97-1469. . r: -- r � . E � % ; u . ti. ..��. .� Presented By: Referred To: provides for significant service Council File # 9 - i 4 G9 Green Sheet # r �.-�3 SOLUTION � � S AiTL, Committee:Date: a Snow Operations Plan on Council �le #97-1102 (attached) which nent in education, notification, enforcement and snow removal, and 3 4 WHEREAS, due to addifional expenses incurred, the Saint Paul Police Department desires to increase the 5 Financing and Spending Plans of the Impound Lot Budget, and 7 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that 8 there are available for appropriarion funds in excess of those estimated iu the 1997 budget; and 9 10 WHEREAS, The Mayor recammends that the following addition be made to the 1997 budget: 11 12 13 CURRENT AMENDED 14 FINANCING PLAN: BUD CFIAN BUDGET 15 435-Impound Lot 16 24050-Vehicle Impounding Lot 17 9830-Use of Fund Balance 0 24,780 24,780 18 19 20 0 24,780 24,780 21 22 SPENDING PLAN: 23 435-Impound Lot 24 24050-Vehicle Impounding Lot 25 0132-Not Certified Temporary 27,756 14,535 42,291 26 0222-Telephone-Monthly Charges 2,345 166 2,Sll 27 0282-Rental-Building 38,800 613 39,413 28 0371-Electricity 6,550 466 7,016 29 0857-DataProcessingHardware 3,100 9, 1 30 78,551 24,780 103,331 31 TI�EREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1997 budget. implof2 _. .,�. �FT1AENriOFFICErIX POLICE Chief William Finney 292-3588 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � � N°_ 51793 FOR GREEN SHEET INITIAVDATE — DEPAFTMENT DiRECTOR CINATTORNEY ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) q� -1y G9 INITIAVDATE Q7YCOUNGL � QTV CLERK FIN. 8 MGT SEflVICES DIP � ACTION FEQUESTED: Approve resolution amending the 1997 Police Department Snow Emergency Impound Lot plan providing for additional staff, utilities, building rental and computer capacity. AOProve (A) or Relect lR) _ PLANNMG COMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE _ GB COMMITTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ D�STRICTCOUBT _ SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNGL O&IECTNE+ PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: L Has this person/firm ever worketl under a contract for this department? YES NO 2. Has this personttirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a 5kiil not normally possessetl by any current ciry empl0yee? YES NO Explaln all yea anawera on separate sheet and attech to green sheet The City Council has directed city departments (Public Works and Police) to increase service and efficiency in clearing the streets of Saint Paul following heauy snowfalls. Impounding vehicles is a major factor in this task. To increase efficiency in this area required incre impounding capacity. The main police impounding facility is too small. Therefore, an auxil facility is required for the overflow from snow emergencies. An initial budget was submitte and approved by Council this fall. Since that time,.additional/unforseen, but necessary, expenses have arisen. The auxiliary Impound Lot for snow emergencies must operate as an independent unit. A of these funds will allow for the Police Department to provide efficient and effective service to the citizens of Saint Paul, both in impounding vehicles towed for snow emergencies and providing for their release to owners. a�Cp�� None. xs;� �,� �'� ��� f. � 1 ! 1 �� i `' 'c The ability of the Police Department to fulfill their responsibilities in keeping the streets of Saint Paul clear during heavy snowfalls wi11 be diminished without the requested funds. . DEC 0 2199T TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S� r��(� Q.�Q COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ���' �� _�`�'� ACTIVITV NUMBER 24050 � FINANCIAL INFORMATION (�N) � �-�y �M � P� ; Cli"Y ?resented By 2eLerred To 1 2 3 g 5 6 7 8 9 10 lI � 33 1? i� 16 17 is �g � 21 � �i 2? 2� � ?� � 2� '� 31 32 33 3^-_ 35 30 37 � 39 Revised Budget Zi'I3EREAS, the Administration has prepared a Snow Operations Plan for 1997-1995 (attached) that sets forth specific action steps to continue providing the highest level of snow removal services to Saint Paul residents, employers, and visitors; and WFiEREAS, this Snow Operations P1an provides for significant service improvement in education, notification, enfarcement and snow removal; and S�HERF�AS, the City Council approved this Snow Operations 1'lan by voice vote at it's Ju1y 2, 1997 meeting ; and Z�IEREt�,S, this service improvement requires additionai spending authority that was not considered in the 1997 City_ Council Adopted $udget; and T�'FiEREAS , The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommends the following changes to the 1997 budget: GeneraI Fund ChanQes Financin� Plan 001 General Fund 02271 Winter Street Maintenance 9830 Use of Fund Balance �11 other Fund Financing the Same 1ota1 Financing Plan q� - Iy�9 �ouz�_� :_,e � �.��x�i RESOLUT(ON G:eeZ Sheet T �NT PAUL, MINI�ESOTA Current Budget $1,7�7,129 � 150.103.098 �I51,S50,227 Snendin Plan ' Current Budeet 001 General Fund 02271 Winter Street Maintenance 02271-05�5 Transfer to Special Reveaue Fund �3,289,958 02271-0566 Transfer to Ente*p:ise Fund Sp 9.11 oiher Fund Spending the Same �Sl�S.560239 Total Spending Plan $151,850,227 Page 1 of 7 Cos.:nittee: Date Snow Ooerations Plan for 1997 - 1998 Change 55?0,203 SO $5?0,203 Chan�e $435,000 $105,203 �0 5540,203 /S �2,287,332 $150.103.098 �152,390,530 Revised BudQet �3,72a,9S8 �105,203 $1�5.560239 $152,390,430 q'1-ty`9 �� t 40 a1 4'3 �a 45 46 g7 48 a.g 50 52 53 54 � 56 57 58 59 60 62 63 6? 65 60 67 &S � 70 7I 72 73 7a 75 76 7� 78 79 � si � _ S? � � Si � Street Re�air and Cleaning Fund Chanees Financin� Plan Current Bud�et 225 Street Repair and Cleaning Special Revenue Fund ?2330 Winter Street Maintenance 7299 Transfer irom General Fund �3,328,56� All other Fund Financing the Same �13.1a2,116 Total Financing Plan �I6 470 981 , , Spending Plan Current Bud�et 225 Street Repair and Cleaning 5pecia� Revenue Fund 42316 Street Maintenance Equipment ?2316-0858 Telephone Equipment Purchases �p ?2330 Winter Street Maintenance 42330-0111 Full Time Permanent $1,310,064 42330-0241 Printing - Outside �lpp 42330-0299 Other VIiscellaneaus Serv. �9,000 42330-0283 Rental - Vehicles �755,000 42330-0439 Fringe Benefits �382,957 All other Fund Spending the Same �14.013.860 Total Spending Plan �16,470,981 Im�ound Lot Fund ChanQes Financin� Plan �35 Impound Lot Enterprise Fund 24050 Vehicle Impounding Lot 7299 Transfer from General Fund Ail other Fund Financing the Same Total Financing Plan Spendin� P1an a35 Impound Lot Enterprise Fund 24050 Vehicle Impounding Lot 2a050-0132 Not Certified Temporary 24050-0141 Overtime 24050-0222 Telephone - VIonthly Charaes 24050-0229 Other - Communications 24050-0281 Rentai - Land 24050-0252 Rental - Bldg & Of "uce Space 24050-0286 Rentai-Other 2?050-0299 Other Miscellaneous Serv. 24050-0349 Other - Eqmp-Pax 24050-0371 Electricity Chan�e 5435,000 �0 S?35,000 Chan�e �50,000 �209,476 $5,000 $15,000 �87,912 $67,612 �0 �435,000 Current Budeei Change �0 �105,203 �1 a09.705 �p $I,409,705 �105,203 Current Budget Change � �94& S900 � �52,2QQ 528,000 � �609,050 $1,000 �6,000 �27,756 �15,000 �1,445 �120 �27,600 �10,800 �� $15,�00 �350 �550 Page 2 of 7 Revised Bud�et �3,763,565 $13.1a2.116 �16,905,981 Revise d Bnd�et �50,000 $1,519,540 $5,100 $24,000 " �842,912 �450,569 �14.013.860 $16,905,981 Revised Budaet �105,203 �1 a09.705 � �1,514,908 Revised Bud�et S2?,756 �15,946 �2,345 �120 $79,800 " �35,840 �,390 �624,050 �1,350 $6,550 a�-�y`9 ��� � 90 91 9`L °�` 9? � 96 57 � � i� 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 lls i1s �o 121 122 123 �� 12� L& 127 128 129 130 131 ?32 133 13� 135 136 137 Spending Plan (Continued) ?35 Impound Lot Enterprise Fund 24050 Vehicle Impounding Lot 24050-0373 Gas Including Bottle 240�0-0439 Fringe Benefits 2?050-0857 Data Processing Hardware All other Fund Spending the Same Total Spending Plan Current Bud�et Chan�e Revised Budoet �3,500 �131,ll1 �1,000 �575.998 �I,409,705 5550 $3,5�2 52,100 �0 $105203 $4,050 �134,653 �3,100 5575.995 �1,514,908 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVID , that the Council approves the Snow Operations Pian for 1997-1998; and Be it FITRT'FTER RESOLVID , that the Council approves these changes to the 1997 budget. Establish a Winter Street Maintenance Reserve WHEEREAS, the Administration and the Department of Public Works in the Snow Operations PIan for 1997 - 1998 recommend that the snowfall threshold amount necessary for declaration of a snow emergency be lowered from four (4) inches to three (3) inches; and WHEREAB, this snow emergency threshold change will necessitate an increase in the number of budgeted snow emergencies each year on average from four (4) to six (6); and F�'I3ERF,A,S, the Street Repair and Cleaning �'und of the Department of Public Works annually budgets for an average of four (4) snow emergencies of four (4) inches or more in the annnal operatin� budget; and WIiEREAS, reserves must be maintained for those winter seasons with above average snowfalls and snow emergency requiremenis; and WFIEREAS, the Street Regair and Cleaning Fund of the Department of Public Works strives to maintain an adequate reserve in fund balance for an additional four (4) snow emeFgencies of four (a) inches or more over and above the four (4) snow emergencies in the annual operating budget; and ��HERE.AS, this snow emergency threshold cnange will necessitate a corresponding increase in the reserved snow emergencies held in fund balance to the equivalent of six (6) snow "emergencies; and _ WI3ER.E�'1S, the City of Saint Paul incurred significantly higher snow and ice control, plo�ving anci removal costs in i996 due to seven (7) snow emergencies ciuring the budget year; and �VE�REAS, the City Council amended the 1996 budget of the Street Reoair and Cleaning Fund on L7ecember 26, 1996 by adopting Council File 96-1585, which balanced these increased expenditures with �1,152,828 of Street Repair and Cleaning Fund fund balance which was Page 3 oi 7 q�-IyG9 ....�,���.� 1W �39 14D 141 t a2 �g3 144 1� �eg ia� 1SS 149 150 151 152 153 1"a� i� 156 LJ ( l� 159 16p 161 162 163 i� 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 li2 173 17^—_ 175 176 177 � �s 179 1� 1gj �s� 183 1S= 1� iS6 available for above average snow and ice control; and �VT�ER.�AS, the Department oi Public Works' cost per snow emergency experience was approximately �300,000 per event in 1996; and WIiEREA.S, this use of Street Repair and Cleaning Fund fund balance for 1996 winter snow and ice control has depleted the winter reserve balance to $433,592, which is approximately one and one-half (1-1/2) snow emergencies; and WI�R.EP.S, this reserve balance must be restored to an appropriate level to reduce reliance on the General Fund for emergency support; and Z�'HER.EAS, City Councii Bud�et Goais and Policies for the General Fund Special Funds and Debt Service Funds adopted on Council File 90-1428, established guidelines for optimum reserves in the form of fund balances in sections B-31 and B-32; and WHEREAS, these Bud�et Goals and Policies direct the return of unspent operating transfers from the General Fund regardless of the prudent and practical reserve amount; and WHERFA.S, the ma,}ority of winter street maintenanee activities aze funded by an operating transfer from the General Fund; and WE�REAS, annual-budget to-actual savings is a prudent, incremental and appropriate method of restoring this *eserve. Now, therefore_be it RESOLVII�, that the Street Repair and Cleaning Fund shall maintain Reserved Fund Balance for winter street maintenance; and Be it F[7RTF�RR.ESOLVED, that the recommended value of the reserve is �1,800,000 for 1997, which is equal to six (6) snow emergencies; and Be it F'UR�T�R R.ESOLVED, that this reserve shall be recalculated annually to maintain parity with general price fluctuations and recent experience; and . Be it FURTE�. R,ESOLVED, that the Street Repair and Cleaning Fund sha11 only return unspeni General Fund Winter Street Maintenance transfers which cause the Reserve for �TtTinter Si:eet Maintenance to be larger than the recaiculated reserve amount. Salt Storage and Snow Removal Dumpin� 2�Teeds WHEREEI,S , Present road salt storage facilities are too small for current Winter Street Maintenance needs; and WHERF�LS , A larger road salt storage building will allow falI delivery of sait; and Page 4 of 7 `l'1-�y�q .� . :s� ig$ iss aso i91 192 193 19a 19'J i� 197 1� 199 20p 20Z 202 2Q3 204 205 206 207 �� 209 21Q 211 212 213 21g 215 216 21i 218 219 2?0 221 � ?J3 �4 �25 � �S � � 231- �2 233 �^- � WI�RF.�,S , Fall delicery of road salt is less expensive and a higher quality product is received; and W��FtEA.S , Public Works Street Maintenance Division has increased its heavy snow removal prog*�am; aad WiiEREAS , The City Council has increased heavy snow removal requests; and WHER.EAS , The present heavy snow removal ciumping property is too small for this increased demand; and WI�REAS , The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommends the following changes to the 1997 budget: Street Repair and Cleanine Fund Chan�es Financing Plan Current Budget 225 Street Repair and Cleaning Special Revenue,Fund- , 00000 Road Maintenance Aid 9830 Use of Fund Balance �457,526 42330 Winter Street Maintenance All other �'und Financing the Same �16.013 a55 Total Financing Plan S16,410,981 Chanee �w255,000 �0 �255,000 Revised Bun�et �712,526 $16.013.450 �w16,725,981 S�endin� Plan Current BudQet 225 Street Repair and Cleaning Special Revenue Fund 42316 Street Maintenance Equipment 42316-0565 Transfer to Capital Projects Fund � All other Fund Spending the Same S16 a70.981 Total Spending Plan S16,a70,981 CaDital Proiects Fund Changes Financing Plan Current Budeet C97 1997 Capital Projects Fund C97 - 2� Road Salt Storage Building 7305 Transfe: from Special Revenue Fund �p C97 - 2��XX Heavy Snow Dumping Property 730� Transier from Special Revenue Fund � Totai Financing P1an �p Page 5 of 7 Chan�e �255,000 �0 5255,000 Chan�e �125,000 5130.000 �255,000 Revised Bud�et �255,Q00 �16 470.981 �16,725,981 Revised Budget �125,000 �130.000 �255,000 9't-14�q J`��''�,�- 236 '?.37 � 239 � �1 242 � 244 2A� 2q$ 2?7 2�'S 2�9 � ?51 2a2 253 - � 256 2a7 238 2a"9 � ?,61 262 � � ?� � �7 26g 289 �0 271 7?2 r3 �7a �j �6 �7 rg rg � �1 �2 �2 2S3 SDending Plan C97 1997 Capital Projects Fund C97 - 2� Road Sait Storage Building 0784 Payment to Contractor Current Budeet Change C97 - 2� Heaw Snow Dumping Property 0786 Land - Acquisition Total Financing Plan w 5125,000 �0 5130.000 �0 �255,000 �125,000 �130 000 �255,000 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED , that the Council approves these changes to the 1997 budget. Acceotance of State of Minnesota Severe Weather Miti�ation Grant WFiEREA5, the winter of 1996-1997 was a record winter for the entire State of Minnesota, with snow removal costs straining all State and local goveznment resources; and WHEREAS, on March 19, 1997 Govemor Arne Carlson signed into law the Local and State Government Severe Weather Effects Miti�ation A�propriations $itl (State Senate File 114); and WHEREAB, this bill provides State of Minnesota reimbu:sement for approximately 32% of the 1996 snow plowing and removal costs that were above the local goveznment's average actual experience from 1993 through 1995; and WHEEiEAB, this State of Minnesota Severe Weather Effects NIitigation Grant is an important component of the City's winter maintenance resene restoration. Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Councii and hereby authorize the proper City Officials to accep't this severe weather mitigation grant which wi11 be used to removal efio*t. Page 6 of 7 Mayor of the City of Saint Paul do State of Minnesota public assistance cover expenditures for this snow Revised Budeet This page left blank intentionally. ��'� � � � �� � 2ss �.ao 291 � 293 � 295 296 287 � 2�J 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 30S 309 310 Navs I� P1�sent� I Reauested 'ny Deoartment o�: �� Public Fiorks ' ��aicev 3astrom Pn77inc _r >�ortor. _T�tzne =.conted by Council: Date °I'1-ly�y Page 7 of 7 By: 5e � � �. � /i<UliI��G��lt� I� � I Fpnroval Recommended by 3udget Director: ° ��,�— m Q_E_�_� � \h 1 g � By � l 1 .`-.3ootion Certified by Council Secretarv 'y" �� � i�,�a-� 3�proved By *Sayo:: Date G' 1 '"' �,�, � Form ADDrg by City Attorn_y: By: .�/�'G�f� L� �� ZG'�j -�I� PDOrqvec b Ma o,. for uDmission to Courcil: By: ` �/�C�(/ ��%�� . . r: -- r � . E � % ; u . ti. ..��. .� Presented By: Referred To: provides for significant service Council File # 9 - i 4 G9 Green Sheet # r �.-�3 SOLUTION � � S AiTL, Committee:Date: a Snow Operations Plan on Council �le #97-1102 (attached) which nent in education, notification, enforcement and snow removal, and 3 4 WHEREAS, due to addifional expenses incurred, the Saint Paul Police Department desires to increase the 5 Financing and Spending Plans of the Impound Lot Budget, and 7 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that 8 there are available for appropriarion funds in excess of those estimated iu the 1997 budget; and 9 10 WHEREAS, The Mayor recammends that the following addition be made to the 1997 budget: 11 12 13 CURRENT AMENDED 14 FINANCING PLAN: BUD CFIAN BUDGET 15 435-Impound Lot 16 24050-Vehicle Impounding Lot 17 9830-Use of Fund Balance 0 24,780 24,780 18 19 20 0 24,780 24,780 21 22 SPENDING PLAN: 23 435-Impound Lot 24 24050-Vehicle Impounding Lot 25 0132-Not Certified Temporary 27,756 14,535 42,291 26 0222-Telephone-Monthly Charges 2,345 166 2,Sll 27 0282-Rental-Building 38,800 613 39,413 28 0371-Electricity 6,550 466 7,016 29 0857-DataProcessingHardware 3,100 9, 1 30 78,551 24,780 103,331 31 TI�EREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1997 budget. implof2 _. .,�. �FT1AENriOFFICErIX POLICE Chief William Finney 292-3588 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � � N°_ 51793 FOR GREEN SHEET INITIAVDATE — DEPAFTMENT DiRECTOR CINATTORNEY ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) q� -1y G9 INITIAVDATE Q7YCOUNGL � QTV CLERK FIN. 8 MGT SEflVICES DIP � ACTION FEQUESTED: Approve resolution amending the 1997 Police Department Snow Emergency Impound Lot plan providing for additional staff, utilities, building rental and computer capacity. AOProve (A) or Relect lR) _ PLANNMG COMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE _ GB COMMITTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ D�STRICTCOUBT _ SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNGL O&IECTNE+ PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: L Has this person/firm ever worketl under a contract for this department? YES NO 2. Has this personttirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a 5kiil not normally possessetl by any current ciry empl0yee? YES NO Explaln all yea anawera on separate sheet and attech to green sheet The City Council has directed city departments (Public Works and Police) to increase service and efficiency in clearing the streets of Saint Paul following heauy snowfalls. Impounding vehicles is a major factor in this task. To increase efficiency in this area required incre impounding capacity. The main police impounding facility is too small. Therefore, an auxil facility is required for the overflow from snow emergencies. An initial budget was submitte and approved by Council this fall. Since that time,.additional/unforseen, but necessary, expenses have arisen. The auxiliary Impound Lot for snow emergencies must operate as an independent unit. A of these funds will allow for the Police Department to provide efficient and effective service to the citizens of Saint Paul, both in impounding vehicles towed for snow emergencies and providing for their release to owners. a�Cp�� None. xs;� �,� �'� ��� f. � 1 ! 1 �� i `' 'c The ability of the Police Department to fulfill their responsibilities in keeping the streets of Saint Paul clear during heavy snowfalls wi11 be diminished without the requested funds. . DEC 0 2199T TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S� r��(� Q.�Q COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ���' �� _�`�'� ACTIVITV NUMBER 24050 � FINANCIAL INFORMATION (�N) � �-�y �M � P� ; Cli"Y ?resented By 2eLerred To 1 2 3 g 5 6 7 8 9 10 lI � 33 1? i� 16 17 is �g � 21 � �i 2? 2� � ?� � 2� '� 31 32 33 3^-_ 35 30 37 � 39 Revised Budget Zi'I3EREAS, the Administration has prepared a Snow Operations Plan for 1997-1995 (attached) that sets forth specific action steps to continue providing the highest level of snow removal services to Saint Paul residents, employers, and visitors; and WFiEREAS, this Snow Operations P1an provides for significant service improvement in education, notification, enfarcement and snow removal; and S�HERF�AS, the City Council approved this Snow Operations 1'lan by voice vote at it's Ju1y 2, 1997 meeting ; and Z�IEREt�,S, this service improvement requires additionai spending authority that was not considered in the 1997 City_ Council Adopted $udget; and T�'FiEREAS , The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommends the following changes to the 1997 budget: GeneraI Fund ChanQes Financin� Plan 001 General Fund 02271 Winter Street Maintenance 9830 Use of Fund Balance �11 other Fund Financing the Same 1ota1 Financing Plan q� - Iy�9 �ouz�_� :_,e � �.��x�i RESOLUT(ON G:eeZ Sheet T �NT PAUL, MINI�ESOTA Current Budget $1,7�7,129 � 150.103.098 �I51,S50,227 Snendin Plan ' Current Budeet 001 General Fund 02271 Winter Street Maintenance 02271-05�5 Transfer to Special Reveaue Fund �3,289,958 02271-0566 Transfer to Ente*p:ise Fund Sp 9.11 oiher Fund Spending the Same �Sl�S.560239 Total Spending Plan $151,850,227 Page 1 of 7 Cos.:nittee: Date Snow Ooerations Plan for 1997 - 1998 Change 55?0,203 SO $5?0,203 Chan�e $435,000 $105,203 �0 5540,203 /S �2,287,332 $150.103.098 �152,390,530 Revised BudQet �3,72a,9S8 �105,203 $1�5.560239 $152,390,430 q'1-ty`9 �� t 40 a1 4'3 �a 45 46 g7 48 a.g 50 52 53 54 � 56 57 58 59 60 62 63 6? 65 60 67 &S � 70 7I 72 73 7a 75 76 7� 78 79 � si � _ S? � � Si � Street Re�air and Cleaning Fund Chanees Financin� Plan Current Bud�et 225 Street Repair and Cleaning Special Revenue Fund ?2330 Winter Street Maintenance 7299 Transfer irom General Fund �3,328,56� All other Fund Financing the Same �13.1a2,116 Total Financing Plan �I6 470 981 , , Spending Plan Current Bud�et 225 Street Repair and Cleaning 5pecia� Revenue Fund 42316 Street Maintenance Equipment ?2316-0858 Telephone Equipment Purchases �p ?2330 Winter Street Maintenance 42330-0111 Full Time Permanent $1,310,064 42330-0241 Printing - Outside �lpp 42330-0299 Other VIiscellaneaus Serv. �9,000 42330-0283 Rental - Vehicles �755,000 42330-0439 Fringe Benefits �382,957 All other Fund Spending the Same �14.013.860 Total Spending Plan �16,470,981 Im�ound Lot Fund ChanQes Financin� Plan �35 Impound Lot Enterprise Fund 24050 Vehicle Impounding Lot 7299 Transfer from General Fund Ail other Fund Financing the Same Total Financing Plan Spendin� P1an a35 Impound Lot Enterprise Fund 24050 Vehicle Impounding Lot 2a050-0132 Not Certified Temporary 24050-0141 Overtime 24050-0222 Telephone - VIonthly Charaes 24050-0229 Other - Communications 24050-0281 Rentai - Land 24050-0252 Rental - Bldg & Of "uce Space 24050-0286 Rentai-Other 2?050-0299 Other Miscellaneous Serv. 24050-0349 Other - Eqmp-Pax 24050-0371 Electricity Chan�e 5435,000 �0 S?35,000 Chan�e �50,000 �209,476 $5,000 $15,000 �87,912 $67,612 �0 �435,000 Current Budeei Change �0 �105,203 �1 a09.705 �p $I,409,705 �105,203 Current Budget Change � �94& S900 � �52,2QQ 528,000 � �609,050 $1,000 �6,000 �27,756 �15,000 �1,445 �120 �27,600 �10,800 �� $15,�00 �350 �550 Page 2 of 7 Revised Bud�et �3,763,565 $13.1a2.116 �16,905,981 Revise d Bnd�et �50,000 $1,519,540 $5,100 $24,000 " �842,912 �450,569 �14.013.860 $16,905,981 Revised Budaet �105,203 �1 a09.705 � �1,514,908 Revised Bud�et S2?,756 �15,946 �2,345 �120 $79,800 " �35,840 �,390 �624,050 �1,350 $6,550 a�-�y`9 ��� � 90 91 9`L °�` 9? � 96 57 � � i� 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 lls i1s �o 121 122 123 �� 12� L& 127 128 129 130 131 ?32 133 13� 135 136 137 Spending Plan (Continued) ?35 Impound Lot Enterprise Fund 24050 Vehicle Impounding Lot 24050-0373 Gas Including Bottle 240�0-0439 Fringe Benefits 2?050-0857 Data Processing Hardware All other Fund Spending the Same Total Spending Plan Current Bud�et Chan�e Revised Budoet �3,500 �131,ll1 �1,000 �575.998 �I,409,705 5550 $3,5�2 52,100 �0 $105203 $4,050 �134,653 �3,100 5575.995 �1,514,908 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVID , that the Council approves the Snow Operations Pian for 1997-1998; and Be it FITRT'FTER RESOLVID , that the Council approves these changes to the 1997 budget. Establish a Winter Street Maintenance Reserve WHEEREAS, the Administration and the Department of Public Works in the Snow Operations PIan for 1997 - 1998 recommend that the snowfall threshold amount necessary for declaration of a snow emergency be lowered from four (4) inches to three (3) inches; and WHEREAB, this snow emergency threshold change will necessitate an increase in the number of budgeted snow emergencies each year on average from four (4) to six (6); and F�'I3ERF,A,S, the Street Repair and Cleaning �'und of the Department of Public Works annually budgets for an average of four (4) snow emergencies of four (4) inches or more in the annnal operatin� budget; and WIiEREAS, reserves must be maintained for those winter seasons with above average snowfalls and snow emergency requiremenis; and WFIEREAS, the Street Regair and Cleaning Fund of the Department of Public Works strives to maintain an adequate reserve in fund balance for an additional four (4) snow emeFgencies of four (a) inches or more over and above the four (4) snow emergencies in the annual operating budget; and ��HERE.AS, this snow emergency threshold cnange will necessitate a corresponding increase in the reserved snow emergencies held in fund balance to the equivalent of six (6) snow "emergencies; and _ WI3ER.E�'1S, the City of Saint Paul incurred significantly higher snow and ice control, plo�ving anci removal costs in i996 due to seven (7) snow emergencies ciuring the budget year; and �VE�REAS, the City Council amended the 1996 budget of the Street Reoair and Cleaning Fund on L7ecember 26, 1996 by adopting Council File 96-1585, which balanced these increased expenditures with �1,152,828 of Street Repair and Cleaning Fund fund balance which was Page 3 oi 7 q�-IyG9 ....�,���.� 1W �39 14D 141 t a2 �g3 144 1� �eg ia� 1SS 149 150 151 152 153 1"a� i� 156 LJ ( l� 159 16p 161 162 163 i� 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 li2 173 17^—_ 175 176 177 � �s 179 1� 1gj �s� 183 1S= 1� iS6 available for above average snow and ice control; and �VT�ER.�AS, the Department oi Public Works' cost per snow emergency experience was approximately �300,000 per event in 1996; and WIiEREA.S, this use of Street Repair and Cleaning Fund fund balance for 1996 winter snow and ice control has depleted the winter reserve balance to $433,592, which is approximately one and one-half (1-1/2) snow emergencies; and WI�R.EP.S, this reserve balance must be restored to an appropriate level to reduce reliance on the General Fund for emergency support; and Z�'HER.EAS, City Councii Bud�et Goais and Policies for the General Fund Special Funds and Debt Service Funds adopted on Council File 90-1428, established guidelines for optimum reserves in the form of fund balances in sections B-31 and B-32; and WHEREAS, these Bud�et Goals and Policies direct the return of unspent operating transfers from the General Fund regardless of the prudent and practical reserve amount; and WHERFA.S, the ma,}ority of winter street maintenanee activities aze funded by an operating transfer from the General Fund; and WE�REAS, annual-budget to-actual savings is a prudent, incremental and appropriate method of restoring this *eserve. Now, therefore_be it RESOLVII�, that the Street Repair and Cleaning Fund shall maintain Reserved Fund Balance for winter street maintenance; and Be it F[7RTF�RR.ESOLVED, that the recommended value of the reserve is �1,800,000 for 1997, which is equal to six (6) snow emergencies; and Be it F'UR�T�R R.ESOLVED, that this reserve shall be recalculated annually to maintain parity with general price fluctuations and recent experience; and . Be it FURTE�. R,ESOLVED, that the Street Repair and Cleaning Fund sha11 only return unspeni General Fund Winter Street Maintenance transfers which cause the Reserve for �TtTinter Si:eet Maintenance to be larger than the recaiculated reserve amount. Salt Storage and Snow Removal Dumpin� 2�Teeds WHEREEI,S , Present road salt storage facilities are too small for current Winter Street Maintenance needs; and WHERF�LS , A larger road salt storage building will allow falI delivery of sait; and Page 4 of 7 `l'1-�y�q .� . :s� ig$ iss aso i91 192 193 19a 19'J i� 197 1� 199 20p 20Z 202 2Q3 204 205 206 207 �� 209 21Q 211 212 213 21g 215 216 21i 218 219 2?0 221 � ?J3 �4 �25 � �S � � 231- �2 233 �^- � WI�RF.�,S , Fall delicery of road salt is less expensive and a higher quality product is received; and W��FtEA.S , Public Works Street Maintenance Division has increased its heavy snow removal prog*�am; aad WiiEREAS , The City Council has increased heavy snow removal requests; and WHER.EAS , The present heavy snow removal ciumping property is too small for this increased demand; and WI�REAS , The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommends the following changes to the 1997 budget: Street Repair and Cleanine Fund Chan�es Financing Plan Current Budget 225 Street Repair and Cleaning Special Revenue,Fund- , 00000 Road Maintenance Aid 9830 Use of Fund Balance �457,526 42330 Winter Street Maintenance All other �'und Financing the Same �16.013 a55 Total Financing Plan S16,410,981 Chanee �w255,000 �0 �255,000 Revised Bun�et �712,526 $16.013.450 �w16,725,981 S�endin� Plan Current BudQet 225 Street Repair and Cleaning Special Revenue Fund 42316 Street Maintenance Equipment 42316-0565 Transfer to Capital Projects Fund � All other Fund Spending the Same S16 a70.981 Total Spending Plan S16,a70,981 CaDital Proiects Fund Changes Financing Plan Current Budeet C97 1997 Capital Projects Fund C97 - 2� Road Salt Storage Building 7305 Transfe: from Special Revenue Fund �p C97 - 2��XX Heavy Snow Dumping Property 730� Transier from Special Revenue Fund � Totai Financing P1an �p Page 5 of 7 Chan�e �255,000 �0 5255,000 Chan�e �125,000 5130.000 �255,000 Revised Bud�et �255,Q00 �16 470.981 �16,725,981 Revised Budget �125,000 �130.000 �255,000 9't-14�q J`��''�,�- 236 '?.37 � 239 � �1 242 � 244 2A� 2q$ 2?7 2�'S 2�9 � ?51 2a2 253 - � 256 2a7 238 2a"9 � ?,61 262 � � ?� � �7 26g 289 �0 271 7?2 r3 �7a �j �6 �7 rg rg � �1 �2 �2 2S3 SDending Plan C97 1997 Capital Projects Fund C97 - 2� Road Sait Storage Building 0784 Payment to Contractor Current Budeet Change C97 - 2� Heaw Snow Dumping Property 0786 Land - Acquisition Total Financing Plan w 5125,000 �0 5130.000 �0 �255,000 �125,000 �130 000 �255,000 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED , that the Council approves these changes to the 1997 budget. Acceotance of State of Minnesota Severe Weather Miti�ation Grant WFiEREA5, the winter of 1996-1997 was a record winter for the entire State of Minnesota, with snow removal costs straining all State and local goveznment resources; and WHEREAS, on March 19, 1997 Govemor Arne Carlson signed into law the Local and State Government Severe Weather Effects Miti�ation A�propriations $itl (State Senate File 114); and WHEREAB, this bill provides State of Minnesota reimbu:sement for approximately 32% of the 1996 snow plowing and removal costs that were above the local goveznment's average actual experience from 1993 through 1995; and WHEEiEAB, this State of Minnesota Severe Weather Effects NIitigation Grant is an important component of the City's winter maintenance resene restoration. Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Councii and hereby authorize the proper City Officials to accep't this severe weather mitigation grant which wi11 be used to removal efio*t. Page 6 of 7 Mayor of the City of Saint Paul do State of Minnesota public assistance cover expenditures for this snow Revised Budeet This page left blank intentionally. ��'� � � � �� � 2ss �.ao 291 � 293 � 295 296 287 � 2�J 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 30S 309 310 Navs I� P1�sent� I Reauested 'ny Deoartment o�: �� Public Fiorks ' ��aicev 3astrom Pn77inc _r >�ortor. _T�tzne =.conted by Council: Date °I'1-ly�y Page 7 of 7 By: 5e � � �. � /i<UliI��G��lt� I� � I Fpnroval Recommended by 3udget Director: ° ��,�— m Q_E_�_� � \h 1 g � By � l 1 .`-.3ootion Certified by Council Secretarv 'y" �� � i�,�a-� 3�proved By *Sayo:: Date G' 1 '"' �,�, � Form ADDrg by City Attorn_y: By: .�/�'G�f� L� �� ZG'�j -�I� PDOrqvec b Ma o,. for uDmission to Courcil: By: ` �/�C�(/ ��%�� . . r: -- r � . E � % ; u . ti. ..��. .� Presented By: Referred To: provides for significant service Council File # 9 - i 4 G9 Green Sheet # r �.-�3 SOLUTION � � S AiTL, Committee:Date: a Snow Operations Plan on Council �le #97-1102 (attached) which nent in education, notification, enforcement and snow removal, and 3 4 WHEREAS, due to addifional expenses incurred, the Saint Paul Police Department desires to increase the 5 Financing and Spending Plans of the Impound Lot Budget, and 7 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that 8 there are available for appropriarion funds in excess of those estimated iu the 1997 budget; and 9 10 WHEREAS, The Mayor recammends that the following addition be made to the 1997 budget: 11 12 13 CURRENT AMENDED 14 FINANCING PLAN: BUD CFIAN BUDGET 15 435-Impound Lot 16 24050-Vehicle Impounding Lot 17 9830-Use of Fund Balance 0 24,780 24,780 18 19 20 0 24,780 24,780 21 22 SPENDING PLAN: 23 435-Impound Lot 24 24050-Vehicle Impounding Lot 25 0132-Not Certified Temporary 27,756 14,535 42,291 26 0222-Telephone-Monthly Charges 2,345 166 2,Sll 27 0282-Rental-Building 38,800 613 39,413 28 0371-Electricity 6,550 466 7,016 29 0857-DataProcessingHardware 3,100 9, 1 30 78,551 24,780 103,331 31 TI�EREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1997 budget. implof2 _. .,�. �FT1AENriOFFICErIX POLICE Chief William Finney 292-3588 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � � N°_ 51793 FOR GREEN SHEET INITIAVDATE — DEPAFTMENT DiRECTOR CINATTORNEY ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) q� -1y G9 INITIAVDATE Q7YCOUNGL � QTV CLERK FIN. 8 MGT SEflVICES DIP � ACTION FEQUESTED: Approve resolution amending the 1997 Police Department Snow Emergency Impound Lot plan providing for additional staff, utilities, building rental and computer capacity. AOProve (A) or Relect lR) _ PLANNMG COMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE _ GB COMMITTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ D�STRICTCOUBT _ SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNGL O&IECTNE+ PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: L Has this person/firm ever worketl under a contract for this department? YES NO 2. Has this personttirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a 5kiil not normally possessetl by any current ciry empl0yee? YES NO Explaln all yea anawera on separate sheet and attech to green sheet The City Council has directed city departments (Public Works and Police) to increase service and efficiency in clearing the streets of Saint Paul following heauy snowfalls. Impounding vehicles is a major factor in this task. To increase efficiency in this area required incre impounding capacity. The main police impounding facility is too small. Therefore, an auxil facility is required for the overflow from snow emergencies. An initial budget was submitte and approved by Council this fall. Since that time,.additional/unforseen, but necessary, expenses have arisen. The auxiliary Impound Lot for snow emergencies must operate as an independent unit. A of these funds will allow for the Police Department to provide efficient and effective service to the citizens of Saint Paul, both in impounding vehicles towed for snow emergencies and providing for their release to owners. a�Cp�� None. xs;� �,� �'� ��� f. � 1 ! 1 �� i `' 'c The ability of the Police Department to fulfill their responsibilities in keeping the streets of Saint Paul clear during heavy snowfalls wi11 be diminished without the requested funds. . DEC 0 2199T TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S� r��(� Q.�Q COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ���' �� _�`�'� ACTIVITV NUMBER 24050 � FINANCIAL INFORMATION (�N) � �-�y �M � P� ; Cli"Y ?resented By 2eLerred To 1 2 3 g 5 6 7 8 9 10 lI � 33 1? i� 16 17 is �g � 21 � �i 2? 2� � ?� � 2� '� 31 32 33 3^-_ 35 30 37 � 39 Revised Budget Zi'I3EREAS, the Administration has prepared a Snow Operations Plan for 1997-1995 (attached) that sets forth specific action steps to continue providing the highest level of snow removal services to Saint Paul residents, employers, and visitors; and WFiEREAS, this Snow Operations P1an provides for significant service improvement in education, notification, enfarcement and snow removal; and S�HERF�AS, the City Council approved this Snow Operations 1'lan by voice vote at it's Ju1y 2, 1997 meeting ; and Z�IEREt�,S, this service improvement requires additionai spending authority that was not considered in the 1997 City_ Council Adopted $udget; and T�'FiEREAS , The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommends the following changes to the 1997 budget: GeneraI Fund ChanQes Financin� Plan 001 General Fund 02271 Winter Street Maintenance 9830 Use of Fund Balance �11 other Fund Financing the Same 1ota1 Financing Plan q� - Iy�9 �ouz�_� :_,e � �.��x�i RESOLUT(ON G:eeZ Sheet T �NT PAUL, MINI�ESOTA Current Budget $1,7�7,129 � 150.103.098 �I51,S50,227 Snendin Plan ' Current Budeet 001 General Fund 02271 Winter Street Maintenance 02271-05�5 Transfer to Special Reveaue Fund �3,289,958 02271-0566 Transfer to Ente*p:ise Fund Sp 9.11 oiher Fund Spending the Same �Sl�S.560239 Total Spending Plan $151,850,227 Page 1 of 7 Cos.:nittee: Date Snow Ooerations Plan for 1997 - 1998 Change 55?0,203 SO $5?0,203 Chan�e $435,000 $105,203 �0 5540,203 /S �2,287,332 $150.103.098 �152,390,530 Revised BudQet �3,72a,9S8 �105,203 $1�5.560239 $152,390,430 q'1-ty`9 �� t 40 a1 4'3 �a 45 46 g7 48 a.g 50 52 53 54 � 56 57 58 59 60 62 63 6? 65 60 67 &S � 70 7I 72 73 7a 75 76 7� 78 79 � si � _ S? � � Si � Street Re�air and Cleaning Fund Chanees Financin� Plan Current Bud�et 225 Street Repair and Cleaning Special Revenue Fund ?2330 Winter Street Maintenance 7299 Transfer irom General Fund �3,328,56� All other Fund Financing the Same �13.1a2,116 Total Financing Plan �I6 470 981 , , Spending Plan Current Bud�et 225 Street Repair and Cleaning 5pecia� Revenue Fund 42316 Street Maintenance Equipment ?2316-0858 Telephone Equipment Purchases �p ?2330 Winter Street Maintenance 42330-0111 Full Time Permanent $1,310,064 42330-0241 Printing - Outside �lpp 42330-0299 Other VIiscellaneaus Serv. �9,000 42330-0283 Rental - Vehicles �755,000 42330-0439 Fringe Benefits �382,957 All other Fund Spending the Same �14.013.860 Total Spending Plan �16,470,981 Im�ound Lot Fund ChanQes Financin� Plan �35 Impound Lot Enterprise Fund 24050 Vehicle Impounding Lot 7299 Transfer from General Fund Ail other Fund Financing the Same Total Financing Plan Spendin� P1an a35 Impound Lot Enterprise Fund 24050 Vehicle Impounding Lot 2a050-0132 Not Certified Temporary 24050-0141 Overtime 24050-0222 Telephone - VIonthly Charaes 24050-0229 Other - Communications 24050-0281 Rentai - Land 24050-0252 Rental - Bldg & Of "uce Space 24050-0286 Rentai-Other 2?050-0299 Other Miscellaneous Serv. 24050-0349 Other - Eqmp-Pax 24050-0371 Electricity Chan�e 5435,000 �0 S?35,000 Chan�e �50,000 �209,476 $5,000 $15,000 �87,912 $67,612 �0 �435,000 Current Budeei Change �0 �105,203 �1 a09.705 �p $I,409,705 �105,203 Current Budget Change � �94& S900 � �52,2QQ 528,000 � �609,050 $1,000 �6,000 �27,756 �15,000 �1,445 �120 �27,600 �10,800 �� $15,�00 �350 �550 Page 2 of 7 Revised Bud�et �3,763,565 $13.1a2.116 �16,905,981 Revise d Bnd�et �50,000 $1,519,540 $5,100 $24,000 " �842,912 �450,569 �14.013.860 $16,905,981 Revised Budaet �105,203 �1 a09.705 � �1,514,908 Revised Bud�et S2?,756 �15,946 �2,345 �120 $79,800 " �35,840 �,390 �624,050 �1,350 $6,550 a�-�y`9 ��� � 90 91 9`L °�` 9? � 96 57 � � i� 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 lls i1s �o 121 122 123 �� 12� L& 127 128 129 130 131 ?32 133 13� 135 136 137 Spending Plan (Continued) ?35 Impound Lot Enterprise Fund 24050 Vehicle Impounding Lot 24050-0373 Gas Including Bottle 240�0-0439 Fringe Benefits 2?050-0857 Data Processing Hardware All other Fund Spending the Same Total Spending Plan Current Bud�et Chan�e Revised Budoet �3,500 �131,ll1 �1,000 �575.998 �I,409,705 5550 $3,5�2 52,100 �0 $105203 $4,050 �134,653 �3,100 5575.995 �1,514,908 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVID , that the Council approves the Snow Operations Pian for 1997-1998; and Be it FITRT'FTER RESOLVID , that the Council approves these changes to the 1997 budget. Establish a Winter Street Maintenance Reserve WHEEREAS, the Administration and the Department of Public Works in the Snow Operations PIan for 1997 - 1998 recommend that the snowfall threshold amount necessary for declaration of a snow emergency be lowered from four (4) inches to three (3) inches; and WHEREAB, this snow emergency threshold change will necessitate an increase in the number of budgeted snow emergencies each year on average from four (4) to six (6); and F�'I3ERF,A,S, the Street Repair and Cleaning �'und of the Department of Public Works annually budgets for an average of four (4) snow emergencies of four (4) inches or more in the annnal operatin� budget; and WIiEREAS, reserves must be maintained for those winter seasons with above average snowfalls and snow emergency requiremenis; and WFIEREAS, the Street Regair and Cleaning Fund of the Department of Public Works strives to maintain an adequate reserve in fund balance for an additional four (4) snow emeFgencies of four (a) inches or more over and above the four (4) snow emergencies in the annual operating budget; and ��HERE.AS, this snow emergency threshold cnange will necessitate a corresponding increase in the reserved snow emergencies held in fund balance to the equivalent of six (6) snow "emergencies; and _ WI3ER.E�'1S, the City of Saint Paul incurred significantly higher snow and ice control, plo�ving anci removal costs in i996 due to seven (7) snow emergencies ciuring the budget year; and �VE�REAS, the City Council amended the 1996 budget of the Street Reoair and Cleaning Fund on L7ecember 26, 1996 by adopting Council File 96-1585, which balanced these increased expenditures with �1,152,828 of Street Repair and Cleaning Fund fund balance which was Page 3 oi 7 q�-IyG9 ....�,���.� 1W �39 14D 141 t a2 �g3 144 1� �eg ia� 1SS 149 150 151 152 153 1"a� i� 156 LJ ( l� 159 16p 161 162 163 i� 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 li2 173 17^—_ 175 176 177 � �s 179 1� 1gj �s� 183 1S= 1� iS6 available for above average snow and ice control; and �VT�ER.�AS, the Department oi Public Works' cost per snow emergency experience was approximately �300,000 per event in 1996; and WIiEREA.S, this use of Street Repair and Cleaning Fund fund balance for 1996 winter snow and ice control has depleted the winter reserve balance to $433,592, which is approximately one and one-half (1-1/2) snow emergencies; and WI�R.EP.S, this reserve balance must be restored to an appropriate level to reduce reliance on the General Fund for emergency support; and Z�'HER.EAS, City Councii Bud�et Goais and Policies for the General Fund Special Funds and Debt Service Funds adopted on Council File 90-1428, established guidelines for optimum reserves in the form of fund balances in sections B-31 and B-32; and WHEREAS, these Bud�et Goals and Policies direct the return of unspent operating transfers from the General Fund regardless of the prudent and practical reserve amount; and WHERFA.S, the ma,}ority of winter street maintenanee activities aze funded by an operating transfer from the General Fund; and WE�REAS, annual-budget to-actual savings is a prudent, incremental and appropriate method of restoring this *eserve. Now, therefore_be it RESOLVII�, that the Street Repair and Cleaning Fund shall maintain Reserved Fund Balance for winter street maintenance; and Be it F[7RTF�RR.ESOLVED, that the recommended value of the reserve is �1,800,000 for 1997, which is equal to six (6) snow emergencies; and Be it F'UR�T�R R.ESOLVED, that this reserve shall be recalculated annually to maintain parity with general price fluctuations and recent experience; and . Be it FURTE�. R,ESOLVED, that the Street Repair and Cleaning Fund sha11 only return unspeni General Fund Winter Street Maintenance transfers which cause the Reserve for �TtTinter Si:eet Maintenance to be larger than the recaiculated reserve amount. Salt Storage and Snow Removal Dumpin� 2�Teeds WHEREEI,S , Present road salt storage facilities are too small for current Winter Street Maintenance needs; and WHERF�LS , A larger road salt storage building will allow falI delivery of sait; and Page 4 of 7 `l'1-�y�q .� . :s� ig$ iss aso i91 192 193 19a 19'J i� 197 1� 199 20p 20Z 202 2Q3 204 205 206 207 �� 209 21Q 211 212 213 21g 215 216 21i 218 219 2?0 221 � ?J3 �4 �25 � �S � � 231- �2 233 �^- � WI�RF.�,S , Fall delicery of road salt is less expensive and a higher quality product is received; and W��FtEA.S , Public Works Street Maintenance Division has increased its heavy snow removal prog*�am; aad WiiEREAS , The City Council has increased heavy snow removal requests; and WHER.EAS , The present heavy snow removal ciumping property is too small for this increased demand; and WI�REAS , The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommends the following changes to the 1997 budget: Street Repair and Cleanine Fund Chan�es Financing Plan Current Budget 225 Street Repair and Cleaning Special Revenue,Fund- , 00000 Road Maintenance Aid 9830 Use of Fund Balance �457,526 42330 Winter Street Maintenance All other �'und Financing the Same �16.013 a55 Total Financing Plan S16,410,981 Chanee �w255,000 �0 �255,000 Revised Bun�et �712,526 $16.013.450 �w16,725,981 S�endin� Plan Current BudQet 225 Street Repair and Cleaning Special Revenue Fund 42316 Street Maintenance Equipment 42316-0565 Transfer to Capital Projects Fund � All other Fund Spending the Same S16 a70.981 Total Spending Plan S16,a70,981 CaDital Proiects Fund Changes Financing Plan Current Budeet C97 1997 Capital Projects Fund C97 - 2� Road Salt Storage Building 7305 Transfe: from Special Revenue Fund �p C97 - 2��XX Heavy Snow Dumping Property 730� Transier from Special Revenue Fund � Totai Financing P1an �p Page 5 of 7 Chan�e �255,000 �0 5255,000 Chan�e �125,000 5130.000 �255,000 Revised Bud�et �255,Q00 �16 470.981 �16,725,981 Revised Budget �125,000 �130.000 �255,000 9't-14�q J`��''�,�- 236 '?.37 � 239 � �1 242 � 244 2A� 2q$ 2?7 2�'S 2�9 � ?51 2a2 253 - � 256 2a7 238 2a"9 � ?,61 262 � � ?� � �7 26g 289 �0 271 7?2 r3 �7a �j �6 �7 rg rg � �1 �2 �2 2S3 SDending Plan C97 1997 Capital Projects Fund C97 - 2� Road Sait Storage Building 0784 Payment to Contractor Current Budeet Change C97 - 2� Heaw Snow Dumping Property 0786 Land - Acquisition Total Financing Plan w 5125,000 �0 5130.000 �0 �255,000 �125,000 �130 000 �255,000 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED , that the Council approves these changes to the 1997 budget. Acceotance of State of Minnesota Severe Weather Miti�ation Grant WFiEREA5, the winter of 1996-1997 was a record winter for the entire State of Minnesota, with snow removal costs straining all State and local goveznment resources; and WHEREAS, on March 19, 1997 Govemor Arne Carlson signed into law the Local and State Government Severe Weather Effects Miti�ation A�propriations $itl (State Senate File 114); and WHEREAB, this bill provides State of Minnesota reimbu:sement for approximately 32% of the 1996 snow plowing and removal costs that were above the local goveznment's average actual experience from 1993 through 1995; and WHEEiEAB, this State of Minnesota Severe Weather Effects NIitigation Grant is an important component of the City's winter maintenance resene restoration. Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Councii and hereby authorize the proper City Officials to accep't this severe weather mitigation grant which wi11 be used to removal efio*t. Page 6 of 7 Mayor of the City of Saint Paul do State of Minnesota public assistance cover expenditures for this snow Revised Budeet This page left blank intentionally. ��'� � � � �� � 2ss �.ao 291 � 293 � 295 296 287 � 2�J 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 30S 309 310 Navs I� P1�sent� I Reauested 'ny Deoartment o�: �� Public Fiorks ' ��aicev 3astrom Pn77inc _r >�ortor. _T�tzne =.conted by Council: Date °I'1-ly�y Page 7 of 7 By: 5e � � �. � /i<UliI��G��lt� I� � I Fpnroval Recommended by 3udget Director: ° ��,�— m Q_E_�_� � \h 1 g � By � l 1 .`-.3ootion Certified by Council Secretarv 'y" �� � i�,�a-� 3�proved By *Sayo:: Date G' 1 '"' �,�, � Form ADDrg by City Attorn_y: By: .�/�'G�f� L� �� ZG'�j -�I� PDOrqvec b Ma o,. for uDmission to Courcil: By: ` �/�C�(/ ��%��