97-1451�� � ' � � . 1 Green Sheet # 37972 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 24 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Council File # �1 S Ordinance # Committee: Date �a RESOLVED: That application, ID ¥14417, for a Liquor Off Sale License by Rathleen Nielsen DBA Wines o£ Cathedral Aill (Rathleen Nielaen, ownerj at 4Q0 Selby Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) The license is for the sale of wine only. There shall be no open diaplay of wines or other beveragea. All salea are for delivery only and there shall be no carry-out sales. Any change or expansion o£ use must be approved by the City Council at a public hearing. Interested neighborhood groupa will be given a 45 day notice of the required public hearing. This licenae is not transferable. All salea muat be delivered to a leqitimate addreae. Reguested by Department of: • - - :-.- .�_ -.:• Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � \ a- . �---�� Approved by Mayor: Date 1-t (�l� By: � t Z/ �/ \ / � � By: L/1 Y7 �(�L' Form Approved by City A�xor y BY� �__.�!� J ��rl V���...ic� Approved by Mayor for Submission to By: Adopted by Council: Date � � '� �`j'`� q'1-14s1 DEPAflTMEMNFFIGE/COUNCIL DATE INITIAiEp J(�J ( L LIEP/Licensin GREEN SHEE CONTACf PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAUOATE INITIAIJDATE �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR OCT'CqUNCIL Christine Rozek 266-9108 "�'�" �cirvnrroeNev �CRYCLERK NUYBER FOfi MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAT� pOUTiNG O BUOGET DIRECTOR O FIN, & MC'T. SERVICES DIR. �''OI hearin : Y�. 'v �� OROER OMAYOR(OAASSI5TANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) ACTI�N REQUES7E�: Kathleen Nielsen DBA Wines of Cathedral Hill requests Council approval of its application for a Liquor - Off Sale License located at 400 Selby Avenue (ID 1P14417). RECOMMENDATIOnIS. approve (A) or Aeject (R) pERSONAL SEFtVICE CONTRACTS MUS7 ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMM75510N _ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personffrcm ever worketl untler a contract for this departmeni? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this person/Firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTRICTCOUF7 _ 3. Do¢s this par5on/Firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curreM ciry employee? SUPPoRTSWHICHCOUNCII�BJECTIVE� YES NO Explatn all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet 1NITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNRY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � ��°� �� JUL 08 1997 �� 9 � �� ADVANTAGESIFAPPqOVED: lar�� �j'y�y:�� �u� OISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTACaES IF NOTAPPROVED' TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIdCa SOURCE AC71VI7V NUMBER FINANCIAIINFOR{FATION (EXPIAIN) 84/21/97 08:36:09 612-Z6b-8919-> 888 539 4598 pUEST Page 99Z � I"I'r�YzJ✓J b7� 1'/ 51 F'HUL 1.11 Y YUKl.HH51Nt� , b1G Gbb ti7YtC Y.1�1�YJ4 -- 9�-iys� CLASS III CITY OF SAINT PAUL LICENSE APPLICATION �" �'"` � .na EmSro,m�eircal rrokct;on asoscaaascs�wo __.--�\ , Sma Pwi. Mieumoh ��' (611)2669040 C61217bS91]A f�l�lZ THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO F W BY PL I PLEASE TYPE OR PRIN'C A1INK Type of License(s) being applied for: Company Newe: ,' ; �t-h � Which side of the stccet? If business is inco�wrated a ' date of incoruoration: V v L} V�� 1 � r.', 1;.' `' (` ._^ i J { l—_ D0171 $USIIICSS AS: �, i./. / j l I_ 8 �� ,�q n Business Phone: BusinessAddress: �'t'U� �" 1J�1 !�1�YS'1�'��' `i ' �' iC '"l.� "� `�_, � Strcst Addm� ., � �i�Y _. Steh 2ip .. Between what cross strecis is the b�us Iocated7 � Are the preraises uow occimied7 nl �/ What Type Mail To A � ,, �`� : 4 i' {') i 1 � GG' _� „ � � ��-sa«enea�tee Applicant Infoxmatipn: dame and Tifle•r'�� c;cy ��� � ( � � F'vd Middk � J._ (Maiden) (�., Lart T Home Addresa: 1�%��— �C��'�1''i n�l�`G� �-'l, l'('e� J'� . I til �'l � n.� �'J �7 I Q� smcnae,te. ��` c�ty s�m zip n Datc of Birth: ��l' �;?��� �i' Plsce aPBirtlt: �� ,� �' Cl �' l.ti�l-�t'.l� t� � Home Phone: Lc I 2- Z� t �4 - c C� i -----�--�--- —� Have you ever been con 'c of azry felony, crime or violation of any cily ordinance other then traffic7 YES NO �_ Date of arrest: Where7 Chazge: Conviction: Sentence: Li� the mm�es end residences of three persons of good moral cheracter, living within the Twin Ciaes Metro Aree, not related to the applicant or finencially iaterested in the premises or business who may be referred to as tp the applicant's character: NAME ADDRESS �l �arhl-� ���-U�;� Lisc ticenses wfuch you cwrently hoid, former]y het� or may have an int 1"��,�,� � Q� Have erry of ihe above named licenses ever been revoked9 YES re you going to operate this business peisona}ly? Miadia YES (M.iarnl ir�� M�, 7. � � , ,�,� ��,, � :�,� dn: ,� -�t ( � suu 2;p ��� �g NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for tevocation: NO If not, who will operate it`� 0 Dau of Sinh HomcAddrn�: StreetName City 3tem 2ip PhmieNUmbar 09/21I97 68:36�35 612-266-8919—> 800 539 4598 OVEST Page B93 -� I"I'riY=3b b7�1'l 51 NHUL LSIY rUKLHH5INU , b12 �bb b7bG r.bG/b4 q1-1yS Areyou gdng to have a n�enager ot assistant in this �usine s? �, YES NO If tk�e manager is not the same as the operator, pleasc complete the following i�}fd�mation: a55� S�fj i� C _/�' �� �r.�� u�.��-� � � — t�,� : � J sr�i'� i � FiMTYa6c MiddLefaitial (blaidp!) � � � l(i/ � �R �''t`.(� r;Yl � �� \t-, J'Q xo�namw: samx.� � c;cr Please list your empbymeni histoty for the previous five {5) year period: $usiaess/Emo1 < .��t iG�f 3 — ��.�` c � � ; �.� �'��� � 1 r� � '1�c1 — �,c,�rtin�k�'� �.�.� �t.x��T,55 1 1� � � � rnr`1L��i,�I('l� /� ✓ I �� — l,�' `� 15�>,1 �(c,v�� �n�c �(�ct i c,���- 1�1��'�— '� ���ILI F�rnh�������- �a1L'1 List all other officers of the corpotatian: OFFICER 1TTLE HOME NAIvffi � „ (0$"ice Held) ADDRESS q - � J I,an �--�—• I 1 DricofB'vW . ��\ �V �: . l, t L'� .T .7C'��._ %'t i,�� Sute Zip PhoneNumM IL�i { C%I r� Nt �1,� � f'1.�� -l�'�- _ C , . ?�1�� � ; :^:S��,Ifr,nt' U�t��-�� �eci�'' L���'-e^ .��1R ���1 Il; HOME BCJSINESS DATE OF PHONE PHONE BII2TH If business is a parme�hip, Piease include the following infamation for each perGier (usc additionai pages if aecessery): +.yaac �wum �e+u�xv> Hoox Addteu: Strea Name City Sfete Zip Hhone Num6er P'udNemc Middklnitic) (Meidm) Led IMtooPHirth Home Ad�w: Stroet Nemc Ciry 34te Zip Piwna Nwiber MINNESpTA TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER � Pursuent to the I.aws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapier 502, Article 8, Seclion 2(270.72) (Tau Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities ere required to pmvide to the State of Minnesota Cammissioner oPRevenue, the Minnesote business ta�c identification number and the sociat security number of each liccnse applicant Under the Minnesota Govemment Data Practices Act md the Federal Privacy Act of I974, we are required w advise you of the following segarding the use of the Minnesota Ta�c Idendfication 23zun6er: - This infrnmetion may be used to deny the issuaace or renews] of your license in the eveat you owe Muviesota sa3es, ernplayer's withholding or motor vehicle e�ccise texes; - Upon receiving this information, the licensing authority will supply it only to the Mi:utesota Department of Revenue. However, under tlie Federel Exchange of Ioi'ormation Agrecment, the Deparhn�t of Rcvenue mey supply this information to the Internal Revenue Service. MiAnesota Tex Idenafieatiou Nvmbers (S�les & Use Tar NiunberJ msy be obtained &om the State of Minnesota, Business Recards Degartmwent, 1012iver Park Pla2a (612-296•6181). Social Securitv Numba: �'I� /� t(. G, ��� dinnesota Ta�c Identification Numtxr: �� lG C �� 1 � 7� , � If a Minnesota Tmt identificaiion Number is not required for the business being operated, i�dicaie so 6y placing an"X" in the box. 84l21l97 88:37:05 612-Z66-6919-> 800 539 4598 4UE5T Page 004 . 1'iNY. b7�1� SI rHUL L11Y YUkLHHb1NU , b1d dbb aybG r.bYb4 CERTIFICATION OF VJORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE PURSUANT TO IvIII�INESOTA STATUTE 17fi.182 q 7-'� S� r�b9 �9 ��. ��Y �P�Y, amin oanpliasxe witii the wakers' compensation insurance coverage requirements of Minnesota S[atute 176.182 sybdivisioa 2. I elso triat pmvision of faL9e inf�mation in this certificalion consti4i[es sufficient gounds for adverse action sgainst sll licenses held, including revocation and suspension of said licenses. Name of Insurmce Company: Policy Nwnber: Coveta e from to I have � emptoyees covered under workers' compensetion inss�sance � ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS G1VEN OR MATERTAL SIIBMTTI'ED W1LL RESULT IN DENL,L OF THIS APPLICATION 1 hereby state that 7 bave answued all of the preceding quesGons, end that the informalion confained herein is hUe and correct to tho best of my lmowleAge and belief I hereby state fiuther that I have received no money or orha consideration, by wey of loan, gift, contri6ution, or othenvise, other then al�eady disclosed m the applicaqon whirh I berelvith su6mitted I also undc�stanH this pn�nis� may be in�pectv�l by police, fire, heakh and other ciry officials at eny and alt times when the business is in aperation. for ell applications} �� 5�3� � � �� �� �/ � � `��,� ��. Date **Note: If this application is FoadlLiquar mlated, pleasc contect a City of Saint Paul Heatth Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to review plans. If any substantial changes to structure are anticipaud, please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Baemuier at 266-9007 to epply for building permits. Tf ilwe are airy chmges to tha paxfcing lot, floor spacc, or for aew operatioas, please contact a City of Saint Paul2oning Inspeetor at 266-9008. Additional appliostioa requiremente, please attac6: ��`- A detailed de�criptian ot t6e detign, location and square footage of the premisea to be licenaed (slte plan). The following data ohould be on the she pian (preferably oo an 8 1/2" :11" or 8 1/2" :14" paper): �- Name, addmay aad pLoae number. � �E �- The scale sLoald be atated such u 1" = 20'. ^N �hould be indicated toward the top. �- Plecement of ali pertment featurea oi the incerior of the licenaed facillty auch aa eeating arcan, kitebens, officee, repair ares, parldng, reat raoma� etc. - If s mquest ie for an addition or sxpaasion of the Gcenaed facility, indieate both the current erea and t6e pruposed expansion. t.�� A copy of your leaee agreemeqt or proof of ownera6ip of the property. � FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATIQN REQUIItEMENTS, PLEASE SEE REVERSE >>>> �� � ' � � . 1 Green Sheet # 37972 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 24 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Council File # �1 S Ordinance # Committee: Date �a RESOLVED: That application, ID ¥14417, for a Liquor Off Sale License by Rathleen Nielsen DBA Wines o£ Cathedral Aill (Rathleen Nielaen, ownerj at 4Q0 Selby Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) The license is for the sale of wine only. There shall be no open diaplay of wines or other beveragea. All salea are for delivery only and there shall be no carry-out sales. Any change or expansion o£ use must be approved by the City Council at a public hearing. Interested neighborhood groupa will be given a 45 day notice of the required public hearing. This licenae is not transferable. All salea muat be delivered to a leqitimate addreae. Reguested by Department of: • - - :-.- .�_ -.:• Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � \ a- . �---�� Approved by Mayor: Date 1-t (�l� By: � t Z/ �/ \ / � � By: L/1 Y7 �(�L' Form Approved by City A�xor y BY� �__.�!� J ��rl V���...ic� Approved by Mayor for Submission to By: Adopted by Council: Date � � '� �`j'`� q'1-14s1 DEPAflTMEMNFFIGE/COUNCIL DATE INITIAiEp J(�J ( L LIEP/Licensin GREEN SHEE CONTACf PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAUOATE INITIAIJDATE �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR OCT'CqUNCIL Christine Rozek 266-9108 "�'�" �cirvnrroeNev �CRYCLERK NUYBER FOfi MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAT� pOUTiNG O BUOGET DIRECTOR O FIN, & MC'T. SERVICES DIR. �''OI hearin : Y�. 'v �� OROER OMAYOR(OAASSI5TANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) ACTI�N REQUES7E�: Kathleen Nielsen DBA Wines of Cathedral Hill requests Council approval of its application for a Liquor - Off Sale License located at 400 Selby Avenue (ID 1P14417). RECOMMENDATIOnIS. approve (A) or Aeject (R) pERSONAL SEFtVICE CONTRACTS MUS7 ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMM75510N _ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personffrcm ever worketl untler a contract for this departmeni? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this person/Firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTRICTCOUF7 _ 3. Do¢s this par5on/Firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curreM ciry employee? SUPPoRTSWHICHCOUNCII�BJECTIVE� YES NO Explatn all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet 1NITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNRY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � ��°� �� JUL 08 1997 �� 9 � �� ADVANTAGESIFAPPqOVED: lar�� �j'y�y:�� �u� OISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTACaES IF NOTAPPROVED' TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIdCa SOURCE AC71VI7V NUMBER FINANCIAIINFOR{FATION (EXPIAIN) 84/21/97 08:36:09 612-Z6b-8919-> 888 539 4598 pUEST Page 99Z � I"I'r�YzJ✓J b7� 1'/ 51 F'HUL 1.11 Y YUKl.HH51Nt� , b1G Gbb ti7YtC Y.1�1�YJ4 -- 9�-iys� CLASS III CITY OF SAINT PAUL LICENSE APPLICATION �" �'"` � .na EmSro,m�eircal rrokct;on asoscaaascs�wo __.--�\ , Sma Pwi. Mieumoh ��' (611)2669040 C61217bS91]A f�l�lZ THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO F W BY PL I PLEASE TYPE OR PRIN'C A1INK Type of License(s) being applied for: Company Newe: ,' ; �t-h � Which side of the stccet? If business is inco�wrated a ' date of incoruoration: V v L} V�� 1 � r.', 1;.' `' (` ._^ i J { l—_ D0171 $USIIICSS AS: �, i./. / j l I_ 8 �� ,�q n Business Phone: BusinessAddress: �'t'U� �" 1J�1 !�1�YS'1�'��' `i ' �' iC '"l.� "� `�_, � Strcst Addm� ., � �i�Y _. Steh 2ip .. Between what cross strecis is the b�us Iocated7 � Are the preraises uow occimied7 nl �/ What Type Mail To A � ,, �`� : 4 i' {') i 1 � GG' _� „ � � ��-sa«enea�tee Applicant Infoxmatipn: dame and Tifle•r'�� c;cy ��� � ( � � F'vd Middk � J._ (Maiden) (�., Lart T Home Addresa: 1�%��— �C��'�1''i n�l�`G� �-'l, l'('e� J'� . I til �'l � n.� �'J �7 I Q� smcnae,te. ��` c�ty s�m zip n Datc of Birth: ��l' �;?��� �i' Plsce aPBirtlt: �� ,� �' Cl �' l.ti�l-�t'.l� t� � Home Phone: Lc I 2- Z� t �4 - c C� i -----�--�--- —� Have you ever been con 'c of azry felony, crime or violation of any cily ordinance other then traffic7 YES NO �_ Date of arrest: Where7 Chazge: Conviction: Sentence: Li� the mm�es end residences of three persons of good moral cheracter, living within the Twin Ciaes Metro Aree, not related to the applicant or finencially iaterested in the premises or business who may be referred to as tp the applicant's character: NAME ADDRESS �l �arhl-� ���-U�;� Lisc ticenses wfuch you cwrently hoid, former]y het� or may have an int 1"��,�,� � Q� Have erry of ihe above named licenses ever been revoked9 YES re you going to operate this business peisona}ly? Miadia YES (M.iarnl ir�� M�, 7. � � , ,�,� ��,, � :�,� dn: ,� -�t ( � suu 2;p ��� �g NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for tevocation: NO If not, who will operate it`� 0 Dau of Sinh HomcAddrn�: StreetName City 3tem 2ip PhmieNUmbar 09/21I97 68:36�35 612-266-8919—> 800 539 4598 OVEST Page B93 -� I"I'riY=3b b7�1'l 51 NHUL LSIY rUKLHH5INU , b12 �bb b7bG r.bG/b4 q1-1yS Areyou gdng to have a n�enager ot assistant in this �usine s? �, YES NO If tk�e manager is not the same as the operator, pleasc complete the following i�}fd�mation: a55� S�fj i� C _/�' �� �r.�� u�.��-� � � — t�,� : � J sr�i'� i � FiMTYa6c MiddLefaitial (blaidp!) � � � l(i/ � �R �''t`.(� r;Yl � �� \t-, J'Q xo�namw: samx.� � c;cr Please list your empbymeni histoty for the previous five {5) year period: $usiaess/Emo1 < .��t iG�f 3 — ��.�` c � � ; �.� �'��� � 1 r� � '1�c1 — �,c,�rtin�k�'� �.�.� �t.x��T,55 1 1� � � � rnr`1L��i,�I('l� /� ✓ I �� — l,�' `� 15�>,1 �(c,v�� �n�c �(�ct i c,���- 1�1��'�— '� ���ILI F�rnh�������- �a1L'1 List all other officers of the corpotatian: OFFICER 1TTLE HOME NAIvffi � „ (0$"ice Held) ADDRESS q - � J I,an �--�—• I 1 DricofB'vW . ��\ �V �: . l, t L'� .T .7C'��._ %'t i,�� Sute Zip PhoneNumM IL�i { C%I r� Nt �1,� � f'1.�� -l�'�- _ C , . ?�1�� � ; :^:S��,Ifr,nt' U�t��-�� �eci�'' L���'-e^ .��1R ���1 Il; HOME BCJSINESS DATE OF PHONE PHONE BII2TH If business is a parme�hip, Piease include the following infamation for each perGier (usc additionai pages if aecessery): +.yaac �wum �e+u�xv> Hoox Addteu: Strea Name City Sfete Zip Hhone Num6er P'udNemc Middklnitic) (Meidm) Led IMtooPHirth Home Ad�w: Stroet Nemc Ciry 34te Zip Piwna Nwiber MINNESpTA TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER � Pursuent to the I.aws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapier 502, Article 8, Seclion 2(270.72) (Tau Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities ere required to pmvide to the State of Minnesota Cammissioner oPRevenue, the Minnesote business ta�c identification number and the sociat security number of each liccnse applicant Under the Minnesota Govemment Data Practices Act md the Federal Privacy Act of I974, we are required w advise you of the following segarding the use of the Minnesota Ta�c Idendfication 23zun6er: - This infrnmetion may be used to deny the issuaace or renews] of your license in the eveat you owe Muviesota sa3es, ernplayer's withholding or motor vehicle e�ccise texes; - Upon receiving this information, the licensing authority will supply it only to the Mi:utesota Department of Revenue. However, under tlie Federel Exchange of Ioi'ormation Agrecment, the Deparhn�t of Rcvenue mey supply this information to the Internal Revenue Service. MiAnesota Tex Idenafieatiou Nvmbers (S�les & Use Tar NiunberJ msy be obtained &om the State of Minnesota, Business Recards Degartmwent, 1012iver Park Pla2a (612-296•6181). Social Securitv Numba: �'I� /� t(. G, ��� dinnesota Ta�c Identification Numtxr: �� lG C �� 1 � 7� , � If a Minnesota Tmt identificaiion Number is not required for the business being operated, i�dicaie so 6y placing an"X" in the box. 84l21l97 88:37:05 612-Z66-6919-> 800 539 4598 4UE5T Page 004 . 1'iNY. b7�1� SI rHUL L11Y YUkLHHb1NU , b1d dbb aybG r.bYb4 CERTIFICATION OF VJORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE PURSUANT TO IvIII�INESOTA STATUTE 17fi.182 q 7-'� S� r�b9 �9 ��. ��Y �P�Y, amin oanpliasxe witii the wakers' compensation insurance coverage requirements of Minnesota S[atute 176.182 sybdivisioa 2. I elso triat pmvision of faL9e inf�mation in this certificalion consti4i[es sufficient gounds for adverse action sgainst sll licenses held, including revocation and suspension of said licenses. Name of Insurmce Company: Policy Nwnber: Coveta e from to I have � emptoyees covered under workers' compensetion inss�sance � ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS G1VEN OR MATERTAL SIIBMTTI'ED W1LL RESULT IN DENL,L OF THIS APPLICATION 1 hereby state that 7 bave answued all of the preceding quesGons, end that the informalion confained herein is hUe and correct to tho best of my lmowleAge and belief I hereby state fiuther that I have received no money or orha consideration, by wey of loan, gift, contri6ution, or othenvise, other then al�eady disclosed m the applicaqon whirh I berelvith su6mitted I also undc�stanH this pn�nis� may be in�pectv�l by police, fire, heakh and other ciry officials at eny and alt times when the business is in aperation. for ell applications} �� 5�3� � � �� �� �/ � � `��,� ��. Date **Note: If this application is FoadlLiquar mlated, pleasc contect a City of Saint Paul Heatth Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to review plans. If any substantial changes to structure are anticipaud, please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Baemuier at 266-9007 to epply for building permits. Tf ilwe are airy chmges to tha paxfcing lot, floor spacc, or for aew operatioas, please contact a City of Saint Paul2oning Inspeetor at 266-9008. Additional appliostioa requiremente, please attac6: ��`- A detailed de�criptian ot t6e detign, location and square footage of the premisea to be licenaed (slte plan). The following data ohould be on the she pian (preferably oo an 8 1/2" :11" or 8 1/2" :14" paper): �- Name, addmay aad pLoae number. � �E �- The scale sLoald be atated such u 1" = 20'. ^N �hould be indicated toward the top. �- Plecement of ali pertment featurea oi the incerior of the licenaed facillty auch aa eeating arcan, kitebens, officee, repair ares, parldng, reat raoma� etc. - If s mquest ie for an addition or sxpaasion of the Gcenaed facility, indieate both the current erea and t6e pruposed expansion. t.�� A copy of your leaee agreemeqt or proof of ownera6ip of the property. � FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATIQN REQUIItEMENTS, PLEASE SEE REVERSE >>>> �� � ' � � . 1 Green Sheet # 37972 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 24 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Council File # �1 S Ordinance # Committee: Date �a RESOLVED: That application, ID ¥14417, for a Liquor Off Sale License by Rathleen Nielsen DBA Wines o£ Cathedral Aill (Rathleen Nielaen, ownerj at 4Q0 Selby Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) The license is for the sale of wine only. There shall be no open diaplay of wines or other beveragea. All salea are for delivery only and there shall be no carry-out sales. Any change or expansion o£ use must be approved by the City Council at a public hearing. Interested neighborhood groupa will be given a 45 day notice of the required public hearing. This licenae is not transferable. All salea muat be delivered to a leqitimate addreae. Reguested by Department of: • - - :-.- .�_ -.:• Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � \ a- . �---�� Approved by Mayor: Date 1-t (�l� By: � t Z/ �/ \ / � � By: L/1 Y7 �(�L' Form Approved by City A�xor y BY� �__.�!� J ��rl V���...ic� Approved by Mayor for Submission to By: Adopted by Council: Date � � '� �`j'`� q'1-14s1 DEPAflTMEMNFFIGE/COUNCIL DATE INITIAiEp J(�J ( L LIEP/Licensin GREEN SHEE CONTACf PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAUOATE INITIAIJDATE �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR OCT'CqUNCIL Christine Rozek 266-9108 "�'�" �cirvnrroeNev �CRYCLERK NUYBER FOfi MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAT� pOUTiNG O BUOGET DIRECTOR O FIN, & MC'T. SERVICES DIR. �''OI hearin : Y�. 'v �� OROER OMAYOR(OAASSI5TANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) ACTI�N REQUES7E�: Kathleen Nielsen DBA Wines of Cathedral Hill requests Council approval of its application for a Liquor - Off Sale License located at 400 Selby Avenue (ID 1P14417). RECOMMENDATIOnIS. approve (A) or Aeject (R) pERSONAL SEFtVICE CONTRACTS MUS7 ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMM75510N _ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personffrcm ever worketl untler a contract for this departmeni? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this person/Firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTRICTCOUF7 _ 3. Do¢s this par5on/Firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curreM ciry employee? SUPPoRTSWHICHCOUNCII�BJECTIVE� YES NO Explatn all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet 1NITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNRY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � ��°� �� JUL 08 1997 �� 9 � �� ADVANTAGESIFAPPqOVED: lar�� �j'y�y:�� �u� OISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTACaES IF NOTAPPROVED' TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIdCa SOURCE AC71VI7V NUMBER FINANCIAIINFOR{FATION (EXPIAIN) 84/21/97 08:36:09 612-Z6b-8919-> 888 539 4598 pUEST Page 99Z � I"I'r�YzJ✓J b7� 1'/ 51 F'HUL 1.11 Y YUKl.HH51Nt� , b1G Gbb ti7YtC Y.1�1�YJ4 -- 9�-iys� CLASS III CITY OF SAINT PAUL LICENSE APPLICATION �" �'"` � .na EmSro,m�eircal rrokct;on asoscaaascs�wo __.--�\ , Sma Pwi. Mieumoh ��' (611)2669040 C61217bS91]A f�l�lZ THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO F W BY PL I PLEASE TYPE OR PRIN'C A1INK Type of License(s) being applied for: Company Newe: ,' ; �t-h � Which side of the stccet? If business is inco�wrated a ' date of incoruoration: V v L} V�� 1 � r.', 1;.' `' (` ._^ i J { l—_ D0171 $USIIICSS AS: �, i./. / j l I_ 8 �� ,�q n Business Phone: BusinessAddress: �'t'U� �" 1J�1 !�1�YS'1�'��' `i ' �' iC '"l.� "� `�_, � Strcst Addm� ., � �i�Y _. Steh 2ip .. Between what cross strecis is the b�us Iocated7 � Are the preraises uow occimied7 nl �/ What Type Mail To A � ,, �`� : 4 i' {') i 1 � GG' _� „ � � ��-sa«enea�tee Applicant Infoxmatipn: dame and Tifle•r'�� c;cy ��� � ( � � F'vd Middk � J._ (Maiden) (�., Lart T Home Addresa: 1�%��— �C��'�1''i n�l�`G� �-'l, l'('e� J'� . I til �'l � n.� �'J �7 I Q� smcnae,te. ��` c�ty s�m zip n Datc of Birth: ��l' �;?��� �i' Plsce aPBirtlt: �� ,� �' Cl �' l.ti�l-�t'.l� t� � Home Phone: Lc I 2- Z� t �4 - c C� i -----�--�--- —� Have you ever been con 'c of azry felony, crime or violation of any cily ordinance other then traffic7 YES NO �_ Date of arrest: Where7 Chazge: Conviction: Sentence: Li� the mm�es end residences of three persons of good moral cheracter, living within the Twin Ciaes Metro Aree, not related to the applicant or finencially iaterested in the premises or business who may be referred to as tp the applicant's character: NAME ADDRESS �l �arhl-� ���-U�;� Lisc ticenses wfuch you cwrently hoid, former]y het� or may have an int 1"��,�,� � Q� Have erry of ihe above named licenses ever been revoked9 YES re you going to operate this business peisona}ly? Miadia YES (M.iarnl ir�� M�, 7. � � , ,�,� ��,, � :�,� dn: ,� -�t ( � suu 2;p ��� �g NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for tevocation: NO If not, who will operate it`� 0 Dau of Sinh HomcAddrn�: StreetName City 3tem 2ip PhmieNUmbar 09/21I97 68:36�35 612-266-8919—> 800 539 4598 OVEST Page B93 -� I"I'riY=3b b7�1'l 51 NHUL LSIY rUKLHH5INU , b12 �bb b7bG r.bG/b4 q1-1yS Areyou gdng to have a n�enager ot assistant in this �usine s? �, YES NO If tk�e manager is not the same as the operator, pleasc complete the following i�}fd�mation: a55� S�fj i� C _/�' �� �r.�� u�.��-� � � — t�,� : � J sr�i'� i � FiMTYa6c MiddLefaitial (blaidp!) � � � l(i/ � �R �''t`.(� r;Yl � �� \t-, J'Q xo�namw: samx.� � c;cr Please list your empbymeni histoty for the previous five {5) year period: $usiaess/Emo1 < .��t iG�f 3 — ��.�` c � � ; �.� �'��� � 1 r� � '1�c1 — �,c,�rtin�k�'� �.�.� �t.x��T,55 1 1� � � � rnr`1L��i,�I('l� /� ✓ I �� — l,�' `� 15�>,1 �(c,v�� �n�c �(�ct i c,���- 1�1��'�— '� ���ILI F�rnh�������- �a1L'1 List all other officers of the corpotatian: OFFICER 1TTLE HOME NAIvffi � „ (0$"ice Held) ADDRESS q - � J I,an �--�—• I 1 DricofB'vW . ��\ �V �: . l, t L'� .T .7C'��._ %'t i,�� Sute Zip PhoneNumM IL�i { C%I r� Nt �1,� � f'1.�� -l�'�- _ C , . ?�1�� � ; :^:S��,Ifr,nt' U�t��-�� �eci�'' L���'-e^ .��1R ���1 Il; HOME BCJSINESS DATE OF PHONE PHONE BII2TH If business is a parme�hip, Piease include the following infamation for each perGier (usc additionai pages if aecessery): +.yaac �wum �e+u�xv> Hoox Addteu: Strea Name City Sfete Zip Hhone Num6er P'udNemc Middklnitic) (Meidm) Led IMtooPHirth Home Ad�w: Stroet Nemc Ciry 34te Zip Piwna Nwiber MINNESpTA TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER � Pursuent to the I.aws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapier 502, Article 8, Seclion 2(270.72) (Tau Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities ere required to pmvide to the State of Minnesota Cammissioner oPRevenue, the Minnesote business ta�c identification number and the sociat security number of each liccnse applicant Under the Minnesota Govemment Data Practices Act md the Federal Privacy Act of I974, we are required w advise you of the following segarding the use of the Minnesota Ta�c Idendfication 23zun6er: - This infrnmetion may be used to deny the issuaace or renews] of your license in the eveat you owe Muviesota sa3es, ernplayer's withholding or motor vehicle e�ccise texes; - Upon receiving this information, the licensing authority will supply it only to the Mi:utesota Department of Revenue. However, under tlie Federel Exchange of Ioi'ormation Agrecment, the Deparhn�t of Rcvenue mey supply this information to the Internal Revenue Service. MiAnesota Tex Idenafieatiou Nvmbers (S�les & Use Tar NiunberJ msy be obtained &om the State of Minnesota, Business Recards Degartmwent, 1012iver Park Pla2a (612-296•6181). Social Securitv Numba: �'I� /� t(. G, ��� dinnesota Ta�c Identification Numtxr: �� lG C �� 1 � 7� , � If a Minnesota Tmt identificaiion Number is not required for the business being operated, i�dicaie so 6y placing an"X" in the box. 84l21l97 88:37:05 612-Z66-6919-> 800 539 4598 4UE5T Page 004 . 1'iNY. b7�1� SI rHUL L11Y YUkLHHb1NU , b1d dbb aybG r.bYb4 CERTIFICATION OF VJORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE PURSUANT TO IvIII�INESOTA STATUTE 17fi.182 q 7-'� S� r�b9 �9 ��. ��Y �P�Y, amin oanpliasxe witii the wakers' compensation insurance coverage requirements of Minnesota S[atute 176.182 sybdivisioa 2. I elso triat pmvision of faL9e inf�mation in this certificalion consti4i[es sufficient gounds for adverse action sgainst sll licenses held, including revocation and suspension of said licenses. Name of Insurmce Company: Policy Nwnber: Coveta e from to I have � emptoyees covered under workers' compensetion inss�sance � ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS G1VEN OR MATERTAL SIIBMTTI'ED W1LL RESULT IN DENL,L OF THIS APPLICATION 1 hereby state that 7 bave answued all of the preceding quesGons, end that the informalion confained herein is hUe and correct to tho best of my lmowleAge and belief I hereby state fiuther that I have received no money or orha consideration, by wey of loan, gift, contri6ution, or othenvise, other then al�eady disclosed m the applicaqon whirh I berelvith su6mitted I also undc�stanH this pn�nis� may be in�pectv�l by police, fire, heakh and other ciry officials at eny and alt times when the business is in aperation. for ell applications} �� 5�3� � � �� �� �/ � � `��,� ��. Date **Note: If this application is FoadlLiquar mlated, pleasc contect a City of Saint Paul Heatth Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to review plans. If any substantial changes to structure are anticipaud, please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Baemuier at 266-9007 to epply for building permits. Tf ilwe are airy chmges to tha paxfcing lot, floor spacc, or for aew operatioas, please contact a City of Saint Paul2oning Inspeetor at 266-9008. Additional appliostioa requiremente, please attac6: ��`- A detailed de�criptian ot t6e detign, location and square footage of the premisea to be licenaed (slte plan). The following data ohould be on the she pian (preferably oo an 8 1/2" :11" or 8 1/2" :14" paper): �- Name, addmay aad pLoae number. � �E �- The scale sLoald be atated such u 1" = 20'. ^N �hould be indicated toward the top. �- Plecement of ali pertment featurea oi the incerior of the licenaed facillty auch aa eeating arcan, kitebens, officee, repair ares, parldng, reat raoma� etc. - If s mquest ie for an addition or sxpaasion of the Gcenaed facility, indieate both the current erea and t6e pruposed expansion. t.�� A copy of your leaee agreemeqt or proof of ownera6ip of the property. � FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATIQN REQUIItEMENTS, PLEASE SEE REVERSE >>>>