------..MN/DOT or Ciry, Consultant Designer, Resource Pe�on- nel Review plan ....--•°-----° ................................................................_MN/DOT, City and Beautification Committee Identify preliminary work force capabilities and ..........................City. Beautification Committee and Mo/DOT volunteerpledges Identify preliminary equipment and supply needs and ..................Ciry. Beautification Committee and Mn/DOT provider committments / terms Approve plan ........................._------°---------...-°---...._•°------------Mn/DOT and City Obtai¢ cost esrimates / bids ........................................................... City. Beautification Commit[ee and Mn/DOT for provisiou of landscape materials Secure Commitrnents to maintain planrin�s ..................................City Develop phasing strateay and schedule ......................................... Ciry, Beautification Committee and Mn/DOT Submit completed partnership application with Beaufification Committee Mn/DOT approved pian Noafy successful applicants of projects to be awazded ................. Mn/DOT Pcepaze and execute the Landscape Partnership A�eement......._Mn/DOT and Ciry Submit purchase orders and schedule delivery of .........._..........._ Ciry planrs and materials Provide training school, videotape and info packeu ..................... Mn/DOT Attend training school ..................................................................Beautification Committee Representaave(others welcome) Plan a Planun� Day Ceremony ro Honor the Effort and ............... Beaudficarion Committee Pazticipants Publicize plantina day and line up sponsors, services,....._...........Beautification Committce '7eaders", work crews (volunteers, conuactors, etc.) Hold orientaaon meeting(s) to schedule and p1an .........................Beautificarion Committee installation; to assign tasks; and to review proper procedures and info packeu / videos Supply stakes .-------° .............°----°----------°----------.........--•-°--.....MN/DOT Stake plantiocauons Crew Leaders and MN/DOT Reviewstakin� ........................._---------..........----..._..-°°-°°--------..MNlDOT I.ocate and mazk utiliues ............................................................... Ciry, Beautificaaon Committee Locate mazerial stora�e sites and sta�in� azeas ............................. Beautificaaon Committee and MN/DOT Spray Roundup in planung azeas ...................................................Experienced and Licensed Personnel (City, County, (opuonal and preferably in laze summer or early fall) Mn/DOT or Contractor) Haul compost / soil ammendmenu to plantin� beds ..................._ Ciry / Community "Forces" Till plantin� beds {incorporate compost or other ........................_ City / Community "Forces" soil ammendments preferably in fall) Haul wood chips to storage locaaons neaz plantin� beds ..............Ciry / Community "Forces" Layout flower beds and line up flowers ........................................Community Gazden Club Receive and inspect nursery stock (preferably in sprin�) ..........._Trained Community Pecsonnel with assistance from Local Conservation and Environmental Resource Personnel E��Cl , -�-- -_ . .__.� r� _ _ � �� -ly'1 �° ACTI VITIES - PLANTING DAY Breakfast �atherin� su�ested ......... Or�anizers, Crewleaders, Service Providers Check-In Station with Informauon Providers, Refreshments .......Ciry / Community "Forces" and Sponsors Traffic Convol, Si�ning and access / pazldng directions .............. Mn/DOT, L.ocal Law Enforcement Personnel, and Desiwated City / Community Safety Officer Provision of "porta-potties° ----°-------°° ....................._--------------Ciry / Communities Sponsers Planring and safery demonstrations ...............................................MN/DOT, I.ocal Resource Personnel and Crew Leaders Distribution of planu and mateziaLs from and to stora�e sites _.....I,ocal Resource Personnel and Crewleaders Supervise planting crews (crew leaders) .......................................Local Resource Personnel, Trained Community Peisonnel and Mn/DOT Insure proper handling and protecuon of plants before .................Crew I,eaders and during planting Insure safe work methods and behaviors .......................................Crew Leaders Insure proper plant and material installation ................................. Crew Leaders Install planu, seed, sod, mulch, rodentprotection, etc ..................City / Communiry'Porces" Waterin� ........................................................................................Fire Department and City / Community „ Forces" TAKE PICT[JRES tUroughout project ..........................................Mn/DOT, Volunteers and Media Provide Simple Lunch ........................................................ Conduct a Ceremony to Honor the Effort and Participanu ACTIVITIES AFTER PLANTING Send letters of appreciation ................ City / Community Sponsors and Service Oraanizations Beautification Coaunittee, Die itaries, Participanu and Beaufificauon Committee Watering ................................---_.......----..........-°--°-----...---°------Fire Depaztment and Ciry / Community "Forces" Weeding, Monitoring for disease, insect, drainage problems ....... Ciry ! Communiry "Forces" POTENTIAL WORK GROUPS Civic a oups Gazden Clubs Army Reserve Unit Sentence to Service Scouu Youth goups Vo-Ag Class Businesses City Pazks/Public Works Crews FFA 4H Clubs Contractors 24 APPENDIX VI NLN/DOT LANDSCAPING PARTNERSHIP PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM Proarams Coordinator for Sponsorina Local Govemment Unit(LGU) must send a leaer or resolution to the Mn/DOT Dis�ict / Metro Division Engineer requestina sancaon and technical assistance to develop a proposed landscaping parmership pmject. f Mn/DOT District / Metro Division Staff consider the project request feasible and desirable, the Landscapina Pro�dm Coocdinator will be asked to assign a Project Manager ro provide desi� and/or technical assistance to the Community. Pcoject Manager (landscape azchitect or forester) and District / Me�o Division Liaison meet with the to discuss project plannino, implementaaon, and mainteaance concems. Mn/DOT Project Mana�er prepazes or assists the Community designer in preparing conceptual Plans. District / Metro ivision Liaison obtains preliminary review for safety and operational concerns prior to Plan review with the Communit Project Maoager, District / Metro Division Liaison , and LGU / Communiry meet to review the Plan and idenfify desired modifications, options, timetables, implementatioa strateges and phasina. Mn/DOT Project Manager finalizes or assists the Cominunity designer in finalizina detailed Plans, Cost Esamates, and Specifications for review and approval by Mn/DOT and LGU / Communiry representaaves. Mn/DOT and LGti approval of landscape Plans, the LGU / Authorized Primary Contact Person prepazes a"coa Partnership Project Application and submits it in duplicate to the MnlDOT Landscaping Pro�mc Coordinator. ,caping Proa mc Coordinator screens Application with Project Mana�er for accuracy / completeness and forwards a recommendation for approvai / rejecaon of Fanding with the Applicaaon to IIistrict / Meno Division Liaison. ro Disffict / Metro Division feedback, the Landscapin� Pro�ams Coordinator notifies applicants of rejection, or deferral of their Application and Ma/DOT fundin�. ; the Appfication and Fundin� are approved, the Mn/DOT Project Manager will draft a Coopecaave A�eement detailin the LGU's procurement, installatioq and maintenance responsibilities. The Mn/DOT Mu¢icipal A�eemenu En�neer coordinates execution of the A�reement and encumbrance of District / Metro Division landscape partnership Fu¢ds. DOT Project Mana�er provides techaical assistance to help the Community or�anize their efforts, procure qualiry materials, obtain training, and coordinaze safe and successful installation and main[enance of their plantings. Mo/DOT Municipal A�eements En�ineer authorizes a Lump Sum Payment of the Approved Fundin� Amount to the L upon receiving copies of the Purchase Orders for Approved Materials specified in the Project Applicauon and Plan. Mn/DOT Project Manager Evaluates Compliance / Snccess of Project relauve ro intent by written report including Correc- ave Actions if needed and continues providin� technical assistance ro CommuniN as necessary. Mn/DOT Project Mana�er sends Thank Yoo Letters and Certificates of Appreciauon. 25 O 1 C � s � m 0 m � N m a 3 x ^�� � � � ° c � � o � • � -� �3 ,b o �� ',y D IO Z � 1 D � m v � O � Z O � w 0 4 ° A n � � � N � � W N 2 m � Z 0 0 T � N 2 m - m i IN � 0 Q � N n Y m N � A 9 O o � � � m m 3 m � � n `� s ;� o o � o �� i 3 m . 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Voiunteers needed: Planting day: large trees small. trees shrubs plant quantity rete per hr. planting hrs. 0 (tlhr.) 0 190 (3lhr) 63 145 , (3lhr.) 48 flowers 450 (15/hr.) 30 ToNat= 785 ]42 47 = minimum number people needed for a 3 hour pianting day q�- iy�v 8/27/97 0 � � � m i " m 0 m ' m � n 3 x I L� �'c A � � o � .� .� �� 3 � ' m � lo < o z N � � m v z 0 � z 0 � � a � J � � in T N N �o � W N _ m � Z O J 0 T � N 2 m � N 0 Q 3 �v N n r m N � � O 4 '� 8 �6" ,� a A V � � 0 _ 4 � y � � � D m m � O � -� s 'T, � � � < m � � N�� 3 � � �� Z ��� o � � a=� m � i�','� 'O �', �', N � a � y ;� ia� 0 Z �� '� y \v � o � 2 ', Z � f�,'� l 9 ' Ty � s �$� � a � K Z ' � cr � , � m � '' m r�9 �Sl s V I �C ' C A 'Z �oo O = i o�� r . � A � x � ' Z n O 1 D Z N � N x � � � n o � � � n D m = 9 0 � m v f� y Z Z -i � m � Ol W N .+ � D Z �. � z � D z -� m m � D Q Z � m � � �' v _ � m � .v Z � T J 0 'l � � m y � i � DO _ -n r � � - --� � � D 0 z y� a �o� ��o N 9 3 no� ��o< m 90�� 9 ym2 Z �" . 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Volunteero needed: Planting day: large trees small. trees shrubs plant quantity rate per hr. planting hrs. 0 (1lhr.) 0 190 (3/hr) 63 145 . (3lhr.) 48 flowers 450 (15/hr.) 30 Total = 785 142 47 = minimum number people needed for a 3 hour pianting day q�-Iy7o 8l27l97 � '^.-°•( ^ta,�,"; � � � � . �"�i � .e ..o�a., . SAINT PAUL, Presented Referred Council File # 9� - 14�1 � 2 3 WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota through its Deparirnent of Transportation has funds 4 available for its Community Roadside Landscaping Partnership Program; and 6 WHEREAS, Concordia University wishes to work with the City for the project identified 7 as the Hamline Avenue/Concordia University Landscape Partnership on the state truuk highway 8 I-94, to be conducted during the period from April 15, 1998 to October 15, 1998; and 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ' WHEREAS, the project would provide funds to purchase landscape materials for the south side of I-94 from Hamline Avenue North west to the railroad; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul will act as the sponsoring unit for the Hamline Avenue/Concordia Universit� Landscape Partnership and T.K. Walling and Bob Holtz, of the Division of Parks & Recreation are designated as primary contact persons for the project on behalf of the City and aze authorized to apply to the Minnesota Department of transportation for funding of this project. Adopted by Council: Date � �,,���� Requested by Department of: By: �� Form Approved by City Attorney i Bv: � r1 , a.� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approve y M o for S ssion to Council i Ll/ i By: � . By: �� Approved by Mayor: Date / i�'Z Y�� T. B i �..�� � - / Green Sheet # 3 � a a o ��7 PARKS & RECREATION 10/5/97 GREEN SHEET INITIAUDATE— FOP TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � CITYATTORNEV O BUDGET DIRECTOR � FhAYOP (OR ASSISTI (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ���ao q'1-1 — INRIALIOATE 1 O CITY COUNCIL _ O QTY CLEflK � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES [�]Parkc R Re� Approval of agreement between the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation, Concordia University and the "CITY" or _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ ( __ CIB CAMMITTEE _ _ _ STAFF , _ _ D15TRIGT COURT _ _ SUPPOFTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTNE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOILOWING �UESTIONS: t, Has thi�s persontfirm ever worketl under a contract for this departmeM? VES NO 2. Has this person�rtn ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed 6y any current city employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separo�e sheet antl ettach to green sheet State of Minnesota Department of Transportation would like to pay the city $5,372.28 to purchase landscape materials for this partnership. MNDOT needs this agreement signed before the state can issue a check to the city. IF I-94 will be landscaped on the south side of I-94 from Namline Avenue N- west to the railroad with MNDOT funding. �t������� �� 26 199�C DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED. None � �aav � z �ss7 fl.�.an � �� = u = 'iS ' '� -< " �':; `. ,�.�.'� ��d - A � :'� "� �� � � a '�s' E'`� v . .... '� ff a DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVEO: This area would not be landscaped using city funds. R S NOV 2 � 1�9? � T07ALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ 5 COST/REVENUEBUDGETEp(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE Stdte of Mi nnesota AC71VI7Y NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORAfiAT10N: (EXPLAIN) a�1- ���� � i�// l � � COMMUNITY ROADSIDE LANDSCAPING PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM APPLICATION MANUAL (Apri11997 Revision) � , � 1��� ; :.-::� ��, �%.=--, ��.��� a�.-:.--.....-.. .�..._. _.. :.. .. f' ` ?1 E #' � F� � � = �� � �,�: �� � =�. � -.. � A Growing Partnership Improving Our Communities and Envirozunent . ,� ���� 0 . •.�1� 3 � ,i � 3 ; � � r � � - From Wildflowers to Trees q�"��� 7) Seek free sources prior to purchasing. 2) MnDOT has 22-5-10 at Camden shop. 3) 2" depth for wildflowers. Voluatee[s needed: Planting daY: large trees smail. trees shrubs flowers Total = plant quantity rate per hr, planting hrs. 0 (1/hr.) 0 190 (3/hr) 63 �45 . (3/hr.) 48 450 (15/hc) 30 785 142 47 = minimum number peopie needed for a 3 hour planting day 8/27197 I-94 Landscape Partnership Estimate a�-t�+'j PART I - COMMUNITY ROADSIDE LANDSCAPING PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Minnesota Depar�►ent of Transportation's Community Roadside Landscaping Partnership Program is designed to provide technical and financial assistance to communities that are interested in landscaping state highway rights of way. The program has three goals: (1) roadside beautification, (2) community improvement, and (3) environmental stewardship. This manual describes the program and application requiremenu, and provides examples of documents required. Part One (pp.2-4) is the general pro�am description. Part Two (pp. 5-7) contains the application form and the instructions to complete the form. Part Three (pp. 8-24) contains appendices that provide other information pertinent to the apglication requirements. Completed applications may be submitted to Mn/DOT for consideration at any time of the year but prioritization will be given to appiications submitted before September lst to take advantage of the opportunity for fall preparatory work prior to spring planting. If you have any quesrions about the program or application requirements, please call (612)779-5076 to speak with Mn/DOT's Landscaping Programs Coordinator. APPLICANT ELIGIBILITY For purposes of this program, communities are defined as counties, home rule charters, statutory cities or towns. Ineligible applicants will not be considered unless they are sponsored by a community or other unit of government that can execute and honor a cooperative agreement with MnIDOT (a necessary requirement for Mn/DOT to transFer funds.) ELIGIBLE COMPONENTS Funds awarded under this pr aQram must be used for roadside landscaping located on state trunk highway rights of way with fee or easement title. Most areas of interstate freeways and high volume divided highways with controlled access are excluded from this program due to liability, safety, and access problems. Components that support the goals of the pr b�ram include, but aze not lunited to, the following: - Planting and maintenance of trees, shrubs, vines, perennial groundcovers, wildflowers and grasses. - Incorporation of soil amendments, herbicides, edging, raised planters, tree grates, weed fabric, wood fiberblanket,mulch, rodentprotection, staking and guying, seedling shelters, etc. PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Communifies seekina approval to initiate a proposed landscape partnership project with provi- sion of Mn/DOT technical and design assistance must submit a written request for participation and services to the appropriate Ntn/DOT District /Metro Division Enaineer (see Appendix III.) Project components must support at least one of the three goals of the program (roadside beautification, community improvement, and environmental stewazdship.) In the formative stages of the project, the applicant must form and designate a committee of at least three contact people for the projec� At least one of the three contact people must be an employee or official representative of the Iceal government unit requesting or sponsering the projec� The designated individuals on the committee would then be responsible for overall project Iiaison and coordination prior to and during the submission of the application, as well as during unplementation stages afterthe projectis awarded. At least one of the committee members will be required to attend a sis hour landscape project inspection, installation and mainfenance training school. The comrnittee member or members will be responsible for providing community workers and volunteers with Mn/DOT supplied instructions, videos, and information packets pertaining to safe aad proper worker supervision, materiats handling, plant installation and plant maintenance. The application must include a formal resolution or letter indicating community support for the desired improvements and authorization of a primary contact person to apply to Mn/DOT for funding. (See Appendix I for sampie resolution or letter.) If volunteers are to be used , the application must include a volunteer pledge list identifying sufficient numbers of volunteers to complete the scope of work within an acceptable time period. A Mn/DOT approved (Disirict Metro Division and L.andscaping Pro�ams Coordinator) landscape plan at a scale of not more than 100'=1" must be included as part of the application (11" x 17" reductions are acceptable for application purposes.) The landscape plan shall incorporate by reference or attachment, standazd Mn/DOT pianting detaiIs, materiai specifications and speciat provisions as applicable. The plan may be prepared by Mn/DOT's Landscape, Forestry and Turf Section with no obtigatioa, as scheduled work loads permi� Potential applicants may use the services of local landscape design professionals to prepare plans, thereby minim;zing time delays that may occur as a result of Mn/DOT's workload. Mn/DOTs Landscape, Forestry, and Turf Section will assisst applicants in obtaining basemapping information, design guidelines required reviews, and necessaryapprovals. Funding assistance is limited to the estimated cost of providing the required lanscape materials. (soil amendments, herbicides, plant materials, seed, sod, mulch, rodent guards and other miscellaneous materials necessary for the project.) Elib bie projects must include a minunum of $1,000 worth of materials and the maximum awazd of funds for any project or pmject phase shall not exceed �20,000 in any b ven year. The program requires that a community provide the funds or in-kind services to instatl and maintain the state funded materials. Applicants may utilize their own labor forces, service organiza- tions, volunteers or contractors. The communiry must act as the contract letting and adminisiration authority where contract installation is desired. Volunteers must be 13 years of age or older unless accompanied and supervised by an aduit at all times. A ratio of at least one adutt supervisor for every five children under the aae of 13 is required. � � �{'t -� `�'? Successful applicanu are required to enter into a Cooperative Aa eement with Mn/DOT to install and maintain the roadside landscape improvements. A detailed landscape plan showing actual locations and quanrities of materials along with the specifications and special provisions will form the basis of the Agreement together with the applicarion and schedule of maintenance requirements. CRITERIA FOR EVALUATING APPLICATIONS _;_�.__.__ to the Mn(DOT I:anHscaping Di'stiict/Me�o=Division and After the completed application has been submitted ta Mnl1�OT, additional information may b e required. Clarification of vague or ambiguous application materials may be requested by the Mn/llOT zeview team. Incomplete applicarions (i.e., missina supporting documents> etc.) may not be considered for funding. Completed applications should be submitted at least three months prior to the desired planting date. Applications submitted by September lst will be given priority to take advantage of the opportunity for fall preparatory work prior to spring planting. In order for an application to be reviewed, it must contain the basic, minimal requirements as ouflined in this manual. Applications may be approved for funding in the fuil amount requested or in an amount less than requested. The criteria to be used in reviewing and ranking qualifying applications inctude: 1. Extent to which the groposed project meets one or more of the goais of the program. 2. Extent to which the proposed project is consistent with Mn/DOT policy, safety, desi�, and operations guidelines. 3. Extent to which the proposed project and partner demonstrate a strong likelihood foz successful installation, establishment and maintenance of ttie roadside landscaping investment. AWARD OF PROJECT FUNDS Award of project funds is subject to availability of funds at the time the application is approved and wiil be announced by letter. Unsuccessful applicants may be deferred to the next cycle of availabie fundin� or may be asked to resubmit revised applications. Award of project funds is contingent upon esecution and appmvai of the Cooperative Agreement. Funds may be tcansferred to the community upon receipt of a written request with a copy of the purchase orders for landscape materials. Fall season preparatory work (weed control and rototilling) and Spring season planting is recommended for roadside projects. AII components of the project phase, as awazded, must be completed by the end of the first full �owing season (early Aprii to early November) as scheduled. � .' Address �a • �� ' RrKw-a • .S'f a ,n M dl �" /U 3 Name � � ; ��/L Phone ���" Name - T ��'. h/a ll� h ra— Phone �F�'� 7e -PH`3�G PART II - Mn/DOT COMMUNITY ROADSIDE LAA'DSCAPING PARTNERSAIP PROGRAM PROJECT APPLICATION (1) APPLICANT Locai Government Unit ! Community C ' � S� u w/ Co h car �% a�n ��rr; f Address �7 " N� S S: MN 3�/G' " %'C! b r� o b r f G. /�G! y (2) COMMITTEE OF PRIMARY CONTACT PERSONS * One of the Committee members must be employed a staff member o repre�e�ntative of the Local Government Unit q Name �o � �'r7 f= • �d I7z Phone � � Address o n Cpr 1.-a �{ h; v�P�s,'�� ��s �U� SH n d. �- S�`. �aN�, �h n s5 ioy 7 � � (3) DESCRIBE THE LOCATTON OF THE PROJECT of t � h ! e project.) Trun Highway: Sd K. k f � li-rA�v.��1.0 /7'Ff. h-0on (71'�Gnr �lude county, city and the limits P. �Z. bri J�i 1`t � ✓'t r r r E.. (4) BRIEFLY STATE THE GOALS ANB SCOPE OF YOUR PR�POSED PROJECT. (� BRIEFLY STATE TI� PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND APPROVAL PROCESS USED AND SIGNIFTCANT COORDINATION WTI'H OTF�R PROGRAMS. 5 °1�-1W�o (� LIST THE REQUIRED MATERIALS ONLY AND THE ESTIMATED MATERIAL COSTS FOR THE PROJECT (soil amendmenu, herbicide, plant materiais, seed, sod, construction materi- als, weed fabric, muich, rodent protection, etc.) DO NOT INCLUDE LABOR OR EQUIPMENT. PROJECT MATERIALS (on state right of way only) QUANTITY ESTIMATEA COST � TOTAL MATERIAL COST (7) SHOW THE DESIRED TIMETABLE FOR COMPLETION OF EACH MA70R COMPO- NENT OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT FROM PREPARATION OF PLANTING AREAS (Iuclude Sales Tas and Shipping) THItOUGH COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION. (8) DESCRIBE THE TYPES OF LABOR FORCES AND THE ESTIMATED QUANTITY OF PERSONNEL THAT WII.L INSTALL AND MAINTAIN THE PROJECT. (city crews, youth service corp., contracYOrs, volunteers) *If the majority of work is to be performed by volun- teers, a preliminary pledge list of volunteers must be attatched. STATEMENT OF ASSURANCES To the best of my Imowledge and belief, data in this application are true and correct, and the document has been duly authorized by the govemment unit of the applicant with fiill understanding of the program requirements. Tt is a�eed that at least one primary contact person wili attend a s� hour Mn/DOT landscape project inspection, installation and maintenance training school to ensure that community workers, volunteers and contractors are provided with proper direction and information packets. It is a�eed that if volunteer workers aze to be used, they will meet minunum age or eligibility requirements. It is agreed thatthe government unit of the applicant will enterinto an A�eement with Mn/DOT ensuring that the government unit of the applicant will ensure or provide required maintenance of the landscape improvements on roadside areas per the Agreement. � Signature of the Primary Contact Person Authorized By The Local Government Unit �0 7 �7 Date REQUIRED ATTACHN�NTS TO BE LrICLUDED AS PART OF THE APPLICATION: (A) � RESOLUTION OR LE'I'TER AUTHORIZING APPLICATION AND bESIGNATLNG AUTHORIZED PRINIARY CONTACT PERSON. (B) � MAP OF PROJECT LOCATION. (C) � MN/DOT APPROVED LANDSCAPE PLAN (Approval Stamped and Dated By District / Meiro Division and Lan3scaping Pro�ams Staf£) (D) �� VOLUNTEER PLEDGE LIST (If volunteers are to be used) S-2Q f-1-2-... F a b c r-F The documents submitted in support of this application shall be considered part of this application. �t't - I �I'7o PART III - COiVIMUNITY ROADSIAE LAI�DSCAPING PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM APPENDICES I. SAMPLE OF RESOLUTION OR LETTER AUTHORZZING APPLICATION AND DESIGNATING AUTHORIZED PRIMARY CONTACT PERSON. II. LIST OF RESOURCES. III. MAP OF MN/DOT DISTRICTS AND LIST OF DISTRICT / METRO DIVISION ENGINEERS WITH ADDRESSES AND PHONE NUMBEI2S. IV. SAMPLE LANDSCAPE PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT. V. PARTIAL LIST OF ACTIVITIES TO INSURE SUCCESS OF PARTNERSHIP PLANTINGS. VI. MNIDOT LANDSCAPING PARTNERSHIP PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM. � APPENDIX I COMMUNITY ROADSIDE LAl�'SCAPING PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM RESOLUTION OR LETTER AUTHORIZING APPLICATION AND PRIMARY CONTACT PERSON Applicants must adopt the foilowing as a resolution or letter and submit it with the application. Applications without a completed and signed resolution or letter wiIl not be considered. Be it resolved that �t�Ycr- Sr4/N i {�1k(,� �(��;Q��q u,����R,SIT�� act as sponsoring (applicanUlocal govemment unit) unit for the project indenrified as PA2 TlSE�2,5�►� on the state trunk highway(s) ! Uf�� to be conducted daring the period APru � c� t��S' through C�GiO.�2- l5, Z� (duration dates) Be it further resolved u�A�c�.� (name 6f primary contact person) is hereby authorized to apply to the Minnesota Department of Transportation for funding of this project on behalf of � Gl` O� �l�N [ P�1GyIr I certify that the (applicant/local �ovemment uait) above resolution was adopted or approved by ��C: (�iYL �GL�i,j'/ (City Council or Ciry/ County offical) of i'1 jc= G i 7`z-/ GF S�iic1� �L on (applicanUlocal �ovemment unit) (date) WITNESSED: (si�ature) (rifle) (date) q�-�y 7D APPENDIX II LIST OF RESOI3RCES which may be able to provide assistance or information affecting your project. Minnesota Department of Transportation District I Metro Division Offices and the O�ce of Environmental Services - Appendix III Minnesota Extension Service University of Minnesota St. Paul, MN 55108 General Info - (612) 625-1915 Publicarions - (612) 625-8173 Forest Resources Info - (612) 624-3020 Dial U Insect and Plant Info - 1-900-988-0�00 (Charge To Calling Party) Minnesota State Horticultural Society Minnesota Green 1755 Prior Avenue North Falcon Heights, MN 55113 (612)645-7066 or(800) 676-6747 Minnesota State Historical Society State Historical Preservation Compliance Officer History Center, 345 Kellogg Blvd. W. St. Paul, MN (612) 246-5462 Iron Range Aesources And Rehabilitation Board Community Development Division P.Q. Box 441, Highway 53 South Eveleth, NLN 55734 (218) 744-2993 University of Minnesota School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture 125 Architecture 89 Church Street S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55455 (612)625-6860 University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum 3675 Arboretum Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 (612) 443-2460 Minnesota Nursery and Landscape Association P_O. Box 130307 St. Paul, MN 55113 (612) 633-4987 Minnesota Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects 275 Market Street Suite 54 Minneapolis, MN 55405 (612) 339-0793 Minnesota Desi� Team AIA Minnesota 275 Market Street Minneapolis, MN 55405 (612) 338-67b3 Local O'Y£ices of the following: - County Agricultural Extension Service - Department of Natural Rescsurces (D.N.R.) Division of Forestry - Re� onal / Metropolitan Planning Commissions and Councils - Soii Conservation Service (S.C.S.) - Soil and Water Conservation Dishicts (S.W.C.D.) - U.S. Forest Service (U.S.F.S.) 10 - - --- ,�:,� - - - - APPENDIX III CENTRAL OFFICE Scott Bradley T andscape Prograrns Coordinator Office of Environmental Services 3485 Hadley Avenue North Oakdale, MN 55128 (612)779-5076 � � e.�;r O o.oet l.ku O ar^'" O 0 � ! � O �� O u„' w.�+�,e Q O MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICTS Q Dist�taHaaGuanea DISTRICT ENGINEERS DISTRICT 1 Mr. Mike Robinson F I23 Mesaba Avenue Duluth, MN 55811 (218) 723-4820 DISTRIC'T 2 Mr. Steven Baker P.O. Box 490 Bemidji, MN 56601 (218}755-38I5 DISTRICT 3 Mr. Donald Raisanen 1991 Indusaial Pazk Baxter, MN 56401 (218)828-2463 DISTRICT 4 Mr. David Smilonich 1000 West Highway 10 � Box 666 Detroit Lakes, MN 56502 (218)847-1552 �.. DISTRICT 6 o�ann� ��� ��e,.q« DISTRICT 7 DISTRICT 8 METRO DIVISfON Mr. Kermit K McRae 290 48th St N.W. P.O. Box 6177 Rochester, MN 55903-6177 (507) 285-7374 Mr. James Swanson 501 South Viciory Drive P.O. Box 4039 Mankato, MN 56001 (507) 389-6868 Mr. David Trooien 2505 Transportation Road P.O. Box 768 Willmar, MIQ 56201 (612) 231-5497 Mr. Chazles Si�emd 2500 West Coanry Road B2 Roseville, MN SS1I3-3105 {613)582-1359 �t APPENDIX IV OFFICE OF STATE OF MINNESOTA ENVIRONMENTAL DEPARTMEN`I' OF T12ANSPORTATION SERVICES LANDSCAPE PARTNEI�SHIP AGREEMEZQT q � -14'70 Mn/DOT AGREEMENT NO_ S.P: -969 (T.H. ) State Funds The State of Minnesota Department of Transportation, and The Citv o£ Re: State cost landscape materials acquisition by the City for use along T.H. _ ORIGINAL AMOUNT ENCUM AMOUNT RECEIVABLE (NOne) THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the State of MirLZeso�a, Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "Mn1DOT", and the City of , Minnesota, acting by and through its City Council, hereinafter referred to as the "City". WHEREAS the City is about to perform landscaping along Trunk High- way No. from to within the corporate City limits in accordance with City-prepared plans, specifications and/or special provisions designated as the " Landscaping Plan", which project has been designated by Mn/DOT as State Project No. -969 (T.A. _); and WHEREAS the City has requested participation by Mn/DOT in the costs of landscape materials acquisition in accordance with the terms of Mn/DOT's "Community Roadside Landscaping Partnership Program'�; and 12 � ' .�. � � � ��I _ . .-'�'.. .t, + . _ _ _ _ _ 4dHEREAS Mn/DOT is willing to participate in the costs of the land- scape material5 acquisition as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS Minnesota Statute Section 161.20, subdivision 2(1996) au- thorizes the Commissioner of Transportation to make arrangements with and cooperate with any governmental authority for the purposes of constructing, maintaining and improving the trunk highway sys- tem_ IT IS, TBEREFORE, MU'tITALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE I- PROJECT ADMINISTRATION 8Y THE CITY SeCtion A. Landscane Materials Acauisitioa The City shall acquire landscape materials in accordance with Mn/ DOT-approved City plans, specifications and/or special provisions designated as the " Landscaping Plan�. Landscaping sha11 be perfcrmed by City forces in accordance with M�/DOT-approved City plans, specifications and/oz special provisions which are on file in the City's office and in Mn/DOT`s Office of Environmental Ser- vices in Oakdale, and are made a part hereof by reference with the same force and efiect as though iully set forth herezn. Sectioa B. Purchase Order to be E�rnished to Mn/DOT The City shall, within 7 days after ordering the landscape materi- a1s, submit to Mn/DOT's Landscape Programs Coordinator in Oakdale a copy of the purchase order for the �andscape materiaZs. Section C. Directioa Sunervision aad Insnectioa Landscape materials acquisition periormed in accordance with this Agreement shall be under the direction of the City; however, the Mn/DOT cost participation landscape materials to be acquired under this Agreeme:�t sha11 be open to inspection by Mn/DOT's authorized representatives. The City shall give Mn/DOT's Landscape Programs Coordinator five days notice of its intention to receive delivery of the landscape materials. Responsibility for the control of the Mn/DOT cost participation landscape materials acquisition covered under this Agreement shall ]3 9'1-1 �{ 70 be on the City and shall be carried out in accordance with Mn/DOT- approved City plans, specifications andlor special provisions des- ignated as the " Landscaping Plan". The City must verify whether or not nursery vendors are under a Gypsy Moth Compliance Agreement between the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, hereinafter referred to as the "NIDA", and the United States Department of Agriculture or under an NIDA Japanese Beetle Quarantine. All plant material shipped from nursery vendors sub- ject to quarantines must be accompanied by a Current Certificate of Compliance for gypsy moth and/or Japanese beetle. To determine if vendors are subject to quarantines, ca11 the MDA Supervisor of Plant Regulatory Services at (612) 296-8388. Section D. Cox[mletion of Materials Acauisition and Installation The City shall cause the acquisition and installation of landscape materials to be started and completed in accordance with the time schedule in the Community Roadside Landscaping Partnership Program Project Application, which is on file in Mn/DOT's Of£ice of Envi- ronmental Services and is made a part hereof by reference with the same £orce and effect as though fully set forth herein_ The completion date for the landscape materials acquisition and instal- lation may be extended, by an exchange of letters between the ap- propriate City official and Mn/DOT's Landscape Programs Coordina- tor, for unavoidable delays encountered in the performance thereof. Section E. Comoliance with Laws, Ordinaaces aad Reaulatioas The City shall, in connection with the acquisition of the landscape materials, comply with all Federal, State and Local laws, including Minnesota Statute Section 16B.101 (1996), and all applicable ordi- nances and regulations_ Section F. Rivht-of-Wav, Easements and Permits The City is hereby authorized to work on Mn1DOT right-of-way £or the purposes of installing and maintaining the laadscape materials, including any necessary replacement of landscape materials that fail to survive. 14 The City sha11, without cost or expense to Mn/DOT, obtain all rights-of-way, easements, construction permits and/or any other permits and sanctions that may be required in connection with the installation of landscape materials. Prior to advance payment by Mn/DOT, the City shall furnish Mn/DOT with certified copies of the documents for those rights-of-way and easements, and certified cop- ies of those construction permits and/or other permits and sanc- tions required for Mn/DOT landscaping. ARTICLE II - MN/DOT COST Section A. Basis Mn/DOT's fu11 and complete share of the costs of the landscaping to be performed along Trunk Elighway No. from to within the corporate City limits under State Project No.. -969 (T.A. _) shall be equal to the delivered cost of the landscaping materials acquired in accordance with the " Landscaping Plan", however, the maximum obligation of Mn/DOT under this Agreement shall not exceed $ , unless the maximum obligation is increased by execution o£ an amendment to this Agreement. It is estzmated that the cost of the landscape materials acquisition is $ Section 8. Pavmeat Mn/DOT shall pay to the City an amount equal to tYie delivered cost of the landscape materials, not to exceed the maximum obligation, after the following conditions have been met: 1. Encuzabrance by Mn/DOT of Mn/DOT's total cost share. 2. Execution and approval of this Agreement and Mn/DOT's transmit- tal of same to the City. 3. Provision by the City to Mn/DOT's Landscape Programs Coordinator of copies of the purchase orders for the landscape materials, as provided for in Article I, Section B. of this Agreement_ a. Provision by the City to Mn/DOT's Landscap2 Programs Coordinator of certified copies of the documents, as provided for in the second paragraph of Article I, Section F. of t2zis Agreement. 15 a'1— ►'� � a 5. Provision by the City to Mn/DOT's Landscape Programs Coordinator of a written request for payment, accompanied by copies of sup- plier invoices for the landscape materials acguisition and de- livery. ARTICLE III - GENERAL PROVISIONS 3ection A. Iastallation and Mainteaance bv the Citv After acquisition of the landscape materials, the City shall in- stall the landscape materials along Trunk Highway No. and pro- vide for the proper maintenance thereof, without cost or expense to MnlDO`P. Maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, removal and replacement of all materials that fail to survive. Criteria for maintenance and replacement are shown and described in EXHIBIT "A", Maintenance Responsibil,ities Plan and Schedule, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. Section 8. Resoonsibilities of the Citv The City shall, in connection with the landscape materials acquisi- tion, installation and maintenance, comply v,iith the following con- ditions: l. Use of Mn/DOT right-of-way shall in no way impair or interfere with the safety or convenience of the traveling public in its use of the highway. 2. Preserve and protect all utilities located on lands covered by this Agreement, without cost or expense to MnlDOT. 3. As reauired by Minnesota Statute 216D (1996), notify Gopher State One Call System (1-800-252-1166) at least 48 hours before any excavation is done on this project. 4. No advertising signs or devices of any form or size shall be constructed or shall be permitted to be constructed or placed upon Ms�{DOT right-of-way covered by this Agreement. 5. Upon completion of the installation of landscape materials and during performance of maintenance operations, restore all dis- 16 turbed areas of Mn/DOT right-of-way so as to pemetuate satis- factory drainage, erosion control and aesthetics. Any use of Mn/DOT right-of-way permitted by this Agreement shall remain subordinate to the right of Mn/DOT to use the property for highway and transportation puxposes_ This Agreement does not grant any interest whatsoever in land, nor does it establish a permanent park, recreation area or wildlife or waterfowl refuge facility that would become subject to Section 4(f) of the Federal-Aid Aighway Act of 1968_ Section C_ E�camination of 800ks Records Etc As provided by Minnesota Statute Section 16B.06, subdivision 4 (1996), the books,.records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of Mn/DOT and the City relevant to this Agreement are subject to examination by Mn/DOT and the City, and either the leg- islative auditor or the State auditor as appropriate. Section D. Cancellatioa of Aareement Mn/DOT may cancel and terminate this Agreement for any cause or reason, including Mn/DOT's desire to use any portion of Mn/DOT right-of-way subject to this Agreement for transportation purposes, by giving the City written notice at least 90 days prior to the date which such termination shall become effective. Upon cancella- tion of this Agreement, the City wi11 be required to restore and return the area to a condition satisfactory to Mn/DOT's District Engineer at Sectioa E. Claims All employees of the City and all other persons employed by the City or volunteering in the perfo� of landscape materials ac- a_uisition, insCallation and/or maintenance covered tu�der this Agreement shall not be considered employees of Mn/DOT. All claims that arise under the Worker�s Comz>ensation Act of the State of Min- nesota on behalf of the employees or volunteers while so engaged and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of the employees or volunteers while so engaged on landscape materials acquisition, installation and/or }7 q1-i�t�1� maintenance covered under this Agreement shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility of Mn/DOT. Section F. Nondiscriminatioa The provisions of Minnesota Statute Section 181_59 (1996) and of any applicable law relating to civil rights and discrimination shall be considered part of this Agreement as if fully set forth herein. Section G. Aareement Afl�ronal Before this Agreement shall become binding and effective, it shall be approved by a City Council resolution and receive approval of State and City officers as the law may provide in addition to the Commissioner of Transportation or his authorized representative. ARTICLE IV - AUTHORIZED AGENTS Mn/DOT's Authorized Agent for the purpose of the administration of this Agreement is Scott Bradley, Landscape Programs Coordinator, or ris successor. His current address and telephone number are 3485 Hadley Avenue North, Oakdale, Minnesota 55128, (612) 779-5076. The City's Authorized Agent for the purpose of the administration oi this Agreement is , , or his/her successor. His/Her current address and telephone number are ,() __ m >.�_ __ IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement by their authorized officers. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Recommended for approval: CITY OF By Mayor By Director Office of Environmental Services Date By B m District Engineer r � c � � � Approved: /�-a �� IIate By State Design Engineer DEPAR'T'�N'�' OF ADMINISTRATION Date B y — OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Date Approved as to form and execution: � Assistant Attorney General 19 ��,n� EXHIBIT A- MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES SCHEDULE � TABLE la REQUIRED LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES MAINTENANCE CONSIDERATION PLANT PRUNING WEED FERTILIZATION GROUPS CONTROL See Table 5, Ferrilization Schedule When To Type Of Evergeen Trees Anytime - Dry Conecrive and Maintain mulch at 3" Yes Deadwood Removal minimum azound trees in mowed areas, keep weed free. Shade Trees Anytime - Dry* Trainin� and Correcrive Yes Omamental Winter** Cosecfive Yes Trees Evergreen Anytime - Dry Deadwood Removal Yes Shrubs Deciduous Dormant Conective and Maintain minimum 3" Yes Shrubs Renewal woodclilp mulch in a weed free condition until shrub crown closure. Vines Dormant Deadwood Removal No Groundcovers * Do not prune oaks during April, May and June. Do not prune honeylocust while dormant or when humid or wet. ** Do not prune apples, crabapples or mountain ash during April, May, and June. TABLE lb. REQUIRED LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES MAINTENANCE CONSIDERATION PLANT WATERING INSECT AND RODENT REMOVALS AND GROUPS DISEASE PROTECTION REPLACEME.NTS COri'TAOL Ever�een Trees Yes until esrablished (2 yrs). As needed. Yes - Pine only Remove all dead plants. Supplemental waterin� may Remove diseased Replace dead or dyin� be needed during drought plants which pose plants unless the visual periods (especially durin� tkueats to adjacent appearance or desi�a � 7uly aad Auzust) even after plantines. i¢tent aze not nouceably plants aze established. compromised by the lost plants. Shade Tzees Yes Omamenrai Yes Trees Ever�een No* Shribs Deciduous No* Shrubs Vines No* Groundcovers No* Rodent protection is �enerally not pracrical for mass shrub plantings, maintainin� clean mulched plantin� azeas free of weed �rowth will reduce problems. Mowed turf in forznal planting azeas will help reduce rodent problems. m TABLE 2a CALENDAR OF LANDSCAPF. MATNTF.NANCF. ACTNIIy Januarv Febmarv March A ril Mav June Pru❑in� See Table ta for Best Time for S cific S cies. W'eed Convol: Ptanting beds must be kept in a weed free condiuon. Remulch Herbicide OXX � XO Must be lied 6 a licensed Pescicide A licator. Fer[ilization: Turf � Stwbs. Trees Insect & Disease Tune of wncrol de nds on the of insect or disease and when i[ is detected. Sunscald Protectioa Remove x Watering During first and second growing season appro�cimately once a week or as needed to maimain ad buc not excessive soil moisture. Maintai Rodent OOOQ Q0p0 OG00 OOOQ QQpQ QppO Protection Turf Maintenance ppX }�,y7{ Mowine Mower damage X Xl'J.7C X�7.'7C Prevention � - � Replanting Evergreen Tcees OXX XXO Deciduous Trees OXX X}�.\7C Container Plants �C XX.l'7C �.YO Turf O XX17C XXOO TABLE 26. CALENDAR OF LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ACTNITY 7uly AuEUSt Se tember October A'ovember December Prumn_ See Table la for Best Tune for S ecific S cies. Weed Conttol: Plantin� beds must be kept in a weed free condiuon. Remulch Herbicide X7�C X7O..'Y X}L1X �'Y 00 XO Must be a lied bv a licensed Pesacide A licator. Fettilization: Turf �{ Shrubs. Trees � Insect & Aisease Time of conrrol de nds on the of insect or diseue aad when it is detected. Sunscald Apply or Protecrion maimain . paint Insiall W Y Waterins Durine first and second arowins season an roximaul once a week or as needed. Maintain Rodent 0000 0000 X1'Sx XX17C XO00 0000 Protecdon Turf Maintenance: Mowin� X,Ylx Xa'�7{ �i }�{pp Mower dama�e XX,YX X}Lti,'Y X&S�C 7{y,pp Prevention Replanano Everareen Tcees OX 7LYX0 Deciduous Trees OXl.'Y XO Container Planu 0000 OOOX X}.,'YO Turf 0000 OOXX X?�,Y Qp X - Optimum Time O- Less than Opfimum Time _- Undiluced white tacex pain[ is recommended, repaint as necessary unfil trees reach 4" caliper. 21 q� -I y�i'° TABLE 3. DESCRIPTIONS OF TYPES OF PRUNING. TYPE OF PRlii�ING WHEN TO DESCRIPTIO?� PRU;VE Disease Removal ABer Diagnosis Removal of fun�al bacterial �ow[hs. Sterilize prune� between cuts. Deadwood Removal See Table 1 Removal of dead branches, normally from the interior portion of the crown. Trainina See Table 1 Maintaining cenual leaders and acceptabie symmetry in evergeen, shade and omamental trees. Removal of Suckers and water routs. Coaective See Table 1 Removal of scorm- maaed vehicle-damaged oz vandalized limbs. Renewal See Table 1 Removing all top �owth at or neaz the �ound lioe and remulch. Or removal of 1/3 of the oldest stems at the gound line. TABLE 4. WEED CONTROL METHODS - INTEGRATED APPROACA METHOD CATEGORY TREES SHRUB BEDS TURF Replanting-Filling VOidS X X Fettilizarion X X X Remulch* X X X Herbicides X X X Weed Wkrip No X * Wood chip mulch should be replenished azound shade trees and low b owina shrubs every 3-5 yeazs. Place mulch to a 4" depth. Mulching will help con[rol weeds, reduce mower dama�e and conserve moisture. TABLE 5. FERTILIZATION SCHEDULE CATEGORY FREQUENCY TIME OF ANALYSIS RATE APPLICATION Mowed Turf Every 3 Years April or October 12-12-12 3001bslac Sluub Beds* Every 3 Yeazs October or April 12-12-12 251bs/1000 sq. $. Shade Trees* Every 3 Years October or April 12-12-12 10 Ibs/1000 sq. fr. Note: Do oot fertilize nees and turf durin� the same season. Offset ffee fertilizauon by one season in order to prevent fertilizer bum on turf: � Plaou that fix niuogen, like silverbuffalobecry, caza�ana honeylocust, Russian olive or other le�umes, should not be fertilized except under special conditions. Tall shrubs do not need to be ferulized if leaf color remains normal. PLANTS OF SPECIAL CONCERN: 22 APPENDIX V PARTIAL LIST OF SUGGESTED ACTIVIT'IES TO INSURE SUCCESS OF ROADSIDE PARTNERSHIP PROJECTS ACTiVITIES - BEFORE PLANTINC= DAY RESPONSIBLE PARTY/PERSON Overall coordination ................._--•--------........------°--------°°-----Ciry, Beaufification Committee Request Mn/DOT sanction and tec6nical assistance .....................Ciry Secure assistance from local resources, services, and sponsers .... Ciry, Beauafication Committee Inival scopina and strategy meedngs ............................................ City, MN/DOT, Local Resource Personnel and Services Prepaze plan _-° .............._-------°-.----°--------........._.----.....--°--------..MN/DOT or Ciry, Consultant Designer, Resource Pe�on- nel Review plan ....--•°-----° ................................................................_MN/DOT, City and Beautification Committee Identify preliminary work force capabilities and ..........................City. Beautification Committee and Mo/DOT volunteerpledges Identify preliminary equipment and supply needs and ..................Ciry. Beautification Committee and Mn/DOT provider committments / terms Approve plan ........................._------°---------...-°---...._•°------------Mn/DOT and City Obtai¢ cost esrimates / bids ........................................................... City. Beautification Commit[ee and Mn/DOT for provisiou of landscape materials Secure Commitrnents to maintain planrin�s ..................................City Develop phasing strateay and schedule ......................................... Ciry, Beautification Committee and Mn/DOT Submit completed partnership application with Beaufification Committee Mn/DOT approved pian Noafy successful applicants of projects to be awazded ................. Mn/DOT Pcepaze and execute the Landscape Partnership A�eement......._Mn/DOT and Ciry Submit purchase orders and schedule delivery of .........._..........._ Ciry planrs and materials Provide training school, videotape and info packeu ..................... Mn/DOT Attend training school ..................................................................Beautification Committee Representaave(others welcome) Plan a Planun� Day Ceremony ro Honor the Effort and ............... Beaudficarion Committee Pazticipants Publicize plantina day and line up sponsors, services,....._...........Beautification Committce '7eaders", work crews (volunteers, conuactors, etc.) Hold orientaaon meeting(s) to schedule and p1an .........................Beautificarion Committee installation; to assign tasks; and to review proper procedures and info packeu / videos Supply stakes .-------° .............°----°----------°----------.........--•-°--.....MN/DOT Stake plantiocauons Crew Leaders and MN/DOT Reviewstakin� ........................._---------..........----..._..-°°-°°--------..MNlDOT I.ocate and mazk utiliues ............................................................... Ciry, Beautificaaon Committee Locate mazerial stora�e sites and sta�in� azeas ............................. Beautificaaon Committee and MN/DOT Spray Roundup in planung azeas ...................................................Experienced and Licensed Personnel (City, County, (opuonal and preferably in laze summer or early fall) Mn/DOT or Contractor) Haul compost / soil ammendmenu to plantin� beds ..................._ Ciry / Community "Forces" Till plantin� beds {incorporate compost or other ........................_ City / Community "Forces" soil ammendments preferably in fall) Haul wood chips to storage locaaons neaz plantin� beds ..............Ciry / Community "Forces" Layout flower beds and line up flowers ........................................Community Gazden Club Receive and inspect nursery stock (preferably in sprin�) ..........._Trained Community Pecsonnel with assistance from Local Conservation and Environmental Resource Personnel E��Cl , -�-- -_ . .__.� r� _ _ � �� -ly'1 �° ACTI VITIES - PLANTING DAY Breakfast �atherin� su�ested ......... Or�anizers, Crewleaders, Service Providers Check-In Station with Informauon Providers, Refreshments .......Ciry / Community "Forces" and Sponsors Traffic Convol, Si�ning and access / pazldng directions .............. Mn/DOT, L.ocal Law Enforcement Personnel, and Desiwated City / Community Safety Officer Provision of "porta-potties° ----°-------°° ....................._--------------Ciry / Communities Sponsers Planring and safery demonstrations ...............................................MN/DOT, I.ocal Resource Personnel and Crew Leaders Distribution of planu and mateziaLs from and to stora�e sites _.....I,ocal Resource Personnel and Crewleaders Supervise planting crews (crew leaders) .......................................Local Resource Personnel, Trained Community Peisonnel and Mn/DOT Insure proper handling and protecuon of plants before .................Crew I,eaders and during planting Insure safe work methods and behaviors .......................................Crew Leaders Insure proper plant and material installation ................................. Crew Leaders Install planu, seed, sod, mulch, rodentprotection, etc ..................City / Communiry'Porces" Waterin� ........................................................................................Fire Department and City / Community „ Forces" TAKE PICT[JRES tUroughout project ..........................................Mn/DOT, Volunteers and Media Provide Simple Lunch ........................................................ Conduct a Ceremony to Honor the Effort and Participanu ACTIVITIES AFTER PLANTING Send letters of appreciation ................ City / Community Sponsors and Service Oraanizations Beautification Coaunittee, Die itaries, Participanu and Beaufificauon Committee Watering ................................---_.......----..........-°--°-----...---°------Fire Depaztment and Ciry / Community "Forces" Weeding, Monitoring for disease, insect, drainage problems ....... Ciry ! Communiry "Forces" POTENTIAL WORK GROUPS Civic a oups Gazden Clubs Army Reserve Unit Sentence to Service Scouu Youth goups Vo-Ag Class Businesses City Pazks/Public Works Crews FFA 4H Clubs Contractors 24 APPENDIX VI NLN/DOT LANDSCAPING PARTNERSHIP PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM Proarams Coordinator for Sponsorina Local Govemment Unit(LGU) must send a leaer or resolution to the Mn/DOT Dis�ict / Metro Division Engineer requestina sancaon and technical assistance to develop a proposed landscaping parmership pmject. f Mn/DOT District / Metro Division Staff consider the project request feasible and desirable, the Landscapina Pro�dm Coocdinator will be asked to assign a Project Manager ro provide desi� and/or technical assistance to the Community. Pcoject Manager (landscape azchitect or forester) and District / Me�o Division Liaison meet with the to discuss project plannino, implementaaon, and mainteaance concems. Mn/DOT Project Mana�er prepazes or assists the Community designer in preparing conceptual Plans. District / Metro ivision Liaison obtains preliminary review for safety and operational concerns prior to Plan review with the Communit Project Maoager, District / Metro Division Liaison , and LGU / Communiry meet to review the Plan and idenfify desired modifications, options, timetables, implementatioa strateges and phasina. Mn/DOT Project Manager finalizes or assists the Cominunity designer in finalizina detailed Plans, Cost Esamates, and Specifications for review and approval by Mn/DOT and LGU / Communiry representaaves. Mn/DOT and LGti approval of landscape Plans, the LGU / Authorized Primary Contact Person prepazes a"coa Partnership Project Application and submits it in duplicate to the MnlDOT Landscaping Pro�mc Coordinator. ,caping Proa mc Coordinator screens Application with Project Mana�er for accuracy / completeness and forwards a recommendation for approvai / rejecaon of Fanding with the Applicaaon to IIistrict / Meno Division Liaison. ro Disffict / Metro Division feedback, the Landscapin� Pro�ams Coordinator notifies applicants of rejection, or deferral of their Application and Ma/DOT fundin�. ; the Appfication and Fundin� are approved, the Mn/DOT Project Manager will draft a Coopecaave A�eement detailin the LGU's procurement, installatioq and maintenance responsibilities. The Mn/DOT Mu¢icipal A�eemenu En�neer coordinates execution of the A�reement and encumbrance of District / Metro Division landscape partnership Fu¢ds. DOT Project Mana�er provides techaical assistance to help the Community or�anize their efforts, procure qualiry materials, obtain training, and coordinaze safe and successful installation and main[enance of their plantings. Mo/DOT Municipal A�eements En�ineer authorizes a Lump Sum Payment of the Approved Fundin� Amount to the L upon receiving copies of the Purchase Orders for Approved Materials specified in the Project Applicauon and Plan. Mn/DOT Project Manager Evaluates Compliance / Snccess of Project relauve ro intent by written report including Correc- ave Actions if needed and continues providin� technical assistance ro CommuniN as necessary. Mn/DOT Project Mana�er sends Thank Yoo Letters and Certificates of Appreciauon. 25 O 1 C � s � m 0 m � N m a 3 x ^�� � � � ° c � � o � • � -� �3 ,b o �� ',y D IO Z � 1 D � m v � O � Z O � w 0 4 ° A n � � � N � � W N 2 m � Z 0 0 T � N 2 m - m i IN � 0 Q � N n Y m N � A 9 O o � � � m m 3 m � � n `� s ;� o o � o �� i 3 m . 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Voiunteers needed: Planting day: large trees small. trees shrubs plant quantity rete per hr. planting hrs. 0 (tlhr.) 0 190 (3lhr) 63 145 , (3lhr.) 48 flowers 450 (15/hr.) 30 ToNat= 785 ]42 47 = minimum number people needed for a 3 hour pianting day q�- iy�v 8/27/97 0 � � � m i " m 0 m ' m � n 3 x I L� �'c A � � o � .� .� �� 3 � ' m � lo < o z N � � m v z 0 � z 0 � � a � J � � in T N N �o � W N _ m � Z O J 0 T � N 2 m � N 0 Q 3 �v N n r m N � � O 4 '� 8 �6" ,� a A V � � 0 _ 4 � y � � � D m m � O � -� s 'T, � � � < m � � N�� 3 � � �� Z ��� o � � a=� m � i�','� 'O �', �', N � a � y ;� ia� 0 Z �� '� y \v � o � 2 ', Z � f�,'� l 9 ' Ty � s �$� � a � K Z ' � cr � , � m � '' m r�9 �Sl s V I �C ' C A 'Z �oo O = i o�� r . � A � x � ' Z n O 1 D Z N � N x � � � n o � � � n D m = 9 0 � m v f� y Z Z -i � m � Ol W N .+ � D Z �. � z � D z -� m m � D Q Z � m � � �' v _ � m � .v Z � T J 0 'l � � m y � i � DO _ -n r � � - --� � � D 0 z y� a �o� ��o N 9 3 no� ��o< m 90�� 9 ym2 Z �" . 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Volunteero needed: Planting day: large trees small. trees shrubs plant quantity rate per hr. planting hrs. 0 (1lhr.) 0 190 (3/hr) 63 145 . (3lhr.) 48 flowers 450 (15/hr.) 30 Total = 785 142 47 = minimum number people needed for a 3 hour pianting day q�-Iy7o 8l27l97