97-142.. � L L : �. :,tty �f St♦ Fau1 RESOLUTIOYd RPPR4iTF276 dtSSESSMEHT ANI1 � €�CItiG TIl�fE dF HEARiN6 fiHEREtA+i ORiGINAL 3�, J�?09��;,JH722B,J3732�,�F9?;i2:LBC i3o. f-371?, y721 �7`_>c� �?23� 3124 `�ctir.a Ward Sn tne mr�tter Uf the ee�essmerLt vf benefits, cost srci uxpen�es fcr 2 33?U45A. {37S': s�xnmary abaten±ants tProperty clean-up, anow remo�?aI and/or sanding waiksj from �ugust 19�5 te Sannary I957. �797228 t97217 Boardirigs-up of v�cant buildir,ga for Sep*.Emtar 153�. J4732B (9722} g.n�r�tinqs-up of vacant Yiuildinqs f�r Octaber 1996. Jg7U2TDBC (`_a7�3} Suarmar�� aYiatemerita {Prcperty cle�n-v�? rr�rt: nid-�aptesJ�er �c, mid-Gctr�baz I95�i. J37�JIC (g7�q} P.e;nalitions vf vacant bui3diaqs from �u�ust t� t�ecem7�er 199E, Yrel',_.n* inary C�rcier �`1i1F.2� c3rdar ��7j?24'IB� XX &I?'(�POV@C� XY. The a�sessment of benefit�, cast and ex�er��es for and ira con?�cti�:az aith the �3��va _a�;ro��san� havin� b�en s+�b�i�teci to tk:s �cu:acil, und the v�.:rc�l �a�irzg conei�Ared ssme and found tne saic� �ssessmer�t ,�rxLlsfactory tteerefore, b� 5 t RE84LV£L?, Tnat t:�e said assessment be and the same is here�y in ell raseects apgraveci. R85DI.V8S �'URTHER, That a puhlic hearing �,a ?,ad o:� said as�esssant or� �tie �=3rd �� of� 23 7 at t�e hour af I�'our thirty �'c1U�°k F.M., in t'SiE �4LfRC11 C;iamb�r of the Caurt House and Cit�r Ha11 �uilding, in the City of St, Paul; tl:at the V��iS8v10ii 8Yt[i �`�"aE3ST�i�Yt'� EYaC.f].Yi@?T £�:i.Vc 21Gi.ii.2 vf S$2t§ 2f2��ii+.^�•'o �8 I'cA�22"2C< uj t �c Ctaarter, atatiny in sr�i;� n�tice the time an�3 place of 2xearing, the �xature cf *�e i�t�,=avement, an� the �mc,uri� a�s�ssea aqainst the �ot or iots of tha n�,t.iialar armer to a.?xom t�?s notice is dirac�s@. PI1�tle��cn cc�sax�c� ?2ae Nays ��,ak�y �y st+c� i � / / j� , -ra� ✓ � I'�i iici� t/NS arc'•. �Re (/ '1'13lln° MAR m 11997 A���:L-�� n ��$ c��,����.�: ���� `����i �.� 1`� 9 r1 G�rtifae� Fassed �y Coancii Seoretar�: . �-.,; � .. �Ii: i&'vGY� � / � �� � / � 2�./1�G�'Y ��tqainet Mayor To Legislative Hearing Ofticer - April 15, 1997 Public Hearin� Date - F.M.S.IREAL ESTATE DIVISION :�e r� ana rnon� x ROX2118 �III�C /� � �J u� oo comm,lgmaa by: be m CmonZ Res�ech Otfioe �t�: � 3-5-97 �21-97 ,�msrnxn J97045A, 9717; J9722B, 9721; 39732B, 9722; J9742TDBC, 9723; J9701C, 9724 Setting date of public hearing. Approve assessments for Summ Abate fmm Aug 1996 - Jan 1997 & mid-Sept - mid-Oct 1996, Boardings-u for Se t& Oct 1996 and Demolitions from Au - Dec 1946. - < � aq . t�.,u�nvnvG conu�uSSwx A statF . Has the pason/d�m evrr worked mdc a contract for this deparhnmt? YES NO A ��. Has iLis pasmlSrm eva beea a tStF �a9�' G'L� Ce Conua� v,rr ame . Dors Wk peson/brm po�ss a slo� aa aurmallP P� b9 anP YES NO A curr�c c5ts �yee. rts vhi10� Comph pyjeeiive Ezplam all YES answas on a e cLeet and attach. Ne➢86borhoods Ward 2 '{�'�tiet� ���SfC�'itf� �TtNG PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPADRTUNTI'Y (Wha �> wn�, waere, ttfiy?): � Propertp owners or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul when their property is not kept np. _�e�.. IF APPROVED: Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Sntnmary Abatements, Boardings-np and Demolitions. This includes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away ali garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofas, chairs and all other items. In winter this inciudes the removal of snow and ice from sidewalk and cross walks. arrROVEn: ff Councit does not approve these charges, General Fund would be required to pay the assessment. Assessments are payable over 1 year and collected with the property taxes if not APPROVED: Neighborhoods wovld be left ta deteriorate and prnperty vatues woutd decline. Nobody wouid take care of their property, especially vacant or rentai properties. Rodents, filth, garbage and trash would accvmulate evergwhere: Disease a nroblem. )TAL AMODNT OF TRANSACTIOTV: $2'j$ ,942.52 cosr�veNVE s�mc�rgn ccmc�,E o� NDING SOURC6: �$ CSSII1fIItS 4QI3' ACTIVSTY NUMSER: RE-i-31-97 ��: 1/27/97 Green Sheet N�ber: 34520 AB'fAfERT DIRECTOR COUNCII, � � ATIY)RNEY CLERK ar. DtRECTOR . & MG7. SVC. DIR YES NO fANCIAL INFORMATION: tEXPLAIN) 226 property owners will be notified of the .. � L L : �. :,tty �f St♦ Fau1 RESOLUTIOYd RPPR4iTF276 dtSSESSMEHT ANI1 � €�CItiG TIl�fE dF HEARiN6 fiHEREtA+i ORiGINAL 3�, J�?09��;,JH722B,J3732�,�F9?;i2:LBC i3o. f-371?, y721 �7`_>c� �?23� 3124 `�ctir.a Ward Sn tne mr�tter Uf the ee�essmerLt vf benefits, cost srci uxpen�es fcr 2 33?U45A. {37S': s�xnmary abaten±ants tProperty clean-up, anow remo�?aI and/or sanding waiksj from �ugust 19�5 te Sannary I957. �797228 t97217 Boardirigs-up of v�cant buildir,ga for Sep*.Emtar 153�. J4732B (9722} g.n�r�tinqs-up of vacant Yiuildinqs f�r Octaber 1996. Jg7U2TDBC (`_a7�3} Suarmar�� aYiatemerita {Prcperty cle�n-v�? rr�rt: nid-�aptesJ�er �c, mid-Gctr�baz I95�i. J37�JIC (g7�q} P.e;nalitions vf vacant bui3diaqs from �u�ust t� t�ecem7�er 199E, Yrel',_.n* inary C�rcier �`1i1F.2� c3rdar ��7j?24'IB� XX &I?'(�POV@C� XY. The a�sessment of benefit�, cast and ex�er��es for and ira con?�cti�:az aith the �3��va _a�;ro��san� havin� b�en s+�b�i�teci to tk:s �cu:acil, und the v�.:rc�l �a�irzg conei�Ared ssme and found tne saic� �ssessmer�t ,�rxLlsfactory tteerefore, b� 5 t RE84LV£L?, Tnat t:�e said assessment be and the same is here�y in ell raseects apgraveci. R85DI.V8S �'URTHER, That a puhlic hearing �,a ?,ad o:� said as�esssant or� �tie �=3rd �� of� 23 7 at t�e hour af I�'our thirty �'c1U�°k F.M., in t'SiE �4LfRC11 C;iamb�r of the Caurt House and Cit�r Ha11 �uilding, in the City of St, Paul; tl:at the V��iS8v10ii 8Yt[i �`�"aE3ST�i�Yt'� EYaC.f].Yi@?T £�:i.Vc 21Gi.ii.2 vf S$2t§ 2f2��ii+.^�•'o �8 I'cA�22"2C< uj t �c Ctaarter, atatiny in sr�i;� n�tice the time an�3 place of 2xearing, the �xature cf *�e i�t�,=avement, an� the �mc,uri� a�s�ssea aqainst the �ot or iots of tha n�,t.iialar armer to a.?xom t�?s notice is dirac�s@. PI1�tle��cn cc�sax�c� ?2ae Nays ��,ak�y �y st+c� i � / / j� , -ra� ✓ � I'�i iici� t/NS arc'•. �Re (/ '1'13lln° MAR m 11997 A���:L-�� n ��$ c��,����.�: ���� `����i �.� 1`� 9 r1 G�rtifae� Fassed �y Coancii Seoretar�: . �-.,; � .. �Ii: i&'vGY� � / � �� � / � 2�./1�G�'Y ��tqainet Mayor To Legislative Hearing Ofticer - April 15, 1997 Public Hearin� Date - F.M.S.IREAL ESTATE DIVISION :�e r� ana rnon� x ROX2118 �III�C /� � �J u� oo comm,lgmaa by: be m CmonZ Res�ech Otfioe �t�: � 3-5-97 �21-97 ,�msrnxn J97045A, 9717; J9722B, 9721; 39732B, 9722; J9742TDBC, 9723; J9701C, 9724 Setting date of public hearing. Approve assessments for Summ Abate fmm Aug 1996 - Jan 1997 & mid-Sept - mid-Oct 1996, Boardings-u for Se t& Oct 1996 and Demolitions from Au - Dec 1946. - < � aq . t�.,u�nvnvG conu�uSSwx A statF . Has the pason/d�m evrr worked mdc a contract for this deparhnmt? YES NO A ��. Has iLis pasmlSrm eva beea a tStF �a9�' G'L� Ce Conua� v,rr ame . Dors Wk peson/brm po�ss a slo� aa aurmallP P� b9 anP YES NO A curr�c c5ts �yee. rts vhi10� Comph pyjeeiive Ezplam all YES answas on a e cLeet and attach. Ne➢86borhoods Ward 2 '{�'�tiet� ���SfC�'itf� �TtNG PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPADRTUNTI'Y (Wha �> wn�, waere, ttfiy?): � Propertp owners or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul when their property is not kept np. _�e�.. IF APPROVED: Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Sntnmary Abatements, Boardings-np and Demolitions. This includes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away ali garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofas, chairs and all other items. In winter this inciudes the removal of snow and ice from sidewalk and cross walks. arrROVEn: ff Councit does not approve these charges, General Fund would be required to pay the assessment. Assessments are payable over 1 year and collected with the property taxes if not APPROVED: Neighborhoods wovld be left ta deteriorate and prnperty vatues woutd decline. Nobody wouid take care of their property, especially vacant or rentai properties. Rodents, filth, garbage and trash would accvmulate evergwhere: Disease a nroblem. )TAL AMODNT OF TRANSACTIOTV: $2'j$ ,942.52 cosr�veNVE s�mc�rgn ccmc�,E o� NDING SOURC6: �$ CSSII1fIItS 4QI3' ACTIVSTY NUMSER: RE-i-31-97 ��: 1/27/97 Green Sheet N�ber: 34520 AB'fAfERT DIRECTOR COUNCII, � � ATIY)RNEY CLERK ar. DtRECTOR . & MG7. SVC. DIR YES NO fANCIAL INFORMATION: tEXPLAIN) 226 property owners will be notified of the .. � L L : �. :,tty �f St♦ Fau1 RESOLUTIOYd RPPR4iTF276 dtSSESSMEHT ANI1 � €�CItiG TIl�fE dF HEARiN6 fiHEREtA+i ORiGINAL 3�, J�?09��;,JH722B,J3732�,�F9?;i2:LBC i3o. f-371?, y721 �7`_>c� �?23� 3124 `�ctir.a Ward Sn tne mr�tter Uf the ee�essmerLt vf benefits, cost srci uxpen�es fcr 2 33?U45A. {37S': s�xnmary abaten±ants tProperty clean-up, anow remo�?aI and/or sanding waiksj from �ugust 19�5 te Sannary I957. �797228 t97217 Boardirigs-up of v�cant buildir,ga for Sep*.Emtar 153�. J4732B (9722} g.n�r�tinqs-up of vacant Yiuildinqs f�r Octaber 1996. Jg7U2TDBC (`_a7�3} Suarmar�� aYiatemerita {Prcperty cle�n-v�? rr�rt: nid-�aptesJ�er �c, mid-Gctr�baz I95�i. J37�JIC (g7�q} P.e;nalitions vf vacant bui3diaqs from �u�ust t� t�ecem7�er 199E, Yrel',_.n* inary C�rcier �`1i1F.2� c3rdar ��7j?24'IB� XX &I?'(�POV@C� XY. The a�sessment of benefit�, cast and ex�er��es for and ira con?�cti�:az aith the �3��va _a�;ro��san� havin� b�en s+�b�i�teci to tk:s �cu:acil, und the v�.:rc�l �a�irzg conei�Ared ssme and found tne saic� �ssessmer�t ,�rxLlsfactory tteerefore, b� 5 t RE84LV£L?, Tnat t:�e said assessment be and the same is here�y in ell raseects apgraveci. R85DI.V8S �'URTHER, That a puhlic hearing �,a ?,ad o:� said as�esssant or� �tie �=3rd �� of� 23 7 at t�e hour af I�'our thirty �'c1U�°k F.M., in t'SiE �4LfRC11 C;iamb�r of the Caurt House and Cit�r Ha11 �uilding, in the City of St, Paul; tl:at the V��iS8v10ii 8Yt[i �`�"aE3ST�i�Yt'� EYaC.f].Yi@?T £�:i.Vc 21Gi.ii.2 vf S$2t§ 2f2��ii+.^�•'o �8 I'cA�22"2C< uj t �c Ctaarter, atatiny in sr�i;� n�tice the time an�3 place of 2xearing, the �xature cf *�e i�t�,=avement, an� the �mc,uri� a�s�ssea aqainst the �ot or iots of tha n�,t.iialar armer to a.?xom t�?s notice is dirac�s@. PI1�tle��cn cc�sax�c� ?2ae Nays ��,ak�y �y st+c� i � / / j� , -ra� ✓ � I'�i iici� t/NS arc'•. �Re (/ '1'13lln° MAR m 11997 A���:L-�� n ��$ c��,����.�: ���� `����i �.� 1`� 9 r1 G�rtifae� Fassed �y Coancii Seoretar�: . �-.,; � .. �Ii: i&'vGY� � / � �� � / � 2�./1�G�'Y ��tqainet Mayor To Legislative Hearing Ofticer - April 15, 1997 Public Hearin� Date - F.M.S.IREAL ESTATE DIVISION :�e r� ana rnon� x ROX2118 �III�C /� � �J u� oo comm,lgmaa by: be m CmonZ Res�ech Otfioe �t�: � 3-5-97 �21-97 ,�msrnxn J97045A, 9717; J9722B, 9721; 39732B, 9722; J9742TDBC, 9723; J9701C, 9724 Setting date of public hearing. Approve assessments for Summ Abate fmm Aug 1996 - Jan 1997 & mid-Sept - mid-Oct 1996, Boardings-u for Se t& Oct 1996 and Demolitions from Au - Dec 1946. - < � aq . t�.,u�nvnvG conu�uSSwx A statF . Has the pason/d�m evrr worked mdc a contract for this deparhnmt? YES NO A ��. Has iLis pasmlSrm eva beea a tStF �a9�' G'L� Ce Conua� v,rr ame . Dors Wk peson/brm po�ss a slo� aa aurmallP P� b9 anP YES NO A curr�c c5ts �yee. rts vhi10� Comph pyjeeiive Ezplam all YES answas on a e cLeet and attach. Ne➢86borhoods Ward 2 '{�'�tiet� ���SfC�'itf� �TtNG PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPADRTUNTI'Y (Wha �> wn�, waere, ttfiy?): � Propertp owners or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul when their property is not kept np. _�e�.. IF APPROVED: Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Sntnmary Abatements, Boardings-np and Demolitions. This includes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away ali garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofas, chairs and all other items. In winter this inciudes the removal of snow and ice from sidewalk and cross walks. arrROVEn: ff Councit does not approve these charges, General Fund would be required to pay the assessment. Assessments are payable over 1 year and collected with the property taxes if not APPROVED: Neighborhoods wovld be left ta deteriorate and prnperty vatues woutd decline. Nobody wouid take care of their property, especially vacant or rentai properties. Rodents, filth, garbage and trash would accvmulate evergwhere: Disease a nroblem. )TAL AMODNT OF TRANSACTIOTV: $2'j$ ,942.52 cosr�veNVE s�mc�rgn ccmc�,E o� NDING SOURC6: �$ CSSII1fIItS 4QI3' ACTIVSTY NUMSER: RE-i-31-97 ��: 1/27/97 Green Sheet N�ber: 34520 AB'fAfERT DIRECTOR COUNCII, � � ATIY)RNEY CLERK ar. DtRECTOR . & MG7. SVC. DIR YES NO fANCIAL INFORMATION: tEXPLAIN) 226 property owners will be notified of the