97-1398.�. -- � • Presented By _ Referred To Committee: Date 1 ��.' 2 REGISTERED LAND SURVEY APPROVAL , � 4 5 WFiEREAS, Chicago Title Insurance Company has submitted the attached Registered Land Survey for City 6 Council approval; and 7 8 WHEREAS, the appropriate city departments have reviewed the Registered Land Survey and found it meets 9 the requirements of Chapter 67 of the Zoning Code; and 10 11 WHEREAS, a lot split of the property was approved on May 13, 1996 by the Pla.nning Administrator of the 12 Department of Planning and Economic Development; and 13 14 WHEREAS, Ramsey County is requiring the applicant provide a new Registered Land Survey to allow 15 recording of the previously approved lot split; and 16 17 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and approves the attached 18 Registered Land Survey. Requested by Department o£: Adopti Certified by Council Secretary By: 4 \�� ,v-�c..! Approved by Mayor: Date o�ZC(f7- By: ���/� council File # 9 � "�� % � Green Sheet # -��'/ 7/a.3 RESOLUTION 41NT PAUL, MINNESOTA t , Plannin & nomic Develo�ment By: L!/'� Forni Approved by City Attorney � �6��� ��-�S�' By: Approve by y fo 5 mission to Council By : �GGts Adopted by Council: Date ��,� \q \qq T 1 �PAqTAffHTpFFICEICOUNCIL PED /ZONING/SO XNffACf PEflSON & PHONE Mike Kraemer NUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA B` As Soon As Possib] TOTAI # OF SIGNATURE 297 97 ��:3�5 3���� I GREEN � DEPARTMEM DIFECT � CRYATTORNEY J FOR nBUDGETDIRECTOR INRIAUDATE (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR CffY CAUNCIL CITY CLEFK FlN. & MGT. SER� � lution approving a Registered Land Survey for a portion of the properry at 294 Summit Avenue and Avenue. Approval allows recording of a previously approved lot split. Approve lA) or Reject (R) _ PLANNING COMMISSIQN _ CIVIL SEflVICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMITfEE _ _ STAFf _ _ DtSTRICTCOUFlT _ SUPPoRTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUS7 ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has this person/firm ever worketl untler a contract for Mis department? YES NO 2. Has this pereonHirm ever baen a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this personHirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current ciry employee7 YES NO Explaln ell yes answers on separate sheet and ettaeh to green sheet Adopt resolution allowing the applicant to record a Registered Land Survey of a lot split approved by the Planning Administrator. Ramsey CounTy is requiring the Registered Land Survey of the property because of recording requirements. Since this Registered Land Survey is of a previously approved lot split and required for recording purposes only, no public hearing is required. City Council approval is required to allow the previous lot split to be recorded. The new Registered Land Survey of the property allows recording of the previously approved lot split. DISADVANTAGES � none �OV 0 5 199� 4Ff1�� DISADVANTAGES Applicant couid not record the previously approved lot split. TOTAL AMOUNT OF THANSACTION $ �tii�� _ �€! �`� � < i�97 COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDItBG SOURCE ACTIVITY FINANCIAL INFORFiATION: (EXPLAIN) �'7-/�3� �' vrrit,i RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA /� / ..'�:t: �O / � ,' �..�.: � � %:• ,_.��i�+• q � - „., ..... �j�� 564° 39'i3'�W� _ — 21.69 ��/ T �� IN FEET s � so i2a iao sca�: � iwor • so FceT t�"� �� po`t b 0" a f s� 0 3 .. � / �0.Y1 � ^ t^ /� � v ��`'� y � • g � � J e : o � � ..'�� �t\, .. .;��: �' `%��� � . � e\6\ y � \ y�\ ....✓�.� �..i"��'�. �B� � 'l.l.� ��, ' \ \ \ ? 2 • . 4 \ \4303 57"W " �\ o Q�IIQRE 1/2 INCH BY 14 1NCH IRON RPE SET AND AWRKED \ ��,,� s s nr K L S NO 19522 UNLESS OTNERWISE N07ED —� OeqT[i CIIIiELED'X IN CONCIICT[ SET \ �CRENTA �M[!�Y ���p� IS BA9CD AIP MRfMr'S ADOITWI� TO ST. � DAY70N ASSUMED iFl N�V[ A BEAR� � s� 3!' pp"1/ THIS REGISTERED LAND SURVEY IS SITUATED IN THE NE I/4 OF SECTIONI, TOWNSHIP 28, RANGE 23 [. [f� a. wa�r. Lae ynnyer. m bcM� avrcl[i CG+c. tn acmrdaeo s1t� cL� Dtw��fw� M Mlyrp{a Dtal�N(. s.euan fw.�+, x n.v. «�..r.a w�.uwf�ro ��te.� D te cM Certr of br�l. StaN K 'P�+t Wrt oT Lot 8, plxk 69. M�tae M ii�fu�• Wi[ton Co Sc. eaul, ly��g �uc�rl� ef CM w�t�rly 6.00 l�et CM[w[ aM alpe 1�{p ptT�il} o! tM � aeutM[3Y I]5.00 [e�[ o[ viE Lo[ /. ANp TTe W�t�[ly 15 (!�t O! [qt Br tN Vacat�d ell�y MGrwn Loct ! antl 9 an0 N� 4�t�cly 13 pR e[ Cet 9�11 1n Rack 69. d)tav L Ivvfe�'e AG�fciee ta h. Paolt tM a0p�! p[w1��� ltlnq b[� pa[tlrnla[IT C��c[iMd a� [ellO�u Corepcinq at e ppint en <M 90ut��ciT 1(M o( S�sit Av�no� 15 Twt iaRRl} o[ CN 1(e[the�b[ly w of ol< Gat L tueninp cw�e� le a SeutMrlY dineclap p�r+11�1 rlt� M� SOalGw�t�r1Y 1fM o[ �a1G tqt 8 to cM BputMrl] liw ol MiE Loc p� tMncv 9ovt�w�t�[lT ale�y CM 9ovtNriY ltne o[ �ald p[wL�t 1) [Nt. w r 10� se a ppteC op cM Seutprtty 11n� o[ utC WC 9� lI [..a x.cn...c.aq rrw.ce. aoueno.aertr rnam. ar .afa �c q; en.nw rtocen.riy w�.ii.i vtcn eee .ata L�bcl� lfx Of salE Let 9 te tp� %otMr11 LLn� of 0�alt Av�aue: CD�ecv ARe[lY alesq tM SouC1�IIT LLn� o[ 9e�fC Aapv� �3 [��C. �p[� o[ lu�. Co tM 01ap et bq{�nfeq. I M[�E] G�[t(i) fp�[ tM1la Yql�l�I�E LapC 9Y[v�Y (� e Nt MIlO�it O[ Ceit [Seib S{[l� b. ]]ltpp. W[M LTS� �r+ daS O[� 399'1' � �I nJ� -�_ R � A. . WnE Surnya[ M4n. Lie�ow Ifo. 19533 CfCy O[ $aint pavt I do FereDY tertffy CLaC on GI�e da o[ 199 , the Cl[y Counefi o[ [11e C(ty of Satnc Vaul, MtMe�eC�. apD[ov�E C1�1� pepi�t�[�G GnE 9Yivey. All p �11t� v(13 W ••e ..v.eirtse er en. ncy ee��<u soa ,a seac�e o„ ime Feyiacaree pna surver, aeceratny ca MtnmtuCa SGCVtae. S1CC(O11 SOS.�= SYEE. �. n� O \ �� �e 5�"W . '..� .: �.. s 3� � A .�i:. � / / � _` .� A �% S `' \ :' ' .� r / • ` '� pG � / ..�:<. r`�: hm ryT�pl� ln tY yoc 399_ w M� laM Mr�{p M�eilbG N� b�p y1C. alw twr� a m d�lln4wvt eaa. uC cnae.[.r �nc�v.a sM. `asy et 199_ �' Mp�[trnt e P[c . OSrocLO� yerty Taxatlon B1 O�PaGY Pul�tlapt CO Mlnp��Otd $t�tut�e. SaetlOn 38JA.03. lpi� �9LN[M Lnd Suivq p�t Wn �v�1s�C anJ i� �OYmM tEL _� N] o! � 199 anC CM rneAfUOv e[ M(�MroU SqtaNL S�eti�n f05.03. SvLEf�t�len 3, nave e..n eave�ii.a. M�i! O. C �4.. Y�} Cea�t} Sarv�Te[ Fpiecra[ o[ T1tio Cwvty o( Y��NJ � SGt� �[ M]M�NC� t Mi�p� w[tlf} Mat LM� leqf�te[e! GnG A[vq p, . Hue t. eua errfe. e�t. �_ a.y or — 199_ at �_ e•e3ect _ M.. a� Wfexwnt No. YeqiRra[ e[ TtCl�s Bl . 1YW�I C1@Ik .�. -- � • Presented By _ Referred To Committee: Date 1 ��.' 2 REGISTERED LAND SURVEY APPROVAL , � 4 5 WFiEREAS, Chicago Title Insurance Company has submitted the attached Registered Land Survey for City 6 Council approval; and 7 8 WHEREAS, the appropriate city departments have reviewed the Registered Land Survey and found it meets 9 the requirements of Chapter 67 of the Zoning Code; and 10 11 WHEREAS, a lot split of the property was approved on May 13, 1996 by the Pla.nning Administrator of the 12 Department of Planning and Economic Development; and 13 14 WHEREAS, Ramsey County is requiring the applicant provide a new Registered Land Survey to allow 15 recording of the previously approved lot split; and 16 17 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and approves the attached 18 Registered Land Survey. Requested by Department o£: Adopti Certified by Council Secretary By: 4 \�� ,v-�c..! Approved by Mayor: Date o�ZC(f7- By: ���/� council File # 9 � "�� % � Green Sheet # -��'/ 7/a.3 RESOLUTION 41NT PAUL, MINNESOTA t , Plannin & nomic Develo�ment By: L!/'� Forni Approved by City Attorney � �6��� ��-�S�' By: Approve by y fo 5 mission to Council By : �GGts Adopted by Council: Date ��,� \q \qq T 1 �PAqTAffHTpFFICEICOUNCIL PED /ZONING/SO XNffACf PEflSON & PHONE Mike Kraemer NUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA B` As Soon As Possib] TOTAI # OF SIGNATURE 297 97 ��:3�5 3���� I GREEN � DEPARTMEM DIFECT � CRYATTORNEY J FOR nBUDGETDIRECTOR INRIAUDATE (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR CffY CAUNCIL CITY CLEFK FlN. & MGT. SER� � lution approving a Registered Land Survey for a portion of the properry at 294 Summit Avenue and Avenue. Approval allows recording of a previously approved lot split. Approve lA) or Reject (R) _ PLANNING COMMISSIQN _ CIVIL SEflVICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMITfEE _ _ STAFf _ _ DtSTRICTCOUFlT _ SUPPoRTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUS7 ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has this person/firm ever worketl untler a contract for Mis department? YES NO 2. Has this pereonHirm ever baen a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this personHirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current ciry employee7 YES NO Explaln ell yes answers on separate sheet and ettaeh to green sheet Adopt resolution allowing the applicant to record a Registered Land Survey of a lot split approved by the Planning Administrator. Ramsey CounTy is requiring the Registered Land Survey of the property because of recording requirements. Since this Registered Land Survey is of a previously approved lot split and required for recording purposes only, no public hearing is required. City Council approval is required to allow the previous lot split to be recorded. The new Registered Land Survey of the property allows recording of the previously approved lot split. DISADVANTAGES � none �OV 0 5 199� 4Ff1�� DISADVANTAGES Applicant couid not record the previously approved lot split. TOTAL AMOUNT OF THANSACTION $ �tii�� _ �€! �`� � < i�97 COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDItBG SOURCE ACTIVITY FINANCIAL INFORFiATION: (EXPLAIN) �'7-/�3� �' vrrit,i RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA /� / ..'�:t: �O / � ,' �..�.: � � %:• ,_.��i�+• q � - „., ..... �j�� 564° 39'i3'�W� _ — 21.69 ��/ T �� IN FEET s � so i2a iao sca�: � iwor • so FceT t�"� �� po`t b 0" a f s� 0 3 .. � / �0.Y1 � ^ t^ /� � v ��`'� y � • g � � J e : o � � ..'�� �t\, .. .;��: �' `%��� � . � e\6\ y � \ y�\ ....✓�.� �..i"��'�. �B� � 'l.l.� ��, ' \ \ \ ? 2 • . 4 \ \4303 57"W " �\ o Q�IIQRE 1/2 INCH BY 14 1NCH IRON RPE SET AND AWRKED \ ��,,� s s nr K L S NO 19522 UNLESS OTNERWISE N07ED —� OeqT[i CIIIiELED'X IN CONCIICT[ SET \ �CRENTA �M[!�Y ���p� IS BA9CD AIP MRfMr'S ADOITWI� TO ST. � DAY70N ASSUMED iFl N�V[ A BEAR� � s� 3!' pp"1/ THIS REGISTERED LAND SURVEY IS SITUATED IN THE NE I/4 OF SECTIONI, TOWNSHIP 28, RANGE 23 [. [f� a. wa�r. Lae ynnyer. m bcM� avrcl[i CG+c. tn acmrdaeo s1t� cL� Dtw��fw� M Mlyrp{a Dtal�N(. s.euan fw.�+, x n.v. «�..r.a w�.uwf�ro ��te.� D te cM Certr of br�l. StaN K 'P�+t Wrt oT Lot 8, plxk 69. M�tae M ii�fu�• Wi[ton Co Sc. eaul, ly��g �uc�rl� ef CM w�t�rly 6.00 l�et CM[w[ aM alpe 1�{p ptT�il} o! tM � aeutM[3Y I]5.00 [e�[ o[ viE Lo[ /. ANp TTe W�t�[ly 15 (!�t O! [qt Br tN Vacat�d ell�y MGrwn Loct ! antl 9 an0 N� 4�t�cly 13 pR e[ Cet 9�11 1n Rack 69. d)tav L Ivvfe�'e AG�fciee ta h. Paolt tM a0p�! p[w1��� ltlnq b[� pa[tlrnla[IT C��c[iMd a� [ellO�u Corepcinq at e ppint en <M 90ut��ciT 1(M o( S�sit Av�no� 15 Twt iaRRl} o[ CN 1(e[the�b[ly w of ol< Gat L tueninp cw�e� le a SeutMrlY dineclap p�r+11�1 rlt� M� SOalGw�t�r1Y 1fM o[ �a1G tqt 8 to cM BputMrl] liw ol MiE Loc p� tMncv 9ovt�w�t�[lT ale�y CM 9ovtNriY ltne o[ �ald p[wL�t 1) [Nt. w r 10� se a ppteC op cM Seutprtty 11n� o[ utC WC 9� lI [..a x.cn...c.aq rrw.ce. aoueno.aertr rnam. ar .afa �c q; en.nw rtocen.riy w�.ii.i vtcn eee .ata L�bcl� lfx Of salE Let 9 te tp� %otMr11 LLn� of 0�alt Av�aue: CD�ecv ARe[lY alesq tM SouC1�IIT LLn� o[ 9e�fC Aapv� �3 [��C. �p[� o[ lu�. Co tM 01ap et bq{�nfeq. I M[�E] G�[t(i) fp�[ tM1la Yql�l�I�E LapC 9Y[v�Y (� e Nt MIlO�it O[ Ceit [Seib S{[l� b. ]]ltpp. W[M LTS� �r+ daS O[� 399'1' � �I nJ� -�_ R � A. . WnE Surnya[ M4n. Lie�ow Ifo. 19533 CfCy O[ $aint pavt I do FereDY tertffy CLaC on GI�e da o[ 199 , the Cl[y Counefi o[ [11e C(ty of Satnc Vaul, MtMe�eC�. apD[ov�E C1�1� pepi�t�[�G GnE 9Yivey. All p �11t� v(13 W ••e ..v.eirtse er en. ncy ee��<u soa ,a seac�e o„ ime Feyiacaree pna surver, aeceratny ca MtnmtuCa SGCVtae. S1CC(O11 SOS.�= SYEE. �. n� O \ �� �e 5�"W . '..� .: �.. s 3� � A .�i:. � / / � _` .� A �% S `' \ :' ' .� r / • ` '� pG � / ..�:<. r`�: hm ryT�pl� ln tY yoc 399_ w M� laM Mr�{p M�eilbG N� b�p y1C. alw twr� a m d�lln4wvt eaa. uC cnae.[.r �nc�v.a sM. `asy et 199_ �' Mp�[trnt e P[c . OSrocLO� yerty Taxatlon B1 O�PaGY Pul�tlapt CO Mlnp��Otd $t�tut�e. SaetlOn 38JA.03. lpi� �9LN[M Lnd Suivq p�t Wn �v�1s�C anJ i� �OYmM tEL _� N] o! � 199 anC CM rneAfUOv e[ M(�MroU SqtaNL S�eti�n f05.03. SvLEf�t�len 3, nave e..n eave�ii.a. M�i! O. C �4.. Y�} Cea�t} Sarv�Te[ Fpiecra[ o[ T1tio Cwvty o( Y��NJ � SGt� �[ M]M�NC� t Mi�p� w[tlf} Mat LM� leqf�te[e! GnG A[vq p, . Hue t. eua errfe. e�t. �_ a.y or — 199_ at �_ e•e3ect _ M.. a� Wfexwnt No. YeqiRra[ e[ TtCl�s Bl . 1YW�I C1@Ik .�. -- � • Presented By _ Referred To Committee: Date 1 ��.' 2 REGISTERED LAND SURVEY APPROVAL , � 4 5 WFiEREAS, Chicago Title Insurance Company has submitted the attached Registered Land Survey for City 6 Council approval; and 7 8 WHEREAS, the appropriate city departments have reviewed the Registered Land Survey and found it meets 9 the requirements of Chapter 67 of the Zoning Code; and 10 11 WHEREAS, a lot split of the property was approved on May 13, 1996 by the Pla.nning Administrator of the 12 Department of Planning and Economic Development; and 13 14 WHEREAS, Ramsey County is requiring the applicant provide a new Registered Land Survey to allow 15 recording of the previously approved lot split; and 16 17 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and approves the attached 18 Registered Land Survey. Requested by Department o£: Adopti Certified by Council Secretary By: 4 \�� ,v-�c..! Approved by Mayor: Date o�ZC(f7- By: ���/� council File # 9 � "�� % � Green Sheet # -��'/ 7/a.3 RESOLUTION 41NT PAUL, MINNESOTA t , Plannin & nomic Develo�ment By: L!/'� Forni Approved by City Attorney � �6��� ��-�S�' By: Approve by y fo 5 mission to Council By : �GGts Adopted by Council: Date ��,� \q \qq T 1 �PAqTAffHTpFFICEICOUNCIL PED /ZONING/SO XNffACf PEflSON & PHONE Mike Kraemer NUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA B` As Soon As Possib] TOTAI # OF SIGNATURE 297 97 ��:3�5 3���� I GREEN � DEPARTMEM DIFECT � CRYATTORNEY J FOR nBUDGETDIRECTOR INRIAUDATE (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR CffY CAUNCIL CITY CLEFK FlN. & MGT. SER� � lution approving a Registered Land Survey for a portion of the properry at 294 Summit Avenue and Avenue. Approval allows recording of a previously approved lot split. Approve lA) or Reject (R) _ PLANNING COMMISSIQN _ CIVIL SEflVICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMITfEE _ _ STAFf _ _ DtSTRICTCOUFlT _ SUPPoRTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUS7 ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has this person/firm ever worketl untler a contract for Mis department? YES NO 2. Has this pereonHirm ever baen a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this personHirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current ciry employee7 YES NO Explaln ell yes answers on separate sheet and ettaeh to green sheet Adopt resolution allowing the applicant to record a Registered Land Survey of a lot split approved by the Planning Administrator. Ramsey CounTy is requiring the Registered Land Survey of the property because of recording requirements. Since this Registered Land Survey is of a previously approved lot split and required for recording purposes only, no public hearing is required. City Council approval is required to allow the previous lot split to be recorded. The new Registered Land Survey of the property allows recording of the previously approved lot split. DISADVANTAGES � none �OV 0 5 199� 4Ff1�� DISADVANTAGES Applicant couid not record the previously approved lot split. TOTAL AMOUNT OF THANSACTION $ �tii�� _ �€! �`� � < i�97 COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDItBG SOURCE ACTIVITY FINANCIAL INFORFiATION: (EXPLAIN) �'7-/�3� �' vrrit,i RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA /� / ..'�:t: �O / � ,' �..�.: � � %:• ,_.��i�+• q � - „., ..... �j�� 564° 39'i3'�W� _ — 21.69 ��/ T �� IN FEET s � so i2a iao sca�: � iwor • so FceT t�"� �� po`t b 0" a f s� 0 3 .. � / �0.Y1 � ^ t^ /� � v ��`'� y � • g � � J e : o � � ..'�� �t\, .. .;��: �' `%��� � . � e\6\ y � \ y�\ ....✓�.� �..i"��'�. �B� � 'l.l.� ��, ' \ \ \ ? 2 • . 4 \ \4303 57"W " �\ o Q�IIQRE 1/2 INCH BY 14 1NCH IRON RPE SET AND AWRKED \ ��,,� s s nr K L S NO 19522 UNLESS OTNERWISE N07ED —� OeqT[i CIIIiELED'X IN CONCIICT[ SET \ �CRENTA �M[!�Y ���p� IS BA9CD AIP MRfMr'S ADOITWI� TO ST. � DAY70N ASSUMED iFl N�V[ A BEAR� � s� 3!' pp"1/ THIS REGISTERED LAND SURVEY IS SITUATED IN THE NE I/4 OF SECTIONI, TOWNSHIP 28, RANGE 23 [. [f� a. wa�r. Lae ynnyer. m bcM� avrcl[i CG+c. tn acmrdaeo s1t� cL� Dtw��fw� M Mlyrp{a Dtal�N(. s.euan fw.�+, x n.v. «�..r.a w�.uwf�ro ��te.� D te cM Certr of br�l. StaN K 'P�+t Wrt oT Lot 8, plxk 69. M�tae M ii�fu�• Wi[ton Co Sc. eaul, ly��g �uc�rl� ef CM w�t�rly 6.00 l�et CM[w[ aM alpe 1�{p ptT�il} o! tM � aeutM[3Y I]5.00 [e�[ o[ viE Lo[ /. ANp TTe W�t�[ly 15 (!�t O! [qt Br tN Vacat�d ell�y MGrwn Loct ! antl 9 an0 N� 4�t�cly 13 pR e[ Cet 9�11 1n Rack 69. d)tav L Ivvfe�'e AG�fciee ta h. Paolt tM a0p�! p[w1��� ltlnq b[� pa[tlrnla[IT C��c[iMd a� [ellO�u Corepcinq at e ppint en <M 90ut��ciT 1(M o( S�sit Av�no� 15 Twt iaRRl} o[ CN 1(e[the�b[ly w of ol< Gat L tueninp cw�e� le a SeutMrlY dineclap p�r+11�1 rlt� M� SOalGw�t�r1Y 1fM o[ �a1G tqt 8 to cM BputMrl] liw ol MiE Loc p� tMncv 9ovt�w�t�[lT ale�y CM 9ovtNriY ltne o[ �ald p[wL�t 1) [Nt. w r 10� se a ppteC op cM Seutprtty 11n� o[ utC WC 9� lI [..a x.cn...c.aq rrw.ce. aoueno.aertr rnam. ar .afa �c q; en.nw rtocen.riy w�.ii.i vtcn eee .ata L�bcl� lfx Of salE Let 9 te tp� %otMr11 LLn� of 0�alt Av�aue: CD�ecv ARe[lY alesq tM SouC1�IIT LLn� o[ 9e�fC Aapv� �3 [��C. �p[� o[ lu�. Co tM 01ap et bq{�nfeq. I M[�E] G�[t(i) fp�[ tM1la Yql�l�I�E LapC 9Y[v�Y (� e Nt MIlO�it O[ Ceit [Seib S{[l� b. ]]ltpp. W[M LTS� �r+ daS O[� 399'1' � �I nJ� -�_ R � A. . WnE Surnya[ M4n. Lie�ow Ifo. 19533 CfCy O[ $aint pavt I do FereDY tertffy CLaC on GI�e da o[ 199 , the Cl[y Counefi o[ [11e C(ty of Satnc Vaul, MtMe�eC�. apD[ov�E C1�1� pepi�t�[�G GnE 9Yivey. All p �11t� v(13 W ••e ..v.eirtse er en. ncy ee��<u soa ,a seac�e o„ ime Feyiacaree pna surver, aeceratny ca MtnmtuCa SGCVtae. S1CC(O11 SOS.�= SYEE. �. n� O \ �� �e 5�"W . '..� .: �.. s 3� � A .�i:. � / / � _` .� A �% S `' \ :' ' .� r / • ` '� pG � / ..�:<. r`�: hm ryT�pl� ln tY yoc 399_ w M� laM Mr�{p M�eilbG N� b�p y1C. alw twr� a m d�lln4wvt eaa. uC cnae.[.r �nc�v.a sM. `asy et 199_ �' Mp�[trnt e P[c . OSrocLO� yerty Taxatlon B1 O�PaGY Pul�tlapt CO Mlnp��Otd $t�tut�e. SaetlOn 38JA.03. lpi� �9LN[M Lnd Suivq p�t Wn �v�1s�C anJ i� �OYmM tEL _� N] o! � 199 anC CM rneAfUOv e[ M(�MroU SqtaNL S�eti�n f05.03. SvLEf�t�len 3, nave e..n eave�ii.a. M�i! O. C �4.. Y�} Cea�t} Sarv�Te[ Fpiecra[ o[ T1tio Cwvty o( Y��NJ � SGt� �[ M]M�NC� t Mi�p� w[tlf} Mat LM� leqf�te[e! GnG A[vq p, . Hue t. eua errfe. e�t. �_ a.y or — 199_ at �_ e•e3ect _ M.. a� Wfexwnt No. YeqiRra[ e[ TtCl�s Bl . 1YW�I C1@Ik