D00513White � City Cierk Pink — Finance DePt. L^anary— Dept. GITY OF SAINT PAIIL OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR No: �� 5 � � Date: �- �� ��� ADMINISTRATIVE OR➢ER C� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul is conducting interviews for the Human Resources Dixector. WHEREAS, a nation-wide search has resulted in interviewing out-of-town candidates. BE IS ORDERED: that the Office of Human Resources wi12 pay interview travel expenses for the $uman Resource Director candidates which includes mileage in an amount not to exceed $600. ��nt : p�t — O�d55 - 0�51 � , � tZ�Gc�� � ? 9199 :�tT� i�LER�`. APP ED AS TO FORM � Assistant City Attorney �J �� �� Department Head �rf f �������������� Administrative Assistant to Mayor � ��.? Mark Robertson 266-6471 7i 0�5+3 GREEN SHEET �° _350U3 INfrIAWATE INRIALIDATE EPARTMENT DI{iECTOF � CITV COUNpL CINATfORNEV '�'S' �Cj� CRYCLERK BUDGET DIRECTOfl �& MGT. SERVICES �I - MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn , � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� Reimbutsement of interview travel expenses for the Human Resource Director candidates. _ PLANNMIG COMMf&SION _ CNIL SERV(CE COMMISSIpN __ CIB COMMIiTEE _ _ S7AFF _ _ DISTPICTCAURT _ SUPPOp'(5 WHICH CAUNCIL O&IEC7IVE? PERSONAL SEHVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING UUES710NS: 7. Has this perso�rm ever worked under a contract for Mis depar6nerrt? - YES NO 2. Has Mis persoNfirm ever bcen a city employee? � YES NO 3. Does Mis persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed 6y arry wrreM city employee7 YES NO Explain all yes answen on separote sheet antl anaeh to green sheet RECEIVED MAR 2 91995 RfCffV�� IFAPPROYED: QFFfCE OF THE DIRECTQR DEPARTMENT OF Fl�vANCE kND MANAGfMEtVT �ERVICES . t� N 2 7995 } , � r - AMOUNTOFTRANSACTION S ��✓v-� COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE � ACTIVITY NUMBER �/ wl'�� ��l FINANCIAL INWAMATION: (EX%AIN) ' ��