97-1409council File # 97 - /�/d9 Green Sheet # J` �2d�'7 — � �_ - Presented By _ Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that e S' aul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments, z made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the NEW AMERICANS ADV7SORY s COMNIITTEE. 4 s b 7 s s � ii OF(S�I� PAUL, Sue Hendry Ann Webb Robert Webber Ms. Xai Yang Terms shall expire on May 1, 1999. /� iz 13 1 4 Requested by Department of: Mayor's OEfice By: p +Qr Ha�es Adopted by Council: Date '�� , �`Z..� \q9ri � 6 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: � Form Approved by city Attorney g ��y � C`mZsyJ'f `�'/ '� �� Approved by Mayor for Submiasion to Council By: ���a`���:���,Z����— Mayor Coleman's Office i1-6-97 GREEN S :ONTACi PERSON 8 PHONE a OEPARTMENT OIRE Albexto QuinYela 266-8529 nsswx Qc+rrasroaNev NUST 8E ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) NUMBEP FOH � BUDGET DfRECTOR NOUTING UFUER � MAYOR �OR ASSISTANn TOTAL # OF S4GPIATURE PAGES 1 (C�IP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of appointments of following members to serve on the New Americans Advisory Co�ittee: Sue Hendry, Ann Webb, Robert Webber and Ms. %ai Yang. a _ PLANWNGCOMMISSION _ CIWI _ CIB COMMYfTEE _ _ _ STAFF _ _ _ OISTRICTCOVRT _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE+ IF APPROVED' _! ESIFAPPflOVED� N° 52287 97- ��fo9 INITIFVDATE � C�N COIkICIL � cm c�EaK � FIN 8 MGT SEAVICES DIq. O ���r� " ����[ ^�,'c , t.. �J) TOTpL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE F�LLOWINfa �UESTIONS: L Has this persoNfirm ever worked untler a contraM for this Uepartment? YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever 6een a ciry employee? VES NO 3. Does t�is person/firm possess a skill not normaily passessetl by any cunem ciry employee� YES NO Explain eli yes answers on seperata aheet antl attach to green aheet COSTfREVSNUE BUDGETED (CtRCIE ONE} YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACiIVI7Y NUMBER FINANC�AL INFOFAhAT10N� (EXPLAIN) 9�- iyo9 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL �Yi�i FROM: DATB: � Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President David Thune Councilmember 7erty Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Joseph Collins Councilmember Michael Harris Counci]member Roberta Megard r � Councilmember Gladys Morto Alberto Quintela November 10, 1997 New Americans Advisory Committee Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments of the following individuals to serve on the New Americans Advisory Committee. Sue Hendry Robert Webber Ann Webb Ms. Xai Yang Attached is a copy of the resolution recommending these members, copies of the new appointees' applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January 1, 1444. Feel free to contact to me at 266-8529 ifyou wish to discuss these appointments. Attachments c: Nancy Anderson Hoa Young Vi:1USERSUAORRO'MW PFILES W AAC.CNC � s � 3 Name: HomeA , � Telephone Nnmber: Planning District Council: City Council Ward: Preferred Mailing Address: 37 t� 7 C . �_LC�C� �J�: �1�Lt� � t�2 �'� � �S , �'} � � �fC�fo , . � What is your occu�ation? �(�S f� L'1 � �� ��tLl�l ��CtA'1C �Gt.4'1<9 I? 5� ��7 C. Place of Employment: Cammittee(s) Applied For: OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CTTY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 9 7 - >'!0 9 (Home � "� 2 ,71 or Z�7 �) 7 g (1�AX) 7�1 7 �g t�C.SiCI,(lt ��t�l�vi5�ar/"l�/��, 1/?G 4Vhat skills, training or experience do >� rl1 /,�.0 a x O/� Lv��r�rn. UT✓.L1A � L`7 �Q f�.Lf t � .�� �l PJQ f :S� C �' �l�' !��/'i v. }sossess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? 1 V( Vv The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. (OVER) Rev. 5-5-97 .�....�. wy �..y • ' y Name: Address: Phone: �'��£i�°>v JCr _ ,. ' K �a� "Z Name: i )C:c.tl l � � Address: �3�02. �. LC�- �'. �c..�'� 1L2'� I r r�,. /j't1�.J S�`�Q b Phone: (Homel �' �� �� � 3� (LVorkL_'� 1 � Z Z> Name: Fl(1drPSS: Phone: 's (�.Q�,i�id(� Y'fXb.�lflp� , � GvC�f,��CJ Have you had previous contact with the committee for which yoa are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? , . � ,,�r, S� c7;,�- n �n �1 �-rr.,�n {�,� �.i.,,� n�, -�-r� ', n, r� �o f mmzm i� � SQ.t31-erm'i�e r 3c� { � � — — In an attempt to ensure fhat committee representation reftects the makeup of our community, ptease check the line applicabte to you. This information is strictiy votuntary. White (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian or laskan Eskimo Male Female Hispanic � Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: 5' 1�" �� Disabled: Yes No � If special accommodations are needed, please specify: How did you hear about this opening? (Ftome} �GZ (oOg`� (}�or� l�S�—CpC`��7 - ReasonsforyourinterestidthisparticularcommitteeSl,UC�1/� � �-F� C.�05i ivuv-e�-1997 12�37 FROM RSIAN-PRClFIC COUNCIL 10 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 33�� 398 CITY HALL SAIIVT PAUL, MIl�SNESOTA SSla2 Phonc: 26b-8525 FAX: 266.8513 yGbbC�1S Y.bG 9 7 - �yd g Ke �, g : A �n Ma��e GU�b � Home Address: I rv�I C =5 a b� `�f ��-r' p� +Llti1 55 /U 7 Street /L- y f—�%ss C1tY Zip Te]ephoneNumher: �jjp�g��II �wor ? �9� — `l�5! ���97-8735 Ylanning District Council: ����� � y�L� Cll}T C01lRC�I W8i(I: � Preferred Mailsng Address: �[d,�.�:41J�� What is your occupation? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: WHat sialls, tra9ntug or ,, � � � ;»_ � i: � i � �l' i1. ' � /. . � � 12/ �/ ' i y i �u-i i.i. �/ i[� 1 • �. dv yvu possess for th �committee(s) for whicb yoa seek appointmenY? �� The informatioa included in this application is considered private data according to the Mianesota Government Data Practices Act. As a resalt, fhis information is not reieased to tbe general public. (OYER) Rev. 8-5-97 NpV-05-1997 12�37 FROM RS1RN—PRCIFIC COUNCIL TO . .: � .� ; ;.. .y : . y.... Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: PE►oae: Name: Address: Phone: 92668513 P.�� � , .1 ' , r. i1A' t �� � r . . I:�e� • � . • Reasons for your interesf in this particular committee: NX �� If'1 �xPS�ItL fd!'.t���.{�Q NX� - - - � ._- �. n� S f,��- •�`Arn}MAft�L �'i'KS 0"t�' t i�i�t5SZd1= Have yov had previons contact wifA the committee for which you are malang applicatiou? If so, when, and the arcumstances? .tn an attempt to ensure i�at coa�mittee reprrseutalion reIIects tht makeup of ouc comraunity, piease check ihe line applicable to you. TGis information is strictZy voiuntary. White (Caacasian) Black (Afric�a American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male .. � k'emale Disabled: Yes No� ICspeciat accommodatioas are needed, please specify: Hispanic _� Asian or Pacific IsTander I� , . , ,�'. �.�J !�._'1 j / How did you hestr about this opening? �1��U�" _.. _ a■�iri�i.t� i: , cr _�a � , r��l��ti��.i�sl !.. � �� ; — _ � � ��.� _�rlg'jt�/�i . . �� �� r� � �, � City 9'7 - /ya9 �� �ya ;�C.v a.�� - auG 2 � 1597 �; °s=: �sy c iv�r Name: �a lx-r }- W z� t�.e� - Home Address: 117o C�s 1, i�� G rol ��3 1�i S} ,�aJ � SSI 08 Street Telep+hone Number: Planning District Council: Preferred Mailing Address: What is your occupation? Place of Employment: Zip :� i . . ,�� �� O�'FICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNE50TA 55102 Yhone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 a�G af ��d�L � a�J s'�'v City Council Ward: � NjA Committee(s) Applied For: � e`�' �cz�ns �d�isory Cow,v�,;�i What skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) i'or which you seek appointment? ( (x�+. now th �aw Sc.�eo} �{ (hli��ia-w �iC2ket1• � �av¢ a�. iN.�-e.l+cs{— i.�. IWtwiaVw.C7T. �M.J. � We�K�A 4� t�a iwuniqYa�u.-. boJ�4�� . Ik4� S�fOUS�'�t . /�1A�.p� r 1 1 ��y �4�S��L1 4! 4. SVw��sf /("SS�L� V a� 4F� ��vu.���e � i a L a Q�u The information included in this applicataon is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Prackices Act. As a result, this information ns not released to the general public. ch.� (OVER) Rev. 8-5-97 .� . Name: Address: Phone: (�iome) ork� �fo — S 5 S� - Name: Address: Phone: Name: /�i B'°`'`�'` Address: l b 3( Naqu � Sf • f 0.v � SS"! o� Phone: (Flome) /� 4�r' 3S(7 ork� ZG 6� 8SZ7 Reasons for your interest in'ti►is particular committee; 1 woold �i5c.c -Fo a,�� lxve(vc�( i,t �.s� � � iwCJ a F � Coi.�,��H.� . ic Have you had previous contact wifh the committee for which you are making apptication? If so, when, and the circumstances? , In an attempt to ensure that committee representation retTecfs fhe makeup of our community, ptease check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly volantary. White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) _� Asian or Pacific Lslander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Male Female DateofBirth: 5 Z( 73 Disabled: Yes No � If special accommodations are needed, please specify: ��� Z How did you hear about this opening? /�fai"f DOWe� 1�(e�an 3 3 2 . `� ^ � ���" o��ic� oF ruE ri��oz� 390 CITX �IALL 5A1N"C PAiJL, tvi[NN�SOTA 55102 Phonc: 2G6-8525 FAX: 26fi-8513 TIame: 33om� A 'Telephone Number: PIanning District Council: City Council Ward: Pret'erred Mailing Address: ,,,_, � AD� �4� � S���% t� � �G,�'��/d � Whai is your occupation? Ptuce of Employment: Committee(s) Appl;ed I�or: 97-./y�9 (�G`' � �1 '/� J �' �� a v � 1 !' � �'-/__•"_/ � i_� / r��llS/� f(;,. A:�s�' i Ll �„ j�' �i �lrB!% (' ��11�•s/.Utr ,� f�jU� S� � ��r1 �,��t�����s��tls �,o i/rso,�y �i�,cf�,��i-�L� 3�'hat ski0s, trsining or espericnce do you possess for ti�e committee(s) For wkicls you seek appointment? �� �i �//�If� !�/Llrr'.f.'/ �l�� tE' �'LJ/(f �.�/I> .,�C�[/I.(� /',. ,�[�� y,u�.Pi�'.s° �a� �/ ,y'cs�its' .z h�v �:l9� �x�.,Qitr�v�E . lUi�i ,��vf n�r/n',�� T 7lti�y T/� 1.r�����'i��/rC — . " _ . ,� : ;� . �• / �� � ..�.4�a.���-,_� '= � - ��� J � f .t i /�i[' � - - - — The information included in this appiication is consiciered private data according to the Minnesota Gnvernmeot Data Practices Act. As n resuit, this information is not released to the gene�ai pubiit. (OVEFt) Rev. 8-5-97 Z8a LLa'ON FTS899Z6 f 3SIL+ IH NSQ3NfIQ 4S�tZ L6i2?�=� Street C+ty Zip �Si1Z✓57 ti:�4 uunnuiN ni Kix � yz6ob�i� I' f ► :_ ( ... ► - i�Iame: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: 1;. , �e � ►� i. . ' � .tca `' iu � ' Ressons for yonr interest in this particular committee: klave you hssd prev+ous coniact with ihe committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? In an attempt to er+sure ihnt committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check ttie )ine applicable to you. This information is sfrictiy voluntary. White (Caucasian} Btack (AGican Amu�can) Ameriean Indian, or Alaskan Eskimo Male ,..� Female Disabled: Yes No �,L_ If speciat accommodutions are needed, please apeeify: Hispanic � Asian or Pacific Islander Date of $irth: ��+ / ✓ .,/ How did you hear sbout this apening? 97 -/yo9 PAGE 1 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COHMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS 11-OS-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICAN25.RPT COMMITTEE : NAAC New Americans Advisory Co. FOR APPLICATIONS DATE➢ AFTER U1/O1/94 002972 Baribeau, Pam 1561 Leone Ave. St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 771-5845 Regiatered Nurae Plumba Walker H) 778-8226 Suzanne Guimby H) 484-1632 003157 Bergstrom, Robert Apt. 103 1259 McClean St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 778-8052 Teacher/Harding High 5chool Lou Kanavati Harding High Principal w) 243-8900 Nenq Vang h) 640-8287 w) 293-5983 Sophorn Lisaick h) 730-8645 w) 293-8900 002928 Engelhart, James Engelhart & Swanson 46 E. Fourth St., 12th Floor St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 224-3000 CPA David Dorle Tim Lippert John Rupp DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -^------ --- -° --- 04/06/95 W F 7 4 03j27/96 W M 06f12J95 W M 97-iyo9 11-OS-97 COMMITTEE APPI.ICANTS REPORT PAGE 2 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : NAAC New Americans Advisory Co. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1JO1J94 APPLZCANT J REFERENCE COMt�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -------------°--"--------°------- ---- __--__-_ -__---° -------_ -"- __- -�- 003156 Harrison, Jim M. 2 16 03/25/96 W M 969 Lincoln Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 224-0549 Director of Public A£faira Rev. Robert Burmeiater North Hgts. Lutheran Church 2701 N. Rice St. Roseville, MN 55113 h) 484-2049 w) 484-2049 Dat Huynh or Lang Tran 4131 131st Savage, MN 553�8 w) 890-6740 Howard or Joanne Melroae 3272 New Brighton Rd. Arden Hills, MN 55112 h) 633-7673 4-16-97 Riverfront Corporation & Parks-Rec Commission M. Howard & JoAnn Melrose 3272 New Brighton Road Arden Hi11s, MN 55112 h) 633-7673 Rev. Robert Burmeister North Heights Lutheran Church Roseville, MN h) 483-4644 w) 484-2049 Judy Durfey 806 Linwood, #4 St. Paul� M£I 55105 h) 290-0568 003351 Hendry� Sue Asian Translations 3702 E. Lake St., Ste. 102 Minneapolis, MN 55406 Work - 721-5878 FAX 7215778 President Asian Translations f 10/06f97 AP F Somly Sithisay 9? -/y� 11-OS-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 3 CdMMITTEE : NAAC New Americans Advisory Co. FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVII3G Ot3) 7018 19th Street N. Oakdale, MN 55128 h) 702-6083 w) 659-6017 Daniel Rrotz 3702 E. Lake Street, Ste. 100 Minneapolis, MN 55406 h) 690-4139 w) 721-0122 Bruce Hendry 2305 Sherwood Circle S. Bloomington, MN 55431 h) 881-3538 w} 337-3232 003113 Rashid, Sardar Abdur 332 Charles Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103 Home - 222-0791 Auditor/State of MN 12/OS/95 AP � Bill wilson Former City Council Preaident Profeesor Gary McLean College of Education St. Paul Campus U of M professor Frederick Jacoba Dirzctor, MBT Program U of M Mpls., MN 55455 003160 Vang, J. Kou 6280 36th St. N. Oakdale, MN 55128 Home - 777-2062 Financial/Small Bus. Mgt. 04/30{96 AP � Lee Pao Xiong Executive Director/Asian Pacific Council 200 Vniversity Ave., ste. 100 St. Paul, MN 55103 w) 296-0571 Yeeleng Hang 9y-�s/o9 11-05-97 CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 4 COMMITTEE : NAAC New Americans Advisory Co. FOR APPLICATIO23S DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMME23TS WARD PLANNING SEI3ATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON} ---- °------ -------- -------- --- --- --- Macalester College 1600 Grand Ave., 55105 h) 696-6311 Judy Miller 3.B. Realty 1885 University Avenue, 55104 h) 645-5500 003353 Webb, Ann Marie 169 E. Isabel Street St. Paul, MN 55107 Aome - 297-7955 Legislative Asst/Eventa Coord 2 3 11/05/97 AP F 11-5-97 New Americans Advisory Committee Lee Pao Xiong 275 Syndicate St. N. St. Paul, MN 55104 w) 641-8279 Valerie Lee 633 University Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104 w} 291-1'IO2 Ms. Kayine Yang 506 Kenny Road St. Paul, MN 55101 w> ��z-a�as �03323 Webber, Robert #319 117� Cushing Circle St. Paul, MN 55108 Aome - 644-8170 Law Student 08/27/97 AP !ic Scott Wright Doherty, Rumble & Butler 3500 Fifth Street Towers 150 So. Fifth Street Mpls., 55402 w) 340-5555 Jesse Hamer c/o Tushe Montgomery Architects 9? -/y�9 11-OS-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICAN2S REPORT PAGE 5 CoMMITTEE : NAAC New Americans Advisory Co. FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT J REFERE33CE CO?Il�SENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE E2H GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) _--^ -------- -------- ----°-- -"_ --- --- 330 Edinborough Way, #601 Minneapolis, 55435 w) 830-8208 Matt Bowe Mayor Coleman•s Office 390 City Hall h) 645-3517 w) 266-8527 Q03328 Yang, Xai Saint Paul PHA 469 Ada Street St. Paul, Mf1 55107 Work - 298-9231 FAX 2926613 Aousing Aasiatant/Manager III 08/12/97 AP F council File # 97 - /�/d9 Green Sheet # J` �2d�'7 — � �_ - Presented By _ Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that e S' aul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments, z made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the NEW AMERICANS ADV7SORY s COMNIITTEE. 4 s b 7 s s � ii OF(S�I� PAUL, Sue Hendry Ann Webb Robert Webber Ms. Xai Yang Terms shall expire on May 1, 1999. /� iz 13 1 4 Requested by Department of: Mayor's OEfice By: p +Qr Ha�es Adopted by Council: Date '�� , �`Z..� \q9ri � 6 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: � Form Approved by city Attorney g ��y � C`mZsyJ'f `�'/ '� �� Approved by Mayor for Submiasion to Council By: ���a`���:���,Z����— Mayor Coleman's Office i1-6-97 GREEN S :ONTACi PERSON 8 PHONE a OEPARTMENT OIRE Albexto QuinYela 266-8529 nsswx Qc+rrasroaNev NUST 8E ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) NUMBEP FOH � BUDGET DfRECTOR NOUTING UFUER � MAYOR �OR ASSISTANn TOTAL # OF S4GPIATURE PAGES 1 (C�IP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of appointments of following members to serve on the New Americans Advisory Co�ittee: Sue Hendry, Ann Webb, Robert Webber and Ms. %ai Yang. a _ PLANWNGCOMMISSION _ CIWI _ CIB COMMYfTEE _ _ _ STAFF _ _ _ OISTRICTCOVRT _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE+ IF APPROVED' _! ESIFAPPflOVED� N° 52287 97- ��fo9 INITIFVDATE � C�N COIkICIL � cm c�EaK � FIN 8 MGT SEAVICES DIq. O ���r� " ����[ ^�,'c , t.. �J) TOTpL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE F�LLOWINfa �UESTIONS: L Has this persoNfirm ever worked untler a contraM for this Uepartment? YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever 6een a ciry employee? VES NO 3. Does t�is person/firm possess a skill not normaily passessetl by any cunem ciry employee� YES NO Explain eli yes answers on seperata aheet antl attach to green aheet COSTfREVSNUE BUDGETED (CtRCIE ONE} YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACiIVI7Y NUMBER FINANC�AL INFOFAhAT10N� (EXPLAIN) 9�- iyo9 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL �Yi�i FROM: DATB: � Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President David Thune Councilmember 7erty Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Joseph Collins Councilmember Michael Harris Counci]member Roberta Megard r � Councilmember Gladys Morto Alberto Quintela November 10, 1997 New Americans Advisory Committee Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments of the following individuals to serve on the New Americans Advisory Committee. Sue Hendry Robert Webber Ann Webb Ms. Xai Yang Attached is a copy of the resolution recommending these members, copies of the new appointees' applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January 1, 1444. Feel free to contact to me at 266-8529 ifyou wish to discuss these appointments. Attachments c: Nancy Anderson Hoa Young Vi:1USERSUAORRO'MW PFILES W AAC.CNC � s � 3 Name: HomeA , � Telephone Nnmber: Planning District Council: City Council Ward: Preferred Mailing Address: 37 t� 7 C . �_LC�C� �J�: �1�Lt� � t�2 �'� � �S , �'} � � �fC�fo , . � What is your occu�ation? �(�S f� L'1 � �� ��tLl�l ��CtA'1C �Gt.4'1<9 I? 5� ��7 C. Place of Employment: Cammittee(s) Applied For: OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CTTY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 9 7 - >'!0 9 (Home � "� 2 ,71 or Z�7 �) 7 g (1�AX) 7�1 7 �g t�C.SiCI,(lt ��t�l�vi5�ar/"l�/��, 1/?G 4Vhat skills, training or experience do >� rl1 /,�.0 a x O/� Lv��r�rn. UT✓.L1A � L`7 �Q f�.Lf t � .�� �l PJQ f :S� C �' �l�' !��/'i v. }sossess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? 1 V( Vv The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. (OVER) Rev. 5-5-97 .�....�. wy �..y • ' y Name: Address: Phone: �'��£i�°>v JCr _ ,. ' K �a� "Z Name: i )C:c.tl l � � Address: �3�02. �. LC�- �'. �c..�'� 1L2'� I r r�,. /j't1�.J S�`�Q b Phone: (Homel �' �� �� � 3� (LVorkL_'� 1 � Z Z> Name: Fl(1drPSS: Phone: 's (�.Q�,i�id(� Y'fXb.�lflp� , � GvC�f,��CJ Have you had previous contact with the committee for which yoa are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? , . � ,,�r, S� c7;,�- n �n �1 �-rr.,�n {�,� �.i.,,� n�, -�-r� ', n, r� �o f mmzm i� � SQ.t31-erm'i�e r 3c� { � � — — In an attempt to ensure fhat committee representation reftects the makeup of our community, ptease check the line applicabte to you. This information is strictiy votuntary. White (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian or laskan Eskimo Male Female Hispanic � Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: 5' 1�" �� Disabled: Yes No � If special accommodations are needed, please specify: How did you hear about this opening? (Ftome} �GZ (oOg`� (}�or� l�S�—CpC`��7 - ReasonsforyourinterestidthisparticularcommitteeSl,UC�1/� � �-F� C.�05i ivuv-e�-1997 12�37 FROM RSIAN-PRClFIC COUNCIL 10 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 33�� 398 CITY HALL SAIIVT PAUL, MIl�SNESOTA SSla2 Phonc: 26b-8525 FAX: 266.8513 yGbbC�1S Y.bG 9 7 - �yd g Ke �, g : A �n Ma��e GU�b � Home Address: I rv�I C =5 a b� `�f ��-r' p� +Llti1 55 /U 7 Street /L- y f—�%ss C1tY Zip Te]ephoneNumher: �jjp�g��II �wor ? �9� — `l�5! ���97-8735 Ylanning District Council: ����� � y�L� Cll}T C01lRC�I W8i(I: � Preferred Mailsng Address: �[d,�.�:41J�� What is your occupation? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: WHat sialls, tra9ntug or ,, � � � ;»_ � i: � i � �l' i1. ' � /. . � � 12/ �/ ' i y i �u-i i.i. �/ i[� 1 • �. dv yvu possess for th �committee(s) for whicb yoa seek appointmenY? �� The informatioa included in this application is considered private data according to the Mianesota Government Data Practices Act. As a resalt, fhis information is not reieased to tbe general public. (OYER) Rev. 8-5-97 NpV-05-1997 12�37 FROM RS1RN—PRCIFIC COUNCIL TO . .: � .� ; ;.. .y : . y.... Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: PE►oae: Name: Address: Phone: 92668513 P.�� � , .1 ' , r. i1A' t �� � r . . I:�e� • � . • Reasons for your interesf in this particular committee: NX �� If'1 �xPS�ItL fd!'.t���.{�Q NX� - - - � ._- �. n� S f,��- •�`Arn}MAft�L �'i'KS 0"t�' t i�i�t5SZd1= Have yov had previons contact wifA the committee for which you are malang applicatiou? If so, when, and the arcumstances? .tn an attempt to ensure i�at coa�mittee reprrseutalion reIIects tht makeup of ouc comraunity, piease check ihe line applicable to you. TGis information is strictZy voiuntary. White (Caacasian) Black (Afric�a American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male .. � k'emale Disabled: Yes No� ICspeciat accommodatioas are needed, please specify: Hispanic _� Asian or Pacific IsTander I� , . , ,�'. �.�J !�._'1 j / How did you hestr about this opening? �1��U�" _.. _ a■�iri�i.t� i: , cr _�a � , r��l��ti��.i�sl !.. � �� ; — _ � � ��.� _�rlg'jt�/�i . . �� �� r� � �, � City 9'7 - /ya9 �� �ya ;�C.v a.�� - auG 2 � 1597 �; °s=: �sy c iv�r Name: �a lx-r }- W z� t�.e� - Home Address: 117o C�s 1, i�� G rol ��3 1�i S} ,�aJ � SSI 08 Street Telep+hone Number: Planning District Council: Preferred Mailing Address: What is your occupation? Place of Employment: Zip :� i . . ,�� �� O�'FICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNE50TA 55102 Yhone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 a�G af ��d�L � a�J s'�'v City Council Ward: � NjA Committee(s) Applied For: � e`�' �cz�ns �d�isory Cow,v�,;�i What skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) i'or which you seek appointment? ( (x�+. now th �aw Sc.�eo} �{ (hli��ia-w �iC2ket1• � �av¢ a�. iN.�-e.l+cs{— i.�. IWtwiaVw.C7T. �M.J. � We�K�A 4� t�a iwuniqYa�u.-. boJ�4�� . Ik4� S�fOUS�'�t . /�1A�.p� r 1 1 ��y �4�S��L1 4! 4. SVw��sf /("SS�L� V a� 4F� ��vu.���e � i a L a Q�u The information included in this applicataon is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Prackices Act. As a result, this information ns not released to the general public. ch.� (OVER) Rev. 8-5-97 .� . Name: Address: Phone: (�iome) ork� �fo — S 5 S� - Name: Address: Phone: Name: /�i B'°`'`�'` Address: l b 3( Naqu � Sf • f 0.v � SS"! o� Phone: (Flome) /� 4�r' 3S(7 ork� ZG 6� 8SZ7 Reasons for your interest in'ti►is particular committee; 1 woold �i5c.c -Fo a,�� lxve(vc�( i,t �.s� � � iwCJ a F � Coi.�,��H.� . ic Have you had previous contact wifh the committee for which you are making apptication? If so, when, and the circumstances? , In an attempt to ensure that committee representation retTecfs fhe makeup of our community, ptease check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly volantary. White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) _� Asian or Pacific Lslander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Male Female DateofBirth: 5 Z( 73 Disabled: Yes No � If special accommodations are needed, please specify: ��� Z How did you hear about this opening? /�fai"f DOWe� 1�(e�an 3 3 2 . `� ^ � ���" o��ic� oF ruE ri��oz� 390 CITX �IALL 5A1N"C PAiJL, tvi[NN�SOTA 55102 Phonc: 2G6-8525 FAX: 26fi-8513 TIame: 33om� A 'Telephone Number: PIanning District Council: City Council Ward: Pret'erred Mailing Address: ,,,_, � AD� �4� � S���% t� � �G,�'��/d � Whai is your occupation? Ptuce of Employment: Committee(s) Appl;ed I�or: 97-./y�9 (�G`' � �1 '/� J �' �� a v � 1 !' � �'-/__•"_/ � i_� / r��llS/� f(;,. A:�s�' i Ll �„ j�' �i �lrB!% (' ��11�•s/.Utr ,� f�jU� S� � ��r1 �,��t�����s��tls �,o i/rso,�y �i�,cf�,��i-�L� 3�'hat ski0s, trsining or espericnce do you possess for ti�e committee(s) For wkicls you seek appointment? �� �i �//�If� !�/Llrr'.f.'/ �l�� tE' �'LJ/(f �.�/I> .,�C�[/I.(� /',. ,�[�� y,u�.Pi�'.s° �a� �/ ,y'cs�its' .z h�v �:l9� �x�.,Qitr�v�E . lUi�i ,��vf n�r/n',�� T 7lti�y T/� 1.r�����'i��/rC — . " _ . ,� : ;� . �• / �� � ..�.4�a.���-,_� '= � - ��� J � f .t i /�i[' � - - - — The information included in this appiication is consiciered private data according to the Minnesota Gnvernmeot Data Practices Act. As n resuit, this information is not released to the gene�ai pubiit. (OVEFt) Rev. 8-5-97 Z8a LLa'ON FTS899Z6 f 3SIL+ IH NSQ3NfIQ 4S�tZ L6i2?�=� Street C+ty Zip �Si1Z✓57 ti:�4 uunnuiN ni Kix � yz6ob�i� I' f ► :_ ( ... ► - i�Iame: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: 1;. , �e � ►� i. . ' � .tca `' iu � ' Ressons for yonr interest in this particular committee: klave you hssd prev+ous coniact with ihe committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? In an attempt to er+sure ihnt committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check ttie )ine applicable to you. This information is sfrictiy voluntary. White (Caucasian} Btack (AGican Amu�can) Ameriean Indian, or Alaskan Eskimo Male ,..� Female Disabled: Yes No �,L_ If speciat accommodutions are needed, please apeeify: Hispanic � Asian or Pacific Islander Date of $irth: ��+ / ✓ .,/ How did you hear sbout this apening? 97 -/yo9 PAGE 1 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COHMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS 11-OS-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICAN25.RPT COMMITTEE : NAAC New Americans Advisory Co. FOR APPLICATIONS DATE➢ AFTER U1/O1/94 002972 Baribeau, Pam 1561 Leone Ave. St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 771-5845 Regiatered Nurae Plumba Walker H) 778-8226 Suzanne Guimby H) 484-1632 003157 Bergstrom, Robert Apt. 103 1259 McClean St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 778-8052 Teacher/Harding High 5chool Lou Kanavati Harding High Principal w) 243-8900 Nenq Vang h) 640-8287 w) 293-5983 Sophorn Lisaick h) 730-8645 w) 293-8900 002928 Engelhart, James Engelhart & Swanson 46 E. Fourth St., 12th Floor St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 224-3000 CPA David Dorle Tim Lippert John Rupp DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -^------ --- -° --- 04/06/95 W F 7 4 03j27/96 W M 06f12J95 W M 97-iyo9 11-OS-97 COMMITTEE APPI.ICANTS REPORT PAGE 2 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : NAAC New Americans Advisory Co. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1JO1J94 APPLZCANT J REFERENCE COMt�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -------------°--"--------°------- ---- __--__-_ -__---° -------_ -"- __- -�- 003156 Harrison, Jim M. 2 16 03/25/96 W M 969 Lincoln Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 224-0549 Director of Public A£faira Rev. Robert Burmeiater North Hgts. Lutheran Church 2701 N. Rice St. Roseville, MN 55113 h) 484-2049 w) 484-2049 Dat Huynh or Lang Tran 4131 131st Savage, MN 553�8 w) 890-6740 Howard or Joanne Melroae 3272 New Brighton Rd. Arden Hills, MN 55112 h) 633-7673 4-16-97 Riverfront Corporation & Parks-Rec Commission M. Howard & JoAnn Melrose 3272 New Brighton Road Arden Hi11s, MN 55112 h) 633-7673 Rev. Robert Burmeister North Heights Lutheran Church Roseville, MN h) 483-4644 w) 484-2049 Judy Durfey 806 Linwood, #4 St. Paul� M£I 55105 h) 290-0568 003351 Hendry� Sue Asian Translations 3702 E. Lake St., Ste. 102 Minneapolis, MN 55406 Work - 721-5878 FAX 7215778 President Asian Translations f 10/06f97 AP F Somly Sithisay 9? -/y� 11-OS-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 3 CdMMITTEE : NAAC New Americans Advisory Co. FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVII3G Ot3) 7018 19th Street N. Oakdale, MN 55128 h) 702-6083 w) 659-6017 Daniel Rrotz 3702 E. Lake Street, Ste. 100 Minneapolis, MN 55406 h) 690-4139 w) 721-0122 Bruce Hendry 2305 Sherwood Circle S. Bloomington, MN 55431 h) 881-3538 w} 337-3232 003113 Rashid, Sardar Abdur 332 Charles Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103 Home - 222-0791 Auditor/State of MN 12/OS/95 AP � Bill wilson Former City Council Preaident Profeesor Gary McLean College of Education St. Paul Campus U of M professor Frederick Jacoba Dirzctor, MBT Program U of M Mpls., MN 55455 003160 Vang, J. Kou 6280 36th St. N. Oakdale, MN 55128 Home - 777-2062 Financial/Small Bus. Mgt. 04/30{96 AP � Lee Pao Xiong Executive Director/Asian Pacific Council 200 Vniversity Ave., ste. 100 St. Paul, MN 55103 w) 296-0571 Yeeleng Hang 9y-�s/o9 11-05-97 CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 4 COMMITTEE : NAAC New Americans Advisory Co. FOR APPLICATIO23S DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMME23TS WARD PLANNING SEI3ATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON} ---- °------ -------- -------- --- --- --- Macalester College 1600 Grand Ave., 55105 h) 696-6311 Judy Miller 3.B. Realty 1885 University Avenue, 55104 h) 645-5500 003353 Webb, Ann Marie 169 E. Isabel Street St. Paul, MN 55107 Aome - 297-7955 Legislative Asst/Eventa Coord 2 3 11/05/97 AP F 11-5-97 New Americans Advisory Committee Lee Pao Xiong 275 Syndicate St. N. St. Paul, MN 55104 w) 641-8279 Valerie Lee 633 University Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104 w} 291-1'IO2 Ms. Kayine Yang 506 Kenny Road St. Paul, MN 55101 w> ��z-a�as �03323 Webber, Robert #319 117� Cushing Circle St. Paul, MN 55108 Aome - 644-8170 Law Student 08/27/97 AP !ic Scott Wright Doherty, Rumble & Butler 3500 Fifth Street Towers 150 So. Fifth Street Mpls., 55402 w) 340-5555 Jesse Hamer c/o Tushe Montgomery Architects 9? -/y�9 11-OS-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICAN2S REPORT PAGE 5 CoMMITTEE : NAAC New Americans Advisory Co. FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT J REFERE33CE CO?Il�SENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE E2H GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) _--^ -------- -------- ----°-- -"_ --- --- 330 Edinborough Way, #601 Minneapolis, 55435 w) 830-8208 Matt Bowe Mayor Coleman•s Office 390 City Hall h) 645-3517 w) 266-8527 Q03328 Yang, Xai Saint Paul PHA 469 Ada Street St. Paul, Mf1 55107 Work - 298-9231 FAX 2926613 Aousing Aasiatant/Manager III 08/12/97 AP F council File # 97 - /�/d9 Green Sheet # J` �2d�'7 — � �_ - Presented By _ Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that e S' aul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments, z made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the NEW AMERICANS ADV7SORY s COMNIITTEE. 4 s b 7 s s � ii OF(S�I� PAUL, Sue Hendry Ann Webb Robert Webber Ms. Xai Yang Terms shall expire on May 1, 1999. /� iz 13 1 4 Requested by Department of: Mayor's OEfice By: p +Qr Ha�es Adopted by Council: Date '�� , �`Z..� \q9ri � 6 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: � Form Approved by city Attorney g ��y � C`mZsyJ'f `�'/ '� �� Approved by Mayor for Submiasion to Council By: ���a`���:���,Z����— Mayor Coleman's Office i1-6-97 GREEN S :ONTACi PERSON 8 PHONE a OEPARTMENT OIRE Albexto QuinYela 266-8529 nsswx Qc+rrasroaNev NUST 8E ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) NUMBEP FOH � BUDGET DfRECTOR NOUTING UFUER � MAYOR �OR ASSISTANn TOTAL # OF S4GPIATURE PAGES 1 (C�IP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of appointments of following members to serve on the New Americans Advisory Co�ittee: Sue Hendry, Ann Webb, Robert Webber and Ms. %ai Yang. a _ PLANWNGCOMMISSION _ CIWI _ CIB COMMYfTEE _ _ _ STAFF _ _ _ OISTRICTCOVRT _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE+ IF APPROVED' _! ESIFAPPflOVED� N° 52287 97- ��fo9 INITIFVDATE � C�N COIkICIL � cm c�EaK � FIN 8 MGT SEAVICES DIq. O ���r� " ����[ ^�,'c , t.. �J) TOTpL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE F�LLOWINfa �UESTIONS: L Has this persoNfirm ever worked untler a contraM for this Uepartment? YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever 6een a ciry employee? VES NO 3. Does t�is person/firm possess a skill not normaily passessetl by any cunem ciry employee� YES NO Explain eli yes answers on seperata aheet antl attach to green aheet COSTfREVSNUE BUDGETED (CtRCIE ONE} YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACiIVI7Y NUMBER FINANC�AL INFOFAhAT10N� (EXPLAIN) 9�- iyo9 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL �Yi�i FROM: DATB: � Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President David Thune Councilmember 7erty Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Joseph Collins Councilmember Michael Harris Counci]member Roberta Megard r � Councilmember Gladys Morto Alberto Quintela November 10, 1997 New Americans Advisory Committee Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments of the following individuals to serve on the New Americans Advisory Committee. Sue Hendry Robert Webber Ann Webb Ms. Xai Yang Attached is a copy of the resolution recommending these members, copies of the new appointees' applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January 1, 1444. Feel free to contact to me at 266-8529 ifyou wish to discuss these appointments. Attachments c: Nancy Anderson Hoa Young Vi:1USERSUAORRO'MW PFILES W AAC.CNC � s � 3 Name: HomeA , � Telephone Nnmber: Planning District Council: City Council Ward: Preferred Mailing Address: 37 t� 7 C . �_LC�C� �J�: �1�Lt� � t�2 �'� � �S , �'} � � �fC�fo , . � What is your occu�ation? �(�S f� L'1 � �� ��tLl�l ��CtA'1C �Gt.4'1<9 I? 5� ��7 C. Place of Employment: Cammittee(s) Applied For: OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CTTY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 9 7 - >'!0 9 (Home � "� 2 ,71 or Z�7 �) 7 g (1�AX) 7�1 7 �g t�C.SiCI,(lt ��t�l�vi5�ar/"l�/��, 1/?G 4Vhat skills, training or experience do >� rl1 /,�.0 a x O/� Lv��r�rn. UT✓.L1A � L`7 �Q f�.Lf t � .�� �l PJQ f :S� C �' �l�' !��/'i v. }sossess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? 1 V( Vv The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. (OVER) Rev. 5-5-97 .�....�. wy �..y • ' y Name: Address: Phone: �'��£i�°>v JCr _ ,. ' K �a� "Z Name: i )C:c.tl l � � Address: �3�02. �. LC�- �'. �c..�'� 1L2'� I r r�,. /j't1�.J S�`�Q b Phone: (Homel �' �� �� � 3� (LVorkL_'� 1 � Z Z> Name: Fl(1drPSS: Phone: 's (�.Q�,i�id(� Y'fXb.�lflp� , � GvC�f,��CJ Have you had previous contact with the committee for which yoa are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? , . � ,,�r, S� c7;,�- n �n �1 �-rr.,�n {�,� �.i.,,� n�, -�-r� ', n, r� �o f mmzm i� � SQ.t31-erm'i�e r 3c� { � � — — In an attempt to ensure fhat committee representation reftects the makeup of our community, ptease check the line applicabte to you. This information is strictiy votuntary. White (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian or laskan Eskimo Male Female Hispanic � Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: 5' 1�" �� Disabled: Yes No � If special accommodations are needed, please specify: How did you hear about this opening? (Ftome} �GZ (oOg`� (}�or� l�S�—CpC`��7 - ReasonsforyourinterestidthisparticularcommitteeSl,UC�1/� � �-F� C.�05i ivuv-e�-1997 12�37 FROM RSIAN-PRClFIC COUNCIL 10 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 33�� 398 CITY HALL SAIIVT PAUL, MIl�SNESOTA SSla2 Phonc: 26b-8525 FAX: 266.8513 yGbbC�1S Y.bG 9 7 - �yd g Ke �, g : A �n Ma��e GU�b � Home Address: I rv�I C =5 a b� `�f ��-r' p� +Llti1 55 /U 7 Street /L- y f—�%ss C1tY Zip Te]ephoneNumher: �jjp�g��II �wor ? �9� — `l�5! ���97-8735 Ylanning District Council: ����� � y�L� Cll}T C01lRC�I W8i(I: � Preferred Mailsng Address: �[d,�.�:41J�� What is your occupation? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: WHat sialls, tra9ntug or ,, � � � ;»_ � i: � i � �l' i1. ' � /. . � � 12/ �/ ' i y i �u-i i.i. �/ i[� 1 • �. dv yvu possess for th �committee(s) for whicb yoa seek appointmenY? �� The informatioa included in this application is considered private data according to the Mianesota Government Data Practices Act. As a resalt, fhis information is not reieased to tbe general public. (OYER) Rev. 8-5-97 NpV-05-1997 12�37 FROM RS1RN—PRCIFIC COUNCIL TO . .: � .� ; ;.. .y : . y.... Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: PE►oae: Name: Address: Phone: 92668513 P.�� � , .1 ' , r. i1A' t �� � r . . I:�e� • � . • Reasons for your interesf in this particular committee: NX �� If'1 �xPS�ItL fd!'.t���.{�Q NX� - - - � ._- �. n� S f,��- •�`Arn}MAft�L �'i'KS 0"t�' t i�i�t5SZd1= Have yov had previons contact wifA the committee for which you are malang applicatiou? If so, when, and the arcumstances? .tn an attempt to ensure i�at coa�mittee reprrseutalion reIIects tht makeup of ouc comraunity, piease check ihe line applicable to you. TGis information is strictZy voiuntary. White (Caacasian) Black (Afric�a American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male .. � k'emale Disabled: Yes No� ICspeciat accommodatioas are needed, please specify: Hispanic _� Asian or Pacific IsTander I� , . , ,�'. �.�J !�._'1 j / How did you hestr about this opening? �1��U�" _.. _ a■�iri�i.t� i: , cr _�a � , r��l��ti��.i�sl !.. � �� ; — _ � � ��.� _�rlg'jt�/�i . . �� �� r� � �, � City 9'7 - /ya9 �� �ya ;�C.v a.�� - auG 2 � 1597 �; °s=: �sy c iv�r Name: �a lx-r }- W z� t�.e� - Home Address: 117o C�s 1, i�� G rol ��3 1�i S} ,�aJ � SSI 08 Street Telep+hone Number: Planning District Council: Preferred Mailing Address: What is your occupation? Place of Employment: Zip :� i . . ,�� �� O�'FICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNE50TA 55102 Yhone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 a�G af ��d�L � a�J s'�'v City Council Ward: � NjA Committee(s) Applied For: � e`�' �cz�ns �d�isory Cow,v�,;�i What skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) i'or which you seek appointment? ( (x�+. now th �aw Sc.�eo} �{ (hli��ia-w �iC2ket1• � �av¢ a�. iN.�-e.l+cs{— i.�. IWtwiaVw.C7T. �M.J. � We�K�A 4� t�a iwuniqYa�u.-. boJ�4�� . Ik4� S�fOUS�'�t . /�1A�.p� r 1 1 ��y �4�S��L1 4! 4. SVw��sf /("SS�L� V a� 4F� ��vu.���e � i a L a Q�u The information included in this applicataon is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Prackices Act. As a result, this information ns not released to the general public. ch.� (OVER) Rev. 8-5-97 .� . Name: Address: Phone: (�iome) ork� �fo — S 5 S� - Name: Address: Phone: Name: /�i B'°`'`�'` Address: l b 3( Naqu � Sf • f 0.v � SS"! o� Phone: (Flome) /� 4�r' 3S(7 ork� ZG 6� 8SZ7 Reasons for your interest in'ti►is particular committee; 1 woold �i5c.c -Fo a,�� lxve(vc�( i,t �.s� � � iwCJ a F � Coi.�,��H.� . ic Have you had previous contact wifh the committee for which you are making apptication? If so, when, and the circumstances? , In an attempt to ensure that committee representation retTecfs fhe makeup of our community, ptease check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly volantary. White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) _� Asian or Pacific Lslander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Male Female DateofBirth: 5 Z( 73 Disabled: Yes No � If special accommodations are needed, please specify: ��� Z How did you hear about this opening? /�fai"f DOWe� 1�(e�an 3 3 2 . `� ^ � ���" o��ic� oF ruE ri��oz� 390 CITX �IALL 5A1N"C PAiJL, tvi[NN�SOTA 55102 Phonc: 2G6-8525 FAX: 26fi-8513 TIame: 33om� A 'Telephone Number: PIanning District Council: City Council Ward: Pret'erred Mailing Address: ,,,_, � AD� �4� � S���% t� � �G,�'��/d � Whai is your occupation? Ptuce of Employment: Committee(s) Appl;ed I�or: 97-./y�9 (�G`' � �1 '/� J �' �� a v � 1 !' � �'-/__•"_/ � i_� / r��llS/� f(;,. A:�s�' i Ll �„ j�' �i �lrB!% (' ��11�•s/.Utr ,� f�jU� S� � ��r1 �,��t�����s��tls �,o i/rso,�y �i�,cf�,��i-�L� 3�'hat ski0s, trsining or espericnce do you possess for ti�e committee(s) For wkicls you seek appointment? �� �i �//�If� !�/Llrr'.f.'/ �l�� tE' �'LJ/(f �.�/I> .,�C�[/I.(� /',. ,�[�� y,u�.Pi�'.s° �a� �/ ,y'cs�its' .z h�v �:l9� �x�.,Qitr�v�E . lUi�i ,��vf n�r/n',�� T 7lti�y T/� 1.r�����'i��/rC — . " _ . ,� : ;� . �• / �� � ..�.4�a.���-,_� '= � - ��� J � f .t i /�i[' � - - - — The information included in this appiication is consiciered private data according to the Minnesota Gnvernmeot Data Practices Act. As n resuit, this information is not released to the gene�ai pubiit. (OVEFt) Rev. 8-5-97 Z8a LLa'ON FTS899Z6 f 3SIL+ IH NSQ3NfIQ 4S�tZ L6i2?�=� Street C+ty Zip �Si1Z✓57 ti:�4 uunnuiN ni Kix � yz6ob�i� I' f ► :_ ( ... ► - i�Iame: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: 1;. , �e � ►� i. . ' � .tca `' iu � ' Ressons for yonr interest in this particular committee: klave you hssd prev+ous coniact with ihe committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? In an attempt to er+sure ihnt committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check ttie )ine applicable to you. This information is sfrictiy voluntary. White (Caucasian} Btack (AGican Amu�can) Ameriean Indian, or Alaskan Eskimo Male ,..� Female Disabled: Yes No �,L_ If speciat accommodutions are needed, please apeeify: Hispanic � Asian or Pacific Islander Date of $irth: ��+ / ✓ .,/ How did you hear sbout this apening? 97 -/yo9 PAGE 1 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COHMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS 11-OS-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICAN25.RPT COMMITTEE : NAAC New Americans Advisory Co. FOR APPLICATIONS DATE➢ AFTER U1/O1/94 002972 Baribeau, Pam 1561 Leone Ave. St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 771-5845 Regiatered Nurae Plumba Walker H) 778-8226 Suzanne Guimby H) 484-1632 003157 Bergstrom, Robert Apt. 103 1259 McClean St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 778-8052 Teacher/Harding High 5chool Lou Kanavati Harding High Principal w) 243-8900 Nenq Vang h) 640-8287 w) 293-5983 Sophorn Lisaick h) 730-8645 w) 293-8900 002928 Engelhart, James Engelhart & Swanson 46 E. Fourth St., 12th Floor St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 224-3000 CPA David Dorle Tim Lippert John Rupp DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -^------ --- -° --- 04/06/95 W F 7 4 03j27/96 W M 06f12J95 W M 97-iyo9 11-OS-97 COMMITTEE APPI.ICANTS REPORT PAGE 2 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : NAAC New Americans Advisory Co. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1JO1J94 APPLZCANT J REFERENCE COMt�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -------------°--"--------°------- ---- __--__-_ -__---° -------_ -"- __- -�- 003156 Harrison, Jim M. 2 16 03/25/96 W M 969 Lincoln Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 224-0549 Director of Public A£faira Rev. Robert Burmeiater North Hgts. Lutheran Church 2701 N. Rice St. Roseville, MN 55113 h) 484-2049 w) 484-2049 Dat Huynh or Lang Tran 4131 131st Savage, MN 553�8 w) 890-6740 Howard or Joanne Melroae 3272 New Brighton Rd. Arden Hills, MN 55112 h) 633-7673 4-16-97 Riverfront Corporation & Parks-Rec Commission M. Howard & JoAnn Melrose 3272 New Brighton Road Arden Hi11s, MN 55112 h) 633-7673 Rev. Robert Burmeister North Heights Lutheran Church Roseville, MN h) 483-4644 w) 484-2049 Judy Durfey 806 Linwood, #4 St. Paul� M£I 55105 h) 290-0568 003351 Hendry� Sue Asian Translations 3702 E. Lake St., Ste. 102 Minneapolis, MN 55406 Work - 721-5878 FAX 7215778 President Asian Translations f 10/06f97 AP F Somly Sithisay 9? -/y� 11-OS-97 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 3 CdMMITTEE : NAAC New Americans Advisory Co. FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVII3G Ot3) 7018 19th Street N. Oakdale, MN 55128 h) 702-6083 w) 659-6017 Daniel Rrotz 3702 E. Lake Street, Ste. 100 Minneapolis, MN 55406 h) 690-4139 w) 721-0122 Bruce Hendry 2305 Sherwood Circle S. Bloomington, MN 55431 h) 881-3538 w} 337-3232 003113 Rashid, Sardar Abdur 332 Charles Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103 Home - 222-0791 Auditor/State of MN 12/OS/95 AP � Bill wilson Former City Council Preaident Profeesor Gary McLean College of Education St. Paul Campus U of M professor Frederick Jacoba Dirzctor, MBT Program U of M Mpls., MN 55455 003160 Vang, J. Kou 6280 36th St. N. Oakdale, MN 55128 Home - 777-2062 Financial/Small Bus. Mgt. 04/30{96 AP � Lee Pao Xiong Executive Director/Asian Pacific Council 200 Vniversity Ave., ste. 100 St. Paul, MN 55103 w) 296-0571 Yeeleng Hang 9y-�s/o9 11-05-97 CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 4 COMMITTEE : NAAC New Americans Advisory Co. FOR APPLICATIO23S DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMME23TS WARD PLANNING SEI3ATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON} ---- °------ -------- -------- --- --- --- Macalester College 1600 Grand Ave., 55105 h) 696-6311 Judy Miller 3.B. Realty 1885 University Avenue, 55104 h) 645-5500 003353 Webb, Ann Marie 169 E. Isabel Street St. Paul, MN 55107 Aome - 297-7955 Legislative Asst/Eventa Coord 2 3 11/05/97 AP F 11-5-97 New Americans Advisory Committee Lee Pao Xiong 275 Syndicate St. N. St. Paul, MN 55104 w) 641-8279 Valerie Lee 633 University Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104 w} 291-1'IO2 Ms. Kayine Yang 506 Kenny Road St. Paul, MN 55101 w> ��z-a�as �03323 Webber, Robert #319 117� Cushing Circle St. Paul, MN 55108 Aome - 644-8170 Law Student 08/27/97 AP !ic Scott Wright Doherty, Rumble & Butler 3500 Fifth Street Towers 150 So. Fifth Street Mpls., 55402 w) 340-5555 Jesse Hamer c/o Tushe Montgomery Architects 9? -/y�9 11-OS-97 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICAN2S REPORT PAGE 5 CoMMITTEE : NAAC New Americans Advisory Co. FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT J REFERE33CE CO?Il�SENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE E2H GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) _--^ -------- -------- ----°-- -"_ --- --- 330 Edinborough Way, #601 Minneapolis, 55435 w) 830-8208 Matt Bowe Mayor Coleman•s Office 390 City Hall h) 645-3517 w) 266-8527 Q03328 Yang, Xai Saint Paul PHA 469 Ada Street St. Paul, Mf1 55107 Work - 298-9231 FAX 2926613 Aousing Aasiatant/Manager III 08/12/97 AP F