97-143S �.b s�; 1� `�J . Presented By Referred To 1��-�� -' 3 1 5 t t t Council File #�.�} — �� 3 -� � � �( �y � � � Green Sheet # �b a. ` RESOLUTION Y �F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: i 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 io 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2s 26 z7 28 a9 30 31 32 33 3A 35 36 3� ��s 4 Resolved, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby consents to and approves the reappointment by the Mayor of Timothy Fuller as Fire Chief of the Department of Fire and Safety Services (Department)_ effective Apri1 2, 1997. Further Resolved, that the City Council's approval and consent is based on the following expectations of Fire Chief Fuller and the Administration: 1. That the Fire Chief and the Administration commit to a labor- management process that will involve monthly meetings with Fuller, Firefighters Local 21, the Fire Supervisory Association and, as appropriate, the City's Labor Relations and Human Resaurces Directors and and that summaries of these meetings be distributed to the Mayor and City Couhcil. � include the Bureau of Mediation Services 2. That the Fire Chief and the Administration seek to create subcommittees of the laborJmanagement committee to address issues related to diversity within the Department and issues related to safety and that summaries of these meetings be distributed to the Mayor and City Council. 3. That the Fire Chief will work to address the concerns of protected class and women Department employees. 4. That the Fire Chief will establish a Department policy limiting the use o£ City vehicles for any take-home purposes ta the Fire ChieP only. 5. That the Fire Chief will work with the Administration to establish a policy concerning the use of City vehicles by anyone convicted of a DWI. 6. That the Fire Chief establish a policy limiting the use of City equipment for personal use by on-duty Department employees. 7. That the Fire Chief seeks improvements to the services for which the Department is responsible and control costs consistent with maintaining needed services. 1 �t `Z - ) Ll � 2 Further Resolved That the Administration, with the input of the City s Council, engage an outside consulting firm to perform an evaluation of a the Fire Chief based upon the criteria set forth in this Resolution s and others developed in consultation with the City Council, and that 6 such evaluation be presented to the City Council by January 31, 1998. The 7 Administration sh.�ll submit an evaluation work plan to the City Council £or its review 8 Finally Resolved, that the City Council requests the Mayor to follow Marc 9 the process under the City Charter to remove the Fire Chief if the 1997 10 performance evaluation of the Fire Chie£ results in a determination of i1 unsatisfactory performance or the expectations set forth in this i2 resolution have not been reasonably satisfied. 13 1 4 Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date �q� �, l�q� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney By: /liu/vY! - � y � Y l � By: Appr By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Hy: CF-97-143 WORK PLAN FIIZE AND SAFETY DEPARTNIENT POLICY ISSUES AND EVALUATION OF CHTEF TIlVI FULLER i. Labor/Management Process a. Description: Monthiy meetings with Loca121 and FSA includin� subcommittees on safety and diversity; distribution of ineeting summaries to mayor and City Council b. Responsibility: T.Fuller c. Others to be involved: M. Kearney, J. Hamilton d. TaskslTime ]ine i. Define objectives to be sought through process ii. Work on structure of la6or/management process e. Status as of 3118l07: BMS has been contacted; initial meeting in mid-April is expected 2, Address concerns of protected class and women department empioyees a. Description: Address diversity issues b. Responsibility: T. Fulter c. Others to be involved: Department staff, Human Resources, Affirmative Action as necessary, labor/manajement committee d. TaskslTime line: These issues will be addressed by the diversity subcorrunittee of the laborlmana�ement committee; Assistant Chief Carter will continue to work on these issues as part of his duties e. Status as of3/18/97: in projress 1 3. Department Policy limiting the use of City vehicles for take-home purposes to the Chief a. Description: as above b_ Resgonsibility: T. Fuller c. Others to b.e involved: none d. TaskslTime line: implement policy change by April 15, 1997 limiting take home vehicies to Chief Fulier, the Assistant Chief for Operations who must respond to fire emergencies, and the EMS operations director who must respond to medical emergencies; a full policy review setting forth the public purposes and necessity for any take-home vehicles will be submitted to the Mayor and Council in May, 1997. e. Status as of 311 8147: in progress Esta6lishment of policy concerning use of City vehicles by anyone convicted of a DWI a. Description: as above Responsibility: 7. Hami(ton c. Others to be involved City Attorney, labor relations, and necessary operating departments including Fire Department d. TaskslTime line: i, description of current CityJdepartment policies ii. irriCiai legaUlabar relations review of what authority is available to the City ta change current poticies iii. submit recommendations based on existing authority whether any additional restrictions shoutd be adopted iv. submit recommendation whether restrictions should be sou�ht which would require additionai le�al authority v. report to Mayor and City Council in May, 1947 e. Status as of 3/13l97: in pro�ress Establishment of golicy limiting use of City equipment for personal use by on-duty department employees a. description: as above b. Responsibility: T. Fuller c. Others to be invoived: labor/management committee; J. Hamilton for City-wide issues and implications d. TaskslTime line: current policies to be enforced and will be reviewed; any chan�es will be made in consultation with labor management committee; report to Mayor and City Council on chan�es to be made by 7uly, 1997 e. Status as of 3t 18197: in progress 6. Improvements to services and control costs consistent with maintaining needed services a. Description: as above b. Responsibility: T. Fuller, J. Reid, J.Hamilton c. Others to be involved: labor/management committee, outside consultant, Council Research (coordination with current performance audit) d. Tasks/time lines: Deve(opment of separate work glan far review of Department service levels, costs, potentiai improvements, and cost controls. This should be integrated into the DepartmenYs strate�ic plannin� and the 1998 budget process, the performance audit process being performed by Council Research, and the work of the consultant conductin� the independent e�•aluation.. The work plan shouid be developed by May, 1997 to coincide with the evaluation work plan. See no. 7 below. e. Status as of 3/18/97: in pra?ress Independent evaluation of Chief Fuller based on criteria in Resolution 9?-143 to be presented to City Council by January 31, 1998 a. Description: as above b. Responsibility: 7. Hamilton, P. Kelly, 7. Reid c. Others to be involved: indepsndent outside consultant d. Tasks/ time lines: i. research similar evaluations that have been conducted nation-wide (Mazch, 1997) ii. research and develop list of potential consultants (early April, 1997) iii. develop RFP for consultant and engage consultant (end of April, 1997) iv. work with consultant to develop evaluation criteria and evaluation work plan in consultation with laborlmanagement committee, City Council, and ChiefFuller (May, 1997) v. provide assistance and input to consultant as necessary as evaluation proceeds (June, 1997-January, 1998) e. 5tatus as of 3l18/97: in progress H:ICISERS�iAIU1WPFII.ES�FIRElEV.4L.W P13/26197 Mayor's Office Mark Shields TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �i`?-1�t3 TE INITIAiED 213/97 GREEN SHEET 4 65 INRIAVDATE INRIAINATE DEPARTMENi DIflE CRY CAUNCIL ��� CfiYATTOFlNEV CRYCLERK � F � R BU�(iiE'f OIRECTOR � FlN. & MGT, SEAVICES DiR. )UTING aDE= MqYOR I� �ISiANt) ❑ (CLIP ALL LACATIONS FOR SIGNATUNE) City Council consents to and approves of the reappointment by the Mayor of Timothy Fuller as Fire Chief of the Department of Fire and Safety Services for a new term commencing on April 2, 1997. m _ PLANNMG COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION _ GB CAMMRTEE _ _ SiAFF _ � OI5iRICf COURT _ Sl1PPORTS WHICH COUNGLL.O&IECTIVE? None. PEHSONAL SEHYICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWEH TNE fOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has tqis parsonKrm ever worketl utWer a contraC[ fa'this depertment? YES NQ 2 Has this RersonJfirm ever been a ciry amployee? YES NO 3. Does this person/tirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city emplqree4 YES NO Expiain ell yes anawere on separate sheat anE ettach to graen shaet Approve of the reagpointment by the Mayor of Timothy Fu11er as Fire Chief of the Department of Fire and Safety Services. €���;,.. . _,.�..:;z �t: a°,`���; } � . ,. v, �}� �i:3 i��i .. . ...s::� �l AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO VIdG SOURCE ACTIYITY NUMBER :IAI INFORkiATION. (EXPWN) �� � iT[� riiF Ti i M[GHAEL J. HARRIS �����timem�� MEMORANDUM TO: Tun Mar�c, Deputy Mayor � FROM: Councilmember Mike Harris;\i v" r DATE: � Mazch 31, 1997 Fire Chief Evaluation Work Plan (� I have some concerns regazding the Fire Chief Evaluation Work Plan dated March 18, 1497. I would appreciate a response to these concerns before this issue is heazd by the City Council on Wednesday, Apri12. • Issue #2, page I, "tlddress concerns of Protected Class and women department employees ". We agreed that the Council will require (a) meeting summaries and {b) monthly written updates. • Issue #3, page 2, "Department Policy Izmiting the use of City vehicles for take-home purposes to the Chief'. The Council was very clear in its direction that take-home vehic]es wilI be limited to the Chief only; please remove the language that indicates that the Assistant Chief of Operations and the EMS Ogerations Director can have take-home vehicles. • Issue #4, page 2, "Establishment of Policy concerning use of City vehicles by anyone convicted of a➢YVI ". Does the City have to negotiate this polic}=? If so, it should be itnplemented immediately, and not just by the Fire Department. This should be a city-wide policy that affects al( city 8mpioyees that have the ability to utilize city vehicles. • Issue #7, page 3, `7ndependent evaduation of Chief Futler based on criteria in Resotution 97-143 to be presented to the City Council by January 31, I998 °. It should be added that the consultant should be approved with the consent of the City Council. Thank you for your attention to these issues. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me. Attachment c: City Councilmembers Chief Tim fhller NYP�:7i�i1 THIRD FLOOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COL3NCII. SAINT PAUL, MIt1NESOTA 55102 612/266-8630 Se�n66 Pciated on Recyfled Paper j� nn � d� 7� Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Dan Bosuom Cou�cilmember Mike Harris FROM: DATE: � Counciimember Roberta Megard Councilmember Janice Rettman Tim Marx, Deputy Mayar � y�/ March 18, 1997 '�/ Fire Chief Evaluation Work Plan . � �,�.� �� 1991 L-�il Attached for your review is a proposed work pian to impiement CF-97-143, the resolution adopted by the City Council on March 5, 1997 consenting to the appointment of Tim Fuller as Fire Chief. The Administration is now working to implement each element of the resolution. We wili be fonvarding to you a proposed budget amendment in the ne� several weeks for funding the consulting services that wiil be necessary for undertaking the evaluation process called for in the resolutiott and the work plan. After the consuiting arrangements have been finalized, your input wil] be sought on the appropriate measurement criteria to be included in the evaluation process. Please contact me if you have any questions or desire additional information. Attachment cc: Mayor Coleman Office of Council Ward ? 7ohn Hamilton Pamela Kelly Mary Kearney 7oe Reid Barb Renshaw Tim Fulier � Gl`? - 1 �t 3 z Further Resolved That the Administration, with the input of the City 3 Council, engage an outside consulting firm to perform an evaluation of �[ n 1 Pir� C}�iaf hF7R�c� upan th� rrit�ri� �s�t [orth 3.n th{a Resolution .J.� s and others developed in consultation with the City Council, and that 5 such evaluation be presented to the City Council by January 31, 1998. The Administration sh.�ll subm3t an evaluation work plan to the City Council for its review hy a Finally Resolved, that the City Council requests the Mayor to follow March 1 s the process under the City Charter to remove the Fire Chief if the 1947. io performance evaluation of the Fire Chief results in a determination of ii unsatisfactory performance or the expectations set forth in this 12 resolution have not been reasonably satisfied. 13 14 Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ���� � � `q��`� ��� Adoption Certified by Council 5ecretary B�° 3 J y ✓� ? B � : "{ \_ � �� Approved by Meyor for Submission to S� c ��..-._ � " Council Approved by Mayor: Date By: By: � ��������� Mayor's Office JOCItACT PERSON & PNONE Mark Shields dUST BE ON CAUNCIL A6ENDA eY (DATE) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES `� � -1'� 3 2/3/97 GREEN SHEET 4 65� 1NiT1AtlUATE INRIAI/OATE OEPARTMENTOIRE CITYCAUNGL iSIGN CITYATTORNEY CITYCLERK JNBEH FOH � 8��� DIflECTOR � FIN. 8 MOT. SERVICES DIR. )U71Na a�� MAYOR (OR ASSlSTANn � (CUP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) City Council conaents to and approves of the reappointment by the Mayor of Timothy Fuller as Fire Chief of the Department of Fire and Sefety 5ervices for a new term commencinq on April 2, 1997. o� _ PIANNIN6 COMMISSION _ ( __ CIB COMMITfEE __ _ � STAFF _ , __ D15TRICTCOURT _ _ SUPPoRTS WHICH COUNCiL OBJECTIVE7 ISSUE. None PERSONAL SEflVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOILOWING OUESTIONS: 1. Has this personttirm ever worked under a contraM tor this department? YES NO 2. Has this person/ifrm ever beert a ciry empioyee7 YES NO 3. Doea fhis persoNlirm possesa a aklll nof normally poeeeeeed by any cunent dty empioyee4 YES NO Explaln a11 yes answers on seperate sheet aM ettaeh to Dresn �heet Approve o£ the reappointment by the Mayor of Timothy Fu11er as Fire Chief of the Department oP Fire and Safety Services. „� � v�ii�tQf �,:3�fii?,,:d C < u F L�3 � 6 1��J7 _ __ .._...__,..____.,;,��-.�.�+ AMOUNTOFTRANSACTION S COSTlREYENUE BUOGETEU (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO 'iG SOURCE ACTIYITY NUMBER /.L INFtlflFhATiOM (EXPLAIN) i �'t i = � /�' � ` ` . , � t � � .. t � . _ Council File # � � l " t 'l � �reen sheet # �OZ��} RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED, Tbat the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby co ent and approve the reappointment by the Mayar of Timothy Fuiler as Fire Chief of the Dep ent of Fire and Safety Services for a new tersn commencing Apri12, 1997. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Requested by Department of_ By: Adopted by Council: Adoption Certifie By: Approved by Mayor: By: ! Form Approved by City Attorney ate /) Council Secretary B ��(/ (�y f G'(�- Y� Approved by Mayor for 1 S 1 ubmission to Counail Date �/1 J� / t/ L By: � � S �.b s�; 1� `�J . Presented By Referred To 1��-�� -' 3 1 5 t t t Council File #�.�} — �� 3 -� � � �( �y � � � Green Sheet # �b a. ` RESOLUTION Y �F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: i 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 io 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2s 26 z7 28 a9 30 31 32 33 3A 35 36 3� ��s 4 Resolved, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby consents to and approves the reappointment by the Mayor of Timothy Fuller as Fire Chief of the Department of Fire and Safety Services (Department)_ effective Apri1 2, 1997. Further Resolved, that the City Council's approval and consent is based on the following expectations of Fire Chief Fuller and the Administration: 1. That the Fire Chief and the Administration commit to a labor- management process that will involve monthly meetings with Fuller, Firefighters Local 21, the Fire Supervisory Association and, as appropriate, the City's Labor Relations and Human Resaurces Directors and and that summaries of these meetings be distributed to the Mayor and City Couhcil. � include the Bureau of Mediation Services 2. That the Fire Chief and the Administration seek to create subcommittees of the laborJmanagement committee to address issues related to diversity within the Department and issues related to safety and that summaries of these meetings be distributed to the Mayor and City Council. 3. That the Fire Chief will work to address the concerns of protected class and women Department employees. 4. That the Fire Chief will establish a Department policy limiting the use o£ City vehicles for any take-home purposes ta the Fire ChieP only. 5. That the Fire Chief will work with the Administration to establish a policy concerning the use of City vehicles by anyone convicted of a DWI. 6. That the Fire Chief establish a policy limiting the use of City equipment for personal use by on-duty Department employees. 7. That the Fire Chief seeks improvements to the services for which the Department is responsible and control costs consistent with maintaining needed services. 1 �t `Z - ) Ll � 2 Further Resolved That the Administration, with the input of the City s Council, engage an outside consulting firm to perform an evaluation of a the Fire Chief based upon the criteria set forth in this Resolution s and others developed in consultation with the City Council, and that 6 such evaluation be presented to the City Council by January 31, 1998. The 7 Administration sh.�ll submit an evaluation work plan to the City Council £or its review 8 Finally Resolved, that the City Council requests the Mayor to follow Marc 9 the process under the City Charter to remove the Fire Chief if the 1997 10 performance evaluation of the Fire Chie£ results in a determination of i1 unsatisfactory performance or the expectations set forth in this i2 resolution have not been reasonably satisfied. 13 1 4 Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date �q� �, l�q� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney By: /liu/vY! - � y � Y l � By: Appr By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Hy: CF-97-143 WORK PLAN FIIZE AND SAFETY DEPARTNIENT POLICY ISSUES AND EVALUATION OF CHTEF TIlVI FULLER i. Labor/Management Process a. Description: Monthiy meetings with Loca121 and FSA includin� subcommittees on safety and diversity; distribution of ineeting summaries to mayor and City Council b. Responsibility: T.Fuller c. Others to be involved: M. Kearney, J. Hamilton d. TaskslTime ]ine i. Define objectives to be sought through process ii. Work on structure of la6or/management process e. Status as of 3118l07: BMS has been contacted; initial meeting in mid-April is expected 2, Address concerns of protected class and women department empioyees a. Description: Address diversity issues b. Responsibility: T. Fulter c. Others to be involved: Department staff, Human Resources, Affirmative Action as necessary, labor/manajement committee d. TaskslTime line: These issues will be addressed by the diversity subcorrunittee of the laborlmana�ement committee; Assistant Chief Carter will continue to work on these issues as part of his duties e. Status as of3/18/97: in projress 1 3. Department Policy limiting the use of City vehicles for take-home purposes to the Chief a. Description: as above b_ Resgonsibility: T. Fuller c. Others to b.e involved: none d. TaskslTime line: implement policy change by April 15, 1997 limiting take home vehicies to Chief Fulier, the Assistant Chief for Operations who must respond to fire emergencies, and the EMS operations director who must respond to medical emergencies; a full policy review setting forth the public purposes and necessity for any take-home vehicles will be submitted to the Mayor and Council in May, 1997. e. Status as of 311 8147: in progress Esta6lishment of policy concerning use of City vehicles by anyone convicted of a DWI a. Description: as above Responsibility: 7. Hami(ton c. Others to be involved City Attorney, labor relations, and necessary operating departments including Fire Department d. TaskslTime line: i, description of current CityJdepartment policies ii. irriCiai legaUlabar relations review of what authority is available to the City ta change current poticies iii. submit recommendations based on existing authority whether any additional restrictions shoutd be adopted iv. submit recommendation whether restrictions should be sou�ht which would require additionai le�al authority v. report to Mayor and City Council in May, 1947 e. Status as of 3/13l97: in pro�ress Establishment of golicy limiting use of City equipment for personal use by on-duty department employees a. description: as above b. Responsibility: T. Fuller c. Others to be invoived: labor/management committee; J. Hamilton for City-wide issues and implications d. TaskslTime line: current policies to be enforced and will be reviewed; any chan�es will be made in consultation with labor management committee; report to Mayor and City Council on chan�es to be made by 7uly, 1997 e. Status as of 3t 18197: in progress 6. Improvements to services and control costs consistent with maintaining needed services a. Description: as above b. Responsibility: T. Fuller, J. Reid, J.Hamilton c. Others to be involved: labor/management committee, outside consultant, Council Research (coordination with current performance audit) d. Tasks/time lines: Deve(opment of separate work glan far review of Department service levels, costs, potentiai improvements, and cost controls. This should be integrated into the DepartmenYs strate�ic plannin� and the 1998 budget process, the performance audit process being performed by Council Research, and the work of the consultant conductin� the independent e�•aluation.. The work plan shouid be developed by May, 1997 to coincide with the evaluation work plan. See no. 7 below. e. Status as of 3/18/97: in pra?ress Independent evaluation of Chief Fuller based on criteria in Resolution 9?-143 to be presented to City Council by January 31, 1998 a. Description: as above b. Responsibility: 7. Hamilton, P. Kelly, 7. Reid c. Others to be involved: indepsndent outside consultant d. Tasks/ time lines: i. research similar evaluations that have been conducted nation-wide (Mazch, 1997) ii. research and develop list of potential consultants (early April, 1997) iii. develop RFP for consultant and engage consultant (end of April, 1997) iv. work with consultant to develop evaluation criteria and evaluation work plan in consultation with laborlmanagement committee, City Council, and ChiefFuller (May, 1997) v. provide assistance and input to consultant as necessary as evaluation proceeds (June, 1997-January, 1998) e. 5tatus as of 3l18/97: in progress H:ICISERS�iAIU1WPFII.ES�FIRElEV.4L.W P13/26197 Mayor's Office Mark Shields TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �i`?-1�t3 TE INITIAiED 213/97 GREEN SHEET 4 65 INRIAVDATE INRIAINATE DEPARTMENi DIflE CRY CAUNCIL ��� CfiYATTOFlNEV CRYCLERK � F � R BU�(iiE'f OIRECTOR � FlN. & MGT, SEAVICES DiR. )UTING aDE= MqYOR I� �ISiANt) ❑ (CLIP ALL LACATIONS FOR SIGNATUNE) City Council consents to and approves of the reappointment by the Mayor of Timothy Fuller as Fire Chief of the Department of Fire and Safety Services for a new term commencing on April 2, 1997. m _ PLANNMG COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION _ GB CAMMRTEE _ _ SiAFF _ � OI5iRICf COURT _ Sl1PPORTS WHICH COUNGLL.O&IECTIVE? None. PEHSONAL SEHYICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWEH TNE fOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has tqis parsonKrm ever worketl utWer a contraC[ fa'this depertment? YES NQ 2 Has this RersonJfirm ever been a ciry amployee? YES NO 3. Does this person/tirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city emplqree4 YES NO Expiain ell yes anawere on separate sheat anE ettach to graen shaet Approve of the reagpointment by the Mayor of Timothy Fu11er as Fire Chief of the Department of Fire and Safety Services. €���;,.. . _,.�..:;z �t: a°,`���; } � . ,. v, �}� �i:3 i��i .. . ...s::� �l AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO VIdG SOURCE ACTIYITY NUMBER :IAI INFORkiATION. (EXPWN) �� � iT[� riiF Ti i M[GHAEL J. HARRIS �����timem�� MEMORANDUM TO: Tun Mar�c, Deputy Mayor � FROM: Councilmember Mike Harris;\i v" r DATE: � Mazch 31, 1997 Fire Chief Evaluation Work Plan (� I have some concerns regazding the Fire Chief Evaluation Work Plan dated March 18, 1497. I would appreciate a response to these concerns before this issue is heazd by the City Council on Wednesday, Apri12. • Issue #2, page I, "tlddress concerns of Protected Class and women department employees ". We agreed that the Council will require (a) meeting summaries and {b) monthly written updates. • Issue #3, page 2, "Department Policy Izmiting the use of City vehicles for take-home purposes to the Chief'. The Council was very clear in its direction that take-home vehic]es wilI be limited to the Chief only; please remove the language that indicates that the Assistant Chief of Operations and the EMS Ogerations Director can have take-home vehicles. • Issue #4, page 2, "Establishment of Policy concerning use of City vehicles by anyone convicted of a➢YVI ". Does the City have to negotiate this polic}=? If so, it should be itnplemented immediately, and not just by the Fire Department. This should be a city-wide policy that affects al( city 8mpioyees that have the ability to utilize city vehicles. • Issue #7, page 3, `7ndependent evaduation of Chief Futler based on criteria in Resotution 97-143 to be presented to the City Council by January 31, I998 °. It should be added that the consultant should be approved with the consent of the City Council. Thank you for your attention to these issues. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me. Attachment c: City Councilmembers Chief Tim fhller NYP�:7i�i1 THIRD FLOOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COL3NCII. SAINT PAUL, MIt1NESOTA 55102 612/266-8630 Se�n66 Pciated on Recyfled Paper j� nn � d� 7� Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Dan Bosuom Cou�cilmember Mike Harris FROM: DATE: � Counciimember Roberta Megard Councilmember Janice Rettman Tim Marx, Deputy Mayar � y�/ March 18, 1997 '�/ Fire Chief Evaluation Work Plan . � �,�.� �� 1991 L-�il Attached for your review is a proposed work pian to impiement CF-97-143, the resolution adopted by the City Council on March 5, 1997 consenting to the appointment of Tim Fuller as Fire Chief. The Administration is now working to implement each element of the resolution. We wili be fonvarding to you a proposed budget amendment in the ne� several weeks for funding the consulting services that wiil be necessary for undertaking the evaluation process called for in the resolutiott and the work plan. After the consuiting arrangements have been finalized, your input wil] be sought on the appropriate measurement criteria to be included in the evaluation process. Please contact me if you have any questions or desire additional information. Attachment cc: Mayor Coleman Office of Council Ward ? 7ohn Hamilton Pamela Kelly Mary Kearney 7oe Reid Barb Renshaw Tim Fulier � Gl`? - 1 �t 3 z Further Resolved That the Administration, with the input of the City 3 Council, engage an outside consulting firm to perform an evaluation of �[ n 1 Pir� C}�iaf hF7R�c� upan th� rrit�ri� �s�t [orth 3.n th{a Resolution .J.� s and others developed in consultation with the City Council, and that 5 such evaluation be presented to the City Council by January 31, 1998. The Administration sh.�ll subm3t an evaluation work plan to the City Council for its review hy a Finally Resolved, that the City Council requests the Mayor to follow March 1 s the process under the City Charter to remove the Fire Chief if the 1947. io performance evaluation of the Fire Chief results in a determination of ii unsatisfactory performance or the expectations set forth in this 12 resolution have not been reasonably satisfied. 13 14 Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ���� � � `q��`� ��� Adoption Certified by Council 5ecretary B�° 3 J y ✓� ? B � : "{ \_ � �� Approved by Meyor for Submission to S� c ��..-._ � " Council Approved by Mayor: Date By: By: � ��������� Mayor's Office JOCItACT PERSON & PNONE Mark Shields dUST BE ON CAUNCIL A6ENDA eY (DATE) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES `� � -1'� 3 2/3/97 GREEN SHEET 4 65� 1NiT1AtlUATE INRIAI/OATE OEPARTMENTOIRE CITYCAUNGL iSIGN CITYATTORNEY CITYCLERK JNBEH FOH � 8��� DIflECTOR � FIN. 8 MOT. SERVICES DIR. )U71Na a�� MAYOR (OR ASSlSTANn � (CUP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) City Council conaents to and approves of the reappointment by the Mayor of Timothy Fuller as Fire Chief of the Department of Fire and Sefety 5ervices for a new term commencinq on April 2, 1997. o� _ PIANNIN6 COMMISSION _ ( __ CIB COMMITfEE __ _ � STAFF _ , __ D15TRICTCOURT _ _ SUPPoRTS WHICH COUNCiL OBJECTIVE7 ISSUE. None PERSONAL SEflVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOILOWING OUESTIONS: 1. Has this personttirm ever worked under a contraM tor this department? YES NO 2. Has this person/ifrm ever beert a ciry empioyee7 YES NO 3. Doea fhis persoNlirm possesa a aklll nof normally poeeeeeed by any cunent dty empioyee4 YES NO Explaln a11 yes answers on seperate sheet aM ettaeh to Dresn �heet Approve o£ the reappointment by the Mayor of Timothy Fu11er as Fire Chief of the Department oP Fire and Safety Services. „� � v�ii�tQf �,:3�fii?,,:d C < u F L�3 � 6 1��J7 _ __ .._...__,..____.,;,��-.�.�+ AMOUNTOFTRANSACTION S COSTlREYENUE BUOGETEU (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO 'iG SOURCE ACTIYITY NUMBER /.L INFtlflFhATiOM (EXPLAIN) i �'t i = � /�' � ` ` . , � t � � .. t � . _ Council File # � � l " t 'l � �reen sheet # �OZ��} RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED, Tbat the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby co ent and approve the reappointment by the Mayar of Timothy Fuiler as Fire Chief of the Dep ent of Fire and Safety Services for a new tersn commencing Apri12, 1997. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Requested by Department of_ By: Adopted by Council: Adoption Certifie By: Approved by Mayor: By: ! Form Approved by City Attorney ate /) Council Secretary B ��(/ (�y f G'(�- Y� Approved by Mayor for 1 S 1 ubmission to Counail Date �/1 J� / t/ L By: � � S �.b s�; 1� `�J . Presented By Referred To 1��-�� -' 3 1 5 t t t Council File #�.�} — �� 3 -� � � �( �y � � � Green Sheet # �b a. ` RESOLUTION Y �F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: i 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 io 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2s 26 z7 28 a9 30 31 32 33 3A 35 36 3� ��s 4 Resolved, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby consents to and approves the reappointment by the Mayor of Timothy Fuller as Fire Chief of the Department of Fire and Safety Services (Department)_ effective Apri1 2, 1997. Further Resolved, that the City Council's approval and consent is based on the following expectations of Fire Chief Fuller and the Administration: 1. That the Fire Chief and the Administration commit to a labor- management process that will involve monthly meetings with Fuller, Firefighters Local 21, the Fire Supervisory Association and, as appropriate, the City's Labor Relations and Human Resaurces Directors and and that summaries of these meetings be distributed to the Mayor and City Couhcil. � include the Bureau of Mediation Services 2. That the Fire Chief and the Administration seek to create subcommittees of the laborJmanagement committee to address issues related to diversity within the Department and issues related to safety and that summaries of these meetings be distributed to the Mayor and City Council. 3. That the Fire Chief will work to address the concerns of protected class and women Department employees. 4. That the Fire Chief will establish a Department policy limiting the use o£ City vehicles for any take-home purposes ta the Fire ChieP only. 5. That the Fire Chief will work with the Administration to establish a policy concerning the use of City vehicles by anyone convicted of a DWI. 6. That the Fire Chief establish a policy limiting the use of City equipment for personal use by on-duty Department employees. 7. That the Fire Chief seeks improvements to the services for which the Department is responsible and control costs consistent with maintaining needed services. 1 �t `Z - ) Ll � 2 Further Resolved That the Administration, with the input of the City s Council, engage an outside consulting firm to perform an evaluation of a the Fire Chief based upon the criteria set forth in this Resolution s and others developed in consultation with the City Council, and that 6 such evaluation be presented to the City Council by January 31, 1998. The 7 Administration sh.�ll submit an evaluation work plan to the City Council £or its review 8 Finally Resolved, that the City Council requests the Mayor to follow Marc 9 the process under the City Charter to remove the Fire Chief if the 1997 10 performance evaluation of the Fire Chie£ results in a determination of i1 unsatisfactory performance or the expectations set forth in this i2 resolution have not been reasonably satisfied. 13 1 4 Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date �q� �, l�q� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney By: /liu/vY! - � y � Y l � By: Appr By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Hy: CF-97-143 WORK PLAN FIIZE AND SAFETY DEPARTNIENT POLICY ISSUES AND EVALUATION OF CHTEF TIlVI FULLER i. Labor/Management Process a. Description: Monthiy meetings with Loca121 and FSA includin� subcommittees on safety and diversity; distribution of ineeting summaries to mayor and City Council b. Responsibility: T.Fuller c. Others to be involved: M. Kearney, J. Hamilton d. TaskslTime ]ine i. Define objectives to be sought through process ii. Work on structure of la6or/management process e. Status as of 3118l07: BMS has been contacted; initial meeting in mid-April is expected 2, Address concerns of protected class and women department empioyees a. Description: Address diversity issues b. Responsibility: T. Fulter c. Others to be involved: Department staff, Human Resources, Affirmative Action as necessary, labor/manajement committee d. TaskslTime line: These issues will be addressed by the diversity subcorrunittee of the laborlmana�ement committee; Assistant Chief Carter will continue to work on these issues as part of his duties e. Status as of3/18/97: in projress 1 3. Department Policy limiting the use of City vehicles for take-home purposes to the Chief a. Description: as above b_ Resgonsibility: T. Fuller c. Others to b.e involved: none d. TaskslTime line: implement policy change by April 15, 1997 limiting take home vehicies to Chief Fulier, the Assistant Chief for Operations who must respond to fire emergencies, and the EMS operations director who must respond to medical emergencies; a full policy review setting forth the public purposes and necessity for any take-home vehicles will be submitted to the Mayor and Council in May, 1997. e. Status as of 311 8147: in progress Esta6lishment of policy concerning use of City vehicles by anyone convicted of a DWI a. Description: as above Responsibility: 7. Hami(ton c. Others to be involved City Attorney, labor relations, and necessary operating departments including Fire Department d. TaskslTime line: i, description of current CityJdepartment policies ii. irriCiai legaUlabar relations review of what authority is available to the City ta change current poticies iii. submit recommendations based on existing authority whether any additional restrictions shoutd be adopted iv. submit recommendation whether restrictions should be sou�ht which would require additionai le�al authority v. report to Mayor and City Council in May, 1947 e. Status as of 3/13l97: in pro�ress Establishment of golicy limiting use of City equipment for personal use by on-duty department employees a. description: as above b. Responsibility: T. Fuller c. Others to be invoived: labor/management committee; J. Hamilton for City-wide issues and implications d. TaskslTime line: current policies to be enforced and will be reviewed; any chan�es will be made in consultation with labor management committee; report to Mayor and City Council on chan�es to be made by 7uly, 1997 e. Status as of 3t 18197: in progress 6. Improvements to services and control costs consistent with maintaining needed services a. Description: as above b. Responsibility: T. Fuller, J. Reid, J.Hamilton c. Others to be involved: labor/management committee, outside consultant, Council Research (coordination with current performance audit) d. Tasks/time lines: Deve(opment of separate work glan far review of Department service levels, costs, potentiai improvements, and cost controls. This should be integrated into the DepartmenYs strate�ic plannin� and the 1998 budget process, the performance audit process being performed by Council Research, and the work of the consultant conductin� the independent e�•aluation.. The work plan shouid be developed by May, 1997 to coincide with the evaluation work plan. See no. 7 below. e. Status as of 3/18/97: in pra?ress Independent evaluation of Chief Fuller based on criteria in Resolution 9?-143 to be presented to City Council by January 31, 1998 a. Description: as above b. Responsibility: 7. Hamilton, P. Kelly, 7. Reid c. Others to be involved: indepsndent outside consultant d. Tasks/ time lines: i. research similar evaluations that have been conducted nation-wide (Mazch, 1997) ii. research and develop list of potential consultants (early April, 1997) iii. develop RFP for consultant and engage consultant (end of April, 1997) iv. work with consultant to develop evaluation criteria and evaluation work plan in consultation with laborlmanagement committee, City Council, and ChiefFuller (May, 1997) v. provide assistance and input to consultant as necessary as evaluation proceeds (June, 1997-January, 1998) e. 5tatus as of 3l18/97: in progress H:ICISERS�iAIU1WPFII.ES�FIRElEV.4L.W P13/26197 Mayor's Office Mark Shields TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �i`?-1�t3 TE INITIAiED 213/97 GREEN SHEET 4 65 INRIAVDATE INRIAINATE DEPARTMENi DIflE CRY CAUNCIL ��� CfiYATTOFlNEV CRYCLERK � F � R BU�(iiE'f OIRECTOR � FlN. & MGT, SEAVICES DiR. )UTING aDE= MqYOR I� �ISiANt) ❑ (CLIP ALL LACATIONS FOR SIGNATUNE) City Council consents to and approves of the reappointment by the Mayor of Timothy Fuller as Fire Chief of the Department of Fire and Safety Services for a new term commencing on April 2, 1997. m _ PLANNMG COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION _ GB CAMMRTEE _ _ SiAFF _ � OI5iRICf COURT _ Sl1PPORTS WHICH COUNGLL.O&IECTIVE? None. PEHSONAL SEHYICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWEH TNE fOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has tqis parsonKrm ever worketl utWer a contraC[ fa'this depertment? YES NQ 2 Has this RersonJfirm ever been a ciry amployee? YES NO 3. Does this person/tirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city emplqree4 YES NO Expiain ell yes anawere on separate sheat anE ettach to graen shaet Approve of the reagpointment by the Mayor of Timothy Fu11er as Fire Chief of the Department of Fire and Safety Services. €���;,.. . _,.�..:;z �t: a°,`���; } � . ,. v, �}� �i:3 i��i .. . ...s::� �l AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO VIdG SOURCE ACTIYITY NUMBER :IAI INFORkiATION. (EXPWN) �� � iT[� riiF Ti i M[GHAEL J. HARRIS �����timem�� MEMORANDUM TO: Tun Mar�c, Deputy Mayor � FROM: Councilmember Mike Harris;\i v" r DATE: � Mazch 31, 1997 Fire Chief Evaluation Work Plan (� I have some concerns regazding the Fire Chief Evaluation Work Plan dated March 18, 1497. I would appreciate a response to these concerns before this issue is heazd by the City Council on Wednesday, Apri12. • Issue #2, page I, "tlddress concerns of Protected Class and women department employees ". We agreed that the Council will require (a) meeting summaries and {b) monthly written updates. • Issue #3, page 2, "Department Policy Izmiting the use of City vehicles for take-home purposes to the Chief'. The Council was very clear in its direction that take-home vehic]es wilI be limited to the Chief only; please remove the language that indicates that the Assistant Chief of Operations and the EMS Ogerations Director can have take-home vehicles. • Issue #4, page 2, "Establishment of Policy concerning use of City vehicles by anyone convicted of a➢YVI ". Does the City have to negotiate this polic}=? If so, it should be itnplemented immediately, and not just by the Fire Department. This should be a city-wide policy that affects al( city 8mpioyees that have the ability to utilize city vehicles. • Issue #7, page 3, `7ndependent evaduation of Chief Futler based on criteria in Resotution 97-143 to be presented to the City Council by January 31, I998 °. It should be added that the consultant should be approved with the consent of the City Council. Thank you for your attention to these issues. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me. Attachment c: City Councilmembers Chief Tim fhller NYP�:7i�i1 THIRD FLOOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COL3NCII. SAINT PAUL, MIt1NESOTA 55102 612/266-8630 Se�n66 Pciated on Recyfled Paper j� nn � d� 7� Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Dan Bosuom Cou�cilmember Mike Harris FROM: DATE: � Counciimember Roberta Megard Councilmember Janice Rettman Tim Marx, Deputy Mayar � y�/ March 18, 1997 '�/ Fire Chief Evaluation Work Plan . � �,�.� �� 1991 L-�il Attached for your review is a proposed work pian to impiement CF-97-143, the resolution adopted by the City Council on March 5, 1997 consenting to the appointment of Tim Fuller as Fire Chief. The Administration is now working to implement each element of the resolution. We wili be fonvarding to you a proposed budget amendment in the ne� several weeks for funding the consulting services that wiil be necessary for undertaking the evaluation process called for in the resolutiott and the work plan. After the consuiting arrangements have been finalized, your input wil] be sought on the appropriate measurement criteria to be included in the evaluation process. Please contact me if you have any questions or desire additional information. Attachment cc: Mayor Coleman Office of Council Ward ? 7ohn Hamilton Pamela Kelly Mary Kearney 7oe Reid Barb Renshaw Tim Fulier � Gl`? - 1 �t 3 z Further Resolved That the Administration, with the input of the City 3 Council, engage an outside consulting firm to perform an evaluation of �[ n 1 Pir� C}�iaf hF7R�c� upan th� rrit�ri� �s�t [orth 3.n th{a Resolution .J.� s and others developed in consultation with the City Council, and that 5 such evaluation be presented to the City Council by January 31, 1998. The Administration sh.�ll subm3t an evaluation work plan to the City Council for its review hy a Finally Resolved, that the City Council requests the Mayor to follow March 1 s the process under the City Charter to remove the Fire Chief if the 1947. io performance evaluation of the Fire Chief results in a determination of ii unsatisfactory performance or the expectations set forth in this 12 resolution have not been reasonably satisfied. 13 14 Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ���� � � `q��`� ��� Adoption Certified by Council 5ecretary B�° 3 J y ✓� ? B � : "{ \_ � �� Approved by Meyor for Submission to S� c ��..-._ � " Council Approved by Mayor: Date By: By: � ��������� Mayor's Office JOCItACT PERSON & PNONE Mark Shields dUST BE ON CAUNCIL A6ENDA eY (DATE) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES `� � -1'� 3 2/3/97 GREEN SHEET 4 65� 1NiT1AtlUATE INRIAI/OATE OEPARTMENTOIRE CITYCAUNGL iSIGN CITYATTORNEY CITYCLERK JNBEH FOH � 8��� DIflECTOR � FIN. 8 MOT. SERVICES DIR. )U71Na a�� MAYOR (OR ASSlSTANn � (CUP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) City Council conaents to and approves of the reappointment by the Mayor of Timothy Fuller as Fire Chief of the Department of Fire and Sefety 5ervices for a new term commencinq on April 2, 1997. o� _ PIANNIN6 COMMISSION _ ( __ CIB COMMITfEE __ _ � STAFF _ , __ D15TRICTCOURT _ _ SUPPoRTS WHICH COUNCiL OBJECTIVE7 ISSUE. None PERSONAL SEflVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOILOWING OUESTIONS: 1. Has this personttirm ever worked under a contraM tor this department? YES NO 2. Has this person/ifrm ever beert a ciry empioyee7 YES NO 3. Doea fhis persoNlirm possesa a aklll nof normally poeeeeeed by any cunent dty empioyee4 YES NO Explaln a11 yes answers on seperate sheet aM ettaeh to Dresn �heet Approve o£ the reappointment by the Mayor of Timothy Fu11er as Fire Chief of the Department oP Fire and Safety Services. „� � v�ii�tQf �,:3�fii?,,:d C < u F L�3 � 6 1��J7 _ __ .._...__,..____.,;,��-.�.�+ AMOUNTOFTRANSACTION S COSTlREYENUE BUOGETEU (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO 'iG SOURCE ACTIYITY NUMBER /.L INFtlflFhATiOM (EXPLAIN) i �'t i = � /�' � ` ` . , � t � � .. t � . _ Council File # � � l " t 'l � �reen sheet # �OZ��} RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED, Tbat the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby co ent and approve the reappointment by the Mayar of Timothy Fuiler as Fire Chief of the Dep ent of Fire and Safety Services for a new tersn commencing Apri12, 1997. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Requested by Department of_ By: Adopted by Council: Adoption Certifie By: Approved by Mayor: By: ! Form Approved by City Attorney ate /) Council Secretary B ��(/ (�y f G'(�- Y� Approved by Mayor for 1 S 1 ubmission to Counail Date �/1 J� / t/ L By: � �