97-1465council Fi1e # __�� 2 Presented Re£erred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, M �ao� ` \' \ REGARDING PLANNING CONIMISSION REVIEW OF ALTERNATIVE SITES FOR A NEW ADULT DETENTION CENTER WHEI2EAS, the Ramsey County Boazd is considering altemative sites for the conshuction of an new adult detention center and the Board has asked the City of Saint Paul for input and comments on the altematives; WHEREAS, the City Council has previously approved Resolution 96-549 on May 22, 1996, which urged that Ramsey County give first priority to sites for the adult detention center that already have tax exempt status; WHEREAS, the location of the new adult detention center will have effects for the planning for surrounding properties and blocks; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVBD, that the City Council requests the Saint Paul Plamung Commission review the altemative sites far a new adult detention center to determine their consistency with the Cit�,'s Comprehensive plan, w.itl� ne; ghborhood development glans and with the co cil's concerns about the tax"base and report the Commission s findings and commentsback to the Council wit in 90 days. Requested by Department of: -ri .e .i.n � - .u- &y: ` Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary BY � � •� �- i .�o .� - &y : { --�� Approved by Mayor: Dat / Z,/ .f'// 9 7— Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Council BY: r _ r By: / rro��te� z6, ism C011IIC1IlIICD121CI BOSh'OIll iT BE ON COUNCILAGF7JJ�AA BY p November 26, 1997 wrt TOTO.� S OF SIGNATURE PAGES g'1 -1 �i �S GREEN SHEET No s217"f N�yylDab MMIailDale ot*�ronrcrart arvtawc�. CIIYAiIORIiY ❑ CRYGi0.R wtwuuamucraoa� ❑ wwxau.mnmecra � uvaefort�aasr�xq ❑ � (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ,"' Regazding Planning Commission review of alternarive sites for a new Adult Detention Center. PL4NNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION .p�_17�rUl�a� SOURCE INFORMAiION (IXPWM / - Has this peisoNfiim ever vrorked under a contract farthie depeAmenl? VES NO tias this onaoNfiim ever been a dty empbyee9 YES NO Doec cnis peisanfi a� a stan not normenvP� M anr currem cilr emab7recR YES NO IS Nie persanRrm e fargetetl vendoYt YES NO �in all ves a�weis m seoarate sheet and atlach to areen sheet COST/REVENUEBUD6ETED(GRCLEON� YES NO ACTNRY NUFIBER � DEPARiME1T OF PLA]til\G & ECO`OMiC DEVELOP�IE?.7 Pame(a fVhselotk. Director CITY OF SAIN'T PAUL Rorm Coiem¢n, A(ayor Au�ust 15, 1996 Mr. Terry• Schutten Ramsey County Mana�er Room 2�0 Courthouse IS �Vest Kellog� Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mr. Schutten: a`) -ly �S 1 15 iYes�Fourtn Sbee� Telephorse: 612-266-65i5 SainlPau(,b/V5Sf0? Fa<simile:612-228-3?6/ .�.�'�����'���'� P.UG 2� � 1996 t -:,..,..... FiAt;ryl':16Ari0ECG�u2B�Cti_laJ: : - As you continue with analysis of the prospects for the five sites identified as possible locations for e�pansion of adult detention center space, I'd like to 1) pass on immediate comments from our own perspective at PED, and 2) let you know of the revietiv with greater participation we'd like to complete. First, concerning the five sites as we see them today: Ramsey County �Vest Building. The adopted Mississippi River CorridorPlan emphasizes the need to enhance public access to the river in the downtown area and suggests major public as wetl as residential uses for the downtown and nearby rivetfront. Current Downtown River Corridor Framewori: plannin�, as well as Civic Center and Science Museum project plannin�, give much more substantial emphasis to the desirable public character of this area. Expansion of detention center use at the riverfront �vould be incompatible with this direction and we would not support this expansion. Rossmore Building and Firestone Sites. This block faces the nodh quadrant of Lo�vertown directl}' across Jackson. Lowerto�in has bzcome ihe nucleus of a siQnificant urban residentiai community in do��•nto�vn Saint Paul, and new urban residential use is one option for the north quadrant that has attracted lively interest and is under consideration. Redevelopment of this area �vith residzntial uses is supported 6y the Do�vntotvn Deti•elopment Frame}vork adopted in 1990. Location of the adult detention center at either of the sites on this block woul'd, we believe, detract from the most promisina development possibilities for the under-used north quadrant area. For this reason, �ve consider these sites less preferable. In addition, use of this site �vould be inconsistent with a resoiution recently passed by the City Council that stipulates that any new public buildin� downtown shoufd be located on land that is already off the tar roles. Pub]ic Safetc Buiiding Biock. Because this block is aiready in pubtic use and is on the edae of downto��n �vhere it ha; good access and limited impact on other properties «'ith potential for rzdevelopment, this is a hiahly preferable do��ntown site. Of course, shared u>e of the block, indudina provisions for parking, wili have to be worked out to the satisfaction of thz Police and Fire Dzpartments. �'� -\`l(� Terry Schutten August 15, 1996 Pa�e hvo Pennsylvania(3�E site. Location of a detention center on nearby land is likely to raise objections from any residential community, and this could happen here. However, this site seems to us to be reasonably isolated by major roads and topography. Since it would avoid addition of another use in the do�vntown area that makes little positive contribution to a lively public azea, this site is an attractive altemative to us. (This site is designated for industrial use in the Comprehensive Plan.) Concerning fzrrther City comment: The best �vay for us to make sure that tive and the County have the benefit of knowing concems that might arise from the broader community w•i11 be to ask the Planning Commission to comment on the altematives and make a recommendation (appropriate comments on each of the sites) to the Mayor and Ciry Councif for their comment to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners. �Ve will ask the Planning Commission to initiate that process if this appears to be valuable from ihe County perspective as wetl. Si er y, L �%i� i' _ " _ " Pamela �Vheelock, Director cc: Mayor Coleman City Councilmembers Dave McDonell Presented By Cour.cil File # Green Sheet ° RESOLUTION CI�'Y O� SAINT 1'AUL, MINNESOTA S � f� • q� -1�ic�5 Referred To Committee: Date 1 2� REGARDZNG 2A%-E$EMPT PROPERTY A5 FIRST 3 PRZORITY FOR DEVELOPMENT OF GOVERNMENT 4 5 WaEREAS, according to the Ramsey County Department of Yroperty Records and Revenue, 6 23.92� of the estimated market value of real property in the City of Saint Paul is 7 exempt from property taxes; and 8 9 WaEREAS, the City needs to develop and expand its property tax base in order to 10 maintain af£ordable levels of taxation to finance City, County and School District 11 operations; and. � 12 13 WHEREAS, the need arises periodically to replace.or expand government facilities 14 through development which wi11 6e exempt from groperty taxes; and 15 16 WHEREAS, Ramsey County is cuzrently considering an expansion or reolacement of its 17 Adult Detention Center; 18 19 NOW, THEFtEFORE, BE IT RESOLt�D, by the City Council of the City of Saint Pau2, 20 Minnesota, that we urgz that property which is_currently exemot £rom Xeal property 21 taxes such as the property occupied by the city of Saint Paul Public Safety Buildirg 22 should receive first consideration as sites for development of the Ramsey County 23 P.du1t Detention Center and other fzcilities. 24 25 P.ecuested by Aenar�nent oi: Bv: s��: � � 1 � ��---_ Ppprov de by Mayor: Dace �1�1 �v I sy: `�� ( C �����; Form Approved by City Attorney � � / � / ; � ''' $Y: �'•!�li4� /..'�iif' �/'t'<�`/� J Approved by Mayo= :"or S�bmission to Council sy: Adcpted by Council: Dace '�.,� =.^�� �"��� L Aco�tion Certi£ied by Cocncil S c�e�zry council Fi1e # __�� 2 Presented Re£erred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, M �ao� ` \' \ REGARDING PLANNING CONIMISSION REVIEW OF ALTERNATIVE SITES FOR A NEW ADULT DETENTION CENTER WHEI2EAS, the Ramsey County Boazd is considering altemative sites for the conshuction of an new adult detention center and the Board has asked the City of Saint Paul for input and comments on the altematives; WHEREAS, the City Council has previously approved Resolution 96-549 on May 22, 1996, which urged that Ramsey County give first priority to sites for the adult detention center that already have tax exempt status; WHEREAS, the location of the new adult detention center will have effects for the planning for surrounding properties and blocks; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVBD, that the City Council requests the Saint Paul Plamung Commission review the altemative sites far a new adult detention center to determine their consistency with the Cit�,'s Comprehensive plan, w.itl� ne; ghborhood development glans and with the co cil's concerns about the tax"base and report the Commission s findings and commentsback to the Council wit in 90 days. Requested by Department of: -ri .e .i.n � - .u- &y: ` Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary BY � � •� �- i .�o .� - &y : { --�� Approved by Mayor: Dat / Z,/ .f'// 9 7— Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Council BY: r _ r By: / rro��te� z6, ism C011IIC1IlIICD121CI BOSh'OIll iT BE ON COUNCILAGF7JJ�AA BY p November 26, 1997 wrt TOTO.� S OF SIGNATURE PAGES g'1 -1 �i �S GREEN SHEET No s217"f N�yylDab MMIailDale ot*�ronrcrart arvtawc�. CIIYAiIORIiY ❑ CRYGi0.R wtwuuamucraoa� ❑ wwxau.mnmecra � uvaefort�aasr�xq ❑ � (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ,"' Regazding Planning Commission review of alternarive sites for a new Adult Detention Center. PL4NNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION .p�_17�rUl�a� SOURCE INFORMAiION (IXPWM / - Has this peisoNfiim ever vrorked under a contract farthie depeAmenl? VES NO tias this onaoNfiim ever been a dty empbyee9 YES NO Doec cnis peisanfi a� a stan not normenvP� M anr currem cilr emab7recR YES NO IS Nie persanRrm e fargetetl vendoYt YES NO �in all ves a�weis m seoarate sheet and atlach to areen sheet COST/REVENUEBUD6ETED(GRCLEON� YES NO ACTNRY NUFIBER � DEPARiME1T OF PLA]til\G & ECO`OMiC DEVELOP�IE?.7 Pame(a fVhselotk. Director CITY OF SAIN'T PAUL Rorm Coiem¢n, A(ayor Au�ust 15, 1996 Mr. Terry• Schutten Ramsey County Mana�er Room 2�0 Courthouse IS �Vest Kellog� Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mr. Schutten: a`) -ly �S 1 15 iYes�Fourtn Sbee� Telephorse: 612-266-65i5 SainlPau(,b/V5Sf0? Fa<simile:612-228-3?6/ .�.�'�����'���'� P.UG 2� � 1996 t -:,..,..... FiAt;ryl':16Ari0ECG�u2B�Cti_laJ: : - As you continue with analysis of the prospects for the five sites identified as possible locations for e�pansion of adult detention center space, I'd like to 1) pass on immediate comments from our own perspective at PED, and 2) let you know of the revietiv with greater participation we'd like to complete. First, concerning the five sites as we see them today: Ramsey County �Vest Building. The adopted Mississippi River CorridorPlan emphasizes the need to enhance public access to the river in the downtown area and suggests major public as wetl as residential uses for the downtown and nearby rivetfront. Current Downtown River Corridor Framewori: plannin�, as well as Civic Center and Science Museum project plannin�, give much more substantial emphasis to the desirable public character of this area. Expansion of detention center use at the riverfront �vould be incompatible with this direction and we would not support this expansion. Rossmore Building and Firestone Sites. This block faces the nodh quadrant of Lo�vertown directl}' across Jackson. Lowerto�in has bzcome ihe nucleus of a siQnificant urban residentiai community in do��•nto�vn Saint Paul, and new urban residential use is one option for the north quadrant that has attracted lively interest and is under consideration. Redevelopment of this area �vith residzntial uses is supported 6y the Do�vntotvn Deti•elopment Frame}vork adopted in 1990. Location of the adult detention center at either of the sites on this block woul'd, we believe, detract from the most promisina development possibilities for the under-used north quadrant area. For this reason, �ve consider these sites less preferable. In addition, use of this site �vould be inconsistent with a resoiution recently passed by the City Council that stipulates that any new public buildin� downtown shoufd be located on land that is already off the tar roles. Pub]ic Safetc Buiiding Biock. Because this block is aiready in pubtic use and is on the edae of downto��n �vhere it ha; good access and limited impact on other properties «'ith potential for rzdevelopment, this is a hiahly preferable do��ntown site. Of course, shared u>e of the block, indudina provisions for parking, wili have to be worked out to the satisfaction of thz Police and Fire Dzpartments. �'� -\`l(� Terry Schutten August 15, 1996 Pa�e hvo Pennsylvania(3�E site. Location of a detention center on nearby land is likely to raise objections from any residential community, and this could happen here. However, this site seems to us to be reasonably isolated by major roads and topography. Since it would avoid addition of another use in the do�vntown area that makes little positive contribution to a lively public azea, this site is an attractive altemative to us. (This site is designated for industrial use in the Comprehensive Plan.) Concerning fzrrther City comment: The best �vay for us to make sure that tive and the County have the benefit of knowing concems that might arise from the broader community w•i11 be to ask the Planning Commission to comment on the altematives and make a recommendation (appropriate comments on each of the sites) to the Mayor and Ciry Councif for their comment to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners. �Ve will ask the Planning Commission to initiate that process if this appears to be valuable from ihe County perspective as wetl. Si er y, L �%i� i' _ " _ " Pamela �Vheelock, Director cc: Mayor Coleman City Councilmembers Dave McDonell Presented By Cour.cil File # Green Sheet ° RESOLUTION CI�'Y O� SAINT 1'AUL, MINNESOTA S � f� • q� -1�ic�5 Referred To Committee: Date 1 2� REGARDZNG 2A%-E$EMPT PROPERTY A5 FIRST 3 PRZORITY FOR DEVELOPMENT OF GOVERNMENT 4 5 WaEREAS, according to the Ramsey County Department of Yroperty Records and Revenue, 6 23.92� of the estimated market value of real property in the City of Saint Paul is 7 exempt from property taxes; and 8 9 WaEREAS, the City needs to develop and expand its property tax base in order to 10 maintain af£ordable levels of taxation to finance City, County and School District 11 operations; and. � 12 13 WHEREAS, the need arises periodically to replace.or expand government facilities 14 through development which wi11 6e exempt from groperty taxes; and 15 16 WHEREAS, Ramsey County is cuzrently considering an expansion or reolacement of its 17 Adult Detention Center; 18 19 NOW, THEFtEFORE, BE IT RESOLt�D, by the City Council of the City of Saint Pau2, 20 Minnesota, that we urgz that property which is_currently exemot £rom Xeal property 21 taxes such as the property occupied by the city of Saint Paul Public Safety Buildirg 22 should receive first consideration as sites for development of the Ramsey County 23 P.du1t Detention Center and other fzcilities. 24 25 P.ecuested by Aenar�nent oi: Bv: s��: � � 1 � ��---_ Ppprov de by Mayor: Dace �1�1 �v I sy: `�� ( C �����; Form Approved by City Attorney � � / � / ; � ''' $Y: �'•!�li4� /..'�iif' �/'t'<�`/� J Approved by Mayo= :"or S�bmission to Council sy: Adcpted by Council: Dace '�.,� =.^�� �"��� L Aco�tion Certi£ied by Cocncil S c�e�zry council Fi1e # __�� 2 Presented Re£erred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, M �ao� ` \' \ REGARDING PLANNING CONIMISSION REVIEW OF ALTERNATIVE SITES FOR A NEW ADULT DETENTION CENTER WHEI2EAS, the Ramsey County Boazd is considering altemative sites for the conshuction of an new adult detention center and the Board has asked the City of Saint Paul for input and comments on the altematives; WHEREAS, the City Council has previously approved Resolution 96-549 on May 22, 1996, which urged that Ramsey County give first priority to sites for the adult detention center that already have tax exempt status; WHEREAS, the location of the new adult detention center will have effects for the planning for surrounding properties and blocks; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVBD, that the City Council requests the Saint Paul Plamung Commission review the altemative sites far a new adult detention center to determine their consistency with the Cit�,'s Comprehensive plan, w.itl� ne; ghborhood development glans and with the co cil's concerns about the tax"base and report the Commission s findings and commentsback to the Council wit in 90 days. Requested by Department of: -ri .e .i.n � - .u- &y: ` Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary BY � � •� �- i .�o .� - &y : { --�� Approved by Mayor: Dat / Z,/ .f'// 9 7— Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Council BY: r _ r By: / rro��te� z6, ism C011IIC1IlIICD121CI BOSh'OIll iT BE ON COUNCILAGF7JJ�AA BY p November 26, 1997 wrt TOTO.� S OF SIGNATURE PAGES g'1 -1 �i �S GREEN SHEET No s217"f N�yylDab MMIailDale ot*�ronrcrart arvtawc�. CIIYAiIORIiY ❑ CRYGi0.R wtwuuamucraoa� ❑ wwxau.mnmecra � uvaefort�aasr�xq ❑ � (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ,"' Regazding Planning Commission review of alternarive sites for a new Adult Detention Center. PL4NNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION .p�_17�rUl�a� SOURCE INFORMAiION (IXPWM / - Has this peisoNfiim ever vrorked under a contract farthie depeAmenl? VES NO tias this onaoNfiim ever been a dty empbyee9 YES NO Doec cnis peisanfi a� a stan not normenvP� M anr currem cilr emab7recR YES NO IS Nie persanRrm e fargetetl vendoYt YES NO �in all ves a�weis m seoarate sheet and atlach to areen sheet COST/REVENUEBUD6ETED(GRCLEON� YES NO ACTNRY NUFIBER � DEPARiME1T OF PLA]til\G & ECO`OMiC DEVELOP�IE?.7 Pame(a fVhselotk. Director CITY OF SAIN'T PAUL Rorm Coiem¢n, A(ayor Au�ust 15, 1996 Mr. Terry• Schutten Ramsey County Mana�er Room 2�0 Courthouse IS �Vest Kellog� Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mr. Schutten: a`) -ly �S 1 15 iYes�Fourtn Sbee� Telephorse: 612-266-65i5 SainlPau(,b/V5Sf0? Fa<simile:612-228-3?6/ .�.�'�����'���'� P.UG 2� � 1996 t -:,..,..... FiAt;ryl':16Ari0ECG�u2B�Cti_laJ: : - As you continue with analysis of the prospects for the five sites identified as possible locations for e�pansion of adult detention center space, I'd like to 1) pass on immediate comments from our own perspective at PED, and 2) let you know of the revietiv with greater participation we'd like to complete. First, concerning the five sites as we see them today: Ramsey County �Vest Building. The adopted Mississippi River CorridorPlan emphasizes the need to enhance public access to the river in the downtown area and suggests major public as wetl as residential uses for the downtown and nearby rivetfront. Current Downtown River Corridor Framewori: plannin�, as well as Civic Center and Science Museum project plannin�, give much more substantial emphasis to the desirable public character of this area. Expansion of detention center use at the riverfront �vould be incompatible with this direction and we would not support this expansion. Rossmore Building and Firestone Sites. This block faces the nodh quadrant of Lo�vertown directl}' across Jackson. Lowerto�in has bzcome ihe nucleus of a siQnificant urban residentiai community in do��•nto�vn Saint Paul, and new urban residential use is one option for the north quadrant that has attracted lively interest and is under consideration. Redevelopment of this area �vith residzntial uses is supported 6y the Do�vntotvn Deti•elopment Frame}vork adopted in 1990. Location of the adult detention center at either of the sites on this block woul'd, we believe, detract from the most promisina development possibilities for the under-used north quadrant area. For this reason, �ve consider these sites less preferable. In addition, use of this site �vould be inconsistent with a resoiution recently passed by the City Council that stipulates that any new public buildin� downtown shoufd be located on land that is already off the tar roles. Pub]ic Safetc Buiiding Biock. Because this block is aiready in pubtic use and is on the edae of downto��n �vhere it ha; good access and limited impact on other properties «'ith potential for rzdevelopment, this is a hiahly preferable do��ntown site. Of course, shared u>e of the block, indudina provisions for parking, wili have to be worked out to the satisfaction of thz Police and Fire Dzpartments. �'� -\`l(� Terry Schutten August 15, 1996 Pa�e hvo Pennsylvania(3�E site. Location of a detention center on nearby land is likely to raise objections from any residential community, and this could happen here. However, this site seems to us to be reasonably isolated by major roads and topography. Since it would avoid addition of another use in the do�vntown area that makes little positive contribution to a lively public azea, this site is an attractive altemative to us. (This site is designated for industrial use in the Comprehensive Plan.) Concerning fzrrther City comment: The best �vay for us to make sure that tive and the County have the benefit of knowing concems that might arise from the broader community w•i11 be to ask the Planning Commission to comment on the altematives and make a recommendation (appropriate comments on each of the sites) to the Mayor and Ciry Councif for their comment to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners. �Ve will ask the Planning Commission to initiate that process if this appears to be valuable from ihe County perspective as wetl. Si er y, L �%i� i' _ " _ " Pamela �Vheelock, Director cc: Mayor Coleman City Councilmembers Dave McDonell Presented By Cour.cil File # Green Sheet ° RESOLUTION CI�'Y O� SAINT 1'AUL, MINNESOTA S � f� • q� -1�ic�5 Referred To Committee: Date 1 2� REGARDZNG 2A%-E$EMPT PROPERTY A5 FIRST 3 PRZORITY FOR DEVELOPMENT OF GOVERNMENT 4 5 WaEREAS, according to the Ramsey County Department of Yroperty Records and Revenue, 6 23.92� of the estimated market value of real property in the City of Saint Paul is 7 exempt from property taxes; and 8 9 WaEREAS, the City needs to develop and expand its property tax base in order to 10 maintain af£ordable levels of taxation to finance City, County and School District 11 operations; and. � 12 13 WHEREAS, the need arises periodically to replace.or expand government facilities 14 through development which wi11 6e exempt from groperty taxes; and 15 16 WHEREAS, Ramsey County is cuzrently considering an expansion or reolacement of its 17 Adult Detention Center; 18 19 NOW, THEFtEFORE, BE IT RESOLt�D, by the City Council of the City of Saint Pau2, 20 Minnesota, that we urgz that property which is_currently exemot £rom Xeal property 21 taxes such as the property occupied by the city of Saint Paul Public Safety Buildirg 22 should receive first consideration as sites for development of the Ramsey County 23 P.du1t Detention Center and other fzcilities. 24 25 P.ecuested by Aenar�nent oi: Bv: s��: � � 1 � ��---_ Ppprov de by Mayor: Dace �1�1 �v I sy: `�� ( C �����; Form Approved by City Attorney � � / � / ; � ''' $Y: �'•!�li4� /..'�iif' �/'t'<�`/� J Approved by Mayo= :"or S�bmission to Council sy: Adcpted by Council: Dace '�.,� =.^�� �"��� L Aco�tion Certi£ied by Cocncil S c�e�zry