97-1400Council File # � ����� Presented By Re£erred To i WHEREAS, The Saint 2 ordinances which requires a ne 3 and disruption costs, and 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 j} 12 RESOLUTION G=een Sheet # 38554 PAUL, MINNESOTA � COIl1lRitt20: Ddte Council has enacted new Right of Way management w permit fee schedule to recover city costs, degradation costs, WHEREAS, the City has closeiy worked with Minneapolis, the City Engineer's Association, and the teague of Minnesota Cities in developing the structure for these fees, including a Grace Period Matrix, and WHEREAS, the industry, users, and businesses have been represented in the meetings of the Minneapolis Fiber Resource Group as these fiee structures were deveioped, NOW THEREFORE BE IT 13 RESOLVED, that the attached "EXCAVATION / OBSTRUCTION PERMIT FEE STRUCTURE" and 14 its attachments are hereby approved, and be it further i5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 RESOLVED, that this permi# fee structure be reviewed on an annual basis, adjusted to recover actual costs, and be approved by Council resolution. Requested by Department o£: Public Works '�"� Adopti Certified by Council Secretary By: � \ � ��y Approved by Mayor: Date �� IZ�E47- By: "`���-°, g �'Z.C.r ...�� Form Appr �d by Cit ttorney l B : Approved b Mayor £or Submission to Council By: _____ ��.l��� �A������b� Adopted by Council: Date g��erc� ,� 19q� t 9 9 -/yoo DEPnRTMENT/OFFICFJCAUNCIL DATEINITIAlED GREEN SH NO. 38554 Pu¢lic Works 10/28/97 iroi upA� iNiTinwa� COMACT PERSON 8 PHONE � � pEppq7MEM DIflECTOR �`� _ ❑4 CITY COUNCIL TomKuhFekl 266-6'I'11 � e N �2 �" ��OPN�Q � OCRVCLEFK MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DA'IE) � �g�Jp��DIFECTOR �FIN.&MGT.SEFVICESDIfl. �MAVOq(OHASSIST � TO7AL s OF SIGNANRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S�GNANR� ASSOCIATE � DEPT. ACCWPfTANT ACTION REW}ESTEO Approval of Right of Way management permit fee structure resolution. pEWMMENDA71oNS: nppae (N a Rejert (R) PEPSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PIANNINGCON616SSpN _CNIL SEFiVICE WMMISSION 1 . ��� E��S � NO� worked urMef a conVact for ihis departrnent? ' CIB COAIMITTEE 2- Has fiispe rsonrfirtn ever been a ciry employee? — VES NO A STAFF 3. Does tliis personlfirm possess a skill not normaly possessed by any arcent dry — — employee? DISTPICSCOUNCII YES NO SUPPORTS WFIICH COUNCil08JECTNE? �p�ain all yes ansWers on separeta sheet and attach to green sheet INIiIATING PFiOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNITV (WHO, WHAT. WHEN, WHERE, WHY): - ReceM passage of Right of Way Management Ordinances requires a new permit fee structure for Excavations and Obstructions. This will replace the current use of street permit fee structure. Provides better coordination of utility work in Saint Paul streets and better protects taxpayer investment. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Implemerrts requirements of the Right ot Way Management Ordinances (Chapters 116, and 135). Recovers cosls of issuing util'dy cut and obstruction permits, and provides for their inspection. ���E�v�� ������� ��y 0 3 1997 ��� 3 4�97 h9�� S L1FF1�� �' DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Utiiity Companies and others wiil see rraore regulation of the rigM of way, including inspection of utility cuts and obstructions. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The provisions of the Right ofi Way Management Ordinances witt not be implemented. The city's irnestment in streets will not be protected. CflWlC9i Ch Clf1M� NOV 7 1997 TOTALAMOUNTOFTflANSACTION$ �" COST/REYENUEBAlDGE7EQ YES -� No FUNDINGSWflCE "" ACINITYNUMBER **Y FINANCIAI iNF�RMATION: (E%PlA1N) '"'These fees are inchided in new budget fund 235, acliviry 32001, which replaces fund 225. ac6viry 42350. 97 -/5'00 EXCAVATION / OBSTRUCTION PERMIT FEE STRUCTURE A. EXCAVATiON PERMiTS: Cost Components inciude "City cost" (administration, inspection, and records), Pavement Degradation, and a Disruption charge. (per Saint Paul Legisfative code, chapter i35) 1) $145 per hole (includes 75 feet of excavation) plus $2.05 per foot of excavation over 75'. 2) Degradation: incfuded until March 1, adopted before then. As a result of 1997 State legislation, this fee wiil not be 1998, or earlier if part of Public Utilities Commission standards 3) Disruption will be based on the Grace Period Matrix, and the Disruption cost basis charts. For nan utility excavation work, there is no grace period. B. OBSTRUCTION PERMITS: Cost Components include "City cosY' (administration, inspection, and records), and a Disruption charge. (per Saint Paul Legislative code, chapter 135) 1) Various locations permits may be issued for individuai vehicles at a monthly rate of $88. Specific conditions apply to these. This permit may be issued for up to one year at the specified rate. 2) For overhead utility instaliation, $145 pius $1.64 per foot of installation. There will be no disruption charge for work in any block which does not exceed five working days. This is for new installations. Overhead repairs would typically be done through a various locations permit. 3) For all non utility obstruction permits, there is no grace period. Accompanying this are: 1) Grace period matrix 2) Disruption cost basis 10/28/97 TEK —, e`l� h r � N I� \ Z O �"' � U W � O � x �. Q � � Q � W a w U a ¢ � f U W � a Z y � N N N m N m N 3 G Q Q Q O_ Q O_ Q O_ O �, T >. �. A >. �. �. T (h N O O Z (O W N h e') � (�J ln t4 R R N R l9 t6 t6 � ¢ - o v v a a a a 0 ; + + + + + + + + co w � r c� v� c� in J Q Q p � p � p c N�, f p � ¢ Q m m ` m ` m `m m Q � (y a°- a°- a°- a°- O Z �1 1`� d' t0 N 7 N d' � R � �y m � R � � N O O F- ¢ - 'o -p 'o - - o . 'o U p � �- � �- � � .- � � �+ + + + * + * + * � , r y co N v N v U 0 J N ` ' N " N - O N 00 . �O � � � (J a�� a Q a a a n � Z � 1� m N N V N ? � � R � R � R �T C] N O O fA R 'O 'O .� 'O -� '6 -0 'O 2 � ,�, + T 4 + i ,�, i� y� ^ M N N V N �T � .� w�� r: w x_ .n w.r_ r_ w.� .: w a a a a y � �!f N N �f1 �[1 ifi � � � N N t� � N � Z Z Z Z p VI A VI A VI A VI A VI n VI A VI A VI A � m .. m ,� m « m ,_, m ,.. m .. m m m R m m m m m m m R � L L r L F L � U ¢ U ¢ U '¢ () a U a U ¢ N F � � y � O � J � J F- J � � � � � V � � ¢ 0 U v � J F x g Z � �° Z v � = 2 = a � > W ~ N 9 � - /yao 3 m a v C 0 � R >. � � c � � 0 O N a 0 9 3 a O ._ 0 a m U N c� c 0 .� � X N t `o E x O a m L 0 � � z N m m N r � 0 c E � � R m E m L r C1 'o L �. R V 7 � 0 > U m T R a R � C U Q 0 .` N C U n 3 m t R 3 L U 3 C 0 N 7+ � 0 VI t = r Y fl ' O c 3 . " - 97 -lYoo DISRUPTION COST BASIS Parking Lane with meters: $2.00 per meter per day pius lost meter revenue and a hooding charge. Ths hooding charge is a labor charge for hooding and unhooding meters. No grace period applies. Parking Lane without meters: $4.00 per calendar day for each 20 feet of length outside of the downtown business district. $8.00 per day within the downtown business district. Note: If this is in a"Rush Hour" zone, the parking lane rate would apply oniy if it is not used during the "Rush Hour" period. Driving Lanes: Basic formula -- Average Daily Traffic X Number of calendar days X Detour distance in miles X$0.31 per mile For each direction: (one way ADT = 50°!0 of total ADT) Loss of all traffic lanes: 100% of one way ADT Loss of one of two iraffic lanes: 40% of one way ADT Loss of one of three traffic lanes: 20°/a of one way ADT Loss of two of three traffic lanes: 60% of one way ADT NOTE: For work between 9 AM and 3 PM where lane is opened back up to traffic, 50°l0 of the above will apply. For work between 6 PM and 6 AM where lane is opened back up to traffic, 30% of ihe above will apply. Noise ordinance restrictions will continue to be enforced. Sidewaik f Boulevard Area: for each 20 foot increment Closed to Pedestrian Traffic: Commercial- $8.00 per calendar day Closed to Pedestrian Traffic: Residential -$4.00 per calendar day Pedestrian traffic maintained- No charge Alleys: Use basic formula with ADT = 1�o, and length of alley = detour distance. Turn Lanes, Bus stops: Treated as foss of through iane. Disruption cost begins after the grace period. Intersections: Treat each street separately. No disruption cost for utility work in areas closed to traffic for City Paving projects. 10/28(97 ��� Council File # � ����� Presented By Re£erred To i WHEREAS, The Saint 2 ordinances which requires a ne 3 and disruption costs, and 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 j} 12 RESOLUTION G=een Sheet # 38554 PAUL, MINNESOTA � COIl1lRitt20: Ddte Council has enacted new Right of Way management w permit fee schedule to recover city costs, degradation costs, WHEREAS, the City has closeiy worked with Minneapolis, the City Engineer's Association, and the teague of Minnesota Cities in developing the structure for these fees, including a Grace Period Matrix, and WHEREAS, the industry, users, and businesses have been represented in the meetings of the Minneapolis Fiber Resource Group as these fiee structures were deveioped, NOW THEREFORE BE IT 13 RESOLVED, that the attached "EXCAVATION / OBSTRUCTION PERMIT FEE STRUCTURE" and 14 its attachments are hereby approved, and be it further i5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 RESOLVED, that this permi# fee structure be reviewed on an annual basis, adjusted to recover actual costs, and be approved by Council resolution. Requested by Department o£: Public Works '�"� Adopti Certified by Council Secretary By: � \ � ��y Approved by Mayor: Date �� IZ�E47- By: "`���-°, g �'Z.C.r ...�� Form Appr �d by Cit ttorney l B : Approved b Mayor £or Submission to Council By: _____ ��.l��� �A������b� Adopted by Council: Date g��erc� ,� 19q� t 9 9 -/yoo DEPnRTMENT/OFFICFJCAUNCIL DATEINITIAlED GREEN SH NO. 38554 Pu¢lic Works 10/28/97 iroi upA� iNiTinwa� COMACT PERSON 8 PHONE � � pEppq7MEM DIflECTOR �`� _ ❑4 CITY COUNCIL TomKuhFekl 266-6'I'11 � e N �2 �" ��OPN�Q � OCRVCLEFK MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DA'IE) � �g�Jp��DIFECTOR �FIN.&MGT.SEFVICESDIfl. �MAVOq(OHASSIST � TO7AL s OF SIGNANRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S�GNANR� ASSOCIATE � DEPT. ACCWPfTANT ACTION REW}ESTEO Approval of Right of Way management permit fee structure resolution. pEWMMENDA71oNS: nppae (N a Rejert (R) PEPSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PIANNINGCON616SSpN _CNIL SEFiVICE WMMISSION 1 . ��� E��S � NO� worked urMef a conVact for ihis departrnent? ' CIB COAIMITTEE 2- Has fiispe rsonrfirtn ever been a ciry employee? — VES NO A STAFF 3. Does tliis personlfirm possess a skill not normaly possessed by any arcent dry — — employee? DISTPICSCOUNCII YES NO SUPPORTS WFIICH COUNCil08JECTNE? �p�ain all yes ansWers on separeta sheet and attach to green sheet INIiIATING PFiOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNITV (WHO, WHAT. WHEN, WHERE, WHY): - ReceM passage of Right of Way Management Ordinances requires a new permit fee structure for Excavations and Obstructions. This will replace the current use of street permit fee structure. Provides better coordination of utility work in Saint Paul streets and better protects taxpayer investment. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Implemerrts requirements of the Right ot Way Management Ordinances (Chapters 116, and 135). Recovers cosls of issuing util'dy cut and obstruction permits, and provides for their inspection. ���E�v�� ������� ��y 0 3 1997 ��� 3 4�97 h9�� S L1FF1�� �' DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Utiiity Companies and others wiil see rraore regulation of the rigM of way, including inspection of utility cuts and obstructions. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The provisions of the Right ofi Way Management Ordinances witt not be implemented. The city's irnestment in streets will not be protected. CflWlC9i Ch Clf1M� NOV 7 1997 TOTALAMOUNTOFTflANSACTION$ �" COST/REYENUEBAlDGE7EQ YES -� No FUNDINGSWflCE "" ACINITYNUMBER **Y FINANCIAI iNF�RMATION: (E%PlA1N) '"'These fees are inchided in new budget fund 235, acliviry 32001, which replaces fund 225. ac6viry 42350. 97 -/5'00 EXCAVATION / OBSTRUCTION PERMIT FEE STRUCTURE A. EXCAVATiON PERMiTS: Cost Components inciude "City cost" (administration, inspection, and records), Pavement Degradation, and a Disruption charge. (per Saint Paul Legisfative code, chapter i35) 1) $145 per hole (includes 75 feet of excavation) plus $2.05 per foot of excavation over 75'. 2) Degradation: incfuded until March 1, adopted before then. As a result of 1997 State legislation, this fee wiil not be 1998, or earlier if part of Public Utilities Commission standards 3) Disruption will be based on the Grace Period Matrix, and the Disruption cost basis charts. For nan utility excavation work, there is no grace period. B. OBSTRUCTION PERMITS: Cost Components include "City cosY' (administration, inspection, and records), and a Disruption charge. (per Saint Paul Legislative code, chapter 135) 1) Various locations permits may be issued for individuai vehicles at a monthly rate of $88. Specific conditions apply to these. This permit may be issued for up to one year at the specified rate. 2) For overhead utility instaliation, $145 pius $1.64 per foot of installation. There will be no disruption charge for work in any block which does not exceed five working days. This is for new installations. Overhead repairs would typically be done through a various locations permit. 3) For all non utility obstruction permits, there is no grace period. Accompanying this are: 1) Grace period matrix 2) Disruption cost basis 10/28/97 TEK —, e`l� h r � N I� \ Z O �"' � U W � O � x �. Q � � Q � W a w U a ¢ � f U W � a Z y � N N N m N m N 3 G Q Q Q O_ Q O_ Q O_ O �, T >. �. A >. �. �. T (h N O O Z (O W N h e') � (�J ln t4 R R N R l9 t6 t6 � ¢ - o v v a a a a 0 ; + + + + + + + + co w � r c� v� c� in J Q Q p � p � p c N�, f p � ¢ Q m m ` m ` m `m m Q � (y a°- a°- a°- a°- O Z �1 1`� d' t0 N 7 N d' � R � �y m � R � � N O O F- ¢ - 'o -p 'o - - o . 'o U p � �- � �- � � .- � � �+ + + + * + * + * � , r y co N v N v U 0 J N ` ' N " N - O N 00 . �O � � � (J a�� a Q a a a n � Z � 1� m N N V N ? � � R � R � R �T C] N O O fA R 'O 'O .� 'O -� '6 -0 'O 2 � ,�, + T 4 + i ,�, i� y� ^ M N N V N �T � .� w�� r: w x_ .n w.r_ r_ w.� .: w a a a a y � �!f N N �f1 �[1 ifi � � � N N t� � N � Z Z Z Z p VI A VI A VI A VI A VI n VI A VI A VI A � m .. m ,� m « m ,_, m ,.. m .. m m m R m m m m m m m R � L L r L F L � U ¢ U ¢ U '¢ () a U a U ¢ N F � � y � O � J � J F- J � � � � � V � � ¢ 0 U v � J F x g Z � �° Z v � = 2 = a � > W ~ N 9 � - /yao 3 m a v C 0 � R >. � � c � � 0 O N a 0 9 3 a O ._ 0 a m U N c� c 0 .� � X N t `o E x O a m L 0 � � z N m m N r � 0 c E � � R m E m L r C1 'o L �. R V 7 � 0 > U m T R a R � C U Q 0 .` N C U n 3 m t R 3 L U 3 C 0 N 7+ � 0 VI t = r Y fl ' O c 3 . " - 97 -lYoo DISRUPTION COST BASIS Parking Lane with meters: $2.00 per meter per day pius lost meter revenue and a hooding charge. Ths hooding charge is a labor charge for hooding and unhooding meters. No grace period applies. Parking Lane without meters: $4.00 per calendar day for each 20 feet of length outside of the downtown business district. $8.00 per day within the downtown business district. Note: If this is in a"Rush Hour" zone, the parking lane rate would apply oniy if it is not used during the "Rush Hour" period. Driving Lanes: Basic formula -- Average Daily Traffic X Number of calendar days X Detour distance in miles X$0.31 per mile For each direction: (one way ADT = 50°!0 of total ADT) Loss of all traffic lanes: 100% of one way ADT Loss of one of two iraffic lanes: 40% of one way ADT Loss of one of three traffic lanes: 20°/a of one way ADT Loss of two of three traffic lanes: 60% of one way ADT NOTE: For work between 9 AM and 3 PM where lane is opened back up to traffic, 50°l0 of the above will apply. For work between 6 PM and 6 AM where lane is opened back up to traffic, 30% of ihe above will apply. Noise ordinance restrictions will continue to be enforced. Sidewaik f Boulevard Area: for each 20 foot increment Closed to Pedestrian Traffic: Commercial- $8.00 per calendar day Closed to Pedestrian Traffic: Residential -$4.00 per calendar day Pedestrian traffic maintained- No charge Alleys: Use basic formula with ADT = 1�o, and length of alley = detour distance. Turn Lanes, Bus stops: Treated as foss of through iane. Disruption cost begins after the grace period. Intersections: Treat each street separately. No disruption cost for utility work in areas closed to traffic for City Paving projects. 10/28(97 ��� Council File # � ����� Presented By Re£erred To i WHEREAS, The Saint 2 ordinances which requires a ne 3 and disruption costs, and 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 j} 12 RESOLUTION G=een Sheet # 38554 PAUL, MINNESOTA � COIl1lRitt20: Ddte Council has enacted new Right of Way management w permit fee schedule to recover city costs, degradation costs, WHEREAS, the City has closeiy worked with Minneapolis, the City Engineer's Association, and the teague of Minnesota Cities in developing the structure for these fees, including a Grace Period Matrix, and WHEREAS, the industry, users, and businesses have been represented in the meetings of the Minneapolis Fiber Resource Group as these fiee structures were deveioped, NOW THEREFORE BE IT 13 RESOLVED, that the attached "EXCAVATION / OBSTRUCTION PERMIT FEE STRUCTURE" and 14 its attachments are hereby approved, and be it further i5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 RESOLVED, that this permi# fee structure be reviewed on an annual basis, adjusted to recover actual costs, and be approved by Council resolution. Requested by Department o£: Public Works '�"� Adopti Certified by Council Secretary By: � \ � ��y Approved by Mayor: Date �� IZ�E47- By: "`���-°, g �'Z.C.r ...�� Form Appr �d by Cit ttorney l B : Approved b Mayor £or Submission to Council By: _____ ��.l��� �A������b� Adopted by Council: Date g��erc� ,� 19q� t 9 9 -/yoo DEPnRTMENT/OFFICFJCAUNCIL DATEINITIAlED GREEN SH NO. 38554 Pu¢lic Works 10/28/97 iroi upA� iNiTinwa� COMACT PERSON 8 PHONE � � pEppq7MEM DIflECTOR �`� _ ❑4 CITY COUNCIL TomKuhFekl 266-6'I'11 � e N �2 �" ��OPN�Q � OCRVCLEFK MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DA'IE) � �g�Jp��DIFECTOR �FIN.&MGT.SEFVICESDIfl. �MAVOq(OHASSIST � TO7AL s OF SIGNANRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S�GNANR� ASSOCIATE � DEPT. ACCWPfTANT ACTION REW}ESTEO Approval of Right of Way management permit fee structure resolution. pEWMMENDA71oNS: nppae (N a Rejert (R) PEPSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PIANNINGCON616SSpN _CNIL SEFiVICE WMMISSION 1 . ��� E��S � NO� worked urMef a conVact for ihis departrnent? ' CIB COAIMITTEE 2- Has fiispe rsonrfirtn ever been a ciry employee? — VES NO A STAFF 3. Does tliis personlfirm possess a skill not normaly possessed by any arcent dry — — employee? DISTPICSCOUNCII YES NO SUPPORTS WFIICH COUNCil08JECTNE? �p�ain all yes ansWers on separeta sheet and attach to green sheet INIiIATING PFiOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNITV (WHO, WHAT. WHEN, WHERE, WHY): - ReceM passage of Right of Way Management Ordinances requires a new permit fee structure for Excavations and Obstructions. This will replace the current use of street permit fee structure. Provides better coordination of utility work in Saint Paul streets and better protects taxpayer investment. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Implemerrts requirements of the Right ot Way Management Ordinances (Chapters 116, and 135). Recovers cosls of issuing util'dy cut and obstruction permits, and provides for their inspection. ���E�v�� ������� ��y 0 3 1997 ��� 3 4�97 h9�� S L1FF1�� �' DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Utiiity Companies and others wiil see rraore regulation of the rigM of way, including inspection of utility cuts and obstructions. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The provisions of the Right ofi Way Management Ordinances witt not be implemented. The city's irnestment in streets will not be protected. CflWlC9i Ch Clf1M� NOV 7 1997 TOTALAMOUNTOFTflANSACTION$ �" COST/REYENUEBAlDGE7EQ YES -� No FUNDINGSWflCE "" ACINITYNUMBER **Y FINANCIAI iNF�RMATION: (E%PlA1N) '"'These fees are inchided in new budget fund 235, acliviry 32001, which replaces fund 225. ac6viry 42350. 97 -/5'00 EXCAVATION / OBSTRUCTION PERMIT FEE STRUCTURE A. EXCAVATiON PERMiTS: Cost Components inciude "City cost" (administration, inspection, and records), Pavement Degradation, and a Disruption charge. (per Saint Paul Legisfative code, chapter i35) 1) $145 per hole (includes 75 feet of excavation) plus $2.05 per foot of excavation over 75'. 2) Degradation: incfuded until March 1, adopted before then. As a result of 1997 State legislation, this fee wiil not be 1998, or earlier if part of Public Utilities Commission standards 3) Disruption will be based on the Grace Period Matrix, and the Disruption cost basis charts. For nan utility excavation work, there is no grace period. B. OBSTRUCTION PERMITS: Cost Components include "City cosY' (administration, inspection, and records), and a Disruption charge. (per Saint Paul Legislative code, chapter 135) 1) Various locations permits may be issued for individuai vehicles at a monthly rate of $88. Specific conditions apply to these. This permit may be issued for up to one year at the specified rate. 2) For overhead utility instaliation, $145 pius $1.64 per foot of installation. There will be no disruption charge for work in any block which does not exceed five working days. This is for new installations. Overhead repairs would typically be done through a various locations permit. 3) For all non utility obstruction permits, there is no grace period. Accompanying this are: 1) Grace period matrix 2) Disruption cost basis 10/28/97 TEK —, e`l� h r � N I� \ Z O �"' � U W � O � x �. Q � � Q � W a w U a ¢ � f U W � a Z y � N N N m N m N 3 G Q Q Q O_ Q O_ Q O_ O �, T >. �. A >. �. �. T (h N O O Z (O W N h e') � (�J ln t4 R R N R l9 t6 t6 � ¢ - o v v a a a a 0 ; + + + + + + + + co w � r c� v� c� in J Q Q p � p � p c N�, f p � ¢ Q m m ` m ` m `m m Q � (y a°- a°- a°- a°- O Z �1 1`� d' t0 N 7 N d' � R � �y m � R � � N O O F- ¢ - 'o -p 'o - - o . 'o U p � �- � �- � � .- � � �+ + + + * + * + * � , r y co N v N v U 0 J N ` ' N " N - O N 00 . �O � � � (J a�� a Q a a a n � Z � 1� m N N V N ? � � R � R � R �T C] N O O fA R 'O 'O .� 'O -� '6 -0 'O 2 � ,�, + T 4 + i ,�, i� y� ^ M N N V N �T � .� w�� r: w x_ .n w.r_ r_ w.� .: w a a a a y � �!f N N �f1 �[1 ifi � � � N N t� � N � Z Z Z Z p VI A VI A VI A VI A VI n VI A VI A VI A � m .. m ,� m « m ,_, m ,.. m .. m m m R m m m m m m m R � L L r L F L � U ¢ U ¢ U '¢ () a U a U ¢ N F � � y � O � J � J F- J � � � � � V � � ¢ 0 U v � J F x g Z � �° Z v � = 2 = a � > W ~ N 9 � - /yao 3 m a v C 0 � R >. � � c � � 0 O N a 0 9 3 a O ._ 0 a m U N c� c 0 .� � X N t `o E x O a m L 0 � � z N m m N r � 0 c E � � R m E m L r C1 'o L �. R V 7 � 0 > U m T R a R � C U Q 0 .` N C U n 3 m t R 3 L U 3 C 0 N 7+ � 0 VI t = r Y fl ' O c 3 . " - 97 -lYoo DISRUPTION COST BASIS Parking Lane with meters: $2.00 per meter per day pius lost meter revenue and a hooding charge. Ths hooding charge is a labor charge for hooding and unhooding meters. No grace period applies. Parking Lane without meters: $4.00 per calendar day for each 20 feet of length outside of the downtown business district. $8.00 per day within the downtown business district. Note: If this is in a"Rush Hour" zone, the parking lane rate would apply oniy if it is not used during the "Rush Hour" period. Driving Lanes: Basic formula -- Average Daily Traffic X Number of calendar days X Detour distance in miles X$0.31 per mile For each direction: (one way ADT = 50°!0 of total ADT) Loss of all traffic lanes: 100% of one way ADT Loss of one of two iraffic lanes: 40% of one way ADT Loss of one of three traffic lanes: 20°/a of one way ADT Loss of two of three traffic lanes: 60% of one way ADT NOTE: For work between 9 AM and 3 PM where lane is opened back up to traffic, 50°l0 of the above will apply. For work between 6 PM and 6 AM where lane is opened back up to traffic, 30% of ihe above will apply. Noise ordinance restrictions will continue to be enforced. Sidewaik f Boulevard Area: for each 20 foot increment Closed to Pedestrian Traffic: Commercial- $8.00 per calendar day Closed to Pedestrian Traffic: Residential -$4.00 per calendar day Pedestrian traffic maintained- No charge Alleys: Use basic formula with ADT = 1�o, and length of alley = detour distance. Turn Lanes, Bus stops: Treated as foss of through iane. Disruption cost begins after the grace period. Intersections: Treat each street separately. No disruption cost for utility work in areas closed to traffic for City Paving projects. 10/28(97 ���