97-1414,�: ; �-, . . . Presented Ey i�%� Referred Tp ^ �Counal File � . -�91=/5��� Gzeen Sheet ¢ �!-DO 7/ _ RESOLUT{ON CITY' OF SA1NT PAllL, MINNESOTA /6 Comraittee: Aate I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 lA t5 16 17 1& 14 20 WHEREAS, APT Minneapolis, Inc. desires to lease the.Annapolis Water Tower site on Annapolis Street at Manomin Avenue in West Saint Paul, Minnesota, to install and operate a wireless communication system, to install and operate an antenna tower for its own use and to sub-lease space on the tower and the site to licenced communication carriers, said site owned by the Boazd of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul, "Board"; and WFIEREAS, Board stafFdid prepazed a lease agreement which provides for a five year lease which automatically renews for three additional five yeaz terms, starting at an annual lease rate of $6,000 plus 20 percent (20%) of ali revenue from sub-leases of the site and tower, and increasing each subsequent year; and WHEREAS, The City Attomey's office did approve said lease agreement as to form; and WHE12EA5, The Boazd did adopt Board Resolution No. 4545 which approved said iease agreement and requested approval by the Saint Paui City Council; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the lease agreement between the City of Saint Paul, the Boazd of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul and APT Minneapolis, Inc. is hereby approved and that the proper officers aze hereby authorized to execute said lease agreement on behaif of the City of Saint Paul. Requested by Department oF: .4 Adopflon Certified by Council Secretary 3y. � �pproved by Ma y� t� D�`I �- '_`_`' sy — � '�' � �- Water Utilitv Br• _��—,��-� ��G����e,�' General Manager fiorm Approved by City Attomey Y t � , � � `t f < � �� � � /������� B . • 1 � 9 Approved r for Subm' ion to Council �r 9! -J yiy DECEMBER 3, 1997 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE 13/97 I GREEN SHEET No soo�i � LJ owar �e�� ., .y-,�U arvca,,,,� _ •sstcx xwmtFOa 2 arv�tron�r anaswc nourvic orteex ❑ww+cuuae.xersox. wuMUUaFnviKern �MWRfeMWttiYrtl ,�-• ❑ :S 1 (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIONATURE) City Council approval o£ resolution concurring with action taken by the Board of Water Commissioners in executing an agreement which leases space at the Board's Annapolis Tank site to APT Minneapolis for the construction and operation of a wireless communication tower site. Attachments: 1) staff report 3) Board of Waeer Commissioners Resolution No. 4546 �) Council Resalution PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION see aEtached report Has mts ce�mi emr+or�cea under a contract ta mis depanment4 YES NO Has this pe�mMirm exr been a dty empbyee? YES NO Dces this Peis�im P� a sidll not rwrmallYP� bY anY curteM citY emWM'ce1 YES NO Is this P���rtn a tarpe[ed ventlaYt . VES NO The Board of Water Commissioners will ieceive revenue and a no longer � �*��- will be demolished at no cost t'o the Board. ' �F��`t � �' ._�� COSTIItEVENUE 6UDfiE7ED (CIRCIE ONq SOURCE ACSIV4T'/ NUMBER YES NO INFORMATON (Ef(PWM 9?=I y/y 5TAFF REPORT November l4, 1997 Pertaining to a lease between APT Minneapolis, Inc., the Boazd of Water Commissianers and the Ciry of Saint Paul allow3ng the construction of a wireless communicarion antenna tower at the Board's Annapolis Tank site at Manomin Ave. in the City of West St_ PauL - APT currently has antennas on the water tower by means of a short term pernut - StafF worked with attorney Jerry Segal to negotiate a 20 year lease for construction and operation of an antenna tower. The lease agreement requires that APT do the following: > Demolish and remove the no longer needed water tower > Provide all ruaintenance on the site > Make payments of $6,000 per year plus 20% of the revenue they receive from sub- tenants, total payments to increase at a mn�imum rate of 4% per yeaz The first possible sub-tenant on the antenna tower, Nextel, desires to install antennas on the e�cisting water tower at this time and relocate them to the antenna tower as soon as it is constructed. - StafF held a public information hearing for St. Paul citizens at the West Side Citizen Organization (WESCO) land use meeting on November 6, 1997. - West St. Paul has scheduled a conditional use pernut hearing to be held November 18, 1997 wlrich all property owners within 350 feet of the site, in St. Paul and West St. Pau1, have been invited to attend. This lease is conditional upon receiving the conditional use permit. - If the Board of Water Commissioners and St. Paul City Councii approve the lease and West St. Paul grants the condiuonal use pernut, demolition of the water tower and construction of the antenna tower are scheduled far spring of 1998. N:�CLERICAI,�BOARDV2ESOL�i.EASE4INTENNA�APTSTAFF.CTY cin oF sr. P�u� OFFiCE OF THE BOARO OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLI3TION — 6ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Moxton COMMISSIONER 9�-�yfy � 4546 November 10, 1497 �VHEREAS, The Boazd of Watzr Commissioners no longer requires use of the water to��er currently situated on its propem� on Annapolis Street at Manomin Avenue in West Saint Paul, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, APT Minneapolis, Inc. desires to iease the Annapolis site from the Board to instali and operate a w�reless communication systern. to install and operate an antenna tower for its o«n use and to sub-lease space on the to�ier and the _:te to other licenced communication carriers; and WHEI2E�S, Jerry Se�al, attorne}•, and stafi �are prepazed the attached lease a�zeement Gahich pro� ides for a five-year lease and «hich autom� =cally renews for three additionai five-year terms startins at an annual lease rate of �6,000 plus 20 percent (20%) of all revenue from sub-ieases of the site and tower, and increasing each subsequent �zar; and WHEREAS, The lease agreement further pro� that APT Minneapolis, Inc. will demolish and remove said existing water to�ver at its sole e�pense; and WHEREAS, The Iease a�reement is recommer.ded for approval by staff and is approved as to form by the City Attorne,v's office; now�, therefore, be it RTSOLVED, That the attached lease aQreement substantially in the form submitted bet�tieen the Board of Water Commissioners and APT Minneapolis, Inc. is hereby approved and that the propei ofFicers are hereby authorized to execute said lease agreement on behalf of the Board; and, be it FLRTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of �Z�ater Commissioners does hereby request the Saint Paul City Council to approve said lease agreement. w&tE7 CO�++m�Qa30IIE25 Yeas Arcand Collins Morton 7ice President Haselmann President Harris Nays In favor 5 _ Oppos� � Adopted by the Boazd of Water Commissioners November 10, lg 97 �-��� SEC'�. ,�: ; �-, . . . Presented Ey i�%� Referred Tp ^ �Counal File � . -�91=/5��� Gzeen Sheet ¢ �!-DO 7/ _ RESOLUT{ON CITY' OF SA1NT PAllL, MINNESOTA /6 Comraittee: Aate I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 lA t5 16 17 1& 14 20 WHEREAS, APT Minneapolis, Inc. desires to lease the.Annapolis Water Tower site on Annapolis Street at Manomin Avenue in West Saint Paul, Minnesota, to install and operate a wireless communication system, to install and operate an antenna tower for its own use and to sub-lease space on the tower and the site to licenced communication carriers, said site owned by the Boazd of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul, "Board"; and WFIEREAS, Board stafFdid prepazed a lease agreement which provides for a five year lease which automatically renews for three additional five yeaz terms, starting at an annual lease rate of $6,000 plus 20 percent (20%) of ali revenue from sub-leases of the site and tower, and increasing each subsequent year; and WHEREAS, The City Attomey's office did approve said lease agreement as to form; and WHE12EA5, The Boazd did adopt Board Resolution No. 4545 which approved said iease agreement and requested approval by the Saint Paui City Council; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the lease agreement between the City of Saint Paul, the Boazd of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul and APT Minneapolis, Inc. is hereby approved and that the proper officers aze hereby authorized to execute said lease agreement on behaif of the City of Saint Paul. Requested by Department oF: .4 Adopflon Certified by Council Secretary 3y. � �pproved by Ma y� t� D�`I �- '_`_`' sy — � '�' � �- Water Utilitv Br• _��—,��-� ��G����e,�' General Manager fiorm Approved by City Attomey Y t � , � � `t f < � �� � � /������� B . • 1 � 9 Approved r for Subm' ion to Council �r 9! -J yiy DECEMBER 3, 1997 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE 13/97 I GREEN SHEET No soo�i � LJ owar �e�� ., .y-,�U arvca,,,,� _ •sstcx xwmtFOa 2 arv�tron�r anaswc nourvic orteex ❑ww+cuuae.xersox. wuMUUaFnviKern �MWRfeMWttiYrtl ,�-• ❑ :S 1 (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIONATURE) City Council approval o£ resolution concurring with action taken by the Board of Water Commissioners in executing an agreement which leases space at the Board's Annapolis Tank site to APT Minneapolis for the construction and operation of a wireless communication tower site. Attachments: 1) staff report 3) Board of Waeer Commissioners Resolution No. 4546 �) Council Resalution PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION see aEtached report Has mts ce�mi emr+or�cea under a contract ta mis depanment4 YES NO Has this pe�mMirm exr been a dty empbyee? YES NO Dces this Peis�im P� a sidll not rwrmallYP� bY anY curteM citY emWM'ce1 YES NO Is this P���rtn a tarpe[ed ventlaYt . VES NO The Board of Water Commissioners will ieceive revenue and a no longer � �*��- will be demolished at no cost t'o the Board. ' �F��`t � �' ._�� COSTIItEVENUE 6UDfiE7ED (CIRCIE ONq SOURCE ACSIV4T'/ NUMBER YES NO INFORMATON (Ef(PWM 9?=I y/y 5TAFF REPORT November l4, 1997 Pertaining to a lease between APT Minneapolis, Inc., the Boazd of Water Commissianers and the Ciry of Saint Paul allow3ng the construction of a wireless communicarion antenna tower at the Board's Annapolis Tank site at Manomin Ave. in the City of West St_ PauL - APT currently has antennas on the water tower by means of a short term pernut - StafF worked with attorney Jerry Segal to negotiate a 20 year lease for construction and operation of an antenna tower. The lease agreement requires that APT do the following: > Demolish and remove the no longer needed water tower > Provide all ruaintenance on the site > Make payments of $6,000 per year plus 20% of the revenue they receive from sub- tenants, total payments to increase at a mn�imum rate of 4% per yeaz The first possible sub-tenant on the antenna tower, Nextel, desires to install antennas on the e�cisting water tower at this time and relocate them to the antenna tower as soon as it is constructed. - StafF held a public information hearing for St. Paul citizens at the West Side Citizen Organization (WESCO) land use meeting on November 6, 1997. - West St. Paul has scheduled a conditional use pernut hearing to be held November 18, 1997 wlrich all property owners within 350 feet of the site, in St. Paul and West St. Pau1, have been invited to attend. This lease is conditional upon receiving the conditional use permit. - If the Board of Water Commissioners and St. Paul City Councii approve the lease and West St. Paul grants the condiuonal use pernut, demolition of the water tower and construction of the antenna tower are scheduled far spring of 1998. N:�CLERICAI,�BOARDV2ESOL�i.EASE4INTENNA�APTSTAFF.CTY cin oF sr. P�u� OFFiCE OF THE BOARO OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLI3TION — 6ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Moxton COMMISSIONER 9�-�yfy � 4546 November 10, 1497 �VHEREAS, The Boazd of Watzr Commissioners no longer requires use of the water to��er currently situated on its propem� on Annapolis Street at Manomin Avenue in West Saint Paul, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, APT Minneapolis, Inc. desires to iease the Annapolis site from the Board to instali and operate a w�reless communication systern. to install and operate an antenna tower for its o«n use and to sub-lease space on the to�ier and the _:te to other licenced communication carriers; and WHEI2E�S, Jerry Se�al, attorne}•, and stafi �are prepazed the attached lease a�zeement Gahich pro� ides for a five-year lease and «hich autom� =cally renews for three additionai five-year terms startins at an annual lease rate of �6,000 plus 20 percent (20%) of all revenue from sub-ieases of the site and tower, and increasing each subsequent �zar; and WHEREAS, The lease agreement further pro� that APT Minneapolis, Inc. will demolish and remove said existing water to�ver at its sole e�pense; and WHEREAS, The Iease a�reement is recommer.ded for approval by staff and is approved as to form by the City Attorne,v's office; now�, therefore, be it RTSOLVED, That the attached lease aQreement substantially in the form submitted bet�tieen the Board of Water Commissioners and APT Minneapolis, Inc. is hereby approved and that the propei ofFicers are hereby authorized to execute said lease agreement on behalf of the Board; and, be it FLRTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of �Z�ater Commissioners does hereby request the Saint Paul City Council to approve said lease agreement. w&tE7 CO�++m�Qa30IIE25 Yeas Arcand Collins Morton 7ice President Haselmann President Harris Nays In favor 5 _ Oppos� � Adopted by the Boazd of Water Commissioners November 10, lg 97 �-��� SEC'�. ,�: ; �-, . . . Presented Ey i�%� Referred Tp ^ �Counal File � . -�91=/5��� Gzeen Sheet ¢ �!-DO 7/ _ RESOLUT{ON CITY' OF SA1NT PAllL, MINNESOTA /6 Comraittee: Aate I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 lA t5 16 17 1& 14 20 WHEREAS, APT Minneapolis, Inc. desires to lease the.Annapolis Water Tower site on Annapolis Street at Manomin Avenue in West Saint Paul, Minnesota, to install and operate a wireless communication system, to install and operate an antenna tower for its own use and to sub-lease space on the tower and the site to licenced communication carriers, said site owned by the Boazd of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul, "Board"; and WFIEREAS, Board stafFdid prepazed a lease agreement which provides for a five year lease which automatically renews for three additional five yeaz terms, starting at an annual lease rate of $6,000 plus 20 percent (20%) of ali revenue from sub-leases of the site and tower, and increasing each subsequent year; and WHEREAS, The City Attomey's office did approve said lease agreement as to form; and WHE12EA5, The Boazd did adopt Board Resolution No. 4545 which approved said iease agreement and requested approval by the Saint Paui City Council; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the lease agreement between the City of Saint Paul, the Boazd of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul and APT Minneapolis, Inc. is hereby approved and that the proper officers aze hereby authorized to execute said lease agreement on behaif of the City of Saint Paul. Requested by Department oF: .4 Adopflon Certified by Council Secretary 3y. � �pproved by Ma y� t� D�`I �- '_`_`' sy — � '�' � �- Water Utilitv Br• _��—,��-� ��G����e,�' General Manager fiorm Approved by City Attomey Y t � , � � `t f < � �� � � /������� B . • 1 � 9 Approved r for Subm' ion to Council �r 9! -J yiy DECEMBER 3, 1997 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE 13/97 I GREEN SHEET No soo�i � LJ owar �e�� ., .y-,�U arvca,,,,� _ •sstcx xwmtFOa 2 arv�tron�r anaswc nourvic orteex ❑ww+cuuae.xersox. wuMUUaFnviKern �MWRfeMWttiYrtl ,�-• ❑ :S 1 (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIONATURE) City Council approval o£ resolution concurring with action taken by the Board of Water Commissioners in executing an agreement which leases space at the Board's Annapolis Tank site to APT Minneapolis for the construction and operation of a wireless communication tower site. Attachments: 1) staff report 3) Board of Waeer Commissioners Resolution No. 4546 �) Council Resalution PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION see aEtached report Has mts ce�mi emr+or�cea under a contract ta mis depanment4 YES NO Has this pe�mMirm exr been a dty empbyee? YES NO Dces this Peis�im P� a sidll not rwrmallYP� bY anY curteM citY emWM'ce1 YES NO Is this P���rtn a tarpe[ed ventlaYt . VES NO The Board of Water Commissioners will ieceive revenue and a no longer � �*��- will be demolished at no cost t'o the Board. ' �F��`t � �' ._�� COSTIItEVENUE 6UDfiE7ED (CIRCIE ONq SOURCE ACSIV4T'/ NUMBER YES NO INFORMATON (Ef(PWM 9?=I y/y 5TAFF REPORT November l4, 1997 Pertaining to a lease between APT Minneapolis, Inc., the Boazd of Water Commissianers and the Ciry of Saint Paul allow3ng the construction of a wireless communicarion antenna tower at the Board's Annapolis Tank site at Manomin Ave. in the City of West St_ PauL - APT currently has antennas on the water tower by means of a short term pernut - StafF worked with attorney Jerry Segal to negotiate a 20 year lease for construction and operation of an antenna tower. The lease agreement requires that APT do the following: > Demolish and remove the no longer needed water tower > Provide all ruaintenance on the site > Make payments of $6,000 per year plus 20% of the revenue they receive from sub- tenants, total payments to increase at a mn�imum rate of 4% per yeaz The first possible sub-tenant on the antenna tower, Nextel, desires to install antennas on the e�cisting water tower at this time and relocate them to the antenna tower as soon as it is constructed. - StafF held a public information hearing for St. Paul citizens at the West Side Citizen Organization (WESCO) land use meeting on November 6, 1997. - West St. Paul has scheduled a conditional use pernut hearing to be held November 18, 1997 wlrich all property owners within 350 feet of the site, in St. Paul and West St. Pau1, have been invited to attend. This lease is conditional upon receiving the conditional use permit. - If the Board of Water Commissioners and St. Paul City Councii approve the lease and West St. Paul grants the condiuonal use pernut, demolition of the water tower and construction of the antenna tower are scheduled far spring of 1998. N:�CLERICAI,�BOARDV2ESOL�i.EASE4INTENNA�APTSTAFF.CTY cin oF sr. P�u� OFFiCE OF THE BOARO OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLI3TION — 6ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Moxton COMMISSIONER 9�-�yfy � 4546 November 10, 1497 �VHEREAS, The Boazd of Watzr Commissioners no longer requires use of the water to��er currently situated on its propem� on Annapolis Street at Manomin Avenue in West Saint Paul, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, APT Minneapolis, Inc. desires to iease the Annapolis site from the Board to instali and operate a w�reless communication systern. to install and operate an antenna tower for its o«n use and to sub-lease space on the to�ier and the _:te to other licenced communication carriers; and WHEI2E�S, Jerry Se�al, attorne}•, and stafi �are prepazed the attached lease a�zeement Gahich pro� ides for a five-year lease and «hich autom� =cally renews for three additionai five-year terms startins at an annual lease rate of �6,000 plus 20 percent (20%) of all revenue from sub-ieases of the site and tower, and increasing each subsequent �zar; and WHEREAS, The lease agreement further pro� that APT Minneapolis, Inc. will demolish and remove said existing water to�ver at its sole e�pense; and WHEREAS, The Iease a�reement is recommer.ded for approval by staff and is approved as to form by the City Attorne,v's office; now�, therefore, be it RTSOLVED, That the attached lease aQreement substantially in the form submitted bet�tieen the Board of Water Commissioners and APT Minneapolis, Inc. is hereby approved and that the propei ofFicers are hereby authorized to execute said lease agreement on behalf of the Board; and, be it FLRTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of �Z�ater Commissioners does hereby request the Saint Paul City Council to approve said lease agreement. w&tE7 CO�++m�Qa30IIE25 Yeas Arcand Collins Morton 7ice President Haselmann President Harris Nays In favor 5 _ Oppos� � Adopted by the Boazd of Water Commissioners November 10, lg 97 �-��� SEC'�.